Contact persons within State Supervision of Mines The structure and organisation of State Supervision of Mines (SSM) are based on the processes which are found within the mining industry. Three departments are responsible for supervising these mining processes. SSM also supervises offshore wind farms, gas distribution and gas transport. The departments, and their allocated processes, are given in the following table: Mining processes Seismic survey Drilling Field Development Construction & modifications Production & Maintenance Closure & Removal After care Other processes Offshore wind farms Gasdistribution and gastransport Department Operations (OPS) Operations (OPS) Geo-engineering (GEO) Engineering (ENG) Operations (OPS) Engineering (ENG) Geo-engineering (GEO) Engineering Engineering (ENG) (ENG) Within each mining process, specific supervisory activities have been assigned to particular contact persons within State Supervision of Mines. This also applies to activities that can occur within all processes. Below is a list of the names and telephone numbers of these contact persons, along with their area of expertise. Contact persons in the Engineering department for all pipeline activities Gas grid operator Contact person Cogas Infra DNWG Endinet Enexis GTS Liander N.V. RENDO Stedin Westland Infra Zebra Netwerk G.P. van Lawick M. Sučić H.P.B. Hörz E.C.M. Klooster A.C.F. van Ginneken M. Sučić G.P. van Lawick A.C.F. van Ginneken I.E.J. Kemper van Gent W.J.J. van der Wal 1 Tel. Nr. 070-3798.... 438 475 472 493 474 475 438 474 464 444 Dep. List of contact persons mining processes within State Supervision of Mines (version 18-04-2014) Process Activity Contact person 070-3798xxx All All processes Reporting of accidents and incidents Duty officer 06-53388722 OPS OPS OPS OPS OPS OPS OPS GEO GEO GEO GEO Seismic survey Drilling Drilling Drilling Drilling Drilling Drilling Field development Field development Field development Field development All activities All activities of the mining companies Assess H&S-documents wells/WO All activities of the drilling contractors Assess H&S-documents mobile installations All activities of the remaining contractors/geothermal Explosives Exploration permits, production permits hydrocarbons Exploration permits, production permits geothermal Production plans Storage plans J. Heering E. de Nijs / H. Lansink E. de Nijs / H. Lansink H.W. Tazelaar H.W. Tazelaar M.W.J.M. de Vos J. Heering Mw. G. Jharap Mw. M. v Eck vd Sluis Mw. G. Jharap J.A. de Waal 422 436 / 455 436 / 455 470 470 450 422 473 483 473 447 GEO GEO ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG OPS OPS OPS OPS OPS OPS ENG ENG ENG GEO GEO OPS OPS Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Production & maintenance Production & maintenance Production & maintenance Production & maintenance Production & maintenance Production & maintenance Production & maintenance Production & maintenance All processes All processes All processes All processes All processes All processes Environmental permits WABO permits Pre-design report Construction/start up Mining installations / H&S-doc Construction/start up Mining works (land) / H&S-doc Construction of pipelines (onshore) Construction of pipelines (offshore) (constructie/LTE) LTE offshore installaties All P&M activities (per mining company) Assessments of H&S-document fixed installation Queries concerning radiation protection Monitoring quality of overboard water Assessment of safety reports (BRZO) Maintenance / cranes / pressure vessels Strength / integrity mining installations Externe veiligheid en QRA Stability / strength offshore pipelines Offshore chemicals permits Environmental Impact Assessment Report Assessment of calamity response plans Queries concerning working hours 454 454 / 401 411 411 411 411 428 462 OPS OPS ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG All processes All processes All processes All processes All processes All processes All processes Closure / removal Wind farms Queries concerning working conditions act Assessment of H&S-care systems/internal audits WABO supervision (construction / environment) Assessment of annual environmental reports (e-MJV) Assessment soil restoration plans Diving activities OSPAR/REACH/CLP All activities Offshore wind farms Mw. J.H. Kraaiveld Kraaiveld/Krabbendam A. Schoorl A. Schoorl A. Schoorl A. Schoorl A.M.A.J. van Kuijk M. Neufeglise Refer to page 3 L. de Waart J. van Driel S.A. van Niekerk L. de Waart A.V. de Groot A. Schoorl M. van Pinxteren A.M.A.J. van Kuijk Mw. S. Ligtermoet Mw. J.H. Kraaiveld S.A. van Niekerk Mw. P. de Ruiter / M. Neufeglise / S. Krabbendam V.C.M. Claessens A.V. de Groot / V. Claessens Neufeglise / Van Vliet I. Abdoellakhan Mw. I.J.E. Kemper van Gent A.M.A.J. van Kuijk I. Abdoellakhan M. Neufeglise A.M.A.J. van Kuijk GEO GEO GEO After care After care After care Subsidence, induced tremors, Waddenzee Levelling, GPS measurements After care of coal mining activities Roest / Mw Muntendam-Bos R.A.J. van Lieshout Mw. I.A.E. de Vent 456 / 494 448 457 2 486 481 427 465 420 411 425 428 433 454 427 441 / 462 / 401 412 420 / 412 462 / 451 446 464 428 446 462 428 Contact persons in the Operations department for all activities within the production & maintenance process Mining Company Geothermal companies Akzo-Nobel BRZO locaties Centrica Production NL Chevron Dana Petroleum Frisia GDF SUEZ Nedmag NAM asset Land NAM asset Groningen NAM OneGas Den Helder NAM OneGas Offshore NGT Uithuizermeeden Oranje Nassau Energy Taqa Total E&P Vermilion Oil & Gas NL Wintershall Contact person J. Heering L. de Waart L. de Waart S.A. van Niekerk A.V. de Groot A.V. de Groot Mw. P. de Ruiter A.V. de Groot Mw. P. de Ruiter J. van Driel L. de Waart J. Heering E.J. Drost J. Heering J. van Driel J. van Driel S.A. van Niekerk E.J. Drost E.J. Drost 3 Tel. Nr. 422 486 486 427 420 420 441 420 441 481 486 422 476 422 481 481 427 476 476
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