Consortium ! Supported by the European Commission within the 7th Framework Programme Contacts Nordbiochem Ou, Kuuse, Põlva, 63303 Contact: Mr Vambola Kolbakov Ph: +372 5074524 ! ! ! ! Daithi O’Murchu Marine Research Station, Gearhies, Bantry, Co. Cork Contact: Dr Julie Maguire Ph: +353 27 29180 Stichting Dienst Landbouwkundig Onderzoek - DLO, Bornse Weilanden, 9, Wageningen, 6708 WG Contact: Dr Ana M. Lopez Ph: +31 317481314 Cartron Point Shellfish Ltd., New Quay, Burrin, Co. Clare Contact: Freddie O’Mahony Ph: +353 27 62990 Verf – En Vernisfabrieken Herfst en Helder bv, Utrechtsestraatweg, Rhenen Contact: Hylcke Okkinga Ph: +31 318472020 ! ! Algaplus, Rua António Castilho s/n, Angeja, 3850-405 Contact: Dr Helena Maria Abreu Ph: +351 938799423 Centre d’Etude et de Valorisation des Algues, Presqu’ile de Pen Lan, Pleubian, 6610 Contact: Dr Maud Benoit Ph: +33 296228961 Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental, Rua dos Bragas, n. 289, 4050-123, Porto Contact: Dr Rodrigo Ozorio Ph: +351 223401800 Sleever Technologies, Avenue Arago 15 Zi Le Val, Morangis, 91420 Contact: Dr Pashcal Chapon Ph: +31 169747576 Instituto de Ciências e Tecnologias Agrárias e Agro-Alimentares, Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, s/n, Porto, 4200-465 Contact: Cristina Rocha Vicente Ph: +351 220414873 ! Agrolabo S.p.A, Via Masero 59, Sacramango, 10010 Contact: Anna Maria Palazzo Ph: +39 0125731111 ! Seaweeds from sustainable aquaculture as feedstock for biodegradable bio-plastics 2. Analysis of seaweed biomass and seaweed extracts; 3. Preparation of seaweed biomass fractions; 4. Production of seaweed-based lactic acid; PROJECT AIMS Seabioplas aims to produce biodegradable bio-plastics from sustainably cultured seaweed. The current method of production of bioplastics, is based in natural resources such as corn, sugar and wheat. Using seaweed to produce PLA boasts a number of advantages, including less competition for food resources and reductions in freshwater use and CO2 production. The potential for the use of the seaweed residue by-products in animal feeds will also be evaluated. 5. Applications of the seaweed-based polymers; 6. Valorisation of seaweed by-products; 7. Economic and environmental risk assessment. WHY? ACTIVITIES 1. The production of seaweed using integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA) systems In order to reach the 2020 goal of 10% of market plastics to be bioplastics, there is a need for increased innovation and production of biomass-based, biodegradable plastics. One of the many benefits of using seaweed over land-based natural resources is the substantially higher yield of seaweed species. Terrestrial crop Yield (T/ha) Soy 2.4 Wheat 3.07 Corn 5.14 Potatoes 18.07 Sugar Beet 51.79 Sugar Cane 71.4 Seabioplas solution Seaweed Gracilaria Ulva Alaria Yield - IMTA (Tdw/ha) 80 175 7kg/m²
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