Software Development Interactief Centrum voor gerichte Training en Studie Edisonweg 14c, 1821 BN Alkmaar T: 072 – 511 12 23 Microsoft SharePoint ` Version year SharePoint 2013: Search, Design and Publishing – New • SharePoint 2013: Solutions, Applications and Security – New • SharePoint 2013: Features, Delivery and Development – New • Microsoft SharePoint 2010 for Administrators • SharePoint 2010: Enterprise Content Management • Microsoft SharePoint 2010: Business Processes • Microsoft SharePoint 2010: Web Content Management • Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 for Business Users • Microsoft SharePoint 2010 for Developers 2031 • Exploring SharePoint 2010 2010 • Microsoft SharePoint 2007 for Business Users • Microsoft SharePoint 2007: Portals and Search • Microsoft SharePoint 2007: Business Processes • Microsoft SharePoint 2007: Web Content Management • Microsoft SharePoint 2007 for Administrators • Microsoft SharePoint 2007 for Developers 2007 • Exploring Microsoft SharePoint Server 2007 2007 2013 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2007 2007 2007 2007 KvK nummer: 50627538, BTW nr.: NL822842828B01, ABN AMRO Bank nummer: NL06ABNA058 47 09 080, [email protected] Software Development Interactief Centrum voor gerichte Training en Studie Edisonweg 14c, 1821 BN Alkmaar T: 072 – 511 12 23 Microsoft SQL Server and Business Intelligence Version Year SQL Server 2012: T-SQL Working with Data – New SQL Server 2012: T-SQL Select, Where, Clauses and Tables – New SQL Server 2012: Introduction to T-SQL – New SQL Server 2012: Security Basics SQL Server 2012: Permissions and Data Protection SQL Server 2012: Installing SQL Server 2012: Designing and Creating a database SQL Server 2012: Working with Management Studio SQL Server 2012: A Tour of SQL Server Exploring Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2: What’s New Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Integration Services Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services MicrosoftSQL Server 2008 for Developers SQL Server 2008 Installing Querying Security Exploring Microsoft SQL Server 2008 SQL Server 2005 Integration Services SQL Server 2005: Additional Topics Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services MicrosoftSQL Server 2005 Exploring Microsoft SQL Server 2005 MicrosoftSQL Server 2000 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2008 2008 2008 2005 2008 2008 2008 2005 2005 2008 2005 2005 2005 2000 ASP.NET ` Version Year ASP.NET Using Knockout.js: Getting Started and Observables – New ASP.NET Using Knockout.js: Bindings, JSON and Functions – New ASP.NET Web API Using Visual C# ASP.NET Web API Hosting and Dependency Resolution ASP.NET Web API Model Binding and Media Formats ASP.NET Web API HTTP Pipeline ASP.NET Web API Basics Building ASP.NET MVC 3 Apps Using Visual Studio 2010 HTML5 and CSS3 ASP.NET 4.0 AJAX and jQuery Using Visual Basic 2010 ASP.NET 4.0 AJAX and jQuery Using Visual C# 2010 ASP.NET MVC 2 and 3 Using Visual Basic 2010 ASP.NET MVC 2 and 3 Using Visual C# 2010 N.V.T. N.V.T. N.V.T. N.V.T. N.V.T. N.V.T. N.V.T. 2010 N.V.T. 2010 2010 2010 2010 KvK nummer: 50627538, BTW nr.: NL822842828B01, ABN AMRO Bank nummer: NL06ABNA058 47 09 080, [email protected] Software Development Interactief Centrum voor gerichte Training en Studie Edisonweg 14c, 1821 BN Alkmaar T: 072 – 511 12 23 ASP.NET Using Visual Basic 2010 ASP.NET Using Visual C# 2010 ASP.NET Using Visual Basic 2008 ASP.NET Using Visual C# 2008 Microsoft ASP.NET AJAX Using Visual Basic Microsoft ASP.NET AJAX Using Visual C# ASP.NET Using Visual Basic 2005: Additional Topics ASP.NET Using Visual C# 2005: Additional Topics ASP.NET Using Visual Basic 2005 ASP.NET Using Visual C# 2005 Exploring ASP.NET Using Visual Basic 2005 Exploring ASP.NET Using Visual C# 2005 ASP.NET Using Visual Basic .NET 2003 ASP.NET Using Visual C# .NET 2003 2010 2010 2008 2008 N.V.T. N.V.T. 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2003 2003 MVC Version Year SignalR: Hubs and Custom Data Stream – New SignalR: Persistent Connection – New Building ASP.NET MVC 3 Apps Using Visual Studio 2010 ASP.NET MVC 2 and 3 Using Visual Basic 2010 ASP.NET MVC 2 and 3 Using Visual C# 2010 N.V.T. N.V.T. 2010 2010 2010 Windows 8 (Metro) Style Apps ` Version Version Windows 8 Apps Using XAML: Styles, Sources and Zoom – New Windows 8 Apps Using XAML: Views, Binding and Templates – New Windows 8 Apps Using XAML: Animation – New Windows 8 Apps Using XAML: Brushes – New Windows 8 Apps Using XAML: Shapes – New Windows 8 Apps Using XAML: Bindings – New Windows 8 Apps Using XAML: AppBar and Commands – New Windows 8 Apps Using XAML: Style Controls Windows 8 Apps Using XAML: Creating UI Windows 8 Apps Using XAML: Shares and Searching 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Windows 8 Apps Using XAML: Introduction to Apps Windows 8 Apps Using XAML: Working with Files Getting Started with Windows 8 Apps Using C# and XAML Creating UI for Windows 8 Apps Using C# and XAML Building Windows 8 Apps Using JavaScript and HTML5 Exploring Windows 8 Apps 8 8 8 8 8 8 KvK nummer: 50627538, BTW nr.: NL822842828B01, ABN AMRO Bank nummer: NL06ABNA058 47 09 080, [email protected] Software Development Interactief Centrum voor gerichte Training en Studie Edisonweg 14c, 1821 BN Alkmaar T: 072 – 511 12 23 Visual Basic ` Version Year or number Microsoft Silverlight 5: Data, Binding and Text – New Microsoft Silverlight 5: Controls, Media and Applications – New Object Oriented Programming – New LINQ Using Visual Basic 2010 – New Building ASP.NET MVC 3 Apps Using Visual Studio 2010 Developing Applications with Entity Framework 4.1 Developing Applications Using Visual Basic 2008/2010 Exploring Microsoft Visual Studio LightSwitch ASP.NET 4.0 AJAX and jQuery Using Visual Basic 2010 Learning to Program Using Visual Basic 2010 ASP.NET MVC 2 and 3 Using Visual Basic 2010 Silverlight 4 Using Visual Basic 2010 ASP.NET Using Visual Basic 2010 Windows Presentation Foundation Using Visual Basic 2010 Exploring Visual Studio 2010 Using Visual Basic Microsoft Windows Communication Foundation Using Visual Basic 2008 Developing Applications Using Visual Basic 2008: Enterprise, Mobile, and Security LINQ Using Visual Basic 2008 Learning to Program Using Visual Basic 2008 ASP.NET Using Visual Basic 2008 ASP.NET AJAX Using Visual Basic 2005 Developing Applications Using Visual Basic 2008: What’s New Exploring Visual Studio 2008 Using Visual Basic Windows Workflow Foundation Using Visual Basic 2005 .NET Remoting Using Visual Basic 2005 Building Web Services Using Visual Basic 2005 Advanced Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Using Visual Basic 2005 Visual Basic 2005: Developing Applications Additional Topics ADO.NET Using Visual Basic 2005 Learning to Program in Visual Basic 2005 ASP.NET Using Visual Basic 2005: Additional Topics Visual Basic 2005: Developing Applications Exploring ASP.NET Using Visual Basic 2005 ASP.NET Using Visual Basic 2005 Exploring Visual Basic 2005 Exploring ASP.NET Using Visual Basic 2005 ASP.NET Using Visual Basic .NET 2003 5 5 N.V.T. 2010 2010 4.1 2008/2010 N.V.T. 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2005 2008 2008 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2003 KvK nummer: 50627538, BTW nr.: NL822842828B01, ABN AMRO Bank nummer: NL06ABNA058 47 09 080, [email protected] Software Development Interactief Centrum voor gerichte Training en Studie Edisonweg 14c, 1821 BN Alkmaar T: 072 – 511 12 23 Visual Basic .NET 2003 Introduction to Microsoft .NET 2003 2003 2003 Visual C# Version Year or number PowerShell: Profiles, Custom and Script Cmdlets – New PowerShell: Providers, Items, Remote Scripting – New PowerShell: Variables, Functions, Types and Objects – New PowerShell: Introduction and Scripting – New C# 2012: Language Changes and Updates – New C# 2012: Asynchronous Programming – New C# 2012: Attributes, Reflections and Dynamic – New C# 2012: Visual Studio 2012 IDE – New Microsoft Silverlight 5: Controls, Media and Applications Microsoft Silverlight 5: Data, Binding and Tekst ASP.NET Web API Using Visual C# ASP.NET Web API Hosting and Dependency Resolution • ASP.NET Web API N.V.T. N.V.T. N.V.T. N.V.T. 2012 2012 2012 2012 5 5 N.V.T. N.V.T. Model Binding and Media Formats ` Version Year or Number ASP.NET Web API HTTP Pipeline ASP.NET Web API Basics Object Oriented Programming LINQ Using Visual C# 2010 Building ASP.NET MVC 3 Apps Using Visual Studio 2010 Developing Applications with Entity Framework 4.1 Developing Applications Using Visual C# 2008/2010 Exploring Microsoft Visual Studio LightSwitch ASP.NET 4.0 AJAX and jQuery Using Visual C# 2010 Learning to Program Using Visual C# 2010 ASP.NET MVC 2 and 3 Using Visual C# 2010 Silverlight 4 Using Visual C# 2010 ASP.NET Using Visual C# 2010 Windows Presentation Foundation Using Visual C# 2010 Exploring Visual Studio 2010 Using Visual C# Microsoft Windows Communication Foundation Using Visual C# 2008 Learning to Program in Visual C# 2005 LINQ Using Visual C# 2008 Learning to Program Using Visual C# 2008 N.V.T. N.V.T. N.V.T. 2010 2010 4.1 2008/2010 N.V.T. 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 N.V.T. 2008 2005 2008 2008 KvK nummer: 50627538, BTW nr.: NL822842828B01, ABN AMRO Bank nummer: NL06ABNA058 47 09 080, [email protected] Software Development Interactief Centrum voor gerichte Training en Studie Edisonweg 14c, 1821 BN Alkmaar T: 072 – 511 12 23 Developing Applications Using C# 2008: Enterprise, Mobile, and Security ASP.NET Using Visual C# 2008 ASP.NET AJAX Using Visual C# 2005 Developing Applications Using Visual C# 2008: What’s New Exploring Visual Studio 2008 Using Visual C# ASP.NET Using Visual C# 2005: Additional Topics .NET Remoting Using Visual C# 2005 Windows Workflow Foundation Using Visual C# Advanced Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Using Visual C# 2005 Building Web Services Using Visual C# 2005 Visual C# 2005: Developing Applications Additional Topics ADO.NET Using Visual C# 2005 Visual C# 2005: Developing Applications ASP.NET Using Visual C# 2005 2008 Exploring Visual C# 2005 Exploring ASP.NET Using Visual C# 2005 Visual C# .NET 2003: Learning to Program Visual C# .NET 2003: Developing Applications ASP.NET Using Visual C# .NET 2003 2005 2005 2003 2003 2003 2008 2005 2008 2008 2005 2005 N.V.T. 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 JAVA version JAVA J2EE 2005 J2EE eCommerce Overview (Understanding J2EE Architecture) Intro to Java for Object Oriented Developers Intro to Java for Mainframe Developers Intro to Java for .NET Developers Intro to Java for non-Object Oriented Developers Java Web Services : Implementing Web Service Architecture Rational Application Developer Overview ` KvK nummer: 50627538, BTW nr.: NL822842828B01, ABN AMRO Bank nummer: NL06ABNA058 47 09 080, [email protected] Software Development Interactief Centrum voor gerichte Training en Studie Edisonweg 14c, 1821 BN Alkmaar T: 072 – 511 12 23 JavaScript Version JavaScript 1.8: Objects – New JavaScript 1.8: Web – New JSON: Syntax, Arrays and Nested JSON Data – New JavaScript 1.8: Objects Constructors, Literals and Prototypes – New JavaScript 1.8: Objects, Arrays and Expressions – New JavaScript 1.8: Functions jQuery jQuery: Data and Interactions – New jQuery: Debugging and Graphics – New jQuery UI Using Visual Studio 2012 jQuery UI Using HTML5 jQuery: Events jQuery: DOM jQuery: Selectors jQuery: Fundamentals Additional Courses Version Year or Number Exploring Visual Studio 2010 ALM Tools (formerly Visual Studio Team System) Exploring Microsoft Silverlight 2 Exploring BizTalk Server 2006 Visual Studio 2005 Tools for Microsoft Office Visual Studio Tools for Microsoft Office Second Edition Introduction to Microsoft .NET 2003 2010 2 2006 2005 N.V.T. 2003 Java Development Library Version Java EE Programming: Using AJAX with Spring 3.0 – New Java EE Programming: Web Development with Spring 3.0 – New Java EE Programming: Integrating Hibernate and Spring 3.0 – New Java EE Programming: Hibernate Java EE Programming: Spring 3.0 Java EE Programming: JAX-WS Web Services Java EE Programming: JAX-WS Web Service Controls ` KvK nummer: 50627538, BTW nr.: NL822842828B01, ABN AMRO Bank nummer: NL06ABNA058 47 09 080, [email protected] Software Development Interactief Centrum voor gerichte Training en Studie Edisonweg 14c, 1821 BN Alkmaar T: 072 – 511 12 23 Java EE Programming: AJAX Fundamentals Java EE: AJAX with DWR, DOJO, and Security Java EE: EJB 3.0 in the Enterprise Java EE: EJB 3.0 and JPA Java EE: Servlets, JSP, Security, and JS Faces Java EE: Servlets and JSP Fundamentals Java SE Version Object Oriented Programming – New Java SE Programming: XML, Security, and JUnit Java SE Programming: JDBC, Reflections, and Threading Java SE Programming: Inheritance, Interfaces, and Collections Java SE Programming: Objects, Classes, and Constructors JSE 1.4 Version J2SE 1.4: Java Fundamentals J2SE 1.4: Java Web Development JavaScript Version JavaScript 1.8: Objects – New JavaScript 1.8: Web – New JSON: Syntax, Arrays and Nested JSON Data – New JavaScript 1.8: Objects Constructors, Literals and Prototypes – New JavaScript 1.8: Objects, Arrays and Expressions – New JavaScript 1.8: Functions – New JavaScript 1.8 ` KvK nummer: 50627538, BTW nr.: NL822842828B01, ABN AMRO Bank nummer: NL06ABNA058 47 09 080, [email protected] Software Development Interactief Centrum voor gerichte Training en Studie Edisonweg 14c, 1821 BN Alkmaar T: 072 – 511 12 23 jQuery Version jQuery: Data and Interactions – New jQuery: Debugging and Graphics – New jQuery: Fundamentals jQuery: Selectors jQuery: DOM jQuery: Events jQuery UI Using HTML5 jQuery UI Using Visual Studio 2012 Visual Basic Version Object Oriented Programming – New Visual C# Version Object Oriented Programming – New Mobile Development Library iPhone/iPad Version MonoTouch: iOS 6 PassKit, Coding and Events – New MonoTouch: iOS 6 User Interface – New MonoTouch: iOS 6 Introduction, Social Media and Maps – New iPhone/iPad Development Using Objective-C: Animation – New iPhone/iPad Development Using Objective-C: Gesture Recognizers – New iPhone/iPad Development Using Objective-C: REST and JSON – New iPhone/iPad Development Using MonoTouch 5 iPhone/iPad Advanced Development Using MonoTouch 5 iPhone/iPad Development Using Objective-C Android Version Android Development Using Mono for Android 4 – New Android Advanced Development Using Mono for Android 4 – New The Xamarin Designer for Android – New Android Java Binding Library Project – New ` KvK nummer: 50627538, BTW nr.: NL822842828B01, ABN AMRO Bank nummer: NL06ABNA058 47 09 080, [email protected] Software Development Interactief Centrum voor gerichte Training en Studie Edisonweg 14c, 1821 BN Alkmaar T: 072 – 511 12 23 Android Development Using Mono for Android 1 Android Development Using Eclipse Android Development Using Eclipse: Networking, Web and Databases Android Development Using Eclipse: Graphics, Bluetooth and Tablets Windows Phone 7 Version Windows Phone 7 Advanced Development Using Visual Studio 2010 – New Windows Phone 7 Development Using Visual Studio 2010 Cross Platform Version Xamarin Tools: Mobile Platforms – New Xamarin Tools: Mobile and Web Services – New Xamarin Tools: Solutions and File Linking – New jQuery Mobile Mobile Application Development Using HTML5 Exploring Mobile Development Cloud Computing Library Version Windows Azure 2012: SQL Azure and Websites – New Windows Azure 2012: Azure Data Storage – New Windows Azure 2012: Cloud Services – New Windows Azure 2012: Storage and Services – New Windows Azure 2012: Compute Overview – New Windows Azure 2012: Hello Cloud – New Exploring Microsoft Windows Azure Platform Microsoft SQL Azure Microsoft Windows Azure ` KvK nummer: 50627538, BTW nr.: NL822842828B01, ABN AMRO Bank nummer: NL06ABNA058 47 09 080, [email protected] Software Development Interactief Centrum voor gerichte Training en Studie Edisonweg 14c, 1821 BN Alkmaar T: 072 – 511 12 23 UX Design Library Expression Blend Version Expression Blend Interaction Design: Animation – New Expression Blend Interaction Design: Behaviors & Visual State Manager – New Introduction to Expression Blend – New Windows 8 Design Version UX Design for Windows 8 Apps: Building Apps in Blend – New UX Design for Windows 8 Apps: Building UI in Blend – New UX Design for Windows 8 Apps: Aesthetics and Design – New Design Practices Version Introduction to User Experience (UX) Design – New • Introduction to User Experience (UX) Tools – New ` KvK nummer: 50627538, BTW nr.: NL822842828B01, ABN AMRO Bank nummer: NL06ABNA058 47 09 080, [email protected]
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