2014 - 3 - Federation of New Zealand Netherlands Societies Inc

Eigen Wieken – April/May 2014 – page
Eigen Wieken
Official two-monthly Newsletter of the
NZ Netherland Society Manawatu & Districts Inc.
‘Dutch Club Manawatu’
April/May 2014
Calendar of events:
Saturday, 26 April, 2014:
BIG Dutch Day Out, Foxton, from 10:00am – 3:00pm
This is another great event! A specific ‘Dutch’ day is planned adjacent to de Molen in Foxton.
Come in Dutch costume if you have one or wear the patriotic colours of red, white and blue or
perhaps the more fashionable orange! Just some of the attractions will be:
Dutch Lieve Stem Orgel (Dutch street organ)
Dutch accordion music
Dutch apple pancakes (yum!)
Horse and buggy rides
Games and activities
It will also be a chance to celebrate the first anniversary of King WillemAlexander’s coronation. This is a specific fundraising event to raise as much money as possible to
fix the blades on the windmill, the iconic Dutch symbol in the Horowhenua. The Dutch market will
also be open, so you will be able to shop for all your favourite Dutch treats as well! Contact
Michael Feyen at [email protected] if you want to know more.
Sunday, 25 May, 2014, 3:00pm:
Dutch Club AGM
Come to the Awapuni Hall to enjoy fellowship and to find out how this amazing Dutch Club actually
runs! There will be free refreshments and lots of talking .
Sunday, 22 June, 2014, 4:00pm:
Pot Luck Dinner at the Gallery Restaurant, Church St., Palmerston North
This is always a popular event and this year’s theme will be Dutch ‘fare’. More detailed information
in the next Eigen Wieken, so watch this space…
When: every second Wednesday of the month,10 am
Where: Awapuni Hall, Newbury St, Palmerston North
Contact: Elly Zentveld, ph. 06 354 6644
When: every last Thursday of each month at 10 am
Where: Levin Bridge Club Rooms, 17 Tawa St, Levin (please note
change of venue
Contact: Yoka, ph. 06 368 6642 or [email protected].
Eigen Wieken – April/May 2014 – page
fROm the president:
Van de Voorzitter:
Deze keer lijkt het me wel passend om dit stukje in het Nederlands te schrijven. De oorzaak is dat
er voor ons Nederlanders toch wel enige reden is om trots te zijn. Ten eerste mogen we trots zijn
op onze Olympische wintersporters die dit jaar zoveel medailles behaalden. Weliswaar alle
medailles waren gewonnen met het schaatsen maar dat mag de pret niet drukken.
Ten tweede is er sinds lange tijd weer een Koningsdag te vieren. Op zaterdag 26 April staat
Foxton in het teken van deze viering. Er worden diverse activiteiten georganiseerd er zijn
Nederlandse lekkernijen te koop, kortom een reden om in de auto te stappen en Foxton te
bezoeken. Meer informatie over deze dag verderop in dit blad.
Ten derde bestaat de Nederlandse Grondwet op zaterdag 29 Maart precies 200 jaar. In Nederland
wordt dit uitbundig gevierd. In Den Haag is een Grondwet festival. Zo gaan bijvoorbeeld deze dag
deuren die normaal gesloten zijn, open voor het publiek, zoals De Ridderzaal, Eerste en Tweede
Kamer, het Kabinet van de Koning en het Vredespaleis. Diegenen die via BVN de Nederlandse tv
kunnen ontvangen zou ik willen aanraden om op deze dag te kijken. Op Maandag 28 April wordt in
Wellington Koningsdag gevierd. Voor meer informatie zie verderop in dit blad.
Als dit krantje verstuurd wordt is het Festival of Cultures al weer voorbij. We hebben dit jaar weer
wat vernieuwingen aangebracht, zoals een banner met de naam van ons land, oranje gekleurde
schorten voor de mensen die meehelpen, dit alles om het geheel nog meer een Nederlands tintje
te geven. We hopen dat vele mensen van Palmerston North en omgeving van ons eten zullen
genieten, zodat wij onze kas weer wat kunnen spekken. Diegenen die meegeholpen hebben
alvast heel erg bedankt.
Nog een heel belangrijk punt. We hebben dringend een nieuwe penningmeester nodig, omdat Elly
Nederhof verhuisd is naar de Bay of Plenty. We zullen haar inzet missen, tot de AGM in mei blijft
ze nog penningmeester om alles af te sluiten voor dit jaar, maar voor het nieuwe jaar zoeken we
een nieuwe kandidaat. Degene die ons graag wil helpen neem gerust kontakt op met een van de
Ik wens iedereen prettige Paasdagen toe en we hopen dat er veel leden komen op onze AGM op
25 Mei.
Tot de volgende keer!
Grietje Van Uffelen
Your Committee (for 2013/2014):
Grietje van Uffelen
Vice President:
Janneke van Amelsfort 06-326 9291 [email protected]
Gretha van Brakel
06-358 8421 [email protected]
Elly Nederhoff
06-355 4989 [email protected]
06-358 1387 [email protected]
Comm. Member: Karin Weidgraaf
06-353 0494 [email protected]
Comm. Member: Maria-Tine Biersteker
06-358 2322 [email protected]
06-357 7046 [email protected]
Jacqui Burne
Eigen Wieken – April/May 2014 – page
FROM THE editor:
Dag Allemaal!
I thought it a wonderful idea that Grietje decided to write her President’s Report in Dutch this
issue. Although it was a little hard for me, not being conversant in the language, it does seem a
little ironic to be having this bi-monthly Dutch magazine written almost entirely in English. Zo,
geniet van het lezen in het Nederlands!
This month (March) is an opportune time to reconsider the concept of difference, what with the
Festival of Cultures on 22 March. New Zealand really is a multicultural society, much more so than
some of you who came here in the 1950s. Does anyone have any stories of their first impressions
of New Zealand that they would like to share with the rest of us via Eigen Wieken? If so, please
email them to me at [email protected]; we would be happy to hear from more recent
immigrants as well!
Take care!
Jacqui Burne
Please have any information for the next Eigen Wieken to me (Jacqui) at [email protected] on or
before 12 May 2014. Many thanks!
Thank You!
The Dutch Club Manawatu would like to say a big thank you to
Elly Nederoff
for all the organising, planning, sorting, reminding, and researching that she
has done to make the Club what it is today. She has also been a thorough
and diligent Treasurer. Elly has moved to the Bay of Plenty for a new job,
some more sunshine, and a new beginning. We wish her and Leo all the best
in their new home.
We will miss you!
Friendly Support
Network (FSN)
Coordinator, Palmerston North:
Elly Zentveld, ph: 06 354 6644 or
Nancy and Henk Hazeleger, ph: 06
358 5325
Bram van Brakel, ph: 06 358 8421
New dutch club
members welcome!
Membership is only $20 for a family or
couple, and $15 for one person per year.
Members can receive a 5% discount on
Dutch products at Steve’s Wholefoods
(Steve sells Dutch food & more; see page
For more information please contact one
of the committee members, or send your
details to the treasurer:
[email protected], or ph 06 355 4989.
Eigen Wieken – April/May 2014 – page
Upcoming events:
Eigen Wieken – April/May 2014 – page
Change of addresses:
A request has come from our secretary, Gretha, that you please let
her know if you have changed your postal and/or email addresses.
As a Club, we like to keep up with our members’ whereabouts so
that information can be sent to the correct places. You may even
know of others who have shifted but also may not have informed
the Club; if so, please get in touch with Gretha — she would love
to hear from you! You can phone her on 06 358 8421 or email her
at [email protected].
Learning dutch:
Did anyone else have trouble reading the information on the previous
two pages? Would you like to be able to read and, more especially,
speak the Dutch language? Maybe you are of Dutch descent but were
not taught to speak the language; would you like to learn?
Conversely, are there people out there who have the time and
inclination to spend some time talking and teaching others in the Club
the Dutch language? Perhaps you have a love for words of any
language, enjoy being with people and helping them learn, and
perhaps have or can make some time to assist them in becoming
conversant in Dutch? If so, we would love to hear from you! It can even
be informal conversations on a regular basis.
Please contact Grietje on 358 1387 if you would like to learn Dutch or think you can help others to
do so.
Personal news:
We offer belated thoughts to Peter and Francisca Koenders on
the celebration of their diamond wedding anniversary on the 6
February this year. Congratulations!
Further congratulations to Gorgi van Lienen on her fourth place in the Ladies
Only Triathlon on the 16 February – well done!
Eigen Wieken – April/May 2014 – page
Janna Nugteren: 27 February 1925 – 16 February 2014
Janna was a member of our club for a very long time; how long I have forgotten, but for as long as
I can remember. Jan and Arie were actively involved with our Sinterklaas celebrations, Arie being
“Sinterklaas op klompen”, marching down the aisle with a big voice singing to the tune of the Horst
Wessel song, “zie ginds komt de Stoomboot”, Janna very much behind him and all of us egging
him on. We did so enjoy their company! When they retired to Levin and Aries’s health
deteriorated, their involvement became less as the years went by, but they both remained
members of the club.
On behalf of the NZ Netherlands Society Manawatu, we wish Arie and the family the strength to
carry your loss and offer you all our sincere condolences.
Rest in Peace Janna
(Sir) Jan (John) Sefryn Langen: 10 September 1931 – 14 March 2014
Long time member of the NZ Netherlands Society Manawatu and “Master Windmill Builder
extraordinaire” – that’s what we think after all. He may not have built de Molen in Foxton on his
own, but he certainly made it happen and for that he deserved and got a Knighthood. Many people
would have thrown in the towel because over the years he had to overcome numerous obstacles,
not the least being overwhelming opinion that it was an over ambitious project with an enormous
price tag, the general idea being that it could never happen. It was really thought to be a pipe
dream. But, against all odds, it became reality.
We owe Jan Langen everlasting thanks as it put the so-called ‘hidden’ Dutch population in New
Zealand very much in the foreground. You can’t really overlook a full size working Dutch Windmill
in a small place like Foxton! There were, in the end, a fair number of Dutch people who came in
behind the project, apart from the Horowhenua County Council and the Westpac Trust. One of the
first Dutch clubs that put their money where their mouth is was the then Palmerston North Dutch
Club, and they are foundation members.
Jan, you did an amazing thing to bring this project successfully to conclusion. For this we owe you
a great many thanks and we do. HM Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands thought so too and
bestowed upon you the Knighthood of the Order of Oranje Nassau in 2007 — well deserved. Jij
was heel zeker een ridder en we zijn uitermate trots op jou. As the saying goes: ‘Carve his name
with pride’.
To Corrie and the family, we convey our heartfelt sympathy. We will remember him.
Rust in Vrede Jan.
Elly Zentveld
Eigen Wieken – April/May 2014 – page
COMMITTEE MEETING: The next meeting is at 7.30pm on Monday, 1 April, 2014, at 24 Weston
Ave., Palmerston North.
Situations vacant:
Do you have a creative bent? Do
you wish to use your creativity? If
so, we have just the role for you:
Dutch Club Manawatu artist! We
need a ‘Dutch Girl’ and ‘Dutch
Boy’ to be painted on a plywood board. It can
be as simple or as intricate as you feel.
Please contact Maria-Tine Biersteker on 06
358 2322 if you are able to help.
The Dutch Club Manawatu needs a Treasurer
now that Elly Nederoff has left. If you feel to
give of your time to the Club and are happy to
work with number s and some wonderful
people on the Committee, please contact
Grietje van Uffelen (phone 06 358 1387).
Manawatu Dutch Club Annual General Meeting will be held on
Sunday 25 May 2014 at the Awapuni Hall at 3:00 pm.
See you all there!
Past events:
On Saturday, 22 March, the
annual Festival of Cultures was
held in The Square. There was
a great turnout, both of Dutch
Club members who
volunteered to man the stall, as
well as members of the public,
all keen to learn more about
what it means to be
‘multicultural’. There were an
amazing array of Dutch treats
to eat and people were queuing
up to buy. A large number of
people were also keen to try on
the array of clogs on display —
as well as having a photo with
the smiling Grietje! A thrill was
the visit of the Dutch Ambassador, His Excellency Arie van der Wiel and his wife, Mathilde, who
made the drive from Wellington just to visit the Dutch Club Manawatu stand! Our stall came
second in the competition to select the ‘best’ stall; for those of us who were there, we know who
was number 1.
Eigen Wieken – April/May 2014 – page
Our special thanks go to Grietje and the Committee, as well as all the volunteers who helped to
make it such a fun day.
Jacqui Burne
Open 7am-10pm 7 days
Eigen Wieken – April/May 2014 – page
We offer a 5% discount on Dutch
products to members of the Dutch
Club Manawatu.
However, as the Dutch Club does not
issue membership cards any more, you
will need to ask us (Steve or Julie) at
Steve’s Wholefoods about the
Eigen Wieken – April/May 2014 – page
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