UvA FdR conference Duets on International Taxation

Amsterdam Centre for Tax Law
Duets on International
Taxation - Focus on
in Tax Treaties
16 September 2014
Current trends and relationship with
other international agreements
Announcement of the
UvA-IBFD Advanced
Master in International
Tax Law: Policy, Principles
and Practice
Prof. Dr. Dennis Weber (ACTL)
Prof. Dr Stef van Weeghel (ACTL/UvA/ Chair of IFA’s
Permanent Scientific Committee and chairman of the Board
of Trustees of IBFD)
Prof. Dr Pasquale Pistone (IBFD/WU/University of Salerno)
Prof. Dr Frans Vanistendael (KU Leuven)
Limited seats available
Venue: IBFD Auditorium
For more information visit:
actl.uva.nl > news & events
ibfd.org > ibfd-tax-portal > events
IBFD Auditorium
Rietlandpark 301
Visit us at www.ibfd.org
IBFD, Your Portal to Cross-Border Tax Expertise
Prof. Dr Dennis Weber (Director of the ACTL, UvA)
Prof. Dr Pasquale Pistone (Academic Chairman of IBFD)
Prof. Catalina Hoyos (Rosario University)
Prof. Dr Werner Haslehner (University of Luxembourg)
Dr Philip Baker QC (Gray’s Inn)
Prof. Richard Vann (University of Sydney)
Prof. Dr Otto Marres (ACTL/UvA)
Prof. Dr Danil V. Vinnitskiy (Ural State Law University)
Bruno da Silva (ACTL/UvA)
Dr Joanna Wheeler (IBFD/ACTL/UvA)
Dr Kasper Dziurdz (WU)
Prof. Dr Yariv Brauner (University of Florida/IBFD)
Prof. Dr Peter Wattel (ACTL/UvA)
Prof. Dr Frans Vanistendael (KU Leuven)
Dr Robert Attard (University of Malta)
Prof. Guglielmo Maisto (Univ. Cattolica Sacro Cuore/Maisto & Associati)
Conference programme
Venue: IBFD Auditorium
Rietlandpark 301, 1019 DW Amsterdam
08.30 - 09.00
09.00 - 09.15
Chairs: Prof. Dr Dennis Weber (Director of the ACTL/UvA) and Prof. Dr Pasquale Pistone
(Academic Chairman of IBFD)
09.15 - 11.00
Panel 1: Non-Discrimination in Tax Treaties - Arts. 24(1) and (3) OECD MC
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Dennis Weber (ACTL/UvA)
Arts. 24(1) and (3):
-Nationality; Prof. Catalina Hoyos (Rosario University - Bogotá) and Prof. Dr Werner Haslehner
(University of Luxembourg)
Permanent establishments; Dr Philip Baker QC (Gray’s Inn) and Prof. Richard Vann
(University of Sydney)
11.00 - 11.30
Coffee Break
11.30 - 13.00
Panel 2: Non-Discrimination in Tax Treaties - Arts. 24(4) and (5) OECD MC
Moderator: Prof. Dr Stef Van Weeghel (ACTL/UvA/ Chair of IFA’s Permanent Scientific
Committee and chairman of the Board of Trustees of IBFD)
Arts. 24(4) and (5):
-Deductibility; Prof. Dr Otto Marres (ACTL/UvA) and Prof. Dr Danil V. Vinnitskiy (Ural State
Law University - Ekaterinburg)
- Foreign ownership; Bruno da Silva (ACTL/UvA) and Dr Joanna Wheeler (IBFD/ACTL/UvA)
13.00 - 14.30
Lunch Break
14.30 - 17.00
Panel 3: Non-Discrimination Clauses in Other International Agreements
Moderator: Prof. Dr Pasquale Pistone (IBFD/WU/University of Salerno)
In trade agreements; Dr Kasper Dziurdz (WU) and Prof. Dr Yariv Brauner (University of Florida IBFD Prof. in residence)
In European Union law; Prof. Dr Peter Wattel (ACTL/UvA) and Prof. Dr Frans Vanistendael
(KU Leuven)
In the ECHR; Dr Robert Attard (University of Malta) and Prof. Guglielmo Maisto (University
Cattolica Sacro Cuore/Maisto & Associati)
17.00 - 17.30
Non-Discrimination: the Way Forward (Conclusions)
Moderator: Prof. Dr Frans Vanistendael (KU Leuven)
Speakers: Prof. Dr Pasquale Pistone (IBFD/WU/University of Salerno) and Prof. Dr Dennis Weber
17.30 - 18.00
Why a New LLM in International Taxation?
Presentation: Prof. Dr Pasquale Pistone (IBFD/WU/University of Salerno) and Dr Joanna Wheeler
Final comments: Prof. Dr Stef van Weeghel (ACTL/UvA/PwC)
General information
Register now!
This conference is part of a co-operation between IBFD (ibfd.org) and the University of Amsterdam
(UvA). The UvA is participating through its Amsterdam Centre for Tax Law (ACTL actl.uva.nl),
part of the Faculty of Law.
Participation in the seminar is free, but is restricted in number by the capacity of the venue. Registration is
required before 15 August. Your registration is completed only when you receive the confirmation email.
We recommend you to book your accommodation in advance.