Art, p. 4
Ethnography, p. 18
Photography, p. 19
Food & Drinks, p. 28
Gardens & Flowwer arranging, p. 31
Architecture & Design, p. 33
Fashion & Life Style, p. 40
Travel, p. 46
Gifts, p. 48
Popular Culture, p. 57
Comics & Graphic Novels, p. 60
Graphic Art & Design, p. 61
Cinema, p. 62
Music, p. 65
Heritage & History, p. 69
Kids, p. 70
Toys & Games, p. 72
Literature, p. 76
Promo, p. 77
Sensatie en sensualiteit
Rubens en zijn erfenis
Nico Van Hout, Cecila Treves
Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640), hofschilder met Europese faam, maakte
een synthese van de nuances en paradoxen van zijn tijd.
Zijn scheppingen vormden een bron van inspiratie
voor tal van kunstenaars, dit tot in de twintigste eeuw. BOZAR duikt
samen met het Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten nu
opnieuw in zijn oeuvre. De thema's Geweld, Macht, Lust, Religie,
Elegantie en Poëzie worden aangekaart in werken van de meester
en zijn erfgenamen. Met om Van Dyck, Gainsborough en Delacroix
en etsen van Rembrandt.
Late Rembrandt
In zijn late jaren vervaardigde Rembrandt (1606-1669) zijn meest
karakteristieke en gewaagde schilderijen, etsen en tekeningen.
Ondanks een aantal ingrijpende tegenslagen in zijn persoonlijke en
professionele leven, kreeg zijn creativiteit een nieuwe impuls en
veranderde hij radicaal van stijl. Kenmerkend voor zijn late periode zijn
innovatieve expressieve technieken, onconventionele
interpretaties , originele lichteffecten en invoelende verbeeldingen
van de diepste menselijke emoties en gedachten.
Sensation et sensualité
Rubens et son héritage
Nico Van Hout, Cecila Treves
Les années de plénitude
Peintre de cour à la réputation internationale, Peter Paul Rubens
(1577-1640) synthétise les nuances et les paradoxes de son temps.
Ses créations sont encore de nos jours une source
d'inspiration pour toute une série d'artistes.
BOZAR et le Musée Royal des Beaux-Arts d'Anvers vous replonge dans
son ouvre, de manière thématique : la violence, le pouvoir, la
luxure, la compassion, l'élégance et la paix sont abordés par le biais
d'oeuvres du maître et de ses héritiers.
Du milieu des années 1650 à sa mort en 1669, à 63 ans, Rembrandt
(1606-1669) a créé un
ensemble d'oeuvres tout à fait remarquable. Bien loin d'être affectée par
l'âge ou par ses graves problèmes personnels, sa créativité a
bénéficié d'un regain d'énergie dans la quête d'un nouveau style.
Cet ouvrage permet une réappréciation complète des années de
plénitude de Rembrandt, fondée sur sa production sur panneau, sur
toile et sur papier.
[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds |
Hardback | NL and French ed. |
280 x 240 mm | 354 p | 280 col. & bw ill. |
ISBN: 9789462300507 (NL)|
ISBN: 9789462300514 (F)|
€ 49,95 [BE] / € 49,95 [NL] / € 47,12 [INT]|
Sept. 2014
[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds |
Hardback | Dutch (NL) and French eds. |
290 x 220 mm | 304 p | 220 col. & bw ill. |
ISBN: 9789462300521 (NL)|
ISBN: 9789462300538 (F)|
€ 49,95 [BE] / € 49,95 [NL] / € 47,12 [INT]|
Oct. 2014
25/9/2014 - 4/1/2015,
Bozar, Paleis voor Schone Kunsten, Brussel
24/1/2015 -10/4/2015,
Royal Academy, London
15/10/2014 - 18/1/2015,
National Gallery, London 12/2/15 - 17/5/2015,
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
Rembrandt's universe
His Life - His Art - His World (reduced
format edition)
Gary Schwartz
Now available in a reduced format edition, here
is the ultimate book on Rembrandt's art and
life by one of the world's best-known writers on
Dutch art.
[UK] T & H | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 306 x 230
mm | 384 p | 600 col.ill. | 50 bw ill. | ISBN:
9780500093863 | € 54,50 | Oct. 2014
Pieter Coecke van Aelst
Le Pérugin
De Eeuw Der Vlaamse Primitieven
Schilder, Tekenaar en Tapijtontwerper in
de Noordelijke Renaissance
Maître de Raphaël
This international loan exhibition will explore
the career and achievement of Pieter Coecke
van Aelst (1502-1550). Coecke derails our
expectations of a Renaissance artist by
excelling in the applied arts before he became
the most celebrated Netherlandish painter of
his generation.
Considéré par ses contemporains comme l'un
des plus grands peintres d'Italie, Le Pérugin
(1450-1523) initia pendant les dernières
décennies du XVe siècle et les premières du
XVIe siècle une nouvelle manière de peindre.
Son art cristallin, aux couleur s harmonieuses
et aux lumières théâtrales, a suscité un très
grand engouement, faisant de lui l'un des
représentants majeurs de la Renaissance
Expo: 12/9/2014 - 19/1/2015, Musée
Jacquemart-André, Paris
Paul Vandenbroeck
[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds |
Hardback | French ed. | 290 x 240 mm | 224
p | 130 col. & bw ill. | ISBN: 9789462300637 |
€ 44,95 [BE] / € 44,95 [NL] / € 42,41 [INT]|
Sept. 2014
[BE] BAI | Hardback | NL ed. | 220 x 230
mm | 144 p | ISBN: 9789085866855 | € 24,50
[BE] / € 24,50 [NL] / € 24,50 [INT]| Oct.
Pieter Coecke van Aelst
La peinture, le dessin et la tapisserie à la
Pieter Coecke, qui jouissait d'une grande
célébrité dans l'Europe de la Renaissance, a
travaillé pour les commanditaires les plus
riches et les plus puissants de son temps, dont
l'empereur Charles Quint, François Ier de
France, Henri VIII d'Angleterre et Cosme de
Médicis. Bien qu'il soit surtout connu pour ses
superbes tapisseries, qui ont élevé cet art
textile monumental et luxueux à des hauteurs
jamais atteintes, il maîtrisait aussi d'autres
formes artistiques.
Sous la direction de Vittoria Garibaldi
Collectie van het Koninklijk Museum voor
Schone Kunsten - Antwerpen
Met 152 schilderijen bezit het Koninklijk
Museum voor Schone Kunsten Antwerpen de
grootste collectie 'Vlaamse Primitieven' in
In deze publicatie wordt een overzicht gegeven
van de 'pre-eyckiaanse' schilderkunst tot
enkele hoogtepunten van de laat middeleeuwse
schilderkunst buiten de Nederlanden.
Altaarstukken, profane kunst, kunst van
vrouwelijke religieuzen, Vlaamse kunstenaars
in Europa, alsook sculptuur komen aan bod.
Expo: 6/10/2014- 11/1/ 2015,
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds |
Hardback | NL and French eds. | 300 x 245 mm |
400 p | 250 col. & bw ill. |
ISBN: 9789462300545 (NL)|
ISBN: 9789462300552 (F)
€ 99,95 [BE] / € 99,95 [NL] / € 94,29 [INT]|
Sept. 2014
Het portret van Nicolaes van Bambeeck
(Collectie Cahiers van de Kon. Musea voor
Schone Kunsten van België, Brussel)
le portrait de Nicolaes van Bambeeck
(Collection des Cahiers des Musées
Royaux )
Le superbe portrait de Nicolaes van
Bambeeck daté de 1641, est l'unique
tableau de Rembrandt incontesté se trouvant
dans une collection publique belge. Elle est la
pièce maîtresse de la collection des peintures
hollandaises du XVIIe siècle que possèdent les
Musées royaux des Beaux-Arts
de Belgique.
[IT] Silvana | Paperback with flaps |
NL ed. and French eds. |
240 x 170 mm | 128 p | 65 col. & bw ill. |
ISBN: 9788836629244 (NL)|
ISBN: 9788836629213 (F)|
€ 25,00 [BE] / € 26,50 [NL] / € 25,00 [INT]|
Oct. 2014
Het Rubenshuis
Dit boekje geeft een overzicht van de
professionele activiteiten van Peter Paul
Rubens. Het verloop van zijn carrière,
de organisatie van zijn atelier en de s
amenwerking met collega-kunstenaars
wordenbelicht. Daarnaast biedt het, net
als het museum, een unieke blik op Rubens'
persoonlijke levenssfeer: zijn woning,
familie en privéverzameling. Kortom,
de ideal gids door het leven en werk van
de beroemdste schilder van de zeventiende
[BE] BAI | Paperback with flaps | NL ed. |
210x 150 mm | 120 p | throughout col.ill. |
ISBN: 9789085866688 | € 12,50 [BE] /
€ 12,50 [NL] / € 12,50 [INT]| June 2014
Gids. Eng. ed. available (isbn 9789085866695)
Apelles achterna
Renaissancetekeningen uit de Zuidelijke
Nederlanden uit Antwerpse privécollecties
Prof. Dr. Koenraad Jonckheere, Maximiliaan
Martens et al.
Schilderkunst in Siena
Peinture de Sienne
Ars narrandi in de Europese gotiek
Ars narrandi dans l'Europe gothique
De evolutie van de figuratieve schilderkunst
kende in Siena een heel eigen verloop: van de
starre laat-Byzantijnse iconografie naar meer
klassieke, verhalende kunstwerken. Deze
wereld vol schatten was in het verleden enkel
toegankelijk voor een heel select publiek. Ze
getuigen van de revolutionaire kunst die tussen
eind 13e en eind 15eE beoefend werd. Ze
vernieuwden door perspectief in hun
schilderijen te introduceren, het landschap als
achtergrond in te voeren en een innoverend
kleurenpalet te gebruiken.
Expo: 10/9/2014 - 25/1/2015, BOZAR,
Paleis voor Schone Kunsten, Brussel
L'art de la représentation de Sienne fascina
également les autres centres artistiques d'Italie
et imprima finalement sa marque dans toute
l'Europe. L'évolution de la peinture figurative
suivit à Sienne un développement qui lui fut
propre : de l'iconographie byzantine tardive
aux oeuvres narratives plus classiques. Seul un
public très privilégié eut la chance par le passé
d'avoir accès à ces trésors.
Expo: 10/9/2014 - 25/1/2015, BOZAR,
Palais des Beaux-Arts de Bruxelles
[IT] Silvana | Hardback | NL ed. | 280 x 230
mm | 272 p | 100 col. & bw ill. | ISBN:
9788836628995 | € 39,00 [BE] / € 41,50 [NL]
/ € 39,00 [INT]| Sept. 2014
Kunstenaars genieten in de 16de eeuw groot
aanzien: ze leiden bloeiende ateliers, reizen
doorheen Europa en werken voor binnen- en
buitenlandse opdrachtgevers. Hun oeuvre
bestaat ook uit tekeningen, een genre dat zich
dan tot een zelfstandige kunstvorm ontwikkelt.
Het Museum Mayer van den Bergh presenteert
voor het eerst een veertigtal unieke
Renaissancetekeningen uit Antwerpse
Expo: 25/10/2014 - 25/1/2015, Museum
Mayer van den Bergh, Antwerpen
[BE] BAI | Hardback | NL ed. | 280 x 210 mm
| 200 p | throughout col.ill. | ISBN:
9789085866770 | € 35,00 [BE] / € 35,00 [NL]
/ € 35,00 [INT]| Oct. 2014
[IT] Silvana | Hardback | French ed. | 280 x
230 mm | 272 p | 100 col. & bw ill. | ISBN:
9788836629008 | € 39,00 [BE] / € 41,50 [NL]
/ € 39,00 [INT]| Sept. 2014
Masterpieces in Detail
Early Netherlandish Art from Van Eyck to
Till-Holger Borchert
The longer we gaze at the paintings of the old
masters, the more we appreciate the subtlety
and artistry of the painters who created them.
This beautiful book offers readers an
opportunity to learn and study the art of Jan
van Eyck, Rogier van der Weyden, Hieronymus
Bosch, Pieter Bruegel the Elder, and many
other masters of this period and region. It also
explores their influence on later artists from
the Baroque period.
[UK] Prestel | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 300 x
390 mm | 496 p | 350 col.ill. | ISBN:
9783791381091 | € 112,50 | Oct. 2014
Pieter Bruegel
The Elder's Fall of the Rebel Angels
Art, Knowledge and Politics on the Eve of
the Dutch Revolt Tine L. Meganck
Pieter Bruegel the Elder's Fall of the Rebel
Angels is the first comprehensive book on one
of the most cherished masterpieces of the
Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium in
Brussels. It argues that with his Fall of the
Rebel Angels (1562) Pieter Bruegel (died 1569)
turned a traditional devotional theme into an
innovative commentary on his own time, and
situates the painting within the early modern
cultures of knowledge and collecting.
Cahier des Musées Royaux des Beaux-Arts
de Belgique
[IT] Silvana | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 240 x
170 mm | 128 p | 100 col. & bw ill. | ISBN:
9788836629206 | € 25,00 [BE] / € 26,50 [NL]
/ € 25,00 [INT]| Sept. 2014
Caspar Wolf
Turner's Sketchbooks
Order and Disorder
and the Aesthetic Conquest of Nature
by Ian Warrell
Stephanie Loeb Stepanek, Frederick Ilchman
The notion of the Alps as a magnificent natural
spec-tacle is surprisingly recent.
Working in his studio, Caspar Wolf
(1735-1783) created some 180 imposing
paintings from nature studies done outdoors.
The publication demonstrates how he conveyed
what he had seen according to his aesthetic
criteria. In his dra-matic compositions, paths
are blocked by immense boulders, roaring
streams of water, and glaciers, or the view
opens up to reveal giant panoramas, which are
observed by tiny, awestruck human figures.
Expo: 19/10/2014 - 1/2/2015,
Kunstmuseum, Basel
Turner's sketchbooks offer perhaps the most
appealing introduction to the artist. They give
us a privileged look over Turner's shoulder,
allowing us to witness the creation and
development of ideas that can be traced
through to his major paintings. In the absence
of detailed written accounts of his extensive
travels, the notebooks are also a record of his
impressions of the many places he visited
across Britain and Europe.
Expo: 10/10/2014 - 25/1/2015, Tate
Britain, London (travelling to the US)
Presenting a comprehensive and integrated
view of Goya through the themes that
continually challenged or preoccupied him, and
revealing how he strove relentlessly to
understand and describe human behavior and
emotions even at their most orderly or
disorderly extremes. Derived from the research
for the largest Goya art exhibition in North
America in a quarter century, this book takes a
fresh look at one of the greatest artists in
Expo: 12/10/2014-19/1/2015, Museum
of Fine Arts, Boston
[UK] Tate | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 275 x 220
mm | 224 p | ISBN: 9781849762953 | € 37,95
| Oct 2014
[UK] T & H, Distributed | Hardback | Eng. ed.
| 279 x 235 mm | 400 p | 260 col.ill. | ISBN:
9780878468089 | € 61,95| Sept. 2014
[G] Hatje Cantz | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 220 x
260 mm | 224 p | 180 col.ill. | ISBN:
9783775738330 | € 58,00 [BE] / € 58,00 [NL]
/ € 58,00 [INT]| Oct. 2014
Late Turner
John Constable
Gustave Courbet
Painting Set Free
Making of a Master
Ulf Küster
Edited by David Blayney Brown
Mark Evans
When Turner died in 1851, the general view of
an artist's late work was one of decline.
However, from the early 1900s there was a
major reassessment of Turner's later paintings
and sketches. Through a number of key
themes and studies into his subject matter,
technique and personal activities, this new
analysis challenges the historical conceptions
of Turner's late style. His paintings from 1835
were some of the most popular, accessible and
intellectual that he created.
Hardback edition available (isbn
9781849761451) Expo: 15/9/2014 18/1/2015, Tate Britain, London.
Travelling to the US
This major book reconciles the two defining
aspects of Constable's work-his revolutionary
painting techniques and his reverence for the
old masters. Where other artists competed
with the masters, Constable assimilated their
ideas and values to imbue his own naturalistic
vision with dynamism. This seeming
incompatibility, placed in the context of the
artist's wider practice, helps delineate why
Constable remains such a powerful influence on
contemporary artists.
A splendid volume featuring the work of
Gustave Courbet, the great reviver of French
nineteenth-century art, whose lifelike images
continue to fascinate a diverse audience. The
life and works of Gustave Courbet (1819 1877)
widely considered one of the most outstanding
advocates of Realism represent a revolt against
the academic tradition of painting and
conservative politics.
[UK] Tate | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 297 x 235
mm | 224 p | 130 col.ill. | ISBN:
9781849762502 | € 37,95 | Sept. 2014
[UK] V & A Museum | Hardback | Eng. ed. |
240 x 275 mm | 192 p | 170 col.ill. | ISBN:
9781851778003 | € 44,95 | Sept. 2014 /
Reprint Oct. 2014
Expo: Sept. 2014 - Jan. 2015
[G] Hatje Cantz | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 305 x
245 mm | 192 p | 150 col.ill. | ISBN:
9783775738637 | € 49,80 [BE] / € 49,80 [NL]
/ € 49,80 [INT]| Sept. 2014
Leven en Dood
Over goden en mensen
Het thema Leven en Dood gaat ons allen aan.
In Leven en Dood. Over mensen en goden op
de zevende verdieping maakt de bezoeker
kennis met de grote verscheidenheid aan
zingeving en de intense behoefte aan rituelen
overal ter wereld. De tentoongestelde objecten
behoren tot de vaste MAS-collectie en komen
hoofdzakelijk uit het oude Egypte, Afrika ten
zuiden van de Sahara, Melanesië, India, Tibet,
Turkije en ook Antwerpen.
Life and Death
On Gods and Men
Life and Death. On Gods and Men, on the 7th
floor of the MAS, introduces us to the huge
variety of interpretations and the deep need for
rituals that are found wherever man has made
his home. The objects on display, which are
part of the MAS's permanent collection, come
mainly from ancient Egypt, sub-Saharan Africa,
Melanesia, India, Tibet, Turkey - and Antwerp.
They illustrate the way people in diverse
cultures look at life and death. Is a body buried
or cremated? Is there an afterlife?
[BE] BAI - MAS Books | Hardback | NL and
Eng. ed. | 280 x 240 mm | 160 p |
throughout col.ill. |
ISBN: 9789085866367 (NL)
ISBN: 9789085866374 (Eng) |
€ 24,50 [BE] / € 24,50 [NL] /
€ 24,50 [INT]| Sept. 2014
Heilige Boeken / Sacred Books
Heilige Plaatsen
Pelgrimages in jodendom, christendom en
Jodendom, christendom en islam /
Judaism, christianity and islam
Deze rijk geïllustreerde catalogus bij de
tentoonstellling 'Heilige Plaatsen' vertelt over
het belang van heiligdommen in het jodendom,
het christendom en de islam. Pelgrims leggen
een lange reis af om er goddelijke krachten te
ervaren. De tentoonstelling volgt hun reis van
het vertrek en het bezoek aan het heiligdom
tot aan hun thuiskomst. Waarom trekken
bepaalde plekken mensen zo aan? Wat maakt
plaatsen als Jeruzalem, Rome of Mekka zo
The Tanakh, the Bible and the Qur'an are
'sacred' books known throughout the world and
with a history dating back over centuries.
Today these books are still as elemental and
significant as they ever were. They are at the
heart of religious life for Jews, Christians and
Deze rijk geïllustreerde catalogus vertelt over
de vorm, de inhoud, het gebruik en de studie
van Tenach, Bijbel en Koran.
Expo: 19/9/2014 - 21/122014,
Erfgoedbibliotheek Hendrik Conscience,
Sacred Places
judaism, christianity and islam
The MAS offers a window onto the living
tradition of the pilgrimage. Jews, Christians
and Muslims feel a strong connection with their
sacred places. Pilgrims make long journeys to
experience divine powers. The exhibition
follows their journey from their departure and
visit to the shrine right through to their
homecoming. Why do some places draw in
people? What makes places like Jerusalem,
Rome or Mecca so special? Why are the graves
of the saints visited? Travel with the pilgrims
through the exhibition and
[BE] BAI - MAS Books | Hardback | Eng./ NL
ed. | 255 x 200 mm | 176 p | throughout
col.ill. | ISBN: 9789085866732 | € 25,00 [BE]
/ € 25,00 [NL] / € 25,00 [INT]| Sept. 2014
Expo: 19/9/2014 - 18/1/2015., Museum
Mas, Antwerpen
[BE] BAI - MAS Books | Hardback | NL and
Eng. ed. | 285 x 210 mm | 192 p |
throughout col.ill. |
ISBN: 9789085866718 (NL)
ISBN: 9789085866725 (E) | € 35,00 [BE] / €
35,00 [NL] / € 35,00 [INT]| Sept. 2014
How to visit an art museum
Tips for a truly rewarding visit
Johan Idema
How to visit a museum is a short, fun and
rewarding read, full of tips and inspiring
illustrations, but also a book with a serious
undertone. Because it does make sense to stop
wandering and start acting the next time you
visit a museum. You will be surprised how
much rewarding your stay will be.
Find out how museum guards can be to your
advantage. Learn the rule of thumb to
distinguish good from bad art. Discover how
kids offer you glimpses of the world hidden
behind an artwork.
[NL] BIS Publishers | Hardback | Eng. ed. |
180 x 145 mm | 144 p | 50 col. & bw ill. |
ISBN: 9789063693558 | € 15,00 [BE]
| Sept. 2014
M Collecties - Beeldhouwkunst
Peter Carpreau, Marjan Debaene, Ko Goubert, Goedele
Pulinx en Eline Sciot
M - Museum Leuven brengt over haar deelcollecties sinds
enige tijd bestandscatalogi uit. Onlangs verscheen het
tweede deel in deze serie, getiteld M Collecties
Beeldhouwkunst. Deze gloednieuwe publicatie bevat een
exhaustief catalogusoverzicht van de ruim 1000 objecten
uit de sculptuurcollectie van het museum. Daarnaast
worden vijftig highlights uit deze collectie in detail toegelicht,
en bevat het boek ook twee essays over de ankerpunten
van de collectie: de laatgotische en de 19de-E
[BE] Museum M. | Hardback | NL ed. | 240 x 170 mm |
224 p | ISBN: 9789081409797 | € 29,00 [BE] /
€ 29,00 [NL] / € 27,36 [INT]| May 2014
Dining with the Tsars
Breekbare schoonheid uit de Hermitage
50 years that changed China
Craig Clunas and Jessica Harrison-Hall
Porselein speelde een glansrol in de overdadige
bal- en banketcultuur van de Russische tsaren.
Dit boek presenteert acht imponerende
serviezen uit de collectie van de Hermitage in
St.-Petersburg. Zeven van de tsaren, een van
Sovjetleider Stalin. Veel aandacht is er voor
uiterlijke pracht, maar uiteraard ook de
bijzondere verhalen die aan de serviezen en
hun eigenaren verbonden zijn. Met een
inleiding die ruim ingaat op de grandeur van
het Dineren met de Tsaren door de eeuwen
By focusing on the significant years of the early
Ming dynasty and through the themes of court
people and their lives, extraordinary
developments in culture, the military, religion,
diplomacy and trade, this magnificent book
brings the wider history of this fascinating
period to colourful life. This was an age of
great voyages of exploration, undertaken for
many reasons including trade and diplomacy.
The engaging narrative is richly illustrated with
over 250 images, drawing on the objects
specially selected
Dining with the Tsars
Fragile Beauty from the Hermitage
Expo: 18/9/2014 - 5/1/2015,
British Museum, London
This book presents eight magnificent services
from the collection of the Hermitage in St
Petersburg, seven owned by the tsars and one
by the Soviet leader, Joseph Stalin. The beauty
of the porcelain is an important focal point of
the exhibition, but there are also fascinating
stories associated with the services and their
owners. The introduction explores the grandeur
of Dining with the Tsars through the centuries.
[UK] British Museum | Eng. ed. |
280 x 244 mm | 304 p | 250 col.ill. |
Paperback ed.: ISBN 9780714124841 |
€ 38,95 | Sept. 2014
Hardback ed.: ISBN: 9780714124773
€ 61,95 | Sept. 2014
Expo: 6/9/2014 - 1/3/2015, Hermitage
Museum, Amsterdam
[NL] De Nieuwe Kerk - Hermitage | Paperback |
NL and Eng. eds. | 280 x 240 mm | 335 p |
ISBN: 9789078653486 (NL)|
ISBN: 9789078653493 (Eng)
€ 29,95 [BE] / € 29,95 [NL] / € 31,00 [INT]|
Sept. 2014
Ming: Art, People and Places
Jessica Harrison-Hall
The Ming dynasty (1368-1644) is regarded as
Chinas golden age, equivalent in British history
to the Elizabethan era. Through the themes of
people and places and a wealth of objects, this
beautifully illustrated little book provides a
concise and fascinating introduction to the
Ming period. The colourful and rich nature of
life for the emperors and their families within
the vast palaces of Nanjing, Beijing and beyond
is captured in the exquisite imperial portraits,
paintings, costumes and jewellery.
[UK] British Museum | Paperback with flaps |
Eng. ed. | 190 x 170 mm | 96 p | 75 col.ill. |
ISBN: 9780714124834 | € 15,50
Sept. 2014
Musée Maison. Thuis in Kunst
Mooss vzw
In Musée Maison worden 26 tot de verbeelding
sprekende hedendaagse werken uit de
collecties van SMAK, M HKA, Mu.Zee en M
(Cera collectie) toegelicht en aan de hand van
een educatieve doeopdracht op speelse wijze
verder uitgediept. Musée Maison brengt het
museum naar de huiskamer en wil kinderen,
gezinnen, klassen maar ook jeugdwerkingen
inspireren om kunst en erfgoed met nieuwe
ogen te bekijken.
Hommage Robert Hoozee
Museum voor Schone Kunsten Gent
Catherine de Zegher, Laurens De Keyzer,
Sylvia Van Peteghem, Koen Van Synghel, Anne
Pingeot, Marc Dubois, and others
In deze hommage blikt een groep van vijftig
binnen- en buitenlandse auteurs terug op deze
rijke periode uit de museumgeschiedenis. Hun
bijdragen schetsen een caleidoscopisch beeld
van een uitzonderlijk man, die bij zijn
overlijden in 2012 een museum met
internationale faam achterliet. Een man die
bovendien in de afgelopen decennia bepalend
is geweest voor zowel de kunsthisto riografie
over de negentiende en vroege twintigste eeuw
als het museumlandschap in België.
Expo: 21/6/2014 - 12/10/2014,
Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Gent
[BE] AsaMER | Hardback | Eng./ NL ed. |
315 x 250 mm | 129 p | ISBN:
9789491775512 | € 69,00 [BE] / € 69,00 [NL]
/ € 65,09 [INT]| June 2014
[BE] Stichting Kunstboek | Hardback | NL ed.
| 300 x 240 mm | 64 p | 60 col.ill. | ISBN:
9789058564993 | € 14,95 [BE] / € 14,95 [NL]
/ € 14,95 [INT]|
The Figure
Vatican Art Deck
50 Paintings You Should Know
Painting, Drawing, and Sculpture
One Hundred Masterpieces
Brad Finger
Donald Kuspit, Irving Sandler and others
Anja Grebe
Throughout the history of art most of the
world's greatest artists have produced portraits
at some point in their careers, whether
commissioned by rulers or magnates; created
to preserve a cherished friend or relation; or
even to capture the artist's own likeness.
Arranged chronologically, each of the 50
masterworks in this book exemplifies a
moment in history, or a turning point in the
artist's career.
This book is a celebration of figurative art,
essential to those interested in both traditional
techniques and the latest developments in the
art of the figure. An expansive survey of
contemporary figurative art, The Figure
showcases work by acclaimed artists including
Jenny Saville, Eric Fischl, and Will Cotton
alongside emerging talents.
The Vatican Art Deck includes 100 cards
highlighting the most iconic and significant
works of art in the Vatican. The front side of
each card shows a full-size photograph of the
painting while the back side gives a 200-word
discussion by art historian Anja Grebe on the
key attributes of the work, what to look for
when viewing the painting, the artist?s
inspirations and techniques, biographical
information on the artist, the artist?s impact on
art history and more.
[UK] Prestel | Flexi (Pb luxe) | Eng. ed. | 193
x 24 mm | 144 p | 75 col.ill. | ISBN:
9783791349800 | € 22,50 | Sept. 2014
[US] Rizzoli | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 288 x 267
mm | 240 p | 168 col.ill. | ISBN:
9780847843756 | € 60,95 | Sept. 2014
[US] Black Dog | Boxed | Eng. ed. |
x 171 mm | 100 p | 100 col.ill. | ISBN:
9781579129804 | € 27,95 | Oct. 2014
Guy Baekelmans
Een Spirituele Reis
Naar aanleiding van de publicatie van het boek
Guy Baekelmans - een spirituele reis, toont het
FelixArt Museum een selectief overzicht van de
werken van de kunstenaar.
Begonnen in 1968 met figuren en vormen in de
stijl van Pop Art en Hard Edge, voerde Guy
Baekelmans (° 1940, Berchem) al snel
vereenvoudigingen in kleur en vorm door.
Expo: 05/10/2014 - 21/12/2014, FeliXart
Museum, Drogenbos
[BE] Pandora | Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ NL ed.
| 290 x 260 mm | 336 p | throuhgout col.ill. |
ISBN: 9789053253816 | € 45,00 [BE] / €
45,00 [NL] / € 47,95 [INT]| Oct. 2014
Guy Vandenbranden
Mooie monografie over Guy Vandenbranden
(1926-2014) die op 3 juni in Antwerpen
overleed, in samenwerking met en bijpassend
bij een tentoonstelling in Galerie Callewaert
Van Langendonck (Antwerpen)
Aan de hand van archiefmateriaal wil deze
monografie benadrukken hoe de kunstenaar
zich ontwikkelde en hoe hij in de internationale
avant-garde past. De nadruk ligt vooral op de
jaren vijftig en zestig. De tekst van de
monografie wordt geschreven door historicus
David Vermeiren.
[BE] Pandora | Hardback | NL ed. (E/ F
summ) | 297 x 245 mm | 200 p | throughout
col.ill. | ISBN: 9789053253847 | € 39,95 [BE]
/ € 39,95 [NL] / € 42,50 [INT]| Nov. 2014
Marcel Van Maele
In Meervoud
Teksten van Johan Pas en Yves T'sjoen
Marcel van Maele (1931-2009) stond niet
alleen bekend als tegendraads dichter maar
ook als eigenzinnig beeldend kunstenaar. Door
de pagina te verlaten en zijn gedichten in
objecten te vertalen, zocht hij een breder én
ander publiek. Met zijn bekende Gebottelde
gedichten (1972-2002) tastte hij doelbewust
de grenzen af tussen de poëzie en de
beeldende kunst. Het boek Marcel van Maele in
Meervoud brengt voor het eerst alle uitgaven
van zijn werk samen.
Expo: 13/09/14 - 18/01/15,
Gezellemuseum, Brugge
[BE] Pandora | Hardback | NL ed. | 240 x 170
mm | 200 p | throughout col.ill. | ISBN:
9789053253793 | € 29,00 [BE] / € 29,00 [NL]
/ € 31,00 [INT]| Sept. 2014
Francis Picabia
Augusto Giacometti
Jean-Jacques Gailliard
Catalogue Raisonné. Volume I
Le Couleur et moi
Xavier Canonne. Avec textes d' Alfonso
Enriquez De Villegas
This publication is the first of four volumes in
the catalogue raisonné of Francis Picabia, one
of the most significant, challenging artists of
the 20th century. Volume I ranges from
Picabia's early works as an impressionist in
1898 to his cubic and abstract paintings in
1912- 1914, that constitute landmarks in the
history of modern art. This volume allows for
new critical and scientific readings of his work
and piques interest in his lesser-known pieces.
[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds |
Hardback | Eng./ Fr. ed. | 300 x 240 mm |
504 p | 475 col. & bw ill. | ISBN:
9789462300583 | € 150,00 [BE] / € 150,00
[NL] / € 141,51 [INT]| Oct. 2014
Augusto Giacometti (1877-1947) fut l'un des
précurseurs de l'abstraction et grand maître de
la couleur. Avec ses paysages et portraits,
notamment avec ses « fantaisies chromatiques
» des années 1910 à 1930, il apporta une
contribution majeure à la modernité
internationale. Une centaine de toiles et
travaux sur papier, des articles scientifiques
ainsi qu'une édition historique et critique de
son propre texte La couleur et moi sont
rassemblés ici pour donner de Giacometti une
présentation exhaustive.
Expo: 19/9/2014 - 8/2/2015,
Kunstmuseum, Bern
[BE] Pandora | Hardback | French ed. | 270 x
220 mm | 256 p | throughout col.ill. | ISBN:
9789053253830 | € 44,00 [BE] / € 44,00 [NL]
/ € 46,95 [INT]| Sept. 2014
Baignée de musique, de poésie, de références
philosophiques et spirituelles, la peinture de
Jean-Jacques Gailliard (1890-1976) transcende
les courants picturaux du XXe siècle : cubisme,
futurisme, expressionnisme et surréalisme
imprègnent son ouvre sans jamais la
contraindre. Entre dessin et écriture, couleur et
encre de Chine, du modernisme au relevé
fantomatique des rues de Bruxelles ou des
plages d'Ostende, Gailliard trace son chemin,
forgeant un ouvre particulièrement libre et
[BE] Editions Marot | Hardback | NL and French eds.
| 293 x 245 mm | 424 p | 700 col.ill. | 100 bw
ill. | ISBN: 9782930117270 (F)
ISBN 9782930117263 (NL) | € 49,50 [BE] /
€ 49,50 [NL] / € 46,70 [INT] | Aug. 2014
Henri Matisse
Nice, Le rêve des Odalisques
Klaus Albrecht Schroder (ed)
Tissus précieux et motifs colorés, vêtements
somptueux, tapis et objets utilitaires provenant
du Proche-Orientfascinaient Henri Matisse
(1869-1954) qui a également effectué
plusieurs voyages en Algérie et au Maroc. Dans
son atelier, il mettait en scène ses souvenirs de
voyage et créait un monde visuel fantastique
qui lui servait de source d'inspiration artistique.
Expo: 21/6/2014 - 29/9/2014, Matisse
Museum, Nice. Co-ed Wienand
[BE] Pandora | Hardback | French ed. | 290 x
230 mm | 200 p | throughout col.ill. | ISBN:
9789053253809 | € 39,80 [BE] / € 39,80 [NL]
/ € 39,80 [INT]| Aug. 2014
Les belles endormies - Sleeping
De Bonnard à Balthus
Le rêve est un sujet de réflexion pour les
artistes depuis l'antiquité. Cette « magique
suspension du temps » telle que l'a décrite
Isabelle Monod-Fontaine est devenue au fil des
siècles un sujet pictural et littéraire qui a tant
fasciné qu'il a donné naissance à
d'innombrables variations du même artiste. Le
modèle endormi, par sa dimension
éminemment érotique, a inspiré les plus grands
de Bonnard à Balthus, Vuillard, Valloton,
Matisse, Picasso, Brancusi, Dali, Masson et tant
Expo: 10/9/2014 - 25/1/2015, Musée
Bonnard, Le Cannet
[IT] Silvana | Hardback | Eng./ Fr. ed. | 280
x 230 mm | 272 p | 100 col. & bw ill. | ISBN:
9788836628315 | € 27,00 [BE] / € 28,95 [NL]
/ € 27,00 [INT]| July 2014
Alphonse Mucha
Agnes Husslein-Arco, Jean-Louis Gaillemin and
Michel Hilaire
Alphonse Mucha is known largely for having
originated Art Nouveau, when his poster of the
actress Sarah Bernhardt became a legendary
icon of the movement. Mucha went on to
design hundreds of pieces in the decorative
arts field, but later distanced himself from the
style he pioneered, devoting his time and
energy to painting. This book presents the full
array of Mucha's artistic contributions - not
only his posters and jewellery designs but also
his design for the pavilion of Bosnia and
[UK] Prestel | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 240 x
320 mm | 356 p | 403 col.ill. | 78 bw ill. |
ISBN: 9783791353975 | € 52,95 | July 2014
Anarchy & Beauty
William Morris
Egon Schiele and Jenny Saville
William Morris & His Legacy, 1860 - 1960
Words and Wisdom
Fiona MacCarthy
William Morris
Oskar Bätschmann, Christoph Becker and
Martin Harrison
William Morris (183496) regarded beauty as a
basic human birthright. In this fascinating
book, which accompanies a major exhibition,
Morriss biographer Fiona MacCarthy looks at
how his highly original and generous vision of a
new form of society in which art could flourish
has reverberated through the decades.
'Have nothing in your houses that you do not
know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.'
William Morris lecture, 'The Beauty of Life',
Expo: 16/10/2014 - 11/1/2015, National
Portrait Gallery, London
Born in London in 1834, William Morris was a
radical thinker whose democratic vision for
society and art has continued to influence
designers, artists and writersto this day, long
after his death in 1896. He was a gifted poet,
architect, painter, writer and textile designer,
who also founded the Kelmscott Press, the
most famous of the Arts and Crafts private
[UK] National Portrait Gallery | Paperback |
Eng. ed. | 190 x 170 mm | 144 p | 75 col.ill. |
ISBN: 9781855144941 | € 15,50 | Oct. 2014
[UK] National Portrait Gallery | Hardback |
Eng. ed. | 260 x 230 mm | 192 p | 120 col.ill.
| ISBN: 9781855144842 | € 45,95 | Oct. 2014
The main body of work by painter Egon Schiele
(1890 1918), who died at an early age, was
produced within barely a decade. His famous
nudes unwaver-ingly probed the existential
core of human experi-ence. The paintings of
Jenny Saville (* 1970 in Cam-bridge) are no
less intense in terms of their physicality and
confrontational stance. This catalogue brings
to-gether the works of these two artists for the
first time.
Expo: 10/10/2014 - 25/1/2015,
Kunsthaus, Zurich
[G] Hatje Cantz | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 400 x
297 mm | 160 p | 128 col.ill. | ISBN:
9783775738514 | € 49,80 | Oct. 2014
Pop to Popism
Calder / Prouvé
Dalí Pop-Ups
Wayne Tunnicliffe, Anneke Jaspers
Annie Cohen-Solal and Jean Nouvel
Courtney Watson McCarthy
Drawn from major public and private
collections around the world, Pop to popism
includes over 180 works including pivotal
works by key artists such as Lichtenstein,
Warhol, Richter and Hockney. It begins with
the emergence of pop art in the United
Kingdom, Europe and America, proceeds
through the key years of high pop in the 1960s
and early 1970s including a substantial
Australian component, and finishes with the
new generation of artists who began exhibiting
in the late 1970s with works dating up to 1986.
Expo: 1/11/ 2014 - 1/3/2015, Art Gallery
of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Calder/Prouve evokes comparisons in the
broad, expressive range of production,
emphasis on form, and use of new technologies
that the close friends and collaborators evinced
in their parallel practices as artist and designer.
Considered together, the works in this book
testify to the fruitful exchange between two
giants of modernism in its most utopian
Expo: Fall 2013, Gagosian Gallery, Paris Galerie Patrick Seguin, Paris
Seven of Salvador Dalís mind-bending images
re-imagined as superbly crafted pop-ups. The
art of Salvador Dalí, like the man himself,
defies easy description. During a hugely
productive working life that spanned much of
the 20th century, he produced more than
1,500 paintings as well as other artworks and
objets dart including sculpture, jewelry,
photography, etchings, lithographs, designs for
theatre sets and costumes, plus commercial
projects such as the Chupa Chups lollipop logo.
[US] Rizzoli | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 298 x 247
mm | 188 p | 232 col.ill. | ISBN:
9780847844142 | € 105,00
| Feb. 2014
[UK] T & H | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 330 x 304
mm | 16 p | 25 col.ill. | ISBN: 9780500517505
| € 30,95 | Oct. 2014
[UK] T & H, Distributed | Hardback | Eng. ed.
| 300 x 238 mm | 320 p | 200 col.ill. | ISBN:
9781741741100 | € 54,50 | Oct. 2014
Keith Haring
Jean-michel Basquiat Drawing
The Political Line
Work from the Schorr Family Collection
Dieter Buchhart (Author), Julian Cox (Author),
Robert Farris Thompson (Author), Julian
Myers-Szupinska (Editor)
Fred Hoffman
Through his graffiti-inspired drawings,
paintings, sculptures, murals, and other works,
Keith Haring created an immediately
recognizable visual iconography that spoke to
an enormous population - gay and straight,
young and old, male and female. His
importance in the annals of popular culture is
indisputable, but little attention has been paid
to his advocacy for social justice.
Expo: 8/11/2014 - 8/2/2015, de Young
museum, San Francisco
During the artist's seminal years of 1982-83,
the Schorrs acquired several of his most
important paintings, but in contrast to virtually
every other early collector, the Schorrs also
pursued and acquired a great number of works
on paper both directly from the artist and from
his first dealer. Their collection demonstrates
the focus and ambition that the artist invested
in the medium of drawing.
[US] Rizzoli | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 314 x 255
mm | 200 p | 80 col.ill. | ISBN:
9780847844470 | € 61,50 | June 2014
[UK] Prestel | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 255 x
305 mm | 256 p | 150 col.ill. | ISBN:
9783791354101 | € 67,50 | Sept. 2014
Michaël Borremans
As Sweet as it Gets
Ed.: Jeffrey Grove. Texts: Jeffrey Grove u.a.,
Design: Kim Beinaert
Berlinde De Bruyckere
Edited by Angela Mengoni. With texts of Angela
Mengoni, Emmanuel Alloa and Gary
De Belgische kunstenares Berlinde De
Bruyckere (geb. 1964) dankt haar bekendheid
in de hedendaagse kunstwereld aan de heel
vernieuwende wijze waarop ze de
beeldhouwkunst benadert. Deze publicatie is de
eerste monografie die aan De Bruyckere is
gewijd. Ze gunt ons een definitieve en
allesomvattende blik op de verscheidenheid
van haar oeuvre van de voorbije twintig jaar.
De werken van De Bruyckere, die hier in meer
dan tweehonderd fraaie illustraties worden
belicht, zitten vol bevreemdende tegenspraken.
Berlinde De Bruyckere
Edited by Angela Mengoni. With texts of Angela
Mengoni, Emmanuel Alloa and Gary
"L'artiste belge Berlinde De Bruckyere (née en
1964) est une star de l'art contemporain, dont
la pratique innovante se focalise sur la
sculpture. Cet ouvrage, la toute première
monographie à lui être consacrée, propose un
aperçu exhaustif et définitif de son oeuvre sur
plus de vingt années. Les oeuvres de De
Bruckyere, présentées en plus de deux cents
illustrations, sont pétries de contradictions - à
la fois séduisantes et repoussantes,
anatomiques et abstraites.
Expo: 18/10/2014 - 8/2/2015,
SMAK, Gent
Haags Gemeentemuseum
[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds |
Hardback | NL, Fr and Eng. eds. |
300 x 215 mm | 300 p | 250 col.ill. |
ISBN: 9789462300378 (NL)
ISBN 9789462300385 (F)
ISBN 9789462300392 (E)
€ 64,95 [BE] / € 64,95 [NL] / € 61,27 [INT]|
Sept. 2014
A Choreographer's Score.
Drumming & Rain
Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker & Bojana Cvejic
The publication comprises a book with
conversations illustrated by numerous
drawings, photos, and documents related to
the productions, as well as a series of DVDs in
which the conversations are supplemented by
demonstrations and excerpts from the
performances. The third DVD contains an
integral recording of the performance of
'Drumming' with optional voice-over
commentary by both authors.
Sinds hij zich eind jaren negentig volledig op kunst
ging toeleggen, heeft Michaël Borremans (°1963 in
Geraardsbergen, België) een opvallend rijp oeuvre
opgebouwd dat internationale aandacht krijgt. De
vervreemdende ruimten die hij in zijn schilderijen,
tekeningen, sculpturen en films oproept zijn gebaseerd op een geheimzinnig gevoel voor ontwrichting
en voor vaak verwarrende schoonheid. Met reproducties van bijna tweehonderd werken die in een periode
van veertien jaar zijn ontstaan.
Expo: 22/2/2014 - 3/8/2014,
Bozar, Brussels. 4/9/2014-31/1/2015:
Tel Aviv Museum of Art
[G] Hatje Cantz (+) | Hardback | 340x 290 mm |
304 p | 196 col.ill. | ISBN: 9783775737708 (NL) |
9783775737715 (F) | 9783775737692 (E) |
€ 58,00 [BE] / € 58,00 [NL] / € 58,00 [INT]| April 2014
The book and the three accompanying DVDs
place two works in the spotlight: 'Drumming'
(1998), 'Rain' (2001)
Carnets d'une Chorégraphe.
Drumming & Rain
Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker & Bojana Cvejic
La publication ne contient pas seulement un
livre avec des entretiens qui sont illustrés de
nombreux dessins, photos et documents en
rapport avec les productions, mais aussi une
série de DVD qui clarifient le contenu des
entretiens à l'aide de démonstrations et
d'extraits de représentations. Un troisième
DVD contient un enregistrement de l'intégralité
du spectacle Drumming, avec en option un
commentaire des deux auteurs en voix off.
[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds |
Box with paperback + holder with 3 dvd's |
Eng. and Fr. eds. | 190 x 275 mm |
192 p | 150 col. & bw ill. |
ISBN: 9789462300484 (E)
ISBN: 9789462300576 | € 44,95 [BE]
/ € 44,95 [NL] / € 42,41 [INT]| Oct. 2014
Tom Liekens
Tom Liekens (°1977) maakt monumentale
schilderijen en collages met een heel eigen
beeldtaal. Een onderwerp dat steeds terugkomt
in zijn werk is de natuur en haar kunstmatige
vorm, zoals we die bijvoorbeeld kennen uit
dierentuinen en natuurhistorische musea. Of de
manier waarop landschappen en dieren werden
voorgesteld doorheen de kunstgeschiedenis, in
sprookjes of in films.
Expo: 7/9/2014 - 9/11/2014, Galerij De
Zwarte Panter, Antwerpen
[BE] Pandora | Hardback | Eng./ NL ed. |
270 x 280 mm | 120 p | throughout col.ill. |
ISBN: 9789053253786 | € 29,00 [BE] / €
29,00 [NL] / € 31,00 [INT]| Sept. 2014
Bruno Vekemans
Michaël de Kok
Hans Op de Beeck
Texts: Eric de Kuyper
Oneiric Landscapes
Quiet Scenery and Wandering Extras
De openingstentoonstelling van Galerie
Verbeeck-Van Dyck (Antwerpen) geeft een
plaats aan Bruno Vekemans (°1952), die met
zijn gestileerde portretten een eigen en zeer
herkenbaar universum heeft geschapen.
Vekemans biedt een tegenpool op de
conceptuele kunst en wil schoonheid laten
primeren. De consistente kwaliteit, de
gelaagheid en de uitstraling van zijn
geschildere beelden gekoppeld aan een uniek
coloriet zorgen dat de schilderijen van Bruno
Vekemans hun geheimen prijs geven bij de
geduldige ontvanger.
Text: Florent Bex, The Oneiric Landscapes of
Michaël de Kok
Visual artist, stage designer, and director-Hans
Op de Beeck (* 1969 in Turnhout) does not
allow any sin-gle genre to define his work. The
publication appears in conjunction with the
exhibition as a comprehensive overview of the
artist's oeuvre from the past several decades:
including video installations dating from the
1990s, sculptures, works on paper, and even
site-specific environments. Special focus is
placed on his still lifes and interiors.
Expo: 20/6/2014 - 15/11/2014,
Sammlung Goetz, München
[BE] Stockmans - Devos | Hardback | Eng./
NL ed. | 275 x 217 mm | 120 p | throughout
col.ill. | ISBN: 9789077207253 | € 40,00 [BE]
/ € 42,50 [NL] / € 40,00 [INT]| June 2014
Michaël de Kok does not paint from life or
photographs. In his studio, he reminisces of
landscapes, often from the Pyrenees, where he
sojourns every year. To recreate a specific
moment of the past and create a new present,
he refers only to memory. ...
Expo: 22/5/2014 - 7/9/2014, Roberto
Polo Gallery, Brussels
[BE] Roberto Polo Gallery | Hardback | Eng.
ed. | 287 x 250 mm | 130 p | 66 col.ill. |
ISBN: 9791092599046 | € 38,00
| June 2014
[G] Hatje Cantz | Paperback | Eng./ Germ.
ed. , 245 x 179 mm | 108 p | 50 col.ill. | 78
col. & bw ill | ISBN: 9783775738392 | € 25,00 |
June 2014
Johan Clarysse
Ida Ekblad
Adriaan Verwee
Hidden Agenda
The Root Cellar
Hidden Agenda presents Clarysse's artistic
output of the past seven years, in which
concepts of identity construction,
communication and non-communication are
key, along with the drives and aspirations of
the condition humaine. Clarysse's figurative
paintings display a layered, hybrid imagery
that questions and researches the ambiguity
proper to human nature. His paintings tease
and confuse, destabilize well-known images
and themes, giving them power and force.
Barry Schwabsky
'Under a poor cloack you commonly find a
good drinker'
[BE] MER.paperkunsthalle | Hardback | Eng./
NL ed. | 240 x 220 mm | 128 p | ISBN:
9789491775598 | € 39,00 | Fall 2014
This monograph features a new body of work,
which artist Ida Ekblad realized for a solo
exhibition at De Vleeshal in Middelburg, The
Netherlands (November-December 2013).
Fundamental in Ekblad's work is an interest in
the historical perspective as a central element
of our time. Through combining historical
perspective in a contemporary cultural and
social element, Ekblad gives an answer to the
superficial connotation of a contemporary
society based on speed and consumption.
[BE] MER.paperkunsthalle | Hardback | Eng.
ed. | 420 x 310 mm | 64 p | ISBN:
9789491775390 | € 40,00 |July 2014
Sophie Van Loo, Valerie Verhack. Interview
with Asta Vaièiulyte
The sculptures and installations of Adriaan
Verwée (°1975, Belgium) often balance on the
boundary between remainder and completed
image. Verwée is less interested in the end
result than in the creative process of the work.
What might an artwork be or become? When
does a work become legible as an image?
These are his central questions. Verwée
combines geometric structures made of wood,
plaster and glass with everyday objects or
furniture, always in varying compositions.
Japanese binding + posters. Expo:
29/08/2014 - 02/11/2014, Museum M,
[BE] MER.paperkunsthalle | Paperback |
Eng./ NL ed. | 280 x 210 mm | 196 p |
ISBN: 9789491775550 | € 39,50 | Sept. 2014
The yellow side of sociality
Alibis. Sigmar Polke
Richard Artschwager
Italian Artists in Europe
1963 - 2010
No More Running Man
BOZAR and the Dena Foundation have
gathered various contemporary artists from
different regions in Italy, who have migrated to
another European country. What do these
artists have in common?
Yellow Sociality, two words that help better
understand the underlying concept of this
exhibition: the artist is a social animal with a
committed, sunny and sometimes loud
message, a go-between who understands and
shares the Italian idea of living together, who
conveys gravitas and well as bringing hope.
Expo: 10/9/2014 - 18/1/2015, Bozar,
Edited by Kathy Halbreich with Mark Godfrey,
Lanka Tattersall and Magnus Schaefer
Robert Morgan
[IT] Silvana | Paperback | Eng./ It. ed. | 240
x 170 mm | 64 p | 30 col.ill. | ISBN:
9788836629633 | € 18,00 [BE] / € 19,10 [NL]
/ € 18,00 [INT]| Sept. 2014
Working across an unusually broad range of
media, Sigmar Polke is widely regarded as one
of the most influential artists of the post-war
generation. Experimenting wildly with materials
and tools as varied as meteor dust and the
Xerox machine, Polke made work of both
intimate and monumental scale drawn from
sources as diverse as newspaper headlines and
Durer prints. He avoided any single signature
style, a fluid method best defined by the word
'alibi' which means 'in or at another place'.
Expo: 19/4/2014 - 3/8/2014, MOMA, N.Y.
| 9/10/2014 - 8/2/2014, Tate Modern,
London | 14/3/2014 - 5/7/2015, Museu
[UK] Tate | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 310 x 246
mm | 320 p | 545 col.ill. | ISBN:
9781849762557 | € 89,95 | Oct. 2014
The art that I make takes place about one step
away from the normal stir of human activity.
-R. Artschwager.
This book documents Artschwager's last series
of work. For five decades, Richard Artschwager
has forged a maverick path by confounding the
generic limits of art while making the visual
comprehension of space and the everyday
objects that occupy it strangely unfamiliar. For
his last series of work, Artschwager returned to
an image, the isolated Running Man, that
fascinated and inspired him.
Gagosian Gallery, N.Y.
[US] Rizzoli | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 260 x 209
mm | 88 p | 66 col.ill. | ISBN: 9780847844067
| € 60,95 | Oct. 2014
Richard Tuttle
Anselm Kiefer
Anselm Kiefer
Don't Know, or the Weave of Textile
Daniel Arasse
This volume, accompanying a major
retrospective of Kiefers works at the Royal
Academy and including a number of new works
especially made for the exhibition, explores the
themes that run through Kiefers oeuvre , from
the complex relationship between art and
spirituality to the influence of German
woodcuts and folklore. An essay by the
internation - ally renowned historian Simon
Schama also considers the role of the artist in
the twenty-first century.
Expo: 27/09/2014 - 14/12/2014, Royal
Academy of Arts, London
by Achim Borchardt-Hume, Magnus af
Petersens, Richard Tuttle
I Don't Know, Or The Weave of Textile
Language is a unique project by the renowned
US artist Richard Tuttle. It will be the largest
survey of his work ever held in the UK, which
will include a major exhibition of Tuttle's career
to date at the Whitechapel Gallery and a newly
commissioned sculpture to be presented in
Tate Modern's iconic Turbine Hall. Measuring
over twelve metres in height, it will be the
largest work ever created by the artist.
Expo: 14/10/2014 - 6/4/2015, Tate
Modern & Whitechapel Gallery, London
[UK] Tate | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 280 x 260
mm | 204 p | ISBN: 9781849763196 | € 37,95
| Oct. 2014
Anselm Kiefer (b. 1945) is one of the most
important and controversial artists at work in
the world today. Through such diverse
mediums as painting, photography, artists
books, installations and sculpture, he has
interpreted the great political and cultural
issues at the heart of the modern European
sensibility: the connections among memory,
history and mythology; war; the Holocaust;
and ethnic and national identity. In this
extensively illustrated volume, available again
in a new, compact format
[UK] T & H | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 231 x
172 mm | 344 p | 394 col.ill. | 15 bw ill. |
ISBN: 9780500291610 | € 38,95 |
Sept. 2014
[UK] Royal Academy | Hardback | Eng. ed. |
300 x 280 mm | 240 p | 200 col.ill. | ISBN:
9781907533792 | € 74,95 | Sept. 2014
Contemporary Drawing
Peter Doig
Marlene Dumas
The Image as Burden
Edited by Leontine Coelewij, Kerryn Greenberg,
Helen Sainsbury and Theodora Vischer
Bij de tentoonstelling is een speciale publicatie
verschenen, samengesteld door de drie
curatoren van de tentoonstelling: Leontine
Coelewij, Kerryn Greenberg en Theodora
Vischer. De publicatie geeft met een sterke
chronologische opzet een goed beeld van de
ontwikkelingen in het oeuvre van Dumas vanaf
de jaren zeventig tot nu. In deze 196 pagina's
tellende catalogus zijn teksten van de
kunstenaar zelf opgenomen, een aantal nieuwe
teksten, korte bestaande teksten en interviews
en circa 200 afbeeldingen. Vormgever is de
Nederlandse ontwerper Roger Willems en
uitgever Tate Publishing.
From the 1960s to Now
by Fondation Beyeler
Katharine Stout
The works of the British painter Peter Doig (*
1959 in Edinburgh), who divides his time
between Trinidad, London, and New York, are
densely atmospheric and sometimes uncanny.
They are often based on found or private
images, which the artist pieces together into
dreamlike compositions full of melancholy and
angst. Employing an unusual color palette and
pos-sessing an immense sensitivity for his
Expo: 23/11/2014 - 22/3/2015,
Fondation Beyeler
Including work by artists such as Ellsworth
Kelly, Agnes Martin, Richard Serra, Philip
Guston, Claes Oldenburg, Len Lye, Gordon
Matta-Clarke and Richard Long, the book
explores how practitioners have addressed and
redefined notions of medium specificity in
relation to drawing, and how it has been
particularly significant for artists pursuing an
interdisciplinary practice.
[G] Hatje Cantz | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 472 x
310 mm | 128 p | 80 col.ill. | ISBN:
9783775738699 | € 49,90 | Nov. 2014
[UK] Tate | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 270 x 210
mm | 168 p | 130 col.ill. | ISBN:
9781854379702 | € 28,50 | Oct. 2014
Marlene Dumas (born in 1953 in Capetown,
South Africa) is one of the most prominent and
influential painters working today. In an era
dominated by the mass media and a proliferation of images, her work is a testament to the
meaning and potency of painting. It will provide
a survey of the artist's remarkable oeuvre
from the mid-70s to the present day. It
will include over 100 artworks displaying her
most important paintings and drawings
alongside lesser-known works from the early
period of her career.
Expo: 5/9/2014 - 4/1/2015, Stedelijk
Museum, Amsterdam.
Travelling to Tate and Fondation Beyeler
[UK] Tate & Stedelijk Museum|
Paperback | Dutch & Eng. eds. |
300 x 230 mm | 196 p | 200 col.ill. |
ISBN: 9789050061896 (NL)
€ 25,00
Oct. 2014
ISBN: 9781849762564 (Eng)
€ 29,95
Sept. 2014
Cy Twombly
100 Painters of Tomorrow
Kurt Beers
Cy Twombly
This is the first time a comprehensive
exhibition of the American artist Cy Twombly's
work has been mounted in Latin America. The
exhibition and book include works on paper,
paintings, and sculpture that span Twombly's
career, from early works of the 1950s to the
Camino Real series of paintings that he
completed shortly before his death in 2011.
The book includes 57 works of art, along with
double-page, full-bleed detail photographs that
capture Twombly's dramatic gestural style and
lush palette.
Expo: 4/6/2014 - 12/10/2014, Museo
Jumex, Mexico City
[IT] Damiani | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 354 x
263 mm | 172 p | 90 col.ill. | ISBN:
9788862083768 | € 58,50 | Oct. 2014
Painting is enjoying a remarkable creative
renaissance in the twenty-first century, with
many of the world s leading artists now
working in this most enduring and seductive of
media.100 Painters of Tomorrow is the
culmination of a new project, initiated by
curator Kurt Beers and Thames & Hudson, to
find the 100 most exciting painters at work
today. This major publication introduces and
presents the work from a global cast of
painters selected by an international panel
feat. some of the most prominent names.
[UK] T & H | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 320 x 240
mm | 288 p | 320 col.ill. | ISBN:
9780500239230 | € 54,50 | Sept. 2014
1000 Years of terracotta statuary in Mali
Bernard de Grunne
The so-called Djenné statuary emerged circa
a.d. 700 and flourished until A.D. 1750. The
terracotta statues were manufactured by
various groups inhabiting the Inland Niger
Delta region of present-day Mali, centered
around the ancient urban center of
Djenné-jeno. These terracotta sculptures, more
than 300 of which are published in this book
for the first time, express a remarkable range
of physical conditions and human emotions.
1000 Ans de Sculpture en terre cuite au
Bernard de Grunne
Grâce a un sol argileux d'une qualité
exceptionnelle, le Delta intérieur du Niger,
remarquablement fertile, a joué un rôle crucial
dans l'essor de l'architecture et de la sculpture
en terre en Afrique occidentale. L'argile est
aussi le médium des sculptures en terre cuite,
dont plus de 300 remontent au début du
deuxieme millénaire de notre ere.
[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds |
Hardback | Eng. and French eds. |
297 x 245 mm | 400 p | 370 col.ill. |
ISBN: 9789061530633 (F) |
ISBN: 9789061530671 (E) |
€ 79,95 | Sept. 2014
Trésors de Côte d'Ivoire
Aux sources des traditions artistiques
François Neyt
Du Fleuve Niger Au Fleuve Congo
Une aventure africaine
Claude-Henri Pirat
Claude-Henri Pirat, who has already authored
different publications about lobi statuary or the
buli master of whom he established the
'catalogue raisonné', reveals in here, from the
great sculpture of west and central africa to the
most usual objects, the works of art he is or
has been the collector of. A great traveller,
regularly visiting the african continent up to
the most remote places, includes many
photographs from the field in his book.
Ce livre présente un parcours initiatique,
récapitulant les grands moments culturels de la
Côte d'Ivoire et facilitant la compréhension
d'un monde culturel si multiple : cadre
géographique, population, présentation des
données historiques (cartes, migrations), les
signes sculptés les plus significatifs des
cultures respectives, situés dans une
perspective esthétique de l'histoire de l'art et
les techniques utilisées (sculpture, orfèvrerie,
peinture, poids à peser l'or, tissage.). Avec plus
de 250 obj
[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds |
Hardback | French ed. | 297 x 245 mm | 376
p | 300 col.ill. | ISBN: 9789462300569 | €
99,95 | Nov. 2014
[BE] Primedia éditions & Vision Publishers |
Hardback | Eng./ Fr. ed. | 350 x 250 mm |
320 p | throughout col. & bw ill. |
ISBN: 9789079881307 | € 110,00
| July 2014
Ce tant curieux musée du monde
Où les générations actuelles auront
l'opportunité de voir les beautés du
monde et des hommes.
Textes de Laurent Busine et Julien Foucart.
Préface de Guido Gryseels
Si les collections du Musée royal de l'Afrique
centrale de Tervuren étonnent par leur
profusion inouïe et leur incroyable diversité,
elles sont avant tout le reflet de ce que la terre
et les hommes ont produit.
Cet ouvrage tente de créer de surprenantes
rencontres en présentant à la fois de
nombreuses images d'oeuvres et d'objets
situés dans les réserves du musée, des
photographies anonymes tirées d'albums
familiaux européens et quelques remarquables
travaux de la photographe Rineke Dijkstra.
[BE] MAC's Grand Hornu | Hardback | NL/ Fr
ed. | 240 x 205 mm | 136 p |
ISBN 9782930368603 | € 19,00 | Oct. 2014
Jean-Marie Ghislain
The Invitation
Jean-Dominique Burton.
Île de Gorée Island
14°40'01''N / 17°23'54''O
L'île de Gorée a été choisie comme symbole et
comme lieu de mémoire. Elle est un des sites
historiques où s'est joué le destin de milliers
d'africains qui durant cinq siècles furent victime
de la traite négrière.
C'est un des lieux ou la diaspora africaine
trouve un espace de reconnaissance et de
Bruxelles à l'infini
Brussels Unlimited
Photographs in Residency
Michel Poivert (Préface), Danielle Leenaerts,
Emmanuel d'Autreppe
« Depuis 1997, l'Espace Photographique
Contretype à Bruxelles développe une structure
d'accueil et de production pour les
photographes sous forme de résidences
d'artistes. L'objectif de ces résidences est
double: permettre à l'artiste de s'accorder un
temps de réflexion sur son travail, de
questionner le stade d'évolution atteint par sa
recherche artistique. ....«
Collection: Regards sur la ville. Expo:
25/06/2014 - 28/9/2014, Contretype &
The Centrale for Contemporary Art,
[BE] CFC Editions | Hardback | Eng./ Fr. ed. |
280 x 225 mm | 208 p | 300 col.ill. | ISBN:
9782875720085 | € 39,00 | June 2014
Les photographies empreintes de poésie de
Jean-Dominique Burton nous entraînent dans
une fine découverte initiatique de l'île de
Sharks engender our most primal emotion:
fear. Real danger is something we seldom
experience in the modern world, protected by
the comforts of civilization. Yet fear is deeply
inscribed at the core of our being. Jean-Marie
Ghislain overcame his fear of water by learning
to swim with sharks. By confronting his
emotional responses to these graceful
predators, he sought to recover from personal
trauma, asking himself: 'Can beauty cure fear?
These photographs are among the most
beautiful pictures of sharks ever
[BE] Prisme | Hardback | Eng./ Fr. ed. | 300
x 300 mm | 216 p | throughout col.ill. | ISBN:
9782930451145 | € 59,00 | Oct. 2014
[BE] Editions Marot | Hardback | Eng. ed. |
220 x 300 mm | 192 p | throughout col.ill. |
ISBN: 9782930117362 | € 39,95
| Oct. 2014
Lucille Feremans
Watch Me
Boesmans Alfons, Hitchcock Brabara,
Tsukahara Takuya. Photography: Lucille
Watch Me is een overzicht van meer dan vier
decennia fotografisch oeuvre van Lucille
Feremans. Intrigerende foto's van succesvolle
tentoonstellingen als Velata, Talking Hats,
Polaroid Works, Body Visions en Specials
worden gebundeld en afgewisseld met nooit
eerder vertoonde beelden. Lucille Feremans'
momentopnames portretteren de kracht en de
schoonheid - in de ruimste zin van het woord van het menselijk lichaam.
[BE] Stichting Kunstboek | Hardback | Eng.
ed. | 330 x 245 mm | 144 p | 100 col.ill. |
ISBN: 9789058564962 | € 39,90
| Sept. 2014
Olivier Le Brun
Football <Côté photo / Les carnets>
Olivier Le Brun, photographe amateur
(éclairé), a parcouru l'Afrique, au cours de ses
missions économiques, à la recherche du «
footballeur en herbe », gamin ou gamine aux
pieds nus, improvisant des matchs dans des
lieux improbables, pour le seul plaisir du jeu même si désormais, mondialisation médiatique
aidant, beaucoup se rêvent en vedettes
[BE] Yellow Now | Paperback | French ed. |
120 x 170 mm | 96 p | throughout duotone ill.
| ISBN: 9782873403546 | € 12,00 | Nov 2014
Paris Magnum
When in...
Éric Hazan
By documenting the everyday workings of the
city, Magnums photographers capture the
essence of Parisian life. Their photographs
show the city as it lives and breathesfrom
fashion shows to underground jazz clubs, from
the bustling metro to outdoor cafés, and from
the Art Deco Fouquets hotel to the working
class Goutte dOr neighborhood.
Peter Lindbergh's Women
The highlights of Peter Lindbergh's work
created between 2005 and 2014: fashion
shots, nudes, and portraits of today's models
and actresses such as Kate Moss, Tilda
Swinton, Jessica Chastain-and the occasional
man, such as Hollywood grand seigneur Kirk
Jean-Baptiste Mondino
Three at last
Michel Mallard
Smoking Permitted by Jean-Baptiste Mondino,
grand maître of commercial photography, is a
pointed provocation to political correctness
reminiscing the days when smoking was not
considered a suicidal vice but a cultural habit of
elegance, coolness and allure.
[G] Schirmer/ Mosel | Hardback | Eng./
Germ. ed. | 385 x 260 mm | 300 p | 175
col.ill. | ISBN: 9783829606851 | € 78,50
| Nov. 2014
[G] Schirmer/ Mosel | Hardback | Eng. ed. |
315 x 240 mm | 300 p | 250 col.ill. | ISBN:
9783829606691 | € 89,50 | Sept. 2014
Martin Parr
Vincent Peters,
Martin Schoeller
We Love Britain!
The Light Between Us
With a text by Inka Schube
Vincent Peters relies entirely on the classic art
of portrait photography for his pictures.
Focusing on small gestures and subtle
productions instead of prominent poses, he
ensures that his subjects do not disappear into
the backdrop and that their faces are the focal
point. His sophisticated lighting has the most
impact in his black-and-white photos,
bestowing them with a breathtaking cinematic
Building on the success of his previous titles,
Close Up and Identical, Martin Schoeller's
momentous Portraits is cause for celebration.
The illustrious photographer's full range of
expression is on display in this unprecedented
gathering of editorial images. With an
impressive amount of variety and scale,
Schoeller shares his signature compositional
imagination alongside the wry wit that
animates his work.
[G] teNeues | Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ Germ.
ed. | 350 x 285 mm | 208 p | ISBN:
9783832798642 | € 98,00 | Oct. 2014
[G] teNeues | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 360 x
270 mm | 280 p | ISBN: 9783832797294 | €
98,00 | Oct. 2014
[F] Flammarion (Eng) | Hardback | Eng. ed. |
240 x 310 mm | 304 p | 270 col.ill. | ISBN:
9782080301529 | € 61,95 | Oct. 2014
With history providing strong links between
Hanover and Great Britain - from the 1714
crowning of a Hanover Elector as George I of
England to the British post-WW II occupation
of Lower Saxony- Martin Parr, British Magnum
photographer and one of the most poignant
chroniclers of our time, was asked to search for
traces of Britishness in and around Hanover,
for vivid evidence of a common German-British
Expo: 18/10/2014 - 23/2/2015, Sprengel
Museum, Hannover
[G] Schirmer/ Mosel | Hardback | Eng./
Germ. ed. | 270 x 210 mm | 136 p | 75 col.ill.
| ISBN: 9783829606875 | € 34,50 | Oct. 2014
Till Brönner
Thomas Hoepker
Elliott Erwitt
Faces of Talent
Regarding Women
Because of his musical background, Bronner
has the necessary feeling for timing and the
right orchestration. His photographic style is
spare and no method is an end in itself. The
result: impressive black-and-white portraits
that reveal unknown sides of familiar faces.
When viewing these images you can
immediately sense that there is a special
relationship between the photographer and his
subjects, making these photos.
The very best photographic books whisk us
away from familiar surroundings in search of
memorable experiences and far-flung
places--and none more so than this impressive
volume, a comprehensive retrospective of
photographer Thomas Hoepker's wide-ranging
work. Wanderlust is a spectacular showcase for
this photojournalist and former president of
Magnum Photos.
In Regarding Women he presents us with an
exceptional collection composed (almost)
exclusively of black-and-white female portraits.
This volume is Erwitt's evocative personal
tribute to female strength, intelligence, and
beauty. The archival material spans several
generations, with many images not previously
published or rarely seen before.
[G] teNeues | Hardback | English/ French/
Germ/ Ital. ed | 360 x 270 mm | 304 p |
300 duotone ill. | ISBN: 9783832798574 |
€ 79,90 | Aug. 2014
[G] teNeues | Hardback | Eng./ Germ. ed. |
370 x 290 mm | 208 p | 120 bw ill. | ISBN:
9783832798659 | € 98,00 | Oct. 2014
[G] teNeues | Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ Germ.
ed. | 320 x 240 mm | 304 p | 275 colour
and duotone photographs |
ISBN: 9783832798529 | € 79,90 | Oct. 2014
Elliott Erwitt
Edward Quinn
New York Snapshots
Personal Best
Celebrity Pets
Carter Berg
Originally published as a large format
hardcover in 2006, this carefully curated
retrospective of Elliott Erwitt's work is now
available in a less expensive edition. This is a
classic collection of images by a master of the
art form.
The photographer Edward Quinn recognized
that the relationship between stars and their
pets is a special one. On the Cote d'Azur, the
Mecca of the 1950s and 1960s jet set, he
managed to create some of his most personal
celebrity portraits in the presence of their pets.
Often shy and always on guard against
fair-weather friends, our glimpses of stars in
Celebrity Pets alongside their animal
companions are unusually approachable and
Experience New York from the familiar
perspective of a true insider. With an array of
personal vistas and original viewpoints, fashion
photographer and New York native Carter Berg
shares a diverse range of vignettes of this
bustling metropolis. Readers get a chance to
revel in the city's dynamic allure as well as
savor its subtler, more idiosyncratic charms.
Along with gleaming skyscrapers and
fascinating historic architecture, Berg presents
close-ups of the rhythms, patterns, and details.
[G] teNeues | Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ Germ.
ed. | 340 x 275 mm | 160 p | 110 bw ill. |
ISBN: 9783832798765 | € 59,90 | Sept. 2014
[G] teNeues | Hb with slip case | Eng. ed. |
260 x 205 mm | 160 p | 175 col.ill. | ISBN:
9783832798178 | € 29,90 | Oct. 2014
[G] teNeues | Hardback | E/ F/ G/ Sp/ It.
ed | 288 x 216 mm | 448 p | ISBN:
9783832798918 | € 49,90 | July 2014
Small format hardcover edition
French edition:
ISBN 9783832798871 (French cover)
Russell James
Roberto Dutesco
The Wild Horses of Sable Islands
Sable Island, a small island off the coast of
eastern Canada is the site of some 500 wild
horses, 500 shipwrecks and 500 years of
known history. Never settled, the island, also
known as the "Graveyard of the Atlantic," has
seen temporary occupation by shipwrecked
sailors, transported convicts, pirates and
wreckers. The wild horses, named for the
island they inhabit, abandoned there long ago
or cast ashore from wrecks, are now the only
terrestrial mammals on Sable Island.
[G] teNeues | Hardback | Eng/ Fr/ Ger/
Chin. | 370 x 290 mm | 344 p | 180 col.ill.
(incl. 8 gatefolds. )|
ISBN: 9783832798499 | € 128,00 | June 2014
This ample volume showcases these heavenly
representations of womanhood in all their
splendor. Subtly provocative in a tastefully
seductive manner, these portraits capture each
model's individual blend of physical
attractiveness and beguiling personality. The
array of images reflects playfulness and
adventure, and the innovative compositions
and technically perfect photography add to the
overall captivating effect. Readers will truly feel
as if they've stepped into their own little piece
of paradise.
French ed.: ISBN 9783832798802 (French cover)
[G] teNeues | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 360 x
270 mm | 304 p | ISBN: 9783832798758 | €
148,00 | Oct. 2014
Norma I. Quintana: Circus
Hiroshi Sugimoto
Herbert List
A Traveling Life
Norma I. Quintana is a photographer and
educator working in the tradition of social
documentary. In her first monograph, Circus. A
Travelling Life, Quintana shoots in black and
white film and available light to chronicle her
decade-long collaboration with an American,
travelling one-ring circus. The photographs in
the book are not flash frozen, but a loving
history of extended families, another way of
living in this world.
Hiroshi Sugimoto began to photograph his
Dioramas series, a body of work that spans
almost four decades, when he moved to New
York City from Japan in 1974. While looking at
the galleries in the American Museum of
Natural History, he noticed that if he looked at
the dioramas with one eye closed, the artificial
scenes--prehistoric humans, dinosaurs, and
taxidermied wild animals set in elaborately
painted backgrounds--looked utterly
[IT] Damiani | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 280 x
280 mm | 144 p | ISBN: 9788862083652 | €
57,95 | Oct. 2014
[IT] Damiani | Hb with slip case | Eng. ed. |
284 x 254 mm | 118 p | 56 col.ill. | ISBN:
9788862083270 | € 59,95 | Sept. 2014
L'oeuvre d'Herbert List (1903-1975) est à la
fois insaisissable et diffi cile à classer. Le
photographe allemand a abordé presque tous
les genres que peut offrir la photographie l'architecture, la nature morte, la photographie
de rue, le portrait, la documentation et la
photo de catalogue -, mais en brouillant les
frontières entre ces différents domaines : ainsi,
ses photos d'architecture ressemblent à des
natures mortes ou à des compositions
surréalistes et sa documentation de sculptures
Expo: 2/5/2014-15/6/2014, Reggio
[IT] Silvana | Paperback | Eng./ Fr./ It. ed |
280 x 230 mm | 160 p | 100 col. & bw ill. |
ISBN: 9788836628742 | € 28,00 [BE] / €
29,95 [NL] / € 28,00 [INT]| July 2014
Tina Modotti
David Seymour
Tina Modotti (Udine, 1896 - Mexico, 1942) actrice, photographe, muse d'artistes tels
qu'Edward Weston et Diego Rivera, activiste
politique, pamphlétaire - a vécu en
protagoniste, les événements les plus
significatifs de la première moitié du XXe siècle
: à savoir la vivacité culturelle de la
Renaissance mexicaine, la révolution cubaine,
la période héroïque de l'Internationale
communiste, au cours de laquelle son crédo
politique se traduisit par des actions
audacieuses, voire périlleuses
Expo: 29/4/2014 - 14/12/2014, Torino,
Palazzo Madama
David « Chim » Seymour (1911-1956) compte
parmi les photoreporters les plus légendaires
du XXe siècle, cofondateur de l'agence Magnum
avec Henri Cartier-Bresson et Robert Capa.
Pour de grandes revues, comme Life ou
Regards, il a documenté les événements les
plus significatifs de son époque: la Guerre
civile espagnole, les lieux et les visages de
l'Europe marquée par la Seconde Guerre
mondiale, les espoirs suscités par la naissance
de l'État d'Israël...
Expo: 29/4/2014 - 14/9/2014, Turin,
Palazzo Reale
The Photographs of Duane Michals
Linda Benedict-Jones
A self-taught photographer, Duane Michals
broke away from established traditions of the
medium during the 1960s. His messages and
poems inscribed on the photographs, and his
visual stories created through multiple images,
defied the principles of the reigning
practitioners of the form. Indeed, Michals
considers himself as much a storyteller as a
photographer. Accompanying a major traveling
retrospective of his work, this book features
Michals's best-known early sequences, The
Spirit Leaves the Body, ..
[IT] Silvana | Hardback | French ed. | 280 x
230 mm | 272 p | 100 col. & bw ill. | ISBN:
9788836628292 | € 15,95 [BE] / € 15,95 [NL]
/ € 15,95 [INT]| Sept. 2014
[UK] Prestel | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 248 x
300 mm | 240 p | 285 col.ill. | ISBN:
9783791353708 | € 74,95 | Oct. 2014
Camera Crazy
Dennis Stock
Robert Mapplethorpe
Buzz Poole and Christopher D. Salyers
Foreword by Anton Corbijn
Germano Celant
The introduction of Kodak's Brownie (the
world's first simple, low-cost camera) in 1900
made photography accessible to the masses.
Soon everyone had a camera, and snapshots
became the most popular means of capturing a
time, place, or memory. As the medium
became more ubiquitous, so did the variety of
cameras available. This remarkable book
celebrates the toy camera and its rise out of a
novelty market.
A member of the historic Magnum Photos
cooperative, Dennis Stock took classic portraits
of actors, jazz singers, and hippies, as well as
photographs of the natural beauty of Hawaii,
the Far East, Japan, and Alaska. Arguably,
Stock's most famous portrait is of the actor
James Dean walking through Times Square in
1955 - the year of his death. The image quickly
became a symbol and precursor of the youth
movement of the 1960s.
Expo: 30/10/2014 - 25/1/2015,
Suermondt-Ludwig-Museum, Aachen
Robert Mapplethorpes wide, provocative and
powerful body of work has established him as
one of the most important artists of the
twentieth century. The American photographer
is mostly known for images that
simultaneously challenge and adhere to
classical aesthetic standards: stylised
compositions of male and female nudes,
delicate flower still lifes and studio portraits of
artists and celebrities, to list a few of his
preferred genres.
[IT] Silvana | Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ It. ed |
280 x 230 mm | 272 p | 100 col. & bw ill. |
ISBN: 9788836628759 | € 28,00 [BE] / €
29,95 [NL] / € 28,00 [INT]| July 2014
[UK] Prestel | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 210 x
210 mm | 240 p | 220 col.ill. | ISBN:
9783791349558 | € 29,95 | Sept. 2014
[UK] Prestel | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 240 x
280 mm | 176 p | 100 bw ill. | ISBN:
9783791349510 | € 59,95 | Oct. 2014
[UK] Skira | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 240 x 280
mm | 208 p | 180 col.ill. | ISBN:
9788857222448 | € 54,50 | Oct. 2014
Eggelston's Guide
Stephen Shore
Uncommon Places: The Complete Works
The Fields of Landscape Photography
Stephen Shores 1982 series Uncommon Places,
with large-format color pictures of the
American vernacular landscape has influenced
a generation of photographers. Uncommon
Places: The Complete Works presents an
expanded, definitive collection of his legendary
With an interview by Lynne Tillman and a text
by Stephan Schmidt-Wulffen. First published:
William A. Ewing
[UK] T & H | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 262 x 327
mm | 204 p | 186 col.ill. | ISBN:
9780500544457 | € 61,95 | Oct. 2014
Landscape photography has traveled far from
its origins in the picturesque or pastoral. It is
at the cutting edge of contemporary
image-making with leading photographers
creating work that transcends definitions of art
or documentary. This is the first truly
international survey of a vibrant, burgeoning
field of photography, its masterful
image-makers, and their work. William A.
Ewing has selected more than 230 photographs
by over 100 photographers, ranging from
renowned figures to younger rising stars.
Revised and expanded edition
[UK] T & H | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 255 x 305
mm | 256 p | 240 col.ill. | ISBN:
9780500544334 | € 61,95 | Sept. 2014
The World Atlas of Street
Brooklyn + Klein
Jackie Higgins
"Brooklyn" is the newest body of work by
William Klein. He sets out on a new project to
document the New York borough of Brooklyn, a
city he refers to as 'the America of tomorrow'.
Commissioned by Sony, exclusively for their
new Global Imaging Ambassadors programme,
this is the first time Klein produces work
entirely on digital cameras.
The World Atlas of Street Photography focuses
on the abundance of photography that has
been created on street corners around the
globe; it includes classic documentary street
photography, as well as images of urban
landscapes, staged performances, and
sculptures. In so doing, this compelling
reference book locates the meeting point
between street photography and atlas,
between artists and their personal
understanding of our environment.
William Klein
[UK] T & H, Distributed | Hardback | Eng. ed.
| 297 x 210 mm | 120 p | ISBN:
9788869655340 | € 43,50| Oct. 2014
[UK] T & H | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 235 x 220
mm | 400 p | 500 col.ill. | ISBN:
9780500544365 | € 38,95 | Aug. 2014
William Eggleston's Guide was the first
one-man show of colour photographs ever
presented at The Museum of Modern Art, New
York, and the Museum's first publication of
colour photography. These photographs
heralded a new mastery of the use of colour as
an integral element of photographic
composition. The Guide contained 48 images
edited down from 375 shot between 1969 and
1971 and displayed a deceptively casual,
actually superrefined look at the surrounding
[UK] T & H, Distributed | | Eng. ed. | 238 x
236 mm | 112 p | ISBN: 9780870703782 | €
34,95 | Oct. 2014
Facsimile edition
Photographers' Sketchbooks
Stephen McLaren and Bryan Formhals
43 leading and emerging photographers give
insight into their working methods via
presentation of their sketchbooks'
(encompassing conventional artists'
sketchbooks, book maquettes, online blogs and
photostreams, ontact sheets and many more),
accompanied by three thematic essays from
the authors.
[UK] T & H | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 220 x 297
mm | 320 p | 455 col.ill. | 65 bw ill. | ISBN:
9780500544341 | € 46,50 | Oct. 2014
Known Unknowns
Sune Jonsson
Conflict Time Photography
Charles Saatchi
Life and Work
Simon Baker
Charles Saatchi s latest book Known Unknowns
reveals fascinating insights into some of the
world s lesser-known but truly extraordinary
events. It includes 100 essays and is illustrated
with poignant and startling photographs. With
a distinctive point of view, Charles Saatchi
delves into subjects as varied as the symbols
and tattoo habits of Russian criminals, how to
cure a bad back, and Her Majesty The Queen in
his entertaining and pithy style.
Sune Jonsson, Val Williams
Conflict Time Photography explores the
relationship between photography and sites of
conflict over time, highlighting the fact that
time itself is a fundamental aspect of the
photographic medium. This lavishly illustrated
book reveals the different perspectives which
artists using cameras have brought to the sites
they have depicted over different passages of
time: from works made a few moments or one
day after an event, to those made one year
later or 10, 20, 30 and 100 years later.
Expo: 26/11/2014 - 15/3/2015, Tate
Modern, London
[UK] Booth-Clibborn | Hardback | Eng. ed. |
230 x 180 mm | 480 p | 215 col.ill. | ISBN:
9781861543608 | € 37,95 | Sept. 2014
This is the first ever retrospective monograph
on Sune Jonsson's life work, it covers the
majority of Sune Jonsson's works, from the
debut book "Byn med det blå huset to Och
tiden blir ett förunderligt ting". The text is
written by Valerie Williams, Professor of the
History and Culture of Photography at the
University of Arts, London, and former curator
at the Hasselblad Center in Sweden. In
addition Sune Jonsson's own texts are provided
as entryways to his various photographic
Max Ström
[UK] T & H, Distributed | Hardback | Eng. ed.
| 310 x 250 mm | 320 p | 220 bw ill. | ISBN:
9789171262950 | € 77,95 | Sept. 2014
[UK] Tate | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 290 x 198
mm | 224 p | 200 col.ill. | ISBN:
9781849763202 | € 37,95 | Nov. 2014
The Instagram Book
Strange Stories
Photographer of Style
Inside The Photography Revolution
The Photography of Gerald Davis
Susannah Brown
By Steve Crist and Megan Shoemaker
this book is the definitive celebration of the
extraordinary photographic career of Horst P.
Horst (1906 - 99). One of Vogue's most prolific
and creative contributors, Horst worked in
Paris and New York, photographing fashions by
leading designers and making portraits of the
century's stars.
Expo: 6/9/2014 - 4/1/2015, V&A
Museum, London
THE INSTAGRAM BOOK explores this rapidly
expanding movement of social media
photography in a stunning collection of images
from photographers around the world who post
their pictures on the popular app, Instagram.
Curated from the software's millions of users,
THE INSTAGRAM BOOK explores a small
spectrum of photographers-both professional
and amateur alike-who contribute to this
groundbreaking online community.
Todd Oldham discovered these STRANGE
STORIES and knew they needed to be compiled
into this lovely and humorous look at our
society through the lens of an unassuming and
devoted photographer. This secret treasure
trove of images that range from Elizabeth
Taylor to the waterskiing squirrel and dirty
crime in the mean streets of Miami is sure to
surprise and delight its viewers.
[UK] V & A Museum | Hardback | Eng. ed. |
310 x 240 mm | 352 p | 360 col.ill. | ISBN:
9781851778010 | € 53,95 | Aug. 2014
[US] Ammo | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 203 x
203 mm | 200 p | ISBN: 9781623260354 | €
24,95 | Oct. 2014
[US] Ammo | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 292 x
393 mm | 96 p | ISBN: 9781623260408 | €
39,95 | Oct. 2014
Reinier Gerritsen
Gail Albert Halaban
Jeff Chien-Hsing Liao
The Last Book
Paris Views
New York
Gerritsen depicts groups of individuals
engrossed in the worlds they hold in their
hands, bringing together a social portrait of
readers. From the subtle interactions of
passengers and facial expressions to the
sociological clues of book titles, a complexly
layered narrative is informed by the choices of
readers and the mélange of New York City's
subway riders as they are transported both
literally and figuratively, by the books in their
The photographs in Gail Albert Halaban: Paris
Views explore the conventions and tensions of
urban lifestyles, the blurring between reality
and fantasy, feelings of isolation in the city,
and the intimacies of home and daily life. In
these meticulously directed, windowframed
versions of reality, Halaban allows the viewer
to create his or her own fictions about the
characters, activities, and interiors illuminated
With painstaking care and the use of multiple
exposures, Jeff Chien-Hsing Liao crafts each of
his images with technological precision.
Shooting primarily with a large-format film
camera, then scanning and digitally editing the
negatives, Liao creates enormous, detail-driven
panoramas of the social and urban landscape
of New York.
[US] Aperture | Hb with slip case | Eng. ed. |
227 x 165 mm | 240 p | ISBN:
9781597112703 | € 62,50 | Sept. 2014
[US] Aperture | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 330 x
281 mm | 120 p | 60 col.ill. | ISBN:
9781597113021 | € 77,95 | Oct. 2014
[US] Aperture | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 339 x
411 mm | 160 p | ISBN: 9781597112796 |
€ 93,50 | Sept. 2014
Exhibition: New York, Jan. 2015
Erwin Olaf
Stephen Shore
Vivian Maier
Volume II
A Photographer Found
In this presentation of his most recent work,
Olaf expands on his established style of highly
polished and stylized color studio images to
include a series drawn from his sculptural video
installation, Keyhole; a group of
black-and-white images he has exhibited as
carbon prints; and photographs created on
location in Berlin-a departure from the
constructed mise-en-scènes of earlier work
produced in his Amsterdam studio.
This book copublished with Fundación MAPFRE
in conjunction with the first-ever retrospective
exhibition, includes over 250 images that span
Shore's impressive and productive career. The
images range from 1969 to 2013, with series
such as Early Works, Amarillo, New York City,
American Surfaces, and Uncommon Places,
among others.
Expo: 16/9/2014 - 23/11/2014,
Fundación MAPFRE, Madrid
by John Maloof, Howard Greenberg
[US] Aperture | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 330 x
254 mm | 112 p | ISBN: 9781597112987 | €
62,50 | Oct. 2014
[US] Aperture | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 240 x
300 mm | 300 p | 4 col.ill. | 250 bw ill. | ISBN:
9781597113090 | € 62,50 | Oct. 2014
Exhibition: Berlin, Hungary and Istanbul, fall
The definitive monograph of American
photographer Vivian Maier, exploring the full
range and brilliance of her work and the
mystery of her life, written and edited by noted
photography curator and writer Marvin
Heiferman and featuring 250 black-and-white
images, color work, and other materials never
seen before
[US] Collins US | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 318 x
260 mm | 288 p | ISBN: 9780062305534 | €
80,00 | Oct. 2014
German edition: Schirmer/ Mosel
The Last Great Wild Places
Melting Away
Study of Pose
Forty Years of Wildlife Photography by
Thomas D. Mangelsen
Images of the Arctic and Antarctic
1,000 Poses by Coco Rocha
Camille Seaman
Rocha, Steven Sebring
Thomas D. Mangelsen
Through Seaman's lens, each towering chunk
of ice-breathtakingly beautiful in layers of
smoky gray and turquoise blue-takes on a
distinct personality, giving her work the feel of
majestic portraiture. Melting Away collects
seventy-five of Seaman's most captivating
photographs, lifeaffirming images that reveal
not only what we have already lost, but more
importantly what we still have that is worth
fighting to save.
A groundbreaking, in-depth exploration of the
movement and flexibility of the human body,
featuring 1,000 stunning black-and-white
photographs that showcase the unique
collaboration between international supermodel
Coco Rocha, "The Queen of Pose," and
world-renowned photographer Steven Sebring
A collection of unparalleled
photographs-spanning forty years and seven
continents-by one of the world's foremost
wildlife photographers. Capturing the splendor
of wild places and intimate moments with
animals, this luxurious volume chronicles
legendary nature photographer Thomas D.
Mangelsen's photographic adventures in the
field. Driven by a passion for sharing and
preserving the Earth's last great wild places,
Mangelsen is as much a conservationist as a
natural history photographer and artist.
[US] Princeton | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 220 x
270 mm | 160 p | 200 col.ill. | ISBN:
9781616892609 | € 51,50 | Nov. 2014
[US] Collins US | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 216 x
178 mm | 2032 p | ISBN: 9780062328144 | €
60,00 | Oct. 2014
[US] Rizzoli | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 304 x 469
mm | 224 p | 115 col.ill. | ISBN:
9780789327420 | € 97,50 | Oct. 2014
Masters of Photography
Bettie Page
The Definitive Visual History
Reuel Golden
Queen of Curves
Tom Ang
Masters of Photography is an indispensable and
comprehensive guide to over 70 of the world's
best-known photographers, from the pioneers
of the early part of the century to the
experimental artists who will take us into the
future. Arranged in alphabetical order by
photographer, each entry contains a selection
of sumptuous reproductions of some of the
photographer's most interesting and
representative works.
Petra Mason
The definitive visual history, from the dawn of
photography to the digital age. Photography is
a beautiful lavishly illustrated reference book
tracing the history of photography from its
origins in the 1800s to the global phenomenon
of digital photography. Photography celebrates
the most iconic photos and profiles 50 of the
most famous photographers of the past 200
years, with special features delving into the
stories of especially arresting photographs,
including Pulitzer Prize-winners.
[UK] D. K. | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 301 x 252
mm | 400 p | throughout col.ill. | ISBN:
9781409346456 | € 38,50 | Oct. 2014
[UK] Goodman Fiell | Paperback | Eng. ed. |
220 x 180 mm | 272 p | 250 col.ill. | ISBN:
9781847960818 | € 30,95 | Nov. 2014
A treasure trove of never-before-seen playfully
erotic photos of legendary pinup girl and style
icon Bettie Page, from cult pinup photographer
Bunny Yeager. Bunny Yeager has long been
credited for capturing Bettie Page's true
nature-her flirtatious and playfully erotic
side-in classic pinup images that continue to
influence photography and fashion today.
[US] Rizzoli | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 287 x 236
mm | 256 p | 200 col.ill. | ISBN:
9780789327482 | € 48,50 | Sept. 2014
De Tafel van 10
My Kitchen Alphabet
Eenvoudige gerechten met een feestelijk
Christophe Hardiquest
Christophe Hardiquest van restaurant Bon-Bon
in Brussel rijfde dit jaar zijn tweede
Michelinster binnen en ook Gault Millau geeft
hem een top ranking: met een score van 19
staat hij in de top 5 van de beste eettempels in
België. Met het alfabet als leidraad presenteert
Hardiquest in 'My Kitchen Alphabet' zijn
favoriete producten en vertelt hij over zijn
passies, zijn drives, zijn inspiratiebronnen en
zijn entourage. 20 letters staan voor zijn
lievelingsingrediënten die zijn keuken typeren.
Lieve Byttebier
Het uitgangspunt van het boek is 'zorgeloos
koken voor een groter gezelschap', met andere
woorden: samen met je gasten genieten van
heerlijke gerechten zonder al te veel poespas
en stress.
De sfeer is casual, gezellig, de culinaire insteek
is easy self made en authentiek. De recepten
zijn zeer haalbaar, snelklaar en worden bereid
met courant verkrijgbare producten. Eerst licht
Lieve haar lievelingsproducten en voorraadkast
toe, daarna komen er een 36-tal gerechten
ingedeeld per seizoen.
[BE] Stichting Kunstboek | Hardback | Eng./
Fr./ NL ed. | 330 x 245 mm | 160 p | 100
col.ill. | ISBN: 9789058564924 | € 49,90 [BE]
/ € 49,90 [NL] / € 49,90 [INT]| Sept. 2014
[BE] Stichting Kunstboek | Hardback | NL ed.
| 240 x 190 mm | 176 p | 100 col.ill. | ISBN:
9789058564870 | € 24,95 [BE] / € 24,95 [NL]
/ € 24,95 [INT]| Sept. 2014
Gezond en Gelukkig
Silvia Dello. Fotografie: Davy Descheemaecker
Voor een goed evenwicht is plaats en tijd te
maken voor gezonde voeding en innerlijke rust
essentieel. Gezonde glutenvrije voeding geeft
de energie en innerlijke rust laat toe om terug
bewust te genieten. In dit boek reikt Silvia
Dello praktische tips & tricks aan - een aantal
glutenvrije recepten incluis - om energiek en
met de glimlach (opnieuw) in het leven te
[BE] Stichting Kunstboek | Paperback | NL ed.
| 240 x 170 mm | 128 p | 50 col.ill. | ISBN:
9789058565051 | € 19,95 [BE] / € 19,95 [NL]
/ € 19,95 [INT]| Nov. 2014
DESIRE - Sergio Herman
Reflecties van een topchef
Happy shake
Recepten voor een gezonde,
energieke levensstijl
Mara Grimm
Ellemieke Vermolen
Waarom stopte Sergio Herman met zijn driesterrenrestaurant Oud Sluis in het Zeeuwse Sluis?
Is zijn wereldwijde succes alle offers waard
geweest? En waarom serveerde hij duif als zijn
finale hoofdgerecht? De Nederlandse journalist
Mara Grimm volgde Sergio Herman een jaar
lang op de voet en interviewde hem dag en
nacht om antwoord te krijgen op deze en talloze
andere vragen. Dat leverde unieke gesprekken
op over Sergio's dromen, zijn leerschool en de
valkuilen van het koksvak.
Happy Shake is het tweede boek van Ellemieke
Vermolen. In Happy Shake verzamelt Ellemieke
al haar kennis: welke groenten en fruit combineer
je het best? Welke shakes helpen je met je
weerstand, welke shakes geven je meer energie
of doen je haar glanzen? Welke shakes kun je
aan je kinderen geven? En vooral:
hoe maak je shakes lekker?
Ellemieke: "Ik ben altijd al bezig geweest met
gezond eten. Maar sinds ik shakes en smoothies
ontdekte, heb ik echt mijn ding gevonden.
Ik wil laten zien dat er een shake bestaat
voor iedereen, of je nu vrouw, man, sporter of
kind bent. Puur, gezond en klaar in een
handomdraai. Je voelt je mooier, energieker
en meer in balans. Bovendien val je ervan af
en hou je je lichaam in shape. Ik kan je maar
één ding zeggen: probeer het en zie wat
het voor je doet!"
[BE] Minestrone | | NL ed. | 210 x 140 mm |
184 p | 7 col.ill. | 8 bw ill. |
ISBN: 9789490028626 | € 24,50 | Aug. 2014
English edition:
Desire. Reflections of a top chef
ISBN 9789490028633
[BE] Minestrone | Hardback | NL ed. | 180 x 140 mm |
throughout col. ill. | 144 p |
ISBN: 9789490028640 | € 24,50 | Oct. 2014
1001 Restaurants:
You Must Experience Before You Die
The Chef Says
The World Atlas of Whisky
Quotes, Quips and Words of Wisdom
Dave Broom
Jenny Linford
Nach Waxman
Gourmets with an appetite for good food
in gorgeous settings will find their taste
buds tingling in anticipation as they flick
hrough the pages of this book. The eateries
listed here come from around the world
and range from beloved, local institutionsfavorite spots for family celebrations-to
elegant, haute cuisine establishments in
which to enjoy refined and elegant dishes.
Compelling quotations from 150
chefs-including James Beard, Julia Child,
Gordon Ramsay, April Bloomfield-to inspire and
delight professional chefs, foodies, and anyone
who's ever resolved a crisis by adding more
Award-winning author and whisky expert Dave
Broom explores distilleries and examines
expressions. Detailed descriptions of the
Scottish distilleries can be found here, while
Ireland, Japan, Canada and the rest of the
world are given exhaustive coverage. There are
tasting notes on single malts from Aberfeldy to
Tormore, Yoichi (and coverage of the best of
the blends). Six specially created 'Flavour
Camp Charts' group whiskies by style, allow
readers to identify new whiskies from around
the world to try.
[US] Princeton | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 180 x
130 mm | 160 p | 2 col.ill. | ISBN:
9781616892494 | € 13,50 | Sept. 2014
[UK] M. Beazley | Hardback | Eng. ed. |
292 x 229 mm | 320 p | 200 col.ill. | ISBN:
9781845339517 | € 54,50 | Oct. 2014
[UK] Cassell | Paperback | Eng. ed. |
210 x 160 mm | 960 p | 900 col.ill. |
ISBN: 9781844037643 | € 30,95
| Sept. 2014
150 Dutch & Belgian Recipes
Discover the Authentic Tastes of Two
Classic Cuisines
99 Ways to Open a Beer Bottle
Without a Bottle Opener
Janne De Moor, Suzanne Vandyck
Brett Stern
This book helps you discover the authentic
tastes of two classic cuisines. You can explore
the ingredients and cooking techniques, with
regional dishes shown step by step in more than
750 stunning photographs. It is an exciting guide
to the food of the Netherlands and Belgium,
complete with over 150 easy-to-follow recipes.
It features a fascinating introduction to the food
history, culture and traditions of each country,
including information on the local produce and
some of the national festivities.
[UK] Lorenz | Paperback | Eng. ed. |
295 x 229 mm | 256 p | throughout col.ill. |
ISBN: 9781846815867 | € 18,95 | Dec. 2013
It's every beer drinker's worst nightmare, a
cold brew in hand with no means to open it.
Here to the rescue is an indispensable guide
featuring 99 ways* to get the job done fast
using anything and everything in sight as a
bottle opener in a time of need. Photographs
and step-by-step instructions for each method
walk thirsty readers through the art of opening
bottles, revealing the practical use of such
handy available implements as a belt buckle,
TV remote, baby carriage, dog collar, ski
[US] Chronicle Books | Hardback | Eng. ed. |
114 x 152 mm | 108 p | throughout col.ill. |
ISBN: 9781452132594 | € 10,50 | Aug. 2014
The Comic Book Story of Beer
A Chronicle of the World's Favorite
Beverage from 7,000 BC to Today's Craft
Brewing Revolution
Jonathan Hennessey
Full-color, lushly illustrated graphic novel that
recounts the many-layered past and present of
beer through dynamic pairings of pictures and
meticulously researched insight into the history
of the world's favorite brew.
Starting from about 7,000 BC, The Comic Book
Story of Beer traces beer's influence through
world history, encapsulating early man's
experiments with fermentation, the rise and
fall of Ancient Rome, the (often beer-related)
factors that led Europe out of the Dark Ages,
[US] Ten Speed Press | Paperback | Eng. ed.
| 210 x 150 mm | 160 p | throughout col.ill. |
ISBN: 9781607746355 | € 18,99 | Oct. 2014
Royal Gardens
Extraordinary Edens from Around the
Stephane Bern and Jean-Baptiste Leroux
Royal palaces have always included splendid
gardens for the pleasure of kings--and as a
sign of their power. With their prestige,
influence, taste and passion, royal families
have created and left to posterity these
unforgettable landscapes, all gorgeous places
with exceptional historical
importance.Photographer Jean-Baptiste Leroux,
who specialises in landscape photography,
takes us on an exclusive walk through
twenty-five of the most beautiful royal gardens
in the world.
Garden Design Close Up
Emma Reuss
From modernist to Mediterranean, and from
jungle to Japanese, Garden Design Close Up is
a fount of inspiration for those looking to give
their garden a contemporary make over.
Focusing on 100 real gardens of diverse types
around the globe, the book provides in-depth
information about contemporary styles. The
featured selections are designed by leading
lights of British landscaping, such as
Christopher Bradley-Hole, Anthony Paul and
Dan Pearson, alongside internationally
recognized names.
[UK] T & H | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 245 x 188
mm | 432 p | 600 col.ill. | ISBN:
9780500517512 | € 38,95 | Sept. 2014
Gardener's One Line a Day
Secret Garden
Secret Garden
A Five-year Memory Book
Three Mini Journals
12 Notecards
This classic journal provides space for
gardeners to lightly track and record
information on their gardens and inspiration
over a five-year period. In our winning One
Line a Day format, this elegant journal is the
perfect gift for novice and seasoned gardeners
Johanna Basford
Johanna Basford
Tumble down the rabbit hole and find yourself
in an inky black-and-white wonderland.
Following on from the success of the
best-selling colouring book Secret Garden by
Johanna Basford, this set of three mini journals
has beautifully illustrated covers decorated
with gold foil and is packaged as a gift set.
Each journal contains 64 blank pages for your
notes and sketches. Appealing to all ages, the
intricately realised world of the secret garden is
both beautiful and inspirational.
Tumble down the rabbit hole and find yourself
in an inky black-and-white wonderland.
Following on from the success of the
best-selling colouring book Secret Garden by
Johanna Basford, this set of notecards is
packaged in a gorgeous decorative box that
you'll want to keep. There are 12 notecards
with four different designs decorated with gold
foil to suit a variety of occasions, left blank
inside for your message, and 12 illustrated
[UK] Laurence King | Paperback | Eng. ed. |
146 x 107 mm | 64 p | ISBN: 9781856699488
| € 14,80 | Aug. 2014
[UK] Laurence King | Cards | Eng. ed. | 140 x
108 mm | 12 p | 4 col.ill. | ISBN:
9781856699471 | € 15,95 | Aug. 2014
[US] Chronicle Gifts | Hardback | Eng. ed. |
162 x 105 mm | 370 p | ISBN:
9781452119533 | € 18,50 | Sept. 2014
[US] Abrams | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 324 x
248 mm | 280 p | 200 col.ill. | ISBN:
9781419713989 | € 59,50 | Oct. 2014
Flowers in Love 4
Moniek Vanden Berghe
Een weergaloos oog voor detail, onovertroffen
vakmanschap, een briljant aanvoelen van
onuitgesproken wensen, een afkeer van
nodeloos compliceren en een creatieve geest
die nooit stopt met het zien van nieuwe
mogelijkheden. Het zijn maar enkele van de
eigenschappen die van Moniek Vanden Berghe
nog steeds een internationale trendsetter
maken op het vlak van bruidswerk.
Vol met fantastische, unieke ontwerpen, zal
dit vierde boek in de Flowers in Love reeks
wederom een goudmijn van inspiratie blijken.
[BE] Stichting Kunstboek | Hardback | Eng./
NL ed. | 225 x 225 mm | 120 p | 100 col.ill. |
ISBN: 9789058565006 | € 29,90 | Oct. 2014
Geschikt voor de Feesttafel Floral Party Table Decorations A
la carte
Feestelijk tafelen in elk seizoen
Cottenier Gudrun
Dit boek presenteert tafels van naturel
Scandinavisch tot strak eigentijds en
nonchalant romantisch, die uw interieur,
porselein, linnen en uw kookkunsten perfect
complementeren. Van stijlvol wit tot gedurfd
kleurrijk. Do-it-yourself en creatief hergebruik
zijn ook hier het credo. Met materialen
waarvoor je niet meteen diep in de
portemonnee moet tasten maar die je vaak
eenvoudig bij elkaar sprokkelt in de tuin, maak
je in geen tijd een unieke blikvanger en
bijpassende groene accenten.
[BE] Stichting Kunstboek | Hardback | Eng./
NL ed. | 250 x 210 mm | 120 p | throughout
col.ill. | ISBN: 9789058565037 | € 24,95 |
Oct. 2014
Araik Galstyan
Exploring Ikebana
Festive Floral Designs
Ilse Beunen
Araik Galstyan. Photography: Valentin
Na een inleidend hoofdstuk over materialen,
scholen, technieken, do's en don'ts, kleuren,
schema's en zichthoeken, biedt dit boek een
plejade aan schikkingen in zowel traditionele
als moderne stijlen, gemaakt met natuurlijke of
eigentijdse materialen. Ieder arrangement is
geïllustreerd met gedetailleerde stap-voor-stap
foto's, waardoor het zelfs voor de absolute
beginner gemakkelijk wordt om snel tot een
correct en esthetisch resultaat te komen.
Elk ontwerp van de hand van Araik Galstyan
weerspiegelt de vluchtige schoonheid van
bloemen, en zelfs zijn commerciële werk wordt
gemaakt met het grootste respect voor de
materialen. Zijn pioniersgeest spreekt niet
alleen uit zijn indrukwekkende school, maar
ook in de constante zoektocht naar inventieve
technieken en nieuwe ideeën. Zijn expertise
maakt van hem dan ook een graag gezien
jurylid bij internationale floral design
wedstrijden. Deze eerste monografie bundelt
meer dan 60 inspirerende ontwerpen.
[BE] Stichting Kunstboek | Paperback | Eng.
ed. | 280 x 215 mm | 112 p | 200 col.ill. |
ISBN: 9789058565044 | € 24,90 [BE] / €
24,90 [NL] / € 24,90 [INT]| Nov. 2014
[BE] Stichting Kunstboek | Hardback | Eng.
ed. | 330 x 245 mm | 96 p | 75 col.ill. | ISBN:
9789058564979 | € 39,90 [BE] / € 39,90 [NL] /
€ 39,90 [INT]| Oct. 2014
Constructed Bouquets
Dupré Frédéric, Simaeys Stijn, Göttle Stefan,
Jansen Patrick
Zoals bij zovele dingen, is een degelijke basis
een voorwaarde voor een overtuigend
eindresultaat. Een constructie of structuur, of
die nu gemaakt is van natuurlijke of
kunstmatige materialen, helpt ontwerpers niet
alleen de grenzen van wat technisch haalbaar
is te overschrijden, maar kunneneen creatie
ook een uitzonderlijke driedimensionaliteit
geven. Met werk van Stefan Göttle (DE),
Frédéric Dupré (FR), Patrick Jansen (NL) en
Stijn Simaeys (BE).
[BE] Stichting Kunstboek | Hardback | Eng./
NL ed. | 225 x 225 mm | 120 p | 80 col.ill. |
ISBN: 9789058565013 | € 29,90 [BE] / €
29,90 [NL] / € 29,90 [INT]| Oct. 2014
Floral Contemporary
The Renaissance Of The Flower Design
Olivier Dupon
Flowers are associated with all the important
events in our lives, whether celebratory or
commemorative, but they can also cheer our
everyday existence and enliven the spaces
around us. This book shows just how. Through
the work of 38 floral designers, we see ideas
for flowers for every occasion, whether public
or private. Profiles 38 of the finest florists
working worldwide today, accompanied by
hundreds of full-colour photographs of their
inspirational arrangements and decorations.
[UK] T & H | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 345 x 260
mm | 288 p | 339 col.ill. | 5 bw ill. | ISBN:
9780500517437 | € 69,95 | Oct. 2014
Architectuurboek Vlaanderen # 11
Social content in architecture
Architectuur middenin
Architect Jef Van Oevelen
Tom Broes, Asl1 Çiçek, Bernard Colenbrander,
Michiel Dehaene, Oswald Devisch, Stefan
Devoldere, Katrien Embrechts, Christoph Grafe,
André Loeckx, Ruth Soenen..
Voor Jef van Oevelen gaat architectuur om veel
meer dan het oplossen van een bouwkundige
puzzel. Het gaat om het materialiseren van
doelstellingen en waarden binnen een
historische, culturele, sociologische, politieke
en economische realiteit. Alleen door haar juist
te contextualiseren en door een oprecht en
authentiek materiaalgebruik kan men tot een
eerlijke en respectvolle architectuur komen.
Voor 'Architectuur middenin' selecteerde de
redactie meer dan 50 projecten die zich
succesvol met het leven verankeren. De
diversiteit is zeer groot, het aanbod steeds
breder. Het Architectuurboek levert het bewijs
dat architectuurcultuur tot in de verste
uithoeken van Vlaanderen en in alle geledingen
van de maatschappij is doorgedrongen. Het
boek toont een opmerkelijke verscheidenheid
aan architectuur: gebouwen van uiteenlopende
schaal, met diverse programma's en
[BE] Stichting Kunstboek | Hardback | Eng.
ed. | 245 x 245 mm | 240 p | 150 col. & bw
ill. | ISBN: 9789058564900 | € 59,90 [BE] / €
59,90 [NL] / € 59,90 [INT]| Oct. 2014
Architectural Review Flanders # 11
Embedded Architectures
The roots of the Architectural Review Flanders
No. 11 are in our daily life. The editors of
'Embedded Architectures' have selected more
than fifty projects that have successfully
embedded themselves in our lives. The result is
an exceptionally diverse and wide offering. The
Architectural Review proves that architecture
culture has penetrated every level of society, in
even the most far-flung corner of Flanders.
[BE] VAi | Paperback | NL ed. | 255 x 200
mm | 320 p | throughout col.ill. |
ISBN: 9789082122527 (NL)|
ISBN: 9789082122534 (E)
€ 39,50 | Sept. 2014
Architectuur in miniatuur
Marc Dubois, Pieter Uyttenhove, Oliver Elser,
Sofie De Caigny, Annelies Nevejans, Christoph Grafe
Deze STAMtentoonstelling benadert maquettes
als de tot de verbeelding sprekende objecten die
ze zijn. Het (bouw)project wordt in beeld gebracht,
maar de focus ligt op de maquette zelf.
Maquettes. Verbeelding op schaal laat zien voor
wie de maquettes werden gemaakt, wie ze heeft
gebouwd, hoe ze werden gebruikt en waarom ze
werden bewaard.
Expo: 14/11/2014 - 26/4/2015, Stam,
Gent (Maquettes. Verbeelding op schaal)
[BE] VAi | | NL ed. | 210 x 150 mm | 144 p
| ISBN: 011739 | € 19,50 | Nov. 2014
Social Housing
Apartement buildins
Beach Houses
Architecture and Design
Design & innovation
Arian Monstaedi
Carles Broto
Carles Broto
The examples included in this volume are a
clear demonstration of the optimization of
resources used in social housing architecture.
These projects offer a great variety of
typological solutions that are as flexible in their
material fulfillment as in their functionality.
Every project in this book is thoroughly
documented and profusely illustrated, offering
a wealth of information for architects, students,
or anyone else who is interested in new forms
of social housing architecture.
This detailed study explores the complexity of
this fascinating typology. Full color
photographs, plans and construction details as
well as in-depth commentaries by the
architects themselves.
Large-format glossy photographs, floor plans,
technical details and architectural commentary
straight from the studios of the designing
architects themselves make this an invaluable
volume for any design or architecture
professional. These are forward-looking
projects by internationally renowned architects
whose work stands as a landmark to
innovation. The reader will find a thorough
explanation of the materials and techniques
employed in each project.
[ES] Links (tbs) | Hb with slip case | Eng. ed.
| 284 x 242 mm | 300 p | 498 col.ill. | ISBN:
9788415492009 | € 49,00 | Nov. 2014
[ES] Links (tbs) | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 260
x 240 mm | 240 p | 310 col.ill. | 100 bw ill. |
ISBN: 9788490540381 | € 35,00 | Nov. 2014
[ES] Links | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 284 x 242
mm | 300 p | 490 col.ill. | 115 bw ill. | ISBN:
9788490540046 | € 55,00 | Aug. 2014
Small Interiors
Bamboo Architecture & Design
The Box
Creative Solutions
Architecture & Materials
Architectural Solutions with Containers
Arian Mostaedi
Chris van Uffelen
Sibylle Kramer
A variety of studies of small interiors
ingeniously designed to maximize their limited
space make this an indispensable sourcebook.
Featuring thorough technical information
-ground plans, materials, specifications on
furniture and fixtures- this book provides ideas
on every aspect of the design process from the
ground up. These homes are streamlined inside
and out, with dozens of never-before-seen
solutions in storage and an array of innovative,
multi-purpose design solutions for furniture
and fixtures in h
Bamboo, one of the fastest-growing plants on
earth, is best known to many people as the
food of giant pandas more significant, however,
is its long tradition as a con - struction
material, especially in Asia and South America.
Recently, it has also become increasingly
popular among Western architects, designers,
and engineers. Apart from a fantastic
carbon-footprint, the materials amazing tech nical performance is responsible for this
Shipping containers are the most conspicuous
symbol of the globalized world economy 20 or
40 feet of pure steel reduced to the essentials.
They are robust, standardized, inexpensive,
universally available, and quickly assembled.
Whether as single units, piled on top of each
other, or placed in a row, covered or cut open
contemporary architecture uses containers as
extremely versatile elements for a great
variety of contexts.
[ES] Links (tbs) | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 260
x 240 mm | 240 p | 320 col.ill. | 105 bw ill. |
ISBN: 9788490540138 | € 35,00 | Oct. 2014
[G] Braun | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 210 x 285
mm | 192 p | 350 col.ill. | ISBN:
9783037681824 | € 54,50 | Sept. 2014
[G] Braun | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 280 x 235
mm | 192 p | 300 col.ill. | ISBN:
9783037681732 | € 69,95 | Oct. 2014
Townhouse Design
Conditional design
The Architecture of David Lynch
Urban Layered Living (Architecture in
An introduction to elemental architecture
Richard Martin
Anthony Di Mari
Chris van Uffelen
Conditional design is the sequel to Operative
Design. This book will further
explore the operative in a more detailed,
intentional, and functional manner.
Home to some of the most remarkable spaces
in contemporary culture, the cinema of David
Lynch demonstrates an acute awareness of
architecture. From the urban wastelands of
Eraserhead to the eerie Red Room in Twin
Peaks, Lynch's architecture is anxious, absurd
and utterly distinct. Contemporary architects
such as Peter Eisenman, Gehry and Nouvel
have responded to these spaces in fascinating
ways. This book is the first sustained critical
assessment of the role architecture and design
play in Lynch's films.
Moving into the central areas of cities is
becoming increas - ingly trendy for people of
all ages. Contemporary adapta - tions of the
traditional narrow and multi-storied resi dential buildings, of London and New York for
example, townhouses are the embodiment of
this renaissance of urban living. This home
type allows its inhabitants to fully enjoy urban
life with all its possibilities but also to with draw from it just like in a single-family house.
[NL] BIS Publishers | Paperback | Eng. ed. |
160 x 105 mm | 160 p | 200 col. & bw ill. |
ISBN: 9789063693657 | € 12,00 | Oct. 2014
[UK] Bloomsbury Academic | Paperback | Eng.
ed. | 216 x 138 mm | 256 p | ISBN:
9781472508812 | € 35,95 | Sept. 2014
[G] Braun | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 225 x 295
mm | 272 p | 400 col.ill. | ISBN:
9783037681725 | € 69,95 | Sept. 2014
LEGO Architecture
Sagrada Familia
Iconic buildings re-imagined in Lego
Gaudi's Unfinished Masterpiece.
Geometry, Construction and Site
The Whole Story
Philip Wilkinson
by George Ranalli, Michael Sorkin
From Big Ben to the White House, explore the
world's greatest buildings re-created in LEGO®
bricks and find out more about the LEGO
artists who made them.
More than a century after Catalan architect
Antoni Gaudí began working on The Expiatory
Church of the Holy Family, La Sagrada Familia
remains under construction. This catalogue
focuses on that dynamic and ongoing process
and on the successive builders' incorporation of
new technologies into the structure´s
magnificent design, a living work of
performance in itself. It documents the
cathedral's evolution using handmade
drawings, plaster models, digital imaging and
3D modeling.
From ancient and classical masterpieces to
contemporary, cutting-edge buildings,
architecture has defined our world throughout
history. Drawing its examples from all around
the globe, Architecture: The Whole Story is a
richly illustrated and comprehensive account of
the architects, plans, designs and constructions
that over the centuries have most engaged our
minds, inspired our imaginations and raised
our spirits.
[UK] D. K. | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 260 x 260
mm | 232 p | throughout col.ill. | ISBN:
9781409355724 | € 38,50 | Sept. 2014
[UK] Oro Publishers | Flexi (Pb luxe) | Eng.
ed. | 247 x 190 mm | 312 p | ISBN:
9789881225245 | € 56,95 | Nov. 2014
Denna Jones
[UK] T & H | Flexi (Pb luxe) | Eng. ed. | 245 x
175 mm | 576 p | 1000 col.ill. | ISBN:
9780500291481 | € 30,95 | Sept. 2014
Saarinen Houses
Lightness in Contemporary Houses
Jari Jetsonen, Sirkkaliisa Jetsonen
Phyllis Richardson
From Eliel's early twentieth-century Villa
Pulkanranta- an eclectic mix of local Finnish
design traditions and international
influences-to Eero's Miller House, one of the
most significant examples of modern domestic
architecture in the United States, each project
features original drawings and archival photos,
as well as new interior and exterior shots. This
book is a revelation for the Saarinen family
faithful and an inspiration for anyone
captivated by beautifully designed homes.
Superlight houses combine two strands of
thinking: that lightweight buildings have less
impact on their environments, and that this
lightness (visually, materially, ecologically) can
lead to more open living and greater
communion with their surroundings. Each of
the 41 houses presented here is shown through
photographs, plans and lucid explanations.
[UK] T & H | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 250 x 200
mm | 256 p | 280 col.ill. | 60 bw ill. | ISBN:
9780500342961 | € 30,95 | Sept. 2014
[US] Princeton | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 280 x
216 mm | 224 p | 280 col.ill. | ISBN:
9781616892654 | € 44,95 | Oct. 2014
Shigeru Ban
Uneven Growth
Humanitarian Architecture
Tactical Urbanisms for Expanding
Heidi Zuckerman Jacobson, Claude Bruderlein
This is the first booklength study to collect,
catalogue and examine the works, essays and
discussions of individual projects, drawings in
the artist's hand, instruction manuals, diverse
photographs and a timeline and map make an
essential compendium for the most personal
and relevant aspect of Ban's work. The book is
a major contribution to the broad subjects of
humanitarian relief and sustainable design
solutions, and provides an inspiring testament
to Ban's ongoing dedication to our planet and
its people
[UK] T & H, Distributed | Hardback | Eng. ed.
| 330 x 2290 mm | 280 p | ISBN: 9780934324649
| € 61,95 | Sept. 2014
Educating Architects
How Tomorrow's Practitioners Will Learn
Pedro Gadanho, Ricky Burdett
Neil Spiller
In 2030, the world's population will be a
staggering eight billion people. Of these,
two-thirds will live in cities, and most will be
poor. With limited resources, this uneven
growth will be one of the greatest challenges
faced by societies across the globe. Over the
next years, city authorities, urban planners and
designers, economists, and many others will
have to join forces to avoid major social and
economical catastrophes, working together to
ensure these expanding megacities will remain
The Museum of Modern Art, New York
This is the first volume to consider
comprehensively the role of architectural
education in the 21st century. Many students
come to architecture relatively late in their
education, so it is in college where they come
into contact with those who will influence their
entire careers. Many top schools are run by
leading global practitioners, who, some might
argue, have more lasting influence as
educators than as architects.
[UK] T & H, Distributed | Paperback | Eng.
ed. | 254 x 200 mm | 176 p | 150 col.ill. |
ISBN: 9780870709142 | € 34,95 | Nov. 2014
[UK] T & H | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 250 x 190
mm | 352 p | 150 col.ill. | ISBN:
9780500343005 | € 46,50 | Oct. 2014
Living in Style
A Home in Paris
Architecture + Interiors
Interiors Inspiration (Flammarion A
Chris van Uffelen
Guillaume de Laubier and Catherine Synave
Individual life scripts are most clearly reflected
in a persons home. The homes envelope and
the arrangements within it represent its
inhabitants character and identity; sometimes
each component on its own, sometimes as a
complementary or contradictory combination,
and sometimes as a synthesis of both. The
focus can be on the spaces created by the
walls, the ceilings, the floors, to the
distribution and partition of rooms, to the
furnishings and details like sorting the spines of
the books on the shelves.
The notion of Parisian charm is ubiquitous, and
the magic of the citys interior design is the
gold standard. The quintessential Parisian
hometypically characterized as a top floor
apartment in a Haussmannian buildingis
inimitably chic with the most tasteful of details.
And yet Guillaume de Laubier takes us behind
closed doors inside the homes of the most
respected designers and artists in the city, to
discover the rich diversity of Parisian style.
[F] Flammarion (Eng) | Hardback | Eng. ed. |
190 x 240 mm | 216 p | 150 col.ill. | ISBN:
9782080201867 | € 34,95 | Oct. 2014
[G] Braun | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 240 x 280
mm | 456 p | 700 col.ill. | ISBN:
9783037681770 | € 77,95 | Oct. 2014
Rem Koolhaas. Fundamentals
14th International Architecture Exhibition.
La Biennale Di Venezia
A global overview on architecture seen through
the history of the last 100 years. The emphasis
of the 2014 Biennale is on architectural history.
Each country will be asked to narrate its own
one over the last one hundred years in relation
to the idea of modernity, whether it was
accepted or rejected. One hundred years ago it
was possible to talk about national architecture
but this is no longer the case. Why have we
reached a situation in which we all build the
same things?
Masterclass: Interior Design
Night Fever 4
Guide to the World's Leading Graduate
Hospitality Design
Aimed at current bachelor's degree students,
recent graduates and professionals looking for
a specialisation, this book provides an overview
of 30 leading design schools from all over the
world that offer a master's degree in interior
design and interior architecture.
[NL] Frame | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 230 x
170 mm | 328 p | ISBN: 9789491727252 |
€ 29,00 | Sept. 2014
Night Fever 4 takes readers on a whirlwind,
round-the-world tour of the best in hospitality
design, and is an invaluable resource to keep
up with the field's latest trends. Presenting 125
interiors - restaurants, bars and clubs, and
hotels - this luxurious volume looks in detail at
the cutting-edge approach of their creators,
from established designers to new studios.
Presented over 600 pages are a variety of
designs from subtle to stunning,
monochromatic to vibrant and low-budget to
[NL] Frame | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 297 x
230 mm | 600 p | ISBN: 9789491727160 |
€ 69,00 | Sept. 2014
[US] Rizzoli | Hardback | Eng. ed. | x mm |
576 p | 500 col.ill. | ISBN: 9788831718691 |
€ 97,95 | Aug. 2014
Fifties House
Novel Living
Eileen Gray
House & Garden
Collecting, Decorating, and Crafting with
Life and Work. The Ultimate Biography
The post-war consumer boom of the 1950s,
coupled with a desire for new, innovative
design resulted in one of the most exciting
decades in the history of interiors - a visual
revolution that was captured on the pages of
British House & Garden.In Fifties House,
mid-century modern enthusiast Catriona Gray
has drawn on the magazine's peerless archive,
curating the best illustrations and photographs
to show how the use of colour, pattern,
homewares and furniture evolved through the
Lisa Occhipinti
A comprehensive, richly illustrated study on
the life and work of stalwartly independent
interior designer Eileen Gray, a radical
modernist who created icons of modern living.
Largely forgotten when peers like Le Corbusier
were lionized as visionaries, she was
rediscovered in the 1970s.
[UK] Conran | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 279 x
240 mm | 224 p | 250 col.ill. | ISBN:
9781840916621 | € 46,95 | Oct. 2014
[US] S.T.C. | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 244 x 187
mm | 144 p | 40 col.ill. | ISBN:
9781617690877 | € 23,95 | Nov. 2014
Total Design
Mountain Modern
Havana Modern
Contemporary Homes in High Places
Twentieth-Century Architecture and
Catriona Gray
Architecture and Interiors of Iconic
Modern Houses
George H. Marcus
In Novel Living, Lisa Occhipinti presents her
ideas for preserving, collecting and displaying
intact books and also deconstructing them to
make craft projects. 1. how to start a collection
and how to identify a book's value - 2. to "live
with books"--how to display books beautifully
in our homes by building a library, creating
motifs and even constructing innovative
shelving from scratch - 3. how to preserve
books, from repairing a spine and mending a
torn page - 4. two types of craft projects.
Dominic Bradbury and Richard Powers
Celebrating the ultimate masterpieces of
modernist design, from the Arts and Crafts
movement up to the twenty-first century, Total
Design offers an intimate tour of houses
conceived as complete works of art. Each of
the spectacular houses making up Total Design
demonstrates how an architect realized a
unifying vision through all aspects of
design-architecture, furniture, fittings,
decorative objects, color, and gardens.
This visual sourcebook of 25 modern interiors
in a range of mountain settings features
photographs by Richard Powers and text by
interiors writer Dominic Bradbury. Organized
into three sections Cabin, Chalet, Villa the
houses feature indooroutdoor living, beautifully
crafted materials and a mastery of natural
light. Photographs of each house reveal its
architecture, interior design and surroundings,
while plans provide an additional layer of
[US] Rizzoli | Hardback | Eng. ed. | x mm |
304 p | 250 col.ill. | ISBN: 9780847843657 |
€ 48,95 | Oct. 2014
[UK] T & H | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 215 x 197
mm | 256 p | 393 col.ill. | 50 bw ill. | ISBN:
9780500517468 | € 30,95 | Sept. 2014
Peter Adam
[G] Schirmer/ Mosel | Flexi (Pb luxe) | Eng.
ed. | 220 x 190 mm | 360 p | 164 col.ill. |
ISBN: 9783829606929 | € 34,50 | Sept. 2014
(Reduced Size)
Michael Connors
A revealing collection of astonishingly fresh and
undiscovered midcentury architecture and
interiors in Havana. Michael Connors leads the
reader on an unprecedented tour in Havana of
the stunning and architecturally important
private homes and buildings that have been
preserved, previously unphotographed, and
mostly inaccessible to visitors. This lavish book
represents the modern movement in Cuban
architecture, from art nouveau and art deco to
the flowering of high modernism just before
the Revolution.
[US] Rizzoli | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 260 x 234
mm | 256 p | 200 col.ill. | ISBN:
9780847843466 | € 64,95 | Oct. 2014
Vintage Industrial
Mid-Century Modern Complete
Dominic Bradbury
Living with Design Icons
This definitive survey of one of the most
popular, collectable and dynamic periods of
international design offers a rich overview of all
aspects of the subject. It covers furniture,
lighting, glass, ceramics, textiles, product
design, industrial design, graphics and posters,
as well as architecture and interior design.
Nearly 100 major and influential creators of the
mid-century period are highlighted, including
icons such as Saul Bass, Robin Day, Charles
and Ray Eames...
An exquisitely illustrated celebration of this
influential style that is now at the forefront of
interior design. Vintage Industrial covers the
period from 1900 to 1950, which produced the
raw, functional aesthetic that has become a
cornerstone of modern design. The advent of
the second industrial revolution created the
need for a new kind of furniture to satisfy the
demands of a rapidly growing workforce.
Misha De Potestad
[US] Rizzoli | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 254 x 203
mm | 224 p | 200 col.ill. | ISBN:
9780847842322 | € 48,95 | Oct. 201
[UK] T & H | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 308 x 240
mm | 544 p | 1000 col.ill. | ISBN:
9780500517277 | € 93,50 | Sept. 2014
Finnish Design
A Concise History
Pekka Korvenmaa
This beautifully designed study considers the
impact of Finnish modernism and its main
protagonists and presents superb examples of
contemporary design. Through discussions of
industry and culture, training and education,
designers and products, this book thoroughly
demonstrates how design operates in the
tension between art and industry, both serving
and enhancing everyday life.
[UK] V & A Museum | Hardback | Eng. ed. |
210 x 170 mm | 344 p | 206 col.ill. | ISBN:
9781851778126 | € 44,50 | Oct. 2014
Vision in Product design
Product Design Presentation
Handbook for innovators
For designers, sketching is a daily activity that
can serve many goals. You can sketch to
brainstorm, to find and articulate ideas or to
present a project to other designers in your
team or people from other departments. And of
course you sketch to present projects to clients
and production companies.
[NL] BIS Publishers | Hardback | Eng. ed. |
270 x 210 mm | 192 p | ISBN:
9789063693299 | € 34,00 | Oct. 2014
Paul Hekkert, Peter Lloyd and Matthijs van Dijk
The authors, design practitioners and
educators, bringing together in this book 15
years of knowledge, practice and research,
have produced the first book about how, as a
designer, to formulate a vision for new and
appropriate products. They call this new
approach Vision in Product Design (ViP). It
strikes a good balance between structuring the
process of design while allowing the designers
to take a personal position and fully express
themselves in producing a product.
[NL] BIS Publishers | Paperback | Eng. ed. |
190 x 150 mm | 376 p | 100 col. & bw ill. |
ISBN: 9789063693718 | € 29,90 | Aug. 2014
(Now in paperback)
Make it, Blog it!
Stof voor durf-het-zelvers 2
A la carte
Start nu je eigen zelfmaakblog
Lies Botterman & Griet De Smedt
Naai-, kook-, knutsel-, fotografie- en andere
zelfmaakblogs zijn niet meer weg te denken uit
het internetlandschap. Maar hoe start je zo'n
zelfmaakblog? Welk platform kies je? En
waarom? Hoe maak je jezelf en je bezigheid
boeiend voor lezers? Hoe voeg je foto's en
video's toe? Hoe maak je een aantrekkelijke
lay-out? Wat zijn tags? Hoe vaak moet je
updaten? Hoe krijg je meer volgers? Kan je een
centje bijverdienen met je blog? Welke apps
kunnen je helpen bij het bloggen? Hoe maak je
online vrienden, ...
Wie dacht dat sequels nooit zo goed zijn als het
origineel, vergist zich. Stof voor
Durf-het-Zelvers 2 is niet alleen het
langverwachte vervolg op het succesvolle
eerste boek, maar zouden we zonder
overdreven pretentie meteen ook het meest
volledige naaiboek tot op vandaag willen
noemen. Hoek laat u toe om basispatronen
voor jurken, broeken, jassen en truitjes à la
carte aan te passen.Alle patronen in het boek
zijn bovendien zowel op jongens- als op
meisjesmaat gesneden en gaan van maat 92
tot 164.
[BE] Stichting Kunstboek | Paperback | NL ed.
| 240 x 170 mm | 128 p | 75 col.ill. | ISBN:
9789058565020 | € 19,95 | Oct. 2014
[BE] Stichting Kunstboek | Paperback | NL ed.
| 240 x 170 mm | 144 p | throughout col.ill. |
ISBN: 9789058564986 | € 24,95 | Oct. 2014
Also available:
Stof voor durf-het-zelvers
ISBN 9789058564313, € 19,95
Men in This Town
London, Tokyo, Sydney, Milan, New York
Giuseppe Santamaria
From the streets of the leading fashion cities
around the world, photographer, art director
and blogger Giuseppe Santamaria brings
together a striking photographic collection
showcasing the styles of the modern man. In
each city he visits, Giuseppe seeks out the man
whose dress sense speaks volumes about who
he is, sharing looks that will be a source of
inspiration to readers.
[US] Hardie Grant | Hardback | Eng. ed. |
194 x 130 mm | 272 p | throughout col.ill. |
ISBN: 9781742707815 | € 19,50]| Oct. 2014
Contemporary Menswear
Another Man
The Insider's Guide to Independent Men's
Men's Style Stories
Compiled by Alister Mackie
Steven Vogel
Elevating men's fashion to a lavish and
luxurious level, it combines a singular, soulful
point of view on men's style with
thought-provoking, sophisticated editorial
content. Using the rich wealth of the Another
Man archive, remixed with handpicked material
and specially commissioned work, this
scrapbook narrative filled with rock and roll
legends, romantic anti-heroes, and timeless
fashion icons expresses the best of men's style.
In-depth profiles of more than 50 of the
designers, labels, brands, stores, websites and
blogs that have shaped and continue to shape
menswear in the 21st century. From classic
'heritage' labels such as Albam Clothing
through to dynamic new labels such as
Tellason, who set the fashion agenda for
crafted, desirable denim, this is a detailed and
characterful guide to an independent menswear
scene. essential reading for the styleconscious and youthfully minded and an
inspirational guide.
[US] Rizzoli | Hardback | Eng. ed. | x mm |
320 p | 300 col.ill. | ISBN: 9780847843275 |
€ 72,95 | Oct. 2014
[UK] T & H | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 240 x 165
mm | 288 p | 500 col.ill. | ISBN:
9780500517598 | € 30,95 | Oct. 2014
Vintage Knit
25 Knitting and Crochet Patterns
Refashioned for Today
Marine Malak
Vintage Knit offers lovers of retro style 25
beautiful knitting patterns from the 1940s and
1950s, regraded to fit modern sizes (small,
medium and large) and to knit with yarns
easily available today. A short introduction
describes each garment and suggests how to
style it, followed by clear instructions for
knitting and making up.
[UK] Laurence King | Hardback | Eng. ed. |
250 x 180 mm | 176 p | 126 col.ill. | ISBN:
9781780671666 | € 27,95 | Aug. 2014
Fashion Photography Next
Journey of a DressDiane von Furstenberg
Magdalene Keaney
Diane von Furstenberg's timeless wrap dress
took the fashion world by storm over forty years
ago and has evolved into a multitude of muchloved variations today. This eye-popping volume
collects for the first time the vibrant illustrated
history of the fascinating designer and a fashion
phenomenon. A must-have for alllovers of fashion
and the generations of DVF devotees and fans.
Here is an exciting new survey of more than 30
young photographers from 14 countries who
will have a pivotal role in shaping the fashion
of the future. From Axel Hoedts bold graphic
experimentation and fascination with
traditional costume, to the colour-saturated,
hyperreal images by Daniel Jackson, or the
cool, neutral aesthetic of Hanna Putzs
photographs, the work is diverse, striking,
sometimes shocking, but, like all great
photography, utterly memorable.
[US] Rizzoli | Hardback | Eng. ed. |
304 x 254 mm | 272 p | 250 col. & bw ill. |
ISBN: 9780847845699 | € 72,95 | Oct. 2014
[UK] T & H | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 270 x
200 mm | 272 p | 208 col.ill. | 60 bw ill. |
ISBN: 9780500544358 | € 38,95 | July 2014
Vintage Fashion Complete
Nicky Albrechtsen
Here is the most ambitious guide to vintage
women's fashion ever attempted. It is not just
another history of fashion, but a survey of how
fashion past continues to inspire fashion
present. It presents over 1,000 stand-out
examples, together with over 300 contextual
illustrations, dating from the 1920s to the
1980s, including many icons of vintage fashion,
from Marylin Monroe's bra to the Ossie Clark
dress made so famous by David Hockney's
[UK] T & H | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 308 x 240
mm | 432 p | 1300 col.ill. | ISBN:
9780500517611 | € 77,95 | Oct. 2014
Famous Frocks:
The Little Black Dress
Patterns for 20 Garments Inspired by Fashion
Icons Dolin Bliss O'Shea, Coco Chanel,
Audrey Hepburn, Grace Kelly...Each of
these women had an influential take on the
most classic wardrobe staple of all: the
Little Black Dress. In this chic sewing book,
patternmaker Dolin Bliss O'Shea pulls
inspiration from famous LBDs throughout
history, including Mary Quant's mod mini,
a classic wrap dress worn by Liza Minelli,
Princess Diana's smart A-line and more,
and offers patterns for reinterpreted versions
that are perfectly stylish. Incl 10 full dress
patterns with sewing variations.
Why You Can Go Out Dressed
Like That
Asian Street Fashion
Modern Fashion Explained
An inspiring visual journey through the
fashions to be found on the streets of Asia,
where young fashionistas are pushing the
boundaries to make bold statements that
scream individuality and yet are born out of
assured traditions. In 280 carefully selected
photographs, the culmination of several years
of travelling throughout Asia in pursuit of the
most innovative styles, James Bent gives a
rare insight into this underexposed fashion
Marnie Fogg
Numerous designers have pioneered
cutting-edge garments and collections
throughout the evolution of fashion. But all too
often a lack of obvious fit or purpose has been
mistaken for a lack of design sophistication. In
an informed defence of innovative fashion,
Why You Can Go Out Dressed Like That
champions the improbable, the provocative,
the uncomfortable and the seemingly
[UK] T & H | Flexi (Pb luxe) | Eng. ed. | 198 x
140 mm | 224 p | 100 col.ill. | ISBN:
9780500291498 | € 15,50 | Aug. 2014
James Bent
[UK] T & H | Paperback with flaps | Eng. ed. |
210 x 148 mm | 272 p | 286 col.ill. | ISBN:
9780500544402 | € 23,50 | Sept. 2014
Places to Go, People to See
Yohji Yamamoto
Wim Wenders, Jean Nouvel, Charlotte
Rampling and Takeshi Kitano
The definitive monograph on the complete
work of Yohji Yamamoto-one of fashion's most
transformative designers working today and
widely acknowledged as a master of postwar
fashion design. Since the early '80s, Yohji
Yamamoto's groundbreaking silhouettes and
innovative design aesthetic have propelled him
to the highest rank of the international
[US] Rizzoli | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 330 x 248
mm | 428 p | 300 col.ill. | ISBN:
9780847843541 | € 113,95 | Oct. 2014
[US] Chronicle Books | Hardback | Eng. ed. |
279 x 203 mm | 176 p | throughout col.ill. |
10 bw ill. | ISBN: 9781452123653 | € 28,50 |
Aug. 2014
Kate Spade New York
Places to Go, People to See picks up where
Things We Love left off, focusing on glamorous
cities around the world, through the lens of the
always-stylish Kate Spade girl. This new
volume will feature vibrant photography, a
dash of old-world charm and inspirational
quotes, tips and words of wisdom that every
jet-setting Kate Spade girl should know.Places
to Go, People to See will showcase chic locales
such as Paris, New York, Capri, Monte Carlo,
Rio, Buenos Aires, Shanghai, Las Vegas and
[US] Abrams | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 292 x
241 mm | 240 p | 300 col.ill. | ISBN:
9781419713927 | € 36,95 | Oct. 2014
Fashion Pattern Cutting
Casual Sweet Clothes
Fashion Pattern Cutting is a creative pattern
cutting book that pushes the boundaries of
experimentation on the mannequin stand.
In this book, experienced fashion designer Zarida
Zaman explains how to make garments bearingin
mind the relationship between fabric, drape, weight
and 3D forms.
Favourite Pieces for Every DayNoriko Sasahara
Casual Sweet Clothes offers you gorgeous tops,
dresses, jackets and skirts with a designer edge.
Simple step-by-step instructions and diagrams
guide you through the process of sewing each
garment, and the full-size patternsincluded at
the back of the book guarantee perfectly fitting
results every time. The 18 simple but stylish casual
pieces in this book make the foundation of a handmade wardrobe that will last for years.
[UK] Bloomsbury Academic | Paperback | Eng.ed. |
274 x 216 mm | 144 p | ISBN: 9781408156698 |
€ 30,95 | June 2014
[UK] Laurence King | Paperback | Eng. ed. |
257 x 190 mm | 80 p | 30 col.ill. | ISBN:
9781780671734 | € 23,50 | Aug. 2014
The Sewists
DIY Projects from 20 Top Designer-Makers
Josephine PerryThe Sewists are a new breed
of designer-makers. From jewellery to
bookbinding, felt craft to embroidery, screenprint to dressmaking, they encompass all areas
of art and craft, and often combine techniques
in new ways.
[UK] Laurence King | Paperback | Eng. ed. |
244 x 190 mm | 144 p | 168 col.ill. |
ISBN: 9781780671826 | € 23,50 | Sept. 2014
Stephen Sprouse:
The Invention of the English Gentleman
Marcus Binney and Simon Crompton
An Archive of Drawings and Ephemera
Savile Row is the worlds iconic address for the
best in bespoke tailoring, and home to
legendary Gieves & Hawkes, suppliers to the
British military for more than two centuries and
furnishers to elegant gentlemen today. This
volume traces the rich history of tailoring,
drawing from Gieves & Hawkes vast,
unpublished archives of client ledgers,
garments and accessories, and photographs.
Including todays bespoke tailoring and
ready-to-wear collections, this is an
indispensible book on classic mens style.
Drawn from an archive comprised of 1,500
separate pieces, including 600 original
drawings, color Xeroxes, swatch references and
inspiration materials, Stephen Sprouse:
Xerox/Rock/Art presents a revelatory look at
Sprouse's design work from the mid-1970s
through the late 1980s, a period characterized
by the artist/designer's participation in and
connection to the glamorous studios of Bill
Blass and Halston and his embrace of New York
City's edgy East Village/ Bowery vibe.
Internationally beloved Finnish design brand
Marimekko's iconic patterns grace home decor,
apparel and accessories and have informed and
influenced tastemakers worldwide for over half
a century. Richly illustrated with photographs
and prints both classic and new, this vibrant
volume (launching along with covetable
notebooks and postcards) offers a
behind-the-scenes tour of the brand's creative
process. A colourful legacy is revealed, along
with the innovative creators.
One Savile Row: Gieves & Hawkes
[F] Flammarion (Eng) | Hardback | Eng. ed. |
265 x 350 mm | 240 p | 230 col.ill. | ISBN:
9782080201881 | € 93,50 | Oct. 2014
[IT] Damiani | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 280 x
215 mm | 208 p | ISBN: 9788862083706 |
€ 49,95 | Oct. 2014
In Patterns
[US] Chronicle Books | Paperback | Eng. ed. |
279 x 221 mm | 248 p | throughout col.ill. |
ISBN: 9781452134048 | € 32,95 | Aug. 2014
History of Fashion in One
Hundred Dresses
Marnie Fogg
Through 100 groundbreaking dresses, The
Dress traces the past and present influences
and reinterpretations in clothing design. From
the Victorian crinoline to Vivienne Westwood's
mini-crini of 1985, from Herve Leger's 1985
bandage dress to Christopher Kane's 2006
neon version, each landmark dress gives
examples of how fashion ideas have been
reborn and referenced throughout time by
[UK] Goodman Fiell | Hardback | Eng. ed. ,
280 x 230 mm | 256 p | 250 col.ill. | 200 col.
& bw ill | ISBN: 9781847960740 | € 46,95
| Sept. 2014
Talons d'enfer
L'art de la chaussure à haut talon
Killer Heels
The Art of the High-Heeled Shoe
Lisa Small
Killer Heels explores the rich cultural history of
the high heel and its relation to power, fantasy,
sexuality and identity. More than 160 spectacular
contemporary and historical shoe designs - from
sixteenth-century Venetian platforms to 21st C
Christian Louboutins - are presented around six
themes: Revival and Reinterpretation, Rising in the
East, Glamour and Transgression, Architecture,
Metamorphosis and Space Walk.
[UK] Prestel | Hardback | Eng. and French eds.
240 x 305 mm | 224 p | 241 col.ill. |
ISBN: 9783791353807 (Eng)|
ISBN: 9783791349930 (F) | € 52,95 | Sept. 2014
Expo: 10/9/2014- 15/2/2015, Brooklyn
Museum, New York
Fashion Muse
Fashion That Changed the World
The Inspiration behind Iconic Design
Jennifer Croll
Debra N. Mancoff
What did Vogue's first cover look like? When
did film stars become part of the fashion
industry? What led to the development of
ready-to-wear clothing? How did the paintings
of Mondrian, Dali and Warhol end up on the
runway? These and other questions are
answered in this eye-opening look at different
aspects of the history of fashion - from
Elizabeth I's "Mask of Youth," to Lady Gaga's
"meat dress."
Lavishly illustrated and thematically arranged,
Fashion Muse looks at the many iterations a
muse can take: Greek goddess, fairy-tale
princess, wife, lover, supermodel, celebrity,
and artist.
A prominent art historian with a profound
knowledge of the culture of fashion, Debra N.
Mancoff delves far and wide to present pairings
both familiar and surprising.she examines the
influence of figures from the worlds of art,
celebrity, and pop culture.
[UK] Prestel | Flexi (Pb luxe) | Eng. ed. | 193
x 240 mm | 192 p | 160 col.ill. | ISBN:
9783791347899 | € 22,50 | Sept. 2014
[UK] Prestel | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 280 x
240 mm | 208 p | 100 col.ill. | 150 bw ill. |
ISBN: 9783791347127 | € 37,95 | July 2014
-previously announced-
Louis Vuitton
What We Wore:
Fashion Photography
A People's History of British Style
Nina Manandhar
Charlotte Cotton and Martin Harrison
Louis Vuitton Fashion Photography is an unprecedented visual history of the company,
seen through its presence in photographs.
This exceptional album features over two
hundred images by the most important modern
and contemporary photographers.This book
features images from iconic Vuitton advertising
campaigns from the '20s through to the present.
This elegantly designed mix creates a unique
and exciting expression of the brand and its
interpretation by top stylists and fashion editors.
[US] Rizzoli | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 324 x 253mm |
352 p | 250 col.ill. | ISBN: 9780847843312 |
€ 79,95 | Oct. 2014
Filled with images culled from the personal
photo albums of the British public What We
Wore provides a visual timeline of UK fashion
since the 1950s. In What We Wore,
crowdsourced family and amateur photos come
together to create a makeshift style history of
Britain. Taking readers into British homes, onto
city streets, into shops, and out to nightclubs
and holiday spots, this book features a
combination of original images and intriguing
personal anecdotes that document the changes
in Britain over 50 years
[UK] Prestel | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 193 x
240 mm | 192 p | 285 col.ill. | ISBN:
9783791348988 | € 33,50 | Oct. 2014
1001 Cars to Dream of Driving
Before You Die
Simon Heptinsall
It is almost impossible to imagine life today
without one of the world- changing inventions
of the twentieth century - the car. Appealing to
car lovers ranging from vintage car spotters to
armchair petrol heads, 1001 Cars You Must
Drive Before You Die brings you the world's
best cars!
Luxury Toys for Men
The Ultimate Collection
[UK] Cassell | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 210 x
161 mm | 960 p | ISBN: 9781844037247 | €
30,95 | Sept. 2014 -Reprint
Featuring exceptional products and services,
the likes of which you may never encounter again,
this volume is a true representation of every possible
fantasy you may have imagined.
Captivating images in luxuriant color portray the finer
details of these lavish toys. Whether your ideal of luxury
is a customized Gulfstream jet, a private island far
from the world's cares, or a Rolls-Royce to zip
around towin in, it's all here waiting for you.
[G] teNeues | Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ Germ.
ed. | 320 x 250 mm | 220 p | 200 col.ill. |
ISBN: 9783832798277 | € 98,00 | Sept. 2014
Fifty Places to Paddle Before You
Chris Santella
The book features the world's top spots for
kayaking, canoeing and rafting, examining
these sports from novice to expert levels.
Santella chooses gorgeous locations with
wide-ranging appeal, including everything from
salt water trips, and places that emphasise
whitewater technique, to calmer expeditions
and fresh water destinations. The book takes
readers on diverse paddling adventures around
the world.
[US] S.T.C. | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 203 x 178
mm | 224 p | 40 col.ill. | ISBN:
9781617691256 | € 23,95 | Sept. 2014
America's Great Hiking Trails
A Sense of Place: Morocco
J'Aime New YorkCity Guide
Appalachian, Pacific Crest, Continental
Divide, North Country, Ice Age, Potomac
Heritage, Florida, Natchez Trace, Arizona,
Pacific Northwest, New England
(reduced size)
Alain Ducasse
Karen Berger
A hiker's dream bucket list is embodied in this
lavishly illustrated celebration of more than
50,000 miles of America's most iconic trails.
Celebrating the forty most important trails in
America, this volume takes the reader through
forty-nine states and eight national parks.
Literally tens of millions of tourists and hikers
visit these trails each year, some of which wind
through the country's most scenic natural
wonders and virtually every major ecosystem
in America.
Marie-Pascale Rauzier
An innovative mix of travelogue and armchair
travel, this book is presented as an ideal photo
album of a trip to Morocco - the kind of album
that everyone wishes they had the time or skill
to put together, without the hassle of sifting
through crumpled leaflets or fuzzy photos of
monuments hidden behind the heads of
strangers. Organized thematically rather than
geographically, each chapter reflects one of the
traveller's abiding impressions.
[UK] T & H | Flexi (Pb luxe) | Eng. ed. | 215
x 215 mm | 264 p | 301 col.ill. | 8 bw ill. |
ISBN: 9780500291450 | € 25,95 [BE] / €
25,95 [NL] / € 25,95 [INT] | July 2014
[US] Rizzoli | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 264 x 262
mm | 336 p | 325 col.ill. | ISBN:
9780789327413 | € 48,50 [BE] / € 48,50 [NL]
/ € 48,50 [INT]| Sept. 2014
Paris Memory Game
Min Heo, Gloria Fowler
Pre-schoolers to early readers will enjoy
learning a little about French culture and
identifying famous Parisian landmarks. This
new series is both educational and visually
appealing to little kids and design-savvy adults.
All three titles together make a perfect gift for
would-be travelers of all ages.
[US] Ammo | Boxed | | 190 x 190 mm |
36 pairs/72 cards total |
ISBN: 9781623260460 | € 15,95 | Oct. 2014
A small hardback complete with a fold-out map,
the book is perfect for popping in your hand
luggage and is an invitation to discover the
culinary offerings of the State of New York's
delicious city. New York is home to a multitude
of international cuisines and some of the world's
best restaurants, markets and suppliers.
Here Alain Ducasse presents the best restaurants,
cafes, bars, markets, hotels and food specialists,
offering an invaluable list of places to visit
alongside sumptuous photography.
[US] Hardie Grant | Hardback | Eng. ed. |
165 x 125 mm | 228 p | throughout col.ill. |
ISBN: 9781742709000 | € 22,50 | Nov. 2014
J'Aime Paris City Guide, 9781742708997, € 22,50
642 Places to Draw
(Things to)
New York Visual Notebook
Blue Duck Egg
A follow-up to the smash-hit 642
Things to Draw, this wild and wonderful
assortment of locations to sketch will send
casual doodlers and serious artists,
armchair travellers and seasoned globetrotters
on a creative adventure, be it to remote l
ocations ("Mt. Fuji wrapped in mist"),
just down the hall ("under your bed"),
or to the height of their imaginations
("over the moon").
These pocket-size, 5 x 7-inch journals
are available in classic Black and five other
vibrant color choices. Each notebook consists
of 160 pages, alternating between blank pages
for notes and thoughts and pages featuring
artistic images, both large and small, of the
New York's sights and attractions.
The 60-plus images range from black-and-white
line sketches to colorful original photographs, each
accompanied by intriguing and little-known facts.
[US] Chronicle Gifts | Paperback | Eng. ed. |
226 x 186 mm | 304 p | ISBN: 9781452124933 |
€ 17,95 | Sept. 2014
[US] Ammo | Leather Bound | Eng. ed. |
177 x 127 mm | 160 p | ISBN: 9788895218809 |
€ 17,95 | Sept. 2014
Imitation Leather
I Knead My Mommy
And Other Poems by Kittens
Francesco Marciuliano
Just when you thought things couldn't get any
cuter, from the author of the New York Times
bestselling I Could Pee on This comes I Knead
My Mommy, a book of confessional poems
about the triumphs, trials and daily discoveries
of being a kitten. These little felines bare all,
giving us a glimpse into their confused and
curious little minds as they discover the world
around them. With photos of the young feline
authors throughout, this volume reveals kittens
at their sweetest and most mischievous.
[US] Chronicle Books | Hardback | Eng. ed. |
152 x 114 mm | 112 p | ISBN:
9781452132914 | € 13,50| Sept. 2014
100 Reasons to Panic about Being
A Cat Lady
Cats seem to be more popular than humans on
the Internet, and even the New York Times
says that cat ladies are cool. We couldn?t
agree more, so we?re excited to present our
latest volume, both a celebration and (gentle)
sendup of cat-adoration in all its unrequited,
danderdusted glory.
[US] Knock Knock - Books | Hardback | Eng.
ed. | 210 x 150 mm | 112 p | 29 col. & bw ill.
| ISBN: 9781601066268 | € 8,95
For anyone who's ever owned (or been owned
by) a cat.
1000 Dot-to-Dot Masterpieces
Twenty Iconic Paintings to Complete
Thomas Pavitte
After the phenomenal worldwide success of the
1000 Dot-to-Dot Series, for his fourth outing
author and artist Thomas Pavitte is taking on
the challenge of recreating some of the worlds
finest pieces of art in 1000 dots! With Thomass
unique style, 20 masterpieces by the likes of
Van Gogh and Hokusai are rendered in
exquisite line drawings for you to complete
[UK] Ilex | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 420 x 300
mm | 48 p | throughout col.ill. | ISBN:
9781781572054 | € 15,50 | Oct. 2014
Mona Lisa in 3000 Dots
Thomas Pavitte
From the same graphic talent that brought you
the best-as selling 1000 Dot-to- Dot Book now
comes a poster that is entertaining as it is
unique. Before his first book was published,
Thomas Pavitte won international renown for
his experimental dot-to-dot interpretations of
Leonardo da Vincis masterwork: now, for the
first time, a full-size version is available for all
to enjoy.
[UK] Ilex | POSTER | Eng. ed. |
1000 x 700 mm | 1 p |
ISBN: 9781781572115 |
€ 14,95 | Oct. 2014
Stickerbomb Skulls
Studio Rarekwai (SRK)
Stickerbomb Skulls is the latest themed book
in the Stickerbomb series, featuring many
forms of design and illustrations of skulls by an
eclectic mix of artists from around the world.
Skulls are a very strong visual icon used
extensively in the worlds of fashion, jewellery,
graphic design, music, street art and tattoos.
The book will appeal to existing Stickerbomb
fans as well as new fans who love skull
[UK] Laurence King | Paperback | Eng. ed. |
165 x 210 mm | 108 p | 300 col.ill. | ISBN:
9781780671833 | € 24,95| Aug. 2014
(600 Peelable stickers inside)
Tattoo Colour-In Postcards
From the hand of MEGAMUNDEN, here are 20
detachable postcards waiting to be inked by
you. Two flash sheets of full-colour stickers are
also included so you can customise the
drawings of sailors, samurai and skulls - or
send your own message in a bottle to friends
and family.
[UK] Laurence King | Paperback | Eng. ed. |
165 x 120 mm | 40 p | 5 col.ill. | ISBN:
9781856699587 | € 13,50 | Aug. 2014
9 Heads Fashion Notebook
V&A Pattern: 100 Postcards
Nancy Riegelman
Presented in a colourful presentation box,
these beautifully printed patterns range from
the intricate floral motifs of William Morris and
C.F.A. Voysey to the wit and vibrancy of Pop
era design; from the cool restraint of Fifties
textile design to the iconic designs of Liberty &
Co. A desirable gift and a surprising trove of
design inspiration, this postcard collection is
the perfect introduction to the V&A's design
A must for all those with a hands-on
involvement in men's fashion design, this new
9Heads notebook for men's fashion
complements the recently published women's
fashion notebook. As with its women's
companion, the emphasis of this notebook is to
make it as easy as possible for fashion
designers, illustrators, students and fashion
aficionados to create professional-quality
drawings of fashion garments on the figure. An
elegant and practical luxury item and make
superb gifts for all those interested in fashion
9 Heads Media
[UK] V & A Museum | Box | Eng. ed. | 117
x 64 mm | 100 p | ISBN: 9781851778157 |
€ 21,50 | Aug. 2014
[UK] T & H, Distributed | Hardback | Eng. ed.
| 290 x 185 mm | 144 p | ISBN:
9780989865104 | € 27,95 | Oct. 2014
Modern Gold Starburst
Gilded Journal
Gilded Journal
Paper Blossoms,
Butterflies & Birds
Minhee Cho
Margaret Berg
A Book of Beautiful Bouquets for the Table
Designed by Paper + Cup, the Starburst Gilded
Journal is a treasure. Gilded page edges and
gold foil patterning perfectly complement the
black cover, giving this modern journal a
timeless elegance. Conveniently sized and
including a simple elastic band to keep the
journal securely shut, this journal is almost too
gorgeous to use!
Galison's Feathers Gilded Journal features
vibrant watercolour illustrations from artist
Margaret Berg. A pattern of bold and beautiful
feathers embellished with gold foil decorate the
journal's cover, and an elastic band keeps the
journal securely shut. Finally, gilded page
edges take this journal from pretty to
positively luxurious.
Ray Marshall
[US] Galison Gifts & Stationery | Hardback |
Eng. ed. | 180 x 130 mm | 160 p | ISBN:
9780735341579 | € 16,95 | July 2014
[US] Galison Gifts & Stationery | Hardback |
Eng. ed. | 130 x 180 mm | 160 p | ISBN:
9780735342040 | € 16,95 | Aug. 2014
[US] Chronicle Books | Hardback | Eng. ed. |
305 x 254 mm | 10 p | 4 col.ill. | ISBN:
9781452113913 | € 40,95 | Oct. 2014
Modern Gold. Pencil Set
9780735337848 | € 12,95 | Oct. 2014
8 round pencils - standard HB/#2
The creator of the bestselling Paper Blossoms
delivers more extraordinary flowers for the
table. From a butterfly garden to a
hummingbird's arbour, a branch of orchids to a
vase of tulips, these four new breath taking
pop-up centrepieces brighten any table and fill
any room with colour and lasting beauty.
Star Wars Box Set
The Jedi Path & Book of Sith
Daniel Wallace
This boxed set brings the light and dark sides
of the Force together for the first time in this
boxed set of Luke's personal collection of
ancient and revered texts.
This deluxe edition contains an exclusive
portfolio with two prints, each depicting a
prominent figure from either side of the Force.
With this box set, students of the Force can
study and more fully understand the complex
powers of good and evil.
[US] Chronicle Books | Hb with slip case |
Eng. ed. | 222 x 159 mm | 320 p | throughout
col.ill. | ISBN: 9781452126418 | € 44,95
| Aug. 2014
Darth VaderTM and Family
20 Occasion Cards and Envelopes
Jeffrey Brown
This collection of new charming and humorous
illustrations from Jeffrey Brown's bestselling
Darth Vader series is perfect for sending
greetings to friends or anyone in need of
galactic good cheer.
[US] Chronicle Gifts | Cards | Eng. ed. | x
mm | 20 p | throughout col.ill. | ISBN:
9781452138077 | € 15,50 | Aug. 2014
(box with removable lid)
Goodnight Darth Vader
Jeffrey Brown
It's bedtime in the Star Wars galaxy and Darth
Vader's parenting skills are tested anew in this
delightful follow-up to the breakout New York
Times bestsellers Darth Vader and Son and
Vader's Little Princess. In this Episode, the Sith
Lord must soothe his rambunctious twins, Luke
and Leia, who are not ready to sleep and who
insist on a story. As Vader reads, the book
looks in on favourite creatures, droids and
characters, such as Yoda, R2-D2, Han Solo,
Chewbacca, Darth Maul, Admiral Ackbar, Boba
[US] Chronicle Books | Hardback | Eng. ed. |
165 x 165 mm | 64 p | 60 col.ill. | ISBN:
9781452128306 | € 14,95 | June 2014
Star Trek Pop-ups
Zombies Have Issues
Geek-Art: An Anthology
Courtney Watson McCarthy
Greg Stones
Art, Design, Illustration & Lightsabers
Star Trek Pop-Ups delivers seven iconic Star
Trek images in a new way popping off the page
in three dimensions. From the Enterprise NX01
in flight to the dreaded Borg cube from The
Next Generation and beyond, here is an
unforgettable series of alien encounters and
thrilling action scenes, featuring memorable
moments from Deep Space Nine, Voyager and
Enterprise. Bursting with energy and ingenuity,
Star Trek Pop-Ups will capture the
imaginations of fans young and old.
As we know from Greg Stones's first breakout
hit book, zombies hate stuff. It's less
understood that the undead also struggle with
the stuff of everyday life usually navigated by
the breathing. Zombies have issues with yoga,
bad hair days, chopsticks, the morning
commute, touch-screen technology and more.
They kind of enjoy skunks, gardening and
acupuncture, but they have major issues with
banana peels, Renaissance fairs, bear traps
and bunnies.
Thomas Olivri
[UK] T & H | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 330 x 304
mm | 16 p | throughout col.ill. | ISBN:
9780500517499 | € 30,95 | Sept. 2014
[US] Chronicle Books | Hardback | Eng. ed. |
127 x 178 mm | 64 p | ISBN: 9781452132907
| € 10,50 | Aug. 2014
Every age has its artistic inspiration. Medieval
artists exalted spiritual subjects. Modernists
shifted their attention to humanity and the
senses. For a generation of artists and fans
today, our heroic subjects are Mario, Pikachu,
Spider-Man, Darth Vader, Frodo and a legion of
other iconic figures from the "geek" culture
realms of movies, cartoons, video games and
comics. For the first time, Geek-Art collects the
work of nearly 100 international illustrators,
graphic designers, photographers and artists.
[US] Chronicle Books | Flexi (Pb luxe) | Eng.
ed. | 247 x 197 mm | 416 p | 775 col.ill. |
ISBN: 9781452140483 | € 37,20 | Oct. 2014
The Thing the Book
A Monument to the Book as Object
John Herschendand
What exactly is a book? This wildly inventive
and thought-provoking volume asks that
question of more than 30 of today's top
creative visionaries, from Ed Ruscha to Miranda
July, John Baldessari to Jonathan Lethem. Each
traditional element of a book, from endpapers
to footnotes, is assigned to a different artist or
writer invited to use the space as a creative
playground. The result is a collaborative group
art project like no other.
[US] Chronicle Books | Hardback | Eng. ed. |
254 x 203 mm | 156 p | throughout col.ill. |
ISBN: 9781452117201 | € 37,20 | Aug. 2014
Marimekko Notebook Collection
Three of Marimekko's most beloved patterns
are showcased in this exquisite trio of
notebooks that feature a colourful binding tape
along the spine and a printed ribbon to bundle
the set.
[US] Chronicle Gifts | Paperback | Eng. ed. |
216 x 159 mm | 64 p | ISBN: 9781452137391
| € 15,50 | Dec. 2014
Marimekko: 100 Postcards
Collecting a mix of Marimekko's classic prints
and sought-after new designs, this treasure
trove of colour and pattern is housed in a
keepsake box.
[US] Chronicle Gifts | Boxed | Eng. ed. | x
mm | 100 p | throughout col.ill. | ISBN:
9781452137384 | € 21,50 | Dec. 2014
Darling Clementine Letterpressed
Darling Clementine
The set contains two different, irresistible
notebooks, each with inviting Kraft interior
Pattern Papers
Pattern Roll
18 Writing Sheets, Envelopes, and Seals
Patterned Multipurpose Paper
Textiles Arts Center
As versatile as it is beautiful, this deluxe
roll of gift paper features twenty-four feet of
patterns (sixteen unique designs) perfect as
gift wrap, party packaging, book covers, and
for craft projects. Showcasing the work of the
cutting-edge designers Ilana Kohn, Sarah Milton,
Tyler Spangler, and Lulie Wallace, the Pattern
Roll is a fun-filled extension of our popular
Pattern Box line in a new and exciting format.
The back of the two-sided roll includes
illustrations of the paper's many uses.
This lovely package comes to us from three
contemporary pattern designers who have a
talent for creating bold, intricate and timeless
designs. Now they can be sent to friends and
family in this stationery set which will appeal
toanyone that likes writing letters and also make
a great gift at any time of year.
Contains 18 writing sheets and envelopes (six
designs repeating three times). Also contains a
sticker sheet
[US] Princeton - Gifts | Boxed | Eng. ed. |
222 x 155 mm | 18 p | ISBN: 9781616892470 |
€ 15,50 | Aug. 2014
[US] Princeton - Gifts | Boxed | No text |
318 x 5 mm | 1 p | ISBN: 9781616892876 |
€ 18,50 | Nov. 2014
Dimensions roll: 30,5x731,5 cm,
16 full-colour illustrations
[US] Chronicle Gifts | 2 Volumes | Eng. ed. |
216 x 140 mm | 64 p | ISBN: 9781452135120
| € 18,50 | July 2014
Joie du Jour Journal
#Hashtag A Day - Journal
Cat Seto
Built for the micro-blogging-minded writer and
with space for 365 entries, this journal is the
perfect way to "tag" a year of memories IRL (in
real life).
This luxe, extra-thick journal pops off the shelf
with glints of gold foil against a Kraft cover,
gilded edges and smooth, cream-stock pages
[US] Chronicle Gifts | Paperback | Eng. ed. |
203 x 152 mm | 168 p | ISBN:
9781452134734 | € 18,50 | Nov. 2014
[US] Chronicle Gifts | Hardback | Eng. ed. |
150 x 112 mm | 128 p | ISBN:
9781452139272 | € 11,50 | July 2014
Letters to My Baby
Write Now. Read Later. Treasure Forever.
Lea Redmond
This book of 12 fold-and-mail letters invites
mothers to capture the fleeting memories of
their babies' first years. Each letter bears a
prompt for mums to reflect on their hopes and
dreams for their little ones. The letters can be
postdated, sealed up and gifted for the years to
come. In the future, their children get to break
the seals to receive the greatest gift
imaginable: a tangible expression of their
mother's love. This heirloom-quality keepsake
makes a priceless gift.
[US] Chronicle Gifts | Hardback | Eng. ed. |
203 x 150 mm | 12 p | throughout col.ill. |
ISBN: 9781452132952 | € 15,50 | Sept. 2014
Letters to my Future Self,
ISBN 9781452125374 | € 15,50
Baby-lit Magnets
Keep Fresh Stay Rad
Artwork © Michel Vrana
Postcard Box
2 1/4 inch Round Magnets. 5 each of 12
different styles per bundle, 60 magnets total
per bundle.
BabyLit® artwork © Alison Oliver
This collection of 100 postcards features some
of their most popular designs, from birthday
greetings to valentines to anthemic slogans,
all rendered in vibrant color and elegant type.
Subdivided into categories (positive messages,
birthdays, pop culture references), this deluxe
box also features a fold-out interview with the
Friends of Type that details their processes,
work and inspirations.
[US] Gibbs Smith | Boxed | Eng. ed. | 158 x
10 mm | 200 p | ISBN: 9781423635437 | €
170,00 | Nov. 2014
I Love Books Magnets
Artwork © Michel Vrana
2 1/4 inch Round Magnets, 5 each of 12
different styles per bundle, 60 magnets total
per bundle
[US] Princeton - Gifts | Cards | Eng. ed. |
158 x 107 mm | 100 p | ISBN: 9781616893019 |
€ 21,50 | Sept. 2014
[US] Gibbs Smith | Boxed | Eng. ed. | 158 x
100 mm | 200 p | ISBN: 9781423635420 | €
205,00 ] Nov. 2014
3-Way Pad: Someday
Small Pad (Notepad)
Anti-Social Network Journal
[US] Knock Knock - Gifts | Paperback | Eng.
ed. | 210 x 150 mm | 60 p | ISBN:
9781601066329 | € 8,30 [BE] / € 8,30 [NL] /
€ 8,30 [INT]| Sept. 2014
Playing off everyone?s lovehate relationship
with social media, this guided journal is full of
satiric prompts that poke fun at obsessions
with oversharing and screens. Funny, smart,
and timely, it manages to speak to both
technophobes and technophiles. (It?s also just
a cool journal.) Paperbook, 144 pages
[US] Knock Knock - Gifts | Paperback | Eng.
ed. | 210 x 150 mm | 144 p | ISBN:
9781601066343 | € 13,95 [BE] / € 13,95 [NL]
/ € 13,95 [INT]| Aug. 2014
Compact: Face it
Our signature wry wit is coming soon to a
purse near you. This twist on the classic clutch
necessity puts amusing, affirmational copy
right where you want it, when you want it,
bringing muchneeded humor to lipstick
application and, more importantly, checking for
spinach in your teeth. Acrylic case with
rounded edges, to mirrors: one regular, one
Mini Inner Truth Journal:
It's Gonna be Okay
Our newest Mini Inner- Truth title is still
packed with the same reassuring thoughts, just
sized down for maximum mobility. Portable
pep talks are the best kind, no? Paperbook,
160 pages
[US] Knock Knock - Gifts | Hardback | Eng.
ed. | 210 x 150 mm | 1 p | ISBN:
9781601066145 | € 9,95 [BE] / € 9,95 [NL] /
€ 9,95 [INT]| Sept. 2014
[US] Knock Knock - Gifts | Paperback | Eng.
ed. | 146 x 102 mm | 160 p | ISBN:
9781601066138 | € 9,95 [BE] / € 9,95 [NL] /
€ 9,95 [INT]| July 2014
Selfies Photo Album
Introducing the first photo album specifically
for selfies?the modern-day
self-portrait?complete with wry prompts to
help you write the perfect captions and
hashtags. Padded hardcover, 32 pages with
French fold, 3 different sized die cust per page
[US] Knock Knock - Gifts | Hardback | Eng.
ed. | 210 x 150 mm | 32 p | ISBN:
9781601066466 | € 12,50 [BE] / € 12,50 [NL]
/ € 12,50 [INT]| Sept. 2014
[US] Chronicle Gifts | Hardback | Eng. ed. |
190 x 114 mm | 4 p | ISBN: 9781452131573 |
€ 11,20 [BE] / € 11,20 [NL] / € 11,20 [INT]|
Oct. 2014
Tech Decals
Chronicle Books
More than 30 LOL-worthy disguises for digital
devices will make people do a double take.
Desktop Pad : Seriously?
This pleasantly plump pad asks the question
you're always thinking, but with an
office-friendly, authoritative flair. 150 sheets
[US] Knock Knock - Gifts | Paperback | Eng.
ed. | 140 x 114 mm | 150 p | ISBN:
9781601066091 | € 9,95 [BE] / € 9,95 [NL] /
€ 9,95 [INT]| Sept. 2014
Wrist Notes
Friendly Reminder
Guest Book: Couch
Remember what you need to do with a to-do
list you can wear. Just write, wrap, and
voil...?you?ll never forget the milk again. Who
needs a string around the finger when these
are so much cuter? 25 bracelets, 5 designs
Ordinary guest books too often lack humor and
verve-so we invented our own. These elegant
yet daringly interactive babies invite candid
expression in the office, at the table, or on the
throne with provocative prompts, doodle
space, and a wry grading system. Because
even though the fun must end, the memories
should linger.
[US] Knock Knock - Gifts | Hardback | Eng.
ed. | 210 x 150 mm | 25 p | ISBN:
9781601066510 | € 6,95 [BE] / € 6,95 [NL] /
€ 6,95 [INT]| Sept. 2014
[US] Knock Knock - Gifts | Hardback | Eng.
ed. | 210 x 150 mm | 112 p | ISBN:
9781601066275 | € 16,50 [BE] / € 16,50 [NL]
/ € 16,50 [INT]| Sept. 2014
Wrist Notes. Check it off, ISBN 9781601066503
padded cover with metallic foil stamping,
ribbon page marker
Sticky Note: P.S.
P.S. adds retro flair (remember writing
letters?) to the sticky note. 100 sheets
[US] Knock Knock - Gifts | Paperback | Eng.
ed. | 76 x 76 mm | 100 p | ISBN:
9781601066121 | € 4,20 [BE] / € 4,20 [NL] /
€ 4,20 [INT]| Aug. 2014
Pad. Why I'm in a Really, Really,
Really Bad Mood Pad
Why I?m in a Really, Really Bad Mood pad
speaks for everyone who?s ever had a bad day.
60 sheets
[US] Knock Knock - Gifts | Pad | Eng. ed. |
228 x 152 mm | 60 p | ISBN: 9781601066183
| € 8,30 [BE] / € 8,30 [NL] / € 8,30 [INT]|
Aug. 2014
Lost in Translation
An Illustrated Compendium of
Untranslatable Words from Around the
Ella Frances Sanders
An artistic collection of more than 50 drawings
featuring unique, funny, and poignant foreign
words that have no direct translation into
[US] Ten Speed Press | Hardback | Eng. ed. |
198 x 170 mm | 112 p | ISBN:
9781607747109 | € 14,99 [BE] / € 14,99 [NL]
/ € 14,99 [INT]| Sept. 2014
Q and A a Day: 5-Year Journal
Do you ever stop to wonder how you got where
you are? The Q&A a Day Journal shows you
what was going through your head each
day-for five years of your life. Simply turn to
today's date, answer the question at the top of
the page, and when you finish the journal,
start over. As you return to the daily questions
again over the years, you'll notice how your
answers change (or don't)!
Potter Style
[US] Random House US | Hardback | Eng. ed.
| 155 x 107 mm | 368 p |
ISBN: 9780307719775 | € 20,00
Live the Life you Love Postcard
Scott Albrecht
For design enthusiasts and those who
appreciate a well-phrased aphorism,
Brooklyn-based artist Scotty Albrecht matches
his quirky affirmations with hand-drawn
typography in this original collection of 100
[US] Random House US | Boxed | Eng. ed. |
188 x 117 mm | 100 p | ISBN:
9780770433017 | € 23,95
The Happiness Project
One-Sentence Journal
Gretchen Rubin
365 days. 5 years. 1,825 happy moments. The
Happiness Journal is the ideal project for
anyone who is looking to add more meaning
and happiness to their lives but is short on
time. Based on the book, The Happiness
Project by Gretchen Rubin, this five-year
journal will help you make a time capsule of
the next few years in the simplest way
[US] Random House US | Hardback | Eng. ed.
| 155 x 109 mm | 368 p |
ISBN: 9780307888570 | € 16,99
Street Art Memory Game
Design: Lilian van Dongen Torman
This new title in the series of memory games celebrates
the popular field of international street art, with works of
the most famous street artists. Your task, as ever, is to
find the matching cards.In this game you have to match
two works by the same street artist. It may sound a little
bit difficult, but the choice of works will be such that the
player can recognise the matching cards quite easily.
Great fun to play and you will gain more knowledge
about the iconic and often visually very engaging
[NL] BIS Publishers | Boxed | No text | 143 x76 mm |
60 p | ISBN: 9789063693220 |
€ 15,00 | Oct. 2014 (previously announced)
Big Art / Small Art
Tristan Manco
Le singe boiteux
Depuis une décennie, Bonom multiplie les
peintures monumentales dans la ville,
dispersant squelettes, animaux ou personnages
dans les endroits les plus saisissants de
Bruxelles et de Paris. L'originalité de son
univers, allié à un style personnel, un sens aigu
de l'espace et un goût du risque, rendent son
travail unique.
Aujourd'hui il travaille à visage découvert et
présente notamment, en collaboration avec
Ultima Vez, la compagnie du chorégraphe
belge Wim Vandekeybus, un spectacle qui
transforme son corp
[UK] T & H | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 310 x 260
mm | 256 p | 257 col.ill. | ISBN:
9780500239223 | € 46,50 | Sept. 2014
[BE] CFC Editions | Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ NL
ed. | 280 x 220 mm | 208 p | 200 col. & bw
ill. | ISBN: 9782875720061 | € 39,00
| May 2014 -Reprint
Talk About Street Art
Wreck This Journal Everywhere
Jérôme Catz and Élisabeth Couturier
Keri Smith
Graffiti and street art have long been part of
our visual culture, from their origins in
ancestral caves to New York Citys subway
walls. This book covers all aspects of an art
form that is often underappreciated,
ephemeral, and illegal. The diverse media and
techniques employed are ever-evolving, and
include graffiti, stencils, tags and lettering,
interventions, urban sculptures, collage,
distortions, and even new multimedia.
Featuring dozens of new activities as well as
some of the most popular prompts from the
original, Wreck This Journal Everywhere will
have you travelling the city streets and country
byways, filling the pages with man-made and
natural objects, recording what you see,
drawing, doodling - and destroying pages as
you go. Perfect for sliding in your pocket or
stuffing in your bag, Wreck This Journal
Everywhere is the ideal creative companion!
[F] Flammarion (Eng) | Paperback with flaps |
Eng. ed. | 190 x 230 mm | 256 p | 190 col.ill.
| ISBN: 9782080201966 | € 29,50 | Oct. 2014
Scale is being taken to new extremes in art:
big and bold on the one hand, intricate and
intimate on the other. This book is divided into
two sections big art and small art and includes
profiles of forty-five contemporary artists who
are revolutionizing our approach to scale with
works that provoke questions, arouse emotions
and offer fresh perspectives, from beautifully
carved leaves and micro reproductions of
artists at work in their studio to giant
mechanical kinetic sculptures
[UK] Penguin UK | Paperback | Eng. ed. |
162 x 108 mm | 144 p | ISBN:
9781846148583 | € 8,95 | June 2014
When Artists Think Big
'When artists think big, big things happen.
In Chicago's Millennium Park, thousands of visitors
flock daily to Anish Kapoor's Cloud Gate to see their
wondrously distorted reflections. Christo's The Gates
mesmerized the citizens of New York City with its
bright orange fabric draped throughout Central Park.
In Prague, artist David Cerny's Gesture either
infuriated or delighted its many viewers during the
city's recent elections.
[UK] Prestel | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 260 x 210 mm |
176 p | 80 col. ill. || ISBN: 9783791349824
| €33,95 [BE] | Aug. 2014
1000 Tattoos
A Sourcebook of Designs for Body
This book explores the artistic nature of
tattooing and celebrates its living, creative,
changing essence. Alongside the omniscience
of tattoing throughout the world for thousands
of years, presented through rare artifacts, the
book pays tribute to the pioneers of the
modern era, those responsible for its great
transformation into the mainstream. Tattooing
has become one of the most dynamic artistic
currents of our era and is ever-evolving,
despite the great revolutions the art has
Malcolm Willett (Author, Illustrator)
Approaching the fascinating world of tattoo art
from the perspective of design, 1000 Tattoos
offers basic instruction on designing a tattoo
and hundreds of images to help you choose
one that's right for you. The book opens with a
general introduction to the history of body
decoration and technical advice on drawing and
designing some of the more intricate tattoos
featured in the book.
[UK] T & H, Distributed | Paperback | Eng.
ed. | 255 x 196 mm | 304 p | 220 col.ill. |
ISBN: 9782330032463 | € 54,50 | Oct. 2014
[UK] Carlton | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 172 x
148 mm | 512 p | 1000 col.ill. | ISBN:
9781780975436 | € 26,50 | Aug. 2014
Mark Mothersbaugh
Collected Facts & Lies 50 Postcards
Kat von D. Go Big or Go Home
Taking Risks in Life, Love and Tattooing
With passion and unflinching honesty,
renowned tattoo artist and New York Times
bestselling author Kat Von D chronicles her
journey to develop greater personal strength
by taking bigger risks in life, love, and her art
in this stunning illustrated book, now available
in paperback
[US] Collins US | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 254
x 203 mm | 224 p | ISBN: 9780062339041 | €
17,99 | Oct. 2014
This collection of fifty postcards is pulled from
the archives of legendary artist and musician
Mark Mothersbaugh, cofounder of the New
Wave band Devo. For forty years,
Mothersbaugh has kept a postcard diary of
daily drawings, collages, and
musings-amassing more than 30,000 of them.
The set of highlights includes cards that are
playful, strange, and absurd, sure to inspire
artful correspondence.
[US] Princeton - Gifts | Cards | Eng. ed. |
159 x 108 mm | 50 p | ISBN: 9781616892999
| € 19,50 | Oct. 2014
The Steampunk User's Manual
An Illustrated Practical and Whimsical
Guide to Creating Retro-Futurist Dreams
The Steampunk User's Manual features
beautiful images and entertaining text about
the incredibly popular Science Fiction subgenre
that imagines future technology and fashion
via a 19th century perspective and toolbox.
The Steampunk User's Manual provides a
conceptual how-to guide across all aspects of
Steampunk that motivates and awes both the
armchair enthusiast and the committed
creator. The book features sections on fashion,
art, crafts, music, large-scale installations,
fiction, filmmaking, etc.
[US] Abrams | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 254 x
178 mm | 256 p | 150 col. & bw ill. | ISBN:
9781419708985 | € 23,95 | Oct. 2014
Victor Wynd's Cabinet of
Cosplay World
Viktor Wynd and The Theatre of Dolls
For over one hundred years, men and women
around the world have been dressing up as
their favourite characters from movies, games,
comics, TV and books. Beginning as a curiosity
and hobby for social outcasts, it's now a global
phenomenon, fuelled by the Internet and an
explosion in geek fandom. This in-depth look at
the world of cosplay includes interviews with
the stars, photographers and props builders,
offers insights into cosplay's history, current
landscape and explains its creative processes.
Viktor Wynd's gallery and shop in East London
is arranged with the sensibility of a
17th-century Wunderkabinett. It displays and
sells an eccentric and seemingly random
collection of objects - everything from
shrunken heads to narwhal tusks, united only
by the sense of wonder they inspire in their
curator. Now, Wynd takes readers on a tour of
homes, private collections and museums that
share his fondness for things arcane,
desiccated, antique, or just plain odd.
[UK] Prestel | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 240 x
280 mm | 200 p | 160 col.ill. | ISBN:
9783791349060 | € 45,50 | Oct. 2014
Brian Ashcraft and Luke Plunkett
[UK] Prestel | Flexi (Pb luxe) | Eng. ed. | 193
x 240 mm | 192 p | 225 col.ill. | ISBN:
9783791349251 | € 29,95 | Sept. 2014
Grafica della Strada
The Signs of Italy
Louise Fili
Grafica della Strada is Fili's photographic diary
of hundreds of Italy's most inventive
restaurant, shop, hotel, street, and advertising
signs. A major influence on Fili's own work,
many of these marvels of vernacular design
live on solely in this book, a typographic love
letter to Italy that will be an inspiration to
designers and Italophiles everywhere.
[US] Princeton | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 165 x
229 mm | 264 p | 440 col.ill. | ISBN:
9781616892692 | € 36,95 | Aug. 2014
Twitter, The Comic
120 Ways to Annoy Your Mother
Comics Based on the Greatest Tweets of
Our Generation
(And Influence People)
Mike Rosenthal
Ana Benaroya, a brilliant, young, independent
American illustrator, has brought together 120
tips that provide an ironic, witty and gently
subversive twist on all the guides to life for
would-be prom queens and cheerleaders. This
book provides the things that really matter for
a teenage rebel, including How Not to Make
Eye Contact with Your Mother and How to Turn
Your Life into a Soap Opera, alongside
humorous pointers for cultural and social
From a simple, brilliant premise, to create
comics from the weirdest and funniest tweets
around, artist Mike Rosenthal (@VectorBelly)
has crafted a hilariously surreal world that has
attracted over a million followers to his blog
Twitter: The Comic. Each carefully curated
tweet delivers concentrated humour in the
language of the Internet, reproduced in the
comics with typos and all.
[US] Chronicle Books | Paperback | Eng. ed.
| 152 x 152 mm | 144 p | ISBN:
9781452135137 | € 13,50 | Sept. 2014
Ana Benaroya
[UK] T & H | Flexi (Pb luxe) | Eng. ed. | 252 x
190 mm | 224 p | 120 col.ill. | ISBN:
9780500291467 | € 15,50 ]| Sept. 2014
Asterix and the Picts (Pb)
Jean-Yves Ferri (Author), Didier Conrad
(Illustrator), Rene Goscinny (Author), Albert
Uderzo (Author),
The Simpsons
Family History
Matt Groening. Inc. Matt Groening Productions
events that turned this average family into a
pop-culture phenomenon. Discover the hopes
and dreams of a young Homer and uncover the
sensitive and driven girl Marge was before she
married him.
So you think you know the Simpsons? Well,
think again!
The Simpsons Family History unravels 25
years of Simpsons facts and fun and presents
them in a never-before-seen chronological
format. Travel through time with Matt Groening
as he pulls back the curtain and reveals the
[US] Abrams | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 273 x
241 mm | 304 p | 400 col.ill. | ISBN:
9781419713996 | € 32,95 | Sept. 2014
Aama 2
Best of Enemies
The Invisible Throng
1953-1984: A History of US and Middle
East Relations
Frederik Peeters
Verloc Nim has travelled with his brother
Conrad to the desert planet Ona(ji) to recover
the mysterious biorobotic experiment aama.
The planet is home to an abandoned group of
scientists, who have been left to their fate.In
the second volume of Frederik Peeters' science
fiction series, Conrad sets up an expedition to
find the professor who has taken aama to
another part of the planet. With the assistance
of their robot-ape Churchill, Verloc and Conrad
embark on a journey that brings spectacular
[UK] SelfMadeHero | Hardback | Eng. ed. |
190 x 260 mm | 88 p | throughout col.ill. |
ISBN: 9781906838836 | € 19,50 | 1Nov. 2014
Jean-Pierre Filiu (Author), David B. (Illustrator)
The second volume of Jean-Pierre Filiu and
David B's acclaimed history of US-Middle East
relations documents a period of dramatic
conflict and change, beginning in the 1950s
and ending with the Lebanese War of 1982.
The Blitzkrieg of the Six-Day War saw the
Jewish state triple in size. In less than a week,
the Middle East was transformed: Israel had
taken the Sinai Peninsula from Egypt, the West
Bank from Jordan and the Golan Heights from
[UK] SelfMadeHero | Hardback | Eng. ed. |
240 x 170 mm | 112 p | throughout bw ill. |
ISBN: 9781906838843 | € 21,95
| Oct. 2014
When Asterix and Obelix rescue a mysterious
Pict named MacAroon, they must journey to
Caledonia, now Scotland, to return him to his
lady love, Camomilla, the adopted daughter of
the old king. However, the treacherous
chieftain, MacCabeus, plans to marry her and
claim the throne - with the help of the Romans!
What with caber-tossing, bagpipes, malted
water and an enormous otter in the loch, can
the Gauls reunite MacAroon and Camomilla and
enjoy some Roman-bashing along the way?
[UK] Orion | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 287 x 216
mm | 48 p | throughout col.ill. | ISBN:
9781444011692 | € 10,95 | Oct. 2014
The Dream-Quest of Unknown
I. N. J Culbard
Three times Randolph Carter dreamed of the
marvellous city, and three times was he
snatched away while still he paused on the
high terrace above it.? In a world beyond the
walls of sleep, Randolph Carter goes in search
of an opulent and mysterious sunset city. First,
Carter must go to Kadath, home of the Gods,
where he hopes to be guided to the city of his
dreams. But nobody has ever been to Kadath,
and nobody knows how to get there.
[UK] SelfMadeHero | Paperback with flaps |
Eng. ed. | 241 x 165 mm | 144 p | throughout
col.ill. | ISBN: 9781906838850 | € 21,95 |
Nov. 2014
50 Years of Illustration
Soviet Posters
Raw Data
Lawrence Zeegen, Caroline Roberts
(pull-out edition)
Infographic Designers' Sketchbooks
The book explores the contexts in which the
discipline has operated and looks historically,
sociologically, politically and culturally at the
key factors at play across each decade, whilst
artworks by key illustrators bring the decade to
life. Contemporary illustration's impact and
influence on design and popular culture are
investigated through introductory essays and
profiles of leading practitioners, illustrated with
examples of their finest work.
Maria Lafont and Sergo Grigorian
Steven Heller and Rick Landers
Dating from 1917 to the end of the Cold War,
the posters in this book feature the work of
groundbreaking Russian artists such as El
Lissitzky and Alexander Rodchenko, as well as
extraordinary anonymous work. Presented in
full colour and printed on heavy paper in a
large-format, the posters gathered here
represent the pinnacle of Russian avant-garde
design from the 20th century.
[UK] Laurence King | Hardback | Eng. ed. |
250 x 195 mm | 384 p | 700 col.ill. | ISBN:
9781780672793 | € 46,95| Sept. 2014
[UK] Prestel | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 280 x
350 mm | 48 p | ISBN: 9783791381107 |
€ 25,50 | Oct. 2014
Raw Data presents work by 73 of the world's
most innovative information graphics
designers. Now that huge amounts of
information can be gathered and processed
with ever-greater speed, graphic designers and
illustrators are playing a crucial role in
explaining what all the collected data really
means and how we can make sense of it to
improve our personal and professional lives.
More than just a survey of finished work, Raw
Data gets behind the final image to reveal how
a stack of numbers can be transformed.
Ed Emberley
Eames: Beautiful Details
Ed Emberley, Todd Oldham, Caleb Neelon
(popular edition)
This definitive monograph on the wide
repertoire of Emberley's life's work has been
beautifully put together by Todd Oldham and
Caleb Neelon. Highlighting work spanning over
five decades, this gorgeous and comprehensive
book celebrates the talented and prolific life of
Ed Emberley.
Eames Demetrios, Charles Eames, Ray Eames
[US] Ammo | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 228 x
304 mm | 288 p | ISBN: 9781623260385 | €
45,00 [BE] / € 45,00 [NL] / € 45,00 [INT]|
Oct. 2014
"Eames: Beautiful Details" celebrates the
seamlessness and fluidity in which Charles and
Ray Eames operated as both a husband and
wife team and as designers unrestricted by
traditionally professional boundaries. Select
details of their life and work, from their refined
designs to their innovative experiments, and
even including images depicting the everyday
poetic moments of their lives, and are shared
here in this exhibit within a book.
[US] Ammo | Hb with slip case | Eng. ed. |
299 x 213 mm | 408 p | ISBN:
9781623260316 | € 59,95 | Oct. 2014
[UK] T & H | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 297 x 220
mm | 352 p | 445 col.ill. | 50 bw ill. | ISBN:
9780500517451 | € 46,50 | Oct. 2014
Disobedient Objects
Catherine Flood, Gavin Grindon
This timely book shows how objects can
change the world by out-designing authority. It
focuses on the period from 1980 to the
present, a time that brought new technologies
and political challenges to protest movements.
Provocative and engaging, this book showcases
how artists have produced work within the
context of social movements, which become
the vibrant engines for ingenuity and collective
Expo: July 2014 - Feb. 2015, V&A Museum , London
[UK] V & A Museum | Paperback | Eng. ed. |
250 x 210 mm | 144 p | 110 col.ill. | 25 bw ill.
| ISBN: 9781851777976 | € 29,95 | July 2014
Frontière chinoise de John ford
John Ford
Guy Gilles
Penser et rêver l'histoire <Côté Cinéma>
Gaël Lépingle et Marcos Uzal
Le cinéma de John Ford est un monument aux
multiples entrées, une oeuvren étendue sur
cinq décennies dont les transformations et les
mutations caractérisent aussi l'unité. Cowboys
et Indiens ont progressivement perdu, en
cinquante ans, la simplicité documentaire des
premiers films pour atteindre à une sorte de
vérité iconique. Il est sûr que l'on ne viendra
jamais à bout d'un art qui regarde le
spectateur tout autant que celui-ci le
Objets poétiques déroutants, inclassables,
témoins d'une sensibilité à fleur de peau et
d'une écriture cinématographique unique, les
films de Guy Gilles (1940-1996) n'ont à leur
époque pas trouvé de véritable reconnaissance
critique et publique.
Un rétrospective à la Cinémathèque française
est prévue à l'automne 2014. Parce qu'il est le
premier à être consacré à l'oeuvre de Guy
Gilles, nous avons voulu que cet ouvrage soit
une somme. Nous avons donc réuni des textes,
des documents et des images très divers
Expo: Oct. 2014 - ..., Cinémathèque
française, Paris
[BE] Yellow Now | Paperback | French ed. |
235 x 165 mm | 272 p | throughout col.ill. |
ISBN: 9782873403539 | € 30,00 | Nov. 2014
Liée à une rétrospective J. Ford à la
Cinémathèque française en décembre 2014.
Arsenii Tarkovsky: Film & Poetry
Artistic Kinship between Arsenii and
Andrei Tarkovsky
Kitty Hunter Blair
Andrei Tarkovsky is widely regarded as one of
the most significant filmmakers of modern
times. Fundamental to his practice are the
poems that his father, Arsenii, created. They
resonate through many of the films, and offer
levels of meaning which lie undetected to the
unknowing eye. For the first time this book
presents not only accurate and beautiful
renditions of these poems in English, but also a
penetrating and illuminating presentation of
the dynamic creative relationship between
father and son .
[UK] Tate | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 215 x 163
mm | 240 p | 40 col. & bw ill. | ISBN:
9781849762496 | € 22,50 | Oct. 2014
-Previously announced-
[BE] Yellow Now | Paperback | French ed. |
235 x 165 mm | 224 p | throughout col.ill. |
ISBN: 9782873403515 | € 30,00 | Sept. 2014
Sylvie Pierre Ulmann <Côté films #25>
Sylvie Pierre Ulmann
Frontière chinoise (7 Women, 1966) est le
dernier long métrage de fiction du cinéaste
américain John Ford (1894/1973), dont la
filmographie en tant que director a commencé
en 1917 et comporte plus de cent vingt titres,
les films parlants, tellement de chefs-d'oeuvre,
étant bien sûr mieux connus d'un large public
cinéphile. La caractéristique spécifique de ce
(presque) dernier film dans l'oeuvre fordienne
est d'avoir porté un ensemble de figures
féminines au rang de réelles protagoniste
[BE] Yellow Now | Paperback | French ed. |
170 x 120 mm | 112 p | Several col.ill. | ISBN:
9782873403553 | € 12,50 | Nov. 2014
Kathryn Altman, Giulia D'Agnolo Vallan and Martin Scorsese
For decades Altman fascinated, challenged
and perplexed critics and audiences alike with
films--among them M*A*S*H, Nashville,
Short Cuts, and Gosford Park --that pioneered
the use of zoom lenses, overlapping dialogue,
multi-track recording, improvisation, multiple
storylines and mixing documentary with fiction.
Yet, for all his technical innovations, Altman
infused each of his works with a trademark
sense of subversive, caustic, satirical humour,
as well as an empassioned social and political
[US] Abrams | Hardback | Eng. ed. |
305 x 254 mm | 336 p | 300 col.ill. |
ISBN: 9781419707773 | € 36,95 | Nov. 2014
Anton Corbijn
Derek Jarman Super 8
Looking at A Most Wanted Man
James Mackay
Anton Corbijn's new film A Most Wanted Man, a
modern-day espionage thriller based on a spy novel by
John le Carre, takes a look at the "waron terror," which
plays a decisive and increasingly grim role in the aftermath of
September 11th. Set in Hamburg, it stars
Oscar winner Philip Seymour Hoffman, Rachel McAdams,
Willem Dafoe, Robin Wright, and Nina Hoss.
The Super 8s show Jarman at his most visually courageous
and creative, using prisms, filters and superimposition
to produce rich colour and artistically bold compositions.
Jarmans producer and collaborator, James Mackay, has
painstakingly archived and restored the collection of
ninety-two Super 8s bequeathed to him in order to prevent
these rarely seen films being lost for ever.
[G] Schirmer/ Mosel | Hardback | Eng./
Germ. ed. | 210 x 305 mm | 180 p | 140
col.ill. | ISBN: 9783829606493 | € 57,50 | July 2014
[UK] T & H | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 161 x 212
mm | 288 p | 400 col.ill. | 200 bw ill. | ISBN:
9780500517321 | € 30,95 | Oct. 2014
Inside Hbo's Game of Thrones
Book #2
Inside HBO's Game of Thrones
Book Two
HBO's Game of Thrones reigns as cable's
highest-rated series. This official companion
book gives fans new ways to enter this fictional
world and discover more about the beloved
(and reviled) characters and the electrifying
plotlines. Hundreds of set photos, production
and costume designs, storyboards, and insider
stories reveal how the show's creators
translated George R. R. Martin's best-selling
fantasy series into the world of Westeros.
Featuring interviews with key actors and crew
C a Taylor
Each episode of HBO's Game of Thrones draws
millions of obsessed viewers who revel in the
shocking plot twists, award-winning
performances, and gorgeously rendered
fantasy world. This official companion book
reveals what it takes to translate George R. R.
Martin's bestselling series into a wildly popular
television series. With unprecedented scope
and depth, it showcases hundreds of
unpublished set photos, visual effects art, and
production and costume designs.
[US] Chronicle Books | Hardback | Eng. ed. |
279 x 229 mm | 192 p | 300+ col.ill. | ISBN:
9781452122182 | € 36,95 | Nov. 2014
[US] Chronicle Books | Hardback | Eng. ed. |
279 x 229 mm | 192 p | 300 col.ill. | ISBN:
9781452110103 | € 36,95 | June 2014 Reprint
The HBO Effect
Dean J. DeFino
No advertisers to please, no censors to placate,
no commercial interruptions every eleven
minutes, demanding cliffhangers to draw
viewers back after the commercial breaks: HBO
has re-written the rules of television; and the
result has been nothing short of a cultural
ground shift. The HBO Effect details how the
fingerprints of HBO are all over contemporary
film and television.
[UK] Bloomsbury Academic | Paperback | Eng.
ed. | 213 x 140 mm | 256 p | ISBN:
9780826421302 | € 19,95 | Jan. 2014
The Art of Film Magic
The Academy Awards
The Complete Unofficial History
20 Years of Weta
Jim Piazza and Gail Kinn
A deluxe two-volume set that brings to life
twenty years of movie-making magic at Weta
Workshop and Weta Digital-the creative teams
behind such celebrated films as The Lord of the
Rings trilogy, Avatar, The Avengers, District 9,
and Rise of the Planet of the Apes
Written by film experts Jim Piazza and Gail
Kinn, who are sought out every year by the
press for their insider knowledge of movies and
Hollywood, The Academy Awards is both a
handy reference and a detailed history of the
Academy Awards, complete with each year?s
facts, highlights and controversies, all told with
authority and humour.
[US] Collins US | Hardback | Eng. ed. | x
mm | 464 p | ISBN: 9780062297853 | € 85,00
[BE] / € 85,00 [NL] / € 80,19 [INT]| Oct.
[US] Black Dog | Paperback | Eng. ed. | x
mm | 384 p | 500 col.ill. | 500 bw ill. | ISBN:
9781579129866 | € 23,50 | Dec. 2014
Zombies on Film
Harry Potter: The Creature Vault
Muppets Character Encyclopedia
The Definitive Story of Undead Cinema
Jody Revenson
Ozzy Inguanzo
Bound in a de-bossed purple leatherette case
evoking the dark and magical world of
Dementors, Goblins, Merpeople, and Chinese
Fireball Dragons, this vault is a comprehensive
and delightful look at the memorable creatures
of the Harry Potter film series, complete with
removable poster and booklet.
The most sensational, inspirational,
muppetational character encyclopedia ever!
Play the music, light the lights, and meet all
your favourite characters from the Muppets in
The Muppets Character Encyclopedia. From
Animal to Zoot, meet over 150 of the most
memorable and best-loved Muppet characters
from the 1970s to the present day.
Packed with facts about Kermit, Miss Piggy,
Fozzie Bear, Gonzo, The Swedish Chef, and all
their wild and wacky buddies. Featuring
full-colour images.
The first and only book to chronicle popular
culture's greatest and most terrifyingly
intriguing monsters in the very medium their
bloody, shuffling, brain-hungry characteristics
were shaped-at the movies! The zombie genre
has been built by a creative and cultural
transfer of influences from generation to
generation of storytellers, filmmakers, and
[US] Rizzoli | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 316 x 241
mm | 252 p | 200 col.ill. | ISBN:
9780789327390 | € 40,50 | Sept. 2014
[US] Collins US | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 279 x
235 mm | 208 p | ISBN: 9780062374233 | €
45,00 [BE] / € 45,00 [NL] / € 45,00 [INT]|
Oct. 2014
[UK] D. K. | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 235 x 183
mm | 200 p | throughout col.ill. | ISBN:
9781409345763 | € 15,50 | Feb. 2014
Bruce Springsteen
Danny Clinch
Deborah Feingold
Album by Album
Still Moving
Ryan White
Bruce Springsteen and Danny Clinch
For over forty years Bruce Springsteen has
stood astride the rock 'n' roll stage like a
musical colossus, his 18 studio albums - from
the 1973 debut Greetings from Asbury Park,
N.J. to 2014's High Hopes - the testament of a
life dedicated to musical prowess and
committed songwriting. This book examines
every stage of his musical career, discussing
influences, lyrics, popularity, politics and all
other aspects of Springsteen's music.
Danny Clinch has established himself as one of
the premiere photographers of the popular
music scene. He has photographed a wide
range of artists from Johnny Cash and Tupac
Shakur to Bjork and Bruce Springsteen. His
photos have appeared on hundreds of album
covers as well as in publications such as Vanity
Fair, Spin, Rolling Stone, GQ, Esquire and the
New York Times Magazine.
This volume concentrates on Feingold's
portraits of popular musicians such as Mick
Jagger, Madonna, Pharrell Williams, Bono,
Prince, Keith Richards, Chet Baker, James
Brown, Joey Ramone and Cyndi Lauper, and
bands such as The Replacements, The Beastie
Boys, REM and more. Alongside Feingold's
black-and-white and color photographs, this
volume includes an introduction by Anthony
DeCurtis, a Grammy Award winner and noted
music writer.
[UK] Carlton | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 292 x
248 mm | 288 p | 250 col.ill. | ISBN:
9781780975702 | € 46,95 | Oct. 2014
[US] Abrams | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 305 x
254 mm | 296 p | 200 col. & bw ill. | ISBN:
9781419708701 | € 44,95 | Oct. 2014
The Art of Gothic
Natasha Scharf
Justice for All
Dressed head-to-toe in black, often with
extreme make-up, the gothic look has been a
popular once since the 1980s. Gothic art is
about more than just album covers and
ephemera; it's about fashion, book jackets,
cinematography, computer graphics and fine
arts. And its influence frequently seeps through
into mainstream culture.
Joel Mclver
[UK] Omnibus +firm+ | Hardback | Eng. ed.
| 279 x 248 mm | 224 p | ISBN:
9781783052639 | € 30,95 | Oct. 2014
[IT] Damiani | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 254 x
254 mm | 108 p | ISBN: 9788862083119 |
€ 44,95 | Oct. 2014
Punk Rock Writers Journal
The updated version of McIver's bestselling
biography explores the aftermath of Metallica's
comeback in the wake of 2008's Death
Magnetic. Here McIver reveals a refreshing new
spin on the Lulu album, re-evaluating its
contents in the light of Reed's death in 2013.
[UK] Omnibus +firm+ | Paperback | Eng. ed.
| 198 x 129 mm | p | ISBN: 9781783055418
| € 19,95 ] June 2014
This punk rock writers journal reimagines
Virginia Woolf, Oscar Wilde and other
influential authors as modern misfits. With
attitude to spare, it's sure to inspire a little
creative rebellion.
[US] Chronicle Gifts | Flexi (Pb luxe) | Eng.
ed. | 178 x 128 mm | 192 p | ISBN:
9781452137810 | € 11,50 | Sept. 2014
The Beatles
The Beatles Lyrics
Illustrated Lyrics
The Unseen Story Behind Their Music
Alan Aldridge
Many books have appeared over the years
about the Beatles lyrics - about the words of
those songs which the whole world knows and
sings, and will sing for ever, as long as we
have the breath to hum the tunes. But no one
has ever tried to track down and publish the
original versions of the classic songs - showing
the words in the Beatles' own handwriting, how
they first wrote them, how they scribbled them
down on pieces of paper or backs of envelopes,
with all the crossings out and changes.
Clarification of controversial lyrics is offered by
the only true authorities, the Beatles
themselves. All the famous songs are included
- from Can't Buy Me Love and A Hard Day's
Night to Rocky Raccoon, Revolver and Yellow
Submarine Lavish full colour illustrations by
internationally famous artists and specially
commissioned photographs reflect the
psychedelic world the Beatles lived in and the
whole generation and pop culture they
[UK] Omnibus +firm+ | Paperback | Eng. ed.
| 278 x 222 mm | 224 p | ISBN:
9781780388250 | € 38,95 | July 2014
[UK] Orion | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 255 x 197
mm | 560 p | ISBN: 9780297608127 |
€ 42,50 | Sept. 2014
The Beatles 1964 Collection
Specialty Journal
The Beatles hype reached a fever pitch in 1964
when the band made their first US appearance.
The Beatles 1964 Collection Specialty
Journal commemorates this historic event with a
gorgeous 112-page reporter-style journal-inviting
you to write, create, and sketch within its pages.
[US] Galison | Eng. ed. | 102 x 178 mm | 112 p |
ISBN: 9780735342361 | € 15,50 | Aug. 2014
The Beatles 1964 Collection.
Pencil Set
Carry around the songs you love from the band
that changed the world. Crafted of natural wood, our
pencils feature colourful erasers and full-colour
designs. Each of the eight pencils features the title of
a popular song.8 round pencils - standard HB/#2 with
silkscreened designs
[US] Galison | Boxed | Eng. ed. | 64 x 216 mm |
ISBN: 9780735342330 | € 11,50 | Oct. 2014
Leonard Cohen
Waiting for the Man
Everybody Knows
The Life & Career of Lou Reed
Harvey Kubernik
Jeremy Reed
Victor Bockris
Published to co-incide with Cohen's 80th
birthday in September 2014.A celebration of
the life, music and poetry of Leonard
Cohen.Featuring new interviews with Cohen's
band, producers and collaborators. Illustrated
with hundreds of photographs, many
previously unpublished.
In Waiting For The Man, Jeremy Reed focuses
on Lou Reed as rock's principal literary avatar,
paying special attention to his controversial
lyrics and prototypical garage sound. Lou Reed
influenced generations of copyists that took
note of his outlaw status, ambiguous sexual
orientation characterised by his seventies
relationship with the transvestite Rachel, his
implacable mystique, cool and defiant attitude
as the narrator of subcultures.
Transformer is the only complete and comprehensive telling of the Lou Reed story.Legendary
songwriter and guitarist Lou Reed passed away on
the 27th October 2013, but his musical influence is
assured. Now discover the true story of the Velvet
Underground pioneer in this update of Bockris's
classic biography.Transformer: The Complete
Lou Reed Story follows the great songwriter and
singer through the series of transformations that
define each period of his fifty year career.
[UK] Omnibus +firm+ | Hardback | Eng. ed.
| 275 x 215 mm | 224 p | ISBN:
9781783053179 | € 31,50 | Sept. 2014
[UK] Omnibus +firm+ | Hardback | Eng. ed.
| 234 x 156 mm | 288 p | ISBN:
9781783055692 | € 31,50 | Oct. 2014
The Complete Lou Reed Story
[UK] Harper Collins UK | Paperback | Eng. ed. |
197 x 130 mm | 400 p | ISBN: 9780007581894 |
€ 22,50 | Oct. 2014
Kurt Cobain
Hipgnosis Portraits
The Last Session
10cc - AC/DC - Black Sabbath - Foreigner
- Genesis - Led Zeppelin - Pink Floyd - Queen The Rolling Stones - The Who - Wings - XTC
Jesse Frohman
In August 1993, when Nirvana was in New York
to perform at the legendary Roseland Ballroom, Jesse
Frohman photographed them for the London Observer s Sunday
magazine the last formal photo shoot in which Cobain
participated before he committed suicide on April 5th, 1994.
Over the course of ninety photographs, Cobain seems an almost
feral creature, by turns gentle, playful, defiant,
suffering, or absorbed in his music.
Aubrey Powell/Hipgnosis
Hipgnosis created some of the most innovative
and surreal cover art of the 1960s, 70s, and early 80s for the
biggest names of the era Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Wings,
Yes, Genesis, 10cc, Peter Gabriel, Bad Company, Syd Barrett, and
Black Sabbath, to name just a few. The sublime prism
cover for Pink Floyd s The Dark Side of the Moon continues
to be one of the most pervasive images in all popular culture.
[UK] T & H | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 318 x 267
mm | 144 p | 25 col.ill. | 65 bw ill. | ISBN:
9780500517642 | € 43,50 | Oct. 2014
[UK] T & H | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 305 x 254
mm | 288 p | 250 col.ill. | 70 bw ill. | ISBN:
9780500517635 | € 54,50 | Oct. 2014
German ed.: Schirmer/ Mosel
Neil Young
Black Sabbath
Special Deluxe
Marc Shapiro
The Vault
Quirky and wonderfully candid, Neil Young's
new book of reminiscences is as compelling as
his first book. He returns with more
unforgettable stories about his six decades in
the music business - but this is not your
average rock biography. He centres this new
work on one of his life's passions, cars, using
the framework of all the cars he's ever owned
to construct a narrative of his life and career,
exploring and demonstrating how memories
are attached to objects.
Lorde won two Grammys earlier this year for
her song 'Royals,' which has captivated
audiences all over the world and skyrocketed
her from obscurity to superstardom. Quite an
accomplishment for a girl who just turned 17.
Lorde is the voice of her generation, a
head-strong, determined young woman who
knows what she wants and has known how she
was going to get it from an early age.
Paul Elliott
[UK] Penguin UK | Hardback | Eng. ed. |210 x
150 mm | 400 p | ISBN: 9780241006894 |
€ 29,95 | Oct. 2014
[UK] Omnibus +firm+ | | Eng. ed. | 207 x
129 mm | 180 p | ISBN: 9781783056712 |
€ 15,20 | Aug. 2014
One of the most successful, influential and
provocative bands of all time, Black Sabbath dubbed "The Beatles of Heavy Metal" by Rolling
Stone magazine - changed the landscape of
popular music forever. Their current reunion
has been one of the most talked-about twists
in rock's recent narrative. Having sold over 70
million albums worldwide (including 15 million
in the US) since their early 1970s
breakthrough, their comeback album 13 raced
to the top of the charts across the globe.
[UK] Carlton | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 245 x
283 mm | 64 p | 150 col.ill. | ISBN:
9781780975580 | € 46,95 | Sept. 2014
Marianne Faithfull
Lenny Kravitz
A Life on Record
Lenny Kravitz
Marianne Faithfull
A visual celebration of one of rock's most magnetic stars.
Lenny Kravitz is the quintessential rock god: he has musical chops,
glamorous style, and sex appeal for miles. His talents as a writer,
producer, actor, and multi-instrumentalist are without question he
has won four consecutive Grammy Awards, setting a record for the
most wins in the "Best Male Rock Vocal Performance" category,
sold more than thirty-eight million albums worldwide and remains
always in the public eyeby appearing in blockbuster films
A tribute to the life and work of one of the great musical icons
of the twentieth century, reflected through the lenses of the world's
greatest photographers. Published to coincide with the fiftieth
anniversary of the release in 1964 of her groundbreaking debut single "As
Tears Go By," this is the definitive book on Faithfull, one of the most
beloved singers of the twentieth century. As a folk singer in
London, Marianne Faithfull was discovered in a coffeehouse
in 1964 by the manager of the Rolling Stones.
[US] Rizzoli | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 356 x 280
mm | 228 p | 250 col.ill. | ISBN: 9780789327505 |
€ 64,95 | Sept. 2014
[US] Rizzoli | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 298 x 228
mm | 272 p | 280 col.ill. | ISBN:
9780847843596 | € 72,95 | Oct. 2014
De oorlog vanuit de lucht
Brieven aan mijn lief
Shooting Range
1914-1918 Het front in België (Herdruk)
Korneel Paenen
Fotografie in de Vuurlinie?
Birger Stichelbaut, Piet Chielens
Hobokenaar Eduardus Pir wordt eind 1913
opgeroepen om zijn dienstplicht te gaan
vervullen. Vier jaar is hij deelgenoot van een
onmenselijke oorlog.
Maar evenzeer kent hij liefde, vriendschap en
vooral kameraadschap zonder hetwelk een
soldaat in oorlogstijd een vogel voor de kat is.
Zijn hele verhaal zet hij, bijna dagelijks op
papier in brieven aan zijn lief. Zijn brieven zijn
vaak ontroerend en menselijk maar even vaak
De 'Groote Oorlog' in zijn blootje gezet.
Elviera Velghe, Rein Deslé, Inge Henneman
and others
100 jaar geleden barst in Europa de Eerste
Wereldoorlog los. Luchtfotografie, toen een nog
vrij nieuwe technologie, werd al snel een
onmisbaar instrument. Dit uitzonderlijk boek
brengt honderddertig cases samen. De auteurs
tonen aan de hand van luchtfoto's, kaarten en
historische documenten, met een nooit geziene
precisie de omvang van de Eerste Wereldoorlog
en de dramatische impact op het landschap.
Verhelderende transparanten laten toe de
luchtfoto's echt 'te lezen'.
[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds |
Hardback | NL ed. | 245 x 295 mm | 352 p |
500 col.ill. | ISBN: 9789462300248 | € 69,95
Sept 2014
[BE] Pandora | Paperback | NL ed. | 240 x
170 mm | 400 p | throughout bw ill. | ISBN:
9789053253854 | € 24,95 | Oct. 2014
'Magnificent', 'gorgeous' and 'majestic' are the
kind of spontaneous reactions heard from
visitors to the Royal Palace in Brussels.
The Palace has been opening its doors to the
public from late July to early September every
year since 1965. Throughout this period, all are
welcome to come and explore the place where
King Philippe performs his duties and recieves
his guests.
Photography & The great War
English ed| isbn 9789491775543| 39,00
Maak kennis met zijn vrienden, familie en
zijn beheerste (on)deugden
Piet Chielens en Kristin Van Damme
The Royal Palace
In geen enkele andere stad in de wereld vind je
nog zoveel tastbare herinneringen aan Rubens
als in Antwerpen. Antwerpen was in de
zestiende en zeventiende eeuw het decor van
allerlei twisten en eindeloze
godsdienstperikelen. Alles in het leven werd
getoetst aan waarden, en het theologische
concept van de zeven hoofdzonden en de
zeven deugden werd voor mensen een echt
houvast in deze woelige periode.
In dit boekje vind je veertien locaties die
telkens verbonden zijn met een deugd of
English edition | isbn 9789085866756|
[BE] BAI | Paperback | NL ed.
[BE] BAI | Paperback | NL ed. | 300 x 235
mm | 84 p | throughout col.ill. | ISBN:
9789085866749 | € 15,00 | Aug. 2014
€ 15,00 | Aug. 2014
[BE] MER.paperkunsthalle | Hardback | NL ed.
| 312 x 245 mm | 208 p | ISBN:
9789491775529 | € 39,00 | Sept. 2014
Shooting Range
Met 40 transparanten.
Herdruk. Eerste druk Dec. 2013
Het Koninklijk Paleis
De Groote Oorlog is het eerste grootschalig
conflict dat met foto's en films is vastgelegd.
De jonge media blijken ongekende krachten te
bezitten: als alziend oog, als herinnering, maar
ook als wapen. Beelden leggen niet enkel een
conflict vast, ze spelen er zelfs een belangrijke
rol in. Shooting Range belicht op welke manier
dat gebeurde, in een conflict dat de hele wereld
vier jaar in de ban hield.
|176 x
125 mm |56 p | ISBN: 9789085866787 |
€ 3,50 | Oct. 2014
Available in Dutch, English, French, German,
Russian and Chinese editions.
Belgen op de vlucht 1914-1918
Vluchten. Huis en vaderland halsoverkop
verlaten. Het is traumatische gebeurtenis die
een mensenleven in een mum van tijd
overhoop gooit. Dit boek biedt een prangend
beeld van de grootste exodus uit onze
geschiedenis. Aangrijpende foto's, persoonlijke
getuigenissen van vluchtelingen en
hulpverleners, brieven, dagboekfragmenten
maken deze bittere volksverhuizing pijnlijk
concreet. Een overrompelend tijdsdocument.
Expo: 20/05/14 - 01/01/15, MAS,
[BE] Tijdsbeeld-Piece Montée | Hardback | NL
ed. | 235 x 165 mm | 224 p | 95 duotone ill. |
ISBN: 9789490880071 | € 25,95 | May 2014
100 Kindervragen.
Valerie Vandenbussche
Een paard of pony. Het staat op het
verlanglijstje van vele kinderen. Ook in het
digitale tijdperk spreken de kracht, intelligentie
en de bijzondere band tussen paard en ruiter
nog tot de verbeelding.
Maar wat weten we nu eigenlijk over paarden?
Valérie Vandenbussche, verbonden aan het
natuur- en educatiecentrum De Nachtegaal in
De Panne, heeft een hart voor paarden. Als
begeleidster van vele paardenkampen
verzamelde en beantwoordde ze 100 ludieke,
prangende en originele kindervragen over
[BE] Stichting Kunstboek | Hardback | NL ed.
| 240 x 170 mm | 64 p | ISBN:
9789058564849 | € 14,95 | Aug. 2014
Ed Emberley Memory Game
Ed Emberley Alphabet Blocks
These three new products celebrate the
wonderful, whimsical, and humorous world of
Ed Emberley. Released together with AMMO's
new ED EMBERLEY monograph by Todd
Oldham and Caleb Neelon, The Memory Game,
The Domineos/Matching Game, and the
Alphabet Blocks all highlight illustrations from
Emberley's wide repertoire of books. These are
a great companion to Emberley's classic
how-todraw books and AMMO's rereleased
selection of vintage Emberley storybooks.
These three new products celebrate the
wonderful, whimsical, and humorous world of
Ed Emberley. Released together with AMMO's
new ED EMBERLEY monograph by Todd
Oldham and Caleb Neelon, The Memory Game,
The Dominoes/Matching Game, and the
Alphabet Blocks all highlight illustrations from
Emberley's wide repertoire of books. These are
a great companion to Emberley's classic
how-todraw books and AMMO's rereleased
selection of vintage Emberley storybooks.
[US] Ammo | Cards | Eng. ed. | 190 x 190
mm | p | ISBN: 9781623260552 | € 15,95
[ Oct. 2014
[US] Ammo | Boxed | Eng. ed. | 120 x 273
mm | p | ISBN: 9781623260576 | € 21,95
| Oct. 2014
36 pairs/72 cards total
10 blocks total
Ed Emberley Dominoes +
Matching Game
These three new products celebrate the
wonderful, whimsical, and humorous world of
Ed Emberley. Released together with AMMO's
new ED EMBERLEY monograph by Todd
Oldham and Caleb Neelon, The Memory Game,
The Domineos/Matching Game, and the
Alphabet Blocks all highlight illustrations from
Emberley's wide repertoire of books. These are
a great companion to Emberley's classic
how-todraw books and AMMO's rereleased
selection of vintage Emberley storybooks.
[US] Ammo | Boxed | Eng. ed. | 120 x 273
mm | p | ISBN: 9781623260569 | € 16,95 |
Oct. 2014
This is the World
A Global Treasury
Miroslav Sasek
A compilation of abridged versions of M.
Sasek's most popular children's travel books.
From London to Hong Kong, Sydney to San
Francisco, readers will delight in this charming
journey through the world's great cities. With
deft strokes of his paintbrush and a witty voice
to match, master illustrator and storyteller M.
Sasek captured the essence of the world's
major capitals and brought them to life for an
entire generation of young readers.
[US] Rizzoli | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 292 x 228
mm | 320 p | throughout col.ill. | ISBN:
9780847843961 | € 36,50 [BE] / € 36,50 [NL]
/ € 36,50 [INT]| Sept. 2014
Quentin Blake
by Joanna Carey
Quentin Blake is one of the best-known and
highly-regarded illustrators of our time.
Internationally celebrated for his partnership
with Roald Dahl he has also, in a career of
fifty years, had extended collaborations with other
authors such as Russell Hoban, John Yeoman
and Michael Rosen, created children s books of
his own, and illustrated adult classics by
Cervantes, Cyrano de Bergerac, Voltaire
and La Fontaine. Joanna Carey s writes a
brilliant survey of Blake's oeuvre.Expo:
Summer 2014, House of Illustration,
London (Inside Stories, a landmark show)
[UK] Tate | Hardback | Eng. ed. |
250 x 192 mm | 96 p | ISBN: 9781849763271
| € 22,50 | July 2014
The Five of Us
Quentin Blake
[UK] Tate | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 255 x 185 mm |
32 p | throughout col.ill. | ISBN: 9781849763042 |
€ 17,95 | Aug. 2014 (Age: 3+ years)
My Bubble Writer Christmas Book
Design Patterns Uppercase
Wooden Magnetic Letters
Linda Scott
Bubble writers everywhere will find a wealth of
Christmas bubble writing activities in this fun,
festive book. There are new alphabets to copy,
Christmas place settings, gift tags and tree
decorations to make, ideas for family games
and much more. It also includes jolly Christmas
characters to help you make and decorate your
creations. It's sure to keep every bubble writer
busy for the entire holiday season!
How do you spell C-R-E-A-T-I-V-I-T-Y? It's a
snap with Cooper Hewitt Design Patterns
Wooden Magnetic Uppercase Letters from
Mudpuppy. A fun and educational collaboration
with Cooper Hewitt, National Design Museum,
this set includes 40 wooden letters featuring
beautiful patterns from the museum's
collection. Packaged in a unique milk carton
box, these sturdy and durable letters are
perfect for decorating any magnetic surface.
Spell something truly A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!
[UK] Laurence King | Paperback | Eng. ed. |
260 x 185 mm | 112 p | ISBN:
9781780671918 | € 12,50 | Oct. 2014
[US] Galison Gifts & Stationery | Box | Eng.
ed. | 210 x 70 mm | 40 p | ISBN:
9780735340657 | € 19,95 | Aug. 2014
Explore & Draw Patterns
How to Draw Vintage Fashion
Markus Fische
An Art Activity Book
Tips from top fashion designers
The Alphabeticals are a fun collection of
alphabet characters, designed by master paper
engineer Markus Fischer. All 26 letters of the
alphabet are featured as press-out templates,
easily constructed and enjoyed: each pattern
depicts a cute figure beginning with the letter
in question, from Astronaut to Zebra, and
Markuss charming and witty designs will
delight kids, and make the grown-ups raise a
smile, too.
Owen Davey and Georgia Amson-Bradshaw
Celia Joicey and Dennis Nothdruft
This fun drawing book will inspire you to spot,
learn about, design and most of all draw all
kinds of cool, colourful and amazing patterns.
Its packed with quirky activities, from drawing
an abstract pattern with your toes and
designing a mystical mandala to creating the
most beautiful pattern you can imagine.
This is a beginners step-by-step guide to
drawing vintage-inspired fashion like a real
designer. The book is aimed at young people
who are keen to learn how to draw figures in
vintage outfits. At the beginning of the book
leading designers explain how they go about
finding vintage inspiration for the design
process, giving examples from their
sketchbooks, while models, stylists and fashion
bloggers explain why vintage fashion is now so
[UK] Ilex | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 297 x 210
mm | 60 p | throughout col.ill. | ISBN:
9781781572146 | € 15,50
| March 2015
Why the Bear Has No Tail
And other Russian Fairy-Tales, Retold and
Elena Polenova, Netta Peacock
In the 1880s, the artist, designer and
illustrator Elena Polenova (1850-98) began
illustrating fairy tales that she noted down
during her travels around Russian villages.
With a new translation by Robert Chandler, this
beautifully crafted book is published to coincide
with an exhibition in the UK of the artist's
[UK] T & H, Distributed | Hardback | Eng. ed.
| 240 x 170 mm | 64 p | 12 col.ill. | ISBN:
9781906257149 | € 18,50 [BE] / € 18,50 [NL]
/ € 18,50 [INT]| Nov. 2014
[UK] Ivy Press | Paperback with flaps | Eng.
ed. | 297 x 210 mm | 64 p | 100 col.ill. |
ISBN: 9781782401407 | € 13,95 [BE] / €
13,95 [NL] / € 13,95 [INT]| Aug. 2014
Make Art with Your Hands and
Pull-out pin-up doodles! Draw around
your hands and feet to create pictures
Jacky Bahbout
Make art with your hands and feet! is an art
pad with a difference. The reader is
encouraged to draw around his or her fingers,
thumbs, hands, toes or feet to complete the
pictures. Hand- and finger-prints can be made
with paint, too.Once the images are complete
the pages can be personalized with the childs
name and/or messages for family and friends,
and torn out to be given as gifts, or simply
stuck on the wall. Some pages have a space
for the readers age, giving them a unique and
personal record.
[UK] T & H | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 240 x
340 mm | 64 p | throughout col.ill. | ISBN:
9780500650387 | € 14,95| Aug. 2014
[UK] T & H | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 300 x
230 mm | 96 p | throughout col.ill. | ISBN:
9780500650370 | € 19,95 [BE] / € 19,95 [NL]
/ € 19,95 [INT]| Sept. 2014
Color it ChicDressy
Interiors By You & Nancy Riegelman
Nancy Riegelman
More fun and whimsy in this upscale colouring
book for all lovers of fashion, children and adults
alike. The latest offering in the Color it Chic
series takes fashion indoors showing it as it
appears through the ages in its original interior
contexts. Fashion meets architecture meets
you in this new book of original drawings by
Nancy Riegelman ready for the readers own
colouring input. Inspirational, educational and
diversional!9 Heads Media
[UK] T & H, Distributed | | Eng. ed. | 283 x
218 mm| 256 p | ISBN: 9780970246394 |
€ 19,95 | Sept. 2014
Postcard Colouring Books
Printed with 20 exceptional designs in
very light lines.
The printing is done in such a way that,
depending on the techniques used, the original
outline will be hardly visible after colouring.
The first-rate paper is made to our
specifications by one of the best paper mills in
Europe and is suitable for a wide range of
colouring applications, including pencil, crayon,
pastel, felt marker, gouache, etc. Also
watercolours and liquid inks can be used.
Contains: 2 x India, Turkish Designs, Bali,
Classic Cars; 3 x Art Nouveau, Art Deco, Floral
Still Life, Japanese.
[NL] Pepin Press | Pad | 150 x 105 mm |
20 cards per pad | € 199,- per box of 20 copies
(9,99 /piece). Can be reordered per item.
Each title with 20 different colouring postcards
(250g/m2; 10.5 x 15 cm)
Mixed Titles - Box with an assortment of 20 cps
ISBN: 9789460096211 | € 199,00
Art Deco | 9789460096198 (Box of 20 cps) | € 199,00
Art Nouveau | ISBN: 9789460096013 (Box of 20 cps)| € 199,00
Bali |9789460096099 (Box of 20 cps) | € 199,00
Classic Cars | 9789460096037 (Box of 20 cps) | € 199,00
Floral Still Life | 9789460096051(Box of 20 cps) | € 199,00
India |9789460096167 (Box of 20 cps) | € 199,00
Japanese Designs | 9789460096075 (Box of 20 cps) | € 199,00
Turkish Designs | 9789460096112(Box of 20 cps) | € 199,00
20th Century Fashion | Box of 10 cps
Artists' Colouring Books:
Pepin Van Rooje
PEPIN Artists' Colouring Books contain 16
sheets of superior acid-free drawing paper,
printed with exceptional designs in very light
lines. The printing is done in such a way that,
depending on the techniques used, the original
outline will be hardly visible after colouring.
The 180 gsm drawing paper is suitable for a
wide range of colouring applications, including
pencil, crayon, pastel, felt marker, gouache,
etc. Also water colours and liquid inks can be
used. Can be framed and displayed without
[NL] Pepin - Artists' Colouring Books |
Paperback | 345 x 250 mm | 16 p | € 12,95
Art Deco Fashion
| ISBN 9789460098079
1960s Fashion | ISBN: 9789460098086
Kimono | ISBN: 9789460098062
| ISBN 9789460098031
Arabian Patterns |ISBN
Art Deco Fashion | ISBN 9789460098079
Art Nouveau | ISBN 9789460098000
Japanese Designs | ISBN 9789460098055
Still Life Bouquets | 9789460098048
| € 169,50-
Numbers Game
Paul M. Baars
The Numbers Game is a new game concept
that resembles the memory game play but with
some interesting differences, which makes the
game more exciting and flexible. The Numbers
Game consists of four sets of 20 cards. Each
set has a set of numbers running from 1 to 20.
The goal of the game is to collect one set of 20
cards. However...
[NL] BIS Publishers | Boxed | Eng. ed. | x
mm | 80 p | 80 col.ill. | ISBN: 9789063693701
| € 15,00 [BE] | Oct. 2014
Pirate Adventure Dice
Hannah Waldron
Revive the art of storytelling using these nine
beautifully illustrated wooden dice to create the
most imaginative, funny and bizarre stories.
Construct your own pirate adventure tale with
sea monsters, mermaids, parrots and
messages in bottles, not forgetting the
all-important map and buried treasure! This is
the perfect family game that will stimulate the
imaginations of children and adults alike. Ideal
for playing by a log fire.
[UK] Laurence King | Boxed | Eng. ed. | 90 x 90 mm |
box, 9 dice | ISBN: 9781856699389 | € 14,50 | Aug. 2014
Magic and Fairy tale dice | ISBN 9781856699198 | € 14,50
Little Animal Landscapes
10 Punch-Out Scenes for Play and Display
Junzo Terada
Featuring artist Junzo Terada's colourful
patterns, this set of ten punch-out cards
includes five different animal habitats, arctic
tundra, desert, farm, rainforest and woodlands.
With two cards per habitat, users can create
two miniature landscapes or one larger display.
Complete with mail-ready envelopes, these
charming scenes are easy to assemble (no
scissors or glue needed) and can be enjoyed as
3-D greeting cards, party favours and
year-round decor.
[US] Chronicle Gifts | Boxed | Eng. ed. | 210
x 150 mm | 10 p | ISBN: 9781452128979 | €
19,50 [BE] / € 19,50 [NL] / € 19,50 [INT]|
Dec. 2014
My Big Art Show
A Card Game + Book - Collect Paintings to
The Art Game -
Susie Hodge
James Cahill, Mikkel Sommer
This set of cards and its accompanying book
form a lively art-exhibition game for children
aged eight and over. Each card represents a
work of art. As well as key information, such as
artist and date, the cards also use symbols and
colours to indicate which Movement and Theme
the work represents. There are twelve
Movements Renaissance, Baroque,
Neoclassicism, Romanticism, Realism,
Impressionism, Post-Impressionism,
Expressionism, Cubism, Futurism, Surrealism
and Pop Art and six Themes.
Piet Mondrian or Andy Warhol - Damien Hirst
or Banksy - whose artworks have been the
most influential? The most shocking? The most
expensive? How about their versatility or
critical reception? These playing cards allow art
lovers of all ages to play their favourite artists
against each other to discover who rules the
art world.
[UK] T & H | Boxed | Eng. ed. | 220 x 155
mm | 60 p | throughout col.ill. | ISBN:
9780500650394 | € 21,95 | Aug. 2014
Cats. Best in Show -
Artists' Trump Card
[UK] Laurence King | Cards | Eng. ed. | 100 x
70 mm | 34 p | 32 col.ill. | ISBN:
9781856699532 | € 13,95 | Aug. 2014
A Trump Card Game
Polly Horner
[UK] Laurence King | Cards | Eng. ed. | 90 x
70 mm | 33 p | 30 col.ill. | ISBN:
9781856699297 | € 13,95 | Aug. 2014
I Love Books LittleLit Tote Bag
Brand new range of tote bags
Same great quality as before just in a
Stylish totes for carrying your favourite
books! "I find television very educating.
Everytome somebody turns on the set, I go
into the other room and read a book."
smaller format!
Tote Bag | 356 x 394 mm |
[US] Gibbs Smith | Artwork © Michel
Vrana | Tote Bag | 241 x 241 mm
ISBN 9781423638261 | € 9,95
I Love Books Totes - Books Books
ISBN 9781423638216 | € 13,95
BabyLit® Totes - Read Frankenstein
Carpe Librum! LoveLit Tote Bag
ISBN 9781423638704 | € 13,95
ISBN 9781423638254 | € 13,95
I Love Books Totes Read more books
ISBN 9781423636687 | € 13,95
Groucho Marx LoveLit Tote Bag
ISBN 9781423638193 | € 13,95
Totes LoveLit - Richard Steele
"Reading is to the mind what exercise
is to the body."
ISBN 9781423638209 | € 13,95
Button Box (BabyLit) Just Your Type Badge box
Clever gifts for literature lovers! I Love
Books Button Box Artwork @ Michel Vrana
W/120 x 1 1.4" Buttons, 24 different designs
Box: 4" wide x 5 3.4" deep x 7 3.4" high 1
box minimum, nonreturnable
[US] Gibbs Smith | Artwork @ Michel
Vrana | Boxed | Eng. ed. | x mm | 200 p |
Sept. 2014 | ISBN 9781423638391 |
€ 145,00
24 different designs - 120 pieces
Literary Listography
Virginia Woolf
My Reading Life in Lists
Art, Life and Vision
Lisa Nola and Holly Exley
Frances Spalding
Now fans of the bestselling Listography journal
series can keep track of their literary life past, present and future. With over 70
entertaining and thought-provoking list topics
ranging from the quintessential (favourite
books by genre, authors to explore) to the
lovably idiosyncratic (favourite reading spots,
books to skip), this illustrated journal will serve
as a unique autobiography and reading log for
Virginia Woolfs many novels, notably Night and
Day (1919), Jacobs Room (1922), Mrs
Dalloway (1925), To the Lighthouse (1927)
and The Waves (1931), transformed ideas
about structure, plot and characterisation. The
third child of Leslie and Julia Stephen, and
sister of Vanessa (later Bell), Woolf was a
central figure in the Bloomsbury Group: that
union of friends who revolutionised British
culture with their innovative approach to art,
design and society in the early years of the
twentieth century.
Reprint. Expo: 10/07/2014 - 26/10/2014,
National Portrait Gallery, London
[US] Chronicle Gifts | Paperback | Eng. ed. |
240 x 180 mm | 160 p | 72 col.ill. | ISBN:
9781452131603 | € 18,50 | July 2014
Pocket Atlas of Remote Islands:
Fifty Islands I Have Not Visited and Never
[UK] National Portrait Gallery | Paperback |
Eng. ed. | 240 x 185 mm | 192 p | 150 col.ill.
Sept. 2014 -Reprint
Roald Dahl
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
(Penguin Modern Classics)
Roald Dahl
'We are the music makers ... we are the
dreamers of dreams'
This new edition
of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory celebrates
fifty years of the bestselling and beloved classic.
The story of Charlie Bucket, a mysterious,
eccentric chocolate factory owner and the
golden ticket that transforms his existence is
a masterpiece of exuberant invention, nonsense,
fantasy and dark morality tale; both delightful
and cruel. [UK] Penguin UK | Paperback |
Eng. ed. | 198 x 129 mm | 144 p |
ISBN: 9780141394589 | € 12,50 | Sept. 2014
Judith Schalansky
Born on the wrong side of the Berlin Wall, as a
child Judith Schalansky could travel only
through the pages of an atlas. Now she has
created her own, taking us across the oceans
of the world to fifty remote islands. Perfect
maps jostle with cryptic tales from the islands,
full of rare animals and lost explorers,
marooned slaves and lonely scientists,
mutinous sailors and forgotten castaways.
Particular Books
[UK] Penguin UK | Paperback | Eng. ed. |
164 x 112 mm | 240 p |
ISBN: 9781846143496 | € 19,95 | June 2012
Working on my Novel
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Cory Arcangel
Through the Looking Glass (Penguin
English Library)
What does it feel like to try and create
something new? How is it possible to find a
space for the demands of writing a novel in a
world of instant communication?
Working on My Novel is about the act of
creation and the gap between the different
ways we express ourselves today. Exploring
the extremes of making art, from satisfaction
and even euphoria to those days or nights
when nothing will come, it's the story of what it
means to be a creative person, and why we
keep on trying.
[UK] Penguin UK | Paperback | Eng. ed. |
198 x 130 mm | 144 p | ISBN:
9781846147425 | € 9,20 July 2014
Lewis Carroll
'I had sent my heroine straight down a
rabbit-hole ... without the least idea what was
to happen afterwards,' wrote Lewis Carroll,
describing how Alice was conjured up one
'golden afternoon' in 1862 to entertain his
child-friend Alice Liddell. His dream worlds of
nonsensical Wonderland and the back-to-front
Looking Glass kingdom depict order turned
upside-down: a baby turns into a pig, time is
abandoned at a disorderly tea-party and a
chaotic game of chess makes a seven-year-old
girl a Queen.
[UK] Penguin UK | Paperback | Eng. ed. |
196 x 128 mm | 256 p | ISBN:
9780141199689 | € 9,20 | June 2014
The Vatican Secret Archives
Les Archives Secrètes du Vatican
The Vatican Secret Archives
les Archives Secrètes du Vatican
The Vatican Secret Archives have fuelled
people's imagination for centuries. And now,
for the first time in history, a publisher was
allowed to walk around without any restrictions
into this wonderful location! The result is a
magnificent book with impressive and
atmospheric illustrations. 'The Vatican Secret
Archives' provides a unique perspective on this
mysterious place and it's most special
Les archives secrètes du Vatican ont depuis
toujours frappé l'imagination. Pour la première
fois, un éditeur a été autorisé à se promener
librement parmi les trésors abrités et à prendre
des photos de cet endroit chargé de mystères.
Cette publication vous propose un survol
inoubliable des endroits et documents les plus
exceptionnels des archives secrètes vaticanes.
[BE] VdH Books | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 297 x
297 mm | 252 p | 344 col.ill. | ISBN:
9789088810077 | € 19,95 [BE] / € 19,95 [NL]
/ € 19,95 [INT]| Aug. 2010
Special PROMO price : 19,95 euro instead of
49,90 euro
L'art de vivre à Knokke - Le Zoute
-promoFabienne Vastapane
Knokke - Le Zoute, la station balnéaire la plus
exclusive de la Belgique, se trouve à seulement
100 km de la capitale de l'Europe. Avec ses
larges plages de sable, une digue de 8 km de
long, une réserve naturelle magnifique et une
large gamme de possibilités de détente et de
loisirs, c'est un véritable paradis. La station
mondaine attire des résidents et des visiteurs
du monde entier.
Nulle part on ne trouve d'aussi belles maisons
qu'à Knokke - Le Zoute!
[BE] VdH Books | Hardback | French ed. |
297 x 297 mm | 256 p | 291 col.ill. | ISBN:
9789490979027 | € 19,95 [BE] / € 19,95 [NL]
/ € 19,95 [INT]| Dec. 2010
Special PROMO price: 19,95 euro instead of
55,- euro
[BE] VdH Books | Hardback | French ed. |
297 x 297 mm | 240 p | 400 col.ill. | ISBN:
9789088810091 | € 19,95 [BE] / € 19,95 [NL]
/ € 19,95 [INT]| Sept. 2009
Special PROMO price: 19,95 euro instead of
49,90 euro
Living in great style in Knokke Zoute
Beautiful homes in Belgium's most
exclusive coastal city
Fabienne Vastapane
You will struggle to find as many brilliant
interiors elsewhere as you can find in
Knokke-Le Zoute! Magnificent homes lie
secluded on the beautiful seawall, along serene
little pathways and in stately lanes: from grand
villas and charming apartments to cosy
farmsteads. Knokke guarantees a wide range
of styles - both traditional and contemporary,
intimate and sparse, restrained and exuberant.
[BE] VdH Books | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 297 x
297 mm | 228 p | 291 col.ill. | ISBN:
9789088810305 | € 19,95 [BE] / € 19,95 [NL]
/ € 19,95 [INT]| Sept. 2011
Special PROMO price: 19,95 euro instead of
55,- euro
Bijzonder wonen: Knokke-Het
-promoFabienne Vastapane
Knokke, de meest exclusieve badstad van
België, ligt op slechts 100 km van de Europese
hoofdstad Brussel. Met zijn brede
zandstranden, de 8km lange zeedijk, een
prachtig natuurreservaat en een enorm aanbod
van ontspanningsmogelijkheden, is het een
waar paradijs. De mondaine badplaats trekt
inwoners en bezoekers van over de hele wereld
Nergens staan dan ook zoveel schitterende
woningen als in Knokke - Het Zoute!
[BE] VdH Books | Hardback | NL ed. | 297 x
297 mm | 256 p | 291 col.ill. | ISBN:
9789088810275 | € 19,95 [BE] / € 19,95 [NL]
/ € 19,95 [INT]| Dec. 2010
Special PROMO price: 19,95 euro instead of
55,- euro
Precolumbiaanse Meesterwerken
De verzameling Paul en Dora
Janssen-Arts - Mini Edition-
De verzameling Paul en Dora Janssen-Arts, die
enkele van de allermooiste meesterwerken van de
precolumbiaanse kunst bevat, voert ons mee op een
reis door het hele Amerikaanse continent en toont
ons de buitengewone rijkdom van de culturen van
het oude Amerika. de kunstenaars uit het tijdperk
voor de Spaanse verovering waren meesters in het
bewerken van steen en aardewerk en in de textiel-,
pluimen- en edelsmeedkunst. van streek tot streek
treffen we een nooit geziene veelheid van stijl en
[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds |
Geneviève Le Fort (Ed.) | Paperback | NL ed.
| 252 x 215 mm | 408 p | 400 col.ill. | May
2011 | ISBN 9789061530008 | € 15,00 [BE]
Maîtres des Amériques
La Collection Paul et Dora Janssen-Arts
Cette collection, qui rassemble quelques-uns des
plus beaux chefs-d'oeuvre de l'art précolombien,
nous emmène au continent américain, et témoigne
de la richesse extraordinaire des cultures de
l'Amérique ancienne. De l'Alaska à la Terre de Feu,
des origines à la conquête, les artistes
préhispaniques ont excellé dans le travail de la
pierre, de la terre cuite, du textile, de la plume ou de
l'orfèvrerie, offrant selon les régions une variété
inouïe de styles, de techniques et d'inspiration.
[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds |
Geneviève Le Fort (Ed.) | Paperback |
French ed. | 252 x 215 mm | 408 p | 400
col.ill. | May 2011 | ISBN 9789061531104 |
€ 15,00 [BE]
Special PROMO price: 15,00 euro instead
of 29,95 euro,
Special PROMO price: 15,00 euro instead of
29,95 euro
De Magie van Marrakesh
La Magie de Marrakech
Buitengewone Interieurs
Marrakesh is véél meer dan een duizendjarige stad
met een rijk en bewogen verleden. Want Marrakesh
heeft een onvergelijkbare uitstraling en vooral een
unieke sfeer die een ware lust is voor de zintuigen.
In 'El Hamra' ontdoet men zich graag van allerlei
regels en conventies, en de stad ontvangt met open
armen al diegenen die niet terugdeinzen voor een
uitdaging en bereid zijn haar schoonheid met
anderen te delen: architecten, decorateurs en
designers, of de bevlogen enkeling.
Intérieurs d'exception
Marrakech est beaucoup plus qu'une ville millénaire,
riche en histoire. Marrakech est une ambiance. Un
art de vivre. Un choc visuel incomparable. Et,
par-dessus tout, un véritable plaisir pour les sens.
Marrakech-la-Rouge n'aime pas les règles et les
conventions. Et elle accueille à bras ouverts tous
ceux qui aiment le défi et qui ont envie de partager
sa beauté intemporelle. Ils sont architectes, artistes,
décorateurs, créateurs, écrivains, musiciens,
comédiens, aventuriers ou rêveurs.
[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds |
| Hardback | NL ed. | 325 x 245 mm | 208 p
| 137 col.ill. | Oct. 2009 | ISBN
9789061539001 | € 20,00 [BE]
[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds |
Barbara & René Stoeltie | Hardback | French
ed. | 325 x 245 mm | 208 p | 137 col.ill. |
Oct. 2009 | ISBN 9789061539018 | € 20,00
Special PROMO price: 20,00 euro instead of
39,95 euro
Special PROMO price: 20,00 euro instead of
39,95 euro
John Constable
John Constable
Olieverfschetsen uit het Victoria &
Albert Museum, Londen
John Constable (1776-1837) was de vader van de
moderne landschapschilderkunst. Hij vernieuwde de
academische stijlen door direct naar de natuur te
gaan werken en een directe schildertechniek te
ontwikkelen. Zijn invloed reikt tot de Franse
impressionisten. Deze tentoonstelling biedt een
uniek inzicht in het werkproces van de schilder aan
de hand van meesterwerken uit de gerenommeerde
Constable collectie van het Victoria and Albert
Museum in Londen.
[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds |
Marc Evans | Hardback | NL ed. | 275 x 240
mm | 124 p | 120 col.ill. | Sept. 2011 |
ISBN 9789061533573 | € 15,00 [BE]
Special PROMO price: 15,00 euro instead of
29,95 euro.
Esquisses à l'huile du Victoria & Albert
Museum, Londres
Cet ouvrage offre un aperçu exceptionnel sur la méthode
de travail de Constable grâce à la collection inégalée
d'esquisses à l'huile et de dessins de l'artiste conservés
au Victoria and Albert Museum. Il examine le plus
grand peintre paysagiste anglais sous l'angle du contexte
historique, met en relief son influence durable, et
documente l'évolution de l'artiste, de ses ouvres de
jeunesse aux peintures à l'huile, qui ont largement
contribué à définir notre idée de la campagne anglaise.
[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds |
Marc Evans | Hardback | French ed. | 275 x
240 mm | 124 p | 120 col.ill. | Sept. 2011 |
ISBN 9789061533580 | € 15,00 [BE]
Special PROMO price: 15,00 euro instead of
29,95 euro.
Miro. Schilder - Dichter
Miro. Peintre - Poète
Het ING Cultuurcentrum en de Koninklijke Musea
voor Schone Kunsten van België organiseren dankzij
L'Espace culturel ING et les Musées royaux des
Beaux-Arts de Belgique, en collaboration avec la
Fondation Miró de Barcelone, présentent une
exposition de quelque 120 peintures, gravures,
sculptures et dessins qui illustrent la prédominance
du caractère poétique dans l'oeuvre de Miro.
L'exposition et le catalogue qui l'accompagne, publié
aux éditions Fonds Mercator, sont focalisés sur la
production du peintre catalan à partir de la célèbre
série des Constellations.
Stichting Miró in Barcelona een tentoonstelling
bestaande uit ca. 120 schilderijen, prenten,
beeldhouwwerken en tekeningen die het werk van
Miró belichten alsook getuigen van het belang dat
Miró hechtte aan de relatie tussen poëzie en
[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds |
| Paperback with flaps | NL ed. | 258 x 210
mm | 208 p | 120 col.ill. | March 2011 |
ISBN 9789061533535 | € 20,00 [BE]
Special PROMO price: 20,00 euro instead
of 34,95 euro.
[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds |
| Paperback with flaps | French ed. | 258 x
210 mm | 208 p | 120 col.ill. | March 2011 |
ISBN 9789061533481 | € 20,00 [BE]
Special PROMO price: 20,00 euro instead of
34,95 euro.
Van Gogh au Borinage
Van Gogh in de Borinage
La naissance d'un artiste
De geboorte van een kunstenaar
Sous la direction de Sjraar van Heugten
Sous la direction de Sjraar van Heugten
Expo: 23/01/2015 - 17/05/2015,
Fondation Mons 2015
Expo: 23/01/2015 - 17/05/2015, Mons
2015 - BAM, Mons
[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds |
Hardback | French ed. | 247 x 205 mm | 304
p | 230 col.ill. | ISBN: 9789462300675 |
€ 49,95 | jan. 2015
[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds |
Hardback | NL ed. | 247 x 205 mm | 304 p |
230 col.ill. | ISBN: 9789462300668 | € 49,95 |
Jan. 2015
Magisch Afrika
0skers en beelden uit Ivoorkust
Mijn naam is Leo
Abdelkader Benali
L'exposition propose cet été une lecture
nouvelle de l'oeuvre de Renoir, avec plus de
cent ouvres témoignant de toute sa carrière soixante ans de création - comme de la
diversité sensible de son inspiration. Ce
lumineux panorama chronologique reflète au
mieux dans ses grandes ponctuations sérielles,
le tempérament volontiers intimiste du peintre,
qui a aussi bien maîtrisé le paysage que
l'éternel féminin, les scènes familiales que les
Expo: 20/6/2014 - 23/11/2014,
Fondation Gianadda, Martigny
De kunstenaars ontdekt
In dit boek worden ruim honderd houten
beelden en maskers uit Ivoorkust
gepresenteerd, die zijn gemaakt tussen
circa 1850 en 2013. Het zijn objecten met
een religieuze of cultusfunctie van zes
volken uit Ivoorkust of net daarbuiten:
Guro, Baule, Lagunevolken, Dan, Senufo
en Lobi.
[NL] De Nieuwe Kerk | Hardback | NL ed. | x
mm | 249 p | ISBN: 9789078653509 | €
19,95 | Oct. 2014
Leo komt uit Ivoorkust. Leo is een
winnaar. Maar dat is hij niet altijd geweest.
Leo, die op een dag zijn dorp verliet, zijn
vader verloor en de wijde wereld inging.
Achter het succes aan, achter zijn vader aan.
Hij hoort de wildste verhalen. Leeft zijn vader
nog? Kan Leo hem vinden? Kunnen anderen
hem helpen? Hij probeert het zelfs bij zijn
grote held. Als die naar hem wil luisteren,
wordt Leo echt een winnaar.
[NL] De Nieuwe Kerk | Paperback | NL ed. |
80 p | ISBN: 9789078653516 | € 12,95 |
Oct. 2014 [Fictie 15 +]
L'Ombilic du Rêve. Rops, Klinger,
Kubin, Simon
occasion unique de découvrir et de mettre en
rapport ces quatre artistes internationaux
majeurs sur les thèmes d'éros et thanatos mais
aussi de l'étrangeté, de la femme et du rêve.
Expo: 25/9/2014 - 4/1/2015, Centre
Wallonie-Bruxelles, Paris. Musée royal de
Mariemont, 27/2/2015 - 31/5/2015
[BE] Lettre Volée (art et photographie) |
Hardback | French ed. | 220 x 155 mm | 208
p | 200 col. & bw ill. | ISBN: 9782873174309 |
€ 25,00 | Oct. 2014
[CH] Fondation Gianadda | Paperback |
French ed. | 240 x 220 mm | p | ISBN:
9782884431507 | € 42,50 | Sept. 2014
Sur les pistes du Congo - Congo
on the Road
Les Brasseries de Paris.
Celles de mon coeur
TIFF 2014
Angelo Turconi
Henk van Cauwenbergh
Joachim Naudts, Rein Deslé
Angelo Turconi, reiziger en fotograaf in Afrika,
voert ons met Sur les pistes du Congo mee
naar het hart van centraal Afrika. Het is de
neerslag van bijzondere indrukken en
onvergetelijke ontmoetingen: het hoofd van de
Yaka in ceremoniële outfit, de leider van de
Pende en Chokwe prachtig uitgedost, de koning
van Lunda op zijn troon, een zeldzaam
familieportret van de Kitawala.
In zijn nieuwe grootformaatboek Les Brasseries
de Paris neemt fotograaf Henk van
Cauwenbergh ons mee naar de meest
befaamde en eigenzinnige brasseries van
Parijs. Geen lukrake selectie, maar de favoriete
adressen van onder meer Charles Aznavour
(zanger, acteur en tekstschrijver), Irène
Silvagni (hoofdredactrice van Vogue Paris),
Omar Sy (acteur en wereldbekend van de film
Intouchables), Chico Bouchikhi (stichter van de
Gipsy Kings)... die allen hun medewerking
hebben verleend.
.tiff is het jaarlijkse magazine van het FoMu,
voor inspirerende jonge Belgische fotografen.
België barst van het fotografisch talent. De
FoMu curatoren maken een strenge selectie uit
wat zich in ons land aandient als aanstormend
talent. .tiff is een magazine in poster formaat
dat erom vraagt uit elkaar gehaald en
binnenste buiten gekeerd te worden om zo een
eigen leven te leiden. Deze opkomende
talenten werden geselecteerd voor de derde
editie van .tiff:
John Ryan Brubaker , Tom Callemin , Sanne
[BE] Stichting Kunstboek | Hardback | Eng./
Fr. ed. | 335 x 245 mm | 240 p | 175 col.ill. |
ISBN: 9789058565082 | € 49,90 | Nov 14
[BE] Stichting Kunstboek | Hardback | Eng./
Fr. ed. | 440 x 310 mm | 200 p | ISBN:
9789058565075 | € 115,00 | Nov. 2014
Young Belgian Talent introduced by FoMu
[BE] Fotografiemuseum | Portfolio | Eng. ed.
| 310 x 215 mm | 80 p | ISBN:
9789066251816 | € 2,00 | Sept. 2014
10 folded A2 posters (62 cm x 43 cm). Annual
Marie-Noëlle Boutin
Photographs and texts Marie-Noëlle Boutin.
Design: Dojo Design, Bruxelles
Annaba lies in eastern Algeria, near the
Tunisian border. The young people there have
taken possession of the campus's green areas
and turned them into places of freedom where
they can meet up. These are the very places
where young people go when they want to
escape the weight of Algerian society,
anchored in its archaic traditions.
Between a desire for freedom and repressed
frustration, young Algerians aspire to a more
serene future. In Annaba, facing out to sea,
each of them projects their hopes.
Expo: 04/10/2014 - 07/12/2014, FRAC
Nord Pas-de-Calais
[BE] Arp2 Art & Research Publ. | Hardback |
Eng./ Fr. ed. | 284 x 230 mm | 56 p | 31
col.ill. | ISBN: 9782930115283 | € 32,00 |
Oct. 2014
Passions Secrètes - Privat
Hoeraar. De Piepkes
Collections privées flamandes (Lille 3000)
Yu Zeebroek Sarah (illustrator), Gert
Dooreman (design)
The concentration of contemporary art
collectors found in Belgium is unique. A small
corner of Flanders around Kortrijk and not far
from Lille boasts a few dozen collectors each
more passionate than the last. The collections
gathered in this tiny pocket of the planet are
truly outstanding, but too few people have
seen them. Sometimes with a background in
textiles and long-term collectors, they have all
caught the bug. Discrete, passionate and
shrewd, they have worldwide reputations.
Expo: 10/10/2014 - 4/1/2015, Tripostal,
[BE] Vision | Paperback | Eng./ Fr./ NL ed.
| 285 x 210 mm | 192 p | ISBN:
9789079881321 | € 15,00 | Oct. 2014
(met CD)
Met liedjes en teksten van Roland Van
Campenhout, Frederik Sioen en Pieter-Jan
De Smet en schilderijen van Sarah Yu
Zeebroek, vormgegeven door Gert
'Hoeraar!' is een optreden van 'De Piepkes' met
verse kinderliedjes voor kinderen van 5 tot en
met 105 jaar (volwassenen toegelaten). Een
concert van 'De Piepkes' is een belevenis voor
al wie het kind in zich koestert! (En dat geldt
ook voor zwangere mensen.)
[BE] Uitgeverij Paard | Hardback | NL ed. |
295 x 295 mm | 32 p | throughout col.ill. |
ISBN: 9789090285528 | € 23,99
| Oct. 2014
Pierre Lallemand
After classically training as an architect, Pierre
Lallemand starts his career in tertiary and
naval architecture.
Combining genuine curiosity about perception
with concern for the future of our societies
Pierre Lallemand approaches and resolves the
tecnical, economic and economical complexities
inherent in design in many different areas,
such as boats, lights,bicycles and furniture
from the perspective of a fine artist through a
wide range of mediums.
[BE] Editions Marot | Hardback | Eng. ed. |
x mm | p | ISBN: 9782930117386 | Nov. 2014
Citydev.brussels 40 ans/ 40 jaar
Frank Gehry
de développement urbain / stedelijke
Edited by Frédéric Migayrou and Aurélien
En 2014, la Société de Développement pour la
Région de Bruxelles-Capitale a fêté ses 40 ans
et a fait peau neuve en devenant
citydev.brussels. Cet anniversaire a donné lieu
à un important travail de mémoire dont cette
publication est l'aboutissement
Depuis 1974, cette institution publique a
marqué durablement de son empreinte la
Région de Bruxelles Capitale.
Featuring fifty of Frank Gehry's most important
projects, this lavish monograph presents the
full range of the architect's work from the past
six decades.
[BE] Prisme | Hardback | NL/ Fr ed. | 245 x
225 mm | 204 p | ISBN: 9782930451152 |
€ 29,50 | Oct. 2014
1001 Movies You Must See Before
You Die
1001 Wines You must try before
you die
(10th edition, 2014)
Steven Jay Schneider
If you're after a good quality wine to try, you
are no longer restricted to the greats of the Old
World - Burgundy, Bordeaux, Rhine Valley and
Barolo to name but a few. Countries everwhere
from Argentina to Australia, and even China,
Canada, India and Thailand are now producing
great wines at affordable prices. So what to
choose? "1001 Wines You Must Try Before You
Die" is here to lift you out of the grapey
confusion. Entries written by experts cover
everything you'll need to choose.
Expert critics in each genre of film, from
romance to horror and sci-fi, have once again
painstakingly revised this list of essential must
see-movies, cut and added films to bring the
must-w atch list bang up to date for 2014,
from great classics like The Birth of a Nation
and Gone With the Wind to recent Oscar
nominees like Gravity, Nebraska, American
Hustle and the blockbusters that are 12 Years a
Slave and The Wolf of Wall Street.
[UK] Cassell | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 210 x
160 mm | 960 p | 800 col.ill. | ISBN:
9781844037971 | € 30,95 | Oct. 2014
[UK] Cassell | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 210 x
150 mm | 960 p | 800 col.ill. | ISBN:
9781844038077 | € 30,95 | Oct. 2014
[UK] Prestel | Hardback | Eng. ed. |
280 x 235 mm | 256 p | 300 col.ill. |
ISBN: 9783791354422 | € 59,95 |
Nov. 2014
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