Cross-Border Claims

Cross-Border Claims
Cross border claims – a Pandora’s box for insurers? P9
CED: a firm grip on claims process P11
Asirom challenged by Romanian exodus P13
Tranquilidade: balancing between claims’ service
and fraud combat across Europe
United Kingdom – a popular destination for adventurous Czechs P17
Whiplash in Europe: what can we learn from Switzerland P19
Google Glass joins the loss adjustment business P22
Addressing fraud with voice analysis
Technology will replace the driver P23
CED offices
It’s something of a vague memory these days, but before the introduction
At CED we are convinced that the near future will see the implementation
of the now-familiar Green Card system, one’s car insurance cover stopped
of a range of innovations in our industry. And we plan to be leading in
at the border. Passing a border post somewhere in Europe meant you
introducing the technology that will change the claims business.
first had to take out an insurance policy. However, taking your car abroad
became easier in the ‘50s, with the introduction of the Green Card.
Some innovations will be invisible to the insured motorist - as they will be
implemented behind the scenes with the aim of improving our systems.
Today that system is basically unchanged. This is unsurprising, as the
Others will definitely be visible: Google Glass, the use of voice analysis to
idea of freedom of movement, which underlies the system, is still a basic
indicate fraud - and the driverless car! Already capable of automatically
European assumption.
maintaining following distance and keeping to its traffic lane, it does not
require steering (although failure to keep a hand on the steering wheel will
Freedom of movement - of road traffic and people – also allows for
set off an alarm tone).
more rapid development of new ideas, smart solutions and innovative
applications. Something that works in Belgium or Germany can be
Technology will change the claims market - that much is definite. And CED
introduced in Hungary or Spain tomorrow - and preferably in an improved
is prepared for this change. With thanks to the Green Card!
version, based on accessible German and Belgian experience.
Watch our video to find out more about CED
and our services.
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watch our video online.
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in de schademarkt
How do you keep a firm grip on claims settlement in other countries?
European insurers pay out many millions of euros annually on crossborder car claims - often without any control over the settlement
process. At the same time, external and internal regulators are
imposing increasingly stringent requirements on insurers in the area
of control and supervision. CED International’s Peter Kruyt sketches
developments in a turbulent market.
“The good reputation of the insurance industry is under a bit of
pressure”, says Peter Kruyt, International Business Director at CED.
“The consumer is demanding transparency and governments want
better risk and process management - while insurers are a long way
from meeting these requirements when it comes to cross-border
claims. They often have no insight into the financial and claims
processes of their foreign partners, nor into the competencies of the
people executing settlement on their behalf.”
Qualitative research
CED uncovered this issue several years ago as a result of qualitative
research carried out among large insurers. Although a few years have
since passed, little has changed in this regard.
This results in insurers often having to effectively write blank cheques
settlement amount,” says Kruyt. “The claims manager must then deliver
And, even worse, honour them. Insurers pay about € 1.7 billion on
a weekly status report to management, while he actually has no idea of
350,000 cross border claims per year.
what’s going on.”
These claims are all settled according to the well-known Green Card
And this plays out against the backdrop of an increasing need for
System. “The system was set up after the Second World War, with
control and supervision. Regulators increasingly require guarantees of
the aim of facilitating traffic between European countries - and still
compliance with processes.
works in the same way”, says Kruyt. “It has become a rather vague
The big question is how insurers can maintain control and not be kept in
memory, but one’s cover stopped at the border before the introduction
the dark for a year and a half - as is often the case with more complex
of this system. You then took out an insurance policy at the border.
claims - only to end up paying a substantial amount, on unclear grounds,
Fortunately that’s all behind us.”
to a foreign party!
Nevertheless, given more than half a century of working together in the
Kruyt is not arguing that every insurer should master the varieties of
European context, it’s remarkable how insurers often have no idea how
local legislation in such detail as to be able to effect settlement itself.
claims are assessed, checked and paid beyond their own borders. “A
“This would be a gargantuan task. An insurer would have to know the
strange state of affairs,” says Kruyt, “You hand over your wallet in the
law on liability and damage compensation in every European country
hope it’s all going to turn out OK - to someone you hardly know!”
visited by its policyholders. lmpossible, of course. One should rather be
able to rely on partners with transparent claims processes - with staff
Claims processes are inconsistent
demonstrably qualified for their tasks.”
The problem is that there is no consistency between claims processes
in the various European countries, not even when they are carried
Stimulating knowledge exchange
out by the same party. Most claims handlers use their own systems
Which is why CED is such a strong supporter of knowledge exchange -
and processes, which insurers have difficulty in accessing. “This is
between insurers from different countries, and between insurers and
extremely frustrating, especially when there is a potentially high
claims handlers. “For many insurers the feeling of being ‘ripped off’ in
other countries is not infrequent,” says Kruyt. “That’s putting it bluntly,
but it best describes a feeling shared by many.”
The differences are substantial: “Victim protection is very highly
developed in Western Europe, but significantly less so in Eastern
Europe. At the same time Dutch and British insurers can get terribly
preoccupied by the detail in their files, especially in cases of
conflicting interests. This endlessly delays solutions. In this regard
we can learn from Scandinavia, where there is a greater sense of
interconnectedness and where there are better solutions for the
settlement of road accident claims.”
CED has realised that learning to know and respect each other within
Europe grows trust and creates opportunities for mutual learning.
It is still too often the case that insurers’ cross border departments
despair that the insured motorist will always be ‘wrong’ abroad - and
that the insurer will inevitably be liable for the claim. Kruyt: “That
feeling is still there, but is mainly the result of ignorance of foreign
claims processes. An insurer that isn’t involved in any kind of familiar
process, but nevertheless has to foot the bill, can’t help feeling a bit
cheated at the end of the day. Which is why it’s important to work with a
trusted partner that uses transparent claims processes and can clearly
describe how the important decisions are made.”
Consistent, trusted and transparent. These are the customer values
themselves. “But transparency and consistency don’t only apply to
of CED, a leading player in the European, cross-border claims market.
processes and technology”, emphasises Kruyt. “It’s also about employees.
CED has 80 cross-border employees in 14 countries and works with 28
You want the peace of mind that your claims are handled by people who
partners in other European countries.
are suitably trained and who have the necessary experience. Which is why
our process assigns specific roles and responsibilities to defined positions
Our customer values are there for a reason. Consistency is the essence
- from administrative staff in supporting roles to senior loss adjusters
of the standard processes used by CED. “We often hear that claims
in serious personal injury cases. We use the same job descriptions in all
processes, in say Italy and Denmark, are not comparable,” says Peter
countries. These have minimum requirements in terms of knowledge and
Kruyt. “Of course culture, mentality and legislation - and therefore also
experience and are also coupled to authorisation levels, which are shared
third party claims settlement - differ by country. For example, the
with our insurers.”
Dutch culture characteristically results in a process in which there is
much negotiation and future damage is carefully calculated to two digits
Shared knowledge means more knowledge
behind the decimal point. And German thoroughness means much is laid
CED’s cross-border Large Claims Team was set up to handle really serious
down in legislation and case-law.”
cases. The team consists of experienced loss adjusters from various
countries - who examine and discuss claims with a potential value of
A collision is a collision
€ 50,000 or more with the local claims manager. Kruyt: “Shared knowledge
CED nevertheless sees similarities in the various processes, certainly if
means more knowledge.”
seen from the insurers’ point of view. “A collision is a collision - estimates
of liability and damage must be made, claims must be assessed and
CED has, in recent years, invested in technology which enables our clients to
settled, and so on. Defining processes and their corresponding outputs
view their files, while allowing CED to process them more rapidly. “We are not the
along these lines creates a recognisable, standard approach for insurers
only one doing this,” says Kruyt, “But I have to stress that with us technology goes
and delivers transparency and predictable results.”
hand in hand with the quality of our staff and the thoroughness of our processes.
In addition, the online Claims Insight tool gives insurers access to
This is a function of our having made the right decisions in optimising our service
files 24 hours a day, so that they can check the status of their claims
to the insurers on whose behalf we settle claims throughout Europe.”
Dan Rauta of Romanian insurance company about seasonal workers
refuse access to residents from these countries, if they were afraid it
and drivers
would disrupt their own labour market.
The exodus of Romanian migrant workers and truck drivers has
This arrangement expired on 1 January, 2014. From that moment
confronted Asirom with a major challenge: its premiums are based on
Romanian workers no longer needed a foreign work permit, nor did
Romanian rates for damage repair - while settlement is paid out at
truck drivers require driver attestation. “So we are dealing with a stiff
Western European prices.
increase in the number of Romanians living abroad - some of whom may
be involved in an accident while there”, says Rauta. “This concerns not
Is Asirom a well-known name in Romania? Dan Rauta, responsible for
only Romanians working in, for example, Germany or the Netherlands,
claims handling, suppresses a laugh: “In Romania people don’t say, ‘I have
but also foreign transport companies who have a branch here and employ
to pay my legal liability premium.’ They talk about their ‘Asirom insurance’,
Romanian drivers.”
even if they don’t have their third party insurance with us.”
The challenge for Rauta and his team: liability insurance premiums are
Asirom, in other words, is a household name in Romania. This has
based on Romanian repair rates, while damage caused by Romanians
everything to do with the company’s position at the time of the
abroad is settled at foreign prices. “The difference can really add up,”
Ceausescu regime. Asirom was then the only insurer in the country - and
says Rauta. “A truck mechanic will charge € 30 per hour in Romania, but €
every insured Romanian had been insured by them. However, that was
90 or € 100 in Germany.
fifteen years ago. Today Asirom is a private enterprise and part of the
Austrian insurer “Vienna Insurance Group”.
And we have low-price competitors in the Romanian market, so there’s
very little room for increasing premiums. Otherwise you lose share -
There are certainly challenges in Romania - about which Rauta is candid.
which, of course, we don’t want.”
These challenges are actually associated with Romanians abroad.
In 2007 Romania and Bulgaria officially joined the EU - but under a
Asirom therefore works with CED to maintain its hold on claims involving
transitional arrangement. This allowed existing EU member states to
Romanian seasonal workers and drivers. “CED handles all of our claims in
Western European countries,” says Rauta. This easily amounts to nearly
5,000 files per year.
And these are not only well-intentioned insureds! “Unfortunately, we also
have to deal with compatriots who try to take advantage of us. Fraud
is a problem, particularly in Italy, where personal injury regulations are
misused. Fortunately we can rely on CED’s extensive fraud management
experience in this regard, and we do come down hard on fraudulent
Asirom benefits greatly from its partnership with CED in dealing
with these challenges, according to Rauta. “We are, of course, bound
by European agreements and can therefore be held responsible if a
Romanian insured causes damage elsewhere, which is why it’s good to
work with a partner like CED, which has specialists in all these countries.”
British liability legislation is challenging, says Patrícia Correia of
Morocco from the green card. Third parties are not allowed to
investigate fraud in Morocco. “That right is reserved, by law, for the
King’s procurator, so there’s not much point in pursuing that course. It’s
Portuguese clients involved in car accidents in Spain or France
an incomprehensible state of affairs. And the consequence is that the
are ‘business as usual’ for Tranquilidade, one of the largest
insurer simply has to pay, even if the case might seem to be extremely
insurance companies in Portugal. But this is not the case in some
other countries. British liability legislation, for instance, always
Conclusion: Pack up and leave. Policyholders of Tranquilidade are no
longer automatically covered if they want to drive to Marrakesh or
One thing is clear, it’s difficult to convince Patrícia Correia,
Tranquilidade’s Claims & Legal Office Manager, to change her mind if
The message from the Portuguese team’s manager of 42 employees is
she’s not convinced of the legitimacy or extent of a foreign claim. Her
that, as an insurer, you sometimes have to stand your ground, especially
lawyer’s mind demands good reasons. ‘That’s just the law here’, or ‘In our
if you suspect fraud and there’s no way to fight it.
culture that’s just what we do’ are not, incidentally, ‘good reasons’ - as
far as she’s concerned.
The 143-year-old Portuguese insurer – the second largest in the
country – has, for some years, applied a zero tolerance policy when it
In Morocco they now understand this perfectly. For almost one year
comes to fraud. “It means you invest money in the beginning because
now, Tranquilidade policyholders have no longer been covered for
you have to set up an anti-fraud team to investigate. We are also
claims in Morocco. The reason for this is several claims that landed
consistent in bringing charges against fraudulent claimants, even
on Correia’s desk following car accidents in that country involving
if the fraud failed. However, although this involves a lot of hours,
Portuguese clients. “We had to pay, but the reason why was not
we’ve already noticed that this approach pays off. Fraudsters avoid
completely clear”, says Correia.
Tranquilidade now that they know they can’t easily get away with it.”
This wasn’t the only reason for Tranquilidade’s decision to delete
Tranquilidade applies the same policy on cross border claims. It relies
on the local expertise and network of CED, almost all over Europe,
This applies even if he or she engages a very expensive lawyer –
to do this. “I immerse myself regularly in the law of other European
although, with the support of CED, we can often negotiate lower
countries, so that I’m informed, but since the laws differ so much
legal fees”.
you still have to rely on a specialist”, says Correia. “Moreover,
is a large insurer that settled at least 130.000 claims in 2013, both
in Portugal and beyond our borders. That makes collaboration a
Tranquilidade requires varying levels of support, depending on which
European country we’re dealing with. “Portugal and Spain are very
similar, in terms of both legislation and culture. The same is true
of France, albeit to a lesser degree. Since most Portuguese who
travel to other European countries go to Spain and France, we can
accurately estimate the risks of accident damage claims and legal
proceedings there”, says Correia, “although, in France, it always takes
a very long time for an expert to inspect a car, sometimes up to three
weeks. And in the meantime we might have to pay for storage.”
It’s different again when a Portuguese client has an accident
involving British victims. “An accident in that country costs a
fortune”, says Correia. The claims are invariably high and, in addition,
the legal process requires us to pay the claimant’s legal costs.
Gianfranco Vecchiet of Česká Pojišťovna about cross border claims
own claims in most countries, and this accounts for 90% of all claims.
With our own branches in some twenty countries, we don’t require any
Generali settles 90% of its claims via it’s own international branch
support in those, although our various operating companies in Eastern
network. Claims in Britain involving Česká and Generali Pojišťovna
Europe do use partners.” Since the beginning of this year, CED has also
policyholders are among the few exceptions. These are handled by
handled the claims of Generali Pojišťovna, another Generali insurance
company in the Czech Republic.
Cross border claims complex? Not really! This is how it works. Česká
Vecchiet wants the support of a trusted party, especially in Britain.
Pojišťovna, a Czech Insurance Company, is part of Generali PPF Holding,
“Local legislation in this area is different from that of other European
an insurance group in which the Italian insurance giant Generali has a
countries. The law in England also differs from that of Scotland and
majority shareholding. Generali has its own branches in many countries,
Ireland. You really need local knowledge there,” according to the
all with sufficient knowledge and experience to handle each others’
Generali executive. “Particularly as it can get expensive.”
cross border claims.
This relates both to the sky-high legal fees and costs related to
With at least 8 million insured, Česká Pojišťovna is the largest insurer
personal injury. “The first thing you think of in relation to a collision
in the Czech Republic. And these insured certainly do a lot of travelling,
in England is: As long as it’s not whiplash. That’s a real problem for an
especially since the Czech Republic joined the EU in 2004. The United
insurer,” says Vecchiet.
Kingdom is a popular destination for Czechs, with many of them having
migrated for good and driving around in cars with English licence
plates. Other Czechs travel there in their own car. Their collision claims
are settled under the Green Card system.
“These claims are handled by CED,” says Gianfranco Vecchiet, head of
Generali’s EU and International Affairs Department. “We settle our
Imagine that you’re English, you’re on your way to your holiday
destination in Verona, Italy, and you have an accident on the péage
in France. Instead of the usual struggle with claim forms while using
your best French on the impatient gendarmerie, you use your Google
Glass to scan the QR code on the inside of your sun visor, take a
photo or video of the damage and contact your insurance company
to immediately receive details of the nearest garage. All within a few
Science fiction? CED is busy with various applications which involve
Google Glass. “These are not necessarily new services, but simply the
same services which, thanks to the application of new technology, will
be delivered far more efficiently,” says CED’s Jochem Davids.
Loss adjusters will benefit particularly from Google Glass. The glasses
will enable access, anywhere and any time, to an enormous amount of
information during a physical loss adjustment inspection. The links that
Google Glass establishes with internal and external systems ensure
that the loss adjuster has access to the right combination of data at
any moment. As a result, claims settlement will be much more efficient.
In several European countries, whiplash has been a topical and
complications and without detectible injuries to structures such
much-debated subject for many years. How do countries compare?
as the bones, nerves, ligaments and intervertebral discs. In the
This article provides an insight into whiplash practice in other
Netherlands and the UK, it is referred to as whiplash, while in German-
European countries and specifically discusses recent developments
speaking countries it is known as Schleudertrauma or Trauma der
in Switzerland, which, until recently, awarded by far the highest
Halswirbelsäule (HWS) and in France it is called a coup du lapin
compensation amounts in whiplash claims. The source of inspiration
(according to Larousse: “sharp blow to the neck”) or coup du fouet.
for this article is our own experience with handling international
claims, contacts with foreign Green Card Correspondents and the
information they have provided.
In 2004, the CEA (Comité Européen des Assurances) carried out a
comparative study into minor cervical trauma claims. The background
to this study was a sharp increase in the number of cervical injury
claims European Motor Insurers registered since 1999. The study
involved ten countries, including the Netherlands and Switzerland.
CEA comparative study
The CEA survey was carried out some time ago and has not been
repeated since. Own personal experiences and those of other Dutch
insurance companies suggest that the situation is more or less
unchanged today.
“Minor cervical trauma” was defined as an injury to the neck, caused by
an acceleration or deceleration mechanism without neurological
The table below shows that, at approximately €35,000.00, the average
on a medical appraisal. Only in the Netherlands and up to recently
costs for a whiplash claim in Switzerland are by far the highest. At
also in Switzerland it is accepted that a whiplash injury can cause
€16,500.00, the Netherlands is second, followed by Great Britain,
permanent disability. This resulted in expensive claims in relation to
France and Germany. In these countries, the costs are considerably
future Loss of Earnings, permanent need for household help, etc.
lower, with average compensation sums of € 2,500.00 to
€ 3,000.00. Furthermore it appeared that whiplash claims make up a
The Swiss situation
much higher percentage of the total annual costs of personal injury
In Switzerland now there have been recently some remarkable Court
claims in Switzerland, the Netherlands and Great Britain than they do
decisions which has caused a drastic change in the situation of whiplash
in Germany and France. The high percentage in the UK is due to a high
claims. Until recently the judgment of the Bundesgericht (Swiss
incidence of relatively small claims.
Supreme Court) of 1991 was regarded as relevant case law. In this
judgment, the Bundesgericht concluded that, if – after an accident – a
Share of cervical trauma in the total costs of personal injury claims (%)
claimant has been diagnosed with a whiplash and he shows the typical
Average costs per claim for cervical trauma
symptoms of such injury a causal relation between the accident and
these symptoms can be assumed.
This judgment used to be the legal basis for the settlement of all
whiplash claims in Switzerland. It was not necessary to provide
objective medical evidence for a whiplash claim; Sufficient was to
The Netherlands
Great Britain
proof that medical assistance was sought after the accident from a GP
or A&E department and whiplash symptoms were diagnosed.
In the event of a whiplash trauma, Great Britain, France and Germany
The judgment of the Bundesgericht was immediately met with
assume that there will be a period of symptoms and incapacity for not
controversy. As the number of claims against both Social and Liability
more than a few months – an assumption that may or may not be based
Insurers dramatically increased many – sometimes heated – debates arose.
People spoke Switzerland as a “Whiplash Paradise” where the
expertise and will have to provide clear and objective motivation
average award for such an injury was 23 times higher than it was in
in case they are of the opinion that a permanent injury is at issue
Finland. These statements were apparently based on the 2004. In
whereas there are no objective findings. Strict rules and criteria
2005 it was estimated that Swiss Motor Insurers paid € 500 Million
for such examinations were worked out and described in extensive
Euros per annum for whiplash claims.
detail in several other judgments since 2008.
The judgment of 1991 did last until 2008. Since then, the
The Swiss Personal Injury Industry was of course seriously hurt by
Bundesgericht has passed several judgments in which it has
these changes since 2008. Personal Injury Lawyers, rehabilitation
distanced itself from the basic principles set out in 1991.The court
centres and therapists have lost a substantial part of their business
surprisingly decided it would not accept disability claims anymore
and are now looking for alternative business.
where symptoms are at issue for which objective medical evidence
is not available. Furthermore the judgment specifically mentioned
An update of the CEA survey will probably show the Netherlands
another argument from the opponents of the “old” regime who
on top of the table, taking over the top spot from Switzerland,
argued that without a need to provide objective medical evidence
providing in Europe the highest compensation in whiplash cases.
the system “offers potential for misuse”.
This is major concern for the Dutch Insurance Industry which is
eagerly looking at other countries for solutions.
Changes since 2008
In the new situation, whiplash patients no longer can claim benefits
Text: Guido Deuters, Amlin Europe
from Social Disablement Insurance and will only be successful
claiming compensation from a Third Party Liability Insurer if
Full article can be downloaded at
they can submit medical evidence of the injury. Furthermore this
evidence has to meet strict requirements and a multi-disciplinary
medical appraisal is often required. It might be the case that medical
examinations from no less than six different disciplines are needed.
These medical experts may only report findings based on their own
Imagine that you’re English, you’re on your way to your holiday
destination in Verona, Italy, and you have an accident on the péage
in France. Instead of the usual struggle with claim forms while using
your best French on the impatient gendarmerie, you use your Google
Glass to scan the QR code on the inside of your sun visor, take a
photo or video of the damage and contact your insurance company
to immediately receive details of the nearest garage. All within a few
Science fiction? CED is busy with various applications which involve
Google Glass. “These are not necessarily new services, but simply the
same services which, thanks to the application of new technology, will
be delivered far more efficiently,” says CED’s Jochem Davids.
Loss adjusters will benefit particularly from Google Glass. The glasses
will enable access, anywhere and any time, to an enormous amount of
information during a physical loss adjustment inspection. The links that
Google Glass establishes with internal and external systems ensure
that the loss adjuster has access to the right combination of data at
any moment. As a result, claims settlement will be much more efficient.
Your voice gives away more than you think - reason for CED to have
Twenty years ago children drawing a car mostly added a cloud of smoke
recently completed a pilot voice analysis test. “The results are certainly
and the word “Vroom!” And it would have been a fast car, with a loud
encouraging,” says Chris Blomjous, CED research specialist, “and were
exhaust and a driver behind the wheel.
found to be accurate in 9 out of 10 cases.”
Today, with cleaner cars, that puff of smoke is gone and the emergence
Using a questionnaire compiled together with one of our clients,
of electric cars means the ‘vroom!’ is also on its way out. And the
voice analysis software was used to determine which issues should
driver? It may be hard to imagine, but he’s also out of the picture.
be further investigated. “We use the software to detect indications
of fraud,” says Blomjous. “If the indication is positive, that tells us to
By now everyone knows Google’s driverless car - soon to be seen on
investigate further for possible fraud.”
local streets. Traditional car brands are also applying technology that
will increasingly limit the role of the driver. Some models automatically
Fraud is an increasing social problem, and detection is also important
maintain sufficient distance from other traffic, and the new Mercedes
for the policyholder himself, emphasises CED, as this can prevent
S-class even stays between the lines on the road. No steering is
unnecessary increases in the premium. In some countries, car insurance
required for gentle curves, with driver assistance only required for
fraud is a major problem. Recent research by LexisNexis has revealed
sharp turns. CED expects the application of smart technology to result
that one in four motorists considers it acceptable to cheat. Submitting
in a significant drop in the number of claims.
someone else as the regular driver, for instance a father or mother, is
an ‘acceptable’ lie for 29 percent of British drivers. Moreover, when
commencing a new policy, 15 percent submit a higher number of claimfree years than they actually have.
CED expects to be able to apply large-scale, fraud detection voice
analysis in the near future.
CED Austria GmbH
CED Greece m.b.H.
CED Portugal Lda.
Rainergasse 1/4
Mesogion Avenue 38
Largo Machado de Assis, nº 1C – Escritório 2
A - 1040 Vienna
GR - 11527 Athens
P - 1700-116 Lisbona
Tel.: +43 - 1-533 66 11 323
Tel.: +30 - 210-747 30 50
Tel.: +351-21-848-0073
E-mail: [email protected]
E-Mail: [email protected]
E-Mail: [email protected]
Contact: Mr. Klaus Hochberger
Contact: Mrs. Alkistis Gamaletsou
Contact: Mr. Miguel Beleza
CED Claims Management BVBA
CED Italy s.r.l.
CED Spain S.A.U.
Woluwelaan 148-150
Viale del Commercio 56
Av. Alcalde Barnils 64-68, mód.A, 2ª pl.
B - 1831 Diegem
I - 37135 Verona VR
08174 Sant Cugat del Vallés
Tel.: +32 - 2.627.01.80
Tel.: +39 - 045-969 86 00
Tel.: +34 - 93 551 81 00
E-Mail: [email protected]
E-Mail: [email protected]
E-Mail: [email protected]
Contact: Mr. Koen Vreys
Contact: Dott. Jean-Paul Orbon
Contact: Mr. Rafael Orfila Sintes
CED France S.a.r.l.
CED Claims management
CED Switzerland AG
6 rue Eugène et Armand Peugeot
Rietbaan 40-42
Gerbergasse 13
F - 92500 – Rueil-Malmaison France
NL - 2900 Capelle aan den IJssel
CH - 4001 Basel
Tel.: +33 - 1-55 47 12 80
Tel.: +31 - 010-2843900
Tel.: +41 - 61-260 97 70
E-Mail: [email protected]
E-Mail: [email protected]
E-Mail: [email protected]
Contact: Mr. Robert de Waard
Contact: Mr. Michel Jager
Contact:Mr. Tobias Klingelhöfer
CED Germany GmbH
CED Poland Sp. z o.o.
CED Claim Experts Ltd.
Münsterstr. 304
Ul. Szczytnicka 45/18
1st Floor, The Tower
D - 40470 Düsseldorf
PL - 50-382 Wroclaw
Deva City Office Park
Tel.: +49 - 211-210 978 0
Tel.: +48-71-372 22 62
Trinity Way Salford
E-Mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]
Contact: Mr. Tobias Klingelhöfer
Contact: Mr. Piotr Wojtasiewicz
Tel.: +44 (0)161-817 5160
CED Claim Experts Kft.
Szentmihályi u. 137
E-Mail: [email protected] Contact: Mr. Ian Bearpark
H - 1152 Budapest
Tel.: +36 - 1-468 3436
E-mail: [email protected]
Contact: Mrs. Monica Boross
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