Doctoral Seminar on Sustainability Research in the Built Environment

DS²BE - 1
Doctoral Seminar on Sustainability Research in the Built Environment
Wednesday, 19/03/2014
Building C (5th Floor), ULB Solbosch campus, Avenue A. Buyl 87, B-1050 Brussels
Welcome & Introduction
Damien Trigaux (KUL)
Model for the environmental impact assessment of
Andrea Di Maria (KUL)
Environmental Performances of Bricks made from
Stainless Steel Slag: A Life Cycle Assessment Approach
Elke Meex (UH)
Development of a methodology for architects for the
assessment and integration of sustainable material
use from the early design phase
Feed-back & Discussion - Experts comments,
Presenter’s response, including questions from
participants (moderator: Ahmed Z. Khan)
Doctoral Seminar on Sustainability
Research in the Built Environment
Doctoral Seminar on Sustainability
Research in the Built Environment
Given the urgency of addressing climate change and sustainability issues related to the built
environment, the recent proliferation of sustainability research in this regard, and after
discussion with colleagues at various universities, we have evolved a consensus on taking the
initiative of setting up a trial version of sustainability seminars in this semester. Based on the
learning from these 3 seminars, we will further develop the organization and format jointly for
the next year.
In addition to the abovementioned, following are the main aims, objectives and rationale for
this initiative:
§  To organize PhD Seminars as a platform for those PhD researchers whose work engages
the built environment (@ different scale, i.e. from the scale of materials, building elements,
to urban form) in the framework of sustainability.
§  To provide a structured way of providing feedback to ongoing PhDs within partner
universities’ research groups on sustainability, for which no such arrangement exists.
§  By opening it up with a few other partners (research groups working on SBE in other
Universities), these seminars will allow PhD students to exchange viewpoints about
different methodologies, modes of research, case studies, and results.
§  PhDs will receive a valuable feedback not only from their (co)supervisors, peers, but also
from experts from invited partner institutions as well.
§  Increase the visibility of Sustainability research at different scales in different universities
across Belgium, and establish a platform for a productive dialogue on various issues
related to working towards sustainable built environments.
§  Networking for collaboration, combining synergies, and joint preparation for potential local,
regional, National, and EU funded research Projects.
For this trial version (1 session of 2 hrs each in March, April & May 2014), presentations can
cover topics as diverse as, resources, materials, re-cycling / re-use, building elements,
sustainable architecture, drawing lessons from vernacular, bioclimatic design, sustainability
theory, sustainability / environmental assessment at building and neighborhood scales, building
physics, sustainable urbanism, landscape and urban ecology, Water urbanism, retrofitting of
buildings to the built environment, to more methodologically oriented PhDs focusing on issues
related to LCA, I-O, MFA, simulation techniques, to Urban metabolism, industrial ecology,
environmental modeling, land-use change, to BIO-, Integrated-, and Research by-, design, etc.
Three presentations of 20 minutes each, followed by 1 hour of discussion animated by a panel
of experts. The timing is from 1200-1400 hrs, during which sandwiches will be provided.
The presentations should not exceed beyond 10 slides, and preferably be structured to focus
on the following key elements:
The WHAT & WHY of the research? i.e. TOPIC of the research, and its importance
justified through a brief state of the art / literature review (approx. 2 slides);
Clearly defined OBJECTIVE(s) and RESEARCH QUESTIONS? (1-2 slide);
METHODOLOGY (1-2 slides);
Stage of the research, any significant results achieved so far, identification of
problems / bottlenecks that the researcher would like to have answers / feedback on
(1-2 slides).
Université Libre de Bruxelles – BATir (prof. Ahmed Z. Khan, and Prof. Philippe Bouillard) ;
Fac. Arch. (prof. Luisa Moretto; prof. Bernard Deprez, Sebastian Moreno-Vacca) ; IGEAT
(Prof. Wouter Achten, and Prof. Gregory)
Vrij Universiteit Brussels – AE lab (prof. Niels De Temmerman) ; Cartography & GIS (prof.
Frank Canters) ; Hydrology (prof. Marijke Huysman)
K. University of Leuven – Architecture department (Prof. Karen Allacker, Prof. Frank De
U. C. Louvain – LOCI – Architecture et Climat (prof. André De Herde, Arnaud EVRARD,
Geoffrey Van Moeseke); URBA(n) (Prof. Bernard Declève)
Universiteit Antwerpen - Ontwerpwetenschappen / Design Sciences department (Bart
Universiteit Hasselt – Faculteit Architectuur & Kunst (prof. Griet Verbeeck)
Université de Liège – LEMA (prof. Jacques Teller); Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech – Biodiversité
et Paysage (Prof. Jan Bogaert / Prof. Grégory MAHY).
Wednesday 19/03/2014: DS²BE - 1
Wednesday 30/04/2014: DS²BE - 2
Wednesday 21/05/2014: DS²BE - 3
Prof. Ahmed Z. Khan (ULB)
Prof. Philippe Bouillard (ULB)
Prof. Karen Allacker (KUL)
Prof. Niels De Temmerman (VUB)
Prof. Griet Verbeeck (UH)
Prof. Bernard Declève (UCL)
Prof. Luisa Moretto (ULB)
Prof. Wouter Achten (ULB)
Prof. André De Herde (UCL)
Prof. Frank Canters (VUB)
Prof. Jan Bogaert (UL)
prof. Jacques Teller (UL)
Dr. Arnaud EVRARD (UCL)
Prof. Frank De Troyer (KUL)
Prof. Ahmed Z. Khan (ULB)
Prof. Karen Allacker (KUL)
Prof. Niels De Temmerman (VUB)
Prof. Griet Verbeeck (UH)
Dr. Arnaud EVRARD (UCL)
Aristide Athanassiadis (ULB)
Dr. Geoffrey Van Moeseke (UCL)
Dr. André Stephan (ULB)
Dr. Anne Paduart (VUB)
Pieter Herthogs (VUB)
Séverine Hermand (ULB)
Damien Trigaux (KUL)
Philip Stessens (ULB)