LED MOTION motion-Technologie. traploos instelbare kleurtemperatuur van warm wit tot koud wit. Light motion 2013 Meubeltechniek® Postbus 3421 4800 DK Breda www.staalimex.nl Tel. 076-5873750 [email protected] Fax 076-5878571 La società L&S SpA dichiara che tutti i propri prodotti finiti, rientranti nella categoria “5. Apparecchi di illuminazione” dell’allegato 1A della Direttiva 2002/96/CE, sono conformi alle disposizioni della Direttiva RoHs sulle restrizioni all’uso di alcune sostanze pericolose. TUTTI I PRODOTTI FINITI L&S SONO CONFORMI ALLA DIRETTIVA ROHS. Le direttive pre in prim i quali rispe applicabili. The 2006/9 considered manufactur can be app SYMBOLEN L&S SpA thereforemotion-Technologie. declares that all its finished products coming under category “5. Lighting equipment” in annex 1A to the Dirctive 2002/96/ traplooswith instelbare kleurtemperatuur warmonwit tot CE, are in conformity the provisions of the RoHS van Directive the restriction of the usewit. of certain hazardous substances. koud ALL FINISHED PRODUCTS L&S ARE ROHS DIRECTIVE CONFORM. ly variable colour temperature with a high efficiency Classi nection system el di isolamento/Insulation classes CLASSE 1 Apparecchio con isolamento fondamentale delle parti in tensione, ma anche1.con una sicurezza supplementare costituita Isolatieklasse dal collegamento delle parti conduttrici accessibili ad un conduttore diIsolatieklasse protezione (messa a terra) facente parte dell'impianto 2. fisso. CLASS 1 Equipment with fundamental insulation of the tighIsolatieklasse 3. ting parts but also with a supplementary security based on the connection of the conductors parts with access to a protection Geschikt voorbelonging montage op in fixed meubelen. conductor (earthing) to of the plant. Sicurezza/Safet L&S rispetta le no tibilità elettromag illuminazione. L&S conforms wi mance and electr lighting compone Marchi di sicure Istituto Itali Marchio di V D E Marchio di CLASSE 2 Apparecchio con isolamento rinforzato o doppio isolaGeschikt voor montage op normaal ontvlambare oppervlakken. mento, privo di dispositivo per la messa a terra. CLASS 2 Reinforced or double insulation equipment without earthing Diameter device. boorgat. Marchio di Marchio di - lx - lx Marchio di Marchio di Marchio di Marchio di NF Marchio di Marchio di Marchio di Marchio di Marchio di 750 300 1000 - lx 500 - lx Apparecchio idoneo per applicazioni su superfici normalmente infiammabili (mobili). Equipment fit for installation on normally inflammable surfaces (forniture). Lux tabel. Utilizzare solo lampade alogene Zonlicht 100000 -riportanti 130000 lux questo simbolo cioè Daglicht (indirect zonlicht) 10000 - 20000 lux UV. lampade autoprotette contro la rottura e l'emissione Bewolkte dag 1000 lux Only use halogen lamps bearing this symbol, i.e. lamps self-proDonkere schemering 1 lux tected against breakage and 0,1 UVluxemission. Volle maan Marchio di 965 Beschermingsnorm. IP20=geen bescherming tegen water, CLASSE 3 Apparecchio con isolamento previsto per alimentazioBeschermd tegen indringen van vaste ne a bassissima tensione di sicurezza e nel quale non si producovoorwerpen groter dan 12 mm. no tensioni superiori alla stessa. CLASS 3 Insulation equipment for a IP21=drupdicht very low security tension geen bescherming tegen feeding in which it is not possible to IP40= produce tensions superior to water, Beschermd tegen indringen van spitse the same one. vaste voorwerpen groter dan 1 mm. IP44=plensdicht Idoneità di montaggio/Suitability for mounting IP65=sproeidicht Apparecchio idoneo per applicazioni in e su mobili (requisito VDE). IP67=dompeldicht M M Equipment fit for installation in and on furniture (VDE demand). Aansluitbaar op 12 volt Led konvertor. Trasformatore parzialmente resistente ai corto circuito. Transformer partially resistant to short circuits. Meubeltechniek® www.staalimex.nl Convertitore indipendente. Postbus 3421 4800 DK Breda Tel. 076-5873750 Independent converter Marchio di Marchio un Marchi EMV-EM [email protected] Fax 076-5878571 Marchio di NOVA PLUS IP 20 MOTION Vlakke LED inbouw- en opbouwspot met geïntegreerde temperatuurregeling. Opbouw d.m.v. opbouwring. -Lichtstarke LED-Einbauleuchte mitklembevestiging. einem hohen -Powerful LED lighting with a high efficiency Tijdbesparende montage d.m.v. Wirkungsgradaan und 12 innovativer Linsentechnologie and innovative lens technology Aansluitbaar volt konverter. -Ausführung: Rund, Eckig -Versions: round, square Lichtkleur traploos instelbaar van warm wit tot -Farben: Aluminium, Edelstahl -Colours: aluminium, stainless steel koud wit. Leverbaar in KU alu en KU RVS. motion-technologie: - motion-technologie: regelbare Farbtemperatur Stufenlose regelbare - motion-technology: Farbtemperatur progressively - motion-technology: variable colour temperature progressively variable Ronde Stufenlose of Vierkante uitvoering. n warmweiss zu kaltweiss von warmweiss zu kaltweiss from warmwhite to coolwhite from warmwhite to coolwhite chtstarke LED-Einbauleuchte -Lichtstarke mit einemLED-Einbauleuchte hohen mit einem -Extra hohen slim LED recessed lighting -Extra with slim a high LED efficiency recessed lighting with a high rkungsgrad und innovativerWirkungsgrad Linsentechnologie und innovativer Linsentechnologie and innovative lens technology and innovative lens technology nschlussfertig mit LED Mini-Anschlussfertig Stecksystem mit LED Mini Stecksystem -With Plug and Play LED mini-With connection Plug and system Play LED mini connection sys usführung: Rund, Eckig -Ausführung: Rund, Eckig -Versions: round, square -Versions: round, square 2.0m 68mm rben: Aluminium, Edelstahl-Farben: Aluminium, Edelstahl -Colours: aluminium, stainless-Colours: steel aluminium, stainless steel ø= 68 ø= 68 ø= 68 12 ø= 68mm 12mm Trafo 300 - lx 347 lx - lx 3120 lx 2235 lx - 2059 - lx lx 750 1000 555 lx 3120 lx 3120 lx - lx 750 291 lx - lx 300 466 lx 1188 lx kaltweiß neutralweiß warmweiß 999 lx - lx 500 753 lx 1188 lx 1188 lx 805 lx - -753 lx lx 1188 lx 1188 lx 335 lx 555 lx 555 lx 360 lx - -335 lx lx 555 lx 555 lx - lx 205 lx 291 lx 347 lx 220 lx - -205 lx lx 291 lx 347 lx - lx - lx 1000 CW - 3000-6000 805 lx 12+12 180-120 360 lx 64,3-42,9 2,8 2008 220 lx - 3120 lx motion WW NW CW WW NW vin 3000 900 - Celvin 3000-6000 3000 900 D 12 12 - LED 12+12 12 12 D LM 210 258 - LED180-120 LM 210 258 : 12 + 12 70 D LM/W 70Aantal 86LEDs - LED 64,3-42,9 LM/W 86 K 3,0emotion 3,0 - W : 2700-6500 2,8 3,0 3,0 D Typ 3020Watt 3020 - LED 2008 3020 3020 : 3Typ 40° 2620 lx 500 Nova Plus Rond Nova Rond Aluminium LED 12 M A317571 M 2,0m 68mm A317572 Nova Rond RVS look WW NW CW Vierkant Celvin 3000 3900 A317573 Nova Vierkant Aluminium LED‘s 12 12 A317574 Nova Vierkant RVS look LED LM 210 258 opbouwring Rond LED LM/W 70 86 W 3,0 3,0 A313140 Nova Round Aluminium LED Typ 3020 3020 A313141 Nova Round RVS look 81mm opbouwring Vierkant -15LED M 12 M M Vierkant M A313148 Nova Aluminium 2,0m 68mm 68mm 2235 lx - 2059 lx 3120 lx A313149 Nova Vierkant RVS look motion 0m 12 ø= 75 ø= 75 13,5 mm ED 12 12 13 ø= 75 : A , B of D Meubeltechniek® Postbus 3421 4800 DK Breda www.staalimex.nl Tel. 076-5873750 [email protected] Fax 076-5878571 NOVA PLUS MOTION F M III 3,00 / 12VDC 1 68 min mm . 12 mm 1 3,0 x 15 mm 2 Meubeltechniek® Postbus 3421 4800 DK Breda www.staalimex.nl Tel. 076-5873750 [email protected] Fax 076-5878571 eu SUPERLIGHT MOTION LED powerspotlight in hoogwaardige RVS behuizing. Hoge lichtopbrengst. -LED Powerstrahler in einem hochwertigen Edelstahlgehäuse Lichtkleur traploos instelbaar van warm wit tot und sehr guter Lichtausbeute koud wit. -Farbe: Edelstahl ! IP 44 -LED power-spotlight in a high-class body made of stainless steel with a excellent luminous efficiency -Colour: stainless steel otion-Technologie: Stufenlose - motion-Technologie: regelbare Farbtemperatur Stufenlose regelbare Farbtemperatur -technology: progressively variable -technology: colourprogressively temperature variable co - motion-technology: - motion-technology: warmweiss zu kaltweiss von warmweiss zu kaltweiss from warmwhite to coolwhite from warmwhite to coolwhite D Powerstrahler in einem-LED hochwertigen Powerstrahler Edelstahlgehäuse in einem hochwertigen Edelstahlgehäuse -LED power-spotlight in a high-class -LED power-spotlight body made ofinstainless a high-class steel body mad sehr guter Lichtausbeuteund sehr guter Lichtausbeute with a excellent luminous efficiency with a excellent luminous efficiency be: Edelstahl -Farbe: Edelstahl -Colour: stainlesse steel -Colour: stainlesse steel 1.8m 58mm 15 55-58 Superlight Typ Motion 756 lx 648 lx Ausführung 358 lx 317 lx Warmweiss Neutralweiss Emotion 223 lx 198 lx 750 CW - - lx - lx Artikel-Nr.Ausführung - lx 38.260.02-10 Warmweiss 38.260.03-10 Neutralweiss 38.260.11-10 Emotion - lx 1000 NW 4000 9 216 74,5 2,9 2408 1734 lx neutralweiß WW 3000 9� 216 74,5 2,9 2408 35° 1901 lx warmweiß Celvin LED‘s LED LM LED LM/W W LED Typ M 300 58mm kaltweiß M LED 12 1,8m 500 A317575 Superlight emotion RVS look -19- - 321lx - 200 lx 358 lx 223 lx 648 lx702 lx - 720 - lxlx 317 lx313 lx - 321lx - lx 198 lx192 lx - 200 - lxlx 756 lx 358 lx 223 lx - lx 648 lx kaltweiß 750 756 lx 1734 lx - lx 1000 - 720 lx 1901 lx neutralweiß CW - 2700-6500 702 lx 9+9 225 313 lx 77,6 2,9 2008 192 lx 1734 lx2040 lx - 2100 - lxlx warmweiß NW 4000 9 216 74,5 K 2,9 2408 1901 lx 300 35° 2040 lx - 2100 lx 500 M kaltweiß NW CW WW 4000 Celvin - 2700-65003000 9 LED 9+9 9 216 LEDs LED lm Aantal : 9 +225 9 216 74,5 LED lm/W 77,674,5 emotion : 2700-6500 2,9 W 2,9 2,9 Watt : 2,9 2408 LED Typ 20082408 Trafo M 58mm motion WW 3000 9 216 74,5 2,9 2408 M neutralweiß LEDM12 1,8m 58mm warmweiß lm lm/W 15 15 71 motion n 55-58 71 D 12 m 71 55-58 317 lx - lx 198 lx - lx : A , B of D SuperlightEmotion www.ls-deutschland.de SuperlightEmotion - Änderungenwww.ls-deutschland.de vorbehalten - 2013/09 - Änderunge Meubeltechniek® Postbus 3421 4800 DK Breda www.staalimex.nl Tel. 076-5873750 [email protected] Fax 076-5878571 SUPERLIGHT MOTION 12 VDC 2,9 W M III IP44 ø 8 ± 0,1 F 12 ± 0,1 20% 3 10 ø 55 - 58 70 1 3 2 50% 25% 4 Meubeltechniek® Postbus 3421 4800 DK Breda 25% www.staalimex.nl Tel. 076-5873750 [email protected] Fax 076-5878571 SUPERLIGHT MOTION 5 1x 1x 1x 1x 6 2700K = 6500K LED = Meubeltechniek® Postbus 3421 4800 DK Breda www.staalimex.nl Tel. 076-5873750 [email protected] Fax 076-5878571 - motion-Technologie: Stufenlose regelbare Farbtemperatur von warmweiss zu kaltweiss -Hochwertige LED Leuchte im exklusiven Design -Einfache Montage mit Clipbefestigung -Optional mit TouchLED zum Schalten und Dimmen oder mit motion-Technologie: Stufenlose regelbare Farbtemperatur von warmweiss zu kaltweiss -Farben: Schwarz, Weiss, Edelstahl - motion-technology: progressively variable colour temperature from warmwhite to coolwhite -High-quality LED lighting with a exclusive design. -Simple installation with mounting clips -Optional with touch-LED to switch and dim or using the motion-technology for progressively variable colour temperature from warmwhite to coolwhite MOTION -Colours: black, white, stainless-steel i LED IP 20 LED opbouwspot in exclusief design. Eenvoudige montage d.m.v. clip. Lichtkleur traploos instelbaar van warm wit tot koud wit. Leverbaar in zwart, wit en RVS. mit TLD 90 2.0m 12 VDC LED-Konverter 209 lx - 235 lx 133 lx - 150 lx A313211 i LED zwart 320 lx 205 lx 760 lx 2100 lx 760 lx 1000 700 lx 210 lx kaltweiß 448 lx - 504 lx warmweiß NW CW 4100 6000 2700-6800 36 36 36+36 580 485 328-385 Motion 68,2 57,1 91,10-89,5 8,5 8,5 3,6-4,3 5050 5050 3014 motion WW Celvin 3200 LED 36 LED LM i LED 400 LED LM/W 50,6 W 7,9 LED Typ Zwart 5050 1950 lx 750 120° 1235 lx - 1403 lx 300 M neutralweiß M LED 12 2,0m 500 204 bis zu 3 iL D 350 lx 350 lx 230 lx 230 lx -11- Wit A313212 i LED wit 90 204 205 lx 235lxlx 350 lx 209 lx - 350 150lxlx 230 lx 133 lx - 230 320 lx 205 lx 760 lx 350 lx 350 lx 230 lx 230 lx 1000 500 300 760 lx 120° 2100 lx 750 700 lx 210 lx aal wit neutra koud wit 504lxlx 760 lx 448 lx - 760 1950 lx warm wit 320 lx motion 700 lx 1403lxlx 210 lx1235 lx -2100 koud wit 750 1000 120° 1950 lx 500 204 300 90 RVS A313213 i LED RVS aal wit neutra warm wit mperatur nology: progressively - motion-technology: variable colour progressively temperaturevariable colour temperature ite to coolwhitefrom warmwhite to coolwhite ED lighting with -High-quality a exclusive LED design. lighting with a exclusive design. ation with mounting -Simpleclips installation with mounting clips oder touch-LED to-Optional switch and with dim touch-LED or using the to switch and dim or using the btemperatur nology for progressively motion-technology variable colour for progressively variable colour from warmwhite temperature to coolwhitefrom warmwhite to coolwhite k, white, stainless-steel -Colours: black, white, stainless-steel Aantal LEDs emotion Watt Trafo : 36 + 36 : 2700-6500 K : 4,8 : A , B of D -11- Meubeltechniek® Postbus 3421 4800 DK Breda www.staalimex.nl Tel. 076-5873750 [email protected] Fax 076-5878571 i LED MOTION F 4,80W / 12VDC M 30W max 3 M III iL D 1 1 2x 2 3 Meubeltechniek® Postbus 3421 4800 DK Breda www.staalimex.nl Tel. 076-5873750 [email protected] Fax 076-5878571 Ne Ne u! u! Ne IP 20 u! iiLED motion ii LED MOTION LED opbouw- en inbouwspot in exclusief design. inbouwspot heeft een inbouwdiepte van 12mm en een freesmaat van 107 x 188mm. Lichtkleur traploos instelbaar van warm wit tot koud wit. homogenen Ausleuchtung und einer sehr geringen Einbautiefe von 12mm -Jetzt auch als Aufbauleuchte erhältlich. -Farbe: Edelstahl, Weiss and a small installation depth of 12mm -Now also available as surface mounting version. -Colour: stainless steel, white inbouw 187 140 187 140 195 140 187 140 108 85 107 85 107 85 107 85 108 85 ii LED - lx - lx iiLED Emtion www.ls-deutschland.de - Änderungen vorbehalten - 2013/09 225 lx130 lx - 157 - lxlx 143 lx 73 lx - -88 lx lx - lx - lx 225 lx - lx 143 lx - lx 300 M 1173 lx - 1411 lx 293 lx - 353 lx 130 lx - 157 lx 750 484 lx 1000 750 - lx M OpbouwWW NW CW A317609 ii- LED opbouw Wit Celvin 4000 - 2700-6500 LED -+A317610 ii-LED60opbouw RVS-Look LED lm 410 - 248 - 298 Inbouwraam LED lm/W - los 74,5 52 - 54 W 5,5 A317611 ii -LED5,5inbouwraam Wit LED Typ 2408 A317612 ii-LED inbouwraam RVS-Look 500 300 1000 - lx - lx 2,0m 119° 1339 lx 750 kaltweiß 1000 143 lx 300 - lx - lx 500 kaltweiß - lx neutralweiß - lx 484 lx293 lx - 353 - lx lx - lx 225119° lx warmweiß kaltweiß 88 lx motion neutralweiß - lx - lx 484 lx 1339 lx1173 lx - 1411 - lx lx 73 lx - - lx - lx 1339 lx neutralweiß 130 lx - 157 lx - lx - lx warmweiß motion 1173 lx - 1411 lx Motion LED 12 500 119° motion opbouw 293 lx - 353 lx - motion-tec from warmw -Powerful LE and a small -Now also av -Colour: stain Nur 12mm Einbautiefe/Fräßmass 107x188mm Only 12mm mounting depth / Recess 107x188mm 108 85 warmweiß mperatur nology: progressively - motion-technology: variable colour progressively temperature variable colour temperature e to coolwhite from warmwhite to coolwhite Panellight with-Powerful a homogene LED illumination Panellight with a homogene illumination stallation depthand of 12mm a small installation depth of 12mm 2.0m - motion-Technologie: Stufenlose regelbare Farbtemperatur atur - motion-technology: progressively variable colour temperature able as from surface -Now mounting also available version. as surface mounting version. von warmweiss zu kaltweiss warmwhite to coolwhite ss steel,-Powerful white-Colour: stainless whiteillumination -Lichtstarke LED Flächenleuchte mit einer äußerst LED Panellight withsteel, a homogene Postbus 3421 4800 DK Breda 88 lx iiLED Aantal LEDs emotion Watt Trafo : + : 2700-6500 K : 5,5 : A , B of D mtion www.ls-deutschland.de iiLED - Änderungen Emtion www.ls-deutschland.de vorbehalten - 2013/09 - Änderungen vorbehalten - 2013/09 Meubeltechniek® 73 lx - www.staalimex.nl Tel. 076-5873750 [email protected] Fax 076-5878571 ii LED MOTION INBOUW F M 12 VDC 5,5 W M III 11 9 100 105 108 1 MA 15.038.95 20% 20% 11 7 0 188 -0,2 2 Meubeltechniek® Postbus 3421200 4800 DK Breda ma x. R1 107 -0,2 = = 8 25% 195 187 117 20% www.staalimex.nl Tel. 076-5873750 [email protected] Fax 076-5878571 200 ii LED 3 MOTION 4 5 1x 1x 1x 1x 6 2700K = 6500K LED = Meubeltechniek® Postbus 3421 4800 DK Breda www.staalimex.nl Tel. 076-5873750 [email protected] Fax 076-5878571 ii LED MOTION OPBOUW F M 12 VDC 5,5 W M 100 11 III 107 187 1 50% 77,4 173,2 2 MA 15.038.78 200 40® Meubeltechniek Postbus 3421 4800 DK Breda www.staalimex.nl Tel. 076-5873750 [email protected] Fax 076-5878571 ii LED 3 MOTION 4 5 X 200 200 X 6 200 1. 7 2. 3. 8 200 Meubeltechniek® Postbus 3421 4800 DK Breda www.staalimex.nl Tel. 076-5873750 200 [email protected] Fax 076-5878571 ii LED MOTION 9 10 11 1x 1x 1x 1x 12 2700K = 6500K LED = Meubeltechniek® Postbus 3421 4800 DK Breda www.staalimex.nl Tel. 076-5873750 [email protected] Fax 076-5878571 IP 20 MANILA III inbouwlamp in aluprofiel aansluitbaar aan 12 volt konverter Lichtkleur traploos instelbaar van warm wit tot koud wit. leverbaar in Alu en Alu RVS look eratur von - motion-technology: logy: progressively variable colourprogressively temperature variable colour temperature to coolwhite. from warmwhite to coolwhite. tiefe essed profile -Elegant with a LED low installation recessed profile with a low installation depth of 12mm um, stainless -Colours: steel aluminium, stainless steel Manila 310 lx Motion A317576 Manila Aluminium 500mm A317578 Manila Aluminium 800mm A317580 Manila Aluminium 1000mm A317577 Manila RVS look 500mm A317579 Manila RVS look 800mm A317581 Manila RVS look 1000mm 335lxlx - lx 365 lx - 250 450 lx 310 lx - lx 360 lx - lx 250 lx 750 630 lx 300 500 300 - lx 70° 1180 lx 1000 790 lx - lx neutraal wit 480lxlx - lx 530 lx - 360 warm wit koud wit motion 845lxlx - lx 935 lx - 630 1500 lx koud wit 750 1000 70° 1580lxlx - lx1650 lx -1180 500 afkortbaar iedere 40mm neutraal wit 450 lx 2.0m L 500 lx 790 lx MOTION Aantal LEDs emotion Watt Trafo : 120 + 120 : 3000-6500 K : 15.5 per meter : A , B of D -3- Meubeltechniek® Postbus 3421 4800 DK Breda www.staalimex.nl Tel. 076-5873750 [email protected] Fax 076-5878571 MANILA MOTION F M M III 12 VDC 100 L 14 12,2 20,4 1 100 2 MA 15.038.48 3 Meubeltechniek® 100www.staalimex.nl Postbus 3421 4800 DK Breda Tel. 076-5873750 [email protected] Fax 076-5878571 MANILA 4 MOTION 1x 1x 1x 1x 5 3000K = 6000K LED = Meubeltechniek® Postbus 3421 4800 DK Breda www.staalimex.nl Tel. 076-5873750 [email protected] Fax 076-5878571 Bali Bali motion BALI motion MOTION opbouwlamp in aluprofiel aansluitbaar aan 12 volt konverter Lichtkleur traploos instelbaar van warm wit tot koud wit. leverbaar in Alu en Alu RVS look IP 20 15 15 15 - motion-Technologie: Stufenlose regelbare Farbtemperatur - motion-technology: progressively variable colour temperature von warmweiss zu kaltweiss from warmwhite to coolwhite -Sehr schlanke Anbauleuchte im Aluminiumprofil -Slim designed mounting lighting made of aluminium -Einfache Montage mit Befestigungsclips -Simple installation with mounting clips -Edelstahl motion-Technologie: Stufenlose regelbare Farbtemperatur - motion-technology: - motion-Technologie: Stufenlose regelbare Farbtemperatur - motion-technology: progressively variable colour progressively temperature variable colou -Farben: Aluminium, -Colours: aluminium, stainless steel 2.0m von warmweiss zu kaltweiss von warmweiss zu kaltweiss from warmwhite to coolwhite from warmwhite to coolwhite schlanke Anbauleuchte im Aluminiumprofil -Slimmade designed mounting lighting made of aluminiu -Sehr schlanke Anbauleuchte-Sehr im Aluminiumprofil -Slim designed mounting lighting of aluminium -Einfache Montage mit Befestigungsclips -Simple installation with mounting clips -Einfache Montage mit Befestigungsclips -Simple installation with mounting clips -Farben: Aluminium, Edelstahl -Colours: -Farben: Aluminium, Edelstahl -Colours: aluminium, stainless steel aluminium, stainless steel 14,4 1:1 L in mm L in mm 14,4 14,4 Bali L in mm Motion 1:1 A317602 Bali Aluminium 500mm A317600 Bali Aluminium 800mm 1:1 A317604 Bali Aluminium 1000mm A317601 Bali RVS-Look 500mm A317603 Bali RVS-Look 800mm A317605 Bali RVS-Look 1000mm Trafo : A , B of D 480 lx 450 lx 365 lx - 335 lx 310 lx 335 lx 310 lx -6- Meubeltechniek® Postbus 3421 4800 DK Breda - lx - 480 450 lx 530 lx 360 lx lx - lx 250 lx - lx 365 lx 250 - 335 lx lx 310 lx 500 300 - lx 70° 1180 lx 630 lx - lx 360 lx - lx 250 lx 1000 - 845 lx lx360 lx 790 lx 450 lx - lx 935- lx lx630 neutralweiß warmweiß kaltweiß 845 lx lx 530lxlx - 480790 - lx 750 1180 lx 70° 790 lx - lx 1650- lx lx1180 - 1580 lx lx630 lx 1500 lx kaltweiß CW 7000 3000-6500935 lx 60 120+120 970 1140-1200530 lx 67,4 76-80 14,40 15 5050 3014365 -6lx - warmweiß 935lxlx - 845 lx lx 1650 lx - 1580 1500 - lx motion neutralweiß warmweiß M neutralweiß M motion WW NWLEDMCW 12 M Celvin 3100 - 2,0m7000 3000-6500 LED/m 60 120+120 WW NW WW NW 60 CWLED3100 LM/m -1170 7000 -Celvin 970 1140-1200 3100 Celvin 3000-6500 60 LED/m LED LM/W 60 60 120+120 81,30 -LED/m 67,4 76-80 Aantal : 970 120 +LM/m 120 1170 15 LED LM/m 1140-1200 W/m1170LEDs 14,40 -LED 14,40 81,30 LED LM/W 81,30 -5050 :67,4 76-80K emotion 3000-6500 LED Typ -LED LM/W 5050 3014 W/m W/m 14,40 14,40 1514,40 Watt : 15,5 per meter LED Typ3014 5050 LED Typ 5050 5050 LED 12 2,0m 1500 lx 300 70° 1650 lx - 1580 lx 750 kaltweiß 1000 M motion M LED 12 2,0m 500 afkortbaar iedere 40mm -6- www.staalimex.nl Tel. 076-5873750 [email protected] Fax 076-5878571 BALI M M III 15 F MOTION 20% 14,4 L L 1 3 MA 15.037.84 40% 20% 450mm 4,80W 500mm 5,40W 550mm 6,00W 850mm 9,60W 2 4 20% Meubeltechniek® Postbus 3421 4800 DK Breda www.staalimex.nl Tel. 076-5873750 [email protected] Fax 076-5878571 BALI MOTION 5 1x 1x 1x 1x 6 3000K = 6000K LED = Meubeltechniek® Postbus 3421 4800 DK Breda www.staalimex.nl Tel. 076-5873750 [email protected] Fax 076-5878571 IP 20 MANILA PLUS MOTION inbouw en opbouwlamp in aluprofiel aansluitbaar aan 12 volt konverter Lichtkleur traploos instelbaar van warm wit tot koud wit. leverbaar in Alu RVS look - motion-Technologie: Stufenlose regelbare Farbtemperatur von warmweiss zu kaltweiss -LED Powerleuchte im Aluprofil mit sehr guter Lichtausbeute -Ausführung: Einbau und Anbau -Farbe: Edelstahl - motion-technology: progressively variable colour temperature from warmwhite to coolwhite -Aluminium recessed high-efficiency LED power lighting -Versions: recessed and surface-mounting -Colours: aluminium, stainless steel mperatur hnology: progressively - motion-technology: variable colour progressively temperaturevariable colour temperature hite to coolwhite from warmwhite to coolwhite usbeute cessed high-efficiency -Aluminium LED recessed power lighting high-efficiency LED power lighting essed and surface-mounting -Versions: recessed and surface-mounting 29,5 minium, stainless -Colours: steel aluminium, stainless steel - - 2.0m 25 13,7 17,5 25 29,5 13,7 25 13,7 25 L 38 L Motion Manila Plus 524 lx 505 lx 120° 363 lx 1986 lx 351 lx 1660 lx 300 750 868 lx LED/m 240 240 240 120+120 LED LM/m 1440 1368 1320 1140-1200 LED LM/W 75 71,25 68,75 76-80 W/m 19,20 19,20 19,20 15 LED Typ 3528 3528 3528 3014 618 lx 576 lx 524 lx591 lx - 505 618 lx 524 lx 429 lx 385 lx 363 lx399 lx - 351 868 lx 429 lx 363 lx -4 300 750 901 lx 1000 1065 lx 1000 1040 lx - 868 997 lx 901 lx motion -4-1065 lx 120° 1615 lx 500 399 lx - 385 lx 429 lx 1986 lx 1930 lx - 1615 1860 lx 1660 lx 750 618 lx 300 591 lx - 576 lx Motion Opbouw A317620 Manila Plus Aluminium 500mm A317621 Manila Plus Aluminium 800mm A317622 Manila Plus Aluminium 1000mm LED 12 M 500mm M A317623 Manila Plus RVS look 2,0m A317624 Manila WW Plus NW RVS CWlook 800mm Celvin 3100 Plus 4200RVS 6500 3000-6500 A317625 Manila look 1000mm 1000 901 lx 500 Inbouw A317614 Manila Plus Aluminium 500mm A317615 Manila Plus Aluminium 800mm A317616 Manila Plus Aluminium 1000mm A317617 Manila Plus RVS look 500mm 120° 1930 lx -A317618 1860 lx 1986Manila lx 1660 lx 1615 lx Plus RVS look 800mm A317619 Manila Plus RVS look 1000mm 1040 lx - 997 lx 1065 lx 500 motion L 38 L Manila Plus 38 29,5 38 505 lx Aantal LEDs emotion Watt Trafo 351 lx Meubeltechniek® Postbus 3421 4800 DK Breda www.staalimex.nl Tel. 076-5873750 : 120 + 120 : 3000-6500 K : 15,5 per meter : A , B of D [email protected] Fax 076-5878571 MANILA PLUS MOTION INBOUW F M M III 12 VDC 50% L 29,5 25 13,7 38 1 B C 2 MA 15.037.91 A 10% 3 Meubeltechniek® Postbus 3421 4800 DK Breda www.staalimex.nl Tel. 076-5873750 [email protected] Fax 076-5878571 MANILA PLUS 4 MOTION 1x 1x 1x 1x 5 3000K = 6000K LED = Meubeltechniek® Postbus 3421 4800 DK Breda www.staalimex.nl Tel. 076-5873750 [email protected] Fax 076-5878571 MANILA PLUS MOTION OPBOUW 12 VDC F M M III L 50% 25 17,5 38 1 A 10% 2 L 600 900 1200 A 400 mm 600 mm 800 mm 3 50% ø8 mm MA 15.037.92 Meubeltechniek® Postbus 3421 4800 DK Breda www.staalimex.nl Tel. 076-5873750 [email protected] Fax 076-5878571 MANILA PLUS MOTION 4 X X 5 6 1. 2. 50% 3. 7 8 9 10 Meubeltechniek® Postbus 3421 4800 DK Breda www.staalimex.nl Tel. 076-5873750 [email protected] Fax 076-5878571 MANILA PLUS 11 MOTION 1x 1x 1x 1x 12 3000K = 6000K LED = Meubeltechniek® Postbus 3421 4800 DK Breda www.staalimex.nl Tel. 076-5873750 [email protected] Fax 076-5878571 IP 20 Derby LED / RGB DERBY II opbouwspot in aluprofiel aansluitbaar aan 12 volt konverter Lichtkleur traploos instelbaar van warm wit tot koud wit. leverbaar in RVS look -LED Aufbauleuchte im Edelstahlprofil -filigrane Ausführung -anschlussfertig an L&S 12VDC Konverter - - motion-technology: Farbtemperatur y: progressively variable colour progressively temperature variable colour temperature coolwhite -Lichtfarben: from warmwhite RGB, to coolwhiteWarmwhite (ww) lung lighting zur blend--Farbe: ed with -LEDangled surface-mounted light beam lighting with forangled light beam for Edelstahl chern und of Regalen nation niches, non-reflecting cupboard illumination areas of niches, cupboard areas Anschrauben and shelves. te lieferbar with screwable -Simple mounting installationclips with screwable . mounting clips . II is also aviable -The filigrane with RGB Derby IILEDs. is also aviable with RGB LEDs. stainless steel -Colours: aluminium, stainless steel x 19 19 13mm 19mm 2,0m Einzelleuchte Derby RGB Derby II xxxmm Motion A317582 Derby II RVS A317583 Derby II RVS A317584 Derby II RVS Lengte 500mm 800mm 1000mm Diffuserprol 1000 750 500 300 750 500 1000 kaltweiß neutralweiß warmweiß 300 -flache LED Leuchte in Aluminiumprofil mit nur 16mm Einbauhöhe 80° 80° -vielseitig einsetzbar 2180 lx -lx 1980 lx 1780 lx - lx 1433 - lx 1433 lx -absolut homogene Ausleuchtung 1100 lxsichtbaren -lx 1060 lx 960 lx - lx-keine 765 - lx 765 lx LEDs -3 LEDs auf 5cm; nur 4,8 Watt/m 555 lx 635 lx -lx633 lx - lx 440 - lx 440 lx -Lichtfarbe: Coolwhite (cw) Aluminium 440 lx -lx 440 lx 380 lx - lx-Farbe: 303 - lx 303 lx kaltweiß motion neutralweiß x 19 LED 12 x x 2.0m Ne u! 19 19 MOTION Ne u! Meubeltechniek® Postbus 3421 4800 DK Breda Aantal LEDs emotion Watt Trafo : 120 + 120 : 3000-6500 K : 15 per meter : A , B of D www.staalimex.nl Tel. 076-5873750 [email protected] Fax 076-5878571 RGB -xx.xxx. DERBY II MOTION F M III 12 VDC L 2 1 10% %02 Meubeltechniek® Postbus 3421 4800 DK Breda www.staalimex.nl Tel. 076-5873750 [email protected] Fax 076-5878571 Ne Ne u! u! IP 20 Rettangolo LFL RETTANGOLO LFL MOTION opbouwlamp in aluprofielM aansluitbaar aan 12 volt konverter Lichtkleur traploos instelbaar van warm wit tot koud wit. leverbaar in Alu -Anbauleuchte -optional mit TouchLED Schalter / Dimmbar -hochwertiges Aluminiumgehäuse -integrierte Temperaturregelung -anschlussfertig an L&S 12VDC Konverter -Lichtfarben: Coolwhite (cw), Warmwhite (ww) temperature ratur gy: progressively - motion-technology: variable colour progressively temperature variable colour -Farben: Aluminium, Edelstahl coolwhite from warmwhite to coolwhite M Ne u! ce-mounted -High lighting qualitiy in aluminiumprofil surface-mounted lighting in aluminiumprofil -Colour: aluminium 2.0m 10mm 25mm 170mm Einzelleuchte Rettangolo LFL 3er Set Anschlussfertiges LED Set bestehend aus: -3 Rettangolo LFL -L&S 12VDC Konverter, 30Watt 37 lx - Aluminium cw Aluminium ww Edelstahl cw Edelstahl ww - M Rettangolo LFL -verwendbar als An- oder Aufbauleuchte -optional mit TouchLED Schalter / Dimmbar -integrierte Temperaturregelung -anschlussfertig an L&S 12VDC Konverter -Lichtfarbe: Warmwhite (ww) -Farben:Chrom-glanz, Aluminium, Edelstahl - lx 61 lx - 4869lxlx 37 lx Motion A317585 Rettangolo LFL Aluminium 170mm A317586 Rettangolo LFL RVS look 170mm - lx 76 lx LED 12 750 300 43° 500 2,0m Einzelleuchte 1000 40mm 500 - lx 166 lx 13mm 59 lx - lx 470 lx 750 kaltweiß 1000 128 lx - lx neutralweiß 108lxlx - lx 96 lx - 76 358 lx warmweiß kaltweiß motion 235lxlx - lx210 lx -166 300 43° 673lxlx - lx 599 lx -470 M Ve Au rbess sleu erte cht ung 145mm neutralweiß 59 lx Aluminium cw Aluminium ww Edelstahl cw Edelstahl ww Rettangolo II / II TLD 58 lx 28 lx LED 12 2,0m Rettangolo II Rettangolo II TLD 48 lx 3er Set Chrom-glanz Aluminium Edelstahl: 24 LEDs Aantal emotion Watt Trafo Anschlussfertiges LED Set bestehend aus: -2 Rettangolo II, 1 Rettangolo II TLD -L&S 12VDC Konverter, 15 Watt Meubeltechniek® + 24 Chrom-glanz Touch : 2700-6500 Aluminium Touch 3,1 Edelstahl: Touch K : A , B of D Chrom-glanz Aluminium Edelstahl www.staalimex.nl [email protected] Postbus 3421 4800 Montagezubehör DK Breda Tel. 076-5873750 Fax 076-5878571 Abstandshalter Transparente Abstandshalter (3 Stk) RETTANGOLO LFL F M M MOTION 12 VDC 3,1W III 2 1 3,0 x 17 mm MA 15.038.91 Meubeltechniek® Postbus 3421 4800 DK Breda www.staalimex.nl Tel. 076-5873750 [email protected] Fax 076-5878571 IP 20 RELIGHT oplaadbare opbouwspot kleurtemperatuur warm wit. leverbaar in RVS. Oplaadbaar middels mini USB -Batterypowered LED lighting ED lighting with motion sensor with motion sensor -Perfect for wardrobes, bes, no wires required no wires required -Equipped with amAh high-quality 1.200 mAh lithium ion accumulator gh-quality 1.200 lithium ion accumulator a standard h-Rechargeable a standard miniwith USB cable. mini USB cable. -Colour: stainless steel teel 70,5 LED5V 12 USB B Powersupply USly USB Powersupp ReLight LED USB EVG 5x - lx -15 lx x - lx - lx - lx - lx 70,5 750 500 1000 750 300 - lx 60° 1000 24 - lxlx - lx - lx kaltweiß 53 - lxlx neutralweiß - lx kaltweiß it warmw neutralweiß 4 lx - lx - lx 500 60° 155 - lxlx - lx 300 70,5 20 90 5 lx 3 lx LED USB EVG -USB auf Mini USB -100-240 V 50/60Hz -5V DC 0,3A -USB auf Mini USB -100-240 V 50/60Hz A317587 ReLight RVS -5V DC 0,3A A317588 ReLight oplader Aantal LEDs warmwit Watt Trafo 90 :9 : 3400 K : 0,4 : NVT Meubeltechniek® 20 10 1- Postbus 3421 4800 DK Breda www.staalimex.nl Tel. 076-5873750 [email protected] Fax 076-5878571 RELIGHT 3,7 VDC 0,4 W F 71 M III 22 36 51,4 ø 2,7 93 93,6 20,4 20% M 11,3 1 40% 10% 50 2 1. 2. 3. 3 40% 40% MA 15.037.43 20% 10 sec Meubeltechniek® Postbus 3421 4800 DK Breda www.staalimex.nl Tel. 076-5873750 30% [email protected] Fax 076-5878571 RELIGHT 4 5 ON off ON off 6 50% ON 7 off 50% ON off 0% 100% 50% Meubeltechniek® Postbus 3421 4800 DK Breda www.staalimex.nl Tel. 076-5873750 [email protected] Fax 076-5878571 motion-technology: progressively variable colour temperature rom warmwhite to coolwhite Small pluggable LED Stick with motion-technology for smoothSTRIP LED HE MOTION korte koppelbare LED strip luminiation of furnitures, displays and cabinets. aansluitbaar aan 12 volt konverter Simple installation with enclosed mounting clips. Lichtkleur traploos instelbaar van warm wit tot koud wit. Always the perfect light through progressively variable coloureenvoudige montage d.m.v. clips - motion-Technologie: Stufenlose regelbare Farbtemperatur - motion-technology: progressively variable colourLengte temperature 250mm emperature from warmwhite to coolwhite von warmweiss zu kaltweiss from warmwhite to coolwhite IP 20 -Kleiner steckbarer LED Stab mit motion-Technologie für -Small pluggable LED Stick with motion-technology for smooth gleichmäßige Ausleuchtung von Möbeln, Displays und Vitrinen. illuminiation of furnitures, displays and cabinets. atur - Befestigung motion-technology: progressively variable colour temperature gy: progressively variable colour temperature -Einfache durch beiliegende Befestigungsclipse. -Simple installation with enclosed mounting clips. -Immer das Licht durch stufenlose regelbare -Always the perfect light through progressively variable colourfromrichtige warmwhite to coolwhite coolwhite von warmweiss zufor kaltweiss ür Farbtemperatur -Smallmotion-technology pluggable LED Stick with motion-technology temperature for smooth from warmwhite to coolwhite ED Stick with smooth Vitrinen. illuminiation of furnitures, displays and cabinets. itures, displays and cabinets. pse. -Simple installation with enclosed mounting clips.with enclosed mounting clips. -Always the perfectvariable light through light through progressively colour-progressively variable colourwarmwhitetemperature to coolwhite from warmwhite to coolwhite 2 lx motion 9 43° Strip LED HE motion 9 - 300 - lx 240 lx 331 lx lx 452 lx 312 lx - lx 480 lx - lx 331 lx 312 lx 847 lx - lx 480 lx - lx 331 lx 750 847 lx -12- 300 1606 lx 452 lx - lx 1606 lx 500 240 lx - 300 lx 43° 800 lx 1000 - lx 360 lx - 450 lx kaltweiß 750 800 lx - lx neutralweiß - 450 - lx 360 lx 480 lx lx 1534 lx warmweiß kaltweiß motion - 1500 - lx 1200 lx1606 lx lx 300 43° - 800 - lx 740 lx 847 lx lx 740 lx - 800 lx - lx 1000 CW 5000 2700-5000 36 30+30 432 300-360 60 50-60 7,2 6 5050 5050 motion NW - 1000 WW 3200 36 360 50 7,2 5050 500 Celvin LED/m LED LM/m LED LM/W W/m LED Typ 1534 lx warmweiß 1200 lx - 1500 lx 750 M kaltweiß M motion 9 300 motion 9 Strip LED HE LED 12 9 9 neutralweiß Strip LED HE 10 Strip LED HE 9 35 0/ 2 050 neutralweiß 2 lx 12 30 90 500 0 Motion A317626 Strip LED HE 250mm A317627 Strip LED HE 125mm A317628 30mm 3verbinding Strip-Strip 0 A317629 300mm 0verbinding Strip-Strip A317631 2000mm verbinding Strip-Trafo A317630 1000mm verbinding Strip-Trafo 10 10 30 4 lx 0 lx 10 Strip LED HE Aantal LEDs/m : 30 + 30 emotion : 2700-5000 K Watt/m :6 Trafo : A , B of D -12- Meubeltechniek® Postbus 3421 4800 DK Breda www.staalimex.nl Tel. 076-5873750 [email protected] Fax 076-5878571 STRIP LED HE MOTION F 12 VDC M M III 50% L 7,8 L W 125 mm 1,7 W 250 mm 3,4 W 9,5 1 50% 3 4 50% 50% Meubeltechniek® Postbus 50% 3421 4800 DK Breda 1 www.staalimex.nl Tel. 076-5873750 [email protected] Fax 076-5878571 IP 20 STRIP LED FLEX MOTION zelfklevende flexibele LED strip aansluitbaar aan 12 volt konverter Lichtkleur traploos instelbaar van warm wit tot koud wit. Lengte 330 of 2000mm logy: progressively variable colourprogressively temperature variable colour temperature eratur - motion-technology: to coolwhitefrom warmwhite to coolwhite exible LED-Lighting band with -Self-adhesive flexible LED-Lighting band with logy for accentmotion-technology illumination for accent illumination ghtinglines via simple plugconnection s -Create easily Lightinglines via simple plugconnection on with double sidedinstallation adhesive-tape -Simple with double sided adhesive-tape Strip LED FLEX Motion A317589 Strip LED Flex 330mm A317590 Strip LED Flex 2000mm A317591 2000mm verbinding Strip-Trafo Str LE ipL ED Fle 8 D x Fle x mo mo tio tio n2 8 n2 00 0/3 8 rip 00 30 0/3 30 2,5 49 lx - lx 72 lx - 7272lxlx - lx 49 lx - 4949lxlx 72 lx 49 lx 72 lx - lx 49 lx 300 500 500 - lx 750 125 lx 1000 - lx 235 lx kaltweiß 750 125 lx - lx 2,5 1000 kaltweiß motion 125lxlx - lx 125 lx -125 235 lx warmweiß 72 lx neutralweiß 125 lx 235lxlx - lx 235 lx -235 neutralweiß 235 lx 300 2,5 Aantal LEDs emotion Watt Trafo : 36 + 36 : 3000 - 6000 K : 2,5 per meter : A , B of D -13- Meubeltechniek® Postbus 3421 4800 DK Breda www.staalimex.nl Tel. 076-5873750 [email protected] Fax 076-5878571 STRIP LED FLEX MOTION !max. 36x335mm 21x600mm 30 W F 12 VDC M M ! III 1.0 50% L L 7,8 W 125 mm 1,7 W 250 mm 3,4 W 9,5 L= 33 5/6 00 1 mm 50% 2.0 2.1 L= 3 33 5/6 4 00 mm 10 tt 50% 50% 2,5 41 Strip LED Flex Emotion 12VDC - L&S Deutschland GmbH - www.ls-deutschland.de - 11/2013 Meubeltechniek® Postbus 50% 3421 4800 DK Breda 1 www.staalimex.nl Tel. 076-5873750 [email protected] Fax 076-5878571 AreaLight IP 20 AREALIGHT Design Bedlamp met flexibele arm en 3 niveaus van instelbare helderheid. Lichtkleur warmwit. gn bed lighting flexible flexible arm andwith three levelsarm and three levels cremental dimming urs: white/stainless steel, steel, black/stainless steelblack/stainless steel -Design Bettleseleuchte mit flexiblen Leuchtarm und drei im Leuchtenkopf einstellbaren Helligkeitstufen -Farben: Weiß/Edelstahl, Schwarz/Edelstahl -Design bed lighting with flexible arm and three levels -of incremental dimming 1,8m Colours: white/stainless steel, black/stainless steel AreaLight set van 2 lampen en trafo 20 14 12,3 20 A317592 Area Light warm wit Wit A317593 Area Light warm wit Zwart 48,1 90,5 - lx - lx -95 lx lx -60 lx x 4,3 11 - lx - lx M 60° 590 lx - lx Meubeltechniek® Postbus 3421 4800 DK Breda Aantal LEDs warmwit Watt -22- Trafo 95 lx - lx - lx : 30 : 3400 K 60 x - lx :2 : Inclusief www.staalimex.nl Tel. 076-5873750 - lx kaltweiß 210 lx - lx neutralweiß 1000 CW - warmweiß 500 NW - M 750 WW 3400 30 183 91,5 2 3020 1000 500 Celvin - lx LED‘s LED LM LED- lxLM/W W LED Typ 300 300 750 - lx - lx kaltweiß 210 - lx lx 60° 1,8m - lx neutralweiß - lx kaltweiß warmwit 590 - lx lx 12 22 57,5 11 LED 12 60° - lx ø8,2 39,5 4,3 22 12 48,1 400 - lx - lx - lx [email protected] Fax 076-5878571 AREALIGHT 12 VDC 2W F 90 M M III 450 22 56 20% 12 20 14 ø8 11 3 4, 1 3 MA 15.037.39 2 20% 25% 40% 4 Meubeltechniek® Postbus20% 3421 4800 DK Breda www.staalimex.nl Tel. 076-5873750 [email protected] 20% Fax 076-5878571 AREALIGHT 5 1x 1x 1x 1x Meubeltechniek® Postbus 3421 4800 DK Breda www.staalimex.nl Tel. 076-5873750 [email protected] Fax 076-5878571 IP 20 SPACELIGHT set van 2 lampen en trafo Zwenkbare LED lamp met bewegingssensor. Lichtkleur warmwit. Leverbaar in RVS wenkbarer LED-Schwenkbarer Anbauleuchte mit LED Bewegungssensor Anbauleuchte mitund Bewegungssensor und bedlighting -Turnable LED -Turnable with LED motion bedlighting sensor and withadjustable motion sensor and adjus ellbarer Laufzeiteinstellbarer für eine sichere Laufzeit Nachtbeleuchtung für eine sichere Nachtbeleuchtung runtime for a secureruntime illumination for aduring securenight illumination time. during night time. für den Einsatz -Ideal als z.Bsp. für denBettseitenleuchte Einsatz als z.Bsp. oder Bettseitenleuchte -Idealoder use for e.g: on-Ideal the bedside use for or e.g: inside on the thebedside cupboard or inside the cupboard ankinnenleuchteSchrankinnenleuchte -Colour: stainless steel -Colour: stainless steel e: Edelstahl -Farbe: Edelstahl 1,8m 20 Schwenkbare Befestigung Schwenkbare Rotatable Befestigung fixing 20 SpaceLight 200 200 set van 2 lampen en trafo 70° NW CW WW NW CW Celvin 3400 LED‘s 12 Aantal LEDs 73,2 : 12 LED LMwarmwit : 3400- K LED LM/W 81,3 W 0,9 Watt : 0,9 LED Typ 3020 Trafo : Inclusief 80 lx 36 lx 23 x -23- 220 - lx lx - lx - lx - lx - lx - 80 lx lx - 36 lx lx - lx 23 x - lx - lx 70° - lx - lx 750 220 lx 1000 M 300 M 500 M neutralweiß M 16 kaltweiß warmwit LED 12 1,8m 16 kaltweiß A317594 Space Light RVS Rotatable fixing 20 neutralweiß WW 3400 12 M 73,2 M/W 81,3 0,9 yp 3020 Laufzeit einstellbar Laufzeit einstellb Runtime adjustable Runtime adjusta 200 warmwit 12 16 - lx - lx - lx - lx -23- Meubeltechniek® Postbus 3421 4800 DK Breda www.staalimex.nl Tel. 076-5873750 [email protected] Fax 076-5878571 SPACELIGHT F 12 VDC 0,9 W 16 M M III 25% 200 20 1A 2 1B 50% 50% 50% MA 15.037.38 Meubeltechniek® Postbus 25% 3421 4800 DK Breda www.staalimex.nl Tel. 076-5873750 [email protected] Fax 076-5878571 SPACELIGHT 3 4 2 1 5 6 A B 1. 25% 25% 80% 80% 7 40% 4 min 20 sec 20 sec - 4 min Meubeltechniek® Postbus 3421 4800 DK Breda 40% www.staalimex.nl Tel. 076-5873750 [email protected] Fax 076-5878571 TRAFO’S EN UITBREIDINGSSETS TRAFO + EMOTION DIMMER OPBOUW A Trafo 12 Volt 30 Watt 2 meter aansluitsnoer met eurostekker 20 cm snoer met 6-weg aansluiting Emotion Dimmer 2 meter aansluitsnoer naar trafo 1 meter aansluitsnoer naar 6-weg aansluiting motion Dimmer A317597 Trafo + Emotion Dimmer TRAFO + EMOTION DIMMER INBOUW B Trafo 12 Volt 30 Watt 2 meter aansluitsnoer met eurostekker 20 cm snoer met 6-weg aansluiting Emotion Dimmer 2 meter aansluitsnoer naar trafo 1 meter aansluitsnoer naar 6-weg aansluiting A317608 Trafo + Emotion Dimmer EmotionDimmer 47.097.50-10 TRAFO + LED REPEATER EmotionDimmer 47.097.50-10 M UITBREIDINGSSET Trafo 12 Volt 30 Watt 2 meter aansluitsnoer met eurostekker 20 cm snoer met 6-weg aansluiting LED Repeater LED signaalversterker voor aansluiten van meerdere lampen op één Emotion Dimmer M LED 12 R E P E A T E R LED Repeater g tun e in Ger y man Mad R E P E A T E R A317598 Trafo + LED Repeater L E D C mtleis VD Gesa V/2430W x. Ma g tun e in Ger y man Mad Meubeltechniek® Postbus 3421 4800 DK Breda T DC IN Re pe ate r IN 12 Re pe ate r OU C mtleis VD Gesa V/2430W x. Ma L E D T Re pe ate r OU DC IN Re pe ate r IN 12 C www.staalimex.nl Tel. 076-5873750 [email protected] Fax 076-5878571 -Memoryfunktion: Die letzte Einstellung wird gespeichert. -Schaltleistung: bis zu 1,25A -Controlsystem for L&S LED Systems -Receiver with only 16mm height -Easy plug-in connection -Dimmerfunction -Use one TRAFO’S Remote for serveral ENreceivers UITBREIDINGSSETS -Memoryfunction: Last setting will be saved -Switchingpower: Up to 1,25A TRAFO + AFSTANDBEDIENING M M Trafo 12 Volt LED 24 LED 12 30 Watt meter aansluitsnoer met eurostekker motion2Fernbedienung 20 cm snoer met 6-weg aansluiting - motion-Technologie: regelbaremet Farbtemperatur Emotion Stufenlose Afstandbediening ontvanger von warmweiss zu kaltweiss Dimfunctie -Empfänger nur 16mm hoch Memoryfunctie, laatste instelling blijft bewaard D Set 12VDC 15W Set 24VDC 15W Set 24VDC 30W 40.712.01 40.722.01 40.723.02 Zus. Funkdimmer 17.607.05 -Einfache Steckverbindung -Dimmfunktion -Memoryfunktion: Die letzte Einstellung wird gespeichert. A317599 TrafoStromverlust + Emotion Afstandbediening -AutoOn: Einstellung bleibt nach erhalten. -Schaltleistung: bis zu 2,5A - motion from warmwhite to coolwhite Funkdimmer -Receiver with only 16mm height -Easy plug-in -Steuerung fürconnection L&S LED Systeme -Dimmerfunction -Empfänger nur 16mm hoch -Einfache Steckverbindung -AutoOn: Settings will also be saved after -Dimmfunktion powerFernbedienung disconnection für mehrere Empfänger nutzbar -Eine -Switchingpower: 2.5AEinstellung wird gespeichert. -Memoryfunktion: Up Dieto letzte -Schaltleistung: bis zu 1,25A M LED Vorschaltgeräte -L&S Vorschaltgeräte 15 - 60 Watt -12V DC, 24V DC, 350mA -2.000mm HV Anschlusskabel mit Euro 47.097.80-10 -200mm NV Anschlussleitung mit LED 47.097.85-10 -Auch47.097.90-10 in 16mm Bauhöhe erhältlich. Set 24VDC 30W 47.097.95-10 M -Controlsystem for L&S LED Systems LED 24 LED 12 -Receiver with only 16mm height -Easy plug-in connection RGB Funkfernbedienung -Dimmerfunction -Use one Remote for serveral receivers -Steuerungssytem für L&S LED RGB Systeme -Memoryfunction: Last setting saved TRAFO + will beONTVANGER -Einfache Steckverbindung -Switchingpower: Up to 1,25A -Empfänger nur 16mm hoch -Eine Fernbedienung für mehrere Empfänger nutzbar UITBREIDINGSSET M M -Automatischer Farbverlauf Trafo -7 Farbtöne vorprogrammiert LED12 24 Volt LED 12 -Memoryfunktion: Die letzte Einstellung wird gespeichert. E Zus. Fernbedienung 47.097.70 Set 12VDC 15W Set 24VDC 15W Set 24VDC 30W 40.712.01 40.722.01 40.723.02 Zus. Funkdimmer 17.607.05 Set 12VDC 15W Set 12VDC 30W Set 24VDC 15W Set 24VDC 30W 60.800.81 60.800.80 60.800.75 60.800.76 Zus. Fernbedienung 17.606.01 30 Watt motion2Fernbedienung meter met eurostekker -Controlsystem for L&Saansluitsnoer LED RGB Systems -Easy plug-in connection 20 cm snoer met 6-weg aansluiting - motion-Technologie: Stufenlose -Receiver withEmotion only 16mm height regelbare Farbtemperatur ontvanger von warmweiss zufor kaltweiss -Use one Remote serveral receivers Dimfunctie -Empfängercolour nur 16mm hoch -Automatc gradient -Einfache Steckverbindung -7 preprogrammed colour shemes -Dimmfunktion -Memoryfunction: Last setting will be saved -Memoryfunktion: Die letzte Einstellung wird gespeichert. Ax317606 Trafo + Emotionerhalten. Ontvanger t.b.v. -AutoOn: Einstellung bleibt nach Stromverlust -Schaltleistung: bis zu 2,5Aafstandbediening. M - motion from warmwhite to coolwhite LED 24 LED 12 -Receiver with only 16mm height -Easy plug-in connection -Dimmerfunction M -26- -AutoOn: Settings will also be saved after power disconnection -Switchingpower: Up to 2.5A M LED 12 Set 24VDC 30W M LED 24 RGB Funkfernbedienung -Steuerungssytem für L&S LED RGB Systeme -Einfache Steckverbindung Meubeltechniek® Postbus 3421 4800 DK Breda 47.097.80-10 47.097.85-10 47.097.90-10 47.097.95-10 Zus. Fernbedienung 47.097.70 www.staalimex.nl Tel. 076-5873750 [email protected] Fax 076-5878571 TRAFO + EMOTION DIMMER SET A en B F M M 12 V max. 30W LED 1 2 1x LED LED 1x 1x LED 1x LED MA 15.038.32-10 Meubeltechniek® Postbus 3421 4800 DK Breda www.staalimex.nl Tel. 076-5873750 [email protected] Fax 076-5878571 TRAFO + EMOTION DIMMER SET A en B 3 3000K 6000K = LED = 4 1. 2. 5 sec. 3000K 3. 5 sec. 6000K 3000K 6000K LED LED 5 sec. 5 sec. .... 5 sec. .... 3000K 6000K LED 4. = 5 sec. Meubeltechniek® Postbus 3421 4800 DK Breda www.staalimex.nl Tel. 076-5873750 [email protected] Fax 076-5878571 TRAFO + EMOTION AFSTANDBEDIENING SET D D LE D LE 16 ,5 12 V 3 9 78 ,9 12 VDC Pmax. : 30W 24 VDC Pmax. : 60W + Temperaturbereich TU: TUB = - 10°C bis + 40°C (Betrieb), TUL = - 20°C bis + 70°C (Lager) Relative Luftfeuchtigkeit: 20% bis 90% (Betrieb), 10% bis 95% (Lagerung), jeweils nicht kondensierend III 20 1 max. 50 m V 12 = CR 2032 3V F 2 D LE L 12V 30- SLT 12 2b V 20 40 D D D LE LE LE .... 12 V 12 V 12 V 3 40 MA 15.037.85 20 Meubeltechniek® Postbus 3421 4800 DK Breda www.staalimex.nl Tel. 076-5873750 [email protected] Fax 076-5878571 TRAFO + EMOTION AFSTANDBEDIENING SET D 4 D LE 1. 12 2. 5 sec. V A 20 1. 2. B 20 1. 2. 3. .... C 20 1. 2. 3. .... 20 Meubeltechniek® Postbus 3421 4800 DK Breda www.staalimex.nl Tel. 076-5873750 [email protected] Fax 076-5878571 TRAFO + EMOTION AFSTANDBEDIENING SET D D 6000K 3000K = = LED 20 E i R LE 3V OL TR 032 ON R2 MP E C : C L A MOT ttery D a L E F RE on B R utt B + + m ot io nC on tro l m ot io nC on tro l R LE 3V OL TR 032 ON R2 MP E C : C L A MOT ttery D a L E F RE on B R utt B m ot io nC on tro l R LE 3V OL TR 032 ON R2 MP E C : C L A MOT ttery D a L E F RE on B R utt B + 25 40 Meubeltechniek® Postbus 3421 4800 DK Breda www.staalimex.nl Tel. 076-5873750 [email protected] Fax 076-5878571 Meubeltechniek® Postbus 3421 4800 DK Breda www.staalimex.nl Tel. 076-5873750 [email protected] Fax 076-5878571
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