Internship project
supervisor(s): name
and contact details
Short description
internship project
ALM and Intergenerational Solidarity
Research area
meso, finance
For students in
EFA / Econometrics / ………………………
Organization and
Ortec / Pension Fund Consultancy (PFC)
Supervisor: ing. Jeroen van der Bosch AAG and drs. Nicole van
der Zee
Description: One of the reasons of existence of pension funds is
that they accommodate risk sharing between generations. Because
the Dutch (second pillar) pension system is a system in which
participants pay now to save for benefit payments in the future, by
means of additional contributions, younger generations can help
older generations. The other way around, older generations can
help younger generations by giving up parts of the indexation
compensation of their pension rights. In the past years, research
effort has been put into quantifying the “value” of this type of
solidarity. Furthermore, there are a number of developments in our
society that put pressure on this type of solidarity. One of these is
the rise of (collective) defined contribution schemes which transfer
all the risk (but also the returns) onto the individuals. The objective
of this project is to build on the research done on the value of the
intergenerational solidarity and to place this in the light of recent
social developments.
Background information:
Boender, C.G.E., S. van Hoogdalem, R.M.A. Jansweijer en E. van
Lochem (2000),
“Intergenerationele Solidariteit en Individualiteit in de Tweede
Pensioenpijler: Een Scenario-Analyse”, Wetenschappelijke Raad
voor het Regeringsbeleid, Den Haag, rapport 114.
Boender, C.G.E., A.L. Bovenberg, S. van Hoogdalem and T.E.
Nijman (2007), “Optimal risk-sharing in private and collective
pension contracts”, in Costs and Benefits of Collective Pension
Systems, edited by O.W. Steenbeek and S.G. van der Lecq, 2007.