Periode: 15-12-2014 t/m 31-12-2014 Uitzendschema TV Dag Datum Tijd Zender Programma voor ma ma 15-dec-14 15-dec-14 8:50 9:07 ID ID stalked - series 2 episode 15 disappeared (season 2) doomed disappeared (season 2) doomed disappeared (season 2) doomed ma 15-dec-14 10:30 ID fatal encounters (season 2) ep mystery diagnosis - series 10 ma 15-dec-14 10:47 ID mystery diagnosis - series 10 mystery diagnosis - series 10 ma ma 15-dec-14 15-dec-14 12:28 13:18 ma 15-dec-14 14:32 TLC undateables (season 3), the ep undateables (season 3), the ep ma 15-dec-14 15:10 TLC four weddings four weddings ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma 15-dec-14 15-dec-14 15-dec-14 15-dec-14 15-dec-14 15-dec-14 15-dec-14 15-dec-14 15-dec-14 15-dec-14 15-dec-14 15-dec-14 15-dec-14 15:44 15:43 16:31 17:14 17:30 17:40 18:42 18:45 19:11 19:17 19:31 19:43 21:22 24Kitchen TLC 24Kitchen 24Kitchen Net5 TLC 24Kitchen TLC TLC 24Kitchen ID Veronica ID baking with sara la fountain four weddings us (season 4) ep annabel langbein: the free ran 24 christmas achter gesloten deuren op de ambulance met makkelijke maaltijd s3 year 20 op de ambulance met josje huis dc cupcakes (season 2) shoe-in rudolph's bakery s3 year 2011 mystery er 2 scared stiff two and a half men disappeared (season 3) final c annabel langbein: the free ran four weddings us (season 4) ep 24 christmas rudolph's little bakery s1 yea achter gesloten deuren op de ambulance met rudolph's bakery s3 year 2011 dc cupcakes (season 2) shoe-in long island medium (season 4) wat de boer niet kent stalked: someone's watching (s two and a half men ma di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di wo wo wo wo wo wo wo 15-dec-14 16-dec-14 16-dec-14 16-dec-14 16-dec-14 16-dec-14 16-dec-14 16-dec-14 16-dec-14 16-dec-14 16-dec-14 16-dec-14 16-dec-14 16-dec-14 16-dec-14 16-dec-14 16-dec-14 16-dec-14 16-dec-14 16-dec-14 16-dec-14 16-dec-14 16-dec-14 16-dec-14 16-dec-14 16-dec-14 16-dec-14 16-dec-14 16-dec-14 16-dec-14 16-dec-14 16-dec-14 16-dec-14 17-dec-14 17-dec-14 17-dec-14 17-dec-14 17-dec-14 17-dec-14 17-dec-14 23:24 10:23 10:40 11:34 12:13 13:19 14:05 14:13 14:28 15:26 15:36 15:51 16:46 17:14 17:32 17:41 18:42 18:48 18:50 19:22 19:23 19:37 20:06 20:14 20:26 20:34 21:12 22:13 22:18 23:14 23:19 23:52 0:07 7:51 8:14 10:34 10:49 11:33 12:13 13:19 Veronica 24Kitchen 24Kitchen Com.Cent.F ID TLC ID 24Kitchen TLC TLC SBS 6 ID 24Kitchen TLC Net5 SBS 6 TLC Net5 Veronica TLC SBS 6 Com.Cent.F Com.Cent.F SBS 6 TLC ID Com.Cent.F Com.Cent.F Net5 Com.Cent.F Net5 ID Com.Cent.F ID ID ID ID 24Kitchen ID TLC ninja assassin f rudolph's bakery s3 year 2011 jamie's christmas with bells o kees & co on the case with paula zahn (s dc cupcakes (season 2) shoe-in stalked someones watching wat de boer niet kent undateables (season 3), the ep four weddings us (season 4) .. 60 minute makeover disappeared (season 3) final c 24 christmas 19 kids and counting (season 8 achter gesloten deuren masterchef australie princesses long island episode ncis los angeles two and a half men long island medium (season 4) shownieuws vroege editie 3rd rock from the sun 3rd rock from the sun rommel of rijkdom? say yes to the dress: the big stalked: someone's watching (s dharma and greg sam sam bridesmaids f het zonnetje in huis lovewrecked f secret lives of stepford wives melissa & joey stalked someones watching stalked someones watching mystery er mystery er in search of perfection - seri murder shift fabulous baker brothers Com.Cent.F het zonnetje in huis TLC dc cupcakes (season 2) sweet s Programma na het zonnetje in huis fabulous baker brothers, the ( swamp murders (season 2) episo ninja assassin f jamie's christmas with bells o jamie's christmas with bells o het zonnetje in huis murder shift (season 2) episod fabulous baker brothers, the ( stalked someones watching jamie's 15 minute meals undateables (season 3), the ep four weddings us (season 4) .. 60 minute makeover disappeared (season 3) final c 24 christmas say yes to the dress (season 1 achter gesloten deuren masterchef australie dc cupcakes (season 2) operati ncis los angeles two and a half men long island medium (season 4) utopia 3rd rock from the sun scrubs rommel of rijkdom? say yes to the dress: the big disappeared (season 3) gone on dharma and greg sam sam bridesmaids f het zonnetje in huis lovewrecked f couples who kill (season 5) ep melissa & joey stalked someones watching stalked someones watching mystery er mystery er in search of perfection - seri murder shift fabulous baker brothers wo 17-dec-14 14:18 SBS 6 60 minute makeover 60 minute makeover wo 17-dec-14 14:28 TLC love me love my face love me love my face wo 17-dec-14 14:46 TLC love me love my face love me love my face wo wo 17-dec-14 17-dec-14 15:44 17:15 TLC TLC four weddings say yes to the dress four weddings say yes to the dress wo 17-dec-14 18:22 Net5 ncis ncis wo 17-dec-14 18:24 Veronica two and a half men two and a half men wo wo 17-dec-14 17-dec-14 18:42 19:23 TLC TLC dc cupcakes long island medium dc cupcakes long island medium wo 17-dec-14 19:34 wo 17-dec-14 19:47 24Kitchen wat de boer niet kent jamie's 15 minute meals wo wo 17-dec-14 17-dec-14 19:43 20:10 Net5 TLC ncis say yes to the dress ncis say yes to the dress wo 17-dec-14 20:47 wo 17-dec-14 21:14 wo wo 17-dec-14 17-dec-14 22:15 23:17 wo 17-dec-14 23:55 ID wo wo wo do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do vr vr vr vr vr vr vr vr vr vr vr vr vr vr vr vr vr vr vr vr vr vr vr vr vr vr 17-dec-14 17-dec-14 17-dec-14 18-dec-14 18-dec-14 18-dec-14 18-dec-14 18-dec-14 18-dec-14 18-dec-14 18-dec-14 18-dec-14 18-dec-14 18-dec-14 18-dec-14 18-dec-14 18-dec-14 18-dec-14 18-dec-14 18-dec-14 18-dec-14 18-dec-14 18-dec-14 18-dec-14 18-dec-14 18-dec-14 18-dec-14 19-dec-14 19-dec-14 19-dec-14 19-dec-14 19-dec-14 19-dec-14 19-dec-14 19-dec-14 19-dec-14 19-dec-14 19-dec-14 19-dec-14 19-dec-14 19-dec-14 19-dec-14 19-dec-14 19-dec-14 19-dec-14 19-dec-14 19-dec-14 19-dec-14 19-dec-14 19-dec-14 19-dec-14 19-dec-14 19-dec-14 0:14 0:30 0:30 9:39 10:34 13:19 14:16 15:44 15:42 16:13 16:31 16:45 16:46 17:29 18:12 18:43 18:54 19:09 19:10 19:16 19:22 19:59 20:10 22:10 22:20 23:16 1:14 6:40 12:13 13:17 13:44 14:09 14:38 15:31 15:39 16:26 16:27 17:44 18:15 19:13 19:16 19:17 19:25 19:44 19:47 19:46 19:58 20:11 20:34 21:14 21:49 22:19 23:48 ID 24Kitchen Com.Cent.F ID ID ID TLC TLC 24Kitchen SBS 6 Net5 TLC Com.Cent.F ID TLC 24Kitchen ID ID TLC Net5 SBS 6 ID Com.Cent.F 24Kitchen Com.Cent.F Com.Cent.F Com.Cent.F SBS 6 24Kitchen TLC ID ID SBS 6 TLC Net5 TLC Net5 TLC TLC Net5 24Kitchen Veronica TLC ID Com.Cent.F Veronica ID Com.Cent.F Com.Cent.F ID Com.Cent.F Com.Cent.F Net5 Com.Cent.F 3rd rock from the sun Com.Cent.F dharma and greg TLC best of buddys Com.Cent.F sam sam Com.Cent.F zonnetje in huis 3rd rock from the sun dharma and greg best of buddys sam sam zonnetje in huis couples who kill couples who kill couples who kill rudolph's bakery s3 year 2011 3rd rock from the sun fatal encounters mystery er fatal encounters fabulous baker brothers, the ( four weddings us (season 4) ep baking with sara la fountain utopia beschuldigd duggar leaves home, a kees & co fatal encounters breaking amish (season 3) (wt) makkelijke maaltijd s3 year 20 mystery er mystery er long island medium ncis los angeles shownieuws vroege editie stalked someones watching 3rd rock from the sun rudolph's bakery s2 year 2011 sam sam het zonnetje in huis 3rd rock from the sun loop: hart van nederland - late editie makkelijke maaltijd dc cupcakes (season 2) so you fatal encounters killer night stalked - series 2 episode 2 60 minute makeover four weddings us (season 4) ep achter gesloten deuren (24hh) 19 kids and counting (season 6 beschuldigd say yes to the dress (season 1 too ugly for love? episode 6 ncis los angeles wat de boer niet kent two and a half men long island medium mystery er 2 eating away 3rd rock from the sun two and a half men deadly affairs in too deep 3rd rock from the sun scrubs disappeared (season 3) into th dharma and greg sam sam achter gesloten deuren oliver's twist s2 3rd rock from the sun fatal encounters mystery er fatal encounters jono: so what if my baby is bo four weddings us (season 4) ep annabel langbein: the free ran utopia beschuldigd duggar leaves home, a kees & co fatal encounters breaking amish (season 3) (wt) rudolph's bakery s3 year 2011 mystery er mystery er long island medium ncis los angeles utopia stalked someones watching scrubs wat de boer niet kent sam sam het zonnetje in huis married with children loop: hart van nederland - late editie makkelijke maaltijd fabulous baker brothers, the ( stalked - series 2 episode 2 stalked - series 2 episode 1 60 minute makeover four weddings us (season 4) ep achter gesloten deuren (24hh) 19 kids and counting (season 6 beschuldigd too ugly for love? episode 6 too ugly for love? episode 6 ncis los angeles wat de boer niet kent two and a half men long island medium deadly affairs in too deep 3rd rock from the sun two and a half men deadly affairs in too deep scrubs dharma and greg secret lives of stepford wives sam sam sam sam achter gesloten deuren couples who kill vr 19-dec-14 0:09 Com.Cent.F melissa & joey melissa & joey vr 19-dec-14 1:44 Com.Cent.F married with children married with children vr 19-dec-14 1:55 ID za za 20-dec-14 20-dec-14 6:33 6:50 Net5 SBS 6 final 24 john belushi final 24 john belushi loop: hart van nederland loop: hart van nederland - late editie loop: hart van nederland loop: hart van nederland - late editie za 20-dec-14 8:51 za 20-dec-14 10:01 ID disappeared (season 3) secret murder shift (season 2) episod ID murder shift (season 2) episod za za 20-dec-14 20-dec-14 murder shift (season 2) episod 10:32 12:12 ID ID murder shift (season 2) episod on the case with paula zahn (s murder shift (season 2) episod on the case with paula zahn (s za za 20-dec-14 12:25 24Kitchen jamie's christmas with bells o jamie's christmas with bells o 20-dec-14 12:44 TLC next great baker (season 4) bu next great baker (season 4) bu za za 20-dec-14 20-dec-14 13:35 14:35 24Kitchen Net5 jamie's christmas with bells o wat vrouwen willen jamie's cracking christmas wat vrouwen willen za 20-dec-14 15:02 SBS 6 the making of annie the making of annie za 20-dec-14 15:55 24Kitchen rudolph's bakery s3 year 2011 rudolph's bakery s3 year 2011 za za 20-dec-14 20-dec-14 16:03 17:23 SBS 6 TLC dieren op spreekuur next great baker (season 4) wo dieren op spreekuur next great baker (season 4) wo za 20-dec-14 17:55 24Kitchen makkelijke maaltijd makkelijke maaltijd za za za za za za za za za za za za za za za za za zo zo zo zo zo zo zo zo zo zo zo zo zo zo zo zo zo zo zo zo zo zo zo ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma 20-dec-14 20-dec-14 20-dec-14 20-dec-14 20-dec-14 20-dec-14 20-dec-14 20-dec-14 20-dec-14 20-dec-14 20-dec-14 20-dec-14 20-dec-14 20-dec-14 20-dec-14 20-dec-14 20-dec-14 21-dec-14 21-dec-14 21-dec-14 21-dec-14 21-dec-14 21-dec-14 21-dec-14 21-dec-14 21-dec-14 21-dec-14 21-dec-14 21-dec-14 21-dec-14 21-dec-14 21-dec-14 21-dec-14 21-dec-14 21-dec-14 21-dec-14 21-dec-14 21-dec-14 21-dec-14 21-dec-14 22-dec-14 22-dec-14 22-dec-14 22-dec-14 22-dec-14 22-dec-14 22-dec-14 22-dec-14 22-dec-14 22-dec-14 22-dec-14 22-dec-14 22-dec-14 18:07 18:14 18:14 18:21 19:09 19:18 19:22 19:23 19:47 20:36 22:36 23:41 23:51 0:51 1:26 1:42 1:45 8:19 8:54 9:09 9:23 11:07 11:09 11:39 12:11 14:50 15:18 16:38 17:43 18:48 18:46 19:12 19:21 20:12 21:47 22:15 23:28 23:47 1:18 1:30 7:25 7:45 8:17 8:40 9:42 10:23 10:33 10:49 11:10 11:37 11:41 12:11 13:03 TLC ID Net5 SBS 6 Veronica Net5 Com.Cent.F 24Kitchen TLC Com.Cent.F Com.Cent.F Net5 Com.Cent.F Com.Cent.F ID TLC ID TLC ID TLC SBS 6 24Kitchen SBS 6 ID SBS 6 24Kitchen Net5 ID 24Kitchen 24Kitchen SBS 6 Net5 Com.Cent.F Com.Cent.F TLC Com.Cent.F Veronica SBS 6 TLC Com.Cent.F Net5 SBS 6 Com.Cent.F TLC ID 24Kitchen ID ID 24Kitchen 24Kitchen ID ID ID next great baker (season 4) ve stalked: someone's watching (s castle de 20 grappigste vergissingen border security australias front line castle married with children volkstuin, de rachel zoe project (season 5) melissa & joey 3rd rock from the sun law & order: special victims unit 3rd rock from the sun het zonnetje in huis deadline: crime with tamron ha real l word (series 2), the ep last night in... s2 episode 3 little people, big world (seas mystery er 2 desperate measure long island medium (season 5) david maasbach oliver's twist s2 beestengeluk fatal encounters who shot the feiten en fabels 24 christmas dinner date on the case with paula zahn (s rudolph's bakery s2 year 2011 makkelijke maaltijd s3 year 20 vtwonen the polar express f married with children melissa and joey who do you think you are? (us 3rd rock from the sun stalker hart van nederland special: lotte's leve deadly affairs (season 2) epis het zonnetje in huis 60 minute makeover de grote verbouwing australie (24hh) the a-team long island medium disappeared (season 3) darkest rudolph's bakery s3 year 2011 fatal encounters killer night mystery er 2 desperate measure jamie's christmas with bells o no reservations s8 true crime with aphrodite jone true crime with aphrodite jone murder shift (season 2) episod next great baker (season 4) ve stalked: someone's watching (s castle de 20 grappigste vergissingen border security australias front line castle melissa & joey rudolph's bakery s3 year 2011 rachel zoe project (season 5) melissa & joey 3rd rock from the sun law & order: special victims unit het zonnetje in huis het zonnetje in huis last night in... s2 episode 3 real l word (series 2), the ep last night in... s2 episode 3 long island medium (season 5) mystery er 2 scared stiff one born every minute (uk) (s1 astrotv jamie's 15 minute meals beestengeluk fatal encounters who shot the feiten en fabels 24 christmas dinner date on the case with paula zahn (s rudolph's bakery s2 year 2011 volkstuin, de vtwonen the polar express f melissa & joey melissa and joey who do you think you are? (us 3rd rock from the sun stalker reportage: voor 90% verbrand deadly affairs (season 2) epis het zonnetje in huis 60 minute makeover de grote verbouwing australie (24hh) the a-team long island medium fatal encounters killer night jamie's christmas with bells o mystery er 2 desperate measure mystery er 2 desperate measure no reservations s8 no reservations s8 true crime with aphrodite jone murder shift (season 2) episod fatal encounters who shot the ma 22-dec-14 13:38 ma 22-dec-14 14:09 Com.Cent.F 3rd rock from the sun ID ma 22-dec-14 14:33 Net5 ma ma 22-dec-14 22-dec-14 14:40 15:24 SBS 6 SBS 6 ma 22-dec-14 15:31 Net5 ma 22-dec-14 15:41 SBS 6 ma ma 22-dec-14 22-dec-14 16:08 16:17 Net5 SBS 6 3rd rock from the sun deadly affairs in too deep deadly affairs in too deep born2cook born2cook 60 minute makeover 60 minute makeover 60 minute makeover 60 minute makeover achter gesloten deuren achter gesloten deuren 60 minute makeover 60 minute makeover de volgende stap utopia de volgende stap utopia disappeared (season 3) into th true crime with aphrodite jone de volgende stap de volgende stap ma 22-dec-14 16:26 ID ma 22-dec-14 16:35 Net5 ma ma 22-dec-14 22-dec-14 17:16 17:18 24Kitchen SBS 6 24 christmas masterchef australie rudolph's little bakery s1 yea weerberichten ma 22-dec-14 18:22 Veronica et the extra terrestrial et the extra terrestrial ma 22-dec-14 18:40 SBS 6 masterchef australie masterchef australie ma ma 22-dec-14 22-dec-14 18:50 19:14 Net5 Veronica ncis: los angeles et the extra terrestrial ncis: los angeles et the extra terrestrial ma 22-dec-14 19:28 TLC extreme sweepstakers 1 extreme sweepstakers 1 ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di wo wo wo wo wo wo wo wo wo wo wo 22-dec-14 22-dec-14 22-dec-14 22-dec-14 22-dec-14 22-dec-14 22-dec-14 22-dec-14 22-dec-14 22-dec-14 22-dec-14 22-dec-14 22-dec-14 22-dec-14 23-dec-14 23-dec-14 23-dec-14 23-dec-14 23-dec-14 23-dec-14 23-dec-14 23-dec-14 23-dec-14 23-dec-14 23-dec-14 23-dec-14 23-dec-14 23-dec-14 23-dec-14 23-dec-14 23-dec-14 23-dec-14 23-dec-14 23-dec-14 23-dec-14 23-dec-14 23-dec-14 23-dec-14 23-dec-14 23-dec-14 23-dec-14 23-dec-14 24-dec-14 24-dec-14 24-dec-14 24-dec-14 24-dec-14 24-dec-14 24-dec-14 24-dec-14 24-dec-14 24-dec-14 24-dec-14 19:40 19:49 20:00 21:20 21:30 21:42 22:50 23:04 23:18 23:45 23:51 0:09 0:34 1:37 6:46 10:18 10:39 11:49 12:12 12:30 12:39 14:15 14:34 14:37 15:09 15:36 16:13 16:33 17:14 17:30 17:41 19:13 19:16 20:06 20:28 20:48 20:50 21:10 21:51 22:49 0:10 1:49 6:16 6:25 7:12 8:55 9:05 10:30 10:45 11:10 12:15 12:22 12:42 Com.Cent.F 24Kitchen ID Com.Cent.F 24Kitchen ID Com.Cent.F ID Com.Cent.F Com.Cent.F Net5 Com.Cent.F Com.Cent.F 24Kitchen Net5 24Kitchen 24Kitchen 24Kitchen ID ID Com.Cent.F 24Kitchen SBS 6 Net5 24Kitchen Net5 SBS 6 Net5 24Kitchen ID SBS 6 Com.Cent.F Net5 Com.Cent.F ID ID 24Kitchen TLC Com.Cent.F Com.Cent.F Com.Cent.F Com.Cent.F SBS 6 Net5 Net5 ID ID 24Kitchen ID TLC ID Com.Cent.F 24Kitchen 3rd rock from the sun wat de boer niet kent deadly affairs fatal finale dharma and greg no reservations s8 southern fried homicide (seaso sam sam will (series 3), the estate of het zonnetje in huis het zonnetje in huis law & order: special victims unit melissa & joey melissa & joey baking with sara la fountain loop: hart van nederland jamies christmas with bells on jamie's christmas with bells o sara la fountain s1 true crime with aphrodite jone murder shift (season 2) episod het zonnetje in huis wat de boer niet kent 60 minute makeover born2cook rudolph's little bakery s1 yea achter gesloten deuren (24hh) utopia (24hh) de volgende stap 24 christmas fatal encounters episode 10 masterchef australie melissa & joey ncis: los angeles 3rd rock from the sun deadly affairs battle of the s disappeared (season 3) soul se sara la fountain s1 princesses long island dharma and greg sam sam melissa & joey married with children loop: hart van nederland - late editie loop: hart van nederland de volgende stap (24hh) disappeared (season 3) murky w disappeared (season 3) murky w jamie's cracking christmas mystery er 2 rash decision who do you think you are? (us murder shift (season 2) episod het zonnetje in huis grenzeloos koken s2 - sp bsh y 3rd rock from the sun volkstuin, de deadly affairs fatal finale dharma and greg jamie's christmas with bells o southern fried homicide (seaso het zonnetje in huis will (series 3), the estate of het zonnetje in huis melissa & joey law & order: special victims unit melissa & joey 3rd rock from the sun jamie's christmas with bells o loop: hart van nederland jamies christmas with bells on jamie's christmas with bells o sara la fountain s1 murder shift (season 2) episod murder shift (season 2) episod melissa & joey jamie's 15 minute meals 60 minute makeover born2cook baking with sara la fountain achter gesloten deuren (24hh) utopia (24hh) de volgende stap rudolph's little bakery s1 yea fatal encounters episode 10 masterchef australie 3rd rock from the sun ncis: los angeles scrubs disappeared (season 3) soul se disappeared (season 3) soul se sara la fountain s1 princesses long island sam sam het zonnetje in huis melissa & joey married with children loop: hart van nederland - late editie loop: hart van nederland de volgende stap (24hh) disappeared (season 3) murky w disappeared (season 3) murky w jamie's cracking christmas mystery er 2 rash decision who do you think you are? (us murder shift (season 2) episod het zonnetje in huis grenzeloos koken s2 - sp bsh y wo 24-dec-14 13:55 ID wo 24-dec-14 13:59 Net5 deadly affairs battle of the s deadly affairs battle of the s born2cook born2cook wo 24-dec-14 14:11 24Kitchen wo wo 24-dec-14 24-dec-14 14:29 14:55 SBS 6 ID jamie's 15 minute meals jamie's 15 minute meals everyday gourmet with justine schofield mystery er 2 painful truth everyday gourmet with justine schofield mystery er 2 painful truth wo 24-dec-14 15:16 wo 24-dec-14 15:31 Net5 achter gesloten deuren (24hh) achter gesloten deuren (24hh) wo wo 24-dec-14 24-dec-14 15:48 16:10 SBS 6 TLC het beste idee van nederland little couple s6 (dne repack) het beste idee van nederland little couple s6 (dne repack) wo 24-dec-14 16:44 SBS 6 everyday gourmet with justine schofield everyday gourmet with justine schofield wo 24-dec-14 16:45 Com.Cent.F kees & co kees & co wo wo 24-dec-14 24-dec-14 17:40 18:02 SBS 6 nigella's xmas special Com.Cent.F het zonnetje in huis nigella's xmas special het zonnetje in huis wo 24-dec-14 18:27 Com.Cent.F melissa & joey melissa & joey wo 24-dec-14 18:42 wo wo 24-dec-14 24-dec-14 18:45 19:40 wo 24-dec-14 19:40 TLC wo wo wo wo wo wo wo wo wo wo wo wo wo wo do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do vr vr vr vr vr vr vr vr 24-dec-14 24-dec-14 24-dec-14 24-dec-14 24-dec-14 24-dec-14 24-dec-14 24-dec-14 24-dec-14 24-dec-14 24-dec-14 24-dec-14 24-dec-14 24-dec-14 25-dec-14 25-dec-14 25-dec-14 25-dec-14 25-dec-14 25-dec-14 25-dec-14 25-dec-14 25-dec-14 25-dec-14 25-dec-14 25-dec-14 25-dec-14 25-dec-14 25-dec-14 25-dec-14 25-dec-14 25-dec-14 25-dec-14 25-dec-14 25-dec-14 25-dec-14 25-dec-14 25-dec-14 25-dec-14 25-dec-14 25-dec-14 25-dec-14 25-dec-14 25-dec-14 25-dec-14 26-dec-14 26-dec-14 26-dec-14 26-dec-14 26-dec-14 26-dec-14 26-dec-14 26-dec-14 20:04 20:18 20:49 21:13 22:19 22:35 23:05 23:06 23:35 23:55 0:05 0:06 0:20 1:05 6:20 8:55 10:35 10:40 12:42 12:53 14:12 14:14 14:42 15:14 15:35 15:44 16:12 16:12 16:14 16:18 17:11 17:13 17:26 17:48 17:50 18:15 18:44 19:08 19:08 19:10 19:40 21:14 22:15 22:36 23:04 6:47 9:55 10:44 10:45 12:42 13:55 14:05 14:11 Com.Cent.F SBS 6 Com.Cent.F Com.Cent.F Net5 Com.Cent.F TLC Com.Cent.F Veronica ID ID 24Kitchen Com.Cent.F 24Kitchen Net5 ID 24Kitchen Com.Cent.F 24Kitchen Com.Cent.F 24Kitchen SBS 6 24Kitchen Net5 ID 24Kitchen Net5 24Kitchen SBS 6 Com.Cent.F Com.Cent.F 24Kitchen Net5 SBS 6 TLC SBS 6 24Kitchen SBS 6 Veronica Net5 Com.Cent.F Com.Cent.F ID Com.Cent.F Com.Cent.F SBS 6 ID 24Kitchen ID 24Kitchen ID ID 24Kitchen Com.Cent.F scrubs SBS 6 masterchef australie TLC dc cupcakes: one ton cupcake Com.Cent.F 3rd rock from the sun scrubs masterchef australie dc cupcakes: one ton cupcake 3rd rock from the sun hungry brothers, the episode 2 hungry brothers, the episode 2 scrubs rommel of rijkdom? dharma and greg dharma and greg film: inception het zonnetje in huis secret santa, the het zonnetje in huis criminal minds scorned: crimes of passion epi scorned: crimes of passion epi 24 christmas melissa & joey 24 christmas loop: hart van nederland disappeared (season 3) soul se jamie's best ever christmas married with children grenzeloos koken s2 - sp bsh y melissa & joey jamie's 15 minute meals everyday gourmet with justine schofield jamie's family christmas achter gesloten deuren (24hh) disappeared (season 3) family' jamie's family christmas de volgende stap jamie's family christmas gordon ramsay's christmas cookalong kees & co het zonnetje in huis rudolph's bakery year 2011 achter gesloten deuren film: the santa clause breaking amish (season 3) (wt) film: the santa clause rudolph's bakery s2 year 2011 film: the santa clause film: national lampoon's christmas vacat ncis: los angeles 3rd rock from the sun dharma and greg true crime with aphrodite jone het zonnetje in huis het zonnetje in huis loop: hart van nederland - late editie fatal encounters (season 3) de jamie's cracking christmas mystery er 2 nothing to sneeze grenzeloos koken s2 - sp bsh y deadly affairs deadly obsessio deadly affairs deadly obsessio jamie's 15 minute meals scrubs rommel of rijkdom? dharma and greg dharma and greg film: inception het zonnetje in huis secret santa, the het zonnetje in huis criminal minds scorned: crimes of passion epi scorned: crimes of passion epi 24 christmas melissa & joey 24 christmas loop: hart van nederland - late editie disappeared (season 3) soul se jamie's best ever christmas married with children grenzeloos koken s2 - sp bsh y melissa & joey jamie's 15 minute meals everyday gourmet with justine schofield jamie's family christmas achter gesloten deuren (24hh) disappeared (season 3) family' jamie's family christmas de volgende stap jamie's family christmas gordon ramsay's christmas cookalong kees & co het zonnetje in huis rudolph's little bakery s1 yea achter gesloten deuren film: the santa clause breaking amish (season 3) (wt) film: the santa clause rudolph's bakery s2 year 2011 film: the santa clause film: national lampoon's christmas vacat ncis: los angeles 3rd rock from the sun dharma and greg true crime with aphrodite jone het zonnetje in huis het zonnetje in huis loop: hart van nederland - late editie fatal encounters (season 3) de jamie's cracking christmas mystery er 2 nothing to sneeze grenzeloos koken s2 - sp bsh y deadly affairs deadly obsessio deadly affairs deadly obsessio jamie's 15 minute meals vr 26-dec-14 14:35 SBS 6 vr 26-dec-14 14:57 24Kitchen 60 minute makeover 60 minute makeover jamie's christmas with bells o jamie's christmas with bells o vr 26-dec-14 15:10 24Kitchen jamie's christmas with bells o jamie's christmas with bells o vr vr 26-dec-14 26-dec-14 15:45 15:53 ID 24Kitchen disappeared (season 3) springf jamie's christmas with bells o disappeared (season 3) springf jamie's christmas with bells o vr 26-dec-14 16:08 24Kitchen vr 26-dec-14 16:10 Net5 vr vr 26-dec-14 26-dec-14 16:42 17:11 SBS 6 24Kitchen jamie's christmas with bells o jamie's christmas with bells o de volgende stap de volgende stap masterchef australie rudolph's bakery year 2011 masterchef australie rudolph's little bakery s1 yea vr 26-dec-14 17:12 Net5 achter gesloten deuren achter gesloten deuren vr 26-dec-14 17:50 TLC 90 days to wed s2 90 days to w 90 days to wed s2 90 days to w vr vr 26-dec-14 26-dec-14 17:52 18:23 Net5 Veronica Net5 ncis (24hh) ncis (24hh) the madagascar penguins in a christmas c film: cool runnings vr 26-dec-14 18:47 vr 26-dec-14 19:17 Com.Cent.F 3rd rock from the sun 3rd rock from the sun vr vr 26-dec-14 26-dec-14 20:04 20:17 Com.Cent.F scrubs SBS 6 rommel of rijkdom? scrubs rommel of rijkdom? vr 26-dec-14 20:35 ID vr vr vr vr vr vr vr vr vr vr za za za za za za za za za za za za za za za za za za za za za za za za za za za za za za za za za za za za za za za za za za za 26-dec-14 26-dec-14 26-dec-14 26-dec-14 26-dec-14 26-dec-14 26-dec-14 26-dec-14 26-dec-14 26-dec-14 27-dec-14 27-dec-14 27-dec-14 27-dec-14 27-dec-14 27-dec-14 27-dec-14 27-dec-14 27-dec-14 27-dec-14 27-dec-14 27-dec-14 27-dec-14 27-dec-14 27-dec-14 27-dec-14 27-dec-14 27-dec-14 27-dec-14 27-dec-14 27-dec-14 27-dec-14 27-dec-14 27-dec-14 27-dec-14 27-dec-14 27-dec-14 27-dec-14 27-dec-14 27-dec-14 27-dec-14 27-dec-14 27-dec-14 27-dec-14 27-dec-14 27-dec-14 27-dec-14 27-dec-14 27-dec-14 27-dec-14 27-dec-14 27-dec-14 27-dec-14 21:15 21:35 22:05 22:25 22:35 23:29 23:39 23:52 0:05 0:21 6:24 6:47 7:40 8:55 9:05 9:30 9:45 10:45 13:15 13:22 13:37 13:55 14:23 14:30 14:35 14:37 15:13 15:23 15:35 15:42 15:55 16:16 16:21 16:32 17:12 17:18 17:25 17:50 18:24 18:24 19:05 19:18 19:42 20:26 20:45 20:48 21:35 21:40 21:41 22:08 22:10 22:40 23:11 Com.Cent.F 24Kitchen Com.Cent.F TLC Com.Cent.F SBS 6 Net5 24Kitchen ID Com.Cent.F Net5 SBS 6 TLC ID ID TLC Com.Cent.F TLC ID 24Kitchen 24Kitchen ID 24Kitchen Com.Cent.F Net5 24Kitchen SBS 6 24Kitchen ID Net5 Com.Cent.F SBS 6 24Kitchen Net5 24Kitchen SBS 6 TLC Net5 SBS 6 Net5 TLC Net5 Com.Cent.F Com.Cent.F ID Net5 ID TLC 24Kitchen 24Kitchen Com.Cent.F TLC SBS 6 ncis: los angeles ncis: los angeles disappeared (season 3) mother' disappeared (season 3) mother' dharma and greg jamie's cracking christmas sam sam invasion of the christmas ligh het zonnetje in huis shownieuws film: the santa clause 3: the escape cla sara la fountain s1 scorned: crimes of passion epi melissa & joey loop: hart van nederland loop: hart van nederland - late editie what not to wear (season 10) n murder shift (season 2) episod murder shift (season 2) episod cherry healey investigates...p the a-team rachel zoe project (season 3) will (series 3), the estate of jamie's kitchen jamie's kitchen will (series 3), the estate of jamie's kitchen scrubs wat vrouwen willen jamie's kitchen mijn lifestyle jamie's kitchen mystery er 2 rash decision extreme home makeover sam sam dieren op spreekuur jamie's kitchen extreme home makoever jamie's 15 minute meals robs grote tuinverbouwing breaking the faith breaking aw extreme home makeover de 20 grappigste blunders castle rachel zoe project (season 5) castle melissa & joey melissa & joey fatal encounters episode 10 tsunami: the aftermath deadline: crime with tamron ha extreme cheapskates (season 3) taste of life travel, the year baking with sara la fountain 3rd rock from the sun my naked secret (series 3) tam lachen om home video's (24hh) dharma and greg jamie's cracking christmas sam sam invasion of the christmas ligh het zonnetje in huis shownieuws film: the santa clause 3: the escape cla sara la fountain s1 scorned: crimes of passion epi melissa & joey loop: hart van nederland loop: hart van nederland - late editie what not to wear (season 10) n murder shift (season 2) episod murder shift (season 2) episod cherry healey investigates...p the a-team rachel zoe project (season 3) will (series 3), the estate of jamie's kitchen jamie's kitchen will (series 3), the estate of jamie's kitchen scrubs wat vrouwen willen jamie's kitchen mijn lifestyle jamie's kitchen mystery er 2 rash decision madri rond de wereld sam sam dieren op spreekuur jamie's kitchen extreme home makoever jamie's 15 minute meals robs grote tuinverbouwing breaking the faith breaking aw extreme home makeover de 20 grappigste blunders castle rachel zoe project (season 5) castle melissa & joey melissa & joey fatal encounters episode 10 tsunami: the aftermath deadline: crime with tamron ha extreme cheapskates (season 3) taste of life travel, the year baking with sara la fountain 3rd rock from the sun my naked secret (series 3) tam lachen om home video's (24hh) za 27-dec-14 23:20 Com.Cent.F het zonnetje in huis het zonnetje in huis za 27-dec-14 23:49 Com.Cent.F het zonnetje in huis het zonnetje in huis za 27-dec-14 0:09 za za 27-dec-14 27-dec-14 0:19 0:47 24Kitchen impress your friends s2 Com.Cent.F het zonnetje in huis Com.Cent.F het zonnetje in huis impress your friends s2 het zonnetje in huis het zonnetje in huis za 27-dec-14 1:08 24Kitchen baking with sara la fountain baking with sara la fountain zo 28-dec-14 8:15 ID mystery er 2 ironic discovery mystery er 2 ironic discovery zo zo 28-dec-14 28-dec-14 8:55 9:05 ID ID mystery er 2 harley rides agai mystery er 2 harley rides agai mystery er 2 harley rides agai mystery er 2 harley rides agai zo 28-dec-14 9:28 24Kitchen rudolph's bakery year 2011 rudolph's little bakery s1 yea zo 28-dec-14 9:55 ID fatal encounters (season 3) bl fatal encounters (season 3) bl zo zo 28-dec-14 28-dec-14 10:35 11:12 ID 24Kitchen fatal encounters (season 3) de jamie's 15 minute meals fatal encounters (season 3) de jamie's 15 minute meals zo 28-dec-14 11:44 dieren op spreekuur dieren op spreekuur zo 28-dec-14 12:35 Com.Cent.F dharma and greg dharma and greg zo zo 28-dec-14 28-dec-14 13:46 14:20 Com.Cent.F scrubs TLC bakery boss episode 13 scrubs bakery boss episode 13 zo 28-dec-14 14:39 24Kitchen zo zo zo zo zo zo zo zo zo zo zo zo zo zo zo zo zo zo zo zo zo zo zo zo zo ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma 28-dec-14 28-dec-14 28-dec-14 28-dec-14 28-dec-14 28-dec-14 28-dec-14 28-dec-14 28-dec-14 28-dec-14 28-dec-14 28-dec-14 28-dec-14 28-dec-14 28-dec-14 28-dec-14 28-dec-14 28-dec-14 28-dec-14 28-dec-14 28-dec-14 28-dec-14 28-dec-14 28-dec-14 28-dec-14 29-dec-14 29-dec-14 29-dec-14 29-dec-14 29-dec-14 29-dec-14 29-dec-14 29-dec-14 29-dec-14 29-dec-14 29-dec-14 29-dec-14 29-dec-14 29-dec-14 29-dec-14 29-dec-14 29-dec-14 29-dec-14 29-dec-14 29-dec-14 29-dec-14 29-dec-14 29-dec-14 29-dec-14 29-dec-14 29-dec-14 29-dec-14 29-dec-14 14:42 16:17 16:25 16:42 16:50 17:25 17:25 18:23 18:32 18:41 18:53 18:55 19:12 19:18 19:27 20:10 20:18 20:27 21:40 22:19 22:25 22:31 23:55 0:18 1:10 6:15 7:37 7:44 9:15 10:40 11:06 11:46 12:51 13:15 14:30 14:39 14:42 14:47 14:55 15:23 15:39 15:39 15:40 15:41 16:31 16:35 16:39 16:43 17:05 17:11 17:17 17:45 17:54 Net5 Net5 Com.Cent.F Net5 Com.Cent.F Net5 ID Net5 Com.Cent.F 24Kitchen SBS 6 ID 24Kitchen Com.Cent.F Net5 TLC 24Kitchen Com.Cent.F TLC Net5 ID Com.Cent.F ID 24Kitchen TLC Net5 Net5 SBS 6 Com.Cent.F Com.Cent.F 24Kitchen 24Kitchen Com.Cent.F ID TLC SBS 6 24Kitchen Net5 ID Net5 SBS 6 Com.Cent.F 24Kitchen Net5 Net5 TLC 24Kitchen SBS 6 Com.Cent.F 24Kitchen SBS 6 SBS 6 Net5 SBS 6 jamie's kitchen jamie's kitchen dinner date wat vrouwen willen sam sam born2cook sam sam friends true crime with aphrodite jone mike & molly married with children jamie's kitchen vtwonen will (series 3), the estate of the world's best chefs melissa & joey film: the neverending story my five wives (season 1) episo jamie's festive feast melissa & joey who do you think you are? (us film: the curious case of benjamin buton evil-in-law episode 5 3rd rock from the sun i escaped death cellar of terr jamie's festive feast my crazy obsession (season 2) loop: hart van nederland loop: hart van nederland de grote verbouwing australie (24hh) dharma and greg married with children jamie's kitchen makkelijke maaltijd year 2011 melissa & joey fatal encounters (season 2) st i wanna marry harry episode 6 60 minute makeover jamie's 15 minute meals born2cook mystery er 2 ironic discovery achter gesloten deuren 60 minute makeover dharma and greg annabel langbein: the free ran achter gesloten deuren beschuldigd little couple s6 (dne repack) impress your friends s2 everyday gourmet with justine schofield kees & co smaakpupillen s1 year 2014 masterchef australie masterchef australie ncis dinner date wat vrouwen willen sam sam friends sam sam friends true crime with aphrodite jone mike & molly married with children jamie's kitchen vtwonen will (series 3), the estate of the world's best chefs melissa & joey film: the neverending story my five wives (season 1) episo jamie's festive feast melissa & joey who do you think you are? (us film: the curious case of benjamin buton evil-in-law episode 5 3rd rock from the sun i escaped death cellar of terr jamie's festive feast my crazy obsession: christmas loop: hart van nederland loop: hart van nederland de grote verbouwing australie (24hh) dharma and greg married with children jamie's kitchen makkelijke maaltijd year 2011 melissa & joey fatal encounters (season 2) st i wanna marry harry episode 6 60 minute makeover jamie's 15 minute meals born2cook mystery er 2 ironic discovery achter gesloten deuren 60 minute makeover dharma and greg annabel langbein: the free ran achter gesloten deuren beschuldigd little couple s6 (dne repack) impress your friends s2 everyday gourmet with justine schofield kees & co smaakpupillen s1 year 2014 weerberichten masterchef australie ncis ma 29-dec-14 18:42 SBS 6 ma 29-dec-14 18:44 24Kitchen masterchef australie masterchef australie rudolph's bakery s3 year 2011 ma 29-dec-14 19:10 rudolph's bakery s3 year 2011 TLC tlc top 10 dresses ma ma 29-dec-14 29-dec-14 19:11 19:13 tlc top 10 dresses Veronica Net5 film: underdog ncis: los angeles film: underdog ncis: los angeles ma 29-dec-14 19:24 ma 29-dec-14 20:04 shownieuws utopia ma ma 29-dec-14 29-dec-14 20:10 20:40 ma 29-dec-14 21:44 Net5 ma 29-dec-14 23:11 24Kitchen taste of life travel, the year taste of life travel, the year ma ma 29-dec-14 29-dec-14 23:20 23:44 Veronica 24Kitchen film: armageddon rudolph's bakery s3 year 2011 film: armageddon rudolph's bakery s3 year 2011 law & order: special victims unit SBS 6 Com.Cent.F scrubs Veronica TLC scrubs film: underdog say yes to the dress: nightmar film: underdog say yes to the dress: nightmar film: definitely, maybe film: definitely, maybe ma 29-dec-14 23:46 Net5 law & order: special victims unit ma 29-dec-14 0:20 Com.Cent.F 3rd rock from the sun melissa & joey ma di 29-dec-14 30-dec-14 1:10 6:47 TLC Net5 america's worst tattoos (serie loop: hart van nederland america's worst tattoos (serie loop: hart van nederland di 30-dec-14 7:33 Net5 60 minute makeover (24hh) 60 minute makeover (24hh) di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di wo wo wo wo wo wo wo wo wo wo wo wo 30-dec-14 30-dec-14 30-dec-14 30-dec-14 30-dec-14 30-dec-14 30-dec-14 30-dec-14 30-dec-14 30-dec-14 30-dec-14 30-dec-14 30-dec-14 30-dec-14 30-dec-14 30-dec-14 30-dec-14 30-dec-14 30-dec-14 30-dec-14 30-dec-14 30-dec-14 30-dec-14 30-dec-14 30-dec-14 30-dec-14 30-dec-14 30-dec-14 30-dec-14 30-dec-14 30-dec-14 30-dec-14 30-dec-14 30-dec-14 30-dec-14 30-dec-14 30-dec-14 30-dec-14 31-dec-14 31-dec-14 31-dec-14 31-dec-14 31-dec-14 31-dec-14 31-dec-14 31-dec-14 31-dec-14 31-dec-14 31-dec-14 31-dec-14 7:39 9:10 9:41 10:40 10:51 12:27 12:49 14:05 14:27 14:41 14:51 15:15 15:16 15:39 15:39 15:40 16:07 16:15 16:33 16:41 17:10 17:11 17:26 17:33 17:45 17:54 18:01 18:32 18:42 18:50 19:10 19:15 19:40 20:03 20:17 21:26 22:35 23:04 6:21 6:47 8:05 10:50 11:08 12:10 12:26 13:38 13:55 14:13 15:12 15:35 SBS 6 24Kitchen Com.Cent.F Com.Cent.F 24Kitchen Com.Cent.F Com.Cent.F TLC Com.Cent.F 24Kitchen Com.Cent.F SBS 6 Net5 Net5 Com.Cent.F SBS 6 Net5 SBS 6 Net5 24Kitchen 24Kitchen Net5 Net5 Com.Cent.F SBS 6 Net5 Com.Cent.F Com.Cent.F SBS 6 Net5 Veronica Com.Cent.F TLC Com.Cent.F SBS 6 24Kitchen Com.Cent.F Com.Cent.F SBS 6 Net5 ID 24Kitchen 24Kitchen 24Kitchen Com.Cent.F Com.Cent.F ID 24Kitchen SBS 6 SBS 6 masterchef australie (24hh) oliver's twist s2 scrubs married with children jamie's kitchen het zonnetje in huis melissa & joey devious maids episode 7 married with children jamie's 15 minute meals married with children holland zingt... voor mamas achter gesloten deuren (24hh) achter gesloten deuren (24hh) dharma and greg holland zingt... voor mamas beschuldigd utopia (24hh) beschuldigd rudolph's bakery s2 year 2011 smaakpupillen s1 year 2014 achter gesloten deuren achter gesloten deuren het zonnetje in huis masterchef australie ncis (24hh) het zonnetje in huis melissa & joey masterchef australie ncis: los angeles film: g-force 3rd rock from the sun tlc top 10 tattoos scrubs rommel of rijkdom? jamie's kitchen het zonnetje in huis het zonnetje in huis loop: hart van nederland - late editie loop: hart van nederland deadly affairs love thy neighb jamie's kitchen jamie's kitchen impress your friends s2 het zonnetje in huis 3rd rock from the sun deadly affairs (season 2) epis wat de boer niet kent robs grote tuinverbouwing robs grote tuinverbouwing masterchef australie (24hh) oliver's twist s2 scrubs married with children jamie's kitchen het zonnetje in huis melissa & joey devious maids episode 7 married with children jamie's 15 minute meals married with children holland zingt... voor mamas achter gesloten deuren (24hh) achter gesloten deuren (24hh) dharma and greg holland zingt... voor mamas beschuldigd utopia (24hh) beschuldigd rudolph's bakery s2 year 2011 smaakpupillen s1 year 2014 achter gesloten deuren achter gesloten deuren het zonnetje in huis masterchef australie ncis (24hh) het zonnetje in huis melissa & joey masterchef australie ncis: los angeles film: g-force 3rd rock from the sun tlc top 10 tattoos scrubs rommel of rijkdom? jamie's kitchen het zonnetje in huis het zonnetje in huis loop: hart van nederland - late editie loop: hart van nederland deadly affairs love thy neighb jamie's kitchen jamie's kitchen impress your friends s2 het zonnetje in huis 3rd rock from the sun deadly affairs (season 2) epis wat de boer niet kent robs grote tuinverbouwing robs grote tuinverbouwing wo wo wo 31-dec-14 31-dec-14 31-dec-14 15:35 15:38 15:45 Net5 Com.Cent.F ID achter gesloten deuren (24hh) dharma and greg disappeared (season 3) silent achter gesloten deuren (24hh) dharma and greg disappeared (season 3) silent wo 31-dec-14 16:06 Net5 beschuldigd wo 31-dec-14 16:33 Net5 beschuldigd beschuldigd beschuldigd wo 31-dec-14 16:45 SBS 6 everyday gourmet with justine schofield everyday gourmet with justine schofield wo wo 31-dec-14 31-dec-14 17:10 17:27 24Kitchen Net5 smaakpupillen s1 year 2014 achter gesloten deuren smaakpupillen s1 year 2014 achter gesloten deuren masterchef australie wo 31-dec-14 17:45 SBS 6 masterchef australie wo 31-dec-14 17:54 Net5 ncis (24hh) ncis (24hh) wo wo 31-dec-14 31-dec-14 18:04 18:14 Com.Cent.F Net5 het zonnetje in huis ncis (24hh) het zonnetje in huis ncis (24hh) wo 31-dec-14 18:51 Net5 ncis: los angeles ncis: los angeles wo 31-dec-14 19:25 TLC tlc top 10 mums tlc top 10 mums wo wo 31-dec-14 31-dec-14 19:38 19:41 Com.Cent.F 24Kitchen 3rd rock from the sun jamie's 15 minute meals 3rd rock from the sun jamie's 15 minute meals wo 31-dec-14 20:02 Com.Cent.F scrubs scrubs wo 31-dec-14 20:25 TLC say yes to the dress: randy's say yes to the dress: randy's wo wo 31-dec-14 31-dec-14 20:48 21:10 Com.Cent.F TLC dharma and greg best of buddy's - series 2 wed dharma and greg best of buddy's - series 2 wed wo 31-dec-14 21:12 Com.Cent.F dharma and greg dharma and greg wo wo wo wo wo wo wo wo wo wo wo wo wo wo 31-dec-14 31-dec-14 31-dec-14 31-dec-14 31-dec-14 31-dec-14 31-dec-14 31-dec-14 31-dec-14 31-dec-14 31-dec-14 31-dec-14 31-dec-14 31-dec-14 21:41 21:44 22:13 22:15 22:33 22:39 22:43 23:55 0:15 0:21 0:38 1:10 1:35 1:35 24Kitchen Com.Cent.F 24Kitchen ID Com.Cent.F Net5 SBS 6 TLC 24Kitchen Com.Cent.F 24Kitchen 24Kitchen ID TLC jamie's kitchen sam sam wat de boer niet kent cuff me if you can cross-count het zonnetje in huis net5 presenteert: de leukste videoclips het beste van komt een man bij de dokter ballroom blitz (wt) manhattan oliver's twist s2 3rd rock from the sun baking with sara la fountain taste of life travel, the year cuff me if you can cross-count best of buddy's - series 2 wed jamie's kitchen sam sam wat de boer niet kent cuff me if you can cross-count het zonnetje in huis net5 presenteert: de leukste videoclips het beste van komt een man bij de dokter ballroom blitz (wt) manhattan oliver's twist s2 melissa & joey baking with sara la fountain taste of life travel, the year cuff me if you can cross-count best of buddy's - series 2 wed
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