qq 9. Christus factus est (Cbrist ltccante obedient unto deatb) Gradual for Maundy Tlrursday* Translation by John Ruttcr ANTON BRUCKNE,I{ (1824-96]' Moderato rnisterioso *t' +P SOPRANO Chri stus Chist be fa - ctus est pro canle o - be-dient no utI. - oo- bis death: to "f P Chri StUS Christ be 4'111 fa - ctus est pro cailte o- be-díent t/n - to di-ens, bis death: o -be -be di-ens, dí - ent, o -be -be di-ens, ,f P Chri STUS Christ be fa - ctus est pro cante o - be-díent un-to o P t--. Chri Chist be be - o --==- -LP - bis death: no stus be fa - ctus est pro cante o - be-dient o - bc- di-ens, di-ens, o dí-ent, (t- o - _----' bis o death: () no be- di-eut, o- bc o- be- -f di -ens, dím. senlpre o-be dí- ent, o- be dim- o - be-di-ens, o - be- di-ent, di-ens, di-ent, oo- Philippians 2: Press be be be be dim/ l\ \A) | J. < J J | 8,9 @ Oxford Universiry serupre, dim. sempre ),l ; r oo- o - be-di-ens, o - be- di-ent, -f Photocopying copyright material is illegal. o di-ent, sempre ttdr1 dí-ent, o Bruckncr: Christus factus cst din. \___./, - ens u -sque ad - ent, o - be-díent Ilp _===:= - mor un - to -f ens u - sque ad mor be - dient utl - to - ent, o IZP - --==.:- ens u - sque ad mor be - dient un - to _====__ Ílp - ens u - sque ad -ent) o - be-dient mor un- e- : on death, cross. w e - aen au tem_ death- up mor - tem au - teme - Den death- uP poco a poco cresc. Pro - pter quod et - fore God hath F Poco a Poco cresc. Where -_/ Pro - pter quod etDe-us - fore God hath cho P Poco a Poco cresc. Cru on lYhere PP ---- Pro - pter quod et cru -on Where - fore God hath poco a poco cresc. PP the ---__='--l dím. _f crs. the up au - tem uefl death up mor - tem tem, death, F cru tem mor - tenl tem) death, [em, to au death dím. J - ent, o - - tenr e - aen n10r - tem) death, cis. cross. Pro Where - pter quod et fore God hath sen US sen 69 70 Bruckner: Christus factus est ryf CX him to be- pro - pter quod et - fore God hath il - lum, alt - ed, vitex - al - ta - Poco a Poco cresc. nyf "f -us - sen De cho u;here Poco a Poco cresc. pro - pter quod et - fore God hath vlt where ex ,n1f Poco a Poco cresc. ex hím-f alto ta vit be ex il - lum, pro - pter alt - ed, zaherc - fore quodGod- et hath r-: -us - sen De cho -f alto ta vlt be ex il - lum, - ed, pro - pter alr zuhere -Jore quod et De - us God hath cho - sen I nlf CX him - ta - vitto be- ex al il - lum et ah- hh ed; de-ditil-li "f Name ri ----/ -men, Fa-ther, no the il - lum ah - ed; CX him -tf et hb de-ditil-li Name * oí the no -men, Fa - ther, P, al- ta - vit et ex his him- tn be de - dit Name ri -men, Fa-ther, no Íf1; ex hím- et de - dit il- his Nante à of li the "f "fr ex . Poco a Poco cresc. et de - dit hís Name *f et li the rs de - dit il his Name ts of- ,nf, al-ta - vit rc bc ex il - lunr alt - ed; ct his dc - dit Nanrc is no -menr Fa- ther, et de - dit it hís Name ls of li_ the- i Bruckner: Christus factus F Poco a Poco cresc. quod est zahhh F est 7l is \_/ su high Poco a Poco cresc- -vt+-./ no - men) quod est Fa - ther, zahich is "------l SU quod zt:hich poco a poco cresc. quod = est is est su high SU which k high U = = quod est which is ff quod su-per o high - -mne all er than su-per o -mne high - er than all per mne_ er, than all est is su - o high - hígh A quod est su - per u:hích is high - er, no-men, o - ther, >> "tf - ^A znhich -ff su high fÍ no -men, quod o - ther, whih high - p, o high F,,--SU o mne_ high - er .than all PP o high - mne- er than all quod esr tthi.h ,nf is - quod whích P poco a poco cresc. o - mne_ than- all- PeÍt êfs -f cresc. |--------' \-' SU high o than quod mne_ all- p '----.. uhich poco a poco cresc. /. su hísh - F mne all Poco a poco cresc. su high esr is ,!1. Bruckner: Christus factus est 53 1f cresc' su - per hígh - er o-mne than aA o - per_ er- SU slesc- su - per_ - ercresc- su - mne a\l- o - o -mne than all /\/\ ffi: A ther, ^^ su - per rhan o all 9 su - per o than all o L^ quod est high - er no - men, o - o A quod est high - er ther, lïn er frf" ,{ no - men) n per hígh o - thet", o-mne than all- o all - quod est high - er no - men) ff su - per - er than ítï+lAA ^ JJA /?\ hígh 1f o than high ther, -ffn hígh quod est no - men, cresc. 1f 73 .A 1.----._.......--_ su -per than all o - a'=.-.-._-- n I o I l 6t .- p dim. ^:1-\ q no-menro-mne hígh - er thandím. ^ p all o - mne than- all no - men, high - er o - mne thanall men, er - - men, uod est ther, tthich P---=: -PP - men, no o-ther, o -mne than all quod whirh .- no o- - p --= dim. high U no o - --< no - men, high - er ^ dim. F no p est is su high quod whbh men, -ther, pp, -o no - men) quod- ther. u;hich- est zi SU hígh est is su hígh is 74 Bruckner: Christus factus cst 69 wp o- mne no allo- quod u:hich - men, than poco a poco cresc. ther, dim. PpP Gradtr Englis est zi Poco a Poco cresc. SOPRA quod zrhich noo- -er dim. - - per -er quod- mne all- whích- PW dím. - per -er o mne than all noo- est su - per, zi = high - €r, wP poco a poco cresc. poco a poco cresc. - per -er quod zuhich mne_ all- (í" rehea: onl ITIDe er - 1 O than- per mne all no o mne -er all o SU o high - high o high men. than- ther. mne all no o- -------;--.-.-\ " Psalnr O o*t
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