Atletiek Mol Athletics/Track and Field Results Sheets for Track Events AT 100 M Run Track Field Final Division: F01 Bib# Name 85 TURNEER, LIEN Gen: F DAGCENTRUM DENDERMONDE Age: 23 217 Gen: F 169 Gen: F 402 Gen: F 205 Gen: F Vautmans, Lesley HET ROER Age: 30 FRAIKIN, AUDREY FUNAMBULES DE WAVRE Age: 19 De Bock, Maombi ROZENWINGERD Age: 26 Bauwens, Nikki HET ROER Age: 25 Status :- Score Place 00:17.25 1st 00:18.59 2nd 00:18.63 3rd 00:18.69 4th 00:18.73 5th Official Signatures (1) ____________________________ (2) ______________________________ 29/05/2014 21:58 Atletiek Mol Athletics/Track and Field Results Sheets for Track Events AT 100 M Run Track Field Final Division: F02 Bib# Name 360 Gen: F 483 Gen: F 445 Gen: F 369 Gen: F 475 Gen: F 496 Gen: F 464 Gen: F 150 Gen: F Verleene, Kelsey RAVELIJN Age: 19 Van Wynsberghe, Stefanie SPORTIVIA Age: 29 Yerna, Nele SINT FERDINAND Age: 34 Carrera Rami, Christelle REINE FABIOLA Age: 26 Bartholomé, Nikki SPORTCLUB DRUIVENSTREEK Age: 23 Van Mulders, Petra 'T VOSJE VZW Age: 33 Driesen, Charlotte SPELIN WIJCHMAAL Age: 44 Callewaert, Stephanie DEN ACHTKANTER Age: 29 Status :- Score Place 00:17.72 1st 00:18.67 2nd 00:19.58 3rd 00:19.91 4th 00:20.27 5th 00:21.08 6th 00:22.78 7th 00:23.25 8th Official Signatures (1) ____________________________ (2) ______________________________ 29/05/2014 21:58 Atletiek Mol Athletics/Track and Field Results Sheets for Track Events AT 100 M Run Track Field Final Division: F03 Bib# Name 346 Gen: F 439 COLPAERT, SILKE RAVELIJN Age: 19 Van Driessche, Veerle Gen: F SCHOONDERHAGE Age: 35 3 Follens, Sanne Gen: F A.C. LYRA Age: 24 528 Al Hamadi, Fatima Gen: F VRAIES RICHESSES Age: 38 4 Gyselaers, Nele Gen: F A.C. LYRA Age: 28 351 Gen: F 180 Gen: F 181 Gen: F FRANCOIS, RANI RAVELIJN Age: 20 LANCIERS, Elire G-SPORT PAJOTTENLAND Age: 20 Van Hove, Jana G-SPORT PAJOTTENLAND Age: 12 Status :- Score Place 00:21.00 1st 00:21.16 2nd 00:21.51 3rd 00:21.76 4th 00:22.22 5th 00:22.67 6th 00:24.18 7th 00:24.21 8th Official Signatures (1) ____________________________ (2) ______________________________ 29/05/2014 21:58 Atletiek Mol Athletics/Track and Field Results Sheets for Track Events AT 100 M Run Track Field Final Division: F04 Bib# Name 386 Gen: F 338 Gen: F 182 Gen: F 469 Pourcel, Marie-Claire RESIDENCE ÉLYSÉE Age: 28 Vergauwen, Vera PRIMAVERA DAGCENTRUM Age: 49 Van Looy, Ellen G-SPORT PAJOTTENLAND Age: 28 Verstraeten, Benita Gen: F SPELIN WIJCHMAAL Age: 49 12 Nuyten, Tanja Gen: F A.C. LYRA Age: 22 509 Gen: F 275 Gen: F 293 Gen: F Maes, Marijke TRIANGEL SPORT Age: 30 Goetghebeur, Emmanuelle LES PETUNIAS Age: 30 WOUTERS, Liesbeth LOOISE A.V. Age: 29 Status :- Score Place 00:21.06 1st 00:21.25 2nd 00:21.36 3rd 00:21.93 4th 00:23.68 5th 00:24.08 6th 00:27.45 7th 00:27.60 8th Official Signatures (1) ____________________________ (2) ______________________________ 29/05/2014 21:58 Atletiek Mol Athletics/Track and Field Results Sheets for Track Events AT 100 M Run Track Field Final Division: F05 Bib# Name 316 Gen: F 209 Gen: F 518 Gen: F 318 Gen: F 468 Gen: F 520 Gen: F 465 Gen: F Meersschaert, Els OMEGA Age: 40 Martens, Kristien HET ROER Age: 32 Bruggeman, Veronique VESTA V.Z.W Age: 37 Vagenende, Anne-Marie OMEGA Age: 32 Vanoppen, Monique SPELIN WIJCHMAAL Age: 52 Goossens, Ann VESTA V.Z.W Age: 34 Kovacs, Helena SPELIN WIJCHMAAL Age: 51 Status :- Score Place 00:21.56 1st 00:25.24 2nd 00:25.57 3rd 00:27.06 4th 00:28.20 5th 00:29.66 6th 00:36.75 7th Official Signatures (1) ____________________________ (2) ______________________________ 29/05/2014 21:58 Atletiek Mol Athletics/Track and Field Results Sheets for Track Events AT 100 M Run Track Field Final Division: F06 Bib# Name 451 Gen: F 510 Gen: F 457 Gen: F Puttemans, Arlette SKAR Age: 60 Vervynckt, Wendy TRIANGEL SPORT Age: 36 De Waele, Greet SLEINE SPORT Age: 29 Status :- Score Place 00:25.82 1st 00:28.40 2nd 00:28.71 3rd Official Signatures (1) ____________________________ (2) ______________________________ 29/05/2014 21:58 Atletiek Mol Athletics/Track and Field Results Sheets for Track Events AT 100 M Run Track Field Final Division: M01 Bib# Name 236 Garmendia, Andy KVG VRIJETIJDSWERKING Gen: M Age: 22 353 Hofmans, Joeri RAVELIJN Gen: M Age: 19 1 Casteels, Bart A.C. LYRA Gen: M Age: 32 237 Janssens, Dejan KVG VRIJETIJDSWERKING Gen: M Age: 23 352 Gevaert, Dylan RAVELIJN Gen: M Age: 19 290 Goudar, Steven LOOISE A.V. Gen: M Age: 21 Status :- Score Place 00:13.27 1st 00:13.89 2nd 00:14.15 3rd 00:14.61 4th 00:15.12 5th 00:15.49 6th Official Signatures (1) ____________________________ (2) ______________________________ 29/05/2014 21:58 Atletiek Mol Athletics/Track and Field Results Sheets for Track Events AT 100 M Run Track Field Final Division: M02 Bib# Name 547 Stessens, Kevin ONS HUIS Gen: M Age: 18 548 Valenberghs, Benny ONS HUIS Gen: M Age: 18 356 Van Quakebeke, Jonas RAVELIJN Gen: M Age: 20 314 Annemans, Rudy OMEGA Gen: M Age: 36 117 Vandeloise, Jeffrey DE BOEG Gen: M Age: 17 14 Tobback, Ruben A.C. LYRA Gen: M Age: 16 170 Gonce, Michaël FUNAMBULES DE WAVRE Gen: M Age: 34 235 De Doncker, Fried KVG VRIJETIJDSWERKING Gen: M Age: 34 Status :- Score Place 00:14.11 1st 00:14.62 2nd 00:14.68 3rd 00:14.69 4th 00:14.82 5th 00:14.86 6th 00:15.18 7th 00:15.72 8th Official Signatures (1) ____________________________ (2) ______________________________ 29/05/2014 21:58 Atletiek Mol Athletics/Track and Field Results Sheets for Track Events AT 100 M Run Track Field Final Division: M03 Bib# Name 287 Bosmans, Bart LOOISE A.V. Gen: M Age: 27 118 Vandeloise, Jordy DE BOEG Gen: M Age: 17 497 Vangindertaelen, Andy 'T VOSJE VZW Gen: M Age: 35 172 Schurmans, Anthony FUNAMBULES DE WAVRE Gen: M Age: 17 498 Verbist, Vincent 'T VOSJE VZW Gen: M Age: 18 539 Cornelis, Koen ZEVENHUIZEN Gen: M Age: 32 72 Pint, Manuel B.S.C. LEISTUNGSZENTRUM DER D.G. Gen: M Age: 19 Status :- Score Place 00:14.69 1st 00:15.45 2nd 00:15.63 3rd 00:16.58 4th 00:16.98 5th 00:18.35 6th 00:19.20 7th Official Signatures (1) ____________________________ (2) ______________________________ 29/05/2014 21:58 Atletiek Mol Athletics/Track and Field Results Sheets for Track Events AT 100 M Run Track Field Final Division: M04 Bib# Name 47 Peeters, Bob AVZK Gen: M Age: 17 371 HARY, Guillaume REINE FABIOLA Gen: M Age: 21 144 Deuvaert, Steve DE NIEUWE BRUG Gen: M Age: 40 19 Verret, Jens A.C. LYRA Gen: M Age: 18 317 Schepens, David OMEGA Gen: M Age: 33 224 De Pestel, Geert HUMIVAL Gen: M Age: 36 489 BLADT, Christian 'T VOSJE VZW Gen: M Age: 24 372 Moulin, Patrice REINE FABIOLA Gen: M Age: 27 Status :- Score Place 00:15.21 1st 00:15.27 2nd 00:16.05 3rd 00:16.06 4th 00:16.45 5th 00:16.61 6th 00:16.78 7th 00:18.42 8th Official Signatures (1) ____________________________ (2) ______________________________ 29/05/2014 21:58 Atletiek Mol Athletics/Track and Field Results Sheets for Track Events AT 100 M Run Track Field Final Division: M05 Bib# Name 31 Hermans, Matthias ALVINNENBERG Gen: M Age: 23 28 De Belder, Joris ALVINNENBERG Gen: M Age: 25 66 Knein, Markus B.S.C. LEISTUNGSZENTRUM DER D.G. Gen: M Age: 26 367 BALOT, Nicolas REINE FABIOLA Gen: M Age: 21 375 Pottier, Michael REINE FABIOLA Gen: M Age: 35 374 Pedrono, Christophe REINE FABIOLA Gen: M Age: 39 65 GENTEN, PATRICK B.S.C. LEISTUNGSZENTRUM DER D.G. Gen: M Age: 43 Status :- Score Place 00:14.76 1st 00:16.05 2nd 00:17.12 3rd 00:17.14 4th 00:17.21 5th 00:18.73 6th 00:18.75 7th Official Signatures (1) ____________________________ (2) ______________________________ 29/05/2014 21:58 Atletiek Mol Athletics/Track and Field Results Sheets for Track Events AT 100 M Run Track Field Final Division: M06 Bib# Name 228 Van Hecke, Nicky HUMIVAL Gen: M Age: 37 215 Philippaers, Bart HET ROER Gen: M Age: 44 370 Francois Dainville, Clément REINE FABIOLA Gen: M Age: 29 114 Van Den Hende, Niels DE BOEG Gen: M Age: 22 77 Stoz, Alexander B.S.C. LEISTUNGSZENTRUM DER D.G. Gen: M Age: 22 373 Ould Seyde, Hassan REINE FABIOLA Gen: M Age: 27 226 Duquesne, Henk HUMIVAL Gen: M Age: 26 211 Menten, Sam HET ROER Gen: M Age: 23 Status :- Score Place 00:17.36 1st 00:18.04 2nd 00:18.05 3rd 00:18.37 4th 00:18.46 5th 00:18.77 6th 00:19.48 7th 00:20.09 8th Official Signatures (1) ____________________________ (2) ______________________________ 29/05/2014 21:58 Atletiek Mol Athletics/Track and Field Results Sheets for Track Events AT 100 M Run Track Field Final Division: M07 Bib# Name 101 De Smedt, Davy DE BOEG Gen: M Age: 18 36 Robeyns, Marc ALVINNENBERG Gen: M Age: 50 279 Puttemans, Olivier LES PETUNIAS Gen: M Age: 40 110 Snoeck, Niels DE BOEG Gen: M Age: 24 414 VAN ACKER, Benedict SABA Gen: M Age: 29 99 Coppens, Arne DE BOEG Gen: M Age: 18 409 BOHIJN, Maarten SABA Gen: M Age: 22 Status :- Score Place 00:15.44 1st 00:17.37 2nd 00:17.44 3rd 00:17.82 4th 00:18.97 5th 00:19.36 6th 00:27.81 7th Official Signatures (1) ____________________________ (2) ______________________________ 29/05/2014 21:58 Atletiek Mol Athletics/Track and Field Results Sheets for Track Events AT 100 M Run Track Field Final Division: M08 Bib# Name 519 Creve, Sven VESTA V.Z.W Gen: M Age: 40 334 Dancckaers, Geert PRIMAVERA DAGCENTRUM Gen: M Age: 50 18 VERHEYDEN, GEERT A.C. LYRA Gen: M Age: 45 76 Stoffels, Markus B.S.C. LEISTUNGSZENTRUM DER D.G. Gen: M Age: 26 291 Knuyt, Patrick LOOISE A.V. Gen: M Age: 39 532 TASCHETTA, GUISEPPE VRAIES RICHESSES Gen: M Age: 22 171 Janne D'Othee, David FUNAMBULES DE WAVRE Gen: M Age: 39 411 D'Hoe, Lieven SABA Gen: M Age: 40 Status :- Score Place 00:16.51 1st 00:17.15 2nd 00:18.55 3rd 00:19.65 4th 00:19.95 5th 00:20.35 6th 00:20.70 7th 00:23.49 8th Official Signatures (1) ____________________________ (2) ______________________________ 29/05/2014 21:58 Atletiek Mol Athletics/Track and Field Results Sheets for Track Events AT 100 M Run Track Field Final Division: M09 Bib# Name 37 Robeyns, Maurice ALVINNENBERG Gen: M Age: 46 45 Beullens, Wesley AVZK Gen: M Age: 29 490 Khlale, Younes 'T VOSJE VZW Gen: M Age: 19 225 De Smet, Geert HUMIVAL Gen: M Age: 46 326 De Clercq, Xavier ONS ERF Gen: M Age: 34 494 Van Hees, Jacques 'T VOSJE VZW Gen: M Age: 53 325 Bouillon, Yannick ONS ERF Gen: M Age: 33 Status :- Score Place 00:18.37 1st 00:18.61 2nd 00:19.21 3rd 00:19.75 4th 00:19.82 5th 00:20.48 6th 00:20.63 7th Official Signatures (1) ____________________________ (2) ______________________________ 29/05/2014 21:58 Atletiek Mol Athletics/Track and Field Results Sheets for Track Events AT 100 M Run Track Field Final Division: M10 Bib# Name 255 M'BARIKO, MICHAEL LE JARDIN DES FÉES Gen: M Age: 35 160 Vermeire, Arnaud FARRA DERBY Gen: M Age: 26 463 Ceyssens, Laurens SPELIN WIJCHMAAL Gen: M Age: 58 252 Blin, Patrick LE JARDIN DES FÉES Gen: M Age: 46 227 Goethals, Lieven HUMIVAL Gen: M Age: 42 319 Van De Velde, Sven OMEGA Gen: M Age: 27 34 Neven, Jonas ALVINNENBERG Gen: M Age: 24 210 Menten, Jurgen HET ROER Gen: M Age: 37 Status :- Score Place 00:17.60 1st 00:18.30 2nd 00:19.28 3rd 00:19.67 4th 00:20.85 5th 00:21.16 6th 00:23.32 7th 00:23.56 8th Official Signatures (1) ____________________________ (2) ______________________________ 29/05/2014 21:59 Atletiek Mol Athletics/Track and Field Results Sheets for Track Events AT 100 M Run Track Field Final Division: M11 Bib# Name 35 Robeyns, Johnny ALVINNENBERG Gen: M Age: 40 339 Zucchetto, Toni PRIMAVERA DAGCENTRUM Gen: M Age: 37 383 Doukhi, Hamoudi RESIDENCE ÉLYSÉE Gen: M Age: 31 384 FILALI, MUSTAFA RESIDENCE ÉLYSÉE Gen: M Age: 36 385 JAVICE, DAVID RESIDENCE ÉLYSÉE Gen: M Age: 34 229 Wauters, Fangio HUMIVAL Gen: M Age: 36 521 Hoeck, Franky VESTA V.Z.W Gen: M Age: 37 522 Michiels, Filip VESTA V.Z.W Gen: M Age: 31 Status :- Score Place 00:19.06 1st 00:19.25 2nd 00:21.01 3rd 00:21.14 4th 00:21.56 5th 00:22.33 6th 00:22.83 7th 00:19.15 DQ-HE Official Signatures (1) ____________________________ (2) ______________________________ 29/05/2014 21:59 Atletiek Mol Athletics/Track and Field Results Sheets for Track Events AT 100 M Run Track Field Final Division: M12 Bib# Name 376 Prevost, Julien REINE FABIOLA Gen: M Age: 31 529 LOPEZ, Michael VRAIES RICHESSES Gen: M Age: 25 93 De Coninck, Dieter DARING CLUB LEUVEN ATLETIEK Gen: M Age: 28 354 Muls, Jonas RAVELIJN Gen: M Age: 19 Status :- Score Place 00:15.87 1st 00:16.31 2nd 00:16.56 3rd 00:16.77 4th Official Signatures (1) ____________________________ (2) ______________________________ 29/05/2014 21:59 Atletiek Mol Athletics/Track and Field Results Sheets for Track Events AT 100 M Wheelchair Race Track Field Final Division: M1 Bib# Name 517 Bruggeman, Johan VESTA V.Z.W Gen: M Age: 41 476 De Coster, Tom SPORTCLUB DRUIVENSTREEK Gen: M Age: 34 Status :- Score Place 03:46.63 1st 01:22.53 DQ-HE Official Signatures (1) ____________________________ (2) ______________________________ 29/05/2014 21:59 Atletiek Mol Athletics/Track and Field Results Sheets for Track Events AT 1500 M Run Track Field Final Division: F1 Bib# Name 124 Bouckaert, Gwen Gen: F DE HOGE KOUTER Age: 18 50 Van Den Broeck, Sarah Gen: F AVZK Age: 15 Status :- Score Place 07:47.89 1st 08:06.34 2nd Official Signatures (1) ____________________________ (2) ______________________________ 29/05/2014 21:59 Atletiek Mol Athletics/Track and Field Results Sheets for Track Events AT 1500 M Run Track Field Final Division: F2 Bib# Name 491 Gen: F 189 Gen: F 300 Gen: F Ploegaerts, Evy 'T VOSJE VZW Age: 31 Dumortier, Caroline HAVENZATE Age: 47 Urkens, Marguerite MOSPO Age: 63 Status :- Score Place 07:30.21 1st 08:18.12 2nd 08:57.49 3rd Official Signatures (1) ____________________________ (2) ______________________________ 29/05/2014 21:59 Atletiek Mol Athletics/Track and Field Results Sheets for Track Events AT 1500 M Run Track Field Final Division: M1 Bib# Name 178 Brackx, Steven G-SPORT PAJOTTENLAND Gen: M Age: 32 396 Schepers, André ROBA Gen: M Age: 40 112 Van Baelenberghe, Bram DE BOEG Gen: M Age: 18 7 Joostens, Nick A.C. LYRA Gen: M Age: 18 125 Delhaye, Tjörven DE HOGE KOUTER Gen: M Age: 21 58 Boden, Stephane B.S.C. LEISTUNGSZENTRUM DER D.G. Gen: M Age: 19 Status :- Score Place 05:07.50 1st 05:11.23 2nd 05:34.53 3rd 05:40.63 4th 06:00.51 5th 06:30.17 6th Official Signatures (1) ____________________________ (2) ______________________________ 29/05/2014 21:59 Atletiek Mol Athletics/Track and Field Results Sheets for Track Events AT 1500 M Run Track Field Final Division: M2 Bib# Name 108 Rossie, Andy DE BOEG Gen: M Age: 18 546 Stessens, Cédric ONS HUIS Gen: M Age: 17 106 Kesteloot, Jordy DE BOEG Gen: M Age: 18 238 Van Camp, Dave KVG VRIJETIJDSWERKING Gen: M Age: 32 Status :- Score Place 05:25.11 1st 05:38.72 2nd 05:38.85 3rd 05:56.46 4th Official Signatures (1) ____________________________ (2) ______________________________ 29/05/2014 21:59 Atletiek Mol Athletics/Track and Field Results Sheets for Track Events AT 1500 M Run Track Field Final Division: M3 Bib# Name 111 Uminski, Jonas DE BOEG Gen: M Age: 17 508 Lammertyn, Edwin TRIANGEL SPORT Gen: M Age: 28 137 Verbustel, Stefan DE MOLENKREKELS Gen: M Age: 37 109 Silversmit, Jesse DE BOEG Gen: M Age: 19 198 Wery, Peter HET GIELSBOS Gen: M Age: 49 499 Wenseleers, Erik 'T VOSJE VZW Gen: M Age: 31 507 Espinosa Valcke, Pablo TRIANGEL SPORT Gen: M Age: 23 143 De Smedt, Mathieu DE NIEUWE BRUG Gen: M Age: 39 Status :- Score Place 05:59.64 1st 06:17.76 2nd 06:21.99 3rd 06:25.69 4th 06:56.03 5th 06:58.32 6th 07:25.35 7th 07:37.52 8th Official Signatures (1) ____________________________ (2) ______________________________ 29/05/2014 21:59 Atletiek Mol Athletics/Track and Field Results Sheets for Track Events AT 1500 M Run Track Field Final Division: M4 Bib# Name 466 Vangerven, Peter SPELIN WIJCHMAAL Gen: M Age: 33 438 Ramsdam, Brecht SCHOONDERHAGE Gen: M Age: 28 135 Jolie, Johan DE MOLENKREKELS Gen: M Age: 53 315 Geirnaert, Siegfried OMEGA Gen: M Age: 38 377 Renard, Patrick REINE FABIOLA Gen: M Age: 53 197 Simons, Gert HET GIELSBOS Gen: M Age: 40 136 Nauwelaerts, Jozef DE MOLENKREKELS Gen: M Age: 51 133 Bellens, Freddy DE MOLENKREKELS Gen: M Age: 44 Status :- Score Place 06:37.02 1st 07:07.92 2nd 07:09.33 3rd 07:17.17 4th 07:20.21 5th 07:30.74 6th 09:02.39 7th 09:06.09 8th Official Signatures (1) ____________________________ (2) ______________________________ 29/05/2014 21:59 Atletiek Mol Athletics/Track and Field Results Sheets for Track Events AT 1500 M Run Track Field Final Division: M5 Bib# Name 78 Wilsmann, Oliver B.S.C. LEISTUNGSZENTRUM DER D.G. Gen: M Age: 30 394 Lauwers, Mario ROBA Gen: M Age: 48 213 Meus, Leander HET ROER Gen: M Age: 36 13 Peeters, Rob A.C. LYRA Gen: M Age: 26 Status :- Score Place 06:04.87 1st 06:48.90 2nd 06:50.55 3rd 07:14.26 4th Official Signatures (1) ____________________________ (2) ______________________________ 29/05/2014 21:59 Atletiek Mol Athletics/Track and Field Results Sheets for Track Events AT 200 M Run Track Field Final Division: F1 Bib# Name 10 Luyten, Nathalie Gen: F A.C. LYRA Age: 18 9 Loos, Ena Gen: F A.C. LYRA Age: 18 Status :- Score Place 00:36.49 1st 00:40.29 2nd Official Signatures (1) ____________________________ (2) ______________________________ 29/05/2014 21:59 Atletiek Mol Athletics/Track and Field Results Sheets for Track Events AT 200 M Run Track Field Final Division: F2 Bib# Name 359 Gen: F 307 Gen: F 212 Gen: F Vande Keere, Lana RAVELIJN Age: 19 Gravez, Pascaline OKAPI SPORT Age: 23 Mercken, Kaatje HET ROER Age: 28 Status :- Score Place 00:38.97 1st 00:46.57 2nd 01:01.49 3rd Official Signatures (1) ____________________________ (2) ______________________________ 29/05/2014 21:59 Atletiek Mol Athletics/Track and Field Results Sheets for Track Events AT 200 M Run Track Field Final Division: F3 Bib# Name 191 Gen: F 288 Gen: F 505 Gen: F Verhaeghe, Stephanie HAVENZATE Age: 25 D'Hondt, Lizi SODAM Age: 27 De Muynck, Marleen TRIANGEL SPORT Age: 41 Status :- Score Place 00:40.53 1st 00:47.25 2nd 00:42.94 DQ-HE Official Signatures (1) ____________________________ (2) ______________________________ 29/05/2014 21:59 Atletiek Mol Athletics/Track and Field Results Sheets for Track Events AT 200 M Run Track Field Final Division: M1 Bib# Name 49 Scheers, Frederik AVZK Gen: M Age: 20 46 DOLFIJN, JEF AVZK Gen: M Age: 17 395 Pasteels, Paul ROBA Gen: M Age: 27 179 De Kempeneer, Loïc G-SPORT PAJOTTENLAND Gen: M Age: 20 299 Carette, Nicolas MOSPO Gen: M Age: 26 Status :- Score Place 00:33.02 1st 00:34.53 2nd 00:34.99 3rd 00:37.72 4th 00:41.57 5th Official Signatures (1) ____________________________ (2) ______________________________ 29/05/2014 21:59 Atletiek Mol Athletics/Track and Field Results Sheets for Track Events AT 200 M Run Track Field Final Division: M2 Bib# Name 51 Van Pelt, Juan AVZK Gen: M Age: 20 190 Hintjes, Kurt HAVENZATE Gen: M Age: 40 6 Jacobs, Kevin A.C. LYRA Gen: M Age: 21 84 Atnagulov, Konstantin DAGCENTRUM DENDERMONDE Gen: M Age: 26 63 Faymonville, Bernd B.S.C. LEISTUNGSZENTRUM DER D.G. Gen: M Age: 28 64 Freart, Philippe B.S.C. LEISTUNGSZENTRUM DER D.G. Gen: M Age: 35 Status :- Score Place 00:25.56 1st 00:29.00 2nd 00:29.34 3rd 00:29.71 4th 00:33.91 5th 00:35.44 6th Official Signatures (1) ____________________________ (2) ______________________________ 29/05/2014 21:59 Atletiek Mol Athletics/Track and Field Results Sheets for Track Events AT 200 M Run Track Field Final Division: M3 Bib# Name 52 VANDENWEYER, ROBIN AVZK Gen: M Age: 19 16 Van Eynde, Daan A.C. LYRA Gen: M Age: 30 86 Vermeire, Jelle DAGCENTRUM DENDERMONDE Gen: M Age: 26 15 Van Den Bulck, Bert A.C. LYRA Gen: M Age: 22 207 Brenders, Olivier HET ROER Gen: M Age: 37 349 DEHONDT, STIJN RAVELIJN Gen: M Age: 18 Status :- Score Place 00:30.53 1st 00:31.08 2nd 00:32.01 3rd 00:32.12 4th 00:39.40 5th 00:27.96 DQ-HE Official Signatures (1) ____________________________ (2) ______________________________ 29/05/2014 21:59 Atletiek Mol Athletics/Track and Field Results Sheets for Track Events AT 200 M Run Track Field Final Division: M4 Bib# Name 126 Sayoen, Joren DE HOGE KOUTER Gen: M Age: 16 214 Peeters, Stefan HET ROER Gen: M Age: 34 33 L'Host, Patrick ALVINNENBERG Gen: M Age: 43 306 Giuinta, Lenny OKAPI SPORT Gen: M Age: 26 308 Vilain, Jérôme OKAPI SPORT Gen: M Age: 28 Status :- Score Place 00:38.32 1st 00:41.09 2nd 00:45.29 3rd 00:45.52 4th 00:49.63 5th Official Signatures (1) ____________________________ (2) ______________________________ 29/05/2014 21:59 Atletiek Mol Athletics/Track and Field Results Sheets for Track Events AT 50 M Run Track Field Final Division: F1 Bib# Name 5 HERREMANS, JADZIA Gen: F A.C. LYRA Age: 11 105 Gen: F 102 Gen: F 429 Gen: F 422 FREBUTTE, LAETITIA DE BOEG Age: 15 De Vreese, Lynn DE BOEG Age: 22 Van Lyssebettens, Ellen SCHOOL@WATERKANT Age: 22 Ceylan, Lesly Gen: F SCHOOL@WATERKANT Age: 17 2 Chauvaux, Joke Gen: F A.C. LYRA Age: 20 Status :- Score Place 00:09.38 1st 00:10.30 2nd 00:10.68 3rd 00:12.39 4th 00:13.04 5th 00:13.31 6th Official Signatures (1) ____________________________ (2) ______________________________ 29/05/2014 21:59 Atletiek Mol Athletics/Track and Field Results Sheets for Track Events AT 50 M Run Track Field Final Division: F2 Bib# Name 116 VAN LONDERZELE, Ashly Gen: F DE BOEG Age: 14 8 Knight, Janne Gen: F A.C. LYRA Age: 15 127 Gen: F 168 Gen: F Vuylsteke, Riet DE HOGE KOUTER Age: 24 Claeyman, Barbara FUNAMBULES DE WAVRE Age: 38 Status :- Score Place 00:09.52 1st 00:09.75 2nd 00:11.37 3rd 00:12.34 4th Official Signatures (1) ____________________________ (2) ______________________________ 29/05/2014 21:59 Atletiek Mol Athletics/Track and Field Results Sheets for Track Events AT 50 M Run Track Field Final Division: F3 Bib# Name 530 Gen: F 506 Moerenhout, Sylvie VRAIES RICHESSES Age: 49 Decock, Sara Gen: F TRIANGEL SPORT Age: 31 61 Delges, Anja Gen: F B.S.C. LEISTUNGSZENTRUM DER D.G. Age: 31 511 Gen: F 415 Gen: F 428 Gen: F Wauters, Suzan TRIANGEL SPORT Age: 25 Vyncke, Suzy SABA Age: 34 UYTTENDAELE, CHARLOTTE SCHOOL@WATERKANT Age: 15 Status :- Score Place 00:12.81 1st 00:14.20 2nd 00:14.65 3rd 00:14.83 4th 00:16.97 5th 00:09.46 DQ-HE Official Signatures (1) ____________________________ (2) ______________________________ 29/05/2014 21:59 Atletiek Mol Athletics/Track and Field Results Sheets for Track Events AT 50 M Run Track Field Final Division: F4 Bib# Name 48 Peeters, Nadine Gen: F AVZK Age: 43 277 Gen: F 281 Gen: F 265 Gen: F 531 Gen: F 278 Gen: F Parra, Rakel LES PETUNIAS Age: 43 Van Melkebeke, Viviane LES PETUNIAS Age: 54 Dosin, Natacha LES AUBEPINES Age: 17 MUKONDE, Rose VRAIES RICHESSES Age: 37 Potvliege, Anne-Marie LES PETUNIAS Age: 48 Status :- Score Place 00:12.82 1st 00:15.45 2nd 00:15.54 3rd 00:15.74 4th 00:16.29 5th 00:17.22 6th Official Signatures (1) ____________________________ (2) ______________________________ 29/05/2014 21:59 Atletiek Mol Athletics/Track and Field Results Sheets for Track Events AT 50 M Run Track Field Final Division: F5 Bib# Name 274 Gen: F Draime, Chantal LES PETUNIAS Age: 53 Status :- Score 00:24.67 Official Signatures (1) ____________________________ (2) ______________________________ Place 1st 29/05/2014 21:59 Atletiek Mol Athletics/Track and Field Results Sheets for Track Events AT 50 M Run Track Field Final Division: M1 Bib# Name 11 MARIÊN, JAIMY A.C. LYRA Gen: M Age: 13 20 Verret, Joni A.C. LYRA Gen: M Age: 15 289 Daems, Pieter LOOISE A.V. Gen: M Age: 15 421 Bonthuys, Egon SCHOOL@WATERKANT Gen: M Age: 19 17 Verbruggen, Hannes A.C. LYRA Gen: M Age: 13 245 Francotte, Joachim LE COLOMBIER Gen: M Age: 23 Status :- Score Place 00:07.80 1st 00:07.83 2nd 00:08.28 3rd 00:08.37 4th 00:08.49 5th 00:08.97 6th Official Signatures (1) ____________________________ (2) ______________________________ 29/05/2014 21:59 Atletiek Mol Athletics/Track and Field Results Sheets for Track Events AT 50 M Run Track Field Final Division: M2 Bib# Name 423 De Praeter, Stef SCHOOL@WATERKANT Gen: M Age: 14 268 Paugin, Sébastien LES AUBEPINES Gen: M Age: 15 545 Coremans, Alec ONS HUIS Gen: M Age: 16 266 Heck, Joseph LES AUBEPINES Gen: M Age: 15 426 Schauwbroeck, Kevin SCHOOL@WATERKANT Gen: M Age: 20 427 Scheire, Thomas SCHOOL@WATERKANT Gen: M Age: 21 413 De Wulf, Jurgen SABA Gen: M Age: 34 425 Meuret, Michael SCHOOL@WATERKANT Gen: M Age: 18 Status :- Score Place 00:08.91 1st 00:09.13 2nd 00:09.24 3rd 00:09.47 4th 00:09.64 5th 00:09.95 6th 00:10.05 7th 00:10.51 8th Official Signatures (1) ____________________________ (2) ______________________________ 29/05/2014 21:59 Atletiek Mol Athletics/Track and Field Results Sheets for Track Events AT 50 M Run Track Field Final Division: M3 Bib# Name 74 Ritter, Hendrik B.S.C. LEISTUNGSZENTRUM DER D.G. Gen: M Age: 19 115 Van Lancker, Lorenz DE BOEG Gen: M Age: 23 437 Nica, Igor SCHOONDERHAGE Gen: M Age: 32 239 Vercaigne, Wesly KVG VRIJETIJDSWERKING Gen: M Age: 28 262 Bebronne, Thomas LES AUBEPINES Gen: M Age: 16 430 Wulteput, Lorenz SCHOOL@WATERKANT Gen: M Age: 23 436 Nevens, Dirk SCHOONDERHAGE Gen: M Age: 40 263 BILLARD, LOÏC LES AUBEPINES Gen: M Age: 10 Status :- Score Place 00:09.60 1st 00:10.57 2nd 00:10.78 3rd 00:10.86 4th 00:10.90 5th 00:11.02 6th 00:12.10 7th 00:12.24 8th Official Signatures (1) ____________________________ (2) ______________________________ 29/05/2014 21:59 Atletiek Mol Athletics/Track and Field Results Sheets for Track Events AT 50 M Run Track Field Final Division: M4 Bib# Name 267 Hottois, Jason LES AUBEPINES Gen: M Age: 16 264 DETILLOUX, Franck LES AUBEPINES Gen: M Age: 10 280 Talon, Daniel LES PETUNIAS Gen: M Age: 61 Status :- Score Place 00:10.73 1st 00:13.09 2nd 00:13.28 3rd Official Signatures (1) ____________________________ (2) ______________________________ 29/05/2014 21:59 Atletiek Mol Athletics/Track and Field Results Sheets for Track Events AT 50 M Run Track Field Final Division: M5 Bib# Name 276 Kasiers, Mikaël LES PETUNIAS Gen: M Age: 36 104 DEBLEECKERE, Jordy DE BOEG Gen: M Age: 13 71 Pint, Amine B.S.C. LEISTUNGSZENTRUM DER D.G. Gen: M Age: 34 Status :- Score Place 00:16.22 1st 00:09.13 DQ-HE 00:10.06 DQ-HE Official Signatures (1) ____________________________ (2) ______________________________ 29/05/2014 21:59 Atletiek Mol Athletics/Track and Field Results Sheets for Track Events AT 50 M Walk Track Field Final Division: F1 Bib# Name 495 Gen: F 206 Gen: F 216 Gen: F 208 Gen: F Van Hees, Micheline 'T VOSJE VZW Age: 50 Status :- Score 00:20.49 Bels, Sofie HET ROER Age: 27 Vanseer, Christel HET ROER Age: 41 Houben, Stephanie HET ROER Age: 29 Official Signatures (1) ____________________________ (2) ______________________________ Place 1st DQ DQ DQ 29/05/2014 21:59 Atletiek Mol Athletics/Track and Field Results Sheets for Track Events AT 50 M Walk Track Field Final Division: F2 Bib# Name 73 Rauw, Alicia Gen: F B.S.C. LEISTUNGSZENTRUM DER D.G. Age: 22 157 Gen: F 492 Kreusch, Isabelle FARRA DERBY Age: 54 Stevens, Marie Louise Gen: F 'T VOSJE VZW Age: 63 67 Lofgen, Jennifer Gen: F B.S.C. LEISTUNGSZENTRUM DER D.G. Age: 25 159 Gen: F Status :- Score Place 00:16.16 1st 00:16.84 2nd 00:18.62 3rd 00:22.81 4th Sorgeloos, Ludivine FARRA DERBY Age: 29 Official Signatures (1) ____________________________ (2) ______________________________ DQ 29/05/2014 21:59 Atletiek Mol Athletics/Track and Field Results Sheets for Track Events AT 50 M Walk Track Field Final Division: F3 Bib# Name 493 Gen: F 158 Terryn, Martine 'T VOSJE VZW Age: 52 Meganck, Sabrina Gen: F FARRA DERBY Age: 32 61 Delges, Anja Gen: F B.S.C. LEISTUNGSZENTRUM DER D.G. Age: 31 Status :- Score Place 00:20.54 1st 00:26.12 2nd 00:27.24 3rd Official Signatures (1) ____________________________ (2) ______________________________ 29/05/2014 21:59 Atletiek Mol Athletics/Track and Field Results Sheets for Track Events AT 50 M Walk Track Field Final Division: F4 Bib# Name 39 Vereerstraeten, Lydia Gen: F ALVINNENBERG Age: 61 251 Gen: F 467 Gen: F 223 BENTOT, FATIMA LE JARDIN DES FÉES Age: 42 Vanhaesbroek, Conny SPELIN WIJCHMAAL Age: 43 De Baets, Rosita Gen: F HUMIVAL Age: 44 38 Van Eecke, Karolien Gen: F ALVINNENBERG Age: 36 29 Debecker, Cindy Gen: F ALVINNENBERG Age: 31 Status :- Score Place 00:18.87 1st 00:19.67 2nd 00:19.95 3rd 00:20.81 4th 00:21.63 5th 00:17.33 DQ-HE Official Signatures (1) ____________________________ (2) ______________________________ 29/05/2014 21:59 Atletiek Mol Athletics/Track and Field Results Sheets for Track Events AT 50 M Walk Track Field Final Division: F5 Bib# Name 348 Gen: F 355 DE BAETS, Lore RAVELIJN Age: 20 VAN DE SOMPELE, Iris Gen: F RAVELIJN Age: 20 27 Cornelis, Kathleen Gen: F ALVINNENBERG Age: 33 358 Gen: F 336 Status :- Score 00:19.71 1st 00:22.55 2nd 00:26.04 3rd VAN WAETERMEULEN, Els RAVELIJN Age: 21 Picquer, Nancy Gen: F PRIMAVERA DAGCENTRUM Age: 47 26 Claes, Astrid Gen: F ALVINNENBERG Age: 49 Place Official Signatures (1) ____________________________ (2) ______________________________ DQ DQ DQ 29/05/2014 21:59 Atletiek Mol Athletics/Track and Field Results Sheets for Track Events AT 50 M Walk Track Field Final Division: F6 Bib# Name 254 Gen: F 253 Gen: F 357 Gen: F FAGARD, MARIE JOSEE LE JARDIN DES FÉES Age: 55 COLET, ALINE LE JARDIN DES FÉES Age: 37 VAN TIEGHEM, ELKE RAVELIJN Age: 22 Status :- Score Place 00:16.16 DQ-HE 00:15.55 DQ-HE 00:16.83 DQ-HE Official Signatures (1) ____________________________ (2) ______________________________ 29/05/2014 21:59 Atletiek Mol Athletics/Track and Field Results Sheets for Track Events AT 50 M Walk Track Field Final Division: M1 Bib# Name 188 Corveleyn, Benny HAVENZATE Gen: M Age: 51 74 Ritter, Hendrik B.S.C. LEISTUNGSZENTRUM DER D.G. Gen: M Age: 19 156 Status :- Score Place 00:16.18 1st 00:22.11 2nd Cruysbergh, Frederic FARRA DERBY Gen: M Age: 26 Official Signatures (1) ____________________________ (2) ______________________________ DQ 29/05/2014 21:59 Atletiek Mol Athletics/Track and Field Results Sheets for Track Events AT 50 M Walk Track Field Final Division: M2 Bib# Name 62 Fank, Christoph B.S.C. LEISTUNGSZENTRUM DER D.G. Gen: M Age: 20 327 Defruyt, Dirk ONS ERF Gen: M Age: 48 166 Braibant, André FUNAMBULES DE WAVRE Gen: M Age: 59 69 Peters, José B.S.C. LEISTUNGSZENTRUM DER D.G. Gen: M Age: 38 68 MELCHIOR, Andreas B.S.C. LEISTUNGSZENTRUM DER D.G. Gen: M Age: 14 328 Timmerman, Niels ONS ERF Gen: M Age: 23 335 Status :- Score Place 00:18.24 1st 00:20.28 2nd 00:20.72 3rd 00:23.55 4th 00:23.92 5th 00:26.01 6th Pauwels, Jan PRIMAVERA DAGCENTRUM Gen: M Age: 51 Official Signatures (1) ____________________________ (2) ______________________________ DQ 29/05/2014 21:59 Atletiek Mol Athletics/Track and Field Results Sheets for Track Events AT 50 M Walk Track Field Final Division: M3 Bib# Name 32 Huygelier, Pieter ALVINNENBERG Gen: M Age: 47 70 Peters, Roby B.S.C. LEISTUNGSZENTRUM DER D.G. Gen: M Age: 50 292 Verachtert, Johnny LOOISE A.V. Gen: M Age: 43 59 Status :- Score Place 00:17.69 1st 00:30.05 2nd 00:44.69 3rd Born, Mario B.S.C. LEISTUNGSZENTRUM DER D.G. Gen: M Age: 25 Official Signatures (1) ____________________________ (2) ______________________________ DQ 29/05/2014 21:59 Atletiek Mol Athletics/Track and Field Results Sheets for Track Events AT 50 M Walk Track Field Final Division: M4 Bib# Name 30 Status :- Score Haseldonckx, Guido DQ ALVINNENBERG Gen: M Age: 40 345 BRILLEMAN, Bram RAVELIJN Gen: M Age: 20 337 Van Geel, Marc PRIMAVERA DAGCENTRUM Gen: M Age: 42 Place 00:15.23 DQ-HE 00:16.96 DQ-HE Official Signatures (1) ____________________________ (2) ______________________________ 29/05/2014 21:59
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