5/11/2014 BELGIAN CONSENSUS MEETING on TRAVEL MEDICINE June 20, 2014 Belgian Scientific Study Group on Travel Medicine PART 2 Pr. A. Van Gompel (ITG) Pr. F. Jacobs (Hôp. Erasme, ULB) Pr. P. Lacor (UZ-Brussel) Dr. Ph. Leonard (CHU-ULg) Pr. W. Peetermans (U.Z. - K.U.Leuven) Pr. S. Callens(UZ.- U.Gent) Dr. S.Quoilin (iph.fgov.be) Dr.P. Soentjens (Belgian Defence) Pr. B. Vandercam (CHU. St. Luc, UCL) Pr. Y. Van Laethem (CHU. St. Pierre, ULB) version 05/11/2014 1 5/11/2014 2014 REPORT BELGIAN CONSENSUS MEETING on TRAVEL MEDICINE June 20, 2014 – PART 2 • The consensus meeting was chaired by A. Van Gompel • Secretary of the meeting was Y, Van Laethem • A preliminary PowerPoint, prepared by A. Van Gompel, was presented • The discussion and recommendations of the meeting are included in this finale presentation. • The ESSENTIAL SLIDES (pdf-version) & the CONSENSUS BROCHURE (in Dutch and French) highlighting the proposals for changes will been sent to all participants. May be used for teaching. • These documents will serve as a proposal for approval by the governmental Belgian Health Council – section Vaccinations, on 26-06-2014 • Responsable final redaction : A. Van Gompel 2014 PART 1 • 1.a - Vaccination for Yellow Fever • 1.b - Malaria PART 2 • 2.A - Other vaccinations • 2.B - TD, other infections, …., • 2.C - VARIA 2 5/11/2014 2014 Basic Vaccinations - Tetanus-diphteria-pertussis - Poliomyelitis - Measles mumps rubella 2014 Tetanus-Diphtheria-Pertussis 3 5/11/2014 2014 Medasso / ITG Gezondheidsadviezen voor reizigers Uitgave 2014-2015 Medasso / IMT Conseils de santé pour voyageurs Edition 2012-2013 2014 Medasso / ITG Gezondheidsadviezen voor reizigers Uitgave 2014-2015 Medasso / IMT Conseils de santé pour voyageurs Edition 2012-2013 4 5/11/2014 2014 5 5/11/2014 2014 2014 Primovaccinatie met dTp(a) ? In de bijsluiter wordt de primovaccinatie met het dTp(a)-vaccin niet vermeld. Ook de aanbeveling van de Hoge Gezondheidsraad vermelden daarover niets. Een studie uit 2007 onderzocht bij volwassenen ouder dan 40 jaar die de voorbije 20 jaar geen tetanus of difterievaccin hadden gekregen of waarvan de vaccinatiestatus onbekend was, de efficiëntie van dTp(a) en dTp(a)-IPV-vaccins. Eén maand na de toediening van 3 dosissen, bedroeg het niveau van beschermende antistoffen 99%. Bij gebrek aan dT kan dTp(a) dus worden gebruikt voor primovaccinatie. Indien ook bescherming tegen polio nodig is, kan dTp(a)-IPV gebruikt worden Primovaccination avec le dTp(a) ? Ni la notice, ni les recommandations du Conseil Supérieur de la Santé ne mentionnent la possibilité d’une primovaccination avec le dTp(a). Cependant, une étude publiée en 2007 a montré chez 99% des vaccinés l’obtention de taux séroprotecteurs contre le tétanos et la diphtérie après une primovaccination à l’aide du dTp(a) (3 doses), chez des adultes de plus de 40 ans (en absence de données vaccinales ou avec un dernier rappel datant de plus de 20 ans). En cas d’indisponibilté du dT, par exemple lors d’une rupture de stock, l’administration du dTp(a) pourrait donc être utilisé en primovaccination. En cas de nécessité d’une protection contre la poliomyélite, dTp(a)-IPV peut être utilisé, Theeten H et al, Primary vaccination of adults with reduced antigen-content diphtheria-tetanusacellular pertussis or dTpa-inactivated poliovirus vaccines compared to diphtheria-tetanus-toxoid vaccines. Current medical research and opinion. Vol. 23, n° 11, 2007 : 2729-2739. 6 5/11/2014 2014 POLIO 2014 POLIO • WHO Polio Eradication Initiative http://www.polioeradication.org/Dataandmo nitoring/Poliothisweek.aspx • SEARO/WHO South-East Asia: Press release 26 March 2014 : WHO South-East Asia Region certified polio-free 7 5/11/2014 WHO 29-04-2014 WHO 29-04-2014 8 5/11/2014 2014 WHO 05-05-2014 http://www.who.int/mediacentre/news/statements/2014/polio-20140505/en/ 9 5/11/2014 WHO 05-05-2014 • …… declared the international spread of wild poliovirus in 2014 a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). • …… the Committee’s advice – for ‘States currently exporting wild polioviruses’ and – for ‘States infected with wild poliovirus but not currently exporting’ ….. • …. issued them as Temporary Recommendations under the IHR (2005) to reduce the international spread of wild poliovirus, effective 5 May 2014 • reassessment of this situation in 3 months ECDC 28/05/2014 10 5/11/2014 ECDC 28/05/2014 (= PHEIC). since august 2014 also Equatorial Guinea 2014 11 5/11/2014 Imovax Polio ® Revaxis ® & Boostrix IPV ® = also Polio Clearly mention that this is poliovaccination 2014 12 5/11/2014 2014 Travel Vaccinations 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Typhoid fever Rabies Meningococcal meningitis Japanese encephalitis TBE - FSME 13 5/11/2014 2014 HEPATITIS A Immunodepressed traveler should – if possible - receive the complete series (2 / 3 doses) before leave (+ antibodytiter) 14 5/11/2014 Results: • The final study population consisted of 53 patients treated with • TNFi (n 15),TNFi & MTX (n 21) or MTX (n 17) months after the 1st dose % of the patients that had attained seroprotection 1 6 months after the 2nd dose 1 10% 33% 6 72% at month 24 86% 83% Conclusions: • Two doses of hepatitis A vaccine at a 6month interval provided protection for most immunosuppressed RA patients. • A single dose does not seem to afford sufficient protection to this group of patients. 15 5/11/2014 2014 HEPATITIS B Immunodepressed ….. 16 5/11/2014 2014 Medasso / ITG Gezondheidsadviezen voor reizigers Uitgave 2014-2015 Medasso / IMT Conseils de santé pour voyageurs Edition 2012-2013 2014 INFLUENZA 17 5/11/2014 18 5/11/2014 2014 TYPHOID FEVER Cochrane 2014 19 5/11/2014 Cochrane 2014 2012 IDSA 2012 conference poster 251 20 5/11/2014 2014 2012 21 5/11/2014 2014 MENINGOCOCCAL MENINGITIS Promedmail 20 May 2014 • The new vaccine MenAfriVac® is manufactured by Serum Institute of India Ltd. and was developed for the meningitis belt through the Meningitis Vaccine Project, a partnership between WHO and PATH, funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. • …… since the introduction of the meningococcal A conjugate vaccine in countries of the African meningitis belt in 2010, the WHO noted a decrease in the number of cases of meningitis; in fact, the number of cases in 2013 was the lowest recorded during the epidemic season in the last 10 years (http://www.who.int/csr/don/2013_06_06_menin/en/). • In addition, Neisseria meningitidis serogroup A was noted to be no longer the predominant pathogen. 22 5/11/2014 Lancet 2014 CID_13 23 5/11/2014 LID 2012 2014 24 5/11/2014 2014 2014 RABIES 25 5/11/2014 2012 2013 From 31- 05 - 2013 on: no booster after 1 year or later is advised anymore for at least 20-30 years after the basic series of 3 shots (1-7-21/28) in persons with normal immunity 2014 Accelerated schedule off label • Accelerated schedules (D1, D4, D8) • not licenced = off label • To be discussed with the client 26 5/11/2014 NECTM 5 Bergen Norway 2014 Jelinek LECTURE & POSTER accelerated pre-exposure purified Chick-embryo cell-culture rabies vaccine for travelers 2014 27 5/11/2014 2014 2014 The percentages of subjects with RVNA levels ≥ 0.5 IU/mL at 7 days after the last active vaccination were 100% (R/JE-Acc) and 99% (R-Conv). 28 5/11/2014 As expected, a faster decrease in RVNA antibody titers was observed in the accelerated group than in the 2 conventional schedule groups (Figure 2A). 2014 Irrespective of vaccination regimen, strong short-term immune responses up to day 57 were observed, with percentages of subjects with adequate antibody titers above 95% at all time points in all groups as soon as 2 weeks after the first vaccination (Figure 2B). 2014 29 5/11/2014 2014 2014 30 5/11/2014 2014 TO DOWNLOAD http://www.sbimc.org/1-Rabies-Soentjes.pdf 31 5/11/2014 TO DOWNLOAD http://www.sbimc.org/1-Rabies-Soentjes.pdf 2014 Future accelerated & intradermal rabies vaccination (Soentjes et al. ,,,) 32 5/11/2014 2014 JAPANESE ENCEPHALITIS 2014 Accelerated schedule off label • Accelerated schedules (D1, D8) • not licenced = off label • To be discussed with the client 33 5/11/2014 NECTM 5 Bergen Norway 2014 Jelinek LECTURE & POSTER accelerated JE vaccine for travelers 2014 34 5/11/2014 2014 2014 35 5/11/2014 2014 2014 36 5/11/2014 2014 2014 37 5/11/2014 2014 Former slides 38 5/11/2014 2013 Japanese encephalitis (Ixiaro®) • 2013 : Ixiaro from the age of 2 months on • CISTM 13 Maastricht : “Based on modeled data, we expect protection to last for at least 4 years in 95% of vaccinees” 2011 Japanese encephalitis (Ixiaro®) • The standard scheme requires 2 injections, separated by one month. Afterwards, the traveler remains boostable which means that a booster dose can be given after 12-24 months – (later boosters ? 3-5 years ?) • When the patient was vaccinated with Jevax® previously the consensus meeting gives the advice to use two doses of Ixiaro® when Jevax® dates from five years back or more. 39 5/11/2014 2014 TBE FSME 2013 2014 40 5/11/2014 2014 Medasso / ITG Gezondheidsadviezen voor reizigers Uitgave 2014-2015 Medasso / IMT Conseils de santé pour voyageurs Edition 2012-2013 41 5/11/2014 2014 Medasso / ITG Gezondheidsadviezen voor reizigers Uitgave 2014-2015 Medasso / IMT Conseils de santé pour voyageurs Edition 2012-2013 42 5/11/2014 2014 PART 1 • 1.A - Vaccination for Yellow Fever • 1.B - Malaria PART 2 • 2.A - Other vaccinations • 2.B - TD, other infections, …., • 2.C - VARIA 2014 Medasso / ITG Gezondheidsadviezen voor reizigers Uitgave 2014-2015 Medasso / IMT Conseils de santé pour voyageurs Edition 2012-2013 43 5/11/2014 2013 Quid role in travel medicine ? 2013 Racecadotril Tiorfix & Aanpak in de eerste lijn van acute diarree bij het kind RECENTE INFORMATIE OKTOBER 2012 • • • • • • • • Racecadotril (Tiorfix®; hoofdstuk 3.6.4.) is een antidiarreïcum dat in het buitenland gecommercialiseerd is sinds 1993; het gaat om een inhibitor van de enkefalinasen (enzymen verantwoordelijk voor de afbraak van bepaalde endogene opioïden, de enkefalines), vooral ter hoogte van de darmmucosa. Racecadotril heeft een perifere werking met vermindering van de intestinale hypersecretie. De posologie vermeld in de Samenvatting van de Kenmerken van het Product (SKP) is bij volwassenen 100 mg, gevolgd door 100 mg 3 maal per dag, en bij het kind ouder dan 3 maanden 1,5 mg/kg, 3 maal per dag. De voornaamste ongewenste effecten zijn secundaire obstipatie en hoofdpijn. Racecadotril is gecontra-indiceerd bij aanwezigheid van koorts en bloederige of slijmerige ontlasting (acute dysenterie). In de vergelijkende studies met loperamide (een opiaatderivaat en remmer van de intestinale peristaltiek) hadden beide behandelingen een gelijkaardige doeltreffendheid, waarbij de diarree-episode slechts met een paar uur verkortte. Men moet voor ogen houden dat de aanpak van acute diarree vooral gebaseerd is op rehydratiemaatregelen, en dat antidiarreïca slechts een zeer beperkte plaats hebben, vooral bij jonge kinderen. De vormen voor gebruik bij kinderen zijn voorschriftplichtig. 44 5/11/2014 2013 Le racécadotril ( Tiorfix®; chapitre 3.6.4.) est un antidiarrhéique commercialisé à l’étranger depuis ‘93; • • • • • • • il s’agit d’un inhibiteur des enképhalinases (des enzymes responsables de la dégradation de certains opioïdes endogènes, les enképhalines) particulièrement au niveau de la muqueuse intestinale. Le racécadotril exerce une activité périphérique en diminuant l’hypersécrétion intestinale. La posologie mentionnée dans le Résumé des Caractéristiques du Produit (RCP) est chez l’adulte de 100 mg suivie de 100 mg 3 x par jour, et chez l’enfant âgé de plus de 3 mois de 1,5 mg/kg, 3 x par jour. Ses principaux effets indésirables consistent en de la constipation secondaire et des céphalées. Le racécadotril est contre-indiqué en présence de fièvre et de selles glaireuses ou sanglantes (dysenterie aiguë). Dans les études comparatives avec le lopéramide (un dérivé des opiacés, freinateur du transit intestinal), les deux traitements avaient une efficacité comparable, ne diminuant que de quelques heures l’épisode diarrhéique. Il faut garder à l’esprit que la prise en charge de la diarrhée aiguë repose avant tout sur des mesures de réhydratation, et que les antidiarrhéiques n’ont qu’une place très limitée, en particulier chez les jeunes enfants. Les formes de racécadotril destinées à l’usage chez l’enfant sont soumises à prescription. 2014 Chikungunya 45 5/11/2014 2014 Eurosurveillance, Volume 19, Issue 28, 17 July 2014 2014 46 5/11/2014 2014 Dengue New WHO map 2014 47 5/11/2014 48 5/11/2014 2014 Hajj 19/09 – 12/10 2014 2014 49 5/11/2014 2014 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Ministry of Health Health Regulations for travellers to Saudi Arabia for Umrah & Pilgrimage (Hajj)-1435 (2014). 2014 50 5/11/2014 2014 No change of the advice in 2014 Former slides 51 5/11/2014 2012 2013 Varia– Hajj http://www.who.int/wer/2013/wer8832.pdf 52 5/11/2014 2013 Varia– Hajj MEKKA http://www.hajinformation.com/main/p30 01.htm • meningococcal vaccine remain obligatory • influenza vaccine remain imperatively advised 2013 = 2014 General advice for Mecca pilgrims required/recommended vaccines • Vaccination with a tetravalent, conjugated ACYW135 meningococcal vaccine is required to obtain a visa. • Available vaccines in Belgium: Nimenrix® and Menveo® • The unconjugated 4-valent meningococcal vaccine is not available anymore in pharmacy (July 2013) – it might still be available in the travel clinics and be used in pilgrims • It remains unclear if children till the age of 2 years are obliged to be vaccinated, but it correct to vaccinate also the little children – on the other hand, see further : children under 12 yrs are discouraged to come to Mecca. 53 5/11/2014 2013 = 2014 General advice for Mecca pilgrims required/recommended vaccines • Incompletely vaccinated individuals should update their vaccine status. • Vaccination against the seasonal flu is recommended when available (around midSeptember, the pilgrimage starts October 4th). • Pneumococcal vaccine for the known risk groups • Hepatitis A vaccination is recommended, depending on age and medical history. • For journeys exceeding 3 weeks stay, a vaccination against typhoid fever may be advisable. 2014 … & Mers 54 5/11/2014 2014 2014 55 5/11/2014 2014 2014 56 5/11/2014 2014 Promedmail - Morocco 19-6-2014 • Advice not to go on the Hadj … !! 57 5/11/2014 Because of the MERS-Cov : The Saudi Ministry of Health recommends that people 2013 • aged over 65 years and • those with chronic diseases (e.g. heart disease, kidney disease, respiratory disease, diabetes) and • pilgrims with immune deficiency (congenital and acquired), • malignant and • terminal illnesses, • pregnant women and • children aged under 12 years planning to come for Hajj and Umra this year, to postpone the performance of the Hajj and Umra for their own safety. 2014 58 5/11/2014 2014 http://www.who.int/ith/updates/2014 0603/en/ 2014 Ebola 59 5/11/2014 2014 2014 60 5/11/2014 Schistosomiasis 2014 Medasso-Headlines Gezondheidsadviezen voor reizigers Uitgave 2014-2015 Medasso-Headlines Conseils de santé pour voyageurs Edition 2012-2013 2014 61 5/11/2014 2014 CDC Letter EID sept 2014 In press 62 5/11/2014 2014 PART 1 • 1.a - Vaccination for Yellow Fever • 1.b - Malaria PART 2 • 2.A - Other vaccinations • 2.B - TD, other infections, …., • 2.C - VARIA 2014 63 5/11/2014 2014 Deep Venous Thrombosis Medasso-Headlines Gezondheidsadviezen voor reizigers Uitgave 2014-2015 Medasso-Headlines Conseils de santé pour voyageurs Edition 2012-2013 2014 Itchy skin problems during travel Medasso / ITG Gezondheidsadviezen voor reizigers Uitgave 2014-2015 Medasso / IMT Conseils de santé pour voyageurs Edition 2012-2013 64 5/11/2014 A division of “Outdoor Medicine” (Nl) in Belgium www.outdoormedicine.org & www.awls.be 2014 Future links with travel medicine ? (cfr ISTM & Wilderness Medical Society in the US) 2014 Commitment travel clinics waiting lists & capacity last minute travelers ? - Waiting time max 2 weeks ? - Ability to help as soon as possible last minute travelers ? 65 5/11/2014 2013 Varia – NEW BOOKS Handboek vaccinaties Deel B Infectieziekten en vaccinaties • Rudy Burgmeijer, Karel Hoppenbrouwers, Fons Van Gompel (red.) • Autumn 2013. 2014 66 5/11/2014 2014 END 67
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