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(Monografieën (echt)scheidingsrecht ; 6) (Echt)scheiding en internationaal privaatrecht / A.R. van Maas de Bie. - 4e dr. (Monografieën (echt)scheidingsrecht ; 6) (Echt)scheidingsprocesrecht / W.H.B. den Hartog Jager. - 3e dr. - (Monografieën (echt)scheidingsrecht ; 10) Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights in Action / ed. by Mashood A. Baderin, Robert McCorquodale The Economic Structure of Trusts / by M.W. Lau Oxford Scholarship Online: Law Economic Torts / Tony Weir. - (Clarendon law lectures) Oxford Scholarship Online: Law The Economics of Lawmaking / Francesco Parisi, Vincy Fon Oxford Scholarship Online: Law Economische globalisering, multinationals en nationale rechtsstelsel : een ingewikkelde geschiedenis / Alex Jettinghoff. - (Nijmegen Sociology of Law Working Papers Series ; 2008/05) Edwards' North Carolina Probate Handbook / Janet H. McLamb and Lisa K. Vira - NCPROBHBK Radboud Repository NDFR (Klik op het tabje 'Boeken' en vervolgens op Fiscale praktijkreeks) OpMaat voor het Notariaat OpMaat personen- en familierecht OpMaat voor het Notariaat OpMaat personen- en familierecht OpMaat personen- en familierecht Oxford Scholarship Online: Law Oxford Scholarship Online: Law Westlaw Eerlijk delen in de fiscale jungle / Otto Marres. - (Andere wetenschappelijke uitgaven ; 18) Eerste aanleg / A.C. van Schaick. - (Asser-serie procesrecht ; 2) NDFR (Klik op het tabje 'Boeken' en vervolgens op Andere wetenschappelijke uitgaven) Kluwer Navigator Een eeuw opvang van Europese oorlogsvluchtelingen in Nederland / Anita Böcker & Tetty Havinga. - (Nijmegen Sociology of Law Working Papers Series ; 2011/08) The Effect of Treaties on Foreign Direct Investment : bilateral investment treaties, double taxation treaties and investment flows / edited by Karl P. Sauvant and Lisa E. Sachs Een effectieve verdediging in de ogen van de rechter / J. Boksem. - (Lezingenreeks van de NVSA ; dl. 1) EG-Wettbewerbsrecht / Ulrich Immenga, Ernst-Joachim Mestmäcker. - 1. bis 3. Auflage Radboud Repository EG-Wettbewerbsrecht / Ulrich Immenga, Ernst-JoachimMestmäcker. - 4. Auflage Beck-online (let op: geen toegang buiten de campus) Eheverträge und Scheidungsvereinbarungen /Gerrit Langenfeld. - 6. Aufl. Beck-online (let op: geen toegang buiten de campus) De eigen woning in de Wet IB 2001 / M.J.J.R. van Mourik. - (Fiscale geschriften ; 21) De eigen woning in de Wet IB 2001 / M.J.J.R. van Mourik. - (Fiscale geschriften ; 21) NDFR (Klik op het tabje 'Boeken' en vervolgens op Fiscale geschriften) OpMaat voor het Notariaat Eigendom en beperkte rechten. - 15e dr. - (Asser serie ; 5*) Kluwer Navigator Eigenwoningsparen : spaarrekening eigen woning en (overgangsrecht) kapitaalverzekering eigen woning / G.M.C.M. Staats, L.M.P. 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Burton Oxford Scholarship Online: Law Oxford Scholarship Online: Law OpMaat Strafrecht (onder tabje: Literatuur) Beck-online (let op: geen toegang buiten de campus) Beck-online (let op: geen toegang buiten de campus) Elsevier IB almanak 2004 -... Elsevier loon almanak : Handleiding voor de aangifte loonbelasting 2002 - ... Elsevier pensioen almanak : Handboek voor alle pensioenvraagstukken 2002 - ... Elsevier schenken en erven almanak : Handleiding voor de aangifte schenk- en erfbelasting 2002 - ... Elsevier sociale verzekeringen almanak : Gids voor alle actuele ontwikkelingen in de sociale zekerheid Elsevier VPB almanak : handleiding voor de aangifte vennootschapsbelasting 2002 - ... Elseviers BTW almanak : handleiding voor de aangifte van omzetbelasting 2002 - ... The Emergence of EU Contract Law : Exploring Europeanization : exploring Europeanization / Lucinda Miller. Oxford studies in European law) The Emerging Principles of International Competition Law / Christ Noonan Oxford Scholarship Online: Law Emotions in Transmigration : Transformation, Movement and Identity / Ann Brooks and Ruth Simpson Employee benefits / M.R.M. Deden. - 2e dr. - (Fiscale Praktijkreeks ; 14) Palgrave 2002 - ... Oxford Scholarship Online: Law Employee Benefits Handbook / Jeffrey D. Mamorsky - EMBEHB NDFR (Klik op het tabje 'Boeken' en vervolgens op Fiscale praktijkreeks) Westlaw Employer's Legal Advisor Business Source Complete Employer's Liability & Industrial Diseases / Fred Collins Business Source Complete Employers Handbook: Complying with IRS Employee Benefits Rules / ed.: David R. Fuller and Susan M. Nash - IRSBENEFITS Employment Discrimination (Aspen) / Charles A Sullivan, Michael J Zimmer Westlaw Employment Law Business Source Complete Employment Law Aspects of Mergers & Acquisitions: A Practical Guide Business Source Complete Employment Practice / Elizabeth Lang-Miers. - (Texas Practice Guide) - TXPG-EMP Westlaw Employment Protection Legislation : Evolution, Effects, Winners and Losers / P. Skedinger e-brary The Empowered Self / Thomas M. Franck Oxford Scholarship Online: Law Encyclopédie des collectivités locales. - (Encyclopédie juridique) Dalloz (klik evt. op 'Connexion') Encyclopedie sociale verzekeringen Kluwer Navigator Business Source Complete Encyclopedie sociale voorzieningen Kluwer Navigator The End of Negotiable Instruments : Bringing Payment Systems Law Out of the Past / James Steven Rogers The Ends of Harm : The Moral Foundations of Criminal Law : the moral foundations of criminal law / Victor Tadros. - (Oxford legal philosophy) Energierecht : Kommentar / Wolfgang Danner, Christian Theobald Oxford Scholarship Online: Law Energy Networks and the Law : Innovative Solutions in Changing Markets / ed. by Martha M. Roggenkamp ... [et al.] Energy Security : managing risk in a dynamic legal and regulatory environment / ed. by Barry Barton ... [et al.] The Enforcement of EC Environmental Law / Pål Wennerås. - (Oxford studies in European law) The Enforcement of EU Law : The Role of the European Commission / Stine Andersen. (Oxford studies in European law) Engineering Equality : an essay on European anti-discrimination law / Alexander Somek Oxford Scholarship Online: Law Die englische Limited / Volker G. Heinz. - 2. Aufl. Beck-online (let op: geen toegang buiten de campus) Die englische Limited in der Praxis, Einschließlich Ltd. & Co. KG / Clemens Just. - 3. Aufl. Beck-online (let op: geen toegang buiten de campus) English Lawyers between Market and State : The Politics of Professionalism / Richard L. Abel. - (Oxford socio-legal studies) The English legal system / Gary Slapper, David Kelly. - 11th ed. 2010-2011 Oxford Scholarship Online: Law Enige aspecten van de kwalitatieve verbintenis / Joost Reinville Beversluis Host: UB Nijmegen The Enlargement of the European Union / Marise Cremona (ed.). - (The collected courses of the Acadamy of European Law ; vol. 12/1) Ensuring a Level Playing Field in Service Provision : the Requirement of Liberalization of Service Migration / S.J. Tans. - (Nijmegen Migration Law Working Papers Series2010/06) Entscheidungssammlung zum Zuwanderungs-, Asyl- und Freizügigkeitsrecht / Herausgegeben von Michael Wollenschläger, Wolfgang Weickhardt, Günter Renner Entlastung der Staatsanwaltschaft durch mehr Kompetenzen für die Polizei? : Eine deutschniederländisch vergleichende Analyse in rechtlicher und rechtstatsächlicher Hinsicht / Beatrix Elsner. - (Göttinger Studien zu den Kriminalwissenschaften ; Band 5 ) Oxford Scholarship Online: Law Oxford Scholarship Online: Law Beck-online (let op: geen toegang buiten de campus) Oxford Scholarship Online: Law Oxford Scholarship Online: Law Oxford Scholarship Online: Law Oxford Scholarship Online: Law Taylor & Francis eBooks Radboud Repository Beck-online (let op: geen toegang buiten de campus) OAPEN Environment and Enforcement : Regulation and the Social Definition of Pollution / Keith Hawkins. - (Oxford socio-legal studies) Environmental Assessment : the regulation of decision making / Jane Holder Oxford Scholarship Online: Law Environmental Damage in International and Comparative Law : Problems of Definition and Valuation / Michael Bowman, Alan Boyle (eds) Environmental dispute resolution in Indonesia / David Nicholson. - (Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde) Environmental law. - (International encyclopaedia of laws) Oxford Scholarship Online: Law Environmental Law / Timothy H. Butler, Matthew King. - (Washington Practice Series) WAPRAC-ENV Environmental Principles : from political slogans to legal rules / Nicolas De Sadeleer ; transl. [from the French] by Susan Leubusher Environmental Protection : European law and governance / edited by Joanne Scott. - (The collected courses of the Academy of European Law ; v. 18/3) Environmental Spill Reporting Handbook / Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP - ENVSPRHB Westlaw Equality and Legitimacy / Wojciech Sadurski Oxford Scholarship Online: Law Equality and Liberty in the Golden Age of State Constitutional Law / Jeffrey M. Shaman Oxford Scholarship Online: Law Equity Incentives / David Thomas, Linda Vos. - (Fiscale Zakenreeks ; 2) NDFR (Klik op het tabje 'Boeken' en vervolgens op Fiscale zakenreeks) Radboud Repository Equivocal Claims? Ambivalent Controls? Labour Migration Regimes in the European Union / E. Guild. - (Nijmegen Migration Law Working Papers Series2010/05) Erbschaftsteuer- und Schenkungsteuergesetz : Kommentar / Jens Peter Meincke. - 16. Aufl. Oxford Scholarship Online: Law DOAB Kluwer Law International Oxford Scholarship Online: Law Oxford Scholarship Online: Law Westlaw Beck-online (let op: geen toegang buiten de campus) Erbschaftsteuer- und Schenkungsteuergesetz : Kommentar / begr. von Max Troll, bearb. von Dieter Gebel und Marc Jülicher Erbschaftsteuerreform 2009 / Heinrich Hübner Beck-online (let op: geen toegang buiten de campus) Erfrecht. - (Groene serie privaatrecht) Kluwer Navigator Erfrecht civiel en fiscaal : de tekst van Boek 4 van het Burgerlijk Wetboek en aanverwante wetten voorzien van commentaar / onder red. van: W.D. Kolkman ... [et al.]. - 4e dr. - (Tekst & commentaar) Erfrecht en schenking. - 15e dr. - (Asser serie ; 4*) Kluwer Navigator Beck-online (let op: geen toegang buiten de campus) Kluwer Navigator Erfrechtelijke discriminatie van buitenhuwelijkse kinderen : quousque tandem, Gallia, abutere patientia nostra? / Yves-Henri Leleu Erfurter Kommentar zum Arbeitsrecht / begr. von Thomas Dieterich, Peter Hanau, Günter Schaub. - 12. Aufl. - (Beck'sche Kurz-Kommentare ; 51) Erven en schenken / F. Sonneveldt, M. de L. Monteiro. - (Fiscale praktijkreeks ; 17) Radboud Repository Beck-online (let op: geen toegang buiten de campus) Essays in Jurisprudence and Philosophy / H. L. A. Hart NDFR (Klik op het tabje 'Boeken' en vervolgens op Fiscale praktijkreeks) Oxford Scholarship Online: Law Essays on Bentham : Jurisprudence and Political Philosophy / H. L. A. Hart Oxford Scholarship Online: Law Essays on Contract / P. S. Atiyah Oxford Scholarship Online: Law Establishing the Supremacy of European Law : the making of an international rule of law in Europe / Karen J. Alter. - (Oxford studies in European law) Estate planning / H.J. Meijer ... [et al.] Oxford Scholarship Online: Law Estate planning / E.A.A. Luijten, W.M. Kleijn. - 8e dr. - (Fiscale Zakenreeks ; 1) Estate Planning & Probate / Frank O. Brown. - (Virginia Practice Series) - VAPRAC-EPP NDFR (Klik op het tabje 'Boeken' en vervolgens op Fiscale zakenreeks) Westlaw Estate Planning & Probate. - (Washington Practice Series) - WAPRAC-EPP Westlaw Estate Planning and Probate Handbook / Dan R. Morris. - (Arizona Practice Series ; 12) AZPRAC-EPP Estate Planning Handbook / William Allen and John Pearson Allen. - 3rd ed. - ALLEN-HNDBK Westlaw The Eternal Recurrence of Crime and Control : Essays in Honour of Paul Rock / ed. by David Downes, Dick Hobbs and Tim Newburn. - (Clarendon studies in criminology) Ethics in the Public Domain : Essays in the Morality of Law and Politics / Joseph Raz Oxford Scholarship Online: Law The Ethics of Capital Punishment : A Philosophical Investigation of Evil and its Consequences : a philosophical investigation of evil and its consequences / Matthew H. Kramer The Ethics of Medical Involvement in Capital Punishment : a Philosophical Discussion / Joseph B. R. Gaie. - (International Library of Ethics, Law, and the New Medicine ; 18) The Ethics of Plea Bargaining / by Richard L. Lippke. - (Oxford monographs on criminal law and justice) Etikettering van levensmiddelen / Hugo van Buuren. - ed. 2008. - (Praktijkgidsen warenwet) Oxford Scholarship Online: Law Kluwer Navigator Westlaw Oxford Scholarship Online: Law Springer eBooks Oxford Scholarship Online: Law OpMaat WAAR&WET ‘Etnische' registraties en nationale integratiemodellen : een rechtssociologische annotatie / Anita Böcker.(Nijmegen Sociology of Law Working Papers Series ; 2009/02) EU Administrative Law / Paul Craig. - (The collected courses of the Academy of European Law ; vol. 16/1) EU Administrative Law / Paul Craig. - 2nd [fully updat.] ed. - (The collected courses of the Academy of European Law) The EU and Immigration Policies : Cracks in the Walls of Fortress Europe? / Transformations of the State / Christof Roos. - (Transformations of the State) EU Anti-Discrimination Law / Evelyn Ellis, Philippa Watson. - 2nd ed. Radboud Repository EU Counter-Terrorist Policies and Fundamental Rights: the case of individual sanctions / Christina Eckes. - (Oxford studies in European law) EU External Relations Law / Piet Eeckhout. - 2nd ed. - (Oxford EU law library) Oxford Scholarship Online: Law EU Foreign Investment Law / Angelos Dimopoulos Oxford Scholarship Online: Law EU-Insolvenzverordnung /bearbeitet von Detlef Haß ... [et al.] Beck-online (let op: geen toegang buiten de campus) EU Intervention in Domestic Labour Law / Phil Syrpis. - (Oxford monographs on labour law) Oxford Scholarship Online: Law EU Law after Lisbon / ed. by Andrea Biondi and Piet Eeckhout ; with Stefanie Ripley Oxford Scholarship Online: Law EU Law and the Welfare State : In Search of Solidarity / Gráinne de Búrca (ed.). - (Collected courses of the Academy of European Law ; vol. 14/2) De EU-richtlijn over opvang van asielzoekers : opvangvoorzieningen in Nederland en Frankrijk en de rechtsbescherming tegen het onthouden van opvang / Folke Fridtjof Larsson. - (Serie Staat en Recht ; dl. 8) The EU, the WTO, and the NAFTA : towards a common law of international trade? / ed. by J.H.H. Weiler. - (Collected courses of the Academy of European Law = Recueil des cours de l'Académie de droit européen ; vol. 9/1) Eunomia : New Order for a New World / Philip Allott Oxford Scholarship Online: Law Eurolegalism : the transformation of law and regulation in the European Union / R. Daniel Kelemen Europäische Menschenrechtskonvention / Jens Meyer-Ladewig. - 3. Aufl. (NomosKommentar) Europäisches Patentübereinkommen / Georg Benkard. - 2. Aufl. - (Beck'sche KurzKommentare ; 4a) e-brary Oxford Scholarship Online: Law Oxford Scholarship Online: Law Palgrave Oxford Scholarship Online: Law Oxford Scholarship Online: Law Radboud Repository Oxford Scholarship Online: Law Oxford Scholarship Online: Law Beck-online (let op: geen toegang buiten de campus) Beck-online (let op: geen toegang buiten de campus) Europäisches Strafrecht post-Lissabon / Kai Ambos (Hg.). - (Göttinger Studien zu den Kriminalwissenschaften ; Band 14) Erfurter Kommentar zum Arbeitsrecht / begr. von Thomas Dieterich, Peter Hanau, Günter Schaub. - 12. Aufl. - (Beck'sche Kurz-Kommentare ; 51) Europäisches Unterhaltsrecht : die Bedeutung der Haager Übereinkommen und der UnterhaltsVO für das englische und deutsche Recht : 8. Göttinger Workshop zum Familienrecht 2009 / Dagmar Coester-Waltjen ... [et al.] (Hg.). - (Göttinger Juristische Schriften ; Band 8) Europäisches Wettbewerbsrecht / Ernst-Joachim Mestmäcker, Heike Schweitzer. - 2. Aufl. OAPEN Europäisches Zivilprozessrecht : Einfluss auf Deutschland und Ungarn / Martin Ahrens, Volker Lipp, István Varga (Hg.). - (Göttinger Juristische Schriften ; Band 11) Europäisierung des Rechts : Deutsch-Ungarisches Kolloquium Budapest 2007 / Werner Heun und Volker Lipp (Hg.). - (Göttinger Juristische Schriften ; Band 5) A Europe of Rights / ed. by Helen Keller and Alec Stone Sweet OAPEN Europe's Area of Freedom, Security, and Justice / Neil Walker (ed.). - (The collected courses of the Academy of European Law ; vol. 13/2) Europe's Migrant Policies : Illusions of Integration / Suzanne Mulcahy Oxford Scholarship Online: Law European and International Media Law / Perry Keller Oxford Scholarship Online: Law European Constitution : Cases and Materials in EU and Member States' Law / Giuliano Amato, Jacques Ziller The European Convention on Human Rights and the Conflict in Northern Ireland / Brice Dickson The European Court of Human Rights between Law and Politics / ed. by Jonas Christoffersen and Mikael Rask Madsen The European Employment Strategy / Diamond Ashiagbor. - (Oxford monographs on labour law) The European Model of Agriculture / Michael Cardwell e-brary The European Productivity Agency and Transatlantic Relations, 1953-1961 / Bent Boel. (Studies in 20th & 21st Century European History ; volume 4) European Regulation of Consumer Product Safety / Christopher Hodges OAPEN European Security Law / Martin Trybus, Nigel White (eds) Oxford Scholarship Online: Law Beck-online (let op: geen toegang buiten de campus) OAPEN Beck-online (let op: geen toegang buiten de campus) OAPEN Oxford Scholarship Online: Law Palgrave Oxford Scholarship Online: Law Oxford Scholarship Online: Law Oxford Scholarship Online: Law Oxford Scholarship Online: Law Oxford Scholarship Online: Law European State Aid Law / Martin Heidenhain Beck-online (let op: geen toegang buiten de campus) European Tort Law / Cees van Dam Oxford Scholarship Online: Law European Tort Law Yearbook 2010 - ... De Gruyter The European Union's Fight Against Corruption : the Evolving Policy Towards Member States and Candidate Countries / by Patrycja Szarek-Mason Europees Belastingrecht / .J.A.M. Korving. - (Fiscale Praktijkreeks ; 27) Cambridge Books Online Europees migratienetwerk Nederland: rapporten NDFR (Klik op het tabje 'Boeken' en vervolgens op Fiscale praktijkreeks) Europees recht en Nederlands vermogensrecht / A.S. Hartkamp. - 2e dr. - (Asser serie ; 3-I*) Kluwer Navigator Europees vennootschapsrecht / J.N. Schutte-Veenstra. - (Serie ondernemingsrecht. Algemeen ; dl. A.15) De Europese vennootschap (SE) / H.J.M.M. van Boxel. - (Fiscale geschriften ; 15) OpMaat onderneming & recht Euthanasia and law in The Netherlands / John Griffiths, AlexBood, Heleen Weyers NDFR (Klik op het tabje 'Boeken' en vervolgens op Fiscale geschriften) OAPEN Euthanasia in the Netherlands : the Policy and Practice of Mercy Killing / Raphael CohenAlmagor. - (International Library of Ethics, Law, and the New Medicine 20) Euthanasie: het proces van rechtsverandering / Heleen Weyers Springer eBooks EUV/EGV : das Verfassungsrecht der Europäischen Union mit Europäischer Grundrechtecharta : Kommentar / hrsg. von Christian Calliess, Mattias Ruffert. - 3. Aufl. Evaluating Competencies : Forensic Assessments and Instruments / Thomas Grisso, Randy Borum, John F. Edens, Jennifer Moye and Randy K. Otto. - (Perspectives in Law & Psychology : 16) Evangelicalism, Penal Theory and the Politics of Criminal Law : Reform in England, 1808-30 / Richard R. Follett Evidence / Linda L. Addison. - (Texas Practice Guide) - TXPG-EVID Beck-online (let op: geen toegang buiten de campus) Evidence Law and Practice / Karl B. Tegland. - (Washington Practice Series) - WAPRAC-ELP Westlaw Evidence, Proof, and Fact-Finding in WTO Dispute Settlement / Michelle T. Grando. (International economic law series) The Evolution of the European Convention on Human Rights / Ed Bates Oxford Scholarship Online: Law The Evolving International Investment Regime / edited by Jose E. Alvarez and Karl P. Sauvant Oxford Scholarship Online: Law OAPEN Springer eBooks Palgrave Westlaw Oxford Scholarship Online: Law Examining the European Geography of Refugee Protection Exclusions, Limitations and Exceptions from the 1967 Protocol to the Present / Elspeth Guild. - (Nijmegen Migration Law Working Papers Series ; 2012/03) Excusing Crime / Jeremy Horder Radboud Repository Executing democracy / Stephen John Hartnett Vol. 1. Capital punishment & the making of America, 1683-1807 Vol. 2. Capital Punishment and the Making of America, 1835-1843 The Executive and Public Law : Power and Accountability in Comparative Perspective / Paul Craig, Adam Tomkins (eds) The Executive in the Constitution: Structure, Autonomy, and Internal Control / Terence Daintith, Alan Page Executive Power of the European Union / Deirdre Curtin. - (Collected courses of the Academy of European Law = Recueil des cours de l'Académie de droit européen ; vol. 12/4) Executive Unbound : After the Madisonian Republic / Eric A. Posner, Adrian Vermeule Muse Exekutive Vetorechte im deutschen Verfassungssystem: eine systematische Darstellung und kritische Würdigung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der rechtshistorischen Herausbildung sowie der institutionellen Einpassung in die parlamentarischen Demokratiestrukturen Deutschlands und Europas / Stefan Malorny. - (Göttinger Schriften zum Öffentlichen Recht ; 2) Exile, Murder and Madness in Siberia, 1823-61 / Andrew A. Gentes OAPEN Exile to Siberia, 1590-1822 / Andrew A. Gentes Palgrave Expert Evidence and Criminal Justice / Mike Redmayne. - (Oxford monographs on criminal law and justice) Exploring Law's Empire / ed. by Scott Hershovitz Oxford Scholarship Online: Law Exploring Private Law / Edited by Elise Bant, Matthew Harding Cambridge Books Online The External Dimension of EU Justice and Home Affairs : Governance, Neighbours, Security / Edited by Thierry Balzacq Extraterritorial Application of Human Rights Treaties / Marko Milanovic. - (Oxford monographs in international law) Extraterritorial Use of Force Against Non-State Actors / Noam Lubell. - (Oxford monographs in international law) Palgrave Oxford Scholarship Online: Law Oxford Scholarship Online: Law Oxford Scholarship Online: Law Oxford Scholarship Online: Law e-brary Palgrave Oxford Scholarship Online: Law Oxford Scholarship Online: Law Oxford Scholarship Online: Law Extreme Speech and Democracy / editors, Ivan Hare, James Weinstein Laatst gewijzigd: 29 juli 2014 Oxford Scholarship Online: Law
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