Anatomie van het hart Gericht op Positie van het hart Right Lateral view Infero posterior view Anterior View Posterior View Cardiac Anatomy SVC SA node Terminal Crest LV RA Fossa AV node Coronary Sinus IVC RV Anatomy Cardiac conduction system A Practical Guide to ECG Interpretation Ken Grauer, M.D. Ch 7 Pg. 98 Right Atrium Netter, F. Clinical Symposia. Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation, Summit, NJ, 1997. Right Atrium SA Node region The SA node is generally located in the high RA, posterior to the crista terminalis. Netter, F. Clinical Symposia. Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation, Summit, NJ, 1997. Right Atrium AV Node region The Atrio-Ventricular (AV) node is the only normal electrical connection between the upper and lower chambers of the heart. Netter, F. Clinical Symposia. Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation, Summit, NJ, 1997. Right Atrium Fossa Ovalis The fossa ovalis is a thin layer of tissue that forms shortly after birth that can provide access to the left atrium using special instruments. Netter, F. Clinical Symposia. Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation, Summit, NJ, 1997. Right Atrium Coronary Sinus Ostium The coronary sinus ostium (cs os) provides access to the base of the left atrium and ventricle without requiring an arterial puncture. Netter, F. Clinical Symposia. Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation, Summit, NJ, 1997. Right Atrium&Triangle of Koch Netter, F. Clinical Symposia. Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation, Summit, NJ, 1997. Right Ventricle Netter, F. Clinical Symposia. Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation, Summit, NJ, 1997. Left Heart Netter, F. Clinical Symposia. Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation, Summit, NJ, 1997. LAO LAO projection Aortic valve Mitral valve Tricuspid valve SVC Klepvlak RA RV IVC Anterior TV Klepvlak MV CS Posterior Klepvlak Prevalentie SVT’s Boezemfibriller 0.7-18% (55-85+ en jaar) Boezemflutter 0.05%-0.6% (<50 - 80+ jaar) AVNRT 0.2% AVRT 0.1-0.3% Uiteindelijke diagnose bij regulaire SVT verwezen voor ablatie AVNRT 50% AVRT 40% AT 10% Success Rates for RF Ablations Type of Arrhythmia WPW or SVT (concealed bypass tract) Success Rate (%) 85-95 AV Node Reentry 95+ Atrial Fibrillation 95+ Typical Atrial Flutter 80-90 Atrial Tachycardia 70-80 Ventricular Tachycardia (Normal Heart) 90 95 Ventricular Tachycardia (Structural Heart Disease) 60 Adapted from Gallik DM. Radio-frequency Catheter Ablation for the Treatment of Cardiac Arrhythmias. Cardiology Special Edition. 1997;59-61. 28 RF Ablation Complications Complication Death Prevalence (%) 0.1 Non-fatal complications: Tamponade 0.5 AV block 0.5 Pericarditis 0.1 Femoral artery complications: Thrombolic occlusion 0.2 Hematoma 0.2 AV fistula 0.1 ACC/AHA Circ. 1995;92:673-691. Morady F. N Engl J Med. 1999;340:534-544. 29 A - Flutter Atrium fibrillatie Structure and Mechanisms of AF Transseptale punktie AO Esophagus AVNRT Substraat bij common type Dual AV nodal pathways: Up p e r c o m m o n p a th w a y Fast pathway: Slow pathway: trage geleiding S lo w p a th w a y Fa st p a th w a y snelle geleiding traag herstel snel herstel Lo w e r c o m m o n p a th w a y Trigger: bijv. boezemextrasystole: Anatomy of the Human Atrioventricular Node 51 Right Atrium&Triangle of Koch Netter, F. Clinical Symposia. Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation, Summit, NJ, 1997. AVRT Bedankt voor de aandacht
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