27 & 28 March 2014 ANNOUNCEMENT 20 14 Update@ kempenhaeghe.nl Epilepsy Sleep Neurocognition 16th annual international clinical symposium Kempenhaeghe Diagnostic and therapeutic advances 27 & 28 March 2014 ANNOUNCEMENT 20 14 Update@ kempenhaeghe.nl Epilepsy Sleep Neurocognition 16th annual international clinical symposium Kempenhaeghe Dear colleagues, The 16th edition of the annual international clinical symposium ‘[email protected]’ will take place on Thursday 27 March and Friday 28 March 2014 in Heeze, The Netherlands. Over the past decade and a half, this symposium has become a major international scientific event in the Low Countries, hosting over 650 delegates in 2013. This year the focus will be on diagnostic and therapeutical advances. During state-of-the-art main sessions, workshops and parallel sessions, recent progress in the diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy, sleep disorders and cognitive dysfunction will be discussed. A distinguished national and international faculty guarantees a high quality of presentations and content covering best clinical practice, results of the latest scientific research and illustrative cases. The main sponsor of the symposium is UCB Pharma. The parallel sessions of the sleep update are sponsored by BASS and NSWO. On behalf of the scientific and organizing committee we warmly invite you to the 16th annual international clinical symposium ‘[email protected]’ and hope to personally welcoming you at Kempenhaeghe. With best regards, prof. dr. Paul Boon prof. dr. Bert Aldenkamp director of Research & Development Kempenhaeghe professor of neurology Ghent University Hospital secretary of Research & Development Kempenhaeghe professor of epilepsy and neuropsychology Maastricht University Medical Center professor of cognition and imaging in epilepsy Eindhoven University of Technology SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE prof. dr. Bert Aldenkamp prof. dr. Johan Arends prof. dr. ir. Jan Bergmans Albert Colon prof. dr. Paul Boon dr. Laura Gottmer – Welschen dr. Jos Hendriksen dr. Bert Kleine dr. Anton de Louw dr. Marian Majoie prof. dr. Robert van Oostenbrugge dr. Sebastiaan Overeem prof. dr. Dirk Pevernagie dr. Jurgen Schelhaas prof. dr. Hans Vles F R I D AY 2 8 M A R C H 2 0 1 4 Main Sessions Epilepsy & Sleep 09.00 - 09.30 WELCOME AND REGISTRATION MAIN SESSION EPILEPSY 09.30 - 12.30 UPDATE ON MANAGEMENT Chairs: prof. dr. Paul Boon, prof. dr. Bert Aldenkamp Seizures in patients with infarcts and bleeds Cognitive side effects of anti-epileptic treatments Non-cognitive side effects of epilepsy therapies Enzyme-inducing versus non-enzyme inducing AEDs How do you optimize AED treatment? Super-refractory status epilepticus 12.30 – 14.30 dr. Veerle De Herdt prof. dr. Simon Shorvon prof. dr. Christoph Helmstaedter prof. dr. Margitta Seeck prof. dr. Tony Marson prof. dr. Philippe Ryvlin prof. dr. Eugen Trinka LUNCH AT HEEZE CASTLE MAIN SESSION SLEEP 14.30 - 17.00 SLEEP MEDICINE AND SLEEP RESEARCH: YEAR IN REVIEW Chair: prof. dr. Dirk Pevernagie, dr. Sebastiaan Overeem New diagnostic techniques for sleep-disordered breathing What moves in restless legs syndrome Advances in our understanding of insomnia Sleep and the biological clock: an update Pediatric sleep medicine coming of age dr. Johan Verbraecken prof. dr. Janprof. Hedner dr. Roselyne Rijsman prof. dr. Eus van Someren prof. dr. Tom de Boer Nele Vandenbussche FRIDAY 28 MARCH 2014 Parallel Sessions Epilepsy PARALLEL SESSION 1 EPILEPSY (session in Dutch) 14.30 - 16.30 THE HEART AND BRAIN CONNECTION Chairs: prof. dr. Paul Boon, dr. Bert Kleine SUDEP epidemiology SUDEP in monitoring units, MORTEMUS study Ictal tachycardia-based VNS, first experience dr. Günter Krämer prof. dr. Philippe Ryvlin prof. dr. Kristl Vonck PARALLEL SESSION 2 EPILEPSY 14.30 - 16.30 THE FIRST FIT, DIAGNOSTIC AND THERAPEUTIC MANAGEMENT Chairs: dr. Anton de Louw, Albert Colon Epidemiology of first seizures Diagnostic tools and therapeutic management for first seizures The organisation of a first fit clinic for both children and adults prof. dr. Tony Marson prof. dr. Margitta Seeck dr. Mariëlle Vlooswijk, Sylvia Klinkenberg PARALLEL SESSION 3 EPILEPSY 14.30 - 16.30 DIAGNOSTIC AND THERAPEUTIC INNOVATIONS IN EPILEPSY Chairs: prof. dr. ir. Jan Bergmans, prof. dr. Johan Arends Teleconsortium, preliminary results of the clinical trial Unconscious emotions rTMS and tDCS in epilepsy Anterior nucleus of the thalamus deep brain stimulation (DBS) prof. dr. Johan Arends prof. dr. Matthias Rauterberg prof. dr. Walter Paulus Louis Wagner PARALLEL SESSION 4 EPILEPSY 14.30 - 17.00 Special cases: What if the cause of epilepsy is not understood? Chairs: dr. Marian Majoie, dr. Jurgen Schelhaas Metabolic diseases and epilepsy. A diagnostic approach The genetic work up in a patient that ‘got to have’ an underlying cause Auto immune antibodies: causes and consequences dr. Judith Verhoeven prof. dr. Joris Veltman, Francesca Snoeijen-Schouwenaars dr. Joost Nicolai, dr. Rob Rouhl FRIDAY 28 MARCH 2014 Parallel Session Neurocognition 09.00 - 09.30 WELCOME AND REGISTRATION prof. dr. Hans Vles PARALLEL SESSION 1 NEUROCOGNITION 09.30 - 12.30 NEUROLOGICAL LEARNING DISABILITIES: MISCELLANEOUS TOPICS ON NEUROCOGNITION AND COMMUNICATION Chairs: prof. dr. Hans Vles, dr. Jos Hendriksen Imaging after stroke: cerebral palsy, cortical reorganisation and language Eye tracking and cognitive functioning Disharmonic intelligence profiles in children with neurological learning disabilities RETT syndrome: cognitive functioning and communication Working memory and language problems Developmental language impairment and neurophysiology dr. Karen Lidzba dr. Johan Pel dr. Jos Hendriksen, prof. dr. Hans Vles dr. Eric Smeets Brigitte Vugs Debby Schrans, Sandra van Abeelen, Sylvia Klinkenberg, Saskia Ebus Parallel Sessions Sleep S PARALLEL SESSION 1 SLEEP 09.30 - 12.30 ORGANIZED BY NSWO Chairs: prof. dr. Robert Poirrier (BASS), dr. Hans Hamburger (NSWO) Programme will soon be published on www.kempenhaeghe.nl PARALLEL SESSION 2 SLEEP 09.30 - 12.30 ORGANIZED BY BASS Programme will soon be published on www.kempenhaeghe.nl Chairs: prof. dr. Robert Poirrier (BASS), dr. Hans Hamburger (NSWO) THURSDAY 27 MARCH 2014 COURSE Advanced Epilepsy Course 12.00 - 13.00 WELCOME AND REGISTRATION (including lunch buffet) (register separately; only open for academic professionals) ADVANCED EPILEPSY COURSE 13.00 - 16.00 COMPREHENSIVE UPDATE ON EPILEPSY MANAGEMENT Chairs: prof. dr. Paul Boon, prof. dr. Bert Aldenkamp Plenary session AED treatment of newly diagnosed focal epilepsy Management of status epilepticus Management of refractory epilepsy Psychogenic non-epileptic seizures prof. dr. Margitta Seeck prof. dr. Eugen Trinka prof. dr. Paul Boon dr. Nynke Bodde Breakup workshops based on cases Challenges in tailoring therapy in newly diagnosed patients Best practices in acute seizures and status epilepticus Epilepsy surgery rounds Non-epileptic seizures, practical management prof. dr. Margitta Seeck prof. dr. Eugen Trinka prof. dr. Paul Boon dr. Nynke Bodde 16.00 - 17.00 ON-SITE VISIT OF KEMPENHAEGHE 27 & 28 March 2014 ANNOUNCEMENT 20 14 Update@ kempenhaeghe.nl Epilepsy Sleep Neurocognition 16th annual international clinical symposium Kempenhaeghe Registration only at www.kempenhaeghe.nl Please register for participation in the symposium ‘[email protected]’ at Kempenhaeghe’s website www.kempenhaeghe.nl. On the website you will find further directions. First you will need to fill out the requested information, then you may choose between the different sessions. Costs Participation in the main and parallel sessions on Friday 28 March 2014 is free. The fee for participants to the Advanced Epilepy Course is € 500,- . Accreditation Accreditation from the Dutch and Belgian neurological accreditation committees and from the societies of physicians for persons with intellectual disabilities (ABC 1), pulmonologists, ENT-physicians, pediatricians, neurosurgeons, clinical neuropsychologists and nurse practitioners has been requested. Poster session A poster session will be organized. You can find information and instructions at www.kempenhaeghe.nl Venue The symposium ‘[email protected]’ will take place at Kempenhaeghe, Sterkselseweg 65, Heeze, The Netherlands. If you have any questions, please contact the communication department of Kempenhaeghe at telephone +31(0) 40 227 92 82 or e-mail [email protected] Kempenhaeghe P.O. Box 61 Sterkselseweg 65 NL- 5590 AB HEEZE T +31 (0)40 227 92 82 E [email protected] W www.kempenhaeghe.nl Faculty Sandra van Abeelen prof. dr. Bert Aldenkamp prof. dr. Johan Arends prof. dr.ir. Jan Bergmans dr. Nynke Bodde prof. dr. Tom de Boer prof. dr. Paul Boon Albert Colon dr. Veerle De Herdt Saskia Ebus prof. dr. Christoph Helmstaedter dr. Jos Hendriksen dr. Bert Kleine Sylvia Klinkenberg dr. Günter Krämer dr. Karen Lidzba dr. Anton de Louw dr. Marian Majoie prof. dr. Tony Marson dr. Joost Nicolai dr. Sebastiaan Overeem prof. dr. Walter Paulus dr. Johan Pel prof. dr. Dirk Pevernagie prof. dr. Matthias Rauterberg dr. Roselyne Rijsman dr. Rob Rouhl prof. dr. Philippe Ryvlin dr. Jurgen Schelhaas Francesca Snoeijen-Schouwenaars Debby Schrans prof. dr. Margitta Seeck dr. Eric Smeets prof. dr. Eus van Someren prof. dr. Eugen Trinka Nele Vandenbussche prof. dr. Joris Veltman prof. dr. Johan Verbraecken dr. Judith Verhoeven prof. dr. Hans Vles dr. Mariëlle Vlooswijk prof. dr. Kristl Vonck Brigitte Vugs Louis Wagner Department of Behavioural Sciences Kempenhaeghe, Oosterhout Academic Center for Epileptology Kempenhaeghe/Maastricht University Medical Center, Heeze and Maastricht; Eindhoven University of Technology; Ghent University Hospital, Belgium Academic Center for Epileptology Kempenhaeghe/Maastricht University Medical Center, Heeze; Eindhoven University of Technology Eindhoven University of Technology Department of Behavioural Sciences Kempenhaeghe, Heeze Leiden University Medical Center Academic Center for Epileptology Kempenhaeghe/Maastricht University Medical Center, Heeze; Ghent University Hospital, Belgium Academic Center for Epileptology Kempenhaeghe/Maastricht University Medical Center, Heeze and Maastricht, The Netherlands Ghent University Hospital, Belgium Academic Center for Epileptology Kempenhaeghe/Maastricht University Medical Center, Heeze University Clinic of Epileptology Bonn, Germany Department of Behavioural Sciences Kempenhaeghe, Heeze Academic Center for Epileptology Kempenhaeghe/Maastricht University Medical Center, Heeze Academic Center for Epileptology Kempenhaeghe/Maastricht University Medical Center, Maastricht Neurocentre Bellevue, Switzerland Universitätsklinik Tübingen, Germany Academic Center for Epileptology Kempenhaeghe/Maastricht University Medical Center, Heeze and Maastricht Academic Center for Epileptology Kempenhaeghe/Maastricht University Medical Center, Heeze and Maastricht University of Liverpool, United Kingdom Academic Center for Epileptology Kempenhaeghe/Maastricht University Medical Center, Maastricht Center for Sleep medicine Kempenhaeghe, Heeze; Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen University of Göttingen Medical School, Germany Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam Center for Sleep medicine Kempenhaeghe, Heeze; Ghent University Hospital, Belgium Eindhoven University of Technology Medical Center Haaglanden, The Hague Academic Center for Epileptology Kempenhaeghe/Maastricht University Medical Center, Maastricht University Hospital of Lyon, France Academic Center for Epileptology Kempenhaeghe/Maastricht University Medical Center, Heeze Center for Epilepsy Care Kempenhaeghe, Heeze, The Netherlands Department of Behavioural Sciences Kempenhaeghe, Heeze Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève, Switzerland Maastricht University Medical Center VU Neuroscience Campus, Amsterdam Epilepsy Service and Monitoring Unit, Medical University Innsbruck, Austria Center for Sleep medicine Kempenhaeghe, Heeze Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen University Hospital of Antwerp, Belgium Academic Center for Epileptology Kempenhaeghe/Maastricht University Medical Center, Heeze Center for Neurological Learning and development disabilities Kempenhaeghe, Heeze; Academic Center for Epileptology, Kempenhaeghe/Maastricht University Medical Center, Maastricht Academic Center for Epileptology, Kempenhaeghe/Maastricht University Medical Center, Maastricht Ghent University Hospital, Belgium Koninklijke Kentalis, Sint-Michielsgestel Academic Center for Epileptology, Kempenhaeghe/Maastricht University Medical Center, Heeze, Maastricht and Oosterhout
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