Wetenschappelijke publicaties Saltro -------------------------------------------------------------2014---------------------------------------------------------Triaging borderline/mild dyskaryotic Pap cytology with p16/Ki-67 dual-stained cytology testing: cross-sectional and longitudinal outcome study MARGOT UIJTERWAAL, BIRGIT I. WITTE, FOLKERT J. VAN KEMENADE, DORIEN RIJKAART, RUEDIGER RIDDER, JOHANNES BERKHOF, ANGELIQUE G.A.M.A. BALFOORTVAN DER MEIJ, MAAIKE C.G.BLEEKER, PETER J.F. SNIJDERS, CHRIS J.L.M. MEIJER. Br J Cancer. 2014 Mar 18;110(6):1579-86 Influence of duration and dose of metformin on cobalamin deficiency in type 2 diabetes patients using metformin. 1 BEULENS JW , HART HE, KUIJS R, KOOIJMAN-BUITING AM, RUTTEN GE. Acta Diabetol. 2014 Jun 8 -------------------------------------------------------------2013---------------------------------------------------------Diagnostic properties of C-reactive protein for detecting pneumonia in children. MADIEKE J. KOSTER, BERNA D.L. BROEKHUIZEN, MARGARETHA C. MINNAARD, WALTER A.F. BALEMANS, ROGIER M. HOPSTAKEN, PIM A. DE JONG, THEO J.M. VERHEIJ Respiratory Medicine 2013, vol. 107, no. 7, 1087 De waarde van de CRP-sneltest bij exacerbaties van COPD. ROGIER HOPSTAKEN. CAHAGbulletin (2013) vol. 1 Simultaneous increase of Cryptosporidium infections in the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and Germany in late summer season, 2012. N FOURNET, M P DEEGE, A T URBANUS, G NICHOLS, B M ROSNER, R M CHALMERS, R 9 GORTON K G POLLOCK, J W B VAN DER GIESSEN, P C WEVER, J W DORIGO-ZETSMA, B MULDER, T G MANK, I OVERDEVEST, J G KUSTERS, W VAN PELT, L M KORTBEEK . Eurosurveillance 2013, vol. 18, no. 2, Enhanced Communication Skills and C-reactive Protein Point-of-Care Testing for Respiratory Tract Infection: 3.5-year Follow up of a Cluster Randomized Trial JOCHEN W. L. CALS, LEON DE BOCK, PIETER-JAN H. W. BECKERS, NICK A. FRANCIS, ROGIER M. HOPSTAKEN, KERENZA HOOD, EEFJE G. P. M. DE BONT, CHRISTOPHER C. BUTLER, GEERT-JAN DINANT Annals of family medicine 2013, vol 11, no. 2, 157 Analytical performance, agreement and user-friendliness of five C-reactive protein pointof-care tests. MARGARETHA C MINNAARD, ALMA C VAN DE POL, BERNA DL BROEKHUIZEN, THEO JM VERHEIJ, ROGIER M HOPSTAKEN, SANNE VAN DELFT, ANTOINETTE MJ KOOIJMANBUITING, JORIS AH DE GROOT, NIEK J DE WIT. Scand J Clin Lab Invest. 2013 Dec;73(8):627-34 -------------------------------------------------------------2012---------------------------------------------------------CRP-sneltest in de dagelijkse praktijk HOPSTAKEN R, VERDIJK N, VAN DEN BROEK N, VERSPAANDONK K, MEULEPAS M, HELDER C, KEYZER J.. Huisarts Wet 2012 vol. 55, no. 9, 388 CRP-sneltest.; Diagnostische verrichtingen [boekhoofdstuk] 1 CALS JWL, HOPSTAKEN RM. Nederlands Huisartsen Genootschap; oktober 2012. Gecertificeerde CRP sneltest in de huisartspraktijk. VAN DEN BROEK N, KEIJZER J, HOPSTAKEN RM EN NABBE K. Ned Tijdschr Klin Chem Labgeneesk 2012;vol 37, 238 Samenvatting van de NHG-standaard ‘Acuut hoesten’ VERLEE L, VERHEIJ TJM, HOPSTAKEN RM, PRINS JM, SALOMÉ PL EN BINDELS PJE.. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2012, vol. 156, 4188. Spread of the epidemic European fusidic acid-resistant impetigo clone (EEFIC) in general practice patients in the south of The Netherlands. RIJNDERS MI, WOLFFS PF, HOPSTAKEN RM, DEN HEYER M, BRUGGEMAN CA, STOBBERINGH EE. J Antimicrob Chemother 2012, vol. 67, no. 5, 1176 Point-of-care monitoring of vitamin K-antagonists: validation of CoaguChek XS test strips with International Standard thromboplastin ANTON M H P VAN DEN BESSELAAR, NATHALIE C V PÉQUÉRIAUX, MARIJ EBBEN, JOKE VAN DER FEEST, KERST DE JONG, MANON B J GANZEBOOM, JETTY VAN OOIJEN, FERNA POSTEMA, EVELINA WITTEVEEN, FELIX J M VAN DER MEER J Clin Pathol 2012 vol. 65, no, 11, 1031 Topical Diltiazem Cream versus Botulinum Toxin A for the Treatment of Chronic Anal Fissure: A Double-Blind Randomized Clinical Trial. 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