Sectie I SECTION I Laatste update / Dernière mise à jour/Last amendment of this list: nov 2014 Establishments or plants carrying out intermediate activities and plants storing animal by-products (Article 24.1.h, 24.1.i) of Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009) Erkenningsnummer Numéro d’agrément Approval number Naam Nom Name Stad Ville Town Categorie Catégorie Category Activiteiten Activités Activities Producttypes Types de produits Product types 8120 5084 INT2269 62479/1-257 46820 113164/2-636 112261/1-599 BE 701/0016 BE 701/0017 INT006 INT007 INT101147 1521 72151 BE 701/0001 BE 701/0002 4953 BE 701/0007 BE 701/0013 INT107 BE 701/0003 9/33-206 75734 BE 701/0018 BE 701/0008 BE 701/0010 335/1-224 BE 701/0005 9102/12-207 88077/1/d-377 49184/1-357 54785 10353 BE 701/0014 BE 701/0015 Atravet AVC VADA Bern Aqua bvba Bern Aqua bvba Brussels Airlines Brussels Airport Company Buurtslagers Carpentier Couperie de Poils du Hainaut Lucien Waignier Cryns Cryns Deters Jos De Vocht Frans Divetran Dubaere-Vanden Avenne Eurocuir SA Eurofat Eurohide BVBA Euromink Flanders Meat Traders Geeroms Henri sprl Hoboken recyclagepark Hokatrans Huidenhandel Van Wijnendaele Huidenhandel Verbo BVBA Hulpiau BVBA IMOG cv Intraskins NV IVAGO Zwijnaarde LCL LDM LSG Sky Chefs Mac²Solutions Maranmink Nertskwekerij Truyman 9160 Lokeren 2940 Hoevenen 2250 Olen 2250 Olen 1930 Zaventem 1930 Zaventem 9880 Aalter 9160 Eksaarde 7321 Blaton 3510 Hasselt 3960 Bree 4020 Liège 2840 Reet 1731 Zellik 8760 Meulebeke 4020 Liège 8552 Moen 8800 Roeselare 8880 Ledegem 3960 Bree 1070 Bruxelles 2620 Hoboken 8800 Roeselare 9670 Lierde 9860 Oosterzele 9200 Baasrode 8530 Harelbeke 7700 Moeskroen 9000 Gent 8560 Gullegem 3600 Genk 1930 Zaventem 2030 Antwerpen 9880 Aalter 9120 Beveren C3 C3 C3 C3 C1 C1 C3 C2, C3 C3 C3 C3 C3 C1 C1 C3 C3 C3 C3 C2, C3 C3 C3 C1 C1 C3 C3 C3 C1 C3 C1 C3 C3 C1 C1, C3 C2, C3 C2, C3 STORP STORP STORP STORP STORP STORP STORP STORP STORP STORP STORP STORP STORP STORP STORP STORP STORP STORP STORP STORP STORP STORP STORP STORP STORP STORP STORP STORP STORP STORP STORP STORP STORP STORP STORP CATW CATW RAW RAW, PAP CATW CATW RAW HISKR, OTHER HISKR RAW RAW RAW CATW RAW HISK, WHBF HISK CATW HISK HISKR, OTHER RAW HISK RAW RAW HISKR HISK HISK RAW HISK RAW FORMF FORMF CATW CATW HISKR, OTHER HISKR, OTHER 10107/2/d-354 BE 701/0004 103352 115456 90879/1-360 1756 1411/1-150 INT101567 1411/2-152 1069-2009-2012-10-18-01 1876/1-151 BE 701/0006 1340 245/4-215 ENRDA-072 50396 50396 50396 59454/1-122 Op De Beeck Pataor BVBA Pet Funeral center Pettrans Recyfood Refood Rendac NV Rendac NV Rendac NV Rendac Udes Rendac Transport Roecuir BVBA SAF Recyclage Schoten recyclagepark Sita Recycling Center Sita waste Services Sita waste Services Sita waste Services Socio vzw 9130 Kallo 8800 Roeselare 8501 Bissegem 9820 Merelbeke 3560 Lummen 9520 Bavegem 9470 Denderleeuw 9470 Denderleeuw 8820 Torhout 5590 Ciney 2900 Schoten 8800 Roeselare 9990 Maldegem 2900 Schoten 1120 Brussel 2340 Beerse 2030 Beerse 3700 Tongeren 2100 Deurne C2, C3 C2, C3 C1 C1 C3 C3 C3 C3 C1, C2, C3 C1, C2, C3 C1, C2, C3 C3 C3 C1 C1, C2, C3 C3 C3 C3 C1 STORP STORP STORP STORP STORP STORP STORP STORP STORP STORP STORP STORP STORP STORP STORP STORP STORP STORP STORP BIOG, BIOR HISK RAW RAW CATW, FORMF CATW, FORMF, RAW RAW RAW RAW RAW RAW HISK CATW, OTHER RAW MANU, CATW, RAW CATW, FORMF CATW, FORMF CATW, FORMF RAW Pagina 1 Aanverwante activiteiten Activités Associées Associated activities Opmerkingen Remarques Remarks CHAN procedure CHAN procédure CHAN procedure feed producer for fish PROCP fish for feed only fish CHAN several exploitations/= Trading Meat UFUR for petfood only for petfood only INCP CHAN CHAN pets only UFUR meat by products for petfoodindustry INCP CHAN pets only INCP UFUR UFUR COMP, BIOGP INCP pets only pets only PROCP PROCP pig bristles CHAN fat of fur animals pets only Sectie I 1953/3-154 83406/1-405 INT008 32471/1-129 ODA009 INT101372 639 639 1069-2009-2012-10-18-02 566 566/3-306 566/12-303 9329/6-522 41438 BE 701/0012 BE 701/0009 90827/1-393 BE 701/0011 Sonac Trunk Maritime Services United Petfood Producers Van De Groep bvba Van De Groep bvba Van de Wiele Carin van Gansewinkel van Gansewinkel Vanheede Biomass Solutions Vanheede Environmental Logistics Vanheede Environmental Logistics Vanheede Environmental Logistics Vanheede Environmental Services Veolia ES MRC Verbruggen en Zoon BVBA Waeslantnatie Welldpack Zimmermann und Sohne 9000 Gent 2060 Antwerpen 9042 Gent 8380 Zeebrugge 8000 Zeebrugge 9870 Zulte 1910 Kampenhout 9600 Ronse 7040 Quévy le Grand 2030 Antwerpen 8940 Wervik 8020 Oostkamp 8800 Roeselare 2030 Antwerpen 9620 Zottegem 2030 Antwerpen 2381 Weelde 4731 Eynatten C3 C1 C3 C3 C3 C3 C3 C3 C3 C1, C3 C1, C3 C1, C3 C3 C3 C3 C3 C3 C3 STORP STORP STORP STORP STORP STORP STORP STORP STORP STORP STORP STORP STORP STORP STORP STORP STORP STORP RAW, CATW CATW RAW RAW RAW RAW CATW, FORMF CATW, FORMF FORMF CATW, FORMF CATW, FORMF CATW, FORMF CATW, FORMF CATW HISK HISK FORMF HISK Pagina 2 PROCP (M7) pig bristles petfoodproducer for petfood only fish fish egg-byproducts for petfoodindustry CHAN CHAN CHAN Sectie I Pagina 3 Sectie I Pagina 4
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