CDAの活用「診療情報提供書」 HL7 Japan CDA WG1 平井正明 2010年3月19日 診療情報提供書 2 本日のプログラム XML CDA 診療情報提供書 3 XMLとは XML (eXtensible Markup Language):拡張可能な情報記述言語 XMLはSGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language)から発展 1979年 IBMの Charles Goldfarbは、Edward MosherおよびRaymond Lorieらとともに、「GML」(Generalized Markup Language) を発表、1986年 SGMLとしてISOになる XMLはSGMLのサブセットとして規定されたが、独自に発展を遂げている。 最たるものはDTDのみならずXMLで書かれた仕様書Schemaである HL7 V3の実装技術(ITS: Implementation Technology Specification)のITS‐ XML等で規定されている CDAはXMLで記述される 4 XML eXtensible Markup Language 互換性・記述性・(変換が)容易性 SGML DTD HTML XML XHTML Schema XSL 5 XMLの基礎 “<”と“>”で括られたタグで記述される <名前>平井正明</名前>のように記述される <要素>内容・データ等</要素> 開始タグ 終了タグ {“内容・データ”が無いときは<要素/>と記述できる} という風に記述される。さらに一般的には <要素名 属性、属性....>内容・データ等</要素名> この要素名、属性名はHL7 V3で決められた名称が使用される。 6 XML記述 <?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“UTF‐8” ?> <!‐‐ XML宣言が必要 (XML文章の先頭にコメントは書けない)‐‐> <人> コメントの開始 <姓名 ID=“00001”> 平井正明 属性値 </姓名> 属性名 <性別> 要素名 男 </性別> <年齢/> 内容が空の場合<XXXX/>と記述できます <住所> 東京都港区虎ノ門1丁目19番9号 </住所> </人> コメントの終了 7 XML (eXtensible Markup Language) <名前>平井正明</名前> 開始タグ 終了タグ <要素名>データ</要素名> データが無いときは<要素名/>と記述できます 一般型 <要素名 属性名=“属性値” 属性名=“属性値” ・・・・>データ</要素名> CDAでは <name use="IDE"> <family>平井</family> <given>正明</given> </name> 8 整形式(Well Formed) XML文書 XML宣言がある ルート要素を一つだけ持つ CDA文書(R2)は <ClinicalDocument ...... で始まり </ClinicalDocument> で終わる 開始タグと終了タグがある。 例<name/>は可能 要素はネスト構造で、入れ子構造は使用できない 要素名、属性名は大文字と小文字は区別する 属性値は””で囲む 9 検証済み(Valid) XML文書 Schema(XML):XML文書の内容、構造・構文、記述ルールを説明 した仕様書 Schemaにより検証された文書 原則としてV3のXML文書はスキーマ(Schema)により検証されます 例:CDAのスキーマは先頭にCDA.xsdとして記述されています <ClinicalDocument xmlns="urn:hl7‐org:v3" xmlns:xsi="‐instance" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:hl7‐org:v3 CDA.xsd"> スキーマCDA.xsdは次のように記述されています 本スキーマは日本向け診療情報提供書用に定義された、CDAスキーマPOCD_MT000040JP00.xsdが Includeする必要があることを示しています <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF‐8" standalone="no" ?> <xs:schema targetNamespace="urn:hl7‐org:v3" xmlns:mif="urn:hl7‐org:v3/mif" xmlns="urn:hl7‐org:v3" xmlns:xs="" elementFormDefault="qualified"> <xs:include schemaLocation="../schemas/POCD_MT000040JP00.xsd" /> <xs:element name="ClinicalDocument" type="POCD_MT000040JP00.ClinicalDocument" /> </xs:schema> さらに、V3共通の用語、データタイプやCDAのNarrative部のスキーマが用意されています。 2006年 Normative Editionでは次の5つスキーマが共通定義されています datatypes.xsd、datatypes‐base.xsd、 infrastructureRoot.xsd、 voc.xsd、 NarrativeBlock.xsd 10 XML宣言 XML処理を行うための宣言:必ずXML文書の先頭に書く必要があります 例: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF‐8" ?> “<?xml” で始まり “?> “終わります。<及び>と?の間に空白などは許されません version=“1.0“バージョン番号を示します。通常”1.0”で問題はありません。 encoding=“UTF‐8”文字コードを示します。日本語では”ShiftーJIS”、”ISO‐2022‐JP”等が使えま すが、フォントのインターナショナルな互換性を考えると”UTF‐8”を推奨します その他、外部参照ファイルの有無”standalone”がありますが、デフォルトは”yes”として使用 されます。 11 名前空間 (Namespace) <ClinicalDocument xmlns="urn:hl7‐org:v3" xmlns:xsi="‐instance" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:hl7‐org:v3 CDA.xsd"> 要素名が異なったグループで重複する名前が必要なとき、空間(名前空間)を分 けて使用する xmlns=“名前空間”で記述します HL7のデフォルト空間(名前空間を明示しない)はurn:hl7‐org:v3 CDAではスキーマの名前空間xsiを定義しています 名前空間名は一般にURIが使用されますが、実在のURIである必要はありません 12 XML記述 コメント “<!‐‐” と “‐‐>”の間に記述します 例:<!‐‐ コメントです ‐‐> 特殊文字 &と;で括って書きます 文字 記述 & & < < > > ‘ ' “ " 10進コード &#数字; 16進コード &#x数字; 13 診療情報提供書のボトムアップ的記述とCDA記述 ボトムアップ記述 <?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“Shift‐JIS” ?> <診療情報提供書> <患者情報> <氏名 形式=“姓名”> <姓>日本</姓> <名>次郎</名> </氏名> <氏名 形式=“フリガナ”> <姓>ニホン</姓> <名>ジロウ</名> </氏名> <生年月日> <年号>昭和</年号> <月日>27年7月17日</月日> <年齢>50</年齢> </生年月日> ・ ・ </患者情報> ・ ・ </診療情報提供書> CDA記述 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF‐8" ?> <ClinicalDocument xmlns="urn:hl7‐org:v3" xmlns:xsi="‐instance" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:hl7‐org:v3 CDA.xsd"> <typeId extension="POCD_HD000040JP00" root="2.16.840.1.113883." /> <templateId root="2.16.840.1.113883." /> <title>診療情報提供書</title> ・ ・ <recordTarget> <patientRole classCode="PAT"> <id extension="01234567" root="2.16.840.1.113883." /> ・ ・ <patient> <name use="IDE"> <family>日本</family> <given>次郎</given> </name> <name use="SYL"> <family>ニホン</family> <given>ジロウ</given> </name> ・ ・ </ClinicalDocument > 14 V3はそんな不便な方法でなくても V3 HDF RIM Reference Information Model D‐MIM 基本仕様書・設計書 部門別設計書 Domain Message Information Model R‐MIM Refined Message Information Model 詳細設計書 HMD・メッセージ表 Hierarchical Message Description Schema 診療情報提供書 XMLインスタンス 15 V3 RIM (Reference Information Model) 16 V3 RIM (Reference Information Model) 17 クロン化(患者属性 RIMÎR‐MIMÎXML) <patient> <name use="IDE"> <family>日本</family> <given>次郎</given> </name> <name use="SYL"> <family>ニホン</family> <given>ジロウ</given> </name> <desc>職業 会社員</desc> <administrativeGenderCode code="M" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.5.1" /> <birthTime value="19590707" /> </patient> 18 患者情報 はrecordTarget Organization 0..1 providerOrganization Patient classCode*: <= PSN determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE id: II [0..1] (Deprecated) name: SET<PN> [0..*] desc: ED [0..1] administrativeGenderCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= AdministrativeGender birthTime: TS [0..1] maritalStatusCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= MaritalStatus religiousAffiliationCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ReligiousAffiliation raceCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= Race ethnicGroupCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= Ethnicity 0..1 patient PatientRole classCode*: <= PAT id: SET<II> [1..*] addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] <recordTarget> <patientRole classCode="PAT"> <!-- 患者ID --> <!-- id extension="01234567" root="2.16.840.1.113883."/ --> <id nullFlavor="OTH" /> <!-- 患者住所 --> <addr> <country>JP</country> <postalCode>113-0024</postalCode> <streetName>西片1丁目17番8号 </streetName> <city>文京区</city> <state>東京都</state> </addr> <!-- 患者連絡電話番号 --> <telecom use="H" value="tel:03-5805-8201" /> 1..* patientRole recordTarget typeCode*: <= RCT contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" <patient> <!‐‐ 患者名 ‐‐> <name use="IDE"> <family>日本</family> <given>次郎</given> </name> <name use="SYL"> <family>ニホン</family> <given>ジロウ</given> </name> <!‐‐ 職業など諸情報 ‐‐> <desc>職業 会社員</desc> <!‐‐ 性別 ‐‐> <administrativeGenderCode code="M" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.5.1" /> <!‐‐ 誕生日 ‐‐> <birthTime value="19590707" /> </patient> </patientRole> </recordTarget> 19 R‐MIMÎV3データタイプÎXML <birthTime value="19590707" /> 20 R‐MIMÎV3用語(Vocabulary)ÎXML <administrativeGenderCode code="M" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.5.1" /> 21 HMD (Hierarchical Message Description) 22 診療情報提供書 23 CDA詳細設計書(CDA R2 R‐MIM) entryRelationship Organization classCode*: <= ORG determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE id: SET<II> [0..*] name: SET<ON> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] addr: SET<AD> [0..*] standardIndustryClassCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= OrganizationIndustryClass 0..1 asOrganizationPartOf classCode*: <= PART id*: SET<II> [0..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= RoleCode statusCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= RoleStatus effectiveTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] Constraint: ParentDocument.text ParentDocument.text can be used to indicate the MIME type of the related document. It is not to be used to embed the related document, and thus ParentDocument.text.BIN is precluded from use. ParentDocument 0..* assignedEntity AssignedEntity authenticator classCode*: <= ASSIGNED id*: SET<II> [1..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= RoleCode addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] typeCode*: <= AUTHEN time*: TS [1..1] signatureCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= ParticipationSignature 0..1 assignedEntity legalAuthenticator typeCode*: <= LA contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" time*: TS [1..1] signatureCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= ParticipationSignature 0..1 assignedPerson 0..1 receivedOrganization ClinicalDocument relatedDocument classCode*: <= DOCCLIN moodCode*: <= EVN id*: II [1..1] code*: CE CWE [1..1] <= DocumentType title: ST [0..1] effectiveTime*: TS [1..1] confidentialityCode*: CE CWE [1..1] <= x_BasicConfidentialityKind languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage setId: II [0..1] versionNumber: INT [0..1] copyTime: TS [0..1] (Deprecated) typeCode*: <= x_ActRelationshipDocument classCode*: <= DOCCLIN moodCode*: <= EVN id*: SET<II> [1..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= DocumentType text: ED [0..1] setId: II [0..1] versionNumber: INT [0..1] 0..* clinicalStatement 0..* author 0..* assignedEntity ServiceEvent 0..* serviceEvent documentationOf typeCode*: <= DOC AssignedEntity 0..1 representedOrganization performer classCode*: <= ACT moodCode*: <= EVN id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] effectiveTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] typeCode*: <= x_ServiceEventPerformer functionCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ParticipationFunction time: IVL<TS> [0..1] 0..* informant 0..1 assignedPerson IntendedRecipient classCode*: <= x_InformationRecipientRole id*: SET<II> [0..*] addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] 0..1 informationRecipient informationRecipient typeCode*: <= x_InformationRecipient 0..1 representedOrganization AssignedAuthor classCode*: <= ASSIGNED id*: SET<II> [1..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= RoleCode addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] AuthorChoice 1..* assignedAuthor authorization author typeCode*: <= AUTH 1..1 assignedCustodian 0..1 assignedAuthorChoice custodian AssignedCustodian typeCode*: <= CST classCode*: <= ASSIGNED AuthoringDevice 1..1 representedCustodianOrganization 0..* asMaintainedEntity MaintainedEntity classCode*: <= MNT effectiveTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] 1..1 maintainingPerson Person typeCode*: <= LOC CustodianOrganization classCode*: <= ORG determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE id*: SET<II> [1..*] name: ON [0..1] telecom: TEL [0..1] addr: AD [0..1] 0..* assignedEntity typeCode*: <= x_EncounterParticipant time: IVL<TS> [0..1] 1..1 manufacturedDrugOrOtherMaterial product bodyChoice classCode*: <= DOCBODY moodCode*: <= EVN text: ED [1..1] confidentialityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= x_BasicConfidentialityKind languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage Organization 0..1 providerOrganization classCode*: <= DOCBODY moodCode*: <= EVN confidentialityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= x_BasicConfidentialityKind languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage 1..* patientRole recordTarget PatientRole typeCode*: <= RCT contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" classCode*: <= PAT id: SET<II> [1..*] addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] LanguageCommunication (LanguageCommunication) languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage modeCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= LanguageAbilityMode proficiencyLevelCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= LanguageAbilityProficiency preferenceInd: BL [0..1] component 1..* section 0..* author Person 0..* guardian Guardian 0..* classCode*: <= GUARD id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= RoleCode addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] Organization informant RelatedSubject 0..1 classCode*: <= x_DocumentSubject code: CE CWE [0..1] <= PersonalRelationshipRoleType addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] informantChoice 1..1 guardianChoice 0..1 representedOrganization AssignedEntity 0..1 assignedPerson Person RelatedEntity 0..1 relatedPerson Organization classCode*: <= RoleClassMutualRelationship code: CE CWE [0..1] <= PersonalRelationshipRoleType addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] effectiveTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] 0..* informantChoice informant typeCode*: <= INF contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" 0..1 relatedSubject classCode*: <= DOCSECT moodCode*: <= EVN id: II [0..1] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= DocumentSectionType title: ST [0..1] text*: ED [0..1] confidentialityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= x_BasicConfidentialityKind languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage participant classCode*: <= RoleClassAssociative id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= RoleCode addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] typeCode*: <= ParticipationType functionCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ParticipationFunction contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" time: IVL<TS> [0..1] participant typeCode*: <= ParticipationType contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" time: IVL<TS> [0..1] awarenessCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= TargetAwareness Entity classCode*: <= ENT determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= EntityCode desc: ED [0..1] typeCode*: <= SBJ contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" awarenessCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= TargetAwareness ExternalAct classCode*: <= ACT moodCode*: <= EVN id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= ActCode text: ED [0..1] 0..* externalActChoice reference ExternalObservation typeCode*: <= x_ActRelationshipExternalReference seperatableInd: BL [0..1] classCode*: <= OBS moodCode*: <= EVN id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= ActCode text: ED [0..1] Encounter ExternalProcedure classCode*: <= ENC moodCode*: <= x_DocumentEncounterMood id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= ActEncounterCode text: ED [0..1] statusCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= ActStatus effectiveTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] priorityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ActPriority classCode*: <= PROC moodCode*: <= EVN id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= ActCode text: ED [0..1] ExternalDocument classCode*: <= DOC moodCode*: <= EVN id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= DocumentType text: ED [0..1] setId: II [0..1] versionNumber: INT [0..1] 0..* clinicalStatement Organizer classCode*: <= x_ActClassDocumentEntryOrganizer moodCode*: <= EVN id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= ActCode statusCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= ActStatus effectiveTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] 0..* clinicalStatement component typeCode*: <= COMP contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" sequenceNumber: INT [0..1] seperatableInd: BL [0..1] entry typeCode*: <= x_ActRelationshipEntry contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" 0..1 subject SubjectPerson classCode*: <= PSN determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE name: SET<PN> [0..*] administrativeGenderCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= AdministrativeGender birthTime: TS [0..1] classCode*: <= PROC moodCode*: <= x_DocumentProcedureMood id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] negationInd: BL [0..1] text: ED [0..1] statusCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= ActStatus effectiveTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] priorityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ActPriority languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage methodCode: SET<CE> CWE [0..*] approachSiteCode: SET<CD> CWE [0..*] targetSiteCode: SET<CD> CWE [0..*] 0..* section subject Constraint: Section.text Section.text.mediaType fixed as "text/x-hl7-text+xml". See section "Section Narrative Block" for details. 0..* associatedEntity AssociatedEntity 0..* participantRole 0..1 scopingEntity typeCode*: <= COMP contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" Section 0..1 scopingOrganization Person Procedure 0..1 specimenPlayingEntity classCode*: <= ROL id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= RoleCode addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] CDA R-MIM This RMIM is used to generate the CDA specification. typeCode*: <= SPC classCode*: <= SPEC id: SET<II> [0..*] ParticipantRole (POCD_RM000040) GuardianChoice SpecimenRole specimen 0..1 playingEntityChoice component typeCode*: <= COMP contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" 0..* languageCommunication classCode*: <= SPLY moodCode*: <= x_DocumentSubstanceMood id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= ActCode text: ED [0..1] statusCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= ActStatus effectiveTime: GTS [0..1] priorityCode: SET<CE> CWE [0..*] <= ActPriority repeatNumber: IVL<INT> [0..1] independentInd: BL [0..1] quantity: PQ [0..1] expectedUseTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] 0..* specimenRole externalActChoice classCode*: <= ENT determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE code: CE CWE [0..1] <= EntityCode quantity: SET<PQ> [0..*] name: SET<PN> [0..*] desc: ED [0..1] StructuredBody typeCode*: <= COMP contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" 0..1 birthplace classCode*: <= OBS moodCode*: <= EVN.CRT code: CD CWE [0..1] <= ActCode text: ED [0..1] value: ANY [0..1] PlayingEntity 1..1 bodyChoice component Birthplace classCode*: <= BIRTHPL typeCode*: <= PRCN Supply typeCode*: <= PRD classCode*: <= DEV determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE code: CE CWE [0..1] <= EntityCode manufacturerModelName: SC CWE [0..1] <= ManufacturerModelName softwareName: SC CWE [0..1] <= SoftwareName NonXMLBody typeCode*: <= ENT (Transcriptionist) contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" time: TS [0..1] 0..1 assignedPerson Criterion 0..* criterion precondition 0..1 manufacturedProduct * Device 0..1 location classCode*: <= PLC determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE name: EN [0..1] addr: AD [0..1] 0..1 patient consumable classCode*: <= MMAT determinerCode*: <= KIND code: CE CWE [0..1] <= MaterialEntityClassType name: EN [0..1] lotNumberText: ST [0..1] 0..1 healthCareFacility 1..1 place classCode*: <= PSN determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE id: II [0..1] (Deprecated) name: SET<PN> [0..*] administrativeGenderCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= AdministrativeGender birthTime: TS [0..1] maritalStatusCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= MaritalStatus religiousAffiliationCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ReligiousAffiliation raceCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= Race ethnicGroupCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= Ethnicity 1..1 manufacturedProduct Material 0..1 assignedPerson Place dataEnterer Note: Observation.value has cardinality [0..*], which doesn't show up in the Visio representation. SubstanceAdministration classCode*: <= MANU id: SET<II> [0..*] typeCode*: <= CSM encounterParticipant classCode*: <= SDLOC id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= ServiceDeliveryLocationRoleType Organization typeCode*: <= REFV classCode*: <= SBADM moodCode*: <= x_DocumentSubstanceMood id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= SubstanceAdministrationActCode negationInd: BL [0..1] text: ED [0..1] statusCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= ActStatus effectiveTime: GTS [0..1] priorityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ActPriority repeatNumber: IVL<INT> [0..1] routeCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= RouteOfAdministration approachSiteCode: SET<CD> CWE [0..*] <= ActSite doseQuantity: IVL<PQ> [0..1] rateQuantity: IVL<PQ> [0..1] maxDoseQuantity: RTO<PQ,PQ> [0..1] administrationUnitCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= AdministrableDrugForm ManufacturedProduct EntityChoice 0..1 representedOrganization AssignedEntity Patient classCode*: <= OBS moodCode*: <= EVN id: SET<II> [0..*] languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage value*: ED [1..1] DrugOrOtherMaterial classCode*: <= MMAT determinerCode*: <= KIND code: CE CWE [0..1] <= DrugEntity name: EN [0..1] typeCode*: <= RESP HealthCareFacility 0..1 serviceProviderOrganization 0..1 assignedEntity Place ObservationMedia performer LabeledDrug AssignedEntity 0..1 representedOrganization responsibleParty classCode*: <= ENC moodCode*: <= EVN componentOf id: SET<II> [0..*] typeCode*: <= COMP 0..1 encompassingEncounter code: CE CWE [0..1] <= ActEncounterCode effectiveTime*: IVL<TS> [1..1] dischargeDispositionCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= EncounterDischargeDisposition location classCode*: <= DEV determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE code: CE CWE [0..1] <= EntityCode manufacturerModelName: SC CWE [0..1] <= ManufacturerModelName softwareName: SC CWE [0..1] <= SoftwareName classCode*: <= OBS moodCode*: <= EVN.CRT code: CD CWE [0..1] <= ActCode text: ED [0..1] value: ANY [0..1] interpretationCode: CE CNE [0..1] <= ObservationInterpretation 0..* observationRange referenceRange 0..1 manufacturerOrganization 0..1 assignedEntity EncompassingEncounter 0..* assignedEntity typeCode*: <= PRF time: IVL<TS> [0..1] modeCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ParticipationMode Consent classCode*: <= CONS moodCode*: <= EVN id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= ActCode statusCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= completed typeCode*: <= AUT functionCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ParticipationFunction contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" time*: TS [1..1] Person classCode*: <= PSN determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE name: SET<PN> [0..*] AssignedEntity 0..1 representedOrganization Organization 0..1 assignedPerson 0..* consent Organization subject classCode*: <= ACT moodCode*: <= RQO id*: SET<II> [1..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= ActCode priorityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ActPriority 0..* intendedRecipient classCode*: <= ROIOVL moodCode*: <= EVN id*: SET<II> [1..*] code*: CS CNE [1..1] <= ROIOverlayShape value*: LIST<INT> [1..*] 0..1 Order typeCode*: <= FLFS classCode*: <= OBS moodCode*: <= x_ActMoodDocumentObservation id: SET<II> [0..*] code*: CD CWE [1..1] <= ObservationType negationInd: BL [0..1] derivationExpr: ST [0..1] text: ED [0..1] statusCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= ActStatus effectiveTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] priorityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ActPriority repeatNumber: IVL<INT> [0..1] languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage value: ANY [0..1] interpretationCode: SET<CE> CNE [0..*] methodCode: SET<CE> CWE [0..*] targetSiteCode: SET<CD> CWE [0..*] RegionOfInterest 0..* order inFulfillmentOf Person ObservationRange clinicalStatement Observation 0..* parentDocument 0..1 representedOrganization Person Organization typeCode*: <= x_ActRelationshipEntryRelationship inversionInd: BL [0..1] contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" sequenceNumber: INT [0..1] negationInd: BL [0..1] seperatableInd: BL [0..1] Constraint: relatedDocument.typeCode A conformant CDA document can have a single relatedDocument with typeCode "APND"; a single relatedDocument with typeCode "RPLC"; a single relatedDocument with typeCode "XFRM"; two relatedDocuments with typeCodes "XFRM" and "RPLC"; or two relatedDocuments with typeCodes "XFRM" and "APND". OrganizationPartOf 0..1 wholeOrganization Constraint: Organizer Act classCode*: <= x_ActClassDocumentEntryAct moodCode*: <= x_DocumentActMood id: SET<II> [0..*] code*: CD CWE [1..1] <= ActCode negationInd: BL [0..1] text: ED [0..1] statusCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= ActStatus effectiveTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] priorityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ActPriority languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage The Organizer clone can be the source of the component relationship or the reference relationship, but not the entryRelationship relationship. 0..1 associatedPerson ヘッダ部 叙述部 エントリー部 外部 参照部 24 診療情報提供書とR‐MIMの関係 entryRelationship typeCode*: <= x_ActRelationshipEntryRelationship inversionInd: BL [0..1] contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" sequenceNumber: INT [0..1] negationInd: BL [0..1] seperatableInd: BL [0..1] OrganizationPartOf classCode*: <= PART id*: SET<II> [0..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= RoleCode statusCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= RoleStatus effectiveTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] 0..1 wholeOrganization Organization classCode*: <= ORG 0..1 asOrganizationPartOf determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE id: SET<II> [0..*] name: SET<ON> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] addr: SET<AD> [0..*] standardIndustryClassCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= OrganizationIndustryClass 0..1 representedOrganization ParentDocument 0..* parentDocument 0..* assignedEntity Person AssignedEntity authenticator classCode*: <= ASSIGNED id*: SET<II> [1..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= RoleCode addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] typeCode*: <= AUTHEN time*: TS [1..1] signatureCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= ParticipationSignature 0..1 assignedEntity legalAuthenticator ClinicalDocument relatedDocument classCode*: <= DOCCLIN moodCode*: <= EVN id*: II [1..1] code*: CE CWE [1..1] <= DocumentType title: ST [0..1] effectiveTime*: TS [1..1] versionNumber: INT [0..1] typeCode*: <= x_ActRelationshipDocument classCode*: <= DOCCLIN moodCode*: <= EVN id*: SET<II> [1..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= DocumentType text: ED [0..1] setId: II [0..1] versionNumber: INT [0..1] 0..* clinicalStatement 0..* author typeCode*: <= LA contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" time*: TS [1..1] signatureCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= ParticipationSignature 0..1 assignedPerson Organization ObservationRange clinicalStatement Observation classCode*: <= OBS moodCode*: <= x_ActMoodDocumentObservation id: SET<II> [0..*] code*: CD CWE [1..1] <= ObservationType negationInd: BL [0..1] derivationExpr: ST [0..1] text: ED [0..1] statusCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= ActStatus effectiveTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] priorityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ActPriority repeatNumber: IVL<INT> [0..1] languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage value: ANY [0..1] interpretationCode: SET<CE> CNE [0..*] methodCode: SET<CE> CWE [0..*] targetSiteCode: SET<CD> CWE [0..*] 0..* observationRange referenceRange typeCode*: <= REFV classCode*: <= OBS moodCode*: <= EVN.CRT code: CD CWE [0..1] <= ActCode text: ED [0..1] value: ANY [0..1] interpretationCode: CE CNE [0..1] <= ObservationInterpretation Note: Observation.value has cardinality [0..*], which doesn't show up in the Visio representation. Criterion 0..1 receivedOrganization 0..* criterion precondition typeCode*: <= PRCN classCode*: <= OBS moodCode*: <= EVN.CRT code: CD CWE [0..1] <= ActCode text: ED [0..1] value: ANY [0..1] IntendedRecipient classCode*: <= x_InformationRecipientRole id*: SET<II> [0..*] addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] Person 0..1 informationRecipient Organization AssignedEntity 0..1 representedOrganization 0..* intendedRecipient informationRecipient typeCode*: <= x_InformationRecipient 0..1 assignedPerson 0..* assignedEntity ObservationMedia performer classCode*: <= OBS moodCode*: <= EVN id: SET<II> [0..*] languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage value*: ED [1..1] typeCode*: <= PRF time: IVL<TS> [0..1] modeCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ParticipationMode 1..* assignedAuthor 0..1 representedOrganization author AssignedAuthor classCode*: <= ASSIGNED id*: SET<II> [1..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= RoleCode addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] AuthorChoice typeCode*: <= AUT functionCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ParticipationFunction contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" time*: TS [1..1] Person classCode*: <= PSN determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE name: SET<PN> [0..*] 0..1 assignedAuthorChoice AssignedCustodian classCode*: <= ASSIGNED 0..1 assignedCustodian custodian typeCode*: <= CST 1..1 representedCustodianOrganization CustodianOrganization classCode*: <= ORG determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE id*: SET<II> [1..*] name: ON [0..1] telecom: TEL [0..1] addr: AD [0..1] 0..1 assignedEntity 0..1 representedOrganization AssignedEntity 0..1 assignedPerson bodyChoice dataEnterer typeCode*: <= ENT (Transcriptionist) contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" time: TS [0..1] externalActChoice Organization 1..1 bodyChoice component StructuredBody typeCode*: <= COMP contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" 0..1 providerOrganization 0..1 patient Patient PatientRole classCode*: <= PAT id: SET<II> [1..*] addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] classCode*: <= PSN determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE id: II [0..1] (Deprecated) name: SET<PN> [0..*] desc: ED [0..1] administrativeGenderCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= AdministrativeGender birthTime: TS [0..1] maritalStatusCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= MaritalStatus religiousAffiliationCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ReligiousAffiliation raceCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= Race ethnicGroupCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= Ethnicity classCode*: <= DOCBODY moodCode*: <= EVN confidentialityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= x_BasicConfidentialityKind languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage 1..* patientRole recordTarget typeCode*: <= RCT contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" typeCode*: <= COMP contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" PREF RMIM reference ExternalObservation typeCode*: <= x_ActRelationshipExternalReference seperatableInd: BL [0..1] classCode*: <= OBS moodCode*: <= EVN id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= ActCode text: ED [0..1] (POCD_RM000040JP00) This RMIM is used for patient referral document component 1..* section 0..* GuardianChoice author Person 0..* externalActChoice component 0..* guardian Guardian classCode*: <= GUARD id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= RoleCode addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] Organization typeCode*: <= COMP contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" Section classCode*: <= DOCSECT moodCode*: <= EVN id: II [0..1] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= DocumentSectionType title: ST [0..1] text*: ED [0..1] confidentialityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= x_BasicConfidentialityKind languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage ExternalDocument classCode*: <= DOC moodCode*: <= EVN id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= DocumentType text: ED [0..1] setId: II [0..1] versionNumber: INT [0..1] 0..* section 1..1 guardianChoice 0..* clinicalStatement entry typeCode*: <= x_ActRelationshipEntry contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" Organization 0..1 scopingOrganization 0..* associatedEntity Person AssociatedEntity participant classCode*: <= RoleClassAssociative id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= RoleCode addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] typeCode*: <= ParticipationType functionCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ParticipationFunction contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" time: IVL<TS> [0..1] 0..1 associatedPerson ヘッダ部 叙述部 エントリー部 外部 参照部 25 診療情報提供書の本文の記述 entryRelationship typeCode*: <= x_ActRelationshipEntryRelationship inversionInd: BL [0..1] contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" sequenceNumber: INT [0..1] negationInd: BL [0..1] seperatableInd: BL [0..1] OrganizationPartOf classCode*: <= PART id*: SET<II> [0..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= RoleCode statusCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= RoleStatus effectiveTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] 0..1 wholeOrganization Organization classCode*: <= ORG 0..1 asOrganizationPartOf determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE id: SET<II> [0..*] name: SET<ON> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] addr: SET<AD> [0..*] standardIndustryClassCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= OrganizationIndustryClass 0..1 representedOrganization ParentDocument 0..* parentDocument 0..* assignedEntity Person AssignedEntity authenticator classCode*: <= ASSIGNED id*: SET<II> [1..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= RoleCode addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] typeCode*: <= AUTHEN time*: TS [1..1] signatureCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= ParticipationSignature 0..1 assignedEntity legalAuthenticator ClinicalDocument relatedDocument classCode*: <= DOCCLIN moodCode*: <= EVN id*: II [1..1] code*: CE CWE [1..1] <= DocumentType title: ST [0..1] effectiveTime*: TS [1..1] versionNumber: INT [0..1] typeCode*: <= x_ActRelationshipDocument classCode*: <= DOCCLIN moodCode*: <= EVN id*: SET<II> [1..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= DocumentType text: ED [0..1] setId: II [0..1] versionNumber: INT [0..1] 0..* clinicalStatement 0..* author typeCode*: <= LA contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" time*: TS [1..1] signatureCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= ParticipationSignature 0..1 assignedPerson Organization ObservationRange clinicalStatement Observation classCode*: <= OBS moodCode*: <= x_ActMoodDocumentObservation id: SET<II> [0..*] code*: CD CWE [1..1] <= ObservationType negationInd: BL [0..1] derivationExpr: ST [0..1] text: ED [0..1] statusCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= ActStatus effectiveTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] priorityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ActPriority repeatNumber: IVL<INT> [0..1] languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage value: ANY [0..1] interpretationCode: SET<CE> CNE [0..*] methodCode: SET<CE> CWE [0..*] targetSiteCode: SET<CD> CWE [0..*] 0..* observationRange referenceRange typeCode*: <= REFV classCode*: <= OBS moodCode*: <= EVN.CRT code: CD CWE [0..1] <= ActCode text: ED [0..1] value: ANY [0..1] interpretationCode: CE CNE [0..1] <= ObservationInterpretation Note: Observation.value has cardinality [0..*], which doesn't show up in the Visio representation. Criterion 0..1 receivedOrganization 0..* criterion precondition typeCode*: <= PRCN classCode*: <= OBS moodCode*: <= EVN.CRT code: CD CWE [0..1] <= ActCode text: ED [0..1] value: ANY [0..1] IntendedRecipient classCode*: <= x_InformationRecipientRole id*: SET<II> [0..*] addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] Person 0..1 informationRecipient Organization AssignedEntity 0..1 representedOrganization 0..* intendedRecipient informationRecipient typeCode*: <= x_InformationRecipient 0..1 assignedPerson 0..* assignedEntity ObservationMedia performer classCode*: <= OBS moodCode*: <= EVN id: SET<II> [0..*] languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage value*: ED [1..1] typeCode*: <= PRF time: IVL<TS> [0..1] modeCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ParticipationMode 1..* assignedAuthor 0..1 representedOrganization author AssignedAuthor classCode*: <= ASSIGNED id*: SET<II> [1..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= RoleCode addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] AuthorChoice typeCode*: <= AUT functionCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ParticipationFunction contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" time*: TS [1..1] Person classCode*: <= PSN determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE name: SET<PN> [0..*] 0..1 assignedAuthorChoice AssignedCustodian classCode*: <= ASSIGNED 0..1 assignedCustodian custodian typeCode*: <= CST 1..1 representedCustodianOrganization CustodianOrganization classCode*: <= ORG determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE id*: SET<II> [1..*] name: ON [0..1] telecom: TEL [0..1] addr: AD [0..1] 0..1 assignedEntity 0..1 representedOrganization AssignedEntity 0..1 assignedPerson bodyChoice dataEnterer typeCode*: <= ENT (Transcriptionist) contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" time: TS [0..1] externalActChoice Organization 1..1 bodyChoice component StructuredBody typeCode*: <= COMP contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" 0..1 providerOrganization 0..1 patient Patient PatientRole classCode*: <= PAT id: SET<II> [1..*] addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] classCode*: <= PSN determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE id: II [0..1] (Deprecated) name: SET<PN> [0..*] desc: ED [0..1] administrativeGenderCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= AdministrativeGender birthTime: TS [0..1] maritalStatusCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= MaritalStatus religiousAffiliationCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ReligiousAffiliation raceCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= Race ethnicGroupCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= Ethnicity classCode*: <= DOCBODY moodCode*: <= EVN confidentialityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= x_BasicConfidentialityKind languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage 1..* patientRole recordTarget typeCode*: <= RCT contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" typeCode*: <= COMP contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" PREF RMIM reference ExternalObservation typeCode*: <= x_ActRelationshipExternalReference seperatableInd: BL [0..1] classCode*: <= OBS moodCode*: <= EVN id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= ActCode text: ED [0..1] (POCD_RM000040JP00) This RMIM is used for patient referral document component 1..* section 0..* GuardianChoice author Person 0..* externalActChoice component 0..* guardian Guardian classCode*: <= GUARD id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= RoleCode addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] Organization typeCode*: <= COMP contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" Section classCode*: <= DOCSECT moodCode*: <= EVN id: II [0..1] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= DocumentSectionType title: ST [0..1] text*: ED [0..1] confidentialityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= x_BasicConfidentialityKind languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage ExternalDocument classCode*: <= DOC moodCode*: <= EVN id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= DocumentType text: ED [0..1] setId: II [0..1] versionNumber: INT [0..1] 0..* section 1..1 guardianChoice 0..* clinicalStatement entry typeCode*: <= x_ActRelationshipEntry contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" Organization 0..1 scopingOrganization 0..* associatedEntity Person AssociatedEntity participant classCode*: <= RoleClassAssociative id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= RoleCode addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] typeCode*: <= ParticipationType functionCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ParticipationFunction contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" time: IVL<TS> [0..1] 0..1 associatedPerson ヘッダ部 叙述部 エントリー部 外部 参照部 26 患者情報 はrecordTargetで記述 Organization 0..1 providerOrganization classCode*: <= PSN determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE id: II [0..1] (Deprecated) name: SET<PN> [0..*]OrganizationPartOf Organization desc: ED [0..1] administrativeGenderCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= AdministrativeGender birthTime: TS [0..1] ClinicalDocument maritalStatusCode: CEAssignedEntity CWE [0..1] <= MaritalStatus authenticator religiousAffiliationCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ReligiousAffiliation Person raceCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= Race legalAuthenticator ethnicGroupCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= Ethnicity 0..1 wholeOrganization classCode*: <= ORG determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE id: SET<II> [0..*] name: SET<ON> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] addr: SET<AD> [0..*] standardIndustryClassCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= OrganizationIndustryClass 0..1 asOrganizationPartOf 0..* assignedEntity classCode*: <= ASSIGNED id*: SET<II> [1..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= RoleCode addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] 0..1 assignedEntity typeCode*: <= LA contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" time*: TS [1..1] signatureCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= ParticipationSignature 0..1 assignedPerson Organization typeCode*: <= AUTHEN time*: TS [1..1] signatureCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= ParticipationSignature 0..1 receivedOrganization classCode*: <= DOCCLIN moodCode*: <= EVN id*: II [1..1] code*: CE CWE [1..1] <= DocumentType title: ST [0..1] effectiveTime*: TS [1..1] confidentialityCode*: CE CWE [1..1] <= x_BasicConfidentialityKind languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage setId: II [0..1] versionNumber: INT [0..1] copyTime: TS [0..1] (Deprecated) recordTarget typeCode*: <= RCT contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" classCode*: <= PAT id: SET<II> [1..*] addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] entryRelationship typeCode*: <= x_ActRelationshipEntryRelationship inversionInd: BL [0..1] contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" sequenceNumber: INT [0..1] negationInd: BL [0..1] seperatableInd: BL [0..1] Constraint: relatedDocument.typeCode A conformant CDA document can have a single relatedDocument with typeCode "APND"; a single relatedDocument with typeCode "RPLC"; a single relatedDocument with typeCode "XFRM"; two relatedDocuments with typeCodes "XFRM" and "RPLC"; or two relatedDocuments with typeCodes "XFRM" and "APND". classCode*: <= PART id*: SET<II> [0..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= RoleCode statusCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= RoleStatus effectiveTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] 0..1 representedOrganization 1..* patientRole PatientRole 0..1 patient Patient ParentDocument 0..* parentDocument relatedDocument typeCode*: <= x_ActRelationshipDocument classCode*: <= DOCCLIN moodCode*: <= EVN id*: SET<II> [1..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= DocumentType text: ED [0..1] setId: II [0..1] versionNumber: INT [0..1] 0..* clinicalStatement 0..* author 0..* assignedEntity ServiceEvent 0..* serviceEvent documentationOf typeCode*: <= DOC AssignedEntity 0..1 representedOrganization performer classCode*: <= ACT moodCode*: <= EVN id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] effectiveTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] typeCode*: <= x_ServiceEventPerformer functionCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ParticipationFunction time: IVL<TS> [0..1] 0..* informant 0..1 assignedPerson IntendedRecipient classCode*: <= x_InformationRecipientRole id*: SET<II> [0..*] addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] 0..1 informationRecipient informationRecipient typeCode*: <= x_InformationRecipient 0..1 representedOrganization AssignedAuthor classCode*: <= ASSIGNED id*: SET<II> [1..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= RoleCode addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] AuthorChoice 1..* assignedAuthor authorization author typeCode*: <= AUTH 1..1 assignedCustodian 0..1 assignedAuthorChoice custodian AssignedCustodian typeCode*: <= CST classCode*: <= ASSIGNED AuthoringDevice 1..1 representedCustodianOrganization 0..* asMaintainedEntity MaintainedEntity classCode*: <= MNT effectiveTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] 1..1 maintainingPerson Person typeCode*: <= LOC CustodianOrganization classCode*: <= ORG determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE id*: SET<II> [1..*] name: ON [0..1] telecom: TEL [0..1] addr: AD [0..1] 0..* assignedEntity typeCode*: <= x_EncounterParticipant time: IVL<TS> [0..1] 1..1 manufacturedDrugOrOtherMaterial product bodyChoice classCode*: <= DOCBODY moodCode*: <= EVN text: ED [1..1] confidentialityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= x_BasicConfidentialityKind languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage classCode*: <= PLC determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE name: EN [0..1] addr: AD [0..1] Organization recordTarget typeCode*: <= <= RCT RCT typeCode*: contextControlCode*: CS CS CNE CNE [1..1] [1..1] <= <= "OP" "OP" contextControlCode*: classCode*: <= PAT id: SET<II> [1..*] addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] classCode*: <= PSN classCode*: <= PSN determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE id: II [0..1] (Deprecated) id: II [0..1] (Deprecated) name: SET<PN> [0..*] name: SET<PN> [0..*] desc: ED [0..1] administrativeGenderCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= AdministrativeGender administrativeGenderCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= AdministrativeGender birthTime: TS [0..1] birthTime: TS [0..1] maritalStatusCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= MaritalStatus maritalStatusCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= MaritalStatus religiousAffiliationCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ReligiousAffiliation religiousAffiliationCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ReligiousAffiliation raceCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= Race raceCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= Race ethnicGroupCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= Ethnicity ethnicGroupCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= Ethnicity 患者情報 0..* languageCommunication classCode*: <= DOCBODY moodCode*: <= EVN confidentialityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= x_BasicConfidentialityKind languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage 1..* patientRole PatientRole 0..1 patient 0..1 patient Patient Patient languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage modeCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= LanguageAbilityMode proficiencyLevelCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= LanguageAbilityProficiency preferenceInd: BL [0..1] CDA R-MIM component 1..* section 0..* author 0..* guardian Guardian 0..* classCode*: <= GUARD id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= RoleCode addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] Organization informant RelatedSubject 0..1 classCode*: <= x_DocumentSubject code: CE CWE [0..1] <= PersonalRelationshipRoleType addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] informantChoice 1..1 guardianChoice 0..1 representedOrganization AssignedEntity 0..1 assignedPerson Person RelatedEntity 0..1 relatedPerson Organization classCode*: <= RoleClassMutualRelationship code: CE CWE [0..1] <= PersonalRelationshipRoleType addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] effectiveTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] 0..* informantChoice informant typeCode*: <= INF contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" 0..1 relatedSubject classCode*: <= DOCSECT moodCode*: <= EVN id: II [0..1] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= DocumentSectionType title: ST [0..1] text*: ED [0..1] confidentialityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= x_BasicConfidentialityKind languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage participant classCode*: <= RoleClassAssociative id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= RoleCode addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] typeCode*: <= ParticipationType functionCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ParticipationFunction contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" time: IVL<TS> [0..1] participant typeCode*: <= ParticipationType contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" time: IVL<TS> [0..1] awarenessCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= TargetAwareness Entity classCode*: <= ENT determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= EntityCode desc: ED [0..1] typeCode*: <= SBJ contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" awarenessCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= TargetAwareness ExternalAct classCode*: <= ACT moodCode*: <= EVN id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= ActCode text: ED [0..1] 0..* externalActChoice reference ExternalObservation typeCode*: <= x_ActRelationshipExternalReference seperatableInd: BL [0..1] classCode*: <= OBS moodCode*: <= EVN id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= ActCode text: ED [0..1] Encounter ExternalProcedure classCode*: <= ENC moodCode*: <= x_DocumentEncounterMood id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= ActEncounterCode text: ED [0..1] statusCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= ActStatus effectiveTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] priorityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ActPriority classCode*: <= PROC moodCode*: <= EVN id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= ActCode text: ED [0..1] ExternalDocument classCode*: <= DOC moodCode*: <= EVN id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= DocumentType text: ED [0..1] setId: II [0..1] versionNumber: INT [0..1] 0..* clinicalStatement Organizer classCode*: <= x_ActClassDocumentEntryOrganizer moodCode*: <= EVN id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= ActCode statusCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= ActStatus effectiveTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] 0..* clinicalStatement component typeCode*: <= COMP contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" sequenceNumber: INT [0..1] seperatableInd: BL [0..1] entry typeCode*: <= x_ActRelationshipEntry contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" 0..1 subject SubjectPerson classCode*: <= PSN determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE name: SET<PN> [0..*] administrativeGenderCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= AdministrativeGender birthTime: TS [0..1] classCode*: <= PROC moodCode*: <= x_DocumentProcedureMood id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] negationInd: BL [0..1] text: ED [0..1] statusCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= ActStatus effectiveTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] priorityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ActPriority languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage methodCode: SET<CE> CWE [0..*] approachSiteCode: SET<CD> CWE [0..*] targetSiteCode: SET<CD> CWE [0..*] 0..* section subject Constraint: Section.text Section.text.mediaType fixed as "text/x-hl7-text+xml". See section "Section Narrative Block" for details. 0..* associatedEntity AssociatedEntity 0..* participantRole 0..1 scopingEntity typeCode*: <= COMP contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" Section 0..1 scopingOrganization Person Procedure 0..1 specimenPlayingEntity classCode*: <= ROL id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= RoleCode addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] (POCD_RM000040) This RMIM is used to generate the CDA specification. typeCode*: <= SPC classCode*: <= SPEC id: SET<II> [0..*] ParticipantRole typeCode*: <= COMP contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" LanguageCommunication (LanguageCommunication) SpecimenRole specimen 0..1 playingEntityChoice component GuardianChoice Person classCode*: <= SPLY moodCode*: <= x_DocumentSubstanceMood id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= ActCode text: ED [0..1] statusCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= ActStatus effectiveTime: GTS [0..1] priorityCode: SET<CE> CWE [0..*] <= ActPriority repeatNumber: IVL<INT> [0..1] independentInd: BL [0..1] quantity: PQ [0..1] expectedUseTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] 0..* specimenRole externalActChoice classCode*: <= ENT determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE code: CE CWE [0..1] <= EntityCode quantity: SET<PQ> [0..*] name: SET<PN> [0..*] desc: ED [0..1] StructuredBody typeCode*: <= COMP contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" 0..1 providerOrganization classCode*: <= OBS moodCode*: <= EVN.CRT code: CD CWE [0..1] <= ActCode text: ED [0..1] value: ANY [0..1] PlayingEntity 1..1 bodyChoice component Birthplace classCode*: <= BIRTHPL typeCode*: <= PRCN Supply typeCode*: <= PRD classCode*: <= DEV determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE code: CE CWE [0..1] <= EntityCode manufacturerModelName: SC CWE [0..1] <= ManufacturerModelName softwareName: SC CWE [0..1] <= SoftwareName NonXMLBody typeCode*: <= ENT (Transcriptionist) contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" time: TS [0..1] 0..1 assignedPerson Criterion 0..* criterion precondition 0..1 manufacturedProduct * Device 0..1 location 1..1 place 0..1 birthplace consumable classCode*: <= MMAT determinerCode*: <= KIND code: CE CWE [0..1] <= MaterialEntityClassType name: EN [0..1] lotNumberText: ST [0..1] Place dataEnterer Note: Observation.value has cardinality [0..*], which doesn't show up in the Visio representation. 患者情報 1..1 manufacturedProduct EntityChoice 0..1 representedOrganization AssignedEntity Place classCode*: <= MANU id: SET<II> [0..*] Material 0..1 assignedPerson classCode*: <= SDLOC id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= ServiceDeliveryLocationRoleType Organization typeCode*: <= REFV classCode*: <= SBADM moodCode*: <= x_DocumentSubstanceMood id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= SubstanceAdministrationActCode negationInd: BL [0..1] text: ED [0..1] statusCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= ActStatus effectiveTime: GTS [0..1] priorityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ActPriority repeatNumber: IVL<INT> [0..1] routeCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= RouteOfAdministration approachSiteCode: SET<CD> CWE [0..*] <= ActSite doseQuantity: IVL<PQ> [0..1] rateQuantity: IVL<PQ> [0..1] maxDoseQuantity: RTO<PQ,PQ> [0..1] administrationUnitCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= AdministrableDrugForm ManufacturedProduct typeCode*: <= CSM encounterParticipant 0..1 healthCareFacility HealthCareFacility 0..1 serviceProviderOrganization 0..1 assignedEntity classCode*: <= OBS moodCode*: <= EVN.CRT code: CD CWE [0..1] <= ActCode text: ED [0..1] value: ANY [0..1] interpretationCode: CE CNE [0..1] <= ObservationInterpretation 0..* observationRange referenceRange SubstanceAdministration DrugOrOtherMaterial classCode*: <= MMAT determinerCode*: <= KIND code: CE CWE [0..1] <= DrugEntity name: EN [0..1] typeCode*: <= RESP location classCode*: <= DEV determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE code: CE CWE [0..1] <= EntityCode manufacturerModelName: SC CWE [0..1] <= ManufacturerModelName softwareName: SC CWE [0..1] <= SoftwareName classCode*: <= OBS moodCode*: <= EVN id: SET<II> [0..*] languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage value*: ED [1..1] LabeledDrug AssignedEntity 0..1 representedOrganization responsibleParty classCode*: <= ENC moodCode*: <= EVN componentOf id: SET<II> [0..*] typeCode*: <= COMP 0..1 encompassingEncounter code: CE CWE [0..1] <= ActEncounterCode effectiveTime*: IVL<TS> [1..1] dischargeDispositionCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= EncounterDischargeDisposition ObservationMedia performer 0..1 manufacturerOrganization 0..1 assignedEntity EncompassingEncounter 0..* assignedEntity typeCode*: <= PRF time: IVL<TS> [0..1] modeCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ParticipationMode Consent classCode*: <= CONS moodCode*: <= EVN id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= ActCode statusCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= completed typeCode*: <= AUT functionCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ParticipationFunction contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" time*: TS [1..1] Person classCode*: <= PSN determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE name: SET<PN> [0..*] AssignedEntity 0..1 representedOrganization Organization 0..1 assignedPerson 0..* consent Organization subject classCode*: <= ACT moodCode*: <= RQO id*: SET<II> [1..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= ActCode priorityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ActPriority 0..* intendedRecipient classCode*: <= ROIOVL moodCode*: <= EVN id*: SET<II> [1..*] code*: CS CNE [1..1] <= ROIOverlayShape value*: LIST<INT> [1..*] 0..1 Order typeCode*: <= FLFS classCode*: <= OBS moodCode*: <= x_ActMoodDocumentObservation id: SET<II> [0..*] code*: CD CWE [1..1] <= ObservationType negationInd: BL [0..1] derivationExpr: ST [0..1] text: ED [0..1] statusCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= ActStatus effectiveTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] priorityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ActPriority repeatNumber: IVL<INT> [0..1] languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage value: ANY [0..1] interpretationCode: SET<CE> CNE [0..*] methodCode: SET<CE> CWE [0..*] targetSiteCode: SET<CD> CWE [0..*] RegionOfInterest 0..* order inFulfillmentOf Person ObservationRange clinicalStatement Observation Constraint: ParentDocument.text ParentDocument.text can be used to indicate the MIME type of the related document. It is not to be used to embed the related document, and thus ParentDocument.text.BIN is precluded from use. Constraint: Organizer Act classCode*: <= x_ActClassDocumentEntryAct moodCode*: <= x_DocumentActMood id: SET<II> [0..*] code*: CD CWE [1..1] <= ActCode negationInd: BL [0..1] text: ED [0..1] statusCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= ActStatus effectiveTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] priorityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ActPriority languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage The Organizer clone can be the source of the component relationship or the reference relationship, but not the entryRelationship relationship. 0..1 associatedPerson ヘッダ部 叙述部 エントリー部 外部 参照部 27 患者情報 Organization 0..1 providerOrganization Patient classCode*: <= PSN determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE id: II [0..1] (Deprecated) name: SET<PN> [0..*] desc: ED [0..1] administrativeGenderCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= AdministrativeGender birthTime: TS [0..1] maritalStatusCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= MaritalStatus religiousAffiliationCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ReligiousAffiliation raceCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= Race ethnicGroupCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= Ethnicity 0..1 patient PatientRole classCode*: <= PAT id: SET<II> [1..*] addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] <recordTarget> <patientRole classCode="PAT"> <id extension="01234567" root="2.16.840.1.113883."/ > <addr> <country>JP</country> <postalCode>113-0024</postalCode> <streetName>西片1丁目17番8号 </streetName> <city>文京区</city> <state>東京都</state> </addr> <telecom use="H" value="tel:03-58058201" /> 1..* patientRole recordTarget typeCode*: <= RCT contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" <patient> <name use="IDE"> <family>日本</family> <given>次郎</given> </name> <name use="SYL"> <family>ニホン</family> <given>ジロウ</given> </name> <desc>職業 会社員</desc> <administrativeGenderCode code="M" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.5.1" /> <birthTime value="19590707" /> </patient> </patientRole> </recordTarget> 28 診療情報提供書記載者(紹介元) 1..* assignedAuthor 0..1 representedOrganization Organization author AssignedAuthor AuthorChoice Constraint: relatedDocument.typeCode A conformant CDA document can have a single relatedDocument with typeCode "APND"; a single relatedDocument with typeCode "RPLC"; a single relatedDocument with typeCode "XFRM"; two relatedDocuments with typeCodes "XFRM" and "RPLC"; or two relatedDocuments with typeCodes "XFRM" and "APND". OrganizationPartOf Person 0..1 wholeOrganization Organization classCode*: <= ORG determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE id: SET<II> [0..*] name: SET<ON> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] addr: SET<AD> [0..*] standardIndustryClassCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= OrganizationIndustryClass 0..1 asOrganizationPartOf classCode*: <= PART id*: SET<II> [0..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= RoleCode statusCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= RoleStatus effectiveTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] 0..1 representedOrganization 0..* assignedEntity AssignedEntity authenticator classCode*: <= ASSIGNED id*: SET<II> [1..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= RoleCode addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] Organization typeCode*: <= AUTHEN time*: TS [1..1] signatureCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= ParticipationSignature 0..1 assignedEntity legalAuthenticator typeCode*: <= LA contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" time*: TS [1..1] signatureCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= ParticipationSignature 0..1 assignedPerson entryRelationship typeCode*: <= x_ActRelationshipEntryRelationship inversionInd: BL [0..1] contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" sequenceNumber: INT [0..1] negationInd: BL [0..1] seperatableInd: BL [0..1] 0..1 receivedOrganization 0..1 assignedAuthorChoice ParentDocument 0..* parentDocument ClinicalDocument relatedDocument classCode*: <= DOCCLIN moodCode*: <= EVN id*: II [1..1] code*: CE CWE [1..1] <= DocumentType title: ST [0..1] effectiveTime*: TS [1..1] confidentialityCode*: CE CWE [1..1] <= x_BasicConfidentialityKind languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage setId: II [0..1] versionNumber: INT [0..1] copyTime: TS [0..1] (Deprecated) typeCode*: <= x_ActRelationshipDocument Constraint: ParentDocument.text ParentDocument.text can be used to indicate the MIME type of the related document. It is not to be used to embed the related document, and thus ParentDocument.text.BIN is precluded from use. classCode*: <= DOCCLIN moodCode*: <= EVN id*: SET<II> [1..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= DocumentType text: ED [0..1] setId: II [0..1] versionNumber: INT [0..1] 0..* clinicalStatement 0..* author 0..* assignedEntity ServiceEvent 0..* serviceEvent documentationOf typeCode*: <= DOC AssignedEntity 0..1 representedOrganization performer classCode*: <= ACT moodCode*: <= EVN id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] effectiveTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] typeCode*: <= x_ServiceEventPerformer functionCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ParticipationFunction time: IVL<TS> [0..1] 0..* informant 0..1 assignedPerson classCode*: <= x_InformationRecipientRole id*: SET<II> [0..*] addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] 0..1 informationRecipient informationRecipient typeCode*: <= x_InformationRecipient 0..1 representedOrganization 1..* assignedAuthor authorization author typeCode*: <= AUTH 作成者 AssignedAuthor classCode*: <= ASSIGNED id*: SET<II> [1..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= RoleCode addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] AuthorChoice 1..1 assignedCustodian 0..1 assignedAuthorChoice custodian AssignedCustodian typeCode*: <= CST classCode*: <= ASSIGNED AuthoringDevice 1..1 representedCustodianOrganization 0..* asMaintainedEntity MaintainedEntity classCode*: <= MNT effectiveTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] 1..1 maintainingPerson Person typeCode*: <= LOC CustodianOrganization classCode*: <= ORG determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE id*: SET<II> [1..*] name: ON [0..1] telecom: TEL [0..1] addr: AD [0..1] 0..* assignedEntity typeCode*: <= x_EncounterParticipant time: IVL<TS> [0..1] 1..1 manufacturedDrugOrOtherMaterial product NonXMLBody classCode*: <= DOCBODY moodCode*: <= EVN text: ED [1..1] confidentialityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= x_BasicConfidentialityKind languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage Organization 0..1 providerOrganization classCode*: <= DOCBODY moodCode*: <= EVN confidentialityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= x_BasicConfidentialityKind languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage 1..* patientRole recordTarget PatientRole typeCode*: <= RCT contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" classCode*: <= PAT id: SET<II> [1..*] addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage modeCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= LanguageAbilityMode proficiencyLevelCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= LanguageAbilityProficiency preferenceInd: BL [0..1] CDA R-MIM component 1..* section 0..* author Person 0..* guardian Guardian 0..* classCode*: <= GUARD id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= RoleCode addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] Organization informant RelatedSubject 0..1 classCode*: <= x_DocumentSubject code: CE CWE [0..1] <= PersonalRelationshipRoleType addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] informantChoice 1..1 guardianChoice 0..1 representedOrganization AssignedEntity 0..1 assignedPerson Person RelatedEntity 0..1 relatedPerson Organization ParticipantRole (POCD_RM000040) This RMIM is used to generate the CDA specification. classCode*: <= RoleClassMutualRelationship code: CE CWE [0..1] <= PersonalRelationshipRoleType addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] effectiveTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] 0..* informantChoice informant typeCode*: <= INF contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" 0..1 relatedSubject classCode*: <= DOCSECT moodCode*: <= EVN id: II [0..1] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= DocumentSectionType title: ST [0..1] text*: ED [0..1] confidentialityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= x_BasicConfidentialityKind languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage participant typeCode*: <= ParticipationType functionCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ParticipationFunction contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" time: IVL<TS> [0..1] participant typeCode*: <= ParticipationType contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" time: IVL<TS> [0..1] awarenessCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= TargetAwareness Entity classCode*: <= ENT determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= EntityCode desc: ED [0..1] ExternalAct classCode*: <= ACT moodCode*: <= EVN id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= ActCode text: ED [0..1] 0..* externalActChoice reference ExternalObservation typeCode*: <= x_ActRelationshipExternalReference seperatableInd: BL [0..1] classCode*: <= OBS moodCode*: <= EVN id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= ActCode text: ED [0..1] Encounter ExternalProcedure classCode*: <= ENC moodCode*: <= x_DocumentEncounterMood id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= ActEncounterCode text: ED [0..1] statusCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= ActStatus effectiveTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] priorityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ActPriority classCode*: <= PROC moodCode*: <= EVN id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= ActCode text: ED [0..1] ExternalDocument classCode*: <= DOC moodCode*: <= EVN id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= DocumentType text: ED [0..1] setId: II [0..1] versionNumber: INT [0..1] 0..* clinicalStatement Organizer classCode*: <= x_ActClassDocumentEntryOrganizer moodCode*: <= EVN id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= ActCode statusCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= ActStatus effectiveTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] 0..* clinicalStatement component typeCode*: <= COMP contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" sequenceNumber: INT [0..1] seperatableInd: BL [0..1] entry typeCode*: <= x_ActRelationshipEntry contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" 0..1 subject SubjectPerson classCode*: <= PSN determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE name: SET<PN> [0..*] administrativeGenderCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= AdministrativeGender birthTime: TS [0..1] classCode*: <= PROC moodCode*: <= x_DocumentProcedureMood id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] negationInd: BL [0..1] text: ED [0..1] statusCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= ActStatus effectiveTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] priorityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ActPriority languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage methodCode: SET<CE> CWE [0..*] approachSiteCode: SET<CD> CWE [0..*] targetSiteCode: SET<CD> CWE [0..*] 0..* section subject typeCode*: <= SBJ contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" awarenessCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= TargetAwareness Constraint: Section.text Section.text.mediaType fixed as "text/x-hl7-text+xml". See section "Section Narrative Block" for details. 0..* associatedEntity AssociatedEntity classCode*: <= RoleClassAssociative id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= RoleCode addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] 0..* participantRole 0..1 scopingEntity typeCode*: <= COMP contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" Section 0..1 scopingOrganization Person Procedure 0..1 specimenPlayingEntity classCode*: <= ROL id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= RoleCode addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] typeCode*: <= COMP contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" GuardianChoice typeCode*: <= SPC classCode*: <= SPEC id: SET<II> [0..*] 0..1 playingEntityChoice component LanguageCommunication (LanguageCommunication) specimen externalActChoice classCode*: <= ENT determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE code: CE CWE [0..1] <= EntityCode quantity: SET<PQ> [0..*] name: SET<PN> [0..*] desc: ED [0..1] StructuredBody typeCode*: <= COMP contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" 0..1 birthplace 0..* languageCommunication classCode*: <= SPLY moodCode*: <= x_DocumentSubstanceMood id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= ActCode text: ED [0..1] statusCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= ActStatus effectiveTime: GTS [0..1] priorityCode: SET<CE> CWE [0..*] <= ActPriority repeatNumber: IVL<INT> [0..1] independentInd: BL [0..1] quantity: PQ [0..1] expectedUseTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] 0..* specimenRole SpecimenRole PlayingEntity 1..1 bodyChoice component Birthplace classCode*: <= BIRTHPL classCode*: <= OBS moodCode*: <= EVN.CRT code: CD CWE [0..1] <= ActCode text: ED [0..1] value: ANY [0..1] Supply typeCode*: <= PRD classCode*: <= DEV determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE code: CE CWE [0..1] <= EntityCode manufacturerModelName: SC CWE [0..1] <= ManufacturerModelName softwareName: SC CWE [0..1] <= SoftwareName bodyChoice typeCode*: <= ENT (Transcriptionist) contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" time: TS [0..1] 0..1 assignedPerson Criterion 0..* criterion precondition typeCode*: <= PRCN 0..1 manufacturedProduct * Device 0..1 location classCode*: <= PLC determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE name: EN [0..1] addr: AD [0..1] 0..1 patient consumable classCode*: <= MMAT determinerCode*: <= KIND code: CE CWE [0..1] <= MaterialEntityClassType name: EN [0..1] lotNumberText: ST [0..1] 0..1 healthCareFacility 1..1 place classCode*: <= PSN determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE id: II [0..1] (Deprecated) name: SET<PN> [0..*] administrativeGenderCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= AdministrativeGender birthTime: TS [0..1] maritalStatusCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= MaritalStatus religiousAffiliationCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ReligiousAffiliation raceCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= Race ethnicGroupCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= Ethnicity 1..1 manufacturedProduct Material 0..1 assignedPerson Place dataEnterer Note: Observation.value has cardinality [0..*], which doesn't show up in the Visio representation. SubstanceAdministration classCode*: <= MANU id: SET<II> [0..*] typeCode*: <= CSM encounterParticipant classCode*: <= SDLOC id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= ServiceDeliveryLocationRoleType Organization typeCode*: <= REFV classCode*: <= SBADM moodCode*: <= x_DocumentSubstanceMood id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= SubstanceAdministrationActCode negationInd: BL [0..1] text: ED [0..1] statusCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= ActStatus effectiveTime: GTS [0..1] priorityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ActPriority repeatNumber: IVL<INT> [0..1] routeCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= RouteOfAdministration approachSiteCode: SET<CD> CWE [0..*] <= ActSite doseQuantity: IVL<PQ> [0..1] rateQuantity: IVL<PQ> [0..1] maxDoseQuantity: RTO<PQ,PQ> [0..1] administrationUnitCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= AdministrableDrugForm ManufacturedProduct EntityChoice 0..1 representedOrganization AssignedEntity Patient classCode*: <= OBS moodCode*: <= EVN id: SET<II> [0..*] languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage value*: ED [1..1] DrugOrOtherMaterial classCode*: <= MMAT determinerCode*: <= KIND code: CE CWE [0..1] <= DrugEntity name: EN [0..1] typeCode*: <= RESP HealthCareFacility 0..1 serviceProviderOrganization 0..1 assignedEntity Place ObservationMedia performer LabeledDrug AssignedEntity 0..1 representedOrganization responsibleParty classCode*: <= ENC moodCode*: <= EVN componentOf id: SET<II> [0..*] typeCode*: <= COMP 0..1 encompassingEncounter code: CE CWE [0..1] <= ActEncounterCode effectiveTime*: IVL<TS> [1..1] dischargeDispositionCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= EncounterDischargeDisposition location classCode*: <= DEV determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE code: CE CWE [0..1] <= EntityCode manufacturerModelName: SC CWE [0..1] <= ManufacturerModelName softwareName: SC CWE [0..1] <= SoftwareName classCode*: <= OBS moodCode*: <= EVN.CRT code: CD CWE [0..1] <= ActCode text: ED [0..1] value: ANY [0..1] interpretationCode: CE CNE [0..1] <= ObservationInterpretation 0..* observationRange referenceRange 0..1 manufacturerOrganization 0..1 assignedEntity EncompassingEncounter 0..* assignedEntity typeCode*: <= PRF time: IVL<TS> [0..1] modeCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ParticipationMode Consent classCode*: <= CONS moodCode*: <= EVN id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= ActCode statusCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= completed typeCode*: <= AUT functionCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ParticipationFunction contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" time*: TS [1..1] Person classCode*: <= PSN determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE name: SET<PN> [0..*] AssignedEntity 0..1 representedOrganization Organization 0..1 assignedPerson 0..* consent Organization subject classCode*: <= ACT moodCode*: <= RQO id*: SET<II> [1..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= ActCode priorityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ActPriority 0..* intendedRecipient classCode*: <= ROIOVL moodCode*: <= EVN id*: SET<II> [1..*] code*: CS CNE [1..1] <= ROIOverlayShape value*: LIST<INT> [1..*] 0..1 Order typeCode*: <= FLFS IntendedRecipient classCode*: <= OBS moodCode*: <= x_ActMoodDocumentObservation id: SET<II> [0..*] code*: CD CWE [1..1] <= ObservationType negationInd: BL [0..1] derivationExpr: ST [0..1] text: ED [0..1] statusCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= ActStatus effectiveTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] priorityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ActPriority repeatNumber: IVL<INT> [0..1] languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage value: ANY [0..1] interpretationCode: SET<CE> CNE [0..*] methodCode: SET<CE> CWE [0..*] targetSiteCode: SET<CD> CWE [0..*] RegionOfInterest 0..* order inFulfillmentOf Person ObservationRange clinicalStatement Observation classCode*: <= PSN determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE name: SET<PN> [0..*] Person typeCode*: <= AUT functionCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ParticipationFunction contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" time*: TS [1..1] classCode*: <= ASSIGNED id*: SET<II> [1..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= RoleCode addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] Constraint: Organizer Act classCode*: <= x_ActClassDocumentEntryAct moodCode*: <= x_DocumentActMood id: SET<II> [0..*] code*: CD CWE [1..1] <= ActCode negationInd: BL [0..1] text: ED [0..1] statusCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= ActStatus effectiveTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] priorityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ActPriority languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage The Organizer clone can be the source of the component relationship or the reference relationship, but not the entryRelationship relationship. 0..1 associatedPerson ヘッダ部 叙述部 エントリー部 外部 参照部 29 診療情報提供書記載者(紹介元) Organization 1..* assignedAuthor 0..1 representedOrganization author AssignedAuthor AuthorChoice classCode*: <= ASSIGNED id*: SET<II> [1..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= RoleCode addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] typeCode*: <= AUT functionCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ParticipationFunction contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" time*: TS [1..1] Person classCode*: <= PSN determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE name: SET<PN> [0..*] 0..1 assignedAuthorChoice <author> <time value="20060530" /> <assignedAuthor> <id extension="12345" root="2.16.840.1.113883." /> <addr> <country>JP</country> <streetName>虎ノ門1丁目19番9号</streetName> <city>港区</city> <state>東京都</state> <postalCode>105‐0001</postalCode> </addr> <telecom use="WP" value="tel:03‐3560‐8070" /> <assignedPerson> <name use="IDE"> <family>東京</family> <given>太郎</given> </name> </assignedPerson> <representedOrganization> <id extension="93" root="2.16.840.1.113883." /> <name>JAHIS病院 内科</name> </representedOrganization> </assignedAuthor> </author> 30 診療情報提供書記載者(紹介先) 0..1 receivedOrganization Organization IntendedRecipient Constraint: relatedDocument.typeCode A conformant CDA document can have a single relatedDocument with typeCode "APND"; a single relatedDocument with typeCode "RPLC"; a single relatedDocument with typeCode "XFRM"; two relatedDocuments with typeCodes "XFRM" and "RPLC"; or two relatedDocuments with typeCodes "XFRM" and "APND". OrganizationPartOf classCode*: <= PART id*: SET<II> [0..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= RoleCode statusCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= RoleStatus effectiveTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] Person 0..1 wholeOrganization Organization classCode*: <= ORG determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE id: SET<II> [0..*] name: SET<ON> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] addr: SET<AD> [0..*] standardIndustryClassCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= OrganizationIndustryClass 0..1 asOrganizationPartOf 0..1 informationRecipient 0..* parentDocument 0..1 representedOrganization 0..* assignedEntity AssignedEntity authenticator classCode*: <= ASSIGNED id*: SET<II> [1..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= RoleCode addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] Person typeCode*: <= AUTHEN time*: TS [1..1] signatureCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= ParticipationSignature 0..1 assignedEntity legalAuthenticator typeCode*: <= LA contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" time*: TS [1..1] signatureCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= ParticipationSignature 0..1 assignedPerson Organization ParentDocument 0..1 receivedOrganization ClinicalDocument relatedDocument classCode*: <= DOCCLIN moodCode*: <= EVN id*: II [1..1] code*: CE CWE [1..1] <= DocumentType title: ST [0..1] effectiveTime*: TS [1..1] confidentialityCode*: CE CWE [1..1] <= x_BasicConfidentialityKind languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage setId: II [0..1] versionNumber: INT [0..1] copyTime: TS [0..1] (Deprecated) typeCode*: <= x_ActRelationshipDocument classCode*: <= DOCCLIN moodCode*: <= EVN id*: SET<II> [1..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= DocumentType text: ED [0..1] setId: II [0..1] versionNumber: INT [0..1] classCode*: <= x_InformationRecipientRole id*: SET<II> [0..*] addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] entryRelationship 0..* intendedRecipient typeCode*: <= x_ActRelationshipEntryRelationship inversionInd: BL [0..1] contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" sequenceNumber: INT [0..1] negationInd: BL [0..1] seperatableInd: BL [0..1] informationRecipient 0..* clinicalStatement 0..* author 0..* assignedEntity ServiceEvent 0..* serviceEvent documentationOf typeCode*: <= DOC AssignedEntity 0..1 representedOrganization performer classCode*: <= ACT moodCode*: <= EVN id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] effectiveTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] typeCode*: <= x_ServiceEventPerformer functionCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ParticipationFunction time: IVL<TS> [0..1] 0..* informant 0..1 assignedPerson classCode*: <= x_InformationRecipientRole id*: SET<II> [0..*] addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] 0..1 informationRecipient informationRecipient typeCode*: <= <= x_InformationRecipient x_InformationRecipient typeCode*: 0..1 representedOrganization AssignedAuthor classCode*: <= ASSIGNED id*: SET<II> [1..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= RoleCode addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] AuthorChoice 1..* assignedAuthor authorization author typeCode*: <= AUTH 1..1 assignedCustodian 0..1 assignedAuthorChoice custodian AssignedCustodian typeCode*: <= CST classCode*: <= ASSIGNED AuthoringDevice 1..1 representedCustodianOrganization 0..* asMaintainedEntity MaintainedEntity classCode*: <= MNT effectiveTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] 1..1 maintainingPerson Person typeCode*: <= LOC CustodianOrganization classCode*: <= ORG determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE id*: SET<II> [1..*] name: ON [0..1] telecom: TEL [0..1] addr: AD [0..1] 0..* assignedEntity typeCode*: <= x_EncounterParticipant time: IVL<TS> [0..1] 0..1 healthCareFacility 1..1 manufacturedDrugOrOtherMaterial NonXMLBody typeCode*: <= ENT (Transcriptionist) contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" time: TS [0..1] 0..1 assignedPerson classCode*: <= DOCBODY moodCode*: <= EVN text: ED [1..1] confidentialityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= x_BasicConfidentialityKind languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage Organization 0..1 providerOrganization classCode*: <= DOCBODY moodCode*: <= EVN confidentialityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= x_BasicConfidentialityKind languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage 1..* patientRole recordTarget PatientRole typeCode*: <= RCT contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" classCode*: <= PAT id: SET<II> [1..*] addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] 0..* languageCommunication languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage modeCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= LanguageAbilityMode proficiencyLevelCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= LanguageAbilityProficiency preferenceInd: BL [0..1] CDA R-MIM component 1..* section 0..* author Person 0..* guardian Guardian 0..* classCode*: <= GUARD id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= RoleCode addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] Organization informant RelatedSubject 0..1 classCode*: <= x_DocumentSubject code: CE CWE [0..1] <= PersonalRelationshipRoleType addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] informantChoice 1..1 guardianChoice 0..1 representedOrganization AssignedEntity 0..1 assignedPerson Person RelatedEntity 0..1 relatedPerson Organization ParticipantRole (POCD_RM000040) This RMIM is used to generate the CDA specification. classCode*: <= RoleClassMutualRelationship code: CE CWE [0..1] <= PersonalRelationshipRoleType addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] effectiveTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] 0..* informantChoice informant typeCode*: <= INF contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" 0..1 relatedSubject classCode*: <= DOCSECT moodCode*: <= EVN id: II [0..1] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= DocumentSectionType title: ST [0..1] text*: ED [0..1] confidentialityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= x_BasicConfidentialityKind languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage participant typeCode*: <= ParticipationType functionCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ParticipationFunction contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" time: IVL<TS> [0..1] participant typeCode*: <= ParticipationType contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" time: IVL<TS> [0..1] awarenessCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= TargetAwareness Entity classCode*: <= ENT determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= EntityCode desc: ED [0..1] ExternalAct classCode*: <= ACT moodCode*: <= EVN id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= ActCode text: ED [0..1] 0..* externalActChoice reference ExternalObservation typeCode*: <= x_ActRelationshipExternalReference seperatableInd: BL [0..1] classCode*: <= OBS moodCode*: <= EVN id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= ActCode text: ED [0..1] Encounter ExternalProcedure classCode*: <= ENC moodCode*: <= x_DocumentEncounterMood id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= ActEncounterCode text: ED [0..1] statusCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= ActStatus effectiveTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] priorityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ActPriority classCode*: <= PROC moodCode*: <= EVN id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= ActCode text: ED [0..1] ExternalDocument classCode*: <= DOC moodCode*: <= EVN id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= DocumentType text: ED [0..1] setId: II [0..1] versionNumber: INT [0..1] 0..* clinicalStatement Organizer classCode*: <= x_ActClassDocumentEntryOrganizer moodCode*: <= EVN id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= ActCode statusCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= ActStatus effectiveTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] 0..* clinicalStatement component typeCode*: <= COMP contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" sequenceNumber: INT [0..1] seperatableInd: BL [0..1] entry typeCode*: <= x_ActRelationshipEntry contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" 0..1 subject SubjectPerson classCode*: <= PSN determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE name: SET<PN> [0..*] administrativeGenderCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= AdministrativeGender birthTime: TS [0..1] classCode*: <= PROC moodCode*: <= x_DocumentProcedureMood id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] negationInd: BL [0..1] text: ED [0..1] statusCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= ActStatus effectiveTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] priorityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ActPriority languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage methodCode: SET<CE> CWE [0..*] approachSiteCode: SET<CD> CWE [0..*] targetSiteCode: SET<CD> CWE [0..*] 0..* section subject typeCode*: <= SBJ contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" awarenessCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= TargetAwareness Constraint: Section.text Section.text.mediaType fixed as "text/x-hl7-text+xml". See section "Section Narrative Block" for details. 0..* associatedEntity AssociatedEntity classCode*: <= RoleClassAssociative id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= RoleCode addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] 0..* participantRole 0..1 scopingEntity typeCode*: <= COMP contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" Section 0..1 scopingOrganization Person Procedure 0..1 specimenPlayingEntity classCode*: <= ROL id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= RoleCode addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] typeCode*: <= COMP contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" GuardianChoice typeCode*: <= SPC classCode*: <= SPEC id: SET<II> [0..*] 0..1 playingEntityChoice component LanguageCommunication (LanguageCommunication) specimen externalActChoice classCode*: <= ENT determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE code: CE CWE [0..1] <= EntityCode quantity: SET<PQ> [0..*] name: SET<PN> [0..*] desc: ED [0..1] StructuredBody typeCode*: <= COMP contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" 0..1 birthplace 0..1 patient classCode*: <= SPLY moodCode*: <= x_DocumentSubstanceMood id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= ActCode text: ED [0..1] statusCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= ActStatus effectiveTime: GTS [0..1] priorityCode: SET<CE> CWE [0..*] <= ActPriority repeatNumber: IVL<INT> [0..1] independentInd: BL [0..1] quantity: PQ [0..1] expectedUseTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] 0..* specimenRole SpecimenRole PlayingEntity 1..1 bodyChoice component Birthplace classCode*: <= BIRTHPL classCode*: <= OBS moodCode*: <= EVN.CRT code: CD CWE [0..1] <= ActCode text: ED [0..1] value: ANY [0..1] Supply typeCode*: <= PRD Place dataEnterer Criterion 0..* criterion precondition typeCode*: <= PRCN 0..1 manufacturedProduct * product classCode*: <= DEV determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE code: CE CWE [0..1] <= EntityCode manufacturerModelName: SC CWE [0..1] <= ManufacturerModelName softwareName: SC CWE [0..1] <= SoftwareName bodyChoice classCode*: <= PLC determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE name: EN [0..1] addr: AD [0..1] classCode*: <= PSN determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE id: II [0..1] (Deprecated) name: SET<PN> [0..*] administrativeGenderCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= AdministrativeGender birthTime: TS [0..1] maritalStatusCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= MaritalStatus religiousAffiliationCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ReligiousAffiliation raceCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= Race ethnicGroupCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= Ethnicity consumable Device 0..1 location 1..1 place Patient 1..1 manufacturedProduct classCode*: <= MMAT determinerCode*: <= KIND code: CE CWE [0..1] <= MaterialEntityClassType name: EN [0..1] lotNumberText: ST [0..1] EntityChoice 0..1 representedOrganization AssignedEntity Note: Observation.value has cardinality [0..*], which doesn't show up in the Visio representation. SubstanceAdministration classCode*: <= MANU id: SET<II> [0..*] Material 0..1 assignedPerson classCode*: <= SDLOC id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= ServiceDeliveryLocationRoleType Organization typeCode*: <= REFV classCode*: <= SBADM moodCode*: <= x_DocumentSubstanceMood id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= SubstanceAdministrationActCode negationInd: BL [0..1] text: ED [0..1] statusCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= ActStatus effectiveTime: GTS [0..1] priorityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ActPriority repeatNumber: IVL<INT> [0..1] routeCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= RouteOfAdministration approachSiteCode: SET<CD> CWE [0..*] <= ActSite doseQuantity: IVL<PQ> [0..1] rateQuantity: IVL<PQ> [0..1] maxDoseQuantity: RTO<PQ,PQ> [0..1] administrationUnitCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= AdministrableDrugForm ManufacturedProduct typeCode*: <= CSM encounterParticipant HealthCareFacility 0..1 serviceProviderOrganization 0..1 assignedEntity Place classCode*: <= OBS moodCode*: <= EVN id: SET<II> [0..*] languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage value*: ED [1..1] DrugOrOtherMaterial classCode*: <= MMAT determinerCode*: <= KIND code: CE CWE [0..1] <= DrugEntity name: EN [0..1] typeCode*: <= RESP location classCode*: <= DEV determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE code: CE CWE [0..1] <= EntityCode manufacturerModelName: SC CWE [0..1] <= ManufacturerModelName softwareName: SC CWE [0..1] <= SoftwareName ObservationMedia performer LabeledDrug AssignedEntity 0..1 representedOrganization responsibleParty classCode*: <= ENC moodCode*: <= EVN componentOf id: SET<II> [0..*] typeCode*: <= COMP 0..1 encompassingEncounter code: CE CWE [0..1] <= ActEncounterCode effectiveTime*: IVL<TS> [1..1] dischargeDispositionCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= EncounterDischargeDisposition classCode*: <= OBS moodCode*: <= EVN.CRT code: CD CWE [0..1] <= ActCode text: ED [0..1] value: ANY [0..1] interpretationCode: CE CNE [0..1] <= ObservationInterpretation 0..* observationRange referenceRange 0..1 manufacturerOrganization 0..1 assignedEntity EncompassingEncounter 0..* assignedEntity typeCode*: <= PRF time: IVL<TS> [0..1] modeCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ParticipationMode Consent classCode*: <= CONS moodCode*: <= EVN id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= ActCode statusCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= completed typeCode*: <= AUT functionCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ParticipationFunction contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" time*: TS [1..1] Person classCode*: <= PSN determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE name: SET<PN> [0..*] AssignedEntity 0..1 representedOrganization Organization 0..1 assignedPerson 0..* consent Organization subject classCode*: <= ACT moodCode*: <= RQO id*: SET<II> [1..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= ActCode priorityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ActPriority 0..* intendedRecipient 紹介先 Person classCode*: <= ROIOVL moodCode*: <= EVN id*: SET<II> [1..*] code*: CS CNE [1..1] <= ROIOverlayShape value*: LIST<INT> [1..*] 0..1 Order typeCode*: <= FLFS IntendedRecipient classCode*: <= OBS moodCode*: <= x_ActMoodDocumentObservation id: SET<II> [0..*] code*: CD CWE [1..1] <= ObservationType negationInd: BL [0..1] derivationExpr: ST [0..1] text: ED [0..1] statusCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= ActStatus effectiveTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] priorityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ActPriority repeatNumber: IVL<INT> [0..1] languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage value: ANY [0..1] interpretationCode: SET<CE> CNE [0..*] methodCode: SET<CE> CWE [0..*] targetSiteCode: SET<CD> CWE [0..*] RegionOfInterest 0..* order inFulfillmentOf ObservationRange clinicalStatement Observation typeCode*: <= x_InformationRecipient Constraint: ParentDocument.text ParentDocument.text can be used to indicate the MIME type of the related document. It is not to be used to embed the related document, and thus ParentDocument.text.BIN is precluded from use. Constraint: Organizer Act classCode*: <= x_ActClassDocumentEntryAct moodCode*: <= x_DocumentActMood id: SET<II> [0..*] code*: CD CWE [1..1] <= ActCode negationInd: BL [0..1] text: ED [0..1] statusCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= ActStatus effectiveTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] priorityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ActPriority languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage The Organizer clone can be the source of the component relationship or the reference relationship, but not the entryRelationship relationship. 0..1 associatedPerson ヘッダ部 叙述部 エントリー部 外部 参照部 31 紹介先 Organization 0..1 receivedOrganization IntendedRecipient Person 0..1 informationRecipient classCode*: <= x_InformationRecipientRole id*: SET<II> [0..*] addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] <informationRecipient typeCode="PRCP"> <intendedRecipient classCode="ASSIGNED"> <id extension="1234" root="2.16.840.1.113883.2.2" /> <!‐‐ 紹介先医療機関住所 ‐‐> <addr> <country>JP</country> <postalCode>161‐0001</postalCode> <streetName>西落合1丁目31番4号 </streetName> <city>新宿区</city> <state>東京都</state> </addr> <!‐‐ 紹介先医療機関電話番号 ‐‐> 0..* intendedRecipient informationRecipient typeCode*: <= x_InformationRecipient <telecom use="WP" value="tel:03‐3506‐8010" /> <informationRecipient> <!‐‐ 紹介先医師名 ‐‐> <name use="IDE"> <family>港</family> <given>次郎</given> </name> </informationRecipient> <!‐‐ 紹介先医療機関名 ‐‐> <receivedOrganization> <id extension="111111" root="2.16.840.1.113883.2.1.2" /> <name>HL7病院 内科</name> </receivedOrganization> </intendedRecipient> </informationRecipient> 32 診療情報提供書とR‐MIMの関係 (ヘッダ部) entryRelationship typeCode*: <= x_ActRelationshipEntryRelationship inversionInd: BL [0..1] contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" sequenceNumber: INT [0..1] negationInd: BL [0..1] seperatableInd: BL [0..1] OrganizationPartOf classCode*: <= PART id*: SET<II> [0..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= RoleCode statusCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= RoleStatus effectiveTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] 0..1 wholeOrganization Organization classCode*: <= ORG 0..1 asOrganizationPartOf determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE id: SET<II> [0..*] name: SET<ON> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] addr: SET<AD> [0..*] standardIndustryClassCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= OrganizationIndustryClass 0..1 representedOrganization 文書情報 0..* assignedEntity Person AssignedEntity authenticator classCode*: <= ASSIGNED id*: SET<II> [1..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= RoleCode addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] typeCode*: <= AUTHEN time*: TS [1..1] signatureCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= ParticipationSignature 0..1 assignedEntity legalAuthenticator ParentDocument 0..* parentDocument ClinicalDocument relatedDocument classCode*: <= DOCCLIN moodCode*: <= EVN id*: II [1..1] code*: CE CWE [1..1] <= DocumentType title: ST [0..1] effectiveTime*: TS [1..1] versionNumber: INT [0..1] typeCode*: <= x_ActRelationshipDocument classCode*: <= DOCCLIN moodCode*: <= EVN id*: SET<II> [1..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= DocumentType text: ED [0..1] setId: II [0..1] versionNumber: INT [0..1] 0..* clinicalStatement 0..* author typeCode*: <= LA contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" time*: TS [1..1] signatureCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= ParticipationSignature 0..1 assignedPerson Organization ObservationRange clinicalStatement Observation classCode*: <= OBS moodCode*: <= x_ActMoodDocumentObservation id: SET<II> [0..*] code*: CD CWE [1..1] <= ObservationType negationInd: BL [0..1] derivationExpr: ST [0..1] text: ED [0..1] statusCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= ActStatus effectiveTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] priorityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ActPriority repeatNumber: IVL<INT> [0..1] languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage value: ANY [0..1] interpretationCode: SET<CE> CNE [0..*] methodCode: SET<CE> CWE [0..*] targetSiteCode: SET<CD> CWE [0..*] 0..* observationRange referenceRange typeCode*: <= REFV Note: Observation.value has cardinality [0..*], which doesn't show up in the Visio representation. Criterion 0..1 receivedOrganization 0..* criterion precondition typeCode*: <= PRCN IntendedRecipient classCode*: <= x_InformationRecipientRole id*: SET<II> [0..*] addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] Person 0..1 informationRecipient Organization 受取者 classCode*: <= OBS moodCode*: <= EVN.CRT code: CD CWE [0..1] <= ActCode text: ED [0..1] value: ANY [0..1] AssignedEntity 0..1 representedOrganization 0..* intendedRecipient informationRecipient typeCode*: <= x_InformationRecipient 0..1 assignedPerson 0..* assignedEntity ObservationMedia performer classCode*: <= OBS moodCode*: <= EVN id: SET<II> [0..*] languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage value*: ED [1..1] typeCode*: <= PRF time: IVL<TS> [0..1] modeCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ParticipationMode 1..* assignedAuthor 0..1 representedOrganization classCode*: <= OBS moodCode*: <= EVN.CRT code: CD CWE [0..1] <= ActCode text: ED [0..1] value: ANY [0..1] interpretationCode: CE CNE [0..1] <= ObservationInterpretation author AssignedAuthor classCode*: <= ASSIGNED id*: SET<II> [1..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= RoleCode addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] AuthorChoice typeCode*: <= AUT functionCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ParticipationFunction contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" time*: TS [1..1] 作成者 Person classCode*: <= PSN determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE name: SET<PN> [0..*] 0..1 assignedAuthorChoice AssignedCustodian classCode*: <= ASSIGNED 0..1 assignedCustodian custodian typeCode*: <= CST 1..1 representedCustodianOrganization CustodianOrganization classCode*: <= ORG determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE id*: SET<II> [1..*] name: ON [0..1] telecom: TEL [0..1] addr: AD [0..1] 0..1 assignedEntity 0..1 representedOrganization AssignedEntity 0..1 assignedPerson bodyChoice dataEnterer typeCode*: <= ENT (Transcriptionist) contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" time: TS [0..1] externalActChoice Organization 1..1 bodyChoice component StructuredBody typeCode*: <= COMP contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" 0..1 providerOrganization 0..1 patient Patient 1..* patientRole 患者情報 PatientRole classCode*: <= PAT id: SET<II> [1..*] addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] classCode*: <= PSN determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE id: II [0..1] (Deprecated) name: SET<PN> [0..*] desc: ED [0..1] administrativeGenderCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= AdministrativeGender birthTime: TS [0..1] maritalStatusCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= MaritalStatus religiousAffiliationCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ReligiousAffiliation raceCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= Race ethnicGroupCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= Ethnicity classCode*: <= DOCBODY moodCode*: <= EVN confidentialityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= x_BasicConfidentialityKind languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage recordTarget typeCode*: <= RCT contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" typeCode*: <= COMP contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" PREF RMIM reference ExternalObservation typeCode*: <= x_ActRelationshipExternalReference seperatableInd: BL [0..1] classCode*: <= OBS moodCode*: <= EVN id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= ActCode text: ED [0..1] (POCD_RM000040JP00) This RMIM is used for patient referral document component 1..* section 0..* GuardianChoice author Person 0..* externalActChoice component 0..* guardian Guardian classCode*: <= GUARD id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= RoleCode addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] Organization typeCode*: <= COMP contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" Section classCode*: <= DOCSECT moodCode*: <= EVN id: II [0..1] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= DocumentSectionType title: ST [0..1] text*: ED [0..1] confidentialityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= x_BasicConfidentialityKind languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage ExternalDocument classCode*: <= DOC moodCode*: <= EVN id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= DocumentType text: ED [0..1] setId: II [0..1] versionNumber: INT [0..1] 0..* section 1..1 guardianChoice 0..* clinicalStatement entry typeCode*: <= x_ActRelationshipEntry contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" Organization 0..1 scopingOrganization 0..* associatedEntity Person AssociatedEntity participant classCode*: <= RoleClassAssociative id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= RoleCode addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] typeCode*: <= ParticipationType functionCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ParticipationFunction contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" time: IVL<TS> [0..1] 0..1 associatedPerson ヘッダ部 叙述部 エントリー部 外部 参照部 33 診療情報提供書の本文の記述 entryRelationship typeCode*: <= x_ActRelationshipEntryRelationship inversionInd: BL [0..1] contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" sequenceNumber: INT [0..1] negationInd: BL [0..1] seperatableInd: BL [0..1] OrganizationPartOf classCode*: <= PART id*: SET<II> [0..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= RoleCode statusCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= RoleStatus effectiveTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] 0..1 wholeOrganization Organization classCode*: <= ORG 0..1 asOrganizationPartOf determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE id: SET<II> [0..*] name: SET<ON> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] addr: SET<AD> [0..*] standardIndustryClassCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= OrganizationIndustryClass 0..1 representedOrganization ParentDocument 0..* parentDocument 0..* assignedEntity Person AssignedEntity authenticator classCode*: <= ASSIGNED id*: SET<II> [1..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= RoleCode addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] typeCode*: <= AUTHEN time*: TS [1..1] signatureCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= ParticipationSignature 0..1 assignedEntity legalAuthenticator ClinicalDocument relatedDocument classCode*: <= DOCCLIN moodCode*: <= EVN id*: II [1..1] code*: CE CWE [1..1] <= DocumentType title: ST [0..1] effectiveTime*: TS [1..1] versionNumber: INT [0..1] typeCode*: <= x_ActRelationshipDocument classCode*: <= DOCCLIN moodCode*: <= EVN id*: SET<II> [1..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= DocumentType text: ED [0..1] setId: II [0..1] versionNumber: INT [0..1] 0..* clinicalStatement 0..* author typeCode*: <= LA contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" time*: TS [1..1] signatureCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= ParticipationSignature 0..1 assignedPerson Organization ObservationRange clinicalStatement Observation classCode*: <= OBS moodCode*: <= x_ActMoodDocumentObservation id: SET<II> [0..*] code*: CD CWE [1..1] <= ObservationType negationInd: BL [0..1] derivationExpr: ST [0..1] text: ED [0..1] statusCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= ActStatus effectiveTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] priorityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ActPriority repeatNumber: IVL<INT> [0..1] languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage value: ANY [0..1] interpretationCode: SET<CE> CNE [0..*] methodCode: SET<CE> CWE [0..*] targetSiteCode: SET<CD> CWE [0..*] 0..* observationRange referenceRange typeCode*: <= REFV classCode*: <= OBS moodCode*: <= EVN.CRT code: CD CWE [0..1] <= ActCode text: ED [0..1] value: ANY [0..1] interpretationCode: CE CNE [0..1] <= ObservationInterpretation Note: Observation.value has cardinality [0..*], which doesn't show up in the Visio representation. Criterion 0..1 receivedOrganization 0..* criterion precondition typeCode*: <= PRCN classCode*: <= OBS moodCode*: <= EVN.CRT code: CD CWE [0..1] <= ActCode text: ED [0..1] value: ANY [0..1] IntendedRecipient classCode*: <= x_InformationRecipientRole id*: SET<II> [0..*] addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] Person 0..1 informationRecipient Organization AssignedEntity 0..1 representedOrganization 0..* intendedRecipient informationRecipient typeCode*: <= x_InformationRecipient 0..1 assignedPerson 0..* assignedEntity ObservationMedia performer classCode*: <= OBS moodCode*: <= EVN id: SET<II> [0..*] languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage value*: ED [1..1] typeCode*: <= PRF time: IVL<TS> [0..1] modeCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ParticipationMode 1..* assignedAuthor 0..1 representedOrganization author AssignedAuthor classCode*: <= ASSIGNED id*: SET<II> [1..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= RoleCode addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] AuthorChoice typeCode*: <= AUT functionCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ParticipationFunction contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" time*: TS [1..1] Person classCode*: <= PSN determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE name: SET<PN> [0..*] 0..1 assignedAuthorChoice AssignedCustodian classCode*: <= ASSIGNED 0..1 assignedCustodian custodian typeCode*: <= CST 1..1 representedCustodianOrganization CustodianOrganization classCode*: <= ORG determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE id*: SET<II> [1..*] name: ON [0..1] telecom: TEL [0..1] addr: AD [0..1] 0..1 assignedEntity 0..1 representedOrganization AssignedEntity 0..1 assignedPerson bodyChoice dataEnterer typeCode*: <= ENT (Transcriptionist) contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" time: TS [0..1] externalActChoice Organization 1..1 bodyChoice component StructuredBody typeCode*: <= COMP contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" 0..1 providerOrganization 0..1 patient Patient PatientRole classCode*: <= PAT id: SET<II> [1..*] addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] classCode*: <= PSN determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE id: II [0..1] (Deprecated) name: SET<PN> [0..*] desc: ED [0..1] administrativeGenderCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= AdministrativeGender birthTime: TS [0..1] maritalStatusCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= MaritalStatus religiousAffiliationCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ReligiousAffiliation raceCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= Race ethnicGroupCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= Ethnicity classCode*: <= DOCBODY moodCode*: <= EVN confidentialityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= x_BasicConfidentialityKind languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage 1..* patientRole recordTarget typeCode*: <= RCT contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" typeCode*: <= COMP contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" PREF RMIM reference ExternalObservation typeCode*: <= x_ActRelationshipExternalReference seperatableInd: BL [0..1] classCode*: <= OBS moodCode*: <= EVN id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= ActCode text: ED [0..1] (POCD_RM000040JP00) This RMIM is used for patient referral document component 1..* section 0..* GuardianChoice author Person 0..* externalActChoice component 0..* guardian Guardian classCode*: <= GUARD id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= RoleCode addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] Organization typeCode*: <= COMP contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" Section classCode*: <= DOCSECT moodCode*: <= EVN id: II [0..1] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= DocumentSectionType title: ST [0..1] text*: ED [0..1] confidentialityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= x_BasicConfidentialityKind languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage ExternalDocument classCode*: <= DOC moodCode*: <= EVN id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= DocumentType text: ED [0..1] setId: II [0..1] versionNumber: INT [0..1] 0..* section 1..1 guardianChoice 0..* clinicalStatement entry typeCode*: <= x_ActRelationshipEntry contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" Organization 0..1 scopingOrganization 0..* associatedEntity Person AssociatedEntity participant classCode*: <= RoleClassAssociative id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= RoleCode addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] typeCode*: <= ParticipationType functionCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ParticipationFunction contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" time: IVL<TS> [0..1] 0..1 associatedPerson ヘッダ部 叙述部 エントリー部 外部 参照部 34 診療情報提供書 本文例 レベル1、2での記述 bodyChoice 1..1 bodyChoice component 0..1 wholeOrganization Organization classCode*: <= ORG 0..1 asOrganizationPartOf determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE id: SET<II> [0..*] name: SET<ON> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] addr: SET<AD> [0..*] standardIndustryClassCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= OrganizationIndustryClass 0..1 representedOrganization StructuredBody typeCode*: <= x_ActRelationshipEntryRelationship inversionInd: BL [0..1] contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" sequenceNumber: INT [0..1] negationInd: BL [0..1] seperatableInd: BL [0..1] clinicalStatement Observation ParentDocument 0..* parentDocument 0..* assignedEntity AssignedEntity classCode*: <= ASSIGNED id*: SET<II> [1..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= RoleCode addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] Person authenticator typeCode*: <= AUTHEN time*: TS [1..1] signatureCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= ParticipationSignature 0..1 assignedEntity legalAuthenticator ClinicalDocument relatedDocument classCode*: <= DOCCLIN moodCode*: <= EVN id*: II [1..1] code*: CE CWE [1..1] <= DocumentType title: ST [0..1] effectiveTime*: TS [1..1] versionNumber: INT [0..1] typeCode*: <= x_ActRelationshipDocument classCode*: <= DOCCLIN moodCode*: <= EVN id*: SET<II> [1..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= DocumentType text: ED [0..1] setId: II [0..1] versionNumber: INT [0..1] 0..* clinicalStatement 0..* author classCode*: <= OBS moodCode*: <= x_ActMoodDocumentObservation id: SET<II> [0..*] code*: CD CWE [1..1] <= ObservationType negationInd: BL [0..1] derivationExpr: ST [0..1] text: ED [0..1] statusCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= ActStatus effectiveTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] priorityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ActPriority repeatNumber: IVL<INT> [0..1] languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage value: ANY [0..1] interpretationCode: SET<CE> CNE [0..*] methodCode: SET<CE> CWE [0..*] targetSiteCode: SET<CD> CWE [0..*] classCode*: <= DOCBODY moodCode*: <=ObservationRange EVN confidentialityCode: CE CWE [0..1] referenceRange <= x_BasicConfidentialityKind languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage 0..* observationRange typeCode*: <= REFV classCode*: <= OBS moodCode*: <= EVN.CRT code: CD CWE [0..1] <= ActCode text: ED [0..1] value: ANY [0..1] interpretationCode: CE CNE [0..1] <= ObservationInterpretation Note: Observation.value has cardinality [0..*], which doesn't show up in the Visio representation. component typeCode*: <= LA contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" time*: TS [1..1] signatureCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= ParticipationSignature 0..1 assignedPerson Organization entryRelationship typeCode*: <= COMP contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" OrganizationPartOf classCode*: <= PART id*: SET<II> [0..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= RoleCode statusCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= RoleStatus effectiveTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] Criterion classCode*: <= OBS moodCode*: <= EVN.CRT code: CD CWE [0..1] <= ActCode text: ED [0..1] value: ANY [0..1] typeCode*: <= COMP precondition contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" 0..1 receivedOrganization 0..* criterion typeCode*: <= PRCN IntendedRecipient classCode*: <= x_InformationRecipientRole id*: SET<II> [0..*] addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] Person 0..1 informationRecipient Organization AssignedEntity 0..1 representedOrganization 0..* intendedRecipient informationRecipient typeCode*: <= x_InformationRecipient 0..1 assignedPerson 0..* assignedEntity ObservationMedia performer classCode*: <= OBS moodCode*: <= EVN id: SET<II> [0..*] languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage value*: ED [1..1] typeCode*: <= PRF time: IVL<TS> [0..1] modeCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ParticipationMode 1..* assignedAuthor 0..1 representedOrganization 1..* section author AssignedAuthor classCode*: <= ASSIGNED id*: SET<II> [1..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= RoleCode addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] AuthorChoice typeCode*: <= AUT functionCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ParticipationFunction contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" time*: TS [1..1] Section Person classCode*: <= PSN determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE name: SET<PN> [0..*] 0..1 assignedAuthorChoice AssignedCustodian classCode*: <= ASSIGNED custodian typeCode*: <= CST 1..1 representedCustodianOrganization CustodianOrganization classCode*: <= ORG determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE id*: SET<II> [1..*] name: ON [0..1] telecom: TEL [0..1] addr: AD [0..1] bodyChoice bodyChoice 0..1 assignedEntity 0..1 representedOrganization AssignedEntity 0..1 assignedPerson classCode*: <= DOCSECT moodCode*: <= EVN id: II [0..1] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= DocumentSectionType title: ST [0..1] text*: ED [0..1] confidentialityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= x_BasicConfidentialityKind languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage 0..1 assignedCustodian dataEnterer typeCode*: <= ENT (Transcriptionist) contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" time: TS [0..1] externalActChoice Organization 1..1 1..1 bodyChoice bodyChoice component component StructuredBody StructuredBody typeCode*: <=<= COMP typeCode*: COMP contextConductionInd*: BLBL [1..1] "true" contextConductionInd*: [1..1] "true" 0..1 providerOrganization 0..1 patient Patient PatientRole classCode*: <= PAT id: SET<II> [1..*] addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] classCode*: <= PSN determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE id: II [0..1] (Deprecated) name: SET<PN> [0..*] desc: ED [0..1] administrativeGenderCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= AdministrativeGender birthTime: TS [0..1] maritalStatusCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= MaritalStatus religiousAffiliationCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ReligiousAffiliation raceCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= Race ethnicGroupCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= Ethnicity classCode*: classCode*: <= DOCBODY moodCode*: moodCode*: <= EVN confidentialityCode: confidentialityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= <= x_BasicConfidentialityKind x_BasicConfidentialityKind languageCode: languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage HumanLanguage 1..* patientRole recordTarget typeCode*: <= RCT contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" typeCode*: typeCode*: <= <= COMP COMP contextConductionInd*: contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" PREF RMIM reference ExternalObservation typeCode*: <= x_ActRelationshipExternalReference seperatableInd: BL [0..1] classCode*: <= OBS moodCode*: <= EVN id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= ActCode text: ED [0..1] (POCD_RM000040JP00) This RMIM is used for patient referral document component 1..* section section 0..* GuardianChoice author Person 0..* externalActChoice component component 0..* guardian Guardian classCode*: <= GUARD id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= RoleCode addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] Organization typeCode*: <= COMP contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" Section Section classCode*: <= DOCSECT classCode*: moodCode*: <= EVN moodCode*: id: IIII [0..1] [0..1] id: code: CE CE CWE CWE [0..1] <= DocumentSectionType code: title: ST ST [0..1] [0..1] title: text*: ED ED [0..1] text*: confidentialityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= confidentialityCode: x_BasicConfidentialityKind x_BasicConfidentialityKind languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= languageCode: HumanLanguage HumanLanguage ExternalDocument classCode*: <= DOC moodCode*: <= EVN id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= DocumentType text: ED [0..1] setId: II [0..1] versionNumber: INT [0..1] 0..* section 1..1 guardianChoice 0..* clinicalStatement entry typeCode*: <= x_ActRelationshipEntry contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" Organization 0..1 scopingOrganization 0..* associatedEntity Person AssociatedEntity participant classCode*: <= RoleClassAssociative id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= RoleCode addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] typeCode*: <= ParticipationType functionCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ParticipationFunction contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" time: IVL<TS> [0..1] 0..1 associatedPerson ヘッダ部 叙述部 エントリー部 外部 参照部 35 診療情報提供書 本文例 レベル1、2での記述 bodyChoice <!‐‐ ********** CDA Body ********** ‐‐> <component contextConductionInd="true"> <structuredBody> component typeCode*: <= COMP contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" <!‐‐ 目的(区分) ‐‐> <component contextConductionInd="true"> <section> <code code="MD0020200" codeSystem="1.2.392.200119.5.3.1" displayName="目的" /> <title>目的</title> <text>胃潰瘍投薬治療後の経過観察</text> </section> </component> 1..1 bodyChoice StructuredBody classCode*: <= DOCBODY moodCode*: <= EVN confidentialityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= x_BasicConfidentialityKind languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage component typeCode*: <= COMP contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" 1..* section Section classCode*: <= DOCSECT moodCode*: <= EVN id: II [0..1] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= DocumentSectionType title: ST [0..1] text*: ED [0..1] confidentialityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= x_BasicConfidentialityKind languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage <!‐‐ 連絡(留意)事項 ‐‐> <component contextConductionInd="true"> <section> <code code="MD0020330" codeSystem="1.2.392.200119.5.3.1" displayName="連絡事項" /> <title>連絡事項</title> <text>平成17年9月8日当科入院、投薬治療、胸 腹部CT施行いたしました。投薬治療により、潰瘍が消滅しました。 ご本人の希望もあり、今後の経過観察につき御高診の程、よろし くお願い申し上げます。</text> </section> </component> 36 診療情報提供書 本文例 bodyChoice 1..1 bodyChoice component 0..1 wholeOrganization Organization classCode*: <= ORG 0..1 asOrganizationPartOf determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE id: SET<II> [0..*] name: SET<ON> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] addr: SET<AD> [0..*] standardIndustryClassCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= OrganizationIndustryClass 0..1 representedOrganization StructuredBody typeCode*: <= x_ActRelationshipEntryRelationship inversionInd: BL [0..1] contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" sequenceNumber: INT [0..1] negationInd: BL [0..1] seperatableInd: BL [0..1] clinicalStatement Observation ParentDocument 0..* parentDocument 0..* assignedEntity AssignedEntity classCode*: <= ASSIGNED id*: SET<II> [1..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= RoleCode addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] Person authenticator typeCode*: <= AUTHEN time*: TS [1..1] signatureCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= ParticipationSignature 0..1 assignedEntity legalAuthenticator ClinicalDocument relatedDocument classCode*: <= DOCCLIN moodCode*: <= EVN id*: II [1..1] code*: CE CWE [1..1] <= DocumentType title: ST [0..1] effectiveTime*: TS [1..1] versionNumber: INT [0..1] typeCode*: <= x_ActRelationshipDocument classCode*: <= DOCCLIN moodCode*: <= EVN id*: SET<II> [1..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= DocumentType text: ED [0..1] setId: II [0..1] versionNumber: INT [0..1] 0..* clinicalStatement 0..* author classCode*: <= OBS moodCode*: <= x_ActMoodDocumentObservation id: SET<II> [0..*] code*: CD CWE [1..1] <= ObservationType negationInd: BL [0..1] derivationExpr: ST [0..1] text: ED [0..1] statusCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= ActStatus effectiveTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] priorityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ActPriority repeatNumber: IVL<INT> [0..1] languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage value: ANY [0..1] interpretationCode: SET<CE> CNE [0..*] methodCode: SET<CE> CWE [0..*] targetSiteCode: SET<CD> CWE [0..*] classCode*: <= DOCBODY moodCode*: <=ObservationRange EVN confidentialityCode: CE CWE [0..1] referenceRange <= x_BasicConfidentialityKind languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage 0..* observationRange typeCode*: <= REFV classCode*: <= OBS moodCode*: <= EVN.CRT code: CD CWE [0..1] <= ActCode text: ED [0..1] value: ANY [0..1] interpretationCode: CE CNE [0..1] <= ObservationInterpretation Note: Observation.value has cardinality [0..*], which doesn't show up in the Visio representation. component typeCode*: <= LA contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" time*: TS [1..1] signatureCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= ParticipationSignature 0..1 assignedPerson Organization entryRelationship typeCode*: <= COMP contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" OrganizationPartOf classCode*: <= PART id*: SET<II> [0..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= RoleCode statusCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= RoleStatus effectiveTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] Criterion classCode*: <= OBS moodCode*: <= EVN.CRT code: CD CWE [0..1] <= ActCode text: ED [0..1] value: ANY [0..1] typeCode*: <= COMP precondition contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" 0..1 receivedOrganization 0..* criterion typeCode*: <= PRCN IntendedRecipient classCode*: <= x_InformationRecipientRole id*: SET<II> [0..*] addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] Person 0..1 informationRecipient Organization AssignedEntity 0..1 representedOrganization 0..* intendedRecipient informationRecipient typeCode*: <= x_InformationRecipient 0..1 assignedPerson 0..* assignedEntity ObservationMedia performer classCode*: <= OBS moodCode*: <= EVN id: SET<II> [0..*] languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage value*: ED [1..1] typeCode*: <= PRF time: IVL<TS> [0..1] modeCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ParticipationMode 1..* assignedAuthor 0..1 representedOrganization 1..* section author AssignedAuthor classCode*: <= ASSIGNED id*: SET<II> [1..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= RoleCode addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] AuthorChoice typeCode*: <= AUT functionCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ParticipationFunction contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" time*: TS [1..1] Section Person classCode*: <= PSN determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE name: SET<PN> [0..*] 0..1 assignedAuthorChoice AssignedCustodian classCode*: <= ASSIGNED custodian typeCode*: <= CST 1..1 representedCustodianOrganization CustodianOrganization classCode*: <= ORG determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE id*: SET<II> [1..*] name: ON [0..1] telecom: TEL [0..1] addr: AD [0..1] bodyChoice bodyChoice 0..1 assignedEntity 0..1 representedOrganization AssignedEntity 0..1 assignedPerson classCode*: <= DOCSECT moodCode*: <= EVN id: II [0..1] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= DocumentSectionType title: ST [0..1] text*: ED [0..1] confidentialityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= x_BasicConfidentialityKind languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage 0..1 assignedCustodian dataEnterer typeCode*: <= ENT (Transcriptionist) contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" time: TS [0..1] externalActChoice Organization 1..1 1..1 bodyChoice bodyChoice component component StructuredBody StructuredBody typeCode*: <=<= COMP typeCode*: COMP contextConductionInd*: BLBL [1..1] "true" contextConductionInd*: [1..1] "true" 0..1 providerOrganization 0..1 patient Patient PatientRole classCode*: <= PAT id: SET<II> [1..*] addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] classCode*: <= PSN determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE id: II [0..1] (Deprecated) name: SET<PN> [0..*] desc: ED [0..1] administrativeGenderCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= AdministrativeGender birthTime: TS [0..1] maritalStatusCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= MaritalStatus religiousAffiliationCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ReligiousAffiliation raceCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= Race ethnicGroupCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= Ethnicity classCode*: classCode*: <= DOCBODY moodCode*: moodCode*: <= EVN confidentialityCode: confidentialityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= <= x_BasicConfidentialityKind x_BasicConfidentialityKind languageCode: languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage HumanLanguage 1..* patientRole recordTarget typeCode*: <= RCT contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" typeCode*: typeCode*: <= <= COMP COMP contextConductionInd*: contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" PREF RMIM reference ExternalObservation typeCode*: <= x_ActRelationshipExternalReference seperatableInd: BL [0..1] classCode*: <= OBS moodCode*: <= EVN id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= ActCode text: ED [0..1] (POCD_RM000040JP00) This RMIM is used for patient referral document component 1..* section section 0..* GuardianChoice author Person 0..* externalActChoice component component 0..* guardian Guardian classCode*: <= GUARD id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= RoleCode addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] Organization typeCode*: <= COMP contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" Section Section classCode*: <= DOCSECT classCode*: moodCode*: <= EVN moodCode*: id: IIII [0..1] [0..1] id: code: CE CE CWE CWE [0..1] <= DocumentSectionType code: title: ST ST [0..1] [0..1] title: text*: ED ED [0..1] text*: confidentialityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= confidentialityCode: x_BasicConfidentialityKind x_BasicConfidentialityKind languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= languageCode: HumanLanguage HumanLanguage 本文 ExternalDocument classCode*: <= DOC moodCode*: <= EVN id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= DocumentType text: ED [0..1] setId: II [0..1] versionNumber: INT [0..1] 0..* section 1..1 guardianChoice 0..* clinicalStatement entry typeCode*: <= x_ActRelationshipEntry contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" Organization 0..1 scopingOrganization 0..* associatedEntity Person AssociatedEntity participant classCode*: <= RoleClassAssociative id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= RoleCode addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] typeCode*: <= ParticipationType functionCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ParticipationFunction contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" time: IVL<TS> [0..1] 0..1 associatedPerson ヘッダ部 叙述部 エントリー部 外部 参照部 37 診療情報提供書 本文例 レベル1、2での記述 <component typeCode="COMP" contextConductionInd="true"> <section classCode="DOCSECT" moodCode="EVN"> <code code="MD0022780" codeSystem="1.2.392.200119.5.3.1" codeSystemName="JMIX" displayName="現投与" /> <title>現在の処方</title> <text> component <table> <tbody> <tr> <td>実施済</td> <td>処方</td> <td>皮膚科</td> <td>○○康裕</td> <td>外来</td> <td>昼</td> <td>院内</td> <td>000149 会計済</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td>Rp1</td> <td>ジルテック錠 10mg</td> <td>1 錠</td> <td>1日1回 朝食後</td> <td>14 日</td> </tr> typeCode*: <= COMP contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" bodyChoice 1..1 bodyChoice StructuredBody classCode*: <= DOCBODY moodCode*: <= EVN confidentialityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= x_BasicConfidentialityKind languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage component typeCode*: <= COMP contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" 1..* section Section classCode*: <= DOCSECT moodCode*: <= EVN id: II [0..1] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= DocumentSectionType title: ST [0..1] text*: ED [0..1] confidentialityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= x_BasicConfidentialityKind languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage 38 CDA R2 Clinical Statement entryRelationship typeCode*: <= x_ActRelationshipEntryRelationship inversionInd: BL [0..1] contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" sequenceNumber: INT [0..1] negationInd: BL [0..1] seperatableInd: BL [0..1] ObservationRange clinicalStatement classCode*: <= OBS moodCode*: <= EVN.CRT code: CD CWE [0..1] <= ActCode text: ED [0..1] value: ANY [0..1] interpretationCode: CE CNE [0..1] <= ObservationInterpretation Observation Constraint: relatedDocument.typeCode A conformant CDA document can have a single relatedDocument with typeCode "APND"; a single relatedDocument with typeCode "RPLC"; a single relatedDocument with typeCode "XFRM"; two relatedDocuments with typeCodes "XFRM" and "RPLC"; or two relatedDocuments with typeCodes "XFRM" and "APND". OrganizationPartOf 0..1 wholeOrganization Organization classCode*: <= ORG determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE id: SET<II> [0..*] name: SET<ON> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] addr: SET<AD> [0..*] standardIndustryClassCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= OrganizationIndustryClass 0..1 asOrganizationPartOf classCode*: <= PART id*: SET<II> [0..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= RoleCode statusCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= RoleStatus effectiveTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] 0..* parentDocument 0..1 representedOrganization 0..* assignedEntity AssignedEntity authenticator classCode*: <= ASSIGNED id*: SET<II> [1..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= RoleCode addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] typeCode*: <= AUTHEN time*: TS [1..1] signatureCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= ParticipationSignature 0..1 assignedEntity legalAuthenticator typeCode*: <= LA contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" time*: TS [1..1] signatureCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= ParticipationSignature 0..1 assignedPerson 0..1 receivedOrganization ClinicalDocument relatedDocument classCode*: <= DOCCLIN moodCode*: <= EVN id*: II [1..1] code*: CE CWE [1..1] <= DocumentType title: ST [0..1] effectiveTime*: TS [1..1] confidentialityCode*: CE CWE [1..1] <= x_BasicConfidentialityKind languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage setId: II [0..1] versionNumber: INT [0..1] copyTime: TS [0..1] (Deprecated) typeCode*: <= x_ActRelationshipDocument Organization classCode*: <= x_InformationRecipientRole id*: SET<II> [0..*] addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] Person 0..1 informationRecipient informationRecipient typeCode*: <= x_InformationRecipient AssignedAuthor classCode*: <= ASSIGNED id*: SET<II> [1..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= RoleCode addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] AuthorChoice classCode*: <= PSN determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE name: SET<PN> [0..*] authorization author typeCode*: <= AUTH typeCode*: <= CST classCode*: <= ASSIGNED DrugOrOtherMaterial EncompassingEncounter ManufacturedProduct classCode*: <= ENC 0..* asMaintainedEntity MaintainedEntity classCode*: <= MNT effectiveTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] 1..1 maintainingPerson Person Material CustodianOrganization typeCode*: <= LOC classCode*: <= ORG classCode*: <= MMAT determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE id*: SET<II> [1..*] determinerCode*: <= KIND name: ON [0..1] code: CE CWE [0..1] telecom: TEL [0..1] addr: AD [0..1] <= MaterialEntityClassType 1..1 manufacturedDrugOrOtherMaterial typeCode*: <= ENT (Transcriptionist) contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" time: TS [0..1] typeCode*: <= PRD EntityChoice Organization Device Birthplace classCode*: <= BIRTHPL 0..1 birthplace 0..1 providerOrganization 1..* patientRole recordTarget PatientRole 0..1 patient Patient typeCode*: <= RCT contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" classCode*: <= PAT id: SET<II> [1..*] addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] classCode*: <= PSN determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE id: II [0..1] (Deprecated) name: SET<PN> [0..*] administrativeGenderCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= AdministrativeGender birthTime: TS [0..1] maritalStatusCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= MaritalStatus religiousAffiliationCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ReligiousAffiliation raceCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= Race ethnicGroupCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= Ethnicity LanguageCommunication (LanguageCommunication) 0..* languageCommunication 0..* guardian Guardian Organization This RMIM is used to generate the CDA specification. 0..1 playingEntityChoice ParticipantRole 0..1 representedOrganization AssignedEntity classCode*: <= ROL id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= RoleCode addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] 0..1 assignedPerson Person RelatedEntity 0..1 relatedPerson classCode*: <= RoleClassMutualRelationship code: CE CWE [0..1] <= PersonalRelationshipRoleType addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] effectiveTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] 0..* informantChoice informant typeCode*: <= INF contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" 0..* associatedEntity 0..1 associatedPerson author 0..* 0..* specimenRole specimen typeCode*: <= SPC subject AssignedEntity 0..1 representedOrganization Organization AssociatedEntity participant classCode*: <= RoleClassAssociative id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= RoleCode addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] typeCode*: <= ParticipationType functionCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ParticipationFunction contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" time: IVL<TS> [0..1] Entity classCode*: <= ENT determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= EntityCode desc: ED [0..1] typeCode*: <= REFV Note: Observation.value has cardinality [0..*], which doesn't show up in the Visio representation. Criterion 0..* assignedEntity ObservationMedia performer classCode*: <= OBS moodCode*: <= EVN id: SET<II> [0..*] languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage value*: ED [1..1] typeCode*: <= PRF time: IVL<TS> [0..1] modeCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ParticipationMode 0..1 assignedPerson 0..* criterion precondition typeCode*: <= PRCN classCode*: <= OBS moodCode*: <= EVN.CRT code: CD CWE [0..1] <= ActCode text: ED [0..1] value: ANY [0..1] 0..1 manufacturerOrganization classCode*: <= SBADM moodCode*: <= x_DocumentSubstanceMood id: SET<II> [0..*] AssignedEntity 0..1 representedOrganization code: CD CWE [0..1] <= SubstanceAdministrationActCode negationInd: BL [0..1] text: ED [0..1] statusCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= ActStatus effectiveTime: GTS [0..1] 0..1 assignedPerson priorityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ActPriority repeatNumber: IVL<INT> [0..1] routeCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= RouteOfAdministration approachSiteCode: SET<CD> CWE [0..*] <= ActSite doseQuantity: IVL<PQ> [0..1] rateQuantity: IVL<PQ> [0..1] maxDoseQuantity: RTO<PQ,PQ> [0..1] administrationUnitCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= AdministrableDrugForm bodyChoice classCode*: <= MMAT determinerCode*: <= KIND code: CE CWE [0..1] <= DrugEntity name: EN [0..1] classCode*: <= SBADM moodCode*: <= x_DocumentSubstanceMood id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= SubstanceAdministrationActCode negationInd: BL [0..1] text: ED [0..1] statusCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= ActStatus effectiveTime: GTS [0..1] priorityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ActPriority repeatNumber: IVL<INT> [0..1] routeCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= RouteOfAdministration approachSiteCode: SET<CD> CWE [0..*] <= ActSite doseQuantity: IVL<PQ> [0..1] rateQuantity: IVL<PQ> [0..1] maxDoseQuantity: RTO<PQ,PQ> [0..1] administrationUnitCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= AdministrableDrugForm ManufacturedProduct classCode*: <= MANU id: SET<II> [0..*] 1..1 manufacturedProduct consumable typeCode*: <= CSM Material classCode*: <= MMAT determinerCode*: <= KIND code: CE CWE [0..1] <= MaterialEntityClassType name: EN [0..1] lotNumberText: ST [0..1] 1..1 manufacturedDrugOrOtherMaterial 0..1 manufacturedProduct * product Supply typeCode*: <= PRD classCode*: <= SPLY moodCode*: <= x_DocumentSubstanceMood id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= ActCode text: ED [0..1] statusCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= ActStatus effectiveTime: GTS [0..1] priorityCode: SET<CE> CWE [0..*] <= ActPriority repeatNumber: IVL<INT> [0..1] independentInd: BL [0..1] quantity: PQ [0..1] expectedUseTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] EntityChoice Device classCode*: <= DEV determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE code: CE CWE [0..1] <= EntityCode manufacturerModelName: SC CWE [0..1] <= ManufacturerModelName softwareName: SC CWE [0..1] <= SoftwareName classCode*: <= DOCBODY moodCode*: <= EVN text: ED [1..1] confidentialityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= x_BasicConfidentialityKind classCode*: <= SPLY languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage moodCode*: <= x_DocumentSubstanceMood id: SET<II> [0..*] 1..1 bodyChoice code: CD CWE [0..1] <= ActCode StructuredBody text: ED [0..1] classCode*: <= DOCBODY moodCode*: EVN statusCode: CS CNE [0..1]<=<= ActStatus confidentialityCode: CE CWE [0..1] effectiveTime: GTS<=[0..1] x_BasicConfidentialityKind languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= priorityCode: SET<CE> CWE [0..*] <= ActPriority HumanLanguage repeatNumber: IVL<INT> [0..1] component independentInd: BL [0..1] typeCode*: <= COMP quantity: PQ [0..1] contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" expectedUseTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] 0..* specimenRole SpecimenRole specimen typeCode*: <= SPC classCode*: <= SPEC id: SET<II> [0..*] PlayingEntity externalActChoice classCode*: <= ENT determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE code: CE CWE [0..1] <= EntityCode quantity: SET<PQ> [0..*] name: SET<PN> [0..*] desc: ED [0..1] Procedure 0..1 specimenPlayingEntity 0..1 playingEntityChoice ParticipantRole classCode*: <= ROL id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= RoleCode addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] component 1..* section SubstanceAdministration DrugOrOtherMaterial LabeledDrug NonXMLBody Procedure classCode*: <= OBS moodCode*: <= EVN.CRT code: CD CWE [0..1] <= ActCode text: ED [0..1] value: ANY [0..1] interpretationCode: CE CNE [0..1] <= ObservationInterpretation 0..* observationRange referenceRange RegionOfInterest classCode*: <= OBS moodCode*: <= EVN id: SET<II> [0..*] languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage value*: ED [1..1] Supply classCode*: <= OBS moodCode*: <= x_ActMoodDocumentObservation id: SET<II> [0..*] code*: CD CWE [1..1] <= ObservationType negationInd: BL [0..1] derivationExpr: ST [0..1] text: ED [0..1] statusCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= ActStatus effectiveTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] priorityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ActPriority repeatNumber: IVL<INT> [0..1] languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage value: ANY [0..1] interpretationCode: SET<CE> CNE [0..*] methodCode: SET<CE> CWE [0..*] targetSiteCode: SET<CD> CWE [0..*] classCode*: <= ROIOVL moodCode*: <= EVN id*: SET<II> [1..*] code*: CS CNE [1..1] <= ROIOverlayShape value*: LIST<INT> [1..*] 0..1 0..* participantRole participant typeCode*: <= ParticipationType contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" time: IVL<TS> [0..1] awarenessCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= TargetAwareness 0..1 scopingEntity typeCode*: <= COMP contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" Section classCode*: <= PROC 0..* classCode*: <= DOCSECT moodCode*: author <= x_DocumentProcedureMood moodCode*: <= EVN id: SET<II> [0..*] id: II [0..1] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= DocumentSectionType code:0..* CD CWE [0..1] title: ST [0..1] text*: ED [0..1] informant negationInd: BL [0..1] confidentialityCode: CE CWE [0..1] text: ED [0..1] <= x_BasicConfidentialityKind languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= statusCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= ActStatus HumanLanguage 0..1 relatedSubject RelatedSubject effectiveTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] 0..1 0..* participantRole subject classCode*: <= x_DocumentSubject typeCode*: <= SBJ priorityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ActPriority code: CE CWE [0..1] <= PersonalRelationshipRoleType participant contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" addr: SET<AD> [0..*] languageCode: awarenessCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= TargetAwareness CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage typeCode*: <=[0..*] ParticipationType telecom: SET<TEL> methodCode: SET<CE> CWE [0..*] contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" approachSiteCode: SET<CD> CWE [0..*] time: IVL<TS> [0..1] 0..1 subject targetSiteCode: SET<CD> CWE [0..*] SubjectPerson awarenessCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= TargetAwareness Entity classCode*: <= ENT determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= EntityCode desc: ED [0..1] classCode*: <= PROC moodCode*: <= x_DocumentProcedureMood id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] negationInd: BL [0..1] text: ED [0..1] statusCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= ActStatus effectiveTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] priorityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ActPriority languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage methodCode: SET<CE> CWE [0..*] approachSiteCode: SET<CD> CWE [0..*] targetSiteCode: SET<CD> CWE [0..*] ExternalAct classCode*: <= ACT moodCode*: <= EVN id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= ActCode text: ED [0..1] 0..* externalActChoice reference ExternalObservation typeCode*: <= x_ActRelationshipExternalReference seperatableInd: BL [0..1] classCode*: <= OBS moodCode*: <= EVN id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= ActCode text: ED [0..1] Encounter ExternalProcedure classCode*: <= ENC moodCode*: <= x_DocumentEncounterMood id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= ActEncounterCode text: ED [0..1] statusCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= ActStatus effectiveTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] priorityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ActPriority classCode*: <= PROC moodCode*: <= EVN id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= ActCode text: ED [0..1] 0..* section ExternalDocument 0..* clinicalStatement Organizer classCode*: <= x_ActClassDocumentEntryOrganizer moodCode*: <= EVN id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= ActCode statusCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= ActStatus effectiveTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] 0..* clinicalStatement component typeCode*: <= COMP contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" sequenceNumber: INT [0..1] seperatableInd: BL [0..1] classCode*: <= DOC moodCode*: <= EVN id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= DocumentType text: ED [0..1] setId: II [0..1] versionNumber: INT [0..1] entry typeCode*: <= x_ActRelationshipEntry contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" classCode*: <= PSN determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE name: SET<PN> [0..*] administrativeGenderCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= AdministrativeGender birthTime: TS [0..1] classCode*: Encounter 0..1 scopingEntity 0..1 scopingOrganization Person classCode*: <= SPEC id: SET<II> [0..*] 0..* clinicalStatement 0..* informant CDA R-MIM informantChoice 1..1 guardianChoice SpecimenRole 0..1 specimenPlayingEntity typeCode*: <= PRCN 0..1 assignedPerson (POCD_RM000040) INSTANCE code: CE CWE [0..1] <= EntityCode quantity: SET<PQ> [0..*] name: SET<PN> [0..*] desc: ED [0..1] classCode*: <= GUARD id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= RoleCode addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] component typeCode*: <= COMP contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" PlayingEntity languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage modeCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= LanguageAbilityMode classCode*: <= ENT proficiencyLevelCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= LanguageAbilityProficiency determinerCode*: <= preferenceInd: BL [0..1] GuardianChoice Person classCode*: <= DEV determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE code: CE CWE [0..1] <= EntityCode manufacturerModelName: SC CWE [0..1] <= ManufacturerModelName softwareName: SC CWE [0..1] <= SoftwareName 0..* criterion precondition classCode*: <= ROIOVL moodCode*: <= EVN id*: SET<II> [1..*] code*: CS CNE [1..1] <= ROIOverlayShape AssignedEntity 0..1 representedOrganization value*: LIST<INT> [1..*] 0..1 manufacturedProduct * product classCode*: <= PLC determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE name: EN [0..1] addr: AD [0..1] 1..1 place Organization 0..1 location Place dataEnterer 0..1 assignedPerson 0..1 healthCareFacility classCode*: <= SDLOC id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= ServiceDeliveryLocationRoleType 0..1 serviceProviderOrganization Organization 0..1 assignedEntity Place <= CSM HealthCareFacility name: EN [0..1] lotNumberText: ST [0..1] 0..1 representedOrganization AssignedEntity responsibleParty consumable typeCode*: location 1..1 representedCustodianOrganization classCode*: <= OBS moodCode*: <= EVN.CRT code: CD CWE [0..1] <= ActCode text: ED [0..1] value: ANY [0..1] SubstanceAdministration typeCode*: <= RESP moodCode*: <= EVN classCode*: <= MANU componentOf id: SET<II> [0..*] typeCode*: <=id: COMP 0..* assignedEntity SET<II> [0..*] <= ActEncounterCode 0..1 encompassingEncounter code: CE CWE [0..1] 1..1 manufacturedProduct encounterParticipant effectiveTime*: IVL<TS> [1..1] typeCode*: <= x_EncounterParticipant dischargeDispositionCode: CE CWE [0..1] time: IVL<TS> [0..1] <= EncounterDischargeDisposition ObservationRange clinicalStatement Observation Criterion Consent 0..1 assignedEntity classCode*: <= MMAT determinerCode*: <= KIND code: CE CWE [0..1] <= DrugEntity name: EN [0..1] entryRelationship typeCode*: <= x_ActRelationshipEntryRelationship inversionInd: BL [0..1] contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" sequenceNumber: INT [0..1] negationInd: BL [0..1] seperatableInd: BL [0..1] ObservationMedia classCode*: <= CONS moodCode*: <= EVN id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= ActCode statusCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= completed LabeledDrug custodian AssignedCustodian typeCode*: <= x_ServiceEventPerformer functionCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ParticipationFunction time: IVL<TS> [0..1] classCode*: <= ACT typeCode*: <= PRF 0..1 assignedPerson moodCode*: <= RQO time: IVL<TS> [0..1] id*: SET<II> [1..*] modeCode: code: CE CWE [0..1] <= ActCodeCE CWE [0..1] <= ParticipationMode typeCode*: <= AUT functionCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ParticipationFunction contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" time*: TS [1..1] AuthoringDevice classCode*: <= DEV determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE code: CE CWE [0..1] <= EntityCode manufacturerModelName: SC CWE [0..1] <= ManufacturerModelName softwareName: SC CWE [0..1] <= SoftwareName performer priorityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ActPriority 1..* assignedAuthor 1..1 assignedCustodian 0..1 assignedAuthorChoice 0..* assignedEntity performer Order 0..1 manufacturerOrganization 0..* consent Person subject AssignedEntity documentationOf 0..1 typeCode*: <= FLFS typeCode*: <= REFV RegionOfInterest 0..1 classCode*: <= ACT moodCode*: <= EVN representedOrganization id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] effectiveTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] 0..* assignedEntity 0..* order typeCode*: <= DOC referenceRange Constraint: ParentDocument.text ParentDocument.text can be used to indicate the MIME type of the related document. It is not to be used to embed the related document, and thus ParentDocument.text.BIN is precluded from use. informant ServiceEvent 0..* intendedRecipient 0..1 representedOrganization classCode*: <= DOCCLIN moodCode*: <= EVN id*: SET<II> [1..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= DocumentType text: ED [0..1] setId: II [0..1] versionNumber: INT [0..1] 0..* serviceEvent inFulfillmentOf IntendedRecipient Organization author 0..* ParentDocument Person Organization 0..* clinicalStatement 0..* 0..* observationRange classCode*: <= OBS moodCode*: <= x_ActMoodDocumentObservation id: SET<II> [0..*] code*: CD CWE [1..1] <= ObservationType negationInd: BL [0..1] derivationExpr: ST [0..1] text: ED [0..1] statusCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= ActStatus effectiveTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] priorityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ActPriority repeatNumber: IVL<INT> [0..1] languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage value: ANY [0..1] interpretationCode: SET<CE> CNE [0..*] methodCode: SET<CE> CWE [0..*] targetSiteCode: SET<CD> CWE [0..*] <= ENC moodCode*: <= x_DocumentEncounterMood id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= ActEncounterCode text: ED [0..1] statusCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= ActStatus effectiveTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] priorityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ActPriority Constraint: Section.text Section.text.mediaType fixed as "text/x-hl7-text+xml". See section "Section Narrative Block" for details. Constraint: Organizer Act classCode*: <= x_ActClassDocumentEntryAct moodCode*: <= x_DocumentActMood id: SET<II> [0..*] code*: CD CWE [1..1] <= ActCode negationInd: BL [0..1] text: ED [0..1] statusCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= ActStatus effectiveTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] priorityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ActPriority languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage The Organizer clone can be the source of the component relationship or the reference relationship, but not the entryRelationship relationship. 0..* clinicalStatement Organizer classCode*: <= x_ActClassDocumentEntryOrganizer moodCode*: <= EVN id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= ActCode statusCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= ActStatus effectiveTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] component typeCode*: <= COMP contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" sequenceNumber: INT [0..1] seperatableInd: BL [0..1] Act classCode*: <= x_ActClassDocumentEntryAct moodCode*: <= x_DocumentActMood id: SET<II> [0..*] code*: CD CWE [1..1] <= ActCode negationInd: BL [0..1] text: ED [0..1] statusCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= ActStatus effectiveTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] priorityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ActPriority languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage 39 本文 (レベル3)で身体所見を記述 clinicalStatement Observation classCode*: <= OBS moodCode*: <= x_ActMoodDocumentObservation id: SET<II> [0..*] code*: CD CWE [1..1] <= ObservationType negationInd: BL [0..1] derivationExpr: ST [0..1] text: ED [0..1] statusCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= ActStatus effectiveTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] priorityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ActPriority repeatNumber: IVL<INT> [0..1] languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage value: ANY [0..1] interpretationCode: SET<CE> CNE [0..*] methodCode: SET<CE> CWE [0..*] targetSiteCode: SET<CD> CWE [0..*] entryRelationship typeCode*: <= x_ActRelationshipEntryRelationship inversionInd: BL [0..1] contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" sequenceNumber: INT [0..1] negationInd: BL [0..1] seperatableInd: BL [0..1] OrganizationPartOf classCode*: <= PART id*: SET<II> [0..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= RoleCode statusCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= RoleStatus effectiveTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] 0..1 wholeOrganization Organization classCode*: <= ORG 0..1 asOrganizationPartOf determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE id: SET<II> [0..*] name: SET<ON> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] addr: SET<AD> [0..*] standardIndustryClassCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= OrganizationIndustryClass 0..1 representedOrganization ParentDocument 0..* parentDocument 0..* assignedEntity Person AssignedEntity authenticator classCode*: <= ASSIGNED id*: SET<II> [1..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= RoleCode addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] typeCode*: <= AUTHEN time*: TS [1..1] signatureCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= ParticipationSignature 0..1 assignedEntity legalAuthenticator ClinicalDocument relatedDocument classCode*: <= DOCCLIN moodCode*: <= EVN id*: II [1..1] code*: CE CWE [1..1] <= DocumentType title: ST [0..1] effectiveTime*: TS [1..1] versionNumber: INT [0..1] typeCode*: <= x_ActRelationshipDocument classCode*: <= DOCCLIN moodCode*: <= EVN id*: SET<II> [1..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= DocumentType text: ED [0..1] setId: II [0..1] versionNumber: INT [0..1] 0..* clinicalStatement 0..* author typeCode*: <= LA contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" time*: TS [1..1] signatureCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= ParticipationSignature 0..1 assignedPerson Organization ObservationRange clinicalStatement Observation classCode*: <= OBS moodCode*: <= x_ActMoodDocumentObservation id: SET<II> [0..*] code*: CD CWE [1..1] <= ObservationType negationInd: BL [0..1] derivationExpr: ST [0..1] text: ED [0..1] statusCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= ActStatus effectiveTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] priorityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ActPriority repeatNumber: IVL<INT> [0..1] languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage value: ANY [0..1] interpretationCode: SET<CE> CNE [0..*] methodCode: SET<CE> CWE [0..*] targetSiteCode: SET<CD> CWE [0..*] 0..* observationRange referenceRange typeCode*: <= REFV classCode*: <= OBS moodCode*: <= EVN.CRT code: CD CWE [0..1] <= ActCode text: ED [0..1] value: ANY [0..1] interpretationCode: CE CNE [0..1] <= ObservationInterpretation Note: Observation.value has cardinality [0..*], which doesn't show up in the Visio representation. Criterion 0..1 receivedOrganization 0..* criterion precondition typeCode*: <= PRCN classCode*: <= OBS moodCode*: <= EVN.CRT code: CD CWE [0..1] <= ActCode text: ED [0..1] value: ANY [0..1] IntendedRecipient classCode*: <= x_InformationRecipientRole id*: SET<II> [0..*] addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] Person 0..1 informationRecipient Organization AssignedEntity 0..1 representedOrganization 0..* intendedRecipient informationRecipient typeCode*: <= x_InformationRecipient 0..1 assignedPerson 0..* assignedEntity ObservationMedia performer classCode*: <= OBS moodCode*: <= EVN id: SET<II> [0..*] languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage value*: ED [1..1] typeCode*: <= PRF time: IVL<TS> [0..1] modeCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ParticipationMode 1..* assignedAuthor 0..1 representedOrganization author AssignedAuthor classCode*: <= ASSIGNED id*: SET<II> [1..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= RoleCode addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] AuthorChoice typeCode*: <= AUT functionCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ParticipationFunction contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" time*: TS [1..1] Person classCode*: <= PSN determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE name: SET<PN> [0..*] 0..1 assignedAuthorChoice AssignedCustodian classCode*: <= ASSIGNED 0..1 assignedCustodian custodian typeCode*: <= CST bodyChoice 1..1 representedCustodianOrganization CustodianOrganization classCode*: <= ORG determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE id*: SET<II> [1..*] name: ON [0..1] telecom: TEL [0..1] addr: AD [0..1] 0..1 assignedEntity 0..1 representedOrganization AssignedEntity 0..1 assignedPerson bodyChoice dataEnterer 1..1 bodyChoice typeCode*: <= ENT (Transcriptionist) contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" time: TS [0..1] component StructuredBody typeCode*: <= COMP contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" Organization component 0..1 patient PatientRole classCode*: <= PAT id: SET<II> [1..*] addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] classCode*: <= PSN determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE id: II [0..1] (Deprecated) name: SET<PN> [0..*] desc: ED [0..1] administrativeGenderCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= AdministrativeGender birthTime: TS [0..1] maritalStatusCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= MaritalStatus religiousAffiliationCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ReligiousAffiliation raceCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= Race ethnicGroupCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= Ethnicity classCode*: <= DOCBODY moodCode*: <= EVN confidentialityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= x_BasicConfidentialityKind languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage 1..* patientRole recordTarget typeCode*: <= RCT contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" component typeCode*: <= COMP contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" typeCode*: <= COMP contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" PREF RMIM This RMIM is used for patient referral document component 1..* section 0..* author Guardian classCode*: <= GUARD id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= RoleCode addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] Organization ExternalObservation classCode*: <= OBS moodCode*: <= EVN id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= ActCode text: ED [0..1] 1..* section (POCD_RM000040JP00) 0..* guardian 0..* externalActChoice reference typeCode*: <= x_ActRelationshipExternalReference seperatableInd: BL [0..1] component GuardianChoice Person externalActChoice StructuredBody typeCode*: <= COMP contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" 0..1 providerOrganization Patient classCode*: <= DOCBODY moodCode*: <= EVN confidentialityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= x_BasicConfidentialityKind languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage 1..1 bodyChoice Section classCode*: <= DOCSECT typeCode*: <= COMP moodCode*: <= EVN contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" Section classCode*: <= DOCSECT moodCode*: <= EVN id: II [0..1] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= DocumentSectionType title: ST [0..1] text*: ED [0..1] confidentialityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= x_BasicConfidentialityKind languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage 0..* section id: II [0..1] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= DocumentSectionType title: ST [0..1] text*: ED [0..1] confidentialityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= x_BasicConfidentialityKind languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage ExternalDocument classCode*: <= DOC moodCode*: <= EVN id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= DocumentType text: ED [0..1] setId: II [0..1] versionNumber: INT [0..1] 0..* clinicalStatement 1..1 guardianChoice entry typeCode*: <= x_ActRelationshipEntry contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" Organization entry 0..* clinicalStatement typeCode*: <= x_ActRelationshipEntry contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" 0..1 scopingOrganization 0..* associatedEntity Person AssociatedEntity participant classCode*: <= RoleClassAssociative id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= RoleCode addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] typeCode*: <= ParticipationType functionCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ParticipationFunction contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" time: IVL<TS> [0..1] 0..1 associatedPerson ヘッダ部 叙述部 エントリー部 外部 参照部 40 レベル3での記述 clinicalStatement Observation classCode*: <= OBS moodCode*: <= x_ActMoodDocumentObservation id: SET<II> [0..*] code*: CD CWE [1..1] <= ObservationType negationInd: BL [0..1] derivationExpr: ST [0..1] text: ED [0..1] statusCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= ActStatus effectiveTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] priorityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ActPriority repeatNumber: IVL<INT> [0..1] languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage value: ANY [0..1] interpretationCode: SET<CE> CNE [0..*] methodCode: SET<CE> CWE [0..*] targetSiteCode: SET<CD> CWE [0..*] bodyChoice 1..1 bodyChoice component typeCode*: <= COMP contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" StructuredBody classCode*: <= DOCBODY moodCode*: <= EVN confidentialityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= x_BasicConfidentialityKind languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage component typeCode*: <= COMP contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" 1..* section Section classCode*: <= DOCSECT moodCode*: <= EVN id: II [0..1] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= DocumentSectionType title: ST [0..1] text*: ED [0..1] confidentialityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= x_BasicConfidentialityKind languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage 0..* clinicalStatement entry typeCode*: <= x_ActRelationshipEntry contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" 41 CDA R2 レベル3の記述例 Clinical Statement <component contextConductionInd="true"> <section> <code code="MD0018730" codeSystem="1.2.392.200119.5.3.1" codeSystemName="JMIX" displayName="身体所見" /> <title>身体所見</title> <entry contextConductionInd="true"> <observation classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN"> <code code="3137‐7" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.1" codeSystemName="LOINC" displayName="身長" /> <statusCode code="completed" /> <value xsi:type="PQ" value="170" unit="cm" /> </observation> </entry> <entry contextConductionInd="true"> <observation classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN"> <code code="3141‐9" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.1" codeSystemName="LOINC" displayName="体重" /> <statusCode code="completed" /> <value xsi:type="PQ" value="58" unit="kg" /> </observation> </entry> </section> </component> 42 スタイルシートによる表示制御 (CDA.xsl) <name use="IDE"> <family>日本</family> <given>次郎</given> </name> <name use="SYL"> <family>ニホン</family> <given>ジロウ</given> </name> <desc>職業 会社員</desc> <administrativeGenderCode code="M" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.5.1" /> XMLインスタンス <table class="patient" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td class="patient‐fname‐hd" rowspan="2">患者氏名</td> <td class="patient‐fname" colspan="4"> <xsl:apply‐templates select="hl7:recordTarget/hl7:patientRole/hl7:patient/hl7:name" /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="patient‐name" colspan="2"> <xsl:value‐of select="hl7:recordTarget/hl7:patientRole/hl7:patient/hl7:name" /> <xsl:template match="/hl7:ClinicalDocument/hl7:recordTarget/hl7:pat ientRole/hl7:patient/hl7:name"> <xsl:if test="@use='SYL'"> <xsl:value-of select="hl7:family" /> <xsl:text /> <xsl:value-of select="hl7:given" /> </xsl:if> </xsl:template> XSLスタイルシート 43 外部参照文書 <component contextConductionInd="true"> <section> <code code="MD0018800" codeSystem="1.2.392.200119.5.3.1" displayName="検査結果" /> <title>検査結果</title> <text>心電図検査を添付致します</text> <entry contextConductionInd="true"> <observation classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN"> <code code="9A110" codeSystem="890E7152‐1875‐ 4A59‐8BF9‐A5CFA9AD66EB" codeSystemName="LC10" displayName="標 準12誘導心電図検査" /> <reference typeCode="SPRT"> <externalDocument> <code code="1" codeSystem="1.2.392.200119.5.2" codeSystemName="MFER" displayName="12誘導心電図" /> < text mediaType =" application/mwf " representation ="B64" integrityCheck="Bpu2X6j9J3ah5ulHZZ1JX8wX0Ks="> < reference value ="0153_130_20030801_093501.mwf"/> </text> </externalDocument> </reference> </observation> </entry> </section> </component> <xsl:choose> <xsl:when test="hl7:section/hl7:entry/hl7:observation/hl7:reference/hl7:externalDo cument"> <xsl:element name="a"> <xsl:attribute name="href"> <xsl:value‐of select="hl7:section/hl7:entry/hl7:observation/hl7:reference/hl7:externalD ocument/hl7:text" /> </xsl:attribute> <xsl:if test="hl7:section/hl7:entry/hl7:observation"> <xsl:for‐each select="hl7:section"> <xsl:apply‐templates select="child::hl7:entry/hl7:observation" /> </xsl:for‐each> </xsl:if> </xsl:element> </xsl:when> スタイルシート 診療情報提供書 44 CDA レベル1 ・ レベル2 ・ レベル3 <component typeCode="COMP" contextConductionInd="true"> <structuredBody classCode="DOCBODY" moodCode="EVN"> <component typeCode="COMP" contextConductionInd="true"> <section classCode="DOCSECT" moodCode="EVN"> <code code=“MD0022780" codeSystem="1.2.392.200119.5.1" codeSystemName=“JMIX" codeSystemVersion="1.0" レベル2 displayName="現投与" /> <title>現投与</title> <text> <table> <tr><td>Rp1</td><td>ジルテック錠 10mg</td><td>1 錠 1日1回</td><td>朝食後</td><td>14 日</td></tr> <tr><td>Rp2</td><td>ポララミン復効錠 6mg</td><td>1 錠</td><td>かゆい時</td><td> 14 回</td><tr> <tr><td>Rp3</td><td>トプシムローション 10g</td><td>4 本 1日2回</td><td>頭</td><tr> レベル1 <tr><td>Rp4 </td><td>混用 ヒルドイド軟膏 20g</td><td>0.5 本</td></tr> <tr><td></td><td>リンデロン‐V軟膏 5g</td><td>2 本</td><td>1日2回</td><td>体幹、四肢</td><tr> </table></text> <entry typeCode="COMP" contextConductionInd="true"> <substanceAdministration classCode="SBADM" moodCode="EVN"> <consumable typeCode="CSM"> <manufacturedProduct classCode="MANU"> <manufacturedLabeledDrug classCode="MMAT" determinerCode="KIND"> <code code="1005653" codeSystem="0.2.440.200194.10.9.1" codeSystemName="DrugCode" レベル3 codeSystemVersion="1.0" displayName="ジルテック錠 10mg" /> レベル3 <name>ジルテック錠 10mg</name> </manufacturedLabeledDrug> </manufacturedProduct> </consumable> 45 CDAで診療文書の記述 entryRelationship Organization classCode*: <= ORG determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE id: SET<II> [0..*] name: SET<ON> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] addr: SET<AD> [0..*] standardIndustryClassCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= OrganizationIndustryClass 0..1 asOrganizationPartOf classCode*: <= PART id*: SET<II> [0..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= RoleCode statusCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= RoleStatus effectiveTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] 文書情報 Constraint: ParentDocument.text ParentDocument.text can be used to indicate the MIME type of the related document. It is not to be used to embed the related document, and thus ParentDocument.text.BIN is precluded from use. ParentDocument 0..* assignedEntity AssignedEntity authenticator classCode*: <= ASSIGNED id*: SET<II> [1..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= RoleCode addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] typeCode*: <= AUTHEN time*: TS [1..1] signatureCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= ParticipationSignature 認証者 0..1 assignedEntity legalAuthenticator typeCode*: <= LA contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" time*: TS [1..1] signatureCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= ParticipationSignature 0..1 assignedPerson 0..1 receivedOrganization ClinicalDocument relatedDocument classCode*: <= DOCCLIN moodCode*: <= EVN id*: II [1..1] code*: CE CWE [1..1] <= DocumentType title: ST [0..1] effectiveTime*: TS [1..1] confidentialityCode*: CE CWE [1..1] <= x_BasicConfidentialityKind languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage setId: II [0..1] versionNumber: INT [0..1] copyTime: TS [0..1] (Deprecated) typeCode*: <= x_ActRelationshipDocument classCode*: <= DOCCLIN moodCode*: <= EVN id*: SET<II> [1..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= DocumentType text: ED [0..1] setId: II [0..1] versionNumber: INT [0..1] 親文書 0..* clinicalStatement 0..* author 0..* assignedEntity ServiceEvent 0..* serviceEvent documentationOf typeCode*: <= DOC 行為者 classCode*: <= ACT moodCode*: <= EVN id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] effectiveTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] AssignedEntity 0..1 representedOrganization performer typeCode*: <= x_ServiceEventPerformer functionCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ParticipationFunction time: IVL<TS> [0..1] 0..* informant 0..1 assignedPerson IntendedRecipient classCode*: <= ACT moodCode*: <= RQO id*: SET<II> [1..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= ActCode priorityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ActPriority 0..* intendedRecipient informationRecipient typeCode*: <= x_InformationRecipient Organization 0..1 representedOrganization AssignedAuthor classCode*: <= ASSIGNED id*: SET<II> [1..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= RoleCode addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] AuthorChoice AssignedEntity 0..1 representedOrganization Organization 1..* assignedAuthor authorization author typeCode*: <= AUTH インフォームドコンセント typeCode*: <= AUT functionCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ParticipationFunction contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" time*: TS [1..1] 作成者 Person Consent classCode*: <= CONS moodCode*: <= EVN id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= ActCode statusCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= completed 1..1 assignedCustodian 0..1 assignedAuthorChoice custodian AssignedCustodian 文書管理者 typeCode*: <= CST classCode*: <= ASSIGNED AuthoringDevice classCode*: <= DEV determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE code: CE CWE [0..1] <= EntityCode manufacturerModelName: SC CWE [0..1] <= ManufacturerModelName softwareName: SC CWE [0..1] <= SoftwareName 1..1 representedCustodianOrganization 0..* asMaintainedEntity MaintainedEntity classCode*: <= MNT effectiveTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] 1..1 maintainingPerson Person classCode*: <= ORG determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE id*: SET<II> [1..*] name: ON [0..1] telecom: TEL [0..1] addr: AD [0..1] 0..1 assignedPerson 0..1 healthCareFacility 1..1 manufacturedDrugOrOtherMaterial bodyChoice typeCode*: <= ENT (Transcriptionist) contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" time: TS [0..1] classCode*: <= DOCBODY moodCode*: <= EVN text: ED [1..1] confidentialityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= x_BasicConfidentialityKind languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage 非XMLデータ Organization PatientRole 0..1 patient Patient classCode*: <= DOCBODY moodCode*: <= EVN confidentialityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= x_BasicConfidentialityKind languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage 患者情報 1..* patientRole recordTarget typeCode*: <= RCT contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" classCode*: <= PAT id: SET<II> [1..*] addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] classCode*: <= PSN determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE id: II [0..1] (Deprecated) name: SET<PN> [0..*] administrativeGenderCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= AdministrativeGender birthTime: TS [0..1] maritalStatusCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= MaritalStatus religiousAffiliationCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ReligiousAffiliation raceCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= Race ethnicGroupCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= Ethnicity LanguageCommunication (LanguageCommunication) languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage modeCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= LanguageAbilityMode proficiencyLevelCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= LanguageAbilityProficiency preferenceInd: BL [0..1] CDA R-MIM (POCD_RM000040) This RMIM is used to generate the CDA specification. 入力点 component author Person 0..* guardian Guardian 0..* classCode*: <= GUARD id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= RoleCode addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] Organization informant RelatedSubject 0..1 classCode*: <= x_DocumentSubject code: CE CWE [0..1] <= PersonalRelationshipRoleType addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] informantChoice 1..1 guardianChoice 0..1 representedOrganization AssignedEntity 0..1 assignedPerson Person RelatedEntity 0..1 relatedPerson Organization 0..* informantChoice 情報提供者 classCode*: <= RoleClassMutualRelationship code: CE CWE [0..1] <= PersonalRelationshipRoleType addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] effectiveTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] informant typeCode*: <= INF contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" 0..1 subject 0..1 relatedSubject classCode*: <= DOCSECT moodCode*: <= EVN id: II [0..1] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= DocumentSectionType title: ST [0..1] text*: ED [0..1] confidentialityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= x_BasicConfidentialityKind languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage 本文 participant 関係者 typeCode*: <= ParticipationType contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" time: IVL<TS> [0..1] awarenessCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= TargetAwareness 関連患者 participant ExternalObservation 外部参照情報 classCode*: <= OBS moodCode*: <= EVN id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= ActCode text: ED [0..1] Encounter ExternalProcedure classCode*: <= PROC moodCode*: <= EVN id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= ActCode text: ED [0..1] ExternalDocument classCode*: <= DOC moodCode*: <= EVN id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= DocumentType text: ED [0..1] setId: II [0..1] versionNumber: INT [0..1] 0..* clinicalStatement Organizer 検体 classCode*: <= x_ActClassDocumentEntryOrganizer moodCode*: <= EVN id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= ActCode statusCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= ActStatus effectiveTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] 0..* clinicalStatement component typeCode*: <= COMP contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" sequenceNumber: INT [0..1] seperatableInd: BL [0..1] entry typeCode*: <= x_ActRelationshipEntry contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" Constraint: Section.text Section.text.mediaType fixed as "text/x-hl7-text+xml". See section "Section Narrative Block" for details. 0..* associatedEntity 0..* externalActChoice reference typeCode*: <= x_ActRelationshipExternalReference seperatableInd: BL [0..1] classCode*: <= ENC moodCode*: <= x_DocumentEncounterMood id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= ActEncounterCode text: ED [0..1] statusCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= ActStatus effectiveTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] priorityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ActPriority 0..* section SubjectPerson classCode*: <= PSN determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE name: SET<PN> [0..*] administrativeGenderCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= AdministrativeGender birthTime: TS [0..1] ExternalAct classCode*: <= ACT moodCode*: <= EVN id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= ActCode text: ED [0..1] 受診情報 Entity classCode*: <= ENT determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= EntityCode desc: ED [0..1] subject typeCode*: <= SBJ contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" awarenessCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= TargetAwareness classCode*: <= PROC moodCode*: <= x_DocumentProcedureMood id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] negationInd: BL [0..1] text: ED [0..1] statusCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= ActStatus effectiveTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] priorityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ActPriority languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage methodCode: SET<CE> CWE [0..*] approachSiteCode: SET<CD> CWE [0..*] targetSiteCode: SET<CD> CWE [0..*] 処置・手術 0..* participantRole 0..1 scopingEntity typeCode*: <= COMP contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" Section 0..1 scopingOrganization AssociatedEntity Procedure 0..1 specimenPlayingEntity classCode*: <= ROL id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= RoleCode addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] 1..* section 0..* classCode*: <= SPEC id: SET<II> [0..*] ParticipantRole typeCode*: <= COMP contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" 0..* languageCommunication 物品情報 typeCode*: <= SPC 検体情報 0..1 playingEntityChoice component GuardianChoice SpecimenRole specimen externalActChoice classCode*: <= ENT determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE code: CE CWE [0..1] <= EntityCode quantity: SET<PQ> [0..*] name: SET<PN> [0..*] desc: ED [0..1] StructuredBody typeCode*: <= COMP contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" 0..1 providerOrganization classCode*: <= SPLY moodCode*: <= x_DocumentSubstanceMood id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= ActCode text: ED [0..1] statusCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= ActStatus effectiveTime: GTS [0..1] priorityCode: SET<CE> CWE [0..*] <= ActPriority repeatNumber: IVL<INT> [0..1] independentInd: BL [0..1] quantity: PQ [0..1] expectedUseTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] 0..* specimenRole PlayingEntity 1..1 bodyChoice component Birthplace classCode*: <= BIRTHPL 観察情報 Supply typeCode*: <= PRD 転記者 classCode*: <= OBS moodCode*: <= EVN.CRT code: CD CWE [0..1] <= ActCode text: ED [0..1] value: ANY [0..1] 0..1 manufacturedProduct * product classCode*: <= DEV determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE code: CE CWE [0..1] <= EntityCode manufacturerModelName: SC CWE [0..1] <= ManufacturerModelName softwareName: SC CWE [0..1] <= SoftwareName NonXMLBody 1..1 place 0..1 birthplace consumable Device 0..1 location Place dataEnterer typeCode*: <= PRCN 投薬情報 1..1 manufacturedProduct 製品情報 classCode*: <= MMAT determinerCode*: <= KIND code: CE CWE [0..1] <= MaterialEntityClassType name: EN [0..1] lotNumberText: ST [0..1] EntityChoice 0..1 representedOrganization AssignedEntity classCode*: <= PLC determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE name: EN [0..1] addr: AD [0..1] ManufacturedProduct classCode*: <= MANU id: SET<II> [0..*] Material 0..1 assignedPerson classCode*: <= SDLOC id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= ServiceDeliveryLocationRoleType Organization Criterion 0..* criterion precondition classCode*: <= SBADM moodCode*: <= x_DocumentSubstanceMood id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CD CWE [0..1] <= SubstanceAdministrationActCode negationInd: BL [0..1] text: ED [0..1] statusCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= ActStatus effectiveTime: GTS [0..1] priorityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ActPriority repeatNumber: IVL<INT> [0..1] routeCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= RouteOfAdministration approachSiteCode: SET<CD> CWE [0..*] <= ActSite doseQuantity: IVL<PQ> [0..1] rateQuantity: IVL<PQ> [0..1] maxDoseQuantity: RTO<PQ,PQ> [0..1] administrationUnitCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= AdministrableDrugForm typeCode*: <= CSM typeCode*: <= x_EncounterParticipant time: IVL<TS> [0..1] HealthCareFacility 0..1 serviceProviderOrganization 0..1 assignedEntity Place 0..* assignedEntity encounterParticipant location CustodianOrganization Note: Observation.value has cardinality [0..*], which doesn't show up in the Visio representation. SubstanceAdministration classCode*: <= MMAT determinerCode*: <= KIND code: CE CWE [0..1] <= DrugEntity name: EN [0..1] typeCode*: <= RESP 受診情報 typeCode*: <= LOC classCode*: <= OBS moodCode*: <= EVN id: SET<II> [0..*] languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage value*: ED [1..1] LabeledDrug AssignedEntity 0..1 representedOrganization responsibleParty ObservationMedia performer DrugOrOtherMaterial 0..1 assignedEntity EncompassingEncounter classCode*: <= ENC moodCode*: <= EVN id: SET<II> [0..*] typeCode*: <= COMP 0..1 encompassingEncounter code: CE CWE [0..1] <= ActEncounterCode effectiveTime*: IVL<TS> [1..1] dischargeDispositionCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= EncounterDischargeDisposition typeCode*: <= REFV 0..1 manufacturerOrganization componentOf classCode*: <= PSN determinerCode*: <= INSTANCE name: SET<PN> [0..*] 0..* assignedEntity typeCode*: <= PRF time: IVL<TS> [0..1] modeCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ParticipationMode 0..1 assignedPerson 0..* consent classCode*: <= ROIOVL moodCode*: <= EVN id*: SET<II> [1..*] code*: CS CNE [1..1] <= ROIOverlayShape value*: LIST<INT> [1..*] subject オーダ情報 受取者 classCode*: <= x_InformationRecipientRole id*: SET<II> [0..*] addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] 0..1 informationRecipient classCode*: <= OBS moodCode*: <= EVN.CRT code: CD CWE [0..1] <= ActCode text: ED [0..1] value: ANY [0..1] interpretationCode: CE CNE [0..1] <= ObservationInterpretation 0..* observationRange referenceRange 受診・検査 注目領域 0..1 Order typeCode*: <= FLFS classCode*: <= OBS moodCode*: <= x_ActMoodDocumentObservation id: SET<II> [0..*] code*: CD CWE [1..1] <= ObservationType negationInd: BL [0..1] derivationExpr: ST [0..1] text: ED [0..1] statusCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= ActStatus effectiveTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] priorityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ActPriority repeatNumber: IVL<INT> [0..1] languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage value: ANY [0..1] interpretationCode: SET<CE> CNE [0..*] methodCode: SET<CE> CWE [0..*] targetSiteCode: SET<CD> CWE [0..*] RegionOfInterest 0..* order inFulfillmentOf Person ObservationRange clinicalStatement Observation 0..* parentDocument 0..1 representedOrganization Person Organization typeCode*: <= x_ActRelationshipEntryRelationship inversionInd: BL [0..1] contextConductionInd*: BL [1..1] "true" sequenceNumber: INT [0..1] negationInd: BL [0..1] seperatableInd: BL [0..1] Constraint: relatedDocument.typeCode A conformant CDA document can have a single relatedDocument with typeCode "APND"; a single relatedDocument with typeCode "RPLC"; a single relatedDocument with typeCode "XFRM"; two relatedDocuments with typeCodes "XFRM" and "RPLC"; or two relatedDocuments with typeCodes "XFRM" and "APND". OrganizationPartOf 0..1 wholeOrganization Constraint: Organizer Act classCode*: <= x_ActClassDocumentEntryAct moodCode*: <= x_DocumentActMood id: SET<II> [0..*] code*: CD CWE [1..1] <= ActCode negationInd: BL [0..1] text: ED [0..1] statusCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= ActStatus effectiveTime: IVL<TS> [0..1] priorityCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ActPriority languageCode: CS CNE [0..1] <= HumanLanguage その他 The Organizer clone can be the source of the component relationship or the reference relationship, but not the entryRelationship relationship. 関係者 classCode*: <= RoleClassAssociative id: SET<II> [0..*] code: CE CWE [0..1] <= RoleCode addr: SET<AD> [0..*] telecom: SET<TEL> [0..*] Person typeCode*: <= ParticipationType functionCode: CE CWE [0..1] <= ParticipationFunction contextControlCode*: CS CNE [1..1] <= "OP" time: IVL<TS> [0..1] 0..1 associatedPerson ヘッダ部 叙述部 エントリー部 外部 参照部 46 CDA XMLファイル構成 CDA XML文書 CDA.xsd POCD_MT000040.xsd coreschemas datatypes.xsd POCD_MT000040JP00.xsd datattypes‐base.xsd refVoc.xsd InfrastructureRoot.xsd CDA xsl voc.xsd narrative.xsd 47 本規格は以下の部分でCDAの原則とは異なる 1. 可読性はCDA文書と共に特殊なスタイルシートを提供する よう送信者に要求してはならない。全てのCDA文書は一つ のスタイルシートと一般的な市場で入手し得る表示ツール で表現できなければならない • • 2. 本規格では診療情報提供書の提供者が責任 を持って表示ツールを提供すること 提供書を受信側で表示漏れが発生しないよう 全ての内容が表示可能であること 可読性は認証済みの内容に適用する。認証されておらず 表示される必要のない本質的に機械処理のためにある文 書の付加情報をもつ可能性がある • CDA Schema XSL Ext. Doc Viewer 提供者は原則として診療情報提供書に記載 されている内容およびスタイルシート、ビュー アなどの添付書類を含め、全ての情報に対し 認証する。 48 叙述部と構造化部は共に独立した記述とする 3. 4. 構造化された内容が叙述部から導出されている場 合は、叙述部から導出した機械処理可能な部分に よりプロセス(例:著者、コーディング者、自然言語 処理アルゴリズム、特殊なソフトウェア)を記述する ためのメカニズムが存在しなければならない 叙述部が構造化された内容から導出されている場 合は、叙述部が構造化されたデータから生成され たというプロセスを識別するためのメカニズムが存 在しなければならない 叙述部は自然言語記述を含み定形化できない全て を記述する 叙述部と構造化部は独立して両者とも見読性を持 ちコンピュータ処理が可能 Narrative Human Structured Computer Narrative Human (Natural language) Structured Computer 49 記述例(紹介状) 50 記述例(逆紹介) 51 記述例(患者情報提供書) 52 本論はレベル2までで記載 Semanticの相互利用性を図るにはレベル3までの記述が必要だが 検査などを除いてコード体系が未整備 レベル3で出力できるシステムが無く、新規開発要素が大きい レベル3で受け取っても受信サイドのシステムで内部展開できるほどメッセー ジ交換は成熟していない V1.0では(WEB等で実績のある)文字検索などで利用できるよう規定する レベル2でも記述項目内容のばらつきが大きい 未定義部分はレベル1でも問題がないこと 記載部分は十分参照できるようスタイルシートなど整備する 検査などは外部ドキュメントとしてV2.5等メッセージ交換として実績のある方法を取る 53 本規格 (V1)では一部を除いてレベル2で記述 Semanticな相互利用性を行うにはレベル3までの記述が必要だが 検査等の一部を除いてコード体系・規格が未整備 レベル3で出力・受信できるシステムが無い 新規開発要素が大きく現状では多大な投資になる 将来へ向かったシステムが重要 標準化されていないバラバラのシステムの展開を防止 レベル1,2(Narrative部)は将来も残りうる 将来も自然言語の記述は残る 将来のシステムからも重要な情報として必要になる 将来を見た実装・データの活用が可能である 今後技術・規格化の推移に沿ってSemanticな利用、Ontologyを生かした記述の可能性へ 54 ISO/HL7 27932:2009 Data Exchange Standards -- HL7 Clinical Document Architecture, Release 2 HELICS HS007 患者診療情報提供書及び電子診療データ提供書(患者への情報提供) HS008 診療情報提供書(電子紹介状)診療情報提供書(電子紹介状) ご清聴ありがとうございました 55
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