herbert verreth de oudheid in film. filmografie

Opgedragen aan mijn collega
Chris De Brabanter
Het manuscript van de eerste uitgave is voltooid op 13 oktober 1995.
Eerste oplage (50 ex.): 15 december 1995
Tweede oplage (met correcties, maar geen aanvullingen) (50 ex.): 16 februari 1996
Derde oplage (50 ex.): 5 december 1996
Vierde oplage (50 ex.): 10 augustus 1999
Vijfde oplage (50 ex.): 30 november 1999
Tweede uitgave met de filmografie alleen (te downloaden op Internet):
Eerste versie: 10 september 2003
Tweede versie: 24 september 2007
Derde versie: 8 september 2008
Vierde versie: 22 januari 2011
Vijfde versie: 1 september 2014
ISBN: 90-9009093-2
D/1995/Herbert Verreth, uitgever
Voor verdere suggesties, opmerkingen, aanvullingen, vragen, ...:
Verreth Herbert
KU Leuven - Faculteit Letteren
Blijde-Inkomststraat 21 (06.34 - postbus 03307)
B-3000 Leuven
0032 - 016/32.49.29
fax: 0032 - 016/32.49.09
E-mail: [email protected]
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B-3010 Kessel-Lo
0032- 016/22.07.40
1. Inleiding
2. Films over meerdere perioden. Filmografie
3. De prehistorische mens. Filmografie
4. De oosterse wereld. Filmografie
5. De Griekse wereld. Filmografie
6. De Romeinse wereld. Filmografie
7. Een onduidelijk historisch kader. Filmografie
8. Verwijzingen naar de oudheid
1. Inleiding
In de brochure 'De oudheid in film' heb ik in 1995 een 1061 films verzameld die een
directe band hebben met de oudheid. In 2003 telde mijn filmografie al 1732 titels en
ondertussen is dit aantal opgelopen tot niet minder dan 2597 films, terwijl de lijst zeker nog
niet exhaustief is. De verklaring van deze stijging heeft niet zozeer te maken met het feit dat
er de laatste jaren zovele nieuwe films zijn uitgebracht, dan wel met de stijgende
belangstelling die het onderwerp 'de oudheid in film' de laatste twee decennia kon genieten.
Steeds meer artikels en boeken verschijnen met nuttige filmografieën en overzichten, terwijl
ook de films van vóór 1930 - die 29 % van mijn bestand uitmaken - steeds meer aandacht
krijgen in de wetenschappelijke literatuur. Vooral de Internet Movie Database
(www.imdb.com) is een onuitputtelijke bron van informatie, die nog maar gedeeltelijk
verwerkt is in mijn eigen bestand.
Regelmatig kreeg ik de vraag of er een tweede uitgave van mijn brochure zou
verschijnen, maar jammer genoeg ontbreekt mij vooralsnog de tijd om de volledige brochure
te herschrijven. Niet alleen dienen immers de 1500 nieuwe films verwerkt, maar voor heel
wat films heb ik ondertussen nieuwe informatie over de inhoud, of is de oorspronkelijke titel
achterhaald, terwijl een aantal 'ghost titles' zijn geëlimineerd of geïdentificeerd met andere
films. Daarenboven heeft het prachtig geïllustreerde werk van Hervé Dumont, L'antiquité au
cinéma. Vérités, légendes et manipulations (2009) deze lacune grotendeels ingevuld. Ik kan
voorlopig dan ook alleen mijn meest recente filmografie over de prehistorie, de oosterse, de
Griekse en de Romeinse wereld aanbieden. In 1995 was hoofdstuk 8 over de terloopse
verwijzingen naar de oudheid in allerhande films eerder een korte kennismaking met het
fenomeen, maar ondertussen bezit mijn databank zoveel gegevens van deze aard uit niet
minder dan 3542 verschillende films, dat ze elders een aparte behandeling verdienen.
Hoofdstuk 9 bevatte een overzicht van de documentaires die op video voorhanden waren in
de twee videotheken van de faculteit Letteren van de KU Leuven, maar vermits het medium
video ondertussen achterhaald is, schrap ik dit overzicht; mijn lijst van 678 documentaires is
beschikbaar op aanvraag.
De filmografie is alfabetisch geschikt en bevat voor elke film - indien gekend - de
oorspronkelijke titel; eventuele alternatieve of vertaalde titels (tussen rechte haakjes); de
datum van de eerste vertoning; het land van herkomst; kleur (zonder aanduiding) of zwartwit ('BW'); de lengte in minuten; een beoordeling (sc. het aantal sterren - van 0 tot 4 gegeven in de Speelfilmencyclopedie, 1995, dus alleen voor de oudere films; films die ik
recent gezien heb, krijgen mijn persoonlijke beoordeling); de soort film (bv. televisiefilm of
-reeks, theater- of opera-registratie, tekenfilm, musical); de naam van de regisseur ('Dir.:');
de naam van de producent ('Prod.:'); een selectie uit de acteurs ('Act.:'); het boek, de strip, het
toneelstuk, de musical, de opera of de film waarop een film gebaseerd is ('Adaptation of') en
bibliografische verwijzingen naar gepubliceerde foto's ('Ill.:'). Om de lijst internationaal
bruikbaar te maken zijn de gegevens in het Engels gesteld.
Wat ik in dit overzicht bied, is een simpele lijst van films waarbij alleen de titel van
de film en het betrokken hoofdstuk iets meer toelichting geven bij de mogelijke inhoud. In
de Filemaker databank waarop deze lijst gebaseerd is, daarentegen, beschik ik over een
inhoudelijke ontsluiting voor de meeste films (periode en plaats van het gebeuren,
hoofdpersonages en belangrijke gebeurtenissen, antieke persoonsnamen en plaatsnamen die
vermeld worden, allerhande kernwoorden, ...) zodat het gemakkelijk is om alle films rond
één thema bijeen te brengen en in lijstvorm te exporteren. Wie geïnteresseerd is in films rond
een bepaald onderwerp, mag mij altijd een email sturen, en ik zal met plezier de betrokken
lijst exporteren en doorsturen.
Een overzicht van de films in mijn lijst geschikt per behandelde periode en per
decennium van productie:
Oosters /
Verschillende %
Griekse %
Enkele interessante film-websites
'The Internet Movie Database' (www.imdb.com)
'The Internet Movie Script Database' (www.imsdb.com)
'Peplum. Images de l'antiquité. Cinéma et BD' (www.peplums.info)
'The Ancient Egypt film site' (www.ancientegyptfilmsite.nl)
Ook de internet-encyclopedie 'Wikipedia' bevat meer en meer beschrijvingen van individuele
films, met de links soms gegroepeerd op handige webpagina's zoals
Op 'Movies found online' (www.moviesfoundonline.com/index.php) zijn heel wat (oudere)
films gratis online te bekijken.
Deze bibliografische lijst bevat een selectie van boeken en artikels die specifiek de oudheid
in film behandelen of waarin afbeeldingen van films rond de oudheid zijn opgenomen.
AKNIN, 1998a = AKNIN, Laurent, "Divine Cléopâtre", in Aziza, Claude (ed.), Le péplum. L'antiquité au
cinéma (CinémAction, 89), Condé-sur-Noireau, 1998, p. 21-25
AKNIN, 1998b = AKNIN, Laurent, Dicopéplum, in Aziza, Claude (ed.), Le péplum. L'antiquité au cinéma
(CinémAction, 89), Condé-sur-Noireau, 1998, p. 99-127
ALBU, 2008 = ALBU, Emily, 'Gladiator' at the millennium, in Arethusa, 41, 1, 2008, p. 185-204
AMODEO, 2002 = AMODEO, Immacolata, Das antike Rom im Kontext der fellinesken Filmästhetik, in
Korenjak, Martin - Töchterle, Karlheinz (ed.), Pontes II. Antike im Film (Comparanda.
Literaturwissenschaftliche Studien zu Antike und Moderne, 5), Innsbruck - Wien - München e.a., 2002, p.
ATTOLINI, 1990 = ATTOLINI, Vito, Il cinema, in Cavallo, Guglielmo e.a. (ed.), Lo spazio letterario di Roma
antica. IV. L'attualizzazione del testo, Roma, 1990, p. 431-493
AUBERT, 2002 = AUBERT, Natacha, Die Antike im Kino oder das Kino der Antike: Die Gründung Roms von
Titus Livius bis Falena, in Korenjak, Martin - Töchterle, Karlheinz (ed.), Pontes II. Antike im Film
(Comparanda. Literaturwissenschaftliche Studien zu Antike und Moderne, 5), Innsbruck - Wien - München
e.a., 2002, p. 151-162
AZIZA, 1998 = AZIZA, Claude (ed.), Le péplum. L'antiquité au cinéma (CinémAction, 89), Condé-sur-Noireau,
AZIZA, 1999 = AZIZA, Claude, Un siècle de fiction romanesque autour de Néron (1895-1996), in Croisille,
Jean-Michel; Martin, René; Perrin, Yves (ed.), Neronia V. Néron: histoire et légende. Actes du Ve colloque
international de la SIEN (Clermont-Ferrand et Saint-Étienne, 2-6 novembre 1994) (Latomus, 247),
Bruxelles, 1999, p. 361-366
AZIZA, 2008 = AZIZA, Claude, Guide de l'Antiquité imaginaire. Roman, cinéma, bande dessinée, Paris, 2008
BAEHR, 2009 = BAEHR, Ted, Jesus Christ in the movies, 2009 (http://www.movieguide.org/articles/1/296)
BAKEWELL, 2008 = BAKEWELL, Geoff, The one-eyed man is king: Oedipal vision in Minority report, in
Arethusa, 41, 1, 2008, p. 95-112
BARON, 2001 = BARON, James R., Tricksters and typists: '9 to 5' as Aristophanic comedy, in Winkler, Martin
M. (ed.), Classical myth & culture in the cinema. Second edition, Oxford, 2001, p. 172-192
BARRACLOUGH, 1992 = BARRACLOUGH, David, Movie record breakers. The biggest, the baddest and the
best movies of all time!, Secaucus (New Jersey) - London, 1992
BARTELINK, 1997 = BARTELINK, Gerard J. M., De oudheid in klank. Mythologische en historische motieven
uit de antieke wereld als inspiratiebron voor componisten (na ca. 1600), Rotterdam, 1997
BARTHES, 2008 = BARTHES, Roland, The Romans in film, in Hughes-Warrington, Marnie (ed.), The history
on film reader (Routledge readers in history), Abingdon, 2008 (non repperi)
BAUMBACH, 2002 = BAUMBACH, Manuel, Ein Englischer Patient mit griechischer Identität. Zur
Herodotrezeption in Anthony Minghelles 'The English patient', in Korenjak, Martin - Töchterle, Karlheinz
(ed.), Pontes II. Antike im Film (Comparanda. Literaturwissenschaftliche Studien zu Antike und Moderne,
5), Innsbruck - Wien - München e.a., 2002, p. 136-150
BAWDEN, 1977 = BAWDEN, Liz-Anne - TICHY, Wolfram (ed.), Buchers Enzyklopädie des Films, Luzern Frankfurt, 1977
BEECKMANS, 2012 = BEECKMANS, Nele, De Griekse tiran Periandros en het televisiespel Periander. Een
vergelijking tussen de historische Periandros en Periander uit het gelijknamige televisiespel, Leuven, 2012
(unpublished thesis)
BEERTS, 2011 = BEERTS, Elsbeth, Atia Balba en Atia van de Iulii. Een vergelijking tussen de historische Atia
Balba en Atia van de Iulii in de televisieserie Rome, Leuven, 2011 (unpublished thesis)
BENDER, 1996 = BENDER, Henry V., Audio-visual materials in the classics. 1996 Survey, in CW, 89, 4, 1996,
p. 313-362
BERGER, 2002 = BERGER, Michel, Odysseus en Nausikaä, in Kleio, 31, 2, 2002, p. 50-86
BERTI, 2008 = BERTI, Irene - GARCÍA MORCILLO, Marta (ed.), Hellas on screen. Cinematic receptions of
ancient history, literature and myth (HABES, 45), Stuttgart, 2008
BERTI, 2008 = BERTI, Irene - GARCÍA MORCILLO, Marta, Introduction: Does Greece - and the cinema need another Alexander?, in Berti, Irene - García Morcillo, Marta (ed.), Hellas on screen. Cinematic
receptions of ancient history, literature and myth (HABES, 45), Stuttgart, 2008, p. 9-20
BERTI, 2008 = BERTI, Irene, 'A rare ensample of friendship true': the story of Damon and Pythias, in Berti,
Irene - García Morcillo, Marta (ed.), Hellas on screen. Cinematic receptions of ancient history, literature
and myth (HABES, 45), Stuttgart, 2008, p. 131-145
BERTIERI, 1997 = BERTIERI, Claudio, Lisistrata tra schermi e ribalte, in Bertini, Ferruccio (ed.), Il mito
classico e il cinema (Pubblicazioni del D.AR.FI.CL.ET, N.S., 169), Genova, 1997, p. 11-17
BERTINI, 1997 = BERTINI, Ferruccio (ed.), Il mito classico e il cinema (Pubblicazioni del Dipartimento di
archeologia, filologia classica e loro tradizioni, N.S., 169), Genova, 1997
BOGAERT, 2002 = BOGAERT, Nele, Kleopatra van Ploutarchos tot Mankiewicz. Historische analyse van de
speelfilm 'Cleopatra' (1963) - Afbeeldingenbijlage, Gent, 2002 (unpublished thesis)
BOON, 2012 = BOON, Robin, Honoria en Ildiko. De vrouwen van Attila in films en strips, Leuven, 2012
(unpublished thesis)
BOSCHI, 2005 = BOSCHI, Alberto - BOZZATO, Alessandro e.a., I greci al cinema. Dal peplum 'd'autore' alla
grafica computerizzata (Nemo. Confrontarsi con l'antico, 6), Bologna, 2005 (non repperi)
BOVOT, 1992 = BOVOT, Jean-Luc, L'Égypte au cinéma. Le péplum en pagne. Filmographie, in Aufrère,
Sydney e.a. (ed.), Catalogue de l'exposition. Portes pour l'au-delà. L'Égypte, le Nil et le 'Champ des
Offrandes', Lattes, 1992, p. 246-254
BOVOT, 1993 = BOVOT, Jean-Luc, Le décor des films 'égyptiens' ou l'art d'évoquer les pharaons, in EgypteS.
Histoires & cultures. La passion de l'Égypte. De la fascination à l'évocation, 1993, p. 3, p. 30-40
BOZZATO, 2005 = BOZZATO, Alessandro, L'occhio del Ciclope. Momenti di cinema nell'Odissea di Franco
Rossi, in Boschi, Alberto - Bozzato, Alessandro e.a., I greci al cinema. Dal peplum 'd'autore' alla grafica
computerizzata (Nemo. Confrontarsi con l'antico, 6), Bologna, 2005 (non repperi)
BRIGGS, 2008 = BRIGGS, Ward, Latin in the movies and Rome, in Cyrino, Monica Silveira (ed.), Rome,
season one. History makes television, Malden, MA - Oxford - Victoria, 2008, p. 193-206
BRONFEN, 2013 = BRONFEN, Elisabeth - LULI SKA, Agnieszka e.a., Kleopatra. Die ewige Diva. Kunst- und
Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bonn 28. Juni bis 6. Oktober 2013, Bonn, 2013
BRUNETTA, 2011 = BRUNETTA, Gian Piero (ed.), Metamorfosi del mito classico nel cinema (Ricerche e
saggi dell'Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti), Bologna, 2011 (non repperi)
BUIJS, 1990 = BUIJS, Michel, Film. Alissa in concert, in Frons. Blad voor Leidse classici, 11, 2, 1990, p. 3941
BULLER, s.d. = BULLER, Jeffrey L., Historical films in the Latin classroom, s.l., s.d. (non repperi)
BURKARD, 2002 = BURKARD, Thorsten, Die Rezeption von antikem Drama und Epos bei A. Mann und S.
Leone, in Korenjak, Martin - Töchterle, Karlheinz (ed.), Pontes II. Antike im Film (Comparanda.
Literaturwissenschaftliche Studien zu Antike und Moderne, 5), Innsbruck - Wien - München e.a., 2002, p.
CACOYANNIS, 2001 = CACOYANNIS, Michael, Iphigenia: a visual essay, in Winkler, Martin M. (ed.),
Classical myth & culture in the cinema. Second edition, Oxford, 2001, p. 102-117
CAMERON, 1973 = CAMERON, Ian, Adventure and the cinema, London, 1973
CAMPANILE, 2007 [2011] = CAMPANILE, Domitilla, Film storici e critici troppo critici, in SCO, 53, 2007
[2011], p. 323-362
CAMPANILE, 2009a = CAMPANILE, Domitilla, Strenght and honor: Gladiator (R. Scott, 2000) e The ten
commandments (C. B. DeMille, 1956), in Rivista di cultura classica e medioevale, 51, 1, 2009, p. 187-189
CAMPANILE, 2009b = CAMPANILE, Domitilla, Edipo in Louisiana. A proposito di Angel Heart (Alan
Parker, 1987), in La figura nel tappeto. Letteratura - spettacolo - traduzione, 2009, p. 199-212
CAMPANILE, 2010 = CAMPANILE, Domitilla, Berti, Irene - García Morcillo, Marta (ed.), Hellas on screen,
Heidelberg, 2008 (review), in Rivista di cultura classica e medioevale, 52, 2, 2010, p. 409-414
CAMPANILE, 2011 = CAMPANILE, Domitilla, Mito classico e cinema, in Rivista di cultura classica e
medioevale, 53, 2, 2011, p. 387-402
CAMPANILE, 2012 = CAMPANILE, Domitilla, La forza della storia: Gladiator (R. Scott, 2000) e Ben-Hur
(W. Wyler, 1959), in Dionysus ex machina, 3, 2012, p. 391-419
CAMPANILE, 2013a = CAMPANILE, Domitilla, "Saggezza attraverso sofferenza" nell' antico regime: The
King's Whore (Axel Corti, 1990), in Dionysus ex machina, 4, 2013, p. 473-491
CAMPANILE, 2013b = CAMPANILE, Domitilla, Filmare una fede. Recensione di Cristianesimo e cinema, a
cura di Marcello Marin e Vincenzo Lomiento, Bari 2012, in Dionysus ex machina, 4, 2013, p. 515-525
CAMPBELL, 1981 = CAMPBELL, Richard H. - PITTS, Michael R., The bible of film. A checklist 1897-1980,
London - Metuchen (N. J.), 1981
CANO, 1981 = CANO, Pedro Luis, Una versión cinematográfica de 'La Eneida', in Faventia, 3, 2, 1981, p.
CANO, 1985 = CANO, Pedro Luis, El ciclo troyano: Helena (1924), in Los géneros literarios. Actes del VIIe
simposi d'estudis classics 21-24 de març de 1983 (Estudis de literatura comparada, 2), Bellaterra, 1985, p.
CANO, 1997a = CANO, Pedro Luis, Aspectos de tragedia griega en el cine. El 'Edipo re' di Pasolini, in
Bertini, Ferruccio (ed.), Il mito classico e il cinema (Pubblicazioni del D.AR.FI.CL.ET, N.S., 169), Genova,
1997, p. 59-69
CANO, 1997b = CANO, Pedro Luis, Aspectos didácticos de la tradición clásica en el cine, in Rocca, Silvana
(ed.), Latina didaxis. XII. Presenze del mito. Atti del congresso Bogliasco, 22-23 marzo 1997 (Università di
Genova. Facoltà di lettere. Pubblicazioni del D.AR.FI.CL.ET. N. S., 172), Genova, 1997, p. 55-77
CANO, 1998 = CANO ALONSO, Pedro Luis, Dos apuntes iberoamericanos a la tradición cinematográfica de
la cultura clásica: La vida íntima de Marco Antonio y Cleopatra y El reñidero, in Cuad. Filol. Clás.
Estudios Latinos, 15, 1998, p. 585-592
CARLA, 2008 = CARLÀ, Filippo, Pasolini, Aristotle and Freud: filmed drama between psychoanalysis and
'Neoclassicism', in Berti, Irene - García Morcillo, Marta (ed.), Hellas on screen. Cinematic receptions of
ancient history, literature and myth (HABES, 45), Stuttgart, 2008, p. 89-115
CARNES, 1996 = CARNES, Mark C. e.a. (ed.), Past imperfect. History according to the movies, New York,
CARTLEDGE, 2010 = CARTLEDGE, Paul - GREENLAND, Fiona Rose (ed.), Responses to Oliver Stone's
Alexander. Film, history and cultural studies (Wisconsin Studies in Classics), Madison, 2010
CARY, 1974 = CARY, John - KOBAL, John (ed.), Spectacular! The story of epic films, London e.a., 1974
CAVALLINI, 2005 = CAVALLINI, Eleonora, A proposito di Troy, in Boschi, Alberto - Bozzato, Alessandro
e.a., I greci al cinema. Dal peplum 'd'autore' alla grafica computerizzata (Nemo. Confrontarsi con l'antico,
6), Bologna, 2005 (non repperi)
CAVALLINI, 2008 = CAVALLINI, Eleonora, Phryne: from Knidian Venus to movie star, in Berti, Irene García Morcillo, Marta (ed.), Hellas on screen. Cinematic receptions of ancient history, literature and myth
(HABES, 45), Stuttgart, 2008, p. 203-218
CHANIOTIS, 2008 = CHANIOTIS, Angelos, Making Alexander fit for the twenty-first century. Oliver Stone's
Alexander, in Berti, Irene - García Morcillo, Marta (ed.), Hellas on screen. Cinematic receptions of ancient
history, literature and myth (HABES, 45), Stuttgart, 2008, p. 185-201
CHERCHI, 1990 = CHERCHI USAI, Paolo - CODELLI, Lorenzo (ed.), Prima di Caligari. Cinema tedesco,
1895-1920. Before Caligari. German cinema, 1895-1920, Pordenone, 1990
CLAUSS, 1996 = CLAUSS, James J., A course on classical mythology in film, in CJ, 91, 3, 1996, p. 287-295
CLAUSS, 2008 = CLAUSS, James J., Hercules unchained: contaminatio, Nostos, Katabasis, and the surreal, in
Arethusa, 41, 1, 2008, p. 51-66
COLLAGNAT, 1994 = COLLAGNAT, Annie, L'antiquité au cinéma, in BAGB, 1994, p. 332-351
COOK, 1990 = COOK, David A., A history of narrative film. Second edition, New York - London, 1990
CYRINO, 2005a = CYRINO, Monica Silveira, Big screen Rome, Malden, MA - Oxford - Victoria, 2005
CYRINO, 2005b = CYRINO, Monica Silveira, She'll always have Paris: Helen in Wolfgang Petersen's Troy, in
Amphora, 4, 1, 2005, p. 10-11.18
CYRINO, 2008 = CYRINO, Monica Silveira (ed.), Rome, season one. History makes television, Malden, MA Oxford - Victoria, 2008
D'AMELIO, 2013 = D'AMELIO, Maria Elena, Ercole, il divo. Dall'antica Grecia al cinema italiano degli anni
Sessanta, Serravalle, 2013 (non repperi)
DAISNE, 1971-1978, I-III = DAISNE, Johan, Dictionnaire filmographique de la littérature mondiale. I. A-K. II.
L-Z. III. Suppl. (A-Z), Gand, 1971-1975-1978 (non)
DALHUISEN, 1983 = DALHUISEN, L. G., Film als historische bron in het geschiedenisonderwijs, in
Dalhuisen, L. G. - Toebes, Joop G. - Verhagen, D. H., Geschiedenis op school. 2. Werkvormen en media,
Groningen - Leuven, 1983, p. 185-211
DANEK, 2002 = DANEK, Georg, Die Odyssee der Coen-Brüder. Zitatebenen in O brother, where art thou?, in
Korenjak, Martin - Töchterle, Karlheinz (ed.), Pontes II. Antike im Film (Comparanda.
Literaturwissenschaftliche Studien zu Antike und Moderne, 5), Innsbruck - Wien - München e.a., 2002, p.
DAY, 2008 = DAY, Kirsten (ed.), Celluloid classics: New perspectives on classical antiquity in modern
cinema, in Arethusa, 41, 1, 2008, p. 1-233
DAY, 2008 = DAY, Kirsten, "What makes a man to wander?": The searchers as a Western Odyssey, in
Arethusa, 41, 1, 2008, p. 11-49
DAYDE, 1994 = DAYDÉ, Emmanuel, Youssef et ses frères, in Muséart, 37, 1994, p. 50-51
DE BRABANTER, 1992 = DE BRABANTER, Christian, Film en geschiedenis. Proeve van onderzoek naar het
gebruik van de historische speelfilm als bron voor de geschiedenis, met name voor aspecten van het
middeleeuws kerkbeeld. I. Gegevensverwerking en synthese. II. Filmcontinuïteitsanalyses, Leuven, 1992
(unpublished thesis)
DE KEYSER, 1989 = DE KEYSER, Raphaël - DEHASQUE, Lieve, Seminarie-oefeningen aggregatie
geschiedenis. Het beeld in de geschiedenisles. Analyse en evaluatie van (historische) documentaires en
speelfilms. Academiejaar 1987-1988 en 1988-1989, Leuven, 1989
DE MAESSCHALCK, 2007 = DE MAESSCHALCK, Edward, Geschiedenis op televisie. Canvas in de herfst
2006 [immo: in het voorjaar 2007], in Tijdingen uit Leuven. Tijdschrift van de vereniging Historici
Lovanienses, 141, 2007, p. 6-10
DE MARTINO, 2006 = DE MARTINO, Francesco, Elettra al cinema, in Bañuls, José Vicente - De Martino,
Francesco - Morenilla, Carmen (ed.), El teatro greco-latino y su recepción en la tradición occidental. El
teatro clásico en el marco de la cultura griega y su pervivencia en la cultura occidental. Universitat de
València, 4-7 de Mayo 2005 (Le Rane, 43), Bari, 2006 (non repperi)
DE ROOVER, 2003 = DE ROOVER, Leen, De arena op het witte doek. Een analyse van de rol van de
gladiator in de speelfilm, Leuven, 2003 (unpublished thesis)
DE WEVER, 2000 = DE WEVER, Bruno, Speelfilm als medium in de geschiedenisles, in Hermes, 4, 2 (14),
2000, p. 23-30
DECREUS, 1992 = DECREUS, Freddy, Van 'Oedipus' naar 'Blindeman', van Seneca naar Claus, in van der
Paardt, Rudi - Decreus, Freddy, Dodelijke dikke wolken, Leiden, 1992, p. 23-73
DEHRMANN, 2002 = DEHRMANN, Mark-Georg, Rebellion in Hollywood. Die Genese des Helden in Stanley
Kubricks Spartacus und Howard Fasts Romanvorlage, in Korenjak, Martin - Töchterle, Karlheinz (ed.),
Pontes II. Antike im Film (Comparanda. Literaturwissenschaftliche Studien zu Antike und Moderne, 5),
Innsbruck - Wien - München e.a., 2002, p. 163-176
DILULLO, 2007 = DILULLO, Tara, 300. The art of the film. A Zack Snyder film, Milwaukie, 2007
DOUGLAS, 1988 = DOUGLAS, Kirk, The ragman's son. An autobiography, London - New York, 1988 (non
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WINKLER, 2009 = WINKLER, Martin M. (ed.), The fall of the Roman empire. Film and history, Malden Blackwell, 2009 (non repperi)
WOMEN, 2005 = Ancient Mediterranean women in modern mass media, in Helios, 32, 2005, p. 111-233 (non
WYKE, 1997b = WYKE, Maria A., Projecting the past. Ancient Rome, cinema, and history, New York London, 1997
WYKE, 2002 = WYKE, Maria A., The Roman mistress. Ancient and modern representations, Oxford, 2002
(non repperi)
WYKE, 2008 = WYKE, Maria A., Caesar. A life in western culture, Chicago, 2008 (non repperi)
ZAGARRIO, 2005 = ZAGARRIO, Vito, Da Ulisse ad Alessandro, in Boschi, Alberto - Bozzato, Alessandro
e.a., I greci al cinema. Dal peplum 'd'autore' alla grafica computerizzata (Nemo. Confrontarsi con l'antico,
6), Bologna, 2005 (non repperi)
ZIEGLER, 1994 = ZIEGLER, Christiane, Les jours et les nuits de Cléopâtre, in Muséart, 37, 1994, p. 52-55
ZIEGLER, 1998 = ZIEGLER, Christiane, L'écho de Cléopâtre, in La gloire d'Alexandrie. Musée du Petit
Palais, 7 mai - 26 juillet 1998, Paris, 1998, p. 294-303
— 18 —
2. Films over meerdere perioden
Ik ken 24 films of reeksen die meerdere perioden uit de oudheid behandelen.
Filmografie - Films over meerdere perioden
Adamo ed Eva [Adam and Eve - Adam en Eva] (1949 - I) - BW - 87 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Mattoli, Mario Prod.: De Laurentiis, Dino; Lux - Act.: Macario, Erminio; Barzizza, Isa
Being human (1994 - USA) - 125 min. - SFE: 0 * - Dir.: Forsyth, Bill - Prod.: Warner Brothers - Act.:
Williams, Robin; Turturro, John
Blackadder [special]. Back & forth (1999 - UK) - 33 min. - Episode of a television series - Dir.: Weiland, Paul
- Act.: Atkinson, Rowan
Bruja sin escoba, Una [A witch without a broom] (1968 - USA/E) - 78 min. - SFE: 1,5 * - Dir.: Lacy, Joe (José
Maria Elorrieta); Berk, Howard (José Luis Navarro Basso) - Prod.: Pink, S. - Act.: Hunter, Jeffrey; Perschy,
Maria; Cristal, Perla; Rojo, Gustavo
Clockwork blue, A (1972 - USA) - 88 min. - Dir.: Haims, Eric Jeffrey - Prod.: Xerxes Productions - Act.: Tata,
Joe E.; Haims, Eric Jeffrey; Arnold, Maria; Hopkins, Cindy; Wieternik, Nora; Kelly, Ed; Kirkland, John
Complete and utter history of Britain, The (1969 - UK) - BW - 30x6 min. - Television series (7 episodes, but
shown in 6 episodes) - Prod.: London Weekend Television - Act.: Jones, Terry; Palin, Michael
Good morning, Eve! (1934 - USA) - 19 min. - Short film; musical - Dir.: Mack, Roy - Prod.: Vitaphone;
Warner Bros. Pictures - Act.: Dent, Vernon
History of the world. Part 1 [La folle histoire du monde] (1981 - USA) - 92 min. - SFE: 1,5 * - Dir.: Brooks,
Mel - Prod.: Warner Brothers; Columbia - Act.: Brooks, Mel; Caesar, Sid; DeLuise, Dom; Kahn, Madeline;
Hurt, John - Ill.: Solomon, 2001, fig. 192; Cyrino, 2005a, p. 202
Honoré de Marseille (1956 - F) - 76 min. - SFE: 1,5 * - Dir.: Régamy, Maurice - Prod.: Cité; Protis - Act.:
Fernandel; Monlaur, Yvonne - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 211
Horrible histories (2009-2010 - UK) - 26x30 min. - Television series (26 episodes) - Prod.: BBC - Act.:
Baynton, Mathew; Farnaby, Simon; Hadland, Sarah - Adaptation of Deary, Terry e.a., Horrible histories
(1993-) (a series of children books)
Il était une fois... l'homme (1978 - F) - 25x30 = 750 min. - Cartoon series (30 episodes) - Dir.: Barillé, Albert Prod.: Procidis
Il était une fois... les explorateurs. 1. Les premiers navigateurs - 2. Alexandre le Grand - 3. Erik le Rouge et la
découverte de l'Amérique' - ... - 15. Bruce et les sources du Nil [Once upon a time... the explorers - Es war
einmal... die Entdeckung unserer Welt] (1996-1997 - F) - 26x26 min. - Cartoon series (26 episodes) - Dir.:
Barillé, Albert - Act.: Beretta, Daniel (voice)
Intolerance (1916 - USA) - BW - 123 min. - SFE: 4 * - Dir.: Griffith, D. W. (David Lewelyn Wark) - Prod.:
Wark Producing Company - Act.: Talmadge, Constance; Gaye, Howard; Langdon, Lillian; Grey, Olga Adaptation of (2) Testamentum novum, Iohannes, 2, 1-12; (4) Testamentum vetus, Daniel - Herodotos, 1,
177-191 (ca. 440-425) - Ill.: Cameron, 1973, p. 31; Cary, 1974, p.; Solomon, 1978, p.; Cook, 1990, p. 95-98; Michiels, 1999, p. v; Solomon, 2001, fig. (cf. p.
224-225); Dumont, 2009, p. 112.114-115.394; Michelakis, 2013, p. 47.94-95
Myth quest. 1. The Minotaur - 2. Hammer of the gods - 3. Red Wolf's daughter - 4. Orpheus - 5. Minokichi - 6.
Sir Caradoc at the Round Table - 7. The Doppelganger - 8. The oracle - 9. Isis & Osiris. Part 1 - 10. Isis &
Osiris. Part 2 - 11. Blodeuwedd - 12. The blessing - 13. Quetzalcoatl (2001 - CDN) - 60x13 min. - Cartoon
series (13 episodes) - Dir.: Guthe, Manfred; Kendall, Nicholas e.a. - Act.: Jacot, Christopher; Henderson,
Night at the museum (2006 - USA) - 108 min. - 2 * - Dir.: Levy, Shawn - Act.: Stiller, Ben; Williams, Robin Adaptation of Trenc, Milan, The night at the museum (1993) (novel)
Night at the museum 2 [Battle of the Smithsonian] (2009 - USA/CDN) - 105 min. - 2,5 * - Dir.: Levy, Shawn Act.: Stiller, Ben; Williams, Robin
Plus vieux métier du monde, Le [L'amore attraverso i secoli - Das älteste Gewerbe der Welt] (1967 - F/I/D) 115 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Indovina, Franco; Bolognini, Mauro; de Broca, Philippe; Pfleghar, Michael;
Autant-Lara, Claude; Godard, Jean-Luc - Prod.: Rialto; Francoriz; Rizzoli - Act.: Martinelli, Elsa; Moschin,
Restitution [By super strategy - God's to-morrow] (1918 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Gaye, Howard - Prod.: Mena
Film Co. - Act.: Steppling, John; Wise, Mary; Gaye, Howard; Harvey, Mabel; Vroom, Frederick; Turner, F.
Story of mankind, The [L'Ancien Testament - De geschiedenis van de mensheid] (1957 - USA) - 100 min. SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Allen, Irwin - Prod.: Warner Brothers - Act.: Mayo, Virginia; Carradine, John; Bushman,
Francis X.; Lorre, Peter; Colman, Ronald; Lamarr, Hedy; Crayne, Dani; Coburn, Charles - Adaptation of
Van Loon, Hendrik Willem, The story of mankind (1922) - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 492
— 19 —
Three ages [Les trois âges] (1923 - USA) - BW - 63 min. - 2,5 * - Dir.: Keaton, Buster; Cline, Edward F.
(Eddie) - Prod.: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer; Buster Keaton Productions - Act.: Keaton, Buster; Beery, Wallace;
Morgan, Horace (Kewpie) - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 5; Michelakis, 2013, p. 282.288.292
Wege zu Kraft und Schönheit [Force et beauté - The way to strength and beauty] (1924-1925 - D) - BW - 100
min. - Dir.: Prager, Wilhelm - Prod.: Kaufmann, Nicholas; Universum; Film AG (UF) - Act.: Riefenstahl,
Leni - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 212
Woman [L'éternelle tentatrice - Les fées de la mer] (1918 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Tourneur, Maurice - Prod.:
Prod. Tourneur - Act.: Revalles, Flore; Clerget, Paul
World's a stage, The. 1. Julius Caesar - 2. Othello - 3. A winter's tale - 4. Twelfth night - 5. MacBeth - 6. A
midsummer night's dream (1953 - UK) - 13x6 = 78 min. - Dir.: Deane, Charles - Act.: Young Vic Theatre
Company - Adaptation of Shakespeare, William, Julius Caesar (1597-1599) - Othello (1601-1608) - The
winter's tale (1608-1611) - Twelfth night (1598-1601) - MacBeth (1601-1608) - A midsummer-night's
dream (1594-1595) (scenes from these six theatre plays)
Year one (2009 - USA) - 93 min. - 2 * - Dir.: Ramis, Harold - Act.: Black, Jack; Cera, Michael - Adaptation of
Testamentum vetus, Genesis
— 20 —
3. De prehistorische mens
Van de 59 films die banden hebben met de Steentijd of de Metaaltijden, zijn er
slechts enkele die een min of meer authentiek decor proberen te schetsen.
Filmografie - De prehistorische mens
2001. A space odyssey [L'odyssée de l'espace - 2001 Odyssee im Weltraum - 2001. Een zwerftocht in de
ruimte] (1968 - UK) - 139 min. - SFE: 4 * - Dir.: Kubrick, Stanley - Prod.: Hawk; Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Act.: Dullea, Keir - Mus.: Strauss, Richard, Also sprach Zarathustra (1896) - Adaptation of Clarke, Arthur
C., Childhood's end (The sentinel) (1953) - Ill.: Cook, 1990, p. 881; color pl.; Leeflang, 2004, p. 105
50,000 B.C. (Before Clothing) [Nudes on the rocks - When women played ding dong] (1963 - USA) - 75 min.
- Dir.: Rose, Werner - Act.: Robinson, Charlie
A.D.A.M. (1988 - D) - 98 min. - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Ballman, Herbert - Act.: Berger, Helmut
Adventures in Dinosaur City [Dinosaurs] (1992 - USA) - 88 min. - Dir.: Thompson, Brett - Act.: Martorana,
Ao le dernier Néandertal (2010 - F) - 84 min. - Dir.: Malaterre, Jacques - Act.: Sutton, Simon Paul - Adaptation
of Klapczynski, Marc, Ao, l'homme ancien. L'odyssée du dernier Neandertal (2003) (roman)
Brother bear (2003 - USA) - 85 min. - Cartoon film - 1,5 * - Dir.: Blaise, Aaron; Walker, Robert - Prod.: Walt
Disney Pictures - Act.: Phoenix, Joaquin (voice)
Cave girl (1985 - USA) - 87 min. - SFE: 0,5 * - Dir.: Oliver, David - Prod.: Crown International - Act.:
Roebuck, Daniel; Thompson, Cindy Ann - Ill.: Willis, 1986, p. 118
Caveman (1981 - USA) - 92 min. - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Gottlieb, Carl - Prod.: MGM - Act.: Starr, Ringo; Bach,
Barbara; Quaid, Dennis; Long, Shelley - Ill.: SFE, 1986, p. 144; SFE, 1995, p. 276
Chaînon manquant, Le [The missing link] (1980 - B/F) - 95 min. - Cartoon film - SFE: 3,5 * - Dir.: Picha
(Walravens, Jean-Paul)
Clan of the cave bear, The [Ayla und der Clan der Bären] (1986 - USA) - 98 min. - SFE: 1,5 * - Dir.:
Chapman, Michael - Act.: Hannah, Daryl - Adaptation of Auel, Jean M., The clan of the cave bear (1980) Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 4.13-14
Croods, The [Crood awakening - De Croods] (2013 - USA) - 98 min. - Cartoon film (puppets) - 3 * - Dir.:
Sanders, Chris; De Micco, Kirk - Prod.: DreamWorks - Act.: Cage, Nicolas; Stone, Emma (voices)
Dinosaurs (1991-1994 - USA) - Cartoon series
Encino man [California man] (1992 - USA) - 89 min. - SFE: 0,5 * - Dir.: Mayfield, Les - Prod.: Zaloom,
George - Act.: Astin, Sean; Fraser, Brendan; Shore, Pauly - Ill.: SFE, 1995, p. 498
Flintstone Christmas carol, A (1994 - USA) - Cartoon film - Dir.: Romersa, Joanna - Act.: Corden, Henry
Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas, The [The Flintstones 2] (2000 - USA) - 90 min. - 2 * - Dir.: Levant, Brian Act.: Addy, Mark; Johnston, Kristen
Flintstones on the rocks, The (2001 - USA) - 85 min. - Cartoon film for television - Dir.: Savino, Chris; Smith,
David - Prod.: Hanna, William; Barbera, Joseph - Act.: Bergman, Jeff (voice)
Flintstones, The (1960-1966 - USA) - 166x30 min. - Cartoon series (166 episodes) - Dir.: Nichols, Charles A. Prod.: Hanna, William; Barbera, Joseph - Act.: Reed, Allen; Vander Pyl, Jean (voices) - Ill.: Lenburg, 1981,
kaft, p. 120.121; SFE, 1995, p. 577; Leeflang, 2004, p. 146
Flintstones, The (1994 - USA) - 92 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Levant, Brian - Prod.: Spielrock, Steven (Spielberg,
Steven) - Act.: Goodman, John; Moranis, Rick; Perkins, Elizabeth - Ill.: SFE, 1995, p. 1827; Leeflang,
2004, p. 149
Flintstones, The. 5, 18. Time machine (1965 - USA) - 30 min. - Episode of a cartoon series - Dir.: Barbera,
Joseph; Hanna, William - Act.: Reed, Alan (voice)
Flying elephants [A l'âge de pierre] (1927 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Butler, Frank - Prod.: Roach, Hall; MetroGoldwyn-Mayer - Act.: Laurel, Stan; Hardy, Oliver; Finlayson, James - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 5
Gertie the dinosaur [Gertie the trained dinosaur] (1914 - USA) - BW - 12 min. - Cartoon film - Dir.: McCay,
Winsor; Blackton, John Stuart - Prod.: Vitagraph - Act.: McManus, George - Ill.: Leeflang, 2004, p. 127
Gogs (1994 - UK) - 13x5 min. - Cartoon series (13 episodes) - Dir.: Mort, Michael; Morris, Deiniol - Act.:
Elisa, Gillan (voice)
Gogs Ogof (1995 - UK) - 11 min. - Cartoon film - Dir.: Mort, Michael; Morris, Deiniol
Guerra del ferro, La [La guerre du fer - Ironmaster] (1982 - I/F) - 93 min. - SFE: 0 * - Dir.: Lenzi, Umberto Act.: Eastman, George
Guerre du feu, La [Quest for fire - Strijd om het vuur] (1981 - F/CDN) - 97 min. - SFE: 3,5 * - Dir.: Annaud,
Jean-Jacques - Prod.: Gruskopf, Michael - Act.: McGill, Everett; Chong, Rae Dawn; Perlman, Ron; El
Kadi, Nameer - Adaptation of Rosny, J.-H. Aîné, La guerre du feu (1911) - Ill.: SFE, 1995, p. 677; Dumont,
2009, p. 11-12
His prehistoric past [A dream - King Charlie - The caveman - The hula-hula dance] (1914 - USA) - BW - 10
min. - Dir.: Chaplin, Charles (Charlie) - Act.: Chaplin, Charles
Hysterical history. 10. Pre-historic man (1924 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Foy, Bryan
Ice age [The ice age] (2002 - USA) - 81 min. - Cartoon film - 3 * - Dir.: Wedge, Chris - Prod.: 20th-Century
Fox; Blue Sky - Act.: Romano, Ray; Leguizamo, John (voices)
Ice age [gag] (2006 - USA) - 3 min. - Cartoon film - 2,5 *
Ice age 2. The meltdown (2006 - USA) - 91 min. - Cartoon film - 2,5 * - Dir.: Saldanha, Carlos - Prod.: 20thCentury Fox; Blue Sky - Act.: Romano, Ray; Leguizamo, John; Leary, Denis (voices)
Ice age 3. Dawn of the dinosaurs (2009 - USA) - 94 min. - Cartoon film - 3 * - Dir.: Saldanha, Carlos;
Thurmeier, Mike - Act.: Romano, Ray; Leguizamo, John; Leary, Denis (voices)
Ice age 4. Continental drift (2012 - USA) - 94 min. - Cartoon film - 2,5 * - Dir.: Martino, Steve; Thurmeier,
Mike - Act.: Romano, Ray; Leguizamo, John; Leary, Denis (voices)
Iceman (1984 - USA) - 99 min. - SFE: 3,5 * - Dir.: Schepisi, Fred - Prod.: Universal - Act.: Hutton, Timothy;
Lone, John - Mus.: Smeaton, Bruce - Ill.: Willis, 1985, p. 27 (5 x)
In the rough (2004 - USA) - 5 min. - Cartoon film - Dir.: Taylor, Paul - Act.: Sept, Douglas (voice)
Korg: 70,000 B.C. (1974 - USA) - 30x16 min. - Television series (16 episodes) - Dir.: Moore, Irving J. - Act.:
Malinda, Jim
Maciste contro i mostri [Fire monsters against the son of Hercules - Colossus of the Stone Age - Land of the
monsters] (1962 - I) - 89 min. - SFE: 1,5 * - Dir.: Malatesta, Guido - Act.: Lewis, Reg; Lee, Margaret - Ill.:
Aziza, 1998, p. 182
Man called Flintstone, The [The Flintstones] (1966 - USA) - 87 min. - Cartoon film - SFE: 2 - 2,5 * - Dir.:
Hanna, William; Barbera, Joseph - Act.: Reed, Alan; Vander Pyl, Jean (voices)
Man's genesis [Genèse humain] (1912 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Griffith, D. W. (David Lewelyn Wark) - Prod.: AB;
Biograph - Act.: Harron, Robert; Marsh, Mae; Lucas, Wilfred - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 5
Missing link [The link] (1989 - USA) - 91 min. - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Hughes, David; Hughes, Carol - Act.:
Elliott, Peter - Ill.: SFE, 1995, p. 1059
One million B.C. [The cave dwellers - Cave man - Battle of the giants - Man and his mate - Tumak, fils de la
jungle - Amours préhistoriques] (1940 - USA) - BW - 80 min. - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Roach, Hal; Griffith, D.
W. (David Lewelyn Wark) - Act.: Mature, Victor; Landis, Carole - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 6-7
One million years B.C. (1966 - UK) - 100 min. - 1,5; SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Chaffey, Don - Prod.: Hammer Films Act.: Welch, Raquel; Richardson, John - Ill.: Cameron, 1973, p. 71 (2 x); Wie is wie, 1987, p. 595;
MacDonald, 1996, p. 18; Dumont, 2009, p. 8-9
Padroni del mondo, I [Conqueror of the world - Master of the world] (1983 - I) - 80 min. - Dir.: Cavallone,
Alberto - Act.: Kruger, Sven
Prehistoric beast (1985 - USA) - 9 min. - Cartoon film - Dir.: Tippett, Phil
Prehistoric love story, A (1915 - UK) - BW - ca. 33 min. - Dir.: Bantock, Leedham - Prod.: Zenith - Act.:
Hicks, Seymour; Elsom, Isobel; Bellamy, Franklyn; Russell, Violet
Prehistoric man, The (1908 - UK) - BW - ca. 5 min. - Dir.: Booth, Walter R. - Prod.: Urban Trading Company
Prehistoric man, The (1911 - UK) - BW - ca. 6 min. - Dir.: Martinek, H. O. - Prod.: British & Colonial
Prehistoric man, The (1924 - UK) - BW - ca. 50 min. - Dir.: Coleby, A. E. - Prod.: Stoll - Act.: Robey, George
Prehistoric peeps (1905 - UK) - BW - ca. 6 min. - Dir.: Fitzhamon, Lewin - Prod.: Hepworth, Cecil - Act.:
Smith, Sebastian
Prehistoric women (1950 - USA) - 74 min. - SFE: 0 * - Dir.: Tallas, Gregg G. - Act.: Luez, Laurette
Quando gli uomini armarono la clava... e con le donne fecero din-don [The age old battle. One thing never
changes... - When women played ding dong] (1971 - I) - 95 min. - Dir.: Corbucci, Bruno; Festa Campanile,
Pasquale - Act.: Sabato, Antonio; Giuffrè, Aldo - Adaptation of Aristophanes, Lysistrata (411)
Quando le donne avevano la coda [When women had tails] (1970 - I) - 105 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Festa
Campanile, Pasquale - Act.: Wood, Montgomery (Gemma, Giuliano); Berger, Senta; Wolff, Frank
Quando le donne persero la coda [When women lost their tails] (1973 - I) - Dir.: Festa Campanile, Pasquale Act.: Berger, Senta; Buzzanca, Lando
R.F.D. 10,000 B.C. [A mannikin comedy - G.F.D. 10,000 ears B.C. - R.F.D. 2,000,000 B.C.] (1916 - USA) BW - 10 min. - Cartoon film - Dir.: O'Brien, Willis H. - Act.: Curtis, Cliff; Shariff, Omar
Rahan fils des âges farouches (1987 - F) - 26x24 min. - Cartoon series (26 episodes) - Act.: Givry, Edgar
(voice) - Adaptation of Chéret, André, Rahan (comic)
Rrrrrrr!!! (2003 - F) - 94 min. - 3 * - Dir.: Chabat, Alain - Act.: Foïs, Marina; Depardieu, Gérard; Jouillerot,
Star Trek. 3, 23. All our yesterdays (1969 - USA) - 50 min. - Episode of a television series - SFE: good 3 * Dir.: Chomsky, Marvin - Act.: Shatner, William
Stone age stunts (1930 - USA) - BW - Cartoon film - Dir.: Foster, John
Teenage caveman [Prehistoric world] (1958 - USA) - BW - 66 min. - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Corman, Roger - Act.:
Vaughn, Robert
When dinosaurs ruled the earth (1970 - UK) - 96 min. - SFE: 3 * - Dir.: Guest, Val - Act.: Vetri, Victoria;
Hawdon, Robin - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 10
— 22 —
4. De oosterse wereld
Binnen de 572 films die zich afspelen in de oosterse wereld, vinden we een drietal
krachtlijnen, die evenwel heel wat raakvlakken hebben met elkaar: verfilmingen van het
Oude Testament, thema's in verband met Egypte, en films over het Assyrische en het
Babylonische Rijk. De romance van de Egyptische koningin Kleopatra met Iulius Caesar en
Marcus Antonius zal aan bod komen in § 6.
Filmografie - De oosterse wereld
3 Chains o' gold (1994 - USA) - 73 min. - Video film; musical - Dir.: Patton, Parris; Prince - Act.: Prince
A 008, operazione Sterminio [Suspense au Caire pour A 008 - 008: operation Exterminate] (1965 - I/ET) Dir.: Lenzi, Umberto - Act.: Schoeller, Ingrid
Abbott and Costello meet the mummy [Deux nigauds et la momie - Deux nigauds chez les Pharaons - Abbott
en Costello ontmoeten de mummie] (1955 - USA) - BW - 79 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Lamont, Charles Prod.: Universal - Act.: Abbott, Bud; Costello, Lou; Parker, Eddy - Ill.: SFE, 1995, p. 1175 (?); Groensteen,
1998, p. 35
Abominable Dr Phibes, The [L'abominable docteur Phibes] (1971 - UK) - 94 min. - SFE: 3 * - Dir.: Fuest,
Robert - Act.: Price, Vincent
Abraham's sacrifice (1912 - F) - BW - Prod.: C.G.P.C. - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Genesis, 22
Adam and Eve (1912 - USA) - BW - Prod.: Vitagraph - Act.: Morey, Harry T.; Baird, Leah - Adaptation of
Testamentum vetus, Genesis, 1-5
Adam raises Cain (1920 - USA) - BW - Cartoon film - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Genesis, 1-5
Adam's rib (1923 - USA) - BW - Dir.: DeMille, Cecil B. (Blount) - Act.: Sills, Milton; Garon, Pauline Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Genesis, 1-5
Adán y Eva [Adam and Eve - Adam en Eva] (1956 - MEX) - BW - 76 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Gout, Alberto Act.: Martel, Christiane - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Genesis, 1-5 - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 27
Adán y Eva, la primera historia de amor (1983 - E/I) - 89 min. - SFE: 0,5 * - Dir.: Wilder, John - Act.:
Gregory, Marc - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Genesis, 1-5
Aida [Aïda] (1911 - USA) - BW - 12 min. - Dir.: Apfel, Oscar; Dawley, J. Searle - Prod.: Edison, Thomas A. Act.: Fuller, Mary; Ogle, Charles; MacDermott, Marcel; Nesbitt, Miriam - Adaptation of Verdi, Giuseppe,
Aïda (1871) (opera)
Aida (1917 - MEX) - BW - Dir.: Rosas, Enrique - Adaptation of Verdi, Giuseppe, Aïda (1871) (opera)
Aida (1981 - I) - 163 min. - Opera recording - Dir.: Large, Brian - Act.: Price, Margaret - Adaptation of Verdi,
Giuseppe, Aïda (1871) (opera)
Aida [Aïda] (1987 - S) - 95 min. - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Fellbom, Claes - Act.: Ridderstedt, Margareta Adaptation of Verdi, Giuseppe, Aïda (1871) (opera)
Aida (1987 - I?) - 140 min. - Opera recording - Act.: Freni, Mirella; Domingo, Plácido - Adaptation of Verdi,
Giuseppe, Aïda (1871) (opera)
Aida (1989 - I) - 157 min. - Opera recording - Dir.: Large, Brian - Act.: Millo, Aprile - Adaptation of Verdi,
Giuseppe, Aïda (1871) (opera)
Aida (1992 - I) - 152 min. - Opera recording - Dir.: Seyta-Casal, Gianni - Act.: Chiara, Maria - Adaptation of
Verdi, Giuseppe, Aïda (1871) (opera)
Aida [Aïda] (1994 - UK/J) - 152 min. - Dir.: Large, Brian - Act.: Cheryl Studer - Adaptation of Verdi,
Giuseppe, Aïda (1871) (opera)
Aida (1997 - I) - Opera recording - Dir.: Duhowitz, Martin - Act.: de Vaughn, Pauletta - Adaptation of Verdi,
Giuseppe, Aïda (1871) (opera)
Aida [Giuseppe Verdi's Aida] (1999 - I?) - 159 min. - Opera recording - Dir.: Brusa, Elisabetta - Act.:
Cedolins, Fiorenza - Adaptation of Verdi, Giuseppe, Aïda (1871) (opera)
Aïda [Aïda, tragedia egiziana - Aida] (1911 - I/F) - BW - ca. 22 min. - Prod.: Film d'Arte Italiana (Roma); Film
d'Art; Pathé - Act.: Lorenzoni, Bianca; Frigerio, Virgilio; Agozzino, Rina - Adaptation of Verdi, Giuseppe,
Aïda (1871) (opera)
Aïda [Aida] (1953 - I) - 92 min. - Musical (opera) - 1,5; SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Fracassi, Clemente - Act.: Loren,
Sophia; Maxwell, Lois; Poli, Afro - Adaptation of Verdi, Giuseppe, Aïda (1871) (opera) - Ill.: Dumont,
2009, p. 109; Fourcart, 2012, p. 96
Aïda [Aida] (1961 - F?) - Opera recording - Adaptation of Verdi, Giuseppe, Aïda (1871) (opera)
Aïda [Aida] (1977 - F) - 165 min. - Opera recording - SFE: 1 * - Dir.: Jourdan, Pierre - Act.: Cruz-Romo,
Gilda - Adaptation of Verdi, Giuseppe, Aïda (1871) (opera)
Aïda [Aida] (1981 - I) - Opera recording - Dir.: Large, Brian - Act.: Chiara, Maria - Mus.: Guadagno, Anton
(conductor) - Adaptation of Verdi, Giuseppe, Aïda (1871) (opera)
Aïda [Aida] (1985 - I/USA) - 160 min. - Opera recording - Dir.: Bailey, Derek - Act.: Chiara, Maria Adaptation of Verdi, Giuseppe, Aïda (1871) (opera)
Al-fallâh al-façîh [Le conte du paysan éloquent - Le paysan éloquent] (1970 - ET) - Dir.: Shadi Abd el-Salam
All new adventures of Laurel & Hardy. For love or mummy (1998 - USA) - Dir.: Cherry, John R. III - Act.:
Pinchot, Bronson; Sartain, Gailard
Allan Quatermain (1919 - ZA) - BW - Dir.: Lisle Lucoque, H. - Act.: Lawrence, Albert - Adaptation of
Haggard, Henry Rider, Allan Quatermain (1887)
Allan Quatermain and the lost city of gold [Allan Quatermain et la cité de l'or perdue] (1987 - USA) - 99 min. SFE: 1 * - Dir.: Nelson, Gary - Act.: Chamberlain, Richard; Stone, Sharon - Adaptation of Haggard, Henry
Rider, Allan Quatermain (1887) - Ill.: Willis, 1988, p. 11 (3 x); SFE, 1995, p. 56
Amazing Chan and the Chan clan. 2, 11. The mummy's tomb (1972 - USA) - 30 min. - Episode of a cartoon
series - Dir.: Nichols, Charles A. - Prod.: Hanna-Barbera Studios
Amazing stories. 1, 4. Mummy, daddy [Histoires fantastiques. Papa, momie] (1985 - USA) - 23 min. - SFE:
good 3 * - Dir.: Dear, William - Prod.: Spielberg, Steven - Act.: Harrison, Tom; James, Brion; Walte,
Ancien testament, L'. Tome I-XV. David et Goliath - Samson et Dalila - Le déluge - Josué à Jéricho - Les 10
commandements - L'histoire de Jacob - Daniel et le Nabuchodonosor - L'histoire d'Esther - La tour de Babel
- Abraham - Sodome et Gomorrhe - Moïse - Salomon - Daniel dans la grotte aux lions - Joseph en Égypte
(2005 - F?) - 700 min. - Cartoon film - Dir.: Collectif - Prod.: Elephant Films - Adaptation of Testamentum
Ancient Egyptians. 1. The battle of Megiddo (2003 - UK) - 50 min. - Episode of a television series - Dir.:
Mitchell, Tony - Prod.: Channel 4 - Act.: Omar Berdouni
Ancient Egyptians. 2. Tomb robbers (2004 - UK) - 50 min. - Episode of a television series - Dir.: Mitchell,
Tony - Prod.: Channel 4
Ancient Egyptians. 3. Murder in the temple (2004 - UK) - 50 min. - Episode of a television series - Dir.:
Mitchell, Tony - Prod.: Channel 4
Ancient Egyptians. 4. The twins (2004 - UK) - 50 min. - Episode of a television series - 3 * - Dir.: Mitchell,
Tony - Prod.: Channel 4 - Act.: Hill, Bernard; Yassine Ahajjam; Zakaria Atift; Khouloud Betioui
Ancient evil 2. Guardian of the underworld [Anubis guardian of the underworld - Anubis rising] (2004 - USA)
- 95 min. - Video film - Dir.: Kann, David - Prod.: Darkside Films - Act.: Campbell, Victoria; Lipskey,
Adam; Sandeen, Don
Animated stories from the Bible, The. Joseph in Egypt - Abraham and Isaac - Moses: from birth to burning
bush - Samuel the boy prophet - Esther - Elijah - Daniel - Elisha man of God - The story of Ruth - Joseph's
reunion - Solomon - David and Goliath - Maccabees (1992-1996 - USA) - 30 min. - Cartoon series - Dir.:
Rich, Richard - Prod.: Nest Family Entertainment; Rich Animation Studios - Act.: Porter, Ray (voice) Adaptation of Testamentum vetus; Testamentum novum
Anneau fatal, L' (I. 1798 - II. 1830 - III. 1912) [The fatal ring] (1912 - F) - BW - Dir.: Feuillade, Louis - Prod.:
Gaumont - Act.: Aymé, Jean; Carl, Renée; Devalde, Jean; Vinot, Maurice
Apfel ist ab, Der [The apple fell] (1948 - D) - BW - 122 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Käutner, Helmut - Act.: Todd,
Bobby - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Genesis, 2-3
Arche, Die (1987 - DDR) - Cartoon film - Prod.: DEFA Trickfilm (Dresden) - Adaptation of Testamentum
Argaï. La prophétie. 8. L'amulette du pharaon (2000 - F) - Episode of a cartoon series
Arms of the sun, The [not completed] (2008 - USA) - Prod.: Foster, Lucas - Adaptation of Zacco, Roberto, Le
braccia del sole (1997)
Arouss el Nil [Bride of the Nile] (1963 - ET) - BW - Dir.: Fetin Abdel Wahab
Au temps des pharaons (1910 - F) - BW - ca. 13 min. - Dir.: Velle, Gaston - Prod.: Film d'Art; Pathé - Act.: De
Napierkowska, Stacia; Wague, Georges; Jacquinet, Jean
Augen der Mumie Ma, Die [Les yeux de la momie - The eyes of mummy Ma] (1918 - D) - BW - Dir.:
Lubitsch, Ernst - Prod.: Union - Act.: Jannings, Emil; Negri, Paula
Avenging hand, The [The wraith of the tomb] (1915 - UK) - BW - Dir.: Calvert, Charles - Act.: Bellew,
Dorothy; Payne, Douglas; Vautier, Sydney
Aventure de Papyrus, Une. La vengeance de Seth [De wraak van Seth] (1998 - B/CDN/F) - 73 min. - Cartoon
film (pilot for a television series) - Dir.: Gauthier, Michel - Act.: Tomassian, Alexis (voice) - Adaptation of
De Gieter, Lucien, Papyrus (1978-) (comic series)
Aventures de Tintin, Les. Les cigares du Pharaon [Kuifje en de sigaren van de farao] (1992 - F/CDN) - 52 min.
- Cartoon film for television - SFE: good 3 * - Dir.: Bernasconi, Stéphane - Prod.: Ellipse - Nelvana - Act.:
O'Meara, Colin (English voice); Pas, Michaël (Dutch voice) - Adaptation of Hergé (Remi, Georges), Tintin.
Les cigares du Pharaon (1933) (comic)
Awakening, The [The waking - La malédiction de la Vallée des rois] (1980 - UK/USA) - 102 min. - SFE: 1,5 *
- Dir.: Newell, Mike - Prod.: EMI - Act.: Heston, Charlton; York, Susannah; Townsend, Jill; Zimbalist,
Stephanie; Drury, Patrick - Adaptation of Stoker, Bram, The jewel of the seven stars (1904)
Aydah [Ayda - Aida] (1942 - ET) - BW - Musical - Dir.: Ahmed Badrahkan - Prod.: Misr Film - Act.: Om
Kalsoum; Soliman Naguib; Ibrahim Hamouda - Adaptation of Verdi, Giuseppe, Aïda (1871) (opera)
Barbarian, The [Man of the Nile - A night in Cairo] (1933 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Wood, Sam - Act.: Novarro,
Ramon; Loy, Myrna; Denny, Reginald
— 24 —
Bathsheba (2005 - USA) - Short film - Dir.: McGee, Gwen - Act.: McGee, Gwen; Ramsey, David - Adaptation
of Testamentum vetus, I-II Samuelis; I Regum (especially II Samuelis, 11-12)
Batman the animated series. 2, 3. Avatar (1994 - USA) - 30 min. - Episode of a cartoon series - Dir.: Altieri,
Kevin - Adaptation of Kane, Bob, Batman (1939-) (comic series)
Batman. 1, 27. The curse of Tut - 1, 28. The Pharaoh's in a rut - 2, 7. The spell of Tut - 2, 8. Tut's case is shut 2, 53. King Tut's Coup - 2, 54. Batman's Waterloo - 3, 5. A horse of another color - 3, 6. The unkindest Tut
of all - 3, 23. I'll be a mummy's uncle - 3, 25. The entrancing Dr. Cassandra (1966 - USA) - Episodes of a
television series - Dir.: Rondeau, Charles - Act.: West, Adam; Ward, Burt; Buono, Victor - Adaptation of
Kane, Bob, Batman (1939-) (comic series)
Battlestar Galactica. 3-4. Lost planet of the gods (1978 - USA) - Episode of a television series - Dir.: Nyby,
Christian I. III - Act.: Hatch, Richard; Benedict, Dirk; Greene, Lorne
Beetle, The (1919 - UK) - BW - Dir.: Butler, Alexander - Act.: Douglas, Leal; Morgan, Fred; Dunham, Maudie
Believe it or not. 11. The secret of Nefertiti (1950 - USA) - Television film - Act.: Gam, Rita; Bunker, Ralph;
Bradley, Stewart; Robb, Romola
Belphégor le fantôme du Louvre (2001 - F) - Dir.: Salome, Jean-Paul - Act.: Marceau, Sophie; Serrault,
Michel; Christie, Julie - Adaptation of Bernède, Arthur, Belphégor (1927) (novel)
Belphégor ou le fantôme du Louvre (1965 - F) - BW - 390 min. - Television series (13 episodes) - SFE: weak 1
* - Dir.: Barma, Claude - Act.: Gréco, Juliette; Dary, René; Chaumette, François - Adaptation of Bernède,
Arthur, Belphégor (1927) (novel)
Belshazzar's feast (1905 - F) - BW - Prod.: Pathé - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Daniel
Belshazzar's feast (1913 - F) - BW - Prod.: Gaumont - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Daniel
Beyond the rocks (1922 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Woods, Sam - Act.: Swanson, Gloria; Valentino, Rudolf
Bibbia, La [The Bible] (1913 - I) - BW - Dir.: Consalvi, Achille - Prod.: Aquila - Act.: Elvezi, Frederico;
Zambuto, Claudia; Zambuto, Gero
Bibbia, La [After six days] (1922 - I) - BW - Dir.: Gariazzo, Pier Antonio; Vay, A. - Adaptation of
Testamentum vetus, Genesis?
Bibbia, La [The bible - The bible in the beginning... - Die Bibel - De bijbel, in den beginne] (1966 - I/USA) 174 min. - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Huston, John - Prod.: 20th-Century Fox; De Laurentiis, Dino - Act.: Boyd,
Stephen; Parks, Michael; Huston, John; Scott, George, C. - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Genesis, 122 - Ill.: Noach, 1967 (22 x); Cary, 1974, p. 126 (2 x); Solomon, 1978, p. 81.83.142; Solomon, 2001, fig.
81-82; Dumont, 2009, p. 23.28-30.33.38; Fourcart, 2012, p. 57.160
Bible (1974 - USA) - Dir.: Poole, Wakefield - Act.: White, Bo; Couselle, Caprice - Adaptation of
Testamentum vetus, Genesis?
Bible, La (1979 - F) - 60 min. - Television film - SFE: good 3 * - Dir.: Carné, Marcel - Mus.: Lavagna, Don
Raffaello, oratorium - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Genesis; Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Bible, The (1921 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Weiss - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Genesis?
Bible, The. (1) Genesis. The creation and the flood [Genesi. La creazione e il diluvio - Die Bibel. Genesis - Die
Bibel. Die Schöpfung - De bijbel. De schepping] (1994 - I/D/USA) - 91 min. - Television film - Dir.: Olmi,
Ermanno - Act.: Antonutti, Omero; Aziz, Sabir - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Genesis
Bible, The. (10) Esther [Ester - Ester regina di Persia - Die Bibel. Esther] (1999 - I/D/I/USA) - 90 min. Television film - Dir.: Mertes, Raffaele - Act.: Lombard, Louise; Abraham, F. Murray; Prochnow, Jürgen Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Ester - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 82
Bible, The. (2) Abraham [La bibbia. Abramo - Die Bibel. Abraham - La bible. Abraham - De bijbel. Abraham]
(1994 - USA/I/D) - 188 min. - Television series (2 episodes) - SFE: good 3 * - Dir.: Sargent, Joseph - Prod.:
Turner Broadcasting - Act.: Harris, Richard; Hershey, Barbara; Schell, Maximilian; Gassman, Vittorio Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Genesis, 11-25 - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 34
Bible, The. (3) Jacob [Jacob. A TNT bible story - Die Bibel. Jakob - La bible. Jacob - De bijbel. Jakob] (1994 USA/I/D/F/NL/CZ/E) - 90 min. - Television film - SFE: average 2 * - Dir.: Hall, Peter - Prod.: Turner
Broadcasting - Act.: Modine, Matthew; Papas, Irene - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Genesis, 25-36;
Nappi, Francesco Maria, Giacobbe (novel)
Bible, The. (4) Joseph [Joseph in Egypt - Die Bibel. Josef - La bible. Joseph - De bijbel. Jozef] (1995 USA/I/D/F) - 95x2 = 190 min. - Television series (2 episodes) - Dir.: Young, Roger - Prod.: Turner
Broadcasting - Act.: Kingsley, Ben; Mercurio, Paul; Landau, Martin; Warren, Lesley Ann - Mus.:
Morricone, Ennio - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Genesis, 37-50 - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 42
Bible, The. (5) Moses [Die Bibel. Moses - La bible. Moise - De bijbel. Mozes] (1996 - USA/I/D/F) - 95x2 =
190 min. - Television series (2 episodes) - Dir.: Young, Roger - Prod.: Turner Broadcasting - Act.:
Kingsley, Ben; Suchet, David; Lee, Christopher; Langella, Frank; Galiéna, Anna; McEwan, Geraldine Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Exodus - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 52
Bible, The. (6) Samson and Delilah [Sansone e Delila - Die Bibel. Samson und Delila - De bijbel. Samson en
Delila - Simson en Delila] (1996 - D/I/F/NL) - 90x2 = 180 min. - Television series (2 episodes) - Dir.:
Roeg, Nicolas - Prod.: Turner Broadcasting - Act.: Hurley, Elizabeth; Thal, Eric; Hopper, Dennis; Gambon,
Michael; Rigg, Diana - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Iudices, 13-16 - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 60
Bible, The. (7) David [La Bibbia. David - Die Bibel. David] (1997 - D/I/USA/F/NL) - 90x2 = 180 min. Television series (2 episodes) - Dir.: Markowitz, Robert - Prod.: Turner Broadcasting - Act.: Parker,
Nathaniel; Pryce, Jonathan - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, I-II Samuelis; I Regum - Ill.: Dumont,
2009, p. 69
— 25 —
Bible, The. (8) Solomon [Salomone - Die Bibel. Salomon] (1997 - I/D/UK/F) - 90x2 = 180 min. - Television
series (2 episodes) - Dir.: Young, Roger - Act.: Cross, Ben; Aimée, Anouk - Adaptation of Testamentum
vetus, I Regum, 1-11
Bible, The. (9) Jeremiah [Geremia il profeta - Die Bibel. Jeremia - De bijbel. Jeremia] (1998 - USA/I/D) - 90
min. - Television film - Dir.: Winer, Harry - Act.: Dempsey, Patrick - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus,
Bible, The. 1. In the beginning; 2. Exodus; 3. Homeland; 4. Kingdom; 5. Survival; 6. Hope; 7. Mission; 8.
Betrayal; 9. Passion; 10. Courage (2013 - USA/UK) - 43x10 min. - Television series (10 episodes) - Dir.:
Reece, Crispin; Mitchell, Tony; Spencer, Christopher - Act.: David, Keith (voice); Morgado, Diogo Adaptation of Testamentum vetus & novum
Billy the cat. 11. The curse (1994 - USA) - 30 min. - Episode of a cartoon series - Dir.: Jacquet, Jean-Pierre
Blake et Mortimer. Le mystère de la grande pyramide [Blake & Mortimer. Mystery of the gread pyramid. Part
1-2 - De avonturen van Blake & Mortimer. Het mysterie van de grote pyramide] (1997 - F/CDN) - 24x2 =
48 min. - Episodes of a cartoon series - Dir.: Bernasconi, Stéphane; Barbaud, Yannick - Adaptation of
Jacobs, Edgar P. (Edgar-Pierre), Blake et Mortimer. Le mystère de la grande pyramide (1954-1955) (comic)
Blonde goddess (including: The mummy's secret) [O secredo da mumia - Le secret de la momie] (1982 - USA)
- 89 min. - SFE: 0,5 * - Dir.: Eagle, Bill (Bill Milling) - Act.: Britton, Susanna; Lorians, Jaqueline; Ford,
Blood feast (1963 - USA) - 75 min. - SFE: 1 * - Dir.: Lewis, Hershell Gordon - Act.: Mason, Connie
Blood from the mummy's tomb [Exorcismus. Cleo, la dea dell'amore] (1972 - UK) - 94 min. - SFE: 3 * - Dir.:
Holt, Seth; Carreras, Michael - Prod.: Hammer Films - Act.: Leon, Valérie - Adaptation of Stoker, Bram,
The jewel of the seven stars (1904) - Ill.: Eloy, 1987, p. 95
Bloodsucking pharaohs in Pittsburgh [Picking up the pieces] (1991 - USA) - Dir.: Tschetter, Dean - Act.:
Dengel, Jake; Sharkey, Joe; Fletcher, Susann
Bob Morane. Le temple des crocodiles (1960 - F) - Episode of a television series - Adaptation of Vernes, Henri
(Dewisme, Charles Henri) - Coria, Bob Morane. Le temple des crocodilles (1990 in Dutch) (comic)
Book of Mormon movie, The. 1. The journey (2003 - USA) - 120 min. - Dir.: Rogers, Gary - Act.: Kubiak,
Bern - Adaptation of Smith, Joseph Jr., The book of Mormon (1830)
Bubba Ho-tep (2002 - USA) - Dir.: Coscarelli, Don - Act.: Campbell, Bruce; Davis, Ossie - Adaptation of
Lansdale, Joe R., Bubba Ho-tep (2003)
Cain and Abel (1911 - F) - BW - Prod.: C.G.P.C. - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Genesis, 4
Cain and Abel (1911 - USA) - BW - Prod.: Vitagraph - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Genesis, 4
Caïn et Abel [Cain and Abel] (1910 - F) - BW - Prod.: Gaumont - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Genesis,
Caïn et Abel [Cain and Abel] (1911 - F) - BW - Dir.: Andréani, Henri - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus,
Genesis, 4
Cairo (1962 - USA/UK) - 90 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Rilla, Wolf - Prod.: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer - Act.:
Sanders, George
Cameo operas. 12. Samson and Delilah (1927 - UK) - BW - ca. 22 min. - Opera recording - Dir.: Parkinson, H.
B. - Prod.: Song Films - Act.: Anderson, William - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Iudices, 13-16; SaintSaëns, Camille, Samson et Dalila (1877) (opera)
Captain Z-Ro. 14. Curse of Ra (1956 - USA) - Television series - Act.: Steffins, Roy; Driscoll, Bobby
Captain Z-Ro. 22. The great pyramid (1956 - USA) - Television series - Act.: Steffins, Roy; Driscoll, Bobby
Carnival in Paris (1934 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Thiele, Wilhelm - Act.: Rutherford, Ann
Carry on screaming (1966 - UK) - 97 min. - SFE: 1 * - Dir.: Thomas, Gerald - Act.: Corbett, Harry H.
Cat creature, The (1973 - USA) - 72 min. - Television film - SFE: good 3 * - Dir.: Harrington, Curtis - Act.:
Baxter, Meredith; Carradine, John
CatDog. 16. Neferkitty (1998 - USA) - Episode of a cartoon series
Charlie Chan in Egypt [Charlie Chan en Égypte] (1935 - USA) - BW - 65 min. - SFE: 3 * - Dir.: King, Louis Act.: Oland, Warner; Cansino, Rita (Hayworth, Rita) - Adaptation of Biggers, Earl Derr, Charlie Chan
(character in 6 novels, 1925-1932)
Charlton Heston presents the bible [Charlton Heston's voyage through the bible - De bijbel. Het boeiendste
verhaal ooit verteld. Genesis. Mozes. De Passion. Jezus van Nazareth] (1997 - USA) - 60x4 min. - Video
film - Dir.: Westman, Tony - Act.: Heston, Charlton - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Genesis - Exodus;
Testamentum novum
Chatzi HaMenashe (1996 - IL) - 30 min. - Short film - Dir.: Shauli, Yitzchak - Act.: Gaon, Yehoram
Civilisation à travers les âges, La. 1. Caïn et Abel: le premier crime (4000 avant J.C.) (1907-1908 - F) - BW Dir.: Méliès, Georges - Prod.: Star Film - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Genesis, 4 - Ill.: Dumont,
2009, p. 24
Congo (1994 - USA) - 100 min. - Dir.: Marshall, Frank - Adaptation of Crichton, Michael, Congo (1980)
Corte de faraón, La (1943 - MEX) - BW - 90 min. - Musical - Dir.: Bracho, Julio - Prod.: Films Mundiales Act.: Cortés, Mapy; Soto, Roberto; Cortés, Fernando; Guerrero de Luna, Consuelo; Varela, Alfredo Jr.
Corte de faraón, La [The court of the pharaoh] (1985 - E) - 96 min. - Musical - 1,5 * - Dir.: García Sánchez,
José Luis - Act.: Banderas, Antonio
Cortigiana di Babilonia, La [Sémiramis, esclave et reine - Queen of Babylon - Semiramis, courtisane van
Babylon] (1954 - I/F) - 109 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Bragaglia, Carlo Ludovico - Prod.: 20th-Century Fox -
— 26 —
Act.: Fleming, Rhonda; Montalban, Ricardo; Lupi, Roldano; Lees, Tamara - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 116118; Fourcart, 2012, p. 80
Cruise into terror (1978 - USA) - Television film - Dir.: Kessler, Bruce - Act.: Benedict, Dirk; Converse, Frank
Curse of king Tut, The [Curse of king Tut's tomb, The] (2005 - USA) - 170 min. - Television (mini) series (2
episodes) - 1 * - Dir.: Mulcahy, Russell - Prod.: Hallmark Entertainment - Act.: Van Dien, Casper; Varela,
Leonor; McDowell, Malcolm
Curse of king Tut's tomb, The [La malédiction du Pharaon] (1980 - USA) - 100 min. - Television film - SFE:
average 2 * - Dir.: Leacock, Philip - Act.: Saint, Eva Marie
Curse of the mummy [Mystery and Imagination: Curse of the mummy] (1970 - UK) - Dir.: Verney, Guy - Act.:
Black, Isobel; Mower, Patrick; Churchill, Donald - Adaptation of Stoker, Bram, The jewel of the seven
stars (1904)
Curse of the mummy's tomb, The [Les maléfices de la momie] (1964 - UK) - 81 min. - SFE: 1,5 * - Dir.:
Carreras, Michael - Prod.: Hammer Films; Swallow; Columbia - Act.: Morgan, Terence
Cyberchase. 9. Clock like an Egyptian (2002 - USA/CDN) - Episode of a cartoon series - Dir.: Jacobs, Larry
Cyrus the Great [not completed] (2010 - IR) - Prod.: Ali Mo'allem
Dancer of the Nile, The [Le danseur du Nil] (1923 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Pinney, Ferdinand; Earle, William S. Prod.: F.B.O. - Act.: Myers, Carmel; McGregor, Malcolm; De Grasse, Sam; Grassby, Bertram; Eldridge,
June; Ashton, Iris - Ill.: Bovot, 1993, p. 34 (2x)
Daniel (1913 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Thomson, Fred - Prod.: Vitagraph - Act.: Foote, Courtenay; Kent, Charles Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Daniel
David [David, king of Israel] (1912 - I) - BW - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, I-II Samuelis; I Regum
David [The seventh commandment] (1924 - AUS/UK/B) - BW - Dir.: Southwell, Harry - Prod.: AngloAustralian Films; Belga Films (Machelen) - Act.: Desmond, Georgette (de Nove, Georgette); Devil, M.;
Ford, Peggy - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, I-II Samuelis; I Regum (especially II Samuelis, 11-12)
David and Bathsheba [David et Bethsabée - David en Bathseba] (1951 - USA) - 116 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.:
King, Henry - Prod.: 20th-Century Fox; Zanuck, Darryl F. - Act.: Peck, Gregory; Hayward, Susan; Talun,
Walter; Massey, Raymond - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, I-II Samuelis; I Regum (especially II
Samuelis, 11-12) - Ill.: Solomon, 1978, p. 103 (2 x).104; SFE, 1986, p. 199; Solomon, 2001, fig. 108-109;
Dumont, 2009, p. 63-65
David and Goliath (1908 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Olcott, Sidney - Prod.: Kalem - Adaptation of Testamentum
vetus, I Samuelis, 16-17
David e Golia [David and Goliath] (1910 - F) - BW - Prod.: Pathé - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, I
Samuelis, 16-17
David e Golia [David and Goliath - David et Goliath] (1960 - I/YU) - 95 min. - 2; SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Pottier,
Richard; Baldi, Ferdinando - Act.: Welles, Orson; Payer, Ivo (Pajer, Ivica); Cressoy, Pierre - Adaptation of
Testamentum vetus, I Samuelis, 16-17 - Ill.: Solomon, 1978, p. 199; Solomon, 2001, fig. 205; Dumont,
2009, p. 66; Fourcart, 2012, p. 61 (cf. p. 58?)
David und Goliath (1981 - DDR) - Cartoon film - Prod.: DEFA Trickfilm (Dresden) - Adaptation of
Testamentum vetus
Dawn of the mummy [L'aube des zombies] (1981 - USA) - 88 min. - SFE: 0 * - Dir.: Agrama, Frank - Act.:
King, Brenda
Death on the Nile [Agatha Christie's Death on the Nile - Mort sur le Nil] (1978 - UK) - 140 min. - SFE: 3 * Dir.: Guillermin, John - Act.: Ustinov, Peter; Davis, Bette; Niven, David; Farrow, Mia; Lansbury, Angela Adaptation of Christie, Agatha, Death on the Nile (1937) - Ill.: Wie is wie, 1987, p. 329
Dekalog [including Dekalog V. Krotki film o zabijaniu (A short film about killing) and Dekalog VI. Krotki
film o milosci (A short film about love)] [De tien geboden] (1988-1989 - PL) - 55x10 = 550 min. Television series (10 episodes, two of which also released in cinema) - SFE: average 2 * - Dir.: Kieslowski,
Krzysztof - Act.: Baka, Miroslaw - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Exodus - Ill.: Rotterdam, 1989, p.
Deluge, The (1911 - USA) - BW - Prod.: Vitagraph - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Genesis, 6-9
Detective Lovelorn und die Rache des Pharao (2000 - D) - Dir.: Frick, Thomas - Act.: Maticevic, Misel;
Hassmann, Eva
Dinkey Doodle in Egypt (1926 - USA) - BW - Cartoon film - Dir.: Lantz, Walter
Discovery kids. Tutenstein (2003-2005 - USA) - 22x26 = 572 min. - Cartoon series (26 episodes) - 2 * - Dir.:
LaDuca, Rob - Prod.: NBC; Johnson, Bruce - Act.: Elias, Jeannie; Lang, Walter (voices) - Adaptation of
Stephens, Jay, Tutenstein (1996) (comic)
Donna dei Faraoni, La [The Pharaoh's woman - La princesse du Nil] (1960 - I) - Dir.: Tourjansky, Victor;
Rivalta, Giorgio - Act.: Barrymore, John Drew; Francioli, Armando; Cristal, Linda; Brice, Pierre - Ill.:
Eloy, 1987, p. 80; Aziza, 1998, p. 14.20; Ziegler, 1998, p. 302.303; Dumont, 2009, p. 100
Dr. Phibes rises again [Le retour de l'abominable docteur Phibes] (1972 - UK) - 94 min. - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.:
Fuest, Robert - Act.: Price, Vincent
DuckTales. 1. 40. Sphinx for the memories (1988 - USA) - 30 min. - Episode of a cartoon series - Dir.: Block,
David - Prod.: Walt Disney - Act.: Anselmo, Tony; Young, Alan (voices)
DuckTales. The movie. Treasure of the lost lamp [La bande à Picsou. Le film. Le trésor de la lampe perdue]
(1990 - USA/F) - 73 min. - Cartoon film - SFE: 3 * - Dir.: Brizzi, Gaëtan; Brizzi, Paul; Hathcock, Bob e.a. Prod.: Movietoon (Disney) - Act.: Young, Alan (voice)
— 27 —
Dust of Egypt, The (1915 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Baker, George D. - Act.: Moreno, Antonio - Adaptation of
Campbell, Alan, The dust of Egypt (before 1915) (theatre)
East of Eden (1955 - USA) - 115 min. - SFE: 3,5 * - Dir.: Kazan, Elia - Act.: Dean, James - Adaptation of
Testamentum vetus, Genesis, 3-4; Steinbeck, John, East of Eden (1952)
Ebrahim Payambar [Abraham the friend of God - Abraham le prophète] (2006 - IR) - 118 min. - Television
film - Dir.: Varzi, Mohammad-Reza - Prod.: IRIB Channel 2 - Act.: Sadeghi, Mohammad - Adaptation of
Testamentum vetus, Genesis, 11-25 - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 34
Egypt (2005 - UK) - 360 min. - Television series - Dir.: Fairfax, Ferdinand - Prod.: BBC - Act.: Graham,
Stuart; Baxter, Lynsey; Kelly, Matthew
Egypt by three (1953 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Stoloff, Victor - Act.: Campbell, Constantine, Eddie; Cotten, Joseph
Egyptian mummy, The (1914 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Beggs, Lee - Act.: Talmadge, Constance; Quirk, Billy;
Beggs, Lee
Egyptian mystery, The (1909 - USA) - BW - ca. 8 min. - Dir.: Dawley, J. Searle - Prod.: Edison
Egyptian, The [L'Égyptien - Sinouhé l'Égyptien - Sinuhe de Egyptenaar] (1954 - USA) - 140 min. - SFE: 2,5 *
- Dir.: Curtiz, Michael (Kértèsz, Mihaly) - Prod.: 20th-Century Fox; Zanuck, Darryl F. - Act.: Purdom,
Edmund; Simmons, Jean; Mature, Victor; Ustinov, Peter - Adaptation of Waltari, Mika, Sinuhe,
egyptiläinen (1945) - Ill.: Cary, 1974, p. 129; Solomon, 1978, p. 155.157.158 (2 x); Eloy, 1987, p. 78.89;
Bovot, 1993, p. 37. 38; Aziza, 1998, p. 11.121; Solomon, 2001, fig. 154.159-161; Dumont, 2009, p. 94-95
El Sakr [The falcon - L'Épervier du Nil] (1950 - ET) - BW - Dir.: Salah Abouseif; Gentilomo, Giacomo
Emigré, L' [Al-Muhager - al-Mohager - Al-Mujahir - The emigrant] (1994 - ET/F) - 160 min. - Dir.: Chahine,
Youssef - Prod.: Misr International; Ognon; FR2; La Sept - Act.: Khaled El Nabawi; Mahmoud Hemida;
Yousra; Safia El Emari; Hanan Al Torki; Piccoli, Michel; Mohammed Atef; Abdel Hadi Anwar Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Genesis, 37-50 - Ill.: Daydé, 1994, p. 50.51; Dumont, 2009, p. 93
Enchanted tales. A tale of Egypt (1998 - USA) - 46 min. - Cartoon film for video - Dir.: Sporn, Michael Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Exodus
Ercole contro i tiranni di Babilonia [Hercules and the tyrants of Babylon - Goliath at the conquest of Babylon Hercule contre les tyrans de Babylone] (1964 - I) - 102 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Paolella, Domenico - Act.:
Stevens, Rock; Liné, Helga - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 120 (bis); Fourcart, 2012, p. 168
Eroe di Babilonia, L' [The hero of Babylon - The beast of Babylon vs the son of Hercules - Goliath, king of the
slaves - Hercule, héros de Babylone] (1963 - I/F) - 92 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Marcellini, Siro - Act.:
Gordon, Scott; Grad, Geneviève; Orfei, Moira
Escarabajos asesinos [Scarab] (1982 - E/USA) - Dir.: Jaffe, Steven-Charles - Act.: Tom, Rip; Ginty, Robert
Esclave et Pharaon (1985 - F/CH) - Television film - Dir.: Meunier, Patrick - Prod.: A2; TSR; Hamster - Act.:
Lavandier, Luc; Ratendra, Christophe; Roman, Béatrice
Esther [Esther and Mordecai] (1910 - F) - BW - Dir.: Feuillade, Louis - Prod.: Gaumont - Act.: Carl, Renée Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Ester
Esther (1913 - F) - BW - Dir.: Andréani, Henri - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Ester
Esther (1916 - UK) - BW - ca. 65 min. - Dir.: Elvey, Maurice - Prod.: London; Diploma - Act.: Risdon,
Elizabeth - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Ester
Esther [Esther forever] (1986 - A/IL/UK) - 97 min. - Dir.: Gitai, Amos - Act.: Benyamini, Simone - Adaptation
of Testamentum vetus, Ester - Ill.: Rotterdam, 1989, p. 96; Dumont, 2009, p. 82
Esther and the king [Ester e il re - Esther et le roi] (1960 - USA/I) - 109 min. - SFE: 1,5 * - Dir.: Walsh, Raoul
- Prod.: 20th-Century Fox - Act.: Collins, Joan; Egan, Richard - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Ester Ill.: Cary, 1974, p. 114; Solomon, 1978, p. 162; Solomon, 2001, fig. 167; Dumont, 2009, p. 81 (bis)
Evan almighty (2007 - USA) - 95 min. - 3,5 * - Dir.: Shadyac, Tom - Act.: Carell, Steve; Freeman, Morgan;
Goodman, John
Evil unleashed. The mummy (2003 - USA) - Dir.: Castro, Joe - Act.: Chase, Heather; Guest, Brian; Moore,
Exodus. Gods and kings [in production] (2014? - UK/USA/E) - Dir.: Scott, Ridley - Act.: Paul, Aaron; Bale,
Christian; Edgerton, Joel; Weaver, Sigourney - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Exodus
Fall of Babylon, The [La chute de Babylone] (1919 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Griffith, D. W. (David Lewelyn
Wark) - Prod.: Wark Producing Company - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Daniel - Herodotos, 1, 177191 (ca. 440-425)
Fantaisie égyptienne (1903 - F) - BW - Dir.: Méliès, Georges
Faraon [Pharaoh] (1966 - PL) - 184 min. - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Kawalerowicz, Jerzy - Prod.: Film Polski - Act.:
Zelnik, Jerzy; Brylska, Barbara; Buczacki, Jerzy; Mazurkiewicz, Wieslawa - Adaptation of Prus, Boleslaw,
Faraon (1897) - Ill.: Eloy, 1987, p. 82; Bovot, 1993, p. 36; Dumont, 2009, p. 100-101
Faraon [Pharaoh] (1998 - SU) - 10 min. - Cartoon film - Dir.: Ovcharov, Sergei - Act.: Fomenko, Nikolai
Fenomenal e il tesoro di Tutankamen [Action man - La momie - Phenomenal and the treasure of Tutankamen Phénomenal et le trésor de Toutankhamon] (1968 - I) - 95 min. - Dir.: Rockfeller, Roger (Deodato,
Ruggero) - Act.: Parenti, Mauro
Fi bilad Tout Ankh Amon (1923 - E) - BW - 80 min. - Dir.: Rosito, Victor - Act.: Hughes Andréa, Aristide;
Marbert, John; Mounib, Fawzi; Wiriss, Yolande
Fifth element, The [Le cinquième élément] (1997 - F) - 127 min. - Dir.: Besson, Luc - Act.: Willis, Bruce;
Oldman, Gary
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Fille de Jephté, La [Jephthah's daughter] (1910 - F) - BW - Dir.: Feuillade, Louis - Prod.: Gaumont - Act.: Carl,
Renée; Perret, Léonce - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Iudices, 11-12
Fils de la Sunamite [The son of the Shunamite] (1911 - F) - BW - Dir.: Feuillade, Louis - Prod.: Gaumont Act.: Carl, Renée - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, I Regum, 19 - I Regum, 13
Flight of the lost balloon [Il tesoro segreto di Cleopatra - Le trésor de Cléopâtre] (1961 - USA) - 91 min. - SFE:
1,5 * - Dir.: Juran, Nathan - Act.: Thompson, Marshall
Fonz and the Happy days gang, The. 1, 9. The 20,000 drachma pyramid (1981 - USA) - 30 min. - Episode of a
cartoon series - Prod.: Hanna-Barbera Studios
Fortieth door, The [La quarantième porte] (1924 - USA) - BW - 200 min. - Cinema series (10 episodes) - SFE:
3 * - Dir.: Seitz, George B. - Prod.: Patton, C. W. - Act.: Ray, Allene - Adaptation of Hastings Bradley,
Mary, The fortieth door (1920)
Four feathers, The [Les quatre plumes blanches] (1939 - UK) - 115 min. - SFE: 3,5 * - Dir.: Korda, Zoltan Act.: Richardson, Ralph - Adaptation of Mason, Alfred Edward Woodley, The four feathers (1902)
Futurama. 4, 7. A pharaoh to remember (2002 - USA) - Episode of a cartoon series
Genèse, La [La bible en dessins animés] (1975 - F) - 75 min. - Cartoon film - SFE: 1 * - Dir.: Alibert, Pierre Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Genesis, 1-5?
Genesis (1986 - F/B/CH/IND) - 105 min. - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Sen, Mrinal - Act.: Azmi, Shabana - Adaptation
of Testamentum vetus, Genesis, 1-5
Germaner gegen Pharaonen [Les Germaniques contre les Pharaons] (1939 - D?) - Black-and-white
Ghoul, The [Le fantôme vivant] (1933 - UK) - BW - 73 min. - SFE: 3 * - Dir.: Hunter, T. Hayes - Act.:
Karloff, Boris - Adaptation of King, Frank, The ghoul (1928)
Giacobbe ed Esau [Jacob and Esau] (1964 - I) - Dir.: Landi, Mario - Act.: Serato, Massimo; Guida, Wandisa Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Genesis, 25-36
Giuditta e Oloferne [Judith and Holophernes] (1906 - I) - BW - Dir.: Caserini, Mario - Prod.: Cines Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Iudith - Ill.: Michelakis, 2013, p. 212 & pl. 3-4
Giuditta e Oloferne [Judith and Holophernes] (1920 - I) - BW - Dir.: Molinari, Aldo - Act.: Leonidoff, Ileana Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Iudith
Giuditta e Oloferne [Judith and Holophernes] (1928 - I) - BW - Dir.: Negroni, Baldassare - Act.: Altieri, Nino Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Iudith - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 79
Giuditta e Oloferne [Judith et Holopherne - Head of a tyrant] (1959 - I/F) - 84 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Cerchio,
Fernando - Act.: Girotti, Massimo; Corey, Isabelle - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Iudith - Ill.:
Dumont, 2009, p. 79
Giuseppe Ebreo (1910 - I) - Coloured - Prod.: Cines (Roma) - Act.: Bracci, Alfredo; Terribili-Gonzales,
Gianna; Ghione, Emilio - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Genesis, 37-50
Grandi condottieri, I [The great leaders - Samson and Gideon - Los grandes guías - Los jueces de la biblia]
(1968 - I) - 105 min. - SFE: 1 * - Dir.: Baldi, Marcello; Pérez Dolz, Francisco - Act.: Garrani, Ivo; Geesink,
Anton; Neri, Rosalba - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Iudices, 6-8 (Gideon) and 13-16 (Samson)
Greatest heroes and legends of the Bible. 1. The Garden of Eden - 2. Sodom and Gomorrah. The story of
Abraham - 3. Joseph and the coat of many colors - 4. The story of Moses - 5. Joshua and the battle of
Jericho - 6. David and Goliath - 7. Samson and Delilah - 8. Daniel and the lions' den - 9. Jonah and the
whale - 10. The nativity - 11. The apostles - 12. The miracles of Jesus - 13. The last supper, crucifixion and
resurrection [Helden en verhalen uit de Bijbel: 1. De hof van Eden - 2. Sodom en Gomorra - 3. De mantel
van Jozef - 4. Het verhaal van Mozes - 5. Jozua en de slag om Jericho - 6. David en Goliath - 7. Simson en
Delila - 8. Daniël in de leeuwenkuil - 9. Jona in de walvis - 10. De geboorte van Jezus - 12. De wonderen
van Jezus - 13. Het laatste avondmaal] (1998 - USA) - 45x13 min. - Cartoon series (13 episodes) - 2 * Dir.: Kowalchuk, William R. - Prod.: Tundra - Act.: Heston, Charlton (voice) - Adaptation of Testamentum
vetus; Testamentum novum
Greatest heroes of the bible [L'Ancien Testament] (1978 - USA) - 106x4 = 425 min. - Television series (4
episodes) - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Conway, James L. - Act.: Vaughn, Robert; Gam, Rita - Adaptation of
Testamentum vetus, Genesis; Exodus; Iosue; Iudices; I-II Samuelis; I-II Regum; Daniel
Greatest stories of the bible, The. The creation - Noah's ark - Abraham and Isaac - Joseph & his brothers Joseph in Egypt - Joseph's reunion - Moses - Joshua and the battle of Jericho - Samson & Delilah - David
and Goliath - Jonah - Daniel and the lion's den - Queen Esther - The nativity - Miracles of Jesus - The
Easter story [The greatest adventure - Greatest adventure stories from the Bible - The great adventure:
stories from the Bible - Verhalen uit de bijbel] (1985-1995 - USA) - 30x4 min. - Cartoon series - Dir.: Rich,
Richard e.a. - Prod.: Hanna, William; Barbera, Joseph - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus; Testamentum
Green pastures, The [Grazige weiden] (1936 - USA) - BW - 90 min. - SFE: 3,5 * - Dir.: Keighley, William;
Connely, Marc - Prod.: Warner Brothers - Act.: Ingram, Rex; Polk, Oscar - Adaptation of Testamentum
vetus, Genesis and Exodus till Testamentum novum - Ill.: Solomon, 1978, p. 189; MacDonald, 1996, p. 17;
Solomon, 2001, fig. 194
Gyped in Egypt (1930 - USA) - BW - Cartoon film - Dir.: Davis, Mannie; Foster, John - Prod.: RKO
Hallmark hall of fame, The. 1, 23. Nefertiti queen of Egypt (1952 - USA) - Episode of a television series - Dir.:
Corrigan, William - Prod.: NBC - Act.: Churchill, Sarah
Haram Alek [Shame on you] (1953 - ET) - BW - Dir.: Essa Karama
— 29 —
Hardy boys mysteries, The. 17. The mystery of king Tut's tomb (1977 - USA) - Episode of a television series Dir.: Ganzer, Alvin - Act.: Stevenson, Parker; Cassidy, Shaun
Hart to Hart. 28. Murder wrap (1981 - USA) - Episode of a television series - Dir.: Hiatt, Michael - Act.:
Wagner, Robert; Powers, Stefanie; Stander, Lionel
Haunted curiosity shop, The (1901 - UK) - BW - ca. 2 min. - Dir.: Booth, Walter R. - Prod.: Paul, Robert
William - Ill.: Lant, 1992 (cf. Polles)
Hazreti Yusuf [Saint Joseph] (1970-1979? - TR) - Dir.: Akinci, Nuri - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus,
Genesis, 37-50
Heckle and Jeckle. King Tut's tomb (1950 - USA) - Cartoon film - Dir.: Davis, Mannie - Prod.: Terry Toon
Herodotus. 1. De dief (1974 - NL) - 66 min. - Television film - Dir.: ter Braak, Krijn - Prod.: VPRO - Act.: van
Leeuwarden, John; van Duinhoven, Ton; Habbema, Cox; Swidde, Dick; Jongewaard, Leen - Adaptation of
Herodotos, 2, 121 (ca. 440-425); Blokker, Jan, De dief (1973-1974) (story)
Herodotus. 2. De steen (1974 - NL) - 35 min. - Television film - Dir.: ter Braak, Krijn - Prod.: VPRO - Act.: de
Boer, Lodewijk; Frenkel Frank, Dimitri; van der Grijn, Wim; van Leeuwarden, John - Adaptation of
Herodotos, 2 (ca. 440-425); Frenkel Frank, Dimitri, De steen (1973-1974) (story)
His Egyptian affinity (1915 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Christie, Al E. - Act.: Forde, Victoria; Lyons, Eddie; Moran,
His majesty Bunker Bean (1925 - USA) - Black-and-white
Hombre que vino del ummo, El [Dracula jagt Frankenstein - Operation terror - Dracula contre / versus / vs
Frankenstein] (1970 - E/D) - 86 min. - SFE: 1 * - Dir.: Demichelli, Tullio; Fregonese, Hugo - Act.: Rennie,
Huis Anubis, Het (2006-2009 - NL/B) - 404x12 min. - Television series (404 episodes) - 2,5 * - Dir.: van
Leemputten, Bart - Prod.: Studio 100; Nickelodeon - Act.: Beernink, Loek; Hesseling, Iris; van Helbergen,
Hunger, The [Les prédateurs] (1983 - USA) - 97 min. - SFE: 1,5 * - Dir.: Scott, Tony - Act.: Deneuve,
Catherine; Bowie, David; Sarandon, Susan
I was a teenage mummy (1962 - USA) - Dir.: Bluemke, Ralph C.
I was a teenage mummy (1992 - USA) - Dir.: Frieri, Christopher C. - Act.: Devitt, Joan; Fucile, Mark;
Johnson, Janice K.
I'm dangerous tonight (1990 - USA) - Television film - Dir.: Hooper, Tobe - Act.: Amick, Mädchen; Parker,
Corey; Hall, Daisy
Image maker, The (1917 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Moore, Eugene W. - Act.: Valkyrien, Valda; Gordon, Harris;
Palmer, Inda
Immortal (ad vitam) [Immortel - La femme piège - Trilogy - Immortals] (2004 - F/UK/I) - 99 min. - Dir.: Bilal,
Enki - Act.: Kretschmann, Thomas; Hardy, Linda; Rampling, Charlotte - Adaptation of Bilal, Enki, La foire
aux immortels - La femme piège (1980-1986) (comic series)
In ancient days (1911 - F) - BW - Prod.: Gaumont
In the beginning (2000 - USA/D) - 191 min. - Television series (2 episodes) - 2 * - Dir.: Connor, Kevin - Act.:
Landau, Martin; Lee, Christopher; Bisset, Jacqueline - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Genesis - Exodus
Infancy of Moses (1911 - F) - Coloured - Prod.: C.G.P.C. - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Exodus
Ingo Jownes und die schlimme Mumie (1999 - D) - 15 min. - Short film - Dir.: Gosejohann, Thilo - Act.:
Butzlaff, Wolfgang; Gosejohann, Simon; Hess, Sylvia
Inspector Gadget. 1, 19. The curse of the pharaoh (1984 - CDN) - Episode of a cartoon series - Act.: Adams,
Don (voice)
Io Semiramide [I, Semiramis - Sémiramis, déesse de l'orient - Sklaven der Semiramis] (1963 - I) - 100 min. SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Zeglio, Primo - Act.: Furneaux, Yvonne; Ericson, John
Isabella, a dream (1958? - I) - Dir.: Cozzi, Luigi
Isis (1910 - F) - BW - Dir.: Velle, Gaston - Prod.: Film d'Art - Act.: Massart, Léontine; Rivers; Bérangère,
Jeanne; Dumonteil, Jane
Isis [Secrets of Isis] (1975 - USA) - Television series (22 episodes) - Dir.: Bellamy, Earl; Laven, Arnold - Act.:
Cameron, Joanna; Cutler, Brian
Jack Hunter [1] and the lost treasure of Ugarit (2008 - USA) - 94 min. - Episode of a television series - 1,5 * Dir.: Cunningham, Terry - Act.: Sergei, Ivan; Kelly, Joanne
Jack Hunter [2] and the quest for Akhenaten's tomb (2008 - USA) - 94 min. - Episode of a television series 1,5 * - Dir.: Cunningham, Terry - Act.: Sergei, Ivan; Kelly, Joanne; Ward, Susan
Jack Hunter [3] and the Star of Heaven (2008 - USA) - 94 min. - Episode of a television series - 1,5 * - Dir.:
Cunningham, Terry - Act.: Sergei, Ivan; Kelly, Joanne
Jagd nach dem Tod, Die (1999 - D) - Television film - Dir.: Samir - Act.: Bekcer, Rolf; Fellinger, Meike;
Flemming, Catherine H.
Jephthah's daughter (1909 - USA) - BW - Prod.: Vitagraph - Act.: Kellerman, Annette - Adaptation of
Testamentum vetus, Iudices, 11-12
Jephthah's daughter (1913 - USA) - BW - Prod.: Warner's Features - Act.: Maude, Arthur; Crawley, Constance
- Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Iudices, 11-12
— 30 —
John Steinbeck's 'East of Eden' (1981 - USA) - 400 min. - Television series (3 episodes) - SFE: 3 * - Dir.: Hart,
Harvey - Act.: Bottoms, Timothy; Seymour, Jane - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Genesis, 3-4;
Steinbeck, John, East of Eden (1952)
Jonah (2003 - USA) - 31 min. - Short film - Dir.: McGee, Gwen - Act.: Omari, Morocco - Adaptation of
Testamentum vetus, Iona
Jonah and the whale [not completed] (1960 - USA?) - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Iona
Jonás y la ballena rosada [Jonah and the pink whale] (1995 - BOL/MEX) - 92 min. - Dir.: Valdivia, Juan
Carlos - Act.: García, Dino - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Iona
Jonny Quest. 3. The curse of Anubis (1964 - J) - 30 min. - Episode of a cartoon series - Dir.: Hanna, William;
Barbera, Joseph
Joseph and his brethren (1930 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Gartner, Adolph - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus,
Genesis, 37-50
Joseph and his brethren [Sold into Egypt - Joseph and his brothers - Giuseppe venduto dai fratelli - Joseph
vendu par ses frères - L'esclave du Pharaon] (1962 - USA/I) - 103 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Rapper, Irving;
Ricci, Luciano - Act.: Horne, Geoffrey; Lee, Belinda; Hill, Terence; Morley, Robert - Adaptation of
Testamentum vetus, Genesis, 37-50 - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 39.40
Joseph and his coat of many colors (1914 - USA) - BW - Prod.: Sawyer - Act.: La Croix, Emile; St. Polis, John
- Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Genesis, 37-50
Joseph and the amazing technicolor dreamcoat (1991 - UK) - Television film; musical - Dir.: Lloyd Webber,
Andrew - Act.: Donovan, Jason; Woods, Aubrey - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Genesis, 37-50; Rice,
Tim - Lloyd Webber, Andrew, Joseph and the amazing technicolor dreamcoat (1968-1976) (musical)
Joseph and the amazing technicolor dreamcoat (1999 - UK) - 76 min. - Video film; musical - Dir.: Mallet,
David - Act.: Osmond, Donny; Attenborough, Richard; Collins, Joan - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus,
Genesis, 37-50; Rice, Tim - Lloyd Webber, Andrew, Joseph and the amazing technicolor dreamcoat (19681976) (musical)
Joseph fils de Jacob (1913 - F) - BW - Dir.: Andréani, Henri - Prod.: Andréani Film; Pathé Frères - Adaptation
of Testamentum vetus, Genesis, 37-50
Joseph in the land of Egypt [Joseph and his brethren - Joseph son of Jacob] (1913 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Moore,
Eugene W. - Prod.: Thanhouser - Act.: Cruze, James; Snow, Marguerite, Lehnberg, John - Adaptation of
Testamentum vetus, Genesis, 37-50; Liebler, Theodore A. Jr. (°1886), Joseph in the land of Egypt (theatre)
Joseph in the land of Egypt (1932 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Roland, George - Act.: Green, Joseph - Adaptation of
Testamentum vetus, Genesis, 37-50
Joseph king of dreams [Jozef de dromenkoning] (2000 - USA) - 75 min. - Cartoon film for video; musical Dir.: LaDuca, Rob; Ramirez, Robert C. - Act.: Affleck, Ben (voice) - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus,
Joseph sold by his brothers (1961 - IL) - 80 min. - Cartoon film (puppets) - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Gross, Alina;
Gross, Yoram - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Genesis, 37-50
Joseph und seine Brüder [Joseph and his brethren] (1922 - D) - BW - Dir.: Froelich, Carl - Adaptation of
Testamentum vetus, Genesis, 37-50
Joseph vendu par ses frères (1904 - F) - BW - Dir.: Nonguet, Lucien - Prod.: Pathé Frères - Adaptation of
Testamentum vetus, Genesis, 37-50
Joseph vendu par ses frères (1909 - F) - BW - Prod.: Film d'Art; Pathé - Act.: Delaunay, Louis; Garnier,
Philippe; Guilhène, Jacques - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Genesis, 37-50
Joseph's trials in Egypt [Les épreuves de Joseph en Égypte (?)] (1914 - F) - Coloured - Prod.: Pathé Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Genesis, 37-50
Judah Maccabee [not completed] (2011 - USA) - Dir.: Gibson, Mel - Prod.: Warner Bros. - Adaptation of
Testamentum vetus, 1 and 2 Maccabei
Judgement of Solomon, The (1909 - USA) - BW - Prod.: Vitagraph - Act.: Humphries, William; Lawrence,
Florence - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, I Regum, 1-11
Judith et Holopherne (1909 - F) - BW - Dir.: Feuillade, Louis - Act.: Carl, Renée - Adaptation of Testamentum
vetus, Iudith - Ill.: Michelakis, 2013, p. 216.217
Judith of Bethulia [Her condoned sin] (1913-1917 - USA) - BW - ca. 67 min. - Dir.: Griffith, D. W. (David
Lewelyn Wark) - Prod.: Biograph - Act.: Sweet, Blanche; Walthall, Henry B. - Adaptation of Testamentum
vetus, Iudith; Aldrich, Thomas Bailey (1836-1907), Judith of Bethulia - Assyria - Ill.: Cary, 1974, p. 17;
Cook, 1990, p. 75; Dumont, 2009, p. 78; Michelakis, 2013, p. 221.224.226
Justine. In the heat of passion (1996 - F) - Episode of a television series - Act.: Boone, Daneen; Behr, Jennifer;
De Pri, Timothy - Adaptation of Marquis de Sade (1740-1814), Justine
Kalkoot (1935 - IND) - BW - Dir.: Kale, D. K.
Khartoum (1966 - UK) - 134 min. - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Dearden, Basil - Act.: Heston, Charlton; Olivier,
Laurence - Ill.: MacDonald, 1996, p. 150.151
Kidd Video. The pink sphinx (1984 - F/USA) - Episode of a cartoon series - Dir.: Raynis, Richard - Act.: Scott,
Bryan (voice)
King David [Le roi David] (1985 - USA) - 114 min. - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Beresford, Bruce - Prod.: Paramount Act.: Gere, Richard; Woodward, Edward - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, I-II Samuelis; I Regum;
psalms of David - Ill.: Willis, 1986, p. 22 (5 x); Dumont, 2009, p. 68 (bis)
— 31 —
King Solomon's mines (1918 - ZA) - BW - Dir.: Lisle Lucoque, H. - Act.: Lawrence, Albert - Adaptation of
Haggard, Henry Rider, King Solomon's mines (1885)
King Solomon's mines [Les mines du roi Solomon] (1937 - UK) - BW - 80 min. - 1,5; SFE: 3 * - Dir.:
Stevenson, Robert - Prod.: Gaumont - Act.: Robeson, Paul; Hardwicke, Cedric - Adaptation of Haggard,
Henry Rider, King Solomon's mines (1885) - Ill.: MacDonald, 1996, p. 148
King Solomon's mines (1950 - USA) - 102 min. - SFE: 3,5 * - Dir.: Bennett, Compton; Marton, Andrew - Act.:
Kerr, Deborah; Granger, Stewart; Carlson, Richard; Haas, Hugo - Adaptation of Haggard, Henry Rider,
King Solomon's mines (1885) - Ill.: Wie is wie, 1987, p. 241
King Solomon's mines [Allan Quatermain et les mines du roi Solomon] (1985 - USA) - 100 min. - SFE: 1,5 * Dir.: Thompson, J. Lee - Prod.: Cannon - Act.: Chamberlain, Richard; Stone, Sharon - Adaptation of
Haggard, Henry Rider, King Solomon's mines (1885) - Ill.: Willis, 1986, p. 86 (6 x)
King Solomon's mines (1986 - AUS) - 60 min. - Cartoon film - Act.: Dgnam, Arthur; Brulison, Tom; Meillon,
John (voices) - Adaptation of Haggard, Henry Rider, King Solomon's mines (1885)
King Solomon's mines (2004 - D/USA) - 173 min. - Dir.: Boyum, Steve - Act.: Swayze, Patrick; Doody,
Alison - Adaptation of Haggard, Henry Rider, King Solomon's mines (1885)
King Solomon's treasure (1978 - CDN/UK) - 88 min. - SFE: 1 * - Dir.: Rakoff, Alvin - Act.: McCallum, David
- Adaptation of Haggard, Henry Rider, Allan Quatermain (1887)
King Tut [in production] (2014? - USA/CDN) - Television series - Prod.: Muse Enterainment Enterprises Act.: Kingsley, Benn; Joglia, Avan
King Tut [in production] (2015? - USA) - Dir.: Emmerich, Roland - Prod.: Columbia - Adaptation of Brier,
Bob, The murder of Tutankhamen. A true story (1998)
King Tut-Ankh-Amen's eighth wife (1923 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Remo, Andrew
Kiss me quick [La vie sexuelle de Frankenstein] (1971 - USA/I?) - Dir.: Novak, Harry; Teresi, Tony
Krypto the superdog. 12. Bat Hound's bad luck (2005 - USA) - Episode of a cartoon series - Dir.: Jeralds, Scott
Kwoon. 4. Mummy dearest (2003 - USA) - Episode of a television series
Land of the Pharaohs [La terre des Pharaons - Slaven van de Nijl - Tierra de Faraones - Das Land der
Pharaonen] (1955 - USA) - 106 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Hawks, Howard - Prod.: Warner Brothers - Act.:
Hawkins, Jack; Collins, Joan; Martin, Dewey - Ill.: Cameron, 1973, p. 74 (2 x); Cary, 1974, p. 66;
Solomon, 1978, p. 159; Eloy, 1987, p. 76 (2 x).77 (2 x); SFE, 1995, p. 892; MacDonald, 1996, p. 2;
Solomon, 2001, fig. 163; Dumont, 2009, p. 89-91
Last Egyptian, The (1914 - USA) - BW - ca. 83 min. - Dir.: Baum, Lyman Frank - Prod.: Oz - Act.:
MacDonald, Joseph F.; Davies, Howard; Osborne, Jefferson - Adaptation of Baum, Lyman Frank, The last
Egyptian (1908)
Last pharaoh, The [in production] (2015? - USA) - Prod.: Columbia Pictures - Act.: Smith, Will
Legend of the lost tomb (1997 - USA) - Television film - Dir.: Winfrey, Jonathan - Act.: Keach, Stacey;
Pierce, Brock; Peterson, Kimberlee
Legend of the mummy [Bram Stoker's Legend of the mummy] (1997 - USA) - 100 min. - 1,5 * - Dir.: Obrow,
Jeffrey - Act.: Gossett, Louis Jr.; Locane, Amy; Lutes, Eric - Adaptation of Stoker, Bram, The jewel of the
seven stars (1904) (novel)
Life of Moses, The (1909-1910 - USA) - Coloured - Dir.: Blackton, James Stuart - Prod.: Vitagraph - Act.:
Humphrey, William; Kent, Charles - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Exodus - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 45
Live mummy, The (1915 - UK) - BW - 15 min. - Act.: White, Pearl
Lo que le pasó a Sansón (1955 - ME) - Dir.: Martinez Solares, Gilberto - Prod.: Diana Film - Act.: Germán
Valdés Tin Tan; Bertha Lepe, Ana - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Iudices, 13-16 - Ill.: Dumont, 2009,
p. 59
Lot in Sodom (1933 - USA) - BW - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Genesis, 18-19
Love of Sunya, The (1927 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Parker, Albert - Act.: Swanson, Gloria
Lumière & compagnie (1995 - F/DK/E/S) - BW - 88 min. - Short film compilation - Dir.: Angelopoulos, Theo
(Theodoros) e.a. - Act.: Angelopoulos, Theo - Adaptation of Homeros, Odyssea (8th cent. BC) - Ill.:
Michelakis, 2013, p. 146
Lure of Egypt, The (1921 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Hickman, Howard C. - Act.: Adams, Claire; West, William
Lion; Dowling, Joseph J. - Adaptation of Lorimer, Norma, There was a king in Egypt (1919)
Maccabei, I [The Maccabees] (1911 - I) - BW - Dir.: Guazzoni, Enrico - Act.: Terribili-Gonzales, Gianna;
Menichelli, Pina - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, 1 and 2 Maccabei?
Maciste nella Valle dei re [Maciste in the Valley of the kings - Giant of the Valley of the kings - Maciste the
mighty - Le géant de la Vallée des rois - Son of Samson] (1960 - I/F) - 90 min. - 1; SFE: 2 * - Dir.:
Campogalliani, Carlo - Act.: Forrest, Mark (Lou Degni); Alonso, Chelo - Ill.: Aziza, 1998, p. 125.131;
Dumont, 2009, p. 103.621; Fourcart, 2012, p. 47.108
Maciste, l'eroe più grande del mondo [Goliath and the sins of Babylon - The sins of Babylon - Le retour des
titans] (1963 - I) - 86 min. - SFE: 1 * - Dir.: Lupo, Michele - Act.: Forrest, Mark (Lou Degni); Gemma,
Giuliano; Greci, José - Ill.: Aziza, 1998, p. 107; Fourcart, 2012, p. 103
Mad mummy (1975 - USA?) - Colour
Made for love (1925 - USA) - BW - 65 min. - Dir.: Sloane, Paul - Prod.: DeMille, Cecil B. (Blount) - Act.:
Joy, Leatrice; Burns, Edmund; Grassby, Bertram
Magic mummy, The (1933 - USA) - BW - Cartoon film - Dir.: Foster, John; Stallings, Vernon - Prod.: RKO
Radio Pictures
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Man from Egypt, The (1916 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Semon, Larry; Baker, Graham - Prod.: Vitagraph - Act.:
Semon, Larry; Mack, Hughie; Hunt, Jewel - Adaptation of Lorimer, Norma, There was a king in Egypt
Man in the brown suit, The (1989 - USA) - Television film - Dir.: Grint, Alan - Act.: Zimbalist, Stephanie;
Randall, Tony - Adaptation of Christie, Agatha, The man in the brown suit (1924)
Mannequin (1987 - USA) - 89 min. - SFE: 1 * - Dir.: Gottlieb, Michael - Act.: McCarthy, Andrew; Cattrall,
Kim - Ill.: SFE, 1995, p. 1001
Marriage of Esther, The (1910 - F) - BW - Prod.: Gaumont - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Ester
Mask of Sheba, The (1969 - USA) - 120 min. - Television film - SFE: weak 1 * - Dir.: Rich, David Lowell Act.: Pidgeon, Walter; Stevens, Inger - Adaptation of Haggard, Henry Rider, King Solomon's mines (1885)
and Allan Quatermain (1887)
Mercy, the mummy mumbled (1918 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Philips, R. W. - Act.: Edwards, Mattie
Mésaventures d'un explorateur, Les (1900 - F) - BW - Dir.: Méliès, Georges
Mistero di Osiris, Il [The mystery of Osiris] (1919 - I) - BW - Dir.: Molinari, Aldo - Prod.: Vera Film - Act.:
Barni, Ruggero; Leonidoff, Ileana - Adaptation of Corelli, Marie (1855-1924), The mystery of Osiris
Misty Munday. Lust in the mummy's tomb (2001 - USA) - Video film - Dir.: Hellfire, William - Act.: Mundae,
Misty; Perturbed, Patty
Misty Munday. Mummy raider (2000 - USA) - Video film - Dir.: Paulin, Brian - Act.: Mundae, Misty;
DellaRocco, Esmeralda
Modern sphinx, The (1916 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Bennett, Charles - Act.: Greenwood, Winifred; Coxen,
Edward; Klein, Robert
Moïse (1984 - F) - Opera recording - Dir.: Hubert, Yves-André - Act.: Ramey, Samuel; Lafont, Jean-Philippe Adaptation of Rossini, Gioacchino, Moïse et Pharaon (1824?) (opera)
Moïse et l'exode de l'Égypte [Moses and the exodus from Egypt] (1907 - F) - BW - 5 min. - Prod.: Pathé Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Exodus
Moïse sauvé des eaux [Moses saved from the water] (1910 - F) - BW - Dir.: Andréani, Henri - Act.: Jacquinet,
Jean; Roch, Madeleine - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Exodus - Ill.: Michelakis, 2013, pl. 8-10
Mole people, The [Le peuple de l'enfer - Menaces sous la terre] (1956 - USA) - BW - 78 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.:
Vogel, Virgil - Act.: Agar, John
Momia nacional, La [The national mummy] (1980 - E) - 86 min. - SFE: 0 * - Dir.: Larraz, José Ramón - Act.:
Algora, Francisco
Momie du roi Sésostris, La [The mummy of king Rameses] (1909 - F) - BW - Dir.: Bourgeois, Gérard - Prod.:
Lux Film
Momie égyptienne, La (1909 - F?) - Black-and-white
Momie, La [The mummy] (1908 - F) - BW - ca. 6 min. - Prod.: Pathé
Momie, La (1913 - F) - BW - Dir.: Feuillade, Louis - Act.: Manson, Paul; Lavigne, Marguerite
Mondes engloutis, Les. Toutankhaton, le combat royal [Spartakus and the sun beneath the sea. The boy
pharaoh] (1985 - F/ROK/RL) - Episode of a cartoon series - Dir.: Gauthier, Michel - Act.: Paulin, Michel
Monster squad, The [La brigade des monstres] (1987 - USA) - 81 min. - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Dekker, Fred - Act.:
Gower, Andre - Ill.: SFE, 1995, p. 1001
Monstre, Le (1903 - F) - BW - Dir.: Méliès, Georges - Prod.: Star Film
Mort de Cambyse, La (1909 - F) - BW - ca. 8 min. - Dir.: Feuillade, Louis - Prod.: Gaumont - Act.: Mandelys,
Christiane; Tissot, Alice
Mort de Saül, La (1913 - F) - BW - Dir.: Andréani, Henri - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, I Samuelis
Mosé [Moses - Moses, the lawgiver - Moïse le législateur] (1975 - I/UK) - 360 / 139 min. - Television film, but
also a cinema film - 2; SFE: good 3 * - Dir.: De Bosio, Gianfranco - Prod.: Avco Embassy - Act.:
Lancaster, Burt; Papas, Irene; Quayle, Anthony - Mus.: Morricone, Ennio - Adaptation of Testamentum
vetus, Exodus - Ill.: Solomon, 1978, p. 98; Solomon, 2001, fig. 104; Dumont, 2009, p. 51; Fourcart, 2012,
p. 180
Mosè e Faraone, o Il passaggio del mar rosso (2003 - I) - Opera recording - Dir.: Battistoni, Carlo - Act.:
Abdrazakov, Ildar; Schrott, Erwin - Adaptation of Rossini, Gioacchino, Moïse et Pharaon (1824?) (opera)
Moses in the bullrushes (1903 - UK) - BW - ca. 2 min. - Prod.: Gaumont - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus,
Moses und Aron [Moses and Aaron - Moïse et Aaron] (1975 - A/D/I) - 110 min. - SFE: 3,5 * - Dir.: Straub,
Jean-Marie; Huillet, Danièle - Act.: Reich, Günter; Devos, Louis - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus,
Exodus; Schönberg, Arnold, Moses and Aaron (1932-1951) (opera) - Ill.: Cook, 1990, p. 871
Mr Moto takes a vacation [Mr. Moto und sein Lockvogel - Mr. Moto en de kroon van Scheba] (1939 - USA) BW - 63 min. - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Foster, Norman - Act.: Lorre, Peter
Mumiaa, El [Al mumiya - Al mumîyâ - Al-mummia - Al momia - The mummy - La momie - The night of
counting the years] (1969 - ET) - 112 min. - SFE: 3,5 * - Dir.: Shadi Abd el-Salam - Act.: Marei, Ahmed
Mumiens Halsband [Le collier de la momie] (1915 - DK) - BW - Dir.: Dinesen, Robert
Mummie (2003 - I) - 7 min. - Short film - Dir.: Albanesi, Gabriele - Act.: Ferri, Fabio
Mummies alive! [Les turbo momies] (1997 - USA/CND) - 30x42 min. - Cartoon series (42 episodes) - Dir.:
Kearsley, Seth; Kazumi Fukushima
— 33 —
Mummy A.D. 1993 (1993 - USA) - 20 min. - Video film - Dir.: Nelson, David - Act.: Nelson, David
Mummy and the cowpuncher, The (1912 - USA) - BW - Act.: Roland, Ruth; Brennan, John; Lederer, Otto
Mummy and the curse of the jackals, The [Mummy's curse of the jackal - The mummy vs. the were-jackal]
(1969 - USA) - 86 min. - Dir.: Drake, Oliver - Act.: Eisley, Anthony; Carradine, John
Mummy and the humming bird, The (1915 - USA) - BW - ca. 83 min. - Dir.: Durkin, James - Prod.: Famous
Players - Act.: Cherry, Charles; Coleman, Charles; Hoops, Arthur - Adaptation of Henderson, Isaac, The
mummy and the humming bird (1901) (theatre)
Mummy dearest (1990 - USA) - Dir.: Dumont, Duck - Act.: Hartley, Nina; LeMay, Lynn
Mummy lives, The [The mummy - La momie] (1993 - USA) - 97 min. - Dir.: O'Hara, Gerry - Prod.: Universal
- Act.: Curtis, Tony - Adaptation of Poe, Edgar Allan, Some words with a mummy (1845)
Mummy love (1926 - USA) - Black-and-white
Mummy parody, The (2001 - USA) - Short film - Dir.: Gallen, Joel - Act.: Snoop Doggy Dogg; Fehr, Oded;
Schneier, Rob
Mummy resurrected, The (2014 - USA) - 80 min. - 1 * - Dir.: McManus, Patrick - Prod.: Still Night Monster
Movies - Act.: Bronleewe, Lauren; Friedman, Elizabeth; Rigby, Stuart
Mummy returns, The (2001 - USA) - 129 min. - 3 * - Dir.: Sommers, Stephen - Act.: Fraser, Brendan; Weisz,
Rachel; Hannah, John; Vosloo, Arnold; Johnson, Dwayne ('the Rock')
Mummy theme park, The (2000 - I) - Dir.: Passeri, Al - Act.: O'Neill, Adam; Laningham, Holly
Mummy, or Ramses the damned, The [not completed] (1996 - USA) - Dir.: Cameron, James (?) - Prod.: 20thCentury Fox; Lightstorm Entertainment - Adaptation of Rice, Anne, The mummy, or Ramses the damned
Mummy, The (1911 - USA) - BW - ca. 17 min. - Prod.: Thanhouser - Act.: Garwood, William; Benham, Harry
Mummy, The (1911 - UK) - BW - ca. 16 min. - Prod.: Urban
Mummy, The (1912 - UK) - BW - ca. 9 min. - Dir.: Coleby, A. E. - Prod.: Britannia Films; Pathé
Mummy, The [La momie - De mummie] (1932 - USA) - BW - 73 min. - 3; SFE: 3,5 * - Dir.: Freund, Karl Prod.: Universal - Act.: Karloff, Boris; Johann, Zita - Ill.: Hardy, 1986, p. 53; Cook, 1990, p. 314;
Groensteen, 1998, p. 30; Atlas, 1999, s.v. Een mummie zaait paniek in London (6 x?)
Mummy, The [Terror of the mummy - La malédiction des Pharaons - De mummie] (1959 - UK) - 88 min. SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Fisher, Terence - Prod.: Hammer Films; Universal - Act.: Lee, Christopher; Cushing,
Peter; Furneaux, Yvonne - Ill.: Solomon, 1978, p. 161; Hardy, 1986, p. 122; Eloy, 1987, p. 86.88; Bovot,
1993, p. 32; Groensteen, 1998, p. 37; Solomon, 2001, fig. 166
Mummy, The (1999 - USA) - 124 min. - 2,5 * - Dir.: Sommers, Stephen - Prod.: Universal - Act.: Fraser,
Brendan; Weisz, Rachel; Hannah, John; Vosloo, Arnold
Mummy, The. The animated serie (2001-2003 - USA) - Cartoon series - Dir.: Blu, Susan - Prod.: Warner
Brothers - Act.: Cummings, Jim; DeLisle, Grey; Guest, Nicholas (voices)
Mummy's boys (1936 - USA) - BW - 68 min. - Dir.: Guiol, Fred - Prod.: Radio-Keith-Orpheum - Act.:
Wheeler, Bert; Woolsey, Robert
Mummy's curse, The [La malédiction de la momie] (1944 - USA) - BW - 62 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Goodwins,
Harold Leslie - Prod.: Universal - Act.: Chaney, Lon Jr.; Christine, Virginia - Adaptation of Abrams, Leon Babcock, Dwight, The mummy's return (story)
Mummy's dungeon, The (1993 - USA) - 20 min. - Video film
Mummy's ghost, The [Le fantôme de la momie] (1944 - USA) - BW - 60 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Le Borg,
Reginald - Prod.: Universal - Act.: Carradine, John; Chaney, Lon Jr. - Ill.: Groensteen, 1998, p. 35
Mummy's hand, The [La main de la momie] (1940 - USA) - BW - 67 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Cabanne, William
Christy - Prod.: Universal - Act.: Tyler, Tom - Ill.: Hardy, 1986, p. 76; SFE, 1995, p. 1092
Mummy's kiss, The (2002 - USA) - Video film - Dir.: Glut, Donald F. - Act.: Niche, Ava; Peralta, Sasha;
Thomas, George
Mummy's shroud, The [Dans les griffes de la momie] (1967 - UK) - 90 min. - SFE: 0 * - Dir.: Gilling, John Prod.: Hammer Films; 20th-Century Fox - Act.: Owen, Dickie - Ill.: Hardy, 1986, p. 183
Mummy's tomb, The [La tombe de la momie] (1942 - USA) - BW - 61 min. - SFE: 1,5 * - Dir.: Young, Harold
- Prod.: Universal - Act.: Chaney, Lon Jr. - Ill.: Hardy, 1986, p. 80
Mumya firarda [Runaway mummy - Heroub momyaa] (2002 - TR) - Dir.: Murat Aktas, Erdal - Act.:
Pabuccuoglu, Tarik; el-Masry, Maged
Murder rooms. 2, 1. The kingdom of bones (2001 - UK/USA) - Television film - Dir.: Seed, Paul - Prod.: BBC
- Act.: Richardson, Ian; Edwards, Charles; Brooks, Jessica
Murder she wrote. 11, 232. Death 'n denial (1994 - USA) - Episode of a television series - Act.: Lansbury,
Angela; Carter, Funn; Ryan, Jeri
Nabouched Nosser (1962 - IRQ) - Dir.: Kamel Al Azzawi - Prod.: Co. Sheherazad Al Mulawana Bagdad Act.: Sami Abdulhamid; Najla Mulawana
Naidra, the dream woman [Naidra, the dream worker] (1914 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Moore, Eugene, W. - Prod.:
Thanhouser - Act.: Anderson, Mignon; Chamberlin, Riley; Morris Foster, J.
Natale sul Nilo (2002 - I) - Dir.: Parenti, Neri - Act.: De Sica, Christian; Boldi, Massimo
Necrophobia (2005 - USA) - Dir.: Davidson, Stacy - Act.: Blum, Leon; Bubela, Melissa; Cunningham, James
Nefertite regina del Nilo [Queen of the Nile - Néfertiti, reine du Nil - Nefertite, koningin van de Nijl] (1961 - I)
- 105 min. - 2,5; SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Cerchio, Fernando; Poggi, Ottavio - Prod.: Max - Act.: Crain, Jeanne;
Purdom, Edmund; Price, Vincent; Nazzari, Amedeo - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 96
— 34 —
Nefertiti [not completed] (2005? - USA) - Prod.: Berry, Halle - Act.: Berry, Halle
Néfertiti et le rêve d'Akhénaton (1978 - F) - Television film - Dir.: Dupeyron, François; Coldefy, Jean-Marie Act.: Boulay, Boulay; Fiegelson, Patrick - Adaptation of Chedid, Andrée, Néfertiti et le rêve d'Akhénaton
Nefertiti, figlia del sole [Néfertiti, fille du soleil - Nefertiti the daughter of the sun] (1993-1995 - FI/F/ET) Dir.: Gilles, Guy - Prod.: Challenge Film Int. - Act.: Rocco Di Torrepadula, Michela; Gazzara, Ben; Lualdi,
Antonella; Négret, François - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 97
Nel regno dei faraoni (1913 - I) - BW - Prod.: Centauro Film (Torino)
Nem Sansão Nem Dalila (1955 - BR) - BW - 90 min. - Dir.: Manga, Carlos - Act.: Oscarito; Eliana
New adventures of Huck Finn, The. 2. The curse of Thut (1968 - USA) - Episode of a cartoon series (mixed
with live-action) - Dir.: Bilson, Bruce - Prod.: NBC - Act.: Schultz, Kevin; Shea, Michael; Haslam, Lu Ann
- Adaptation of Twain, Marc, The adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn (1884)
New Three Stooges, The. Mummies boys (1965 - USA) - Episode of a cartoon series - Act.: Fine, Larry;
Howard, Moe; DeRita, Joe (The three stooges) (voices)
Night of magic, A (1944 - USA) - BW - Musical - Dir.: Wynn, Herbert - Act.: Griffith, Robert; Olive, Marian
Noah [Das Volk sind wir] (1990 - DDR) - Cartoon film - Prod.: DEFA Trickfilm (Dresden) - Adaptation of
Testamentum vetus, Genesis, 6-9
Noah (2014 - USA) - 138 min. - 3 * - Dir.: Aronofsky, Darren - Act.: Crowe, Russell; Connelly, Jennifer;
Watson, Emma; Booth, Douglas; Lerman, Logan; Hopkins, Anthony; Winstone, Ray - Adaptation of
Testamentum vetus, Genesis, 6-9; Henrichon, Niko - Aronofsky, Darren - Handel, Ari, Noé (2011) (comic)
Noah's ark (1959 - USA) - Cartoon film (semianimated, stop-motion); musical - Dir.: Justice, Bill - Prod.:
Disney productions - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Genesis, 6-9
Noah's ark [Arche Noah. Das grösste Abenteuer der Menschheit] (1999 - D/USA) - 170 min. - Television film
- 3 * - Dir.: Irvin, John - Act.: Voight, Jon; Steenburgen, Mary; Abraham, F. Murray; Coburn, James Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Genesis, 6-9 & 14-20
Noah's ark. The story of the deluge [Noah's ark and the flood that destroyed the world] (1929 - USA) - BW 100 min. - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Curtiz, Michael (Kértèsz, Mihaly) - Prod.: Warner Brothers - Act.: Costello,
Dolores; McAllister, Paul; O'Brien, George - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Genesis, 6-9 - Ill.: Cary,
1974, p. 72; Solomon, 1978, p. 83.143.144; SFE, 1986, p. 580; Solomon, 2001, fig. 84.137.139; Dumont,
2009, p. 25-27
Occio del male, L' [Manhattan baby - La malédiction du Pharaon] (1982 - I) - 86 min. - SFE: 0 * - Dir.: Fulci,
Lucio - Act.: Connelly, Christopher
Oh mummy (1927 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Beaudine, Harold - Prod.: Paramount - Act.: Dooley, Billy
Oh! You mummy (1914 - USA) - BW - Act.: White, Pearl
Ombre du pharaon, L' (1996 - MA) - Dir.: Souheil Ben-Barka - Act.: Berger, Helmut; Bolkan, Florinda;
Malika El-Omari
One night with the king. The true story of queen Esther [The call of destiny] (2006 - USA) - 123 min. - Dir.:
Sajbel, Michael O. - Act.: Dupont, Tiffany; Sharif, Omar - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Ester - Ill.:
Dumont, 2009, p. 83 (bis)
Or des Pharaons, L' [Le trésor des pharaons - Le masque de Toutankhamon] (1954 - F/ET) - Dir.: De Gastyne,
Marc - Act.: Vidal, Gil; Dumont, Danielle; Dalida; Gamal, Samia
Orgy of dead [Orgie macabre] (1966 - USA) - Dir.: Stevens, A. C.
Otherworld (1985 - USA) - 60x8 = 480 min. - Television series (8 [13] episodes) - Dir.: Allen, Corey;
Compton, Richard e.a. - Act.: Groom, Sam; Corbett, Gretchen
Out of time [The serpent of death - Die Pyramiden des Todes] (1989 - UK/ET) - 97 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.:
Kawadri, Anwar - Act.: Fahey, Jeff; Fokas, Spiros
Papyrus [Les aventures de Papyrus - The adventures of Papyrus] (1998 - B/CDN/F) - 26x52 = 1352 min. Cartoon series (52 episodes) - Dir.: Gauthier, Michel - Act.: Tomassian, Alexis (voice) - Adaptation of De
Gieter, Lucien, Papyrus (1978-) (comic series)
Passion in the desert (1997 - USA) - Dir.: Currier, Lavinia - Act.: Daniels, Ben; Piccoli, Michel; Meston, Paul Adaptation of de Balzac, Honoré, Une passion dans le désert (1830 (story)
Patriarchi della bibbia, I [Giacobbe, l'uomo che lottò con Dio - The patriarchs of the bible] (1962 - I) - Dir.:
Baldi, Marcello - Act.: Douglas, John; Parker, Judy; Cerioni, Giorgio - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus,
Genesis - Ill.: Fourcart, 2012, p. 159
Pecado de Adán y Eva, El (1969 - MEX) - Dir.: Zacarias, Miguel - Act.: Cave, Candy; Rivero, Jorge Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Genesis, 1-5
Perils of pork pie, The (1916 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Kellino, W. P. - Act.: Merson, Billy; Cohen, Charles
Pharaoh [not completed] (2005 - USA/UK) - Television series (12 episodes) - Dir.: Milius, John - Prod.:
Amana Creative; Tetra Media; Canal Plus
Pharaoh's curse (1957 - USA) - 66 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Sholem, Lee - Prod.: Artistes Associés - Act.: Dana,
Mark; Rodan, Ziva
Pharaoh's revenge, A [Terreur à Amityville Parc] (1984 - I?) - Dir.: Casacci, Ferruchio
Pharaon; ou Israël en Égypte [Pharaoh; or Israel in Egypt] (1910 - F) - BW - Prod.: Gaumont - Adaptation of
Testamentum vetus, Exodus
Phoenix mysterie, Het (1990 - NL) - 93 min. - SFE: 1 * - Dir.: Helmrich, Leonard Retel - Act.: Boyer, Luc
— 35 —
Phoenix, The (1981 - USA) - 74 min. - Television film - SFE: weak 1 * - Dir.: Hickox, Douglas - Act.: Scott,
Piedone d'Egitto [Piedone l'Egiziano - Flatfoot on the Nile - Flatfoot in Egypt - Bigfoot in Egypt - Pied-Plat sur
le Nil - Plattfuss am Nil - Platvoet aan de Nijl] (1979 - I) - 95 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Steno (Vanzina,
Stefano) - Act.: Spencer, Bud
Pink Panther, The [1]. Pink sphinx (1968 - USA) - 6 min. - Episode of a cartoon series - Dir.: Pratt, Hawley
Pink Panther, The [3]. Pink sphinx (1993 - USA) - Episode of a cartoon series - Act.: Frewer, Matt (voice)
Pinky and the Brain. The mummy (1996 - USA) - Episode of a cartoon series - Dir.: Tingblad, Kirk - Prod.:
Warner Brothers
Pique-nique chez Osiris, Un (2000 - F) - Television (mini) series - Dir.: Companeez, Nina - Act.: Blanc,
Dominique; Cassel, Jean-Pierre; Duperey, Anny
Poirot. Death on the Nile (2004 - UK) - 120 min. - Television film - Dir.: Wilson, Andy - Act.: Suchet, David;
Fox, James - Adaptation of Christie, Agatha, Death on the Nile (1937)
Poirot. The adventure of the Egyptian tomb (1993 - UK) - Episode of a television series - Dir.: Barber Fleming,
Peter - Act.: Suchet, David; Reeves, Peter - Adaptation of Christie, Agatha, The adventure of the Egyptian
tomb (1924)
Porky in Egypt (1938 - USA) - BW - Cartoon film - Dir.: Clampett, Robert - Act.: Blanc, Mel (voice)
Potiphar's wife [Her strange desire] (1931 - UK) - BW - 78 min. - SFE: 0,5 * - Dir.: Elvey, Maurice - Act.:
Swinburne, Nora; Olivier, Laurence - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Genesis, 37-50; Middleton, Edgar
C., Potiphar's wife (1927?) (theatre)
Prince of Egypt, The (1998 - USA) - 90 min. - Cartoon film - 2,5 * - Dir.: Chapman, Brenda; Hickner, Steve
e.a. - Prod.: DreamWorks - Act.: Bullock, Sandra; Kilmer, Val; Fiennes, Ralph (voices) - Adaptation of
Testamentum vetus, Exodus
Prince of the Nile. The story of Moses [Prins van Egypte. Het verhaal van Mozes] (1998 - AUS) - 50 min. Cartoon film for video - 1 * - Dir.: Slapczynski, Richard - Prod.: Burbank Animation; Anchor Bay
Entertainment - Act.: Adams, Carol; Hinton, Phillip (voices) - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Exodus
Princess in the vase, The (1908 - USA) - BW - 10 min. - Dir.: McCutcheon, Wallace - Prod.: American
Mutoscope; Biograph Motion Pictures - Act.: Griffith, D. W.
Princess of the Nile [La princesse du Nil - Prinses van de Nijl] (1954 - USA) - 71 min. - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.:
Jones, Harmon - Prod.: Explorer Film - Act.: Paget, Debra; Rennie, Michael; Hunter, Jeffrey - Ill.: Wie is
wie, 1987, p. 434
Prinz für Ägypten, Ein (1998 - D) - Cartoon film for video - Prod.: Dingo Pictures - Adaptation of
Testamentum vetus, Exodus
Prisoners of the sun (2013 - USA/D) - 85 min. - 1 * - Dir.: Christian, Roger - Act.: Rhys-Davies, John;
Charvet, David; Chaplin, Carmen
Private lives of Adam and Eve, The (1960 - USA) - 87 min. - SFE: 1,5 * - Dir.: Zugsmith, Albert; Rooney,
Mickey - Act.: Rooney, Mickey - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Genesis, 1-5
Professor beware (1938 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Nugent, Elliot - Act.: Lloyd, Harold
Prophétesse de Thèbes, La [The prophetess of Thebes] (1908 - F) - BW - Dir.: Méliès, Georges - Prod.: Star
Pyramid, The (1996 - USA) - Dir.: Woodman, Pierre - Act.: Russof, Tania; Anderson, Nikky; Perry, David
Queen Esther (1948 - USA) - BW - 50 min. - Dir.: Coyle, John T. - Prod.: Cathedral Films - Act.: Kruger,
Attile; Evans, Charles - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Ester - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 80
Queen of Sheba, The (1921 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Edwards, James Gordon - Prod.: William Fox Prod. - Act.:
Blythe, Betty; Leiber, Fritz - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, I Regum, 1-11 (Scheba: 10, 1-13) - Ill.:
Cary, 1974, p. 27.100.155; Wie is wie, 1987, p. 67; Cook, 1990, p. 40; Dumont, 2009, p. 70 (bis)
Rabbit Ears. Jonah and the whale (1992 - USA) - 22 min. - Short film - Dir.: Reilly, Peter J. - Act.: Hopper,
Dennis (voice); Robards, Jason - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Iona
Rache der Pharaonen, Die [Die Rache des Tutankhamen] (1925 - A) - BW - Dir.: Theyer, Hans - Prod.:
Sascha-Filmproduktion - Act.: Roberts, Henry; Palma, Maria; Smytt, Benno
Rachel's man (1975 - IL/UK) - 90? min. - SFE: 1,5 * - Dir.: Mizrahi, Moshe - Act.: Tushingham, Rita; Rooney,
Mickey - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Genesis, 27-35
Raiders of the lost ark [Les aventuriers de l'arche perdu] (1981 - USA) - 115 min. - SFE: 4 * - Dir.: Spielberg,
Steven - Act.: Ford, Harrison - Ill.: SFE, 1986, p. 669; Wie is wie, 1987, p. 200
Rameses, king of Egypt (1912 - I) - BW - Prod.: Cines (Roma)
Rätsel der Sphinx, Das (1921 - D) - BW - Dir.: Gärtner, Adolf - Act.: Richer, Ellen; Kaiser-Titz, Erich;
Günther, Karl
Rebecca (1913 - F) - BW - Dir.: Andréani, Henri - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Genesis, 24
Regina di Ninive, La [The queen of Nineveh] (1911 - I) - BW - Dir.: Maggi, Luigi - Prod.: Ambrosio (Torino)
- Act.: Morano, Gigetta; Principi, Mirra; Capozzi, Alberto A.; Maggi, Luigi; Gray, Giuseppe - Ill.: Dumont,
2009, p. 114
Regina di Saba, La [The queen of Sheba - La reine de Saba] (1952 - I) - 115 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Francisci,
Pietro - Act.: Cervi, Gino; Ruffo, Leonora - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, I Regum, 1-11 (Scheba: 10,
1-13) - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 71
Reine de Saba, La (1913 - F) - BW - Dir.: Andréani, Henri - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, I Regum, 1-11
(Scheba: 10, 1-13)
— 36 —
Reine soleil, La [Princess of the sun] (2007 - B/F/H) - Cartoon film - Dir.: Leclerc, Philippe - Adaptation of
Jacq, Christian, La reine soleil (1988) (novel)
Relic hunter. 13. Afterlife and death (1999 - CDN) - Episode of a television series - Dir.: McCutcheon, Don Act.: Carrere, Tia; Anholt, Christien; Booth, Lindy
Relic hunter. 14. Nine lives (1999 - CDN) - Episode of a television series - Dir.: Barzman, Paolo - Act.:
Carrere, Tia; Anholt, Christien; Booth, Lindy
Relic hunter. 33. The real thing (2001 - CDN) - Episode of a television series - Dir.: Bell, John - Act.: Carrere,
Tia; Anholt, Christien; Booth, Lindy
Remember the time (1991 - USA) - 3? min. - Music clip - Dir.: Singleton, John - Act.: Jackson, Michael; Iman;
Murphy, Eddie
Retro puppetmaster (1999 - USA) - Dir.: DeCoteau, David - Act.: Blackehart, Stephen; Sisero, Greg; Dau,
Return of Chandu, The [The return of Chandu the magician - Chandu's return] (1934 - USA) - BW - 202 min. Cinema series (12 episodes) - Dir.: Taylor, Ray - Act.: Lugosi, Bela; Alba, Maria
Reventa de esclavas (1953 - MEX) - Dir.: Morales, José Diaz - Prod.: Filmex - Act.: Pinal, Silvia; Aguilar,
Tony (Antonio); Pulido, Oscar; Segura, Aurora
Révolte des esclaves, La [The slave's revolt] (1911 - F) - BW - Prod.: Pathé
Riviera [The CIA secret - Das goldene Vlies] (1987 - USA) - 100 min. - Television film - SFE: weak 1 * Dir.: Smithee, Alan (Frankenheimer, John) - Prod.: MTM - Act.: Davalos, Elyssa; Hamilton, Richard;
Masters, Ben
Roman de la momie, Le [La momie - The romance of the / a mummy] (1910 - F) - BW - ca. 17 min. - Dir.:
Pouctal, Henri; Calmettes, André (or Capellani, Albert(o)?) - Prod.: Pathé; SCAGL - Act.: Joubé, Romuald;
Franck, Paul; Thalès; Ravet, Louis; Mme California; Brindeau, Jeanne - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus,
Exodus; Gautier, Théophile, Le roman de la momie (1858)
Rosa di Tebe, La [Ramses re d'Egitto - La rose de Thèbes] (1912 - I) - BW - ca. 32 min. - Dir.: Guazzoni,
Enrico - Prod.: Cines (Roma) - Act.: Bertini, Francesca; Lupi, Ignazio; Novelli, Amleto
Ruby Cairo (1993 - USA) - Dir.: Clifford, Graeme - Act.: MacDowell, Andie; Neeson, Liam
S.O.S. Barracuda. Die Tränen der Kleopatra (2000 - D) - Episode of a television series - Dir.: Bielawa, Michel
- Act.: Wilder, Nick; Bootz, Oliver; Keller, Sandra
Samson (1907 - F) - BW - Dir.: Capellani, Albert - Prod.: Pathé - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Iudices,
Samson (1908 - F) - BW - Dir.: Andréani, Henri; Zecca, Ferdinand - Act.: Ravet, Louis - Adaptation of
Testamentum vetus, Iudices, 13-16
Samson [Samson and Delilah] (1914 - USA) - BW - ca. 83 min. - Dir.: Johnston, Lorimer; Hamilton, G. P. Prod.: Universal - Act.: Kerrigan, J. Warren; Kelso, Mayme - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Iudices,
13-16; Bernstein, Henry, Samson (1907) - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 55
Samson (1915 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Lewis, Edgar - Act.: Farnum, William; Gilbert, Maude - Adaptation of
Testamentum vetus, Iudices, 13-16; Bernstein, Henry, Samson (1907)
Samson (1936 - F) - BW - 90 min. - SFE: 3 * - Dir.: Tourneur, Maurice - Act.: Morlay, Gaby; Baur, Harry Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Iudices, 13-16 (?); Bernstein, Henry, Samson (1907)
Samson (1964 - IND) - BW - Dir.: Nanabhai Bhatt - Act.: Dara Singh; Mumtaz - Adaptation of Testamentum
vetus, Iudices, 13-16
Samson & Delilah (1985 - USA) - 30 min. - Cartoon film - Act.: King, Perry; Purl, Linda (voices) - Adaptation
of Testamentum vetus, Iudices, 13-16
Samson & Delilah (1999 - USA?) - Dir.: Cooper, Charles - Act.: Borden, Scott; Taylor, Jamie - Adaptation of
Testamentum vetus, Iudices, 13-16
Samson and Delilah (1911 - UK) - BW - 15 min. - Dir.: Frenkel, Theo - Act.: Frenkel, Theo - Adaptation of
Testamentum vetus, Iudices, 13-16
Samson and Delilah [Samson et Dalila - Samson und Delilah - Samson en Delilah] (1949 - USA) - 128 min. 2,5; SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: DeMille, Cecil B. (Blount) - Prod.: Paramount - Act.: Mature, Victor; Lamarr, Hedy Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Iudices, 13-16; Jabotinsky, Vladimir, Judge and fool (1930) - Ill.:
Cameron, 1973, p. 44; Cary, 1974, p. 95.120 (4 x).121 (2 x); Solomon, 1978, p. 99.100; Wie is wie, 1987,
p. 324; Barraclough, 1992, p. 22; SFE, 1995, p. 1395; MacDonald, 1996, p. 16; Aziza, 1998, p. 128;
Solomon, 2001, fig. 105-106; Dumont, 2009, p. 56-58
Samson and Delilah (1984 - USA) - 100 min. - Television film - SFE: average 2 * - Dir.: Philips, Lee - Act.:
Hamilton, Antony; von Sydow, Max; Mature, Victor - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Iudices, 13-16;
Linkletter, Eric, Husband of Delilah
Samson et Dalila [Samson and Delilah] (1903 - F) - BW - 6 min. - Dir.: Zecca, Ferdinand - Prod.: Pathé Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Iudices, 13-16
Samson et Dalila (1981 - UK) - 140 min. - Opera recording - Dir.: Vernon, John - Act.: The Royal Opera,
Covent Garden; Vickers, John; Verrett, Shirley - Mus.: Davis, Colin (conductor) - Adaptation of
Testamentum vetus, Iudices, 13-16; Saint-Saëns, Camille, Samson et Dalila (1877) (opera)
Samson et Dalila (1981 - USA) - 122 min. - Opera recording - Dir.: Browning, Kirk - Act.: Domingo, Plácido;
Verrett, Shirley - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Iudices, 13-16; Saint-Saëns, Camille, Samson et Dalila
(1877) (opera)
— 37 —
Samson et Dalila (2002 - I) - Opera recording - Dir.: Cavassilas, Pierre - Act.: Domingo, Plácido; Borodina,
Olga - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Iudices, 13-16; Saint-Saëns, Camille, Samson et Dalila (1877)
Samson moderne [A modern Samson] (1907 - I) - BW - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Iudices, 13-16
Samson und Delila [Samson and Delilah] (1922 - A) - BW - Dir.: Korda, Alexander; Kértèsz, Mihaly (Curtiz,
Michael) - Act.: Corda, Maria; Galoar, Alfredo; Lukas, Paul - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Iudices,
13-16 - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 55-56
Sands of oblivion (2007 - USA) - 93 min. - Television film - 1,5 * - Dir.: Flores, David - Act.: Baccarin,
Morena; Baldwin, Adam; Webster, Victor
Sanson y Dalila (1989 - E) - Opera recording - Act.: Domingo, Plácido; Baltsa, Agnes - Adaptation of
Testamentum vetus, Iudices, 13-16; Saint-Saëns, Camille, Samson et Dalila (1877) (opera)
Sansone e i rettili umani (1920 - I) - BW - Act.: Albertini, Linda; Albertini, Luciano; Patata, Arnolde
Sardanapalo re dell'Assiria [Sardanapalus, king of Assyria - Sardanapale] (1910 - I) - BW - ca. 13 min. - Dir.:
De Liguoro, Giuseppe - Prod.: Milano Films - Act.: De Liguoro, Giuseppe; Del Colle, Ubaldo Maria
Satanas. 1. Der Tyrann. Eine tragödie aus der Pharaonerzeit (1920 - D) - BW - Dir.: Murnau, F. W. (Plumpe,
Friedrich Wilhelm) - Prod.: Viktoria; Wiene, Robert - Act.: Kortner, Fritz; Gezza, Sadiah; Veidt, Conrad;
Hofmann, Ernst - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 92
Saul and David (1909 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Blackton, James Stuart - Prod.: Vitagraph - Act.: Costello, Maurice;
Ranous, William V. - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, I Samuelis
Saul and David (1911 - F) - BW - Prod.: Gaumont - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, I Samuelis
Saul and David (1912 - F) - BW - Prod.: C.G.P.C. - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, I Samuelis
Saul e Davide [Saul and David] (1964 - I/E) - 95 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Baldi, Marcello - Act.: Wooland,
Normand; Garko, Gianni - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, I Samuelis - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 67
Schädel der Pharaonentochter, Der (1921 - D) - BW - Dir.: Tollen, Otz - Prod.: John Hagenback Film GmbH Act.: Jannings, Emil; Morena, Erna; Goetzke, Bernhard; Rehkopf, Paul; Diegelmann, Wilhelm; Tollen, Otz;
Straub, Agnes; Zimmerer, Toni; Vespermann, Kurt
Scooby-Doo and Scrappy-Doo. 1, 7. Mummy's the word (1980 - USA) - Episode of a cartoon series - Dir.:
Patterson, Ary; Dufau, Oscar; Urbano, Carl
Scorpion king, The (2002 - USA/D/B) - 89 min. - 3 * - Dir.: Russell, Chuck - Prod.: Universal Pictures - Act.:
Johnson, Dwayne ('the Rock'); Hu, Kelly; Duncan, Michael Clarke; Moeller, Ralph
Secreto de la momia egipcia, El [Perversions sexuelles - Le sang des autres - Love brides of the blood
mummy] (1974 - E/F) - Dir.: Martí, Alejandro - Act.: Braña, Frank
Secrets of sex [Bizarre] (1969 - UK) - 91 min. - SFE: 1,5 * - Dir.: Balch, Anthony - Act.: Quenet, Yvonne
Segredo da múmia, O [The secret of the mummy] (1982 - BR) - Dir.: Cardoso, Ivan - Act.: Mojica Marins,
Sémiramis (1910 - F) - BW - Dir.: de Morlhon, Camille - Prod.: Pathé; SAPF - Act.: Mirval, Yvonne - Ill.:
Dumont, 2009, p. 113
Sepolcro dei re, Il [La Vallée des Pharaons - Le tombeau des rois - Cleopatra's daughter - Der Fluch des
Pharao] (1961 - I/F) - 100 min. - SFE: 1 * - Dir.: Cerchio, Fernando; Majano, Anton Giulio - Prod.:
Explorer Film - Act.: Paget, Debra; Manni, Ettore - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 106
Seraa fil waadi [Sira fil wadi - Serae fil wadi - Ciel d'enfer] (1954 - ET) - BW - 105 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.:
Chahine, Youssef - Act.: Sharif, Omar (Chalhoub, Michael); Hamama, Faten
Sette folgori di Assur, Le [The seventh thunderbolt - Syria against Babylon - War gods of Babylon - Foudres
sur Babylone] (1962 - I) - 89 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Amadio, Silvio - Prod.: Apo; Globe - Act.: Lane,
Jackie; Duff, Howard - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 119
Seventh scroll, The [Il settimo papiro - Die siebente Papyrusrolle] (1999 - I/D/ USA/) - 267 min. - Television
series (3 episodes) - 1 * - Dir.: Connor, Kevin - Act.: Lombard, Karina; Fahey, Jeff; Gibson, Katrina;
Scheider, Roy - Adaptation of Smith, Wilbur, The seventh scroll (1995); River god (1993)
Sex files. Ancient desires (2000 - USA) - Video film - Dir.: Williams, Clinton J. - Act.: Russell, Regina;
Bodnar, Jenna
Sfinge d'oro, La [The glass sphinx] (1967 - I/E/ET) - 91 min. - SFE: 1,5 * - Dir.: Scattini, Luigi - Act.: Taylor,
Robert; Ekberg, Anita; Stuart, Jack
Sfinge sorride prima di morire, La - Stop - Londra [Du grisbi au Caire] (1964 - I/D/ET) - 100 min. - SFE: 2 * Dir.: Tessari, Duccio - Act.: Russell, Tony
Shadow of Egypt (1924 - UK) - BW - Dir.: Morgan, Sidney - Act.: Morgan, Joan; Blackwell, Carlyle;
Hamilton, John F. - Adaptation of Lorimer, Norma, Shadow of Egypt (1923)
She (1911 - USA) - BW - 24 min. - Dir.: Nichols, George - Prod.: Thanhouser - Act.: Snow, Marguerite;
Cruze, James; Alberti, Viola - Adaptation of Haggard, Henry Rider, She (1887) - Ayesha. The return of She
Shepherd king, The (1915 - USA) - BW - ca. 83 min. - Prod.: Broadway - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, I
Samuelis; Lorimer, Wright, The shepherd king(1904) (theatre)
Shepherd king, The (1925 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Edwards, James Gordon - Prod.: Fox - Act.: Mersereau, Violet;
Bernardi, Nerio - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, I Samuelis; Lorimer, Wright, The shepherd king(1904)
(theatre) - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 62
Sherlock Holmes und das Halsband des Todes [Sherlock Holmes et le collier de la mort - Sherlock Homes. La
valle del terrore - Sherlock Holmes and the deadly necklace] (1962 - D/F/I) - BW - 86 min. - SFE: 2,5 * -
— 38 —
Dir.: Fisher, Terence; Winterstein, Frank - Act.: Lee, Christopher - Adaptation of Doyle, Arthur Conan,
Sherlock Holmes (ca. 1887-1930)
Silent mystery, The (1918 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Ford, Francis - Act.: Ford, Francis; Theby, Rosemary; Gaston,
Silly symphony. Egyptian melodies (1931 - USA) - BW - 6 min. - Cartoon film; musical - Dir.: Jackson,
Wilfred - Prod.: Walt Disney Studios
Silly symphony. Father Noah's ark (1933 - USA) - 8 min. - Cartoon film; musical - Prod.: Walt Disney Studios
- Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Genesis, 6-9
Sins of Jezebel (1953 - USA) - 74 min. - SFE: 1,5 * - Dir.: Le Borg, Reginald - Prod.: Lippert - Act.: Goddard,
Paulette - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, I Regum, 16, 31 (and II Regum, 9, 22-37)
Sklavenkönigin, Die [Moon of Israel - L'esclave-reine] (1924 - A/H) - BW - Dir.: Kértèsz, Mihaly (Curtiz,
Michael) - Prod.: Sascha-Filmproduktion - Act.: Corda, Maria - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Exodus;
Haggard, Henry Rider, Moon of Israel. A tale of the Exodus (1918) - Ill.: Wenzel, 2002, p. 230-242 (7x);
Dumont, 2009, p. 47
Slave of dreams (1995 - USA) - 95 min. - Dir.: Young, Roger - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Genesis, 3750
Slaves of Babylon [Slavernij in Babylon] (1953 - USA) - 82 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Castle, William - Prod.:
Columbia - Act.: Conte, Richard - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Daniel - Ill.: SFE, 1986, p. 757;
Dumont, 2009, p. 116
Smurfs, The. 9, 387. Mummy dearest (1989 - USA) - Episode of a cartoon series - Prod.: NBC; Hanna-Barbera
Studios - Adaptation of Peyo, Les schtroumpfs (1958-) (comic series)
Sodom and Gomorrah (1976 - USA) - Dir.: Mitchell, James; Mitchell, Artie - Act.: Brancato, Sean; Fornelli,
Gina - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Genesis, 18-19
Sodom und Gomorrha [Queen of sin - Sodom and Gomorrah] (1922 - A) - BW - 130 min. - SFE: 3 * - Dir.:
Kértèsz, Mihaly (Curtiz, Michael) - Act.: Doriane, Lucy; Wagner, Erika - Adaptation of Testamentum
vetus, Genesis, 18-19 - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 35
Sodoma e Gomorra [Sodom and Gomorrah - The last days of Sodom and Gomorrah - Sodom en Gomorra]
(1962 - I/USA/F) - 154 min. - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Aldrich, Robert; Leone, Sergio - Prod.: 20th-Century Fox Act.: Granger, Stewart; Baker, Stanley; Aimée, Anouk - Mus.: Rózsa, Miklós - Adaptation of Testamentum
vetus, Genesis, 18-19 - Ill.: Cary, 1974, p. 113; Solomon, 1978, p. 84; Solomon, 2001, fig. 83; Dumont,
2009, p. 36-37; Fourcart, 2012, p. 60
Solomon and Sheba [Salomon et la reine de Saba - Salomon und die Königin von Sheba - Salomo en de
koningin van Sheba] (1959 - USA) - 139 min. - SFE: 3 * - Dir.: Vidor, King - Prod.: United Artists - Act.:
Brynner, Yul; Lollobrigida, Gina - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, I Regum, 1-11 (Scheba: 10, 1-13);
Williams, Jay, Solomon and Sheba (1959) - Ill.: Cameron, 1973, p. 78; Cary, 1974, p. 112.114; Solomon,
1978, p. 106; MacDonald, 1996, p. 25; Solomon, 2001, fig. 110; Dumont, 2009, p. 20.22.72-75
Somewhere in Egypt (1943 - USA) - BW - 7 min. - Cartoon film - Dir.: Davis, Mannie
Son of god (2014 - USA) - 138 min. - Dir.: Spencer, Christopher - Act.: Morgado, Diogo; Revah, Amber Rose
- Adaptation of Testamentum vetus & novum
Spada dell'Islam, La [Wa Islamah - Oh Islam] (1962 - I/E) - 97 min. - Dir.: Marton, Andrew; Bomba, Enrico Act.: Abaza, Rushdy
Sphinx (1981 - USA) - 117 min. - SFE: 1,5 * - Dir.: Schaffner, Franklin J. - Act.: Down, Lesley-Anne;
Guilgud, John
Sphinxens Hemmelighed [Le mystère du sphinx] (1915 - DK) - BW - Dir.: Dinesen, Robert - Ill.: Bovot, 1993,
p. 32
Sposa del Nilo, La [L'épouse du Nil] (1911 - I) - BW - Dir.: Guazzoni, Enrico - Prod.: Cines (Roma) - Act.:
Negri-Pouget, Fernanda; Ricci, Orlando; Mazzanti, Ettore
Spy who loved me, The [L'espion qui m'aimait] (1977 - USA) - 125 min. - SFE: 3,5 * - Dir.: Gilbert, Lewis Act.: Moore, Roger; Bach, Barbara; Kiel, Richard; Jürgens, Curd
Star Trek. 3, 20. The way to Eden (1969 - USA) - 50 min. - Episode of a television series - SFE: good 3 * Dir.: Alexander, David - Act.: Shatner, William - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Genesis, 1-3
Stargate [La porte des étoiles] (1994 - USA/F) - 120 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Emmerich, Roland - Prod.: Devlin,
Dean - Act.: Russell, Kurt; Spader, James; Davidson, Jaye - Ill.: Groensteen, 1998, p. 37
Stargate SG-1 (episodes 1, 1-21 till 9, 1-8) (1997-2005 - USA) - 55 min. - Television series - Dir.: Azzopardi,
Mario; Berry, Dennis e.a. - Act.: Anderson, Richard Dean
Storm over the Nile [Les quatre plumes blanches - Storm over de Nijl] (1956 - UK) - 113 min. - SFE: 2,5 * Dir.: Korda, Zoltan - Act.: Young, Terence - Adaptation of Mason, Alfred Edward Woodley, The four
feathers (1902)
Story of David, A (1960 - UK) - 104 min. - SFE: 1,5 * - Dir.: McNaught, Robert (Bob) - Act.: Chandler, Jeff;
Sydney, Basil - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, I-II Samuelis; I Regum - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 67
Story of David, The (1976 - USA) - 250 min. - Television film - SFE: good 3 * - Dir.: Segal, Alex; Lowell
Rich, David - Act.: Bottoms, Timothy - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, I-II Samuelis; I Regum
Story of Jacob and Joseph, The [Jacob and Joseph - Jacob et Joseph] (1974 - USA) - 120 min. - Television
series (2 episodes) - SFE: good 3 * - Dir.: Cacoyannis, Michael - Act.: Mitchell, Keith; LoBianco, Tony;
Glover, Julian; Bates, Alan; Dewhurst, Colleen - Mus.: Theodorakis, Mikis - Adaptation of Testamentum
vetus, Genesis, 25-50 - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 41
— 39 —
Story of Ruth, The [L'histoire de Ruth] (1960 - USA) - 132 min. - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Koster, Henry - Prod.:
20th-Century Fox - Act.: Whitman, Stuart; Tryon, Tom; Eden, Elana; Lindfors, Viveca - Adaptation of
Testamentum vetus, Ruth - Ill.: Wie is wie, 1987, p. 345; Dumont, 2009, p. 61 (bis)
Story of Tutankhamun, A (1975 - UK/ET) - Television film - Dir.: Scott, Kevin - Prod.: Ginger Films - Act.:
Blyth, Domini; Elalaily, Ezzat; Hana, Ahmed; Seif El Din
Sudan [Soudan. Esclave et reine] (1945 - USA) - 76 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Rawlins, John - Act.: Montez,
Maria; Zucco, George; Hall, Jon; Bey, Turhan
Superman. 14. The mummy strikes (1943 - USA) - BW - Episode of a cartoon series - Dir.: Sparber, I.
Superseven chiama Cairo [Super 7 appelle le Sphinx] (1965 - I/F) - 95 min. - SFE: 1 * - Dir.: Lenzi, Umberto Act.: Browne, Roger; Serato, Massimo
Suske en Wiske. Het zingende nijlpaard (1991 - B?) - 67 min. - Cartoon film - Adaptation of Vandersteen,
Willy, Suske en Wiske, Het zingende nijlpaard (1951) (comic)
Syncopated picture plays. 2. Tut-Tut and his terrible tomb (1923 - UK) - BW - ca. 22 min. - Dir.: Phillips,
Bertram - Prod.: Phillips, Bertram - Act.: Thomas, Queenie; Stanmore, Frank
Tadeo Jones (2005 - E) - 8 min. - Cartoon film - Dir.: Gato, Enrique
Tales from the darkside. 4, 71. Beetles (1987 - USA) - 30 min. - Episode of a television series - Act.: Bloch,
Tales from the darkside. 4, 76. The grave robber (1987 - USA) - 30 min. - Episode of a television series - Act.:
Bloch, Robert
Tales from the darkside. The movie (Lot 249 - Cat from hell - Lover's vow) [Darkside. Contes de la nuit noire]
(1990 - USA) - 93 min. - SFE: 3 * - Dir.: Harrison, John - Act.: Harry, Deborah; Slater, Christian; Buscemi,
Steve - Adaptation of (1) Doyle, Arthur Conan, Lot 249 (1892); (2) King, Stephen, Cat from hell; (3)
McDowell, Lover's vow - Ill.: SFE, 1995, p. 1570
Tales of the gold monkey. Trunk from the past (1982 - USA) - Episode of a television series - Dir.: Nyby,
Christian I. III - Act.: Collins, Stephen; MacKay, Jeff; O'Heaney, Caitlin
Talos the mummy [Tale of the mummy] (1998 - UK) - 119 min. - 1,5 * - Dir.: Mulcahy, Russell - Act.: Lee,
Jason Scott; Lee, Christopher
Teenage catgirls in heat (1997 - USA) - Dir.: Perry, Scott - Act.: Graves, Gary; Cox, David; Huffhines,
Temple of Moloch, The (1914 - USA) - BW - ca. 17 min. - Dir.: West, Langdon - Prod.: Edison, Thomas A. Act.: Vosburgh, Harold; Cook, Warren - Adaptation of Rider Mechtold, Mary, The temple of Moloch
Temptation (1946 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Pichel, Irving - Act.: Brent, George; Lukas, Paul; Moss, Arnold;
Oberon, Merle
Ten commandments, The [Les dix commandements] (1923 - USA) - BW - 146 min. - 2,5; SFE: 3 * - Dir.:
DeMille, Cecil B. (Blount) - Prod.: Paramount - Act.: Roberts, Theodore; De Roche, Charles - Adaptation
of Testamentum vetus, Exodus - Ill.: Cary, 1974, p.; Solomon, 1978, p. 51.93; Cook,
1990, p. 230; Barraclough, 1992, p. 12; Bovot, 1993, p. 35; Solomon, 2001, fig. 43.85; Dumont, 2009, p.
45-46; Michelakis, 2013, p. 267.268.270-271
Ten commandments, The (1943 - I) - BW - Act.: Cortese, Valentina; Brazzi, Rossano - Adaptation of
Testamentum vetus, Exodus
Ten commandments, The [Les dix commandements - De tien geboden - Los diez mandamientos - Die Zehn
Gebote] (1956 - USA) - 220 min. - SFE: 4 * - Dir.: DeMille, Cecil B. (Blount) - Prod.: Paramount - Act.:
Heston, Charlton; Brynner, Yul; Scott, Martha; Carradine, John; Wilcoxon, Henry; Baxter, Anne Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Exodus - Ill.: Cary, 1974, p. 31-32.91.92; Solomon, 1978, p.; SFE, 1986, p. 949; Eloy, 1987, p.; Wie is wie, 1987, p. 510; Cook,
1990, color pl.; Barraclough, 1992, p. 25-27; Bovot, 1993, p. 30. 33. 36. 40; Perron, 1994, p. 46.49 (2 x);
SFE, 1995, p. 1587; Carnes, 1996, p. 37; MacDonald, 1996, cover and p. 14-15.23.24; Groensteen, 1998, p.
51.52; Aziza, 1998, p. 17; Atlas, 1999, s.v. De Bijbel volgens Hollywood (5 x); Solomon, 2001, fig. 86-87.
90. 95. 98. 100 (cf. p. 132-133); Dumont, 2009, back cover & p. xix.19.44.48-50.88
Ten commandments, The (1997 - USA/CDN) - Cartoon film for video - Dir.: Sporn, Michael - Act.: Briel,
Joel; Prymus Ken; Samuel, Peter (voices) - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Exodus
Ten commandments, The. The greatest spectacle ever told (2005-2006 - USA) - 167 min. - Television film Dir.: Dornhelm, Robert - Act.: Scott, Dougray; Roache, Linus - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Exodus Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 53
Tense moments from opera. 5. Samson and Delilah (1922 - UK) - BW - ca. 12 min. - Opera recording - Dir.:
Collins, Edwin J. - Prod.: Master (Gaumont) - Act.: Valia; Waxman, M. D. - Adaptation of Testamentum
vetus, Iudices, 13-16; Saint-Saëns, Camille, Samson et Dalila (1877) (opera)
Testament. The Bible in animation. 1. Creation and the flood - 2. Abraham - 3. Joseph - 4. Moses - 5. Ruth - 6.
David and Saul - 7. Elijah - 8. Daniel - 9. Jonah [La Bible en images: 1. Het scheppingsverhaal en het
verhaal van Noach - 2. Abraham - 3. Jozef - 4. Mozes - 5. Ruth - 6. David en Saul - 7. Elias - 8. Daniel - 9.
Jonas] (1996 - UK) - 30x9 min. - Cartoon series (puppets) - Dir.: Ziablikova, Aida - Act.: Burke, David;
Ackland, Joss (voices) - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus
Thirteenth day, The. The story of Esther (1979 - USA) - 60 min. - Television film - Dir.: Penn, Leo - Act.:
Hussey, Olivia - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Ester
Threat of the mummy, The (2002 - USA) - 106 min. - Video film - 1 * - Dir.: Jacobs, Christopher P. - Prod.:
Akbar - Act.: Kerr, Darin; Kidle, Dawn
— 40 —
Three Stooges, The. Mummy's dummies (1948 - USA) - BW - 15 min. - Episode of a cinema series - Dir.:
Bernds, Edward - Act.: Fine, Larry; Howard, Moe; Howard, Shemp (The Three Stooges); Dent, Vernon
Three Stooges, The. We want our mummy (1939 - USA) - BW - 17? min. - Episode of a cinema series - Dir.:
Lord, Del - Act.: Fine, Larry; Howard, Moe; Howard, Curly (The three stooges)
Through the centuries (1914 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Huntley, Fred W. - Act.: Lockwood, Harold; Otto, Henry W.;
Van Bueren, Mabel
Through the magic pyramid [Tut and Tuttle] (1981 - USA) - 97 min. - Television film - Dir.: Howard, Ron Act.: Conried, Hans; Tayback, Vic; Barnes, Chris
Thunderbirds, The. 5. The uninvited (1964 - UK) - Episode of a cartoon series (puppets) - Dir.: Burgess, Brian;
Elliot, David
Time walker [Promeneur d'éternité, Le - Being from another planet] (1982 - USA) - 83 min. - SFE: 0 * - Dir.:
Kennedy, Tom III - Act.: Murphy, Ben; Alexander, Royce; Axelrod, Nina
Tomb, The (1985 - USA) - 84 min. - SFE: 1 * - Dir.: Ray, Fred Olen - Act.: Pearson, David
Toscanini. The television concerts. Vol. 5. Verdi: Aida [Arturo Toscanini and the NBC Symphony Orchestra:
Aida] (1949 - USA) - BW - Opera recording - Dir.: Rodgers, Doug - Act.: Nelli, Nerva - Adaptation of
Verdi, Giuseppe, Aïda (1871) (opera)
Totò contro Maciste [Toto contre Maciste] (1961 - I) - BW - 110 min. - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Cerchio, Fernando Act.: Totò (Antonio de Curtis Gagliardi Ducas Comnuno di Bisanzio); Burke, Samson - Ill.: Fourcart, 2012,
p. 182
Tour du monde des Schtroumpfs, Le. IV. Afrique noire - Égypte. Les Schtroumpfs du pharaon - La reine du
Nil (1995 - USA) - 67 min. - Cartoon series - Prod.: Hanna, William; Barbera, Joseph - Adaptation of Peyo,
Les schtroumpfs (1958-) (comic series)
Treasure guards (2011 - ZA/D) - 93 min. - 1,5 * - Dir.: MacDonald, Iain B. - Act.: Friel, Anna; Bova, Raoul;
Bruch, Volker
Trésors de Tout-ankh-amon, Les (1990 - F) - 90 min. - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Deparnay, Pierre - Act.: Caux, JeanMichel
Trionfo di Maciste, Il [Le triomphe de Maciste - Triumph of the son of Hercules] (1961 - I) - 87 min. - Dir.:
Anton, Amerigo (Boccia, Tanio) - Act.: Morris, Kirk; Caro, Cathia - Ill.: Fourcart, 2012, p. 112
Tut! Tut! King (1923 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Watson, William - Act.: Edwards, Neely; Roach, Bert
Tutankhamen [Il gioiello di Tut-An-Kamen] (1923 - A) - BW - 28 min. - Dir.: Dandy, Raymond (Raymond
Frau) - Prod.: Listo-Dandy-Film-Consortium - Act.: Scott, Lissie; Dandy, Raymond (Raymond Frau);
Soerée, Renée; Leiter, Karl
Under wraps (1997 - USA) - Television film - Dir.: Beeman, Greg - Act.: Yedidia, Mario; Bryant, Clara;
Wylie, Adam; Campbell, Ken
Undying flame, The (1917 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Tourneur, Maurice - Prod.: Lasky, Jesse L.; Paramount - Act.:
Petrova, Olga; Mordant, Edwin; Evans, Herbert; Hamilton, Mahlon
Valley of the kings [La Vallée des rois] (1954 - USA) - 86 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Pirosh, Robert - Act.: Taylor,
Robert; Parker, Eleanor
Valley of the kings [?] [De vallei van de koningen] (1966 - UK) - Television series
Vecchio Testamento, Il [The Old Testament - Goliath. Der Kampf der Makkabäer - Cinq hommes contre un
empire] (1963 - I) - 105 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Parolini, Gianfranco - Act.: Harris, Brad; Paget, Susan;
Taylor, Margaret - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, 1 and 2 Maccabei? - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 84
Veggie Tales. Esther, the girl who became queen (2000 - USA) - 30 min. - Episode of a cartoon series - Dir.:
Nawrocki, Mike - Act.: Kaplan, Jessica (voice) - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Ester
Velluto nero [Emanuelle in Egypt - Black Emmanuelle, white Emmanuelle - Black velvet - Naked paradise Smooth velvet, raw silk - ] (1977 - I) - 85 min. - Dir.: Rondi, Brunello - Act.: Gemser, Laura; Belle, Annie;
Tinti, Gabriele
Velo di Iside, Il [La voile d'isis] (1913 - I) - BW - Dir.: Oxilia, Nino - Prod.: Savoia Film (Torino) - Act.:
Jacobini, Maria; Lombardi, Dillo
Venganza de la momia, La [The mummy's vengeance - The mummy's revenge - The vengeance of the
mummy] (1973 - E) - 85 min. - SFE: 0 * - Dir.: Aured, Carlos - Act.: Taylor, Jack; Silva, Maria; Naschy,
Paul; Ottolina, Rina - Ill.: Bovot, 1993, p. 33; Groensteen, 1998, p. 36
Vengeance of Egypt, The (1912 - F) - Black-and-white
Vengeance of the sorceress (2002 - USA) - 92 min. - Video film - 1,5 * - Dir.: Jacobs, Christopher P. - Prod.:
Akbar - Act.: Davis, Sarah; Clow, Kelly; Body, Geneva
Vergine di Babilonia, La [The virgin of Babylon - La vierge de Babylone] (1910 - I) - BW - ca. 14 min. - Dir.:
Maggi, Luigi - Prod.: Ambrosio (Torino) - Act.: Capozzi, Alberto; Tarlarini, Mary Cleo; Louise, Annetta;
Principi, Mirra; Gray, Giuseppe
Vie de Moïse, La [The life of Moses] (1905 - F) - BW - Prod.: Pathé Frères - Adaptation of Testamentum
vetus, Exodus
Walls of Jericho, The (1914 - USA) - BW - ca. 83 min. - Prod.: Box Office - Adaptation of Testamentum
vetus, Iosue, 2-6; Sutro, Alfred, The walls of Jericho (1904) (theatre)
Wanted, a mummy (1910 - UK) - BW - ca. 9 min. - Dir.: Coleby, A. E. - Prod.: Cricks & Martin
Watusi (1959 - USA) - 85 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Neumann, Kurt - Act.: Montgomery, George - Adaptation of
Haggard, Henry Rider, King Solomon's mines (1885)
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Weib des Pharao, Das [The loves of Pharaoh - La femme du Pharaon] (1922 - D) - BW - Dir.: Lubitsch, Ernst Prod.: EFA; UFA - Act.: Jannings, Emil; Liedtke, Henry; Servaes, Dagny; Wegener, Paul; Bassermann,
Albert - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 99
What a carve up! [No place like homicide] (1962 - UK) - BW - 87 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Jackson, Pat - Act.:
Connor, Kenneth
When soul meets soul (1912 - USA) - BW - Dir.: McDonald, Farrel - Act.: Bushman, Francis X.
When the mummy cried for help (1915 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Christie, Al E. - Act.: Forde, Victoria; Lyons,
Eddie; Moran, Lee
Wholly Moses [Sacré Moïse] (1980 - USA) - 109 min. - SFE: 1,5 * - Dir.: Weis, Gary - Act.: Moore, Dudley;
DeLuise, Dom - Adaptation of Testamentum vetus, Exodus
Wife of Cain, The (1913 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Gaskill, Charles L. - Act.: Gardner, Helen - Adaptation of
Testamentum vetus, Genesis, 4
You are there. 2, 31 [53]. The opening of king Tut's tomb (1954 - USA) - BW - 30 min. - Episode of a
television series - Dir.: Lumet, Sidney - Prod.: CBS - Act.: Cronkite, Walter (host)
You are there. 3, 14 [79]. The plot against king Solomon (965 B.C.) (1954 - USA) - BW - 30 min. - Episode of
a television series - Dir.: Lumet, Sidney - Prod.: CBS - Act.: Cronkite, Walter (host); Sinclair, Mary
Young Indiana Jones chronicles, The. Young Indiana Jones and the curse of the jackal [The adventures of
young Indiana Jones. My first adventure - De jonge Indiana Jones en de vloek van de jakhals] (1992 - USA)
- 100 min. - Television film (pilot for a television series) - SFE: good 3 * - Dir.: Schultz, Carl; O'Brien, Jim
- Act.: Carrier, Corey; Flanery, Sean Patrick
Young Indiana Jones chronicles, The. Young Indiana Jones and the treasure of the peacock's eye (1995 - USA)
- episode of a television series - Dir.: Schultz, Carl - Act.: Courtenay, Tom; Flanery, Sean Patrick
Young Moses [not completed] (1954 - USA) - Colour
Young Sherlock Holmes [Pyramid of Fear - Le secret de la pyramide] (1985 - USA) - 109 min. - SFE: 2 * Dir.: Levinson, Barry - Act.: Rowe, Nicholas - Adaptation of Doyle, Arthur Conan, Sherlock Holmes (ca.
1887-1930) - Ill.: Bovot, 1993, p. 39
Your show time. 1.4. The mummy's foot (1949 - USA) - BW - 24 min. - Television film - Dir.: Martin, Sobey Act.: Dow, Peggy; Bromberg, J. Edward - Adaptation of Gautier, Théophile, Contes fantastiques. Le pied
de la momie (1863)
Yu-Gi-Oh! Pharaoh's memory (2004 - J) - Episode of a cartoon series - Adaptation of Kazuki Takahashi, YuGi-Oh (1996) (comic series)
Yûgiô. Gekijô-ban [Yu-Gi-Oh! The movie] (2004 - J) - Cartoon film - Dir.: Ryôsuke Takahashi - Adaptation
of Kazuki Takahashi, Yu-Gi-Oh (1996) (comic series)
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5. De Griekse wereld
Van de 728 films die betrekking hebben op de Griekse wereld, zijn er niet veel die
gebaseerd zijn op historische feiten of op het archeologische verleden. Meestal gaat het om
literatuurverfilmingen of om bewerkingen van Griekse mythen en verhalen.
Filmografie - De Griekse wereld
12 (2003 - USA) - 124 min. - Dir.: Bridges, Lawrence - Act.: Elliott, Alison; Griffin, Tony; Lulu, Allen
300 (2007 - USA) - 117 min. - 3,5 * - Dir.: Snyder, Zack - Act.: Butler, Gerard; Heady, Lena; Santoro, Rodrigo
- Adaptation of Herodotos, 7, 175-233 (ca. 440-425); Miller, Frank, 300 (1998) (comic) - Ill.: Dumont,
2009, p. 221-222; Hermeneus, 85, 1, 2013, p. 44
300 Spartans, The [The battle of the Thermopyles - The lion of Sparta - La bataille des Thermopyles - 300
Spartanen - L'eroe di Sparta] (1961 - USA) - 114 min. - SFE: 1,5 * - Dir.: Maté, Rudolph (Rudy) - Prod.:
20th-Century Fox - Act.: Farrar, David; Egan, Richard; Richardson, Ralph - Adaptation of Herodotos, 7,
175-233 (ca. 440-425) - Ill.: Cameron, 1973, p. 74; Solomon, 1978, p. 2.29.163; Eloy, 1996, p. 52;
MacDonald, 1996, p. 22; Aziza, 1998, p. 42; Solomon, 2001, fig. 1.17.170; Berti, 2008, fig. 5.26; Dumont,
2009, p. 123.216.219-220
300 Spartans, The [not completed] (2002? - USA) - Prod.: 20th-Century Fox - Adaptation of Herodotos, 7,
175-233 (ca. 440-425)
300. Rise of an empire [Xerxes - 300. Battle of Artemisium] (2014 - USA) - 102 min. - 1,5 * - Dir.: Murro,
Noam - Act.: Stapleton, Sullivan; Santoro, Rodrigo; Green, Eva - Adaptation of Herodotos (ca. 440-425);
Miller, Frank, Xerxes (comic) (2 issues in 2011, 3 issues still planned)
305 (2008 - USA) - 84 min. - Dir.: Holechek, David - Act.: Larson, Tim
Abrafaxe in Griechenland, Die (2007 - D) - 20x3 min. - Cartoon series (3 episodes) - Prod.: ZYX Music; DHX
Studios - Adaptation of Hegen, Hannes, Mosaik (1955-) (comic)
Acharnerne (1954 - DK) - BW - Dir.: Axel, Gabriel - Adaptation of Aristophanes, Acharnenses (425)
Acharnis, I [The Acharnians] (1976 - GR) - Dir.: Kouyioumtzis, Mimis - Adaptation of Aristophanes,
Acharnenses (425)
Achilles (1996 - UK) - 11 min. - Cartoon film (stop-motion) - Dir.: Purves, Barry - Act.: Jacobi, Derek (voice)
Acosados, Los (1960 - RA) - BW - 120 min. - Television film - Dir.: Borda, Edgardo - Act.: Acciardi, Pablo;
Alcón, Alfredo; Caviglia, Orestes - Adaptation of Aischylos, Orestea (Agamemnon - Choephoroe Eumenides) (458); O'Neill, Eugene, Mourning becomes Electra (1931) (theatre) (?)
Acteón (1964 - E) - BW - 78 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Grau, Jorge - Act.: Lasalle, Martin; Clemens, Pilar
Admeto re di Tessaglia (2006 - D) - 196 min. - Opera recording - Dir.: Feudel, Ute - Prod.: Magnolia;
Mitteldeutschen Rundfunk - Act.: Rexroth, Matthias; Lichtenstein, Romelia - Adaptation of Euripides,
Alcestis (438); Händel, Georg Friedrich, Admeto re di Tessaglia (1727) (opera)
Adventure story [Sunday night theater: Adventure story - Alec the Great] (1950 - UK) - BW - 105 min. Television film - Dir.: Barry, Michael - Act.: Osborn, Andrew; Cooper, Gladys - Adaptation of Rattigan,
Terence, Adventure story (1949) (theatre)
Adventure story [Alec the Great] (1961 - UK) - BW - 100 min. - Television film - Dir.: Cartier, Rudolph Act.: Connery, Sean; Scott, Margaetta; Russell, William; Brook, Lyndon - Adaptation of Rattigan, Terence,
Adventure story (1949) (theatre)
Aeschylus. Agamemnon (1991 - UK) - 120 min. - Theatre recording - Act.: London Small Theatre Company Adaptation of Aischylos, Agamemnon (458)
Aesop and son (1959-1961 - USA) - Cartoon series - Prod.: Ward, Jay - Act.: Butler, Daws (voice) Adaptation of Aisopos (6th cent. BC) - Ill.: Lenburg, 1981, p. 158
Aesop's fable. First flying fish (1955 - USA) - Cartoon film - Dir.: Rasinski, Connie - Adaptation of Aisopos
(6th cent. BC)
Aesop's fable. Foiling the fox (1950 - USA) - Cartoon film - Dir.: Rasinski, Connie - Adaptation of Aisopos
(6th cent. BC)
Aesop's fable. Golden egg Goosie (1951 - USA) - Cartoon film - Dir.: Donnelly, Eddie - Adaptation of
Aisopos (6th cent. BC)
Aesop's fable. The tiger king (1960 - USA) - Cartoon film - Dir.: Rasinski, Connie - Adaptation of Aisopos
(6th cent. BC)
Aesop's fables (1921-1933 - USA) - BW - Cartoon series - Dir.: Terry, Paul e.a. - Adaptation of Aisopos (6th
cent. BC) - Ill.: Lenburg, 1981, p. 11 (3 x).12 (2 x).13 (2 x)
Aesop's fables (1971 - USA) - Cartoon film - Dir.: Chenault, Robert - Act.: Cosby, Bill; Byner, John (voices) Adaptation of Aisopos (6th cent. BC)
Affairs of Aphrodite, The (1970 - USA) - 75 min. - Dir.: Patrick, Alain - Act.: Maynard, Antoinette; Murray,
Afrodite la dea dell'amore [Aphrodite goddess of love - Aphrodite die Göttin der Lust] (1997 - I) - 83 min. Video film - Dir.: D'Amato, Joe (Massaccesi, Aristide) - Act.: Del Rio, Olivia; Moore, Ursula; Hoyos,
Cristina; Malone, Roberto; White, Paula
Agamemnon (1967 - B) - BW - Television film - Adaptation of Aischylos, Agamemnon (458)
Agamemnon (1998 - F) - Short film - Dir.: Imbeau, Élodie
Agamemnon di Eschilo nel teatro greco (1914 - F) - BW - Prod.: Cines (Roma) - Adaptation of Aischylos,
Agamemnon (458)
Ágis tragédiája (1971 - H) - 59 min. - Television film - Dir.: Marton, Endré - Prod.: Magyar Televízió
Müvelödési Föszerkesztöség (MTV) - Act.: Bessenyei, Ferenc - Adaptation of Ploutarchos, Agis (ca. 100120); Bessenyei, György, Ágis tragédiája (1772) (theatre)
'Aha' (2000 - B) - Theatre recording - Dir.: Depourck, Maarten; Verbeecke, Tobias - Adaptation of Euripides,
Bacchae (406?)
Aischulos, Agamemnoon (1973 - B) - BW - 120 min. - Television film - Dir.: Henderickx, Lode - Prod.: BRT;
Van Herreweghen, Hubert - Act.: Demedts, Jef; Geldof, Joanna - Adaptation of Aischylos, Agamemnon
(458); Boonen, Johan, Agamemnoon (1970) (theatre)
Ajax (1987 - USA) - 110 min. - Theatre recording - Dir.: Sellars, Peter - Adaptation of Sophokles, Aiax (ca.
442); Auletta, Robert, Ajax (1985) (theatre)
Ajax (1991 - UK) - 71 min. - Theatre recording - Dir.: Meineck, Peter - Act.: London Small Theatre Company:
Sidhwa, Yasmin; Moriarty, James - Adaptation of Sophokles, Aiax (ca. 442)
Alceste (1998 - S) - 150 min. - Television film - Dir.: Mörck, Marianne - Act.: Ringholz, Teresa; Lavender,
Justin - Adaptation of Euripides, Alcestis (438); von Gluck, Christoph Willibald, Alceste (1767) (opera)
Alceste (2000 - F) - 135 min. - Television film - Dir.: Large, Brian - Act.: von Otter, Anne Sofie; Groves, Paul;
Henschel, Dietrich - Adaptation of Euripides, Alcestis (438); von Gluck, Christoph Willibald, Alceste
(1767, Paris version 1776) (opera)
Alexander (2004 - USA/UK/F/D/NL) - 173 min. - 3 * - Dir.: Stone, Oliver - Prod.: Warner Brothers; Pathé;
Intermedia Films - Act.: Farrell, Colin; Jolie, Angelina; Kilmer, Val; Plummer, Christopher; Leto, Jared;
Dawson, Rosario; Hopkins, Anthony - Mus.: Vangelis - Ill.: Berti, 2008, fig. 7-8.27; Dumont, 2009, back
cover & p. 104.243-245; Teitler, 2011, p. 66; Hermeneus, 85, 1, 2013, p. 43
Alexander Senki [Araekusanda Senki - Alexander - Reign: The conqueror] (1997 - HK/ROK/J) - 13x25 min. Cartoon series (13 episodes) - Dir.: Rintaro - Act.: Takeshi Aono (voice)
Alexander the Great [Alejandro el Magno - Alexandre le Grand] (1956 - USA/E) - 141 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.:
Rossen, Robert - Prod.: United Artists - Act.: Burton, Richard; March, Fredric; Bloom, Claire - Adaptation
of Ploutarchos, Alexander (ca. 100-120) - Ill.: Cameron, 1973, p. 73 (2 x); Solomon, 1978, p. 32; SFE,
1986, p. 33; SFE, 1995, p. 51; MacDonald, 1996, p. 27; Aziza, 1998, p. 95; Solomon, 2001, p. ii and fig.
21; Berti, 2008, fig. 6; Dumont, 2009, p. 235.238-239
Alexander the Great (1968 - USA) - 90 min. - Television film - Dir.: Karlson, Phil - Prod.: Selmur - Act.:
Shatner, William; West, Adam; Cassavetes, John; Cotten, Joseph - Adaptation of Ploutarchos, Alexander
(ca. 100-120) - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 240
Alexander the Great (2006 - I/ROK) - 80 min. - Cartoon film - Dir.: Daehong Kim; Youngki Lee - Prod.:
Corradi, Matteo - Act.: Adair-Rios, Mark; Dorian, Nicolai; Dorian, Kevin; Ozuk, Ronn (voices)
Alexander the Great [not completed] (1989 - USA) - Dir.: Milius, John - Act.: Van Damme, Jean-Claude;
Connery, Sean
Alexander the Great [not completed] (1999 - USA) - Dir.: McQuarrie, Christopher - Prod.: Warner Brothers Act.: McConaughey, Matthew; Law, Jude
Alexander the Great [not completed] (2001 - USA) - Dir.: Scorsese, Martin - Prod.: Intitial Entertainment
Group (ALI) - Act.: DiCaprio, Leonardo
Alexander the Great [not completed] (2001 - MEX/G) - Prod.: Arau, Alfonso
Alexander the Great [not completed] (2002 - USA/AUS) - Dir.: Luhrmann, Baz (previously: Ridley Scott) Prod.: De Laurentiis, Dino - Act.: DiCaprio, Leonardo; Kidman, Nicole; Golden, Damian - Adaptation of
Manfredi, Valerio Massimo, Alexandros. I-III (1998) (novel)
Alexander the Great [not completed] (2003 - USA/AUS) - Dir.: Atcheson, Tim - Prod.: DreamWorks;
Universal - Act.: Stratos, Steven
Alissa in concert (1990 - NL) - BW - 75 min. - SFE: 1,5 * - Dir.: van Zuylen, Erik - Act.: Uitti, Frances-Marie;
Leysen, Johan - Ill.: Buijs, 1990, p. 40
Alkeste. Die Bedeutung, Protektion zu haben (1970 - A) - BW - 89 min. - Dir.: Lepeniotis, Antonis - Act.:
Altenburger, Inge - Adaptation of Euripides, Alcestis (438)
Amante di Paride, L' [Le jugement de Paris - The face that launched a thousand ships] (1953 - I/F) - 73 min. Dir.: Allégret, Marc - Act.: Lamarr, Hedy; Serato, Massimo - Ill.: Cary, 1974, p. 65; Dumont, 2009, p. 182
Amour chez les poids lourds, L' [I grossi bestioni - Erotic encounters - Convoi spécial - Travelin companions Truck stop] (1978 - F/I) - Dir.: Pallardy, Jean-Marie - Act.: Pallardy, Jean-Marie
Amour d'esclave [A slave's love] (1907 - F) - BW - Dir.: Capellani, André - Prod.: Pathé - Act.: Dorival,
Geroges; Amyot; Salvat, Jean; Ridde, Rose
Amour et le temps, L' (1910 - F) - BW - Dir.: Carré, Michel - Prod.: Pathé; SCAGL; SAPF - Act.: Krauss,
Henry; Bosc, Henri; Rollan, Henri; Dausmond, Betty; Dupré, Raymonde; Ferry, Maryse
Amphitrite (1902 - F) - BW - Prod.: Pathé
— 44 —
Amphitryon (1910 - F) - BW - Dir.: Feuillade, Louis (?) - Adaptation of Plautus (ca. 250-184), Amphitruo;
Molière, Amphitryon (1668) (theatre)
Amphitryon (1910 - F) - BW - Dir.: Arnaud, Étienne - Prod.: Gaumont (Série d'Art) - Act.: Tissot, Alice Adaptation of Plautus (ca. 250-184), Amphitruo
Amphitryon (2000 - F) - Short film - Dir.: Imbeau, Élodie
Amphitryon. Aus den Wolken kommt das Glück [Amphitryon. Happiness from the clouds] (1935 - D) - BW 105 min. - SFE: 3 * - Dir.: Schünzel, Reinhold - Prod.: UFA - Act.: Fritsch, Willy; Gold, Käthe; Kemp,
Paul; Sandrock, Adele; Wenck, Ewald - Adaptation of Plautus (ca. 250-184), Amphitruo; Molière,
Amphitryon (1668) (theatre); von Kleist, Heinrich, Amphitryon (1807) (theatre) - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p.
An oles oi gynaikes tou kosmou (1967 - G) - BW - 72 min. - Dir.: Matsas, Nestoras - Act.: Konstadaras,
Labros; Ladikou, Alexandra - Adaptation of Aristophanes, Ecclesiazusae (392?)
Anabasis [in production] (2015? - USA) - Prod.: Columbia - Adaptation of Xenophon, Anabasis (ca. 401-390?)
Andromaque [Die weisse Sklavin] (1909 - F) - BW - Prod.: Pathé - Act.: Mounet-Soully; Silvain, Louise
Angoisses artistiques de Thélos, Les (1909 - F) - BW - Prod.: Pathé - Act.: Napierkowska, Stacia; Jacquinet,
Animated Odyssey, The (2000 - USA/LIT) - Cartoon film - Dir.: Ashkins, Valentas - Act.: Degas, Rupert
(voice) - Adaptation of Homeros, Odyssea (8th cent. BC) - Ill.: http://www.amazon.com/OdysseyAnimated-Version/dp/B00003E46G (?)
Antigone [Gli amore de Emone e Antigone] (1911 - I) - BW - ca. 19 min. - Dir.: Caserini, Mario - Prod.: Cines
(Roma) - Act.: Gasparini, Maria; Monaldi, Gaston, Cattaneo, Amelia; Novelli, Amleto; Moltini, Cesare Adaptation of Sophokles, Antigone (ca. 441)
Antigone (1958 - I) - BW - Television film - Dir.: Cottafavi, Vittorio - Act.: Fortunato, Valentina; Crast,
Antonio - Adaptation of Sophokles, Antigone (ca. 441)
Antigone (1960 - S) - Theatre recording - Dir.: Dahlin, Hans - Act.: Sjöblom, Ulla - Adaptation of Sophokles,
Antigone (ca. 441)
Antigone (1962 - D) - BW - 70 min. - Television film - Dir.: Dieterle, William - Act.: Gorvin, Joana Maria;
Suschka, Hubert - Adaptation of Sophokles, Antigone (ca. 441); Hölderlin, Friedrich, Antigone (1804)
Antigone (1964 - CS) - Opera recording - Dir.: Hobel, Pavel - Act.: Rubanovicová, Luka - Mus.: Krejcí, Isa Adaptation of Sophokles, Antigone (ca. 441); Hölderlin, Friedrich, Antigone (1804) (theatre); Honegger,
Arthur, Antigone (1927) (opera) or Orff, Carl, Antigone (1949) (opera)
Antigone (1964 - D) - BW - 7 min. - Short film - Dir.: Stöckl, Ula - Act.: Sparmann, Heide - Adaptation of
Sophokles, Antigone (ca. 441)
Antigone (1970 - N) - BW - 50 min. - Television film - Dir.: Bronken, Per - Act.: Tandberg, Monna; Ording,
Jørn - Adaptation of Sophokles, Antigone (ca. 441)
Antigone (1973 - DDR) - BW - Television film - Dir.: Drescher, Piet; Thyret, Margot - Act.: Gwisdek, Michael
- Adaptation of Sophokles, Antigone (ca. 441)
Antigone (1973 - F) - BW - Television film - Dir.: Carrère, Jean-Paul - Act.: Dautun, Bérangère; Chaumette,
François - Adaptation of Sophokles, Antigone (ca. 441)
Antigone (1974 - USA) - 89 min. - Television film - Dir.: Freedman, Gerald - Act.: Bujold, Geneviève; Keach,
Stacy; Weaver, Fritz - Adaptation of Sophokles, Antigone (ca. 441); Anouilh, Jean, Antigone (1946)
Antigone (1974 - F) - BW - Television film - Dir.: Lorenzi, Stellio - Act.: Breillat, Marie-Hélène; Topart, Jean
- Adaptation of Sophokles, Antigone (ca. 441)
Antigone [Die Antigone des Sophokles nach der Hölderlinschen Übertragung für die Bühne bearbeitet von
Brecht 1948] (1991 - D) - 100 min. - Dir.: Huillet, Danièle; Straub, Jean-Marie - Act.: Ofner, Astrid; Rehm,
Werner; Ofner, Ursula - Adaptation of Sophokles, Antigone (ca. 441); Hölderlin, Friedrich, Antigone
(1804) (theatre); Brecht, Bertolt, Die Antigone des Sophokles (1948) (theatre)
Antigone (1991 - USA?) - 95 min. - Theatre recording - Dir.: Nys, Arlena - Act.: O'Brien, Carrie; Bearne,
Chris - Adaptation of Sophokles, Antigone (ca. 441)
Antigone. Rites of passion [Antigone. Rites for the dead] (1990 - USA) - 85 min. - Dir.: Greenfield, Amy Act.: Ross, Bertram; Eilber, Janet; Greenfield, Amy - Adaptation of Sophokles, Antigone (ca. 441)
Antigoni [Antigone - Rites for the dead] (1961 - GR) - BW - 88 min. - Dir.: Tzavellas, Giorgios (George) Prod.: Norma - Act.: Papas, Irene; Katrakis, Manos - Adaptation of Sophokles, Antigone (ca. 441) - Ill.:
Dumont, 2009, p. 150-151
Aphrodite (1982 - F/I) - 96 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Fuest, Robert - Act.: Kaprisky, Valérie - Adaptation of
Louÿs, Pierre, Aphrodite (1896) (novel) - Ill.: SFE, 1986, p. 51
Aphrousa (1971 - GR/UK) - 60 min. - Dir.: Joannides, Evangelos - Prod.: Joannides, Evangelos - Act.: Head,
Murray; Lindsay, Delia
Apollon kai Dafni (1960 - G) - BW - 11 min. - Short film - Dir.: Meritzis, Thanassis - Adaptation of Ovidius,
Metamorphoses, 1, 452-567 (8 AD)
Appunti per un'Orestiade africana [Notes for an African Oresteia] (1973 - I) - BW - Dir.: Pasolini, Pier Paolo Act.: Pasolini, Pier Paolo - Adaptation of Aischylos, Orestea (Agamemnon - Choephoroe - Eumenides)
Arion (1986 - J) - Cartoon film - Dir.: Mamoru Hamatsu; Yoshikazu Yasuhiko
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Aristodemo [Aristodème] (1910 - I) - BW - ca. 12 min. - Prod.: Milano Films
Aristofanes, Kikkerconcert (1980 - B) - BW - 30 min. - Theatre recording - Dir.: Gilleir, Mia - Prod.: Centrum
voor Aggregatie - Act.: Eerste kandidatuur Klassieke Filologie - Adaptation of Aristophanes, Ranae, 209268 (405)
Ark of the Sun god, The (1983 - I/TR) - 89 min. - SFE: 0 * - Dir.: Dawson, Anthony M. (Margheriti, Antonio)
- Act.: Warbeck, David
Arrivano i Titani [I Titani - The Titans - My son, the hero - Sons of Thunder - Les Titans] (1962 - I/F) - 111
min. - SFE: 3 * - Dir.: Tessari, Duccio - Prod.: Vides; Ariane - Act.: Armendariz, Pedro; Sassard,
Jacqueline; Lualdi, Antonella; Gemma, Giuliano - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 132-133; Fourcart, 2012, p.
Así es la vida [C'est la vie... - Such is life] (2000 - MEX/F/E) - 98 min. - Dir.: Ripstein, Arturo - Act.: Ramírez,
Arcelia - Adaptation of Seneca, Medea (ca. 41-48?)
Atreides (1979 - GR) - BW - Dir.: Potamitis, Dimitris; Rallis, Stellios - Act.: Bournozou, Pitsa; Dimitriadi,
Au coeur de la Casbah (1951 - F) - BW - 91 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Cardinal, Pierre - Act.: Romance, Viviane Adaptation of Euripides, Hippolytus (428); Racine, Jean, Phèdre (1677) (theatre)
Au théâtre ce soir. Hélène ou la joi de vivre (1975 - F) - 95 min. - Television film - Dir.: Folgoas, Georges Act.: Christophe, Françoise; Salviat, Catherine - Adaptation of Erskine, John, The private life of Helen of
Troy (1925) (novel)
Au théâtre ce soir. Lysistrata (1973 - F) - Television film - Dir.: Folgoas, Georges - Adaptation of
Aristophanes, Lysistrata (411)
Avventure di Ulisse, Le [L'Odissea - L'Odyssée - The adventures of Ulysses - Odysseus - Die Odyssee] (1969 I/F/YU) - 106 min. - Cinema film based upon a television series - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Rossi, Franco (Rosi,
Francesco); Bava, Mario; Schivazappa, Piero - Prod.: De Laurentiis, Dino - Act.: Papas, Irene; Bekim
Fehmiu - Adaptation of Homeros, Odyssea (8th cent. BC)
Baccanti, Le [The Bacchantes - The Bacchantae - Bondage gladiator sexy - Les Bacchantes - Les amoureux de
Thèbes - Les prêtresses d'Hercule] (1960 - I/F) - 102 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Ferroni, Giorgio - Prod.: Vic;
Lyre - Act.: Brice, Pierre; Elg, Taina; Lupo, Alberto; Tamiroff, Akim - Adaptation of Euripides, Bacchae
Bacchae, The (1962 - UK) - 30x2 = 60 min. - Television series (2 episodes) - Dir.: Eyre, Ronald - Act.: Brett,
Jeremy; Carson, John - Adaptation of Euripides, Bacchae (406?)
Bacchae, The (1999 - USA) - Theatre recording - Dir.: Mays, Brad (Bradford) - Act.: Blessed, Brian Adaptation of Euripides, Bacchae (406?)
Bacchae, The (2002 - USA) - 90 min. - Dir.: Mays, Brad (Bradford) - Act.: Klein, Jonathan; Werner, Rich Adaptation of Euripides, Bacchae (406?)
Bacchae, The (2010 - G) - 85 min. - Dir.: Coppola, Bruno - Act.: Tzortzoglou, Stratos; Sougaris, Christos Adaptation of Euripides, Bacchae (406?)
Bacchae. The cult of Dionysus (1997 - USA?) - 78 min. - Theatre recording (?) - Act.: Blessed, Brian Adaptation of Euripides, Bacchae (406?)
Bacchantes, Les (1980-1989? - F) - Theatre recording - Adaptation of Euripides, Bacchae (406?)
Bacchus et Cupidon (1911 - F) - BW - ca. 14 min. - Dir.: Perret, Léonce - Prod.: Gaumont - Act.: Perret,
Léonce; Tissot, Alice
Backanterna [The Bacchae] (1993 - S) - 140 min. - Television film - Dir.: Bergman, Ingmar - Act.:
Lindenstrand, Sylvia; Mattei, Peter - Adaptation of Euripides, Bacchae (406?) - Ill.:
Bakchen, Die (1974 - D) - 207 min. - Television film - Dir.: Grüber, Klaus-Michael - Act.: Clever, Edith; Fitz,
Peter; Ganz, Bruno (Schaubühne am Hallenschen Ufer Berlin) - Adaptation of Euripides, Bacchae (406?)
Banquet de Platon, Le (1988 - F/I) - Television film - Dir.: Ferreri, Marco - Prod.: FR3; La Sept; FIT; Bena Act.: Léotard, Philippe; Khorsand, Philippe; Minet, Patrice; Belvaux, Lucas; Benguigui, Jean; Cortesi,
Lucas; Papas, Irène; Van Hool, Roger - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 226
Barbarian, Ingomar, The (1908 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Griffith, D. W. (David Lewelyn Wark) - Prod.: Biograph Act.: Johnson, Arthur; Lawrence, Florence; Inslee, Charles; Arvidson, Linda - Adaptation of Halm,
Friedrich, Der Sohn der Wildnis (1846) (theatre)
Battaglia di Maratona, La [The giant of Marathon - La bataille de Marathon - La batalla de Marathon] (1959 I/F) - 84 min. - 2; SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Tourneur, Jacques; Bava, Mario; Vailati, Bruno - Prod.: Titanus;
Galatea; Lux; Lyre - Act.: Reeves, Steve; Demongeot, Mylène; Lupo, Alberto; Fantoni, Sergio; Varga,
Daniele - Ill.: Cameron, 1973, p. 73; Aziza, 1998, p. 48; Dumont, 2009, p. 218-219; Fourcart, 2012, p.
BBC Play of the month. 10, 2. Electra (1974 - UK) - Episode of a television series - Dir.: Lindsay-Hogg,
Michael - Prod.: BBC - Act.: Atkins, Eileen; Crutchley, Rosalie; Glover, Julian; Hale, Georgina Adaptation of Sophokles, Electra (ca. 412?)
BBC Play of the month. 7, 1. A midsummer night's dream (1971 - UK) - Episode of a television series - Dir.:
Jones, James Cellan - Prod.: BBC - Act.: Gambon, Michael; Redgrave, Lynn; Stephens, Robert; Barrie,
Amanda - Adaptation of Shakespeare, William, A midsummer-night's dream (1594-1595) (theatre)
BBC Play of the month. 8, 3. King Oedipus (1972 - UK) - Episode of a television series - Prod.: BBC - Act.:
Allen, Sheila; Holm, Ian; Webb, Alan - Adaptation of Sophokles, Oedipus rex (ca. 430?)
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BBC Sunday night theatre. The comedy of errors (1954 - UK) - BW - Television film - Dir.: Harris, Lionel Prod.: BBC - Act.: Peel, David; Hansard, Paul - Adaptation of Plautus (ca. 250-184), Menaechmi;
Shakespeare, William, The comedy of errors (1591-1592) (theatre)
Belle Hélène, La (1951 - F?) - Television film - Adaptation of Offenbach, Jacques, La belle Hélène (1864)
Belle Hélène, La (1956 - F) - Television film - Dir.: Lorenzi, Stellio - Adaptation of Offenbach, Jacques, La
belle Hélène (1864) (operetta)
Belle Hélène, La (1996 - CH) - 124 min. - Television film - Dir.: Schottler, Hartmud - Act.: Kasarova,
Vesselina - Adaptation of Offenbach, Jacques, La belle Hélène (1864) (operetta)
Belle Hélène, La (1999 - F) - Television film - Dir.: Ledoux, Mathias - Adaptation of Offenbach, Jacques, La
belle Hélène (1864) (operetta)
Belle Hélène, La (2000 - F) - 127 min. - Television film - Dir.: MacGibbon, Ross - Adaptation of Offenbach,
Jacques, La belle Hélène (1864) (operetta)
Biblioteca di Studio Uno. Odissea (1964 - I) - BW - 80 min. - Television film; musical - Dir.: Falqui,
Antonello - Act.: Chiusano, Felice; Mannucci, Lucia; Giacobetti, Tata; Savona, Virgilio - Mus.: Canfora,
Bruno; Savona, Vigilio - Adaptation of Homeros, Odyssea (8th cent. BC)
Bill and Ted's Excellent adventure (1989 - USA) - 90 min. - SFE: 0 * - Dir.: Herek, Stephen - Act.: Winter,
Alex; Reeves, Keanu; Steedman, Tony - Ill.: Hardy, 1995, p. 436; Solomon, 2001, p. 20, fig. 9; Nisbet,
2006, p. 5
Birds, The (1998 - USA?) - 100 min. - Theatre recording - Adaptation of Aristophanes, Aves (414)
Birds, The (Excerpts) (1991 - UK?) - 43 min. - Theatre recording - Act.: Pepe, Neil; Porter, Ed; Weeks, Todd;
Reilly, Phil; Tattersull, Clare; Hardcastle, Terry - Adaptation of Aristophanes, Aves (414)
Blessing of Prometheus, The (2000 - USA) - BW - 20 min. - Short film - Dir.: Young, Christopher K. - Act.:
Gutauckas, Jennifer
Blindeman (1986 - NL) - Television film - Dir.: Verhoeff, Pieter - Act.: Crommelin, Walter - Adaptation of
Seneca, Oedipus (ca. 41-48?); Claus, Hugo, Blindeman (1985) (theatre)
Boîte de Pandore, La (1909 - F) - BW - ca. 8 min. - Dir.: Feuillade, Louis - Prod.: Gaumont (Série d'Art) Act.: Tissot, Alice
Boréades, Les (2003 - F) - Opera recording - Dir.: Lock, Edouard - Act.: La La La Human Steps; Bonnay,
Barbara; Agnew, Paul - Adaptation of Ovidius, Metamorphoses, 6, 675-721 (8 AD); Rameau, JeanPhilippe, Les Boréades (1763) (opera)
Boys from Syracuse, The [Les Grecs sont à la page] (1940 - USA) - BW - 73 min. - Musical - SFE: 3 * - Dir.:
Sutherland, Edward A. - Prod.: Mayfair; Universal - Act.: Jones, Allan; Raye, Martha - Adaptation of
Plautus (ca. 250-184), Menaechmi; Shakespeare, William, The comedy of errors (1591-1592) (theatre);
Rodgers, Richard - Hart, Lorenz (& Abbott, George), The boys from Syracuse (1938) (Broadway musical) Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 233
Boys from Syracuse, The (1986 - CDN) - Television film; musical - Dir.: Campbell, Douglas - Act.: Feore,
Colm - Adaptation of Plautus (ca. 250-184), Menaechmi; Shakespeare, William, The comedy of errors
(1591-1592) (theatre); Rodgers, Richard - Hart, Lorenz (& Abbott, George), The boys from Syracuse
(1938) (Broadway musical)
Caduta di Troia, La (1908 - I) - BW - Dir.: Maggi, Luigi - Adaptation of Homeros, Ilias (8th cent. BC)
Caduta di Troia, La [L'assedio di Troia - L'assedio e la caduta di Troia - The fall of Troy - La chute de Troie]
(1911 - I) - BW - ca. 33 min. - Dir.: Fosco, Piero (Pastrone, Giovanni); Borgnetto, Romano Luigi - Prod.:
Itala Film (Roma) - Act.: Novelli, Ermete; Vinà Giulio; Giannini, Olga; Madame Davesnes; Casaleggio,
Giovanni; Borgnetto, Romano Luigi - Adaptation of Homeros, Ilias (8th cent. BC) - Ill.: Aziza, 1998, p.
138.142; Dumont, 2009, p. 179-180; Michelakis, 2013, p. 115.160
Calisto, La (2006 - B) - Opera recording - Dir.: Wernicke, Herbert - Adaptation of Ovidius, Metamorphoses, 2,
409-530 (8 AD); Cavalli, Francesco, La Calisto (1651-1652) (opera)
Cannibali, I [Les cannibales - Year of the cannibals] (1970 - I) - 95 min. - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Cavani, Liliana Prod.: Franconi, Giuseppe - Act.: Ekland, Britt; Clémenti, Pierre - Adaptation of Sophokles, Antigone (ca.
Canto das Sereias, O (1990 - BR) - Television (mini) series - Dir.: Monjardim, Jayme - Prod.: Travesso, Nilton
- Act.: Liberato, Ingra; de Abreu, José
Canto di Circe, Il (1920 - I) - BW - Dir.: De Liguoro, Giuseppe - Adaptation of Homeros, Odyssea (8th cent.
Cassandra (2008 - MEX/USA) - 27 min. - Short film - Dir.: Chernovetzky, Mauricio - Act.: Bablumian, Nelly Adaptation of Euripides, Troades (415)
Cat that hated people, The (1910 - F) - BW - < ca. 17 min. - Prod.: Pathé - Adaptation of Aisopos (6th cent.
Centaurs (1916 - USA) - BW - 2 min. - Cartoon film - Dir.: McCay, Winsor
Chanakya Chandragupta (1977 - IND) - 117 min. - Dir.: N. T. Rama Rao - Prod.: Ramakrishna Ciné Studios Act.: N. T. Rama Rao; A. Nageswara Rao; Sivaji Ganesoan; Rajanal
Chandragupta and Mahatma Chanakya [Chandragupta Chanakya] (1923 - IND) - BW - Dir.: Vishnu B. Joshi Prod.: Star Films - Act.: Jilloo
Choephoren (1980-1989? - D) - 80 min. - Theatre recording - Adaptation of Aischylos, Choephoroe (458)
Chute de Troie, La (1911 - F) - BW - Act.: Pathé (?) - Adaptation of Homeros, Ilias (8th cent. BC)
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Circe the enchantress (1924 - USA) - BW - 74 min. - Dir.: Leonard, Robert Z. - Prod.: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
- Act.: Murray, Mae - Adaptation of Ibáñez, Vicente Blasco (1867-1928), La encantadora Circe (novel)
Clash of the Titans [Le choc des Titans] (1981 - UK) - 118 min. - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Davis, Desmond - Prod.:
Schneer, Charles - Act.: Hamlin, Harry; Olivier, Laurence; Andress, Ursula - Ill.: Wie is wie, 1987, p. 23
(?); Solomon, 2001, fig. 62.75; Berti, 2008, fig. 3; Dumont, 2009, p. 160-161
Clash of the Titans (2010 - UK/USA) - 106 min. - 2,5 * - Dir.: Leterrier, Louis - Prod.: Warner Bros. Pictures;
Legenary Pictures; Iwanyk, Basil - Act.: Worthingtom, Sam; Neeson, Liam; Fiennes, Ralph - Adaptation of
Davis, Desmond, Clash of the Titans (1981) (film)
Class of the Titans (1, 1 - 2, 26) (2006-2007 - CDN/RP) - 52x26 min. - Cartoon series (52 episodes) - Prod.:
Studio B Productions - Act.: Newstone, Pauline; Barr, Kathleen; Bell, Doron; Kaye, David (voices)
Clio e Filete [Clios and Phylates] (1911 - I) - BW - ca. 27 min. - Dir.: Mentasti, Oreste - Prod.: Itala Film
(Torino) - Act.: Quaranta, Lydia; Pozzone, Federico; Bernard, Alexandre
Colosso di Rodi, Il [El coloso de Rodas - The colossus of Rhodes - Le colosse de Rhodes] (1961 - I/E/F) - 128
min. - 2,5; SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Leone, Sergio - Prod.: Associate; Procusa; Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer - Act.:
Calhoun, Rory; Marchal, Georges; Massari, Lea; Sanmartin, Corrado; Aranda, Angel; Karr, Mabel - Ill.:
Solomon, 1978, p. 198; Eloy, 1996, p. 57; Aziza, 1998, p. 45; Solomon, 2001, fig. 196; Nisbet, 2006, cover
& p. 26-27.28-29; Berti, 2008, fig. 9; Dumont, 2009, p. 248 (bis); Fourcart, 2012, p.
Comedy of errors, A (1908 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Blackton, James Stuart - Prod.: Vitagraph - Adaptation of
Plautus (ca. 250-184), Menaechmi; Shakespeare, William, The comedy of errors (1591-1592) (theatre)
Comedy of errors, The (1974 - UK) - 130 min. - Television film - Dir.: Casson, Philip - Act.: Royal
Shakespeare Company; Rees, Roger; Dench, Judi - Adaptation of Plautus (ca. 250-184), Menaechmi;
Shakespeare, William, The comedy of errors (1591-1592) (theatre)
Comedy of errors, The (1983 - UK/USA) - 100 min. - Television film - Dir.: Jones, James Cellan - Prod.: BBC
- Act.: Daltrey, Royer; Kitchen, Michael - Adaptation of Plautus (ca. 250-184), Menaechmi; Shakespeare,
William, The comedy of errors (1591-1592) (theatre)
Comedy of errors, The (1986 - USA) - Television film - Dir.: Shampain, Robert - Prod.: Company Commedia
Ltd. - Adaptation of Plautus (ca. 250-184), Menaechmi; Shakespeare, William, The comedy of errors
(1591-1592) (theatre)
Comedy of errors, The (1987 - USA) - Television film - Dir.: Mosher, Gregory; Woodruff, Robert - Act.:
Magid, Paul David - Adaptation of Plautus (ca. 250-184), Menaechmi; Shakespeare, William, The comedy
of errors (1591-1592) (theatre)
Comedy of errors, The (1989 - CDN) - 138 min. - Television film - Dir.: Monette, Richard - Act.: Johnson,
Geordie; Dinicol, Keith - Adaptation of Plautus (ca. 250-184), Menaechmi; Shakespeare, William, The
comedy of errors (1591-1592) (theatre)
Comedy of errors, The (2000 - USA) - Dir.: Sweda, Wendell - Act.: Sicari, Joseph R.; Michaels, Garen Adaptation of Plautus (ca. 250-184), Menaechmi; Shakespeare, William, The comedy of errors (1591-1592)
Commedia degli errori, La (1968 - I) - BW - Theatre recording - Dir.: Yon, Maria Maddalena; Jacobbi,
Ruggero - Prod.: RAI - Act.: Bruni, Roberto; Lombardi, Paolo - Adaptation of Plautus (ca. 250-184),
Menaechmi; Shakespeare, William, The comedy of errors (1591-1592) (theatre)
Crayola kids adventures. The Trojan horse (1997 - CDN/USA) - Episode of a video series - Dir.: Kruzan,
Michael - Act.: Wylie, Adam; Storms, Kirsten
Crown trial (1938 - UK) - BW - Dir.: Ruffin, John - Prod.: AIP - Act.: Nathaniel, John; Hayes, Tubby; Day,
Cupid's realm, or A game of hearts [In Cupid's realm] (1908 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Blackton, J. Stuart - Prod.:
Vitagraph - Act.: Lawrence, Florence; Drew, Sidney
Damon and Pythias (1908 - USA) - BW - < ca. 17 min. - Dir.: Turner, Otis - Prod.: Selig, William - Act.:
Bosworth, Hobart; Harte, Betty; Turner, Otis; Leonard, Robert Z. - Adaptation of Schiller, Johann
Christoph Friedrich von, Die Bürgschaft (1799) (ballad); Bulwer Lytton, Edward George (1803-1873),
Damon and Pythias (novel)
Damon and Pythias (1909 - UK) - BW - Prod.: Rayleigh; Robert
Damon and Pythias (1914 - USA) - BW - ca. 100 min. - Dir.: Turner, Otis - Prod.: Universal - Act.:
Worthington, William; Rawlinson, Herbert; Lloyd, Frank - Adaptation of Schiller, Johann Christoph
Friedrich von, Die Bürgschaft (1799) (ballad); Bulwer Lytton, Edward George (1803-1873), Damon and
Pythias (novel); Banim, John, Damon and Pythias (1821) (theatre) - Ill.: Berti, 2008, fig. 24-25; Dumont,
2009, p. 232
Dans l'Hellade (1909 - F) - BW - ca. 7 min. - Dir.: Decroix, Charles - Prod.: Film d'Art; Pathé - Act.:
Napierkowska, Stacia; Mary, Andrée
Daphne (2004 - A) - 109 min. - Television film - Dir.: Reitzenstein, Anton - Act.: Merbeth, Ricarda Adaptation of Ovidius, Metamorphoses, 1, 452-567 (8 AD); Strauss, Richard, Daphne (1938) (opera)
Daphne & Apollo (1997 - UK) - 10 min. - Short film - Dir.: Kilner, Clare - Act.: McKern, Abigail; Michie,
John - Adaptation of Ovidius, Metamorphoses, 1, 452-567 (8 AD)
Daughter of Pan, A (1913 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Gaskill, Charles L. - Prod.: Helgar; Warner's Features - Act.:
Gardner, Helen
De Europa (2000 - D) - 10 min. - Video film - Dir.: Gross, Christine
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Dedicated to Jason with love Medea (2006 - USA) - 7 min. - Short film - Dir.: Chawishe, Rafika - Act.:
Chawishe, Rafika; Aidini, Alexandra - Adaptation of Euripides, Medea (431)
Delfikes yortès [Les fêtes delphiques] (1927 - GR) - BW - Dir.: Sikelianos, Angelos - Act.: Sikelianos, Eva
Desire under the elms (1958 - USA) - BW - 114 min. - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Mann, Delbert - Act.: Loren, Sophia;
Perkins, Anthony; Ives, Burl - Adaptation of Euripides, Hippolytus (428); O'Neill, Eugene, Desire under the
elms (1924) (theatre) - Ill.: SFE, 1995, p. 418
Destinées [Destini di donne - Daughters of destiny - Love, soldiers and women] (1953 - F/I) - BW - 102 min. SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Pagliero, Marcello; Delannoy, Jean; Christian-Jacque - Prod.: Continental; Franco London Act.: Carol, Martine; Vallone, Raf; Stoppa, Paolo; Bernardi, Nerio - Adaptation of Aristophanes, Lysistrata
(411) - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 229-230
Deuil sied à Electre, Le (1974 - F) - 255 min. - Television series (3 episodes) - Dir.: Cazeneuve, Maurice Act.: Deleuze, Anne; Etcheverry, Robert - Adaptation of Aischylos, Orestea (Agamemnon - Choephoroe Eumenides) (458); O'Neill, Eugene, Mourning becomes Electra (1931) (theatre)
Diana [Diana or the huntress] (1916 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Allen, Charles W. - Prod.: Unity Sales - Act.:
Baroness Von Dewitz; Swan, Paul; Braham, Lionel; Osborne, Grace
Dieux s'amusent, Les (1935 - F/D) - BW - 105 min. - Dir.: Schünzel, Reinhold; Valentin, Albert - Prod.: UFA;
ACE - Act.: Garat, Henri; Boitel, Jeanne; Moreno, Marguerite; Bernard, Armand; Pasquali, Fred Adaptation of Plautus (ca. 250-184), Amphitruo; Molière, Amphitryon (1668) (theatre); von Kleist,
Heinrich, Amphitryon (1807) (theatre)
Dionysus [Dionysus in '69] (1970 - USA) - BW - 85 min. - Theatre recording - Dir.: De Palma, Brian;
Schechner, Richard - Act.: Shepherd, Will; Barclay, Remi - Adaptation of Euripides, Bacchae (406?)
Doctor Who. 3, 6-9. The myth makers. Temple of secrets - Small prophet, quick return - Death of a spy - Horse
of destruction (1965 - UK) - BW - 25x4 = 100 min. - Episode of a television series - Dir.: Leeston-Smith,
Michael - Prod.: BBC - Act.: Salter, Ivor; de Wolff, Francis
Donald Duck. Trombone trouble (1944 - USA) - 7 min. - Cartoon film - Dir.: King, Jack - Prod.: Walt Disney
Studios - Act.: Nash, Clarence (voice)
Douze travaux d'Hercule, Les [The twelve labors of Hercules] (1910 - F) - BW - Cartoon film - Dir.: Cohl,
Émile - Prod.: Gaumont; Klein
Down to earth [La diosa de la danza] (1947 - USA) - 101 min. - Musical - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Hall, Alexander Act.: Hayworth, Rita
Dream of passion, A [Kravgi gynaikon] (1978 - GR/CH) - 106 min. - SFE: 0 * - Dir.: Dassin, Jules - Act.:
Mercouri, Melina; Burstyn, Ellen - Adaptation of Euripides, Medea (431) - Ill.: SFE, 1986, p. 236;
Solomon, 2001, fig. 181
Drinking party, The [Socrates] (1965 - UK) - Television film - Dir.: Miller, Jonathan - Prod.: BBC - Act.:
McKern, Leo - Adaptation of Platon, Symposium (399-385?)
Droom van een zomernacht (1984 - B) - 140 min. - Theatre recording - Dir.: Tillemans, W. - Act.: Nieuw
Ensemble Raamtheater - Adaptation of Shakespeare, William, A midsummer-night's dream (1594-1595)
Du sang, de la volupté et de la mort, part I. Psyche (1948 - USA) - 25 min. - Short film - Dir.: Markopoulos,
Gregory J. - Act.: Wells, Ann; Emmons, George - Adaptation of Louÿs, Pierre, Psyché (1927,
posthumously) (unfinished novel)
Du sang, de la volupté et de la mort, part II. Lysis (1948 - USA) - 30 min. - Short film - Dir.: Markopoulos,
Gregory J. - Act.: Markopoulos, Gregory J. - Adaptation of Platon, Lysis (399-385?)
Du sang, de la volupté et de la mort, part III. Charmides (1948 - USA) - 15 min. - Short film - Dir.:
Markopoulos, Gregory J. - Adaptation of Platon, Charmides (399-385?)
Edipo alcalde [Oedipus the mayor] (1996 - CO/E/MEX) - 100 min. - Dir.: Triana, Jorge Alí - Act.: Perugorria,
Jorge; Molina, Angela; Camargo, Jairo - Adaptation of Sophokles, Oedipus rex (ca. 430?)
Edipo re [Oedipus rex - Oedipe-roi] (1910 - I) - BW - ca. 17 min. - Dir.: De Liguoro, Giuseppe - Prod.: Milano
Films - Act.: De Liguoro, Giuseppe - Adaptation of Sophokles, Oedipus rex (ca. 430?)
Edipo re [Oedipus rex - Oedipus - Oedipe roi] (1967 - I) - 111 min. - SFE: 4 * - Dir.: Pasolini, Pier Paolo Prod.: Arco Film - Act.: Citti, Franco; Mangano, Silvana; Valli, Alida - Adaptation of Sophokles, Oedipus
rex (ca. 430?) - Ill.: Daisne, 1975, p. 584; Willis, 1985, p. 216; MacKinnon, 1986, p. 66, pl. 6; Pasolini,
1988, p. 190-191 (4x); Vandelanoitte, 1999, p. 22; Dumont, 2009, p. 147
Electra (1938 - GR) - BW - Theatre recording - Dir.: Meletoupolos, A. - Act.: Nationale Theater van
Griekenland - Adaptation of Sophokles, Electra (ca. 412?)
Electra (1967 - NL) - BW - 105 min. - Television film - Dir.: Retèl, Jan - Act.: Koetse, Sigrid; Flink, Coen Adaptation of Euripides, Electra (413)
Electre (1972 - F) - Theatre recording - Dir.: Ughetto, Jean-Louis - Act.: Le Théâtre des Amandiers Adaptation of Sophokles, Electra (ca. 412?)
Électre (1972 - F) - Television film - Dir.: Dux, Pierre - Act.: Sissia, Jean-Noël; Casile, Geneviève Adaptation of Sophokles, Electra (ca. 412?); Giraudoux, Jean, Électre (1937) (theatre)
Électre (1981 - F) - 95 min. - Television film - Dir.: Bureau, Patrick - Act.: Sauvegrain, Didier; Monfort, Silvia
- Adaptation of Sophokles, Electra (ca. 412?); Giraudoux, Jean, Électre (1937) (theatre)
Électre (1982 - F) - 125 min. - Television film - Dir.: Maigrot, Bernard - Act.: Brocas, Bernard; Karagheuz,
Hermine - Adaptation of Sophokles, Electra (ca. 412?); Giraudoux, Jean, Électre (1937) (theatre)
— 49 —
Électre (1987 - F) - 105 min. - Television film - Dir.: Santiago, Hugo - Act.: Istria, Evelyne - Adaptation of
Sophokles, Electra (ca. 412?)
Elektra (1910 - USA) - BW - ca. 17 min. - Dir.: Blackton, J. Stuart - Prod.: Vitagraph - Act.: Fuller, Mary;
Costello, Maurice - Adaptation of Sophokles, Electra (ca. 412?); Strauss, Richard, Elektra (1909) (opera)
Elektra [Electra - Électre - Ilektra] (1961 - GR) - BW - 110 min. - 3,5 * - Dir.: Cacoyannis, Michael - Prod.:
Finos; United Artists - Act.: Papas, Irene; Demetriou, Theodore; Fertis, Yannis - Mus.: Theodorakis, Mikis
- Adaptation of Euripides, Electra (413) - Ill.: Daisne, 1971, p. 421; Solomon, 1978, p. 170.171;
MacKinnon, 1986, p. 66, pl. 1; Solomon, 2001, fig. 174; Dumont, 2009, p. 195-196
Elektra (1966 - D) - 95 min. - Television film - Dir.: Müller, Hans-Reinhard - Prod.: Bayrischer Rundfunk,
München - Act.: Kuzmany, Elfriede; Ptok, Friedhelm; Wimmer, Maria - Adaptation of Sophokles, Electra
(ca. 412?)
Elektra (1970 - D) - Television film - Dir.: Liebermann, Rolf; Trebitsch, Gyula - Adaptation of Sophokles,
Electra (ca. 412?)
Elektra (1970 - D) - Television film - Act.: Kuchta, Gladys; Resnik, Regina - Adaptation of Sophokles, Electra
(ca. 412?); Strauss, Richard, Elektra (1909) (opera)
Elektra (1981 - D/A) - 118 min. - Opera recording - Dir.: Friedrich, Götz - Prod.: West Deutsche Rundfunk
(WDR); ORF - Act.: Rysanek, Leonie; Varnay, Astrid; Fischer-Diskau, Dietrich; Beirer, Hans - Adaptation
of Sophokles, Electra (ca. 412?); Strauss, Richard, Elektra (1909) (opera)
Elektra (1981 - USA) - 110 min. - Television film - Dir.: Large, Brian - Act.: Nilsson, Birgit - Adaptation of
Sophokles, Electra (ca. 412?); Strauss, Richard, Elektra (1909) (opera)
Elektra (1989 - A/D) - 109 min. - Opera recording - Dir.: Large, Brian - Act.: Marton, Eva; Fassbaender,
Brigitte - Adaptation of Sophokles, Electra (ca. 412?); Strauss, Richard, Elektra (1909) (opera)
Elektra (1994 - USA) - Television film - Act.: Behrens, Hildegard; Fassbaender, Brigitte; King, James Adaptation of Sophokles, Electra (ca. 412?); Strauss, Richard, Elektra (1909) (opera)
Elektra mindörökke (1995 - H) - 75? min. - Television film; musical - Prod.: Magyar Televizio - Act.:
Papadimitriou, Athina - Adaptation of Sophokles, Electra (ca. 412?); Euripides, Electra (413); Gyurkó,
László, Szerelmem, Elektra (ca. 1970) (theatre)
Elena si, ma... di Troia [La vie érotique d'Hélène de Troie - Zwei Halunken "stürmen" Troja] (1973 - I) - 98
min. - SFE: 1 * - Dir.: Brescia, Alfonso - Prod.: LM Prod. - Act.: Backy, Don; Linder, Christa; Forest,
Michael; Landers, Peter; Ross, Howard
Elena, regina di Troia [Il leone di Tebe - Hélène, reine de Troie - The lion of Thebes - Die Löwe von Theben Maciste et la reine de Troie] (1964 - I/F) - Dir.: Ferroni, Giorgio - Prod.: Filmes; Sirius - Act.: Forrest,
Mark (Lou Degni); Furneaux, Yvonne; Serato, Massimo; Cressoy, Pierre - Adaptation of Euripides, Helena
(412) - Ill.: Eloy, 1987, p. 83; Dumont, 2009, p. 188
Elettra (1909 - I) - BW - ca. 15 min. - Prod.: Aquila Films (Torino) - Adaptation of Sophokles, Electra (ca.
Elettra (1987 - I) - Television film - Dir.: De Bernardi, Tonino - Act.: Coppo, Anna - Adaptation of Sophokles,
Electra (ca. 412?)
Elfenszene aus dem Sommernachtstraum [A midsummer night's dream] (1917 - D) - BW - Prod.: HarmonieFilm - Adaptation of Shakespeare, William, A midsummer-night's dream (1594-1595) (theatre)
Élo Antigoné (1968 - H) - BW - 100 min. - Dir.: Nemere, Lásló - Act.: Bakay, Lajos; Balogh, Zsuzsa Adaptation of Sophokles, Antigone (ca. 441); Hölderlin, Friedrich, Antigone (1804) (theatre); Brecht,
Bertolt, Die Antigone des Sophokles (1948) (theatre)
Ercole al centro della terra [Hercules at / in the centre of the earth - With Hercules to the center of the earth Hercules in the haunted world - The vampires vs Hercules - Hercules vs. the vampires - Hercule contre les
vampires - Hercules contra de vampier] (1961 - I) - 83 min. - 1,5; SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Bava, Mario; Prosperi,
Franco - Act.: Park, Reg; Lee, Christopher; Ruffo, Leonora - Ill.: Solomon, 1978, p. 194; Solomon, 2001,
fig. 199; Dumont, 2009, p. 169 (bis)
Ercole e la principessa di Troia [Hercules and the princess of Troy - Hercules vs. the sea monster] (1965 I/USA) - 60 min. - Television film - SFE: average 2 * - Dir.: Band, Albert (Alfredo Antonini) - Prod.:
Embassy - Act.: Scott, Gordon; Hulswit, Mart
Ercole e la regina di Lidia [Hercule et la reine de Lydie - Hércules encadenado - Hercules and the queen of
Lidia - Hercules unchained - Herkules und die Königin der Amazonen - Hercules en de koningin van
Lydië] (1959 - I/F) - 101 min. - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Francisci, Pietro - Prod.: Lux; Galatea - Act.: Reeves,
Steve; Lopez, Sylvia; Koscina, Sylva; Carnera, Primo - Adaptation of Aischylos, Septem contra Thebas
(467); Sophokles, Oedipus in Colono (401) - Ill.: Cameron, 1973, p. 45.49; Cary, 1974, p. 15; Solomon,
1978, p. 195; Wie is wie, 1987, p.475; Solomon, 2001, fig. 200; Berti, 2008, fig. 15; Dumont, 2009, p.
148.166-167; Fourcart, 2012, p.
Ercole sfida Sansone [Ercole contro Sansone - Hercule, Samson et Ulysse - Hercules, Samson and Ulysses Herkules, Samson und Odysseus] (1964 - I) - 83 min. - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Francisci, Pietro - Act.: Morris,
Kirk; Lloyd, Richard; Cerusico, Enzo; Orfei, Liana - Ill.: Aziza, 1998, p. 135; Dumont, 2009, p. 170.624;
Fourcart, 2012, p. 13
Erigone (1912 - I) - BW - ca. 11 min. - Prod.: Cines (Roma)
Ermione (1995 - UK) - 138 min. - Television film - Dir.: Burton, Humphrey - Act.: Antonacci, Anna Caterina Adaptation of Racine, Jean, Andromaque (1667) (theatre); Rossini, Gioacchino, Ermione (1819) (opera)
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Ero e Leandro [Héro et Léandre; Hero and Leander] (1910 - I) - BW - ca. 12 min. - Prod.: Ambrosio (Torino) Act.: Capuzzi, Alberto A.; Tarlarini, Mary Cleo - Adaptation of Ovidius, Heroides, 17-18 (2-8 AD)
Ero e Leandro (1913 - I) - BW - Prod.: Savoia Film (Torino) - Adaptation of Ovidius, Heroides, 17-18 (2-8
Escape to Athena (1979 - UK) - 101 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Cosmatos, George Pan - Act.: Moore, Roger;
Savalas, Telly; Niven, David; Cardinale, Claudia
Esclave de Phidias, L' (1916 - F) - BW - ca. 51 min. - Dir.: Perret, Léonce - Prod.: Gaumont - Act.: Morat,
Luitz; Taillier, Armand; Manson, Paul; Delvé, Suzanne; Ramey, Madeleine
Escuela de seductoras (1962 - E) - 94 min. - SFE: 0,5 * - Dir.: Klimovsky, León - Act.: Campos, Susana;
Padován, Marta - Adaptation of Aristophanes, Lysistrata (411)
Ésope (1965 - F) - 90 min. - Television film - Dir.: Le Hung, Éric - Act.: Bouquet, Michel; Latour, Maria;
Dassas, Évelyne; Marchat, Jean; Crauchet, Paul; Vitold, Michel; Meriko, Maria - Adaptation of Jamiaque,
Yves, Ésope (before 1965) (theatre)
Estudio 1. Antígona (1978 - E) - Episode of a television series - Act.: Rabal, Teresa; Blanch, Jaime Adaptation of Sophokles, Antigone (ca. 441)
Estudio 1. Ifigenia (1968 - E) - 140 min. - Episode of a television series - Act.: Vidal Ana María; Carrillo,
Mary; Prendes, Luis - Adaptation of Euripides, Iphigenia in Aulis (ca. 405)
Estudio 1. La Venus de Milo (1980 - E) - Episode of a television series - Act.: Goyanes, Mara; Navarro, Rafael
Estudio 1. No habrá guerra de Troya (1971 - E) - Episode of a television series - Act.: Ballesteros, Carlos;
Blanch, Jaime - Adaptation of Giraudoux, Jean, La guerre de Troie n'aura pas lieu (1935) (theatre)
Estudio 1. Orestes (1977 - E) - Episode of a television series - Dir.: Canseco, Manuel - Act.: Diego, Juan;
Trujillo, Julia - Adaptation of Euripides, Orestes (408)
Eterna femmina [The love of three queens - Loves of three queens - An apple for Eve - La manzana de la
discordia] (1954 - I/F) - 97 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Allégret, Marc; Ulmer, Edgar, G. - Prod.: Cino Del Duca;
PCE - Act.: Lamarr, Hedy; Serato, Massimo
Ettore lo fusto [Ettore the trunk - Hector the mighty - El rapto de Elena, la decente italiana - Das Pferd kam
ohne Socken] (1971 - I/F/E) - 109 min. - Dir.: Castellari, Enzo G. (Enzo Girolami) - Act.: Schiaffino,
Rosanna; Giannini, Giancarlo - Adaptation of Viard, Henri M. - Zacharias, Bernard, Le roi des Mirmidous
(1966) (novel)
Eumeniden (1980-1989? - D) - 80 min. - Theatre recording - Adaptation of Aischylos, Eumenides (458)
Euripides. De Bacchanten (1987 - B) - 120 min. - Theatre recording - Dir.: Van Hove, Ivo - Act.: Akt Vertikaal
- Adaptation of Euripides, Bacchae (406?); Adé, Georges, De grote boodschap (1977) (theatre)
Euripides' life and times. The Trojan women (1986 - USA?) - 38 min. - Theatre recording (?) - Adaptation of
Euripides, Troades (415)
Extranjera [Foreigner] (2007 - RA/GR/PL) - 80 min. - Dir.: de Oliveira Cézar, Inés - Act.: Muñoz, Agustina;
Ponce Agustín - Adaptation of Euripides, Electra (413)
Ezop [Ésope - Aesop] (1968 - BG/CS) - 96 min. - Dir.: Vultchanov, Rangel - Prod.: Sofia; Barrandow - Act.:
Kalojantchev, Georgiu; Lukavsky, Radovan; Tontchéva, Dorothea; Kemr, Josef; Machácek, Miroslav;
Abrahám, Josef - Adaptation of Aisopos (6th cent. BC)
Face of love, The (1954 - UK) - BW - 90 min. - Television film - Dir.: Rakoff, Alvin - Prod.: BBC - Act.:
Fraser, John; Watson, Mary - Adaptation of Shakespeare, William, Troilus and Cressida (1601-1604)
(theatre); Chaucer, Geoffrey, Troilus and Criseyde (1381-1386) (poem)
Fantasia (1940 - USA) - 120 min. - Cartoon film - SFE: 4 * - Dir.: Sharpsteen, Ben - Prod.: Disney productions
- Mus.: o.a. Beethoven, Ludwig von, Symphony no. 6, Pastorale (1811-1813) - Adaptation of Goethe,
Johann Wolfgang von, Der Zauberlehrling (1797) (poem) - Ill.: Leeflang, 2004, p. 137
Fantasia 2000 (1999 - USA) - 80 min. - Cartoon film - 1 * - Dir.: Hunt, Pixote; Butoy, Hendel; Goldberg, Eric;
Algar, James; Glebas Francis; Brizzi, Gaëtan & Paul - Prod.: Disney productions - Act.: Martin, Steve;
Middler, Bette - Mus.: Beethoven, Ludwig von, Symphony no. 5
Fatiche di Ercole, Le [Hercules - Les travaux d'Hercule] (1957 - I) - 107 min. - SFE: 3 * - Dir.: Francisci,
Pietro - Prod.: Levine, Joseph E.; Oscar Film - Act.: Reeves, Steve; Koscina, Sylva; Canale, Gianna Maria Adaptation of Apollonios from Rhodos, Argonautica (ca. 260-235) - Ill.: Cary, 1974, p. 152; Solomon,
1978, p. 74.75; Aziza, 1998, p. 33; Solomon, 2001, fig. 77.79 (cf. p. 100-101); Dumont, 2009, p. 165 (bis);
Fourcart, 2012, p. 10.38.189
Fatiche erotice di Ercole, Le [Hercules] (1997 - I/USA) - 84 min. - Video film - Dir.: D'Amato, Joe
(Massaccesi, Aristide) - Prod.: Butterfly Motion Picture; Tripolis Finance - Act.: Serbes, Hakan; Trump,
Kelly; Gun, Frank
Faune, Le (1908 - F) - BW - Dir.: Velle, Gaston - Prod.: Pathé
Fedra [Phaedra] (1919 - I) - BW - Adaptation of Euripides, Hippolytus (428)
Fedra [Phèdre - Fedra the devil's daughter] (1956 - E) - BW - 98 min. - SFE: 1,5 * - Dir.: Mur Oti, Manuel Act.: Penella, Emma - Adaptation of Seneca, Phaedra (ca. 41-48?)
Fedra (1981 - E) - Television film - Dir.: Corencia, Antonio; Toledano, Eugenio García - Prod.: TVE - Act.:
Vera, Victoria; de Blas, Manuel - Adaptation of Seneca, Phaedra (ca. 41-48?)
Fedra West (1968 - E/I) - 81 min. - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Marchent, Joaquin Luis Romero - Act.: Bengell, Norma Adaptation of Seneca, Phaedra (ca. 41-48?)
— 51 —
Fedra. Dramma mitologico dell'antica Grecia [Phaedre] (1909 - I) - BW - ca. 16 min. - Dir.: Gherardini, Oreste
- Prod.: Società Italiana Pineschi (Roma) - Act.: Gherardini, Oreste - Adaptation of Euripides, Hippolytus
(428); Racine, Jean, Phèdre (1677) (theatre)
Festival. The comedy of errors (1964 - UK) - BW - Television film - Dir.: Duguid, Peter; Williams, Clifford Act.: McCowen, Alec - Adaptation of Plautus (ca. 250-184), Menaechmi; Shakespeare, William, The
comedy of errors (1591-1592) (theatre)
Fiancée d'Éole, La (1910 - F) - BW - ca. 13 min. - Dir.: Feuillade, Louis - Prod.: Gaumont
Figli di Medea, I (1959 - I) - BW - 54 min. - Television film - Dir.: Cajoli, Anton Giulio - Act.: Valli, Alida
Filo d'Arianna, Il (1920 - I) - BW - Dir.: Caserini, Mario
Filo d'Arianna, Il (1928 - I) - BW - Dir.: Perego, Eugenio
Fire from heaven [not completed] (1985 - USA) - Dir.: Seidelman, Arthur Allan - Prod.: Metro-GoldwynMayer - Act.: Finney, Allbert; Redgrave, Vanessa; Kingsley, Ben - Adaptation of Renault, Mary, Fire from
heaven (1969) (novel)
Fire from heaven [not completed] (2002 - USA) - Television series (10 episodes) - Prod.: HBO; Icon
Productions; Gibson, Mel - Adaptation of Renault, Mary, Fire from heaven (1969) - The Persian boy (1972)
Flickorna [The girls - Les filles] (1968 - S) - BW - 100 min. - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Zetterling, Mai - Act.:
Andersson, Bibi; Andersson, Harriet; Lindblom, Gunnel - Adaptation of Aristophanes, Lysistrata (411)
Flore et Zéphir (1911 - F) - BW - ca. 5 min. - Dir.: Feuillade, Louis - Prod.: Gaumont - Act.: Tissot, Alice;
Marie-Laurent, Jane
Folly of vanity, The (1924 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Otto, Henry; Elvey, Maurice - Prod.: Fox - Act.: Consuela;
Klein, Robert
Fragments of a Greek trilogy (1974 - USA) - 54 min. - Theatre recording - Dir.: Serban, Andrei - Adaptation of
Euripides, Electra (413) - Medea (431) - Troades (415)
Frine, cortigiana d'Oriente [Phryné, courtisane de l'Orient] (1953 - I) - BW - 98 min. - Dir.: Bonnard, Mario Prod.: P.A.M.; Zeus Film - Act.: Kleus, Elena; Cressoy, Pierre; Lupi, Roldano; Lees, Tamara - Ill.: Berti,
2008, fig. 29; Dumont, 2009, p. 228
Frogs (1991 - UK) - 110 min. - Theatre recording - Act.: London Small Theatre Company; Smith, Rick;
Springs, Rachel; Williams, Jon; Laird, Fiona - Adaptation of Aristophanes, Ranae (405)
Frogs (2004 - USA) - Theatre recording - Act.: Lincoln Center Theater - Adaptation of Aristophanes, Ranae
Galatée (1909 - F) - BW - Dir.: Méliès, Georges - Adaptation of Ovidius, Metamorphoses, 10, 243-297 (8 AD)
Galateea (1957 - R) - Cartoon film - Dir.: Popescu-Gopo, Ion - Adaptation of Ovidius, Metamorphoses, 10,
243-297 (8 AD)
Galathea das lebende Marmorbild (1935 - D) - BW - 11 min. - Cartoon film - Dir.: Reiniger, Lotte - Adaptation
of Ovidius, Metamorphoses, 10, 243-297 (8 AD)
Gates of fire [not completed] (2002? - USA) - Dir.: Mann, Michael (potential candidate) - Prod.: Universal
Studios - Act.: Willis, Bruce; Clooney, George (potential candidates) - Adaptation of Herodotos, 7, 175-233
(ca. 440-425); Pressfield, Steven, Gates of fire (1998) (novel)
Gaze of the Gorgon, The (1992 - UK) - Dir.: Harrison, Tony
Gefesselte Prometheus, Der (1919 - A) - BW - Dir.: Neher, Louis - Prod.: Wiener Kunstfilm - Act.: Neher,
Louis - Adaptation of Aischylos (ca. 525-456), Prometheus vinctus
Gelobt sei, was hart macht [Als die Männer laufen lernten... - Les jeux olympiques du sexe - Les jeux antique
du sexe] (1972 - D) - Dir.: Thiele, Rolf - Prod.: Telecine; Adloff Film - Act.: Danneberg, Thomas;
Lehmann, Friedhelm; Schwan, Erich
Giganti della Tessaglia, I [Gli Argonauti - The giants of Thessaly - Jason and the Golden Fleece - Le géant de
Thessalie] (1960 - I/F) - 87 min. - SFE: 1,5 * - Dir.: Freda, Riccardo - Act.: Carey, Roland; Girotti,
Massimo; Rodann, Ziva - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 140 (bis); Fourcart, 2012, p. 45
Giove s'annoia (1909 - I) - BW - ca. 12 min. - Prod.: Cines (Roma)
Golden fleece, The (1918 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Hamilton, Gilbert P. - Prod.: Paramount - Act.: Bennett, Joseph;
Barry, Viola - Adaptation of Anderson, Frederick Irving (1877-1947), The golden fleece (story)
Goldene Ding, Das (1971 - D) - 118 min. - Television film - SFE: average 2 * - Dir.: Stöckl, Ula; Reitz, Edgar;
Brustellin, Alf; Perakis, Nikos - Act.: Reitz, Christian; Jovine, Oliver
Goliath e la schiava ribelle [Goliath et l'Hercule noir - Goliath and the rebel slave girl - Arrow of the avenger The tyrant of Lydia against the son of Hercules - Goliath und Herkules] (1963 - I/F) - 79 min. - SFE: 2 * Dir.: Caiano, Mario; Brescia, Alfonso - Prod.: FIA; de Beauregard - Act.: Scott, Gordon; Colli, Ombretta;
Serato, Massimo; Antonini, Gabriele
Gorgon, The (1964 - UK) - 83 min. - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Fisher, Terence - Prod.: Hammer Films - Act.: Lee,
Gospel at Colonus, The (1985 - USA) - Musical - Dir.: Browning, Kirk - Act.: Fountain, Clarence; Freeman,
Morgan - Adaptation of Sophokles, Oedipus in Colono (401)
Gran teatro. Electra (1964 - MEX) - BW - 60 min. - Episode of a television series - Act.: Dantés, Raúl;
Guilmáin, Ofelia - Adaptation of Sophokles, Electra (ca. 412?)
Gran teatro. Hipolito (1964 - MEX) - BW - 60 min. - Episode of a television series - Act.: Dantés, Raúl; Lópze
Tarso, Ignacio - Adaptation of Euripides, Hippolytus (428)
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Gran teatro. Las Bacantes (1963 - MEX) - BW - 60 min. - Episode of a television series - Act.: Medellín,
Antonio; Moreno, Rosa María - Adaptation of Euripides, Bacchae (406?)
Gran teatro. Las Troyanas (1963 - MEX) - BW - 60 min. - Episode of a television series - Act.: Brook,
Claudio; Guilmáin, Ofelia - Adaptation of Euripides, Troades (415)
Gran teatro. Medea (1964 - MEX) - BW - 60 min. - Episode of a television series - Act.: Benedico, Augusto;
Guilmáin, Ofelia - Adaptation of Euripides, Medea (431)
Greek gods and goddesses. Jason and the Argonauts (2004 - UK) - 60 min. - Television film - Dir.: Bragard,
Jean-Claude - Prod.: BBC - Act.: Edwards, Jonathan (presentator); Rhys Dee, Adam
Greek gods and goddesses. The Odyssey. The journey home from Troy (2004 - UK) - 52 min. - Television film
- Dir.: Bragard, Jean-Claude - Act.: Edwards, Jonathan (presentator)
Griekse tragedie, Een (1985 - B) - 5 min. - Cartoon film - Dir.: Van Goethem, Nicole - Prod.: Van Tukken,
Linda - Ill.: Film, TV & DVD, 551, 2005, p. 11
Guerra di Troia, La [The Trojan war - The Trojan horse - The wooden horse of Troy - The mighty warrior - La
guerre de Troie - Der Kampf um Troja] (1961 - I/F) - 105 min. - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Ferroni, Giorgio - Prod.:
Films Borderie; Europa Cinematografica; Films Modernes - Act.: Reeves, Steve; Barrymore, John Drew;
Mayniel, Juliette - Ill.: Solomon, 1978, p. 68; Solomon, 2001, fig. 68; Wieber, 2005a, p. 49; Dumont, 2009,
p. 186-187; Fourcart, 2012, p. 78
Guerre de Troie n'aura pas lieu, La (1967 - F) - Television film - Dir.: Cravenne, Marcel - Act.: Cellier,
Caroline; Etcheverry, Michel - Adaptation of Giraudoux, Jean, La guerre de Troie n'aura pas lieu (1935)
Guerre de Troie n'aura pas lieu, La (1981 - F) - Television film - Dir.: Rouleau, Raymond - Act.: Piat, Jean;
Duperey, Anny - Adaptation of Giraudoux, Jean, La guerre de Troie n'aura pas lieu (1935) (theatre)
Gymnoi sto hioni [Naked in the snow] (1974 - GR) - 90 min. - Dir.: Zervoulakos, Yorgos (George) - Act.:
Ipsilanti, Emilia - Adaptation of Euripides, Hippolytus (428)
Hallmark hall of fame, The. 16, 208. Barefoot in Athens (1966 - USA) - Episode of a television series - Dir.:
Schaefer, George - Prod.: NBC - Act.: Ustinov, Peter; Page, Geraldine; Quayle, Atnhony; Jens, Salome;
Berry, Eric - Adaptation of Anderson, Maxwell, Barefoot in Athens (1951) (theatre)
Hallmark hall of fame, The. 2, 54. Socrates' wife (1953 - USA) - Episode of a television series - Prod.: NBC Act.: Praxinou, Katina; Kroeger, Berry
Hallmark hall of fame, The. 3, 93. Aesop and Rhodope (1953 - USA) - Episode of a television series - Dir.:
McCleery, Albert - Prod.: NBC - Act.: Johnson, Lamont; Churchill, Sarah
Hallmark hall of fame, The. 4, 144. The promise [The story of Damon and Pythias] (1955 - USA) - Episode of
a television series - Dir.: McCleery, Albert - Prod.: NBC - Act.: Johnson, Lamont
Hallmark hall of fame, The. 4. Immortal oath (1954 - USA) - Episode of a television series - Prod.: NBC Act.: Baer, John; Miles, Vera
Haupt der Medusa, Das (1919 - A) - BW - Dir.: Höbling, Franz - Prod.: Olympic-Film - Act.: Sonja, Magda;
Höbling, Franz
Heinrich Penthesilea von Kleist. Träumereien über eine Inszenierung (1983 - D) - 136 min. - SFE: 3 * - Dir.:
Neuenfels, Hans - Prod.: ZDF - Act.: Trissenaar, Elisabeth - Adaptation of von Kleist, Heinrich, Penthesilea
(1806-1807) (theatre)
Heiratsfieber [Lysistrata] (1928 - A) - BW - Dir.: Walther-Fein, Rudolf - Act.: Gibson, Vivian - Adaptation of
Aristophanes, Lysistrata (411)
Held der Arena, Der [The hero of the arena] (1928 - D) - BW - Dir.: Noa, Manfred S.
Helen of Troy [Hélène de Troie - Elena di Troia - Schöne Helena - Der Untergang von Troja] (1955 - USA) 116 min. - 2,5; SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Wise, Robert; Walsh, Raoul - Prod.: Warner Brothers - Act.: Podestà,
Rossana; Sernas, Jack (Jacques); Hardwicke, Cedric; Swinburne, Nora; Scott, Janette; Bardot, Brigitte Adaptation of Homeros, Ilias (8th cent. BC) - Ill.: Cary, 1974, p. (2 x).83 (2 x);
Solomon, 1978, p. 66; SFE, 1995, p. 710; MacDonald, 1996, p. 28; Aziza, 1998, p. 136.140; Solomon,
2001, fig. 63; Cyrino, 2005b, p. 11; Wieber, 2005a, p. 3.48.73; Berti, 2008, fig. 1; Dumont, 2009, cover &
p. 126.177.183-186
Helen of Troy [Helena von Troja] (2003 - M/G/USA) - 175 min. - Television film - Dir.: Harrison, John Kent Prod.: USA Network - Act.: Guillory, Sienna; Marsden, Matthew; Sewell, Rufus; Whitmey, Nigel Adaptation of Homeros, Ilias (8th cent. BC) - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 190
Helena des Euripides, Die (1970 - A) - BW - Television film - Dir.: Czaschke, Walter - Act.: Altenburger, Inge
- Adaptation of Euripides, Helena (412)
Helena, der Untergang Trojas. 1. Der Raub der Helena. 2. Die Zerstörung Trojas [Helena der Untergang von
Troja - Hélène de Troie - Le siège de Troie - 1. L'enlèvement d'Hélène. 2. La chute de Troie - Helen of Troy
- Der Held der Arena - The queen of Sparta - Il ratto di Elena - La caduta di Troia] (1924 - D) - BW - 204
min. - Dir.: Noa, Manfred S. - Prod.: Bavaria-Film AG - Act.: Darclea, Edith (Edy); Gaidarov, Vladimir Adaptation of Homeros, Ilias (8th cent. BC) - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 180-181; Michelakis, 2013, p. 148 &
pl. 15 (& cover)
Hélène (1962 - F) - Television film - Dir.: Dagues, Claude - Act.: Dumas, Roger; Lavalette, Bernard; Monfort,
Silvia - Adaptation of Euripides, Helena (412); Canolle, Jean, Hélène (1962) (theatre)
Hélène ou la joie de vivre (1968 - F) - 100 min. - Television film - Dir.: Barma, Claude - Act.: Desmarets,
Sophie; Dux, Pierre - Adaptation of Erskine, John, The private life of Helen of Troy (1925) (novel)
Hellhounds (2009 - CDN) - Television film - Dir.: Schroder, Rick - Act.: Elrod, Scott; Butcher, Adam
— 53 —
Héraclès chez Admète (1987 - SU) - Cartoon film - Dir.: Petrov, Anatoli - Prod.: Soyuzmultfilm
Herakles (1966 - FIN) - BW - 50 min. - Television film - Dir.: Tiikkainen, Juhani - Act.: Kuisma, Martti;
Komppa, Keijo - Adaptation of Euripides, Hercules (ca. 422-420)
Hercules (1896-1897 - F) - BW - Dir.: Pirou, Eugène
Hercules (1995 - J) - 48 min. - Cartoon film - Prod.: GoodTimes Entertainment
Hercules (1996 - AUS) - 50 min. - Cartoon film - Prod.: Burbank Animation Studios
Hercules (1997 - USA) - 92 min. - Cartoon film - Dir.: Musker, John; Clements, Ron - Prod.: Disney
productions - Act.: Woods, James; DeVito, Danny (voices) - Mus.: Menken, Alan - Ill.: Filmjaarboek 1997,
p. 75; Aziza, 1998, p. 51; Berti, 2008, fig. 10
Hercules [Enchanted tales: Hercules] (1997 - USA) - 47 min. - Cartoon film for video - Dir.: Eskenazi, Diane Prod.: Golden films - Ill.: Berti, 2008, fig. 11
Hercules [The invincible hero Hercules - Hercule. Les XII travaux] (1997 - UK/NL) - 48 min. - Cartoon film 1,5 * - Dir.: Forder, Tim - Prod.: Pure Magic; Pulse Distribution and Entertainment; Layton, Ron
Hercules [Disney's Hercules. Zero to hero] (1998-1999 - USA) - 30x65 = 1950 min. - Cartoon series (65
episodes) - Dir.: Weinstein, Phil - Prod.: Disney productions - Act.: Donovan, Tate; Weber, Steven (voices)
Hercules (2004 - F) - Opera recording - Dir.: Bondy, Luc - Act.: DiDonato, Jooyce; Shimell, William; Bohlin,
Ingela - Adaptation of Händel, Georg Friedrich, Hercules (1744) (opera)
Hercules (2005 - F) - 166 min. - Television film - Dir.: Bataillon, Vincent - Act.: Shimell, William; DiDonato,
Joyce - Adaptation of Sophokles, Trachiniae (ca. 415) (theatre)
Hercules (2005 - USA) - 178 min. - Television film - Dir.: Young, Roger - Act.: Telfer, Paul; Perkins,
Elizabeth; Dalton, Timothy; Sobieski, Leelee
Hercules [Hercules. The Thracian wars] (2014 - USA) - 98 min. - 3 * - Dir.: Ratner, Brett - Prod.: Paramount;
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer - Act.: Johnson, Dwayne ('the Rock'); Hurt, John; McShane, Ian; Fiennes, Joseph Adaptation of Moore, Steve, Hercules. The Thracian wars (2008) (comic)
Hercules and the big stick (1910 - F) - BW - Prod.: Gaum; Kleine
Hercules the invincible hero. A legendary tale (1997 - I) - 41 min. - Cartoon film - Prod.: AVO Film
Hercules. The legendary journeys. 4, 11. Medea culpa (1998 - USA) - 45 min. - Episode of a television series Dir.: Siebert, Charles - Act.: Sorbo, Kevin; Conrad, Chris; Barrett, Jacinda
Herodotus. 3. Gyges en Kandaules (1974 - NL) - 60 min. - Television film - Dir.: ter Braak, Krijn - Prod.:
VPRO - Act.: Hamel, Maxim; ter Braak, Krijn; Habbema, Cox - Adaptation of Herodotos, 1, 7-13 (ca. 440425); Nooteboom, Cees - Blokker, Jan, Gyges en Kandaules (1973-1974) (story)
Herodotus. 4. Het orakel (1974 - NL) - 43 min. - Television film - Dir.: Keller, Hans - Prod.: VPRO - Act.:
Lutz, Ton; Laseur, Petra - Adaptation of Herodotos, 1, 153-161 (ca. 440-425); Blokker, Jan, Het orakel
(1973-1974) (story)
Herodotus. 5. Periander (1975 - NL) - 83 min. - Television film - 2 * - Dir.: van Hemert, Ruud - Prod.: VPRO Act.: Schoenaerts, Julien; Dagelet, Hans; Diels, Joris; Faber, Peter - Adaptation of Herodotos, 3, 50-53 (ca.
440-425); Diogenes Laertios, 1, 94-100 (ca. 200-250); Hermans, Willem Frederik, Periander (1974)
(theatre) - Ill.: http://www.dbnl.org/tekst/jans037bedr01_01/jans037bedr01_01_0008.htm
Herodotus. 6. Volk en vaderliefde (1976 - NL) - 60 min. - Television film - Dir.: Schippers, Wim T. - Prod.:
VPRO - Act.: van Royen, Jan; Maas, Hidde - Adaptation of Herodotos, 3, 61-87 (ca. 440-425); Mulisch,
Harry, Volk en vaderliefde, een koningskomedie (1975) (story)
Heures, Les (L'aube - L'aurore - Le matin - Le jour - Midi - La vesprée - Le crépuscule - Le soir - La nuit)
(1909 - F) - BW - Dir.: Feuillade, Louis - Prod.: Gaumont
Hidden, The (2003 - USA) - 10 min. - Short film - Dir.: Spear, Chelsea - Act.: Moore, Peter; Rectra, Phil;
Williams, Nora Jane
High adventure [Les trésors du roi - Les aventuriers du trésor d'Alexandrie - Quatermain. Der Schatz der
Könige - Der Schatz von Alexander dem Grossen] (2001 - CDN/UK/BG) - 102 min. - 0 * - Dir.: Roper,
Mark - Act.: Griffith, Thomas Ian; Kling, Anja
Hight fructuose adventures of Annoying Orange, The. Mash of the Titans (2013 - USA) - 30 min. - Episode of
a cartoon series - Dir.: Sheppard, Tom - Act.: Boedigheimer, Dane; Lutz, Kellan (voices)
Hippolytus of Euripides, The (1995 - USA?) - 75 min. - Theatre recording - Adaptation of Euripides,
Hippolytus (428)
Homer's Odyssey. A mini epic (2007 - USA) - 1 min. - Cartoon film - Dir.: McLeod brothers - Adaptation of
Homeros, Odyssea (8th cent. BC)
Honneur d'un capitaine, L' (1982 - F) - 117 min. - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Schöndörffer, Pierre - Act.: Garcia, Nicole
- Adaptation of Sophokles, Antigone (ca. 441)
Hydra [Hydra. The lost island] (2009 - USA) - 91 min. - Television film - Dir.: Prendergast, Andrew - Act.:
Stults, George
Hysterical history. 15. The Olympic games (1925 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Watson, William - Prod.: Universal
Idéal d'Arias, L' (1910 - F) - BW - ca. 10 min. - Dir.: Feuillade, Louis - Prod.: Gaumont
Idylle corinthienne (1909 - F) - BW - ca. 19 min. - Dir.: Feuillade, Louis - Prod.: Gaumont - Act.: MarieLaurent, Jeanne
Île de Calypso, L' [Ulysse et le géant Polyphème - Island of Calypso. Ulysses and the giant Polyphemus] (1905
- F) - BW - Dir.: Méliès, Georges - Prod.: Star Film - Act.: Méliès, George - Adaptation of Homeros,
Odyssea (8th cent. BC) - Ill.: Michelakis, 2013, p. 156
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Ilektra [Elektra - Electra] (1962 - GR) - Theatre recording - Dir.: Zarpas, Ted - Act.: Nationale Theater of
Greece (directed by Takis Mouzenidis) - Adaptation of Sophokles, Electra (ca. 412?)
Ilektra [Elektra] (1963 - GR/UK) - 55 min. - Television film - Dir.: Rondiris, Dimitrios - Prod.: Piraikon
Theatron, Athena; Assoc. Rediffusion, London - Act.: Papathanassiou, Aspassia; Veakis, Dimitri; Saris,
Georgis - Adaptation of Sophokles, Electra (ca. 412?)
Iliade, L' [not completed] (1980 - I) - Dir.: Fellini, Federico - Adaptation of Homeros, Ilias (8th cent. BC)
Iliade, L' [not completed] (1982-1983 - I) - Television series - Dir.: Rossi, Franco - Prod.: RAI - Adaptation of
Homeros, Ilias (8th cent. BC)
Illiac passion, The (1968 - USA) - BW - 90 min. - Dir.: Markopoulos, Gregory J. - Act.: Beauvais, Richard;
Venturi, Tom
Immortals [Dawn of war - War of gods] (2011 - USA) - 110 min. - 2,5 * - Dir.: Singh Dhandwar, Tarsem Prod.: Cavill, Henry; Canton, Mark; Nunnari, Gianni - Act.: Cavill, Henry; Rourke, Mickey; Hurt, John;
Dorff, Stephen; Pinto, Freida; Evans, Luke
In the days of Greek gods (1958 - USA) - BW - Short film - Dir.: Fontaine, Dick
Ingomar the barbarian (1908 - USA) - BW - Prod.: Edison Mfg. Co. - Adaptation of Lowell, Maria A.,
Ingomar the barbarian (1860); Halm, Friedrich, Der Sohn der Wildnis (1846) (theatre)
Insel der Seligen, Die [Isle of the blessed - L'île des Bienheureux] (1913 - D) - BW - Dir.: Reinhardt, Max Prod.: Projektions; AG Union (PAGU) (Berlin) - Act.: Diegelmann, Wilhelm; Konstantin, Leopoldine - Ill.:
Cherchi, 1990, p. 128.129
Invincibili sette, Gli [Los invencibles - The invincible seven - Les sept invincibles] (1963 - I/E) - 88 min. SFE: 2 * - Dir.: De Martino, Alberto - Prod.: Columbus; Atenea - Act.: Russell, Tony; Serato, Massimo;
Liné, Helga; Lorenzon, Livio; Tichy, Gérard
Iphigenia [Ifigenia - Ifigeneia - Iphigeneia - Iphigénie] (1976 - GR) - 127 min. - SFE: 3,5 * - Dir.: Cacoyannis,
Michael - Prod.: Greek Film Centre - Act.: Papas, Irene; Papamoskou, Tatiana; Kazakos, Kostas - Mus.:
Theodorakis, Mikis - Adaptation of Euripides, Iphigenia in Aulis (ca. 405) - Ill.: MacKinnon, 1986, p. 66,
pl. 3; Winkler, 1991, p. 144-158; Phoenix 2, 1997, p. 37; Vandelanoitte, 1999, p. 22; Solomon, 2001, fig.
176-177; Winkler, 2001, pl. 1-15; Dumont, 2009, p. 197-198
Iphigenia at Aulis (1999 - USA?) - 90 min. - Theatre recording - Adaptation of Euripides, Iphigenia in Aulis
(ca. 405)
Ippokrates kè dimokratia [Hippocrate et la démocratie] (1972 - GR) - 97 min. - Dir.: Dadiras, Dimas - Prod.:
James & Mary Pâris Ltd. Egchromon - Act.: Papamikail, Dimitris; Kronopoulou, Maeri; Alexandrakis,
Alekos; Dandoulaki, Katia; Katranis, Yannis
Ira di Achille, L' [Vengeance of Achilles - The fury of Achilles - Achilles - La colère d'Achille - De
machtsstrijd tussen Achilles en Hector] (1962 - I) - 115 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Girolami, Mario - Prod.:
MG; Uneurop - Act.: Mitchell, Gordon; Bergerac, Jacques - Adaptation of Homeros, Ilias (8th cent. BC) Ill.: Aziza, 1998, p. 34.39; Wieber, 2005a, p. 48; Dumont, 2009, p. 187; Fourcart, 2012, p. 16
Istenek és szerelmesek (1981 - H) - Television film - Dir.: Radó, Gyula - Act.: Egri, Márta - Adaptation of
Euripides, Alcestis (438)
It's a Greek life (1936 - USA) - 7 min. - Cartoon film - Dir.: Gordon, Dan - Prod.: Van Beuren Studios
Jacques Offenbach. Orpheus in the underworld (1997 - B) - Television film - Dir.: Gryspiert, Dirk - Act.:
Badea, Alexandru; Vidal, Elizabeth - Adaptation of Offenbach, Jacques, Orphée aux enfers (1858) (opera)
Jason and the Argonauts [Jason et les Argonautes - Jason en de Argonauten - Jason en de duistere machten Jason en de duivelse machten] (1963 - UK) - 96 min. - 3; SFE: 3 * - Dir.: Chaffey, Don - Prod.: Columbia Act.: Armstrong, Todd; Raymond, Gary; Kovack, Nancy; Blackman, Honor - Mus.: Hermann, Richard Ill.: Cameron, 1973, p. 70 (3 x); Solomon, 1978, p. 71.73; Aziza, 1998, p. 28; Solomon, 2001, fig. 71.73;
Dumont, 2009, p. 128.141-142; Hermeneus, 81, 1, 2013, p. 50
Jason and the Argonauts [Jason and the golden fleece] (2000 - USA) - 171 min. - Television series (2 episodes)
- Dir.: Willing, Nick - Prod.: NBC - Act.: London, Jason; Blalock, Jolene; Hopper, Denis - Ill.: Dumont,
2009, p. 144-145
Jugement de Paris, Le [The judgment of Paris] (1902 - F) - BW - Dir.: Hatot, Georges - Prod.: Pathé - Act.:
Noël, Jeanne
Jugement de Phryne, Le (1900 - F) - BW - Prod.: Pathé
Jupiter smitten (1910 - F) - BW - Prod.: Gaum; Kleine
Kaiser Aluminum hour, The. 1, 5. Antigone (1956 - USA) - BW - 60 min. - Episode of a television series Dir.: Schaffner, Franklin J. - Act.: Pavan, Marisa; Rains, Claude - Adaptation of Sophokles, Antigone (ca.
441); Anouilh, Jean, Antigone (1946) (theatre)
Kerstmatinee 2001 (2001 - NL) - 67 min. - Television film - Dir.: van den Berg, Bob - Act.: Smith, Robert
Dean - Adaptation of Sophokles, Oedipus rex (ca. 430?); Stravinsky, Igor, Oedipus rex (1927) (opera)
King Oedipus (1910 - F) - BW - ca. 17 min. - Prod.: Cosmopolitan - Adaptation of Sophokles, Oedipus rex (ca.
King Priam (1985 - UK) - 138 min. - Opera recording - Dir.: Lough, Robin - Prod.: Hytner, Nicholas - Act.:
Kent Opera - Adaptation of Homeros, Ilias (8th cent. BC); Tippett, Michael, King Priam (1958-1961)
Komediya o Lisistrate (1989 - UK/G/SU) - 99 min. - Television film - Dir.: Rubinchik, Valeri - Act.:
Koreneva, Yelena - Adaptation of Aristophanes, Lysistrata (411)
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Komediya oshibok [The comedy of errors] (1978 - SU) - 85 min. - Television film - Dir.: Gauzner, Vadim Prod.: Lenfilm - Act.: Yefremov, Oleg; Retsepeter, Vladimir - Adaptation of Plautus (ca. 250-184),
Menaechmi; Shakespeare, William, The comedy of errors (1591-1592) (theatre)
Komediya oshibok [The comedy of errors] (1978 - SU) - Television film - Prod.: Televidenje Sovjetskovo
Sojusa - Act.: Marveyev, Valeri; Kozakov, Mikhail - Adaptation of Plautus (ca. 250-184), Menaechmi;
Shakespeare, William, The comedy of errors (1591-1592) (theatre)
Komödie der Irrungen (1964 - D) - BW - Television film - Dir.: Schwarze, Hans Dieter - Prod.: Bavaria - Act.:
Schumann, Erick; Biedestaedt, Claus - Adaptation of Plautus (ca. 250-184), Menaechmi; Shakespeare,
William, The comedy of errors (1591-1592) (theatre)
König Menelaus im Kino [King Menelaus at the movies] (1913 - A) - BW - Dir.: Löwenstein, Hans Otto Prod.: Philipp-und-Pressburger Film - Act.: Löwenstein, Hans Otto; Hanus, Heinz
Koning Oedipus [Oedipus rex] (1912 - NL) - BW - ca. 67 min. - Dir.: Bouwmeester, Rafaël or Boedels, Léon
(?) - Prod.: Hecla; Nöggerath, Franz Anton - Act.: Bouwmeester, Louis; Mann-Bouwmeester, Theodora;
Roemer, Anton; Bouwmeester, Frits; Faassen, Alex - Adaptation of Sophokles, Oedipus rex (ca. 430?)
Kraft Television Theatre. 64. The comedy of errors (1949 - USA) - BW - 60 min. - Television film - Prod.:
NBC - Act.: Bradley, Stewart; Daly, James - Adaptation of Plautus (ca. 250-184), Menaechmi;
Shakespeare, William, The comedy of errors (1591-1592) (theatre)
Land of the Minotaur [Minotaur - The devil's men - Oi diavolanthropoi - I maska tou diavalou] (1976 USA/UK/G) - 88 min. - SFE: 1,5 * - Dir.: Carayiannis, Costa - Act.: Pleasence, Donald
Lanterna di Diogene, La (1922 - I) - BW - Dir.: Maggi, Luigi - Prod.: Caesar-Film (Roma) - Act.: Maggi,
Luigi; Serravezza, Nella; Cigoli, Eugenia; Gizzi, Giorgio
Last fight of Hercules, The (1996? - SU) - Video film - Dir.: Tobreluts, Olga
Last stand of the 300 [300. The battle of Thermopylae] (2007 - USA) - 91 min. - Television film - Dir.:
Padrusch, David - Prod.: Koed, Matt; Limulus Productions; Mechanism Digital - Act.: Danner, Brian;
Hauptman, Christy Marie; Winscher, Johnny
Léda (1916 - F) - BW - Dir.: Harry, C. - Act.: Toulot, Jean; Roussell, Henry; Trouhanova
Legend of Awesomest Maximus, The [National Lampoon's The legend of Awesomest Maximus] (2011 - USA)
- 87 min. - Dir.: Kanew, Jeff - Prod.: Burinescu, Jason - Act.: Sasso, Will; Loken, Kristanna
Legend of Hercules, The [Hercules. The legend begins] (2014 - USA) - 95 min. - 2,5 * - Dir.: Harlin, Renny Act.: Lutz, Kellan; Weiss, Gaia; Adkins, Scott
Legendary journeys of Hercules, The. Hercules in the maze of the Minotaur (1994 - USA/NZ) - 110 min. Television film - SFE: average 2 * - Dir.: Norton, Bill L. - Act.: Sorbo, Kevin; Quinn, Anthony
Légende d'Arios, La (1909 - F) - BW - Prod.: Gaumont
Légende d'Oedipe, La [The legend of Oedipus - König Oedipus] (1912 - F) - BW - ca. 60 min. - Dir.: Roudès,
Gaston - Prod.: Éclipse - Act.: Mounet-Sully, Jean; Hervé, Jean; Delvair, Jeanne; Hamman, Joe Adaptation of Sophokles, Oedipus rex (ca. 430?) - Ill.: Berti, 2008, fig. 17-23
Légende d'Orphée, La [The legend of Orpheus] (1909 - F) - Coloured - ca. 12 min. - Prod.: Pathé
Légende de Daphné, La (1910 - F) - BW - ca. 6 min. - Dir.: Feuillade, Louis - Prod.: Gaumont - Act.: Carl,
Renée; Laur; Perret, Léonce - Adaptation of Ovidius, Metamorphoses, 1, 452-567 (8 AD)
Légende de la fileuse, La [Athéna et Arachné] (1908 - F) - BW - Dir.: Feuillade, Louis - Prod.: Gaumont - Ill.:
Dumont, 2009, p. 130
Légende de Midas, La [The legend of Midas] (1910 - F) - BW - ca. 15 min. - Dir.: Feuillade, Louis - Prod.:
Gaumont - Ill.: Michelakis, 2013, pl. 5-7
Légende de Narcisse, La (1908 - F) - BW - ca. 8 min. - Dir.: Feuillade, Louis - Prod.: Gaumont - Ill.: Dumont,
2009, p. 130
Liefde onder de olmen (1976 - B) - Television film - Dir.: Poppe, Dré - Prod.: BRT - Act.: Wolfs, Raph;
Springuel, Luc; Struys, Bert - Adaptation of Euripides, Hippolytus (428); O'Neill, Eugene, Desire under the
elms (1924) (theatre)
Lisístrata [Ralf Königs Lysistrata] (2002 - E) - 89 min. - Dir.: Bellmunt, Francese - Act.: Verdú, Maribel Adaptation of Aristophanes, Lysistrata (411); König, Ralf, Lysistrata (1987) (comic)
Lisistrati [Lysistraté - Lysistrata] (1972 - GR) - 82 min. - Dir.: Zervoulakos, Yorgos - Act.: Karezi, Jenni;
Kazakos, Koatas; Fonsou, Anna - Adaptation of Aristophanes, Lysistrata (411)
Lust for gold, The [King Midas] (1912 - UK) - BW - Dir.: Bouwmeester, Theo (Frenkel, Theo Sr.) - Prod.:
Kinemacolor; Charles; Urban
Luto de Electra, O (1992 - P) - Dir.: Ramos, Artur - Act.: Paulo, Rogério - Adaptation of Aischylos, Orestea
(Agamemnon - Choephoroe - Eumenides) (458); O'Neill, Eugene, Mourning becomes Electra (1931)
Lutto si addice ad Elettra, Il (1972 - I) - Television film - Dir.: Tolosso, Fulvio - Act.: Alfonsi, Lidia Adaptation of Aischylos, Orestea (Agamemnon - Choephoroe - Eumenides) (458); O'Neill, Eugene,
Mourning becomes Electra (1931) (theatre)
Lysistrata (1976 - B) - 65 min. - SFE: 1 * - Dir.: Mich, Ludo - Prod.: Varia Films (Berchem); Luco Mich
Productions (Antwerpen) - Act.: Denys, Denis; Weinberger, Daniel; Ambach, Jacques; Kloeck, Eric Adaptation of Aristophanes, Lysistrata (411)
Lysistrata (1984 - B) - 114 min. - Theatre recording - Dir.: Doufexis, Stavros - Act.: NTG - Adaptation of
Aristophanes, Lysistrata (411); Claus, Hugo, Lysistrata (1982) (theatre)
Lysistrata (1987 - GR) - Theatre recording - Adaptation of Aristophanes, Lysistrata (411)
— 56 —
Lysistrata ou la grève des baisers (1910 - F) - BW - ca. 14 min. - Dir.: Feuillade, Louis - Prod.: Gaumont Adaptation of Aristophanes, Lysistrata (411)
Lysistrate (1982 - S) - 82 min. - Television film - Dir.: Åby, Inger; Järvefelt, Göran - Act.: Nyman, Lena; Gill,
Inga - Adaptation of Aristophanes, Lysistrata (411)
Maciste nella terra dei ciclopi [Maciste in the land of the cyclops - Atlas against the cyclops - Atlas in the land
of the cyclops - The cyclops - Monster from the unknown world - Maciste contre le Cyclope - Maciste, der
Sohn des Herkules] (1961 - I) - 95 min. - SFE: 1,5 * - Dir.: Leonviola, Antonio - Act.: Mitchell, Gordon;
Alonso, Chelo - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 620
Malpertuis [The legend of Doom House] (1972 - B/F/D) - 119 min. - 2,5; SFE: 3 * - Dir.: Kümel, Harry - Act.:
Welles, Orson; Carrière, Mathieu; Hampshire, Susan - Adaptation of Ray, Jean (Jean Raymond De
Kremer), Malpertuis (1943) (novel)
Mama Medea (1996 - USA) - Dir.: Vaughn, D. N. - Adaptation of Euripides, Medea (431)
Man who would be king, The (1975 - USA) - 129 min. - SFE: 3 * - Dir.: Huston, John - Act.: Connery, Sean;
Caine, Michael; Plummer, Christopher; Jaffrey, Saeed; Caine, Shakira - Adaptation of Kipling, Rudyard,
Plain tales from the hills, including The man who would be king (1888) (story) - Ill.: Daisne, 1978, p. 466;
Solomon, 1978, p. 164; MacDonald, 1996, p. 169; Solomon, 2001, fig. 172; Strootman, 2013, p. 59
Manga Isoppu monogatari [Aesop's fables] (1983 - J) - 61 min. - Cartoon film - Dir.: Norio Hikone Adaptation of Aisopos (6th cent. BC)
Marble heart, The (1915 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Lessey, George A. - Prod.: Universal - Act.: Baggot, King;
Reardon, Ned; Fearnley, Jane; Smith, Frank
Marte, dio della guerra [La vengeance du colosse - Mars, dieu de la guerre - The son of Hercules vs. Venus]
(1963 - I) - Dir.: Baldi, Marcello - Prod.: SPA; Incei - Act.: Browne, Roger; Lane, Jackie
Mathru Bhoomi [Motherland] (1939 - IND) - BW - 200 min. - Dir.: Hanumappa Muniappa Reddy - Prod.: Vel
Pictures - Act.: T. S. Santhanam
Medea (1910 - D) - BW - 11 min. - Dir.: Messter, Oskar - Prod.: Messter Film (Berlin) - Act.: Freilichtbühne
Hertenstein - Adaptation of Euripides, Medea (431)
Medea (1920 - D) - BW - Dir.: Teme, K.
Medea (1957 - I) - Television film - Dir.: Ferrati, Sarah - Prod.: RAI - Act.: Ferrati, Sarah; Garrani, Ivo;
Carnabuci, Piero - Adaptation of Euripides, Medea (431)
Medea (1963 - S) - 95 min. - Television film - Dir.: Hjelm, Keve - Prod.: SVT - Adaptation of Euripides,
Medea (431)
Medea (1965 - I) - 125 min. - Television film - Dir.: Dama, Francesco; Minotis, Alexis - Prod.: RAI - Act.:
Zareschi, Elena; Gazzolo, Nando - Adaptation of Euripides, Medea (431)
Medea (1968 - I) - Dir.: Epremian, P. - Adaptation of Euripides, Medea (431)
Medea [Médée] (1969 - I/F/D) - 118 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Pasolini, Pier Paolo - Act.: Callas, Maria; Gentile,
Giovanni - Adaptation of Euripides, Medea (431) - Ill.: Solomon, 1978, p. 175; MacKinnon, 1986, p. 66, pl.
4; Rubino, 2000, p. 25; Solomon, 2001, fig. 179; Wieber, 2005a, p. 46; Berti, 2008, fig. 4; Dumont, 2009, p.
143 (bis)
Medea (1972 - I) - Dir.: Benvenuti, P. - Adaptation of Euripides, Medea (431)
Medea (1979 - GE/SU) - 67 min. - Television film; musical - Dir.: Aleksidze, Gogi; Jgenti, Elguja - Act.:
Goderdzishvili, M.; Laperashvili, V. - Adaptation of Euripides, Medea (431)
Medea (1983 - USA) - 90 min. - Television film - Dir.: Cullingham, Mark - Prod.: Kennedy Center; PBS
production - Act.: Caldwell, Zoe - Adaptation of Euripides, Medea (431)
Medea (1983 - N) - Television film - Dir.: Løkkeberg, Pål - Adaptation of Euripides, Medea (431)
Medea (1986 - UK?) - 110 min. - Theatre recording - Dir.: Steadman, Peter - Act.: Arrowsmith, William
(commentary) - Adaptation of Euripides, Medea (431)
Medea (1988 - DK) - 77 min. - Television film - 3 * - Dir.: von Trier, Lars - Prod.: Bo Lech Fischer; Danmarks
Radio; Sveriges Television - Act.: Kier, Udo; Olesen, Kirsten - Adaptation of Euripides, Medea (431) - Ill.:
Rubino, 2000, p. 44.63-66
Medea (1989 - E) - 135 min. - Opera recording - Dir.: Pavon, José - Prod.: TVE - Act.: Caballé, Montserrat;
Carreras, José - Adaptation of Euripides, Medea (431); Corneille, Thomas, Médée (1693) (opera libretto);
Cherubini, Luigi, Médée (1797) (opera)
Medea (1989 - I) - 90 min. - Television film - Dir.: Sherman, Tomaso; Sepe, Giancarlo - Prod.: RAI - Act.:
Melato, Mariangela; Fattorini, Antonio; Valente, Edda - Adaptation of Euripides, Medea (431)
Medea (2005 - NL) - 300 min. - Television series (6 episodes) - Dir.: van Gogh, Theo - Prod.: Avro - Act.:
Schuurman, Katja; Römer, Thijs; Elders, Tara - Adaptation of Euripides, Medea (431)
Medea (2009 - USA) - 66 min. - Dir.: Kuznetsova, Natalia - Act.: Navrozashvili, Lilian; Druzhinin, Kim;
Anisimov, Alexander - Adaptation of Euripides, Medea (431)
Medea (2012 - USA) - 107 min. - Dir.: Burkey, Dan - Act.: Palmer, Irene; Tuttle, Ben - Adaptation of
Euripides, Medea (431)
Medea [not completed] (1966 - DK) - Dir.: Dreyer, Carl Theodor - Act.: Callas, Maria - Adaptation of
Euripides, Medea (431)
Medea 2 (2006 - E) - 86 min. - Dir.: Aguirre, Javier - Prod.: Aguirre, Javier; Actual Films - Act.: Roy,
Esperanza; Carrión, José Pedro - Adaptation of Seneca, Medea (ca. 41-48?)
Medea-pakket (1980-1989? - NL) - Theatre recording - Act.: Toneelgroep Amsterdam - Adaptation of
Euripides, Medea (431)
— 57 —
Médée (1996 - F) - 153 min. - Opera recording - Dir.: Jourdan, Pierre - Act.: Command, Michèle; Bergé,
Francine - Adaptation of Euripides, Medea (431); Corneille, Thomas, Médée (1693) (opera libretto);
Cherubini, Luigi, Médée (1797) (opera)
Médée (2001 - F) - Television film - Dir.: Kent, Don - Act.: Huppert, Isabelle; Barrat, Pierre - Adaptation of
Euripides, Medea (431)
Médée (2003 - F) - 110 min. - Television film - Dir.: Ruiz, Raoul - Act.: Masset, Françoise; Serre, Jean-Louis Adaptation of Euripides, Medea (431)
Médée (2005 - F) - 150 min. - Opera recording - Dir.: Simonnet, Olivier - Act.: d'Oustrac, Stéphanie; Delaigue,
Renaud - Adaptation of Euripides, Medea (431); Corneille, Thomas, Médée (1693) (opera libretto);
Cherubini, Luigi, Médée (1797) (opera)
Médée miracle [Medea miracle] (2007 - F/I) - 81 min. - Dir.: De Bernardi, Tonino - Act.: Huppert, Isabelle;
Ragno, Tommaso - Adaptation of Euripides, Medea (431)
Medeia (1984 - FIN) - Television film - Dir.: Nieminen, Jarmo - Act.: Berman, Janina; Airo, Eino - Adaptation
of Euripides, Medea (431)
Medéia (1973 - BR) - 300 min. - Dir.: Sabag, Fábio - Act.: Montenegro, Fernanda; Moraes, Milton Adaptation of Euripides, Medea (431)
Meet the Spartans [Epic movie 2 - Hunting and fishing - Not another scary epic teen date movie - 13 Spartans Spartatouille] (2008 - USA) - 84 min. - 0,5 * - Dir.: Friedberg, Jason; Seltzer, Aaron - Act.: Maguire, Sean;
Electra, Carmen; Sorbo, Kevin
Mépris, Le [Il disprezzo] (1963 - F/I) - 103 min. - SFE: 4 * - Dir.: Godard, Jean-Luc - Act.: Bardot, Brigitte;
Lang, Fritz - Adaptation of Moravia, Alberto, Il disprezzo (1954) (novel)
Merope (1911 - I) - BW - ca. 15 min. - Prod.: Latium Film (Roma)
Metamorfeus (1969 - CS) - 12 min. - Cartoon film - Dir.: Brdecka, Jirí; Garnier, Max Massimino
Midsummer night's dream, A (1909 - USA) - BW - ca. 17 min. - Dir.: Blackton, James Stuart - Prod.:
Vitagraph - Act.: Costello, Maurice; Hulette, Gladys; Ranous, William V. - Adaptation of Shakespeare,
William, A midsummer-night's dream (1594-1595) (theatre)
Midsummer night's dream, A [Le songe d'une nuit d'été] (1935 - USA) - BW - 132 min. - SFE: 3 * - Dir.:
Dieterle, William; Reinhardt, Max - Prod.: Warner Brothers; Reinhardt, Max - Act.: Cagney, James; de
Havilland, Olivia; Rooney, Mickey; Herbert, Hugh - Mus.: Mendelssohn, Felix, A midsummer night's
dream (1827) - Adaptation of Shakespeare, William, A midsummer-night's dream (1594-1595) (theatre) Ill.: Cook, 1990, p. 308; Dumont, 2009, p. 157
Midsummer night's dream, A (1964 - UK) - Television film - Dir.: Kemp-Welch, Joan - Act.: Hill, Benny;
Wyngarde, Peter - Adaptation of Shakespeare, William, A midsummer-night's dream (1594-1595) (theatre)
Midsummer night's dream, A (1966 - USA) - 93 min. - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Balanchine, George; Eriksen, Dan Act.: The New York City Ballet - Mus.: Mendelssohn, Felix, A midsummer night's dream (1827) Adaptation of Shakespeare, William, A midsummer-night's dream (1594-1595) (theatre)
Midsummer night's dream, A (1968 - UK) - 124 min. - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Hall, Peter - Act.: Royal Shakespeare
Company; Warner, David - Adaptation of Shakespeare, William, A midsummer-night's dream (1594-1595)
Midsummer night's dream, A (1981 - UK) - 112 min. - Theatre recording - Dir.: Moshinsky, Elijah - Prod.:
BBC - Act.: Kholer, Estelle; Davenport, Nigel; Mirren, Helen - Adaptation of Shakespeare, William, A
midsummer-night's dream (1594-1595) (theatre)
Midsummer night's dream, A (1999 - USA) - 115 min. - 1 * - Dir.: Hoffman, Michael - Act.: Kline, Kevin;
Pfeiffer, Michelle, Tucci, Stanley; Everett, Rupert - Adaptation of Shakespeare, William, A midsummernight's dream (1594-1595) (theatre)
Mighty Aphrodite (1995 - USA) - 94 min. - Dir.: Allen, Woody - Act.: Allen, Woody; Sorvino, Mira; Bonham
Carter, Helena; Warden, Jack
Mighty Mouse in the Trojan horse (1946 - USA) - 6 min. - Cartoon film - Dir.: Davis, Mannie - Act.:
Morrison, Tom (voice)
Mikres Aphrodites [Mikres Afrodhitis - To simadi tis Afroditis - Young Aphrodites - Jeunes Aphrodites] (1963
- GR) - BW - 88 min. - Dir.: Koundouros, Nikos - Prod.: Minos - Act.: Rota, Kleopatra; Ioannides,
Vangelis; Emmanuel, Takis; Prokopiou, Helen (Eleni) - Adaptation of Theokritos (ca. 305-250), Idyllia;
Longos, Daphnis et Chloe (2nd cent. AD) - Ill.: Daisne, 1975, p. 427; Dumont, 2009, p. 134
Minotaur (1984 - USA) - Dir.: Piechocki, Jim - Act.: Sinutko, Shane
Minotaur (2005 - UK/L/D/F/E/I/USA) - 88 min. - Dir.: English, Jonathan - Act.: Hardy, Tom; Hauer, Rutger;
Todd, Tony
Mission Odyssey (2002 - D/F) - Cartoon series (26 episodes) - Dir.: Jognerlynck, Olivier - Prod.: Berlin
Animation Film - Adaptation of Homeros, Odyssea (8th cent. BC)
Mittsommernachtstraum, Ein (1980-1989? - D) - 180 min. - Theatre recording - Act.: Münchner kammerspiele
- Adaptation of Shakespeare, William, A midsummer-night's dream (1594-1595) (theatre)
Moderne Galathée [Galathée - Galatée] (1911 - F) - BW - Dir.: Denola, Georges - Prod.: SCAGL - Act.: Milo
(Mylo, Émile); Dechamps, Charles; Anthonin; Franck, Paul; Lange, Gabrielle; Barré, Cécile - Adaptation of
Ovidius, Metamorphoses, 10, 243-297 (8 AD)
Mort d'Empédocle, La [Der Tod des Empedokles] (1986 - F/D) - 132 min. - SFE: 3 * - Dir.: Straub, JeanMarie; Huillet, Danièle - Prod.: Janus; Losange - Act.: von Rauch, Andreas; Vernon, Howard; Berger,
— 58 —
William; Baratta, Vladimir - Adaptation of Diogenes Laertios, 8, 51-77 (ca. 200-250); Hölderlin, Friedrich,
Der tod des Empedokles [three versions of an unfinished play] (1797-1800)
Morte di Socrate, La [La mort de Socrate] (1909 - I) - BW - ca. 8 min. - Dir.: Pasquali, Ernesto Maria (?) Prod.: Cines (Roma) - Act.: Gambardella, Giuseppe; Novelli, Amleto; Soderini, Lorenzo
Mourning becomes Electra (1947 - USA) - BW - 173 / 105 min. - Cinema film, but also a shorter television
film - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Nichols, Dudley - Act.: Russell, Rosalind; Redgrave, Michael; Douglas, Kirk Adaptation of Aischylos, Orestea (Agamemnon - Choephoroe - Eumenides) (458); O'Neill, Eugene,
Mourning becomes Electra (1931) (theatre) - Ill.: Solomon, 1978, p. 172; Solomon, 2001, fig. 178 (cf. p.
Mourning becomes Electra (1978 - USA) - 5x58 min. - Television series (5 episodes) - Dir.: Havinga, Nick Act.: Maxwell, Roberta - Adaptation of Aischylos, Orestea (Agamemnon - Choephoroe - Eumenides)
(458); O'Neill, Eugene, Mourning becomes Electra (1931) (theatre)
Mythic warriors. Guardians of the legend. 1, 1. Andromeda the warrior princess - 1, 2. Hercules and Iolas - 1,
3. Ulysses and the journey home - 1, 4. Perseus. The search for Medusa - 1, 5. Jason and the Argonauts - 1,
6. Persephone and the winter seeds - 1, 7. Daedalus and Icarus -1, 8. Ulysses and Circe - 1, 9. Atalanta the
wild girl - 1, 10. Prometheus and Pandora's box - 1, 11. Bellerophon and Pegasus - 1, 12. Theseus and the
Minotaur - 1, 13. The labors of Hercules - 2, 1. Psyche and Eros - 2, 2. Ulysses and the Trojan horse - 2, 3.
Ulysses and Penelope. A kingdom lost - 2, 4. Hercules and the golden apples - 2, 5. Cadmus and Europa - 2,
6. Jason and Medea - 2, 7. Damon and Pythias - 2, 8. Castor and Pollux - 2, 9. The hounds of Actaeon - 2,
10. Phaeton. The chariot of fire - 2, 11. Androcles and the lion - 2, 12. King Midas. The golden touch - 2,
13. Hercules and the Titans. The last battle (1998-2000 - CDN) - 30x26 min. - Cartoon series (26 episodes)
- Dir.: Craig, Jim - Act.: Krawford, Gary; Bayne, Lawrence; Larson, Caroly (voices)
Naissance de Vénus, La (1900 - F) - BW - Dir.: Caussade, Maurice - Prod.: Pathé
Naissance de Vénus, La (1902 - F) - BW - Dir.: Zecca, Ferdinand - Prod.: Pathé
Narcissus (1983 - CDN) - 22 min. - Short film; musical - Dir.: McLaren, Norman - Prod.: Verrall, David Act.: Morin, Jean-Louis; Kinal, Sylvie; Lafortune, Sylvain
Neptune et Amphitrite [Neptune and Amphitrite] (1899 - F) - BW - Dir.: Méliès, Georges - Prod.: Star Film Act.: d'Alcy, Jeanne; Méliès, Georges
Neptune's bride (1920 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Peacocke, Leslie T. - Prod.: Ormsby Film Co. - Act.: Armstrong,
Roxy; Best, Lucille; Meredith, Anita
Night in paradise, A [Une nuit au paradis] (1946 - USA) - 84 min. - Musical - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Lubin, Arthur
- Prod.: Universal; Wanger, Walter - Act.: Oberon, Merle; Bey, Turhan; Gomez, Thomas - Adaptation of
Hellman, George S., Peacock's feather (1932) (novel) - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 215 (bis)
Night life of the gods (1935 - USA) - BW - 80 min. - Dir.: Sherman, Lowel - Prod.: Universal - Act.:
Mowbray, Alan; McKinney, Florinne
Noir péché [Schwarze Sünde] (1989 - F/D/I) - 40 min. - SFE: 3 * - Dir.: Straub, Jean-Marie; Huillet, Danièle Act.: Von Rauch, Andreas - Adaptation of Diogenes Laertios, 8, 51-77 (ca. 200-250); Hölderlin, Friedrich,
Der tod des Empedokles [three versions of an unfinished play] (1797-1800)
North wind and the sun, The. A fable by Aesop (1972 - CDN) - 3 min. - Cartoon film - Dir.: Drew, Les; Leyer,
Rhoda - Adaptation of Aisopos (6th cent. BC)
Nostos. Il ritorno (1990 - I) - 87 min. - SFE: 3,5 * - Dir.: Pavioli, Franco - Act.: Mazzanotte, Luigi; De
Comargo, Bianca; Agosti, Paolo
Nuit antique (1910 - F) - BW - Prod.: Pathé
Nyoka and the lost secrets of Hippocrates [Perils of Nyoka - Nyoka and the tigermen] (1942 - USA) - BW 100 min. - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Witney, William - Act.: Alridge, Kay; Gray, Lorna
O brother, where art thou? (2000 - USA) - 106 min. - 3,5 * - Dir.: Coen, Joel; Coen, Ethan - Act.: Clooney,
George; Turturro, John; Goodman, John; Hunter, Holly - Ill.: Wieber, 2005a, p. 58.61
Obool, De (1965 - B) - BW - 90 min. - SFE: 1 * - Dir.: Kuypers, Rik - Act.: Van Herwegen, Leo
Odisea de los muñecos, La (1975 - MEX) - 59 min. - Cartoon film - Dir.: Fernández, Antonio - Act.:
Bustamante, Sergio (voice) - Adaptation of Homeros, Odyssea (8th cent. BC)
Odisea de Ulises, La (1996 - USA?) - Cartoon film - Adaptation of Homeros, Odyssea (8th cent. BC)
Odisea, La. Historia de un viaje imposible (1994 - USA) - 30 min. - Cartoon film - Prod.: Filmax - Adaptation
of Homeros, Odyssea (8th cent. BC) - Ill.: http://www.spanishmultimedia.com/product-vhs.mcic?i=9271
Odissea [Odyssea - Die Irrfahrten des Odysseus] (1986 - CS/DDR) - 94 min. - Cartoon film - Dir.: Tyller, Jirí Prod.: Krátky Film (Praha); DEFA Trickfilm (Dresden) - Act.: Barto ka, Ji í; Donath, Rudolf (voice) Adaptation of Homeros, Odyssea (8th cent. BC) - Ill.: Berti, 2008, fig. 12
Odissea, L' [L'odissea d'Homero - L'Odyssée d'Homère - Homer's Odyssey - The Odyssey] (1912 - I) - BW 50 min. - Dir.: Bertolini, Francesco; Padovan, Adolfo; De Liguoro, Giuseppe - Prod.: Milano Films - Act.:
De Liguoro, Giuseppe; Tettoni, Eugenia; Del Colle, Ubaldo Maria - Adaptation of Homeros, Odyssea (8th
cent. BC) - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 203; Michelakis, 2013, p. 149 & pl. 16
Odissea, L' (1969 - I) - 50x8 = 400 min. - Television series (8 episodes) - SFE: good 3 * - Dir.: Rossi, Franco;
Schivazappa, Piero; Bava, Mario - Prod.: De Laurentiis, Dino - Act.: Papas, Irene; Bekim Fehmiu Adaptation of Homeros, Odyssea (8th cent. BC) - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 206-207
Odyssée, L' (2003 - CDN) - 116 min. - Television film - Dir.: Champagne, Dominic - Act.: Barnard, André Adaptation of Homeros, Odyssea (8th cent. BC)
— 59 —
Odysseus (2013 - F/P/I) - 22x11 min. - Television series (12 episodes) - Dir.: Azémar, Frédéric - Act.: Murino,
Caterina; Schneider, Niels; Boni, Alesso - Adaptation of Homeros, Odyssea (8th cent. BC)
Odysseus and the isle of the mists (2008 - UK/R/CDN) - 92 min. - Dir.: Ingram, Terry - Act.: Vosloo, Arnold;
Bacic, Steve
Odyssey, The (1987 - AUS) - 46 min. - Cartoon film - Prod.: Burbank Animation Studios - Act.: Elliott, Tim;
Ewart, John (voice) - Adaptation of Homeros, Odyssea (8th cent. BC)
Odyssey, The [Homer's Odyssey - Homerus' Odysseus - Die Abenteuer des Odysseus] (1997 - USA) - 176
min. - Television series (2 episodes) - Dir.: Konchalovsky, Andrei - Prod.: NBC; Coppola, Francis Ford Act.: Scacchi, Greta; Assante, Armand; Chaplin, Geraldine; Papas, Irene - Adaptation of Homeros, Odyssea
(8th cent. BC) - Ill.: Wieber, 2005a, p. 46; Dumont, 2009, p. 208
Oedipe roi [Oedipus rex] (1908 - F) - BW - ca. 17 min. - Dir.: Calmettes, André - Prod.: Film d'Art - Act.:
Mounet-Sully, Jean; Lambert, Albert; Bovy, Berthe - Adaptation of Sophokles, Oedipus rex (ca. 430?)
Oedipoes (1992 - B) - 85 min. - Theatre recording - Dir.: Cornelissen, Ignace - Act.: Zuidpooltheater Adaptation of Sophokles, Oedipus rex (ca. 430?)
Oedipus (1977 - NL) - 80 min. - Theatre recording - Act.: Nieuw Rotterdams Toneel - Adaptation of Seneca,
Oedipus (ca. 41-48?); Claus, Hugo, Oedipus (1971) (theatre)
Oedipus (1980-1989? - D) - 95 min. - Theatre recording - Prod.: ZDF - Adaptation of Sophokles, Oedipus rex
(ca. 430?)
Oedipus at Colonus (2000 - USA?) - 85 min. - Theatre recording - Adaptation of Sophokles, Oedipus in
Colono (401)
Oedipus rex (1912 - UK) - BW - 56 min. - Dir.: Bouwmeester, Theo (Frenkel, Theo Sr.) - Prod.: Kinemacolor;
Charles; Urban - Act.: Bouwmeester, Theo (Frenkel, Theo Sr.); de Baere, Suzanne - Adaptation of
Sophokles, Oedipus rex (ca. 430?)
Oedipus Rex (1913 - UK) - BW - Act.: Harvey, Martin - Adaptation of Sophokles, Oedipus rex (ca. 430?)
Oedipus rex [King Oedipus - Oedipus the King] (1957 - CDN) - 87 min. - SFE: 3 * - Dir.: Guthrie, Tyrone;
Polonsky, Abraham - Prod.: Kipnis, Leonid; Oedipus Rex Prod. - Act.: Rain, Douglas; Campbell, Douglas Adaptation of Sophokles, Oedipus rex (ca. 430?); Yeats, William Butler, Sophocles' King Oedipus. A
version for the modern stage (1928) (theatre) - Ill.: MacKinnon, 1986, p. 66, pl. 5
Oedipus rex (1972 - UK) - 60 min. - Act.: Kollo, René; Krause, Tom; Troyanos, Tatiana - Adaptation of
Sophokles, Oedipus rex (ca. 430?); Stravinsky, Igor, Oedipus rex (1927) (opera)
Oedipus rex (1975 - USA) - 5 min. - Short film - Dir.: Becker, Josh - Act.: Campbell, Bruce - Adaptation of
Sophokles, Oedipus rex (ca. 430?)
Oedipus rex (1984 - NL) - Dir.: Hulscher, Hans - Act.: Rosenshein, Neil; Palmer, Felicity - Adaptation of
Sophokles, Oedipus rex (ca. 430?); Stravinsky, Igor, Oedipus rex (1927) (opera)
Oedipus rex (1993 - A/CZ/D/NL/UK/USA/J) - 58 min. - Opera recording - Dir.: Taymor, Julie - Act.:
Langridge, Philip; Norman, Jessye - Mus.: Saito Kinen Orkest directed by Seji Ozawa - Adaptation of
Sophokles, Oedipus rex (ca. 430?); Stravinsky, Igor, Oedipus rex (1927) (opera)
Oedipus rex (2008 - USA) - 4 min. - Short film - Dir.: Rose, Joel T. - Act.: Foster, Bennett - Adaptation of
Sophokles, Oedipus rex (ca. 430?)
Oedipus the king [Oedipus rex - Koning Oedipus] (1967 - UK) - 97 min. - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Saville, Philip Prod.: Crossroads; Universal; Luke, Michael - Act.: Plummer, Christopher; Palmer, Lilli; Welles, Orson Adaptation of Sophokles, Oedipus rex (ca. 430?) - Ill.: Solomon, 1978, p. 167; Solomon, 2001, fig. 173;
Dumont, 2009, p. 146-147
Oedipus the king (1967 - USA?) - Dir.: Derke, Oswald - Adaptation of Sophokles, Oedipus rex (ca. 430?)
Oedipus the king (1995 - USA?) - 78 min. - Theatre recording - Adaptation of Sophokles, Oedipus rex (ca.
Oedipus the king (2004 - USA) - 8 min. - Cartoon film (stop-motion) - Dir.: Wishnow, Jason - Act.: Rodstein,
Dick (voice) - Adaptation of Sophokles, Oedipus rex (ca. 430?)
Oedipus tyrannus (1977 - USA?) - 60 min. - Theatre recording - Adaptation of Sophokles, Oedipus rex (ca.
Olympiad 448 BC. Olympiad of ancient Hellas (2004 - G) - 120 min. - Dir.: Pissanos, Paul - Act.: Focás,
Spiros; Dotrice, Roy
Omnibus. 3. The Iliad (1955 - USA) - Episode of a television series - Prod.: William Spier Prod. - Act.: Sparer,
Paul; Scourby, Alexander; Hart, Dorothy; Higgins, Michael - Adaptation of Homeros, Ilias (8th cent. BC)
Omnibus. 5, 14. Oedipus the king (1957 - USA) - Television film - Act.: Plummer, Christopher; Shatner,
William - Adaptation of Sophokles, Oedipus rex (ca. 430?)
One touch of Venus (1948 - USA) - BW - 81 min. - Musical - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Seiter, William A. - Act.:
Gardner, Ava; Walker, Robert; Haymes, Dick; San Juan, Olga - Adaptation of Anstey Guthrie, Thomas,
The tinted Venus (1885) (novel); Weill, Kurt - Nash, Ogden, One touch of Venus (1943) (Broadway
Oracle de Delphes, L' (1903 - F) - BW - 2 min. - Dir.: Méliès, Georges - Prod.: Star Film
Orestea (1975 - I) - BW - Television film - Dir.: Ronconi, Luca - Act.: Fabbri, Marisa; Foschi, Massimo;
Nicolai, Sergio - Adaptation of Aischylos, Orestea (Agamemnon - Choephoroe - Eumenides) (458)
Oresteia [The serpent son] (1979 - UK) - 255 min. - Television series (3 episodes) - Dir.: Hays, Bill - Act.:
Bloom, Claire; Mirren, Helen; Rig, Diana - Adaptation of Aischylos, Orestea (Agamemnon - Choephoroe Eumenides) (458)
— 60 —
Oresteia (Agamemnon - Choephori. The libation bearers - Eumenides. The furies (1983 - USA) - 90+70+70 =
230 min. - Theatre recording - Dir.: Hall, Peter - Prod.: Films for the humanities - Act.: National theatre of
Great Britain - Adaptation of Aischylos, Orestea (Agamemnon - Choephoroe - Eumenides) (458)
Orestie, L'. Agamemnon (1991 - F) - 85 min. - Television film - SFE: average 2 * - Dir.: Soble, Bernard - Act.:
Strancar, Nadar; Marcon, André - Adaptation of Aischylos, Agamemnon (458)
Orestie, L'. Les choéphores (1991 - F) - 60 min. - Television film - SFE: good 3 * - Dir.: Soble, Bernard - Act.:
Strancar, Nadar; Grimberg, Anouk - Adaptation of Aischylos, Choephoroe (458)
Orestie, L'. Les Euménides (1991 - F) - 55 min. - Television film - SFE: good 3 * - Dir.: Soble, Bernard - Act.:
Casarès, Maria; Sandre, Didier - Adaptation of Aischylos, Eumenides (458)
Orestis [Orestes] (1969 - GR/USA) - 90 min. - Dir.: Fotopoulos, Vassilis - Prod.: Agon films - Act.: Keller,
Hiram; Dadonaki, Flery - Adaptation of Euripides, Electra (413)
Orfeo (1985 - I/F/CH/CDN) - 92 min. - Opera recording - SFE: 3 * - Dir.: Goretta, Claude - Act.: Quilico,
Gino - Adaptation of Monteverdi, Claudio, La favola d'Orfeo (1607) (opera) - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 138
Orfeo ed Euridice (1982 - UK) - 135 min. - Television film - Dir.: Greenberg, Rodney; Hall, Peter - Act.:
Baker, Janet; Speiser, Elisabeth - Adaptation of von Gluck, Christoph Willibald, Orfeo ed Euridice (1762)
Orfeo ed Euridice (1991 - UK) - 80 min. - Television film - Dir.: Hulscher, Hans - Act.: Kowalski, Jochen;
Webster, Gillian - Adaptation of von Gluck, Christoph Willibald, Orfeo ed Euridice (1762) (opera)
Orfeo, L' (1998 - B) - Opera recording - Dir.: Brown, Trisha - Act.: Keenlyside, Simon - Adaptation of
Monteverdi, Claudio, La favola d'Orfeo (1607) (opera)
Orfeu (1999 - BR) - 110 min. - Dir.: Diegues, Carlos - Act.: Garrido, Toni; França, Patrícia - Mus.: Veloso,
Caetano - Adaptation of De Moraes, Vinicius, Orfeu da Conceição (1954) (theatre)
Orfeu negro [Black Orpheus - Orfeo negro - Orfeu do Carnaval - Orphée noir] (1959 - BR/F/I) - 105 min. SFE: 3 * - Dir.: Camus, Marcel - Act.: Mello, Breno; Dawn, Marpessa; de Oliveira, Lourdes - Adaptation of
De Moraes, Vinicius, Orfeu da Conceição (1954) (theatre) - Ill.: Daisne, 1971, p. 399; SFE, 1986, p. 604;
Wieber, 2005a, p. 9
Orfeus og Eurydike (1906 - DK) - BW - Dir.: Elfelt, Peter - Prod.: Nordisk - Act.: Price, Ellen; Borchensenius,
Valborg; Beck, Ellen
Orfeusz és Eurydiké [Orfeo ed Euridice] (1985 - H/I) - 95 min. - Television film - Dir.: Gaál, István - Prod.:
Mafilm; Budapest; RAI - Act.: Téri, Sándor; Eszenyi, enikö; Sebestyén, Akos - Adaptation of von Gluck,
Christoph Willibald, Orfeo ed Euridice (1762) (opera) - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 137
Origine du monde, L' (2001 - F) - 97 min. - Dir.: Enrico, Jérôme - Act.: Zem, Roschdy; Molina, Ángela; de
Palma, Rossy - Adaptation of Sophokles, Oedipus rex (ca. 430?)
Orphée [Orpheus] (1949 - F) - BW - 98 min. - SFE: 3,5 * - Dir.: Cocteau, Jean - Act.: Marais, Jean; Casarès,
Maria - Mus.: Auric, Georges - Adaptation of Cocteau, Jean, Orphée (1926) (theatre) - Ill.: Cameron, 1973,
p. 20
Orphée [Orpheus] (1983 - F) - Television film - Dir.: Santelli, Claude - Act.: Bouvier, Jean-Pierre - Adaptation
of Cocteau, Jean, Orphée (1926) (theatre)
Orphée et Eurydice (1994 - AUS) - 108 min. - Television film - Dir.: Butler, Peter - Lazaridis, Stefanos - Act.:
Hobson, David; Thane, Amanda - Adaptation of von Gluck, Christoph Willibald, Orfeo ed Euridice (1762)
Orphée et Eurydice (2000 - F) - Television film - Dir.: Large, Brian; Deflo, Gilbert - Act.: Kozená, Magdalena;
Bender, Madeline - Adaptation of von Gluck, Christoph Willibald, Orfeo ed Euridice (1762) (opera)
Orpheus (2005 - USA) - Short film - Dir.: Rose, Joel T. - Act.: Rose, Joel T.; Hicks, L. Kellie
Orpheus & Eurydice (2000 - G) - 124 min. - Dir.: Pissanos, Paul - Act.: Bullock, Andrew; Liriti, Carolina
Orpheus and Eurydice (1984 - UK) - 6 min. - Short film - Dir.: Keen, Lesley - Prod.: Channel 4; Scottish Film
Production fund
Orpheus in der Unterwelt [Orpheus in the underworld] (1974 - DDR) - 113 min. - Dir.: Bonnet, Horst - Prod.:
DEFA - Act.: Hiestermann, Horst; Gäbler, Doris; Hoppe, Rolf; Macheiner, Lisa; Wichert, Achim; Düren,
Fred - Adaptation of Offenbach, Jacques, Orphée aux enfers (1858) (opera)
Orpheus in the underworld (1961 - UK) - BW - Television film - Dir.: Toye, Wendy - Act.: Miller, Kevin;
Bronhill, June
Ostaggio, L' [Damone e Pizia] (1909 - I) - BW - ca. 13 min. - Dir.: Maggi, Luigi - Prod.: Ambrosio, Arturo
(Torino) - Act.: Capozzi, Alberto A.; Principi, Mirra; Voller Buzzi, Mario; De Stefano, Vitale; Vité,
Overlord, The [not completed] (198? - USA) - Dir.: Heston, Fray (Fraser)
Parthenos, Ho [The virgin] (1966 - GR) - Dir.: Dadiras, Dimis - Act.: Yannakas, Alkis; Notara, Sappho Adaptation of Menandros, Dyskolos (317/316)
Pascali's island (1988 - UK) - 104 min. - SFE: 3 * - Dir.: Dearden, Jamesen - Act.: Kingsley, Ben - Adaptation
of Unsworth, Barry, Pascali's island (1980) (novel)
Penelope oder die Lorbeermaske (1958 - D) - BW - Television film - Dir.: Meyen, Harry - Act.: von Almassy
Susanne; Eckard, Max - Adaptation of Coubier, Heinz (1905-1993), Die Lorbeermaske. Komödie in zwei
Akten (theatre)
Penthesilea (1982 - B) - 138 min. - Theatre recording - Dir.: Goris, Alfons - Act.: studenten
Literatuurwetenschappen - Adaptation of von Kleist, Heinrich, Penthesilea (1806-1807) (theatre)
— 61 —
Penthesilea [Penthésilée] (1988 - D/A/F) - Dir.: Syberberg, Jürgen - Prod.: Bayrischer Rundfunk, München Act.: Clever, Edith - Adaptation of von Kleist, Heinrich, Penthesilea (1806-1807) (theatre)
Percy Jackson & the Olympians. [1.] The lightning thief (2010 - CDN/USA) - 119 min. - 3 * - Dir.: Columbus,
Chris - Prod.: Fox 2000 Pictures; 1492 Pictures; Imprint Entertainment - Act.: Lerman, Logan; Jackson,
Brandon T.; Daddario, Alexandra; Bean, Sean; Brosnan, Pierce; Thurman, Uma - Adaptation of Riordan,
Rick, Percy Jackson and the Olympians. 1. The lightning thief (2005) (novel)
Percy Jackson & the Olympians. [2.] Sea of monsters (2013 - USA) - 106 min. - 2,5 * - Dir.: Freudenthal, Thor
- Prod.: Fox 2000 Pictures - Act.: Lerman, Logan; Jackson, Brandon T.; Daddario, Alexandra - Adaptation
of Riordan, Rick, Percy Jackson and the Olympians. 2. The sea of monsters (2006) (novel)
Pericle principe di Tiro (1977 - I) - 103 min. - Television film - Dir.: Cobelli, Giancarlo - Act.: Albertazzi,
Giorgio; Toccafondi, Bianca - Adaptation of Shakespeare, William, Pericles, prince of Tyre (1608-1611)
Pericles, prince of Tyre [Complete dramatic works of William Shakespeare: Pericles, prince of Tyre] (1984 UK) - 177 min. - Television film - Dir.: Hugh Jones, David - Act.: Rodway, Norman; Woodvine, John Adaptation of Shakespeare, William, Pericles, prince of Tyre (1608-1611) (theatre)
Pericles, príncipe de Tiro (1970 - E) - Television film - Dir.: Molina, Josefina - Act.: Carballeira, Enriqueta;
Cerro, José - Adaptation of Shakespeare, William, Pericles, prince of Tyre (1608-1611) (theatre)
Persée (2004 - CDN) - Opera recording - Dir.: Pynkoski, Marschall - Act.: Auvity, Cyril - Adaptation of
Ovidius, Metamorphoses, 4, 663 - 5, 235 (8 AD); Lully, Persée (1682) (opera)
Perseo l'invincibile [La valle degli uomini di pietra - Perseus the invincible - Medusa vs the son of Hercules Perseus against the monsters - El valle de los hombres de piedra - Perseo y Medusa - Valley of the stone
men - Persée l'invincible - Perseus de onoverwinnelijke] (1962 - I/E) - 95 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: De
Martino, Alberto - Prod.: Bistolfi; Copercines - Act.: Harrison, Richard; Ranalli, Anna; Cegani, Elisa - Ill.:
Dumont, 2009, p. 160; Fourcart, 2012, p. 44
Perser, Die (2003 - D) - 85 min. - Dir.: Wuttke, Martin - Act.: Arnst, Hendrik; Lisewski, Stefan - Adaptation of
Aischylos, Persae (472)
Perses, Les [The Persians] (1961 - F) - BW - Dir.: Prat, Jean - Act.: Arrieu, René; Meriko, Maria - Adaptation
of Aischylos, Persae (472)
Petits poèmes antiques (1910 - F) - BW - ca. 7 min. - Dir.: Feuillade, Louis - Prod.: Gaumont - Act.: Carl,
Renée; Arduini, Suzanne (Suzy Prim)
Phaedra [Faidra] (1962 - GR/F/USA) - BW - 116 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Dassin, Jules - Act.: Mercouri,
Melina; Perkins, Anthony; Vallone, Raf - Mus.: Theodorakis, Mikis - Adaptation of Euripides, Hippolytus
(428) - Ill.: Daisne, 1975, p. 505; MacKinnon, 1986, p. 66, pl. 7
Phèdre [Phaedra] (1910 - I) - BW - ca. 17 min. - Dir.: Novelli, Enrico - Prod.: Itala Film - Adaptation of
Euripides, Hippolytus (428); Racine, Jean, Phèdre (1677) (theatre)
Phèdre [Fedra] (1910 - F/I) - BW - Prod.: Film d'Art; SAPF; Film d'Arte Italiana (Roma) - Act.: Vitaliani,
Italia - Adaptation of Euripides, Hippolytus (428); Racine, Jean, Phèdre (1677) (theatre)
Phèdre (1968 - F) - 90 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Jourdan, Pierre - Prod.: Film du Valois; Galba - Act.: Bell, Marie;
Giraud, Claude - Adaptation of Euripides, Hippolytus (428); Racine, Jean, Phèdre (1677) (theatre) - Ill.:
Dumont, 2009, p. 159 (bis)
Phi-Phi (1926 - F) - BW - 102 min. - Dir.: Saixi, Demetrios (Dimitri Fexis; Georges Pallu) - Prod.: Nathan Act.: Gauthier, Georges; Cooper, Tony; Jolivet, Rita; Wells, Irène; Norès, Gaston - Adaptation of Christiné,
Henri, Phi-Phi (1918) (operetta)
Philemon és Baucis (1978 - H) - 49 min. - Dir.: Makk, Károly - Act.: Bulla, Elma - Adaptation of Ovidius,
Metamorphoses, 8, 611-724 (8 AD)
Philémon et Baucis (1909 - F) - BW - ca. 8 min. - Prod.: Éclipse; Urban; Radios - Act.: Claudius - Adaptation
of Ovidius, Metamorphoses, 8, 611-724 (8 AD)
Philémon et Baucis (1911 - F) - BW - Dir.: Denola, Georges - Prod.: Pathé; SCAGL - Act.: Alexandre, René;
Joubé, Romuald; Delvair, Jeanne; Bosc, Henri; Chalon, Gabrielle; Fromet, Maria - Adaptation of Ovidius,
Metamorphoses, 8, 611-724 (8 AD); de la Fontaine, Jean, Philémon et Baucis (1685) (poem)
Philemon und Baucis (1956 - D) - BW - 78 min. - Television film - Dir.: Völger, Werner - Act.: Nemetz, Max;
Sellmer, Erna; Wagner, Fritz - Adaptation of Ovidius, Metamorphoses, 8, 611-724 (8 AD)
Pink Ulysses (1990 - NL/B) - 98 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: De Kuyper, Eric - Act.: Teunissen, José - Adaptation
of Homeros, Odyssea (8th cent. BC)
Pistolero dell'ave Maria, Il [Tierra de gigantes - Forgotten pistolero - Gunman of Ave Maria] (1969 - I/E) - 88
min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Baldi, Ferdinando - Act.: Mann, Leonard; Paluzzi, Luciana - Adaptation of
Aischylos, Orestea (Agamemnon - Choephoroe - Eumenides) (458); Euripides, Orestes (408)
Play of the week. 1, 1. Medea (1959 - USA) - BW - 107 min. - Television film - Dir.: Quintero, José; Kenney,
Wes - Prod.: PBS - Act.: Anderson, Judith; MacMahon, Aline; Carnovsky, Morris; Brandon, Henry Adaptation of Euripides, Medea (431)
Play of the week. 1, 18. Tiger at the gates (1960 - USA) - BW - Television film - Dir.: Almond, Paul; Clurman,
Harold - Act.: Cutts, Patricia; Gabel, Martin - Adaptation of Giraudoux, Jean, La guerre de Troie n'aura pas
lieu (1935) (theatre)
Polifem, Akid i Galateya (1996 - SU) - 16 min. - Cartoon film - Dir.: Petrov, Anatoly A.
Popeye. Greek mirthology (1954 - USA) - Cartoon film - Dir.: Kneitel, Seymour - Ill.: Solomon, 1978, p. 188;
Solomon, 2001, fig. 193
— 62 —
Porky's hero agency (1937 - USA) - BW - 7 min. - Cartoon film - Dir.: Clampett, Robert - Act.: Blanc, Mel
Poro, re dell'Indie (2007 - D) - Opera recording - Dir.: Thiel, Barbara; Goerke, Andreas; Folwill, Igor - Prod.:
Norddeutscher Rundfunk - Act.: Towers, William; Piffka, Thomas - Adaptation of Racine, Jean, Alexandre
le Grand (1665) (theatre); Händel, Georg Friedrich - Metastase, Pietro, Poro, re dell'Indie (1727) (opera)
Printemps, Le (1909 - F) - BW - Dir.: Feuillade, Louis - Prod.: Gaumont
Private life of Helen of Troy, The [Helen of Troy - La vie privée d'Hélène de Troie - Das Liebesleben der
schönen Helena] (1927 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Korda, Alexander - Prod.: First National - Act.: Corda, Maria;
Cortez, Ricardo; Stone, Lewis - Adaptation of Erskine, John, The private life of Helen of Troy (1925)
(novel) - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 182; Michelakis, 2013, p. 335.338.339.344.346
Processo e morte di Socrate [Trial and death of Socrates] (1939 - I) - BW - Dir.: d'Errico, Corrado - Prod.:
Scalera Films - Act.: Zacconi, Ermete; Brazzi, Rossano; Scelzo, Filippo
Prométhée (1908 - F) - BW - ca. 7 min. - Dir.: Feuillade, Louis - Prod.: Gaumont - Act.: Laur - Adaptation of
Aischylos (ca. 525-456), Prometheus vinctus
Prometheus (1998 - UK) - 126 min. - Dir.: Harrison, Tony
Promitheas se theftero prosopo [Prometheus second person, singular] (1975 - GR) - 90 min. - SFE: 1 * - Dir.:
Ferris, Costas - Act.: Canoupakis, Yiannis - Adaptation of Hesiodos, Theogonia (ca. 700); Aischylos (ca.
525-456), Prometheus vinctus
Promithefs dhesmotis [Prometheus in chains] (1927 - GR) - BW - Theatre recording - Dir.: Gaziadis, Costas;
Gaziadis, Demetrios - Prod.: Dag-Film - Act.: Sieklinaos, Angelos; Sikelianos, Eva - Adaptation of
Aischylos (ca. 525-456), Prometheus vinctus
Promitheus dhesmotis (1930 - GR) - BW - Dir.: Vratsanos, Dimos; Meravidis, Dimitris - Prod.: Sikelianos,
Angelos; Ancient Drama Orgazisation - Act.: Bourlos, Thanos - Adaptation of Aischylos (ca. 525-456),
Prometheus vinctus
Prozess des Sokrates, Der (1988 - D) - Dir.: Neukirchen, D. - Prod.: West Deutsche Rundfunk (WDR)
Pursuit of Venus, The (1914 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Collins, Edwin J.
Pygmalion / Galathée (1910 - F) - BW - Dir.: Riche, Daniel - Prod.: Série d'Art; Pathé - Act.: Albert-Lambert,
Raphaël fils; Alexandre, Renée; Sergine, Vera - Adaptation of Ovidius, Metamorphoses, 10, 243-297 (8
Pygmalion and Galatea (1912 - UK) - BW - ca. 10 min. - Dir.: Neame, Elwin - Prod.: Ivy Close Films;
Hepworth - Act.: Close, Ivy - Adaptation of Ovidius, Metamorphoses, 10, 243-297 (8 AD)
Pygmalion et Galathée [Pygmalion and Galatea] (1898 - F) - BW - Dir.: Méliès, Georges - Prod.: Star Film Act.: d'Alcy, Jeanne; Méliès, Georges - Adaptation of Ovidius, Metamorphoses, 10, 243-297 (8 AD)
Qali bazrobidan [Lyubov pod vyazami - La femme de la foire - Desire under the elms] (1928 - SU) - BW - 60
min. - Dir.: Makarov, Guéorgui (Giorgi) - Act.: Murusidze, A. - Adaptation of Euripides, Hippolytus (428);
O'Neill, Eugene, Desire under the elms (1924) (theatre)
Ratto di Proserpina, Il (1910 - I) - BW - Dir.: Degli Abbati, Alberto - Prod.: Latium Film (Roma)
Regina di Sparta, La [The queen of Sparta - Queen of Sparta] (1931 - I/USA) - BW - Dir.: Noa, Manfred S. Prod.: Itala Film Company di Hollywood; Botonelli - Act.: Moray, Antonio; Larosa, Viola; Faris, Franco;
Camili, Bernardo
Reñidero, El (1965 - RA) - Dir.: Mugica, René - Adaptation of Aischylos, Orestea (Agamemnon - Choephoroe
- Eumenides) (458); Euripides, Electra (413); Sophokles, Electra (ca. 412?); de Cecco, Sergio, El reñidero
(1962) (theatre)
Ressentiment de Diane, Le (1910 - F) - BW - Prod.: Pathé
Retour d'Ulysse, Le [The return of Ulysses] (1908 - F) - BW - < ca. 17 min. - Dir.: Le Bargy, Charles;
Calmettes, André - Prod.: Film d'Art; Pathé - Act.: Mounet, Paul; Barthet, Julia; Albert-Lambert, Raphaël
fils; Delaunay, Louis - Adaptation of Homeros, Odyssea (8th cent. BC); Lemaître, Jules (1853-1914), Le
retour d'Ulysse (story) - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 203
Return of Ulysses to his homeland, The (1973 - UK) - 150 min. - Television film - Dir.: Heather, Dave - Act.:
Luxon, Benjamin - Adaptation of Homeros, Odyssea (8th cent. BC); Monteverdi, Claudio, Il ritorno
d'Ulisse in patria (1640) (opera)
Riconscenza di Diana, La [La reconnaissance de Diane] (1907 - I) - BW - Prod.: Ambrosio (Torino)
Rise of Greek tragedy, The. Oedipus rex (1975 - USA?) - 45 min. - Theatre recording - Act.: Quayle, Anthony;
Mason, James; Bloom, Claire; Richardson, Ian - Adaptation of Sophokles, Oedipus rex (ca. 430?)
Ritorno d'Ulisse in patria, Il (1980 - D?) - Dir.: Ponnell, Jean-Pierre - Act.: Hollweg, Werner - Adaptation of
Homeros, Odyssea (8th cent. BC); Monteverdi, Claudio, Il ritorno d'Ulisse in patria (1640) (opera)
Ritorno d'Ulisse in patria, Il (1985 - A) - 186 min. - Television film - Dir.: Viller, Claus - Act.: Allen, Thomas Adaptation of Homeros, Odyssea (8th cent. BC); Monteverdi, Claudio, Il ritorno d'Ulisse in patria (1640)
Ritorno d'Ulisse in patria, Il (1998 - NL) - Opera recording - Dir.: Audi, Pierre - Act.: Johnson, Athony Rolfe;
Artaya, Graciela - Adaptation of Homeros, Odyssea (8th cent. BC); Monteverdi, Claudio, Il ritorno d'Ulisse
in patria (1640) (opera)
Ritorno d'Ulisse in patria, Il [Le retour d'Ulysse dans sa patrie] (2002 - F) - 180 min. - Television film - Dir.:
Burton, Humphrey - Act.: Spicer, Kresimir - Adaptation of Homeros, Odyssea (8th cent. BC); Monteverdi,
Claudio, Il ritorno d'Ulisse in patria (1640) (opera)
— 63 —
Ritorno d'Ulisse in patria, Il (2002 - F/D/J/CH) - 155 min. - Television film - Dir.: Breisach, Félix - Act.:
Henschel, Dietrich - Adaptation of Homeros, Odyssea (8th cent. BC); Monteverdi, Claudio, Il ritorno
d'Ulisse in patria (1640) (opera)
Rivolta dei sette, La [La révolte de Sparte - The Spartan gladiators - The secret seven- Gladiatoren in de
aanval] (1965 - I) - 85 min. - SFE: 1,5 * - Dir.: De Martino, Alberto - Prod.: Sanson Film - Act.: Russell,
Tony; Serato, Massimo; Liné, Helga; Lorenzon, Livio; Gazzolo, Nando
Royal Utsav (2008 - IND) - Dir.: Ravi K. Patwa - Act.: Vikram Kumar; Tripta Chopra
Sa majesté Minor [His Majesty Minor] (2007 - F/E) - 101 min. - Dir.: Annaud, Jean-Jacques - Act.: Garcia,
José; Cassel, Vincent; Bernier, Mélanie - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 136
Saffo [Scene dell'antica Grecia] (1909 - I) - BW - ca. 10 min. - Dir.: Gherardini, Oreste - Prod.: Pineschi;
Latium Film (Roma) - Act.: Morandi Gherardini, Renata
Saffo [Sappho] (1918 - I) - BW - Dir.: Molinari, Aldo - Prod.: Vera Film (Roma) - Act.: Leonidoff, Ileana;
Guiducci, Guido; Cusmich, Mario; Bracci, Fredo; Lanner, Carlo
Saffo, Venere di Lesbo [Sappho, Vénus de Lesbos - Sappho, Venus of Lesbos - The warrior empress - Sapho]
(1960 - I/F) - 105 min. - Dir.: Francisci, Pietro - Prod.: Documento - Act.: Louise, Tina; Mathews, Kerwin;
Maria Salerno, Enciro - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 213-214
Samrat Chandragupta (1945 - IND) - BW - 122 min. - Dir.: Jayant Desai - Prod.: J.D. Prod. - Act.: Renuka
Samrat Chandragupta (1958 - IND) - BW - Dir.: Babubhai Mistry - Prod.: Mukti Films - Act.: Baharat
Sappho. Eine griechische Tragödie (1909 - D) - BW - Dir.: Messter, Oskar - Prod.: Messter Film (Berlin)
Schiltz playhouse of stars. 4, 38. The Argonauts (1955 - USA) - Episode of a television series - Act.: Newton,
Robert; Nolan, Jeannette; Alderson, John; Self, Barbara - Adaptation of Grahame, Kenneth, The golden
age: The Argonauts (1895) (story)
Schöne Galathee, Die (1914 - A) - BW - Prod.: Wiener Kunstfilm - Adaptation of Ovidius, Metamorphoses,
10, 243-297 (8 AD); von Suppé, Franz, Die Schöne Galatea (1865) (operetta)
Search for Alexander the Great, The. 1. The young lion. 2. The young conqueror. 3. Conquest of the Persian
empire [Lord of Asia]. 4. The last march (1981 - UK/USA) - 55x4 = 220 min. - Television series (4
episodes) - Dir.: Sykes, Peter - Prod.: KCET; Time Life Television - Act.: Clay, Nicholas; Lapotaire, Jane;
Stephens, Robert; Mason, James; Byrne, Gabriel
Second greatest sex, The (1955 - USA) - 87 min. - Musical - SFE: 1,5 * - Dir.: Marshall, George - Act.: Crain,
Jeanne - Adaptation of Aristophanes, Lysistrata (411)
Semele (1999 - UK) - Television film - Dir.: Bailey, Derek - Act.: Joshua, Rosemary; Ainsley, John Mark Adaptation of Händel, Georg Friedrich, Semele (1744) (opera)
Sendung der Lysistrata, Die (1961 - D) - BW - 100 min. - Television film - SFE: 1,5 * - Dir.: Kortner, Fritz Act.: Rütting, Barbara; Schneider, Romy - Adaptation of Aristophanes, Lysistrata (411) - Ill.: Dumont,
2009, p. 230
Série rose. La grève de l'amour (1991 - F/H) - Television film - Dir.: Monti, Nino - Prod.: FR3; Glob; Hamster
- Act.: Wolfe, Isabelle; Salinger, Gábor; Kéner, Gabi; Teri, Sándor - Adaptation of Aristophanes, Lysistrata
Serse (2000 - D) - Opera recording - Dir.: Hampe, Michael - Act.: Rasmussen, Paula; Hallenberg, Ann Adaptation of Herodotos; Händel, Georg Friedrich, Serse (1738) (opera)
Sette a Tebe, I [Les sept de Thèbes - Seven from Thebes] (1963 - I/F) - 88 min. - Dir.: Ferguson, Roy (Luigi
Vanzi) - Prod.: Zebra; SNE Gaumont; PAC - Act.: Lawrence, André; Flescher, Burt; von Martens, Lena
Sette gladiatori, I [Los siete Espartanos - Siete gladiadores - Gladiators seven - Les sept gladiateurs] (1962 I/E) - 90 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Lazaga, Pedro (Alberto De Martino) - Prod.: Atenea - Act.: Harrison,
Richard; Tichy, Gérard; Nusciak, Loredana - Ill.: Solomon, 1978, p. 193; Solomon, 2001, fig. 197;
Fourcart, 2012, p. 51
Sfida dei giganti, La [The challenge of the giant - Hercules the avenger - Le défi des géants] (1965 - I) - 77
min. - SFE: 1,5 * - Dir.: Bright, Maurice (Lucidi, Maurizio) - Prod.: Schermi Riuniti - Act.: Park, Reg;
Amber, Audrey
Shredder Orpheus (1990 - USA) - Dir.: McGinley, Robert - Act.: McGinley, Robert
Sibylle de Cumes, La [The Sibyl of Cumae] (1898 - F) - BW - Dir.: Méliès, Georges - Prod.: Star Film
Sikandar [Sikandar aur Porus - Alexander the Great] (1941 - IND/IR) - BW - 146 min. - Musical - Dir.: Sohrab
Modi - Prod.: Minerva Movietone - Act.: Prithviraj Kapoor - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 236-237
Sikandar (1976 - IND) - BW - Dir.: Sai Paranjape - Act.: Manorama Wagle
Sikandar-e-Azam [Alexander the Great] (1965 - IND) - BW - Dir.: Kedar Kapoor - Prod.: N.C. Films - Act.:
Prithviraj; Dara Singh; Mumtaz; Premnath; Veena; Jagdish Sethi - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 241 (bis)
Sikander [not completed] (2004 - IND) - Television series (180 episodes) - Dir.: Vijay Pandey - Prod.: Bokadia
Silly symphony. Playful Pan (1930 - USA) - BW - Cartoon film - Dir.: Gillett, Burt - Prod.: Walt Disney
Silly symphony. The goddess of spring (1934 - USA) - 10 min. - Cartoon film - Dir.: Jackson, Wilfred - Prod.:
Walt Disney Studios - Act.: Baker, Kenny (voice)
Silly symphony. The golden touch (1935 - USA) - 10 min. - Cartoon film; musical - Dir.: Disney, Walt - Prod.:
Walt Disney Studios - Act.: Bletcher, Billy (voice)
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Singe den Zorn. Homers Ilias in Troia (2004 - D) - Video film - Dir.: Borchardt, Antje; Merkle, Matthias Act.: Dramatische Theater (Berlin) - Adaptation of Homeros, Ilias (8th cent. BC) - Ill.: Wieber, 2005a, p.
52; Wieber, 2005e, p. 153-154
Sirène, La (1907 - F) - BW - Dir.: Feuillade, Louis
Sirenen (1984 - DDR) - Cartoon film - Prod.: DEFA Trickfilm (Dresden)
Sisyphos (1989 - DDR) - Cartoon film - Prod.: DEFA Trickfilm (Dresden)
Sisyphus (1975 - H) - BW - 3 min. - Cartoon film - Dir.: Jankovics, Marcell
Sköna Galatea, Den (1963 - S) - BW - Adaptation of Ovidius, Metamorphoses, 10, 243-297 (8 AD); von
Suppé, Franz, Die Schöne Galatea (1865) (operetta)
Sköna Helena (1951 - S) - Dir.: Edgren, Gustaf - Prod.: Sandrewproduktion - Act.: Dahlbeck, Eva; Hansen,
Max - Adaptation of Offenbach, Jacques, La belle Hélène (1864) (operetta)
Slovenksi Orfej [Slavic Orpheus] (1992 - FYRM) - 48 min. - Television film - Dir.: Aleksov, Aco; Trencovski,
Goran - Act.: Gorgiev, Trajce - Adaptation of Stefanovic, Zoran, Slovenksi Orfej (1992) (theatre)
Socrate [Socrates] (1970 - I/F/E) - BW - 120 min. - Television film - SFE: good 3 * - Dir.: Rossellini, Roberto
- Prod.: RAI; ORTF; TVE - Act.: Sylvère, Jean; Caprile, Anne; Palacios, Ricardo; Medina, Antonio Adaptation of Platon, Euthyphro - Apologia - Crito (399-385?) - Phaedo (385-369?) - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p.
Sokratova odbrana i smrt (1963 - YU) - BW - Television film - Act.: Tadic, Ljuba
Sokratova odbrana i smrt (1971 - YU) - BW - 56 min. - Television film - Dir.: Sotra, Zdravko - Act.: Tadic,
Sokratova odbrana i smrt (2004 - Yu) - Television film - Dir.: Despotovic, Nedeljko
Sommernachtstraum in unserer Zeit, Ein [A midsummer night's dream] (1913 - D) - BW - Dir.: Rye, Stellan;
Ewers, Hanns Heinz - Prod.: Deutsche Bioscop - Act.: Berger, Grete; Clewing, Carl; Ducret, Jean Adaptation of Shakespeare, William, A midsummer-night's dream (1594-1595) (theatre)
Sommernachtstraum, Ein [A midsummer night's dream] (1925 - D) - BW - Dir.: Neumann, Hans - Prod.:
Neumann-Prod. - Act.: Gert, Valeska; Becker, Theodor; Weyher, Ruth; Krauss, Werner - Adaptation of
Shakespeare, William, A midsummer-night's dream (1594-1595) (theatre)
Son of the immortals, A (1916 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Turner, Otis - Prod.: Bluebird Photoplays
Songe d'une nuit d'été, Le [A midsummer night's dream] (1909 - F) - BW - 17 min. - Prod.: Le Lion - Act.:
Footit, George (Hall, Tudor); De Napierkowska, Stacia - Adaptation of Shakespeare, William, A
midsummer-night's dream (1594-1595) (theatre)
Sophocles' Antigone. Revenge of the gods (1998 - USA?) - 70 min. - Theatre recording - Adaptation of
Sophokles, Antigone (ca. 441)
Sophokles. Koning Oidipous, een queeste (1983 - B) - 115 / 140 min. - Theatre recording - Dir.: Peyskens,
Paul - Prod.: Stuc - Adaptation of Sophokles, Oedipus rex (ca. 430?)
Soul's cycle, The (1916 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Davis, Ulysses - Prod.: Centaur Film; Mutual - Act.: Gibson,
Margaret; Oaker, Joan; Claire, George Jr.; Stanley, George
Spiti stous vrahous [Cafnika hathikan ola - House on the rocks] (1974 - GR) - 97 min. - Dir.: Zervoulakos,
Yorgos (George) - Act.: Borsum, Bente; Barkoulis, Andreas; Spyropoulos, Christo - Adaptation of
Euripides, Hippolytus (428)
Star Trek. 2, 2. Who mourns for Adonais? (1967 - USA) - 50 min. - Episode of a television series - SFE:
average 2 * - Dir.: Daniels, Marc - Act.: Shatner, William
Star Trek. 3, 10. Plato's stepchildren (1968 - USA) - 50 min. - Episode of a television series - SFE: average 2 *
- Dir.: Alexander, David - Act.: Shatner, William
Star Trek. 3, 5. Is there in truth no beauty? (1968 - USA) - 50 min. - Episode of a television series - SFE: good
3 * - Dir.: Senensky, Ralph - Act.: Shatner, William
Story of Diana, The (1914 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Huntley, Fred W. (?) - Prod.: Selig Polyscope Co.
Story of Venus, The (1914 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Huntley, Fred W. (?) or McGregor, N. (?) - Prod.: Selig
Polyscope Co. - Act.: Lane, Adelia; Newburg, Frank
Storyteller, The. II. Greek myths. 1. Orpheus & Eurydice - 2. Perseus & the Gorgon - 3. Daedalus & Icarus - 4.
Theseus & the Minotaur [De verteller. Griekse mythen. 1. Orpheus en Eurydice - 2. Perseus en Medusa - 3.
Daedalus en Icarus - 4. Theseus en Minotaurus] (1990 - UK) - 24x4 min. - Television series - Dir.: Barron,
Steve; Henson, Jim - Act.: Hurt, John (verteller)
Stunde der Antigone, Die (1960 - D) - BW - 7 min. - Dir.: Schröder-Jahn, Fritz - Act.: Im, Luitgard Adaptation of Sophokles, Antigone (ca. 441); Hubalek, Claus, Die Stunde der Antigone (1960 (theatre)
Suche nach dem Goldenen Vlies, Die (1986 - DDR) - Cartoon film - Prod.: DEFA Trickfilm (Dresden)
Supplice de Tantale, Le (1902 - F) - BW - Dir.: Zecca, Ferdinand - Prod.: Pathé
Suske en Wiske. De mottenvanger (1992 - B?) - 67 min. - Cartoon film - Adaptation of Vandersteen, Willy,
Suske en Wiske, De mottenvanger (1958) (comic)
Sven noci [Le songe d'une nuit] (1985 - CS) - Dir.: Sis, Vladimir - Prod.: Barrandow - Act.: Kyselák, Jiri;
Vecera, Lubomir; Hanzlovsky, Idenek; Barinková, Jarmila - Adaptation of Shakespeare, William, A
midsummer-night's dream (1594-1595) (theatre)
Sven noci svatojánské [Le songe d'une nuit d'été - A midsummer night's dream] (1957-1959 - CS) - 80 min. Cartoon film (puppets) - Dir.: Trnka, Jirí - Adaptation of Shakespeare, William, A midsummer-night's
dream (1594-1595) (theatre)
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Szerelmem, Elektra [Szerelem, Elektra - Elektra Szerelmem - Elektreia - Mon amour, Électre - Beloved Electra
- Electra, my love - Meine Liebe, Elektra] (1974 - H) - 76 min. - SFE: 3 * - Dir.: Jancsó, Miklós - Prod.:
Hunnia Studio Mafilm - Act.: Töröcsik, Mari; Madaras, József - Adaptation of Sophokles, Electra (ca.
412?); Euripides, Electra (413); Gyurkó, László, Szerelmem, Elektra (ca. 1970) (theatre) - Ill.: MacKinnon,
1986, p. 66, pl. 2; Cook, 1990, p. 706
Szerelmem, Elektra (1980 - H) - 78 min. - Television film - Dir.: Esztergályos, Károly - Act.: Bán, János Adaptation of Sophokles, Electra (ca. 412?); Euripides, Electra (413); Gyurkó, László, Szerelmem, Elektra
(ca. 1970) (theatre)
Taller de comèdies. Electra (1977 - E) - Episode of a television series - Dir.: Justafré, Roger - Act.: Sansa,
Carme; Carulla, Montserrat - Adaptation of Euripides, Electra (413)
Tallone di Achille, Il (1952 - I) - Dir.: Amendola, Mario; Maccari, Ruggero - Act.: Scotti, Tino; Lees, Tamara
Teatro de siempre. Electra (1966? - E) - BW - 84 min. - Episode of a television series - Dir.: Molina, Josefina Act.: Martínez, Petra; Pueyo, Kino - Adaptation of Sophokles, Electra (ca. 412?)
Teatro de siempre. Las Bacantes (1969 - E) - BW - 120 min. - Episode of a television series - Act.: Gil,
Manuel; Hermida, Alicia; Lemos, Lola - Adaptation of Euripides, Bacchae (406?)
Teatro de siempre. Medea (1966 - E) - BW - 120 min. - Episode of a television series - Dir.: Molina, Josefina Prod.: TVE - Act.: Blanch, José; Gaos, Lola - Adaptation of Euripides, Medea (431)
Teatro de siempre. Orestes (1969 - E) - BW - 84 min. - Episode of a television series - Act.: Arredondo, Enric;
Borqué, Mercedes - Adaptation of Euripides, Orestes (408)
Teatro di guerra (1998 - I) - Dir.: Martone, Mario - Act.: Renzi, Andrea - Ill.: Vandelanoitte, 1999, p. 22
Teatterituokio. Kykloopi (1967 - FIN) - BW - 50 min. - Episode of a television series - Dir.: Karakorpi, Titta Act.: Pakkasvirta, Jaako - Adaptation of Euripides, Cyclops (408?)
Telemachus (1911 - UK) - BW - 18 min. - Dir.: Frenkel, Theo - Act.: Frenkel, Theo
Temple of Venus, The (1923 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Otto, Henry - Prod.: Fox - Act.: Lee, Celeste; Consuela;
Klein, Robert; Boyd, Marilyn; Keller, Frank; Vigil, Helen; Boyd, William
Tersicore. Oriente ed occidente (1913 - I) - BW - Dir.: Gray, Giuseppe - Prod.: Centauro Film (Torino) - Act.:
Granillo, Matilde; Tognocchi, Arnaldo
Teseo contro il Minotauro [Theseus against the Minotaur - The Minotaur - Warlord of Crete - The wild beast
of Crete - Thésée contre / et le Minotaure - Theseus, held von Hellas] (1959 - I) - 92 min. - SFE: 1,5 * Dir.: Amadio, Silvio; Bonnard, Mario - Prod.: Agliani; Mordini; Illiria - Act.: Mathias, Bob; Schiaffino,
Rosanna - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 156
Testament d'Orphée, Le [Le testament d'Orphée, ou ne me demandez pas pourquoi! - The testament of
Orpheus] (1959 - F) - Black-and-white (with coloured objects) - 79 min. - 2,5; SFE: 3 * - Dir.: Cocteau,
Jean - Act.: Cocteau, Jean; Brynner, Yul; Marais, Jean - Mus.: Auric, Georges
Theatre night. 5, 5. Iphigenia at Aulis (1990 - UK) - 90 min. - Television film - Dir.: Taylor, Don - Act.:
Marsden, Roy; Boorman, Imogen - Adaptation of Euripides, Iphigenia in Aulis (ca. 405)
Theban plays by Sophocles, The. Antigone (1984 - UK) - 111 min. - Theatre recording - Dir.: Taylor, Don Prod.: BBC - Act.: The Endymion Ensemble; Stevenson, Juliet; Guilgud, John - Adaptation of Sophokles,
Antigone (ca. 441)
Theban plays by Sophocles, The. Oedipus at Colonus (1984 - UK) - 130 min. - Theatre recording - Dir.:
Taylor, Don - Prod.: BBC - Act.: The Endymion Ensemble; Quayle, Anthony; Stevenson, Juliet; Guilgud,
John - Adaptation of Sophokles, Oedipus in Colono (401)
Theban plays by Sophocles, The. Oedipus the king (1984 - UK) - 125 min. - Theatre recording - Dir.: Taylor,
Don - Prod.: BBC - Act.: The Endymion Ensemble; Pennington, Michael; Guilgud, John - Adaptation of
Sophokles, Oedipus rex (ca. 430?)
Thésée (1998 - F) - 144 min. - Television film - Dir.: Benizeau, Thierry Paul - Act.: L'Académie baroque
européenne d'Ambronay; Legay, Aurelia - Adaptation of Lully, Thésée (1675) (opera)
Theseus and the Minotaurus [The Minotaur] (1910 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Blackton, James Stuart - Prod.:
Vitagraph - Act.: Kent, Charles
Thyestes (1966 - B/NL) - BW - 90 min. - Television film - Act.: Lutz, Ton; Reehuis, Jerome; Van Vlaenderen,
Rudi - Adaptation of Seneca, Thyestes (ca. 41-48?); Claus, Hugo, Thyestes (1966) (theatre)
Thyestes (1968 - USA) - Dir.: Whitaker, Rod - Adaptation of Seneca, Thyestes (ca. 41-48?)
Time bandits (1981 - UK) - 110 min. - 2; SFE: 3 * - Dir.: Gilliam, Terry - Act.: Connery, Sean; Cleese, John;
Palin, Michael - Ill.:
Time tunnel, The. 7. The revenge of the gods [Au coeur du temps. 7. La revanche des dieux] (1966 - USA) - 60
min. - Episode of a television series (30 episodes) - Dir.: Martin, Sobey - Prod.: ABC; Irwin Allen Prod. Act.: Darren, James; Colbert, Robert; Doucette, John; Carr, Paul
Timon d'Athènes (1980 - F) - 100 min. - Theatre recording - Dir.: Brook, Peter - Act.: Bouffes du Nord, Paris Adaptation of Shakespeare, William, Timon of Athens (1601-1608) (theatre)
Timon of Athens (1981 - UK) - 128 min. - Theatre recording - Dir.: Miller, Jonathan - Act.: Shrapnel, John Adaptation of Shakespeare, William, Timon of Athens (1601-1608) (theatre)
Tinted Venus, The (1921 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Hepworth, Cecil M.
Tiranno di Siracusa, Il [Il tiranno di Siracusa - Damone e Pitia - Damon and Pythias - The tyrant of Syracuse Le tyran de Syracus - Damon e Pythias - De tiran van Syracuse] (1962 - I/D/USA) - 97 min. - SFE: 1,5 * -
— 66 —
Dir.: Bernhardt, Curtis; Cardone, Alberto - Prod.: International; Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer - Act.: Williams,
Guy; Burnett, Don; Orfei, Liana; Occhini, Ilaria; Foa, Arnoldo - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 232
Tödliche Schlag, Der (1975 - I) - 105 min. - Television film - Dir.: Wild, Franz Josef - Prod.: ARD - Act.:
Wischnewski, Siegfried; Messemer, Hannes; Weiss, Heinz - Adaptation of Sophokles, Philoctetes (409);
Jens, Walter, Der tödliche Schlag (1974) (story)
Tom and Jerry. It's Greek to me-ow! (1961 - USA) - 7 min. - Cartoon film - Dir.: Deitch, Gene - Act.: Swift,
Allen (voice)
Tonneau des Danaïdes, Le (1900 - F) - BW - Dir.: Méliès, Georges - Prod.: Star Film
Tonnerre de Jupiter, Le [La maison des Muses - Jupiter's thunderbolts] (1903 - F) - BW - 4 min. - Dir.: Méliès,
Georges - Prod.: Star Film - Act.: Méliès, Georges
Trauer muss Elektra tragen (1970 - D) - BW - 91 min. - Television film - Dir.: Beauvais, Peter - Act.:
Jonasson, Andrea - Adaptation of Aischylos, Orestea (Agamemnon - Choephoroe - Eumenides) (458);
O'Neill, Eugene, Mourning becomes Electra (1931) (theatre)
Trionfo d'amore [The triumph of love] (1912 - I) - BW - ca. 28 min. - Prod.: Milano Films - Act.: Teatro alla
Scala di Milano
Triumph der Liebe [Lysistrata] (1948 - A) - BW - 89 min. - Theatre recording - Dir.: Stöger, Alfred - Prod.:
Mundus - Act.: Holzmeister, Judith Maria; Fischer, Otto Wilhelm; Berndt, Hilde - Adaptation of
Aristophanes, Lysistrata (411)
Triumph of Venus, The (1918 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Hesser, Edwin Bower - Prod.: Paramount; Victory Film Act.: Lee, Betty; Beveridge, Phyllis; Marie, Bonnie; Standing, Percy; Fedris, John; Dane, Card; Armstrong,
Beatrice; Freeland, A.; McDonald, Don
Troerinnen, Die (1966 - D) - BW - 90 min. - Television film - Dir.: Erfurth, Ulrich - Act.: Krahl, Hilde;
Lauenstein, Tilly - Adaptation of Euripides, Troades (415)
Troiane, Le [Les troyennes] (1967 - I) - Television film - Dir.: Cottafavi, Vittorio - Act.: Ferrati, Sarah;
Miserocchi, Anna - Adaptation of Euripides, Troades (415)
Troilus and Cressida (1954 - UK) - BW - Television film - Dir.: Rylands, George - Act.: Fraser, John; Watson,
Mary - Adaptation of Shakespeare, William, Troilus and Cressida (1601-1604) (theatre); Chaucer,
Geoffrey, Troilus and Criseyde (1381-1386) (poem)
Troilus and Cressida (1966 - UK) - BW - Television film - Dir.: Croft, Michael; Hepton, Bernard - Act.:
Murray, Andrew; Womersley, Charlotte - Adaptation of Shakespeare, William, Troilus and Cressida (16011604) (theatre); Chaucer, Geoffrey, Troilus and Criseyde (1381-1386) (poem)
Troilus and Cressida [Troïlus et Cressida] (1981 - UK) - 190 min. - Television film - Dir.: Miller, Jonathan Prod.: BBC; Time Life Television - Act.: Lesser, Anton; Burden, Suzanne; Shrapnel, John - Adaptation of
Shakespeare, William, Troilus and Cressida (1601-1604) (theatre); Chaucer, Geoffrey, Troilus and Criseyde
(1381-1386) (poem)
Trojan women, The [Les Troyennes - Le Troiane - Die Troerinnen] (1972 - GR/USA) - 105 min. - SFE: 2,5 * Dir.: Cacoyannis, Michael - Prod.: Cinerama; Cacoyannis, Michael - Act.: Hepburn, Katharine; Redgrave,
Vanessa; Papas, Irene; Bujold, Geneviève; Magee, Patrick; Blessed, Brian - Mus.: Theodorakis, Mikis Adaptation of Euripides, Troades (415) - Ill.: Solomon, 1978, p. 169; MacKinnon, 1986, p. 66, pl. 8;
Solomon, 2001, fig. 175; Dumont, 2009, p. 199-200
Trojan women, The (2004 - USA) - Dir.: Mays, Brad (Bradford) - Act.: Hale, Willow; Tiegren, Karen Adaptation of Euripides, Troades (415)
Trojanische Krieg findet nicht statt, Der (1964 - D) - BW - 105 min. - Television film - Dir.: Wild, Franz Josef
- Act.: Ande, Michael; Boysen, Rolf - Adaptation of Giraudoux, Jean, La guerre de Troie n'aura pas lieu
(1935) (theatre)
Trojanskog rata nece biti (1962 - YU) - BW - Television film - Dir.: Trailovic, Mira - Act.: Milicevic, Jovan Adaptation of Giraudoux, Jean, La guerre de Troie n'aura pas lieu (1935) (theatre)
Troy (2004 - USA/UK/M) - 163 min. - Dir.: Petersen, Wolfgang - Prod.: Warner Brothers - Act.: Pitt, Brad;
Bana, Eric; Bloom, Orlando; Bean, Sean; Gleeson, Brendan; Cox, Brian; Kruger, Diane - Adaptation of
Homeros, Ilias (8th cent. BC) - Ill.: Cyrino, 2005b, p. 10-11; Wieber, 2005a, p.; Berti, 2008,
fig. 2; Dumont, 2009, p. 191-192; Hermeneus, 85, 1, 2013, p. 47
Troyanas, Las (1963 - MEX) - BW - 90 min. - Dir.: Véjar, Sergio - Act.: Guilmáin, Ofelia; Montjo, Carmen Adaptation of Euripides, Troades (415)
Troyens, Les (2003 - F) - Opera recording - Dir.: Kokos, Yannis - Act.: Graham, Susan; Antonacci, Anna
Caterina; Kunde, Gregory - Adaptation of Vergilius, Aeneis (ca. 29-19); Berlioz, Hector, Les Troyens
(1858) (opera)
Tryton (1917 - F) - BW - Dir.: Deésy, Alfréd
Tyran de Syracuse, Le (1911 - F) - BW - Dir.: Feuillade, Louis - Prod.: Gaumont - Act.: Morat, Luitz; Wague,
Georges; Perret, Léonce; Carll, Renée; Bréon
Tyrtée (1912 - F) - BW - ca. 17 min. - Dir.: Feuillade, Louis - Prod.: Gaumont - Act.: Navarre, René
Uliisses (1982 - D) - 94 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Nekes, Werner - Act.: Wölfl, Armin - Adaptation of Homeros,
Odyssea (8th cent. BC); Joyce, James, Ulysses (1922)
Ulisse [Ulysse - Ulysses - Odyssee - Die Fahrten des Odysseus] (1954 - I) - 116 min. - SFE: 3 * - Dir.:
Camerini, Mario - Prod.: Paramount; Lux; Ponti, Carlo; De Laurentiis, Dino - Act.: Douglas, Kirk;
Mangano, Silvana; Quinn, Anthony; Silvestri, Umberto - Adaptation of Homeros, Odyssea (8th cent. BC) -
— 67 —
Ill.: Cary, 1974, p. 65; Solomon, 1978, p. 69.70; Solomon, 2001, fig. 69; Berti, 2008, fig. 16; Dumont,
2009, p. 202-205; Fourcart, 2012, p. 35.93.132
Ulisse contro Ercole [Ercole ed Ulisse - Ulysse contre Hercule - Ulysses against / vs Hercules - Hercules vs
Ulysses - Ulysses against / vs the son of Hercules - Herkules, der Sohn der Götter - Hercules tegen
Odysseus] (1962 - I/F) - 105 min. - 2; SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Caiano, Mario - Prod.: CCM; Fides - Act.: Marchal,
Georges; Lane, Michael; Panaro, Alessandra - Ill.: Fourcart, 2012, p. 47
Ulisse, l'eroe dell'Odissea e le sue avventure (2002 - I) - 100 min. - Cartoon film - Adaptation of Homeros,
Odyssea (8th cent. BC)
Ulysse 31. 1. Le Cyclope ou la malédiction des dieux - 2. Les fleurs sauvages - 3. Hératos - 4. Chronos - 5. La
planète perdue - 6. Éole ou le coffret des vents cosmiques - 7. Sisyphe ou l'éternel recommencement - 8. La
révolte des compagnons - 9. Le sphinx - 10. Les Lestrygons - 11. Charybde et Scylla - 12. Le fauteuil de
l'oubli - 13. Les Sirènes - 14. Le marais des doubles - 15. La deuxième Arche - 16. Circé la magicienne 17. Nérée ou la vérité engloutie - 18. Le labyrinthe du Minotaure - 19. Atlas - 20. Le magicien noir - 21.
Les révoltées de Lemnos - 22. La cité de Cortex - 23. Ulysse rencontre Ulysse - 24. Les Lotophages - 25.
Calypso - 26. Le royaume d'Hadès [Uchû densetsu Ulysses 31 - Ulysses 31: 1. Vengeance of the gods; 2.
Flowers of fear; 3. The black sphere; 4. Cronus, father of time; 5. The lost planet; 6. Guardian of the cosmic
winds; 7. The eternal punishment; 8. Mutiny of board; 9. Secret of the sphinx; 10. Temple of the
Lestrigones; 11. [?]; 12. The seat of forgetfulness; 13. Song of danger; 14. Phantoms of the swamp; 15.
Before the flood; 16. The magic spell; 17. The hidden truth; 18. Lost in the labyrinth; 19. At the heart of the
universe; 20. The magician in black; 21. Rebellion on Lemnos; 22. The city of Cortex; 23. Strange meeting;
24. The lotus eaters; 25. Calypso; 26. Kingdom of Hades] (1981 - F/J) - 25x26 = 650 min. - Cartoon series
(26 episodes) - 2,5 * - Dir.: Deyriès, Bernard; Kyosuke Mikuriya - Act.: Giraud, Claude (voice) Adaptation of Homeros, Odyssea (8th cent. BC)
Ulysses [As aventuras sexuals de Ulysses] (1998 - I) - Video film - Dir.: D'Amato, Joe (Massaccesi, Aristide) Act.: Bella, Erica; Gun, Frank
Ulysses [not completed] [Odyssey] (2007 - USA/G) - Prod.: Unizarre International - Adaptation of Homeros,
Odyssea (8th cent. BC)
United 300 (2007 - USA) - 5 min. - Short film - 2 * - Dir.: Signore, Andy - Act.: Burn, Scott
Unterwegs mit Odysseus (1979 - D) - 30x13 = 390 min. - Cartoon series (13 episodes) - Dir.: Munzlinger,
Tony - Adaptation of Homeros, Odyssea (8th cent. BC)
Vaghe stelle dell'Orsa... [Sandra - Sandra of a thousand delights] (1965 - I/F) - BW - 102 min. - SFE: 3,5 * Dir.: Visconti, Luchino - Act.: Cardinale, Claudia - Adaptation of Sophokles, Electra (ca. 412?)
Vaincre à Olympie (1977 - F) - 75 min. - Television film - Dir.: Subiela, Michel - Act.: Dufour, Thierry;
Marais, Jean; Micalopoulos, Panos; Paraski, Myrtho; Marchal, Georges; Topart, Jean; Martinelli, Jean Adaptation of Genevoix, Maurice, Vaincre à Olympie (1924) (novel)
Vamping Venus (1928 - USA) - BW - 70 min. - Dir.: Cline, Edward F. - Prod.: First National - Act.: Murray,
Charlie; Fazenda, Louise; Todd, Thelma; Powell, Russ
Venere [Venus] (1919 - I) - BW - Dir.: Molinari, Aldo - Prod.: Vera Film (Roma) - Act.: Leonidoff, Ileana;
Guiducci, Guido
Venere di Cheronea, La [Aphrodite, goddess of love - Aphrodite déesse de l'amour] (1957 - I/F) - 88 min. SFE: 1 * - Dir.: Cerchio, Fernando; Tourjansky, Victor - Prod.: Prora; Faro; Rialto - Act.: Lee, Belinda;
Girotti, Massimo; Sernas, Jacques - Ill.: Aziza, 1998, p. 112; Dumont, 2009, p. 229; Fourcart, 2012, p. 109
Vénus et Adonis (1901 - F) - BW - Dir.: Guy, Alice - Prod.: Gaumont
Vergine Dircea, La (1911 - I) - BW - ca. 17 min. - Prod.: Latium Film (Roma) - Adaptation of Metastasio,
Pietro, Demofoonte (1733) (opera libretto)
Viaggio nell'Olimpo, Un [Viaggio all'Olimpo] (1908 - I) - BW - ca. 10 min. - Prod.: Cines (Roma)
Vièrge d'Argos, La [The maid of Argos] (1911 - F) - Coloured - 12 min. - Dir.: Feuillade, Louis - Prod.:
Gaumont - Act.: Carl, Renée; Andreyor, Yvette; Varna, Henri; Bréon
Voile des nymphes, Le (1909 - F) - BW - Dir.: Feuillade, Louis - Prod.: Gaumont - Act.: Perret, Léonce
Voyage of the Unicorn [De reis van de Eenhoorn] (2000 - USA/CDN) - 163 min. - Television film - 2,5 * Dir.: Spink, Philip - Act.: Bridges, Beau - Adaptation of Christensen, C. James, Voyage of the Basset
(1996) (novel)
Vulcano, figlio di Giove [Vulcan, son of Jupiter] (1962 - I) - 78 min. - SFE: 1 * - Dir.: Salvi, Emimmo - Prod.:
Junior Film - Act.: Mitchell, Gordon; Ilush, Rod 'Flash'; Cortez, Bella
War that never ends, The (1991 - UK) - 70 min. - Television film - Dir.: Gold, Jack - Act.: McCowen, Alec;
Kingsley, Ben
Winds of change [Hoshi no orefeusu - Metamorphoses] (1978 - J) - 89 min. - Cartoon film - Dir.: Takashi Act.: Ustinov, Peter (narrator) - Adaptation of Ovidius, Metamorphoses (8 AD)
Wishbone. 1, 5. Homer sweet Homer (1995 - USA) - Episode of a television series - Dir.: Harrison, Ken - Act.:
Brantley, Larry (voice); Wall, Jordan
Women of Troy, The (2006 - UK) - 88 min. - Video film - Dir.: Hawkins, Philip - Act.: Hayes, Mairi; Mosaku,
Wunmi - Adaptation of Euripides, Troades (415)
Wondrous myths & legends (1999 - USA) - 23x13 min. - Cartoon series (13 episodes) - Prod.: Sony; D'Ocon
Films - Ill.: Berti, 2008, fig. 14
Wrath of the Titans (2012 - E/USA) - 99 min. - 2,5 * - Dir.: Liebesman, Jonathan - Prod.: Warner Bros.
Pictures; Legenary Pictures - Act.: Worthingtom, Sam; Neeson, Liam; Fiennes, Ralph; Pike, Rosamund
— 68 —
You are there. 1, 14. The death of Socrates (399 B.C.) (1953 - USA) - BW - 30 min. - Episode of a television
series - Dir.: Lumet, Sidney - Prod.: CBS - Act.: Cronkite, Walter (host); Newman, Paul; Strudwick,
Shepperd; Cassavetes, John; Culp, Robert; Marshall, E. G.; Bourneuf, Philip
You are there. 2, 17 [39]. The fall of Troy (1184 B.C.) (1953 - USA) - BW - 30 min. - Episode of a television
series - Dir.: Lumet, Sidney - Prod.: CBS - Act.: Cronkite, Walter (host)
You are there. 3, 30 [93]. The triumph of Alexander the Great (324 B.C.) (1955 - USA) - BW - 30 min. Episode of a television series - Dir.: Lumet, Sidney - Prod.: CBS - Act.: Cronkite, Walter (host); Marshall,
E. G.; Patterson, Neva
You are there. 3, 5 [70]. The return of Ulysses (1954 - USA) - BW - 30 min. - Episode of a television series Dir.: Lumet, Sidney - Prod.: CBS - Act.: Cronkite, Walter (host) - Adaptation of Homeros, Odyssea (8th
cent. BC)
Young Alexander the Great [Macedonia's Alexander the Great - Alexander the Great from Macedonia] (2007 ET/G/UK/USA) - Dir.: Merhi, Jalal - Prod.: Salkind, Ilya; Ed-Adl, Sami; Koutsomitus, Yannis; Walwin,
Kent - Act.: Heughan, Sam; Cohan, Lauren; Papadimitriou, Aris; Hala Sedki
Zeus, Adler und Mistkäfer (1988 - DDR) - Cartoon film - Prod.: DEFA Trickfilm (Dresden)
— 69 —
6. De Romeinse wereld
Met 1046 films is dit hoofdstuk het meest uitgebreide van ons overzicht, maar dat is
niet echt verwonderlijk. Niet alleen wordt meer dan 1500 jaar 'geschiedenis' van Rome
behandeld, van de komst van Aeneas in Latium tot de regering van keizer Iustinianus in de
6e eeuw n.C., maar ook de vele verfilmingen van het leven van Jezus van Nazareth en van de
lotgevallen van de eerste christenen vinden hier een plaats.
Filmografie - De Romeinse wereld
12 Travaux d'Astérix, Les [Les douze travaux d'Astérix - De 12 werken van Asterix - Asterix verovert Rome Asterix en de helden] (1976 - F) - 80 min. - Cartoon film - 2; SFE: 1,5 * - Dir.: Goscinny, René; Uderzo,
Albert - Adaptation of Goscinny, René - Uderzo, Albert, Astérix (1959-) (comic series)
20 Million miles to earth [The beast from space - The giant Ymir] (1957 - USA) - BW - 82 min. - SFE: 2,5 * Dir.: Juran, Nathan - Prod.: Columbia - Act.: Hopper, William; Taylor, Joan; Puglia, Frank; Henry, Thomas
2000 Years later (1969 - USA) - 80 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Tenzer, Bert - Act.: Terry-Thomas (Hoare-Stevens,
Thomas Terry); Horton, Edward Everett
3 Rois mages, Les [Los reyes magos - The 3 wise men - De 3 magiërs en de steen der wijzen] (2003 - F/E) - 76
min. - Cartoon film - Dir.: Navarro, Antonio - Prod.: Animagic Studio
A.D. - Anno Domini (1984-1985 - USA) - 85x6 = 510 min. - Television series (6 episodes) - SFE: 2 * - Dir.:
Cooper, Stuart - Prod.: Carthago Film; NBC; Procter & Gamble - Act.: Mason, James; McEnery, John;
Andrews, Anthony; Gardner, Ava; Kiley, Richard; O'Neill, Jennifer; Rey, Fernando; Prodan, Andrea; How,
Jane; Steiner, John; Wilding, Michael; Perkins, Millie; Quilley, Denis; Sayer, Philip; Zerbe, Anthony - Ill.:
Eloy, 1996, p. 54; Dumont, 2009, p. 433
Acto do primavere, O [Le mystère de la passion] (1963 - P) - Dir.: de Oliveira, Manoel - Act.: Nones da Silva,
Nicolau; Pires, Ermelindo
Afrodite, dea dell'amore [Slave women of Corinth - Aphrodite, goddess of love - Aphrodite, Göttin der Liebe L'esclave de l'orient] (1958 - I) - 103 min. - 2,5; SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Bonnard, Mario - Prod.: Schermi Riuniti
- Act.: Corey, Isabelle; Tunc, Irene; De Teffé, Antonio; Calamai, Clara; Serato, Massimo - Ill.: Solomon,
1978, p. 196; Solomon, 2001, fig. 201 (cf. p. 324-325)
Age of treason (1993 - USA) - 93 min. - Dir.: Connor, Kevin - Act.: Hues, Matthias
Agonie de Jérusalem, L' (1926 - F) - BW - Dir.: Duvivier, Julien - Prod.: Film d'Art - Act.: Salem, Lionel;
Franceschi, Paul; Gransdet; Blot, Raymond; Reggiani - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Agora (2009 - E/M) - 126 min. - 3,5 * - Dir.: Amenábar, Alejandro - Act.: Weisz, Rachel; Minghella, Max Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 572; Hermeneus, 85, 1, 2013, p. 48.52.54
Agostino di Ippona [Augustine of Hippo] (1972 - I) - Television film - Dir.: Rossellini, Roberto - Prod.: RAI Act.: Berkani, Dary; Gazzolo, Virgilio; Barbetti, Cesare; Cattaneo, Bruno - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 564-565
Agrippina [Agrippine] (1910 - I) - BW - ca. 21 min. - Dir.: Guazzoni, Enrico - Prod.: Cines (Roma) - Act.:
Muccioli, Carlo; Rinaldi, Walter; Gasparini, Maria; Novelli, Amleto; Mme Sturla; Dolfini, Giovanni
Agrippina (1985 - D) - 160 min. - Opera recording - Dir.: Olofsson, Thomas - Prod.: RM Arts - Act.: von
Kannen, Günter; Daniels, Barbara - Adaptation of Tacitus, Annales (after 116); Händel, Georg Friedrich,
Agrippina (1709) (opera)
Agrippina (2004 - I) - 172 min. - Opera recording - Dir.: Mancini, Tiziano - Act.: Gens, Véronique; Jaroussky,
Philippe; Perruche, Ingrid - Adaptation of Tacitus, Annales (after 116); Händel, Georg Friedrich, Agrippina
(1709) (opera)
Agrippine (1912 - F) - BW - ca. 21 min. - Prod.: Gaumont
Alboino e Rosmunda (1909 - I) - BW - ca. 16 min. - Dir.: Pasquali, Ernesto Mario - Prod.: Pasquali e Tempo
Alix (1999 - F) - 26x26 = 676 min. - Cartoon series (26 episodes) - Dir.: Cubaud, Jean - Adaptation of Martin,
Jacques, Alix (1948-) (comic series)
Alix [not completed] (2005? - F/B) - Prod.: Banana Films; Van Damme, Jean-Luc - Adaptation of Martin,
Jacques, Alix (1948-) (comic series)
Amor di schiave [Amor e' liberta - Love of the slaves] (1910 - I) - BW - ca. 16 min. - Dir.: Santos, Enrique Prod.: Cines (Roma) - Act.: Righelli, Maria; Righelli, Gennaro; Bonifazi, Augusto
Amore e Psiche [Amore e Psyche nel regno di Eros - Love and Psyche] (1996 - I) - 80 min. - Video film - Dir.:
D'Amato, Joe (Massaccesi, Aristide) - Act.: Foster, Mike; Gun, Frank; Moore, Ursula
Amori di Angelica, Gli [La mujer del desierto - Maria Magdalena - Todos conocen a Rebecca] (1967 - I/E) 88 min. - Dir.: McWarriol, John (Latini de Marchi, Luigi) - Prod.: PC Teide; Eridania; Finarte - Act.:
Lange, Claudie; Blanco Joaquín; Muni, Dámaso; Ugarte, Joaquín
Amori di Messalina, Gli [Messalina, Venere imperatrice - Messalina imperial Venus - Messalina - Messaline]
(1959 - I) - 85 min. - 1,5; SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Cottafavi, Vittorio - Prod.: Bistolfi, Emo - Act.: Lee, Belinda;
Fokas, Spiros; Giustini, Carlo; Sbragia, Giancarlo; Donnini, Giulio; Giorda, Marcello; Dominici, Arturo Ill.: SFE, 1986, p. 43; Dumont, 2009, p. 475; Fourcart, 2012, p. 41
Amour et Psyché, L' (1908 - F) - BW - Dir.: Bossetti, Romeo - Adaptation of Apuleius (125 - ca. 185),
Metamorphoses, 4, 28-6, 24
Amour et Psyché, L' [Cupid et Psyché (?) - Cupid and Psyche] (1908 - F) - BW - ca. 9 min. - Dir.: Feuillade,
Louis - Prod.: Gaumont - Adaptation of Apuleius (125 - ca. 185), Metamorphoses, 4, 28-6, 24
Ancient Rome. The rise and fall of an empire. 1. Nero - 2. Caesar - 3. Revolution - 4. Rebellion - 5.
Constantine - 6. The fall of Rome [The rise and fall of Rome - The battle for Rome] (2006 - UK) - 52x6 =
312 min. - Television series (6 episodes) - Dir.: Murphy, Nick; Green, Nick; Spencer, Christopher; Grieve,
Andrew; Dunn, Tim; Nurmohamed, Arif - Prod.: BBC; Discovery Channel; ZDF; Hedgecoe, Mark - Act.:
Sheen, Michael; Pertwee, Sean; D'Arcy, James; Stoppard, Ed; Threlfall, David; Lockyen, Mark - Ill.:
Dumont, 2009, p. 290.325.515.559-560.578
Ancient warriors. The Huns (1994 - UK) - 25 min. - Episode of a television series - Dir.: Nicholson, Peter Prod.: Discovery Channel - Act.: Salsbury, Colgate (voice)
Androcles and the lion [Androclo e il leone - Androclès et le lion - Androcles und der Löwe - Androcles en de
leeuw] (1952 - USA) - BW - 98 min. - SFE: 3 * - Dir.: Erskine, Chester (and Ray, Nicholas) - Prod.: RadioKeith-Orpheum - Act.: Simmons, Jean; Young, Alan; Mature, Victor; Evans, Maurice - Adaptation of
Gellius, Aulus, Noctes Atticae, 5, 14 (after 165); Shaw, George Bernard, Androcles and the lion (1912)
(theatre) - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 531-532
Androcles and the lion (1967 - USA) - 78 min. - Television film; musical - SFE: average 2 * - Dir.: Layton, Joe
- Act.: Wisdom, Norman; Swenson, Inga; Coward, Noel; Ames, Ed; Holde, Geoffrey - Adaptation of
Gellius, Aulus, Noctes Atticae, 5, 14 (after 165); Shaw, George Bernard, Androcles and the lion (1912)
Androclès et le lion [Androclès - Androcles and the lion] (1912 - F) - BW - ca. 16 min. - Dir.: Feuillade, Louis
- Prod.: Gaumont - Act.: Carl, Renée; Lyon, Raymond; Sablon; Luguet, André; Andreyor, Yvette Adaptation of Gellius, Aulus, Noctes Atticae, 5, 14 (after 165); Shaw, George Bernard, Androcles and the
lion (1912) (theatre)
Animaniacs. Home on De-Nile (1993 - USA) - 8 min. - Episode of a cartoon series - Dir.: Mills, Rusty;
Marshall, Dave - Prod.: Warner Brothers
Animated stories from the New Testament, The. The king is born - He is risen - The prodigal son - The
miracles of Jesus - The good Samaritan - Saul of Tarsus - The righteous judge - John the Baptist - Treasures
in heaven - Forgive us our debts - The kingdom of heaven - The ministry of Paul - Jesus the son of God Bread from heaven - The greatest is the least - The lost is found - Lazarus lives - The Lord's prayer - Lord, I
believe - Parables of Jesus - The Messiah comes! - Worthy is the lamb - Built upon the rock - Signs of the
times (1987-2005 - USA) - 30 min. - Cartoon series - Dir.: Rich, Richard - Prod.: Nest Family
Entertainment; Rich Animation Studios - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Annibale [Hannibal] (1959 - I/USA) - 103 min. - 2; SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Ulmer, Edgar G.; Bragaglia, Carlo
Ludovico - Prod.: Warner Brothers; Liber Film; United Artists - Act.: Mature, Victor; Ferzetti, Gabriele;
Gam, Rita - Adaptation of Livius, Ab urbe condita, 21-30 (27 BC - ca. 14 AD) - Ill.: Solomon, 1978, p. 34;
Solomon, 2001, fig. 23; Dumont, 2009, p. 279-280; Fourcart, 2012, p. 42
Anno 79 D.C., la distruzione di Ercolano [Seventy-nine A.D. - Les derniers jours d'Herculaneum - Die letzten
Stunden von Pompeji] (1962 - I/F) - 88 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Parolini, Gianfranco - Prod.: Cineproduzioni
Ass. - Act.: Paget, Susan; Harris, Brad; Lane, Mara; Berthier, Jacques; Hersent, Philippe - Ill.: Fourcart,
2012, p. 82
Antar fi bilad el Romane [Antar el l'empire romain] (1974 - RL) - Dir.: Ohan; Mrad - Act.: Mohammed Mawla
Antico romano, L' (1906 - I) - BW - Prod.: Cines (Roma)
Antoine et Cléopâtre [Cléopâtre - Cleopatra] (1910 - F) - BW - ca. 20 min. - Dir.: Capellani, Albert(o) - Prod.:
Film d'Art; Pathé - Adaptation of Ploutarchos, Antonius (ca. 100-120); Shakespeare, William, Antony and
Cleopatra (1606-1607) (theatre)
Antoine et Cléopâtre (1966 - CH) - Dir.: Reusser, Francis - Prod.: Panora Films
Antoine et Cléopâtre (1967 - F) - 1967 min. - Television film - Dir.: Prat, Jean - Prod.: RAI - Act.: Chaumette,
François; magre, Judit - Adaptation of Ploutarchos, Antonius (ca. 100-120); Shakespeare, William, Antony
and Cleopatra (1606-1607) (theatre)
Antonio e Cleopatra (1961 - I) - 161 min. - Television film - Dir.: Enriquez, Franco - Prod.: RAI - Act.:
Santuccio, Gianni; Volonté, Gian Maria; Zareschi, Elena - Adaptation of Ploutarchos, Antonius (ca. 100120); Shakespeare, William, Antony and Cleopatra (1606-1607) (theatre)
Antonio e Cleopatra (1965 - I) - Television film - Dir.: Cottafavi, Vittorio - Prod.: RAI - Act.: Salerno, Enrico
Maria; Valeri, Valeria - Adaptation of Ploutarchos, Antonius (ca. 100-120); Shakespeare, William, Antony
and Cleopatra (1606-1607) (theatre) - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 353-354
Antony & Cleopatra (1981 - UK) - 170 min. - Television film - Dir.: Miller, Jonathan - Prod.: BBC Television
Shakespeare - Act.: Blakely, Colin; Lapotaire, Jane; Kincaid, David - Adaptation of Ploutarchos, Antonius
(ca. 100-120); Shakespeare, William, Antony and Cleopatra (1606-1607) (theatre)
— 71 —
Antony and Cleopatra (1908 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Kent, Charles - Prod.: Vitagraph - Act.: Chapman, Charles;
Kent, Betty - Adaptation of Ploutarchos, Antonius (ca. 100-120); Shakespeare, William, Antony and
Cleopatra (1606-1607) (theatre)
Antony and Cleopatra (1951 - UK) - BW - 33 min. - Prod.: Parthian Productions - Act.: Letts, Pauline;
Speaight, Robert - Adaptation of Ploutarchos, Antonius (ca. 100-120); Shakespeare, William, Antony and
Cleopatra (1606-1607) (theatre)
Antony and Cleopatra [Anthony and Cleopatra- All'ombra delle piramidi - Antoine et Cléopâtre - Marco
Antonio y Cleopatra - Antonius und Cleopatra. Am Anfang war das Schwert] (1972 - UK/E/CH) - 160 min.
- SFE: 1,5 * - Dir.: Heston, Charlton - Prod.: Snell, peter - Act.: Heston, Charlton; Neil, Hildegard Adaptation of Ploutarchos, Antonius (ca. 100-120); Shakespeare, William, Antony and Cleopatra (16061607) (theatre) - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 354-355
Antony and Cleopatra (1974 - UK) - 100 min. - Television film - SFE: good 3 * - Dir.: Scoffield, Jon; Nunn,
Trevor; Goodboy, Buzz; Smith, Euan - Act.: Johnson, Richard; Suzman, Janet - Adaptation of Ploutarchos,
Antonius (ca. 100-120); Shakespeare, William, Antony and Cleopatra (1606-1607) (theatre) - Ill.: Dumont,
2009, p. 355
Antony and Cleopatra (1974 - UK) - 11 min. - Episode of a television series - Dir.: Seabourne, Peter - Prod.:
Seabourne Enterprises - Act.: Renwick, Linda - Adaptation of Ploutarchos, Antonius (ca. 100-120);
Shakespeare, William, Antony and Cleopatra (1606-1607) (theatre)
Antony and Cleopatra [The tragedy of Antony & Cleopatra] (1983 - USA) - 179 min. - Video film - Dir.:
Carra, Lawrence - Prod.: Bard Productions - Act.: Redgrave, Lynn; Dalton, Timothy; Carradine, John Adaptation of Ploutarchos, Antonius (ca. 100-120); Shakespeare, William, Antony and Cleopatra (16061607) (theatre)
Antony and Cleopatra (1991 - USA) - 118 min. - Opera recording - Dir.: Mojinsky, Elijah; Browning, Kirk Prod.: PBS - Act.: Malfitano, Catherine; Cowan, Richard; Trussel, Jacques - Adaptation of Ploutarchos,
Antonius (ca. 100-120); Shakespeare, William, Antony and Cleopatra (1606-1607) (theatre); Barber,
Samuel, Antony and Cleopatra (1966) (opera)
Antony and Cleopatra (1995 - UK) - Dir.: Omega, Jack - Prod.: Jupiter - Adaptation of Ploutarchos, Antonius
(ca. 100-120); Shakespeare, William, Antony and Cleopatra (1606-1607) (theatre)
Antony and Cleopatra [not completed] [Antoine et Cléopâtre] (1963 - USA) - Act.: Mansfield, Jayne; Hargitay,
Mickey - Adaptation of Ploutarchos, Antonius (ca. 100-120); Shakespeare, William, Antony and Cleopatra
(1606-1607) (theatre)
Antony and Cleopatra. The love story of the noblest Roman and the most beautiful Egyptian (1908 - USA) BW - ca. 17 min. - Dir.: Blackton, James Stuart - Prod.: Vitagraph - Act.: Costello, Maurice; Lawrence,
Florence; Panzer, Paul; Ranous, William V.; Williams, Earle - Adaptation of Ploutarchos, Antonius (ca.
100-120); Shakespeare, William, Antony and Cleopatra (1606-1607) (theatre)
Apocalisse, L' (1946 - I) - BW - Dir.: Scotese, Giuseppe Maria - Prod.: Lux - Act.: Carminati, Tullio; Serato,
Massimo; Bergman, Vera; Varelli, Alfredo - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 557-558
Apocalypse Pompeii (2014 - USA) - 87 min. - 0 * - Dir.: Demaree, Ben - Act.: Paul, Adrian; Castles, Jhey
Appointment with destiny. The crucifixion of Jesus (1972 - USA) - Episode of a television series - Prod.: CBS
- Act.: Greenblatt, Ron
Arena, The [L'arena - Livia, une vergine per l'impero - La rivolta delle gladiatrici - Le gladiatrici - La révolte
des gladiatrices - Naked warriors] (1973 - USA/I) - 83 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Carver, Steve; Wotruba,
Michael (D'Amato, Joe; Massaccesi, Aristide) - Prod.: Rover; New World; EMI - Act.: Grier, Pam;
Markov, Margaret. Love, Lucretia; Muller, Paul - Ill.: De Roover, 2003, p. iv; Fourcart, 2012, p. 174
Arena, The [Gladiatrix] (2001 - SU/USA) - 92 min. - Video film - 0,5 * - Dir.: Bekmambetov, Timur - Act.:
McDougal, Karen; Dergan, Lisa - Adaptation of Carver, Steve, The arena (1973) (film)
Arminius [not completed] (2009 - D) - Prod.: Dreamtool Entertainment; NDR
Asino d'oro, L'. Processo per fatti strani contro Lucius Apuleius cittadino romano [L'âne d'or. Procès pour actes
étranges contre Lucius Apulée citoyen romain] (1970 - I/DZ) - 99 min. - SFE: 3 * - Dir.: Spina, Sergio Prod.: Filmes Cinematografica - Act.: Bouchet, Barbara; Pavel, Sami; Steiner, John; Poli, Paolo; Fabbri,
Marisa - Adaptation of Apuleius (125 - ca. 185), Metamorphoses
Assedio di Siracusa, L' [Archimede - Le siège de Syracuse - La charge de Syracuse - Archimède - Syracuse, la
fin d'un empire - The siege of Syracuse] (1960 - I/F) - 97 min. - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Francisci, Pietro - Prod.:
Glomer; Galatea - Act.: Brazzi, Rossano; Louise, Tina; Cervi, Gino; Koscina, Sylva - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p.
281 (bis)
Astérix & Obelix contre César [Asterix en Obelix tegen Caesar] (1999 - F/D/I) - 109 min. - 0 * - Dir.: Zidi,
Claude - Act.: Clavier, Christian; Depardieu, Gérard; Benigni, Roberto - Adaptation of Goscinny, René Uderzo, Albert, Astérix (1959-) (comic series) - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 327-328
Astérix aux jeux olympiques [Asterix at the Olympic games] (2008 - F/D/E/I/B) - 117 min. - 3,5 * - Dir.:
Forestier, Frédéric; Langmann, Thomas - Act.: Clovis, Cornillac; Depardieu, Gérard; Delon, Alain;
Poelvoorde, Benoît - Adaptation of Goscinny, René - Uderzo, Albert, Astérix aux jeux olympiques (1968)
(comic) - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 329
Astérix chez les Bretons [Asterix in Britain - Asterix bei den Briten - Asterix en de Britten] (1986 - F) - 78
min. - Cartoon film - 2; SFE: 1 * - Dir.: Van Lamsweerde, Joseph - Adaptation of Goscinny, René Uderzo, Albert, Astérix chez les Bretons (1966) (comic)
— 72 —
Astérix et Cléopâtre [Asterix and Cleopatra - Asterix und Cleopatra - Asterix en Cleopatra] (1968 - F/B) - 72
min. - Cartoon film - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Goscinny, René; Payant, Lee - Prod.: Belvision; Edifilm
(Bruxelles); Leblanc, Maurice; Dargaud, Georges - Act.: Carel, Roger; Tornade, Pierre (voices) Adaptation of Goscinny, René - Uderzo, Albert, Astérix et Cléopâtre (1965) (comic)
Astérix et la surprise de César [Asterix. Sieg über Cäsar - Asterix contra Caesar - Asterix vs. Caesar] (1985 F) - 80 min. - Cartoon film - SFE: 1 * - Dir.: Brizzi, Paul; Brizzi, Gaétan - Prod.: Gaumont; Dargaud;
Productions René Goscinny - Adaptation of Goscinny, René - Uderzo, Albert, Astérix gladiateur (1964) Astérix légionnaire (1967) (comic series) in an adaptation by Tchernia, Pierre - Ill.: Goscinny, René Uderzo, Albert, Asterix en de verrassing van Caesar. Het boek van de film, Paris, 1985; SFE, 1995, p. 110
Astérix et le coup du menhir [Asterix. Operatie Hinkelstein - Asterix and the big fight - Asterix en de
knallende ketel] (1989 - F/D) - 77 min. - Cartoon film - 2,5; SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Grimond, Philippe - Prod.:
Extrafilm; Gaumont - Adaptation of Goscinny, René - Uderzo, Albert, Astérix. Le combat des chefs (1966)
- Le devin (1972) (comic series)
Astérix et les Vikings [Asterix and the Vikings - Asterix en de Vikingen] (2006 - DK/F) - 78 min. - Cartoon
film - 3 * - Dir.: Fjeldmark, Stefan; Møller, Jesper - Act.: Carel, Roger; Frantz, Jacques (voice) - Adaptation
of Goscinny, René - Uderzo, Albert, Astérix et les Normands (1966) (comic)
Astérix et Obélix au service de sa Majesté [Astérix and Obélix: God save Britannia - Asterix en Obelix bij de
Britten] (2012 - F/E/I/H) - 110 min. - 2,5 * - Dir.: Tirard, Laurent - Act.: Depardieu, Gérard; Baer, Edouard;
Deneuve, Catherine; Boon, Dany - Adaptation of Goscinny, René - Uderzo, Albert, Astérix chez les
Bretons (1966) & Astérix et les Normands (1966) (comic) - Ill.: Brabant Strip magazine, 191, 2012, p. 41
Astérix et Obélix. Mission Cléopâtre [Asterix en Cleopatra] (2002 - F/D/I) - 107 min. - 2,5 * - Dir.: Chabat,
Alain - Prod.: Berri, Claude - Act.: Depardieu, Gérard; Clavier, Christian; Belluci, Monica - Adaptation of
Goscinny, René - Uderzo, Albert, Astérix et Cléopâtre (1965) (comic) - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 349-350
Asterix in Amerika [Astérix et les Indiens - Asterix en de Indianen] (1994 - D) - 84 min. - Cartoon film - Dir.:
Hahn, Gerhard - Adaptation of Goscinny, René - Uderzo, Albert, Astérix. La grande traversée (1975)
Astérix le Gaulois [Asterix de Galliër] (1967 - B/F) - 65 min. - Cartoon film - 2; SFE: 1 * - Dir.: Goscinny,
René; Uderzo, Albert; Belvision (Ray Goossens) - Prod.: Dargaud Films Paris; Belvision (Bruxelles);
Leblanc, Raymond; Dargaud, Georges - Adaptation of Goscinny, René - Uderzo, Albert, Astérix le Gaulois
(1959-1960) (comic)
Astérix. Le domaine des dieux [in production] (2014? - F) - Cartoon film - Dir.: Astier, Alexandre; Clichy,
Louis - Act.: Chabat, Alain; Lafitte, Laurent; Nakache, Géraldine (voices) - Adaptation of Goscinny, René Uderzo, Albert, Le domaine des dieux (1971) (comic) - Ill.: Brabant Strip magazine, 191, 2012, p. 41
Astro Boy. 44. Cleopatra's heart - 45. The return of queen Cleopatra [Astro le petit robot. Le retour de la reine
Cléopâtre] (1963 - J) - 30x2 = 60 min. - Episodes of a cartoon series - Adaptation of Osama Tezuka, Astro
Boy. Secret of the Egyptian conspirators (1954) (comic)
Atti degli apostoli [Les actes des apôtres - Die Geschichte der Apostel - Acts of the apostles] (1968 I/F/E/D/TN) - Television series (5 episodes) - Dir.: Rossellini, Roberto - Prod.: RAI; Orizzonte 2000;
ORTF; TVE; Studio Hamburg - Act.: Torricella, Edoardo; Dumur, Jacques; Kouka, Mohammed; Ridha,
Bradai; Osterman, Enrico; Rossi, Renzo; Ridha, Missoume; Zouiten; Nouira, Hédi; Ben Reayeb Moncef Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 423
Attila (1985 - I) - 120 min. - Television film - Dir.: Large, Brian - Act.: Nesterenko, Yevgeni; Chiara, Maria Adaptation of Verdi, Giuseppe, Attila (1846) (opera)
Attila (1987 - I) - 118 min. - Television film - Dir.: Catani, Ilio - Act.: Ramey, Samuel; Roark-Summer, Linda
- Adaptation of Verdi, Giuseppe, Attila (1846) (opera)
Attila (1989 - BG) - Television film - Dir.: Christov, Christo - Adaptation of Verdi, Giuseppe, Attila (1846)
Attila (1991 - I) - 117 min. - Television film - Dir.: Swann, Christopher - Act.: Ramey, Samuel; Studer, Cheryl
- Adaptation of Verdi, Giuseppe, Attila (1846) (opera)
Attila [Attila the Hun - Attila der Hunne] (2000 - USA/LIT) - 177 (60x3) min. - Television series (3 episodes) 3 * - Dir.: Lowry, Dick - Act.: Butler, Gerard; Boothe, Powers - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 594-595
Attila (2001 - F) - 120 min. - Television film - Dir.: Dayan, Josée - Act.: Ramey, Samuel; Guleghina, Maria Adaptation of Verdi, Giuseppe, Attila (1846) (opera)
Attila (2013 - USA) - 85 min. - 1 * - Dir.: Itier, Emmanuel - Act.: Kongo, Cheick; Conrad, Chris
Attila [not completed] (2012 - USA) - Prod.: Warner Bros.
Attila, flagello del Dio (1982 - I) - 102 min. - SFE: 0 * - Dir.: Castellano, Franco; Pipolo (Moccia, Giuseppe) Prod.: Intercapital - Act.: Abatantuono, Diego; Infanti, Angelo; Rusic, Rita
Attila, flagello di Dio [Attila, the scourge of god] (1918 - I) - BW - Dir.: Mari, Febo - Prod.: Ambrosio
(Torino) - Act.: Mari, Febo; Roasio, Maria; Leonidoff, Ileana - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 587 (bis)
Attila, flagello di Dio [Attila - Attila fléau de Dieu - Invasion barbare - Attila the Hun - Attila die Geissel
Gottes - Attila de gesel Gods] (1954 - I/F) - 100 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Francisci, Pietro - Prod.: Lux; Ponti,
Carlo; De Laurentiis, Dino - Act.: Quinn, Anthony; Loren, Sophia; Vidal, Henri; Papas, Irene; Laydu,
Claude; Régis, Colette; Manni, Ettore - Ill.: Cary, 1974, p. 65.128; MacDonald, 1996, p. 52; Dumont, 2009,
p. 585.590-592; Fourcart, 2012, p. 34
Attilio Regolo (1911 - I) - BW - Prod.: Cines (Roma)
Au temps de Néron [In the days of Nero] (1911 - F) - Coloured - Prod.: Gaumont
— 73 —
Au temps des druides (1912 - F) - BW - ca. 11 min. - Prod.: Pathé - Act.: Catillan
Aux lions, les chrétiens! (1911 - F) - BW - ca. 15 min. - Dir.: Feuillade, Louis - Prod.: Gaumont - Act.:
Navarre, Renée; Carl, Renée
Aux temps des premiers chrétiens [Quo vadis? - In the time of the first christians] (1910 - F) - BW - ca. 17
min. - Dir.: Calmettes, André - Prod.: Film d'Art - Act.: Lambert, Albert; Garnier, Philippe; Dorival,
Georges; Greuze, Lilian - Adaptation of Tacitus, Annales (after 116); Sienkiewicz, Henryk, Quo vadis?
Aveugle de Jérusalem, L' (1909 - F) - BW - Dir.: Feuillade, Louis - Prod.: Gaumont - Adaptation of
Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Avventure di Enea, Le [Eneide - L'Eneide] (1974 - I/YU) - 55x6 = 330 min. - Television series (6 episodes),
but also a cinema film - Dir.: Rossi, Franco - Prod.: Leone Film; Daiano; RAI; Bavaria; ORTF - Act.:
Brogi, Giulio; Karlatos, Olga - Adaptation of Vergilius, Aeneis (ca. 29-19) - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 261
Bacanales romanas [Una virgen para Calígula - My nights with Messalina] (1982 - E) - 81 min. - SFE: 0 * Dir.: Most, Jacob (Puig-Gonzalez, Jaime José) - Prod.: Venus - Act.: Evans, Raquel; Gomes, King; Day,
Carla; Wilson, Ajita
Bacanales romanas. Il parte (1985 - E) - Dir.: Most, Jacob (Puig-Gonzalez, Jaime José) - Prod.: Venus - Act.:
Tortosa, Conrado 'Pipper'; Evans, Raquel; Claver, Lita 'La Maña'; Gómez, Joaquin; Araújo, Immaculada G.
'La Pelos'; de Vega, Manolo
Baccanali di Tiberio, I [Les bacchanales de Tibère - Ces sacrées Romaines] (1959 - I) - 106 min. - SFE: 2 * Dir.: Simonelli, Giorgio C. - Prod.: Bistolfi - Act.: Tognazzi, Ugo; Chiari, Walter; Lane, Abbe; Buazzelli,
Bacio di Giuda, Il (1989 - I) - Dir.: Benvenuti, Paolo - Prod.: Alfea; RAI3 - Act.: Bachi, Carlo; Algranti,
Giorgio; Barsotti, Marina - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Back to life after 2000 years (1913 - F) - BW - Prod.: Pathé
Baiser de Judas, Le [The kiss of Judas] (1908 - F) - BW - Dir.: Bour, Armand; Calmettes, André - Prod.: Film
d'Art; Pathé - Act.: Mounet-Sully, Jean; Lambert, Albert fils; Dieudonné, Albert - Adaptation of
Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Bambino di nome Gesù, Un [Un bambino di nome Gesù. Il mistero - L'enfant] (1988 - I) - 200 min. Television series (2 episodes) - SFE: average 2 * - Dir.: Rossi, Franco - Prod.: RAI - Act.: Bellina, Matteo;
Gassman, Alessandro; Clementi, Petrus; Sanmartin, Carmen; Haffeb Semlali; Bekim Fehmiu - Adaptation
of Testamentum novum, Euangelia - Ill.: SFE, 1995, p. 1001
Barabba [Barabbas] (1962 - I/USA) - 134 min. - SFE: 3 * - Dir.: Fleischer, Richard - Prod.: Columbia; De
Laurentiis, Dino - Act.: Quinn, Anthony; Mangano, Silvana; Palance, Jack; Gassman, Vittorio; Kennedy,
Arthur; Mangano, Roy; Andrews, Harry; Triesault, Ivan; Pitagora, Paola; Baron, Amma; Foa, Arnoldo;
Borgnine, Ernest - Adaptation of Lagerkvist, Pär, Barabbas (1950) - Ill.: Cameron, 1973, p. 75 (2 x); Cary,
1974, p. 73.102; Daisne, 1975, p. 405; Solomon, 1978, p. 126; MacDonald, 1996, p. 43.46; Aziza, 1998, p.
119.123; Solomon, 2001, fig. 125; Dumont, 2009, p. 385.417-418; Fourcart, 2012, p. 133
Barabbas (1953 - S) - Dir.: Sjöberg, Alf - Prod.: Sandrewproduktion - Act.: Palme, Ulf; Waern, Inge;
Strandmark, Erik; Arlin, Georg; Dahlbeck, Eva; Widgren,Olof - Adaptation of Lagerkvist, Pär, Barabbas
(1950) - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 408
BBC Play of the month. 4, 8. Julius Caesar (1969 - UK) - Episode of a television series - Dir.: Bridges, Alan Prod.: BBC - Act.: Denham, Maurice; Stephens, Robert - Adaptation of Shakespeare, William, Julius
Caesar (1597-1599) (theatre)
BBC Sunday-night theatre. 2, 8. Julius Caesar (1951 - UK) - BW - Television film - Dir.: Brett, Leonard Prod.: BBC TV - Act.: Hudd, Walter; Hawtrey, Anthony - Adaptation of Shakespeare, William, Julius
Caesar (1597-1599) (theatre)
Behold the man! (1921 - USA/F) - BW - Dir.: Maître, Maurice-André; Bennett, Spencer Gordon - Prod.: Pathé
Exchange; Selwyn - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Ben Hur (2003 - USA) - 75 min. - Cartoon film for television - Dir.: Kowalchuk, Bill - Act.: Heston, Charlton
(voice) - Adaptation of Wallace, Lewis, Ben-Hur (1880) (novel)
Ben Hur (2010 - E/CDN/MA) - 92x2 = 184 min. - Television series (2 episodes) - 3 * - Dir.: Hill, Steve - Act.:
Morgan, Joseph; Campbell Moore, Stephen - Adaptation of Wallace, Lewis, Ben-Hur (1880) (novel)
Ben-Hur [Ben Hur] (1907 - USA) - BW - ca. 17 min. - Dir.: Olcott, Sidney; Rose, Frank Oakes; Temple, H.
Vignola, Robert - Prod.: Kalem - Act.: Rose, Frank Oakes; Gauntier, Gene - Adaptation of Wallace, Lewis,
Ben-Hur (1880) (novel) - Ill.: Michelakis, 2013, p. 190.198
Ben-Hur [Ben Hur - Ben-Hur. A tale of the Christ] (1925 - USA) - Black-and-white (with coloured sequences)
- 143 min. - 3,5; SFE: 3 * - Dir.: Niblo, Fred - Prod.: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer - Act.: Novarro, Ramon;
Bushman, Francis X.; Myers, Carmel - Adaptation of Wallace, Lewis, Ben-Hur (1880) (novel) - Ill.: Le
patriote illustré, 29.03.1925, p. 1 (?); Cary, 1974, p. 76.108; Wie is wie, 1987, p. 421; Barraclough, 1992, p.
12; Dumont, 2009, p. 451-452; Michelakis, 2013, p. 321.322.326
Ben-Hur [Ben Hur - Ben-Hur. A tale of the Christ] (1959 - USA) - 212 min. - SFE: 4 * - Dir.: Wyler, William
(oscar); Marton, Andrew; Canutt, Joe - Prod.: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer; Zimbalist, Sam - Act.: Heston,
Charlton (Ben-Hur - oscar); Griffith, Hugh (oscar); Boyd, Stephen; Scott, Martha; Thring, Frank - Mus.:
Rózsa, Miklós (oscar) - Adaptation of Wallace, Lewis, Ben-Hur (1880) (novel) - Ill.: Cameron, 1973, p. 11;
Cary, 1974, kaft - p.; Daisne, 1975, p. 644; Solomon, 1978, p.;
SFE, 1986, p. 9; Wie is wie, 1987, p. 264; Cook, 1990, p. 497; Barraclough, 1992, p. 28-29.109; Eloy,
— 74 —
1996, p. 53; MacDonald, 1996, p. ii-iii.42; Aziza, 1998, p. 98.126.163; Phoenix 4, 2000, p. 116; Solomon,
2001, fig.; Cyrino, 2005a, p. 61.77 and cover; Wieber, 2005a, cover; Dumont, 2009, inner
back cover & back cover & p. 356.453-455; Hermeneus, 85, 1, 2013, p. 45
Ben-Hur, plus grand que la légende (2006 - f) - 76 min. - Television film - Dir.: Hossein, Rober; Valverde,
Richard - Act.: Héraut, Christophe - Adaptation of Wallace, Lewis, Ben-Hur (1880) (novel)
Ben-Hurry (1960? - USA) - Dir.: Fontaine, Dick
Bending her (1928 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Lane, Lupino - Act.: Lane, Lupino
Berceau de dieu, Le (1926 - F) - BW - Dir.: Leroy-Granville, Fred - Prod.: Stefan Markus Prod. - Act.: Bradin,
Jean; Barclay, Éric; Napierkowska, Stacia; Mathot, Léon; Devirys, Rachel - Adaptation of Testamentum
novum, Euangelia
Bérénice (1966 - F) - Dir.: Jolivet, Pierre-Alain - Act.: Gael, Anna; Verley, Bernard; Lescot, Jean; Destoop,
José - Adaptation of Racine, Jean, Bérénice (1670) (theatre)
Bérénice (1999 - F) - 97 min. - Dir.: Verhaeghe, Jean-Daniel - Prod.: Guérin, Jean-Pierre; TF1 - Act.: Bouquet,
Carole; Depardieu, Gérard - Adaptation of Racine, Jean, Bérénice (1670) (theatre) - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p.
514 (bis)
Besharat-e Monji [Issa, rouhollah - The Messiah - Jesus spirit of God - Good tidings of the Savior] (2004-2005
- IR) - 50x22 / 120 min. - Television film - Dir.: Talbzadeh, Nader - Prod.: IRIB Channel 1 - Act.:
Soleimani-Nia, Ahmad - Adaptation of Testamentum novum - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 446
Beso de Judas, El (1953 - E) - Dir.: Gil, Rafael - Prod.: Aspa - Act.: Alcover, Gabriel; Rivelles, Rafael; Tichy,
Gerard; Hurtado, Luis; Monroy, Manuel; Anzola, Pedro; Fernández, María Dolores; Serrano, Mercedes Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 409
Bestien des alten Rom, Die (1923 - D) - BW - Prod.: Thea-Film
Bianco, rosso, giallo, rosa [White, red, yellow, pink - Love factory] (1965 - I) - 94 min. - Dir.: Mida, Massimo
- Prod.: Alma; Borde - Act.: Giuffre, Carlo; Buccella, Maria Grazia; Cobelli, Giancarlo; Ruffini, Marcella
Bible, The. (11) Jesus [La bibbia. Jesus - Die Bibel. Jesus] (1999 - USA/I/D/CZ) - 90x2 = 180 min. Television series (2 episodes) - Dir.: Young, Roger - Act.: Sisto, Jeremy; Bisset, Jacqueline; Oldman, Gary
- Mus.: Williams, Patrick - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 439
Bible, The. (12) Joseph of Nazareth [Giuseppe di Nazareth] (1999 - I) - 96 min. - Television film - Dir.:
Mertes, Raffaele - Act.: Moretti, Tobias - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Bible, The. (13) Mary Magdalene [Gli amici di Gesù. Maria Maddalena - Jesus-Legenden. Maria Magdalena]
(1999 - I/D) - 94 min. - Television film - 3 * - Dir.: Mertes, Raffaele - Act.: Cucinotta, Maria Grazia;
Quinn, Danny - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Bible, The. (14) Thomas [Tommaso] (2001 - I) - 180 min. - Television film - Dir.: Mertes, Raffaele - Act.:
Tognazzi, Ricky - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Bible, The. (15) Judas [Giuda] (2001 - I) - 91 min. - Television film - Dir.: Mertes, Raffaele - Act.: Lo Verso,
Enrico; Quinn, Danny - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Bible, The. (16) San Paolo [Saint Paul - Paulus - Paul of Tarsos] (2000 - I/CZ) - 85x2 = 170 min. - Television
series (2 episodes) - Dir.: Young, Roger - Act.: Brandrup, Johannes - Adaptation of Testamentum novum,
Acta apostolorum - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 440
Bible, The. (17) The apocalypse [San Giovanni. L'apocalisse - De bijbel. Apocalyps] (2002 - I) - 180 min. Television film - Dir.: Mertes, Raffaele - Act.: Harris, Richard; Payne, Bruce - Adaptation of Testamentum
novum, Apocalypsis - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 442
Big fisherman, The [Simon le pêcheur] (1959 - USA) - 180 min. - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Borzage, Frank - Prod.:
United Artists; Buena Vista; Centurion; Lee, Rowland V. - Act.: Keel, Howard; Kohner, Susan - Adaptation
of Douglas, Lloyd Cassel, The big fisherman (1949) - Ill.: Cary, 1974, p. 126; Solomon, 1978, p. 124;
Solomon, 2001, fig. 124; Dumont, 2009, p. 379 (bis).412
Birth of Jesus, The (1909 - F) - BW - Prod.: Pathé - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Birth of our saviour, The (1914 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Brabin, Charles - Prod.: Edison - Act.: King, Carlton;
McCoy, Gertrude; Linson, Harry; Sutton, Charles; Eytinge, Harry; McGlynn, Frank - Adaptation of
Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Blade af Satans Bog [Leaves fom Satan's Book - Les pages du livre de Satan - Bladzijden uit Satan's boek]
(1921 - DK) - BW - 130 min. - SFE: 3 * - Dir.: Dreyer, Carl Theodor - Prod.: Nordisk - Act.: Nissen,
Helge; Hoff, Halvard; Texiere, Jacob; Hansson, Erling - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 396; Michelakis, 2013, p.
Blood of Jesus (1941 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Williams, Spencer - Act.: Williams, Spencer; Jones, James B.;
Riley, Juanita; Caviness, Cathryn
Boadicea (1918 - UK) - BW - Act.: Terriss, Ellaline
Boadicea (1926 - UK) - BW - ca. 132 min. - Dir.: Hill, Sinclair - Prod.: British Instructional; New Era; Woolfe,
H. Bruce - Act.: Neilson-Terry, Phyllis; Hall-Davis, Lilian; Heartherley, Clifford; McLaglen, Clifford;
Raynham, Fred
Bon Samaritain, Le (1909 - F) - BW - ca. 6 min. - Dir.: Perret, Léonce - Prod.: Gaumont - Act.: Tissot, Alice Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Lucas, 10, 30-37
Bonekickers. 3. The eternal fire (2008 - UK) - 55 min. - Episode of a television series - Dir.: O'Gorman, Sarah
- Act.: Macdonald, Shauna; Villiers, Jay; Green, Anthony
Book of Acts series, The (1957 - USA) - 15x10 = 150 min. - Television series (10 episodes) - Act.: Leigh,
Nelson - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Acta apostolorum
— 75 —
Boquejo cinematográfico (1918 - E) - BW - Dir.: Carballo, Arturo - Prod.: Condal Film - Act.: Gascó, Tina;
Soler Mari, Salvador - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Boudica [Warrior queen - Boudica. The mother of all warriors - Légions. Les guerriers de Rome] (2003 UK/R) - 98 min. - Television film - 2 * - Dir.: Anderson, Bill - Act.: Kingston, Alex; Shepherd, Jack; Blunt,
Emily; Speer, Hugo - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 509
Branded soul, A (1917 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Bracken, Bertram - Prod.: Fox - Act.: Brockwell, Gladys; Chase,
Colin; Cody, Lewis J.
Brenno, il nemico di Roma [Brennus, enemy of Rome - Battle of the Spartans - Brenno (sic), de vijand van
Roma (sic)] (1962 - I) - 91 min. - SFE: 1,5 * - Dir.: Gentilomo, Giacomo - Prod.: Liber Film - Act.:
Mitchell, Gordon; Davis, Ursula; Serato, Massimo; Kendall, Tony - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 264
Britannicus (1908 - F) - BW - Dir.: Calmettes, André - Prod.: Film d'Art; Pathé - Act.: Mounet-Sully, Réjane;
Roch, Madeleine - Adaptation of Tacitus, Annales, 12-13 (after 116); Racine, Jean, Britannicus (1669)
Britannicus (1912 - F) - BW - ca. 39 min. - Dir.: De Morlhon, Camille - Prod.: Films Valetta; Pathé - Act.:
Hervé, Jean; Joubé, Romuald; Grumbach, Jeanne; Signoret, Gabriel; Tessier, Valentine; Sylvie - Adaptation
of Tacitus, Annales, 12-13 (after 116); Racine, Jean, Britannicus (1669) (theatre)
Britannicus (1959 - F) - BW - Television film - Dir.: Kerchbron, Jean - Prod.: RTF - Act.: Ivernel, Daniel;
Mollien, Roger; Jamois, Marguerite - Adaptation of Tacitus, Annales, 12-13 (after 116); Racine, Jean,
Britannicus (1669) (theatre)
Britannicus (1982 - F) - Theatre recording - Dir.: Tarta, Alexandre; Bourdet, Gildas; Milianti, Alain - Prod.:
FR3 - Act.: Choël, Bruno; Bonnaffé, Jacques - Adaptation of Tacitus, Annales, 12-13 (after 116); Racine,
Jean, Britannicus (1669) (theatre)
Brûlez Rome! (2005 - F) - 90 min. - Television film - Dir.: Kechichian, Robert - Prod.: Prime Group; France 3
- Act.: Arbona, Gilles - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 497
Bruto [Brutus] (1910 - I) - BW - ca. 20 min. - Dir.: Guazzoni, Enrico - Prod.: Itala Film - Act.: Novelli,
Amleto; Terribili-Gonzales, Gianna - Adaptation of Shakespeare, William, Julius Caesar (1597-1599)
Bruto [Brutus] (1912 - I) - BW - ca. 17 min. - Dir.: De Liguoro, Giuseppe - Prod.: Cines (Roma) - Act.:
Pirovano, Arturo; Tettoni, Eugenia; De Liguoro, Giuseppe - Adaptation of Shakespeare, William, Julius
Caesar (1597-1599) (theatre)
Brutus and Cassius (1918 - UK) - BW - Dir.: Moore, Marshall - Prod.: Eric Williams Speaking Pictures - Act.:
Williams, Eric - Adaptation of Shakespeare, William, Julius Caesar (1597-1599) (theatre)
Bugs Bunny Loony Tune. Roman legion-hare (1955 - USA) - Cartoon film - Dir.: Ferleng, Friz (sic)
Burebista, fierul si aurul [Burebista, le fer et l'or] (1980 - R) - Dir.: Vitanidis, Gheorghe - Act.: Constantin,
George; Dichiseanu, Ion; Petrut, Emanoil
Cabiria (1913 - I) - BW - 150 min. - SFE: 3 * - Dir.: Fosco, Piero (Pastrone, Giovanni) - Prod.: Itala Film Act.: Quaranta, Lidia; Manzini, Almirante; Pagano, Ernesto (Bartolomeo); Mozzato, Umberto - Adaptation
of Livius, Ab urbe condita, 21-30 (27 BC - ca. 14 AD) - Ill.: Cameron, 1973, p. 45; Cary, 1974, p. 8.9.1011.19; Solomon, 1978, p.; Cook, 1990, p. 58; Solomon, 2001, fig.; Dumont,
2009, p. 269.274-276; Fourcart, 2012, p. 23.24; Michelakis, 2013, p. & pl. 19
Caesar and Cleopatra [Cesare e Cleopatra - César et Cléopâtre - Caesar und Cleopatra - Bernard Shaw's Caesar
and Cleopatra] (1946 - UK) - 134 min. - SFE: 3 * - Dir.: Pascal, Gabriel - Prod.: Rank, Arthur J.; Pascal,
Gabriel - Act.: Leigh, Vivien; Rains, Claude; Granger, Stewart; Simmons, Jean; Edwardes, Olga;
Swanhilde, Harda; Abdul Wahab - Adaptation of Ploutarchos, Caesar (ca. 100-120); Shaw, George
Bernard, Caesar and Cleopatra (1901) (theatre) - Ill.: Solomon, 1978, p. 44; SFE, 1986, p. 127; MacDonald,
1996, p. 31.32; Ziegler, 1998, p. 294.300.301; Solomon, 2001, fig. 37; Dumont, 2009, p. 352; Bronfen,
2013, p. 30.139.264-267
Caesar and Cleopatra (1956 - USA) - Television film - Dir.: Browning, Kirk - Prod.: Producer's Showcase NBC - Act.: Bloom, Claire; Hardwicke, Cedric; Hawkins, Jack - Adaptation of Ploutarchos, Caesar (ca.
100-120); Shaw, George Bernard, Caesar and Cleopatra (1901) (theatre)
Caesar's ghost (1922 - USA) - BW - Short film - Dir.: Morris, Reggie - Prod.: Star Comedy; Universal - Act.:
Atwell, Roy
Caesars, The. 1. Augustus - 2. Germanicus - 3. Tiberius - 4. Sejanus - 5. Caligula - 6. Claudius (1968 - UK) BW - 55x6 = 330 min. - Television series (6 episodes) - Dir.: Bennett, Derek - Prod.: Mackie, Philip;
Granada Television - Act.: Jones, Freddie; Morell, André; Bates, Ralph
Caio Giulio Cesare [Caius / Gaius / Gajus Julius Caesar] (1914 - I) - BW - 104 min. - Dir.: Guazzoni, Enrico Prod.: Cines (Roma) - Act.: Novelli, Amleto; Terribili-Gonzales, Gianna; Orlandini, Lea; Castellani, Bruto;
Mastripietri, Augusto; Lupi, Ignazio; Ricci, Orlando; Nazzari, Antonio - Adaptation of Shakespeare,
William, Julius Caesar (1597-1599) (theatre) - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 307 (bis); Michelakis, 2013, p. 118
Cajo Gracco tribuno (1911 - I) - BW - ca. 14 min. - Prod.: Latium Film (Roma)
Calde notti di Caligola, Le [Caligula - Caligula's hot nights] (1977 - I) - 84 min. - Dir.: Montero, Roberto
Bianchi - Prod.: The 100 Years Corporation - Act.: Colombo, Carlo; Romanazzi, Cinzia; Pescucci, Gastone;
Di Rossi, Patrizia
Calde notti di Poppea, Le [Poppaea's hot nights - Hot nights of Poppaea - Poppea, die Kaiserin der Gladiatoren
- Les nuits érotiques de Poppée] (1969 - I) - 90 min. - SFE: 1 * - Dir.: Reed, James (Malatesta, Guido) -
— 76 —
Prod.: Romana - Act.: Bérová, Olinka; Harris, Brad; Dori, Sandro; Altmayer, Tor - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p.
Caligola (1982 - I) - 98 min. - Television film - Dir.: Squarzina, Luigi - Act.: Branciaroli, Franco; Rassimov,
Rada - Adaptation of Camus, Albert, Caligula (1938) (theatre)
Caligola. Follia del potere [Caligula the deviant emperor] (1997 - I) - 87 min. - Video film - Dir.: D'Amato, Joe
(Massaccesi, Aristide) - Act.: Del Rio, Olivia; Malcolm, Francesco
Caligola... la storia mai raccontata [Caligola, l'altra storia - Caligula II. The forbidden story - Caligula, the
untold story - Caligula II. Het verboden verhaal] (1982 - I/USA) - 110 min. - SFE: 0 * - Dir.: Hills, David
(D'Amato, Joe; Massaccesi, Aristide) - Prod.: Metaxa - Act.: Gemser, Laura; Haughton, David Cain; Tinti,
Gabriele - Ill.: Aziza, 1998, p. 4
Caligula (1966 - D) - 100 min. - Television film - Dir.: Cremer, Ludwig - Act.: Frank, Horst; Keller, Krista Adaptation of Camus, Albert, Caligula (1938) (theatre)
Caligula (1975 - B) - Television film - Dir.: Lex, Yvonne; Simons, Peter - Act.: Maas, Frans; Lex, Yvonne Adaptation of Camus, Albert, Caligula (1938) (theatre)
Caligula [Caligola - Io, Caligola] (1979 - I/USA) - 210 min. - SFE: 1,5 * - Dir.: Brass, Giovanni Tinto;
Guccione, Bob; Lui, Giancarlo - Prod.: GTO; Felix; Penthouse; Guccione, Bob; Rossellini, Franco - Act.:
McDowell, Malcolm; O'Toole, Peter; Savoy, Teresa Ann; Mirren, Helen; Gielgud, John - Adaptation of
Vidal, Gore (°1925), Caligula (screenplay) - Ill.: Solomon, 2001, fig. 8; Dumont, 2009, p. 466-468;
Fourcart, 2012, p. 176
Caligula (1996 - H) - 51 min. - Television film - Dir.: Nagy, Sándor Cs. - Act.: hajdu, Szabolcs - Adaptation of
Camus, Albert, Caligula (1938) (theatre)
Calígula (2001 - E) - Television film - Dir.: de la Iglesia, Eloy - Adaptation of Camus, Albert, Caligula (1938)
Caligula et Messaline [Caligula e Messalina - Caligula and Messalina - Caligula's perversions - Caligula und
Messalina. Wilde Sexorgien] (1981 - F/I) - 105 min. - 0,5; SFE: 1,5 * - Dir.: Pass, Anthony (Passaglia,
Antonio); Dawn, Vincent (Mattei, Bruno); Renon, Jean-Jacques - Prod.: Beatrice; Italfrance - Act.:
Brajovic, Vladimir; Stanislas, Piotr; Passaglia, Antonio; Turner, John; Roland, Betty; Blanchard, Françoise;
Sadik, Kathy
Caligula helytartója (1984 - H) - 88 min. - Television film - Dir.: Esztergályos, Károly - Act.: Gálffi, László
Caligula: Následnice [Caligula's spawn] (2009 - CZ) - 163 min. - Video film - Dir.: Simandl, Lloyd A. - Act.:
Riffel, Rena; Drasova, Lena
Camminacammina [Keep walking - À la poursuite de l'étoile] (1980-1983 - I) - 171 min. - Dir.: Olmi,
Ermanno - Prod.: Scenario; RAI - Act.: Fumagalli, Alberto; Cucciarré, Antonio; Samminiatesi, Renzo Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 432
Cántabros, Los (1980 - E) - 107 min. - Dir.: Naschy, Paul (Molina, Jacinto) - Prod.: Monge Films - Act.:
Naschy, Paul (= Molina, Jacinto); Resino, Andrès; Barry, Dan; Miriel, Verónica; Mayo, Alfredo; Saly, Julia
- Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 365
Caprice du vainqueur, Le [La caprice du César vainqueur - César en Égypte - Cléopâtre et César - Cléopâtre Caesar in Egypt] (1910 - F) - Coloured - ca. 9 min. - Dir.: Andréani, Henri; Zecca, Ferdinand - Prod.: Série
d'Art; Pathé - Act.: Moreau, Gabriel; Renot, Delphine; Rianza
Captain Z-Ro. 11. Attila the Hun (1956 - USA) - 25 min. - Episode of a television series - Dir.: Butler, Dave Prod.: Kathleen K. Rawlings Prod. - Act.: Steffins, Roy; Driscoll, Bobby
Captives, The (1959? - USA) - Dir.: Fontaine, Dick
Carry on behind (1975 - UK) - 97 min. - SFE: 1,5 * - Dir.: Thomas, Gerald - Act.: Williams, Kenneth
Carry on Cleo [Arrête ton char... Cléo - O.K. Cléo] (1964 - UK) - 92 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Thomas, Gerald Prod.: Adder - Act.: James, Sidney; Barrie, Amanda - Ill.: Solomon, 1978, p. 186; MacDonald, 1996, p. 31;
Steyaert, 1997, p. 96; Joshel, 2001, p. 163.170.174; Solomon, 2001, fig. 191 (cf. p. 282-283); Dumont,
2009, p. 346
Cartagine in fiamme [Carthage en flammes - Carthage in flames - Carthago in vlammen] (1958 - I/F) - 96 min.
- SFE: 3 * - Dir.: Gallone, Carmine - Prod.: Lux - Act.: Heywood, Anne; Brasseur, Pierre; Gélin, Daniel Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 268.284-285; Fourcart, 2012, p. 43.125
Cassiodoro il più duro del pretorio (1975 - I) - 95 min. - Dir.: Coltellacci, Oreste - Prod.: Cine Cast - Act.:
Montagnani, Renzo; Martano, Aldina; Carotenuto, Mario; Ballista, Gigi
Catilina [Catiline] (1910 - I) - BW - ca. 15 min. - Dir.: Caserini, Mario - Prod.: Cines (Roma) - Act.: Caserini
Gasperini, Maria; Novelli, Amleto; Monti, Antonio; Castellani, Bruto
Celui qui doit mourir (1956 - F) - BW - 125 min. - SFE: 3 * - Dir.: Dassin, Jules - Act.: Servais, Jules;
Mercouri, Melina - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia; Kazantzakis, Nikos, O Christos
xanastauronetai (1948) (novel) - Ill.: Daisne, 1971, p. 657; SFE, 1986, p. 145
Cenobiti, I (1913 - I) - BW - Prod.: Cines (Roma)
Centurion (2010 - UK) - 97 min. - 2,5 * - Dir.: Marshall, Neil - Prod.: Pathé - UK Film Council - Act.:
Fassbender, Michael; West, Dominic; Kurylenko, Olga
Centurion, The [not completed] (1960 ca. - USA) - Television film - Prod.: Wrather, Jack
Cerberus (2005 - USA) - 88 min. - 1,5 * - Dir.: Terlesky, John - Act.: Evigan, Marcus; Andronache, Gabi
César chez les Gaulois (1931 - F) - BW - Cartoon film - Dir.: Clément, René
César e Cleópatra (1956 - BRA) - BW - Television film - Adaptation of Ploutarchos, Caesar (ca. 100-120);
Shaw, George Bernard, Caesar and Cleopatra (1901) (theatre)
— 77 —
Cesare deve morire (2012 - I) - Colour / BW - 76 min. - Theatre recording - 4 * - Dir.: Taviani, Paolo; Taviani,
Vittorio - Act.: Rega, Cosimo; Arcuri, Giovanni - Adaptation of Shakespeare, William, Julius Caesar
(1597-1599) (theatre)
Chariot race (1903 - USA) - BW - Prod.: Sigmund Lublin Co - Act.: Héraut, Christophe - Adaptation of
Wallace, Lewis, Ben-Hur (1880) (novel)
Checco Nerone (1913 - I) - BW - ca. 6 min. - Prod.: Cines (Roma) - Act.: Gambardella, Giuseppe
Chelmsford 123. 1. Arrivaderci Roma - 2. What's your poision? - 3. The girl of my dreams - 4. One for the
road - 5. Vidi vici veni - 6. Peeled grapes and pedicures - 7. Heads you loos - 8. Get well soon - 9. Bird
trouble - 10. Odi, et amo - 11. The secret war - 12. Mine's a double - 13. Something beginning with 'E'
(1988-1990 - UK) - 30x13 min. - Television series (13 episodes) - Dir.: Finch, Vic; Stroud, John - Act.:
Mulville, Jimmy; McGrath, Rory
Chemin de Damas, Le (1952 - F) - BW - 108 min. - Dir.: Glass, Max - Prod.: Les Films Max Glass - Act.:
Dufilho, Jacques; Simon, Michel; Balpétré, Antoine; Chomette, François - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 407
Chemin de Damas, Le (1963 - F) - Television film - Dir.: Hubert, Yves-André - Prod.: ORTF - Act.: Coggio,
Roger; Arbessier, Louis; Cassot, Marc; Ratib, Gamil; Gabbour, Gabriel; Sapritch, Alice - Adaptation of
Haedrich, Marcel, Le chemin de Damas (1956) (theatre)
Chemin de Damas, Le (1988 - F?) - Dir.: Mihalka, George - Act.: Bussières, Pascale; Barker, Jessica; Girard,
Chemin de Damas, Le (1989 - F) - Dir.: Segarra, Ludovic - Prod.: FR2; La Sept - Act.: Arbatt, Alexandre;
Tolsty, Vladimir; Van Bercheycke, Danielle; de Grammont, Étienne
Chi ha ucciso Caligola? [in production] [Who killed Caligula] (2015? - I/E/F) - Dir.: Brass, Tinto - Prod.:
Christ en croix, Le (1910 - F) - BW - Dir.: Feuillade, Louis - Prod.: Gaumont - Act.: Mme. Bourgeois, Gérard;
Dorson, Nadette - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Christ et la pécheresse, Le (1908 - F) - BW - ca. 8 min. - Prod.: Gaumont - Adaptation of Testamentum novum,
Christ marchant sur les eaux, Le [Le Christ marchant sur les flots - Christ walking on water] (1899 - F) - BW Dir.: Méliès, Georges - Prod.: Star Film - Act.: Méliès, Georges - Adaptation of Testamentum novum,
Mattheus, 14, 22-33
Christ marchant sur les eaux, Le (?) (1899 - F?) - BW - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Mattheus, 14, 2233
Christian martyrs, The [Martyrs chrétiens] (1909 - USA) - BW - ca. 17 min. - Dir.: Turner, Otis - Prod.: Selig,
William - Act.: Bosworth, Hobart; Leonard, Robert Z.; Harte, Betty - Adaptation of Bulwer Lytton, Edward
George (1803-1873), The Christian martyrs
Christus (1908 - D) - BW - Dir.: Messter, Oskar - Prod.: IK & L [Tonbild] - Adaptation of Testamentum
novum, Euangelia; Rubinstein, Anton G., Christus (1888) (opera)
Christus [Cristo] (1915 - I) - BW - 80 min. - Dir.: Antamoro, Giulio; Lupi, Ignazio; Guazzoni, Enrico - Prod.:
Cines (Roma) - Act.: Pasquali, Alberto; Gys, Leda; Novelli, Amleto; De Chiesa, Lina; Cattanea, Amelia;
Mastripietri, Augusto; Poggioli, Augusto - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia - Ill.: Dumont,
2009, p. 394
Cicerone a Roma (1906 - I) - BW - Prod.: Cines (Roma)
Cinematic translation of Shakespearean tragedies, A (2008 - USA) - 30 min. - Short film - Dir.: Tabish, Liz Act.: Jantzen, Riley; Ley, Nick; McGugan - Adaptation of Shakespeare, William, Antony and Cleopatra
(1606-1607) - Julius Caesar (1597-1599) e.a. (theatre)
Cinna ou la clémence d'Auguste (1964 - F) - BW - 120 min. - Television film - Dir.: Kerchbron, Jean - Act.:
Casile, Geneviève - Adaptation of Corneille, Pierre, Cinna (1642) (theatre)
Citius - altius - fortius (2003 - D) - Video film - Dir.: Gross, Christine - Adaptation of Goscinny, René Uderzo, Albert, Astérix (1959-) (comic series) - Ill.: Wieber, 2005a, p. 13-17
Civilisation à travers les âges, La. 2. Les druides: un sacrifice humain (1907-1908 - F) - BW - Dir.: Méliès,
Georges - Prod.: Star Film - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 321
Civilisation à travers les âges, La. 3. Néron et Locuste: un esclave empoisonné (an 65 de notre ère) [Néron
empoisonnant des esclaves - Civilization through the ages] (1907-1908 - F) - BW - Dir.: Méliès, Georges Prod.: Star Film
Civilisation à travers les âges, La. 4. Les catacombes de Rome: persécution des Chrétiens [Civilization through
the ages] (1907-1908 - F) - BW - Dir.: Méliès, Georges - Prod.: Star Film
Claude de Lyon (1963 - F) - 80 min. - Television film - Dir.: Lucot, René - Act.: Bertheau, Julien; Leroux,
Jean-Pierre - Adaptation of Husson, Albert, Claude de Lyon (1958) (theatre)
Cleo to Cleopatra (1928 - USA) - BW - Prod.: Warner Brothers; Vitaphone
Cleobatra [Cléopâtre] (1943 - ET) - BW - Dir.: Ibrahim Lama - Prod.: Condor-Film - Act.: Amina Rezk (Rizq);
Badr Lama; Mahmud El Meligi; Anwar Wagdi; Menassa Fahmi - Adaptation of Ploutarchos, Caesar Antonius (ca. 100-120)
Cleopatra [Cléopâtre] (1909 - D) - Black-and-white
Cleopatra [Helen Gardner in Cleopatra - Cleopatra die Beherrscherin des Nils] (1913 - USA) - BW - 88 min. Dir.: Gaskill, Charles L.; Blackton, James Stuart - Prod.: Vitagraph; Helen Gardner Picture Players - Act.:
Gardner, Helen; Gaillord, Robert; Knoles, Harley; Mr. Sindelar; Sindelar, Pearl; Ms. Fielding; Mr. Paul -
— 78 —
Adaptation of Ploutarchos, Antonius (ca. 100-120); Sardou, Victorien, Cléopâtre (1890) (theatre) - Ill.:
Dumont, 2009, p. 333
Cleopatra [Cleopatra the srien of the Nile - Cléopâtre la reine des Césars] (1917 - USA) - BW - 125 min. - Dir.:
Edwards, James Gordon - Prod.: Fox - Act.: Bara, Theda; Leiber, Fritz; Roscoe, Alan - Adaptation of
Ploutarchos, Caesar - Antonius (ca. 100-120) - Ill.: Cary, 1974, p. 96-97; Solomon, 1978, p. 17; Wyke,
1997b, p. 88; Alexandrie, 1998b, p. 66; Aknin, 1998, p. 23; Fössmeier, 2001, p. 287; Solomon, 2001, fig. 4;
Llewellyn-Jones, 2002, p. 278; Wenzel, 2005, fig. 9-38 and cover; Wieber, 2005a, p. 44; Wenzel, 2008, p.
30 (bis); Dumont, 2009, p. 334; Bronfen, 2013, p. 18.136.250-255; Hermeneus, 81, 1, 2013, p. 50
Cleopatra (1920 - USA) - BW - Cartoon film - Dir.: Bowers, Charles; Fisher, Bud - Prod.: Fox; Mutt and Jeff
Cleopatra (1928 - USA) - Dir.: Neill, Roy William - Prod.: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer; Kalmus, Herbert T. - Ill.:
Wenzel, 2005, fig. 40-44
Cleopatra [Cléopâtre] (1934 - USA) - BW - 95 min. - 3,5; SFE: 3,5 * - Dir.: DeMille, Cecil B. (Blount) - Prod.:
Paramount - Act.: Colbert, Claudette; William, Warren; Wilcoxon, Henry; Michael, Gertrude; Schildkraut,
Joseph; Smith, C. Aubrey; Dell, Claudia; Warwick, Robert - Adaptation of Ploutarchos, Caesar - Antonius
(ca. 100-120) - Ill.: Cary, 1974, p. 40.98 (2 x).148; Solomon, 1978, p. 42 (2 x); Willis, 1986, p. 2; Eloy,
1987, p. 84; Wie is wie, 1987, p. 505; Bovot, 1993, p. 32; Perron, 1994, p. 46-47; MacDonald, 1996, p.
31.32.33; Wyke, 1997b, p. 99; Fössmeier, 2001, p. 287; Solomon, 2001, fig. 33; Llewellyn-Jones, 2002, p.
280.286; Dumont, 2009, p. 335-336; Bronfen, 2013, p.
Cleopatra [Cléopâtre] (1963 - USA) - 243 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Mankiewicz, Joseph L. - Prod.: 20th-Century
Fox; Skouras, Spyros P. - Act.: Taylor, Elizabeth; Harrison, Rex; Burton, Richard; McDowall, Roddy Adaptation of Ploutarchos, Caesar - Antonius (ca. 100-120); Suetonius, De vita Caesarum (ca. 120);
Appianos, Historia Romana (before ca. 170); 'and other ancient sources'; Franzero, Carlo-Maria, The life
and times of Cleopatra (1958) - Ill.: Cameron, 1973, p. 7.77 (2 x); Cary, 1974, p. 94.99.109; Daisne, 1975,
p. 492; Solomon, 1978, p. 49.50.51; SFE, 1986, p. 164; Eloy, 1987, p. 23.84; Cook, 1990, p. 498;
Barraclough, 1992, kaft, p. 88; Perron, 1994, p. 48 (2 x); MacDonald, 1996, p.; Steyaert, 1997,
p. 95; Wyke, 1997b, p. 108; Aziza, 1998, cover; p. 12.156; Ziegler, 1998, p. 302; Michiels, 1999, p. viii;
Solomon, 2001, fig. 39-40.42; Fössmeier, 2001, p. 285.288; Llewellyn-Jones, 2002, p.; Wieber, 2002a, p. 22.40; Cyrino, 2005a, p. 124.142; Wenzel, 2008, p. 31; Dumont,
2009, cover & inner front cover & p. 256.309.331.332.341-345.363; Bronfen, 2013, cover & p. 2022.53.87.268-276; Hermeneus, 85, 1, 2013, p. 64
Cleopatra [Viva Viva] (1970 - USA) - 120 min. - Dir.: Auder, Michel - Prod.: Paramore, Ted - Act.: Viva;
Waldon, Louis
Cleopatra [Cleopatra die mächtigste Frau der Welt] (1999 - USA) - 176 min. - Television series (2 episodes) Dir.: Roddam, Franc - Prod.: Lovell, Dyson; Hallmark Entertainment - Act.: Varela, Leonor; Ové, Indra;
Dalton, Timothy; Zane, Billy; Graves, Rupert; Schofield, David - Adaptation of George, Margaret, The
memoirs of Cleopatra (1997) (novel) - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 348
Cleopatra (2010 - SYR) - Television series - Dir.: Ramadhan, Wael - Prod.: Siam, Tarek - Act.: Fawakherji,
Sulaf (Fawakhergy, Solaf)
Cleópatra (1962 - BRA) - BW - Television film - Dir.: Televisão Tupi - Act.: Solange; Duarte, Lima; Meira,
Tarcísio; Marzo, Cláudio
Cleópatra (2007 - BR) - 116 min. - Dir.: Bressane, Júlio - Act.: Negrini, Alessandra; Falabella, Miguel; Garcia,
Bruno - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 351
Cleopatra [in production] (2015? - USA) - 139 min. - Dir.: Lee, Ang - Act.: Jolie, Angelina
Cleopatra and her easy mark [Cleopatra's easy mark] (1921 - USA) - Coloured - ca. 11 min. - Cartoon film Dir.: Hayes, Ward
Cleopatra die Herrin des Nils [Kleopatra, Niiluse valitsejanna] (1921 - D) - BW - 92 min. - Act.: Nielsen, Asta
Cleopatra does Hollywood (2002 - USA) - 81 min. - Dir.: Parfait, Ralph - Prod.: Vivid; Wave Video - Act.:
Silver, Cheyenne
Cleopatra's lover [Cleopatra or a night of enchantment - Cleopatras Liebhaber] (1909 - USA) - BW - ca. 15
min. - Prod.: Vitagraph - Adaptation of Gautier, Théophile, Une nuit de Cléopâtre (1845)
Cleopatras, The (1983 - UK) - 50x8 = 400 min. - Television series (8 episodes) - Dir.: Frankau, John - Prod.:
BBC; Guy Slater - Act.: Shepherd, Elisabeth; Clarke, Prue; Moran, Pauline; Mortimer, Caroline;
Holderness, Sue; Boxer, Amanda; Newell, Michelle - Adaptation of Mackie, Philip, The Cleopatras (1983)
Cléopâtre [Le vol de la tombe de Cléopâtre - Un vol dans la tombe de Cléopâtre - Cleopatra - Cleopatra's tomb
- Robbing Cleopatra's tomb] (1899 - F) - BW - ca. 2 min. - Dir.: Méliès, Georges - Prod.: Star Film - Act.:
d'Alcy, Jeanne
Cléopâtre [Marco Antonio e Cleopatra] (1903 - F) - Coloured - ca. 8 min. - Prod.: Pathé Frères - Adaptation of
Ploutarchos, Antonius (ca. 100-120); Shakespeare, William, Antony and Cleopatra (1606-1607) (theatre)
Cléopâtre (1907 - F) - BW - Prod.: Pathé - Act.: Burgess, Dorothy - Adaptation of Ploutarchos, Antonius (ca.
Cléopâtre [Antoine et Cléopâtre - Cleopatra - Antony and Cleopatra - Kleopatra] (1910 - F) - BW - ca. 19 min.
- Dir.: Zecca, Ferdinand; Andréani, Henri - Prod.: Série d'Art; Pathé - Act.: Roch, Madeleine; De
Napierkowska, Stacia; Mademoiselle Rianza; Bérangère, Jeanne - Adaptation of Ploutarchos, Antonius (ca.
100-120); Shakespeare, William, Antony and Cleopatra (1606-1607) (theatre) - Ill.: Ziegler, 1998, p. 300;
Wenzel, 2005, fig. 4
— 79 —
Cléopâtre [Antoine et Cléopâtre - Antony and Cleopatra] (1913 - F) - BW - Dir.: Mariaud, Maurice; Feuillade,
Louis - Prod.: Gaumont - Act.: Carl, Renée; Keppens, Henri - Adaptation of Ploutarchos, Antonius (ca.
100-120) - Ill.: Wenzel, 2005, fig. 7-8
Cléopâtre [Antoine et Cléopâtre - Antony and Cleopatra; Cleopatra] (1914 - F) - BW - ca. 33 min. - Prod.:
Pathé - Adaptation of Ploutarchos, Antonius (ca. 100-120); Shakespeare, William, Antony and Cleopatra
(1606-1607) (theatre)
Cleopatsy [Toto et Cléopâtre] (1918 - F) - BW - ca. 30 min. - Dir.: Roach, Hal - Prod.: Pathé Frères; Rolin;
Toto Film Co. - Act.: Toto; Rogers, Dora
Color of the cross (2006 - USA) - 108 min. - Television film - Dir.: La Marre, Jean-Claude - Act.: La Marre,
Color of the cross. 2. The resurrection (2008 - USA) - 85 min. - Television film - Dir.: La Marre, Jean-Claude Act.: La Marre, Jean-Claude
Colosso di Roma, Il [Hero of Rome - Arm of fire - Le colosse de Rome] (1964 - I) - 94 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.:
Ferroni, Giorgio - Prod.: Dorica - Act.: Scott, Gordon; Serato, Massimo - Ill.: Aziza, 1998, p. 59; Dumont,
2009, p. 264; Fourcart, 2012, p. 106.11
Columna [Columno lui Trajan - Der Tyrann - La colonna di Traiano - The column] (1968 - R/D/I) - Dir.:
Dragan, Mircea - Prod.: Bucuresti; CCC - Act.: Johnson, Richard; Lualdi, Antonella; Nazzari, Amedeo;
Pellea, Amza - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 530
Conquest of the air (1936 - UK) - BW - Dir.: Korda, Zoltan; Esway, Alexander - Prod.: London Films - Act.:
Vernon, Dick; Petrie, Hay
Conquistatore di Corinto, Il [La bataille de Corinthe - The centurion - La destruccion de Corinto] (1961 - F/I) 77 min. - 2; SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Costa, Mario - Prod.: CFDFP; Europa - Act.: Sernas, Jacques; Grad,
Geneviève; Barrymore, John Drew; Mitchell, Gordon - Ill.: Fourcart, 2012, p. 41
Coriolan (1950 - F) - BW - Dir.: Cocteau, Jean - Act.: Cocteau, Jean; Marais, Jean
Coriolano, eroe senza patria [Coriolan, la terreur des gladiateurs - Coriolanus, hero without a country Thunder of battle] (1964 - I/F) - 101 min. - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Ferroni, Giorgio - Act.: Scott, Gordon; Lupo,
Alberto - Adaptation of Ploutarchos, Coriolanus (ca. 100-120) - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 266
Coriolanus (1965 - UK) - Television film - Dir.: Jenkins, Roger - Act.: Nightingale, John - Adaptation of
Ploutarchos, Coriolanus (ca. 100-120); Shakespeare, William, Coriolanus (1601-1608) (theatre)
Coriolanus (1979 - USA) - Video film - Dir.: Leach, Wilford - Act.: Freeman, Morgan; Christian, Robert Adaptation of Ploutarchos, Coriolanus (ca. 100-120); Shakespeare, William, Coriolanus (1601-1608)
Coriolanus (1984 - UK/USA) - Television film - Dir.: Moshinsky, Elijah - Act.: Howard, Alan - Adaptation of
Ploutarchos, Coriolanus (ca. 100-120); Shakespeare, William, Coriolanus (1601-1608) (theatre)
Coriolanus (2010 - UK) - 123 min. - 2 * - Dir.: Fiennes, Ralph - Prod.: BBC - Act.: Fiennes, Ralph; Bulter,
Gerard; Redgrave, Vanessa - Adaptation of Ploutarchos, Coriolanus (ca. 100-120); Shakespeare, William,
Coriolanus (1601-1608) (theatre)
Corona di ferro, La [La couronne de fer - The iron crown] (1941 - I) - BW - 106 min. - SFE: 3,5 * - Dir.:
Blasetti, Alessandro - Prod.: ENIC; Lux - Act.: Girotti, Massimo - Ill.: Cary, 1974, p. 2.118; Wie is wie,
1987, p. 224; Dumont, 2009, p. 567-568
Corsica. 1. Stonde, Stonde, le ortiche di Seneca (1991 - I) - Episode of a television series - Dir.: Cirasola, Nico
- Prod.: RAI due; VIDI - Act.: Omnis, Totò; Mastrangeli, Maria Cristina; Carturan, Sabina - Ill.: Dumont,
2009, p. 484 (bis)
Costantino il grande [In hoc signo vinces - Constantine the great - Constantine and the cross - Constantin le
grand] (1960 - I) - 120 min. - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: De Felice, Lionello - Prod.: Ionia - Act.: Wilde, Cornel;
Lee, Belinda; Serato, Massimo; Ninchi, Carlo; Gazzolo, Nando; Ninchi, Annibale; Mauro, Iole - Ill.:
Dumont, 2009, p. 558; Fourcart, 2012, p. 40.91
Couronnement de Poppée, Le (1961 - F) - Opera recording - Dir.: Loursais, Claude; Crochot, Michel - Act.:
Rhodes, Jane; Massard, Robert - Adaptation of Monteverdi, Claudio, L'incoronazione di Poppea (1642)
Couronnement de Poppée, Le (1978 - F) - Opera recording - Dir.: Flédérick, André; Rennert, Gunther - Prod.:
Opéra de Paris - Act.: Jones, Gwyneth; Vickers, Jon - Adaptation of Monteverdi, Claudio, L'incoronazione
di Poppea (1642) (opera)
Crimson cross, The (1913 - USA) - BW - Prod.: Éclair - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Crollo di Roma, Il [Rome in flames - Les derniers jours d'un empire] (1963 - I) - 90 min. - 1; SFE: 2 * - Dir.:
Dawson, Anthony M. (Margheriti, Antonio) - Prod.: Atlantica; Vicario, Marco - Act.: Möhner, Carl;
Nusciak, Lory (Loredana); Buccella, Maria Grazia - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 568
Cross, The (2001 - USA) - Dir.: Tracy, Lance - Act.: Salberg, Larry - Adaptation of Testamentum novum,
Crusader Rabbit. 3, 11. Caesar's salad (1957 - USA) - 5 min. - Episode of a cartoon series - Dir.: Nicholson,
Sam - Act.: Pearson, GeGe(voice)
Cruxifixion (2008 - USA) - 120 min. - Television film - Dir.: Taylor, John - Act.: Pelican, James
Cuentos de Borges. 1. El evangelio según San Marcos [The gospel according to St Mark] (1990 - E) - 60 min. Episode of a television series - SFE: good 3 * - Dir.: Olivera Héctor - Act.: Soto, Hugo - Adaptation of
Borges, Jorge Luis, El evangelio según San Marcos (1970)
— 80 —
Cupid and Psyche (1897 - USA) - BW - Prod.: Edison, Thomas A. - Act.: The Leander sisters - Adaptation of
Apuleius (125 - ca. 185), Metamorphoses, 4, 28-6, 24
Cupid et Psyché [Cupid and Psyche] (1912 - F) - BW - Prod.: Pathé - Adaptation of Apuleius (125 - ca. 185),
Metamorphoses, 4, 28-6, 24
Curse of the faceless man, The (1958 - USA) - BW - 66 min. - SFE: 0 * - Dir.: Cahn, Edward L. - Prod.:
United Artists - Act.: Mara, Adele; Van Rooten, Luis
Cyclops [Marcus. Der Gladiator von Rom - La chute des empires] (2008 - USA) - 88 min. - Television film - 1
* - Dir.: O'Brien, Declan - Act.: Stapleton, Kevin; Farrell, Frida (Frida Show); Roberts, Eric
Cymbelin (2000 - D) - 255 min. - Television film - Dir.: Dorn, Dieter - Act.: Clarin, Irene - Adaptation of
Shakespeare, William, Cymbeline (1608-1611) (theatre)
Cymbeline (1913 - USA) - BW - ca. 33 min. - Dir.: Sullivan, Frederic; Henderson, Lucius - Prod.: Thanhouser
- Act.: La Badie, Florence; Cruze, James; Russell, William; Garwood, William; Darnell, Jean - Adaptation
of Shakespeare, William, Cymbeline (1608-1611) (theatre)
Cymbeline (1956 - UK) - BW - Television film - Dir.: Benthall, Michael; Elliott, Michael - Prod.: BBC TV Act.: The Old Vic Company, London - Adaptation of Shakespeare, William, Cymbeline (1608-1611)
Cymbeline (1981 - USA) - Television film - Dir.: Tucker, Patrick - Prod.: Berkely Shakespeare Festival - Act.:
Chugg, Gail; Engle, Rebecca - Adaptation of Shakespeare, William, Cymbeline (1608-1611) (theatre)
Cymbeline (1981 - B) - Television film - Dir.: Decorte, Jan - Prod.: Koninklijk Conservatorium; RTB Adaptation of Shakespeare, William, Cymbeline (1608-1611) (theatre)
Cymbeline (1982 - UK) - 175 min. - Television film - SFE: average 2 * - Dir.: Moshinsky, Elijah - Act.:
Johnson, Richard - Adaptation of Shakespeare, William, Cymbeline (1608-1611) (theatre)
Dacii [Les guerriers - The Dacians - The warriors - Kampf der Titanen gegen Rom] (1966 - R/F) - 110 min. SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Nicolaescu, Sergiu - Prod.: Bucuresti; Franco London - Act.: Pellea, Amza; Brice, Pierre;
Kovcas, Giorgi; Nat, Marie-José; Marchal, Georges - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 525-526
Dafnis y Cloe (1969 - E) - BW - 23 min. - Short film - Dir.: Padrós, Antoni - Act.: Martínez, Toni; Morata,
Rosa - Adaptation of Longos, Daphnis et Chloe (2nd cent. AD)
Dall'amore al martirio [Amore e martirio - Martiri cristiani - Amour de martyr - Marcus Lycinius. Love and
martyrdom] (1910 - I) - BW - ca. 18 min. - Prod.: Cines (Roma) - Adaptation of Tacitus, Annales (after
116); Sienkiewicz, Henryk, Quo vadis? (1894)
Dans les ruines de Carthage (1910 - F) - BW - Dir.: Jasset, Victorin; Hatot, Georges
Daphnis i Khloya [Daphnis and Chloe] (1993 - SU) - 105 min. - Dir.: Kuzmenko, Yuri - Act.: Keyzerova, Olga
- Adaptation of Longos, Daphnis et Chloe (2nd cent. AD)
Daphnis kai Chloi [Dafnis kai Hloi - Daphnis and Chloe - Daphnis et Chloé - Dafnis y Cloe] (1929 - GR) - BW
- 68 min. - Dir.: Laskos, Orestis - Prod.: Astra - Act.: Matli, Loucy; Marsyas, Apollon; Corina; Vitsoris,
Timos; Avionitis, Giannis - Adaptation of Longos, Daphnis et Chloe (2nd cent. AD)
Daphnis kai Chloi '66 [Dafnis kai Hloi '66] (1966 - GR) - BW - 80 min. - Dir.: Zacharopoulou, Mika - Act.:
Romanou, Elli - Adaptation of Longos, Daphnis et Chloe (2nd cent. AD)
Daphnis kai Chloi. Oi mikroi erastai [Dafnis kai Hloi - Daphnis and Chloe] (1969 - GR) - BW - 83 min. - Dir.:
Laskos, Orestis - Act.: Angelousi, Hara - Adaptation of Longos, Daphnis et Chloe (2nd cent. AD)
Daphnis und Chloe (1957 - D) - BW - 71 min. - Television film - Dir.: Wilhelm, Kurt - Act.: Schönherr,
Dietmar; Brühl, Heidi - Adaptation of Longos, Daphnis et Chloe (2nd cent. AD)
Das Paradies Europas [Heil dir Helvetia] (1924 - D/CH) - BW - Dir.: Zürn, Walther - Prod.: Pandora; UFA
Daughter of the hills, The (1913 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Dawley, J. Searle - Prod.: Famous Players - Act.: Sawyer,
Laura; Peters, House; Playter, Wellington A.; Van Buren, Frank; Nares, P. W.
Day Christ died, The [Le jour où le Christ est mort] (1980 - USA) - 150 min. - Television film - SFE: average
2 * - Dir.: Jones, James Cellan - Prod.: CBS; 20th-Century Fox - Act.: Sarandon, Chris; Michell, Keith Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia; Bishop, Jim, The day Christ died (1957) (novel)
Day of triumph (1954 - USA) - Dir.: Pichel, Irving; Coyle, John T. - Prod.: Century Films; Friedrich, James K.
- Act.: Wilson, Robert; Cobb, Lee J.; Dru, Joanne; Griffith, James; Gilmore, Lowell; McVey, Tyler; Freud,
Ralph - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 410
Delenda Carthago! [La caduta di Cartagine] (1914 - I) - BW - Dir.: Maggi, Luigi - Prod.: Ambrosio (Torino) Act.: Tettoni Florio, Eugenia; Donadio, François Paul; Scalpellini, Umberto; Fabre, Marcel; Chiesa, Luigi;
Campogalliani, Carlo
Demetrius and the gladiators [I gladiatori - Les gladiateurs - Demetrius en de gladiatoren] (1954 - USA) - 101
min. - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Daves, Delmer - Prod.: 20th-Century Fox; Ross, Frank - Act.: Mature, Victor;
Hayward, Susan; Paget, Debra; Bancroft, Anne; Robinson, Jay; Jones, Barry; Rennie, Michael - Adaptation
of Douglas, Lloyd Cassel, The robe (1942) (novel) [only the characters] - Ill.: Cary, 1974, p. 124; Solomon,
1978, p. 134.135; MacDonald, 1996, p. 40 (bis); Aziza, 1998, p. 56; Solomon, 2001, fig. 132-133; De
Roover, 2003, p. iii; Dumont, 2009, p. 461.464-465
Derniers jours de Pompéi, Les [Gli ultimi giorni di Pompei - The last days of Pompeii] (1948 - F/I) - Dir.:
L'Herbier, Marcel; Moffa, Paolo - Prod.: Universalia - Act.: Presle, Micheline; Marchal, Georges; Herrand,
Marcel; Benetti, Adriana; Alex, Laure; Catelaine, Jaque; Trent, Peter; Pierfederici, Antonio - Adaptation of
Bulwer Lytton, Edward George, The last days of Pompeii (1834) - Ill.: Cary, 1974, p. 108; Eloy, 1987, p.
74; Aziza, 1998, p.115. 61; Dumont, 2009, p. 522; Fourcart, 2012, p. 29
— 81 —
Destiny of Rome, The. 1. Venger César - 2. Rêves d'empire [1. Avenging Caesar - 2. Octavian, Antony and
Cleopatra] (2011 - I) - 52x2= 104 min. - Documentary (2 episodes) - 2 * - Dir.: Hourlier, Fabrice - Act.:
Delag, Pawel; Gillet, Andy; Eido, Laetitia; Brenner, Cédric; Cirotteau, Cedric
Deux heures moins le quart avant Jésus-Christ [A quarter to two before Jesus Christ - Die verrücktesten 90
Minuten vor Christi Geburt] (1982 - F) - 97 min. - 2,5; SFE: 1 * - Dir.: Yanne, Jean - Prod.: Renn
Productions; Carthago Films; Berri, Claude - Act.: Coluche [Michel Colucci]; Serrault, Michel; Yanne,
Jean; Coutelier, Mimi - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 347; Fourcart, 2012, p. 175
Deux Romains en Gaule (1967 - F) - 60 min. - Television film - Dir.: Tchernia, Pierre - Prod.: ORTF - Act.:
Pierre, Roger; Thibault, Jean-Marc; Yanne, Jean; Chiffre, Viviane; Sand, Anne
Dido & Aeneas (1995 - UK) - 56 min. - Opera recording - Dir.: Maniura, Peter - Prod.: De Grunwald, Nick;
Baines, Julie - Act.: Ewing, Maria; Daymond, Karl - Adaptation of Purcell, Henry, Dido and Aeneas (1689)
Dido & Aeneas (1995 - USA?) - 56 min. - Dir.: Willis Sweete, Barabara - Act.: Mark Morris Cance Troupe;
Lane, Jennifer; Braun, Russell (voices) - Adaptation of Purcell, Henry, Dido and Aeneas (1689) (opera)
Dido and Aeneas [Dido en Aeneas] (1995? - NL) - 61 min. - Opera recording - Act.: Combattimento Consort
Amsterdam; Meijer, Xenia; Koningsberger, Maarten; Maessen, Irene - Mus.: de Vriend, Jan Willem
(conductor) - Adaptation of Purcell, Henry, Dido and Aeneas (1689) (opera)
Didone abbandonata [Dido forsaken by Aeneas - Didon abandonnée] (1910 - I) - BW - ca. 18 min. - Dir.:
Maggi, Luigi - Prod.: Ambrosio (Torino) - Act.: Tarlarini, Mary Cleo; Capozzi, Alberto A.; Principi, Mirra
- Adaptation of Vergilius, Aeneis, 1-6 (ca. 29-19) - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 257
Didone non è morta (1987 - I) - 107 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Mangiacapre, Lina - Act.: Silverio, Daniela Adaptation of Vergilius, Aeneis, 1-6 (ca. 29-19)
Dieci gladiatori, I [Ten gladiators - Ten desperate men - Les dix gladiateurs] (1964 - I) - 103 min. - Dir.:
Parolini, Gianfranco - Prod.: CO. Assoc. - Act.: Browne, Roger; Paget, Susan; Rizzo, Gianni; Taylor,
Margaret; Palmara, Mimmo
Dieux veulent ta mort, Les (?) [Götter wollen deinen Tod] (1909 - F) - BW - Prod.: Éclipse
Discípulo, El [The disciple - Jésus. Les sentiers de la révélation] (2010 - E) - 101 min. - Dir.: Barrachina,
Emilio Ruiz - Act.: West, Joel; Berenson, Marisa; Bosso Cox, Giovanni
Distruzione di Cartagine (1912 - I) - BW - Dir.: Caserini, Mario
Doctor Who [new series]. 4, 2. The fires of Pompeii (2008 - UK) - Episode of a television series - Dir.:
Teague, Colin - Act.: Tennant, David; Tate, Catherine
Doctor Who. 2, 12-15. The slave traders - All roads lead to Rome - Conspiracy - Inferno [The Romans] (1965 UK) - BW - 25x4 = 100 min. - Episode of a television series - Dir.: Barry, Christopher - Act.: Fancis,
Derek; Patrick, Kay; Peake, Michael; Diamond, Peter; Proudfoot, Brian; Tirard, Ann
Druides, Les (1906 - F) - BW - ca. 5 min. - Dir.: Guy, Alice - Prod.: Gaumont
Due gladiatori, I [The two gladiators - Fight or die - La fureur des gladiateurs] (1964 - I) - 86 min. - SFE: 1,5 *
- Dir.: Caiano, Mario - Prod.: Prometeo - Act.: Harrison, Richard; Orfei, Moira; Farnese, Alberto; Gemma,
Giuliano - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 536
Due notti con Cleopatra [Two nights with Cleopatra - Deux nuits avec Cléopâtre - Zwei Nächte mit Cleoptra Die Liebesnächte der Cleoptra - Das Geheimnis der Cleopatra - Noches de Cleopatra] (1953 - I) - 95 min. 1,5; SFE: 1,5 * - Dir.: Mattoli, Mario - Prod.: Excelsa; Rosa - Act.: Loren, Sophia; Sordi, Alberto; Manni,
Ettore - Adaptation of Gautier, Théophile, Une nuit de Cléopâtre (1845) - Ill.: Perron, 1994, p. 48; Dumont,
2009, p. 338; Fourcart, 2012, p. 33.110
E di Shaul e dei sicari sulle vie di Damasco [Di Shaul e dei sicari dove finiscono le vie di Damasco] (1974 I/SYR) - 117 min. - Dir.: Toti, Gianni - Prod.: La Via di Damasco; OnCS - Act.: Haber, Alessandro;
Montinaro, Brizio; Wilson, Georges; Jamil Awad; Imad Sef Eddim
Eagle of the Ninth, The (1977 - UK) - 30x6 = 180 min. - Television (mini) series (6 episodes) - Dir.: Simpson,
Michael; Taylor, Baz - Prod.: BBC Scotland - Act.: Higgins, Anthony; Rodska, Christian; Holt, Patricia;
Heller, Martin; Bailley, Gillian - Adaptation of Sutcliff, Rosemary, The eagle of the Ninth (1954) (novel)
Eagle, The [The eagle of the Ninth] (2011 - UK/USA) - 114 min. - 2 * - Dir.: Macdonald, Kevin - Prod.:
Kenworthy, Duncan - Act.: Tatum, Channing; Bell, Jamie; Sutherland, Donald - Adaptation of Sutcliff,
Rosemary, The eagle of the Ninth (1954) (novel)
Easter story keepers, The (1998 - USA) - 70 min. - Cartoon film; musical - Dir.: Murakami, Jimmy T. - Act.:
Boone, Debby; Curry, Tim (voices)
Ebreo errante, L' [The wandering Jew] (1912 - I) - BW - ca. 67 min. - Prod.: Roma Film - Adaptation of Sue,
Eugène, Le juif errant (1844-1845)
Ebreo errante, L' (1916 - I) - BW - Dir.: Paradisi, Umberto - Prod.: Pasquali (Torino) - Act.: Cimarra, Mario;
Candiani, Egidio; Vernier, Enrico - Adaptation of Sue, Eugène, Le juif errant (1844-1845)
Elopement in Rome, An (1914 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Neilan, Marshall - Prod.: Kalem Company - Act.: Neilan,
Marshall; Roland, Ruth; Brennan, John E.
Emperor: young Caesar [not completed] (2010 - USA) - Dir.: Steers, Burr - Prod.: Exclusive Media Group Adaptation of Iggulden, Conn, Emperor. 1. The gates of Rome - 2. The death of kings (2003-2004) (novels)
Empire (2005 - USA) - 253 min. - Television series (6 episodes) - Dir.: Yaitanes, Greg (1-2); Gray, John (3-5);
Manners, Kim (6) - Prod.: ABC; Touchstone Television - Act.: Cabrera, Santiago; Regan, Vincent; Blunt,
Emily; Cake, Jonathan
Empire of Caesar (2005 - H) - 90 min. - Video film - Dir.: Borbely, Csaba - Act.: Francesco, Gino
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Empire of crows [not completed] (2009 - USA) - Prod.: 20th Century Fox
Enfant prodigue, L' (1907 - F) - BW - Dir.: Carré, Michel - Prod.: Pathé - Act.: Wague, Georges; Gouget,
Henri; Mendelys, Christiane - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Lucas, 15, 11-32
Enfant prodigue, L' (1909 - F) - BW - Dir.: Berr, Georges - Prod.: Film d'Art; Pathé - Act.: Sylvain, Henri;
Dehelly, Jean; Alexandre, Roger - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Lucas, 15, 11-32
Ercole contro Roma [Samson contre Rome - Samson contre tous - Hercules against Rome - Hercules in Rome]
(1964 - I/F) - 90 min. - SFE: 1 * - Dir.: Pierotti, Piero - Prod.: Romana - Act.: Steel, Alan; Guida, Wandisa;
Palmara, Domenico
Erode il grande [Le roi cruel - Herod the Great - Herodes. Blut über Jerusalem - Herodes, de genadeloze] (1959
- I/F) - 93 min. - 2; SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Genoino, Arnaldo (Tourjansky, Viktor) - Prod.: Vic; Faro - Act.:
Purdom, Edmund; Lopez, Sylvia; Girotti, Massimo; Milo, Sandre - Ill.: SFE, 1986, p. 961; Dumont, 2009,
p. 378; Fourcart, 2012, p. 149
Erodiade [Hérodiade - Salomé [Salome, Salomè]] (1912 - I) - BW - ca. 40 min. - Dir.: Mentasti, Oreste - Prod.:
Savoia Film (Torino) - Act.: De Labroy, Suzanne; Costamagna, Adriana; Mateldi, Goffredo; Garzes,
Arturo; Roncoroni; Spano, Giovanni - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Marcus, 6, 14-29; Flavius
Iosephos, Antiquitates Iudaicae, 14-18 (93/94); Wilde, Oscar, Salomé (1893) (theatre); Strauss, Richard,
Salome (1905) (opera)
Errol Flynn Theatre. Anthony and Cleopatra [Anthony et Cléopâtre] (1957 - USA) - 30 min. - Episode of a
television series - Dir.: Huntington, Laurence - Prod.: Williams, Norman; Leduc, Marcel - Act.: Kirk,
Phyllis; Howard, Ronald
Es würde gut dass ein Mensch würde umbracht für das Volk [Johannispassion] (1990 - D) - Dir.: Niebeling,
Hugo - Act.: Quest, Christoph; Barner, Klaus; Richter, Ralf - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Ioannes;
Bach, Johann Sebastian, Johannes Passion (1724) (music)
Esercito di Scipione, L' (1977 - I) - Television film - Dir.: Berlinguer, Giuliana - Act.: Biondi, Pietro; Giogrio,
Pier Luigi; Piaz, Gianna; Degli Eposti, Piera
Espiral de Lug, La (2006 - E) - 28 min. - Dir.: Balbás, Yeyo - Act.: Urrutia, Iñaki; Astoriza, Hector
Estudio 1. Julio César (1965 - E) - BW - Episode of a television series - Dir.: López, Pedro Amalio - Act.:
López, Arturo - Adaptation of Shakespeare, William, Julius Caesar (1597-1599) (theatre)
Eternal light, The (1919 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Goebel, Otto E.; Pallen, Conde P. - Prod.: Catholic Art
Association, Inc. - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Étoile du génie, L' (1914 - F) - BW - Dir.: Zecca, Ferdinand; Leprince, René - Prod.: Pathé - Act.: Signoret,
Gabriel; Mayer, Henri; Napierkowska, Stacia
Etrusco uccide ancora, L' [The Etruscan kills again - The dead are alive] (1972 - I/D/YU) - 98 min. - SFE: 2 * Dir.: Crispi, Armando - Act.: Cord, Alex
Eunuch, The. A Roman comedy (1999 - USA?) - 70 min. - Theatre recording - Adaptation of Terentius,
Eunuchus (161)
Ewiger Wald [La forêt étrnelle] (1934-1936 - D) - BW - 89 min. - Dir.: Springer, Hanns; von SonjewskiJamrowski, Rolf; Siehm, Wilhelm Georg - Prod.: Albert graf von Pestalozza Lex Film; NationalSozialistische-Kulturgemeinde - Act.: Mog, Aribert
Exode, L' (1910 - F) - BW - ca. 25 min. - Dir.: Feuillade, Louis - Act.: Dorson, Nadette; Carl, Renée
Explorations in Shakespeare. 1. Antony and Cleopatra. The world well lost (1969 - CDN) - 23 min. - Episode
of a television series - Prod.: NBC Educational Enterprise; Reis, Kurt; Moser, Ed - Adaptation of
Ploutarchos, Antonius (ca. 100-120); Shakespeare, William, Antony and Cleopatra (1606-1607) (theatre)
Fabiola (1917-1918 - I) - BW - Dir.: Guazzoni, Enrico - Prod.: Palatino-Film (Roma) - Act.: Bartoli-Avveduti,
Maria Antonietta (Sangro, Elena); Novelli, Amleto; Pavanelli, Livio; Sanfilippo, Valéria; Mme Poletti;
Castellani, Bruto - Adaptation of Wiseman, Nicholas Patrick Stephen, Fabiola; or, The church in the
catacombs (1854) - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 553
Fabiola [Fabiola and the fighting gladiator - The fighting gladiator - Fabulous Fabiola - Fabiola. L'église des
catacombes] (1948 - I/F) - 165 min. - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Blasetti, Alessandro - Prod.: Universalia - Act.:
Morgan, Michèle; Vidal, Henri; Simon, Michel; Massimo; Salou, Louis; Cervi, Gino - Adaptation of
Wiseman, Nicholas Patrick Stephen, Fabiola; or, The church in the catacombs (1854) - Ill.: Cary, 1974, p.
102 (2 x); Aziza, 1998, p. 153; Dumont, 2009, p. 547.554-555; Fourcart, 2012, p. 28.94.146
Fable de Psyché, La (1909 - F) - BW - Prod.: Pathé - Adaptation of Apuleius (125 - ca. 185), Metamorphoses,
4, 28-6, 24
Fall of Pompeii, The [The last days of Pompeii] (1913 - UK) - BW - Prod.: Motograph - Adaptation of Bulwer
Lytton, Edward George, The last days of Pompeii (1834)
Fall of the Roman empire, The [La caduta dell'impero romano - La chute de l'Empire romain - De val van het
Romeinse rijk - De val van Rome - Der Untergang des römischen Reiches] (1964 - USA) - 188 (153) min. SFE: 3,5 * - Dir.: Mann, Anthony - Prod.: Paramount; Bronston, Samuel - Act.: Loren, Sophia; Mason,
James; Guinness, Alec; Boyd, Stephen; Quayle, Anthony; Plummer, Christopher; Sharif, Omar - Ill.:
Cameron, 1973, p. 85; Cary, 1974, p. 70-71.135-136; Solomon, 1978, p.; SFE, 1986, p. 941;
Wie is wie, 1987, p. 76.465; Barraclough, 1992, p. 56; MacDonald, 1996, p. viii-1.4; Wyke, 1997b, p. 186;
Aziza, 1998, p. 70; Solomon, 2001, fig.; De Roover, 2003, p. vi; Winkler, 2004, pl.
16.20.26; Wieber, 2005a, p. 45; Dumont, 2009, p. 533-536.549
Famous scenes from Shakespeare. Julius Caesar (1945 - UK) - BW - Dir.: Cass, Henry - Prod.: Theatrecraft Act.: Aylmer, Felix; Genn, Leo - Adaptation of Shakespeare, William, Julius Caesar (1597-1599) (theatre)
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Fanciulla di Pompei, La (1925 - I) - BW - Dir.: Antamoro, Giulio - Prod.: Lombardo - Act.: Gys, Leda; Joubé,
Romuald; Rolane, Andrée; Gintili, Andreina
Fantôme de Néron, Le (?) (1965 - USA) - Television film - Dir.: Allen, Irwin
Father Payton's family theater. Hill number one (1951 - USA) - BW - 57 min. - Dir.: Brahm, John; Pierson,
Arthur - Act.: Hussey, Ruth; Brandon, Henry; Dean, James - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia
- Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 406
Felix the cat. Cleopatra's beauty secrets (1960 - USA) - 30 min. - Cartoon film - Prod.: Oriolo, Joe
Fiddlers three [While Nero fiddled] (1944 - UK) - BW - 87 min. - Musical - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Watt, Harry Prod.: Ealing Studios - Act.: Trinder, Tommy; Hale, Sonnie; Sullivan, Francis L.; Day, Frances
Fidelité romaine [L'heure de l'exécution - The hour of execution] (1911 - F) - BW - ca. 14 min. - Dir.:
Feuillade, Louis - Prod.: Gaumont - Act.: Aymé, Jean
Figlia di Erodiade, La [Fille <d'>Hérodiade, La] (1916 - I/F) - BW - Dir.: Falena, Ugo - Prod.: Film d'Arte
Italiana (Roma) - Act.: Napierkowska, Stacia; Gioppo, Elio; Revonne, Tina
Figlio dell'uomo, Il [Ecce homo - Le fils de l'homme] (1955 - I) - Dir.: Sabel, Virgilio - Prod.: San Paolo Films
- Act.: Valenti, Eugenio; Mari, Fiorella; Del Duca, Elia; Diana, Gaetano; Magetti, Jenny; Costante,
Raffaele; Casali, Antonio; Paisi, Franca; Vigilante, Antonio - Adaptation of Testamentum novum,
Figlio di Cleopatra, Il [The son of Cleopatra - El Kébir, fils de Cléopâtre - Ibn Cleôbatra] (1964 - I/E) - 104
min. - 2; SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Baldi, Ferdinando; Seven-Tiki - Act.: Damon, Mark; Gabel, Scilla; Lupo, Alberto
Figlio di Spartacus, Il [The son of Spartacus - The slave - Le fils de Spartacus] (1962 - I) - 100 min. - 2,5; SFE:
2 * - Dir.: Corbucci, Sergio; Geraldi, Franco - Prod.: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer; Titanus - Act.: Reeves, Steve;
Canale, Gianna Maria; Sernas, Jacques; Garrani, Ivo; Gora, Claudio - Ill.: Solomon, 1978, p. 196; Solomon,
2001, fig. 202; Dumont, 2009, p. 299; Fourcart, 2012, p.
Filha de Calígula, A (1982 - BR) - 70 min. - Dir.: Fraga, Ody - Prod.: Galante - Act.: Regina, Sônia; Fraga,
Fille du centurion, La (1910 - F) - BW - Prod.: Radios Film
Fils de Locuste, Le (1911 - F) - BW - 16 min. - Dir.: Feuillade, Louis - Prod.: Gaumont - Act.: Carl, Renée;
Morat, Luitz; Wague, Georges; Manson, M.
Fils prodigue, Le (1901 - F) - BW - Dir.: Zecca, Ferdinand - Prod.: Pathé - Adaptation of Testamentum novum,
Lucas, 15, 11-32
Fils prodigue, Le [La parabole de l'enfant prodigue - The prodigal son] (1911 - F) - BW - ca. 16 min. - Prod.:
Éclair - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Lucas, 15, 11-32
Fiori di sant' Antonio, I (1908 - I) - BW - Dir.: Maggi, Luigi - Prod.: Ambrosio (Torino)
Flavia, la schiava di Cesare (1986 - I) - 64 min. - Dir.: Webber, Lawrence - Act.: Levine, Ann; Sambrei, Aldo;
Goodman, Suzy
Foi des anciens Germains, La (?) [Germanischer Glaube] (1913 - F) - BW - Prod.: Éclipse
Fourth wise man, The [Le quatrième sage] (1985 - USA) - Television film - Dir.: Rhodez, Michael Ray - Prod.:
ABC - Act.: Sheen, Martin; Arkin, Alan; Brennan, Eileen; Bellamy, Ralph - Adaptation of Van Dyke,
Henry, The fourth wise man (1895) (story)
Friends, Romans and Leo (1917 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Crosland, Alan - Prod.: Edison - Act.: Wasdworth,
William; McKee, Raymond; Fletcher, Juanita; MacDonough, Harry
From the manger to the cross [Jesus of Nazareth] (1913 - USA) - BW - 71 min. - Dir.: Olcott, Sidney - Prod.:
Kalem - Act.: Henderson-Bland, Robert; Gauntier, Gene; Hollister, Alice; Clark, Jack J.; Vignola, Robert Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 392 (bis)
Fuite en Égypte, La (1898 - F) - BW - Dir.: Guy, Alice - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Función de noche. Calígula (1996 - E) - Television film - Act.: Merlo, Luis; Sánchez, Pedro Mari - Adaptation
of Camus, Albert, Caligula (1938) (theatre)
Funny thing happened on the way to the forum, A [Dolci vizi dal foro - Le forum en folie - Toll trieben es die
alten Römer] (1966 - USA) - 99 min. - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Lester, Richard; Simmons, Bob - Prod.: United
Artists; Frank, Melvin - Act.: Mostel, Zero; Keaton, Buster; Crawford, Michael; Silvers, Phil - Adaptation
of Plautus, Pseudolus (191) - Miles gloriosus (ca. 205) - Casina - Poenulus - Mostellaria; Sondheim,
Stephen - Shevelove, Burt - Gelbart, Larry, A funny thing happened on the way to the forum (1962)
(Broadway musical) - Ill.: Solomon, 1978, p. 182 (2 x).184; Solomon, 2001, fig. 186-188; Wieber, 2002a,
p. 26-27, fig. 8-10; Cyrino, 2005a, p. 162; Wieber, 2005a, p. 7; Dumont, 2009, p. 265
Fuoco sacro, Il [Il tempio di Vesta] (1909 - I) - BW - ca. 11 min. - Dir.: Lolli, Aberto Carlo - Prod.: Aquila
Films (Torino)
Furia dei barbari, La [The fury of the barbarians - Toryok, la furie des barbares] (1960 - I) - 95 min. - SFE: 1,5
* - Dir.: Malatesta, Guido - Prod.: Arion - Act.: Purdom, Edmund; Podestà, Rossana; Lorenzon, Livio
Further up Pompeii (1991 - UK) - 40 min. - Television film - Dir.: Hamilton, Ian - Prod.: LWT - Act.: Howerd,
Further up Pompeii! (1975 - UK) - 45 min. - Television film - Dir.: Croft, David - Prod.: BBC - Act.: Howerd,
Galiläer, Der. Ein Passionsspiel (1921 - D) - BW - Dir.: Buchowetzki, Dimitri - Prod.: Gospel Film - Act.:
Fassnacht, Adolph; Fassnacht, Georg - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Galileans, The [not completed] (1955 - USA) - Dir.: Biberman, Abner - Prod.: Universal - Act.: Chandler, Jeff;
Scala, Gia; Danton, Ray - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia
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Geburt Jesu, Die (1909 - D) - BW - Prod.: IK & L [Tonbild] - Act.: Ottmann, Marie - Adaptation of
Testamentum novum, Euangelia; Rubinstein, Anton G., Christus (1888) (opera)
General Electric Theater. The other wise man (1960 - USA) - Television film - Prod.: CBS - Act.: Townes,
Harry; Bushman, Francis X.; Sofaer, Abraham
General Electric Theatre. Caesar and Cleopatra (1959 - USA) - Television film - Prod.: General Electric
Theatre; CBS - Act.: Evans, Maurice; Laurie, Piper - Adaptation of Ploutarchos, Caesar (ca. 100-120);
Shaw, George Bernard, Caesar and Cleopatra (1901) (theatre) (?)
Germanikus (2004 - D) - Dir.: Müller, Hanns Christian - Act.: Polt, Gerhard - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 569
Geschichtsunterricht (1972 - I/D) - 88 min. - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Straub, Jean-Marie; Huillet, Danièle - Act.:
Bold, Gottfried; Unterpertimger, Johann - Adaptation of Brecht, Bertolt, Die Geschäfte des Herrn Julius
Cäsar (1938-1957)
Giganti di Roma, I [Fort Alésia - Les géants de Rome - The giants of Rome] (1964 - I/F) - 95 min. - SFE: 1 * Dir.: Dawson, Anthony M. (Margheriti, Antonio) - Prod.: NCC; Devon; Radius - Act.: Harrison, Richard;
Guida, Wandisa; Manni, Ettore; Sperli, Alessandro; Lulli, Piero; Hudson, Ralph
Giovane Attila, Il (1971 - I/H) - 86 min. - Television film - Dir.: Jancsó, Miklós - Prod.: RAI - Act.: Madaras,
Jozsef; Enria, Sergio; Zinneman, Anna; Meril, Adalberto Maria; Montini, Luigi
Giro di lune tra terra e mare (1997 - I) - Dir.: Gaudino, Giuseppe Mario - Act.: Colla, Sebastiano; Ippolito,
Angelica - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 484 (bis)
Giuda [Judas] (1911 - I) - BW - ca. 22 min. - Dir.: Frusta, Arrigo - Prod.: Ambrosio (Torino) - Act.: Grandi,
Oreste; Morano, Gigetta; Voller Buzzi, Mario - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Giuda [L'ultima cena] (1919 - I) - BW - Dir.: Mari, Febo - Prod.: Mari Film - Act.: Mari, Febo; Mardeglia,
Nietta; Vannoti, M.; Pollina, Enzo; Barberis, E.; Camerario, Augusto - Adaptation of Testamentum novum,
Euangelia - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 396
Giuliano l'apostata [Julian the apostate] (1919 - I) - BW - Dir.: Falena, Ugo - Prod.: Bernini Film - Act.:
Graziosi, Guido; Maschalchi, Ignazio; Leonidoff, Ilena; Malinverni, Silvia - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 557;
Michelakis, 2013, p. 255-258
Giulio Cesare [Giulio Cesare e Brutus - Julius Caesar] (1909 - I) - BW - ca. 14 min. - Dir.: Guazzoni, Enrico
(?) - Prod.: Itala Film (Torino) - Act.: Garzes, Arturo; Mele, Luigi - Adaptation of Shakespeare, William,
Julius Caesar (1597-1599) (theatre)
Giulio Cesare (1913 - I) - BW - Prod.: Itala Film (Torino)
Giulio Cesare (1959 - I) - BW - 149 min. - Television film - Dir.: Bolchi, Sandro - Act.: Giachetti, Fosco;
Orlando, Orazio - Adaptation of Shakespeare, William, Julius Caesar (1597-1599) (theatre)
Giulio Cesare (1965 - I) - 147 min. - Television film - Dir.: Bolchi, Sandro - Act.: Battistella, Antonio;
Grassilli, Raoul; Venturi, Antonio - Adaptation of Shakespeare, William, Julius Caesar (1597-1599)
Giulio Cesare (1979 - I) - 119 min. - Television film - Dir.: Scaparro, Maurizio - Prod.: RAI - Act.:
Giovampietro, Renzo; Micol, Pino; Palazzini, Massimo - Adaptation of Shakespeare, William, Julius
Caesar (1597-1599) (theatre)
Giulio Cesare (1990 - I) - Television film - Dir.: Scaparro, Maurizio - Prod.: RAI - Adaptation of Shakespeare,
William, Julius Caesar (1597-1599) (theatre)
Giulio Cesare contro i pirati [Jules César contre les pirates] (1961 - I) - 90 min. - SFE: 1,5 * - Dir.: Grieco,
Sergio - Prod.: CAPRE - Act.: Mitchell, Gordon; Rojo, Gustavo; Lane, Abbe; Lulli, Piero; Crisa, Erno;
Gentile, Fedele - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 308; Fourcart, 2012, p. 121
Giulio Cesare e Brutus [Giulio Cesare - Julius Caesar] (1909 - I) - BW - Dir.: Pastrone, Giovanni - Prod.: Itala
Film - Adaptation of Shakespeare, William, Julius Caesar (1597-1599) (theatre)
Giulio Cesare in Egitto [Julius Caesar in Egypt] (1990 - F/B/D) - 237 min. - Opera recording - Dir.: Sellars,
Peter - Act.: Larson, Susan; Gall, Jeffrey - Adaptation of Haym, Nicola Francesco - Händel, Georg
Friedrich, Giulio Cesare in Egitto (1724) (opera)
Giulio Cesare in Egitto (2005 - UK) - Opera recording - Dir.: MacVicar, David - Act.: Connolly, Sarah; de
Niese, Danielle - Adaptation of Haym, Nicola Francesco - Händel, Georg Friedrich, Giulio Cesare in Egitto
(1724) (opera)
Giulio Cesare, il conquistatore delle Gallie [Caesar the conqueror - Jules César conquérant des Gaules - De
bello Gallico] (1963 - I) - 97 min. - 1,5; SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Anton, Amerigo (Boccia, Tanio); Griffith, Edward
H. - Prod.: Metheus - Act.: Mitchell, Cameron; Battaglia, Rick; Bernadi, Nerio; Tamberlain, Carlo; Tocci,
Bruno; Caló, Carla - Adaptation of Iulius Caesar, De bello Gallico (ca. 58-50) - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 323;
Fourcart, 2012, p. 118.122.128
Gladiator (2000 - USA/UK) - 155 min. - Dir.: Scott, Ridley - Prod.: Universal; DreamWorks - Act.: Crowe,
Russell; Phoenix, Joaquin; Harris, Richard; Jacobi, Derek; Reed, Oliver; Nielsen, Connie; Hounsou,
Djimon; Shrapnel, John - Mus.: Zimmer, Hans - Ill.: TV Express, 11.07.2000, p. 26-28 (4 x); Junkelmann,
2000, p. 7.8; Pausch, 2000, p. 427-430 (6x); De Roover, 2003, p. v-vi; Winkler, 2004, pl.;
Cyrino, 2005a, p. 209.246; Hermeneus, 81, 2, 2009, p. 73; Dumont, 2009, cover & p. 537-540; Hermeneus,
85, 1, 2013, p. 48
Gladiator eroticus. The lesbian warriors (2001 - USA) - 91 min. - Video film - Dir.: Bacchus, John - Act.:
Caine, Darian
Gladiator II [not completed] (2004? - USA) - Dir.: Scott, Ridley
Gladiator's affianced bride, The (1908 - UK) - BW - ca. 7 min. - Prod.: Walter Tyler; Raleigh & Robert
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Gladiatore che sfidò l'impero, Il [Challenge of the gladiator - Le gladiateur qui défia l'empire - Hercule contre
Spartacus - Hercule défie Spartacus - Hercules tegen Spartacus] (1965 - I) - 105 min. - SFE: 0 * - Dir.:
Paolella, Domenico - Prod.: Jonia - Act.: Stevens, Rock (Peter Lupus); Serato, Massimo; Barnes, Walter;
Lulli, Piero
Gladiatore di Messalina, Il [L'ultimo gladiatore - Eroi di Britannia - Hercule contre les mercenaires - La révolte
des titans - Gladiator of Messalina - Messalina against / vs. the son of Hercules - Empress Messalina meets
the son of Hercules] (1964 - I/F) - 98 min. - Dir.: Lenzi, Umberto; Tourjansky, Victor - Prod.: Prometeo; J.
Letienne; Unicité - Act.: Harrison, Richard; Gastoni, Lisa; Tolo, Marilù; Hersent, Philippe - Ill.: Fourcart,
2012, p. 66
Gladiatore di Roma, Il [The gladiator of Rome - Battles of the gladiators - Maciste, gladiator van Rome] (1963
- I) - 99 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Costa, Mario - Prod.: Cirac - Act.: Scott, Gordon; Guida, Wandisa; Solaro,
Gladiatore invincibile, Il [El gladiator invencible - The invincible gladiator - Le gladiateur invincible] (1962 I/E) - 91 min. - SFE: 1,5 * - Dir.: Momplet, Anthony (Antonio); De Martino, Allberto - Prod.: Columbus;
Atenea - Act.: Harrison, Richard; Corey, Isabelle; Lorenzon, Livio; Marco, Joseph; Anchori, Leo - Ill.:
Solomon, 1978, p. 193; Aziza, 1998, p. 37.109(?); Solomon, 2001, fig. 198 (cf. p. 306-307); Fourcart, 2012,
p. 142
Gladiatori. Il torneo delle 7 meraviglie (2008 - I) - Cartoon series (26 episodes) - Dir.: Forestieri, Maurizio Prod.: Rai Fiction; Mondo TV
Gladiatress (2003 - UK) - 89 min. - 2,5 * - Dir.: Grant, Brian - Act.: Mackichan, Doon; Allen, Fiona; Phillips,
Sally; Hayman, David; Vibert, Ronan
God's witness (1915 - USA) - BW - ca. 83 min. - Prod.: Thanhouser - Adaptation of Wilson, Augusta Jane
Evans, At the mercy of Tiberius (1887) (novel)
Godspell [Godspell. A musical based ont he Gospel according to St. Matthew] (1973 - USA) - 103 min. Musical - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Greene, David - Prod.: Columbia - Act.: Garber, Victor; Haskell, David Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Mattheus - Ill.: Solomon, 1978, p. 119; Solomon, 2001, fig. 119
Gold der Daker (1980 - R) - Colour
Golgotha [Ecce homo - Golgota - Behold the man] (1935 - F) - BW - 95 min. - 2; SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Duvivier,
Julien - Prod.: Ichtys Films - Act.: Gabin, Jean; Le Vigan, Robert; Baur, Harry; Verneuil, Julette Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 382.401-403
Good Samaritan, The (1903 - UK) - BW - ca. 3 min. - Prod.: Gaumont - Adaptation of Testamentum novum,
Lucas, 10, 30-37
Goodies, The. 5, 9. Rome antics (1975 - UK) - Episode of a television series - Dir.: Franklin, Jim
Gospel road, The (1973 - USA) - 83 min. - Musical - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Elfstrom, Robert - Prod.: 20th-Century
Fox - Act.: Cash, Johnny; Elfstrom, Robert; Carter Cash, June; Lee, Larry; Smith, Paul; Leventhal, Thomas
- Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Great commandment, The (1939-1941 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Pichel, Irving - Prod.: Cathedral Films; 20thCentury Fox - Act.: Beal, John; Dekker, Albert; Moscovitch, Maurice; Loebell, Marc; Corrigan, Lloyd;
Pichel, Irving
Great performances. L'incoronazione di Poppea (1984 - UK) - 150 min. - Opera recording - Dir.: Hall, Peter;
Lough; Robin - Act.: Ewing, Maria - Adaptation of Monteverdi, Claudio, L'incoronazione di Poppea (1642)
Great Salome dance, The (1908 - UK) - BW - ca. 5 min. - Prod.: Walter Tyler
Greatest story ever told, The [La più grande storia mai raccontata - La plus grande histoire jamais contée]
(1965 - USA) - 191 min. - 2; SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Stevens, George (and Lean, David; Negulesco, Jean) - Prod.:
United Artists - Act.: von Sydow, Max; Heston, Charlton; Wayne, John - Mus.: Händel, Georg Friedrich,
Messiah (1742) - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia; Oursler, Fulton, The greatest story every
told (1949) (novel) - Ill.: Cary, 1974, p. 126.127; Solomon, 1978, p. 116.117.119; Aziza, 1998, p. 165.167;
Solomon, 2001, fig. 115.120; Dumont, 2009, p. 387.421-422
Hallmark hall of fame, The. 10, 188. Give us Barabbas! (1961 - USA) - Episode of a television series - Dir.:
Schaefer, George - Prod.: NBC - Act.: Daly, James; King, Dennis; Darnay, Tony; Hunter, Kim; Donath,
Ludwig; Dullea, Keir; Carroll, Robert
Hallmark hall of fame, The. 25, 251. Caesar and Cleopatra (1976 - USA) - 74 min. - Television film - SFE:
good 3 * - Dir.: Jones, James Cellan - Prod.: NBC - Act.: Guinness, Alec; Bujold, Geneviève - Adaptation
of Ploutarchos, Caesar (ca. 100-120); Shaw, George Bernard, Caesar and Cleopatra (1901) (theatre) - Ill.:
Wieber, 2005a, p. 54
Hallmark hall of fame, The. 3, 118. Wife unto Caesar (Calpurnia) (1954 - USA) - Episode of a television series
- Prod.: NBC - Act.: Churchill, Sarah
Hallmark hall of fame, The. 4, 31 [140]. Lydia (1955 - USA) - 60 min. - Episode of a television series - Dir.:
McCleery, Albert - Prod.: NBC - Act.: Johnson, Lamont - Adaptation of Neuman, Jack E., Lydia (novel)
Hannibal [Hannibal. Rome's worst nightmare] (2006 - UK) - 89 min. - Television film - Dir.: Bazalgette,
Edward - Prod.: BBC - Act.: Siddig, Alexander - Adaptation of Livius, Ab urbe condita, 21-30 (27 BC - ca.
14 AD) - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 282-283
Hannibál tanár úr [Professeur Hannibal - Professor Hannibal] (1956 - H) - 92 min. - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Fábri,
Zoltán - Act.: Szabó, Ernö
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Hannibal the conqueror [in production] (2015? - USA) - Dir.: Diesel, Vin - Act.: Diesel, Vin - Adaptation of
Livius, Ab urbe condita, 21-30 (27 BC - ca. 14 AD); Leckie, Ross, Hannibal (1996) - Ill.:
Héliogabale [Heliogabalus] (1909 - F) - BW - Dir.: Calmettes, André - Prod.: Film d'Art - Act.: Desfontaines,
Henri; Norman, Rolla; Dehelly, Émile
Héliogabale. L'orgie romaine (1911 - F) - BW - Dir.: Feuillade, Louis - Act.: Hermann, Fernand; Tissot, Alice
- Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 541
Hellion (1999 - UK) - 2 min. - Short film - Dir.: Barfoot, Chris - Act.: Blackburn, Katherine; Hobbs, Martin
Hermann der Cherusker. Die Schlacht im Teutoburger Wald [Il massacro della Foresta Nera - Massacre in the
Black Forest - Arminius the Terrible] (1965-1977 - D/I) - 86 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Baldwin, Ferdy (Baldi,
Ferdinando) - Prod.: Carsten; Debora; Avala - Act.: Lualdi, Antonella; Von Borsody, Hans; Mitchell,
Cameron - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 370
Hermannsschlacht, Die [Battle of the Teutoburg Forest] (1923-1924 - D) - BW - 54 min. - Dir.: König, Leo Prod.: Klio-Film - Act.: Smieter, Georg; Pankau, Mia; Dr. Stefano-Vitale - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 369;
Michelakis, 2013, p. 300.303.307.311
Hermannsschlacht, Die (1984 - D) - Theatre recording - Dir.: Peymann, Claus - Act.: Voss, Gert; Dene, Kirsten
- Adaptation of von Kleist, Heinrich, Die Hermannsschlacht (1808) (theatre)
Hermannsschlacht, Die (1996 - D) - 71 min. - Dir.: Deckert, Christian; Kiesel, Hartmut - Act.: Mischer, Stefan
Herod [John the Baptist] (1912 - UK) - BW - Dir.: Bouwmeester, Theo (Frenkel, Theo Sr.) - Prod.:
Kinemacolor; Charles; Urban
Hérode et le roi nouveau-né [Herod and the newborn king] (1910 - F) - BW - Prod.: Gaumont - Adaptation of
Testamentum novum, Mattheus, 2
Hérodiade [Herodias] (1910 - F) - BW - ca. 17 min. - Dir.: Jasset, Victorin; Hatot, Georges - Prod.: Éclair Act.: Grumbach, Jeanne; Ventura, Marie; Karlmos; Marié de l'Isle, Jean - Adaptation of Testamentum
novum, Marcus, 6, 14-29
Heroes & villains. Attila the Hun (2008 - UK) - 55 min. - Episode of a television series - Dir.: Edwards, Gareth
- Prod.: BBC - Act.: McCann, Rory - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 596
Heroes & villains. Spartacus [Chefs de guerre. Spartacus, un gladiateur rebelle] (2008 - UK) - 55 min. Episode of a television series - Dir.: Dunn, Tim - Prod.: BBC; Discovery Channel - Act.: Flanagan,
Hispania, la leyenda (2010-2012 - E) - Television series (20 episodes) - Dir.: Sedes, Carlos e.a. - Prod.: Bambú
Producciones - Act.: Enríquez, Roberto; Ballesta, Juan José; Poza, Nathalie; Homar, Lluís
Hispania, la leyenda. 2. Imperium (2012 - E) - Television series (6 episodes) - Prod.: Bambú Producciones Act.: Homar, Lluís; Poza, Nathalie
Holy city, The (1913 - USA) - BW - 20 min. - Dir.: Arnaud, Étienne - Prod.: Éclair American - Act.: Francis,
Alec B.; Frazer, Robert
Home talent (1921 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Sennett, Mack; Abbe, James E. - Act.: Turpin, Ben; Finlayson, James;
Murray, Charlie; Haver, Phyllis
Honneur du Gaulois, L' [The Gaul's honor] (1910 - F) - BW - Prod.: Urban; Éclipse
Horace (1973 - F) - BW - 135 min. - Dir.: Ricard, Olivier - Act.: Beaulieu, François - Adaptation of Corneille,
Pierre, Horace (1639) (theatre)
Horitz passion play, The [La passion de Horitz - Das Passionsspiel] (1897 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Freeman, W.
W. - Prod.: Smith Hurd, Charles (of Lumière); Klaw & Erlanger; Edison - Act.: Willochko, Jordan;
Wenzieger, Anna; Frephies, Joseph - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Houten zwaard, Het (2013 - NL) - 15 min. - Short film - Dir.: Sanders, Marc - Prod.: Phalera Filmworks;
Corbulo Stichting
Hysterical history. 14. Nero (1925 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Watson, William - Prod.: Universal - Act.: Irving,
Hysterical history. 7. Antony and Cleopatra (1924 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Foy, Brian (Bryan) - Act.: Teare, Ethel;
Dunham, Phil
I am Jesus Christ (2008 - USA) - 14 min. - Short film - Dir.: Gargiulo, Vincent - Act.: Benelli, Isaac
I beheld his glory (1952 - USA) - Dir.: Coyle, John T. - Prod.: Cathedral Films - Act.: Wilson, Robert;
Gilmore, Lowell; Ankrum, Morris; Wave, Virginia; Charlesworth, Thomas
I, Claudius [in production] (2015? - USA) - Television series - Adaptation of Graves, Robert, I Claudius
(1934) - Claudius the god (1935)
I, Claudius [not completed] (1937 - UK) - BW - Dir.: von Sternberg, Joseph (Josef) - Prod.: London Films;
Korda, Alexander - Act.: Laughton, Charles; Oberon, Merle; Williams, Emlyn; Robson, Flora - Adaptation
of Graves, Robert, I Claudius (1934) - Claudius the god (1935) - Ill.: Cary, 1974, p. 101; Solomon, 1978, p.
52; Solomon, 2001, fig. 16 (cf. p. 1-2); Dumont, 2009, p. 462.473
I, Claudius [not completed] (2007 - USA) - Prod.: Rudin, Scott - Act.: De Caprio, Leonardo - Adaptation of
Graves, Robert, I Claudius (1934) - Claudius the god (1935)
I, Claudius. 1. A touch of murder - 2. Waiting in the wings - 3. What shall we do about Claudius? - 4. Poison is
queen - 5. Some justice - 6. Queen of heaven - 7. Reign of terror - 8. Zeus, by Jove! - 9. Hail who? - 10.
Fool's luck - 11. A god in Colchester - 12. Old king Log (1976 - UK) - 50x13 = 650 min. - Television series
(13 episodes) - SFE: 4 * - Dir.: Wise, Herbert - Prod.: BBC; Lisemore, Martine - Act.: Jacobi, Derek;
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Blessed, Brian; Baker, George; Walker, Fiona; Morgan, Robert; Hurt, John; White, Sehila; Biggins,
Christopher; Faulkner, James; Seed, Graham - Adaptation of Graves, Robert, I Claudius (1934) - Claudius
the god (1935) - Ill.: on some covers of the books of Graves; Dumont, 2009, p. 466.476
I.N.R.I. [Crown of thorns] (1923 - D) - BW - Dir.: Wiene, Robert - Prod.: Neumann Film - Act.: Chmara,
Grigori; Nielsen, Asta; Porten, Henny; Krauss, Werner; Schildkraut, Rudolf; Reicher, Emanuel; Ziener,
Bruno; von Twardowski, Hans Heinz; Granach, Alexander - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia
- Ill.: Cherchi, 1990, p. 300; Dumont, 2009, p. 397-398
Idillio romano (1908 - I) - BW - ca. 13 min. - Prod.: Cines (Roma)
Idylle romaine (1913 - F) - BW - Dir.: Monca, Georges - Prod.: Pathé - Act.: Dorival, Georges
Idylle romaine, Une (1908 - F) - BW - Prod.: Pathé
Illumination, The (1912 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Gaskill, Charles - Prod.: Vitagraph - Act.: Gardner, Helen;
Powers, Tom; Nothrup, Harry; Theby, Rosemary
Im Jahre Neun (1966 - D) - 70 min. - Television film - Dir.: Döpke, Oswald - Prod.: ZDF - Act.: Baltus, Gerd;
Krüger, Detlof
Imparator Atilla'nin demir yumrugu [Le poigne de fer de l'empereur Attila] (1967 - TR) - BW - Dir.: Gürses,
Muharrem - Prod.: Atilla Film - Act.: Gürses, Atilla; Sun, Mine
Imperatore di Capri, L' (1949 - I) - BW - Dir.: Comencini, Luigi - Act.: Totò
Imperium 1. Augustus [Augustus. Mein Vater, der Kaiser] (2003 - D/I/E) - 89+87 = 176 min. - Television
(mini) series (2 episodes) - Dir.: Young, Roger - Prod.: Lux Vide; RAI; ZDF; Mojto, Ja - Act.: O'Toole,
Peter; Belvedere, Vittoria; Rampling, Charlotte; Sadler, Benjamin; Valle, Anna; John, Gottfried - Ill.:
Dumont, 2009, p. 367
Imperium 2. Nerone [Imperium. Nero] (2004 - I/UK/D/TN) - 92+93 = 185 min. - Television (mini) series (2
episodes) - 2,5 * - Dir.: Marcus, Paul - Prod.: Barnabei, Luca; Lux Vide - Act.: Matheson, Hans; Morante,
Laura; Schmid, Rike - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 496
Imperium 3. San Pietro [Imperium. St. Peter. The persecution of christians] (2005 - I) - 100x2 = 200 min. Television (mini) series (2 episodes) - Dir.: Base, Giulio - Prod.: Barnabei, Luca; Lux Vide; RAI - Act.:
Sharif, Omar; Pecci, Daniele - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 446
Imperium 4. Pompei. Apocalypse (2007 - I) - 110x2 = 220 min. - Television (mini) series (2 episodes) - Dir.:
Base, Giulio - Prod.: Barnabei, Luca; Lux Vide; RAI - Act.: Crespi, Lorenzo
Imperium 5. Augustine. The decline of the Roman empire [Sant' Agostino - Restless heart. The confessions of
Augustine] (2009-2010 - I/D) - 100x2 = 200 min. - Television (mini) series (2 episodes) - Dir.: Duguay,
Christian - Prod.: Lux Vide - Act.: Preziosi, Alessandro; Nero, Franco; Giordana, Andrea; Guerritore,
Monica - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 446
In a Roman garden (1913 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Mr. McDonald - Prod.: Powers - Act.: August, Edwin;
Macpherson, Jeanie
In hoc signo vinces [In questo segno vincerai - Par ce signe tu vaincras - The triumph of an emperor - By the
cross] (1913 - I) - BW - ca. 167 min. - Dir.: Oxilia, Nino - Prod.: Savoia Film (Torino) - Act.: Garzes,
Arturo; Lombardi, Dillo; Jacobini, Maria; Mariani, Mario; Costamagna, Adriana; Bay, Jeanne; Tarabini,
Nino; Durelli, Annibale; Bonino, Francesco
In search of historic Jesus (1979 - USA) - 91 min. - Dir.: Schellerup, Henning - Prod.: Schick Sunn Classic Act.: Rubinstein, John; Anderson, John - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia
In the days of Trajan [La justice d'un sage] (1913 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Johnston, Lorimer - Prod.: American
Film Mfg. Co. - Act.: Kerrigan, J. Warren; Periolat, George; Lester, Louise; Richardson, Jack
Incendio di Roma, L' [Fire of Rome - Fire over Rome - The great fire of Rome - Great fire over Rome - Rome
en flammes - Pozar Rima] (1965 - I/YU) - 92 min. - SFE: 1,5 * - Dir.: Malatesta, Guido - Prod.: GMC;
Jadran - Act.: Jeffries (Jeffreys), Lang; Gaioni, Christina (Cristina); Feliciani, Mario; Medar, Ulado; Orfei,
Moira; Fantasia, Franco; Maltagliati, Evi - Ill.: Fourcart, 2012, p. 55
Inchiesta, L' [The inquiry - The investigation] (1987 - I) - 107 min. - SFE: 1,5 * - Dir.: Damiani, Damiano Prod.: Italian Internat.; Clesi; RAI; Sacis - Act.: Keitel, Harvey; Carradine, Keith; Logan, Phyllis; Sastri,
Lina - Ill.: Aziza, 1998, p. 165; Dumont, 2009, p. 434
Inchiesta, L' [The inquiry. Anno Domini XXXIII - The final inquiry - En busca de la tumba de Cristo] (2006 I/E/USA/BG) - 112 min. - 1,5 * - Dir.: Base, Giulio - Act.: Liotti, Daniele; Lundgren, Dolph; Cruz, Mónica;
Muti, Ornella; von Sydow, Max; Shopov, Hristo
Incoronazione di Poppea, L' (1979 - D) - 164 min. - Opera recording - Dir.: Ponnelle, Jean-Pierre - Act.:
Yakar, Rachel; Tabby, Eric - Adaptation of Monteverdi, Claudio, L'incoronazione di Poppea (1642) (opera)
Incoronazione di Poppea, L' (1993 - D) - Opera recording - Dir.: Monets-Baquer, José; Hampe, Michael - Act.:
Schuman, Patricia - Adaptation of Monteverdi, Claudio, L'incoronazione di Poppea (1642) (opera)
Incoronazione di Poppea, L' (1994 - NL) - 202 min. - Opera recording - Dir.: Hulscher, Hans - Act.: Haymon,
Cynthia - Adaptation of Monteverdi, Claudio, L'incoronazione di Poppea (1642) (opera)
Incoronazione di Poppea, L' [Le couronnement de Poppée] (2000 - F) - 166 min. - Opera recording - Dir.:
Bataillon, Vincent; Grüber, Klaus Michael - Act.: Delunsch, Mireille; von Otter, Anne Sofie; Brunet, Sylvie
- Adaptation of Monteverdi, Claudio, L'incoronazione di Poppea (1642) (opera)
Iniciacion en el amor, La [Dafnis y Cloe] (1976 - E) - 97 min. - SFE: 0 * - Dir.: Aguirre, Javier - Prod.:
Alborada - Act.: del Mar, Maria; Maya, José; Lys, Agata; Cristal, Perla; Yanni, Rossana - Adaptation of
Longos, Daphnis et Chloe (2nd cent. AD)
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Ione o gli ultimi giorni di Pompei [The last days of Pompeii - The priest of Isis] (1913 - I) - BW - ca. 139 min.
- Dir.: Vidali, Giovanni Enrico; del Colle, Ubaldo Maria - Prod.: Pasquali (Torino) - Act.: Novelli,
Giovanni V. (Vidali, Giovanni Enrico); De Labroy, Suzanne; Melidoni, Ines; Ruspoli, Cristina; Mele,
Luigi; Majone Diaz, Giuseppe; Ciusa, Michele - Adaptation of Bulwer Lytton, Edward George, The last
days of Pompeii (1834) - Ill.: Wyke, 1997b, p. 163; Dumont, 2009, p. 517
Je vous salue Marie (1984 - F/CH) - 65 min. - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Godard, Jean-Luc - Act.: Roussel, Myriam;
Binoche, Juliette
Jerusalem in the time of Christ (1908 - USA) - BW - Prod.: Kalem - Adaptation of Testamentum novum,
Jesus [The public life of Jesus - The Jesus film - The Jesus Christ film project] (1979 - USA) - 117 min. - SFE:
2,5 * - Dir.: Sykes, Peter; Krish, John - Prod.: The Genesis Project; Warner Brothers - Act.: Deacon, Brian;
Noiman, Rivka; Shiloah, Yossef - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Lucas
Jesus Christ Superstar (1973 - USA) - 103 min. - Musical - SFE: 3 * - Dir.: Jewison, Norman - Prod.:
Universal - Act.: Neely, Ted; Anderson, Carl; Elliman, Yvonne; Mostel, Joshua; Dennen, Barry; Bingham,
Bob - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia; Webber, Andrew Lloyd - Rice, Tim, Jesus Christ
Superstar (1970) (Broadway musical) - Ill.: Solomon, 1978, p. 118.119; SFE, 1986, p. 422; SFE, 1995, p.
823; Solomon, 2001, fig. 117-118; Film, TV & DVD, 551, 2005, p. 52
Jesus Christ Superstar [Andrew Lloyd Webber's Jesus Christ Superstar] (2000 - UK) - 107 min. - Television
film; musical - 3,5 * - Dir.: Edwards, Gale; Morris, Nick - Act.: Carter, Glenn; Pradom, Jérome; Castle,
Renee - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia; Webber, Andrew Lloyd - Rice, Tim, Jesus Christ
Superstar (1970) (Broadway musical); Edwards, Gale, Jesus Christ Superstar (1996) (West End London
Jesus Christ Superstar. Special collector's edition (1994 - NZ) - Video film; musical - Dir.: Wherrett, Richard Act.: Urlich, Margaret; Lovegrove, Darryl; Stevens, Frankie - Adaptation of Testamentum novum,
Euangelia; Webber, Andrew Lloyd - Rice, Tim, Jesus Christ Superstar (1970) (Broadway musical)
Jésus de Montréal [Jesus of Montreal - Jesus von Montreal] (1989 - F/CDN) - 118 min. - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.:
Arcand, Denys - Act.: Bluteau, Lothaire - Ill.: SFE, 1995, p. 822
Jesús de Nazaret (1942 - MEX) - BW - 100 min. - SFE: 0,5 * - Dir.: Morales, José Díaz - Prod.: Pereda Films Act.: Cibrián, José; Lamarr, Adriana; Walker, Aurora - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Jésus de Nazareth (1911 - F) - BW - Dir.: Calmettes, André; Desfontaines, Henri - Prod.: Film d'Art - Act.:
Guilhène, Jacques; Pouctal, Henri; Leitner; Révonne, Susanne - Adaptation of Testamentum novum,
Jesus of Nazareth (1928 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Conover, Jean - Prod.: Ideal Pictures - Act.: Van Loan, Philip;
Lehr, Anna; McCaffrey, Charles - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Jesus Video, Das [Hunt for the hidden relic - Ancient relic] (2002 - D) - 182 min. - Dir.: Niemann, Sebastian Act.: Koeberlin, Matthias; Rivelli, Naike - Adaptation of Eschbach, Andreas, Jesus Video (1998) (novel)
Joy et Joan chez les pharaons [Joy et les pharaons - Joy and the pharaohs] (1992 - F) - Dir.: Floran, Jean-Pierre
- Act.: Whites, Zara; Valle, Beatrice
Judas [Judas & Jesus] (2004 - USA) - 120 min. - Dir.: Carner, Charles Robert - Act.: Scarfe, Jonathan Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Juif errant, Le [The wandering Jew] (1904 - F) - BW - Dir.: Méliès, Georges - Prod.: Star Film - Adaptation of
Sue, Eugène, Le juif errant (1844-1845)
Julia ed Egeria [Julia] (1910 - I) - BW - ca. 14 min. - Dir.: Degli Abbati, Alberto - Prod.: Latium Film (Roma)
Julius Caesar (1908 - USA) - BW - ca. 17 min. - Prod.: Lubin, Sigmund - Adaptation of Shakespeare, William,
Julius Caesar (1597-1599) (theatre)
Julius Caesar (1910 - UK?) - BW - Dir.: Bouwmeester, Theo (Frenkel, Theo Sr.) - Prod.: Kineto Film - Act.:
Bouwmeester, Theo (Frenkel, Theo Sr.) - Adaptation of Shakespeare, William, Julius Caesar (1597-1599)
Julius Caesar (1911 - UK) - BW - ca. 17 min. - Theatre recording - Dir.: Benson, Frank R. (Francis Robert) Prod.: Cooperative Cinematograph Company - Act.: Benson, Frank R. (Francis Robert); Rathbone, Guy;
Carrington, Murray; Maxon, Eric; Benson, Constance; Lancaster, Nora - Adaptation of Shakespeare,
William, Julius Caesar (1597-1599) (theatre)
Julius Caesar (1914 - USA) - BW - ca. 67 min. - Prod.: Kleine - Adaptation of Shakespeare, William, Julius
Caesar (1597-1599) (theatre)
Julius Caesar (1917 - USA?) - BW - Adaptation of Shakespeare, William, Julius Caesar (1597-1599) (theatre)
Julius Caesar (1926 - UK) - BW - Dir.: Cooper, George A. - Prod.: DeForest Phonofilms - Act.: Gill, Basil;
Keen, Malcolm - Adaptation of Shakespeare, William, Julius Caesar (1597-1599) (theatre)
Julius Caesar (1938 - UK) - BW - 101 min. - Television film - Dir.: Bower, Dallas - Act.: Milton, Ernest;
Clarke-Smith, D. A.; Matthews, Douglas - Adaptation of Shakespeare, William, Julius Caesar (1597-1599)
Julius Caesar (1945 - UK) - BW - 19 min. - Dir.: Bennett, Compton - Prod.: Theatrecraft - Act.: Aylmer, Felix;
Genn, Leo - Adaptation of Shakespeare, William, Julius Caesar (1597-1599) (theatre)
Julius Caesar [Jules César] (1949 - USA) - BW - Television film - Dir.: Bradley, David - Act.: Tasker, Harold;
Heston, Charlton; Bradley, David; Holt, Robert; Glen, Grosvenor - Adaptation of Shakespeare, William,
Julius Caesar (1597-1599) (theatre) - Ill.: Solomon, 1978, p. 39; Solomon, 2001, fig. 30; Dumont, 2009, p.
— 89 —
Julius Caesar [Jules César - Giulio Cesare - Julius Cäsar] (1953 - USA) - BW - 120 min. - SFE: 3,5 * - Dir.:
Mankiewicz, Joseph L. - Prod.: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer - Act.: Calhern, Louis; Brando, Marlon; Mason,
James; Gielgud, John; Purdom, Edmund - Adaptation of Shakespeare, William, Julius Caesar (1597-1599)
(theatre) - Ill.: Daisne, 1978, p. 488; Solomon, 1978, p. 40; Carnes, 1996, p. 45; Claviculae 1, 1996, p. 113;
Aziza, 1998, p. 54.154.158; Meijer, 2001, cover; Solomon, 2001, fig. 31 (cf. p. 36-37); Dumont, 2009, p.
Julius Caesar (1959 - UK) - Television film - Dir.: Burge, Stuart - Act.: Porter, Eric; Gough, Michael;
Sylvester, William - Adaptation of Shakespeare, William, Julius Caesar (1597-1599) (theatre) - Ill.:
Dumont, 2009, p. 320
Julius Caesar (1967 - UK) - Television film - Dir.: Bridges, Alan - Prod.: BBC - Act.: Denham, Maurice;
Stephens, Robert; Finlay, Frank; Woodward, Edward - Adaptation of Shakespeare, William, Julius Caesar
(1597-1599) (theatre)
Julius Caesar (1970 - USA/UK) - 117 min. - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Burge, Stuart - Prod.: CUE - Act.: Heston,
Charlton; Robards, Jason; Gielgud, John; Chamberlain, Richard; Johnson, Richard - Adaptation of
Shakespeare, William, Julius Caesar (1597-1599) (theatre) - Ill.: Solomon, 1978, p. 41; Steyaert, 1997, p.
94; Solomon, 2001, fig. 32; Dumont, 2009, p. 320
Julius Caesar (1979 - UK) - 170 min. - Theatre recording - Dir.: Wise, Herbert - Prod.: BBC - Act.: Gray,
Charles; Mitchelll, Keith; Pasco, Richard; Collins, David; Springs, Elizabeth; McKenna Virginia; Hagon,
Garrick - Adaptation of Shakespeare, William, Julius Caesar (1597-1599) (theatre)
Julius Caesar (1984 - UK) - 181 min. - Opera recording - Dir.: Philipps, John Michael - Act.: Masterson,
Valerie - Adaptation of Haym, Nicola Francesco - Händel, Georg Friedrich, Giulio Cesare in Egitto (1724)
Julius Caesar (1985 - B) - 120 min. - Theatre recording - Dir.: Peyskens, Paul - Prod.: Stuc - Adaptation of
Shakespeare, William, Julius Caesar (1597-1599) (theatre)
Julius Caesar (1988 - D) - 140 min. - Television film - Dir.: Bogdanov, Michael - Prod.: ZDF - Act.:
Olschewski, Gerhard; Manker, Paulus - Adaptation of Shakespeare, William, Julius Caesar (1597-1599)
Julius Caesar (1990 - B) - BW - 60 min. - Theatre recording - Dir.: Lauwers, Jan - Prod.: Kaaitheater - Act.:
Needcompany - Adaptation of Shakespeare, William, Julius Caesar (1597-1599) (theatre)
Julius Caesar [Caesar - Giulio Cesare] (2002 - USA/D/I/NL) - 172 min. - Television series (2? episodes) - Dir.:
Edel, Uli - Prod.: Five Mile River Films - Act.: Sisto, Jeremy; Harris, Richard; Walker, Christopher;
Golino, Valeria; Noth, Christopher - Ill.: Wieber, 2005a, p. 54; Dumont, 2009, p. 311
Julius Caesar. An historical tragedy (1908 - USA) - BW - ca. 17 min. - Dir.: Ranous, William V.; Blackton,
James Stuart - Prod.: Vitagraph - Act.: Shea, William; Costello, Maurice; Lawrence, Florence; Panzer, Paul;
Ranous, William - Adaptation of Shakespeare, William, Julius Caesar (1597-1599) (theatre)
Jupiter's darling [Jupiters Liebling] (1955 - USA) - 96 min. - Musical - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Sidney, George Prod.: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer - Act.: Williams, Esther; Keel, Howard - Adaptation of Sherwood, Robert
Emmet, The road to Rome (1927) (theatre) - Ill.: Solomon, 1978, p. 186 (2 x); Solomon, 2001, fig. 190;
Dumont, 2009, p. 278-279
Justinian and Theodora (1911 - USA) - BW - ca. 17 min. - Dir.: Turner, Otis - Prod.: Selig, William - Act.:
Bosworth, Hobart; Harte, Betty; Daniels, Bebe - Adaptation of Bulwer Lytton, Edward George (18031873), Justinian and Theodora
Kaiser Tiberius (1916 - D) - BW - Prod.: Bolten Baeckers Prod. - Act.: Paulmüller, Herbert; Parla, Mizzi
Kalbaryo ni Hesus [Passion of Christ] (1952 - RP) - BW - Dir.: Vander Tolosa, Carlos - Act.: Sturgeon,
Kaligula (1997 - FYRM) - Television film - Dir.: Grozdanoski, Mile - Act.: Jolevski, Djordji - Adaptation of
Camus, Albert, Caligula (1938) (theatre)
Kampf um Rom - Der Verrat [La guerra per Roma - La calata dei barbari - Lupta pentru Roma - Battle for
Rome - The last Roman] (1968-1969 - D/I/R) - 103+84 = 187 min. - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Siodmak, Robert;
(Nicolaescu, Sergiu); (Marton, Andrew) - Prod.: CCC; Pegaso; Bucuresti - Act.: Welles, Orson; Koscina,
Sylva; Harvey, Laurence; Andersson, Harriet - Adaptation of Dahn, Felix, Ein Kampf um Rom (1876)
(novel) - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 575-577
Katherine of Alexandria [in production] [Decline of an empire] (2014? - UK) - 108 min. - Dir.: Redwood,
Michael - Act.: Madjarov [Keniheart], Nicole; O'Toole, Peter; Ackland, Joss
Kejser Nero paa Krigsstien [L'empereur Néron sur le sentier de guerre] (1907 - DK) - BW - Dir.: Larsen,
Viggo - Prod.: Nordisk
King Arthur (2004 - IRL/UK/USA) - 130 min. - 3,5 * - Dir.: Fuqua, Antoine - Prod.: Touchstone Pictures;
Disney; Buena Vista - Act.: Owen, Clive; Knightley, Keira; Dillane, Stephen; Gruffudd, Ioan; Winstone,
Ray - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 580-581
King of kings [Il re dei re - Le roi des rois - König der Könige - Koning der koningen] (1961 - USA) - 168
min. - 2,5; SFE: 3,5 * - Dir.: Ray, Nicholas - Prod.: Samuel Bronston Productions; Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Act.: Hunter, Jeffrey; Bazlen, Brigid; Randell, Ron; Ryan, Robert; Gam, Rita - Adaptation of Testamentum
novum, Euangelia - Ill.: Cary, 1974, p. 94; Aziza, 1998, p. 1; Dumont, 2009, p. 373.378.383.413-415.512
King of kings, The [Il re dei re - Le roi des rois - Koning der koningen] (1927 - USA) - BW - 115 min. - SFE:
3 * - Dir.: DeMille, Cecil B. (Blount); Griffith, D. W. (David Lewelyn Wark) - Prod.: PDC; Pathé
Exchange; Paramount - Act.: Warner, H. B. (Henry Byron); Logan, Jacqueline; Cummings, Dorothy;
— 90 —
Torrence, Ernest; Schildkraut, Joseph; Striker, Joseph; Schildkraut, Rudolph - Adaptation of Testamentum
novum, Euangelia - Ill.: Daisne, 1975, p. 431; Solomon, 1978, p. 114; MacDonald, 1996, p. 38; Solomon,
2001, fig. 112; Dumont, 2009, p. 399-400
Kingdom come (2008 - USA) - 25 min. - Short film - Dir.: Crow, Samuel; Song, Rich - Act.: Blair, Craig;
Clare, Reed
Kleopatra [Cleopatra] (2003 - CZ) - 106 min. - Video film; musical - Dir.: Renc, Filip
Kleopatra (not completed) (2002? - USA) - Prod.: Warner Brothers - Adaptation of Essex, Karen, Kleopatra Pharaoh (2001-2002) (novel)
Kraniou topos [Le lieu du crâne] (1973 - GR) - Dir.: Aristopoulos, Kostas - Prod.: Aristopoulos, Kostas - Act.:
Kilakos, Takis; the people of the mountains of the 'Pagne' - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Kri Kri e il 'Quo vadis?' [Patachon et le 'Quo vadis?'] (1912 - I) - BW - Prod.: Cines (Roma) - Act.: Frau,
Raymond; Gambardella, Giuseppe; Castellani, Bruto - Adaptation of Tacitus, Annales (after 116);
Sienkiewicz, Henryk, Quo vadis? (1894)
Kri Kri gladiator (1913 - I) - BW - Prod.: Cines (Roma) - Act.: Frau, Raymond
Kureopatora [Cleopatra, queen of sex - Cleopatra und die tollen Römer] (1970 - J) - 112 min. - Cartoon film 2,5 * - Dir.: Osamu Tezuka; Eiichi Yamamoto; Isa Tomtia - Prod.: Nippon; Harald - Act.: Chinatsu
Nakayama; Kotoe Hatsui (voices)
Ladro di Damasco, Il [Le voleur de Damas - Sword of Damascus] (1963 - I) - 105 min. - 2,5; SFE: 2 * - Dir.:
Amendola, Mario (Irving Jacobs) - Prod.: Rodes; Bruschi, Tullio - Act.: Russell, Tony; Gilli, Luciana;
Solaro, Gianni; Fortis, Giuseppe; Amendola, Ferruccio
Ladrone, Il [Le larron] (1980 - I/F) - Dir.: Festa Campanile, Pasquale - Prod.: Italien Int. Film; Carthago - Act.:
Cassinelli, Claudio; Montesano, Enrico; Fenech, Edwige; Lafont, Bernadette; Vargas, Danielle - Ill.:
Dumont, 2009, p. 431
Lash of lust (1962 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Sarno, Joe (Joseph W.) - Act.: Vincent, Steve; Campbell, Audrey;
Clements, Charles; Thorne, Dyanne; Darlene, Gigi; Parker, W. B.
Last days of Pompeii, The (1900 - UK) - BW - ca. 2 min. - Dir.: Booth, Walter - Prod.: Robert William Paul
Prod. - Adaptation of Bulwer Lytton, Edward George, The last days of Pompeii (1834)
Last days of Pompeii, The (1909 - F) - BW - ca. 17 min. - Prod.: Raleigh - Adaptation of Bulwer Lytton,
Edward George, The last days of Pompeii (1834)
Last days of Pompeii, The (1935 - USA) - BW - 96 min. - 3,5; SFE: 3 * - Dir.: Schoedsack, Ernst B.; Cooper,
Merian C. - Prod.: Radio-Keith-Orpheum; Cooper, Merian C. - Act.: Foster, Preston; Rathbone, Basil;
Mong, William V.; Hale, Alan; Calhern, Louis; Wilson, Dorothy - Ill.: Cary, 1974, p. 42-43.105;
MacDonald, 1996, p. 42; Wyke, 1997b, p. 174.179; Aziza, 1998, p. 9; Solomon, 2001, fig. 5-6; Dumont,
2009, p. 520-521
Last days of Pompeii, The (1955 - USA?) - Adaptation of Bulwer Lytton, Edward George, The last days of
Pompeii (1834)
Last days of Pompeii, The [Gli ultimi giorni di Pompei] (1984 - USA/I/UK) - 117x3 = 350 min. - Television
series (3 episodes) - SFE: average 2 * - Dir.: Hunt, Peter - Prod.: ABC; Columbia; RAI - Act.: Beatty, Ned;
Regehr, Duncan; Down, Lesley-Anne; Blessed, Brian; Clay, Nicholas; Nero, Franco; Hussey, Olivia;
Borgnine, Ernest; Puri, Linda; McCall, Catriona; Sundquist, Jerry - Adaptation of Bulwer Lytton, Edward
George, The last days of Pompeii (1834) - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 523
Last legion, The [La dernière légion] (2007 - UK/F/SK/I/TN) - 102 min. - Dir.: Lefler, Doug - Act.: Firth,
Colin; Kingsley, Ben - Adaptation of Manfredi, Valerio Massimo, L'ultima legione (2002) (novel) - Ill.:
Hermeneus, 80, 2008, p. 179.183; Dumont, 2009, p. 570-571; Fourcart, 2012, p. 179
Last supper, The (1914 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Johnston, Lorimer - Prod.: Universal; American Film Mfg. Co. Act.: Ayres, Sydney; Richardson, Jack; Von Meter, Harry - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Last temptation of Christ, The [L'ultima tentazione di Cristo - La dernière tentation du Christ] (1988 - USA) 164 min. - SFE: 3,5 * - Dir.: Scorsese, Martin - Prod.: Universal - Act.: Dafoe, Willem; Keitel, Harvey;
Hershey, Barbara; Bloom, Verna; Stanton, Harry Dean; Bowie, David; Gregory, André; Basaraba, Gary;
Argo, Victor; Been, Michael; Lurie, John; Rosenberg, Alan - Adaptation of Testamentum novum,
Euangelia; Kazantzakis, Nikos, O teleftaios peirasmos (1951) (novel) - Ill.: Aziza, 1998, p. 117.167;
Solomon, 2001, fig. 121; Dumont, 2009, p. 435
Lawton story, The [Prince of peace] (1949 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Beaudine, William; Daniels, Harold - Prod.:
Hallmark - Act.: Coody, Millard; Bridges, Darlene; Fischer, A. S.; Becker, Hazel Lee - Adaptation of
Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Leben der heiligen Elisabeth, Das (1917 - D) - BW - Dir.: Frey, Karl - Prod.: Leo Film
Leben und Leiden Jesu Christi (1900 - D) - BW - Prod.: Oberammergauer Passionsspiele - Adaptation of
Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Légende des Phares, La (1909 - F) - BW - Dir.: Feuillade, Louis - Act.: Carl, Renée
Légende du Juif errant, La (1909 - F) - BW - ca. 12 min. - Dir.: Jasset, Victorin - Prod.: Éclair - Act.: Krauss,
Charles - Adaptation of Sue, Eugène, Le juif errant (1844-1845)
Leggenda della croce, La [The legend of the cross] (1909 - I) - BW - Prod.: Ambrosio (Torino) - Act.: Morano,
Gigetta; Tarlarini, Mary Cleo; Voller-Buzzi, Mario
Leggenda di Enea, La [La légende d'Enée - Conquérants héroïques -The legend of Aeneas - The last glory of
Troy - War of the Trojans - The avenger] (1962 - I/F) - 95 min. - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Rivalta, Giorgio;
Antonini, Alfredo - Prod.: Mercuy; Sirius; Band, Albert - Act.: Reeves, Steve; Marlier, Carla; Orfei, Liana;
— 91 —
Ferrari, Mario - Adaptation of Vergilius, Aeneis (ca. 29-19) - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 260 (bis); Fourcart,
2012, p. 116
Leggenda di San Nicola, La [La légende de saint Nicolas] (1907 - I) - BW - Prod.: Rossi & C. (Torino)
Leggenda di San Nicola, La (1911 - I) - BW - ca. 7 min. - Prod.: Aquila Films (Torino)
Legioni di Cleopatra, Le [La legione di Cleopatra - Antonio e Cleopatra - Les légions de Cléopâtre - Legions
of Cleopatra - Legions of the Nile - Las legiones de Cleopatra - Die Legionen des Cäsaren - De legioenen
van de Nijl] (1959 - I/F/E) - 100 min. - SFE: 3 * - Dir.: Cottafavi, Vittorio - Prod.: Alexandra Produzione /
CFPC / Lyre Film / Athena Film - Act.: Cristal, Linda; Marchal, Georges; Manni, Ettore; Mayo, Alfredo;
Rocca, Daniela; Aureli, Andrea - Ill.: Eloy, 1987, p. 75; Aknin, 1998, p. 21; Ziegler, 1998, p. 302.303;
Dumont, 2009, p. 38-339; Fourcart, 2012, p. 75.166
Life of Christ (1910 - F) - BW - Prod.: Pathé - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Life of Christ, The (1912 - USA) - BW - Prod.: Kalem - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Life of Jesus, The. The revolutionary (1995-1996 - USA) - 50x2 min. - Video film (two episodes) - Dir.:
Marcarelli, Robert - Act.: Kay Steel, John - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Life of our saviour, The (1914 - F) - Coloured - Prod.: Pathé - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Life of St. Paul, The. 1. On the road to Damascus - 2. Faith triumphant - 3. The way of salvation - 4. The grace
of forgiveness - 5. The crown of righteousness (1937-1939 - UK) - BW - 13+26+30+30+30 = 129 min. Dir.: Sloan, James B.; Walker, Norman - Prod.: Gregory, Hake & Walker - Act.: Arden, Neil; Hayes,
Lionne d'Androclès, La (1911 - F) - BW - Act.: Drain, Émile; Hemdey - Adaptation of Gellius, Aulus, Noctes
Atticae, 5, 14 (after 165); Shaw, George Bernard, Androcles and the lion (1912) (theatre)
Love nights of Antony and Cleopatra, The [Antonio e Cleopatra - Kleopatra die schwanzgeile Königin] (1996 I/USA) - Video film - Dir.: D'Amato, Joe (Massaccesi, Aristide) - Prod.: Butterfly Motion Pictures - Act.:
Del Rio, Olivia; Serbes, Hakan; Malcolm, Francesco
Lucky Strike Theatre. 313. The trial of Pontius Pilate (1957 - USA) - Episode of a television series - Act.:
Gordon, Bruce; Palmer, Maria; Adrian, Max; Jameson, House - Adaptation of Testamentum novum,
Lucrèce (1908 - F) - BW - Dir.: Feuillade, Louis (?) - Prod.: Gaumont - Act.: Wague, Georges; Carl, Renée
Luke the gladiator (1916 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Roach, Hal - Act.: Lloyd, Harold
Maciste, gladiatore di Sparta [Il gladiatore di Sparta - Maciste, (the) Spartan gladiator - Maciste gladiator of
Sparta - Maciste and the hundred gladiators - Terror of Rome against the son of Hercules - Le gladiateur de
Sparte - Maciste et les 100 gladiateurs - Maciste, gladiator van Sparta - Kampf der Höllenhunde] (1964 I/F) - 95 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Caiano, Mario - Prod.: Prometeo; J. Letienne; Unicite - Act.: Forrest, Mark
(Lou Degni); Tolo, Marilù; Fanti, Elisabeth; White, Peter; Amendola, Ferruccio - Ill.: Fourcart, 2012, p. 65
Madonnas and men (1920 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Rolfe, B. A. - Prod.: Jans Pictures - Act.: Randolf, Anders;
Lowe, Edmund; von Seyffertitz, Gustav; Dean, Raye
Maestro e Margherita, Il [Majstor i Margarita - The master and Margaret - The master and Margherite - Le
maître et Marguerite] (1972 - I/YU) - 101 min. - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Petrovic, Aleksandar - Act.: Tognazzi,
Ugo; Farmer, Mimsy; Cuny, Alain - Adaptation of Bulgakov, Mikhail Afanasyevich (1891-1940), Der
Meister und Margarita (1967, posthumous)
Malay chronicles, The. Bloodlines [Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa - Clash of empires - Le choc des empires]
(2011 - MAL) - 109 min. - Dir.: Yusry Abd Halim - Act.: Rahman Hughes, Stephen; Stenhouse, Gavin
Man nobody knows, The (1925 - USA) - BW - Dir.: LeRoy Kenepp, Errett - Prod.: Pictorial Clubs Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Man-woman-marriage [Man, woman, marriage] (1921 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Holubar, Allen - Prod.: First
National - Act.: Kirkwood, James; Philipps, Dorothy
Manslaughter [Requisitoire] (1922 - USA) - BW - 100 min. - 2 * - Dir.: DeMille, Cecil B. (Blount) - Prod.:
Famous Players; Lasky; Paramount - Act.: Meighan, Thomas; Joy, Leatrice; Wilson, Lois - Adaptation of
Miller, Alice Duer, Manslaughter (1921) (novel) - Ill.: Cary, 1974, p. 26
Marcantonio e Cleopatra [Marcoantonio (Marco Antonio - Marc'Antonio - Antonio) e Cleopatra - Antony and
Cleopatra - (Marc) Antoine et Cléopâtre - Cleopatra die Herrin des Nils] (1913 - I) - BW - 74 min. - Dir.:
Guazzoni, Enrico - Prod.: Cines (Roma) - Act.: Novelli, Amleto; Terribili-Gonzales, Gianna; Lupi, Ignazio;
Lenard, Elsa; Di Marzio, Mathilde - Adaptation of Ploutarchos, Antonius (ca. 100-120); Shakespeare,
William, Antony and Cleopatra (1606-1607) (theatre) - Ill.: Wyke, 1997b, p. 87; Wenzel, 2005, fig. 6;
Dumont, 2009, p. 333; Fourcart, 2012, p. 22
Marcantonio e Cleopatra [Marcoantonio (Marco Antonio) e Cleopatra] (1918 - I) - BW - Dir.: Guazzoni,
Enrico - Adaptation of Ploutarchos, Antonius (ca. 100-120); Shakespeare, William, Antony and Cleopatra
(1606-1607) (theatre)
Marco Licinio [Marcus Lycinius - Marcus Lycinious] (1907 - I) - BW - Prod.: Ambrosio, Arturo
Maria di Magdala (1918 - I) - BW - Dir.: Molinari, Aldo - Prod.: Vera Film (Roma) - Act.: Leonidoff, Ileana;
Guiducci, Guido - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Maria Magdalena (1914 - D) - BW - Dir.: Messter, Oskar - Prod.: Messter Film (Berlin) - Adaptation of
Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Maria Magdalena (1945 - MEX) - BW - 76 min. - SFE: 0 * - Dir.: Torres, Miguel Contreras - Act.: Alcoriza,
Luis - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Lucas, 8, 2 e.a.
Maria Magdalena (1965 - MA/I) - Dir.: Latini de Marchi, Luigi
— 92 —
Maria Magdalena. Ein Weg der Tränen (1917-1918 - D) - BW - Dir.: Rist, Preben - Prod.: Neutra-Film - Act.:
Kühnberg, Leontine; Rückert, Anton Ernst; Rist, Preben; Pick, Lupu - Adaptation of Testamentum novum,
Mariam-e Moghaddas [Saint Mary - Mariam the Holy] (2002 - IR) - 114 min. - Television film - Dir.: Shahryar
Bahrani - Prod.: Aliakbari, M. A.; IRIB Channel 1; Cima - Act.: Gholikhani, Shabnam - Adaptation of
Testamentum novum - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 442
Marie de Nazareth (1994 - F/B/MA) - 105 min. - Dir.: Delannoy, Jean - Prod.: Azur Frilms; Moroccan
Productions; Belvision France; C.F.R.T. - Act.: Muller, Myriam; Bienaimé, Didier; Lalanne, Francis; de
Jonge, Marc; Mézières, Myriam; Bory, Jean-Marc; Wolff, Jean-Loup; Blue, Corinne - Ill.: Dumont, 2009,
p. 437
Mártir del Calvario, El (1952 - MEX) - BW - 113 min. - SFE: 0 * - Dir.: Morayta Martínez, Miguel - Prod.:
Oro Films - Act.: Rambal, Enrique; Fábregas, Manuel; Frank, Consuelo; Angel Férriz, Miguel; Sáenz,
Armando; Palacios, Alicia; Baviera, José; Linares Rivas, José María - Adaptation of Testamentum novum,
Martire Pompeiana [Martire di Pompei - The martyr of Pompeii - Martyrs pompéiens] (1909 - I) - BW - ca. 17
min. - Dir.: De Liguoro, Giuseppe - Prod.: SAFFI; Comerio; Milano Films - Act.: Padovani, Arturo; De
Liguoro, Giuseppe
Martirio di Santo Stefano, Il (1912 - I) - BW - Prod.: Latium Film (Roma)
Martyre chrétien, Le [The Christian martyr - Les martyrs chrétiens] (1911 - F) - BW - Prod.: Gaumont
Martyre de saint Étienne, Le (1912 - F) - BW - ca. 15 min. - Dir.: Andréani, Henri - Prod.: Le Film Biblique;
Martyrs chrétiens, Les (1905 - F) - BW - Dir.: Nonguet, Lucien - Prod.: Pathé
Martyrs chrétiens. 1er tableau. Les martyrs (1905 - F) - BW - Prod.: Pathé
Mary (2005 - I/F/USA) - 83 min. - 2,5 * - Dir.: Ferrara, Abel - Act.: Binoche, Juliette; Whitaker, Forest;
Modine, Matthew
Mary and Joseph. A story of faith (1979 - USA) - 147 min. - Television film - Dir.: Till, Eric - Prod.: NBC;
Astral; Lorimar - Act.: Baker, Blanche; East, Jeff; Matheson, Murray; McHattie, Stephen; Duffin, Shay Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Mary Magdalene (1914 - USA) - BW - Prod.: Joseph P. Kennedy Films - Adaptation of Testamentum novum,
Mary, mother of Jesus (1999 - USA) - 95 min. - Television film - Dir.: Connor, Kevin - Prod.: NBC - Act.:
Bale, Christian; August, Pernilla; Chaplin, Geraldine; Shrapnel, John
Masada [The antagonists - Les antagonistes] (1981 - USA) - 100x4 = 400 / 131 min. - Television series (4
episodes), but also a cinema film - SFE: average 2 * - Dir.: Sagal, Boris - Prod.: Universal; ABC - Act.:
O'Toole, Peter; Strauss, Peter; Carrera, Barbara; West, Timothy - Adaptation of Flavius Iosephos, Bellum
Iudaicum, 7 (75-79); Gann, Ernst K., The antagonists (1970) - Ill.: Eloy, 1996, p. 56; Aziza, 1998, p. 3;
Dumont, 2009, p. 513
Master i Margarita [Master and Margareth] (1994 - SU) - 125 min. - Dir.: Kara, Yuri - Act.: Vertinskaya,
Anastasiya; Rakov, Viktor - Adaptation of Bulgakov, Mikhail Afanasyevich (1891-1940), Der Meister und
Margarita (1967, posthumous)
Mater Dei (1950 - I) - 74 min. - Dir.: Cordero, Emilio - Prod.: Incar; Parva Films - Act.: De Majo, Miriam;
Costantini, Giorgio; Alegiani, Anna Maria; Barella, Orlando; Bracci, Ida - Adaptation of Testamentum
novum, Euangelia - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 405
Mean Moe and Cleopatra (1963 - USA) - BW - 5 min. - Cartoon film for television - Prod.: Seeger, Hal - Act.:
MacMillan, Norma; Storch, Larry (voices)
Meeting of minds [Steve Allen's meeting of minds] (1977-1981 - USA) - Episode of a television series - Dir.:
d'Usseau, Loring - Prod.: d'Usseau, Loring - Act.: Meadows, Jayne
Memoirs of Hadrian [not completed] (2008? - I/UK) - Dir.: Boorman, John - Act.: Craig, Daniel - Adaptation
of Yourcenar, Marguérite, Mémoirs d'Hadrien (1951) (novel)
Messalina [The love of an empress] (1910 - I) - BW - ca. 19 min. - Dir.: Caserini, Mario - Prod.: Cines (Roma)
- Act.: Gasperini, Maria (Caserini, Maria); Novelli, Amleto
Messalina [Messaline impératrice - The fall of an empress] (1923 - I) - BW - Dir.: Guazzoni, Enrico - Prod.:
Guazzoni Films - Act.: De Liguoro, Rina; Terribili-Gonzales, Gianna; Zanussi, Lucia; Mastripietri,
Augusto; Talamo, Gino - Ill.: Cary, 1974, p. 12.103; Solomon, 1978, p. 53.132; Solomon, 2001, fig. 130;
Dumont, 2009, p. 472; Fourcart, 2012, p. 25
Messalina (1930 - BR) - BW - Dir.: de Barros, Luis - Prod.: Sincrocinex, Sao Paulo - Act.: Walkyria, Gerta;
Caiaffa, Vincenzo; Myrka, Mado; Oliviera, Nelson; Cesaroni, Remo; de Souza, Tácito
Messalina [Messaline - The affairs of Messalina - Mesalina] (1951 - I/F) - BW - 110 min. - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.:
Gallone, Carmine - Prod.: Filmsonor; Gallone - Act.: Félix, Maria; Marchal, Georges; Tissier, Jean;
Benassi, Memo; Ninchi, Ave - Ill.: Cary, 1974, p. 13.101.103; Wieber, 2005a, p. 2.54; Dumont, 2009, p.
471.474; Fourcart, 2012, p. 134
Messalina [Messalina the virgin empress - The explicit story of Messalina, the virgin empress] (1996 - I/USA)
- Video film - Dir.: D'Amato, Joe (Massaccesi, Aristide) - Prod.: Butterfly Motion Pictures - Act.: Trump,
Messalina II [Poppea, la putana di Roma - La putana di Roma - Poppea, die Hure von Rom] (1981 - I) - 89
min. - SFE: 1 * - Dir.: Mueller, Wolfgang (Brescia, Alfonso) - Act.: Benussi, Femi
— 93 —
Messalina, Messalina! [Caligula part II: Messalina empress of love - Messalina empress of Rome - Messaline,
impératrice et putain - Messalina, keizerin en hoer] (1977 - I) - 100 min. - SFE: 1,5 * - Dir.: Corbucci,
Bruno - Prod.: Medusa - Act.: di Lorenzo, Anneka; Caprioli, Vittorio; Wagner, Lory Kay; Toffolo, Lino
Messalina... orgasmo imperiale [Le avventure erotiche di Messalina] (1983 - I) - 82 min. - Dir.: Clarke, Oliver
J. (D'Amato, Joe; Massaccesi, Aristide) - Prod.: Cinema 80 - Act.: Roussos, Tiffany (Roussial, Nadine);
Landers, Rita (Teutscher, Pauline); Smith, Mark
Messaline [Messalina] (1909 - F) - BW - Dir.: Capellani, Alberto - Prod.: SCAGL; Pathé - Act.:
Napierkowska, Stacia; Capellani, Paul
Messaline [Messalina - La justice de Claude - The justice of Claudius] (1910 - F) - BW - ca. 19 min. - Dir.:
Andréani, Henri; Zecca, Ferdinand - Prod.: Film d'Art; Pathé - Act.: Roch, Madeleine; Céliat, Madeleine;
Ravet, Louis; Jacquinet, Jean
Messia, Il [Le Messie - The Messiah] (1975 - I/F) - 145 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Rossellini, Roberto - Prod.:
Orizzonte 2000 - Act.: Rossi, Pier Maria; Ungaro, Mita; De Carvalho, Carlos; Bonasso, Anna - Adaptation
of Testamentum novum, Euangelia - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 426 (bis)
Milagro a los cobardes [Un miracle pour des lâches] (1961 - E) - Dir.: Mur Oti, Manuel - Prod.: Trefilms;
Hispamex - Act.: Roman, Ruth; Anchoriz, Leo; Escriva, Javier; Casaravilla, Carlos; Diaz Gonzales, Manuel
- Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 412
Miles gloriosus (1980-1989? - NL) - Theatre recording - Act.: studenten - Adaptation of Plautus, Miles
gloriosus (ca. 205)
Mio figlio Nerone [Nero's weekend - Nero's big weekend - Nero's mistress - Les week-ends de Néron - Les
plaisirs de Néron] (1955 - I/F) - 88 min. - 2; SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Steno (Vanzina, Stefano) - Prod.: Titanus Act.: Swanson, Gloria; Bardot, Brigitte; de Sica, Vittorio; Sordi, Alberto; Mazza, Mario - Ill.: Aziza, 1998,
p. 75; Dumont, 2009, p. 491-492; Fourcart, 2012, p. 36.83
Mirage (2013 - D) - Colour / BW - 7 min. - Short film - Dir.: Girardet, Christoph; Müller, Matthias - Ill.:
Bronfen, 2013, p. 277
Misteri delle catacombe, I [Fabiola - Le mystère des catacombes] (1913 - I) - BW - Dir.: Perego, Eugenio Prod.: Pasquali (Torino) - Act.: Vidali, Emilia; Paradisi, Umberto; Ricci, Orlando - Adaptation of Wiseman,
Nicholas Patrick Stephen, Fabiola; or, The church in the catacombs (1854)
Misterios del rosario, Los. El salvador. El redentor. El amo [The life of Christ. Mysteries of the rosary I-III The savior. The redeemer. The master - The joyfull mysteries. The sorrowful mysteries. The glorious
mysteries] (1957 - E/USA) - Dir.: Breen, Joseph I. Jr. - Prod.: Cruzada del Rosario en Familia - Act.:
Álvarez, Luis; Fresno, Maruchi; Vilar, Antonio; Acaso, Felix; Monvay, Manuel; Casaravilla, Carlos Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Misterul lui Herodot [Zwei Jungen suchen die Daker] (1977 - R) - 87 min. - Dir.: Doina Tarnavschi, Greta Prod.: Filmstudio Bucuresti - Act.: Mazreanu, Anca
Modern Salome, A (1920 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Perret, Léonce - Act.: Hampton, Hope; Standing Wyndham;
Lincoln, E. K. - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Marcus, 6, 14-29; Wilde, Oscar, Salomé (1893)
Moglie di Claudio, La (1918 - I) - BW - Dir.: Zambuto, Gero; Pastrone, Giovanni - Act.: Menichelli, Pina;
Rossi-Pianelli, Vittorio
Monty Python's Flying circus. 2, 7 [20]. The Attila the Hun show [Attila der Hunne. Die Show] (1970 - UK) 30 min. - Episode of a television series - Dir.: MacNaughton, Ian - Act.: Monty Python
Monty Python's Life of Brian [The life of Brian] (1979 - UK) - 93 min. - SFE: 3 * - Dir.: Jones, Terry - Prod.:
Monthy Python; CIC - Act.: Monty Python: Chapman, Graham; Cleese, John; Gilliam, Terry; Idle, Eric;
Jones, Terry; Palin, Michael; Colley, Ken - Ill.: Cook, 1990, p. 603; Solomon, 2001, fig. 195; Wieber,
2002a, p. 13; Cyrino, 2005a, p. 178; Dumont, 2009, p. 430; Zed, 2012, p. 91
Morituris [Legions of the dead] (2011 - I) - 82 min. - 0 * - Dir.: Picchio, Raffaele - Act.: D'Andrea, Valentina;
Capece, Gaia; Baffi, Mariano
Mort de Lucrèce, La (1913 - F) - BW - ca. 19 min. - Dir.: Feuillade, Louis - Prod.: Gaumont - Act.: Briey,
Jane; Keppens, Émile; Duval, Henri; Mariaud, Maurice; Lagrange, Louise
Muzio Scevola (1910 - I) - BW - Prod.: Cines (Roma)
Muzio Scevola e la vergine Clelia (1912 - I) - BW - ca. 27 min. - Prod.: Latium Film (Roma)
Nabadaile Cleopatrei [Les caprices de Cléopâtre] (1925 - R) - BW - Dir.: Sahighian, Ion - Act.: Brodier,
Naissance de Jésus, La [The birth of Jesus] (1908 - F) - Coloured - ca. 6 min. - Prod.: Gaumont - Adaptation of
Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Naissance de l'empire romain, La. I. César. II. Auguste, Tibère. III. Néron, Trajan, Hadrien (1966 - F) - 90x3 =
270 min. - Television film - Dir.: Kast, Pierre - Prod.: ORTF - Act.: Chaumette, François; Huet, HenriJacques; Vaneck, Pierre; Bellon, Loleh; Bisciglia, Paul; Mermet, Jean
Nascita di Salomè, La [Gli amori di Salomè] (1940 - I) - BW - Dir.: Choux, Jean - Prod.: Stella - Act.: Gomez,
Maria; Falconi, Armando; Bernardi, Nerio; Carnera, Primo - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 376
Nativité, La (1910 - F) - BW - ca. 17 min. - Dir.: Feuillade, Louis - Prod.: Gaumont - Act.: Dorson, Nadette;
Carl, Renée - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Nativity story, The (2006 - USA) - 101 min. - 2,5 * - Dir.: Hardwicke, Catherine - Act.: Castle-Hughes,
Keisha; Isaac, Oscar - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Mattheus - Lucas - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 448
— 94 —
Nativity, The [La nativité] (1978 - USA) - 100 min. - Television film - SFE: average 2 * - Dir.: Kowalski,
Bernard L. - Prod.: ABC; 20th-Century Fox - Act.: Stowe, Madeline; McKern, Leo; Shea, John; O'Mara,
Kate - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Nativity, The (2010 - UK/CDN/MA) - 23x4 = 90 min. - Television film (4 episodes) - 2,5 * - Dir.: Giedroy ,
Coky - Prod.: BBC - Act.: Buchan, Andrew; Maslany, Tatiana - Adaptation of Testamentum novum,
Mattheus - Lucas
Nave, La (1911 - I) - BW - ca. 28 min. - Dir.: Bencivenga, Eduardo - Prod.: Ambrosio (Torino) - Act.:
Calderari, Antonietta; Capozzi, Alberto A.; Tarlarini, Mary Cleo - Adaptation of D'Annunzio, Gabriele, La
nave (1908) (theatre)
Nave, La (1921 - I) - BW - Dir.: D'Annunzio, Gabriellino; Roncoroni, Mario - Prod.: Ambrosio (Torino);
Zanotta - Act.: Rubinstein, Ida; Galvani, Ciro; Boccolini, Alfredo; Tarlarini, Mary Cleo - Adaptation of
D'Annunzio, Gabriele, La nave (1908) (theatre) - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 566
Nay, Nay, Nero (1930 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Mack, Roy - Prod.: Vitaphone; Warner Bros. - Act.: Cameron,
Hugh; Watson, Bobby; Swinburne, Nora
Nel segno di Roma [La regina del deserto - Sous le signe de Rome - Im Zeichen Roms - Sign of the gladiator]
(1959 - I/F/D) - 98 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Brignone, Guido; Freda, Riccardo; Antonioni, Michelangelo Prod.: Glomer; Lyre; Lux; Telefilm - Act.: Ekberg, Anita; Marchal, Georges; Lullli, Folco; Cervi, Gino Ill.: SFE, 1995, p. 1119; Wieber, 2000, p. 307; Wieber, 2002a, p. 24.36; Dumont, 2009, p. 543-544;
Fourcart, 2012, p.
Nero [Néron. Drame romain] (1922 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Edwards, James Gordon - Prod.: Fox - Act.: Grétillat,
Jacques; Duval, Paulette; Bernardi, Nero; De Felice, Enzo; Trento, Guido; Carolenuto, Nero; Darclea, Edy;
Mersereau, Violette; Salvini, Alexander - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 485
Nero (1979 - D) - 110 min. - Television film - Dir.: Reichmann, Wolfgang; Krauss, Gerd; Schlechte, Werner Prod.: ZDF - Act.: Reichmann, Wolfgang; Müthel, Lola - Adaptation of Marceau, Félicien, La mort de
Néron (1960) (theatre)
Nero and the burning of Rome [Néron et l'incendie de Rome] (1908 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Porter, Edwin S. Prod.: Edison, Thomas A.
Néro, a véres költö [Néron, le poète sanglant] (1980 - H) - 55x4 min. - Television series (4 episodes) - Dir.:
Szönyi, Sándor G. - Prod.: magyar Rádió és Televizió - Act.: Harsányi, Gábor; Sunyovszky, Szilvia Adaptation of Kosztolányi, Dezsö, Néro, a véres költö (1922) (novel)
Néron essayant des poisons sur des esclaves (1896 - F) - BW - 1 min. - Dir.: Hatot, Georges; Promio,
Alexandre - Prod.: Frères Lumière (Lyon)
Néron et Britannicus [Nero and Britannicus] (1913 - F) - BW - Prod.: Pathé
Neron zabavliaetsia [Néron s'amuse] (1912 - SU) - BW - Prod.: Thiemann - Act.: Chaternikov, Vladimir;
Petrova, Olga
Nerone [Nero, or / and the burning of Rome - Nero, or the fall of Rome - Néron] (1909 - I) - BW - ca. 19 min. Dir.: Maggi, Luigi; Ambrosio, Arturo - Prod.: Ambrosio (Torino) - Act.: de Roberti, Lydia; Capozzi,
Alberto A.; Maggi, Luigi; Principi, Mirra; Mozzato, Umberto; Tarlarini, Mary Cleo - Ill.: Fourcart, 2012, p.
Nerone [Néron] (1910 - I) - BW - Dir.: Omegna, Roberto
Nerone [Néron] (1930 - I) - BW - Dir.: Blasetti, Alessandro - Act.: Petrolini, Ettore; Del Rio, Grazia;
Brignone, Mercedes; Krimer, Elma - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 486
Nerone [Néron] (1976 - I) - 100 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Castellaci, Mario; Pingitore, Pier Francesco - Prod.:
Capital - Act.: Montesano, Enrico; Franco, Pippo; Tedesco, Paola; Buccella, Maria Grazia; Lionello, oreste
Nerone (1989 - HR) - 160 min. - Prod.: Split Summer Festival; Opera Direct - Act.: Petrusanec, Franjo;
McShane, David - Adaptation of Boïto, Arrigo, Nerone (1862-1924) (opera)
Nerone (2003 - I) - 102 min. - Opera recording - Dir.: Castiglione, Enrico - Act.: Marchesi, Mario; Damato,
Adriana - Adaptation of Mascagni, Pietro, Nerone (1935) (opera)
Nerone e Agrippina [Néron et Agrippine] (1913 - I) - BW - 84 min. - Dir.: Caserini, Mario - Prod.: Film
Artistica Gloria (Torino) - Act.: Rossi-Pianelli, Vittorio; Bonnard, Mario; Caserini Gasperini, Maria; De
Roberti, Lydia; Quaranta, Letizia; Rosmino, Gian Paolo; Petacci, Emilio; Cappelli, Dante; Ruggeri,
Telemaco - Adaptation of Boïto, Arrigo, Nerone (1862) (opera libretto) - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 484 (bis)
Nerone e Messalina [Néron tyran de Rome - Nero and the burning of Rome - Nero. Der Untergang Roms]
(1949-1953 - I) - BW - 106 min. - Dir.: Zeglio, Primo - Prod.: Spettacolo - Act.: Barbara, Paola; Cervi,
Gino; Barclay, Steve; Sanson, Yvonne; Fierro, Jole; Picasso, Lamberto; Tamberlani, Carlo - Adaptation of
Bluhmen, David, Nero und Messalina (1949 before) (novel) - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 489 (bis)
Nerone e Poppea [Nero und die Huren des römischen Reiches - Les aventures sexuelles de Néron et Poppée Nero and Poppea. An orgy of power - Caligula reincarnated as Nero] (1981 - I) - 89 min. - SFE: 0 * - Dir.:
Dawn, Vincent (Mattei, Bruno); Pass, Anthony (Passaglia, Antonio) - Prod.: Beatrice Film - Act.: Adams,
Rudy; Derek, Patricia; Carrera, Raul; Polac, Zibi
Nerone, perversione dell'impero (1997 - I) - Video film - Dir.: De Palma, Raf (D'Amato, Joe - Massaccesi,
Aristide) - Prod.: Pico - Act.: Evangelista, Silvio; Lee, Laura; Serbes, Hakan
Nicholas of Myra [not completed] (2005 - USA) - 180 min. - Dir.: Hartke, Gerald - Act.: Mesler, Matt
Noël à travers les âges (1908 - F) - BW - ca. 13 min. - Prod.: Éclipse - Adaptation of Testamentum novum,
— 95 —
Norma o le Gallie sotto Roma (1911 - I) - BW - ca. 18 min. - Dir.: Bacchini, Romolo - Prod.: Vesuvio Fims,
Norma, La (1911 - I/F) - BW - ca. 15 min. - Prod.: Film d'Arte Italiana (Roma); Film d'Art; Pathé - Act.:
Agozzino Alessia, Rina; Lorenzoni, Bianca; Robert, Aldredo
Norman's awesome experience [Normanicus - A switch in time] (1987 - USA/CDN) - 90 min. - SFE: 3 * Dir.: Donovan, Paul; Oliver, Ron - Prod.: Norstar - Act.: McCamus, Tom; Paton, Laurie; Lussier, Jacques
Not tonight Henry (1960 - USA) - 75 min. - Dir.: Connell, W. Merle - Prod.: Paramore, Ted - Act.: Dare,
Notorious Cleopatra, The [Les orgies sexuelles de Cléopâtre - Die geheime Perversionen der Cleopatra] (1970
- USA) - 88 min. - Dir.: Stootsberry, A. P. (Peter Perry) - Prod.: Global Pictures - Act.: Sonora; Rocco,
John; Edwards, Jay
O.K. Nerone [O.K. Néron - O.K. Nero] (1951 - I) - BW - 95 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Soldati, Mario - Prod.: ICS
- Act.: Cervi, Gino; Pampanini, Silvana; Chiari, Walter - Ill.: Eloy, 1996, p. 55; Aziza, 1998, p. 79; Wieber,
2005c, p. 39; Fourcart, 2012, p. 29
Oberammergau passion play (1934 - USA) - BW - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Oh! Oh! Cleopatra (1931 - USA) - BW - ca. 26 min. - Act.: Burgess, Dorothy; Davidson, Max
Ombra delle aquile, All' [À l'ombre des aiges] (1967 - I/D/YU) - 94 min. - Dir.: Baldwin, Ferdy (Baldi,
Ferdinando) - Prod.: Carsten; Debora - Act.: Mitchell, Cameron; Loncar, Beba; Eppler, Dieter
Omnibus. 4, 11. Salome (1955 - USA) - Television film - Act.: Kitt, Eartha; Genn, Leo; Neal, patricia;
Lanchester, Elsa
Omnibus. 5. Androcles and the lion (1956 - USA) - Television film - Dir.: Rothberg, Lee - Act.: Lahr, Bert Adaptation of Gellius, Aulus, Noctes Atticae, 5, 14 (after 165); Shaw, George Bernard, Androcles and the
lion (1912) (theatre)
On the game [Sex through the ages] (1974 - UK) - 88 min. - Dir.: Long, Stanley A. - Act.: Austin, Nicola
Open University Film Library. Antony and Cleopatra (1985 - UK) - 24 min. - Episode of a television series Dir.: Brown, John Russell - Prod.: Hoyle, David - Act.: Barge, Gillian; Laurenson, James
Orazi e Curiazi [La espada del vencedor - The duel of champions - Les Horaces et les Curiaces] (1961 - I/E) 105 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Baldi, Ferdinando; Young, Terence - Prod.: Lux; Tiberia - Act.: Ladd, Alan;
Bettoja, Franca - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 263; Fourcart, 2012, p. 117
Orazi e Curiazi, tre a due (1977 - I) - 90 min. - Dir.: Mariuzzo, Giorgio - Prod.: Zenith; National; Perugia Act.: Bracardi, Franco; Banfi; Lino; Guida, Gloria
Orazi e i Curiazi, Gli [Orazi e Curiazi] (1910 - I) - BW - ca. 13 min. - Prod.: Cines (Roma) - Act.: Novelli,
Amleto; Ricci, Orlando
Orgie romaine, L' [A / The Roman orgy - Héliogabale] (1911 - F) - BW - 8 min. - Dir.: Feuillade, Louis Prod.: Gaumont - Act.: Morat, Luitz; Bréon, Edmond; Aymé, Jean; Carl, Renée; Lagrange, Louise; Perret,
Léonce; Wague, Georges
Oro per i Cesari [L'or des Césars - Gold for the Caesars - Das Gold der Caesaren] (1962 - I/F/USA) - 92 min. SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: De Toth, André (and Ciuffini, Sabatico; Freda, Riccardo) - Prod.: Adalphia; CICC
Borderie - Act.: Hunter, Jeffrey; Demongeot, Mylène; Manni, Ettore; Randall, Ron - Adaptation of Seward,
Florence A., Gold for the Caesars (1961) (novel) - Ill.: Cameron, 1973, p. 72; Dumont, 2009, p. 525;
Fourcart, 2012, p. 63
Othon. Die Augen wollen sich nicht zu jeder Zeit schlieszen oder vielleicht wird Rom sich eines Tages
erlauben seinerseits zu wählen [Othon. Les yeux ne peuvent pas en tout temps se fermer ou peut-être qu'un
jour Rome se permettra de choisir à son tour] (1970 - D/I) - 82 min. - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Straub, Jean-Marie;
Huillet, Danièle - Act.: Aprà, Adriano; Brumagne, Anne; Carlisi, Olympia; Lauricella, Ennio; Pensabene,
Anthony - Adaptation of Corneille, Pierre, Othon (1664) (theatre)
Ovidio. Ars amandi [L'art d'aimer - L'arte di amare] (1983 - I/F) - 100 min. - Dir.: Borowczyk, Walerian Prod.: Naja - Act.: Pirro, Marina; Placido, Michele; Girotti, Massimo - Adaptation of Ovidius, Ars amatoria
(1 BC)
Pagan and christian (1909 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Edison, Thomas A.
Pagan Rome (1914 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Bush, W. Stephen - Prod.: Vero Educational Society
Passie van ons heer, De [La passion du Christ] (1968 - B) - 60 min. - Cartoon film (puppets) - Dir.: Liebrecht,
Mark - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Passion de Jésus-Christ (?) (1898 - F?) - BW - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Passion de Jésus-Christ (?) (1898 - F) - BW - Prod.: Gaumont - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Passion du Christ, La (1897 - F) - BW - Dir.: Léar [Albert Kirchner]; Frère Basile Kirchner - Prod.: Société
Léar; Antelme & Pacon (Paris) - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Passion du Christ, La (1900 - F) - BW - Prod.: Pathé - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Passion of the Christ, The (2004 - USA) - 127 min. - 3,5 * - Dir.: Gibson, Mel - Prod.: Icon Productions - Act.:
Caviezel, Jim; Morgenstern, Maia; Bellucci, Monica; Gerini, Claudia; Rubini, Sergio; Bertorelli, Toni;
Bestazzoni, Roberto; Cabras, Francesco; Celentano, Rosalinda; De Marchi, Emilio; De Vito, Francesco;
Giulivo, Lello; Jefry, Abel; Jivkov, Hristo; Lionello, Luca - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia;
Emmerick, Anna Katharina - Brentano, Clemens, Das bittere Leiden unsers Herrn Jesu Christi (1823-1833)
- Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 443-444
Passion play (1905 - UK) - BW - Dir.: Deutsch, Ludwig - Prod.: Warwick Pictures - Adaptation of
Testamentum novum, Euangelia
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Passion play (1924 - D) - BW - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Passion play [(1) The annunciation - (2) Shepherds watching their flocks by night - (3) The birth of Christ Agony in the garden - Baptism of Jesus - Carrying the cross - Christ and disciples plucking corn - Christ
before king Herod - Christ before Pilate and the condemnation - Christ before the two high priests - Christ
calling Zaccheus - Christ feeding the multitude - Christ healing the sick - Christ in the carpenter shop Christ in the synagogue - Christ tempted by the devil - Flight into Egypt - Herodias pleads for John the
Baptist's head - Jesus and the woman of Samaria - Judas' betrayal and the Messiah's arrest - Massacre of the
innocents - Placing Jesus in the tomb - Raising of Lazarus - Suffer little children to come unto me - Taking
down the cross - The ascension - The crucifixion - The last supper - The Messiah's entry into Jerusalem The resurrection - The transfiguration] (1903 - USA) - BW - 60 min. - Cinema series (31 episodes) - Prod.:
Lubin - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Passion play of Oberammergau, The [The Passion play- Passion of Christ - La Passion - Passion de JésusChrist] (1897 - USA) - BW - ca. 20 min. - Dir.: Vincent, Henry C. - Prod.: Richard G. Hollaman Pictures;
Edison - Act.: Russell, Frank; Gaylor, Frank; Strong, Fred - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia
- Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 389
Passion play, The [Passion de Jésus-Christ] (1898 - USA) - BW - Dir.: prof. Alexis - Prod.: Sigmund Lubin
Corp. - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Passion play, The (1909 - UK) - Coloured - Prod.: Gaumont - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Passion, Die (1951 - D) - Dir.: Martin, Ernst - Prod.: Ethos Film - Act.: Müller-Graf, Kurt; Ponto, Alexander Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Passion, La [The passion] (1898 - F) - BW - Prod.: Gaumont - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Passion, La (1904 - F) - BW - Dir.: Coissac, Georges-Michel - Prod.: La bonne presse - Adaptation of
Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Passion, La (1905 - F) - BW - Dir.: Jasset, Victorin (?) - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Passion, La (1978 - F) - 90 min. - Television film - Dir.: Sangla, Raoul - Act.: Claessens, Alain; Silver,
Véronique; Wiazemsky, Anne - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Passion, La (1991 - B) - 60 min. - Cartoon film for television (puppets) - SFE: average 2 * - Dir.: Freddy
Charles - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia; de Ghelderode, Michel, Le mystère de la passion
de Notre-Seigneur Jésus Christ (1924) (theatre)
Passion, The (2008 - UK) - 180 min. - Television series (4 episodes) - 3 * - Dir.: Offer, Michael - Prod.: HBO;
BBC - Act.: Mawle, Joseph; Nesbitt, James - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 449 (bis)
Passione di Cristo [La passione di Gesù - Passion of Christ] (1900 - I) - BW - Dir.: Topi, Luigi; Cristofari, Ezio
- Act.: Fremo; Mme Orero - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Passione secondo S. Matteo (1949 - I/A) - BW - 80 min. - Dir.: Marischka, Ernst - Act.: Schwarzkopf,
Elisabeth - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Mattheus; Bach, Johann Sebastian, Matthäuspassion (1727)
Passions of an Egyptian princess, The (1911 - UK) - Coloured - 14 min. - Dir.: Frenkel, Theo - Act.: Meijer,
Passover miracle, A (1914 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Olcott, Sidney - Act.: Leone, Henri; Lowett, Samuel Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Mattheus, 14, 22-33
Passover plot, The (1976 - IL/USA) - Dir.: Campus, Michael - Prod.: Golan, Menahem; Globus, Yoram - Act.:
King, Zalman; Pleasance, Donald; Andrews, Harry
Patrizia e schiava [Afra - Padrone e schiava] (1909 - I) - BW - ca. 20 min. - Prod.: Cines (Roma)
Pecadora de Magdala, La (1946 - MEX) - BW - Dir.: Contreras Torres, Miguel - Prod.: Hispano Continental Act.: de Novara, Medea; Alcoriza, Luis; Junco,Tito; Alcaniz, Luana; Baviera, José; Arozamena, Eduardo;
Villarías, Carlos; Banquells, Rafael - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Peccatrice, La [Desert desperados - Flight into Egypt - The sinner] (1957 - I/USA) - BW - 81 min. - SFE: 1,5 *
- Dir.: Vernuccio, Gianni; Sekely, Steve - Prod.: RKO - Act.: Roman, Ruth; Tamiroff, Akim; Foa, Arnoldo;
Toso, Othelo; Gori, Gianni
Pellegrino, Il (1912 - I) - BW - ca. 59 min. - Dir.: Caserini, Mario - Prod.: Ambrosio (Torino) - Act.: De
Stefano, Vitale; Grisanti, Antonio; Negro, Lia; Ghione, Emilio - Adaptation of Bunyan, John, The pilgrim's
progress (1684)
Per amore di Poppea [Pour l'amour de Poppée - Les nuits érotiques d'une courtisane] (1977 - I) - 95 min. - Dir.:
Laurenti, Mariano - Prod.: Dania - Act.: Baxa, Maria; D'Angelo, Gianfranco; Lionello, Oreste
Per amore, solo per amore [Un amore a Betlemme - For love, only for love] (1993 - I) - 114 min. - Dir.:
Veronesi, Giovanni - Prod.: Filmauro - Act.: Abatantuono, Diego; Cruz, Penélope; Giuia, Elana; Nasser
Tarek; De Carmine, Renato; Sandrelli, Stefania - Adaptation of Festa Campanile, Pasquale, Conviene far
bene l'amore. Per amore, solo per amore (1975) (novel)
Perle di Cleopatra, Le (1920 - I) - BW - Dir.: Brignone, Guido
Peter and Paul [The acts] (1981 - USA) - 300 min. - Dir.: Day, Robert - Prod.: CBS - Act.: Hopkins, Anthony;
Foxworth, Robert; Burr, Raymond; Lom, Herbert - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Acta apostolorum
Peuple ancien, Le (2001 - F) - 13 min. - Short film - Dir.: Lacombe, Julien; Sid, Pascal - Act.: Chesnel,
Romain - Adaptation of Lovecraft, Howard Phillip, The very old folk (1927)
Pferd, Das (1964 - D) - 109 min. - Television film - Dir.: Gobert, Boy - Act.: Wussow, Klausjürgen Adaptation of Háy, Gyula (Hay, Julius), Das Pferd (1964) (theatre)
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Pilatus und andere (1972 - D) - 94 min. - Television film - SFE: average 2 * - Dir.: Wajda, Andrzej - Act.:
Pszoniak, Wojciech - Adaptation of Bulgakov, Mikhail Afanasyevich (1891-1940), Der Meister und
Margarita (1967, posthumous) - Ill.: Rotterdam, 1989, p. 85
Pilgrimage play, The (1949 - USA) - 90 min. - Dir.: Strayer, Frank R. - Act.: Leigh, Nelson - Adaptation of
Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Plebs. 1. The orgy - 2. The gladiator - 3. The erotic vase - 4. The herpes cat - 5. Bananae - 6. Saturnalia (2013 UK) - 30x6=180 min. - Television series (6 episodes) - Dir.: Leifer, Sam - Act.: Rosenthal, Tom; Fry, Joel
Pleitrede voor Titus Annius Milo door Marcus Tullius Cicero (1959 - B) - BW - 80 min. - Television play Dir.: Van Eetvelde, Jo - Prod.: NIR - Act.: Reekmans, Tony; Verdin, Herman; Van den Brande, Fr.;
Rouffaer, Senne - Adaptation of Cicero, Pro Milone (52 BC)
Polyeucte (1911 - F) - BW - Dir.: de Morlhon, Camille - Prod.: Série d'Art; Pathé - Act.: Franck, Paul; Ravet,
Louis, Dorival, Georges; Étiévant, Henri; Delvair, Jeanne
Polyeucte (2005 - F) - 78 min. - Dir.: Atabekian, Christophe - Act.: Atabekian, Christophe - Adaptation of
Corneille, Pierre, Polyeucte (1643) (theatre)
Pompei, ieri, oggi, domani [Pompeii. From the ashes a hero will rise - Pompeii. Stories from an eruption Pompéi. Des cendres, un héros se lèvera] (2006 - I/D) - 100+91 = 191 min. - Television mini series (2
episodes) - 1 * - Dir.: Poeti, Paolo - Act.: Alfieri, Victor; Arana, Tomas; Batista, Linda
Pompeii (2014 - CDN/D) - 98 min. - 2,5 * - Dir.: Anderson, Paul W. S. - Act.: Harington, Kit; Moss, CarrieAnne; Browning, Emily
Pompeii [not completed] (2005 - D/F/E) - Television series - Adaptation of Harris, Robert, Pompeii (2003)
Ponzio Pilato [Ponce Pilate - Pontius Pilate - Pontius Pilatus] (1962 - I/F) - 100 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.:
Callegari, Gian Paolo; Rapper, Irving - Prod.: Glomer; Lux - Act.: Marais, Jean; Barrymore, John Drew;
Serato, Massimo; Crain, Jeanne; Rathbone, Basil; Lorenzo, Livio; Garko, Gianni; Varelli, Alfredo - Ill.:
Dumont, 2009, p. 359.416
Poppea (1998 - UK) - 175 min. - Opera recording - Dir.: Williams, Margaret; Alden, David - Prod.: BBC TV
Wales; House of Opera - Act.: Wyn Davies, Catrin; Nilon, Paul - Adaptation of Monteverdi, Claudio,
L'incoronazione di Poppea (1642) (opera)
Poppea ed Ottavia [Poppea e Ottavia - Poppaea and Octavia - Poppée et Octavie] (1911 - I) - BW - ca. 20 min.
- Prod.: Latium Film (Roma) - Act.: Gasparini, Maria
Poppea, una prostituta al servizio dell'impero [Poppea, la putana di Roma - Poppée une prostituée au service de
l'empire] (1972 - I) - 93 min. - Dir.: Brescia, Alfonso - Prod.: Luis; IC - Act.: Backy, Don (Caponi, Aldo);
Benussi, Femi; Caprioli, Vittorio; Sini, Linda; Ross, Howard (Rossini, Renato)
Poppeas Kröning [Le couronnement de Poppée] (1978 - S) - 180 min. - Opera recording - Prod.: Sveriges
Television; Drottningholm Castletheatre - Act.: Söderström, Elisabeth - Adaptation of Monteverdi, Claudio,
L'incoronazione di Poppea (1642) (opera)
Poppée (1918 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Edwards, James Gordon - Prod.: Fox?
Povere Cristo (1975 - I) - 95 min. - Dir.: Carpi, Pier - Prod.: Nordilm - Act.: Reitano, Mino; Dexter,
Rosemarie; Grassilli, Raoul; Stewart, Evelyn (Galli, Ida) - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Power of the resurrection, The [The passion and the power of the Christ] (1958 - USA) - 60 min. - Dir.:
Schuster, Harold D. - Prod.: Family Films - Act.: Shepodd, Jon; Kiley, Richard; Arvan, Jan - Adaptation of
Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Presa di Roma, La (1905 - I) - BW - Dir.: Alberini (?)
Prêtresse de Carthage, La [A priestess of Carthage] (1911 - F) - BW - ca. 17 min. - Dir.: Feuillade, Louis Prod.: Gaumont - Act.: Carl, Renée; Wague, Georges; Morat, Luitz
Prince barbare, Le (1988 - F/CH) - 90 min. - Television film - Dir.: Koralnik, Pierre - Prod.: TSR; A2; La7 Act.: Volter, Philippe; Jorris, Jean-Pierre; Mourousi, Nadia
Prince of peace (1939 - UK) - BW - Dir.: Carter, Donald - Prod.: GB Instructional - Act.: Kelino, Pamela Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Lucas
Principessa e schiava [Aida, principessa e schiava] (1910 - I) - BW - ca. 16 min. - Dir.: Pastrone, Giovanni Prod.: Itala Film (Torino) - Act.: Vardanes, Emilio; Mele, Luigi
Private Cleopatra. [1.] - 2. The legend of Eros (2003-2004 - S) - 105+115 = 220 min. - Video series (2
episodes) - Dir.: Adamo, Antonio - Prod.: Private gold - Act.: Taylor, Julia; Eden, Bobbi; May, Jessica;
Faltoyano, Rita
Private gladiator, The [Private Gold 54: Gladiator 1] (2002 - S) - 120 min. - Video film - Dir.: Adamo, Antonio
- Prod.: Private Gold - Act.: Faltoyano, Rita; Ribas, Tony
Private gladiator, The. II. In the city of lust [Private Gold 55: Gladiator 2] (2002 - S) - 115 min. - Video film Dir.: Adamo, Antonio - Prod.: Private Gold - Act.: Faltoyano, Rita; Ribas, Tony
Private gladiator, The. III. Sexual conquest [Private Gold 56: Gladiator 3] (2002 - S) - 100 min. - Video film Dir.: Adamo, Antonio - Prod.: Private Gold - Act.: Faltoyano, Rita; Ribas, Tony
Prodigal son, A (1939 - UK) - BW - Dir.: Simpson, Harold - Prod.: Avenue Prod. - Act.: Williams, Ben Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Lucas, 15, 11-32
Prodigal, The [Le fils prodigue - Tempel der verleiding - Tempel der Versuchung] (1955 - USA) - 114 min. SFE: 1,5 * - Dir.: Thorpe, Richard - Prod.: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer - Act.: Turner, Lana; Purdom, Edmund;
Calhern, Louis - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Lucas, 15, 11-32 - Ill.: Cary, 1974, p. 125.155; Wie is
wie, 1987, p. 462; SFE, 1995, p. 1286; Dumont, 2009, p. 458-459
— 98 —
Quinto Orazio (1991 - I) - 69 min. - Television film - Dir.: Ferlito, Giuseppe - Prod.: TNV Telenova - Act.:
Baronti; De Giorgi, Giorgio; Martelloni; Vasco, Alfredo - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 366
Quo vadis (1951 - USA) - 171 min. - SFE: 3 * - Dir.: LeRoy, Mervyn (and Mann, Anthony) - Prod.: MetroGoldwyn-Mayer - Act.: Taylor, Robert; Kerr, Deborah; Ustinov, Peter; Swinburne, Nora; Laffan, Patricia;
Currie, Finlay; Baer, Buddy - Adaptation of Tacitus, Annales (after 116); Sienkiewicz, Henryk, Quo vadis?
(1894) - Ill.: Cameron, 1973, p. 76 (2 x).125; Cary, 1974, p. 103.122 (2 x).123 (3 x).155; Daisne, 1978, p.
491; Solomon, 1978, p. 137; Wie is wie, 1987, p. 547; Claviculae 3, 1995, p. 22; MacDonald, 1996, p.
22.35.36; Wyke, 1997b, p. 111.141 (= front); Aziza, 1998, p. 6.169; Solomon, 2001, fig. 135 (cf. p. 176177); Cyrino, 2005a, p. 10.25; Wieber, 2005a, p. 33; Wieber, 2005c, p. 34-36; Schunselaar, 2007, p.
191.192; Dumont, 2009, p. xxii.357.360.384.479.481.501-503; Fourcart, 2012, p. 31
Quo vadis? (1901 - F) - BW - Dir.: Zecca, Ferdinand; Nonguet, Lucien - Prod.: Pathé - Act.: Lambert, Albert Adaptation of Tacitus, Annales (after 116); Sienkiewicz, Henryk, Quo vadis? (1894)
Quo vadis? (1904 - F) - BW - < ca. 17 min. - Prod.: Pathé - Adaptation of Tacitus, Annales (after 116);
Sienkiewicz, Henryk, Quo vadis? (1894)
Quo vadis? (1906 - I) - BW - Adaptation of Tacitus, Annales (after 116); Sienkiewicz, Henryk, Quo vadis?
Quo vadis? (1908 - F) - BW - Adaptation of Tacitus, Annales (after 116); Sienkiewicz, Henryk, Quo vadis?
Quo vadis? (1912 - I) - BW - ca. 125 min. - Dir.: Guazzoni, Enrico - Prod.: Cines (Roma) - Act.: Novelli,
Amleto; Serena, Gustavo; Cattaneo, Carlo; Cattaneo, Amelia; Orlandini, Lea - Adaptation of Tacitus,
Annales (after 116); Sienkiewicz, Henryk, Quo vadis? (1894) - Ill.: Cook, 1990, p. 58; Wyke, 1997b, p.
121.127; De Roover, 2003, p. i; Wieber, 2005c, p. 39; Dumont, 2009, p. 499 (bis); Fourcart, 2012, p. 20.23
Quo vadis? (1913 - USA) - BW - ca. 133 min. - Prod.: Kleine - Adaptation of Tacitus, Annales (after 116);
Sienkiewicz, Henryk, Quo vadis? (1894)
Quo vadis? (1913 - USA) - BW - Prod.: Quo Vadis Film - Adaptation of Tacitus, Annales (after 116);
Sienkiewicz, Henryk, Quo vadis? (1894)
Quo vadis? (1924 - I/D) - BW - Dir.: Jacoby, George; Ambrosio, Arturo; D'Annunzio, Gabriellino (Gabriele) Prod.: Cines (Roma); UCI; Ambrosio (Torino) - Act.: Jannings, Emil; Hall-Davis, Lilian; De Liguoro, Rina;
Fryland, Alfons; Sangro, Elena; Habay, Andrea; Van Riel, Raimondo; Castellani, Bruto; Viotti, Gino Adaptation of Tacitus, Annales (after 116); Sienkiewicz, Henryk, Quo vadis? (1894) - Ill.: Cary, 1974, p.
7.8; Daisne, 1975, p. 573; Dumont, 2009, p. 500-501
Quo vadis? (1929 - USA) - BW - Adaptation of Tacitus, Annales (after 116); Sienkiewicz, Henryk, Quo vadis?
Quo vadis? (1985 - I/YU) - 360 (200) min. - Television series (6 episodes) - 2; SFE: good 3 * - Dir.: Rossi,
Franco (Rosi, Francesco) - Prod.: RAI - Act.: Brandauer, Klaus Maria; von Sydow, Max; Quinn,
Francescdo; Forrest, Frederic - Adaptation of Tacitus, Annales (after 116); Sienkiewicz, Henryk, Quo
vadis? (1894) - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 504
Quo vadis? (2001 - PL/USA) - 170 min. - Dir.: Kawalerowicz, Jerzy - Act.: Delag, Pawel; Mielcarz,
Magdalena; Bajor, Michal - Adaptation of Tacitus, Annales (after 116); Sienkiewicz, Henryk, Quo vadis?
(1894) - Ill.: Wieber, 2005c, p. 40; Dumont, 2009, p. 505 (bis)
Race suicide (1916 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Terwilliger, George W.; Lubin - Act.: Hawley, Ormi; Metcalfe, Earl;
Greene, Kempton
Rache des Avenarius, Die (1917 - D) - BW - Prod.: Berliner Film-Manufaktur - Act.: Neumann, Lotte;
Kastner, Bruno
Rapto de las Sabinas, El [La rebellion de las Sabinas] (1960 - MEX/E) - Dir.: Gout, Alberto - Prod.:
Constelación - Act.: Ruvinskis, Wolf; Ruiz, Victor; Velázquez, Lorena; Velázquez, Theresa; Induni, Luis;
Johnson, Lex - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 258
Ratto delle Sabine, Il [L'enlèvement des Sabines - Rape of the Sabines] (1910 - I/F) - BW - ca. 22 min. - Dir.:
Falena, Ugo - Prod.: Film d'Arte Italiana (Roma); SAPF - Act.: Galvani, Ciro; Duse, Carlo; Monaldi,
Gastone; De Maria Clothilde; Pasquinelli, Anna
Ratto delle Sabine, Il [Il professor Tromboni - The rape of the Sabines] (1945 - I) - BW - 72 min. - SFE: 2,5 * Dir.: Bonnard, Mario - Act.: Totò (Antonio de Curtis Gagliardi Ducas Comnuno di Bisanzio); Matania,
Ratto delle Sabine, Il [L'enlèvement des Sabines - Rape of the Sabines - The rape of the Sabine women Romulus and the Sabines] (1961 - I/F) - 101 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Pottier, Richard - Prod.: FI.C.IT; CFPI Act.: Moore, Roger; Demongeot, Mylène - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 259; Fourcart, 2012, p. 62
Raub der Sabinerinnen, Der (1936 - D) - BW - 87 min. - SFE: 0,5 * - Dir.: Stemmle, Robert A. - Act.:
Wildenhain, Bernard
Raub der Sabinerinnen, Der (1953 - D) - BW - 90 min. - SFE: 0,5 * - Dir.: Hoffmann, Kurt - Act.: Hörbiger,
Rea Silvia o l'origine di Roma (1910 - I) - BW - ca. 14 min. - Dir.: Degli Abbati, Alberto - Prod.: Latium Film
Redenta. Episodio della Sacra Bibbia (1909 - I) - BW - ca. 14 min. - Prod.: SAFFI; Comerio; Milano Films Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia
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Redenzione di Maria di Magdala, La [Redenzione] (1919 - I) - BW - Dir.: Gallone, Carmine - Prod.: Medusa
Films - Act.: Karenne, Diana; Bonafé, Pépa; Saveri, Elisa; Pasquali, Alberto; Duse, Luigi - Adaptation of
Testamentum novum, Euangelia - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 395
Regina per Cesare, Una [Cléopâtre, une reine pour César - A queen for Caesar - Cleopatra, una reina para el
César - De Venus van het Oosten] (1962 - I/F) - 95 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Tourjansky, Victor; Pierotti,
Piero - Act.: Petit, Pascale; Ardisson, Giorgio - Ill.: Perron, 1994, p. 48; Dumont, 2009, p. 340
Reina de reinas (1945 - MEX) - BW - 77 min. - SFE: 0,5 * - Dir.: Contreras Torres, Miguel - Prod.: Hispano
Continental - Act.: de Novara, Medea; Alcoriza, Luis; Junco,Tito; Alcañiz, Luana - Adaptation of
Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Relic hunter. 35. Out of the past (2001 - CDN) - Episode of a television series - Dir.: Barzman, Paolo - Act.:
Carrere, Tia; Anholt, Christien; Booth, Lindy
Remo e Romolo. Storia di due figli di una lupa (1976 - I) - 90 min. - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Castellacci, Mario;
Pingitore, Pier Francesco - Prod.: Capital - Act.: Montesano, Enrico; Franco, Pippo; Ferri, Gabriella
Résurrection de Lazarre, La [The resurrection of Lazarus] (1910 - F) - BW - ca. 11 min. - Dir.: Jasset, Victorin;
Hatot, Georges - Prod.: Éclair - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Ioannes, 11,1-12, 17
Retour de l'enfant prodigue, Le (1908 - F) - BW - ca. 5 min. - Prod.: Gaumont - Adaptation of Testamentum
novum, Lucas, 15, 11-32
Revak, lo schiavo di Cartagine [Revak, slave of Carthage - Revak the rebel - Freedom for rebel - The barbarian
- The barbarians - Rivak the barbarian - The pagans - Revak, der Sklave von Karthago] (1960 - I/USA) - 82
min. - Television film, but also a cinema film - SFE: 1 * - Dir.: Matè, Rudolph - Act.: Palance, Jack; Vitale,
Milly; Willis, Austin; Rolfe, Guy - Adaptation of Van Wyck Mason, Francis, The barbarians (1954) (novel)
Ritorno del gladiatore più forte del mondo, Il [3 Giants of the Roman empire - Le retour de Maciste] (1971 I/E) - 94 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Albertini, Adalberto - Act.: Harris, Brad; Barracuda, John
Rivale, La. Scene di vita di Pompei [Rivals, The; a love drama of Pompei] (1907 - I) - BW - ca. 9 min. - Prod.:
Cines (Roma)
Rivolta degli schiavi, La [La rebelión de los esclavos - Die Sklaven Roms - The revolt of the slaves - La
révolte des esclaves] (1960 - I/E/D) - 99 min. - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Malasomma, Nunzio (and Tessari,
Duccio) - Prod.: Ambrosiana; Ultra; CB - Act.: Fleming, Rhonda; Jeffries (Jeffreys), Lang; Manni, Ettore;
Guida, Wandisa; Cervi, Gino; Gainsbourg, Serge; Moreno, Dario - Adaptation of Wiseman, Nicholas
Patrick Stephen, Fabiola; or, The church in the catacombs (1854) - Ill.: Cary, 1974, p. 103; Dumont, 2009,
p. 556; Fourcart, 2012, p. 112.120
Rivolta dei barbari, La [Los barbaros contra el imperio romano - Revolt of the barbarians] (1965 - I/E) - Dir.:
Malatesta, Guido - Prod.: Protor - Act.: Carey, Roland; Antonini, Gabriele; Spina, Grazia Maria; Sullivan,
Rivolta dei gladiatori, La [La rebelion de los gladiatores - La révolte des gladiateurs - The warrior and the
slave girl] (1958 - I/E) - 90 min. - SFE: 3 * - Dir.: Cottafavi, Vittorio - Prod.: Alexandra; Atenea; Estela Act.: Marchal, Georges; Canale, Gianna Maria; Manni, Ettore; Nino - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 528-529;
Fourcart, 2012, p. 126
Rivolta dei pretoriani, La [Gli invincibili guerrieri - Revolt of the praetorians - La révolte des prétoriens] (1964
- I) - 88 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Brescia, Alfonso - Prod.: FIA - Act.: Gemma, Giuliano; Harrison, Richard;
Orfei, Moira; Lulli, Piero; Montalban, Renato
Roamin' gladiator (1927 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Watson, William - Act.: Cameron, Gene; Conway, Edna
Roaming Romeo [Bending Her] (1928 - USA) - BW - 20 min. - Short film - Dir.: Lupino, Lane - Act.: Lupino,
Robe, The [La tunica - La tunique] (1953 - USA) - 135 min. - SFE: 3 * - Dir.: Koster, Henry - Prod.: 20thCentury Fox; Ross, Frank - Act.: Burton, Richard; Robinson, Jay; Simmons, Jean; Mature, Victor; Jagger,
Dean; Boone, Richard; Thesiger, Ernest; Rennie, Michael; Morrow, Jef; Ansara, Michael - Adaptation of
Douglas, Lloyd Cassel, The robe (1942) (novel) - Ill.: Cary, 1974, p. 124; Solomon, 1978, p. 120; SFE,
1986, p. 695; Cook, 1990, p. 488; SFE, 1995, p. 1361; MacDonald, 1996, p. 21 (?).39.42; Wyke, 1997b, p.
30; De Roover, 2003, p. iii; Cyrino, 2005a, p. 36.51; Dumont, 2009, p. 462-463; Fourcart, 2012, p. 37
Roma contro Roma [Rome against Rome - Rome contre Rome - War of the zombies - Night star - Goddess of
Electro - Le sorcier de l'Arménie] (1963 - I) - 100 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Vari, Giuseppe - Prod.: Galatea Act.: Barrymore, John Drew; Manni, Ettore; Andersen, Susy (Anderson, Susan); Galli, Ida - Ill.: Aziza,
1998, p. 72; Dumont, 2009, p. 465
Roma o morte! [Rome or death] (1913 - I) - BW - Prod.: Vera Film (Roma)
Roma rivuole Cesare [Rome wants another Caesar - Rome veut à nouveau César] (1973 - I/H) - 100 min. Television film - SFE: 3 * - Dir.: Jancsó, Miklós - Prod.: Venturini; RAI - Act.: Olbrychski, Daniel; Keller,
Hiram; Troisi, Lino; Lavagetto, Gino
Roma sub rosa. The secret under the rose (2006 - USA) - 26 min. - Short film - Dir.: Fischa, Michael - Act.:
Thalman, Jim; Campos, Victor
Roman Holidays (1972-1973 - USA) - 30x13 min. - Cartoon series - Dir.: Hanna, William; Barbera, Joseph
Roman scandals [Il museo degli scandali] (1933 - USA) - BW - 85 min. - Musical - SFE: 3 * - Dir.: Tuttle,
Frank; Berkeley, Busby - Prod.: United Artists; Goldwyn - Act.: Cantor, Eddie; Ball, Lucille; Etting, Ruth;
Arnold, Edward; Stuart, Gloria; Teasdale, Veree - Ill.: Solomon, 1978, p. 185; Solomon, 2001, fig. 189;
Dumont, 2009, p. 542-543
— 100 —
Roman, The (1910 - USA) - BW - ca. 17 min. - Dir.: Turner, Otis - Prod.: Selig, William - Act.: Bosworth,
Hobart; Harte, Betty; Santschi, Tom - Adaptation of Bulwer Lytton, Edward George (1803-1873), The
Romans and rascals (1918 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Semon, Larry - Act.: Semon, Larry; Kirby, Madge; Aramondo,
Rome [in production] (2015? - USA) - Prod.: Morning Light Productions - Act.: McKidd, Kevin - Adaptation
of Apted, Michael e.a., Rome (2005-2007) (television series)
Rome, 2072 A.D. The new gladiators (1983 - I) - 90 min. - SFE: 0 * - Dir.: Fulci, Lucio - Act.: Martin, Jared
Rome, sweet Rome [in production] (2015? - USA) - Prod.: Warner Brothers Studios
Rome. 1, 1. The stolen eagle - 2. How Titus Pullo brought down the republic - 3. An owl in a thornbush - 4.
Stealing from Saturn - 5. The ram has touched the wall - 6. Egeria - 7. Pharsalus - 8. Caesarion - 9. Utica 10. Triumph - 11. The spoils - 12. Kalends of February (2005 - UK/USA) - 52x12 = 624 min. - Television
series (12 episodes) - Dir.: Apted, Michael; Farino, Julian; Coulter, Allen e.a. - Prod.: HBO; BBC - Act.:
McKidd, Kevin; Stevenson, Ray - Ill.: Cyrino, 2008, p.; Dumont, 2009, p. 305.312-315.326
Rome. 2, 13. Passover - 14. Son of Hades - 15. These being the words of Marcus Tullius Cicero - 16. Testudo
et lepus - 17. Heroes of the republic - 18. Philippi - 19. Death mask - 20. A necessary fiction - 21. Deus
impeditio esuritori nullus - 22. De patre vostro (2007 - UK/USA) - 52x10 = 520 min. - Television series (10
episodes) - Dir.: Van Patten, Tim; Coulter, Allen; Poul, Alan e.a. - Prod.: HBO; BBC - Act.: McKidd,
Kevin; Stevenson, Ray - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 313.315
Romolo e Remo [Duel of the titans - Romulus et Rémus - Romulus und Remus - Romulus en Remus] (1961 I) - 88 min. - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Corbucci, Sergio - Prod.: Ajace; Titanus - Act.: Reeves, Steve; Scott,
Gordon; Lisi, Virna; Girotti, Massimo - Ill.: Solomon, 1978, p. 79; Aziza, 1998, p. 63.68; Solomon, 2001,
fig. 80; Dumont, 2009, p. 258-259; Fourcart, 2012, p. 76.101
Rosmunda e Alboino [Sword of the conqueror - La glaive du conquérant - Alboin, König der Langobarden]
(1961 - I) - 85 min. - SFE: 1,5 * - Dir.: Campogalliani, Carlo - Prod.: Titanus - Act.: Palance, Jack; RossiDrago, Eleonora; Madison, Guy - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 574
Rouss iznatchalnaïa [Les débuts de la Russie] (1985-1986 - SU) - 149 min. - Dir.: Vassiliev, Gennadi - Prod.:
Gorki Film - Act.: Nevzorov, Boris; Smoktounovksi, Innokenti - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 612 (bis)
Royal diaries, The. Cleopatra VII daughter of the Nile (2000 - USA) - 26 min. - Short film - Dir.: Bradshaw,
Randy - Prod.: Forte, Deborah - Act.: Moolecherry, Elisa - Adaptation of Gregory, Kristiana, The royal
diaries. Cleopatra VII daughter of the Nile, Egypt, 57 B.C. (1999) (novel)
Rudens (1983 - B) - Theatre recording - Dir.: Licoppe, Guy - Adaptation of Plautus (ca. 250-184), Rudens
Rus iznachalnaya [L'ancienne Russie] (1985 - SU) - 85 min. - Dir.: Vasilyev, Gennady - Prod.: Gorki - Act.:
Antonik, Vladimir
S.P.Q.R. (1998 - I) - 90 + 50x12 = 690 min. - Television series (a pilot and 12 episodes) - Dir.: Risi, Claudio Act.: Fassari, Antonello; Frassica, Nino
S.P.Q.R. 2000 e 1/2 anni fa [S.P.Q.R. 2,000 and a half years ago - Die römische Kanone] (1994 - I) - 103 min.
- Dir.: Vanzina, Carlo; Vanzina, Enrico - Prod.: Filmauro - Act.: De Sica, Christian; Boldi, Massimo;
Nielsen, Leslie; Rinaldi, Nadia; Falchi, Anna
Sacco di Roma, Il (1920 - I) - BW - Dir.: Guazzoni, Enrico - Act.: Magrini, Ida; Van Riel, Raimondo
Sacking of Rome, The (1910 - F) - BW - Prod.: Éclair
Sacra famiglia, La [The holy family] (2006 - I) - 106+97 = 203 min. - Television film (2 episodes) - 2,5 * Dir.: Mertes, Raffaele - Act.: Morariu, Caterina; Gassman, Alessandro - Adaptation of Testamentum novum
Sacrifice, Le (1988 - F) - Television film - Dir.: Meunier, Patrick - Prod.: ORTF; A2 - Act.: Blanche, Roland;
Rouvel, Catherine; Courau, Clotilde
Saint (1996 - B) - BW - 10 min. - Short film - Dir.: Defurne, Bavo - Act.: Nollen, Olaf; Erbuer, Moenen
Saint Augustin (1915? - F) - BW - Prod.: Pathé
Saint Elmo (1910 - USA) - BW - Prod.: Vitagraph - Act.: Turner, Florence
Saint Elmo (1914 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Edwards, J. Gordon - Prod.: William Fox Prod.
Saint Elmo (1923 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Sturm, Jerome - Prod.: Fox
Saint George and the dragon (1910 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Edison, Thomas A.
Saint George and the dragon (1912 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Powers, P. A.
Saint Paul et le centurion [St Paul and the centurion] (1911 - F) - BW - Prod.: Urban; Éclipse
Salambo [Salammbo - Salammbò - The loves of Salammbô] (1959 - I/F) - 93 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Grieco,
Sergio - Act.: Valérie, Jeanne; Sernas, Jacques; Purdom, Edmund - Adaptation of Polybios (ca. 201-120),
Historiae, 1, 65-88; Flaubert, Gustave, Salammbô (1862) - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 273
Salammbô [Salambo - La prêtesse de Tanît] (1911 - I) - BW - ca. 17 min. - Dir.: Ambrosio, Arturo - Prod.:
Ambrosio (Torino) - Act.: Morano, Gigetta - Adaptation of Polybios (ca. 201-120), Historiae, 1, 65-88;
Flaubert, Gustave, Salammbô (1862)
Salammbô [Salambo] (1914 - I/USA) - BW - ca. 67 min. - Dir.: Gaido, Domenico - Prod.: Pasquali (Torino) Act.: De Labroy, Suzanne - Adaptation of Polybios (ca. 201-120), Historiae, 1, 65-88; Flaubert, Gustave,
Salammbô (1862) - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 271
Salammbô [Salambo] (1915 - USA) - BW - ca. 83 min. - Prod.: World - Adaptation of Polybios (ca. 201-120),
Historiae, 1, 65-88; Flaubert, Gustave, Salammbô (1862)
— 101 —
Salammbô [Salambô - Salambo] (1925 - F/A) - BW - Dir.: Marodon, Pierre - Act.: De Balzac, Jeanne;
Normann, Rolla - Adaptation of Polybios (ca. 201-120), Historiae, 1, 65-88; Flaubert, Gustave, Salammbô
(1862) - Ill.: Aziza, 1998, p. 152; Dumont, 2009, p. 271-272
Salome (1902 - D) - BW - 3 min. - Dir.: Messter, Oskar - Prod.: Messter Film (Berlin) - Act.: Villany, Adorée Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Marcus, 6, 14-29; Wilde, Oscar, Salomé (1893) (theatre)
Salome (1910 - UK) - BW - Prod.: Brockliss - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Marcus, 6, 14-29; Flavius
Iosephos, Antiquitates Iudaicae, 14-18 (93/94); Wilde, Oscar, Salomé (1893) (theatre); Strauss, Richard,
Salome (1905) (opera)
Salome (1910 - D) - BW - Dir.: Messter, Oskar - Prod.: Messter Film (Berlin)
Salome (1918 - USA) - BW - 80 min. - Dir.: Edwards, James Gordon - Prod.: Fox; Bara, Theda - Act.: Bara,
Theda; Roscoe, Albert; Nye, G. Raymond; Grassby, Bertram; Blinn, Geneviève - Adaptation of
Testamentum novum, Marcus, 6, 14-29; Flavius Iosephos, Antiquitates Iudaicae, 14-18 (93/94); Wilde,
Oscar, Salomé (1893) (theatre); Strauss, Richard, Salome (1905) (opera) - Ill.: Cary, 1974, p. 13; Dumont,
2009, p. 375
Salome (1922 - D) - BW - Dir.: Wiene, Robert; Kozma, Ludwig; Metzner, Ernö - Adaptation of Testamentum
novum, Marcus, 6, 14-29; Wilde, Oscar, Salomé (1893) (theatre); Strauss, Richard, Salome (1905) (opera)
Salome [Salomé] (1922 - USA) - BW - 45 min. - Dir.: Bryant, Charles - Prod.: Allied Producers - Act.:
Nazimova, Alla; Lewis, Mitchell; De Brulier, Nigel; Dione, Rose - Adaptation of Testamentum novum,
Marcus, 6, 14-29; Wilde, Oscar, Salomé (1893) (theatre); Strauss, Richard, Salome (1905) (opera) - Ill.:
Solomon, 1978, p. 122; Solomon, 2001, fig. 122; Dumont, 2009, p. 375
Salome (1922 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Strauss, Malcolm - Prod.: George H. Wiley Prod. - Act.: Allen, Diana;
Coleman, Vincent; Winthrop, Christine - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Marcus, 6, 14-29; Wilde,
Oscar, Salomé (1893) (theatre); Strauss, Richard, Salome (1905) (opera)
Salome [Salomè - Salome, de priester van Galilea] (1953 - USA) - 103 min. - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Dieterle,
William - Prod.: Columbia - Act.: Hayworth, Rita; Granger, Stewart; Laughton, Charles; Anderson, Judith;
Hardwicke, Cedric; Badel, Alan; Sydney, Basil - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Marcus, 6, 14-29;
Wilde, Oscar, Salomé (1893) (theatre) - Ill.: Cary, 1974, p. 94.156-157; Solomon, 1978, p. 123.124;
MacDonald, 1996, p. 44; Solomon, 2001, fig. 123; Dumont, 2009, p. 376-377
Salome (1971-1988 - D) - 72 min. - Dir.: Schroeter, Werner - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Marcus, 6,
Salome [Salomè] (1972 - I) - 72 min. - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Bene, Carmelo - Prod.: Italnoleggio - Act.:
Veruschka; Luna, Donyale; Bene, Carmelo; Mancinelli, Lydia; Vincenti, Alfiero; Davoli, Giovanni; Vida,
Piero - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Marcus, 6, 14-29; Wilde, Oscar, Salomé (1893) (theatre)
Salome (1992 - UK) - 110 min. - Opera recording - SFE: good 3 * - Dir.: Higham, Christopher - Prod.: Hall,
Peter (Royal Opera) - Act.: Ewing, Maria - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Marcus, 6, 14-29; Strauss,
Richard, Salome (1905) (opera)
Salomé (1907 - F) - BW - Prod.: Gaumont - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Marcus, 6, 14-29; Wilde,
Oscar, Salomé (1893) (theatre)
Salomé (1908 - F) - BW - ca. 17 min. - Dir.: Capellani, Albert(o) - Prod.: SCAGL; Pathé - Act.:
Napierkowska, Stacia; Capellani, Paul - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Marcus, 6, 14-29; Wilde,
Oscar, Salomé (1893) (theatre)
Salomé [L'inconsciente Salomé] (1908 - F) - BW - Dir.: Feuillade, Louis - Prod.: Gaumont - Act.: Wague,
George; Carl, Renée
Salomé [Salome] (1910 - F) - BW - Prod.: Pathé - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Marcus, 6, 14-29;
Flavius Iosephos, Antiquitates Iudaicae, 14-18 (93/94); Wilde, Oscar, Salomé (1893) (theatre); Strauss,
Richard, Salome (1905) (opera)
Salomé [Salome] (1913? - I) - BW - Prod.: Itala Film - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Marcus, 6, 14-29;
Flavius Iosephos, Antiquitates Iudaicae, 14-18 (93/94); Wilde, Oscar, Salomé (1893) (theatre); Strauss,
Richard, Salome (1905) (opera)
Salomé (1969 - F) - Television film - Dir.: Koralnik, Pierre - Act.: Tchérina, Ludmilla; Auclair, Michel;
Sologne, Madeleine; Zehnacker, Jean-Paul - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Marcus, 6, 14-29; Wilde,
Oscar, Salomé (1893) (theatre)
Salomé (1986 - F/I) - 97 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: D'Anna, Claude - Prod.: Cannon - Act.: Champa, Jo; Milian,
Tomas; Salem, Pamela; Bentivoglio, Fabrizio; Woodward, Tim; Stévenin, Jean-François; Chaliapin, Feodor
- Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Marcus, 6, 14-29; Wilde, Oscar, Salomé (1893) (theatre) - Ill.: Aziza,
1998, p. 161
Salomé (2002 - E) - 86 min. - 1 * - Dir.: Saura, Carlos - Prod.: Zebra - Act.: Gómez, Aída; Arquillué, Pere;
Mora, Poco
Salomè [Salomé] (1910 - I/F) - BW - ca. 16 min. - Dir.: Falena, Ugo - Prod.: Film d'Arte Italiana (Roma);
SAPF - Act.: Lepanto, Vittoria; Orett, Laura; Galvani, Ciro; Vitti, Achille; Monaldi, Gastone; Bertini,
Salome or the dance of the seven veils (1908 - USA) - BW - < ca. 17 min. - Dir.: Blackton, James Stuart Prod.: Vitagraph - Act.: Lawrence, Florence; Costello, Maurice - Adaptation of Testamentum novum,
Marcus, 6, 14-29; Wilde, Oscar, Salomé (1893) (theatre)
Salome's last dance [L'ultima Salomé - Salomes letzter Tanz] (1988 - UK) - 90 min. - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.:
Russell, Ken - Prod.: J. Russel Co. - Act.: Jackson, Glenda; Johns, Stradford; Hodge, Douglas; Imogen-
— 102 —
Millais-Scott; Grace, Nickolas - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Marcus, 6, 14-29; Wilde, Oscar,
Salomé (1893) (theatre)
Samaritaine, La (1910 - F/I) - BW - ca. 16 min. - Dir.: Desfontaines, Henri (?) - Prod.: Film d'Arte Italiana
(Roma); Pathé - Act.: De Crescenzo, Bianca; Vitti, Achille - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia
San Giorgio (1919 - I) - BW - Dir.: Sartorio, Giulio Aristide - Prod.: Triumphalis film - Act.: Ribacchi,
Fernando; Villa, Vanna; Caserini-Gasperini, Maria
San Giorgio cavaliere [Saint Georges le chevalier - Saint Georges et le dragon] (1912 - I) - BW - ca. 40 min. Dir.: De Liguoro, Giuseppe - Prod.: Milano Films - Act.: Barbaroux, Angelina; Pirovano, Arturo; De
Crescenzo, Vincenzo; Brioschi, Maria
San Giovanni decollato (1917 - I) - BW - Dir.: Ruggeri, Telemaco - Prod.: Cinema-Drama (Milano) - Act.:
Musco, Angelo; Anselmi, Rosina
San Giuliano e le saline di Trapani (1910 - I) - BW - Prod.: Cines (Roma)
San Marco (1913 - I) - BW - Dir.: Maggi, Luigi
San Paolo. Dramma biblico [La légende de Saint Paul] (1910 - I) - BW - ca. 16 min. - Dir.: De Liguoro,
Giuseppe; Kanzler, Rodolfo - Prod.: Milano Films - Act.: De Liguoro, Giuseppe
San Sebastiano (1911 - I) - BW - ca. 11 min. - Prod.: Milano Films
San Sebastiano (1911 - I) - BW - ca. 19 min. - Prod.: Cines (Roma) - Act.: Saredo, Enna; Novelli, Amleto;
Gambardella, Giuseppe
San Sebastiano (1912 - I) - BW - Prod.: Ambrosio (Torino)
Santa Cecilia (1919 - I) - BW - Dir.: Salvini, Vasco - Prod.: Vitris-Film - Act.: Bayma-Riva, Mary; Salvini,
Vasco; Guiducci, Guido; Scatizzi, Enrico; Ristori, G. V.
Santa Cecilia, la martire cristiana (1911 - I) - BW - ca. 21 min. - Dir.: Santos, Enrique - Prod.: Cines (Roma) Act.: Negri-Pouget, Fernanda; Novelli, Amleto; Monaldi, Gastone; Castellani, Bruto
Santa Romana (1911 - I) - BW - Prod.: Cines (Roma)
Santa Theodula (1908 - I) - BW - Dir.: Croce, Adolfo - Prod.: Milano Films
Satana [Satan: or the drama of humanity] (1912 - I) - BW - Dir.: Maggi, Luigi - Prod.: Ambrosio (Torino) Act.: Bonnard, Maria; Alby, Rina; Tarlarini, Mary-Cleo; Voller-Buzzi, Mario - Adaptation of Milton, John,
Paradise lost (1667) (poem)
Satiricon, El (2001 - M) - 120 min. - Television film - Dir.: Velasco, Miguel - Adaptation of Petronius,
Satyricon (ca. 54-66)
Satiricosissimo (1970 - I) - 90 min. - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Laurenti, Mariano - Prod.: Flora; Variety - Act.:
Franchi, Franco; Ingrassia, Ciccio; Fenech, Edwige; Badessi, Giancarlo; Dominici, Arturo; Ferrara, Pino;
Sini, Linda
Satyricon [Les dégénérés] (1968 - I) - 122 min. - SFE: 1,5 * - Dir.: Polidoro, Gianluigi - Prod.: Arco Film Act.: Backy, Don; Antonelli, Laura; Aumont, Tina; Fabrizi, Franco; Tognazzi, Ugo - Adaptation of
Petronius, Satyricon (ca. 54-66) - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 506
Satyricon [Fellini Satyricon - Satiricon] (1969 - I/F) - 129 min. - SFE: 3,5 * - Dir.: Fellini, Federico - Prod.:
United Artists - Act.: Potter, Martin; Keller, Hiram; Born, Max; Noël, Magali; Bosè, Lucia; Cuny, Alain;
Mitchell, Gordon; Capucine - Adaptation of Petronius, Satyricon (ca. 54-66) - Ill.: Solomon, 1978, p.
176.177.178; Cook, 1990, p. 625; color pl.; Wyke, 1997b, p. 190; Phoenix 3, 1998, p. 127.129; Solomon,
2001, fig. 182-184; Wieber, 2005a, p. 4.6; Dumont, 2009, p. 506-507; Hermeneus, 81, 4, 2009, p. 189;
Hermeneus, 84, 3, 2012, p. 135.140; Fourcart, 2012, p. 183
Scenes from Shakespeare. Cymbeline (1937 - UK) - BW - Television film - Dir.: Morley, Royston - Prod.:
BBC TV - Adaptation of Shakespeare, William, Cymbeline (1608-1611) (theatre)
Schiava di Roma, La [La conquista delle Gallie - The slave of Rome - Blood of the warriors - The Roman
slave girl - L'esclave de Rome] (1961 - I) - 87 min. - 2 * - Dir.: Grieco, Sergio; Prosperi, Franco - Prod.:
Atlantica - Act.: Podestà, Rossana; Madison, Guy; Petri, Mario - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 322
Schiave di Caligola, Le [Roma, l'antica chiave dei sensi - Roma: A.D. - Les esclaves de Caligula - Les orgies
de Caligula - Caligula's slaves - Orgies of Caligula] (1984 - I) - Dir.: Parolini, Gianfranco; Webber,
Lawrence (Gaburro, Bruno) - Prod.: Panam. - Act.: Gligorov, Robert; Lyn, Sidney; Tieghi, Edmondo - Ill.:
Aziza, 1998, p. 171
Schiave di Cartagine, Le [Esclavas de Cartago - Les esclaves de Carthage - Sous le signe de la croix - The
sword and the cross] (1956 - I/E) - BW - 98 min. - SFE: 1 * - Dir.: Brignone, Guido - Prod.: Cines (Roma);
Jago - Act.: Canale, Gianna Maria; Mistral, Jorge; Allasio, Marisa - Ill.: Fourcart, 2012, p. 111
Schiavi più forti del mondo, Gli [Seven slaves against the world - Seven slaves against Rome - Les gladiateurs
les plus forts du monde] (1965 - I) - 96 min. - SFE: 0 * - Dir.: Lupo, Michele - Prod.: Leone Film - Act.:
Browne, Roger; Mitchell, Gordon; Gabel, Scilla - Ill.: Fourcart, 2012, p. 97.139.140
Schiavo di Cartagine, Lo [The slave of Carthage] (1910 - I) - BW - ca. 15 min. - Dir.: Maggi, Luigi; Omegna,
Roberto; Ambrosio, Arturo - Prod.: Ambrosio (Torino) - Act.: Capozzi, Alberto A.; Tarlarini, Mary Cleo;
Maggi, Luigi; Vaser, Ernesto - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 274
Schiltz playhouse of stars. 3, 49 [148]. The Roman and the renegade (1954 - USA) - 30 min. - Episode of a
television series - Dir.: Clemens, George T. - Prod.: CBS - Act.: Forbes, Scott; Domergue, Faith
Scipione detto anche l'Africano [Scipion dit aussi l'Africain - Scipio, also called Africanus] (1971 - I/F/D) 100 min. - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Magni, Luigi - Prod.: Ultra; FIC - Act.: Mastroianni, Marcello; Mangano,
Silvana; Gassman, Vittorio
— 103 —
Scipione l'Africano [Scipio Africanus - The defeat of Hannibal - Scipion l'Africain] (1937 - I) - BW - 108 min.
- SFE: 3 * - Dir.: Gallone, Carmine - Prod.: Consorzio Scipione; ENIC (Roma) - Act.: Ninchi, Annibale;
Lombardi, Carlo - Adaptation of Livius, Ab urbe condita, 21-30 (27 BC - ca. 14 AD) - Ill.: Cameron, 1973,
p. 108; Dumont, 2009, p. xiv.252.277-278; Fourcart, 2012, p. 26
SCTV (Second City TV). 1, 13. Ben-Hur (1977 - CDN/USA) - 30 min. - Episode of a television series - Dir.:
Bessada, Milad - Act.: Candy John
Sebastian, der Tribun des Kaisers (1919 - D) - BW - Dir.: Frey, Karl (?) - Prod.: Leo Film - Adaptation of
Wiseman, Nicholas Patrick Stephen, Fabiola; or, The church in the catacombs (1854)
Sebastiane (1976 - UK) - BW - 86 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Humfress, Paul; Jarman, Derek - Prod.: Megalovision
- Act.: Treviglio, Leonardo; James, Barney; Kennedy, Neil; Warwick, Richard - Mus.: Brian Eno - Ill.:
Joshel, 2001, p. 239.244; Dumont, 2009, p. 552
Secondo Ponzio Pilato (1988 - I) - 116 min. - SFE: 1 * - Dir.: Magni, Luigi - Prod.: Massfilm; Reteitalia - Act.:
Manfredi, Nino; Bucci, Flavio; Scaccia, Maria; Sandrelli, Stefania; Buzzanca, Lando - Adaptation of
Testamentum novum, Euangelia - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 434
Secretul reginei Cleopatra [Queen Cleopatra's secret] (2002 - R) - Dir.: Saizescu, Catalin - Prod.: TPR
See ya later gladiator (1968 - USA) - 6 min. - Cartoon film - Dir.: Lovy, Alex - Act.: Blanc, Mel (voice)
Senator (1990 - I) - Television series (14 episodes) - Dir.: Lazotti, Gianfresco - Act.: Franco, Pippo; Leone,
Serpent of the Nile [Gli amori di Cleopatra - The loves of Cleopatra - Le serpent du Nil - Cleopatra, de slang
van de Nijl - Die Schlange vom Nil] (1953 - USA) - 81 min. - SFE: 1,5 * - Dir.: Castle, William - Prod.:
Columbia; Katzman, Sam - Act.: Fleming, Rhonda; Burr, Raymond; Lundigan, William; Fox, Michael;
Griffin, Robert - Ill.: Wieber, 2005a, p. 44-45; Dumont, 2009, p. 337; Bronfen, 2013, p. 132
Sette contro tutti [Seven rebel gladiators - Sept gladiateurs rebelles - Le centurion et les sept gladiateurs] (1965
- I) - 90 min. - Dir.: Lupo, Michele - Prod.: Leone Film - Act.: Browne, Roger; Havilland, Liz; Northon, Al;
Crisa, Erno
Seven brides for seven brothers (1954 - USA) - 103 min. - Musical - 3; SFE: 4 * - Dir.: Donen, Stanley - Prod.:
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer - Act.: Powell, Jane; Keel, Howard - Mus.: Deutsch, Adolph (oscar); Chaplin, Saul
(oscar) - Adaptation of Ploutarchos, Romulus (ca. 100-120); Benét, Stephen Vincent, The Sobbin' women
(1932) (story)
Seven brides for seven brothers (1982 - USA) - 74 + 50x21 = 1124 min. - Television series (a pilot and 21
episodes) - SFE: average 2 * - Dir.: Sheldon, James - Act.: Anderson, Richard Dean - Adaptation of
Ploutarchos, Romulus (ca. 100-120); Benét, Stephen Vincent, The Sobbin' women (1932) (story)
Sexy proibito [(The most) prohibited sex - (Sexy) proibitissimo - Forbidden sexy - (Super) sexy interdit] (1963
- I) - 63 min. - Dir.: Civirani, Osvaldo; Martinelli, Marcello - Prod.: Mordini, Gino - Act.: Solange; Duarte,
Lima; Meira, Tarcísio
Shakespeare. La mort du Jules César [La mort de Jules César - Le rêve de Shakespeare - The death of Julius
Caesar] (1907 - F) - BW - < ca. 17 min. - Dir.: Méliès, Georges - Prod.: Star Film - Act.: Méliès, Georges Adaptation of Shakespeare, William, Julius Caesar (1597-1599) (theatre)
Shaw versus Shakespeare. Caesar and Cleopatra (1970 - USA) - 31 min. - Episode of a television series Adaptation of Ploutarchos, Antonius (ca. 100-120); Shakespeare, William, Antony and Cleopatra (16061607) (theatre); Shaw, George Bernard, Caesar and Cleopatra (1901) (theatre)
Si Paris nous était conté (1955 - F) - 130 min. - Dir.: Guitry, Sacha - Act.: Deshayes, Nicole
Sign of the cross, The [Le signe de la croix] (1897 - UK) - BW - Dir.: Haggar, William - Adaptation of Barrett,
Wilson, The sign of the cross (1895) (theatre)
Sign of the cross, The [Le signe de la croix] (1904 - UK) - BW - ca. 12 min. - Dir.: Haggar, William - Prod.:
Haggar & Sons - Act.: Haggar, Will Jr.; Linden, jenny; Haggar, James; Desmond, Will - Adaptation of
Barrett, Wilson, The sign of the cross (1895) (theatre)
Sign of the cross, The (1914 - USA) - BW - ca. 83 min. - Dir.: Zukor, Adolph - Prod.: Famous Players - Act.:
Farnum, Dustin; Farnum, William; Evans, Madge; Bock, Sheridan; Barclay, Lila; Terry, Gray - Adaptation
of Barrett, Wilson, The sign of the cross (1895) (theatre)
Sign of the cross, The (1914? - USA) - BW - Prod.: Paramount - Adaptation of Barrett, Wilson, The sign of the
cross (1895) (theatre)
Sign of the cross, The [Le signe de la croix - Il segno della croce - Im Zeichen des Kreuzes] (1932 - USA) BW - 118 min. - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: DeMille, Cecil B. (Blount) - Prod.: Paramount - Act.: March, Fredric;
Laughton, Charles; Colbert, Claudette; Landi, Elissa; Keith, Ian - Adaptation of Barrett, Wilson, The sign
of the cross (1895) (theatre) - Ill.: Cary, 1974, p. 41 (2 x). (2 x).111.158; Solomon, 1978, p.
139; Willis, 1986, p. 2; Cook, 1990, p. 306; MacDonald, 1996, p. 10.35; Wyke, 1997b, p. 136.138;
Solomon, 2001, fig. 136; Wieber, 2005a, p. 44; Wieber, 2005c, p. 38; Dumont, 2009, p. 487-488
Sign of the pagan [Il re dei barbari - Le signe du païen - Attila, roi des Huns - Attila der Hunnenkönig] (1954 USA) - 92 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Sirk, Douglas (Sierck, Dietlef) - Prod.: Universal - Act.: Chandler, Jeff;
Palance, Jack; Tcherina, Ludmilla; Coy, Walter; Olsen, Moroni; Hayes, Allison - Ill.: Cameron, 1973, p. 79
(2 x); Cary, 1974, p. 113; Solomon, 1978, p. 61; MacDonald, 1996, p. 53; Aziza, 1998, p. 127; Solomon,
2001, fig. 61; Wieber, 2005b, p. 65.80; Dumont, 2009, p. 583.584.588-590
Silver chalice, The [Il calice d'argento] (1954 - USA) - 144 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Saville, Victor - Prod.:
Warner Brothers - Act.: Mayo, Virginia; Newman, Paul; Palance, Jack; Angeli, Pier; Aubuchon, Jacques;
— 104 —
Greene, Lorne; Hampden, Walter - Adaptation of Costain, Thomas Bertram, The silver chalice (1952)
(novel) - Ill.: Cary, 1974, p. 129.159; Dumont, 2009, p. 489-490
Simón del desierto [Simon of the desert - Simon de pilaarheilige] (1965 - MEX) - 45 min. - SFE: 4 * - Dir.:
Buñuel, Luis - Act.: Brook, Claudio; Fernandez, Jesus - Ill.: Cook, 1990, p. 661; SFE, 1995, p. 1467;
Dumont, 2009, p. 564 (bis)
Sins of Jesus (1980-1982? - CDN?) - Dir.: Frank, Robert - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Sister to Salome, A (1920 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Le Saint, Edward J. - Prod.: Fox - Act.: Brockwell, Gladys;
Scott, William; Tilton, Edwin B.
Slave, The (1909 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Griffith, D. W. (David Lewelyn Wark) - Prod.: Biograph - Act.:
Pickford, Mary; Lawrence, Florence; Kirkwood, James; Salten, Harry
Slavery of Foxicus, The (1914 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Neilan, Marshall - Prod.: Kalem Company - Act.: Neilan,
Marshall; Roland, Ruth; Forbes, Harris L.
So you want to be a gladiator (1955 - USA) - BW - 10 min. - Short film - Dir.: Bare, Richard L. - Act.:
O'Hanlon, George
Sogni erotici di Cleopatra [Cleopatra, regina dell'amore - Cleopatra, regina d'Egitto - Gli ultimi giorni di
Cleopatra - Cleopatra, the Egyptian queen - The erotic dreams of Cleopatra - Les nuits chaudes de
Cléopâtre - Les orgies de Cléopâtre - Die Orgien der Cleopatra] (1985 - I/F) - 86 min. - Dir.: Todd, Cesar
(Di Silvestro, Rino) - Prod.: Film Sr 1-Naja - Act.: Petri (Petrelli), Marcella; Silva, Rita; Stany, Jacques;
Coppola, Andrea
Soldiers of the cross [Early Christian martyrs] (1900 - AUS) - BW - Dir.: Perry, Joseph H.; Booth, Herbert
Henry - Prod.: Salvation Army - Act.: Graham, Harold; Day, Beatrice; Jones, John; Perry, Orrie; Perry, Reg
- Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 561 (bis)
Solo contro Roma [Seul contre Rome - Alone against Rome - Vengeance of the gladiators] (1962 - I) - Dir.:
Wise, Herbert (Ricci, Luciano); Vicario, Mario; Freda, Riccardo - Prod.: Atlantica - Act.: Podestà, Rossana;
Jeffries (Jeffreys), Lang; Tinti, Gabriele; Leroy, Philippe
Son of man (1969 - USA) - Dir.: Potter, Dennis - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Son of man (2006 - ZA) - 86 min. - Dir.: Dornford-May, Mark - Act.: Kosi, Andile; Malefane, Pauline Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Son of man, The [not completed] (1915 - USA) - BW - Prod.: Adolph Zukor Prod. - Adaptation of
Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Spada e la croce, La [La espada y la cruz - L'épée et la croix - The sword and the cross - Mary Magdalene]
(1958 - I/E) - 100 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Bragaglia, Carlo Ludovico; Petrucci, Antonio - Prod.: Liber Film Act.: De Carlo, Yvonne; Mistral, Jorge - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Lucas, 8, 2 e.a. - Ill.: Dumont,
2009, p. 411
Spada per l'impero, Una [A sword for the empire - Le jour de la vengeance - Centurions contre gladiateurs]
(1964 - I) - 82 min. - SFE: 1,5 * - Dir.: Grieco, Sergio - Prod.: Marzelli - Act.: Jeffries (Jeffreys), Lang;
Greci, José; Tarascio, Enzo; Gazzolo, Nando
Spartaco (1909 - I) - BW - ca. 24 min. - Dir.: Gherardini, Oreste (?) - Prod.: Latium Film (Roma) - Act.:
Gherardini, Oreste - Adaptation of Giovagnoli, Raffaello, Spartaco. Racconto storico del secolo VII dell'era
romana (1874)
Spartaco [Spartacus] (1914 - I) - BW - Prod.: Cines (Roma) - Act.: Novelli, Anthony
Spartaco [Spartacus] (1919 - I) - BW - Prod.: Pineschi
Spartaco e i dieci gladiatori [Gli invincibili dieci gladiatori - Spartacus et les dix gladiateurs - Espartaco y los
diez gladiadores - Spartacus and the ten gladiators - Day of vengeance] (1964 - I/E/F) - 98 min. - Dir.:
Nostro, Nick - Prod.: Cineproduzioni Ass.; Copernic; Balcazar - Act.: Vadis, Dan; Liné, Helga; Heston,
Don; Staccioli, Ivano - Ill.: Fourcart, 2012, p. 154
Spartaco. Il gladiatore della Tracia [Spartacus. The revolt of the gladiators] (1913 - I) - BW - ca. 101 min. Dir.: Vidali, Giovanni Enrico - Prod.: Pasquali, Ernesto Maria - Act.: Ausonia, Mario Guaita; Bracci,
Enrico; Mele, Luigi; Gandini, Maria; Ruspoli, Cristina; Capozzi, Alberto (?) - Adaptation of Saurin,
Bernard-Justin, Spartacus (1760) (theatre); Giovagnoli, Raffaello, Spartaco. Racconto storico del secolo VII
dell'era romana (1874) - Ill.: Wyke, 1997b, p. 46; Dumont, 2009, p. 292
Spartacus [Spartaco - Spartaco il gladiatore della Tracia - Spartacus the gladiator - Sins of Rome] (1953 - I/F) BW - 100 min. - 2; SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Freda, Riccardo - Prod.: Consorzio Spartacus; API Film (Roma);
Rialto Film (Paris) - Act.: Girotti, Massimo; Tcherina, Ludmilla; Ninchi, Carlo; Canale, Gianna Maria;
Vincent, Yves; Sanipolis, Vittorio - Mus.: Rosselini, Renzo - Ill.: Wyke, 1997b, p. 53.57; Aziza, 1998, p.
148; Dumont, 2009, p. 293-294; Fourcart, 2012, p. 32.114
Spartacus [Spartakus, der Rebell von Rom - Spartacus, de bevrijder der slaven] (1960 - USA) - 198 min. SFE: 3,5 * - Dir.: Kubrick, Stanley - Prod.: Universal International; Bryna Production; Douglas, Kirk;
Lewis, Edward - Act.: Douglas, Kirk; Olivier, Laurence; Curtis, Tony; Ustinov, Peter (oscar); Simmons,
Jean; Strode, Woody; Laughton, Charles; Gavin, John; McGraw, Charles; Loin, Herbert; Ireland, John;
Foch, Nina; Dall, John - Mus.: North, Alex - Adaptation of Fast, Howard, Spartacus (1951) - Ill.: Cameron,
1973, p. 78; Cary, 1974, p. 62; Solomon, 1978, p.; Putseys, 1980, p. 42.44.48; van Hooff, 1993,
p. 11; SFE, 1995, p. 1506; Carnes, 1996, p. 41; Eloy, 1996, p. 57; MacDonald, 1996, p. 45; Wyke, 1997b,
p. 66.69; Aziza, 1998, cover; p.; Junkelmann, 2000, p. 9.10; Phoenix 4, 2000, p. 118;
Clavicula 2, 2000, p. 153; Futrell, 2001, p. 78.99.103-110, fig. 3.1-3.11; Solomon, 2001, cover and fig.
— 105 —
25.27-28; De Roover, 2003, p. v; Winkler, 2004, pl. 15; Cyrino, 2005a, p. 92.114; Dumont, 2009, cover &
Spartacus (1990 - AUS) - 118 min. - Ballet recording - Dir.: Dresdon, Lindesay - Prod.: Butler, Peter;
Australian Broadcasting Corporation - Act.: Heathcote, Steven; The Australian Ballet - Adaptation of Fast,
Howard, Spartacus (1951); Khatchaturian, Aram, Spartak (1954) (ballet)
Spartacus (2004 - USA) - 167 min. - Television (mini) series - Dir.: Dornhelm, Robert - Act.: Visnjic, Goran;
Bates, Alan; Telfer, Paul - Adaptation of Fast, Howard, Spartacus (1951) - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 301
Spartacus (2006 - I) - 26x13 min. - Cartoon series (13 episodes) - Dir.: Corradi, Orlando - Prod.: Mondo TV
Spartacus le gladiateur, il rêvait d'être libre (2005 - F) - Dir.: Chouraqui, Elie - Prod.: Universal Music - Act.:
Collet, Jérôme
Spartacus. [1] Blood and sand. 1. The red serpent - 2. Sacramentum gladiatorum - 3. Legends - 4. The thing in
the pit - 5. Shadow games - 6. Delicate things - 7. Great and unfortunate things - 8. Mark of the brotherhood
- 9. Whore - 10. Party favors - 11. Old wounds - 12. Revelations - 13. Kill them all (2010 - USA/NZ/AUS)
- 55x13 min. - Television series (13 episodes) - 2 * - Dir.: Jacobson, Rick e.a. - Prod.: Starz - Act.:
Whitfield, Andy; Mensah, Peter
Spartacus. [2] Vengeance. 1. Fugitivus - 2. A place in this world - 3. The greater good - 4. Empty hands - 5.
Libertus - 6. Chosen path - 7. Sacramentum - 8. Balance - 9. Monsters - 10. Wrath of the gods (2012 USA/NZ/AUS) - 55x10 min. - Television series (10 episodes) - 3 * - Dir.: Hurst, Michael e.a. - Prod.: Starz
- Act.: McIntyre, Liam; Mensah, Peter; Lawless, Lucy
Spartacus. [3] War of the damned. 1. Enemies of Rome - 2. Wolves at the gate - 3. Men of honor - 4.
Decimation - 5. Blood brothers - 6. Spoils of war - 7. Mors indecepta - 8. Seperate paths - 9. The dead and
the dying - 10. Victory (2013 - USA/NZ/AUS) - 55x10 min. - Television series (10 episodes) - 3 * - Dir.:
Hurst, Michael e.a. - Prod.: Starz - Act.: McIntyre, Liam
Spartacus. Gods of the arena. 1. Past transgression - 2. Missio - 3. Paterfamilias - 4. Beneath the mask - 5.
Reckoning - 6. The bitter end (2011 - USA/NZ/AUS) - 55x6 min. - Television series (6 episodes) - 3 * Dir.: Warn, Jesse; Jacobson, Rick; Hurst, Michael; Maher, Brendan; Fawcett, John - Prod.: DeKnight,
Steven S. - Act.: Hannah, John; Clare, Dustin; Lawless, Lucy
Spartak (1926 - SU) - BW - 69 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Mushin-Bey, Ertugral - Act.: Lyarov, M.; Brodskaya;
Simonov, A.; Sklarski, S. - Adaptation of Giovagnoli, Raffaello, Spartaco. Racconto storico del secolo VII
dell'era romana (1874) - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 292
Spartak [Spartakus - Spartacus] (1975 - SU) - 95 min. - Dir.: Grigorovich, Yuri; Derbeniev, Vadim - Prod.:
Mosfilm - Act.: Vasiliev, Vladimir; Liepa, Maris; Bessmertnova, Natalya; Timofeyeva, Nina; Maximova,
Spartak [Spartacus] (1984 - SU/USA) - 128 min. - Ballet recording - Dir.: Montell, Preben - Prod.: Gosteleradio; NVC Arts - Act.: Mukhamedov, Irek; Bessmertnova, Natalia - Adaptation of Khatchaturian, Aram,
Spartak (1954) (ballet)
Spartak [Spartacus] (1990 - SU/F) - 136 min. - Ballet recording - Dir.: Montell, Preben - Prod.: Arthouse
Musik - Act.: Mukhamedov, Irek; Semenyaka, Lyudmilla - Adaptation of Khatchaturian, Aram, Spartak
(1954) (ballet)
Spartak [Spartacus] (2003 - SU) - 120 min. - Ballet recording - Dir.: Kasatkina, Natalia; Vasiliev, Vladimir Act.: Klevtsof, Youri; Classikal Ballet Moskva - Adaptation of Khatchaturian, Aram, Spartak (1954)
Spread of the eagle, The. Coriolanus. Julius Caesar. Antony and Cleopatra (1963 - UK) - Television film - Dir.:
Dews, Peter - Prod.: BBC - Act.: Morris, Mary; Michell, Keith; Cushing, Peter; Culver, Roland; Lehmann,
Beatric; Eddington, Paul; Jones, Barry; Hardy, Robert - Adaptation of Shakespeare, William, Coriolanus
(1601-1608) - Julius Caesar (1597-1599) - Antony and Cleopatra (1606-1607) (theatre)
St. Matthew Passion (1952 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Flaherty, Robert S. - Adaptation of Testamentum novum,
Mattheus; Bach, Johann Sebastian, Matthäuspassion (1727) (music)
Star of Bethlehem, The (1909 - USA) - BW - Prod.: Edison, Thomas A. - Adaptation of Testamentum novum,
Mattheus, 1-2
Star of Bethlehem, The (1912 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Marston, Theodore - Prod.: Thanhouser - Act.: Russell,
William; La Badie, Florence; Benham, Harry; Snow, Marguerite; Cruze, James - Adaptation of
Testamentum novum, Mattheus, 1-2
Star Trek. 2, 16. The gamesters of Triskellion (1968 - USA) - 50 min. - Episode of a television series - SFE:
average 2 * - Dir.: Nelson, Gene - Act.: Shatner, William
Star Trek. 2, 25. Bread and circuses (1968 - USA) - 50 min. - Episode of a television series - SFE: average 2 *
- Dir.: Senensky, Ralph - Act.: Shatner, William
Stasera Teatro. Caligola (1985 - I) - 100 min. - Television film - Dir.: Scaparro, Maurizio - Act.: Micol, Pino Adaptation of Camus, Albert, Caligula (1938) (theatre)
Story of Cupid, The (1914 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Huntley, Fred W. (?) - Prod.: Selig Polyscope Co. - Act.:
Newburg, Frank - Adaptation of Apuleius (125 - ca. 185), Metamorphoses, 4, 28-6, 24 (?)
Story of Lavinia, The (1913 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Campbell, Colin - Prod.: Selig - Act.: Eyton, Bessie;
Oakman, Wheeler; Clark, Frank; Hayword, Lillian
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Strasti po Neronu [The passion according to Nero - La passion selon Néron] (1999 - SU) - 81 min. - Dir.:
Grigorovich, Oleg - Prod.: ARK; Musikalny Film; RTV; Mosfilm - Act.: Abajdulov, Gali; Chalov, Dmitri Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 484 (bis)
Studio One. Coriolanus (1951 - USA) - BW - 60 min. - Episode of a television series - Dir.: Nickell, Paul Prod.: CBS - Act.: Greene, Richard - Adaptation of Ploutarchos, Coriolanus (ca. 100-120); Shakespeare,
William, Coriolanus (1601-1608) (theatre)
Studio One. Julius Caesar (1955 - USA) - BW - Episode of a television series - Dir.: Petrie, Daniel - Act.:
Bikel, Theodore; Ryder, Alfred; Tolan, Michael - Adaptation of Shakespeare, William, Julius Caesar (15971599) (theatre)
Studio One. Pontius Pilate (1952 - USA) - Episode of a television series - Prod.: CBS - Act.: Fitzgerald,
Geraldine; Ritchard, Cyril; Sullivan, Francis L. - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Studio One. The nativity (1952 - USA) - Prod.: CBS - Act.: Wolfe, Miriam; Hatfield, Hurd; Tripp, Paul;
Chalmers, Tom - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Supplizio dei leoni, Il [Le supplice des lions] (1914 - I) - BW - Prod.: Pasquali (Torino)
Sword and the cross, The (1910 - F) - BW - ca. 17 min. - Prod.: Gaumont - Adaptation of Wiseman, Nicholas
Patrick Stephen, Fabiola; or, The church in the catacombs (1854)
Tanz der Salome (1906? - D) - BW - Dir.: Messter, Oskar - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Marcus, 6, 1429; Wilde, Oscar, Salomé (1893) (theatre) - Ill.: Cherchi, 1990, p. 53
Tarquin le Superbe [Tarquin the Superb] (1908 - F) - BW - Dir.: Capellani, Albert(o) - Prod.: SCAGL; Pathé Act.: Alexandre, René; Rouer, Germaine
Tarquinius Superbus [Tarquinio il Superbo - Tarquin le Superbe] (1911 - I/F) - BW - ca. 13 min. - Prod.: Film
d'Arte Italiana (Roma); SAPF; Pathé (Paris) - Act.: Robert, Alfredo; Monaldi, Gastone; Liona, Fanny
Teatro de siempre. Caligula (1971 - E) - BW - 120 min. - Episode of a television series - Dir.: Molina, Josefina
- Act.: Rodero, José María; González - Adaptation of Camus, Albert, Caligula (1938) (theatre)
Témoins, Les (1972 - F) - 85 min. - Television film - Dir.: Wyn, Michel - Act.: Velle, Louis; Comtell,
Marianne; Sanders, Sarah - Adaptation of Dibon, Henriette, Les témoins (1972) (novel)
Temptation of saint Anthony, The (1902 - USA) - BW - Prod.: American Mutoscope; Biograph
Tentation de saint Antoine, La (1896-1897 - F) - BW - Dir.: Pirou, Eugène
Tentation de saint Antoine, La (1898-1899 - F) - BW - Dir.: Méliès, Georges - Prod.: Star Film
Tentation de saint Antoine, La (1905 - F) - BW - Dir.: Heilbronn, Lucien - Prod.: Pathé
Tentazioni di sant' Antonio, Le (1911 - I) - BW - ca. 17 min. - Dir.: Frusta, Arrigo - Prod.: Ambrosio (Torino) Act.: Capozzi, Alberto A.; Negri-Pouget, Fernanda; Tarlarini, Mary Cleo; Morano, Gigetta; Voller Buzzi,
Teodora [Theodora] (1913 - I) - BW - ca. 50 min. - Prod.: Aquila Films (Torino) - Act.: Tarlarini, Mary Cleo Adaptation of Sardou, Victorien, Théodora (1884) (theatre)
Teodora [Theodora] (1919 - I) - BW - Dir.: Carlucci, Leopoldo; Vitrotti, Giovanni - Prod.: Ambrosio (Torino)
- Act.: Jolivet, Rita; Maupré, René; Biancini, Ferruccio - Adaptation of Sardou, Victorien, Théodora (1884)
(theatre) - Ill.: Cary, 1974, p. 6-7; Dumont, 2009, p. 608-609
Teodora (1927 - I) - BW - Dir.: Maggi, Luigi - Adaptation of Sardou, Victorien, Théodora (1884) (theatre) Ill.: Cary, 1974, p. 6-7
Teodora, imperatrice di Bisanzio [Theodora, empress of Byzantium] (1909 - I) - BW - ca. 13 min. - Dir.:
Pasquali, Ernesto Maria - Prod.: Pasquali e Tempo (Torino) - Adaptation of Sardou, Victorien, Théodora
(1884) (theatre)
Teodora, imperatrice di Bisanzio [Théodora, impératrice de Byzance - Theodora - Theodora, queen of
Byzantium - Theodora, the slave empress - Teodora, de Byzantijnse keizerin] (1953 - I/F) - 92 min. - SFE:
2,5 * - Dir.: Freda, Riccardo - Prod.: Lux - Act.: Canale, Gianna Maria; Marchal, Georges; Papas, Irene;
Guisol, Henri; Bernardi, Nerio - Adaptation of Sardou, Victorien, Théodora (1884) (theatre) - Ill.: Eloy,
1996, p. 55; Wieber, 1998, p. 77; Dumont, 2009, p. 550.610-611; Fourcart, 2012, p. 12.136
Terrore dei barbari, Il [Goliath and the barbarians - La terreur des barbares - La reine des barbares - Goliath en
de barbaren - El terror de los bárbaros] (1959 - I) - 83 min. - 1,5; SFE: 1,5 * - Dir.: Campogalliani, Carlo Prod.: Standard - Act.: Reeves, Steve; Cabot, Bruce; Alonso, Chelo; Rubini, Giulia - Ill.: Aziza, 1998, p.
103; Dumont, 2009, p. 573; Fourcart, 2012, p. 42.102.119
Terumae Romae [Thermae Romae] (2012 - J) - 108 min. - Dir.: Hideki Takeuchi - Act.: Aya Ueto; Hiroshi
Testaments, The. Of one fold and one shepherd [The testaments] (2000 - USA) - 67 min. - Dir.: Merrill, Kieth Act.: Kofod, Tomas - Adaptation of Smith, Joseph Jr., The book of Mormon (1830)
Thaïs (1911 - F) - BW - Dir.: Feuillade, Louis - Prod.: Gaumont - Act.: Carl, Renée; Wague, Georges; Morat,
Luitz - Adaptation of France, Anatole, Thaïs (1890) - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 562
Thaïs (1914 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Maude, Arthur; Crawley, Constance - Prod.: Loftus Pictures - Act.: Maude,
Constance; Maude, Arthur; Gebhard, George - Adaptation of France, Anatole, Thaïs (1890)
Thaïs (1916 - I) - BW - Dir.: Bragaglia, Carlo Ludovico - Adaptation of France, Anatole, Thaïs (1890)
Thaïs (1917 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Crane, Frank H. - Prod.: Goldwyn - Act.: Garden, Mary; Revellle, Hamilton;
Kent, Crawford - Adaptation of France, Anatole, Thaïs (1890) - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 563 (bis)
Tharus, figlio di Attila [Colossus and the Huns - Tharus, fils d'Attila - Tharus, zoon van Attila] (1962 - I) - 89
min. - SFE: 0 * - Dir.: Montero, Roberto Bianchi - Prod.: A.T. Films - Act.: Courtland, Jerome; Gastoni,
Lisa; Palmara, Mimmo; Van Nutter Rik - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 593
— 107 —
That girl from Andros (1990? - USA?) - 115 min. - Theatre recording - Prod.: Film for the humanities Adaptation of Terentius, Andria (166)
Theodora (1996 - UK) - Opera recording - Dir.: Sellars, Peter - Act.: Upshaw, Dawn; Daniels, David; Olsen,
Frode - Adaptation of Händel, Georg Friedrich, Theodora (1749) (opera)
Théodora (1912 - F) - BW - ca. 33 min. - Dir.: Pouctal, Henri - Prod.: Film d'Art - Act.: Mlle. Sahary-Djeli;
Garnier, Philippe; Mancini - Adaptation of Sardou, Victorien, Théodora (1884) (theatre)
Thomas (?) [not completed] (2008 - IND) - Prod.: Santhome Church - Act.: Vijay; Vikram
Though your sins be as scarlet (1911 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Kent, Charles - Prod.: Vitagraph - Act.: Kent,
Charles; Swayne Gordon, Julia
Three Stooges, The. Matri-Phony (1942 - USA) - BW - 17 min. - Episode of a cinema series - Dir.: Edwards,
Harry - Prod.: Columbia - Act.: Fine, Larry; Howard, Moe; Howard, Curly (The three stooges); Dent,
Vernon - Adaptation of Rodgers, Richard - Hart, Lorenz (& Abbott, George), The boys from Syracuse
(1938) (Broadway musical)
Three wise men, The (1913 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Campbell, Colin - Prod.: Selig - Act.: Santschi, Thomas;
Huntley, Frederik W. - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Time machine. St. Peter the rock (2002 - USA) - Television film - Dir.: Blumenstein, Rob
Time squad. 13. Shop like an Egyptian (2002 - USA) - 12 min. - Episode of a cartoon series
Timewatch. Murder in Rome (2005 - UK) - 50 min. - Television film - Dir.: Stewart, Dave - Prod.: BBC;
Discovery Channel; France 3 - Act.: Rhys, Paul; Teale, Owen - Adaptation of Cicero, Pro Sexto Roscio
Amerino (80 BC)
Titus (1999 - USA) - 162 min. - 3,5 * - Dir.: Taymor, Julie - Act.: Hopkins, Anthony; Lange, Jessica Adaptation of Shakespeare, William, Titus Andronicus (1589-1593) (theatre)
Tizio, Caio e Sempronio (1952 - I) - BW - Dir.: Metz, Vittorio; Marchesi, Marcello; Porretti, G. - Prod.:
Capitol - Act.: Taranto, Nino; Riento, Virgilio; Tieri, Aroldo; Lees, Tamara
Tontolini Nerone (1910 - I) - BW - ca. 13 min. - Prod.: Cines (Roma) - Act.: Guillaume, Ferdinand; Castellani,
Torches humaines de Justinien, Les (1908 - F) - BW - Dir.: Méliès, Georges - Prod.: Star Film
Totò all'inferno (1954 - I) - BW - 88 min. - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Mastrocinque, Camillo - Act.: Totò (Antonio de
Curtis Gagliardi Ducas Comnuno di Bisanzio); Frau, Maria; Franco, Fulvia
Totò e Cleopatra [Toto et Cléopâtre - Totò und Cleopatra] (1963 - I) - 95 min. - SFE: 3 * - Dir.: Cerchio,
Fernando - Prod.: Liber Film; Euro International Film - Act.: Totò (Antonio de Curtis Gagliardi Ducas
Comnuno di Bisanzio); Noel, Magalì - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 340
Town of Nazareth (1914 - USA) - BW - Prod.: American Film Mfg. Co. - Adaptation of Testamentum novum,
Tragica fine di Caligola Imperator, La [Dementiae Caligulae Imperatoris - La folie de l'empereur Caligula Caligula] (1917 - I) - BW - Dir.: Falena, Ugo - Prod.: Film d'Arte Italiana (Roma) - Act.: Mariani,
Raffaello; Napierkowska, Stacia; Gioppo, Elio; Mme Marconi-Masi
Trailer for a remake of Gore Vidal's Caligula (2005 - I/USA) - 5 min. - Short film - 2 * - Dir.: Vezzoli,
Francesco - Act.: Love, Courtney; Vezzoli, Francesco; Vidal, Gore; Mirren, Helen
Tre centurioni, I [Three swords for Rome] (1965 - I/F) - 95 min. - Dir.: Mauri, Roberto; Cambret, Georges Prod.: CA P. Radium - Act.: Browne, Roger; Gastoni, Lisa; Palmara, Mimmo; Freeman, Tony (Mario
Trionfo cristiano (1930 - I) - BW - Dir.: Notari, Elvira - Prod.: Unitas; Dora Film - Act.: Notari, Eduardo
Trionfo dei dieci gladiatori, Il [El triunfo de los diez gladiatores - Le triomphe des dix mercenaires - Triumph
of the ten gladiators] (1964 - I/E/F) - 106 min. - Dir.: Nostro, Nick - Prod.: CP. Assoc. - Act.: Vadis, Dan;
Liné, Helga; Kent, Stanley
Triumph of the emperor, The (1914 - I) - BW - Prod.: Savoia Film (Torino)
Triumphant hour, The (1950 - USA) - BW - Television film - Dir.: McDonald, Franck - Prod.: Family Theatre
- Act.: Ameche, Don; Blyth, Ann; Haley, Jack; Hope, Bob; McDowall, Roddy - Adaptation of
Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Tu mi turbi (1982 - I) - 90 min. - Dir.: Benigni, Roberto - Act.: Benigni, Roberto; Piperno, Giacomo; Carlisi,
Olimpia; Bigagli, Claudio; Monni, Carlo - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Tyran de Jérusalem, Le (1909 - F) - BW - Dir.: Capellani, Albert(o) - Prod.: SCAGL; Pathé - Act.: Bovy,
Berthe; Massart, Léontine; Jacquinet; Laumonnier
Ultimi giorni di Pompei, Gli [The last days of Pompeii - Les derniers jours de Pompéi] (1908 - I) - BW - ca. 20
min. - Dir.: Maggi, Luigi - Prod.: Ambrosio (Torino) - Act.: De Roberti, Lydia; Principi, Mirra; Mozzato,
Umberto; Maggi, Luigi; Vaser, Ernesto; Gani-Carini, Cesare - Adaptation of Bulwer Lytton, Edward
George, The last days of Pompeii (1834)
Ultimi giorni di Pompei, Gli [The last days of Pompeii] (1908 - I) - BW - Dir.: Vitrotti, Giovanni - Adaptation
of Bulwer Lytton, Edward George, The last days of Pompeii (1834)
Ultimi giorni di Pompei, Gli [The last days of Pompeii] (1913 - I) - BW - ca. 109 min. - Dir.: Rodolfi,
Eleuterio - Prod.: Ambrosio (Torino) - Act.: Stefani, Ubaldo; Negri-Pouget, Fernanda; Tettoni Florio,
Eugenia; De Stefano, Vitale; Grisanti, Antonio; Gani-Carini, Cesare; Campogalliani, Carlo; Vaser, Ercole Adaptation of Bulwer Lytton, Edward George, The last days of Pompeii (1834) - Ill.: Wyke, 1997b, p. 162;
De Roover, 2003, p. ii
— 108 —
Ultimi giorni di Pompei, Gli [The last days of Pompeii] (1926 - I) - BW - ca. 82 min. - Dir.: Gallone, Carmine;
Palermi, Amleto - Prod.: Fert; Pittaluga; SA Grandi Film - Act.: Corda, Maria; Varconi, Victor; De
Liguoro, Rina; Goetzke, Bernhard; Ghione, Emilio; Maris, Lia; Biancini, Ferruccio; Gualandri, Carlo;
Creti, Vasco - Adaptation of Bulwer Lytton, Edward George, The last days of Pompeii (1834) - Ill.: Cary,
1974, p. 104; Solomon, 1978, p. 54; Wyke, 1997b, p. 168; Solomon, 2001, fig. 47; Pesando, 2003, p. 43.44
(2x); Dumont, 2009, p. 518-519
Ultimi giorni di Pompei, Gli [The last days of Pompeii] (1937 - I) - BW - Dir.: Mattoli, Mario - Act.: Viarisio,
Enrico; Pilotto, Camillo - Adaptation of Bulwer Lytton, Edward George, The last days of Pompeii (1834)
Ultimi giorni di Pompei, Gli [Los ultimos dias de Pompeya - Les derniers jours de Pompéi - Die letzten Tage
von Pompeji - The last days of Pompeii] (1959 - I/E/D) - 105 min. - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Bonnard, Mario;
Leone, Sergio; Corbucci, Sergio - Prod.: United Artists; Cineproduzioni Ass.; Procusa - Act.: Reeves,
Steve; Kaufmann, Christine; Rey, Fernando; Carroll, Barbara; Tamberlani, Carlo - Adaptation of Bulwer
Lytton, Edward George, The last days of Pompeii (1834) - Ill.: De Roover, 2003, p. ii; Dumont, 2009, p.
522; Fourcart, 2012, p. 11.82.148
United States Steel Hour, The. 1, 7. The rise of Carthage (1954 - USA) - 30 min. - Episode of a television
series - Prod.: CBS - Act.: Foch, Nina; Douglas, Paul - Adaptation of Williams, Lawrence, The rise of
Carthage (1949) (story)
Uomo della croce, L' (1943 - I) - BW - Dir.: Rossellini, Roberto - Adaptation of Testamentum novum,
Up Pompeii! (1971 - UK) - 90 min. - Dir.: Kellett, Bob - Prod.: Anglo; EMI - Act.: Howerd, Frankie; Cargill,
Patrick; Murray, Barbara
Up Pompeii!. 1, 0. Up Pompeii! - 1, 1. Vestal virgins - 1, 2. The Ides of March - 1, 3. The senator and the asp 1, 4. Britannicus - 1, 5. The actors - 1, 6. Spartacus - 1, 7. The love potion - 2, 1. The legacy - 2, 2. Roman
holiday - 2, 3. Secret Agents Jamus Bondus - 2, 4. Lysistrata the peace treaty - 2, 5. Guess who's coming to
Sin'Er Nymphia - 2, 6. Exodus [Sexy Pompeï] (1969-1971 - UK) - 35x13 = 455 min. - Television series (a
pilot and 13 episodes) - SFE: 1 * - Dir.: Kellett, Bob - Prod.: series: BBC1; Associated London - Act.:
Howerd, Frankie; Cargill, Patrick; Murray, Barbara
Ursus, il gladiatore ribelle [Ursus, gladiatore ribelle - The rebel gladiators - Ursus en de gladiatoren - Mighty
Ursus] (1962 - I) - 95 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Paolella, Domenico - Prod.: Splendor - Act.: Vadis, Dan;
Greci, José; Tamberlani, Nando; Steel, Alan - Ill.: Fourcart, 2012, p. 167
Vandal outlaws, The (1912 - UK) - BW - Dir.: Bouwmeester, Theo (Frenkel, Theo Sr.) - Prod.: Kinemacolor;
Charles; Urban - Act.: Bouwmeester, Julie
Vangelo secondo Matteo, Il [L'évangile selon saint Mathieu - The gospel according to St Matthew - Het
evangelie volgens Mattheus] (1964 - I/F) - BW - 135 min. - SFE: 3,5 * - Dir.: Pasolini, Pier Paolo - Act.:
Irazoqui, Enrique; Socrate, Mario - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Mattheus - Ill.: Solomon, 1978, p.
115; Cook, 1990, p. 632; Solomon, 2001, fig. 114; Dumont, 2009, p. 419-420
Vélada, une légende germaine [Velada, eine germanische Sage] (1911 - F) - BW - Prod.: Éclipse - Adaptation
of Tacitus, De origine et situ Germanorum (98)
Vendetta dei barbari, La [The revenge of the barbarians - La vengeance des barbares - Kampf um Rom] (1961
- I) - Dir.: Vari, Giuseppe - Prod.: Oriental - Act.: Rocca, Daniella; Steel, Anthony; Alda, Robert; Greci,
José; Scaccia, Mario - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 574
Vendetta dei gladiatori, La [La vengeance des gladiateurs] (1964 - I) - 100 min. - SFE: 1,5 * - Dir.: Capuano,
Luigi - Prod.: Splendor - Act.: Greci, José; Lorenzon, Livio; Hargitay, Mickey; Lupi, Roldano; Paul,
Andreina; Baldini, Renato - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 575
Vendetta di Spartacus, La [The revenge of Spartacus - Revenge of the gladiators - La vengeance de Spartacus]
(1964 - I) - 100 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Lupo, Michele - Prod.: Leone Film - Act.: Browne, Roger; Mitchell,
Gordon; Gabel, Scilla; Rossi Stuart, Giacomo - Ill.: Cary, 1974, p. 13; Lendering, 2006, cover; Fourcart,
2012, p. 143
Vengeance de Licinius, La [The vengeance of Licinius] (1910 - F) - BW - ca. 16 min. - Dir.: Capellani, Alberto
(or George Denola?) - Prod.: SCAGL; SAPF; Série d'Art; Pathé - Act.: Étiévant, Henri; Blanchard; Imperia;
Tréville, Georges; de Rochefort, Charles
Vengeance de Vitellius, La (1913 - F) - BW - Dir.: Denola, Georges; Decourcelle, Pierre - Prod.: SCAGL;
Pathé - Act.: Fromet, Maria; Étiévant, Henri; Tréville, Georges
Vercingétorix [Vercingétorix, la légende du druide roi - Druids - The Gaul] (2000 - F/CDN) - 124 min. - 2 * Dir.: Dorfmann, Jacques - Act.: Lambert, Christopher; Brandauer, Klaus Maria; von Sydow, Max; Sastre,
Inés - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 324-325
Vergine per l'impero romano, Una (1983 - I) - 71 min. - Dir.: Hall, Robert (D'Amato, Joe; Massaccesi,
Aristide) - Prod.: Cinema 80 - Act.: Dee, Barbara; Lamar, Tanya; Roussial, Nadine; Teutscher, Pauline
Vergini di Roma, Le [Les vierges de Rome - Amazons of Rome - Warrior women] (1960 - I/F) - 90 min. SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Cottafavi, Vittorio; Bragaglia, Carlo Ludovico; Darène, Robert - Prod.: Cineitalia - Act.:
Jourdan, Louis; Manni, Ettore; Syms, Sylvia - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 263; Fourcart, 2012, p. 109
Veritas vincit [Die Wahrheit siegt] (1918 - D) - BW - Dir.: May, Joe - Prod.: May Film; Decla; Bioskop - Act.:
May, Mia; Riemann, Johannes; Stifter, Magnus; Albes, Werner - Ill.: Cherchi, 1990, p. 255 (2 x).508;
Dumont, 2009, p. 542
Vestale, Una [One Vestal virgin - La Vestale - The Vestal] (1908 - I) - BW - ca. 17 min. - Dir.: Capellani,
Alberto - Prod.: Itala Film (Torino)
— 109 —
Via Augusta, La. 1. Què em passa doctor? - 2. Esclaus i senyors - 3. El somni d'una nit d'abril - 4. El banquet 5. A vida o mort - 6. A bodes em convides - 7. Vetes i fills - 8. No sense el meu fill - 9. Més clar que l'aigua
- 10. Ni per tot l'or del món - 11. La nit del foc - 12. Amor/Roma (2007 - E) - Television series (12
episodes) - Dir.: Sánchez, Sònia e.a. - Act.: López, Mónica
Vida íntima de Marco Antonio y Cleopatra, La [La vie intime de Marc Antoine et Cléopâtre - Folies romaines]
(1946 - MEX) - BW - 87 min. - SFE: 0 * - Dir.: Gavaldón, Roberto - Prod.: Filmex - Act.: Sandrini, Luis;
Pons, Maria Antonieta; Baviera, José
Vie de Notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ, La [Vie de Jésus - La vie et la passion de Notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ The Messiah] (1914 - F) - BW - Dir.: Maître, Maurice-André - Prod.: Pathé - Act.: Normand, Jacques;
Moreau, Gina; Moreau, M.; Jacquinet, Jean; Briand - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Vie du Christ (1900 - F) - BW - Prod.: Gaumont - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Vie du Christ, La [La naissance, la vie et la mort du Christ / de Notre-Seigneur Jésus-Christ - La passion - La
vie et passion du Christ - The life of Christ - The birth, the life and the death of Christ] (1906 - F) - BW - 20
min. - Dir.: Guy, Alice; Jasset, Victorin-Hippolyte; Hatot, Georges - Prod.: Gaumont - Act.: Grisollet,
Édouard; Lonys; Fouché, Albert - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p.
390 (bis)
Vie et la passion de (Notre Seigneur) Jésus-Christ, La [La passion - La passion de notre seigneur Jésus Christ Life and passion of Christ] (1902-1905 - F) - BW - 44 min. - Dir.: Zecca, Ferdinand; Nonguet, Lucien;
Hatot, Georges - Prod.: Pathé - Act.: Madame Moreau; Monsieur Moreau - Adaptation of Testamentum
novum, Euangelia - Ill.: Cook, 1990, p. 50; Michelakis, 2013, p. 178 & pl. 17
Vie et la passion de Jésus-Christ, La (1897 - F) - BW - Dir.: Hurd, H. - Prod.: Louis Lumière (Lyon) Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Vie et la passion de Jésus-Christ, La (1897 - F) - BW - Dir.: Hatot, Georges; Lumière, Louis - Act.: Bretteau Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Vie et la passion de N(otre) S(eigneur) Jésus-Christ, La (1906-1907 - F) - BW - Dir.: Maître, Maurice-André;
Zecca, Ferdinand; de Chomón, Segundo - Prod.: Pathé - Act.: Normand, Jacques; Mathieu, Julienne;
Moreau, Gabriel; Jacquinet, Jean - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p.
Vie et passion du Christ (1900 - F) - BW - Prod.: Pathé - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Viking queen, The [De Viking koningin - La reine des Vikingss] (1967 - UK) - 91 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.:
Chaffey, Don - Prod.: Hammer Films - Act.: Murray, Don; Carita; Houston, Donald; MacGinnis, Niall Adaptation of Bellini, Vincenzo, Norma (1831) (opera) - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 508-509
Virgilius (1916 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Edwards, James Gordon (?)
Virginia (1911 - I) - BW - ca. 14 min. - Prod.: Cines (Roma) - Act.: Novelli, Amleto; Gambardella, Giuseppe;
Sinimberghi, Aldo; Monaldi, Gastone
Virginius (1909 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Blackton, James Stuart - Prod.: Vitagraph - Act.: Costello, Maurice;
Williams, Earle
Visual Bible, The. Matthew (1993 - ZA) - Dir.: van den Bergh, Regardt - Prod.: Visual Entertainment - Act.:
Marchiano, Bruce - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Mattheus
Visual Bible, The. The gospel of John (2003 - CDN/UK) - 125 min. - Dir.: Saville, Philip - Act.: Cusick, Henry
Ian; Plummer, Christopher - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Iohannes
Vita di Gesù, La [Gesù di Nazareth - Life of Jesus - Jesus of Nazareth - Jésus de Nazareth - Jezus van
Nazareth] (1977 - I/UK/USA) - 90x4 = 360 / 280 min. - Television series (4 episodes), but also a cinema
film - SFE: good 3 * - Dir.: Zeffirelli, Franco - Prod.: ITC; RAI; NBC - Act.: Powell, Robert; Borgnine,
Ernest; Cardinale, Claudia; Bancroft, Anne; Plummer, Christopher; Quinn, Anthony; Ustinov, Peter; York,
Michael; Mason, James; Olivier, Laurence - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia - Ill.: Dumont,
2009, p. 427-429
Vita, passione, morte e resurezione di Gesù Cristo (1908 - I) - BW - Prod.: Cines (Roma) - Act.: Novelli,
Amleto - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia
Vitellius [Le mort de Vitellius, empereur de Rome] (1911 - F) - BW - Dir.: Pouctal, Henri - Prod.: Film d'Art;
Pathé - Act.: Polaire (Bouchard, Émilie Marie); Polin; Vaslin; Guitty, Madeleine; Clément, Julien
Voie lactée, La [The milky way] (1970 - F/I) - Dir.: Buñuel, Luis - Prod.: Greenwich; Fraia - Act.: Verley,
Bernard; Scob, Edith; Clarieux, Jean; Van Cau, Christian - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 424
Voyagers! 2.1. Created equal (1982 - USA) - 50 min. - Episode of a television series - Dir.: Vogel, Virgil A. Prod.: NBC; Universal; Scholastic - Act.: Pastorini, Don; Erik-Hexum, Jon
Wanderer, The (1925 - USA) - BW - 90 min. - Dir.: Walsh, Raoul - Prod.: Paramount - Act.: Torrence, Ernest;
Collier, William Jr.; Nissen, Greta; Beery, Wallace; Williams, Kathlyn - Adaptation of Testamentum
novum, Lucas, 15, 11-32; Samuel, Maurice V. (1895-1972), The wanderer (theatre) - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p.
458 (bis)
Wandering Jew, The (1923 - UK) - BW - 80 min. - Dir.: Elvey, Maurice - Prod.: Stoll - Act.: Lang, Matheson Adaptation of Thurston, Ernest Temple, The wandering Jew. A play in four phases (1921) (theatre) - Ill.:
Dumont, 2009, p. 457
Wandering Jew, The (1934 - UK) - BW - 111 min. - Dir.: Elvey, Maurice - Prod.: Twickenham - Act.: Veidt,
Conrad; Gill, Basil; Ney, Marie; Oates, Cicely; Livesey, Jack; Ashcroft, Peggy; Aylmer, Felix - Adaptation
of Thurston, Ernest Temple, The wandering Jew. A play in four phases (1921) (theatre)
— 110 —
Warrior [not completed] [Warrior queen] (2004? - UK/USA) - Dir.: O'Connor, Gavin - Prod.: Gibson, Mel;
Warrior queen (1978 - UK) - 30x6 = 180 min. - Television series (6 episodes) - Dir.: Custance, Michaell;
Green, Neville - Prod.: Thames; Ruth Boswell - Act.: Phillips, Sian; Hawthorne, Nigel
Warrior queen [Pompeii] (1986 - I/UK/USA) - 79 min. - Dir.: Vincent, Chuck - Prod.: Lighting Pictures - Act.:
Danning, Sybil; Pleasance, Donald; Hill, Richard
Warrior queen Boudica (2006 - USA) - Television film - Dir.: Taulère, Patrick; Hawkins, Kim - Act.: Comer,
Charlotte - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 510 (bis)
Warwick cinephone films. The Salome dance music (1909 - UK) - BW - Adaptation of Testamentum novum,
Marcus, 6, 14-29; Wilde, Oscar, Salomé (1893) (theatre)
Way of the cross, The (1909 - USA) - BW - ca. 17 min. - Dir.: Blackton, James Stuart - Prod.: Vitagraph Act.: Tapley, Rose; Costello, Maurice; Humphrey, William - Adaptation of Barrett, Wilson, The sign of the
cross (1895) (theatre)
Westminster passion play, The. Behold the man (1951 - UK) - Dir.: Rilla, Walter - Prod.: The companions of
the cross prod. - Act.: Carr, Charles P. - Adaptation of Testamentum novum, Euangelia
When Rome ruled (1914 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Fitzmaurice, George - Prod.: Pathé - Act.: Craig, Nelle; Bruce,
Clifford; Hatch, Riley; Seymour, Walter R.
Which will you have? [Barabbas the Robber] (1949 - UK) - BW - Dir.: Taylor, Donald - Prod.: GB
Instructional - Act.: McGinnis, Niall; Davies, Betty Ann; Oscar, Henry - Adaptation of Testamentum
novum, Euangelia
Wife of Marcius, The (1910 - USA) - BW - Prod.: Selig
Yahudi [Le Juif] (1958 - IND) - BW - 161 min. - Dir.: Bimal Roy - Prod.: Brijmohan Tapadia; Bombay Films Act.: Sohrab Modi - Adaptation of Aga Hashr Kashmiri, Yahudi (1915) (theatre) - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p.
Yahudi Ki Ladki [La fille du Juif] (1933 - IND) - BW - 137 min. - Dir.: Premankur Atorthy - Prod.: New
Theatres - Act.: Kundan Lal Saigal - Adaptation of Aga Hashr Kashmiri, Yahudi (1915) (theatre)
Yahudi Ki Ladki [La fille du Juif] (1957 - IND) - BW - Dir.: Satya Dev Narang - Prod.: New Oriental Pictures
- Act.: Madhubala - Adaptation of Aga Hashr Kashmiri, Yahudi (1915) (theatre)
Yahya Peygamber [Le prophète Jean-Baptiste] (1965 - TR) - Dir.: Peyda, Hüseyin - Act.: Sezgin, Yusuf;
Feray, Ayfer
Yesu [Jesu monogatari] (1998 - RC/ROK/J) - Cartoon film - Dir.: Yumiko Awaga - Chu Chen Hsiao
You are there. 1, 6 & 3, 39 [104]. The assassination of Julius Caesar (March 15, 44 B.C.) (1953 - USA) - BW 30 min. - Episode of a television series - Dir.: Lumet, Sidney - Prod.: CBS - Act.: Cronkite, Walter (host);
Conway, Russell; Newman, Paul; Hughes, Robin
You are there. 2, 8 [30]. The death of Cleopatra (30 B.C.) (1953 - USA) - BW - 30 min. - Episode of a
television series - Dir.: Lumet, Sidney - Prod.: CBS - Act.: Cronkite, Walter (host); Stanley, Kim
You are there. 3, 9 [74]. The burning of Rome (July 64 AD) (1954 - USA) - BW - 30 min. - Episode of a
television series - Dir.: Lumet, Sidney - Prod.: CBS - Act.: Cronkite, Walter (host)
Zombie Jesus! (2007 - CDN) - 13 min. - Short film - Dir.: Miller, Steve - Act.: Bell Tristan
— 111 —
7. Een onduidelijk historisch kader
De 168 titels in dit overzicht kunnen opgedeeld worden in twee groepen. De eerste
groep bevat de films over de god van de zee, over Amazonen en over Atlantis; deze thema's
hadden oorspronkelijk directe banden met de oudheid, maar die worden in de films zelf
slechts zelden geëxpliciteerd. Met de tweede groep gaat het om films waarvoor de regisseur
vooral bekommerd was om de spektakelwaarde en hij geen - of een onmogelijk - historisch
kader creëerde; hierbij werden vaak anachronistisch Griekse, Romeinse en andere elementen
met elkaar verweven. Deze groep van films wordt vaak omschreven als peplum- of sandalenfilms, naar de (zogezegd) typische kledingstukken uit de oudheid.
Filmografie - Een onduidelijk historisch kader
10,000 BC (2008 - USA/NZ) - 109 min. - 1 * - Dir.: Emmerich, Roland - Prod.: Warner Bros. - Act.: Strait,
Steven; Bell, Camilla; Shariff, Omar
Alien from L.A. [Odeon - Wanda - Atlantis, den försvunna staden] (1987 - USA/ZA) - 87 min. - Dir.: Pyun,
Albert - Act.: Ireland, Kathy; Moses, William R.
Amazing Captain Nemo, The [The return of Captain Nemo - Abenteuer Atlantis - Captian Nemo ontdekt
Atlantis] (1978 - USA) - 103 min. - Television film - SFE: average 2 * - Dir.: March, Alex - Act.: Ferrer,
Amazing feats of the young Hercules, The (1997 - USA) - Cartoon film for video - Dir.: Koonce, Ken; Merton,
Amazones à travers le temps, Les (1908 - F) - BW - Prod.: Pathé
Amazones du temple d'or, Les (1987 - F) - 85 min. - SFE: 0 * - Dir.: Gartner, James - Act.: Kapoul, Stanley
Amazones, armée grecque, Les (1911 - F) - BW - Prod.: Éclair
Amazons (1986 - USA/RA) - 76 min. - SFE: 0 * - Dir.: Sesso, Alex - Act.: Randolph, Windsor
Amazons and gladiators (2000 - USA/D) - 90 min. - 2 * - Dir.: Weintraub, Zachary - Prod.: Paramount - Act.:
Bergin, Patrick; Hiltz, Nichole; Rubin, Jennifer
Amazzoni donne d'amore e di guerra [Las amazonas, mujeres de amor y guerra - Barbarian women - Les
Amazones font l'amour et la guerre] (1974 - I/E) - 95 min. - SFE: 0 * - Dir.: Bradley, Al (Brescia, Alfonso)
- Prod.: Roas; Pelimax Films - Act.: Tate, Lincoln; Love, Lucretia
Amori di Ercole, Gli [Les amours d'Hercule - The loves of Hercules - The love of Hercules] (1960 - I/F) - 95
min. - SFE: 1,5 * - Dir.: Bragaglia, Carlo Ludovico - Act.: Mansfield, Jayne; Hargitey, Mickey - Ill.:
Dumont, 2009, p. 168; Fourcart, 2012, p. 46
Anthar l'invincibile [Il mercante di schiave - Soraya, reina del desierto - Marchands d'esclaves - The Devil of
the desert against the son of Hercules - The slave merchants] (1964 - I/E/F) - Dir.: Dawson, Anthony M.
(Margheriti, Antonio) - Prod.: Embassy Pictures - Act.: Morris, Kirk; Girardon, Michèle; Badini, Renato
Antinea, l'amante della città sepolta [L'Atlantide - Atlantis, city beneath the desert - Journey beneath the desert
- Lost kingdom - End of Atlantis - Queen of Atlantis - Die Herrin von Atlantis - De heerseres van Atlantis]
(1961 - I/F) - 95 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Ulmer, Edgar George; Borzage, Frank; Masini, Giuseppe - Act.:
Harareet, Haya; Trintignant, Jean-Louis - Adaptation of Benoit, Pierre, L'Atlantide (1919) - Ill.: Fourcart,
2012, p. 173
Atlantide, L' [Lost Atlantis] (1920-1921 - F/B) - BW - 212 / 140 min. - SFE: 3,5 * - Dir.: Feyder, Jacques Act.: De Napierkowska, Stacia; Melchior, Georges; Angelo, Jean - Adaptation of Benoit, Pierre, L'Atlantide
Atlantide, L' (1931 - F/D) - BW - 95 min. - SFE: 3,5 * - Dir.: Pabst, Georg Wilhelm - Act.: Helm, Brigitte;
Angelo, Jean; Blanchar, Pierre; Florelle; Sokoloff, Vladimir; Mathias Wieman - Adaptation of Benoit,
Pierre, L'Atlantide (1919) - Ill.: Daisne, 1971, p. 259 [dia]
Atlantide, L' (1972 - F) - Television film - Dir.: Kerchbron, Jean - Act.: Tchérina, Lioudmila - Adaptation of
Benoit, Pierre, L'Atlantide (1919) in an adaptation by Lanoux, Armand
Atlantide, L' (1992 - I/F) - 110 min. - SFE: 1,5 * - Dir.: Swaim, Bob - Act.: Karyo, Tcheky; Mahony, Victoria Adaptation of Benoit, Pierre, L'Atlantide (1919)
Atlantide. La città sommersa (2001? - I) - Cartoon film for video - Prod.: AVO Film
Atlantis (1913 - DK) - BW - 121 min. - Dir.: Blom, August - Prod.: Nordisk - Act.: Fønss, Olaf; Orloff, Ida;
Thomsen, Ebba; Lauritzen, Carl; Jacobsen, Frederik; Hinding, Alma - Adaptation of Hauptmann, Gerhart
Johann Robert, Atlantis (1912)
Atlantis (1985 - USA) - Television series - Act.: Berling, Peter
Atlantis darf nicht untergehen (1988 - D) - Television film - Dir.: Steinheimer, Gert
Atlantis falling (2000 - USA) - Dir.: Morse, Kenneth - Act.: Purpuro, Sandra; Whitaker, John Henry
Atlantis, the lost continent [Siren of Atlantis - Atlantis, terre engloutie - Atlantis, der verlorene Kontinent Slavenopstand in Atlantis] (1961 - USA) - 90 min. - SFE: 1,5 * - Dir.: Pal, George - Prod.: MetroGoldwyn-Mayer - Act.: Taylor, Joyce; Hall, Anthony; Stehli, Edgar; Dall, John; Platt, Edward - Adaptation
of Hargreaves, Gerald, Atalanta, a story of Atlantis (1949) (theatre) - Ill.: SFE, 1986, p. 60 [dia]; Dumont,
2009, p. 174-175
Atlantis, the lost empire [Atlantis. Das Geheimnis der verlorenen Stadt] (2001 - USA) - 95 min. - Cartoon film
- 2,5 * - Dir.: Trousdale, Gary; Wise, Kirk - Prod.: Disney productions; Hahn, Don - Act.: Fox, Michael J.;
Garner, James; Summer, Cree; Nimoy, Leonard; Varney, Jim (voices) - Mus.: Howard, James Newton
Atlantis. 1. The earth bull; 2. A girl by any other name; 3. A boy of no consequence; 4. Twist of fate; 5. White
lies; 6. The song of the Sirens; 7. The rules of engagement; 8. The Furies; 9. Pandora's box; 10. The price of
hope; 11. Hunger pangs; 12-13. Touched by the gods. Part one / Part two (2013 - UK) - 45x13 min. Television series (13 episodes) - 2,5 * - Dir.: Molotnikov, Justin e.a. - Prod.: BBC - Act.: Addy, Mark;
Donnelly, Jack; Emms, Robert
Atlantis. Der verlorene Kontinent [Atlantis. Het verloren continent] (2001 - D) - 43 min. - Cartoon film for
video - 1 * - Dir.: Ickert, Ludwig; Greiss, Simone - Prod.: Dingo-Pictures - Act.: Drogat, Armin (voice) Ill.: Berti, 2008, fig. 13
Atlantis. Milo's return [Atlantis II. Milo's avontuur] (2003 - USA) - 77 min. - Cartoon film for video - 1,5 * Dir.: Cook, Victor; Shelton, Toby - Prod.: Disney - Act.: Taylor, James Arnold; Morris, Phil; Wilson,
Thomas F. (voices)
Atlas [Atlas il trionfatore di Aten] (1961 - USA) - BW - 84 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Corman, Roger - Prod.:
American International - Act.: Forrest, Michael; Wolff, Frank; Morris, Barboura - Ill.: SFE, 1995, p. 112;
Aziza, 1998, p. 40; Nisbet, 2006, p. 10-11
Bedtime stories (2008 - USA) - 95 min. - 2 * - Dir.: Shankman, Adam - Prod.: Walt Disney - Act.: Sandler,
Adam - Ill.: Brabant Strip magazine, 169, 2009, p. 19
Bermuda triangle [Raus aus Atlantis] (1996 - USA) - 96 min. - Television film - Dir.: Toynton, Ian - Act.:
Behrens, Sam
Beyond Atlantis [Sea creatures] (1973 - RP) - 89 min. - SFE: 1,5 * - Dir.: Romero, Eddie - Act.: Wayne,
Brødrene Dal og legenden om Atlant-Is (1994 - N) - Television series - Dir.: Fürst, Kalle - Act.: Kirkvaag,
Charmed. 5, 22-23. Oh my goddess! Part 1-2 (2003 - USA) - 85 min. - Episode of a television series - Dir.:
West, Jonathan; Feigenbaum, Joel J. - Act.: Milano, Alyssa; McGowan, Rose; Combs, Holly Marie
City under the sea, The [Wargods of the deep - City in the sea] (1965 - UK) - 85 min. - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.:
Tourneur, Jacques - Act.: Price, Vincent - Adaptation of Poe, Edgar Allan, The raven and other poems: The
city in the sea (a poem) (1845)
Conquistatore di Atlantide, Il [Goldocrack à la conquête de l'Atlantide - Conqueror of Atlantis - Kingdom in
the sand] (1965 - I/ET) - 95 min. - SFE: 1 * - Dir.: Brescia, Alfonso - Act.: Morris, Kirk; Gilli, Luciana
Desert legion (1953 - USA) - 86 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Pevney, Joseph - Act.: Ladd, Alan - Adaptation of
Benoit, Pierre, L'Atlantide (1919)
Ercole [Hercules - Hercule - Les aventures d'Hercule I] (1983 - I/USA) - 98 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Cozzi,
Luigi (Coates, Lewis) - Act.: Ferrigno, Loe - Mus.: Donaggio, Pino - Ill.: Fourcart, 2012, p. 178
Ercole alla conquista di Atlantide [Hercule à la conquête de l'Atlantide - Hercules and the conquest of Atlantis
- Hercules conquers Atlantis - Hercules and the captive women - Hercules and the haunted women Hercules erobert Atlantis - Hercules verovert Atlantis] (1961 - I/F) - 98 min. - SFE: 3 * - Dir.: Cottafavi,
Vittorio - Act.: Park, Reg; Spain, Fay; Manni, Ettore - Ill.: Cameron, 1973, p. 72; Aziza, 1998, p. 26 [dia];
Dumont, 2009, p. 175-176; Fourcart, 2012, p. 72.79.151
Ercole contro i figli del sole [Hercules against the sons of the sun - Hercules tegen de zoon van de zon] (1964 I/E) - 98 min. - SFE: 1,5 * - Dir.: Civirani, Osvaldo - Act.: Forrest, Mark (Lou Degni); Gemma Giuliano;
Pace, Anna Maria - Ill.: Fourcart, 2012, p. 53
Ercole contro Moloch [La conquista di Micene - Conquest of Mycenae - The conquest of Moloch - Hercules
attacks - Hercules' challenge - Hercule contre Moloch - Hercules tegen de Moloch] (1962 - I/F) - 98 min. SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Ferroni, Giorgio - Prod.: CFDFP; Explorer - Act.: Scott, Gordon; Panaro, Alessandra;
Lemoine, Michel; Neri, Rosalba
Ercole l'invincibile [Hercules the invincible] (1963 - I) - Dir.: Mancori, Alvaro - Act.: Vadis, Dan; Clark, Ken;
Rozina, Spela - Ill.: Aziza, 1998, p. 134
Ercole, Sansone, Maciste e Ursus gli invincibili [Combate de gigantes - Le grand défi - Hercules, Maciste,
Samson and Ursus vs the universe - Samson and the mighty challenge] (1965 - I) - 91 min. - SFE: 1,5 * Dir.: Capitani, Giorgio - Act.: Steele, Alan (Ciani, Sergio); Ross, Red; Baltimor, Nadir; Larvor, Yann;
Zoppelli, Lia; Montez, Elisa; Chanel, Helene; Orfei, Moira - Ill.: Fourcart, 2012, p. 56
Escape from Atlantis (1997 - USA) - 97 min. - Television film - Dir.: Hamilton, Strathford - Act.: Speakman,
Estudio 1. Ondina (1968 - E) - Episode of a television series - Dir.: Canseco, Manuel - Act.: Aristu, Jesús Adaptation of Giraudoux, Jean, Ondine (1939) (theatre); Fouqué, Friedrich de la Motte, Undine (1811)
Expedición Atlantis (1988 - RA) - Dir.: Barragán, Alfredo
Felix the cat. King Neptune's S.O.S. (1960 - USA) - 30 min. - Cartoon film - Prod.: Oriolo, Joe
Felix the cat. Neptune's nonsense (1936 - USA) - BW - Cartoon film
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Fire maidens from outer space [Fire maidens of outer space - The thirteenth moon of Jupiter] (1956 - USA) 80 min. - Dir.: Roth, Cy - Act.: Dexter, Anthony
Furia di Ercole, La [The fury of Hercules - Hercule se déchaîne - Hercules, de held van de Olympus - Samson
der Befreier der versklavten] (1961 - I/F) - 96 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Parolini, Gianfranco - Act.: Harris,
Brad; Gainsbourg, Serge; Corey, Brigitte - Ill.: Fourcart, 2012, p. 99
Gigante di Metropolis, Il [The giant of Metropolis - Le géant de Métropolis] (1961 - I) - 90 min. - SFE: 2,5 * Dir.: Scarpelli, Umberto - Act.: Mitchell, Gordon; Lupi, Roldano - Ill.: Aziza, 1998, p. 84 [dia]; Fourcart,
2012, p. 54
Gladiatrici, Le [The Amazon women - Women gladiators - Les gladiatrices] (1962 - I) - 95 min. - SFE: 2 * Dir.: Leonviola, Antonio - Act.: Andersen, Susy (Anderson, Susan); Robinson, Joe - Ill.: Fourcart, 2012, p.
Gloutonnes, Les [Les exploits érotiques de Maciste dans l'Atlantide - Maciste et les gloutonnes] (1973 - F) - 80
min. - Dir.: Franco, Jesus - Act.: Davis, Val; Hansa, Kali
Goddess of the sea (1909 - F) - BW - Prod.: Le Lion
Gold of the Amazon women [L'or des Amazones] (1979 - USA) - 100 min. - Television film - SFE: weak 1 * Dir.: Lester, Mark L. - Act.: Ekberg, Anita; Pleasence, Donald
Golia alla conquista di Bagdad [Goliath against Bagdad - Goliath against the Arabs - Goliath verovert
Damascus] (1964 - I) - 99 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Paolella, Domenico - Act.: Stevens, Rock; Liné, Helga
Golia e il cavaliere mascherato [Golia contro il cavaliere mascherato - Hercules and the masked rider Hercules and the black knight - Goliath en de gemaskerde ridder] (1963 - I/E) - 80 min. - SFE: 1,5 * - Dir.:
Pierotti, Piero - Act.: Steel, Alan; Manni, Ettore; Greci, José
Goliath contro i giganti [Goliath against the giants - Goliath contre les géants] (1961 - I/E) - 93 min. - SFE: 1 *
- Dir.: Malatesta, Guido; Parolini, Gianfranco - Act.: Harris, Brad; Milland, Gloria; Rey, Fernando - Ill.:
Fourcart, 2012, p. 70
Guerriere dal seno nudo, Le [Le Amazzoni - Les Amazones - The Amazons - De Amazones - Las Amazonas Amazonke - War goddess] (1973 - I/F/E) - 91 min. - SFE: 1,5 * - Dir.: Young, Terence - Act.: Johnston,
Alena; Sun, Sabine - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 153-154; Fourcart, 2012, p. 175
Hercules and Xena. The animated movie. The battle for mount Olympus (1998 - USA/NZ) - 80 min. - Cartoon
film for video - Dir.: Naylor, Lynne - Act.: Sorbo, Kevin; Lawless, Lucy (voices)
Hercules II [Le avventure dell'incredibile Ercole - The adventures of Hercules - Ercole II - Les aventures
d'Hercule II] (1984 - USA/I) - 89 min. - SFE: 0 * - Dir.: Coates, Lewis (Cozzi, Luigi) - Prod.: Cannon Act.: Ferrigno, Lou - Ill.: Willis, 1986, p. 129; Dumont, 2009, p. 171
Hercules in New York [Hercules goes bananas - Hercules. The movie - Hercule à New York - Herkules in
New York] (1969 - USA) - 93 min. - 0,5; SFE: 0 * - Dir.: Seidelman, Arthur Allan - Act.: Stang, Arnold;
Strong (Schwarzenegger), Arnold - Ill.: Solomon, 2001, fig. 7
Hercules in the regiment (1909 - F) - BW - Prod.: Pathé
Hercules. The legendary journeys (1, 1-13; 2, 1-24; 3, 1-22; 4, 1-22; 5, 1-22; 6, 1-8) (1995-1999 - USA/NZ) 45x111 = 4995 min. - Television series (111 episodes) - 2 * - Dir.: Lefler, Doug; Cokeliss, Harley; Ellis,
Peter; Kretchner, John; Mendeluk, George; Green, Bruce Seth; Campbell, Bruce; Waxwell, Garth; Perez,
Jack - Act.: Sorbo, Kevin; Quinn, Anthony; Lawless, Lucy
Herrin von Atlantis, Die [Queen of Atlantis - De heerseres van Atlantis] (1932 - D) - BW - 88 min. - SFE: 3 * Dir.: Pabst, Georg Wilhelm - Act.: Helm, Brigitte; Klingenberg, Heinz; Diessl, Gustav; Sokoloff, Vladimir;
Tela Tchaï; Florelle; Wieman, Mathias - Adaptation of Benoit, Pierre, L'Atlantide (1919)
Humanoids from Atlantis (1992 - USA) - 45 min. - Dir.: Randas, Lance - Act.: Bookwalter, J. R.; Clay, Arvin
Invincibili fratelli Maciste, Gli [Maciste brothers] (1966 - I) - 86 min. - SFE: 1 * - Dir.: Mauri, Roberto - Act.:
Lloyd, Richard; Lange, Claudie
Invincibili tre, Gli [The three avengers] (1964 - I) - 97 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Parolini, Gianfranco - Act.: Steel,
Alan; Gastoni, Lisa
Isola degli uomini pesci, L' [The fishmen - Island of mutations - The island of the fishmen - Screamers Something waits in the dark] (1979 - I) - 93 min. - SFE: 1,5 * - Dir.: Martino, Sergio; Drake, Miller - Act.:
Cassinelli, Claudio; Bach, Barbara
Legendary journeys of Hercules, The. Hercules and the Amazon women [Herkules und das Amazonenheer Hercule et les Amazones] (1993 - USA/NZ) - 120 min. - Television film - SFE: average 2 * - Dir.: Norton,
Bill L. - Act.: Sorbo, Kevin; Quinn, Anthony - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 172 (?)
Legendary journeys of Hercules, The. Hercules and the circle of fire (1994 - USA/NZ) - 110 min. - Television
film - SFE: average 2 * - Dir.: Norton, Bill L. - Act.: Sorbo, Kevin; Quinn, Anthony
Legendary journeys of Hercules, The. Hercules and the lost kingdom [Hercule et le royaume oublié - Herkules
und das vergessene Königreich] (1993 - USA/NZ) - 120 min. - Television film - SFE: weak 1 * - Dir.:
Cokeliss, Harley - Prod.: Univeral TV - Act.: Sorbo, Kevin; Quinn, Anthony
Legendary journeys of Hercules, The. Hercules in the underworld [Hercule aux enfers] (1994 - USA/NZ) - 110
min. - Television film - SFE: average 2 * - Dir.: Norton, Bill L. - Act.: Sorbo, Kevin; Quinn, Anthony
Librarian, The (2). Return to king Solomon's mines (2006 - USA) - 89 min. - Television film - 1,5 * - Dir.:
Frakes, Jonathan - Act.: Wyle, Noah; Anwar, Gabrielle
Librarian, The. Quest for the spear (2004 - USA) - 92 min. - Television film - 1,5 * - Dir.: Winther, Peter Act.: Wyle, Noah; Walger, Sonya; MacLachlan, Kyle; Newhart, Bob
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Little mermaid, The (1989 - USA) - 84 min. - Cartoon film; musical - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Musker, John;
Clements, Ron - Prod.: Disney productions - Mus.: Menken, Alan (oscar); Ashman, Howard (oscar) Adaptation of Andersen, Hans Christian, Den lille Havfrue (1836) (tale)
Little mermaid, The. (III.) Ariel's beginning [Ariel, hoe het begon] (2008 - USA) - 70 min. - Cartoon film for
video - Dir.: Holmes, Peggy - Prod.: Disney productions (Walt Disney Home video)
Little mermaid, The. II. Return to the sea [Little mermaid, The. II. Terug in de zee] (2000 - USA/CDN/AUS) 75 min. - Cartoon film for video - Dir.: Kammerud, Jim; Smith, Brian - Prod.: Disney productions (Walt
Disney Home video)
Little mermaid, The. Whale of a tale [Ariel's nieuwe avonturen] (1992 - USA) - 44 min. - Cartoon film (pilot
for a television series); musical - SFE: good 3 * - Dir.: Mitchell, Jamie
MacGyver. Lost treasure of Atlantis [Lost treasure of Atlantis - MacGyver. Le trésor perdu de l'Atlantide]
(1994 - USA) - 100 min. - Television film - SFE: average 2 * - Dir.: Vejar, Michael - Act.: Anderson,
Richard Dean
Maciste [The marvelous Maciste] (1915 - I) - BW - Dir.: Pastrone, Giovanni
Maciste all'inferno [Maciste en enfer - Maciste aux enfers] (1926 - I) - BW - Dir.: Brignone, Guido - Act.:
Pagano, Bartolomeo - Ill.: Fourcart, 2012, p. 24
Maciste all'inferno [Maciste in hell - The witch's curse - Maciste en enfer - Maciste contra de hellemonsters]
(1962 - I) - 84 min. - 1,5; SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Freda, Riccardo - Act.: Morris, Kirk; Chanel, Helene - Ill.: SFE,
1995, p. 968; Aziza, 1998, p. 112; Fourcart, 2012, p. 50.71
Maciste alla corte del Gran Khan [Maciste at the court of the Great Khan - Goliath and the golden city Samson and the 7 miracles of the world - Le géant à la cour de Kublaï Khan] (1961 - I/F) - 89 min. - SFE: 2
* - Dir.: Freda, Riccardo - Act.: Scott, Gordon - Ill.: Fourcart, 2012, p. 52
Maciste alla corte dello zar [Le trésor des Tsars / Tzars - Atlas against the Czar - Giant of the lost tomb Samson vs. the giant king] (1964 - I) - 87 min. - SFE: 1 * - Dir.: Anton, Amerigo (Boccia, Tanio) - Act.:
Morris, Kirk; Serato, Massimo; Colli, Ombretta - Ill.: Fourcart, 2012, p. 105
Maciste Alpino (1916 - I) - BW - Dir.: Pastrone, Giovanni - Prod.: Itala Film; Pittaluga - Act.: Pagano,
Maciste bersagliere (1916 - I) - Black-and-white
Maciste contre la reine des Amazones [Les Amazones de la luxure] (1973 - F) - Dir.: Brown, Clifford (Jess
Franco) - Prod.: CFF - Act.: Davis, Wal; Arnò, Alice; Wood, Robert; Hansa, Kali; Prous, Montserrat
Maciste contro Ercole nella valle dei guai [Deux corniauds contre Hercule - Maciste against Hercules in the
valley of woe - Hercules in the vale / valley of woe] (1961 - I) - 93 min. - Dir.: Mattoli, Mario - Act.:
Morris, Kirk; Gordon, Frank; Franchi, Franco; Ingrassia, Ciccio
Maciste contro i Mongoli [Hercules against the Mongols] (1964 - I) - 89 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Paolella,
Domenico - Act.: Forrest, Mark (Lou Degni); Greci, José
Maciste contro i tagliatori di teste [Maciste contro i cacciatori di teste - Tarzan chez / contre les coupeurs de
têtes - Colossus and the headhunters] (1963 - I) - 75 min. - SFE: 1 * - Dir.: Malatesta, Guido - Act.: Morris,
Kirk; Brown, Laura
Maciste contro il vampiro [Maciste contro Maciste - Maciste vs the vampires - Goliath and / against the
vampires - The vampires - Maciste contre le fantôme] (1961 - I) - 91 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Gentilomo,
Giacomo; Corbucci, Sergio - Act.: Scott, Gordon; Canale, Gianna Maria; Sernas, Jacques - Ill.: Cary, 1974,
p. 14; Solomon, 1978, p. 198; Solomon, 2001, fig. 203; Dumont, 2009, p. 620.624; Fourcart, 2012, p.
Maciste contro la morte [Maciste contre la mort] (1916 - I) - Black-and-white
Maciste contro lo sceicco (1926 - I) - Black-and-white
Maciste contro lo sceicco (1962 - I) - 95 min. - SFE: 1,5 * - Dir.: Paolella, Domenico - Act.: Fury, Ed
Maciste contro Maciste (1917 - I) - Black-and-white
Maciste detective (1923 - I) - Black-and-white
Maciste e la regina dell'argento (1925 - I) - Black-and-white
Maciste e la regina di Samar [Maciste contro gli uomini della luna - Hercules against / vs. the moon men Hercules fights the moon men - Maciste vs the stone men - Maciste contre les hommes de pierre] (1964 I/F) - 84 min. - SFE: 1,5 * - Dir.: Gentilomo, Giacomo - Act.: Steel, Alan; Clair, Jany - Ill.: Dumont, 2009,
p. 621 (bis); Fourcart, 2012, p. 53
Maciste imperatore (1924 - I) - Black-and-white
Maciste in vacanza (1920 - I) - Black-and-white
Maciste nell'inferno di Gengis Khan [Hercules against the barbarian] (1964 - I) - 91 min. - SFE: 1 * - Dir.:
Paolella, Domenico - Act.: Forrest, Mark (Lou Degni); Greci, José
Maciste nella gabbia dei leoni (1926 - I) - Black-and-white
Maciste nelle miniere di re Salomone [Maciste dans les mines du roi Salomon - Maciste in King Solomon's
mines - Samson in king Solomon's mines] (1964 - I) - 90 min. - 1; SFE: 1 * - Dir.: Andrews, Martin
(Regnoli, Piero) - Act.: Park, Reg; Guida, Wandisa; Harrison, Dan - Ill.: Aziza, 1998, p. 87
Maciste sonnambulo [Maciste in the Liberator] (1918 - I) - Black-and-white
Maciste supera Maciste (1917 - I) - Black-and-white
Maciste und die Japanerin [Mann soll es nicht für möglich halten] (1922 - I) - BW - Dir.: Krafft, Uwe Jens Act.: Pagano, Bartolomeo
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Maciste, il gladiatore più forte del mondo [Maciste, the strongest gladiator in the world - Colossus of the arena
- Death in the arena - Maciste, le gladiateur le plus fort du monde - Maciste contre les géants - Mort dans
l'arène] (1962 - I) - 98 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Lupo, Michele - Prod.: Leone Film - Act.: Forrest, Mark (Lou
Degni); Gabel, Scilla; Crisa, Erno
Maciste, l'uomo più forte del mondo [The strongest man in the world - Molemen against / versus the son of
Hercules - The mole men battle the son of Hercules - Maciste and the night queen - Maciste l'homme le plus
fort du monde] (1961 - I) - BW - 97 min. - SFE: 0,5 * - Dir.: Leonviola, Antonio - Act.: Forrest, Mark (Lou
Degni); Orfei, Moira - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 618; Fourcart, 2012, p. 111.153
Magnifico gladiatore, Il [El magnifico gladiator - The magnificent gladiator - Gladiateur magnifique] (1964 I/E) - Dir.: Brescia, Alfonso - Prod.: Seven - Act.: Forrest, Mark (Lou Degni); Tolo, Marilù; Lionello,
Oreste; Gozlino, Paolo - Ill.: Fourcart, 2012, p. 52
Man from Atlantis, The [De man van Atlantis] (1977-1978 - USA) - 100+60x16 = 1060 min. - Television
series (a pilot and 16 episodes) - SFE: good 3 - average 2 * - Dir.: Katzin, Lee H.; Daniels, Marc; Badiyi,
Reza; Dublin, Charles; Abroms, Edward M. - Act.: Duffy, Patrick; Montgomery, Belinda
Männer sind zum Liebe da [Atlantis. Ein Sommermärchen - The girls from Atlantis] (1970 - D) - BW - 86 min.
- SFE: 0,5 * - Dir.: Schmidt, Eckhart - Act.: Isi Ter Jung
Marvel superheroes, The (1966 - CDN) - 22x65 min. - Cartoon series - Act.: Vernon, John (voice)
Mistress of Atlantis, The [The lost Atlantis] (1932 - D) - BW - 87 min. - SFE: 3,5 * - Dir.: Pabst, Georg
Wilhelm - Act.: Helm, Brigitte; Stuart, John; McLaughlin, Gibb; Florelle; Wieman, Mathias - Adaptation of
Benoit, Pierre, L'Atlantide (1919)
Neptune's daughter (1912 - USA) - BW - ca. 17 min. - Prod.: Essanay - Act.: Bushman, Francis X. Adaptation of Fouqué, Friedrich de la Motte, Undine (1811)
Neptune's daughter (1914 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Brenon, Herbert; Turner, Otis - Act.: Kellerman, Annette;
Welsh, William - Adaptation of Fouqué, Friedrich de la Motte, Undine (1811)
Oceano Atlantis (1993 - BR) - Dir.: de Paula, Francisco - Act.: Abujamra, Antonio; Gonçalves, Dercy; Leal
Maia, Nuno
Ondine (1975 - F) - 155 min. - Dir.: Rouleau, Raymond - Act.: Adjani, Isabelle - Adaptation of Giraudoux,
Jean, Ondine (1939) (theatre); Fouqué, Friedrich de la Motte, Undine (1811)
Pharaoh project, The (2001 - USA) - 85 min. - Dir.: Tanenbaum, Brad - Act.: Maxwel, Jack; Macurdy, John;
Cooper, Charles
Predatori di Atlantide, I [The Atlantis interceptors - (The) raiders of Atlantis - Atlantis - Atlantis inferno] (1983
- I) - 92 min. - SFE: 0,5 - 2 * - Dir.: Franklin, Roger (Deodato, Ruggero) - Act.: Connelly, Christopher;
King, Tony; Scola, Maria Gioia (Fields, Marie); Rassimov, Ivan; Hilton, George; Miller, Mike; Blade, John
Race for Atlantis (1998 - USA) - 4 min. - Cartoon film - Dir.: Fyzee, Arish - Act.: Jeter, Michael (voice)
Regina delle Amazzoni, La [Queen of the Amazons - Love slaves of the Amazons - Colossus and the Amazons
- Colossus and the Amazon queen - La reine des Amazones - Hercules en de koningin der Amazones] (1960
- I) - 86 min. - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Sala, Vittorio - Prod.: Glomer; Galatea - Act.: Taylor, Rod; Gray, Dorian;
Canale, Gianna Maria; Fury, Ed; Rocca, Daniella - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 153
Samson in the Amazon's land [Hercules and Samson in the land of the Amazons - Im Land der Amazonen]
(1998 - I) - Video film - Dir.: D'Amato, Joe (Massaccesi, Aristide) - Act.: Trump, Kelly; Papp, Maria; Gun,
Frank; Moore, Ursula
Sansone [Herkules im Netz der Cleopatra - Samson contre Hercule - Samson] (1961 - I/D/F) - 100 min. - 1,5;
SFE: 1,5 * - Dir.: Parolini, Gianfranco; Simonelli, Giorgio - Prod.: Gentili, E.; Cineproduzioni Associate Act.: Harris, Brad; Gainsbourg, Serge; Corey, Brigitte (Boni, Luisella); Steel, Alan (Ciani, Sergio);
Gasparri, Gianfranco - Ill.: Aziza, 1998, p. 103; Dumont, 2009, p. 623; Fourcart, 2012, p. 48
Sansone contro i pirati [Samson l'invincible - Samson against the pirates - Samson and the sea beasts] (1963 I) - 90 min. - SFE: 0,5 * - Dir.: Anton, Amerigo (Boccia, Tanio) - Act.: Morris, Kirk; Lee, Margaret
Sansone contro il corsaro nero [Hercules and the black pirate] (1963 - I) - 90 min. - SFE: 1 * - Dir.: Capuano,
Luigi - Act.: Steel, Alan; Neri, Rosalba
Sansone e il tesoro degli Incas [Samson and the treasure of the Incas - The last treasure of the Aztecs] (1964 I/D) - 95 min. - SFE: 0 * - Dir.: Pierotti, Piero - Act.: Steel, Alan; Cressoy, Pierre
Santo contra las mujeres vampiros [Samson vs the vampire women] (1961 - MEX) - BW - 87 min. - SFE: 0,5 *
- Dir.: Corona Blake, Alfonso - Act.: Santo
Santo en el museo de cera [Samson in the wax museum] (1963 - MEX) - BW - 80 min. - SFE: 3 * - Dir.:
Corona Blake, Alfonso - Act.: Brook, Claudio
Santo versus Blue Demon en la Atlántida [Santo contra Blue Demon en la Atlántida] (1969 - MEX) - BW - 87
min. - SFE: 1 * - Dir.: Soler, Julián - Act.: Santo; Blue Demon (Alejandro Cruz)
Scorpion king, The. (2) Rise of a warrior (2008 - ZA/D) - 109 min. - Video film - 2 * - Dir.: Mulcahy, Russell Act.: Copon, Michael; Couture, Randy
Scorpion king, The. 3. Battle for redemption [Le roi Scorpion. 3. L'oeil des dieux] (2012 - USA) - 101 min. Video film - 1 * - Dir.: Reiné, Roel - Act.: Webster, Victor; Perlman, Ron; Zane, Billy; Bautista, Dave
Sette magnifici gladiatori, I [The seven magnificent gladiators] (1985 - USA/I) - 86 min. - Dir.: Mattei, Bruno Prod.: Cannon; Golan, Menahem; Globus, Yoram - Act.: Ferrigno, Lou; Harris, Brad; Vadis, Dan
Sharad of Atlantis (1966 - USA) - BW - 100 min. - Television film - SFE: 1,5 * - Dir.: Eason, B. Reeves;
Kane, Joseph - Act.: Corrigan, Ray 'Crash'
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She [She who must be obeyed] (2000 - CDN/UK/I/BG) - 94 min. - Video film - 1 * - Dir.: Bond, Timothy Act.: Duncan, Ian; Winter, Ophélie - Adaptation of Haggard, Henry Rider, She (1887) - Ayesha. The return
of She (1905) - She and Allan (1921) - Wisdom's daughter (1923)
Silly symphony. King Neptune (1932 - USA) - 7 min. - Cartoon film - Dir.: Gillett, Burt - Prod.: Walt Disney
Studios - Act.: Watson, Allan (voice)
Siren of Atlantis (1948 - USA) - BW - 75 min. - SFE: 0 * - Dir.: Tallas, Gregg G.; Ripley, Arthur - Act.:
Montez, Maria; Aumont, Jean-Pierre; O'Keefe, Dennis - Adaptation of Benoit, Pierre, L'Atlantide (1919)
Siren's necklace, The (1909 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Brook, Van Dyke
Stargate Atlantis (1, 1-20; 2, 1-20; 3, 1-20; 4, 1-6) (2004-2007 - CDN/USA) - 55 min. - Television series (4
seasons) - Dir.: Wood, Martin; Winning, David e.a. - Act.: Flanigan, Joe; Hewlett, David
Sub-Mariner, The (1966 - CDN?) - Cartoon series - Dir.: Everett, Bill - Act.: Vernon, John (voice)
Superuomini, Superdonne, Superbotte [The Supermen contro le Amazzoni - Supermen contre Amazones]
(1974 - I/HK/USA) - 88 min. - SFE: 1 * - Dir.: Bradley, Al (Brescia, Alfonso) - Prod.: A-ERRE; Shaw
Brothers; American International - Act.: Jordan, Nick; Hannibal, Mark; Yueh Hua
Three Stooges meet Hercules, The [Les Trois Stooges contre Hercule - Haut den Herkules] (1962 - USA) - BW
- 89 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Bernds, Edward L. - Prod.: Columbia - Act.: Fine, Larry; Howard, Moe; DeRita,
Joe (The three stooges)
Totò sceicco [Deux légionnaires au harem] (1950 - I) - BW - 90 min. - SFE: 3,5 * - Dir.: Mattoli, Mario - Act.:
Totò; Lees, Tamara - Adaptation of Benoit, Pierre, L'Atlantide (1919)
Transatlantis (1995 - D) - 116 min. - Dir.: Wagner, Christian - Act.: Olbrychski, Daniel
Trionfo di Ercole, Il [The triumph of Hercules - Hercules and / vs the giant warriors - Hercules and the ten
avengers] (1964 - I) - 90 min. - SFE: 1,5 * - Dir.: De Martino, Alberto - Act.: Cressoy, Pierre; Vadis, Dan;
Orfei, Moira
Undersea kingdom (1936 - USA) - BW - 250 min. - Cinema series (12 episodes) - SFE: 3 * - Dir.: Eason, B.
Reeves; Kane, Joseph - Prod.: Republic; Levine, Nat - Act.: Corrigan, Ray 'Crash'; Wilde, Lois; Blue,
Monte; Farnum, William
Undine (1910 - I) - BW - ca. 17 min. - Prod.: Cines (Roma) - Adaptation of Fouqué, Friedrich de la Motte,
Undine (1811)
Undine (1912 - USA) - BW - ca. 33 min. - Prod.: Thanhouser - Adaptation of Fouqué, Friedrich de la Motte,
Undine (1811)
Undine (1915 - USA) - BW - ca. 83 min. - Prod.: Bluebird Photoplays - Adaptation of Fouqué, Friedrich de la
Motte, Undine (1811)
Undine (1965 - D) - BW - 113 min. - Dir.: Beauvais, Peter - Act.: Sinjen, Sabine; Beck, Horst - Adaptation of
Giraudoux, Jean, Ondine (1939) (theatre); Fouqué, Friedrich de la Motte, Undine (1811)
Undine 74 (1974 - D) - 84 min. - SFE: 1 * - Dir.: Thiele, Rolf - Act.: Von Radloff, Angela - Adaptation of
Fouqué, Friedrich de la Motte, Undine (1811)
Unterwegs nach Atlantis (1976 - DDR) - Dir.: Kühn, Siegfried - Act.: Choynski, Carl Heinz; Srebrova, Vera
Unterwegs nach Atlantis (1982 - D) - 30x13 min. - Television series - Dir.: Fantl, Thomas - Act.: Baxevanos,
Chariklia; Benes, Svatopluk
Ursus [Mighty Ursus] (1961 - I/E) - 98 min. - SFE: 1 * - Dir.: Campogalliani, Carlo - Act.: Fury, Ed; Orfei,
Moira - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 623
Ursus e la ragazza tartara [Ursus and the Tartar princess - Ursus, gesel der Tartaren - La fille des Tartares]
(1961 - I/F) - 82 min. - SFE: 1,5 * - Dir.: Del Grosso, Remigio - Act.: Manni, Ettore; Spina, Maria Grazia Ill.: Fourcart, 2012, p. 48
Ursus nella terra di fuoco [Ursus in the land of fire - Ursus dans la terre de feu - Son of Hercules in the land of
fire - Ursus in de vuurvallei - Ursus der unbesiegbäre] (1963 - I) - 86 min. - SFE: 2 * - Dir.: Simonelli,
Giorgio - Act.: Fury, Ed; Mori, Claudia - Ill.: Dumont, 2009, p. 622; Fourcart, 2012, p. 125
Ursus nella valle dei leoni [Ursus in the valley of the lions - Son of Atlas in the valley of the lions - Ursus de
leeuwenkoning] (1961 - I) - 91 min. - SFE: 1,5 * - Dir.: Bragaglia, Carlo Ludovico - Act.: Fury, Ed; Orfei,
Ursus, il terrore dei Kirghisi [La terreur des Kirghiz - La vie érotique d'Ursus - Ursus, the terror of the Kirghiz
- Terror of the Kirghiz - Hercules, prisoner of evil - Ursus, de schrik der Kirghisen] (1962 - I) - 86 min. SFE: 1,5 * - Dir.: Margheriti, Antonio; Deodato, Ruggero - Act.: Park, Reg; Manni, Ettore; Fury, Ed;
Granelli, Mireille
Valle dell'eco tonante, La [Maciste et les filles de la vallée - Maciste et la vallée des femmes - The valley of the
resounding echo - Hercules of the desert] (1964 - I) - 90 min. - 1; SFE: 1,5 * - Dir.: Anton, Amerigo
(Boccia, Tanio) - Act.: Morris, Kirk; Chanel, Hélène; Farnese, Alberto; Rozin, Spela; Neri, Rosalba;
Farnese, Alberto
Vendetta di Ercole, La [La vengeance d'Hercule - The vengeance of Hercules - The revenge of Hercules Goliath and the dragon - Die Rache des Herkules] (1960 - I/F) - 88 min. - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Cottafavi,
Vittorio - Act.: Forrest, Mark (Lou Degni); Crawford, Broderick; André, Gaby - Ill.: Solomon, 1978, p.
199; Solomon, 2001, fig. 204; Dumont, 2009, p. 167.170
Vendetta di Ursus, La [The mighty warrior] (1961 - I) - 88 min. - SFE: 1,5 * - Dir.: Capuano, Luigi - Act.:
Burke, Samson; Guida, Wandisa; Lorenzon, Livio - Ill.: Aziza, 1998, p. 11; Dumont, 2009, p. 623
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Vendicatore dei Mayas, Il [Ercole contro il gigante Golia - Maciste avenger of the Mayas - Maciste le vengeur
du dieu maya] (1965 - I) - 84 min. - SFE: 1 * - Dir.: Malatesta, Guido - Act.: Morris, Kirk; Paoli, Luciana;
Loy, Barbara; Marin, Luciano; Gomez, Lucie
Warlords of Atlantis [Seven cities of Atlantis - Les 7 cités d'Atlantis - Atlantis, de verzonken stad] (1978 UK/USA) - 96 min. - SFE: 2,5 * - Dir.: Connor, Kevin - Act.: McClure, Doug
Warrior's husband, The [L'Amazone et son mari] (1933 - USA) - BW - Dir.: Lang, Walter - Prod.: Lasky, Jesse
L.; Fox - Act.: Rambeau, Marjorie; Manners, David; Landi, Elissa; Belmore, Lionel; Standford, Tiny - Ill.:
Dumont, 2009, p. 152
Wonder Woman (2009 - USA) - 75 min. - Cartoon film - Dir.: Montgomery, Lauren - Act.: Russell, Keri
(voice) - Adaptation of Pérez, George, Wonder Woman. Gods and mortals (comic series) (1987)
Xena. Warrior princess (1, 1 - 6, 22) (1995-2001 - USA/NZ) - 60x134 min. - Television series (134 episodes) 2,5 * - Act.: Lawless, Lucy; O'Connor, Renée
Young Hercules (1998 - USA/NZ) - 86 min. - Video film - Dir.: Scott, T. J. - Act.: Bohen, Ian; Conrad, Chris
Young Hercules (1998 - USA) - 30x50 = 1500 min. - Television series (50 episodes) - Dir.: Graves, Chris;
Haskell, Charlie
Zorro contro Maciste [Zorro vs Maciste - Samson and the slave queen - Maciste contre Zorro - Zorro gegen
Maciste] (1963 - I/E) - 86 min. - 1,5; SFE: 1,5 * - Dir.: Lenzi, Umberto - Act.: Brice, Pierre; Steel, Alan;
Grazia Spina, Maria; Orfei, Moira; Serato, Massimo - Ill.: Fourcart, 2012, p. 55
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8. Verwijzingen naar de oudheid
Het aantal films waarin gealludeerd wordt op de oudheid zonder dat het thema van de
film als zodanig expliciete banden heeft met die oudheid, is enorm. In mijn bestand bevinden
zich reeds niet minder dan 3542 dergelijke films en dan gaat het nog voornamelijk slechts
om films die de laatste twintig jaren zijn uitgekomen. Deze allusies bestrijken de
verschillende perioden [Prehistorie: 151; Oosterse wereld: 688; Egypte: 678; Griekse wereld:
1565; Grieks: 721; Romeinse wereld: 1067; Latijn: 1069; Bijbel: 894], maar een verdere
analyse is hier niet op zijn plaats.
De lijst van allusies geeft een mooie indicatie van het aantal en de aard van
verwijzingen naar het verleden die enerzijds leven bij de filmmakers en waarvan anderzijds
verwacht wordt dat het publiek ze onmiddellijk begrijpt zonder verdere uitleg, met andere
woorden: het 'Nachleben' van de oudheid in actie.