4. pagina 1 van 1 1O.2.e IGZ Van: Verzonden: dinsdag 11 augustus 2009 14:59 Aan: _Dienstpostbus IGZ Zuidwest Onderwerp: Telnot 20090811 Philoderm.doc 8ijlagen: Telnot 20090811 Philoderm.doc Graag aan melding Ak’ast bedankt, 1O.2.e 11-08-2009 (Philoderm / Rofil) hangen. rqk AU( coq = STAATSTOEZICHT OP DE VOLKSGEZONDHEID Parnassusplein 5 2511 VX Den Haag Postbus 16119 2500 DC Den Haag (070) 340 79 1 1 (070) 340 WWWIgZfll Beekadm Ptd,m TeIlon nrm, INSPECTIE VOOR DE GEZONDHEIDSZORG Gegevens beller Naam 1O.2.e;I1O.2. Functie Object 1 Locatie Telefoonnummer Faxnummer E-mail adres Inhoud Datum en 11 augustus 2009 14:24 uur tijd Aangenomen door 1O.2.e Betreft Inhoud gesprek heeft in de jaren 1999 tot 2001 implantaten van Rofil (PIP) geplaatst.•vond al snel dat deze sneller leken te scheuren dan die van andere leveranciers. Na verloop van tijd kreeg een zekere naam onder patienten met problemen, en heeflook explantaties gedaan bij patienten die niet door hem waren geimplanteerd.zag ook gevallen van siliconomen in de oksel bij producten van Rofil. Dit zijn knobbels die ontstaan na lekkage van siliconen. Rofil is de enige waarbijdit probleem heeft gezien. Drie vier jaar geleden had veel explantaties van gescheurde implantaten, maar tegenwoordig is het rustiger. heeft een aantal keren gescheurde implantaten gezien, die als losse brokken in de borst lagen. Het bleek ook mogelijk om implantaten met de hand te scheuren, alsof de envellop heel sterk - • 0 achteruit was gegaan. kreeg het idee dat PIP te makkelijk de krachten tijdens implantatie de schuld gaf, en niet genoeg naar de eigen kwaliteit keek om het product te verbeteren.had ook het idee gekregen dat het faillissement van Rofil een manier was om dames met claims op grote afstand te zetten. 0 0 Een punt dat niets met Rofil te maken heeft, Buiten 0 Wob-verzoek Inspectie voor de gezondheidszorg Blad: Af handeling Afspraak / advies Te behandelen door Kopie naar Afgehandeld op Bewaren Vernietigen na Rofi) en 1O.2.g. 8. Sep, 2009 16:04 PhHoder Aesthecs S, V, 5. r, 6474 P. 1 Philoderm® Ae.trwtHzs B.V. THE BEAUTY PHILOSOPHY Inspectie voor cle Volksgezondheid 1O.2.e t.a.v. Inspecteur 1O.2.e Postbus 90700 2509 L$ Den Haag Breda, 7 september 2009 Inzake: RoN Medical Nederland/Philoderm Aesthetics 1O.2.e Geachte Naar aanleiding van uw schrijven van 9juli j.l. deel Ik u het volgen de mede. Philoderm Aesthetics heeft geen medische hulpmiddelen overge nomen van de ter zIele gegane ondernemingen Rofil Medical Nederland en Rofil Medical Interna tional. De mededelingen van de curator in deze zijn pertinent onjuisti Philoderm heeft een geheel nieuwe lijn injecteerbare rimpelvullers en mamma protheses ontwikkeld, waarvoor op dit moment de CE certificering in gang gezet Is. Deze hulpmiddelen worden nog niet in de Europese Gemeenschap afgezet. Verkoop vindt wel plaats in een groot aantal niet EU-landen, waarde registratie wel reeds tot stand gekomen is Ons bedrijf levert wel een ruim assortiment cosmetische produk ten, ook binnen de EU. Mededelingen van derden, als zou Philoderm Aesthetics bijvoo rbeeld op dit moment borstprotheses afzetten binnen de EU zijn pertinent onjuist! De nazorg van door Rofil geleverde medische hulpmiddelen : de curator zal wat dit betreft zijn verantwoordelijkheid moeten nemen Hij was het uiteindelijk ook, die in het hoger beroep, dat Rofil instelde tegen het door een oud-medewerker aangevraagde faillissement, voor een bedrag van 5.500 (1) euro, een negatief advies gaf aan het Gerechtshof. Philoderm Aesthetics kan juridisch niet handelen namens Rofil. Overigens verklaart Philoderm zich bereid een constructieve rol in de nazorg te spelen. 1-feusing 16 4817 ZB Breda o The Netherlands T ÷31(0) 76 5781311 oF +31 (0)76 5781312 E info@phlodermaesthezicscom www.phuoderrnaesthetics.c om KvK Breda 20062037 o\IAT NL 801 1.40894.a01 Philoderm Aesthetics BV is ISO 9001 and 13485 cerified 8. Sep, 29 16:4 PHloderr Aesthetcs 8, V, Nr. 6474 P. 2 Phlloderm® AsthtlcE. THE BEAUTY PHlLO5OPH’’ Intussen heb ik mogen vernemen, dat er tegen Phfloclerm Aesthetics en ondergetekende door derden, meer in het bijzonder door oud-werknemers, concurrerend e bedrijven en aan de kant geschoven natified bodies, een ware hetze bij cle Inspectie door de Volksgezondheid in gang is gezet, kennelijk met de bedoeling om Philoderm Aesthetlcs te gronde te richten, Zelfs inbraken bij het bedrijf en de vernieling van essentiele docum enten worden daarbij 1 ingezet Om nog maar niet te spreken van ernstlge bedreigingen aan het adres van ondergetekende. lnclianenverhalen over het in de markt zetten van geëxpireerde produk ten e.d. zijn te waanzinnig voor woorden! Ons bedrijf is nog onlangs geïnspecteerd door de Keuringsdienst van Waren inzake de handel in cosmetische produkten. Jarenlang is Rofil gecertificeerci door notified bodies als KEMA TUV, , DQS, LGA e.a. Er is altijd sprake geweest van een fatsoenlijk handelend bedrijf. Als directeur van Philod erm Aesthetlcs heb ik ook de Intentie een dergelijk beleid in te voeren bij het nieuwe bedrijf. Helaas lijkt dit niet rriogelljkl Een en ander heeft ons doen besluiten om Nederland als produktieen clistributieland te verlaten. Ook de certificering van de nieuw ontwikkelde produkten zal elders In de EU plaatsvinden. Philoderm Aesthetics zal daar niet langer verantwoordelijk voor zijn. Wij menen, dat ons het werken onmogelijk is en wordt gemaakt in Nederland. Met vri fflfiiîi 1O.2.e i.’-- ur BV. 33. aRd 1O.2.e ‘‘-:‘ ‘:- - 1O.2.e Inspectie Gezondheidszorg 2509 LS DEN HAAG Y — I -.- ..-... - : DATUM Bi.tpr 1 $817HXBREDA POSr-bus 4714 4803 ES BREDA - — —_ LO.2.e Wakdjil R-MAIL PoSr-ADREA ONDERWERP -+31 88 253 +3188 253 rCOT Postbus 90700 —,-. _L. Neoerraiid TBÎBIY- wkd.ni 6 mei 2010 failHssement Rofil Medical Nederland BV UW KENMERK ONS KENMERK 1O.2.e .1. Geachte Naar aanleiding van uw telefonisch ver-zoek treft u hierbij aan afschriften van de debiteurenfacturen van gefailleerde over 2008 en 2009. Voormelde facturen doe ik u toekomen omdat u te kennen heeft gegeven dat de Inspectie Gezond heidszorg hieruit hoopt te kunnen afleiden welke klinieken cq. medische instellingen van gefailleerde de borstprotheses van PIP hebben afgenomen. Deze borstprotheses blijken bij de dragers ervan namelijk gezondh te kunnen leveren door (met name) rupturen. 1O.2.e AKD BjIaen AKD s wn hand&snaam van ARD Prinsen Vn Wjmn nv, Drdenrekersno: i7.8ûOL677. Voor &aarnenp beperkne van de eansprakeNjkhed se achterzijde. voorwaarden en AKDa2145S21vi 46. Inspectie vcxr de Gezcndheidszorg C )‘ntoor1ftrecht DOP Nr Ingekomen ©üLMEDRO 08 JUL 2010 Medizinische Produkte —- R&Otie Roll Medro GmbH - Waaqenstrasse 32 • ft 0-102 9 Düssel Melding rI ci. Inspectie voor de Gezondheidszorg Postbus 2680 3500 GR Utrecht ROFIL MEDRO GmbH Waagenstrasse 32 0-40229 Dü” Telefon (02 11) Telefax(0211) E-maH: [email protected] Internet: htto :/,fwww.rofimed rode - Nederland 06.07.20 10 P.LP. BREAST-IMPLANTS Poly Implant Prothèse Registration No.: CE-Certificate 13.12.2007 Dear Sirs From September 2009 until 30.03.2010 we were distributor for above implants. Do you have some information in the meantime what kind of implants or which charges were concemed using the not certified gel. Looking forward to your soonest reply. Managing Director HRB Düsseldorf 29083 Geschflsführern: Irigeborg Bron Bankverbindungen; Stadtsparkasse Düsseldorf 4onlo-Nr. 67011 890, (BLZ 300 501 10) BAN-Nr. DE43 300501100067011890 Dresdner Bank Düsseldorf Konto-Nr. 0421520500 (BLZ 300 800 00) IBAN-Nr. DE 16300800000421 520500 BIC DUSS DE DD XX BIG DRES DE EF 3CC TUVRheinland APPROVAL EC Directive 93/42IEEC Annex II, Article 3 Full Quality Assurance System Medical Devices Manufacturer: Scope: Registration No.: HD 60020025 0001 Report No.: 28407066 001 Poly Implant Prothèses 337 avenue de Bruxelles 83507 La Seyne s/Mer Cedex France Design and development, manufacturing and distribution of breast implante Products: see attachnient Replaces Approval, Registration No.: HIJ 60007473 0001 Date of Expiry: 07.12.2012 The Notifled Body hereby authorizes the quallty company mentioned above. The requlrements of This approval Is subJect to perlodic surveillance, EC Directive, and can be used by the company management system established and applied by the Annex II, Artiole 3 of the directive have been met. defined by Annex Ii, Article B of the aforementioned with the manufacturer’s declaration of conformity. 7çs Cologne, ‘— 13.12.2007 ..NNotIfIed Body tüvFh&nId — TUV Rheinland Product Safety GmbH - 1O.2.e Am - rauen Stem - D-51 105 KöIn Accredited by Zentraistelle der Lnder für Sicherheitstechnik (ZLS) and Zentralstelle der I.nder fOr Oesundheîtsschutz bei Arzneimittein und Medizinprodukten (ZLG). Notifled under No. CE 0197 to the EC Commission. The CE marking may be used if all relevant and effective EC Directives are complied with. (( W02l 20(0 TUVRheinland TÜV Rheinland Product Safety GmbH Doc. 1/1, Rev. 0 Am Grauen Stem, D-51105 KöIn Attachment to Registration No.: Report No.: HD 60020025 0001 28407066 001 Manufacturer: PoJy Implant Prothèses 337 avenue de Bruxelles 83507 La Seyne s/Mer Cedex France Scope: Produets: Pre-fi].led breast implant6: Smooth saline pre-filled breast implants: IMPHY-LS Micro-Textured saline pre-filled breast implants: IMPHY-MX Smooth high cohesivity gel pre-filled breast implants: IMGHC-LS Micro-Textured high cohesivity gel pre-filled breast implants: IMGHC-MX Textured high cohesivity gel pre-filled breast implants: IMGHC-TX - - - - - Accessories: Smooth infiatable Sizer: GABGF-LS Smc,oth high cohesivity gel pre-filled Sizer: GABGL-LS Smooth Hernicylindrical Expanders: EXPHC-LS Smooth Hemispheral Expanders: EXPHS-LS Smooth Reconstruction Expanders: EXPRE-LS - - - - - Cologne, 13.12.2007 W2O ‘cJ 49. Van: Aan: Onderwerp: Datum: Bijlagen: Dienstoostbus IGZ Loket Utrecht “inforoiImc1rode” Our reference Managing Director vrijdag 16 juli 2010 16:25:00 imaae0p2.ioci -jdl — Your reference M-IMPLANTS, letter froii 1O.2.e Dear We hereby acknowledge receipt of the letter, dated 06-07-2010, concerning your question about the M-IMPLANTS. Your letter, registered under reference number inspector responsible, Yours faithfully, Head of the IGZ Information Office Health Care Inspectorate IGZ Information Office P.O. Box 2680 1 3500 BR 1 Utrecht 1 The Netherlands T +31 (0)8________ F +31 (0)88 Email loketroznl Internet wwwiQz.nl will be forwarded to the 1O.2.e 66. Health Care Inspectorate Ministry ofHealth, Welfare and Sport > Postal address P0 Box 90460 2509 LL The Hague The Netherlands TÜV Rheinland Product Safety GmbH Am Grauen Stem D—51105 Köln DEUTSCHLAND Pharniaceutical Affairs And Medlcal Technology WiIh. van Pruisenweg 52 The HagUc 2509 LL The Hague The Netherlands T +3170 F +31 70 www.lgz.ni Xnformatlon with 1O.2.e The Hague, September 16, 2010 Subject ofil-M-1mplants 1O.2.e iqz.ni T +31 70 Dear Madam/Sir, Enciosure(s) On 30 March 2010 the French corn petent authority for medical devices, Afssaps, informed the Dutch Health Care Inspectorate about a recail for breast implants, manufactured by Poly Implants Prothesis (PIP). Since then we learned that the Dutch comparlies Rofil Medical International N.V. and Rofil Medical Nederland B.V. (Rofil) have been the manufacturer of breast implants of the brand M-Implants. These implants were produced by PIP and they were identical to the implants that have been recalled. Both Rofil companies have gone into bankruptcy, in August 2008 and February 2009 respectively. This makes t impossible for us to obtain relevant documents. Your reference Your letter However, we also found out that TÜV Rheinland has probably been the notified body for these devices. 1f this is the case, 1 would like you to send me the following information: 1. All documents concerning the certification of devices manufactured by Rofil and PIP; 2. All documents concerning vigilance for products manufactured by Rofil and PIP; 3. All certificates related to any device manufactured by Rofil and PIP; 4. Any other information you may find relevant for us with regard to this recail. Would you be so kind to send this information to: RIVM Section Medical Technology (PBSO) P0 Box 1 3720 BA Bilthoven THE NETHERLANDS 1 would be pleased to receive your information before 4 October 2010. 1O.2.e Page 1 of 1 69. pagina 1 van 3 1O.2.e Van: 1O.2.e IGZ Verzonden: woensdag 22 september 2010 14:32 Aan: _Dienstpostbus IGZ Zuidwest Onderwerp: FW: Antwort: RE: Rofil Urgentie: Hoog Bij Ja ge n + PIP RMN Auditreport 2008.pdf; RMN Incident Status Overview,pdf; RMN Cancellation.pdf; RMN Quality Manual Excerpt 1_3.pdf; RMN Quality Manual Excerpt 2_3.pdf; RMN Quality Manual Excerpt 33.pdf; RMN Annex Jl3.pdf: RMN Annex I.4pdf graag aan melding Recail PIP hangen. 1O.2.e 1O.2.e Graag ook meteen kopie maken voor mij 1O.2.e Van: Verzi Aanij [ ‘de.tuvcom] 1O.2.e 2010 14:12 [mailtol - T cc:r )zlg.nrw.c. Onderwerp: Antwort: RE: Rofil + Dear r’ ‘7 1O.2.e 1O.2.e as agreed yesterday, please find attached the following information: Auditreport with sorne information on vigilance handling procedure: Certificats of RMN and cancellation letters: Quality Manual of Rofil/RMI/RMN inciuding vigilance procedures: To schedule a meeting in Cologne this week, wifl be quite difficult, since t will be in Nuremberg tomorrow. Just to let you know, the former responsible auditor for RMN will be in holidays until October 12, 2010. In my opinion it makes more sense, when he participates, but the documents are stil! available, Maybe we should talk again on the phone to fix a date. Wth best regards 1O.2.e General Manager MedicailBusiness Division Products Branchenleiterin Medical/Geschëftsbereich Produkte ione +49 Cellular +49 (C, 22-09-2010 1O.2.e pagina 2 an 3 Fax ÷49 (0 : . TÜV Rheinland LGA Products GmbH TUV Rheinland Group Am Grauen Stem 51105 Köln-PolI www.tuv.com/safety Geschft iof Management 1 Nürnberg HRB 26013 Bel Fragen erreichen Sie unser Team vom Kunden-Service-Center unter 0800 5 888 770 oder [email protected] In case of questions you will reach our team from customer service center +49 0)911 655 5225 [email protected] Bitte denken Sie sri die Umwe1, bevor Se diese Nacnr:cht drucken. Before ou print, piesse theik about the env:ronment 9Z 1> 10 2 e An Kopie Thema RE: Rofil 22.09.2010 08:26 Dear de tuv corn> PIP 10.2.e Thank you for your quick response and the cooperation you offer. We are trying to arrange a meeting in Köln this week. 1 will keep you informed about that. Best Regards, 10.2.e Inspector Dutch Healthcare Inspectorate Ministry of Health, Weifare and Sports Wilhelmina van Pruisenweg 52 1 2595 AN 1 Den Haag P0. Box 90700 1 2509 LS 1 Den Haag T +31 70 1 1 Room 5-004 10.2.e p!Lww.ignI e.tuv.comj 10.2.e uzlg.nrw.de Dear 10.2.e 10.2.e it was nice talking to you today. As agreed, we will send you relevant vigilance information of Rofil by tomorrow. And then we will decide how to continue. 22-09-2010 pagina 3 van 3 Have a nice evening O.2.e (general Mnager Medical/Business Division Products Branchenlejterin Medical/Geschftsbereich Produkte TÜV Rheinland LGA Products GmbH TUV Rheinland Group Am Grauen Stem 51105 Köln-Poll wwwtuv.com/safety of Management [ 1O.2.e Nürnberg HRB 26013 Bel Fragen erreichen Sie unser Team vom Kunden-Service-Center unter 0800 5 888 770 oder n case of questions you will reach our team from customer service center +49 0)911 655 5225 [email protected] or [email protected] Bitte denken Sie en die Umvieft, hevor Se diese Uschricht drucken, Before you print, piesse thirk about the covironment, Dit bericht an informatie bevatten de niet voor ii is bestemd. udien u niet de seadresseerde bent of dit bericht abusievelijk aan u is toesezonden. wordt u verzocht dat aan de afzender te melden en het bericht te verwijderen. De Staat aanvaardt geen aansprakelijkheid voor schade, van welke aard ook, die verband houdt niet risico’s verbonden aan het elektronisch verzenden van berichten. This message may contain information that is not intended for you. t you are not the addressee or ii this massage was sent to you by mistake, you ere requested to inform the sendar and delete the massage. The State accepta no Iiabfty for damage of any kind resulting from the rsks inherent in the elactronic transniission of messages. 22-09-2010 70.3 TÜVRheinIand® Business Stream Products QQCertification Body TÜV Rheinland Product Safety GmbH Genau. Richtig. D-51 101 Cologne 1O.2.e Rofil Medical Nederland B.V. (Philodem Aesthetics B.V.) Heusing 16 4817 ZB Breda The Nederlands 303-vi-ger Fax +492 21.8 06-1601 Mail trps-certification @de.tuv.com customer service center for products phone +49 221 806 1400 Cologne, 16.06.2009 HD 60022415 0001, SX 60022416 0001, SY 60022417 0001 Dear 1O.2.e We had received your information, that the certified company Rofil Medical Nederland B.V. does no longer exist. Therefore the approval HD 60022415 0001, and the certificates SX 60022416 0001, SY 60022417 0001 are no longer valid. Please consider the following effects: E E c t t It is not allowed any longer to label any newly produced device with the CE mark, combined with the Notified Body number (0197) of TÜV Rheinland Product Safety GmbH (TRPS). It is not allowed any longer to place devices with the CE mark, combined with the Notified Body number (0197) of TÜV Rheinland Product Safety GmbH (TRPS), on the European market. t, t t Additionally it is no longer allowed to make reference to the above mentioned certificates, e.g. for marketing purposes or in contractual agreements. 0 t > In case of any questions do not hesitate to contact us. TOV Rheinlard Product Safety GmbH 0, z 0) w Sincerely, Am Grauen Stem 0-51105 Köln Certification Body Tel. Fax Mail Web t 0, 1O.2.e +491803112112 +491803000169 [email protected] www.tuv.comisafety Board of Management Dipl.-Ing. t > D Dipl.-Wirtsch.-lng. 0 > D 1- S S cologne HRB 25960 VAT Registration:DE8I 1835490 DECLARATION To: TÜV Rheinland Product Safety GmbH Medical Device Services Am Grauen Stem 51105 Cologne Germany We hereby declare that: 1) Certificates: HD 60022415 (11.3, breast implant approval) and SY 600022417 (EN ISO 9001:2000) and ID 60017891 (breast implant, 11.4) which expire in March 2009 shali not be renewed. 2) No more orders to production under the above — listed certificates will be issued. 3) It is the interitfon of Philoderm Aesthetics BV to distribute the M product currently in stock. — lmplants ‘ Name of signatory: Title: Presfr’ Signature: Stanjpof 1O.2.e .. . Pcierm Philoderm Aesthetics B.V. Heusing 16 48I7ZB Breda Phone nr. +31(0)76.5781311 Fax nr. +31(0)76.5781312 www.phIlodemiaeslheDcs.com [email protected] KvK 20062037 4. 14. Jaii, 2Ü9 15:13 r. 5462 Roil iedca1 ned, bv P. 1 Rofil Modical Noderand BN. Heusing l6oo 4BI7ZB Brcda’Thc Ncthcrlands T+31 (0)76 5315670 ‘F+31 (0)76 5315660 £ infû5rofi1.eonoo 1 www.yofil.com - 03.07.03 t%S.j Message by Telefax Company For the attention of ax number Number of pages Subject Date Reference Dear TÜV Rheinland Product Safaty GmbH 1O.2.e ; +49—221—lJ6 1601 1 Change of name 15 January 2008 09733 TLIt1 ‘- 1O.2.e Hereby 1 would like to inform you that the name of the company Rofil Medical Nederland BV has been changed into “Philoderm Aesthetics BV”. . ff.. CL12 Please see attached the copy of the registration by the Chamber of Commerce Osi .O.O3 The company remains at the same address and keeps the same quality system. Therefore we apply for new certificates with the chan9ed company name. Also the one for Canada. As you can understand, this is urgent for us n order to proceed with the re labeling of the products. Could you please advice as to when we can expect the new certificates? — Regarding the dates you suggested for the coming up audit 1 would like to confirm that we agree with 21 & 22 of April (CM DR). Best regards, : 1O.2.e RA Manager 1f this transmission has not been correctly received, please inform us immediately. Tel.; +31 (0)76 531 56 10 Fax; +31 (0)76 531 56 60 k2( Van: IGZ Aan: Onderwerp: Datum: Bijlagen: 160 10.2.e Io(IflrmapsthptIcscom Conceptverslagen dinsdag 5 oktober 2010 16:01:00 2OlO268El44 M23516 Concept bezoekvelsiaci 23-09-2010pdt 2010-268852 M23516 Concept bezoekverslee 23-09-2010.pdf Geachte , 10.2.e Hierbij ontvangt u de conceptverslagen van ons inspectiebezoek van 23 september 2010 per mail. Deze verslagen zijn u ook per normale post verstuurd. Ik wil u verzoeken er zorg voor te dragen dat deze verslagen ook ontvangt. 10.2.e Hoogachtend, 10.2.e Inspecteur Inspectie van de Gezondheidszorg Ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport Wilhelmina van Pruisenweg 52 1 2595 AN 1 Den Haag Postbus 90700 1 2509 L5 1 Den Haag T+3170304 F +31 70 304 M +31 ( 1 1 S’IVI 02 1 Kamer 5-004 102e znl fl1 Voor een gerechtvaardigd vertrouwen in verantwoorde zorg 168 1O.2.e Van: ÎE,w.rp: Datum: Bijlagnn: 1 G Z+ RIVIVI Ron documents part 1 d:nsdag S ukebnr 2510 17:55.40 uz.umuutu.dL [suu:n:tqr.c7f crtcurnrntcdf Duunirtrudt u:nntcdf couurrrr.wff Dcv: moor. Docu000tvdf Deur ,dear : 10.2.e Pleane bed uttuched the requented documents. We hane uparated documents iets 2 emuils. (t hope you haue been able prepere your email account!). eest reqerds, Flediuinprudekte/Medicul Devicen 10.2. e de.tuu.com Phone+49 Pae +49 10.2.e TÜV Rhreinlarsd LGA Pmducts Gmbll TUV Rheieland Gmup Are Grauen Stem 29 D-91109 Kdle-PoII www.tw.com/safaty Geuchbbehihrung/Board of Managemeet Nürnberg HRB 26013 Bel Fragen erreichen 91e enner Team som Keeden-Service-Ceeter unter 0990 S 999 770 oder [email protected] In cate of queutioen you will reach our team from customer service ceeter +49 (0)911 695 5225 or [email protected] Bitte denken 91e en die Umwelt benor Sie d:eue Nachricht drucken. Before you print, pleane think about the eneironmeet. Weitergeleitet von /PS/D6/TU6V am 09.19.20t0 17:26 TUV R.heinland DIA Prodectu GmbH 09.10.2010 19:03 An [email protected]> 10.2.e Kopie Thema Zertiflkute (See attached 91e: Document.pdO Weitergeleitet non PS/D6/TUEV am 09.00.2010 17:25 09. 00.20 10 19:04 c@detuvcomv As 10.2.e Kopie Thema Print order (See attached tOe: Document.pd) Weitergeleitet von /PS/DE/TUEV am 05.10.2010 17:25 - - 1 O.2.e TUV Rheiriland LGA Productu GmbH @de.tuv.corn> 05.10.2010 15:05 An 1O.2.e @de.tuv.com> Kopie Thema Revisiorisotand (See attached file: Document.pdfl Weitergeleitet von /PS/DEJTUEV am 05.10.2010 17:25 “TUV Rheinland LGA Products GmbH Wde.tuv.com> 1O.2.e 05.10.2010 An 15:08 @de.tuv.con,> 1O.2.e Kopie Thema Product Deocription (See attached file: Document.pdt) Weitergeleitet von /PS/DE/TUEV am 05.10.2010 17:25 “TUV RIjeinland LGA Products GmbH @de.tuv.com> 1O.2.e 1O.2.e 05.10.2010 An 15:08 @de.tuv.com> Kopie Thema Application (Sea attached file: Document.pdfl Weitergeleitet von IPSIDEITUEV am 05.10.2010 17:25 1O.2.e TUV Rheinland LGA Products GmbH” @de.tuv.corn> 05.10.2010 15:09 As 1O.2.e @de.tuv.com> Kopie Thema Application History (See attache file: Document.pd Weitergeleitet von IPS/DE/TUEV am 05.10.2010 17:25 1O.2.e TUV Rheinland LGA Products GmbH @de.tuv.com> 05. 10. 2010 15:10 An 1O.2.e @de.tuv.com> Kopie Thema report Design Dossier codate (Sea attached file: Document.pdf) Weitergeleitet von /PS/DE)TUEV am 05.10.2010 17:25 TUV Rheinland LGA Products GmbH Cfide.tuv.com> 15:12 05. 10.2010 An 1O.2.e @de.tuv.com> Kopie Thema risk management (See attached file: Document.pdfl Weitergeleitet von /PS/DE/TUEV am 05.10.2010 17:25 TUV Rireinland LGA Products GmbH” — 05.10.2010 15:12 @de.tuv.com> An 1O.2.e Kopie Thema DSM CONTRACT (See attache file: Document.p&) Weitergeleitet von /PS/DE/TUEV am 05.10.2010 17:25 ‘TUV Rheinland LGA Producto GmbH @de.tuv.com> 05. 10.20 10 15:14 @de.tuv.com> An 1O.2.e Kopie Thema DD Report 26. 5.2004 (Sea attache file: Document.pdt) - Zweitschrift (Copy) - 168.1 EC Design Examination Certificate EC Directive 93142/EEC Annex II, Article 4 Medical Devices Registration No.: ID 60008171 0001 Report No.: 21112263 002 Manufacturer: Manufacturing Facility: Rofil Medical International N.V. Heusing 16 4817 ZB Breda Netherlands Rofil Medical International N.V. Heusing 16 4817 ZB Breda Netherlands Product: Medical Device Mammary lmplants Identification: Smooth, micro—textured and textured high cohesivity gel pre-filled breast implants Products: see attachment Inh. = 452431 / Deb. = 452431 / Fert. = 452431 The EC design examination certificate refers to the above rnentioned product. It certifies that the design documentation of the product complies with Annex II, Article 4 of the directive. The manufacturer is subject to EC surveillance in accordance with Annex II, Article 5 of the directive. The manufacturer is entitled to use this certificate with the manufacturer’s declaration of conformity. Date of Expiry: Notified Body 14.03.2009 1O.2.e Cologne, 22.06.2004 TÜV Rheinland Product Safety GmbH - Am Grauen Stem D-51 105 KöIn - Accredited by Zentralstelle der Lander für Sicherheitstechnik (ZLS) and Zentralstelle der Lânder fOr Gesundheitsschutz bei Arzneimitteln und Medizinprodukten (ZLG). Notified under No. C€ :-‘—--“ 01 97 to the EC Commission. The CE marking may be used 1f all relevant and effective EC Directives are complied with. 1 . . . . . .. . ... . . ,...-. t CE - Zweitschrift / copy TÜV - Doc. 1/12, Rev. 0 TÜV Rheinland Product Safety GmbH Am Grauen Stem, D-51105 KöIn Attachment to Regîstration No.: Report No.: ID 60008171 0001 21112263 002 Man ufacturer Rofil Medical International N.V. Heusing 16 4817 ZB Breda Nethe rian ds Scope: Mammary Implants IMGHC-LS-S : Smooth surface standard profile high cohesivity gel pre-filled breast implant CODE SURFACE PROFILE IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC SMOOTH SMOOTH SMOOTH SMOOTH SMOOTH SMOOTH SMOOTH SMOOTH SMOOTH SMOOTH SMOOTH SMOQTH SMOOTH SMQOTI-f SMOOTH SMOOTH SMOOTH SMDOTH SMOOTH SMOOTH SMOOTH SMO0TH STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD - VOLUME DIAMETER PROJECTION (cc) (mm) (mm) 85 105 125 145 165 185 205 225 245 265 285 305 325 345 365 415 455 505 555 605 655 705 87 92 97 102 106 108 110 114 117 124 126 128 130 132 136 141 145 150 156 160 166 172 18 20 21 23 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Cologne, 2004-06-21 1O7.St i 4 -f - •it f - Zweitschrift / copy - TÜV Doc. 2/12, Rev. 0 TÜV Rheinland Product Safety GmbH Am Grauen Stem, D-51105 KöIn Attachment to Registration No.: Report No.: ID 60008171 0001 21112263 002 Man ufactu rer Rofil Medical International N.V. Heusing 16 4817 ZB Breda Netherlands Scope: Mammary Implants IMGHC-LS-H : Smooth surface High profile High cohesivfty gel pre-filled breast implants CODE SURFACE PROFILE IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC SMOOTH SMOOTH SMOOTH SMOOTH SMOOTH SMOOTH SMOOTH SMOOTH SMOOTH SMOOTH SMOOTH SMOOTH SMOOTH SMOOTH SMOOTH SMOOTH SMOOTH SMOOTH SMOOTH SMOOTH HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH HiGH HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH VOLUME DIAMETER PROJECTION (cc) (mm) (mm) 90 130 150 170 190 210 230 250 270 290 310 330 350 390 430 470 510 570 620 680 80 84 90 94 98 102 105 109 112 115 118 121 126 128 135 142 146 151 157 160 29 32 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 Cologne, 2004-06-21 1WtO7 - Zweitschrift / copy - TÜV Doc. 3/12, Rev. 0 TÜV Rheinland Product Safety GmbH Am Grauen Stem, D-51105 KöIn Attachment to Registration No.: Report No.: ID 60008171 0001 21112263 002 Manufacturer Rofil Medical International N.V. Heusing 16 4817 ZB Breda Netherlands Scope: Mammary Implants IMGHC-LS-UH : Smooth surface UItra-Hgh profile High cohe&vity gel pre-fifled breast implants CODE SURFACE PROFILE IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC SMOOTH SMOOTH SMOOTH SMOOTH SMOOTH SMOOTH SMOOTH SMOOTH ULTRA-HIGH ULTRA-HIGH ULTRA-HIGH ULTRA-HIGH ULTRA-HIGH ULTRA-HIGH ULTRA-HIGH ULTRA-HIGH Cologne, 2004-06-21 VOLUME DIAMETER PROJECTION (cc) 245 265 295 335 365 405 425 495 (mm) 101 104 107 112 116 120 123 128 (mm) 50 51 53 54 56 58 60 62 1O.2.e 1WO 7.95k — t ‘4 14 - - - - - Zweitschrift / copy --: - tz TÜV Doc. 4/12, Rev. 0 TÜV Rhein land Product Safety GmbH Am Grauen Stem, 0-51105 Köln Attachmentto Registration No.: Report No.: ID 60008171 0001 21112263 002 Man ufactu rer Rofil Medical International N.V. Heusing 16 4817 ZB Breda Netherlands Scope: Mammary lmplants MGHC-MX-S: Micro-Textured surface Standard profile High cohesMty ge! pre-fihled breast implants CODE SURFACE PROFILE VOLUME (cc) DIAMETER (mm) PROJECTION (mm) IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC MGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC MICROTEXTURED MICROTEXTURED MICROTEXTURED MICROTEXTURED MICROTEXTURED MICROTEXTURED MCR0TEXTURED MICROTEXTURED MICROTEXTURED MICROTEXTURED MICROTEXTURED MICROTEXTURED MICROTEXTURED MICROTEXTURED MICROTEXTURED MICROTEXTURED MICROTEXTURED MICROTEXTURED MICROTEXTURED MICROTEXTURED MICROTEXTURED MICROTEXTURED STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD 85 105 125 145 165 185 205 225 245 265 285 305 325 345 365 415 455 505 555 605 655 705 87 92 97 102 106 108 110 114 117 124 126 128 130 132 136 141 145 150 156 160 166 172 18 20 21 23 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Cologne, 2004-06-21 -—--—.. ---— - — 1 .-.---..- 1a7s - Zweitschrft / COPY - TÜV Doc. 5/12, Rev. 0 TÜV Rheinland Product Safety GmbH Am Grauen Stem, 0-51105 KöIn Attachment to Registration No.: Report No.: ID 60008171 0001 21112263 002 Manufacturer Rofil Medical International N.V. Heusing 16 4817 ZB Breda Netherlands Scope: Mammary lmplants IMGHC-MX-H : Micro-Textured surface High profile High cohesivity gel pre-fihled breast implants CODE SURFACE PROFILE VOLUME (cc) IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC MICROTEXTURED MICROTEXTURED MICROTEXTURED MICROTEXTURED MICROTEXTURED MICROTEXTURED MICROTEXTURED MICROTEXTURED MICROTEXTURED MICROTEXTURED MICROTEXTURED MICROTEXTURED MICROTEXTURED MICROTEXTURED MICROTEXTURED MICROTEXTURED MICROTEXTURED MICROTEXTURED MICROTEXTURED MICROTEXTURED HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH 90 130 150 170 190 210 230 250 270 290 310 330 350 390 430 470 510 570 620 680 DIAMETER PROJECTION (mm) (mm) 80 84 90 94 98 102 105 109 112 115 118 121 126 128 135 142 146 151 157 160 29 32 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 Cologne, 2004-06-21 1Q,ttJ 7. •;1:-• - Zweitschrift / copy - TÜV Doc. 6/12, Rev. 0 TÜV Rheinland Product Safety GmbH Am Grauen Stem, 0-51105 KöIn Attachment to Registration No.: Report No.: ID 60008171 0001 21112263 002 Manufacturer Rofil Medical International N.V. Heusing 16 4817 ZB Breda Netherlands Scope: Mammary Implants IMGHC-MX-UH: Micro-Textured surface Ultra-High profile High cohesivity gel pre-filled breast implants CODE SURFACE PROFILE IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC MICROTEXTURED MICROTEXTURED MICROTEXTURED MICROTEXTURED MICROTEXTURED MICROTEXTURED MICROTEXTURED MICROTEXTURED ULTRA-HIGH ULTRA-HIGH ULTRA-HIGH ULTRA-HIGH ULTRA-HIGH ULTRA-HIGH ULTRA-HIGH ULTRA-HIGH VOLUME DIAMETER PROJECTION (cc) (mm) (mm) 245 265 295 335 365 405 425 495 101 104 107 112 116 120 123 128 50 51 53 54 56 58 60 62 Cologne, 2004-06-21 10/020 7.95 9 - Zweitschrift / copy - TÜV Doc. 7/12, Rev. 0 TÜV Rheinland Product Safety GmbH Am Grauen Stem, 0-51105 KöIn Attachment to Registration No.: Report No.: 10 60008171 0001 21112263 002 Man ufacturer Rofil Medical International NV. Heusing 16 4817 ZB Breda Netherlands Scope: Mammary Implants MGHC-TX-S : Textured surface Standard profile High cohesivity gel pre-filled breast implants CODE SURFACE PROFILE IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC TEXTURED TEXTURED TEXTURED TEXTURED TEXTURED TEXTURED TEXTURED TEXTURED TEXTURED TEXTURED TEXTURED TEXTURED TEXTURED TEXTURED TEXTURED TEXTURED TEXTURED TEXTURED TEXTURED TEXTURED TEXTURED TEXTURED STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD — VOLUME (cc) 85 105 125 145 165 185 205 225 245 265 285 305 325 345 365 415 455 505 555 605 655 705 DIAMETER (mm) 87 92 97 102 106 108 110 114 117 124 126 128 130 132 136 141 145 150 156 160 166 172 PROJECTION (mm) 18 20 21 23 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Cologne, 2004-06-21 - F — - — -. - Zweitschrift / COPY - TÜV Doc. 8/12, Rev. 0 TÜV Rheinland Product Safety GmbH Am Grauen Stem, D-51105 KöIn Attachment to Registration No.: Report No.: ID 60008171 0001 21112263 002 Manufacturer Rofil Medical International N.V. Heusing 16 4817 ZB Breda Netherlands Scope: Mammary Implants IMGHC-TX-H : Textured surface High profile High cohesivity gel pre-fihled breast implants CODE IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC SURFACE PROFILE VOLUME (cc) TEXTURED TEXTURED TEXTURED TEXTURED TEXTURED TEXTURED TEXTURED TEXTURED TEXTURED TEXTURED TEXTURED TEXTURED TEXTURED TEXTURED TEXTURED TEXTURED TEXTURED TEXTURED TEXTURED TEXTURED HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH 90 130 150 170 190 210 230 250 270 290 310 330 350 390 430 470 510 570 620 680 Cologne, 2004-06-21 :4:; DIAMETER (mm) 80 84 90 94 98 102 105 109 112 115 118 121 126 128 135 142 146 151 157 160 PROJECTION (mm) 29 32 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 - . - Zweitschrift / copy - TÜV Doc. 9/12, Rev. 0 TÜV Rheinland Product Safety GmbH Am Grauen Stem, D-51105 KöIn Attachment to Registration No.: Report No.: ID 60008171 0001 21112263 002 Manufacturer Rofil Medical International N.V. Heusing 16 4817 ZB Breda Netherlands Scope: Mammary Implants IMGHC-TX-UH Textured surface ultra-High profile High cohesivity gel pre-filled breast implants CODE SURFACE PROFILE IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC TEXTURED TEXTURED TEXTURED TEXTURED TEXTURED TEXTURED TEXTURED TEXTURED ULTRA-HIGH ULTRA-HIGH ULTRA-HIGH ULTRA-HIGH ULTRA-HIGH ULTRA-HIGH ULTRA-HIGH ULTRA-HIGH Cologne, 2004-06-21 VOLUME DIAMETER PROJECTION (cc) (mm) (mm) 245 265 295 335 365 405 425 495 101 104 107 112 116 120 123 128 50 51 53 54 56 58 60 62 -- - i -. Zweitschrift / copy - TÜV Doc. 10/12, Rev. 0 TÜV Rheinland Product Safety GmbH Am Grauen Stem, D-51105 KöIn Attachment to Registration No.: ReportNo.: ID 60008171 0001 21112263 002 Man ufactu rer Rofil Medical International N.V. Heusing 16 4817 ZB Breda Netherlands Scope: Mammary lmplants IMGHC-TX-R: Textured surface Reconstruction proffie High cohesivity gel pre-filled breast implants CODE SURFACE PROFILE IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC TEXTURED TEXTURED TEXTURED TEXTURED TEXTURED TEXTURED TEXTURED RECONSTRUCTION RECONSTRUCTION RECONSTRUCTION RECONSTRUCTION RECONSTRUCTION RECONSTRUCTION RECONSTRUCTION WIDTH HEIGHT (cc) (mm) (mm) 180 220 260 330 420 500 600 111 113 120 127 132 143 154 96 98 98 111 118 124 137 1O.2.e Cologne, 2004-06-21 t VOLUME r -‘ T i, — PROJECTION MAXI (mm) 39 41 44 48 53 57 60 - Zweitschrift / copy - TÜV Doc. 11/12, Rev. 0 TÜV Rheinlancl Product Safety GmbH Am Grauen Stem, D-51105 KöIn Attachment to Registration No.: ReportNo.: ID 60008171 0001 21112263 002 Manufacturer Rofil Medical International NV. Heusing 16 4817 ZB Breda Netherlands Scope: Mammary lmplants IMGHC-TX-AL: Textured surface Asymmetrical profile High cohesivity gel pre-filled breast implants CODE SURFACE IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHÖ IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC PROFILE TEXTURED ASYMMETRICAL TEXTURED ASYMMETRICAL TEXTURED ASYMMETRICAL TEXTURED ASYMMETRICAL TEXTURED ASYMMETRICAL TEXTURED ASYMMETRICAL TEXTURED ASYMMETRICAL TEXTURED ASYMMETRICAL TEXTURED ASYMMETRICAL TEXTURED ASYMMETRICAL Cologne, 2004-06-21 VOLUME 200 230 245 260 280 300 330 370 400 450 — Left side WIDTH(mm) HEIGHT(mm) PROJECTION (mm) 86 89 93 98 102 107 110 115 119 124 109 114 119 125 130 135 138 143 148 153 36 39 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 1O.2.e - - — $ Zweitschrift / copy - TÜV Dcc. 12/12, Rev. 0 TÜV Rheinland Product Safety GmbH Am Grauen Stem, 0-51105 KöIn Attachment to Registration No.: Report No.: ID 60008171 0001 21112263 002 Manufacturer Rofil Medical International N.V. Heusing 16 4817ZB Breda Netherlands Scope: Mammary lmplants IMGHC-TX-AR : Textured surface Asymmetrical profile High cohesivity gel pre-fihleci breast implants side CODE SURFACE IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC IMGHC TEXTURED TEXTURED TEXTURED TEXTURED TEXTURED TEXTURED TEXTURED TEXTURED TEXTURED TEXTURED PROFILE ASYMMETRICAL ASYMMETRICAL ASYMMETRICAL ASYMMETRICAL ASYMMETRICAL ASYMMETRICAL ASYMMETRICAL ASYMMETRICAL ASYMMETRICAL ASYMMETRICAL Cologne, 2004-06-21 VOLUME 200 230 245 260 280 300 330 370 400 450 — Right WIDTH(mm) HEIGHT(mm) PROJECTION (mm) 109 114 119 125 130 135 138 143 148 153 1O.2.e 86 89 93 98 102 107 110 115 119 124 36 39 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 168.5 Application for EC conformity assessment procedure (product-related evaluation) TUV TÜV Rheinland Group Application for EC Conformity Assessment Procedure at the Notified Body for medical device of the TÜV Rheinland Product Safety GmbH based on the Medical Devices Directive 93/42/EEC Annex II, section 4 D Annex III, section 2 based on the Directive for Active Implantable Medical Devices 90/385/EEC D Annex 2, section 4 Rofil Medical Nederland BV. Manufacturer: (Name and Address) Heusing 16 4817 ZB Breda The Netherlands EC-Authorized Representative: (Name and Address) Appilcation conformity assessment product-GB.doc Rev. 3; 2006-01-01 page 1 of 2 Application for EC conformity assessment procedure (product-related evaluation) TUV TÜV Rheinland Group The appllcant declares, - - - - - - the design description of the product is attached to this application; that no application has been lodged with any other notified body for the same product(s) described in the attachment(s) “Product description-GB.doc”; to keep the design documentation including documents provided by the TÜV Rheinland Product Safety GmbH for a period of the life-span of the medical device, but at leest for five years after the last product has been manufactured; that all devices in scope must meet the essential requirements set Out in Annex 1 of the directive 93/42/EEC resp. 90/3851EEC; to inform the TÜV Rheinland Product Safety GmbH of any changes to the approved design or the approved product. to notify the competent authorities and the certification body of the TÜV Rheinland Product Safety GmbH of the following incidents irnmediately on learning of them: i) any malfunction or deterioration in the characteristics and/or performance of a device, as well as any inadequacy in the instructions for use which might lead to or might have led to the death of a patient or user or to a serious deterioration in his state of health; ii) any technical or medical reason connected with the characteristics or performance of a device leading for the reasons referred to in paragraph i) to systematic recali of devices of the same type by the manufacturer. Manufacturers which do not have a registered place of business in a Member State, additionally declare, - - - to designate a authorized representative who is established in the Community; to inform the TÜV Rheinland Product Safety GmbH in case of changing the authorized representative; that the representative must make the design documentation/technical documentation, including the declaration of conformity, available for inspection purposes for a period of the life-span of the medical device, but at least for five years after the last product has been manufactured. 1O.2.e POFIL RofH Medical Nederland BV. Heusing 16 ci 4817 Z13 Breda c Th T+31 (0)76 5315673 F+31 (0)7 Place, Date ( Co , — ly oindng signature Attachment(-s): Product Description(-s) Application conformity assessment product-GB.doc Rev. 3; 2006-01-01 page 2 of 2 168.6 : Appilcation for EG conformity assessment procedure (product-related evaluatiori) [ TIJV rûv Rheinland Group Application for EG Gonformity Assessment Procedure at the Notified Body for medical device of the TÜV Rheînland Product Safety GmbH based on the Medcal Devices Directive 93/42/EEG Annex II, section 4 EJ Annex III, section 2 based on the Directive for Active Implantable Medical Devices 901385/EEG Annex 2,section4 Manufacturer: (Name and Address) Rofil Medical International NV Smederijstraat 2 the Netherlai EC-Authorzed Representative: (Name and Address) Application conformity assessment product-GBdoc /% Rcv, 3; 2006-01-01 page lof 2 Appllcation for EC conformity assessment procedure (product-related evaluation) TUV TOv flheinland Group The appilcant declares, * - - - - - the design description of tha product is attached to this application; that no application has been lociged with any other notified body for the same product(s) described in the attachment(s) ‘Product description-GBdoc”; to keep the design documentation inciuding documents provided by the TÜV Rheinland Product Safety GmbH for a period of the life-span of the medical device, but at least for five years after the last product has been manufactured; that all devices in scope must meet the essential requirements set Out fl Annex l of the directive 93!42JEEC resp. 90/385/EEC; to inform the TÜV Rheintand Product Safety GmbH of any changes to the approved design or the approved product. to notify the competent authorities and the certification body of the TÜV Rheinland Product Safety GmbH of the following incidents immediately on learning of them: i) any malfunction or deterioration in the characteristics and/or performance of a device, as well as any inadequacy in the instructions for use whîch might leed to or might have led to the death of a patient or user or to a serious deterioration in his state of health; Ii) ariy technical or medical reason connected with the characteristics or performance of a device leading for the reasons referred to in paragraph i) to systematic recall of devices of the same type by the manufacturer. Manufacturers which do not have a registered place of business in a Member State, additionally declare - - - to designate a authorized representative who is established in the Community; to infomi the TÜV Rheinland Product Safety GmbF-1 in case of changing the authorized representative; that the representative must make the design documentation/technical documentation, including the declaration of conformity, available for inspection purposes for a period of the life-span of the medical device, but at least for five years after the tast product has been manufactured. 1O.2.e edg, Place, Date ô7-Jo.%/ö- Attachment(-s): Product Description(-s) Application confomiity assessmiriïduct-GB.doc Rev. 3; 2006-01-01 page 2 of 2 Rol ii Medkal International NV. 168.8 4817 ZB Breda Heusing 16 The Netherlands T +31 (0)76 5315670 “ F +31 (0)76 5315660 E [email protected] 1 vww.rofil,com Medical Devices TÜV Rheinland Product Safety Attn: 1O.2.e 1O.2.e Am Grauen Stem 51105 Cologne Germany Breda, 21/09/04 Ref.: 04.488.TLJtI Subject: Deviation topic 19 Dear 1O.2.e 1 am attaching again a copy of the risk analysis. 1 am under the impression you did not get my letter of 10/6 (ref. 04.451 .TLftl) which 1 also sent by fax. Because, if 1 do understand your questions correctly, the answers are in the risk management report. The Risk Level (R) is obtained by 0 x S as explamned in page 3/15. Thelimit for measures is given in the table atthe end of the document. The table reflects the company policy of risk acceptability which is explained in page 15/15. As you know the EN-ISO 14975 doos not impose a criteria but requires the manufacturer to set up one. The dark area of the table (no) is the “Intolerable Region”. This means that when the risks are plotted on the table and fail in that area, risk control measures are required. The numbers in the table is the order number of the each risk which is the same as on the tables. Thus the value of the risk is not the only criteria to start risk control measures. The position on the table is. For example, if an hazard is found in high frequency (03) and the consequences are marginal (S2) the R=6 and control measures are required. That is not the case when the hazard is found in 10w frequency (02) and it is critical (S3). The R is stili 6 but doos not require risk control measures. THE BEAUTY PHILOSOPHY 1 hope it is all dear now. Otherwse, please let me know. Best regards, Rc 1O.2.e Regulatory Affairs Manager THE BEAUTY PHTLOSOPHY Rofil Medical International N.V. 168.10 The Netherlands Heusing 16 “ 4817 ZB Breda F +31 (0)76 5315660 T +31 (0)76 5315670 8 [email protected] “ 1 www.rofil.com Medical Devices TÜV Rheinland Product Safety IO.2.e Attn: Am Grauen Stem 51105 Cologne Germany 1O.2.e Breda, 10/06/04 Ref.: 04.451 .TL/tl Subject: Report No.: 21112263_OOl Dear 1fl do understand correctly, the points 1 need to answer before June 21 are two: 1. Point 19: Apparently you did not receive all the pages of the Risk Analysis because we have explained all the risks in it. Also the answer to the risk control is to be found in the Risk Management Report under point 4.1 and the Risk table. 1 did realize that the background in the table was not printed and that is essential for the understanding of the table. 1 am sending you again the whole report by fax and postage. 2. Point 22: Two months ago 1 sent the OEM contract to PIP to be signed but 1 did not receive it back yet. 1 sent again an urgent fax demanding the signed contract. Points 6 is related with the Saline-filled implants and 1 cannot yet answer it. 1 understood from your writing that our certificates have been already released for signing and they will be signed before the above-mentioned points have been solved. Do 1 understand it correctly? We did not get them yet. 10.2.e Regulatory Affairs Manager THE BEAUTY PHILOSOPHY Design Dossier Deviation Report t 4 TI]V Rhe)nland Product Safety GmbH TÜV Untemehmensgruppe Tt)V RkielnlandiBeilln-Brandenburg Report No.: 21112263_OOl Product name: M- lmplants Type(s)/Model(s): See product list in the PDF Product group: Mammary lmplants Legal manufacturer: Rofil Medical International N.V. Heusing 16 4817 ZB Breda the Netherlands yes OEM-Product: no Manufacturing facility: Poly Implants Protheses 337, Avenue de Bruxelles 83514 La Seyne SIM Cedex Sterilization facility: Information available in the file of: Poly lmplants Protheses 337, Avenue de Bruxelles 83514 La Seyne SIM Cedex Design Dossier file: M-lmplants Date: 9.04.2004 9.04.2004 (individual revision of documents status printed on each Revision: document) DepartmentlGroup: Regulatory Affairs Author: 1O.2.e Date Design Dossier checklist-GB.doc Name Reviewer 1 Rev.2; 2002-08-05 Signature Reviewer 1 page 1 of 5 Design Dossier Deviation Report TüVRhoinland Product Safety GmbH TÜV Untemehmensgruppe 10v Rh&nlandlBerlln-Brandenburg Report No.: 21112263_OOl Date Date Date Date of TUV Review: of Rofil Response: of TUV 2. Review: of Rofil Response: Date of TUV 3. Review: 16. 23. 05. 12. 24. 26. April 2004 April 2004 (received at TUV 29. April 2004) May 2004 May 2004 via email (info that draft certificate is o.k.!!) May 2004 (responses to TUV 2. Review) May 2004 Please find in the following our preliminary numbered findings to the provided design dossier documents: Responses to each deviation can be inciuded into this document. Required documents shali be provided. Not numbered findings are remarks er hints for improvement or clarification. The marked deviations “t” in the 2. TUV Review are accepted for certification but revised and missing documents need to be provided until 21. June 2004. Time schedule need to be kept. General 3. A concordance matrix inciuding the certified PIP devices (naming see certificate) and naming/renaming of the private label manufacturer RMI should be provided. Rofil response: see Rofil response dated 23. April 2004 TUV 2. review: open, In our understanding Rofil uses identical codes as PIP for their products. Please send in corrected PDF. Rofil response: see Rofil response dated 12. May and 24. May TUV 3. review: closed, yes, the response is accepted. 5. A design dossier (DD) name and/or identification number is missing. Additionally for traceability a revision number of the DD should be inciuded. Documents shali be revision controlled. Rofil response: see Rofil response dated 23. April 2004 TUV 2. review: open, referenced revision file with revision status of all documents shail be provided. Please provide “date of production” (version number) of the DD. Rofil response: see Rofil response dated 12. May and 24. May TUV 3. review: closed, but could be improved Design Dossier checklist-GB.doc Rev.2; 2002-08-05 page 2 of 5 Design Dossier Deviation Report TCJV Rheinland Product Safety GmbH TÜV Untemehmensgruppe . T1JV RhInIndIBedin8randenburg Report No.: 21112263_OOl Product Description Form (PDF) 6. Saline implants from PIP are not certifled yet and therefore not covered by the MDD 931421EEC, Annex 11.4 certificate. The ‘Product Descnption Form” (PDF) need to be revised accordingly (saline implants should be excluded). Rofil response: see Rofil response dated 23. April 2004 * TUV 2. review: response accepted for the certification of the silicone filled implants. But for the saline implants we will need a separate PDF, since there will be two separate certificates. 7 c - • 1 7. Referenced attachment in the PDF for the chapters “intended use”, ‘product descnption” and “all standards applied” is missing. Rofil response: see Rofil response dated 23. April 2004 TUV 2. review: open, the PDF is a stand alone document and overview e.g. for the certifier and for the audit of a competent authority. Therefore all applicable and relevant information need to be included into the PDF or, directly attached to the PDF (maximum few sheets). Just a reference in the PDF to the attachments of the technical documentation is not sufficient. Rofil response: see Rofil response dated 24. May 2004 TUV 3. review: closed, but could be improved Actual revision of the PDF should be used in the future (current revision of the PDF form sheet is Rev. 4). 8. A legend of the abbreviations e.g. IMGHCLSII should be included. Rofil response: see Rofil response dated 23. April 2004 TUV 2. review: open, Please send in revised PDF with correct codes. Rofil response: see Rofil response dated 24. May 2004 TUV 3. review: closed Printing Order Design Dossier checklist-GB.doc Rev.2; 2002-08-05 page 3 of 5 Design Dossier Deviation Report TÜVRheinland Product Safety GmbH TÜV Untemetiniensnippe PJV RhefnId!Bertin-8rmid.nburg Report No.: 21112263_OOl Instruction for use 10. Because documents are partly not readable a readable IFU (overlapping copy of the gel pre filled IFU has been provided) and labels shail be provided. Rofil response: see Rofil response dated 23. April 2004 TUV 2. review: open, indeed we got the hard copy, but an overlapping copy (fIrst page) of the gel pre-filled IFU has been provided. First column is half covered and therefore not readable. We need to compare your instruction for use with the one from PIP. Rofil response: see Rofil response dated 24. May 2004 TUV 3. review: closed 11. IFUs shall be revision controlled documents. Rofil response: see Rofil response dated 23. April 2004 *TUV 2. review: response accepted for the certification of the silicone filled implants, but please confirm the revision status Labels: 080216 and/or 3. April 2003? Rofil response: see Rofil response dated 24. May 2004 TUV 3. review: closed Labels 12. Saline filled breast implants are not part of this certification procedure. Please provide examples for the labels of the pre-filled silicone implants. Rofil response: see Rofil response dated 23. April 2004 TUV 2. review: open, at least a draft of the pouch pre-filled silicone implant label shall be included into the DD. RoflI response: see Rofil response dated 24. May 2004 TUV 3. review: closed Essential requirements Design Dossier checklist-GB.doc Rev.2; 2002-08-05 page 4 of 5 Design Dossier TÜV Rhelnland Product SafetyGmbH Deviation Report TÜV UntemeImensgruppe 10V RheinlandlBertin-Brandenburg Report No.: 21112263_OOl Risk Analysis 19. Table “The Risk Chart” (referenced in p. 14/14) is missing therefore the risk classification (risk 1 -x?) is not comprehensible. Rofil response: see Rofil response dated 23. April 2004 *TUV 2. review: response accepted for the certification of the silicone filled implants, but explanation of the risk range 1-15 is missing. What is the limit for measures? 4/./ ‘Y (/‘- OEM-Contract 22. Clause 7 should additionally inciude: RMI has to be informed about any design changes of the device and the impact on the device certification. RMI has to inform the notified body about any essential design changes. Rofil response: see Rofil resporise dated 23. April 2004 *TUV 2. review: response accepted for the certification of the silicone filled ïmplants, but revised and signed OEM contract need to be provided to TUV. Remark: The sentence “RMI has to inform the notified body about any essential design changes”, was a general clarification and was not intended to be added into the OEM. €. Zt, ‘. • For your information please find attached the “Answers and resolutions of EK-Med” # 920/03 for “Certification of OEM devices” clause 5 “contents of agreement” (file attached to the email). The OEM contract should be checked. End of 3. review Design Dossier checklist-GB.doc Rev.2; 2002-08-05 page 5 of 5 1O.2.e Dear please find attached the 3. deviation report for the M-lmplants. To speed up the process we decided to accept, that some corrections may be delivered after time schedule until 21. June 04). certification (marked with “t”, For the certification process the documentation deemed to be sufficient. The release documents will be forwarded to the certification department for the certification process. Best regards 1O.2.e 3. Deviation Report Silicone Breast lmplants Additionally please find attached the Info for the contents OEM-contracts EK-Med OEM3.9 A5 enqlisch. 1O.2.e TUV Rheinland Product Safety GmbH Am Grauen Stem, 51105 KÖln-PoIl http://www.tuv.com/safety Tel.: +49 (0)221 Fax: +49 (0)221 Mailto: @de.tuv.com Bel Fragen erreichen Sie unser Team vom Kunden-Service-Center unter 01803 112 112 oder [email protected] In case of questions you will reach our team from customer service center +49 1803 112 112 [email protected] 169 — 10.2.e Onderwerp: WO: ROFIL documents part 2 Datum: dinsdag 5 oktober 2010 17:55:17 Bijlagen: tOLIoLatoLE Dun:: one n roOf Dnuumnet not Duuun:nnl cdr Document nut Dun :::nnnl.uurf art Dear ,desr 10 2 e here is part 2! Freundliche GrUSe/Sest regards, frledizinprodukte/Medical Devices 1 0.2.e @de.tsv.com Phone +49 (0 Fas +49 (0 TÜV Rheisland LGA Products Gmb[l TIJV Rhe!s!asd Group Am Grauen Stem 29 D-51105 Kö!n-Po!! WWW.tus.com/safety GeschbftsführungJsoard of Management Nürnberg HR8 26013 8e! Fragen erre!chen Sie unser Team som Kunden-Service-Center inter 08005 888 770 oder [email protected] In casa of geestions you Will reach our team from customer service ceeter +49 (0)911 650 5225 or [email protected] Bitte denken Sie ae d!e Umwe!t, banor Sie diese Nachricht drucken. Safore you print, please thiek about the enuironment. o “TUV Rimeinland LGA Products GmbH” @de.tuv.com> 05.10.2010 15:16 10.2.e An @de.tuu.comv Kopie Thema DD report 05.05.2004 (See attached file: Document.pdf) Weitergeleitet von /PS/DF/TUEV am 05.10.2010 17:25 1 0.2.e “TUV Rheinland LGA Products GmbH 05.10.2010 15:17 n 10.2.e m8mde.tuv.com> Kopie Thema Statement An (Sea attached file: Docomest.pdfl Weitergeleitet von /PS/DE/TUEV am 05.10.2010 17:25 - - TUV Rheinland LGA Producto GmbH chide.tuv.com> 05.10.2010 15:18 As 1O.2.e @de,tuv.comv Kopie Thema Risk Management (Sea attached file: Docsment.pdt) Weitergeleitet von /PS/DF/TUEV am 05.10.2010 17:25 TUV Rheisland LGA Producto GmbH’ ittde.tuv.csmv 1O.2.e 05.10.2010 15:10 As 1O.2.e @de.tsv.com> Kopie Thema report Design Dossier (Sea attached file: Document.pdf) Weitergeleitet von /PS/DE/TUEV am 05.10.2010 17:25 1O.2.e c TUV Rheinland LGA Prsducts GmbH” @de.tuv,comv 05. 10.20 10 10:20 An @de.tuv.comv Kopie Thema Auftrag (Sea attached file: Document,pdfi) Weitergeleitet von /PS/DEITUEV am 05.10.2010 17:25 TUV Rheinland LGA Products GmbH @de.tuv.com> 10 2 e 05.10.2010 15:21 1O.2.e @de.tuv.com> An Kopie Thema Revision Hiotory (Sea attacired file: Document.pdt) Weitergeleitet von /PSJDE)TUEV am 05.10.2010 17:25 TUV Rheînland LGA Producto GmbH <@de.tuv.com> 10.2.e 05. 10.2010 15:22 An 1O.2.e @de.tuv.com> Kopie Thema Product information (Sea aftached file: Document.pdf) 169.1 Rofil Medical International N.V. Heudng 16 ‘ 4817 ZO Breda “ The Netherlands T -31 (0)76 5315670 F +31 (0)76 5315660 1 ww.rofiIcom E [email protected] .- Medical Devices TÜV Rheinland Product Safety Attn: Am Grauen Stem 1O.2.e 51105 Cologne Germany 1O.2.e Breda, 24/05/04 Ref.: 04.441 .TLJtl Subject: Report No.: 211 12263_OOl Dear 1O.2.e Below you will find my reply to the points marked in red on the report with the above number, 2. review. 1 hope 1 have now understood well what you require. 3. 1 have sent the PDF form on May 12 by fax, with the codes of all models filled in and their translation. Is it now accepted? 5. The revision status of each document sent to the TÜV are the following; Essential Requirements: 280404 Risk Analysis: 240404 Label: 030403 Instruction for Use: 020201 PIP Certificates: 250304 M-lmplants Statement: 230404 Draft EC Declaration of Conformity: 230404 Labels: 240504 - - - - - - - - 7. 1 am sending you again the PDF form, this time with the “intended use” and the “product description” filled in. 1 am sending also the signed list of standards as annex, following the instructions of the form. 8. The legend of the abbreviations was sent in the PDF form on May 12. They are again included in the attached PDF form. 10. 1 am sending you an original of the instructions for use. 11. The revision status of the label is indeed 030403. THE BEAUTY PHILOSOPHY 12. 0fl the pouch of the silicone there are 4 labels applied: 1- the identification label which you already have; 2- Three patient record labels which 1 am sending you now; 3- The bar code label which 1 am sending you. These are all the labels used. All the labels are applied on the pouch. The outer box has a window. Through that window the identification label can be seen. Of course the outer box has also some text which mostly is repeated on the labels 1 am sending you. 1 had expected that the certificates would already be here but that is not the case yet. Or did 1 misunderstood your E-mail and the red points had to be solved in order for the certificates be sent? Best regards, :. urT111... ‘ternational NV 1 O.2.e Regulatory Affairs Manager THE BEAUTY PHILOSOPHY Design Dossier TüVRheinIand ProductSafetyGmbH Deviation Report TÜV Unfemelitnenzgruppo 113V Rh&nlandîBerln-Brandenburg Report No.: 21112263001 Product name: Mammary lmplants Type(s)/Model(s): IMGHCLS-S: silicone, smooth, high profile IMGHCTX: silicone, textured, standard or high profile [IMPHYTX: sahne, textured, standard or high profile (to be clarified)] IMREGTX: natural shape, textured IMGHCTX-AL: anatomical left, textured IMG HTCX-AR: anatomical right, textured Info missing: volume: xx to xx cc (depending on profile) Product group: Mammary Implants Legal manufacturer: Rofil Medical International N.V. Heusing 16 4817 ZB Breda the Netherlarids OEM-Product: yes Lino Manufacturing facility: Poly Implants Protheses 337, Avenue de Bruxelles 83514 La Seyne S/M Cedex Sterilization facility: Information available in the file of: Poly Implants Protheses 337, Avenue de Bruxelles 83514 La Seyne S/M Cedex Design Dossier file: M-lmplants Date: 9.04.2004 (first submission)? Revision: Info missing DepartmentlGroup: Regulatory Affairs 1O.2.e Author: 1O.2.e Date Design Dossier checklist-GB.doc Name Reviewer 1 Rev.2; 2002-08-05 Signature Reviewer 1 page 1 of 6 Design Dossier Deviation Report TüVRheinland Product Safety GmbH TÜV Untemehmensgruppe TÛV RheinIand!BerIin-Brndenburg Report No.: 21112263_Ool Date of TUV Review: Date of Rofil Response: Date of TUV 2. Review: 16. April 2004 23. April 2004 (received at TUV 29. April 2004) 05. May 2004 Please find in the following our preliminary numbered findings to the provided design dossier documents: Responses to each deviation can be inciuded into this document. Required documents shali be provided. Not numbered findings are remarks or hints for improvement or clarification. The marked deviations “t” in the 2. TUV Review are accepted for certification but revised and missing documents need to be provided until 21. June 2004 General 1. A device history including a brief device description (e.g. smooth, micro, normal textured, sizes, volumes, shelf life, packaging ...) and a statement whether anything has been changed from the original certified devices should be included. Rofil response: see Rofil response dated 23. April 2004 TUV 2. review: closed 2. A process flow chart or description should be provided illustrating the tasks and procedures of RMI (e.g. if applicable packaging, labeling, shipment) including a reference to the relevant procedures. Rofil response: see Rofil response dated 23. April 2004 TUV 2. review: closed, but could be improved A concordance matnx including the certified PIP devices (naming see certificate) and naming/renaming of the private label manufacturer RMI should be provided. Rofil response: see Rofil response dated 23. April 2004 TUV 2. review: open, In our understanding Rofil uses identical codes as PIP for their products. Please send in corrected PDF. 4. A draft of the “Declaration of Conformity” is missing. Rofil response: see Rofil response dated 23. April 2004 TUV 2. review: closed A design dossier (DD) name and/or identification number is missing. Additionally for traceability a revision number of the DD should be inciuded. Documents shali be revision controlled. Rofil response: see Rofil response dated 23. April 2004 TUV 2. review: open, reterenced revision file with revision status of alJ documents shali be provided. Please provide “date of production” (version number) of the DD. Design Dossier checklist-GB.doc Rev.2; 2002-08-05 page 2 of 6 Design Dossier Deviation Report TüVRheinland Product Saf,ty GmbH TÜV Untemehmensgruppe 10V RtieinIancdBedin-Brndenburg Report No.: 21112263_Dol • To improve review process and better traceability the design dossier should be structured into sections. • Take into account that the saline filled breast implants of PIP are not certified yet, therefore they are not subject of this certification procedure. Product Description Form (PDF) 6. Saline implants from PIP are not certified yet and therefore not covered by the MDD 93/42/EEG, Annex 11.4 certificate. The “Product Description Form” (PDF) rieed to be revised accordingly (saline implants should be excluded). Rofil response: see Rofil response dated 23. April 2004 * TUV 2. review: response accepted for the certification of the silicone filled implants. But for the saline implants we will need a separate PDF, since there will be two separate certificates. Referenced attachment in the PDF for the chapters “intended use”, “product description” and “all standards applied” is missing. Rofil response: see Rofil response dated 23. April 2004 TUV 2. review: open, the PDF is a stand alone document and overview e.g. for the certifier and for the audit of a competent authority. Therefore all applicable and relevant information need to be included into the PDF or, directly attached to the PDF (maximum few sheets). Just a reference in the PDF to the attachments of the technical documentation is not sufficient. A legend of the abbreviations e.g. IMGHCLSII should be inciuded. Rofil response: see Rofil response dated 23. April 2004 TUV 2. review: open, Please send in revised PDF with correct codes. Printing Order 9. Printing order should include all variants of devices or a reference to the concordance matrix. Rofil response: see Rofil response dated 23. April 2004 TUV 2. review: closed, in our understanding Rofil uses identical codes as PIP for their products. • Take into account that the saline filled breast implants of PIP are not certified yet, therefore they are not subject of this certification procedure. Design Dossier checklist-GB.doc Rev.2; 2002-08-05 page 3 of 6 Design Dossier Deviation Report TÜVRheinland Product Safely GmbH . TÜV Untemetlmen3gruppo TÜV Rheinland!Be,lin-Biandenburg Report No.: 21112263_OOl Instruction for use jBecause documents are partly not readable a readable IFU (overlapping copy of the gel pre filled IFU has been provided) and labels shail be provided. Rofil response: see Rofil response dated 23. April 2004 TUV 2. review: open, indeed we got the hard copy, but an overlapping copy (first page) of the gel pre-filled IFU has been provided. First column is half covered and therefore not readable. We need to compare your instruction for use with the one from PIP. 11. IFUs shall be revision controlled documents. Rofil response: see Rofil response dated 23. April 2004 *TUV 2. review: response accepted for the certification of the silicone filled implants, but please confirm the revision status Labels: 080216 andlor 3. April 2003? • Saline filled breast implants of PIP are not certified yet, therefore the IFU for saline implants will not be subject of the certification procedure yet. Labels Saline filled breast implants are not part of this certification procedure. Please provide examples for the labels of the pre-filled silicone implants. Rofil response: see Rofil response dated 23. April 2004 TUV 2. review: open, at least a draft of the pouch pre-filled silicorie implant label shali be included into the DD. 13. CE-mark on the label (080216, dated 3.04.2003) and IFU need to be inciuded taking the following form according the Annex XII of the MDD 93/42/EEC. Rofil response: see Rofil response dated 23. April 2004 TUV 2. review: closed 14. International standards (lSO 9001, EN 46001 expired!) need to be excluded from the labels (080216, dated 3.04.2003). Only the CE-mark shall to be printed on labels and IFU. Rofil response: see Rofil response dated 23. April 2004 TUV 2. review: closed, but could be improved. In general quality standards should not be printed on product packaging. 15. Labels shall be revision controlled documents. Rofil response: see Rofil response dated 23. April 2004 TUV 2. review: closed see deviation 11. Design Dossier checklist-GB.doc Rev.2; 2002-08-05 page 4 of 6 Design Dossier Deviation Report TüVRheInIand PmductSafetyGmbH TÜV Unt,mehmensgruppe TOV RhelnlandlBertin-Brand.nburg Report No.: 21112263_OOl Essential requirements 16. It should be clearly distinguished which clauses of the essential requirements are in the responsibility of the OEM manufacturer PIP e.g. biocompatibility (data located in the design dossier by PIP) and which clauses are in the responsibility of the private label manufacturer RMI e.g. Instruction for use, labels. Rofil response: see Rofil response dated 23. April 2004 TUV 2. review: closed, but could be improved 17. Where a numbered ER clause is divided into individual paragraphs (e.g. 13.3 a), b), ...; 13.6 a), b), ...) the individual paragraphs need to be checked off (Yes/No/not applicable) or at east if paragraphs are not applicable, this has to be marked of (e.g. 13.6 o) seems to be not applicable). Rofil response: see Rofil response dated 23. April 2004 TUV 2. review: closed, but could be improved Risk Analysis 18. Conclusive statement about risks and benefits of the device in question is missing (see EN ISO 14971 clause 7 and 8). Rofil response: see Rofil response dated 23. April 2004 TUV 2. review: closed 19. Table “The Risk Chart” (referenced in p. 14/14) is missing therefore the risk classification (risk 1-x?) is not comprehensible. Rofil response: see Rofil response dated 23. April 2004 *TUV 2. review: response accepted for the certification of the silicone filled implants, but explanation of the risk range 1-15 is missing. What is the limit for measures? 20. There are two possibilities of performing a risk analysis: a) RMI submit a full risk analysis referring to each applicable clause of the EN ISO 14971. 1f RMI would like to perform a full risk analysis than e.g. risk estimation according clause C.2. “Toxicological risks” and EN ISO 14971 “D.2” are missing in the provided document. or: b) RMI submit a reduced risk analysis and refers to the risk analysis of the OEM manufacturer. RMI should define risks associated to the responsibilities and processes of RMI (e.g. labeling, instruction for use, storage, shipment, ...). Rotil response: see Rofil response dated 23. April 2004 TUV 2. review: closed, but could be improved. Design Dossier checklist-GB.doc Rev.2; 2002-08-05 page 5 of 6 Design Dossier Deviation Report t. TÜV Rheinbnd Pmduct Safety GmbH TÜV Untemehmensuppe TOV RheInIandIBertIn-Brandenburg Report No.: 21112263_OOl 21. A risk analysis shail inciude the following steps: a) The risks need to be specified and estimated. b) Actions/procedures/appiled standardslcontrols etc. shali demonstrate how the individual risk should/could be reduced. c) A new estimation of the reduced risk. Steps b) and c) are missing in the risk analysis. Rofil response: see Rofil response dated 23 April 2004 TUV 2. review: closed, but could be improved OEM-Contract 22. Clause 7 should additionally include: RMI has to be informed about any design changes of the device and the impact on the device certification. RMI has to inform the notified body about any essential design changes. Rofil response: see Rofil response dated 23. April 2004 *TUV 2. review: response accepted for the certification of the silicone filled implants, but revised and signed OEM contract need to be provided to TUV. Remark: The seritence “RMI has to inform the notified body about any essential design changes”, was a general clarification and was not intended to be added into the OEM. 23. OEM contract should list each of the relevant devices. Rofil response: see Rofil response dated 23. April 2004 TUV 2. review: closed • For your information please find attached the “Answers and resolutions of EK-Med” # 920/03 for “Certification of OEM devices” clause 5 “contents of agreement” (file attached to the email). End of 2. review Design Dossier checklist-GB.doc Rev.2; 2002-08-05 page 6 of 6 Dear l’m now back from vacation and reviewed the responses to the M-Silicone lmplants Design Dossier 10.1e together with Just a remark concerning to your letter, dated 23. April 04; the additional documents were requested, because the needed information was neither inciuded in the essential requirement list nor in the OEM contract. To speed up the process we decided to accept, that some corrections may be delivered after certification. But you need to address the red marked items. Especially you urgently need to send a revised and corrected Product Description Form (PDF), because this will be the basis for our certification process. Tomorrow you will received the draft certificates for your approval. Please find attached our formal response to the identified deviation: 2. Deviation Report Silicone Breast lmplants 1f you have any questions, please just calI. Best regards 10.2.e Bereich Medizinprodukte / Medical Devices TUV Rheinland Product Safety GmbH Am Grauen Stem, 51105 Köln-Poll http://www.tuv.com/safety Tel.: +49 (0)221/ Mobil: +49 (0)f Fax: Mailto:L 1 ‘ de.tuv.com Bel Fragen erreichen Sie unser Team vom Kunden-Service-Center unter 01803 112 112 oder [email protected] In case of questions you will reach our team from customer service center +49 1803 112 112 or [email protected] 169.2 Rof ii Medical International NV. -eusing 16 ‘. 4817 ZB Breda The Netherlands T +31 (0)76 5315670 “ F +31 (0)76 5315660 6 [email protected] 1 wwrofiI.com ‘-‘S M-Implants Statement 23 April 2004 g M-Irnplants are sterile breast implants pre-fluled with high cohesivity silicone gel intended to be used in plastic surgery for: Breast augmentation: increasing the breast volume by implant insertion; Breast reconstruction: after total or partial removal of the injured or cancerous malnrnary gland. Each implant is protected by a double packaging which guarantees the implant sterility and a better asepsis during the manipulation conditions. From the outside packaging to the implant, there is: A transparent film in PE, A box in PP, An extemal blister in PETG with Tyvek® lid, An internal bijster in PETG with Tyvek® lid, High cohesivity gel pre-fihled breast implant. An identification label as well as three self-aclhesive labels is applied on the extemal bijster lid. M-Implants pre-fihled with silicone consist of the following components: 1. Container: sterile and biocompatible envelope manufactured from medical grade silicone elastomer; 2. Content: sterile and biocompatible high cohesivity medical grade silicone gel. High cohesivity silicone gel pre-filled breast implants are manufactured in several variants regarding: 1. Profile 1.1 Standard profile (S) 1.2 High profile(H) 1.3 Ultra high profile (UH) 1.4 Reconstruction profile (R) 1.5 Asymmetrical profile (AR or AL) 2. Surface 2.1 Smooth surface (LS) 2.2 Micro-textured surface (MX) 2.3 Textured surface (TX) 3. Volume 3.1 Several volumes: from 85-705cc. The shelf-life of the product is 5 years. L THE BEAUTY PHILOSOPHY The M-linplants pre-fihled implants are exactly the same as the previously CE-marked produets. This inciudes the product labels and the instructions for use. International BV 1O.2.e THE BEAUTY PHILOSOPHY Rofil Medical International N.V. Reusing 16 4817 ZB Breda ‘ The Netherlands T --31 (0)76 5315670 “ F -f31 (0)76 5315660 E rrni@rofil corn 1 wsw.rofiLcom ‘-‘ ‘-‘. Rofil Medical International NV Heusing 16 4817 ZB BREDA The Netherkinds EC DECLARATION OF CONFORM1TY medical devices We hereby declare that the M-Implants, specified in the annexed product list, are covered by the ‘CE Marking of Conformity Certificate’, regisiration number: ???, issued on ??? and delivered by TÜV Rheinland Product Safety GmbH Am Grauen Stem, Köln, Germany, Notified Body Identification Number 0197, and conform to the required technical documentation, in accordance with Annex II of the ‘EC-Directive”, the Council Directive 93/42/EEC of 14 June 1993, concerning medical devices. — We declare that the M-Implants, fauing within Class III, meet the provisions of the EC-Directive which apply to them. Additionally, this declaration is supported by the Quality System of the manufacture in accordance with ISO 9001: 2000 and EN-ISO 13485: 2003 certified by TÜV Rheinland Product Safety GmbH. This Declaration of Conformity covers M-Implants as specified in the annexed product list and is valid for products bearing the CE mark and manufactured at the following site: P.I.P. 337, Avenue de Brurelles 83500 La Seyne Sur Mer France 1O.2.e Annex: Product list THE BEAUTY PHILDSOPHY Annex to the Declaration of Conforiuity (Product list) Rofil Medical International BV Heusing 16 4817 ZB BREDA The Netherlands PRODUCT LIST (M-lnp1ants) Product name Anatomical High Cohesive Mammary Iniplant THE BEAUTY PHILOSOPHY 169.4 Design Dossier report for amen dments MDD TUV TÜV Rheinland Group ReportNo.: 21112263_004 A. General Product name: IMGHC silicone breast implant Type(s)!Model(s): See filled in PDF Product group: Mammary Implants Legal manufacturer: OEM-Product: Rofil Medical Nederland B.V. (formerly: Rofil Medical International N.V.) Heusing 16 4817ZB Breda Netherlands yes Eno Man ufactu ring facility: Poly lmplants Protheses (PIP) 337, Avenue de Bruxelles 83514 La Seyne SIM Cedex Sterilization facility: Information available in the file of: Poly lmplants Protheses (PIP) 337, Avenue de Bruxelles 83514 La Seyne SIM Cedex TUV Rheinland Certificate Number: 10 60008171 0001 Other Certificate Numbers: .1. Design Dossier file: M-lmplants Date: 18.07.2007 Revision: 18.07.2007 DepartmentlGroup: Regulatory Affairs 1O.2.e Author: 1O.2.e Zr’:7 7 . Date /J) Name Reviewer 1 Not applicable Date Name Reviewer 2 Design Dossier report for amendmenis MDD-GB.doc Signature Reviewer 2 Revision 2; 2006-01-01 page 2 of 5 Design Dossier report for amendments MDD TUV TÜV Rheinlarid Group ReportNo.: 21112263_004 B. Product categorization and choice of procedure The “Mammary lmplants” (IMGHC) devices are silicone pre-filled breast implants used in plastic surgery for breast augmentation or breast reconstruction. All breast implants are classified as class III medical devices in accordance with Directive 20031121EC of 3. February 2003, Article 1 “By way of derogation from the rules set out in Annex IX to Directive 93/42/EEC, breast implants shali be reclassified as medical devices falling within class III”. The testing was performed by means of an assessment of the documents on the basis of the Directive 93/42/EEC. C. Changes to the licensed product The assessment was peilormed by means of an examination of the documents, which were provided by Rofil Medical Nederland B.V. (formerly named: Rofil Medical International N.V.). Reason for the assessment: In June 2007 Rofil Medical International N.V. (RMI) applied for the change of the company name from Rofil Medical International N.V. (RMI) into Rofil Medical Nederland B.V. (RMN). In this report both company names (RMI and RMN) are used, but should be considered to be the same company. For the above mentioned product the TÜV Rheinland Product Safety GmbH design dossier certificate ID 60008171 0001 was issued. RMI has been assessed to Annex 11.3 of the Medical Device Directive 93/42/EEC by TÜV Rheinland Product Safety GmbH (certificate # HD 60009358 0001). The scope of the certificate inciudes the device in question. Design Dossier report for amendments MDD-GB.doc Revision 2; 2006-01 -01 page 3 of 5 Design Dossier report amendments MDD TUV TÜV Rheïnland Group ReportNo.: 21112263004 D. Summary The change of the company name does not require a review of the design or manufacturing (mci. sterilization) process. An example of an updated label, Instruction for use and declaration of conformity inciuding the new company name was reviewed. In addition the revision history for the Design Dossier was sent and a printing order for the certificate was provided. The documents are found to be in compliance with the requirements of the directive. Therefore it is recommended to revise the Directive 93142/EEC Annex 11.4 approval of the Directive 93/42/EEC (ID 60008171 0001) and to include the new company name. All other certificates issued by TÜV Rheinland Product Safety GmbH for Rofil will be rewritten to inciude the new cornpany name (RMN). Please refer to the TUV Rheinland Product Safety GmbH report no 21104600_008 for the 3. surveillance audit. All of the above mentioned verifications have been performed. Due to this, evidence for the compliance of the mammary implants to the requirements of the medical device directive has been provided. E. Important Note Modifications to the Product may only display the CE mark after testing and approval by the notified body, TÜV Rheinland Product Safety GmbH. Design Dossier report for amendments MDD-GB.doc Revision 2; 2006-01-01 page 4 of 5 ‘ i Revision Ilistory da ed 18.07.07 Revision . Dossier Company name Description of Change na Product Description Re-evaluation necessary Design Dossier report for amendments MDD-GR.doc name of the legal ;“manufacturer Change f the. Trade-Name Additional Model Manufactunug Facility Maunfacturing cess 6 Pr Sterilization ProcessfFacility L Packhg : Matenal Device) ‘ Change of..: = F. Extension Checklist ReportNo.: 21112263_004 na ERChecklist amendments MDD Design Dossier report for = na Biocompatibility Revision 2; 2006-01 -01 na Hazard Analysis na Clinical Data Re-evaluation to be considered x Labeling na page 50f 5 na Sterilization ‘ 1 Electrical Validation TÜV Rheinland Group X = Evaluation performed 1 Mechanical/ TÜV 169.5 Auftragsdaten Auftraggeber Auftragskennwort Auftragsnummer Auflragswert Auftragsbeginn Auftragsabschluss Mitarbeiter ROFIL MEDICAL Charige legal Manuacturer name RMI into RMN 1030374 1.650,00 02.07.2007 31.07.2007 Kostenstelle 303 1O.2.e weitere Proiektm itarbeiter verantwortlicher Proiektmitarbeiter Projektkennwort Review/Certification Notiz: 26.06.2007 / Ute Tiby/PS/DEITUEV 100% Vorkasse 31701054 — erfaIt am: erfa(t von: 1O.2.e Berichtsnummer Servic’ 21104600-007 18134 — 26.06.2007 Ute TIbyIPSIDE/TUEV 1 O.2.e 0€? ?(c S/DE[tUEV 1O.2.e 29.06.2007 10:19 An DE-PS-GF3.3-ProjectMgmt Kopie Blindkopie Thema ZAF bezahit, Rofil Meclical Hallo zusammen, Kunde: Rofil Medical Kd-Nr.: 452431 ZAF-Nr. 31701054 Auftrag-Nr. 1030374 ZAF bezahit am 28.06.07 Mit freundlichen GrüBen/Best regards, 1O.2.e FinanceiAccounting/AdministratiOfl __ NO. 7043 NUHL MD1CAL Wl) V 31705315550 1. JUP& ?UU7 15:17 Order Fax From: 1O.2.e Rofil Medical International NV SmederlJstraat 2 4817 ZB Breda ÷31J Tel: +3111 Fax: E-MalI: VAT Regi5kation: Niederlande Cust.No.: 0000452431 To: TÛV RheIn land Product Safety GmbH Sales and Marketing Number of pags: 1 00184049KF&96.1 dted 0t06.2001 Quotatlon Nos: tional NV.) Chango leg& ManLllacturer name RMI (Rolfi Medlcal Interna Product Into RMN (RofU Medlcal Natlonal N.V.) Dear ea are descrlbed In the ebove The order we are placing i marked in the below hok box. All Servic ited and!or TÜV Rhelnland acxred to tracted subcon be may the testing of menlioried guotalion. Parts Prodt.ct Safety GmbH listed laboratorlea. it) We reglstered the order under the following order no. it’, 1 - [EJ Revlew, Certificatlon 21.022007) (additlonal service to the quotatlon nou: 001 B-3049Faa!170 dated Certificatlon and Production Fadilty Inspection We would like to order a productfon facility inspection 1=1 at the same me es testing Q before tesling The address of our productiori facility Is: Company: Street: Postcode: 0 after teating Contact: Tel: Fax E-mail; Country Vee, we would like to make use of the TUVdotCOM Service. Please contact us. [J Ei Yee, we like to order TUVdo1COM Service doscribed In section number of the quotation We have further queries about your offer or service Please give me a cel!: MrIMs TeL; ROFIL. Yours falthfully, 1O.2.e 11 Medical International NV. redaDThe i)ng 16 + LL2L ““ 2dfO6h2-, DaNae . - rmi@rofiieOmarWSaea.., Page 2 af QuotMhon No. O01&.3O49HPeia6.1 to Rofll MedcaI International NV. dated 01.052007 P, 1 OS jul 2007 5:32pm Bio Top Medical 071 5280115 Roffi Madical Nedrfand BV. ROFIL He.sing 16 .4817 ZB Bre ‘The Nthr)and5 t T#31 (0)76 5315673 +3 (0)76 5315660 rm@ro1iI,corn - ww,,rotiI.<om Rofil Medical Nederland BV Heusingi6 4817Z8 Breda The Neherlands DECLARATION OF CONFOPM1TY medical devices We hereby declare that the product M-Implanls, conform to the required thnica1 dccumentation, in accordance wilh Annex 11 (Full Quality Assurance) of the ‘EC-Dizectivc”, the Council Directive 93/42/EEC of 14 June 1993. concerning medical devices. “EC Design Examination Certificate” (fl) 60008171 0001) issued by the Notified Body TÜVRhein!nd Pii,duct Safety GmbH (0197), Cologne, Gemiany. In addition, we ensuie and declare that the disttibuted CE marked producta, as nrnioned and falling within Claas H1 meet the provisions of the EC-Directive, which applyto tlaeni. This declaration is supported by the Quaiity Systern certification based on the harmonized standanis ISO 90011 ISO 13485, Qualily Systein Cerdficate with registration nuniber SY 60014115 0001/SX 60014114 0001 issued on 30/3/2006 and ddiverec1 by TÛV Rheinland Product Safety GnibH. Mariufcturin site: Pc?y !mplantProlhe.se 337, Av. De linixelles 83507 La Seyne surMer France 10.2.e 414111% ariursuer HE 8EAUTV PHILOSOPHY p.G 1. t-. t 3. :7 ja 4— 0 0.. o rn 0 :7) In Z. 0 S. t .7 t t 1: TM i?fl IMPORTANT INFORMATION i 1ijs packet confains Two product information slips far pafienfs nd surgens i frnpIanftion llp 1 Opraiion 1ip •FollowupsIip ‘ Implant brr’s identity crd ROFH MFDCAT. NFDFR[ AND 8V. Ta 31 76 4 17 ZR TE Fa 31 7. 31566O ruiNG 1 i 167 - N?uEPLANøs PIviDN I’!’U liî°1 4 *;? .‘t’,’i l1’ t’ ‘t 0 Si a&:7dwJ !‘Viijj A ]‘77Jj..’jJj ;7D ,4jL4;j 3h}j fl tflfl : 31161 OJ NÖiwitrnoim s)flGOud;Z’ . fl1 1, - [: — (M p,, rn —4 Ç) — ; z -4 - —4 Pl fl1 - rn o ‘t’ -U -‘4 0 N al - ci, al - + q-n pz -‘ 5’ —z-w o — 4fl < - — 0 L iMPANT S 3 BEJ\kE k IDENTITY CARD (2•’i ;h?:crLitU f1 ! î4 1 ij7r; Rîi 2diç1 t dwI:irt 4d17 t fs flA 1ii NE 3E:i; •- 31 - 1-wosir;:; ii; LiS tMPLRNt$TION *4W ‘:jiftfi.I, Heusng RJ.’LN i[’/ ItS 4817 Zi flEDA (T!’c’ NetherL&id cp n: Ü.VCtIC!t cçdo; pLit t t vh 1f; t’Ç7t 27ijT r t-. - - ni N 1 t.. t ;2•. •;:t t :t’.’rjf. .. 41fl? Zh RRU)A (The t4etneniazh.; ftt- ti’t 1O.2.e 1O.2.e An — Jotopmedi Ko ie 13.07.2007 17:12 de.tuv.com> . biotopmedicaI.nI>, “Rofil Medical International NV’ <[email protected]> Blindkopie Thema RE: Antwort: RE: Mammary lmplants Design Dossier Name change RMN 1O.2.e Dear With this e-mail you receive the changed labeling of the M-implants: Labeling box Instructions for Use Package envelope Follow up slip Implant bearers identity card Implantation slip - - - - - - Next wednesday 1 will send you the revised revision history together with the Incident Overview Listings. Kind regards, 1O.2.e —-—Oorspronkelijk bericht Van: [mailto cde.tuv.com] 1O.2.e “li 2007 14:32 - 1O.2.e 1 ““t: RE: Mammary Implants Design Dossier Name change RMN 1O.2.e Dear thank you for the response. 1) Revision history isfortracking purposes of the Design Dossierand an overviewofailvalid documents. Old revised documents need to be archived. would like to remember that TUV should be notified each quarter a year of 2) incidents/rieard incidents for M-Implants (refer to RMI correction to deviation 4). 3) We just got the Info from the SNCH, that the certificates of Procytech are suspended. Therefore we currently cannot recommend to include this supplier into the scope of the ISO 13485:2003 certificate for RMN (1 have informed Best regards 1O.2.e biotopmedicaI.nl> 1O.2.e 06.07.2007 17:33 An Kopie c de.tuv.com> •biotopmedjcaI.nI> Them RE: Mammary Implants Design Dossier Name change a RMN 10.2.e Dear Thank you for your comments on the Product Description Form. 1 have corrected the form and will fax it to you today, together with the new Declaration of Conformity. We are currently working on the labels and IFIJ, which 1 will send to you next week. Could you please explain to me what you mean with the revision history of the design dossier? 1 don’t understand the question. Kind regards, 10.2.e Oorspronkelilk bericht----Van: âde.tuv.comJ [mailto: 10 2 e Verzonden: donderdag 5 juli 2007 14:59 Aan: Onderwerp: Mammary Implants Design Dossier Name change RMN Dear dear 10.2.e few questions arose after review of the provided documents (Mammary Implants Design Dossier) a) Product description Form (PDF) 1)chapter Product name: model IMGHC-TX-H deems to be missing (compare to current certificate) 2) chapter Application for conformity Assessment for EC Design Examination: Date missing (14.06.07) ... ... b) For review, please provide updated Label, IFU and declaration of conformity for the breast implants. Please provide a revision history of the design dossier (please refer to my previous email dated 1.6.2007). 1 would be pleased, if you can response asap. Best regards, 10.2.e Cellular +4 (b) Fax +49 (0)221) TÜV Rheinland Product Safety Gmbl-I TUV Rheinland Group Am Grauen Stem 51105 Köln http://www.tuv.com 1O.2.e KöIn HRB 25960 Bei Fragen erreicheri Sie unser Team vom Kunden-Service-Center unter 01803 112 112 oder [email protected] In case of questions you will reach our team from customer service center +49 1803 112 112 or [email protected] Bitte denken Sie an die Umwelt, bevor Sie diese Nachricht drucken. Before you print, please think about the environment. botpdl IFU.pdl package envelope.pd[ Follow up.pdF implant bearers.pdf implentation slip.pdt 05 mrt 2007 5:lSpm Bio Top Medical 071 5280115 p.l 169.7 Rofli Medical International N.V. Snzderijtrut 2’ 4t4 DB Btda zThe Netherlauds F4-31 (0)765317701 T-f31 (0)765317959 Message by Telefax 10.2. Corn pany Fortheattentionof Fax nurn bar Nuniber of pages Subject Date Reference Dear : : : : : : : TÜV Rhelnland 0049 221 7 (Includlnt1iisg 4) DeviationV 0910313 p67 O7.0P.lSi % \ A /t(ti, (L. / 10.2.e As indicated in my e-mail of today, 1 am faxing you the following documentation: Declaration of Equivalence regarding the trade names of and - M-implant outer packaging M-irnplant Instructions for use M-irnplant Implantation slip M-irnplant Follow up slip M-irriplant bearer’s identity card - - - - - buiten Wob verzoek Kind regards, lical International N.V. — — 10.2.e It this transmission has not been correctly received, please Inform us immediately. Tel.: +31 (0)76 5317959 Fax: +31 (0)76 5317701 S ‘ , ‘t ;‘t t’’’ C— i,, ‘‘‘-‘-_, ‘,‘,;,-n’-;” “ Di’ t’ -‘ ‘!-, t; ‘2 L, —e ‘t;;.t; t - —‘: , ‘D”t:,. 2, ‘ ‘r-t’ -1,1-’, ,‘‘Ç’:,, &—2.2’ t’,” Jt _,•...,‘* îvI—Impknts Rofil Medicaf International NV. Srnededjstraat 2 4814 DB The Netherlands Phone: +31(0)76.5315670 Fax: ÷31(0)76.5315660 [email protected] www.rofii.com — CE0197 HIGH COHESIVE GEL PRE.FILLED BREAST IMPLANT IMGKC-TX-H-250 : 5440e s’i VOLlE (); 164 kMTER «rrni: FRQjCT C jiiw» 31! URMCt.T.xiurid PROÇ1E FsT€TL ,4 t. 1 jEO ® 250 1 : • . 1 :; : . : -ri - H 0 fl.1 211 HR € —2 . : UJ C 1 t 1HI ! 31L t L -;1 .2 .. - it IMPLANT BEARER’S IDENTITY (ARD Tiis cord contüins important medica! information. iffind s (4JRi, f(T5 fer7’ 5Qt)J1 jVS5lbk, f he reôs rct’d iE4eij. or W Rofil Medical International N. V. Smederjstraat 2 4814 DB BREDA THE NETHERLANDS — - TeL 31 76 5315670 - Fax: 31 76 53156O ‘t ç 1 1 S ‘ ‘t .‘ . 3 , ._•; 7 .. :iF- ;—.‘ 1 rIz « S ‘ Z; :‘ ‘ S... t ‘- .0 ., ;? :; ‘4 « c 0 m 1w: II 1 D ‘ 2; ‘. t’ 1 -4 1 Rofil Medical International NV Smederjstraat 2 4814DB Breda The Netherlands DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY medical devices We hereby declare that the product M-Implants, conform to the required technical documentation, in accordance with Annex II (Full Quality Assurance) of the “ECDirective”, the Coundil Directive 93/42/EEC of 14 June 1993, concerning medical devices. “EC Design Examination Certificate” (ED 60008171 0001) issued by the Notified Body TÜV Rheinland Product Safety GmbH (0197), Cologne, Germany. In addition, we ensure and declare that the distributed CE marked products, as mentioned and faLling within Class III, meet the provisions of the EC-Directive, which apply to them. This declaration is supported by the Quality System certification based on the haniionized standards ISO 9001! ISO 13485, Quality System Certificate with registration nuinber SY 60014115 0001/SX 60014114 0001 issued on 30/3/2006 and delivered by TÛV Rheinland Product Safety GmbH. Manufacturing site: Poly Implanl Proihese 337, Av. De Bruxelles 83507 La Seyne sur Mer France Breda, 28 February 2007 1O.2.e President 10.2.e. (gehele document) 170 pagina 1 van 2 IGZ Van: Verzonden: donderdag 7 oktober2L .J 14:15 Dienstpostbus IGZ Zuidwest Aan: Onderwerp: FW: conceptverslagen inspectiebezoek / P hiloderm Aesthetics BV. Urgentie: Hoog Opvolgingsmarkering: Opvolgen Markeringsstatus: Voltooid Bijlagen: Brief Min. VWS Graag aan melding Van: Verzc doc Philoderm én Rofil Medical International NV hangen. ophilodermaesthetics.com) ) 13:15 Onderwerp: FRe: conceptversiagen inspectiebezoek Philoderm Aesthe tics B.V. 1 Urgentie: Hoog Geachte Bijgaand en m.b.t. bovengenoemd onderwerp zend ik u een afschrift van ons schrijven dd. heden welke ik vandaag tevens per post aan u verzond. in het vertrouwen u hiermee te hebben geïnformeerd, verblijf ik, Met vriendelijke groei, Philoderm Aesthetics BV. Van: Verz_______ oktober 2010 16:30 Aan: hiiodermaesthetics.com; info Onderwerp: concepterslagen inspectiebezoek [N!z3 )igz.nlJ 4ZiT 3Ç Geachte Hierbij ontvangt u de conceptverslagen van ons inspectiebezoek van 23 september 2010 per mail. Deze verslagen zijn u ook per normale post verstuurd. Ik wil u verzoe ken er zorg voor te dragen dat deze verslagen ook ontvangt. Hoogachtend, inspecteur Inspectie van de Gezondheidszorg Ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport Wflhelmina van Prusenwea 52 1 2595 AN Den Haag Kamer 1 Postbus 90700 t 2509 LS Den Haag T +31 70 F +31 70 M +3’ 3041 - 1 N.igzn[ Voor een gerechtvaardigd vertrouwen in verantwoorde zorg 07-10-201() pagina 2 van 2 Dtbricht kan inforniatis bevatten die niet voor u is bestemd. indien u niet de geadresseerde bent of dit bericht abusievelijk aan u is toegezonden, wordt u verzocht dat aan de afzender ie melden en het bericht te verwijderen De Staat aanvaardt geen aansprakelijkheid voor schade, van welke aard ook. die verband houdt met risicos verbonden aan het elektronisch verzenden van berichten. This massage may contain information that is not intended for you. 1f you are not the addressee or if this message was sent to you by ruislake. you are requested to inforrfl the sender and delete the message. The State accepis no liability for damage of any kind resutting from the risks ehererit in the etectronic transmission of messages. 07-10-2010 170.1 10.2.e. (gehele document) Inspectie voor de Gezondheidszorg ta.v. Postbus 90700 2509 LS DEN HAAG Breda, 7 oktober 2010 Betreft Philoderm Aesthetics B.V. 1 Rofil Medical Nederland B.V. In goede orde ontving ik zowel per e-mail als per post de door u opgestelde conceptverslagen d.d. 5 oktober 2010 m.b.t. het inspectiebezoek van u en uw collega )p 23 september 2010 ten kantore van Philoderm Aesthetics BV. te Breda. • Ik heb beide conceptverslagen doorgenomen en tevens besproken met Ter zake treft u per conceptverslag onze op- en/of aanmerkingen en aanvullingen aan. 1. CONCEPT-VERSLAG PHILODERM AESTHETICS B.V.: Bladzijde 1: Laatste alinea: ‘U hebt verzekerd dat geen medische hulpmiddelen van Rofil aan de voorraad van Philoderm zijn toegevoegd en/of zijn afgeleverd door Phii’oderm’. Deze weergave is niet volledig: heeft tevens bevestigd op uw specifieke vraag ter zake de in de voorraad van Rofil aanwezige Pip-protheses dat deze noch aan de voorraad van Philoderm zijn toegevoegd noch op enige andere wijze zijn gedistribueerd binnen de EU. Bladzijde 2: Buiten Wob-verzoek Alinea 3, laatste zin: ‘Deze waren volgens u nog niet beschikbaar’. Aanvulling: aangezien deze protheses nog niet in de handel zijn gebracht respectievelijk er nog geen voorraden aanwezig zijn. Alinea 5: ‘U heeft een ruimte (vroeger was dit een cleanroom) waarin u etiketten van lotnummer en houdbaarheidsdatum voorziet’. Aanvulling: (..) houdbaarheidsdatum en eventueel (voor leveringen binnen de EU) van een CE markering voorziet. Buiten Wob-verzoek Bladzijde 3: 2. CONCEPT-VERSLAG ROFIL MEDICAL NEDERLAND B.V. MEDICAL INTERNATIONAL N.V. EN ROFIL Bladzijde 1: Alinea 2: ‘De aanleiding van dit inspectiebezoek was dat de Franse toezichthouder AFSSAPS hij Poly Implant Prothese (PIP) een ernstige afwijking in de samenstelling van de i,nplantaten heeft geconstateerd’. Ten aanzien van deze weergave merken wij het volgende op. bekencFr ieeft tijdens onze bespreking u meegedeeld dat dit voor zover hem standpunt van de AFSSAPS is maar uw interpretatie. Voor zover bekend, heeft de AFSSAPS gedurende het door haar ingestelde en nog lopende onderzoek naar de PIP-protheses tot op heden geen bijzondere risico’s voor de volksgezondheid ter zake geconstateerd. Wel heeft men geconstateerd dat de betreffende silliconen-protheses ‘zweten’ en onderzoekt men momenteel de gevolgen ieeft ter zake van dit ‘zweten’ opgemerkt dat dit inherent is aan daarvan. het gebruikte materiaal (siliconen) en dat dit een feit van algemene bekendheid is binnen de branche. Bladzijde 2: Alinea 1: ‘Deze praktijk van PIP vond u verontrustend, want u vroeg zich af of voor dergelijke prijzen wel met de juiste materialen gewerkt kon worden. U heeft in een reactie daarop eind 2008 een voorziening in de boekhouding laten treffen om de overgebleven voorraad in haar geheel af te schrijven’. heeft slechts meegedeeld dat hij zich heeft Deze weergave is niet juist. verbaasd over het gegeven dat PIP ver onder de marktprijs haar protheses verkocht op markten, onder meer in Zuid-Amerika. Dit heeft hem vervolgens ertoe genoodzaakt eind 2008 een boekhoudkundige voorziening te treffen ter zake van de overgebleven voorraad protheses. Immers de prothese-markt stortte volledig in door het ‘dumpen’ door PIP van protheses in de markt ver onder de (kost)prijzen van de M-implants-protheses. Alinea 1: ‘Deze containers zijn daarna door een professionele afvalverwerker afgevoerd’. Aanvulling: afgevoerd en ter vernietiging aangeboden. Alinea 4: ‘U heeft niet gevraagd naar het percentage van implantaten van P1P dat scheurden, want u vond dat u daar geen reden voor had’. ieeft meegedeeld dat hij daar geen reden toe zag aangezien Aanvulling. het percentage scheurende implantaten binnen de reguliere en binnen de branche daarover bekend zijnde bandbreedte viel en tevens dit vooral gevallen betrof bij één chirurg. Bladzijde 3: Alinea 1: ‘U bent van mening dat het niet mogelijk is om zon vervalsing lang vol te houden. Aan de andere kant was u er van op de hoogte dat PIP sinds 2007 in een vorm van surseance van betaling verkeerde. U acht het tnogelijk dat financiële druk het bedrijf tot deze misstap heeft gedwongen’. Deze weergave is niet volledig en dient naar onze mening te worden gewijzigd in: U bent van mening dat het niet mogelijk is om zon vervalsing lang vol te houden gelet op het feit dat er voortdurend leveringsbewi/zen met daarin de vermelding van de juiste grondstoffen dienen te worden overlegd. Aan de andere kant was u er via via van op de hoogte dat PIP sinds 2009 in een vorm van surseance van betaling verkeerde, Acht het mogelijk dat welficht financiële druk het bedrijf tot deze misstap heeft bewogen. U was in ieder geval buitengewoon verrast toen u via via deze geluiden uit de pers en uit de markt Vernam. Alinea 2: ‘U heeft in de gebruiksaanwijzing van M-lmplants onder andere waarschuwingen over scheuren op laten nemen. Aanvulling: zoals ieder fabrikant gewoon is te doen. Alinea 3: ‘Bij de rondgang door het bedrijf hebben wij archiefdozen aangetroffen (...)‘ De term aantreffen suggereert enige verassing / iets onoorbaars. Wij stellen voor deze formulering te wijzigen in: Bij de rondgang door het bedrijf hebben wij tevens geconstateerd dat de administratie van Rofil (boekhouding. kwaliteitscontrole, correspondentie enz.) over de periode 2000 tot 2009 (gearchiveerd) ten kantore van Philoderm Aesthetics B.V. aanwezig is. 3. SLOT Graag ontvang ik van u beide concept-verslagen een tweede concept met daarin de hierboven vermeldde wijzigingen respectievelijk aanvullingen onzerzijds. In het vertrouwen u hiermee te hebben geïnformeerd, verblijf ik, Met vriendelijke groet, Philoderm Aethetics BV. UK VIGILANCE REPORT UK-2010-10-06-09 2 PTP-Silicone Fili 1O.2.e. (gehele document) 174 4 kk,rde Centraal Kantoor Utrecht 1 1 flh/T 7fllf) &I U _Dienstpostbus IGZ Loket Utrecht Verzonden: donderdag 7 oktober 2010 15:1 2 Aan: _Dienstpostbus IGZ Utrecht Onderwerp: FW: UK VIGILANCE REPORT UK2010-10-06-092 PlP-1Itcon Filed-Oet Bijlagen: UK-20 1 0-1 0-06-092 PIP-Silicone Filled Gel Brea st (mplants.pdf IrriAkÔrnn FE PARW Van: Graag inboeken. Let op: betreft de PIP-implantaten!! Met vriendelijke groet, Inspectie voor de Gezondheidszo rg IGZ-loket Postbus 26801 3500 GRI Utrecht T 088-1205000 btigni gL.ni mhra.gsi.gov.uk} 17:56 ages.at; [email protected]’ hs.moh __)sukl.sk; Pages.at; jazmp.si; wiv-isp.be uropa.eu; e.fr; JKI .. _M0-10-06-092 PIP-Silicone Filled Gel Brea st lmplants Dear all, COMMERCIAL-IN-CONFIDENCE NOTJFICATION OF VIGILANCE REPORT UNDER THE MEDICAL DEVICES DIRECT IVE 93142!EEC Article 10 of the Medical Devices Directive (931421EEC) requires all Competent Authorities in each EC Member State (inci uding the EFTA Member States participating in the EEA Agreement) to infor m the Commission and other Member 11-10-2010 dci. UK VIGILANCE REPORT TJK-2010-10-06-0 92 PIP-Silicone Filled Gel Breast 1... pagina 2 van 2 States of incidents for which relevant mea sures have been taken or are contemplated. 1 attach a vgilance notification. Any gen eral enguiries_should be made to the MHR A Adverse Incident Centre (Telephone: +44 Fax: +44 20 7084 ---1 any technical ençtuiries relatrng to this notificati on should be made (+44 «UK-2010-1O-06-092 PIP-Silicone Filled Gel Breast lmplants.pdf» Adverse Incident Centre Medicines & Healthcar iwcts Regulatory Agency Direct Line: 020 7084 AIC Hotline: 020 708 Rease consider the environment befo re printing this erna ii MHRA moves from Monday 18 October to: Medicines & Healthcare Products Regulator y Agency Adverse Incident Centre 4 Floor 151 Buckingham Palace Road London SWIW 9SZ This email and any files transniitted with It are confidential. t YOU are not the intend ed recipient, any reading, printing. storage disciosure, copying or any other action taken in respect of this email is prohibited and may , be unlawful. 1f you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately by using the reply functio you have received.lncoming and outgoing email n and then permanently delete what messages are routinely monilored for compliance on the use of electronic communications. with the Departrnent of Healths policy For more information on the Department of Health s email policy. dick http:f/www.dh.gov.uklDHTermsAndConditionslfs/en? CONTENT_ID=41 10945&chk=xlC3Zw The original of this email was scanned for viruses by the Government Secure Intranet virus scanning service supplied by Cabie&Wireless Woridwide in partnership with MessageLabs. (CCTM Certificate Number 2009/09/0052.) On leaving the GSi this email was certified virus free. Communications via the GSi may be automatically logged, monitored andJor recorded for legal purposes. 11-10-2010 NATIONAL COMPETENT AUTHORITY REPO RT This form should be used for the exchange of medical device information between natlonal Competent Authorities and the Euiopean Commlssion only. Completed forms should not be released to the public. 1. Is this report confidential? Yes [1 No (Xi Reference and Reporter Data 2. NCA report ref. no.: 3. Local NCA reference no.: 4. Related NCA report nos.: (if any) UK-20 10-10-06-092 2010/003/030/081/019 5. Manufacturer Ref/FSCA no.: N/A 8. Tel: +44 207 084 Device Data 1 1 a. Generic name! kind of device: Slicone gel l9lled breast implant 12. Nomenclature id: GMDN 6. Snt hv (Nn,e and Organization) dledicines & T[ealthcare products Regulatory Agency 9. Fax: +44 20 7084 3109 if different from 6) 10. E-mail: mhrp.gsi.oov.uk 11 b Device Category (GMDN):. 7 20. CAB/Notified Body no.: 0197- TUV Rheinland Product Safety GmBH 13. GMDN No.: 36197 14. Trade name and make and model: IMGHC-TX, IMGHC-MX, IMGHC-LS 15. Software version: 16. Serial no.: 17. Lot/batch no. All lots 18. Manufacturer: Poly Implant Prothese 19. Autho rised rep: Country: Franco Country: Full Address: Full Address: Contact: 337 avenue de Bruxelles 83507 La Seyne Sur Mer Cedex France T e.1 Contact: tvlr couTy Fax: Tel: E-mail: Fax: E-mail: [email protected] 21a. Device approval status: [X] CE mark 21b. Risk Class: III 22. Action taken: [j None [X] Field Safety Corrective Action [1 Safeguard Action [] Other (specify) Event Data 23a. Background information and reason fdrth is report: On Tuesday 30 March 2010 the French medica l device regulatory authonty (AFSSAPS) inform ed the MHRA that It had suspended the marketing, distributiori, export and the use of silicone gel filled breast implants manuf PIP. AFFSAPS had carried out an inspection of the actured by PIP manufacturing plant and established that breast implants manufactured by PIP since 2001 had been filled with a silicone gel with a composition different from that approved. The MHRA issued MDAI2O1 0/025 on 31 March 2010 advising UK clinicians not to implant these devices. In April 2010, AFSSAPS initiated testing of affecte d implants to look atthe genotoxicity (potential for cancer), chemical toxicity and irritation to biological tissues, mecha nical testing of the implant shell was carried out. In addition to these tests camed out by AFSSAPS the MHRA in July 2010, commissioned tests to look atthe chemical toxicit genotoxicity of the filler material. Results of the UK tests have not shown any evidence of genotoxicity y and toxicity of the flller material. or chemical - 23b. Is the investigation of the report complete? pYes - [x] No 24a. Conciusions: Following consultation with indepencient clinical experts in the UK, the MHRA issued a medical device alert on 4 October 2010 (MDN2O1O/078) advising UK clinicians to contac t women implanted with PIP implants and to reassure them that there is currently no evidence of any health risk associa ted with the filler and there is no indication for any routine action, in the form of explantation or ultrasound. MDAI2O1O!078 can be found on the MHRA website (www.mhra.g ov.uk) 24b. Have the manufacturer’s actions been made public in a Field Safety Notice? Yes JJ No [xl 24c. The originator of this NCAR will take the lead and co-ord inate the investigation Yes [xJ No 25a. Recommendation to receivers of this report: For your information. 25b. Device known to be in the market in (Distribution confirrnation from manufacturer / authorized rep attached): Worldwide 25c. Device also marketed as (trade name): Report Distribution 26a. This report is being distnbuted to: [X 1 The GHTF NCAR Secretariat for further distribution to all non EEA GHTF FULL NCAR participants (AU CA JP NZ US) [X 1 EEA states, EG, and Switzerland [ 1 The following targeted NCAs: The manufacturer / authorised rep: 26b The last GHTF-NCAR distnbuted by this NCA was: UK-20 10-09-031-091 182 10.2.e. (gehele document) Ft,t1oderrri B.V. H S Ei 5. A 0’ T 5’ 0 H . 0 S Si S ro:rcn--r; Inspectie voor de Gezondherdszorg t. a v. Postbus 90700 2509 LS DEN HNG . Breda, 7 oktober 2010 Betreft Philoderm Aesthetics B.V. / Rofil Medical Nederland B.V. Geachte Betreffende uw inspectiebezoek op 23 september 2010 ten kantore van Philoderm Aesthetics BV. te Breda, zend ik u zoals afgesproken de volgende bescheiden: 1. Nota’s Van Happen Containers d.d. 18september2009 resp. 12mei 2010 welke o.a. betrekking hebben op de vernietiging van de PIP-implantaten in september 2009. 2. Lijst met afnemers van PlPprotheses gedurende de periode 2001 t!m 23 februari 2009 (faillissement Rofil Medical Nederland B.V.). Ten aanzien van punt 2 merk ik nog het volgende op. De lijsten over de periode 1 januari 2001 tlm 30 juni 2005 betreffende de afnemers en de omzetbedragen m.b.t. de leverde PIP-protheses. De administratie werd gedurende die periode verwerkt in een oud’ MS-DOS-programma waaruit wij tot op heden (nog) geen aantallenoverzicht kunnen genereren. In het vertrouwen u hiermee te hebben geïnformeerd, verblijf ik, Met vriendelijke groet, Philoderm Aethetics B.V. Bijlaqen Hc’’nj 16.8i7 :93 :c i.&’, 1 :hEr rjs*T .31 5.7811 ‘4F 31 (GiJS S7îi2 R’ iiaiei met[eG..c:’in KK B’da 20062(3? VATril 80 1 $0 6”; s 5(3 000 ‘i 13485 c’t0d ?1 8.01 1 S , 1O.2.e. (gehele document) van HAPPEN Containers IJ c-Un 1 Contains 1 Transport 1 MvUnzr Happen Transtort bv Ekkersrijt 2052 Postbus 31 5690 AA Son T --31 (0) 499 470 500 7÷31 (0) 499 470 501 3 ntoOvsnhappnconners.n S wwwvsnheppancant&ners.nl KvK-nr.: 1705 3861 BTW-nr.: NL007564569 BC1 Postbank: 1052 665 ING Bark: 66 29 65 027 Philoderm Aesthetics BV. Heusing 16 4817 ZB BREDA Nederland Verkoop Pagina 1 - Factuur Klantnummer Factuurnummer Factuurdatum Vervaldatum Omschrijving 3010634 208217952 18-09-09 18-10-09 Aantal Prijs p.e. Bedrag Inzetplaats: 1NZ0130675 Philoderm Aesthetics BV. Heusing 16 4817 ZB BREDA Nederland 1O.1.c. Ordernr: CR01842487 lnzetdatuni: 16-09-09 Ophalen afvalcontainer Trsp kost. oph/wiss/led afzcn bouw en sloopafval GESL. 15 M3 haak GESL. 15 M3 haak 105100500001 1000 stuk(s) 1000 stuk(s) 2,680 ton Milieuheffing Brandstof-/energie toeslag Totaal 19% BTW Totaal te betalen mci. BTW EUR Betalingscondities: netto binnen 30 dagen na tactuurdatum Reclamaties binnen 8 dagen na factuurdatum 1 GROOTBOEK - - AKKOORD - Op al onze offerten, osereenkornsten, leverinen en d/ensten, zijn onze Alqsmene Voorwaarden van toepassing, zoals !aatsteijk gedeponeerd hij KuK Eindhoven, -- 1 motoi- 1 :! 1 2. 1O.2.e. (gehele document) 182.2 3010634 Adreal GELEIDINGSBRIEF Mrs2 Aank. Aanhl -Iran HAPPEN Containers — tttsluilerst ie eoruhçev ...._ 1k0 Transport t MnatlnzameUn onialers an Flappen ihaursoort bv. jo 2 efender + pc80. Wdesnwr canoer SQ har4&a 4UhY /NH4J?EEr,tSOBTEEa&OV. BV EB1JTZ52 S A SOM er + Woonpi. [IIILIL. j[beaijnumrner T +31 (0) 452 470 500 Skkerantjt 2052 Pst5ts 31 56h0 M Sea F +31 (0) 452 470 501 S S w.eanhappenmntelm-aril Odean 0801842457 - Rihr R100093577 - 2 tocturares Philoderm Aeethetic2 B.V. pnstbLte of Straat 4 nr Heuslogis p0511. +woSrpL 47BfEDA critdoener straat i- rir p0011- ÷w000pI. bedrøforuanmer 1 t Kopie voor van Happen HAP EFI5j3,JT202 - - - 4’ 3. ocerk non herkomst straal nr petto. + Wetflpi. dattm sorwong tinprt t 4172WEP.A -- 4’ ontvanger V kppijnrtstin locatie van beterhrnkrg lNJRQiji&QV. 8V Straat ÷ vr EK}RSRlJTO2 postc + woonpL 5Bh.ON da11m ot,tvargst travorl15-9- straal er E!<).RSRlJT 2052 posto. ÷woonpt.5623AS0N bedrijisnummer ortemd doon 1Q etzender 2 ontdoener 3 cntvav,r 4 hizamelaari Q +ervoerder lamrar/vervoerdcr Hepp VIHB-Sumnter Straat er EKKftSRllj 2052 baddfonumzr1ar In nelaarareoetng [ ja nee repeterente vmdrterr fl la 0 nee - poste. ,. WOQ?$L g.sA 5QN. kenteken afvalatroomntamrfl5r cural vouw, hoeVoeIkek1 werkelijk ‘Pug code tnuth, (k) gewicht }‘) 7.O9.04C aantal) ContaIICr . - . — geschatte Ophalen afvalcontainer GESL. 15 MS haak TotaI aantal: 1 stuk(s) - Qja nee ramstet gebredketjke benomin eau de afvaletohan n&iit Plaatsen J 105100500001 bouwonsloopafval - 1 1-joppen Cortoiner-ra B.V. ker’arjt 28E Oct, Un • Bonnr Datun 307896 1Eø9.28g5 t 1 hagirr 1 Contalnvrr fregirrg 2 Nmttc 16480 kg i1j6 97972 13.720 kg 1126 46558 2.C9 k 078-5781211 S t Indien de (gevaantUke afvalstoffen tevens onder het ADR vallen dient hierboven ook alle verplichte informatie conform het ADR te worden venneld, h1 Elcirteg Vauveerartree Ier 5rfne 1 Het vervoer geeclrieuft op de door 5 stel Svdd3varaeedt rat. cl, erereuntbank ie Male-dan ee Pottordem gedrçcneerdo egemerle ecor het fralstelreuveru-ser over de w batone versie ‘—p’-etjkJ-.atd tervoerder z.az. 1®reerst hi de orrehi tsveaelaroug niet begrepen o.. verdeoene5 no re500evr voo, ontvorgat der aktrdna chordor ree. ie Afval bouw en sloopafval ve rJ Container Nummer Tonnage 71994031 radeera o.t0e’atUd,tUnreonvee Soeteodtraucs! dor orvarr5 ogr5 nrot 1O.2.e. (gehele document) •ian Happen Transportbv Ekkarsijt 2052 Postbus 31 3690 AA Son 5 +31 (0) 499 $70 500 5±31 (0) 499 470 501 van HAPPEN Containers 1 ;ç sc 1 5 KvK-nr.: STW-nr.: Posibank: ING Bank: 17 14559 501 N 10 82 855 55 29 55 027 182.3 II Philodern Heusing 4817 ZB Nederlar4 um ingekomer 1T. a Verkoop Pagina 1 1 fl(.Ç-J )Q Factuur 3010634 210055264 14-05-10 13-06-10 Klantnummer Factuurnummer Factuurdatum Vervaldatum fE. fldvvî . - cc: Be.handeId door: Aantal Omschrijving 12-05-10 Datum 0R02224591 Order Heusing 16 Breda Prijs p.e. UwRef.: 1O.1.c. Ophalen afvatoontaner Open II M3 haak Trapkast. ophA%iss/led afcnt Open 11 M3 haak 1000 stuk(s) bedr)fsafval 105689100226 Z,310 loo 1000 stuk(s) Milieuheffing Brandstof-/energie toeslag Totaal 19% BTW Totaal te betalen mci. BTW EUR Betalingscondities: netto binnen 30 dagen na factuurdatum Reclamaties binnen 8 dagen na factuurdatum BETAALD 1 GEBOÇr GROOTBOEK -— 1 AKKOORDJ Op al Bedrag onze o(ferten, overeenkomsten, leierb gen en diensten, zijn onze Algemene Voorwaarden Ven 105c35S5/nO, zoa/s laatstelijk oedeponeerd bij lCvK Eindhovan. 1O.2.e. (gehele document) j // 3D10634 IMxes1 /?EfBRJEF / A&ea2 k _....._.. t ci0viov 2 1 afrender Q Qitva1ao tazidebar 3 4 Uren J :::::: van HAPPEN Cont4o.ners t -. 1 - - - Ti2sport 1a0 Hçpen Transport bv. 3010634 oreerirr 0R02224591 .crne - - Altinzarne[in T t’ S 0 Ekrs.-f 2002 Postbus 30 seen son ternWdvr 5622 BA ECN p. ÷Woonp VHB-I0zflrnel 182.4 +30 (2) 499 473 500 +30 (0) 499 470 50 hvappenirersrrl wwv.vanhtpposirsn1 BOrst RIOOl 13064 - 3 faatLwÎIørvB peatbvs c’ .raat i • Pntlodem, Aesthetios &V. Husiflg1B 417Z8 REDA IlII1lIlNllI [IIIl11IIIflhIlhi1lI h!IIIIIllli Kopie voor van Happeri PhlioaFV 00105404r (KERSRlJT2O62 562 BIs CON stravl.rw p*St. * woonç.L bedisnwitnvt st5541-rnt enoso. + woonp. dal.n, - 00545 ikdorrkl3a staat+rS aanvang iraneport +45AZBRtA pcstc÷woonpt. dalja, )faaunrner 99l10flOP2I000I&d0c4 1 Q afovnder Vrhoe99n bv E(cdcnkl3a 4825 AZREDA 0411 bestemrnin 3 atraa..nr bad 4817 ZE REDA 120510 ostangst lranaporç rDvte-breO- 20 eOdOenst 3Q &t).T.RAN vrHB-rurnn,er 0) badrffunuminer 0 +eoonpt —- Doeltijd: Ophalen afvalcontainer Open 11 M3 haak Qnae keOteken 8:00:0012:00:00 gaaaheitv - Totaal aantal 1 stuk() fliflOIlVnIr gebnukefljke benaming van de narlailer Plaatsen j1O5689ioO226bedrfsatvaI eaaal em-s,. haevenSieid cdê malSi. lk) O.0.Q1 ;--.-_: A02 - wsr0.ljk g.winht 7000 .4 Is 1 • Woensdag voor de ,nfddan clia1an kim b d,earheid. op O7 Klantreferentierir.: Indien de (gevaartijke) afvalstoffen tevens onder het ADR vallen dient hierboven ook alle verplichte jnformaiie conform het ADR te worden vernield. Xe{ 4rvo Qeadlllt op de door sVa 1 StoOIO,g Vvr.’oeiaOrne Oer 9riffin S .0 prei Vo ddd vervoerde, z.o ldWm-a,4veeepd,ler ,erd-.ek.rd5 veldmne . 11 begrvp. 1 El er 1 1 - hee roer, v Afval - bedri3faafval fsafval 3 bedci tal, er Container Open 11 143 haak Ogen 11 143 haak bdo)Qdheo Numlier nee” Tonnage 2,31 2,31 line ... , 00015e. *eI m0511551 der 72075054 200 1O.2.e. (gehele document) Inspectie voor de Gezondheidszorg Ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport > Retouradres Postbus 90460 2509 LL Den Haag RoNI Medical International N.V. Rofil Medical Nederland BV. P/A Philoderm Aesthetics T .a.v. Heusing ib 4817 ZB BREDA Geneesmiddelen En Medische TechnoIoie WHh. van Pruisenweg 52 Den Haag Postbus 90460 2509 LL Den Haag T 0703041500 F 070 304 15 70 www.igz.ni Inlichtingen bij Datum 12 oktober 2010 Onderwerp Vorderen informatie flnç Itflflmnrlt Geacht Tijdens het toezichtbezoek de Inspectie voor de Gezondheidszorg van 23 september 2010 heb ik u gevraagd om, uiterlijk een week na het bezoek, de volgende informatie toe te sturen: Een kopie van de factuur voor het afvoeren van de voorraden van Rofil Medical Nederland B.V. na het faillissement; Een overzicht van de aantallen implantaten zoals die vanaf 2001 per jaar, per afnemer zijn geleverd in Nederland, in Europa buiten Nederland en in de rest van de wereld. - Tot op heden heb ik niets van u ontvangen. Met deze brief vorder ik de gevraagde informatie. Ik wij u erop dat artikel 5:20 van de Algemene wet bestuursrecht luidt dat een ieder verplicht is aan een toezichthouder binnen de door hem gestelde redelijke termijn alle medewerking te verlenen die deze redelijkerwijs kan vorderen bij de uitoefening van zijn bevoegdheden. De inspectie is bevoegd tot het opleggen van een last onder bestuursdwang ter handhaving van deze verplichting. Graag ontvang ik de gevraagde informatie uiterlijk op 20 oktober 2010. Hoogachtend, Pagina 1 van 1 207 1O.2.e. (gehele document) Fhiloderrn® Athtîz B.V. Inspectie voor de Gezondheidszorg tav. Inspecteur Postbus 90700 2509 LS DEN H,AG ::I Ûu17/25 --4 r) - . Breda. 14 oktober 2010 Betreft Ref. Nr.: Kopie brief d.d. 7 oktober 2010 In de bijlage vindt u een kopie van onze brief van 7 oktober ji. Deze kopie wordt u gestuurd naar aanleiding van uw verzoek a Tevens zal u een kopie toegestuurd worden via e-mail. Vertrouwende u met deze informatie van dienst te zijn geweest, Met vriendelijke groet, Philoderm Aesthetics B,V, Bijlage. Heusfncl 16 4817 78 Breda The N hrand T +31 (076 3781311 F .31 0)76 5781312 nf 2’phdodermaPTrejcs.com ww’r çhdodermaernEcs :om. KvK Br’-da 2006203? V47 N 801 40 894.8 01 E Phioderm Ae eic: BV 30 8001 an 1 3433 ceferj Inspectie voor de Gezondheidszorg Ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport 1O.2.e. (gehele document) Postbus 90700 2509 LS 211 Den Haag X) p Post 2innenland rksart Aan - S\ vervoer \,) ,///// in gi a::en j7iJ post HerstelllRetour Herstellen aan geadresseerde Correct to uddrcssee Boden retour. Paasov return Geen/volle brievenbus NoIful ma/lbno VertroIclen1onbowooncf Moved/uninhabted Onvolledig/foutief adres/postcode Ineorrect addruss Geweigerd/niet afgehaald Refjsed/unulaimed - { - r25ij LL - 1 - - Nderlandn Pocodn af tekst BTNL R-nun,rrier 3$RGHE73836i -- P 45O2- /wsn C79/ frzt Ho/uw. -f Toooaegin af PuutbuslAntw nu i Inspectie voor de Gezondheidszorg Ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport > Retouradres Postbus 90460 2509 LL Den Haag Rofil Medical International N.V. Rofil Medical Nederland BV. P/A Philoderm Aesthetics T .V. Rtusiuy 16 4817 ZB BREDA Geneesmiddelen En F4edlsche Technologie WiIh, van Pruisenweg 52 Den Haag Postbus 90460 2509LL Den Haag T 0703041500 F 070 304 15 70 www.igz.nI Inlichtingen bij 12 oktober 2010 Datum Onderwerp Vorderen informatie Tijdens het toezichtbezoek de Inspectie voor de Gezondheidszorg van 23 september 2010 heb ik u gevraagd om, uiterlijk een week na het bezoek, de volgende informatie toe te sturen: Een kopie van de factuur voor het afvoeren van de voorraden van Rofil Medical Nederland B.V. na het faillissement; Een overzicht van de aantallen implantaten zoals die vanaf 2001 per jaar, per afnemer zijn geleverd in Nederland, in Europa buiten Nederland en in de rest van de wereld. - Tot op heden heb ik niets van u ontvangen. Met deze brief vorder ik de gevraagde informatie. Ik wij u erop dat artikel 5:20 van de Algemene wet bestuursrecht luidt dat een ieder verplicht is aan een toezichthouder binnen cie door hem gestelde redelijke termijn alle medewerking te verlenen die deze redelijkerwijs kan vorderen bij de uitoefening van zijn bevoegdheden. De inspectie is bevoegd tot het opleggen van een last onder bestuursdwang ter handhaving van deze verplichting. Graag ontvang ik de gevraagde informatie uiterlijk op 20 oktober 2010. Hoogachtend, Inspecteur Pagina 1 van 1 1O.2.e. (gehe’e document) Van: Aan: Cc: Datum: Bijlagen: Prioriteit: 222 IGZ donderdag 4 november 2010 15:19:07 3582 001.odf 0844216-04 EC Desin Beflapel.pdf 0844213-03 (M2d Hoog Deai As discussed over the phone, please find attached: • Certificates from Rofil Medical lmp)ants (OBL manufacturer) • Last updated certificates fron (original manufacturer) 1 will remain at your disposal for any additional information you need. Meilleures salutations / Best Regards Medical Devices SNCH, BP 23, L-5201 SANDWEILER 0ffice: 2a Kalschesbrèck L-1852 LUXEMBOURG tel: fax: + 352 + 352 35 72 14 e-maîl: - 244 :flL 1 Ii GRAND-DUCHE DE LUXEMBOURG 1O.2.e. (gehele document) sn€1i Société Nationale de Certification et d’Homologation Notified Body Organisme not ijlé Benannie Steile - N° 0499 EC Design Examination Certificate Certificat d’examen CE de la conception EG-A uslegungspri4fbescheinigung according to annex II section 4 of directive 93/42/EEC co,formémenr â l’annexe II section 4 de la directive 93/42/CEE gemöss Anhang IlAbschnitt 4 der Richtlinie 93/42/EWG Manufacturer: ROFIL MEDICAL IMPLANTS Ltd. Fabricani Hersieller: - Oroklini Huis 11 Ap. B32 Tinou 18 CY-7040 OROKLIM — Device Identification: Identijication du dispositf- Produktidentflzierung: Cohesive Silicone Gel-Filled Mammary Prosth es is M-Implants® See SNCH-marked reference list dated 2010-03-18 for details 011 certified types. Veuillez consulter la liste de reférences fnarquée SNCH ei da(ée 2010..03-18 pour ie délail des types certiflés. Für Details zu zertflzierten Typen siehe SNCH-gekennzeichnere Referenzliste vom 2010-03-18. Registered Certificate No.: 104445 1-00 No. du cer4ficat Zertfikatsnr..’ - The design of the device listed above is in conformity with the requirements of annex T of directive 93/42IEEC. La conception du dispositfci-dessus est conforme aux e.xigences de 1 ‘annexe 1 de la directive 93/42/CEE. Die Auslegung des obigen Produktes ist konform zu den Anforderungen aus Anhang Ider Richtlinie 93/42/EWG. The certificate is valid until 2015-03-18. Le Certijicat est vaiidejusqu ‘au 2015-03 -18. Das Zertflkat ist gültig bis zum 2015-03-18. Luxembourg, 2010-03-19 Société Nationale de Certification et d’Hornologation sâ r.l. ii. mede Luxembourg BP. 23 L-5201 Sandwef Ier 1 Luxembourg (Int+352) Fax (Jnt+352) 35 72 14-244 F2.! M24/ fl2 /2OO.o,’.IU 222.1 GRAND-DUCHE DE LUXEMBOURG Sfl€Fi Société Nationale de Certification et d’Homologation Notified Body Organisme notiflé Benannte Steile - N° 0499 EC Certificate Certijïcat CE /EG Zertifikat Full Quality Assurance System Approval Certificate according to Annex II of Medical Devices Directive (93/42/EEC) Certificat de Système complet d’Assurance de Qualiié selon Annexe II de le Directive relative aus Dispositifs Médicaux (93/42/CEE) Zertifikat des voilsilindigen Qua!ittitssicheruiigssystems nach Anhang II der Richtilnie über Medizinprodukte (93/42/EWG) We certify that the Full Quality Assurance System of the company: Nous cerrifions per la présente que le Systèine Coniplet d’Assurance de la Qua!ité de la société: Wir bestëtigen, dafi das volisilindige Qualitiitssicherungssyste,n der Firma: ROFIL MEDICAL IMPLANTS Ltd. Oroklini Huis 11 Ap. B32 Tinon 18 CY-7040 OROKLINI — is in conformity with the following requirements: est conforme aux exigeaces suiwantes: denfolgenden A,fordenungen enispricht: Annex II of Medical Devices Directive (93/42/EEC) Annexe II dele Directive relative aux Dispositifs Médicaux (93/42/CEE) Anhang II der Richtlinie über Medizinprodukte (93/42/EWG,) The scope of the Full Quality System is detailed in annex, which is a constituent part of this certilicate. Le domaine d’applieation du Système Complet dA ssurance de le Qualité est délaillé dans l’annexe qui est partie constituante dii présent certificat. Die Zweckbestim,nung des voilsiëndigen Qualitiitsskherungssystems ist im Anhang aufgeflihrt md ist Bestandteil des vorliegenden Zertifikats. Certificate Certij7cat/Zeraflkat No. 1044450-00 The certification is valid until 2015-03-18 and is subject to a yearly surveillance. La erficatian est validejusqu’au 2015-03-18 ei est soumise â wie surveillance annuelle. Die Zertifizierung ist gültig bis cum 2015-03-18 und unterliegt einerjdhrlichen Uberwachung. Luxembourg, 2015-03-19 Société Nationale de Certification et d’Homologation s.â r.l. 1 , mede Luxembourg BP. 23 L-5201 Sandweiler / hxembourg (lrit+352) Fax (Int+352) 35 72 14-244 F2-I.M2i4/ VI /20094e-s? GRAND-DUCHE DE LUXEMBOURG 5fl€’ Société Nationale de Certification et d’Homologation Notified Body Organisme no1fié Benannte Steile - N° 0499 Annex of Certificate No. Annexe dit certijicat no. /Anhang zurn Zertifikal Nr. 1044450-00 ROFIL MEIMCAL IMPLANTS Ltd. Scope: Design, manufacture and final inspection of Domaine d ‘applicaiion: Conception, fabrication ei contrôle lima! de Zweckbestimmung: Auslegung, Fertiguixg und Endkontro!!e von Cohesive Silicone Gel-Filled Mammary Prosthesis M-Implants® See SNCH-marked reference list dated 2010-03-18 for details on certified types. Veuillez consulter la liste de références marquée SNCH ei daiée du 2010-03-18 pour le détail des types certjflés. FOr Details zu zer4flzierten Typen siehe SNcH-gekennzeichnete Referenzitste vom 2010-03-18. This annex is only valid 1f attached to the certificate mentioned above. La présenge annexe est seulement vatable en relation avec le certijicat mentionné ci-dessus. Dieser Anhang kat nur Gültigkeit in Verbindung miii dein oben genannten Zertijikat. Page Seite 1/2 - Luxembourg, 2010-03-19 Société Nationale de Certification et d’Homologation s.â rJ. 11, mede Luxembourg B.P. 23 L-5201 Sandweiler / Luxembourg (Jnt+352) Fax (Int+352) 35 72 14-244 F2.IM2, / VI /2009.08.27 imlcn1-, Natural Profile Rational Profile lodel Name Volume (cc) Width (mm) Profile (mm) Model Name Volume (cc) Width (mm) Profile (mm) MGHC-TX-N-125 125 94 28 IMGHC-TX-R-125 125 91 29 MGHC-TX-N-150 150 99 30 IMGHC-TX-R-150 150 96 33 MGHC-TX-N-175 175 104 31 IMGHC-TX-R-175 175 101 34 MGHC-X-N-200 200 32 IMGHC-TX-R-200 200 106 35 MGHC-TX-N-225 225 114 33 IMGHC-TX-R-225 225 III 36 MGHC-TX-N-250 250 119 35 IMGHC-TX-R-250 250 115 38 MGHC-TX-N-275 275 12. 36 IMGHC-TX-R-275 275 119 39 MGHC-TX-N-300 300 129 37 IMGHC-TX-R-300 300 122 40 IMGHC-TX-N-325 325 133 38 IMGHC-TX-R-325 325 125 41 MGHC-TX-N-350 350 136 38 IMGHC-TX-R-350 350 128 41 MGHC-TX-N-375 375 139 39 IMGHC-TX-R-375 375 131 42 MGHC-TX-N-400 400 142 39 IMGHC-TX.-R-400 400 134 43 MGHC-TX-N-425 425 144 40 MGHC-TX-R-425 425 138 44 MGHC-TX-N-450 450 146 40 MGHC-TX-R-450 450 140 44 MGHC-TX-N-475 475 149 41 IMGHC-TX-R-475 475 142 45 MGHC-TX-N-500 500 151 42 IMGHC-TX-R-500 500 144 47 MGHC-TX-N-525 525 153 43 IMGHC-TX-R-525 525 147 48 IMGHC-TX-N-550 550 15 43 IMGHC-TX-R.-550 550 150 48 L Rofil I\AediczcI Rofil MediccI ImpIcnr, Ltd Rational SmbotltStyleY Natural Profile Smooth Style Volume Width Model name Profile (cc) (mm) (mm) 1 25 94 28 1 50 98 29 1 75 103 30 200 108 31 225 113 32 250 118 34 275 123 35 300 -128 36 125 325 IMGHC- LS -N 350 350 IMGHC-LS-N 375 132 37 IMGHC-LS -N 125 IMGHC- LS -N 150 IMGHC- LS -N 175 IMGHC-LS-N 200 IMGHC-LS-N 225 IMGHC- LS -N 250 IMGHC- LS -N 275 :9LS 300, LS -N IMGHC- LS -N 400 IMGHC-LS-N IMGHC-LS-N IMGHC-LS-N IMGHC- LS -N 500 IMGHC-LS-N IMGHC- LS -N 550 135 138 38 400 141 38 425 143 39 450 145 39 475 148 40 500 150 41 525 152 42 550 155 42 Volume Width Model name IMGHC-LS -R 125 IMGHC- LS -R 150 IMGHC- LS -R 175 IMGHC-LS-R 200 IMGHC-LS-R 225 IMGHC- LS -R 250 IMGHC- LS -R 275 IMGHC-LS-R 300 l 325 IMGHC- LS -R 350 IMGHC-LS-R IMGHC- LS -R 400 IMGHC-LS-R IMGHC-LS-R IMGHC-LS-R IMGHC- LS -R 500 IMGHC-LS-R IMGHC- LS -R 550 Profile (cc) (mm) (mm) 125 91 29 150 96 33 175 101 34 200 106 35 225 111 36 250 115 38 275 119 39 300 122 40 325 125 41 350 128 41 375 131 42 425 138 44 450 140 44 475 142 45 47 500 525 147 0 48 48 1 8 MARS DCMIIOO3 P H LOS OP H Y Rofil Medicöl ImpIc3nt Ltd Medium Height Hight Profile THE Volume Width Profile Projection Model name IMREGTX-H 165 IMREGTX-H 195 IMREGTX-H 225 IMREGTX-H 260 IMREGTX-H 300 IMREGTX-H 345 IMREGTX-H 390 lEGT-H 40 lMREcrc -H 495 IMREGTX-H 555 (cc) (mm) (mm) (mm) 165 90 85 46 195 95 89 48 225 100 94 51 260 105 99 53 300 110 103 56 345 115 108 58 390 120 113 60 440 125 118 62 122 65 127 67 49V.: 555 135 3EAUT’i’ PHiLOSOPHY Ro191 Mediccil ImpInt Ltd High Profile Smooth Round Style Volume Width Model name IMGHC-LS -H 125 IMGHC- LS -H 150 IMGHC- LS -H 175 IMGHC-LS-H 200 IMGHC- LS -H 225. IMGHC- LS -H 250 IMGHC- LS -H 275 IMGHC- LS -H 300 lNiIC-LS-H IMGHC- LS -H 350 IMGHC- LS -H IMGHC- LS -H 400 IMGHC-LS-H 425 IMGHC- LS -H 450 IMGHC- [S -H IMGHC-LS-H 500 IMGHC-LS-H 525 IMGHC-LS-H 550 Profile (cc) (mm) (mm) 1 25 84 35 150 94 175 96 3 2 00 98 41 2 25 ‘01 43 250 105 45 275 108 46 Ultra High ProfileSrnooth Round Style Model name IMGHC-LS -UH 120 IMGHC-. LS UH 145 IMGHC- LS UH 170 IMGHC-LSUH 195 IMGHC- LS UH220 IMGHC- LS UH 245 IMGHC- LS UH 270 IMGHC- LS UH 290 - - - - - - 25 113 49 350 116 50 375 119 51 400 121 52 425 124 54 450 126 56 475 129 57 500 1 31 58 525 133 58 550 135 59 IMGHC- LS UH 340 IMGHC- LS UH 365 IMGHC- LS UH 390 IMGHC-LSUH 415 IMGHC- LS UH 440 IMGHC- LS UH 460 IMGHC-LSUH 485 IMGHC-LSUH 510 IMGHC-LSUH 535 IMGHC-LS UH_560 - Volume Width Profile (cc) (mm) (mm) 120 75 41 1 85 45 170 87 46 195 89 47 220 91 48 245 94 49 270 96 51 290 99 52 315 102 55 340 104 56 390 109 58 415 111 59 440 113 60 460 115 61 485 117 62 510 119 63 535 121 64 0 S 0 P H - - - - rw 1 8 MARS2 1’ — ‘ Pofil F\/ledic:cil ImpIcnt, Ltd Medium Hight Natural Profile Volume Model name IMREGTX-N IMREGTX-N IMREGTX-.N IMREGTX-N MREGTX-N IMREGTX-N IMREGTX-N lMRE3T(-N IMREGTX-N IMREGTX-N (cc) Medium Hight RationaIProfiIeL Width Profile Projection (mm) (mm) (mm) 180 105 99 38 215 110 103 39 245 115 108 40 280 120 113 42 315 125 118 44 355 130 122 46 395 135 127 47 440 .140 132 49 480 145 136 50 530 150 141 52 Model name IMREGTX-R IMREGTX-R IMREGTX-R IMREGTX-R IMREGTX-R IMREGTX-R IMREGTX-R IMREGTX-R IMREGTX-R IMREGTX-R t: DCMI1003 Volume Width Profile 0 S 0 P H Projection (mm) (cc) (mm) 165 95 89 40 195 100 94 42 225 105 99 44 255 110 103 47 295 115 108 49 330 120- 113 51 375, 125 118 53 420 130 122 55 475 135 127 57 525 140 132 59 (mm) Rofil F\Aedic:öI ImpIcnts Ltd UItraHighEPofiIeJTv High Profile Model name IMGHC-TX-H 125 IMGHC-TX -H 150 IMGHC-TX -H 175 IMGHC-TX -H 200 IMGHC-TX -H 225 IMGHC-TX -H 250 IMGHC-TX -H 275 IMGHC-TX -H 300 IMGH-TX-H -325 IMGHC-TX-H 350 IMGHC-TX -H 375 IMGHC-TX-H 400 IMGHC-TX-H 425 IMGHC-TX-H 450 IMGHC-TX -H • IMGHC-TX -H 500 IMGHC-TX -H IMGHC-TX -H 550 Volume Width Profile (cc) (mm) (mm) 2 15 84 35 36 150 175 97 38 200 99 40 225 102 44 250 10 6 46 275 109 47 f112 48 114 50 350 117 51 375 120 52 400 122 53 425 125 55 450 127 5 500 13 2 59 550 136 60 300: 25 .. - Model name IMGHC-TX-UH 120 IMGHC-TX -UH 145 IMGHC-TX -UH 170 IMGHC-TX -UH 195 IMGHC-TX -UH 220 IMGHC-TX -UH 245 IMGHC-TX -UH 270 IMGHC-TX -UH 290 IMGHc-Tx-UH 315 , IMGHC-TX-UH 340 IMGHC-TX -UH 365 IMGHC-TX-UH 390 IMGHC-TX-UH 415 IMGHC-TX-UH 440 IMGHC-TX -UH IMGHC-TX -UH 485 IMGHC-TX -UH IMGHC-TX -UH IMGHC-TX -UH 560 PHLOSOPHY Volume Width Profile (cc) (mm) (mm) 120 70 41 14 5 86 46 17 0 88 47 95 90 48 220 92 49 2 5 95 50 2 0 97 52 100 53 315 103 56 3 0 105 57 365 108 58 390 110 59 415 112 60 4 0 114 61 485 118 63 124 66 5 5 560 222.2 GRAND-DUCHE DE LUXEMBOURG 1O.2.e. (gehele document) shcJi Société Nationale de Certification et d’Homologation Notified Body Organisme not iflé Benannte Steile - N° 0499 EC Design Examina,tkn Certificate Certijicat d’examen CE de la con ception EG-A uslegungsprufl,escheinigung according to annex II section 4 of directive 93/42/EEC coformément â 1 ‘annexe II section 4 de la directive 93/42/C’EE gemâss AnhangltAbschnitt 4 der Richtlinie 93/42/EWG HANS BIOMED Corp. Manufacturer: Fabricant Herstelier: - 8th SK bldg., 16-4, Sungsulga2-dong Sungdong-gu. Seoul, Korea Device Identification: Identij?cation du dispositf- Prodtidentij7zierung. - - . Silicone Gel-Filled Mammary Impiant BellaGel See SNCH-marked reference List dated 2010-06-22 for details on certified types. Veuillez consulter la liste de reXérences marquée SNCH et datée 201 0-06-22 pour !e détuil des types ceraflés. FOr Details zu zertfizierren Typen siehe SNC’H-gekennzeichnete Referenzilste vom 2010-06-22. Registered Certificate No.: 0844216-04 No. du certflcat Zert!fikatsnr.: - The design of the device Listed above is in conformity with the requirements of annex 1 of directive 93/42IEEC. La conception du dispositfci-dessus est co;!forme aux exigences de 1 ‘annexe 1 de la directive 93/42/CEE. Die Auslegung des obigen Produktes 1sf konform zu den Anforderungen aus Anhang Ider Richilinie 93/42/EWG. The certificate is valid until 2013-07-07. Le Certificat est validejusqu ‘au 2013-07-07. Das ertfikat 1sf gültig bis zum 2013-07-07. Luxenibourg, 2010-07-15 Société Nationale de Certification et d’Homologation s.â r.I. 11, rue de Luxembourg B.P. 23 L-5201 Sandweiler / Lwcembourg (Int-t-352) Fax (lnt+352) 3572 14-244 F2.LM24/Y3 /30J11-O7O3 222.3 GRAND-DUCHE DE LUXEMBOURG 10.2.e. (gehele document) srIï Société Nationale de Certification et d’Homologation Notified Body Organisme izotifi Benannte Steile - N° 0499 EC Certlflcate Certijicat CE /EG Zertijikat Full Quality Assurance System Approval Certificate according to Annex II of Medical Devices Directive (93142/EEC) Certifi cel de S;steme complet d Assurance de Quahte selon Annexe II dele Direciwe relative ar .D,sposiufs Medicaux (93/424EE) Zerlfikat des vol(standigen Qeahtcdsszelserungssyslems nacli Anhang II der Richtimie uber Medsziisprodukte (93/42/EWG) We certify that the Full Quality Assurance System of the company Neus certofions per lapresente qua Ie Systeine Complet d’Assurance dele Quciliie de la socide Wir bestaligen, dafi das vollstdndlge Quallidtssicherungssysiem der Firma HANS BIOMED Corp 8th SK bldg., 16-4, Suugsulga2-dong Sungdong-gu, Seoul, Korea is in conformity with the following requirernents: est confornie aux exigences suzvantes denfolgenden Anforderungen entspnchi Annex II of Medical Devices Directive (93/42/EEC) Annexe II de la Directivè relative mix Dispositifs Médicaux (93/42/CEE) Anhang II der Richtlinie über Medizitiprodukte (93/427E WG) The scopeof the Full Quality System is detailed in annex, which is a constituent part of this certificate. Le domaute d’appltcatoon da Sysieme Complet d’Assurance de le Qualite wI detaxile dans 1 annexe qut est partie constituante di, present cer4flcaL Die Zweckbesdmmung des vollstöndigen Qualii&sskherungssysteins ist un Anhang aufgeflihrt and ist Bestandteil des vorliegenden Zer4flkats. Certificate Certijicat/Zer4fikat No. 0844213-03 The certification is vahd until 2013-07-07 and is subject to a yearly surveillance. La certification est validejusqu ‘au 2013-07-07 eC est soumise â une surveillance annuelle. Dle Zerzifizlerung ist gflhiig bis zum 2013-07-07 und unterliegt einerjiïhrlichen Iiberwachung. Luxembourg, 2010-07-15 Sociétb Nationale cle Certification et d’Homologation eb r.l. BP. 23 11, rue de Luxembourg L-5201 Sandweiler / Luxembourg (lnt+352) Fax (In 1+352) 3572 14-244 F2.lM214 / F2 /2010-07.02 GRAND-DU CIIE DE LUXEMBOURG sn€h Societe Nationale de Certification et d’Homologation Notified Body Organisme not jfié Benaante Steile - N° 0499 Annex of Certificate No. Anne.re dii certijïcat no. /Anlzang zuin Zertifikat Nr. 0844213-03 HANS BIOMED Corp. Scope: Design, manufacture and imnal inspection of Dom aine d’application: Conception,fabrication et contrôle final .1e Zweckbestimmung: Auslegung, Fertiguug wad Endkontrolle von L)evices D,sjor:tfs Frilulite ‘SNCH.markedrÉference Iists , - . - .• Listes ik flrencesmarquÉesS.%rîJ SNH-geInnze1chneie Referenzksien Silicone Gel—Filled Mammarv Iinplaiit BeI1aCeP’ 20100622 Hans Hair Transpianter and spare needies 20 10-06-22 This annex is only valid 1f attached to the certificate mentioned above. La présenie annexe est seuleinent vakzble en relation avec le cerlfical menlionné ci-dessus. DieserAnhaug hal nar Gültigkeit in Verbindung mii dein oben genannien Zer4flkal Page Seite 1/1 - Luxembourg, 20 10-07-15 Sociét Nationale de Certification et d’Homologation s.â r.L B.P. 23 11, rue de Luxembourg L-5201 Sandweiler / Luxembourg (lnt+352) F2.J.M2/y1 /20i9-0327 Fax (Int+352) 35 72 14-244 — 150 CSR-RP 125 CSR-RP 150 CSR-RP 175 (mm) 28 29 30 31 32 34 35 94 98 103 108 113 118 123 128 (cc) 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325 CSR-NP 125 CSR-NP 150 CSR-NP 175 CSR-NP 200 CSRNP 225 CSR-NP 250 CSR-NP 275 CSR..NP 300 CSR-NP 325 CSR-NP 350 Volume diameter Height Height (mm) 155 CSR-HP 550 47 149 550 CSR-RP 550 42 550 59 135 550 CSR.-NP 550 58 133 525 CSR-HP 525 47 146 525 CSR-RP 525 525 CSR-NP 525 42 152 500 500 CSR-HP 500 46 143 500 CSR-RP 500 CSR-NP 500 58 131 475 CSR-HP 475 44 141 475 CSR-RP 475 41 150 40 148 475 57 129 CSR-NP 475 56 126 450 CSR-HP 450 43 139 450 145 450 CSR-NP 450 CSR-RP 450 39 143 425 CSR-NP 425 54 124 425 CSR-HP 425 43 137 425 CSR-RP 425 39 52 121 400 CSR-HP 400 42 133 400 CSR-RP 400 38 141 400 CSR-NP 400 51 119 375 CSR-HP 375 41 130 375 CSR-RP 375 38 138 375 CSR-NP 375 50 116 350 CSR-HP 350 40 127 350 CSR-RP 350 37 135 350 49 113 325 CSR-HP 325 40 124 325 CSR-RP 325 37 132 47 111 300 CSR-HP 300 39 121 300 CSR-RP 300 36 560 22 iUH 2tfli3 535 CSR-UH 560 510 485 460 440 415 390 365 340 315 290 CSR-UH 535 CSR-UH 510 CSR-UH 485 CSRUH 460 CSR-UH 440 CSR-UH 415 CSR-UH 390 CSR-UH 365 CSR-UH 340 CSR-UH 315 CSR-UH 290 63 64 65 121 123 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 52 119 117 115 113 111 109 107 104 102 99 51 46 108 275 CSR-HP 275 270 CSR-UH 270 38 118 275 CSR-RP 275 49 96 245 CSR-UH 245 45 105 250 CSR-HP 250 37 114 250 CSR-RP 250 48 94 43 101 CSR-HP 225 225 35 110 225 CSR-RP 225 47 89 91 46 87 195 45 85 220 41 CSR-UH 220 (mmi) 75 1-Icight (mm) diameter CSR-UH 195 41 200 CSR-H1’ 200 98 34 105 200 CSR-RP 200 39 175 CSR-HP 175 96 33 100 170 175 145 CSR-UH 170 94 150 CSR-HP 150 CSR-UH 145 32 95 125 CSR-HP 125 (cc) Volume 37 29 91 125 Cat. No Ultra High Profile 120 35 84 diameter Height (min) (cc) Volume (ma) Cat. No High Profile / Model Medical Dewce Development Team HANSBIOMED Product Standard CSR-UH 120 (mm) (im) (cc) Cat. No diameter Cat. No Rationizi Profile ?‘ Silicone Gel-fihled Mammary Implant Volume Natura! Profik Attachment 1 47 48 50 51 102 106 109 112 114 117 120 225 250 275 300 325 350 375 400 CTR-HP 225 CTR-HP 250 CTR-HP 275 CTR-HP 300 CTR-HP 325 CTR-HP 350 CTR-J-IP 375 CTR-HP 400 CTR-HP 425 36 38 39 40 41 41 42 43 44 44 111 115 119 122 125 128 131 134 138 140 142 144 225 250 275 300 325 350 375 400 425 450 475 500 525 550 CTR-RP 225 CTR-RP 250 CTR-RP 275 CTR.-RP 300 CTR-RP 325 CTR-RP 350 CTR-RP 375 CTR-RP 400 CTR-kP 425 CTR-RP 450 CTR-RP 475 CTR-RP 500 CTR-RP 525 CTR-RP 550 33 35 36 37 38 38 39 39 40 40 41 42 43 43 114 119 124 129 133 136 139 142 144 146 149 151 153 156 225 250 275 300 325 350 375 400 425 450 475 500 525 550 CTR-NP 225 CTRNP 250 CTR-NP 275 CTR-NP 300 CTR-NP 325 CTR-NP 350 CTR-NP 375 CTR-NP 400 CTR-NP 425 CTR-NP 450 CTR-NP 475 CTR-NP 500 CTR-NP 525 CTR-NP 550 535 560 CTR-UH 485 CTR-UH 510 CTR-UH 535 CTR-UH 560 58 59 59 60 130 132 134 136 475 500 525 550 CTR-HP 475 CTR-HP 500 CTR-1-IP 525 CTR-HP 550 45 47 48 48 147 150 510 485 22 JIJIN 2010 CTR-UTI 460 460 440 57 127 450 CTR-HP 450 CTR-UH 440 55 125 415 390 425 CTR-UH 415 365 340 315 290 53 CTR-UH 390 CTR-UH 365 CTR-UH 340 CTR-UH 315 CTR-IJ.H 290 270 245 CTR-UH 245 CTRUH 270 195 220 CTR-UH 220 122 46 44 40 CTR-UH 195 90 99 200 CTR-HP 200 35 106 200 C1’R-RP 200 32 109 200 CTR-NP 200 38 97 175 CTR-HP 175 34 101 175 CTR.RP 175 31 170 CTR-UN 170 100 66 65 122 124 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 53 120 118 116 114 112 110 108 105 103 52 50 95 97 49 48 47 46 41 (mi) 1-1cigEt 92 86 88 145 CTR-UH 145 75 (iie) diameter 36 104 CTR-NP 175 95 175 150 CTR-HP 150 33 150 CTR-NP 150 j (cc) 35 96 125 CTR-NP 125 1 Volume 120 Cat. No Ultra High Prafile Medica( Device Dei’eloprnen( Team HANSBIOMED Product Standard CTR-UH 120 (iie) 150 84 (ee) CTR-RP 150 125 CTR-HP 125 29 91 (cc) Volume diameter Height 30 (cc) Cat. No (iie) Height (Die) Volume diameter 99 (»nu) Cat. No 125 (ei) Height CTR-RP 125 1 11 diameter High Profile 28 (cc) Volume Rationa! Profile / Model 94 Cat. No Natura! Profile Attachment 1 115 120 245 280 315 CAM—NP 280 CAM—NP 315 CAM—NP 355 2 127 135 555 CAM—HP 555 59 132 140 525 CAM—RP 525 52 141 150 530 CAM—NP 530 57 127 135 475 CAM—RP 475 50 136 145 480 130 495 CAM—HP 495 CAM—NP 480 122 125 440 CAM—HP 440 55 122 130 420 CAM—F1P 420 49 132 140 440 CAM—NP 440 120 390 CAM—HP 390 53 CAM—RP 375 47 127 135 395 118 125 375 CAM-NP 395 51 113 120 330 CAM—RP 330 46 122 130 355 56 118 113 67 65 62 60 58 103 345 CAM-HP 345 108 110 115 300 CAM—HP 300 49 108 115 295 CAM—RP 295 44 118 125 53 99 105 260 CAM—HP 260 47 103 110 255 CAM—RP 255 42 113 51 94 100 225 CAM—HP 225 44 99 105 225 CAM—RP 225 40 108 48 89 195 CAM—RP 195 39 CAM—HP 195 42 94 100 195 CAM—NP 245 103 110 215 46 85 165 95 (mat) 90 j Height projection 165 (cc) Volume] Width (mat) CAM—RP 165 (mi) (mi) (cc) (mi) CAM—l-IP 165 Cat. No 40 Heigh( projection 89 Width 95 CAM—NP 215 38 99 105 180 Volume Medical Devica Development Team HANSBIOMED Product Standard Medium Height High Projile (lam) Cat. No Medium Height Rational Profile e / Model (mi) CAM—NP 180 projection (arn) Width (lam) Volume (cc) Cat. No Hdght Medium Heiglit Natura! Profite Attachment 1 Attachment 1 53 55 56 58 59 60 61 63 64 65 68 108 111 114 117 119 122 124 127 130 132 136 275 300 325 350 375 400 425 450 475 500 550 CTC—UH 275 CTC—UH 300 CTC—UH 325 CTC—IJH 350 CTC—UH 375 CTC—UH 400 CTC—UH 425 CTC—UH 450 CTC—UH 475 CTC—UH 500 CTC—UH 550 53 54 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 66 108 111 114 1 17 119 121 124 127 129 131 135 275 300 325 350 375 400 425 450 475 500 550 CSC—UH 300 CSC—UF1 325 CSC—UH 350 CSC—UH 375 CSC—UH 400 CSC—UH 425 CSC—UH 450 CSC—UH 475 CSC—UH 500 CSC—IJH 550 CSC—UH 275 52 CTC—UH 250 51 105 250 CSC—UH 250 105 50 101 101 225 CSC—IJH 225 250 48 97 200 CSC—UH 200 225 Heighi CTC—UH 225 Diameter 50 (cc) Volume 48 Cat. No 200 (iai) CTC—UH 200 Height (nai) (ria) Diameter (cc) 97 Volume Conical Sisaped Ultra High Profile pe / Model (ei) Cat. No Conical Shaped Ultra High Profit / Model 22itllN21ü ( A’fedical Device Development Team HANSBIOMED Product Standard Hans Biomed Submission Dossier to SNCH for CE-Marking Conformity For Hans Hair Transpianter HAN Bic,md/ HANS BIOMED CORPORATION P.O.BOX H.O: 8 SK bldg., 16-4, Sungsulga2-clong, Sungdong-gu, Seoul, Korea M.O : 461-37, Jeonmin-dong, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Korea Product size of general type and clip type hair transpianters Hans flair Transpianter HT-08 General type HT-lO HT-AO8 Clip type HT-A1O Needie O.D(mm) O.8flini Body Length(mm) 104.Omm 1.Omm O.Xmm 1.Omm 104.Omm 104.Omm 104.Omm Product size of general type and clip type spare needies Needie O.D(mm) Spare Needie O.8mm HN-08 General type 1.Omm 1-IN-lO O.8mm HN-A08 Clip type 1.Omm J--AlO 239 Phîloderm 10.2.e. (gehele document) AehetIc B,V. S 4 H Inspectie voor de Gezondheidszorg ta.v Post •IJ1IfluI 2509 LS DEN HAAG - U S H 1 L 0 S 5 ;ie.:r9 .. 9 Ni Breda, 18 november 2010 Betreft : __.; Philoderm Aesthetics B.V. Geachte In goede orde ontving ik uw schrijven d.d. 11 nove verzoek om een afschrift van de overeenkomst met Regulatory Affairs officer. ‘‘n onder meer het k’an Biotop Medical als Terzake bericht ik u als volgt. Het is mij niet duidelijk op basis van welke wettelijke bepalingen Philoderm Aesthetcs BV. gehouden zou zijn u inzage te geven in met derden aangegane overeenkomsten van diensten. Te meer nu Philoderm Aesthetics BV. geen fabrikant van medische hulpmiddelen is. Volledigheidshalve merk ik op dat het bovenstaande nadrukkelijk niet dient te worden beschouwd als een weigering mee te werken aan uw verzoek maar dient te worden gezien ter bewaking van onze juridische positie (ook jegens Biotop Medical). In het vertrouwen u hiermee te hebben geïnformeerd en van u te mogen vernemen, verblijf ik. Met vriendelijke groet, Philoderm Aethetics BV. Heung 16 S ‘ 4817 B Breca .Tre Nerrirland; T 3i 076 5781311 •F 31 (075 5781312 www ;il iij aeht:sccm qK Breia 20062037 VAJ NL 5011.40.394.5 0 Pho4erm Aestrc5 3% so 9001 ara 13485 (:p(t0e4 S II 283 10.2.e. (gehele document) > Inspectie voor de Gezondheidszorg Ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport Retouradres Postbus 90700 2509 LS Den Haag Philoclerm Aesthetics BV T. a .v. Heusing 16 4817 ZB BREDA Datum 15 februari 2011 Onderwerp Verzoek om doorgeleiding te verzorgen Werkgebied Zuidwest WiIh. van Pruisenweg 52 Den Haag Postbus 90700 2509 LS Den Haag T 070 304 15 00 F 070 304 15 70 www.Igz,nI Bij lagen Geachte Bijgevoegd ontvangt u een afschrift van een brief die ik aan heb gestuurd. Ik verzoek ervoor zorg te dragen dat hij dit stuk ontvangt. Mochten er redenen zijn waarom u niet in de mogelijkheid verkeert om hiervoor zorg te dragen, dan verzoek ik u mij dit per direct te laten weten. Bijlage: brief Rofil Medical Aesthetics, Cyprus Pagina 1 van 1 284. 1O.2.e. (gehele document) Health Care Inspectorate Ministry ofHeafth, Welfare and Sport > Postal address P0. Box 90700 2509 LS The Hague The Netherlands Reglon Southwest 7040 OROKLINI Cyprus WiIh. van Pruisenweg 52 The Hague F.0. Box 90700 2509 LS The Hague The Netherlands T +31 70 304 15 00 F +31 70 304 15 70 www.Igz,nI Our reference Date Subject February 15, 2011 Bevestiging calculated risk Geachte Bij de afrondende rapportage over de recali van de implantaten van PIP / M Implants heb ik nog een vraag voor u. U heeft aangegeven dat de meldingen van lekkage bij u binnen de algemeen geaccepteerde grenzen bleven. De Franse toezichthouder (Afssaps) noemde een percentage van ‘ongeveer 1%’ als wat in de branche normaal is. BioTop Medical in Leiden heeft ons gezegd dat uit literatuuronderzoek een faalkans ‘kleiner dan 1%’ zou blijken. Kunt u bevestigen dat Rofil uitgegaan is van het zelfde percentage? Ik zie uw schriftelijke reactie graag binnen twee weken na dagtekening tegemoet. !I1 liI Page 1 of 1 285 1O.2.e. (gehele document) FhiIoc.: erm AEsthetIt B.V. F_ 5.-ï5 P01.Çj5ç.’7 Inspectie voor de Gezondheidszorg ta.ij. Poswus utuu 2509 LS DEN HAAG Breda, 17 februari 2011 Betreft Philoderm Aesthetics B.V. Geachte In goede orde ontving ik via w schrijven d.d. 15 februari 2011. Hierbij bevestia ik dat Rofil is uitgegaan van het zelfde percentage zoals aangegeven door In het vertrouwen u hiermee te hebben geïnformeerd, verblijf ik, Hoogachtend Philoderm Aesti 1 Hunq 16’.487 28 Brda rhe 1 e4dsT 3i 016 5781311 31 076 58i32 E nfo’4 Dhlcdirrraesthe0cs corn .wjw. oderrndetheto;s.corn KK Bcda 20062037 VAT NL 801 1 40.804 8.01 Phiioderrn AstherVs BV s 50 9001 arol 13485 c-rfieo - -- 287 1O.2.e. (gehele document) Inspectie voor de Gezondheidszorg Ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport > Retouradres Postbus 90460 2509 LL Den Haag Geneesmiddelen En Medische Technologie Rofil Medical Nederland BV T.a.v. pia Philoderm Aesthetics BV Heusing 16 4817ZB BREDA Wilh. van Pruisenweg 52 Den Haag Postbus 90460 2509 LL Den Haag T 070 304 15 00 F 070 304 15 70 www.igz.nI Ons kenmerk Datum 24 februari 2011 Onderwerp Omzetcijfers M-rmplants in Nederland Tijdens het inspectiebezoek van 22 februari 2011 heeft u mij de gemiddelde verkoopsprijs van uw implantantaten over de jaren gegeven, had mij eerder omzetcijfers per jaar gegeven, zodat ik nu een onderbouwde schatting kan maken van de verkochte aantallen. Hieronder staan de resultaten hiervan. jaar 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Totaal bmzet Euro - Gem. prijs Schatting aantal verkocht 652 254 206 253 340 10.1.c. 1705 Pagina 1 van 3 De gegevens over 2006-2009 die gedetailleerd: mij gegeven heeft zijn meer Datum - - - 2006 2 2 33 -7 2007 4 40 4 44 2 6 191 7 74 51 38 10 2 137 251 2 12 1 857 Totalen - 2008 2009 -26 24 februari 2011 1O.1.c. 46 -2 -4 -15 4 33 8 28 4 18 8 4 6 2 8 2 94 83 -2 Conclusie van de inspectie is daarmee dat bovenop de schatting van 1705 implantaten die verkocht zijn in de periode van 2001 2005, er nog eens 1032 middelen in de periode van 2006-2009 bij komen. Hierbij kom ik in totaal uit op 2737 verkochte implantaten in Nederland. Ik verzoek u aan te geven in hoeverre dit een juiste schatting is. Mocht u uitkomen op andere cijfers, dan verneem ik dat graag inclusief onderbouwing binnen twee weken van u. — — — Ik verzoek u verder mij afschriften te sturen van de analyses die u heeft gemaakt van uw viglilantiegegevens en de gegevens uit de post market surveillance geordend per jaar over de periode 2001 tot en met 2008. Een fabrikant van een medisch hulpmiddel van klasse III is verplicht deze gegevens bij te houden. In het kader van uw kwaliteitssysteem zou op grond van deze analyses een advies aan het management moeten zijn opgesteld. Ik vraag u ook deze adviezen geordend per jaar aan mij te doen toekomen. Ik verzoek u mij deze gegevens schriftelijk Pagina 2 van 3 binnen twee weken naar mij op te sturen. Eventueel kunnen afschriften volstaan. Wellicht ten overvloede wijs ik u erop dat de inspectie op basis van de artikelen 5.16 en 5.17 van de Algemene wet bestuursrecht bevoegd is deze informatie te vorderen. ri]TIiI.i[.N. Datum 24 rebruari 2011 Pagina 3 van 3 289 Philoderm® 10.2.e. (gehele document) AebthetIc B.V. S . 0 S 0 Inspectie voor de Gezondheidszorg tav. Postbus 90700 2509 LS DEN HAAG - 2Ol —i Breda, 3 maart 2011 Betreft : Rofil Medical Nederland B.V. Geachtel In goede orde ontving ik via w brieven d.d. 23 resp. 24 februari 2011. Dienaangaande bericht ik u als volgt. 1. Schatting verkochte aantallen borstprothese s 2001 tlm 2005 Ik kan uw schatting volgen.nu ik niet over andere gege vens dan u beschik. 2. Vigilantiegegevens etc. over de periode 2001 tlm 2008 De vigilantiegegevens, managementreview en post market surveillance over de periode 2001 tlm 2008 heb ik verzameld. Deze (omvangrijke) documentatie staat voor u gere ed om afgehaald te worden ten kantore van Philoderm Aesthetics B.V. 3. Verkochte aantal borstprotheses per klini ek over de periode 2001 t!m 2005 Ik kan uit de administratieve systemen geen ander over zicht produceren dan ik u in eerdere instantie heb verschaft. De specifieke aantallen zouden eventueel door een fysieke analyse van de )omvangrijke) administratie van Rofil Medical Nederland BV eventueel kunnen worden gereproduceerd. Ik beschik niet over de administratieve mankracht e.e.a . uit te voeren. Wellicht dat de curator van Rofil Medical Nederland B.V. hier tijd en kosten aan wil spenderen nu de administratie van Rofil Medical Nederland B.V. onder zijn verantwo ordelijkheid valt. Heiisng 16 4817 ZB Breda -The Netherlands ‘T +31 (0)76 5781311 -F +31 (0)76 5781312 E [email protected] www.philodermaesthetics.com .KvIK Breda 200620 37 —VAT NL 8011 40.894,B 01 PhIoderrn Aesthetics BV is ISO 9001 and 13485 certified PhIIoderm AesthetIc B.V. In het vertrouwen u hiermee te hebben gefnformeerd, verblijf ik, Heusing 16.4817 ZBBreda.TheNetherlands-T+31 (0)765781311 ‘F +31 (0)76 5781312 E [email protected] • wwwphiodermaestheticscom • KvK Breda 20062037 -VAT NL 8011 .40.894.B.01 Ph,ioderm Aesthetics BV is SO 9001 and 13485 certified 291 PhiIode’rm® 10.2.e. (gehele document) A9sthetics -B V 1—1 3 L ) Li Ii II Inspectie voor de Gezondheidszorg Tav. Postbus 90460 2509 LL Den Haag Breda, 14maart2011 Betreft: Omzetcijfers M-Implants Nederland De in de brief van 24 februari 2011 gevraagde informatie is verzameld in 1 doos met als inhoud: Vigilantiegegevens: Post Market Surveillance: Management Review: 4 mappen 3 mappen 2 mappen Totaal: 9 mappen Door IGZ in ontvangst genomen d.d.: 14 maart 2011 Handtekening voor ontvangst: Naam: Heusing 16 4817 ZO Breda The Netherlands T +31 (0)76 5781311 F +31 (0)76 5781312 [email protected] 1 www.philodermaestheticscom KvK Breda 20062037 Philoderm Aesthetcs BV is 150 9001 and 13485 certified VAT NL 8011.40,894.0 01 303 919 ) J J 1O.2.e. (gehele document) cifriurn medisch centrumparksiad inspectie voor de Gezondheidszorg Medische Technologie Postbus 90460 2509 LL DEN HAAG datum: 24 maart 2011 ons kenmerk: kenmerk: senior inspecteur kopie: Betreft: meldingen M-implants van Rofil Geachte In uw brief van 1 0 maart inzake meldingen M-lmplants van Rofil hebben wij in goede orde ontvangen. Graag ontvangt u nog een overzicht van alle meldingen van falende implantaten die wij aan Rofil hebben gedaan. Het vergt enige tijd om alle informatie uit de dossiers boven water te krijgen. Het is dan ook niet mogelijk om dit binnen 3 weken aan te leveren. Hopende u hiermee voor dit moment voldoende te hebben geïnformeerd. z1 t, / lid Raad van Bestuur 304 a,k) CAAJ 10.2.e. (gehele document) 11— atrr r ’ 1 j J medisch centrum parkstad Inspectie voor de Gezondheidszorg Inspecteur Postbus 90460 2509 LL Den Haag Raad van Bestuur tel. (045) fax (045) 5767474 e-mailadres: [email protected] WÎlt u s.v.p. bij uw reactie ons kenmerk vermelden. datum: 14 april 2011 bijlage: kopie: ons kenmerk: uw kenmerk: 1 Betreft: reactie inzake Rofil borstprothesen Geachte Naar aanleiding van uw verzoek om een overzicht van alle meldingen aan ROFIL van falende implantaten die in het verleden in Atrium Medisch Centrum Parkstad werden geïmplanteerd kan ik u als volgt informeren. Van alle implantaten, die in het verleden vanwege lekkage zijn geëxplanteerd, is melding gedaan bij ROFIL en werd de lekkende prothese conform afspraak opgestuurd. Als antwoord ontvingen wij steeds bericht dat geconstateerd was dat de prothese stuk was, maar er werd nooit een oorzaak in het materiaal geconstateerd. Als tegemoetkoming werden de prothesen vergoed. Hierover bestaat geen correspondentie. In 2008 werd het bericht van ROFIL vergezeld van een analyserapport waarvan ik de voorhanden zijnde rapporten volledigheidshalve bijsluit. De plastische chirurgie heeft mij laten weten dat alle patiënten met implantaten van ROFIL, die geen gevolg hebben gegeven aan de controleafspraak, zijn aangeschreven en uitgenodigd om contact op te nemen. Het aantal personen dat gereageerd heeft op de oproep is meer // dan 50%. Met vriendelijke groet, Rofil Medical Nederland BV. 4847 AL Teteriogen Willem Aleariderpleiri 11 F *31 (0)76 5315660 T -31 (0)76 5315670 1 www rol ii corn info@rcfil corn VAT NL 800361271301 KvK Breda 20062072 The Netherlands 304.1 Atrium Medisch Centrum Heerlen T.a .v. Afdeling Plastische Chirurgie Henri Dunantstraat 5 6401 CX HEERLEN Breda, 20 november 2008 Onze ref.:I Betreft:i Hierbij sturen wij u het analyserapport betreffende de klacht van twee en borstimplantaten met lotnummers Het analyserapport wijst uit dat uw klacht gegrond is. Vriendelijk verzoek om binnen 14 dagen contact op te nemen met onze Customer Service om vervanging te bespreken. van Mocht u vragen hebben betreffende deze informatie, aarzelt u dan niet om contact op te nemen met Ervan uitgaande u hiermee voldoende te hebben geïnformeerd, verblijven wij, Met vriendelijke groeten, Bijlagen THE BEAUTY PHILOSOPHY SQIII4 FOR 803 C IPIP ANALYSIS REPORT Implementation date 29oct2008 POLY MPLANTS PTtOTHEtES Page 2 of 2 304.1.1 DATA COLLECTION PIP file Nt Analysis date: 27/10/2008 Reason for return: Explantation Implantation date: 16/08/2005 Explantation date: 12/09/2008 lmpantation time: 3 years Distributor: Hospital: Artrium medisch centrum Surgeor Patient: Product identification: IMGHC-TX Batch 1 serial number: 45204-00 1 Volume: 245 cc INCIDENT REPORTING The prosthesis was explanted some 3 years after the implantation because of rupture. SHELL SCHEMA AND PHOTO PATCH SIDE UPPER LEFT QUADRANT UPPER RIGHT QUADRÂNT — LOWER LEFT QUADRANT LOWER RIGHT QUADRANT ANALYSIS RESULT We found that the explant to be grossfy tom. The envelope thickness was checked throughout and no value was found to be outside the manufacturing specification(1). All values being within the parameters set for this type of implant. We microscopically examined all along the Iengths of the tears but we could not identify the origin of the rupture nor any evidence of surgical damage. (1) Thickness of the shell: For a texturedimplantbetween 0,57 mm and 0,95 mm For a smooth implant between 0,40 mm and 0,63 mm Analyst(s): _ fj ANALYSIS REPORT PIJ? IOLY IMPLANÎS PROTHE5ES of 2 DATA COLLECTION PIPfile N Analysis date: 27/10/2008 Reason for return: Explantation Implantation date: 16/08/2005 Explantation date: 12/09/2008 Implantation time: 3 years Distributo, Hospital: Artrium medisch centrum Surgeon: patient:r Product identification: MGHC-TX Batch 1 serial number: 31004-0 17 Volume: 245 cc INCIDENT REPORTING The prosthesis was explanted some 3 years after the implantation because of rupture. SHELL SCHEMA AND PHOTO PATCH SIDE UPPER RIGHT QUADRANT UPPER LEFT QUADRANT — . — — LOWER LEFT QUADRANT LOWER RIGHT QUADRANT ANALYSIS RESULT later Manipulation of a breast implant at the time of insertion could predispose the device to fail at a of the status and explantation during compromised be could date, however the integrity of an implant result. as a classified mistakenly be could intact implant an this Although from the literature most implants seem to rupture eventualfy, It is most unfortunate particular implant did not last as long as anticipated. the We found a substantialfy “U” shaped tear in the lower left quadrant 1-cm from the equator of the outside to be found was value no and throughout checked explant. The envefope thickness was >. All vafues being within the parameters set for this type of implant. 11 manufacturing specification Using a microscope, we looked carefufly all along the tear walis to identify the point of origin. Despite this it was not possible to clearly determine why this implant ruptured. (1) Thickness of the shell: For a textured implant between 0,57 mm and 0,95 mm For a smooth implant between 0,40 mm and 0,63 mm Analyst(s): Rofil Medical Nederland BV. Willem Alexanderplein 11 4847 AL Teteringen T +31 (0)76 531 5670 F -31 (0)76 531 5660 [email protected] wwwrofilcom KvK Breda 20062072 The Netherlands VAT NL 800361271801 Atrium Medisch Centrum Heerlen ” ‘-“‘hirurgie 1 T.a.v A 6401 CX HEERLEN Breda, 20 november 2008 Onze ref. Betreft: Geachte Hierbij sturen wij u het analyserap borstimplantaten met lotnummers rf h nde de klacht van twee Het analyserapport wijst uit dat uw klacht gegrond is. Vriendelijk verzoek om binnen 14 dagen contact op te nemen me. onze Customer Service om vervanging te bespreken. . Mocht u vragen hebben betreffende deze informatie, aarzelt u dan niet om contact op te nemen met Ervan uitgaande u hiermee voldoende te hebben geïnformeerd, verblijven wij, Met vriendelijke groeten, Rofil Medical Nederland B.V. Bijlagen HE BEAUTY PHILOSOPHY 304.2 DATA COLLECTION PIP file N Analysis date: 27/10/2008 Reason for return: Explantation Implantation date: 09/08/2005 Explantation date: 12/09/2008 Implaritation time: 3 years Distributor: Hospital: Not communicated Surgeon: Patient: [ Product identification: IMGHC-TX Batch 1 serial number: 19604-002 Volume: 285 cc INCIDENT REPORTING This expiant is the contralateral implantofunitnumber 19604-017. SHELL SCHEMA AND PHOTO PATCH SIDE ANALYSIS RESULT cut A 3-mm cut was found in the ower left quadrant, 1 5-mm from the equator of the explant. A 8-mm envelope The explant. the of equator the from 1-cm quadrant, right upper was also found in the thickness was checked throughout and no value was found to be outside the manufacturing . All values being within the parameters set for this type of implant, 1 specificatiori SQ1/14FORT 11 PJ1? ANALYSIS REPORT Implementation date 29oct2008 tOLY JMPLANTS Page lof 4 DATA COLLECTION PIP file Nt Analysis date: 27/10/2008 Reason for return: Explantation Implantation date: 09/08/2005 Explantation date: 12/09/2008 Implantatiori time: 3 years Distributor Hospital: Not communicated Surgeon: Patient: Product identification: IMGHC-TX Batch / serial number: 19604-017 Volume: 285 cc INCIDENT REPORTING The prosthesis was explanted some 3 years after the implantation because of rupture. SHELL SCHEMA AND PHOTO PATCH SIDE UPPER LEFT QUADRANT UPPER RIGHT QUADRANT studied under the microscope LOWER LEFT QUADRANT Microscopy x63 QUADRANT We microscopicaty examined all along the lengths of the tears but we could not identify the origin of the rupture nor any evidence of surgical damage. (1) Thickness of the shell: For a textured implant between 0,57 mm and 0,95 mm For a smooth implant between 0,40 mm and 0,63 mm Analyst(s): Rofil Medical Nederland B.V. 4847 AL Teeringen W1(ern Alexanderplen 11 F -31 (076 5315660 T .31 (0)76 5315670 1 www rofil corn E nfo@rofiLcom VAT NL 800361271B01 KvK Breda 20062072 The Netherlands Atrium Medisch Centrum Heerlen T.a.v. Afdeling Plastische Chirurgie Henri Dunantstraat 5 6401 CX HEERLEN Breda, 20 november 2008 Onze ref.: Betreft Hierbij sturen wij u het analyserapport betreffende de klacht van een borstimplantaat met Iotnummei Het analyserapport wijst uit dat uw klacht ongegrond is. Mocht u vragen hebben betreffende deze informatie, aarzelt u dan niet om contact op te nemen met Ervan uitgaande u hiermee voldoende te hebben geïnformeerd, verblijven wij, Met vriendelijke groeten, RoN Medical Nederland B.V. 1 II. ;er Bijlagen THE BEAUTY PHILOSOPHY r SQ1/üöo3c1 J1] linpIementaton ANALYSIS REPORT 29 oct 200S POLY IMPLkNTS PROTHESES Pagelof2 1 DATA COLLECTION PIP file N Analysis date: 27/10/2008 Distributor: Hospital: Artrium medisch centrum Surgeon: Patient:r Reason for return: Explantation Implantation date: 04/06/2003 Explantation date: 29/07/2008 Implaritation time: 5 years Product identification: IMGHC-TX Batchlserial number: 15501-174 Volume: 365 cc INCIDENT REPORTING The prosthesis was explanted some 5 years after the implantation because of rupture. SHELL SCHEMA AND PHOTO No photo taken, implant not received. ANALYSIS RESULT Implant not received. Analyst(s): Returns & Complaints Manager [)J [] [) SQ1/14 FOR 8oï ANALYSIS REPORT ementation date: 29oct2008 POlY IMPLANTS PROflIE5ES Page 2 of2 DATA COLLECTION PIP file N Analysis date: 27/10/2008 Reason for return: Explantation Implantation date: 04/06/2003 Explantation date: 29/07/2008 Implantation time: 5 years IJILI Hospital: Artrium medisch centrum Product identification: IMGHC-TX Batch 1 serial number: 15501-164 Volume: 365 cc INCIDENT REPORTING This explant is the contralateral implantof unit number 15501-1 74. SHELL SCHEMA AND PHOTO DOME SIDE UPPER LEFT QUADRANT UPPER RICHT QUADRANT LOWER QUADRANT LOWER RICHT QUADRANT 1 ANALYSIS RESULT Implant without any defect. Tolerance criteria +/- 2.5 % of the initial weight implant. Analystf’s): pagina 1 van 1 306 10.2.e. (gehele document, tenzij anders aangegeven) Afzender/verzender: IGZ Van: Verzonden: maandag 2mei2011 13:53 Aan: _Dienstpostbus IGZ DenBosch Onderwerp: FW: drie meldingen Atrium? (documentnr Bijlagen: meldingnr .PDF Beste collega’s, Willen jullie deze e-mail hangen onder WPM-nummer: Dank! Groet, Van: Verzonden: maandag 2 mei 2011 13:48 Aan: Onderwerp: EW: drie meldingen Atrium? Ha voor de melding PIP. dank Verzonden: maandag 2 mei 2011 13:09 Aan: Onderwerp: drie meldingen Atrium? Beste 11.1 Hoe denk jij hierover? Met vriendelijke groet, 04-05-20 1 1 ? 307 10.2.e. (gehele document) Inspectie voor de Gezondheidszorg Ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport > Retouradres Postbus 90700 2509 LS Den Haag Atrium Medisch Centrum Parkstad T.a.v. lid Raad van Bestuur fl 4-k rOSLUUS AAA.C ‘U 6401 CX HEERLEN Werkgebied Zuidwest wiIh. ‘Jan Prulsenweg 52 Den Haag Postbus9O700 2509 LS Den 1-laag T 0703041500 F 070 304 15 70 www.igz.nl Inlichtingen bij T (070 Datum 9 mei 2011 Onderwerp rieldingen aan Rofil door Atrium Uw kenmerk Geachte Uw brief 14 april 2011 Bedankt voor uw brief van 14 april 2011 over de meldingen die door Atrium Medisch Centrum Parkstad aan Rofil zijn gedaan naar aanleiding van het scheuren van implantaten. Ik heb uw meldingen gelegd naast het overzicht dat ik al had van meldingen die door Rofil conform de wettelijke eisen aan de inspectie waren gemeld. Uw overzicht bestaat uit drie meldingen, met in totaal vier kapotte implantaten. In het overzicht dat wij hebben van meldingen die ontvangen zijn van Rofil tref ik in totaal acht meldingen uit het Atrium aan, met in totaal tien beschadigde implantaten. De drie meldingen uit uw brief van 14 april 2011 kan ik in dat overzicht terug vinden. Maar verder overlappen deze beide overzichten elkaar niet. Wanneer er toch nog andere meldingen zijn, ontvang ik die graag alsnog van u binnen drie weken na dagtekening van deze brief. Gezien uw verantwoordelijkheid voor het leveren van verantwoorde zorg wil ik u er daarnaast nog op wijzen dat het opsporen en aanschrijven van de patiënten die nog niet gereageerd hebben op uw recail van groot belang is teneinde patientschade in de toekomst te vermijden. Ik verwacht uw reactie hierop binnen zes weken na dagtekening van deze brief. Pagina 1 van 1 Naam Adres 1O.2.e. Ingeschreven in Infunctietreding Titel Bevoegdheid :Palra Grove Tlouse P. 0. BOX 438, Roadtown, Tortola, Britse Maagdeneilanden :Registry of Corporate Affaires te Road Town, Britse Maaqdeneilanden onder nummer 1534612. :31—12—2009 :Directeur :Alleen/zelfstandig bevoegd 308 Alleen geldig indien door de kamer voorzien van een ondertekening. 16—05—2011 Dossiernununer: 20062037 Blad 00003 volqt. Blad 00003 Woercien, 16—05—2011 Uittreksel is vervaardigd om 15.37 uur Voor uittreksel Bron: Uittreksel-informatie lnternet. Geldt niet als uittreksel in de zin van artikel 22 lid 1 van de Handeisregisterwet 2007. 102e (gehe1edmetY :z2Ö’ 1, a 9 , i: — J : 9 j j 309 +r LJ medisch centrum porksta Raad van Bestuur tel. (045)_ fax (045) 5767474 2509 LLDen Haag emailadres; [email protected] datum: 6 juni 2011 Wilt u s.v.p. bij uw reactk ons kenmerk vermelden. ons kenmerk: Betreft: melding M-lmplants van ROFIL Geachte Refererend aan uw schrijven van 9 mei jI. wil ik u laten weten dat alle defecte implantaten, waarvan u in januari een overzicht ontving, opgestuu rd zijn naar ROFIL dan wel meegegeven met de vertegenwoordiger van de firma. Helaas beschikk en wij niet over correspondentie dienaangaande. Zoals vermeld ontvingen wij steeds als antwoord dat de prothese stuk was maar er werd nooit een oorzaak in het materiaal geconstat eerd. Als tegemoetkoming werden de prothesen vergoed. Wat betreft het opsporen van patiënten die geen gehoor meer hebben gegeven aan de controleoproep heeft de Plastische Chirurgie inmiddels laten weten dat het merendeel van de patiënten op de oproep heeft gereageerd. Wij realiseren ons dat er ook patiënten zijn die inmiddels z verhuisd of mogelijk overleden. ‘lid Raad van Bestuur Atriurn Mdsch Centrum PorkstDd Heerlen Brunssum Kerkrade 319 certificaten, manuals en conformiteitsverklaringen risico management m-implants statement m-implants ec declaratie general agreement rmi tuv rheinland certificat d’examen Ce de la conception pip ec design examination report rmi silicone breast implant correspondentie rofil -tuv rheinland inzake design dossier correspondentie rofil -tuv rheinland inzake design dossier ec design examination certificate deviation topic 19 audit report tuv aanvraag tot ec conform ity deviations door biotop mediaci voor RMI verzoek voor certificaten aanvraag tot ec conformity met product beschrijving verzoek change legal manufacturer van RMI naar RMN design dossier report for amendments mdd revision level quality manuel procedure 7-4-2004 23-4-2004 23-4-2004 7-4-1999 15-3-2004 5-8-2002 24-5-2004 10-6-2004 22-6-2004 21-9-2004 31-7-2003 7-3-2007 9-3-2007 14-6-2007 14-7-2007 21-6-2007 1 9-7-2007 9-4-2044 18-7-2007 UJ ° ° H. rt > x - 0 0 çJ H t ; >->->H 1 : ;-1 : f-. ,-. —: -1 L : l•‘-‘t, ,f’1 !—J t,—..,! <! 1 H .—--.- LJ4LIL w >.. LJ >- LLJ LL > r 0 L -. 0’ 0 0) > 0 —J 0 0 ‘•0 — — 1O.2.e. Certificaten, manuals en conformiteitsverklaringen tuv en snch Annex certificate m-implants rofil Annex certificate bellagel implant Hand BIOMED corp Design examination certificate rofil med int. Intrekken ce keurmerk tuv aan schreuder Philoderm incidenten overzicht naar tuv Verklaring niet meer gebruiken ce keurmer vai Rofil aan tuv naams wijziging rofil in philoderm Incidenten overzicht rofil med ni aan tuv Revisie stand tuv Declaration of conformity rofil aan tuv 18-3-2010 SNCH 15-7-2010 SNCH 22-6-2004 16-06-2009 8-4-2009 25-2-2009 14-1-2009 20-10-2008 6-7-2007 — Naam afzender 1 nvt nvt nvt Pnci ilbiten nvt flvt 0 nvt 27-9-2010 -I nvt 0 nvt 0 nvt 27-9-2010 29-9-2010 27-9-2010 -I 1 -1 2 0 nvt 0 nvt nvt nvt 1 vrouw reeds eerder opnieuw geopereerd, 1 vrouw gecontroleerd, geen 2 problemen. nvt 28-9-2010 29-9-2010 nvt nvt Onvt 28-9-2010 0 nvt 0 nvt nvt Onvt 28-9-2010 28-9-2010 nvt 0 nvt 0 nvt 29-9-2010 nvt 27-9-2010 27-9-2010 nvt nvt 27-9-2010 27-9-2010 27-9-2010 nvt 0 nvt 0 nvt 0 nvt 27-9-2010 27-9-2010 nvt 0 nvt 0 nvt 0 nvt reeds qecontroleerd 0 nvt implantaten 27-9-2010 Naam instellinq 2 nvt 1 Aantal vrouwen 0 nvt Naam instellinq Aantal nvt Ej 1 nummer Brief- 0 nvt 27-9-2010 27-9-2010 27-9-2010 27-9-2010 Datum 1 Inventarisatie reacties op tweede IGZ-waarschuwing borstimplantaten Brief 23 september2010, 10.2.e. 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