Prof. dr. Lieven Annemans 16/05/2014 (Geestelijke) gezondheidszorg door een gezondheidseconomische bril Lieven Annemans Universiteit Gent, VUB Mei 2013 Outline • • • • • The problems and goals of health care systems The solution: cost-effectiveness What about interventions in psychiatry? Problems (again) Discussion 2 PC Sint-Jan-Baptist - Academische zitting 1 Prof. dr. Lieven Annemans 16/05/2014 What’s the problem for our health systems? 1. Health expenditure has been growing faster than the economy 2. Too much unnecessary and inadequate care 3. Undertreatment and waiting lists 4. Lack of coordination between health professionals 5. Inequities in access to care source: OECD 2009 3 De gevolgen van de crisis Average OECD public health expenditure growth rates in real terms, 2000 to 2011 7,0% 6,0% 5,0% 4,0% 3,0% 2,0% 1,0% 0,0% 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Source: OECD Health Data 2013. 4 PC Sint-Jan-Baptist - Academische zitting 2 Prof. dr. Lieven Annemans 16/05/2014 BUT let’s not forget the goal of health care systems • Primary goal of health care policy = to maximize the health of the population within the limits of the available resources, and within an ethical framework built on equity and solidarity principles. Report of the Belgian EU Presidency, adopted by the EU Council of Ministers of Health in Dec 2010 5 “Health is a value in itself. It is also a precondition for economic prosperity. People’s health influences economic outcomes in terms of productivity, labour supply, human capital and public spending.” PC Sint-Jan-Baptist - Academische zitting 3 Prof. dr. Lieven Annemans 16/05/2014 The three key ‘values’ of health policy QUALITY SUSTAINABILITY SOLIDARITY 7 What does it mean for (new) treatments? “We need to stimulate and make available those treatments that offer an added therapeutic benefit at an acceptable cost ( are cost-effective), and fill unmet medical needs” - OECD 2003 - Report of the Belgian EU Presidency, adopted by the EU Council of Ministers of Health in Dec 2010 8 PC Sint-Jan-Baptist - Academische zitting 4 Prof. dr. Lieven Annemans 16/05/2014 Cost Cost-effectiveness Bad “intervention” Good Current care Very Good (dominant) Health effect (QALY) 9 QALY: quality adjusted life years INDEX (“utility level”) Perfect health 1 0.6 0.5 +10 +4 20 Death +5 0 40 50 TIME 10 PC Sint-Jan-Baptist - Academische zitting 5 Prof. dr. Lieven Annemans 16/05/2014 Voorbeeld in depressie Health utility Utility scores by disease severity over time 0.9 Disease severity 0.8 Mild 0.7 Moderate 0.6 0.5 Severe 0.4 0.3 1 2 3 4 5 6 Visits 11 Sobocki P, et al. Value Health. 2007 Mar-Apr;10(2):153-60. PROBLEEM: waar ligt de grens? • HISTORICAL BENCHMARK 50,000€ per QALY: = cost effectiveness of caring for a dialysis patient (+/- 4 QALYs gained for an investment of +/- 200,000€) • Desaigues et al (2007): willingness to pay method €40,000 for a Healthy Life Year (for EU25) • WHO (2003): 1 x GDP per capita (e.g. Belgium = +/€34000) 12 PC Sint-Jan-Baptist - Academische zitting 6 Prof. dr. Lieven Annemans 16/05/2014 Examples Behandeling of andere interventie Vaccinatie van ouderen tegen griep Cost per QALY gained (+/-) (€) dominant Rookstopprogramma’s 3000 Cholesterolverlagers in secundaire preventie 6000 Screenen voor dikkedarm kanker met iFOBt (+/- 50-+/- 70j) 7000 Prezista in HIV/AIDS 13000 Totale Heupprothese 15000 Velcade in multiple myeloma 31000 Tysabri in multiple sclerose Nierdialyse 47000 50000 Jaarlijkse mammografie bij vrouwen 60-69 jaar 110000 EKG voor alle mannen van 40 jaar oud 124000 Jaarlijkse CT scan bij ex rokers 1300000 13 Outline • • • • • The problems and goals of health care systems The solution: cost-effectiveness What about interventions in psychiatry? Problems (again) Discussion 14 PC Sint-Jan-Baptist - Academische zitting 7 Prof. dr. Lieven Annemans 16/05/2014 Example: assertive community treatment in patients with schizophrenia dominant QALY: 0.1 gain (p = 0.001) Karow et al, J Clin Psychiatry 2012 15 Example 2: Depression: combination (psycho + pharma) vs pharma alone Simon et al, Br J Psych, 2006 16 PC Sint-Jan-Baptist - Academische zitting 8 Prof. dr. Lieven Annemans 16/05/2014 Results (15 months) Simon et al, Br J Psych, 2006 17 Outline • • • • • The problems and goals of health care systems The solution: cost-effectiveness What about interventions in psychiatry? Problems (again) Discussion 18 PC Sint-Jan-Baptist - Academische zitting 9 Prof. dr. Lieven Annemans 16/05/2014 Problem 1: Typical characteristics of the health care system • Uncertainty Health insurance • Moral hazard, • “adverse selection” • Asymmetric information Possibility of supplier-induced demand! • Externalities – Societal values > individual values Need for a strong, performant and flexible government 19 Is mental health care different from other care? “Schizophrenia is just like cancer” Rubenstein Wat bedoelde hij? 20 PC Sint-Jan-Baptist - Academische zitting 10 Prof. dr. Lieven Annemans 16/05/2014 The market for mental health care IS different • Moral Hazard and Adverse selection apply with particular force • Asymmetry of information: applies with particular force (in some mental illnesses) • More externalities: e.g. crime, violence, … Larger role for government 21 Problem 2: the financing system Increasing focus on saving own money 22 PC Sint-Jan-Baptist - Academische zitting 11 Prof. dr. Lieven Annemans 16/05/2014 2 questions: who gains more money? • Admission for schizophrenia – Setting A: no re-admission within 1 month – Setting B: re-admission within 1 month • Admission of alzheimer’s patient – Setting A: no nosocomial infection – Setting B: nosocomial infection 23 More Pay for Quality • ‘the systematic and deliberate use of payment incentives that recognize and reward high levels of quality and quality improvement’. (The Institute of Medicine, 2007) Explicit link between quality achievement and payment BUT: What is quality? Do we have the data? What types of incentives to provide? What about the confounders?….. (Annemans et al. KCE report 2010) 24 PC Sint-Jan-Baptist - Academische zitting 12 Prof. dr. Lieven Annemans 16/05/2014 Sometimes fantastic results! 25 Sometimes less… 26 PC Sint-Jan-Baptist - Academische zitting 13 Prof. dr. Lieven Annemans 16/05/2014 Problem 3: A QALY is not a QALY INDEX (“utility level”) 1 0.9 ? 0.7 0.4 0.2 0 Product X Disease 1 Product Y Disease 2 27 The importance of medical need. Cfr. Social reference point (Scitovsky) maximal Health status Striving above SRP Pleasure seeking Not necessary No funding Striving towards SRP Necessity depends on severity Accept higher cost/QALY in worst conditions Societal reference point -Age - Socio-economic - QALY history minimal 28 PC Sint-Jan-Baptist - Academische zitting 14 Prof. dr. Lieven Annemans 16/05/2014 Problem 4: Uncertainty: potential value PAYER The typical Dilemma “Give us more evidence that your approach is value for money” YOU “But we will only be able to provide evidence in the real-life Give us first reimbursement” Example: healthy nutrition and physical activity in inhabitants of sheltered houses DSM-IV diagnose (in %) 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Dr. Nick Verhaeghe UGent 41,2 30,1 28,9 22,7 15,5 16,9 14,9 13,3 5,7 10,8 I-groep C-groep I-groep: interventiegroep; C-groep: controlegroep 30 PC Sint-Jan-Baptist - Academische zitting 15 Prof. dr. Lieven Annemans 16/05/2014 Karakteristieken Variabele Interventiegroep (n=201) Controlegroep (n=83) Gewicht (kg), gemiddeld 87.95 85.19 BMI (kg/m²), gemiddeld 30.22 29.52 106.16 76 (63.9) 70 (85.4) 105.21 29 (52.7) 25 (89.3) 34.17 33.37 3 (1.5) 36 (17.9) 66 (32.8) 96 (47.8) 0 (0) 16 (19.3) 29 (34.9) 38 (45.8) Buikomtrek (cm), gemiddeld man ≥102 cm, n (%) vrouw ≥88 cm, n (%) Vetpercentage, gemiddeld BMI categorie, n (%) ondergewicht normaal gewicht overgewicht obesitas 31 Relative risk of having CHD, stroke, diabetes and colon cancer in individuals with mental disorders Disease coronary heart disease stroke Age (years) Relative risk 18-49 1.42 50-75 1.01 18-49 1.77 50-75 1.77 diabetes 1.77 colon cancer 2.90 32 PC Sint-Jan-Baptist - Academische zitting 16 Prof. dr. Lieven Annemans 16/05/2014 Resultaten: effect op BMI (kg/m²) -0,2 -0,1 0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 -0,12 T1-T0 0,08 interventiegroep (n=201) controlegroep (n=83) (p = 0.04) 0,11 T2-T0 0,35 33 Effect of BMI decrease (if maintained) Health state Relative risk reduction if 1 kg/m² BMI decrease (%) Risk reductions in study (%) men women men women CHD 4.7 5.7 Stroke 6.0 8.5 0.94 1.20 1.14 1.70 Diabetes 13.0 11.0 2.60 2.20 Colon cancer 5.2 2.0 1.04 0.40 34 PC Sint-Jan-Baptist - Academische zitting 17 Prof. dr. Lieven Annemans 16/05/2014 Resultaten kosteneffectiviteit (projectie over 20 jaar) Mannen ICER (€/QALY) Base case 44.693 Scenario 1 22.810 Scenario 2 91.236 Scenario 3 4.127 Scenario 1: full compliance Scenario 2: programma 2x/jaar Scenario 3: toename kwaliteit van leven t.g.v. daling BMI 35 More Performance based agreements? Performance Based agreements = formal agreements where the reimbursement of a treatment is related to the future performance of the treatment in in a real life situation. 36 PC Sint-Jan-Baptist - Academische zitting 18 Prof. dr. Lieven Annemans 16/05/2014 Discussion • Health economics is always about 2 dimensions: costs and health effects • To achieve our health care goals we need to embrace health economic principles • Avoid waste or less cost-effective care to reinvest in more quality, innovation and prevention • Only when financial incentives encourage costeffective care they are acceptable • BUT: issues of uncertainty, ethical aspects, …. • Mental health workers need to get engaged! 37 De toekomst ziet er zeer goed uit… Voor gezondheidseconomen PC Sint-Jan-Baptist - Academische zitting 19 Prof. dr. Lieven Annemans 16/05/2014 Derde druk Verkrijgbaar in elke boekhandel 39 PC Sint-Jan-Baptist - Academische zitting 20
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