11/6/2014 Impact van Genomics in de VS Albert Reurink (Accelerated Genetics) met dank aan Kent Weigel genetic advisor NAAB, Prof University Wisconsin, Madison Structuur fokwaarde schatting US Gebruik genomics Effect op structuur fokprogramma’s Nieuwe mogelijkheden Internationale kansen 25th NAAB Technical Conference 25th NAAB Technical Conference Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding (CDCB) Structure National Association of Animal Breeders (NAAB) Dairy Record Processing Centers Added to CDCB in 2012 Certified Semen Services A.I. Stations DRMS National Dairy Herd Information Association (NDHIA) Ag Source AgriTech Purebred Dairy Cattle Association Holstein Ayrshire Jersey Quality Certification Services 25th NAAB Technical Conference Provo Guernsey Milking Shorthorn Brown Swiss R&W Holstein 25th NAAB Technical Conference U.S. Federal Government Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding 12 voting Board Members and up to 2 non-voting Allied Industry Advisory Board Members November 11, 2012 United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Agriculture Research Service (ARS) NAAB DRPs DRPCs PDCA (3) (3) (3) (3) Allied Industry (2) Nonvoting Animal Improvement Programs Laboratory (AIPL) Bovine Functional Genomic Laboratory (BFGL) Animal Genomics and Improvement Laboratory (AGIL 2014) Animal Improvement Program (AIP within AGIL) 25th NAAB Technical Conference 25th NAAB Technical Conference 1 11/6/2014 Waarom OVEREENKOMST • March 2013, CDCB 5 jaar afspraak met US overheid onderzoeks afdeling • Voor Genomics fokwaardeschattingen meer service nodig en • CDCB bekostigt en levert service aan de berekening en distributie van fokwaarden richting de verschillende gebruikers groepen • Genomics hebben meer phenotype data nodig, niet minder • AIP binnen AGIL voert onderzoek uit en levert nieuwe en up todate statistische algoritmes grotere investeringen in reken capaciteit • Lange termijn financiele en personeels continuiteit • Database op USDA niveau (open/onafhankelijk) 25th NAAB Technical Conference Round-Oak Rag Apple Elevation (part of chromosome 1) Cooperative Dairy DNA Repository 1000111220020012111011112111101111001121100020122002220111 1202101200211122110021112001111001011011010220011002201101 1200201101020222121122102010011100011220221222112021120120 2010020220200002110001120201122111211102201111000021220200 0221012020002211220111012100111211102112110020102100022000 2201000201100002202211022112101121110122220012112122200200 0200202020122211002222222002212111121002111120011011101120 0202220001112011010211121211102022100211201211001111102111 2110211122000101101110202200221110102011121111011202102102 1211011022122001211011211012022011002220021002110001110021 1021101110002220020221212110002220102002222121221121112002 0110202001222222112212021211210110012110110200220002001002 0001111011001211021212111201010121202210101011111021102112 2111111212111210110120011111021111011111220121012121101022 202021211222120222002121210121210201100111222121101 National Genetic Evaluation Program USJersey Open karakter • Iedereen kan een genomic fokwaarde ontvangen tegen een redelijke ‘participatie prijs’ Rate code Kind of participation Female fee $ Initial male fee $ AI Service male fee $ 1 Total program 0 20 800 2 member 2 30 800 3 Non-member 5 200 800 4 Canada 8 200 800 5 Approved partners 10 20 800 6 All others 10 200 1600 25th NAAB Technical Conference 2 11/6/2014 Pre-Genomics Progeny Testing in the USA Animal genotypes in the CDCB Cooperator Database Jan 2009 through Sept. 2014 No. Bulls Tested in 2006 Ayrshire 6 Brown Swiss 27 Guernsey 14 Holstein 1,329 Jersey 136 Milking Shorthorn 3 Breed AY BS HO JE Total % Female Male Total 2,174 1,283 3,457 2,652 14,876 17,528 485,019 108,290 593,309 67,308 12,414 79,722 557,153 136,863 694,016 80.28 19.72 Percent 0.50 2.53 85.49 11.49 25th NAAB Technical Conference Genomic PTA (GPTA) for a Young Calf Reference Population of Older Animals + 10120001120222 …. Gain in Reliability due to Genomics Estimated SNP Effects = We are essentially “buying reliability” early in life, instead of waiting for phenotypes to be measured Calf with Genotype (and corrected or discovered parentage) Gain in Reliability due to Genomics Trait Final score Stature Dairy form Rump angle Rump width Feed and legs Fore udder attachment Rear udder height Udder depth Udder cleft Front teat placement Teat length Bias* 0.1 −0.2 −0.2 0.0 −0.2 0.2 −0.2 −0.1 −0.3 −0.2 −0.2 −0.1 Reliability (%) 58.8 68.5 71.8 70.2 65.0 44.0 70.4 59.4 75.3 62.1 69.9 66.7 Reliability gain (%) 22.7 30.6 34.5 34.7 28.1 12.8 33.1 22.2 37.7 25.1 32.6 29.4 Overall Adoption of Genomic Testing 2013 deregressed PTA vs. 2009 genomic PTA for US Holstein bulls 3 11/6/2014 Industry Use of Genomic Young Sires Flow of Genomic Information Dairy Herd Improvement (DHI) producer Holstein AI organization, breed association DNA laboratory Jersey % Breedings to Genotyped Bulls < 4 Years of Age % Breedings to Ungenotyped Bulls < 4 years of age 2007 0 28 2014 30-70 0 2007 0 25 2014 30-70 0 Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding (CDCB) Cole, 2014 Average Merit of Holstein AI Bulls Hutchison, Cole, and Bickhart, 2013 Dynamiek van de KI fokpogramma’s is veranderd Elite vrouwelijke dieren worden duur verkocht Cole, 2014 Impact on Generation Interval for Males Bull A is born and is selected based on his EBV. Traditional AI breeding program (before genomics) 0 yr Progeny of Bull A are born Generation Interval = 63 mo 1 yr 3 mo 2 yr 4 yr 4 yr 6 mo Progeny of Bull A calve Sons of Bull B are born Sons of Bull A are born Grandsons of Bull B born . 5 yr 3 mo Milk Production data from progeny of Bull B are available to calculate his EBV 0 yr 1 yr Bull B reaches sexual maturity and is used as a sire of sons 1 yr 9 mo Generation Interval = 21 mo 2 yr 9 mo Sons of Bull B reach sexual maturity and are used as sires of sons 3 yr 6 mo Great grandsons of Bull B are born . . Aggressive AI breeding program (after genomics) Impact on Generation Interval . Bull A is progeny tested. Bull B is born and selected based on GEBV. Milk production data from progeny of Bull A are available to calculate his EBV. Bull A is used as sire of sons. 4 yr 6 mo 5y 3 mo Grand-sons of Bull B reach sexual maturity and are used as sire of sons Schefers and Weigel, 2012 Van Tassell, 2013 4 11/6/2014 Effecten voor de KI fokprogramma’s Nieuwe commerciele dynamiek fokprogramma’s Naar jonge stieren meer vraag, maar ze produceren lager aantal rietjes per jaar Eerste sperma van elite jonge stieren verkocht voor erg hoge Traditionele groeps huisvesting voor wachtstieren verandert in complete individuele huisvesting prijzen: 500 – 1000 dollar Nog steeds grote vraag voor oudere stieren, met dochter fokwaarden Silver, Supershot, 1stClass, and Ocean PP as examples (voor) selectie van grote aantallen stieren bij fokkers 95% van jonge stieren stammen af van jonge stieren (zonder dochters) Nieuwe balance in samenwerking tussen fokkers en fokprogramma’s Beloning for KI programma en fokker Fokkers zien investeerders geld komen met eis voor Rendement Ki programma’s investeren in vrouwelijke dieren, met dynamiek voor omvang, risico en vooruitgang, binnen financiele randvoorwaarden. Continue genetica uitwisseling tussen fokprogramma’s ET, IVF etc, versnellen kansen voor het verkorten van generatie interval Number of Genotyped Jerseys Adoption of Low-Density Genotyping Genotype Imputation Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 3K Your brain does this after learning a language 50K Imputation algorithms do this with 99% accuracy after Chip Type Males learning what haplotypes exist in cows and bulls of the same breed that have been tested with a more expensive chip Females Tracking Inheritance using SNPs Results from the UW-Madison Herd Cole, 2013 Hoffman, Fjarlie, Vanderwerff, and Weigel, 2013 5 11/6/2014 Strategies for Genotyping Females Strategies for Genotyping Females Test the whole herd Test the whole herd Test potentially elite animals for marketing Test potentially elite animals for marketing Test potentially inferior animals for culling Test potentially inferior animals for culling Test animals that are “on the bubble” Test animals that are “on the bubble” Genomic Stier advies programma Selection for New Traits (feed efficiency) 2008 (using progeny testing) 2013 (using genomics) Cost of measuring phenotype = $200 per cow Cost of measuring phenotype = $200 per cow Progeny test population = 1,500 bulls x 100 daughters per bull = 150,000 cows per year Cost of genomic testing = $100 per animal (less with imputation) Total cost = $30 million per year $20,000 per progeny tested bull Reference population = 20,000 cows + 2,000 new cows per year Selection candidates = 5,000 young bulls per year Total cost = $1.37 million per year Based on 1,017 genotyped Jerseys born from 2005-2009 Selection for New Traits (feed efficiency) $275 per genome tested bull Internationale samenwerking Wetenschappelijk, politiek en commercieel debat over de internationale uitwisseling van SNP’s of Genomic Mace SNP uitwisseling geven een meer nauwkeurige schatting van de benodigde ‘outliers’ in de deelnemende populaties SNP uitwisseling zal genetische vooruitgang versnellen US welcomes snip exchange as next level international cooperation 6 11/6/2014 Samenvatting Deelname in genomic selectie in de VS is uitgebreid en de informatie is publiek THANK YOU! Structuur fokwaardeschatting is open en transparant Conituniteit van gegevensverzameling in de praktijk nog meer relevant Fokprogramma’s zijn qua structuur en dynamiek verandert Kansen voor vrouwelijke selectie binnen bedrijven, genomic paringsadvies en meer kansen voor nieuwe kenmerken Uitdaging en grote kans voor grote global database via uitwisseling van snips voor internationale fokwaardeschatting. 7
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