Geleidingsstoornissen, bradycardie en PM

Geleidingsstoornissen, bradycardie en PM
Rik Willems
Intraventriculaire geleidingsstoornissen
• QRS-duur ≥ 100 ms
– volledig ≥ 120 ms
– onvolledig 100 - 120 ms
• Rechter bundel
• Linker bundel
• Aspecifiek
DD/ breed QRS
• Geleidingsstoornissen
• Atrioventriculaire extraverbinding (Kentbundel)
• Ventriculair ritme
• Elektrolietenstoornissen
– Hyperkaliëmie
• Hypothermie
• Antiaritmica
– Klasse 1C (flecainide, propafenone)
Linker bundeltakblock
• QRS duur ≥ 120ms
• rS of QS beeld in V1
• Brede positieve QRS complexen met
notching of slurring zonder intiële q in I en V6
– afwezigheid normale septale activatie
• Diagnose van myocardinfarct en
linkerkamerhypertrofie kan niet gesteld
worden !
Rechter bundeltak block
• QRS duur ≥ 120ms
• rSR’ patroon of notched R in V1
– altijd hoge en brede terminale R of R’ ! DD/VT
• Brede S in I en V6
• ST daling en neg T in precordialen
• Diagnose van myocardinfarct blijft mogelijk
omdat de initïele vectoren normaal verlopen
• Geen uitspraak over rechterkamerhypertrofie
DD/ RSR’ in afleiding V1
• • • • • • normale variante bij kinderen en adolescenten
te hoge plaatsing V1
pectus excavatum
“True posterior” infarct
Linker anterior hemiblock
• ECG criteria
– linker as <-30
– kleine q wave in lead I
– diepe S in II en III
Linker posterior hemiblock
• ECG criteria
– Rechter as > +120
– grote S in lead I
– qR in lead II, III en aVF
• Grote R
• Kleine q
Gevorderde geleidingsstoornissen
• Bifasciculair block
• Trifasciculair block
– 1e gr AV block + VRTBT + LAH of LPH
• CAVE: ontstaan van
geleidingstoornissen bij infarct
Het normale geleidingssysteem
Sinus knoop gerelateerde bradycardie
• Sinoatriaal (SA) block
• Sinus arrest
• Sick sinus syndroom (SSS)
Sino-atriale (SA) geleidingsstoornissen
• Minder frequent dan AV
• Moeilijkere diagnose
• Klinische relevantie?
• Ingedeelde in 1st, 2de, and 3de graad,
maar enkel 2degraad SA block is
dedecteerbaar op EKG.
1st graads SA Block
• ECG geeft geen aanwijzing van
activiteit van de sinusknoop, en daarom
niet zichtbaar.
• EFO noodzakelijk voor diagnose, maar
niet klinisch relevant
Type 1 2de graads SA Block
Braunwald's Heart Disease: A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine, 7th ed., 2005.
• Progressive shortening of the PP interval until a pause in
the sinus rhythm appears.
• The pause will be less than the two preceding PP interval.
• The PP interval following the pause is greater than the PP
interval just before the pause.
Type 2 2de graads SA Block
Braunwald's Heart Disease: A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine, 7th ed., 2005.
• Abnormal pauses between 2 sinus P waves
• Length of pause is a multiple of the shortest PP interval
(usually 2x)
• PP interval is otherwise constant.
• DD/ blocked AES!
3de graads SA Block
• Niet te onderscheiden van sinus arrest
op ECG.
• EFO noodzakelijk voor diagnose, maar
niet klinisch relevant
Sinus Aritmie
Braunwald's Heart Disease: A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine, 7th ed., 2005.
• Presence of sinus P waves
• Variation of the PP interval which cannot be attributed to either SA nodal
block or PACs
• When the variations in PP interval occur in phase with respiration, this is
considered to be a normal variant. When they are unrelated to respiration,
they may be caused by the same etiologies leading to sinus bradycardia.
• Characterized by a collection of symptoms and ECG
findings due to chronic dysfunction of the sinoatrial (SA)
– Chronic and severe sinus bradycardia
– Sinus pauses
– Sinus arrhythmia
– Complete sinus arrest
– Progressive development of atrial arrhythmias (aflutter, a-fib, atrial tachycardia)
• Patients are usually elderly and present with
lightheadedness and/or syncope, but it can also manifest
as angina, dyspnea, and palpitations.
• About 50% of people with SSS also display some degree
of dysfunction of the AV node
Sick Sinus Syndrome
Sinus bradycardia (rate of ~43 bpm) with a sinus pause
Etiologie van SSS
More Common
Sinus node firbosis
Atherosclerosis of the
SA artery
Congenital heart
Excessive vagal tone
Less Common
Familial SSS (due to
mutations in SCN5A)
Infiltrative diseases
Lyme disease
Rheumatic fever
Tachycardia-Bradycardia Syndrome
• Common variant of sick sinus syndrome
severe bradycardia alternates with
paroxysmal tachycardias, most often atrial
• There is usually a prolonged pause in the
cardiac rhythm following cessation of the
Tachycardia-Bradycardia Syndrome
Braunwald's Heart Disease: A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine, 7th ed., 2005.
Abrupt termination of atrial flutter with variable AV block,
followed by sinus arrest with a junctional escape beat.
sinusknoop gerelateerde brady
• Enkel spoedeisend zo symptomen van
hypotensie, draaierigheid of
• Atropine 0.04 mg/kg iv
• Sluit onderliggende ischemie uit
• Denk aan intoxicatie en
AV block
• AV Block (relatively common)
– 1st degree AV block: PR > 200 ms
– Type 1 2nd degree AV block
– Type 2 2nd degree AV block
– 3rd degree AV block
Plaats van AV block
supra-his of nodaal
infra-his of subnodaal
Niet invasieve methodes om de plaats van
block te bepalen
– PR interval > 280 ms = supra-his
– Verbreed QRS = infra-his
• interventies
1st Degree AV Block
eigen geen echt block!
The Alan E. Lindsay ECG Learning Center ;
EKG Characteristics:
Prolongation of the PR interval, which is constant
All P waves are conducted
2nd Degree AV Block
Type 1
EKG Characteristics:
Progressive prolongation of the PR interval until a P
wave is not conducted.
As the PR interval prolongs, the RR interval actually
Type 2
EKG Characteristics:
Constant PR interval with intermittent failure to conduct
3rd Degree (Complete) AV Block
EKG Characteristics:
No relationship between P waves and QRS complexes
Relatively constant PP intervals and RR intervals
Greater number of P waves than QRS complexes
Wisselend bundeltakblock
Paroxysmaal AV block
• Na kritische verlenging PP interval
• Lokalisatie is infra-his of subnodaal
• Phase 4 block in conductiesysteem
• Onbetrouwbaar escaperitme
• Paroxysmaal karakter
• Geen duidelijke AV geleidingsstoornissen
Bradycardie afhankelijk block
AV block
• Ernst afhankelijk van localisatie
• Tijdelijke pacemaker
– Syncope
– Hypotensie/Cardiogene shock
– hartfalen
• CAVE ischemie
– Inferior infarct: supra-his
– Anterior infarct: infra-his
• Denk aan intoxicatie en elektrolietenstoornissen
specifieke aandachtspunten
• Atropine 0.5 mg iv/3-5 min
– totale dosis 3 mg
• Isuprel 0.5 - 2 µg/min
– als 1mg in 250 ml gluc 5% is dit 15 ml/u
• Transcutane pacing
– pijnlijk
– misleiding door artefacten op ecg!
Tijdelijke pacing
• Beste acces
– Rechter Vena Jugularis Interna
– Linker Vena Subclavia
• Blinde positionering met “drijvende”
– Fluoroscopie
• Best niet > 72u
PM Code
1st Letter
2nd Letter
Chamber(s) Paced
A = atrium
V = ventricle
D = dual (both atrium
and ventricle)
Chamber(s) Sensed
A = atrium
V = ventricle
D = dual
O = none
3rd Letter
Response to Sensing
I = inhibit
(Demand mode)
T = triggered
D = dual
O = none (Asynch)
Chamber paced
Chamber sensed
Action or response to a sensed event
Tijdelijke pacing
• VOO met hoge output tijdens plaatsing
• Ken uw toestel !
• Dagelijks pacing en sensing drempel
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