annual report / jaarverslag Informed Pension Debate / Geïnformeerd pensioendebat ne tspar ann ual re po rt 2 0 13 contents 2 contents Annual Report 2013 3 Preface by the Supervisory Board Voorwoord van de Raad van Toezicht 8 Report from the Netspar Board of Directors Bericht van de Netspar-directie 14 Netspar Output 16 Income Statement 23 Balance Sheet 28 Appendix I: Grants, awarded before 2013 33 Appendix II: Auditor’s Report Accountantsverklaring Internal Audit Financial Report Appendices 35 A. Organization Chart 36 59 I. Discussion Papers B. Netspar Partner Organizations 65 J. Theses and Dissertations 37 C. Participating Researchers 69 K. Panel Papers 42 D. Composition of Committees 69 L. NEA Papers 45 E. Academic Events 70 M.Design Papers 46 F. Industry-oriented Events 71 N. MSc Program Economics and Finance of Aging and Netspar Tracks 49 G. Junior Pension Day 72 50 H. Journal Publications O. Executive Education Netspar-Tias Academy ne tspar ann ual re po rt 2 0 13 preface by the supervisory board preface by the supervisory board voorwoord van de raad van toezicht Visible Zichtbaar Whereas academicians have a natural tendency to add Daar waar wetenschappers bij uitstek geneigd zijn nog ever‑more perspectives or models to a discussion, at some eens een extra standpunt of model aan een discussie toe te point, many issues, especially complicated ones, are better voegen, zijn vraagstukken, zeker als ze ingewikkeld zijn, op served by simplicity and convergence. In the past year, enig moment juist gebaat bij eenvoud en toenadering. Het Netspar has worked hard to bring opposing parties together. afgelopen jaar heeft Netspar zich ingespannen partijen te The key to this is listening, seeking common ground, and verbinden. Kern daarin is luisteren, overeenkomsten zoeken testing the interchangeability of the arguments used, while en uitwisselbaarheid van argumenten verkennen. Met respect respecting everybody’s views. In the case of designing the voor ieders standpunt. Dat heeft bijvoorbeeld ten aanzien van new pension system, that process yielded a number of shared de opzet van een nieuw pensioenstelsel geresulteerd in een principles, dilemmas, and trade-offs – meaningful input at aantal gedeelde uitgangspunten, dilemma’s en uitruilen. Een a time when the SZW State Secretary was holding a round bruikbare bijdrage op een moment dat de staatssecretaris voor of public consultations on FTK-2. We believe it is essential SZW een consultatieronde over het FTK-2 houdt. Ons inziens that Netspar continue in the years ahead to provide a select is het van belang dat Netspar ook de komende jaren een platform for inducing opposing parties to reach clarity and uitgelezen podium blijft bieden om partijen ook op andere simplicity on other pension-related themes, as well, and pensioenthema’s opnieuw te verleiden tot helderheid en that it play a visible role in the pension debate by furnishing eenvoud te komen. En zo zichtbaar te zijn in het pensioen evidence and analysis. This is one of the main assets for our debat, door het aandragen van argumenten en analyse. Voor partners in renewing their commitment for the 2015–2019 partners een belangrijke asset bij het afgeven van een nieuw period, along with the many industry-specific papers, commitment voor de periode 2015–2019. Net zoals de vele knowledge-sharing events, and executive and master’s sectorgerichte papers, de kennisdelingsevents en het executive programs offered. en masteronderwijs dat zijn. 3 ne tspar ann ual re po rt 2 0 13 preface by the supervisory board Valued Gewaardeerd The contribution Netspar has made to the pension discussion is De bijdrage die Netspar de afgelopen jaren aan de pensioen widely valued. This past summer, in an evaluation performed discussie heeft geleverd wordt gewaardeerd. Netspar scoorde by the NWO on behalf of the Dutch Ministries of SZW, EZ, afgelopen zomer ‘very good’ op zowel ‘scientific significance’ Finance, and OCW, it received a score of “very good” in both the als op ‘societal significance’ en ‘outstandig’ op ‘national “scientific significance” and “societal significance” categories impact in economics’ in de evaluatie die NWO namens and “outstanding” on “national impact in economics.” The SZW, EZ, Financiën en OCW uitvoerde. NWO evalueerde het NWO assessed the innovation program that Netspar executed innovatieprogramma 2007-2010 dat Netspar voor de overheid for the government from 2007 through 2010 and assessed the heeft uitgevoerd. En beoordeelde de activiteiten 2010-2013. activities conducted from 2010 to 2013. To quote from its report: “The various research results are in general of a very high “The various research results are in general of a very high standard and have led to new insights that have attracted standard and have led to new insights that have attracted international attention. Netspar is successful in engaging international attention. Netspar is successful in engaging nearly every Dutch economist working on pensions in the nearly every Dutch economist working on pensions in the Netherlands and as such continues to expand and maintain Netherlands and as such continues to expand and maintain the quality of the network. The committee is positive about the quality of the network. The committee is positive about the societal significance of Netspar.” the societal significance of Netspar.” Ook de evaluatie namens de partners, waarvoor de Raad van Another evaluation performed on behalf of the partners, Toezicht eind 2013 opdracht heeft gegeven is lovend over de commissioned by the Supervisory Board in late 2013, similarly bijdrage van Netspar. De commissie is overwegend positief: praises the impact Netspar has had. The committee was largely “Netspar wordt gekenmerkt als onafhankelijk en weten positive: schappelijk gezaghebbend in het pensioendomein, met “Netspar is characterized by its independence and academic als belangrijke toegevoegde waarde het realiseren van authority in the pension arena and has the important verbinding tussen de academische wereld en de praktijk”. added value of managing to link the academic world (…) “Er is grote waardering bij alle betrokkenen voor to professional practice. … There is a great appreciation de prestaties van Netspar op het gebied van onderwijs, 4 ne tspar ann ual re po rt 2 0 13 preface by the supervisory board among all participants for Netspar’s achievements in terms onderzoek en netwerk. De afgelopen jaren heeft Netspar of education, research, and network-building. In the past veel geïnvesteerd in de agenda zoals die door alle few years, Netspar has invested heavily in the agenda betrokken partijen samen is opgesteld. De samenwerking formulated by all of the stakeholders. Collaboration within binnen het netwerk is in sterke mate gegroeid. Daardoor the network has grown considerably, which has allowed hebben belangrijke discussies kunnen plaatsvinden en pertinent discussions to take place and meaningfully added is een wezenlijke bijdrage geleverd aan het verbeteren to the knowledge of the academic world, the industry itself, van de kennis van wetenschap, sector en beleidsmakers and policymakers concerning pension issues in the widest met betrekking tot pensioenvraagstukken in brede zin. De sense of the term. The longevity of our system remains under toekomstbestendigheid van ons stelsel staat nog steeds pressure, and there are still many questions to be answered. onder druk en er zijn nog vele vragen te stellen. Partners Netspar’s partners believe that it is better equipped than any denken dat Netspar, beter dan welke organisatie ook in other organization in the Netherlands to address the essential Nederland, uitgerust is om vanuit een wetenschappelijke issues from an academic perspective and serve as a platform invalshoek de belangrijke vragen te adresseren en een for discussion. Thanks in part to these efforts, partners platform te zijn voor discussie. Mede daardoor zijn and policymakers are in a position to design a sustainable partners en beleidsmakers in staat het pensioenstelsel pension system for the future.” van overmorgen duurzaam vorm te geven.” 5 The committee also made five main recommendations: De commissie doet een vijftal hoofdaanbevelingen: – Place the focus on the individual and include more disciplines; – Stel het individu centraal en betrek meer disciplines; –Broaden the applicability; – Vergroot de toepasbaarheid; –Use the Dutch pension arena as a starting point; – Werk vanuit het Nederlandse pensioendomein; –Tighten procedures in service of the ambitious vision; – Ambitie vraagt om aanscherping van de werkwijze; –Boost the effectiveness of branding and communication efforts. – Verhoog de effectiviteit van profilering en communicatie. The conclusions and recommendations are all clear and come De conclusies en aanbevelingen zijn helder, herkenbaar en zijn as no surprise; they are largely in line with Netspar’s strategy. grotendeels in lijn met de strategie van Netspar. Het rapport ne tspar ann ual re po rt 2 0 13 preface by the supervisory board 6 The report was used as input for the 2015-2019 action plan heeft input gevormd voor het werkprogramma 2015-2019 dat drawn up by the Netspar Board of Directors, thus informing the door de Netspar-directie is opgesteld en draagt zo bij aan het ongoing development of the research network. doorontwikkelen van het onderzoeksnetwerk. Traction and Simplicity Grip en eenvoud Whereas several years ago, Netspar chose to focus primarily Daar waar Netspar enige jaren geleden het accent meer is gaan on macro pension issues, there is now a growing need among leggen op macro-vraagstukken ontstaat nu een behoefte bij the partners for a greater emphasis on individuals (in all their partners om het (imperfecte) individu en de risico’s die het imperfection), the risks they run, and their general behavior. loopt en het gedrag dat het laat zien meer centraal te stellen. This requires engaging more academic disciplines in our Dat vraagt ook een verbreding naar andere disciplines. Om inquiries. To respond appropriately to these evolving areas goed in te kunnen spelen op de veranderende onderzoeks- of research, the Netspar management must be in a position vragen moet de Netspar-directie in staat zijn meer sturing te to exert greater control over the allocation of resources. In geven aan het inzetten van onderzoeksmiddelen. De Raad van particular, the Supervisory Board will be addressing the issue Toezicht zal zich met name buigen over het waar mogelijk ver- of governance and how to simplify it, in order to enhance the eenvoudigen van de governance met als doel de slagvaardig- effectiveness of Netspar’s management and more effectively heid van de Netspar-directie te vergroten en de invloed van structure partner input. The ultimate goal is to inspire greater de partners doeltreffender te organiseren. Doel is de betrok- engagement in Netspar by keeping the organization and kenheid bij Netspar te vergroten door organisatie en besturing management straightforward, transparent, and accessible. eenvoudig, transparant en daarmee toegankelijk te houden. Involved Betrokken The augmentation of the Supervisory Board strengthened Met de uitbreiding van de Raad van Toezicht is de betrokken industry involvement in the network. In 2013, Else Bos (PGGM) heid van de sector versterkt. In 2013 is Else Bos (PGGM) toe joined the board, and Dick Sluimers (APG) and Jeroen van getreden. Verder is voor Dick Sluimers (APG) en Jeroen van Breda Vriesman (Achmea) started on their second terms. Breda Vriesman (Achmea) in 2013 een tweede termijn ingegaan. Harmen Verbruggen (VU) resigned on 31 December 2013. He Harmen Verbruggen (VU) heeft per 31 december 2013 afscheid ne tspar ann ual re po rt 2 0 13 preface by the supervisory board 7 was succeeded by Han van Dissel (UvA). Job Swank (DNB), genomen. In zijn plaats is Han van Dissel (UvA) toegetreden tot whose first term ended at the end of 2013, was appointed for de Raad van Toezicht. Job Swank (DNB), van wie de eerste ter a second term. mijn per eind 2013 afliep, is voor een tweede termijn benoemd. Last year saw a changing of the guard in the company Het afgelopen jaar heeft er een wisseling van bestuurder leadership. General Director Frank van der Duyn Schouten plaatsgevonden. Frank van der Duyn Schouten werd per 1 mei became rector of VU on May 1. During his time at Netspar, he 2013 rector magnificus aan de VU. Hij heeft een belangrijke made invaluable contributions to expanding the organization, bijdrage geleverd aan de uitbouw van Netspar, het rondkrijgen securing funding for the 2011-2014 program, and modifying van de financiering voor het programma 2011-2014 en de the governance structure. Netspar became an independent wijziging van de governance. Met ingang van 2012 is Netspar foundation in 2012, with more direct partner involvement. een onafhankelijke stichting geworden met directere invloed On October 1, Casper van Ewijk, former deputy director of the voor partners. Op 1 oktober is Casper van Ewijk, tot dan Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Research, became the onderdirecteur van het Centraal Planbureau, bestuurder van general director of Netspar. Netspar geworden. Gratitude Dank The widespread appreciation for Netspar’s research, events, De waardering die het onderzoek, de events en het onderwijs and education programs over the years stems from the van Netspar door de jaren heen krijgen vindt zijn oorsprong in commitment and quest for quality of the people in the de gedrevenheid en het streven naar kwaliteit van de mensen network. Researchers, staff, and management all contribute, die samen het netwerk vormen. Onderzoekers, staf en directie together with the partners, to an informed pension debate. dragen samen met de partners bij aan een geïnformeerd We owe them a debt of gratitude. Everybody’s input counts in pensioendebat. Daarvoor zijn wij hen dank verschuldigd. Ieders our efforts to unravel the social conundrum of providing for bijdrage telt om het maatschappelijk vraagstuk van een betaal an affordable retirement and continue supplying thoroughly bare oude dag verder te ontrafelen en van doordachte bouw analyzed fundamentals for social policy and pension products. stenen voor beleid en pensioenproducten te blijven voorzien. Jean Frijns, Chair of the Supervisory Board Jean Frijns, voorzitter Raad van Toezicht ne tspar ann ual re po rt 2 0 13 report from the n etspar board of direc to rs report from the netspar board of directors bericht van de netspar-directie Proven Quality Bewezen kwaliteit In the past year, Netspar’s activities were evaluated by two dif- De activiteiten van Netspar zijn geëvalueerd, zowel door NWO ferent institutions: the NWO1, by order of the government min- in opdracht van de ministeries die het lopende onderzoeks istries funding the current research program, and a committee programma financieren, als namens de partners in opdracht appointed by the Supervisory Board on behalf of the partners. van de Raad van Toezicht. 8 Both the partners’ committee and the NWO praised, among other things, the volume and quality of the research and Partners en NWO zijn lovend over onder meer de kwaliteit en the organization’s knowledge sharing, networking, and kwantiteit van het onderzoek, de kennisdeling, het netwerk professionalism. We are obviously pleased with these positive en de professionaliteit van de organisatie. Uiteraard zijn wij assessments. The recommendations made by the committees content met het positieve oordeel. De aanbevelingen die de are all things we were aware of. We have included them in commissies doen, zijn voor ons herkenbaar. We hebben de our program for 2015-2019. Both of these evaluations feed in aanbevelingen in ons programma 2015-2019 verwerkt. De meaningful ways our efforts to continue to strengthen and beide evaluaties dragen in belangrijke mate bij aan de verdere further professionalize Netspar. professionalisering en versterking van Netspar. Research as a Basis for an Informed Discussion Onderzoek als basis voor geïnformeerde discussie The research enabled and performed under the auspices of Het onderzoek dat in Netspar-verband wordt mogelijk gemaakt Netspar informs and contributes to a knowledgeable discussion en uitgevoerd, daagt uit en draagt bij aan een geïnformeerde about pensions in the Netherlands. From 2010 to 2013, this pensioendiscussie in Nederland. In de periode 2010-2013 zijn included examining such major topics as the new pension grote thema’s als het nieuwe pensioencontract, pensioen contract, pension-related communications, pensions in Europe, communicatie, pensioen in Europa en solidariteit binnen en and solidarity among and between generation cohorts and tussen generaties onderzocht en naar de pensioenpraktijk then conveying the findings to pension practitioners. gebracht. 1 Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research ne tspar ann ual re po rt 2 0 13 report from the n etspar board of direc to rs 9 Since, in practical terms, pension issues have become more and Omdat pensioenvraagstukken in de praktijk meer en meer more intertwined with such issues as healthcare and living and verweven raken met vraagstukken van zorg, wonen en werk working, these topics should obviously be investigated more in ligt het voor de hand onderwerpen meer in hun samenhang relation to one another. Moreover, we must bear in mind that te onderzoeken. Bovendien vraagt de oplossing van die solving the underlying problems will generally require more vraagstukken vaak om meer dan alleen een economische thana strictly economic approach. Consequently, we have started benadering. We zijn dan ook meer disciplines zoals recht, incorporating more disciplines into our research, such as law, sociologie, psychologie en communicatie bij het Netspar- sociology, psychology, and communications. The aforementioned onderzoek gaan betrekken. In de genoemde evaluaties wordt evaluations recommend redoubling our efforts in that area. aanbevolen dat te versterken. We also already started shifting our focus somewhat in the past Ook zijn we het afgelopen jaar al iets meer het accent gaan year to micro issues involving the individual, his behavior, the leggen op micro-vraagstukken van het individu, zijn gedrag de difficulties in deciding on the old age, and the risks he runs moeilijkheden om over de oude dag te beslissen, en de risico’s (micro). At the same time, we continue to address long-term die hij loopt. Tegelijkertijd blijven we ook aandacht schenken topics, which are more macro in nature. aan de lange termijn onderwerpen, die veelal meer macro zijn. The projects awarded in 2013, in conjunction with the partners, De projecten die, in afstemming met de partners, in 2013 zijn encompass a broad range of topics: toegekend, bestrijken een breed aandachtsveld: –Pension savings and consumption needs of current and future – Sparen voor het pensioen en de consumptiebehoefte van retirees; –Adapting pension communications to the heterogeneous characteristics and needs of participants; huidige en toekomstige gepensioneerden; – Aanpassen van pensioencommunicatie aan de heterogene karakteristieken en behoeften van deelnemers; –Pension incomes, consumer needs, and elderly care; – Pensioeninkomens, consumptiebehoeften en ouderenzorg; –Home equity and the demand for and cost of long-term care; – Eigen huis en de vraag naar en kosten van langdurige zorg; –Intergenerational risk sharing in collective DC schemes; – Intergenerationele risicodeling in collectieve DC; –Indexation discount and risk-premium in real pension – Indexatie-afslag en risico-opslag in het reële contract; contracts; – Uitvoeren van het reële contract door verzekeraars; ne tspar ann ual re po rt 2 0 13 report from the n etspar board of direc to rs 10 –Insurers’ administration of real pension contracts; – Omgaan met conversierisico in DC-pensioenen; – Managing conversion risk in defined contribution plans; – Optimaal ontwerp van het Nederlands meerpijler-pensioen –Optimal design of the Dutch multi-pillar pension system: Lessons from an international comparison; –The role of productive activities in the lives of retirees: A sociological perspective; –Retirement, HR, and Worker Behavior; –Outplacement arrangements for older employees: Lessons systeem: Lessen uit een internationale vergelijking; – De rol van productieve activiteiten in het leven van gepensioneerden: Een sociologisch perspectief; – Pensionering, HR en gedrag van werknemers; – Werk-naar-werk-arrangementen voor oudere werknemers: leren van Zweden. from Sweden. Om voor de sector relevant onderzoek te kunnen blijven doen If we are to continue providing the industry with relevant is het belangrijk dat we wetenschappers van naam, die bereid information, it is essential that we manage to enlist zijn de verbinding met de sector te leggen, aan ons weten te academicians of renown, who are willing to make that link binden. with the industry. The government, pension industry, and academia have out- Overheid, pensioensector en wetenschap hebben gezamenlijk lined an ambitious collective research and innovation agenda voor de komende jaren een stevige onderzoeks- en innovatie for the coming years. It is a complicated agenda, because agenda. Een complexe agenda, omdat de financiering van the issue of finding ways to pay for retirement touches upon de oude dag raakt aan vraagstukken van zorg, wonen, werk, other areas, such as healthcare, living, working, solidarity, and solidariteit en betaalbaarheid. Onderzoek als basis voor een affordability. Now, more than ever, having sound research as a geïnformeerd pensioendebat blijft onverminderd relevant. basis for an informed pension debate matters. Stabiel netwerk Stable Network De kracht van het netwerk wordt in belangrijke mate bepaald The strength of the network is determined in considerable door de kwaliteit van het onderzoek en de mate waarin we measure by the quality of the research and the degree to which dat in verbondenheid met de sector weten te doen. Het aantal we manage to conduct it in alliance with the industry. The partners is in 2013 stabiel gebleven. Er zijn twee nieuwe ne tspar ann ual re po rt 2 0 13 report from the n etspar board of direc to rs 11 number of network partners remained stable in 2013, and two sponsors aan het netwerk toegevoegd. Instituut Gak financiert new sponsors were added. Instituut Gak will be funding two voor een periode van vier jaar een tweetal hoogleraar- professorships, including the attendant assistants-in-training stoelen inclusief AIO- en Post doc-posities. Pensioenfonds and post docs, for a period of four years, and the UWV Pension UWV heeft besloten voor een periode van vijf jaar een tweetal Fund has decided to sponsor two thesis awards for a period of Thesis-awards te sponsoren om zo jong talent te stimuleren five years to encourage talented young thinkers to undertake pensioenonderzoek te doen. 2 pension research. Intensieve kennisdeling Extensive Knowledge Sharing Kern van het succes van Netspar is de mate waarin de resul The key to Netspar’s success is the degree to which the results taten van wetenschappelijk onderzoek gevoed zijn door of its academic research are both fed by and find their way back en een weg vinden naar de praktijk. Wetenschappers en to actual practice. The ease with which academics and pension pensioendeskundigen weten elkaar steeds gemakkelijker professionals are coming together continues to grow. te vinden. De events die Netspar ook het afgelopen jaar The events organized by Netspar last year were once again weer organiseerde worden goed bezocht, krijgen een hoge well attended and greatly appreciated and fostered knowledge waardering en dragen bij aan de kennisuitwisseling binnen sharing within the industry. Our executive education programs, de sector. Het executive onderwijs, waarvan inmiddels de now including a second course which started in 2013, generate tweede leergang in 2013 is gestart, kan bogen op een grote avid interest and great satisfaction among our partners. belangstelling en tevredenheid van de partners. Along with the partners, we see an important role for Netspar We zien met de partners, een belangrijke rol voor Netspar in in the pension debate in terms of coalescing divergent visions het pensioendebat door het verbinden van uiteenlopende and elucidating the choices, without taking any particular visies en het inzichtelijk maken van keuzes, zonder zelf standpoint. In this regard, the paper and event in September standpunten in te nemen. Een eerste kick-off daarvoor waren 2013 as part of the FTK round of public consultations, where het paper en event in september 2013 n.a.v. de Consultatieronde we outlined the current state of affairs and policy options, was FTK, waar we de stand van zaken en beleidsopties in kaart a watershed moment. This definitely aroused the interest of the hebben gebracht. Daarmee is duidelijk de interesse van de 3 2 A provider of worker insurance in the Netherlands 3 Financial Assessment Framework ne tspar ann ual re po rt 2 0 13 report from the n etspar board of direc to rs 12 industry, judging from the number of applicants for the two sector gewekt, getuige het aantal gegadigden voor de twee project groups that started in 2014. projectgroepen die in 2014 van start zijn gegaan. In the committee evaluation, the partners expressed In de evaluatie spreken de partners hun waardering uit voor de how much they valued the information provided through informatievoorziening middels website, evenementenkalender our website, events calendar, and research database. An en onderzoeksdatabase. Belangrijk punt is (ook in de evaluatie important point here (as with the NWO evaluation) is how van NWO) de mate waarin Netspar de relevante doelgroep successfully Netspar reached the relevant target group. bereikt. Netspar zal zich extra inspannen de resultaten van Moving forward, we will strive harder to disseminate the onderzoek voor een breder publiek van pensioenprofessionals research results to a wider public of pension professionals, te ontsluiten. Met aandacht voor de toepasbaarheid van de with special attention devoted to applicability. onderzoeksresultaten. Professional Organization Professionele organisatie The temporary vacancy in the directorship and departure Met de tijdelijke vacature in de directie en het vertrek van of our relationship manager hampered our relationship de relatiemanager is het relatiemanagement in de eerste management during the first nine months of 2013. When negen maanden van 2013 beperkt geweest. Bij mijn komst in I took the helm in October, we immediately decided to oktober hebben we meteen besloten een kennismakingsronde organize an introduction round with all of the partners. met alle partners te organiseren. Mede ingegeven door de Partly in response to the partner evaluation, we plan to partnerevaluatie geven we het relatiemanagement weer reintroduce consistency to our relationship management. structureler vorm. Even in the areas where the partners indicated in the En daar waar de partners in de evaluatie aangeven dat de evaluation that our partnership was running smoothly samenwerking soepel verloopt en de werkwijze positief wordt and positively assessed our methods, we still see room for beoordeeld, zien we ruimte voor vereenvoudiging en vergroting simplifying our organization and increasing transparency. van de transparantie van onze organisatie. ne tspar ann ual re po rt 2 0 13 report from the n etspar board of direc to rs Broad Support Brede steun This summer we will be asking the partners and the Dutch Deze zomer vragen we de partners en de overheid een nieuw government for commitments for the 2015-2019 program; commitment aan te gaan voor het programma 2015-2019. continuing support from the academic world is also essential. Ook een blijvende steun vanuit de academische wereld is van Based in part on the results from the evaluations, and looking belang. Mede op basis van de uitkomsten van de evaluatie at the issues that the pension industry is confronting in the en kijkend naar de vraagstukken waar de pensioensector zich near future, we are confident that we can count on broad de komende jaren voor gesteld ziet, vertrouwen we op brede support. steun. Casper van Ewijk, General Director Casper van Ewijk, algemeen directeur 13 ne tspar ann ual re po rt 2 0 13 netspar output 14 netspar output 4 4 27 13 124 311 Fellows 218 Publications ● Dutch Senior Fellows Academic Publications ● Dutch Junior Fellows 89 ● Non-Dutch Senior Fellows 115 82 ● Non-Dutch Junior Fellows ● Journal Publications ● Discussion Papers Industry-oriented Publications ● NEA Papers ● Design papers 71 3 ● Panel Papers 3 7 29 Events 8 9 3 4 53 Theses Academic Events ● BSc Theses ● Junior Pension Day and ● MSc Theses other Academic Events ● RM Theses Industry-oriented Events ● Dissertations ● Theme Conferences ● News Events 6 ● Task Forces ● Other 39 annual report / jaarverslag Financial Report ne tspar ann ual re po rt 2 0 13 fi nan cial report i n come statement for 2013 16 financial report 2013 Income - Cash First money stream Tilburg University Other universities Total first money stream Second money stream NWO Spinoza Government funding Total second money stream Third money stream Private Partners Public Institutions Other To be recruited Total third money stream Total Income Cash 2012 Cash 2013 232 0 232 200 0 200 0 857 857 2.167 2.167 1.211 95 413 1.719 970 123 753 3 1.849 2.808 4.216 Expenses - Cash Flow Old Netspar Projects & Grants Themes Senior & Junior Faculty PhD Research & Visitor Grants Research Master Grants Data en SHARE Other Total Projects & Grants Knowledge Sharing Public Events Panel and NEA Papers Communication Total Knowledge Sharing Education Academic and Executive education EFA scholarships Thesis awards Total Education Other Scientific Directors & Coordination Staff Operating costs Overhead Total Other Total Old Netspar Cash 2012 Cash 2013 1.167 197 245 14 0 250 0 1.873 702 138 166 1 0 461 0 1.468 122 95 0 217 0 100 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 71 346 0 45 462 26 265 0 0 291 2.552 1.859 Expenses New Netspar see next page ne tspar ann ual re po rt 2 0 13 Expenses - Cash Flow New Netspar Network Development - General Personnel costs Network Development - General Total ND General Network Development- Events Personnel costs Match making events Total ND Events Knowledge Development - Project Grants Personnel costs PIL Coordinators Research Coordinators Large & Medium Vision Projects Small vision projects Topicality projects Mopact Research grants Research Master Grants Total KD Project Grants Knowledge Development - Data Data costs Total KD Data Knowledge Sharing - Events Personnel costs PIL-events Topical events Pension workshops & Pension day Other events Total KS Events fi nan cial report Cash 2012 Cash 2013 107 19 126 84 17 101 5 9 14 6 7 13 31 103 45 100 106 64 6 455 40 136 45 173 155 134 17 41 5 746 20 20 11 11 19 3 8 93 6 129 29 6 11 221 7 273 i n come statement for 2013 Knowledge Sharing - Publications Personnel costs Publications Total KS Publications Knowledge Sharing - Expertise Centre Personnel costs Knowledge sharing Total KS Expertise Centre Knowledge Sharing - Education Personnel costs Scholarships EFA National Executive Thesis awards Tracks Summerschool Total KS Education Governance & overhead Personnel costs - Board of Directors Personnel costs - Staff Operating costs Overhead Total Governance and overhead 17 34 6 40 48 15 63 187 14 201 315 15 330 95 13 255 12 0 0 375 59 10 152 12 6 10 248 47 96 148 72 363 103 127 101 85 416 Total New Netspar 1.723 2.201 Total Expenses (Old + New) 4.275 4.060 ne tspar ann ual re po rt 2 0 13 fi nan cial report i n come statement for 2013 18 notes to income statement for 2013 income – cash expenses – cash flow First Money Stream Old Netspar Income in the first money stream concerns contributions from Tilburg In 2011, Netspar’s partners renewed their committed to a new four-year University. In 2012, Netspar was granted the status of Center of Excellence, contracting period. In addition, Netspar received a subsidy from four Dutch which resulted in a reward of M€ 1 to be paid in five annual allotments of Ministries. We therefore decided to make a distinction in the annual report k€ 200. between the “old” Netspar and the “new” Netspar. “Old Netspar” includes all components financed with money that was granted before 2011; “New Second Money Stream Netspar” pertains to all components financed with money obtained form The second money stream includes payments resulting from the subsidy 2011 onwards. Over the years a shift in expenses from Old Netspar tot New (M€ 4) of four Dutch government ministries, which was granted in 2010 for Netspar is observable. the 2011-2014-research program. It also includes payments from the subsidy of NWO (M€ 1.5) for executing the Social Infrastructure Agenda 2012-2014, Projects and Grants which was granted in 2012. Both payments in 2013 relate to the high level of grants that Netspar awarded for research projects in 2012. Themes The expenses relate to payments committed to the Theme Projects according Third Money Stream to a predetermined payment schedule. As the summary below shows, for The third money stream includes mainly contributions from Netspar’s some themes, not all of the money granted has been used up yet. partners, Public Institutions (Autoriteit Financiële Markten, De Nederlandsche Bank and Sociale Verzekeringsbank), European projects (SHARE and MOPACT) and interest revenues. In December 2012 the partnerships of ABN AMRO and Zwitserleven ended. In Total Grant Amount (Amounts in € 1,000) Granted in 2009 Granted in 2010 2013 two new contracts were closed. The UWV Pension fund became sponsor Until 2009 3,500 489 2,000 5,500 489 2010 Payments 2011 2012 2013 658 793 401 658 1.194 564 467 1.031 293 409 702 Difference 2014 2015 428 408 836 183 183 for five years of two thesis awards, for a yearly amount of k€ 10. And Instituut Gak finances two chairs in pensions and ageing at Tilburg Senior & Junior Faculty University for a five year period, including PhD and Post doc positions, for a This concerns expenses related to contributions made toward individual total amount of approximately M€ 1. These contracts are expected to result in research positions at various participating universities. In 2013, five payments to Netspar as of 2014. researchers received Netspar funding that was awarded earlier. Funding of 275 132 407 ne tspar ann ual re po rt 2 0 13 fi nan cial report individual positions is since 2010 no longer a tool in the Netspar portfolio i n come statement for 2013 19 Knowledge Sharing and has been replaced by project-based funding only. (Amounts in € 1,000) Senior Faculty Junior Faculty Total 2011 72 172 244 Payments 2012 2013 56 23 141 115 197 138 Panel and NEA Papers This item pertains to subsidies and material costs associated with writing 2014 10 34 44 and publishing Netspar Panel and NEA papers. Here again, actual expenses vary per year, primarily as a result of the projects’ duration. An overview of the papers published in 2013 can be found in Appendices K and L. Public events Funded researchers in 2013: Communication – Meltem Daysal Public events and communication related to projects granted before 2011 – Martin Salm usually are combined with projects granted as of 2011. Starting in 2013, these – Paul Sengmuller activities are all together budgeted under New Netspar. – Anja de Waegenaere – Kène Henkens Other Other costs concern expenditure related to the Scientific Directors & PhD Positions This item pertains to the funding and co-funding of PhD positions at various participating universities. (Amounts in € 1,000) Granted in 2010 Granted in 2011 and Editorial Board) staff and operating costs that can be attributed to projects that started before 2011. 2011 201 201 Payments 2012 2013 2014 204 128 12 38 43 216 166 43 2015 30 30 Research & Visitor Grants This is based on a subsequent payment on research grants that were awarded earlier. Data and SHARE An amount of k€ 33 was spent on research data for Theme-projects. In 2013 Netspar contributed k€ 428 to the execution of the SHARE M4 and the 5th Wave of SHARE. Coordination (Board of Directors, Education Directors, Research Coordinators, ne tspar ann ual re po rt 2 0 13 fi nan cial report New Netspar i n come statement for 2013 20 – Marcel Lever (CPB): Optimal design of the Dutch multi-pillar pension system: Lessons from an international comparison Network Development – General This item pertains to the publication costs for the Newsflash e-newsletter and Netspar Magazine as well as personnel costs for members of the Netspar staff. Network Development – Events These costs pertain to the matchmaking event and the Netspar Anniversary Meeting in March 2013. Small Vision Projects Total Grant Amount (Amounts in € 1,000) Granted in 2011 354 Granted in 2012 65 Granted in 2013 260 679 2011 18 18 2012 90 10 100 Payments 2013 2014 107 73 21 23 27 83 155 179 Difference 2015 9 11 89 109 2016 62 62 Knowledge Development – Projects & Grants Granted in 2013 This item pertains to expenditure on the PIL Coordinators, Research – Marleen Damman (NIDI): The role of productive activities in the lives of retirees. A sociological perspective Coordinators, Large & Medium Vision Projects, Small Vision projects, and Topicality Projects as well as to the personnel costs for the Netspar staff and – Elisabeth Brüggen (MU) and Thomas Post (MU): Adapting pension costs for Research Grants and Research Master’s grants. communication to the heterogeneous characteristics and needs of The four Large Vision Projects granted in 2012 (for al total of M€ 1.5) reported participants k€ 173. In 2013, three Large Vision Projects were granted, for a total amount of k€ 750. These projects were scheduled to start in early 2014, so no costs – Jan Rouwendal (VU U): Home equity and the demand for and cost of long term care were reported in 2013. – Hans Schumacher (TiU): Intergenerational risk sharing in collective DC Large & Medium Vision Projects Topicality Projects Total Grant Amount (Amounts in € 1,000) Granted in 2012 1.500 Granted in 2013 750 2.250 2013 173 173 2014 328 111 439 Payments 2015 2016 395 249 224 227 619 476 2017 355 138 493 2018 50 50 Total Grant Amount (Amounts in € 1,000) Granted in 2011 193 Granted in 2012 100 Granted in 2013 90 383 2011 30 30 Payments 2012 2013 82 48 24 68 18 106 134 Difference 2014 8 72 80 33 33 Granted in 2013 Granted in 2013 – Andries de Grip (UM): Retirement, HR and Worker Behavior. – Ralph Koijen (LSE): Indexatie afslag en risico-opslag in het reële contract – Rob Alessie (RUG) and Marike Knoef (RUL): Pension savings and – Irmgard Borghouts (TiU): Werk naar werk arrangementen voor oudere consumption needs of current and future retirees werknemers: leren van Zweden? 57 156 ne tspar ann ual re po rt 2 0 13 fi nan cial report – Erik Lutjens (VU): Uitvoeren van het reële contract door verzekeraars. – Marike Knoef (RUL): Pensioeninkomens, consumptiebehoeften en ouderenzorg i n come statement for 2013 – Moshe Milevsky (Schulich School of Business, York University): Longevity risk and the option to annuitize: Historical evidence from the tontine of king William in 1693 – Juan Carlos Rodriquez (TiU): Managing conversion risk in defined contribution plans – Mariacristina De Nardi (University College London), Eric French (Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago), John Jones (SUNY University at Albany): Medicaid insurance in old age Research Grants Total Grant Amount (Amounts in € 1,000) Granted in 2011 70 Granted in 2012 49 Granted in 2013 66 185 21 – Aureo de Paula (University College London), Bo Honore (Princeton 2011 21 21 Payments 2012 2013 49 15 21 20 64 41 Difference 2014 13 46 59 - Granted in 2013 – Johannes Binswanger (TiU), Adriaan Kalwij (UU), Arthur van Soest (TiU): Time use and well-being before and after retirement: Collecting DRM data in the Netherlands University): Joint retirement in Europe – Elena Stancanelli (Paris School of Economics): Retiring together or apart and spousal happiness outcomes Research Master’s Grants In 2013 it is no longer possible to apply for a scholarship. Total Grant Amount (Amounts in € 1,000) Granted in 2011 6 Granted in 2012 6 12 Payments 2011 2012 2013 1 5 1 5 1 6 5 – Timm Böhnke (Freie Universität Berlin), Daniel Kemptner (German Institute for Economic Research Berlin), Holger Lüthen (Institute of Public Knowledge Development - Data Finance and Social Policy, Freie Universität Berlin): The introduction of In the Projects started from 2011 costs for data are included in the project disincentives for early retirement and its effect on labor market budget. This item pertains to incidental costs for data. participation – Hans-Martin von Gaudecker (University of Bonn), Benjamin Enke Knowledge Sharing – Events (University of Bonn): Subjective beliefs and individual risk preferences in This item pertains to costs for the large number of academic and industry- a structural model of portfolio choice oriented events presented on topical issues. In 2013 two International – Michael Haliassos (Goethe University Frankfurt), Thomas Jansson (Sveriges Riskbank), Yigitcan Karabulut (Goethe University Frankfurt): Culture and Pension Workshop were held: at Amsterdam and Frankfurt. A list of events held in 2013 can be found in Appendices F and G. household financial behavior – Robert Kosowksi (Imperial College London), Gonçalo Faria (CEF, UP, Knowledge Sharing – Publications University of Porto): The correlation risk premium: Term structure and This item pertains to costs for the Editorial Board of Netspar and costs for hedging editing and printing publications. ne tspar ann ual re po rt 2 0 13 fi nan cial report Knowledge Sharing – Expertise Center This item pertains to personnel costs (Netspar staff and student assistants) for expertise provided to partners by Netspar. The increase of personnel costs is mainly attributable to a correction in the compensation to Tilburg University for Bovenberg and Nijman. Knowledge Sharing – Education This item includes expenditures related to the EFA scholarships, Thesis Awards, the new Netspar Tracks at Tilburg University, a summer school at Venice University, as well as the execution of the executive education program for professionals working in the pension sector at the NetsparTiasNimbas academy. Netspar partners each receive 3 full series of 4 master classes for free. The higher expenditures on the new executive education program in 2012 included the development costs. Governance & Overhead This item concerns expenditure related to the Board of Directors, costs for personnel of the Netspar staff which can’t be assigned to specific network, knowledge development or knowledge sharing activities, as well as to operating costs, and overhead paid to Tilburg University for housing and other facilities. The higher personnel costs for the Board of Directors and Staff on New Netspar relate to the lower personnel costs on these items for Old Netspar. The total on these items for Old and New decreases. Transitory revenues In 2013 the income (k€ 4.216) exceeded the expenses (k€ 4.060) with k€ 156. Based on the agreement with Tilburg University an addition of k€ 156 has been made to the liquidation reserve. i n come statement for 2013 22 ne tspar ann ual re po rt 2 0 13 fi nan cial report balan ce sheet 23 balance sheet netspar 31 december 2013 Current assets Partner Contracts from 2011 NWO Subsidy SHARE MOPACT Tilburg University Subsidy SZW Subsidy Institute Gak Subsidy Pension Fund UWV Equity Liquidation Reserve General Reserve Projects Provision Recreational Leave Provision Vacation Accruals Budget 2014 not yet committed Budget 2015 and further not yet committed 887.500 375.000 319.000 148.000 600.000 1.775.000 1.096.917 50.000 282.000 190.619 5.549 19.917 318.617 3.505.619 4.322.321 5.251.417 Other Receivables 1.050.752 Cash In cash 3.978.467 Long-term liabilities Ongoing Theme Projects Large and Medium Vision Projects Topicaliy Projects Small Vision Projects Senior Faculty Junior Faculty PhD’s Personnel Costs Data Panel and NEA papers Management & Coordination Operation Costs & Miscellaneous Addition Liquidation Reserve 1.018.549 2.076.773 80.000 349.660 32.693 82.566 877.414 202.000 18.000 43.044 694.087 5.474.786 Short term debt January and June Pension Workshops EFA Scholarships Research Master’s Grants Research Grants TiasNimbas Executive Education Other Debts 220.000 45.500 175.000 43.029 483.529 10.280.636 10.280.636 ne tspar ann ual re po rt 2 0 13 fi nan cial report notes to balance sheet balan ce sheet 24 Retirement in Europe). As per December 31, 2013 an amount of k€ 319 can still be expected for activities regarding SHARE. Assets Current assets Partner Contracts from 2011 In 2011, the following partners agreed to fund Netspar for four more years: –Achmea –Aegon – APG Groep NV – ASR Pensioenen – Autoriteit Financiële Markten –Cardano – De Nederlandsche Bank – Nationale Nederlanden – Ortec Finance –PGGM –Robeco –SVB As per December 31, 2013 an amount of k€ 887.5 can still be expected for partner contributions in 2014. NWO Subsidy The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research agreed in 2012 to fund Netspar an amount of € 1.5 million to be spent over 3 years starting from 2013. As per December 31, 2013 an amount of k€ 375 can still be expected for projects granted in 2013. SHARE In 2012 a total amount of k€ 869 was awarded by NWO and the Ministry of OCW for executing the fifth wave of SHARE (Survey of Health, Ageing and MOPACT An amount of k€ 220 was awarded by the European Union for MOPACT (Mobilising the Potential of Active Ageing in Europe). As per December 31, 2013 an amount of K€ 148 can still be expected. Tilburg University Subsidy In 2011, the Board of Directors of Tilburg University designated Netspar as “Center of Excellence.” As part of that status, it is granting Netspar an amount of € 1 million to be spent over five years. As per December 31, 2013 an amount of k€ 600 can still be expected. SZW Subsidy The Dutch Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment, representing a consortium of four Dutch ministries, granted Netspar the amount of € 1 million a year, for four years. In 2012 k€ 857 was received and in 2013 k€ 1.368. Therefore k€ 1.775 is still to be received. Instituut Gak Subsidy In 2013 Instituut Gak decided to finance two part time chairs in pensions for five years, as well as PhD- and Postdoc positions for four years. Other Receivables This item pertains to interest and other types of income to be received. Due to a delayed facturing of the partner contributions an amount of approximately k€ 800 is to be received in 2014. Cash In Cash This is the bank balance as of December 31, 2013. ne tspar ann ual re po rt 2 0 13 fi nan cial report balan ce sheet 25 Equity Long-term liabilities Liquidation Reserve Ongoing Theme Projects Due to an agreement with Tilburg University, Netspar builds up reserves for This item concerns the Theme Projects that were granted before 2011, which possible future personnel claims in the event Netspar is liquidated. will not be finished by the end of 2014. Project that will finish by the end of 2014 are mentioned under the heading “Other Debts”. General Reserve Projects This item pertains to reservations made for a member of the staff who Large and Medium Vision Projects coordinated the SHARE-activities. The concerning staff member retires in This item pertains to the payments that still have to be made for Large and September 2015 and is on a paid leave. The reservation is funded form Medium Vision Projects, which were granted in 2012 (five projects for a total results of SHARE-activities as well as earlier contributions of Tilburg of € 1.5 million, payments started in 2013) and 2013 (three projects for a total University. of k€ 750, payments start in 2014). Provision Recreational Leave Topicality Projects Provision Vacation Accruals In 2013, five topicality projects were granted. This item concerns the Since Netspar is independent from 2012 these Provisions have to be legally payments that still have to be made for topicality projects granted in 2012 formed. (one) and in 2013 (five). Budget 2014 not yet committed Small Vision Projects This item pertains to the costs that are not yet committed for the year 2014. In 2013, four small vision projects were granted. This item pertains to the The amounts already committed to for 2014 like personnel costs, projects payments owed over the next few years for projects granted in 2011 (six, one and other items are included in the Long Term Liabilities and the Short Term stopped), 2012 (one) and 2013 (four). Debt. Senior Faculty Budget 2015 and further not yet committed Junior Faculty The ‘Budget for 2015 and further not yet committed’ is indicative and based PhD’s on contracts running through April 1, 2015. The amounts already committed Funding of individual positions is being phased out as a tool in the Netspar to for 2015 and further like personnel costs and projects are included in the portfolio and will gradually be replaced by project-based funding only. Long Term Liabilities and the Short Term Debt. These are the payments for the existing positions. ne tspar ann ual re po rt 2 0 13 fi nan cial report Personnel Costs balan ce sheet 26 Short-term debt These are the personnel costs for Netspar staff for 2014 and Q1-2015, which are not directly related to projects granted before 2011. Due to the fact that January and June 2014 Pension Workshops new commitments from partners and government as from 2015 still have to This item pertains to projected expenditure for the Pension Workshops in be realized, out of prudence a liquidation scenario 2015-2019 was prepared. January 2014 in Amsterdam and in June 2014 in Venice. In this scenario, personnel are reduced tot 25% as from 2015 Q2. For the remaining activities in 2015-2019 an amount of k€ 900 was budgeted, which EFA Scholarships is part of ‘Budget 2015 and further not yet committed’. This item pertains to projected expenditure for EFA students who received scholarships in 2012. Data This item pertains to future expenditure that will be needed to buy data for Research Master’s Grants use in Netspar projects granted before 2011. As of 2012 the costs for data are This item pertains to projected expenditure for research master’s students included in the project budget. under grants awarded in 2012 Panel and NEA Papers Research Grants This item pertains to expenditure related to papers emanating from ongoing This item pertains to projected expenditure for research grants awarded in projects that were granted before 2011. As of 2012 the compensation for Panel 2012 and 2013. and Nea papers are included in the project budget. TiasNimbas Executive Education Management & Coordination These are the costs for the executive education in 2014 for which TiasNimbas Operation Costs & Miscellaneous was contracted in 2011. The contract will end in 2014. These are personnel costs for the Netspar Board of Directors, for the Netspar staff and operation costs related to projects granted before 2011. Other Debts This item pertains to projected expenditure on Theme Projects that do finish Addition Liquidation Reserve This item pertains to the reserves still to be made for liquidation reserves, as agreed upon with Tilburg University. before 2014. ne tspar ann ual re po rt 2 0 13 fi nan cial report balan ce sheet 27 In-kind/Matching In 2013, a substantial portion of Netspar’s expenditure was matched by either our partners or by universities, as shown in the charts below. Income - In Kind (amounts in € 1,000) First money stream Tilburg University Other universities Total first money stream Third money stream Private Partners Public Institutions Total third money stream In kind 2012 In kind 2013 751 1.480 2.231 568 1.283 1.851 242 15 257 200 15 215 Total Income 2.488 2.066 Expenses - In Kind (amounts in € 1,000) Old Netspar Projects & Grants Themes Senior & Junior Faculty Total Projects & Grants Knowledge Sharing Public Events Total Knowledge Sharing Education Academic and Executive education Total Education Other Scientific Directors & Coordination Total Other In kind 2012 In kind 2013 1.465 102 1.567 646 82 728 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 61 61 25 25 1.629 753 Total Old Netspar Expenses - In Kind (amounts in € 1,000) New Netspar Network Development general Networkdevelopment general Total Network Development general Knowledge Development - Project Grants Pesonnel costs Small vision projects Topicality projects Large Vision projects Total Knowledge Development - Project Grants Knowledge Sharing - Events Events Total Knowledge Sharing - Events Knowledge Sharing - Publications Personnel costs Total Knowledge Sharing - Publications Knowledge Sharing- Education Personnel costs National Executive Total Knowledge Sharing - Education Governance & overhead Personnel costs Board of Directors Other costs Total governance & overhead Total New Netspar Total Expenses (Old + New) In kind 2012 In kind 2013 5 5 1 1 125 173 214 0 511 32 341 190 524 1.087 93 93 85 85 28 28 18 18 37 34 71 8 0 8 122 29 152 100 15 115 859 1.314 2.488 2.066 ne tspar ann ual re po rt 2 0 13 fi nan cial report appendix i. grants, awarded before 2013 This Appendix resumes all the grants awarded before 2013. appen dix i . grants awarded befo re 2013 28 – Benedict Dellaert (EUR): Supporting Consumer Pension Decision-making Online 1. Themes Granted in 2010 Granted in 2006 – Thomas Dohmen and Andries de Grip (UM): Human Capital and Aging – Maarten Lindeboom (VU) and Eddy van Doorslaer (VU): Income, Health – Casper van Ewijk (CPB): Multi-pillar Pension Schemes and Macroeconomic and Work across the Life Cycle – Peter Schotman (UM): Private Retirement Provision – Antoon Pelsser (UvA): Valuation and Risk Management for Insurance Companies and Pension Funds Performance – Andrew Ang (Columbia Business School): Portfolio Strategies: Aspects of Long Horizon, Illiquidity, and Long-run Tail Risk – Rob Alessie (RUG) and Adriaan Kalwij (Utrecht School of Economics): Pensions, Savings, and Retirement Decisions II Granted in 2007 – Johan Mackenbach (EUR): Living Longer in Good Health: Prospects, – Johan Mackenbach (Erasmus MC): Rising Life Expectancy: Causes and Consequences in the Netherlands Strategies, Consequences – Casper van Ewijk (CPB): The Macroeconomics of Pension Reform 2. PhD postions – Arthur van Soest and Rob Alessie (TiU): Pensions, Savings and Retirement Granted in 2005 Decisions – Zhen Shi: Three Essays in Pension Finance – Karen van der Wiel: Essays on Expectations, Power, and Social Security Granted in 2009 – Peter Schotman (UM): Balance Sheet Management of Pension Funds and Insurance Companies – Annamaria Lusardi (Dartmouth College): Financial Literacy: Evidence and Implications for Retirement Planning, Saving Behavior, and Financial Education Programs Granted in 2006 – David Vonka (stopped in 2010) – Oliver Weidenmuller: Performance and Money Flows in the Hedge Fund Industry – Marike Knoef: Well-being of the Elderly – Eddy van Doorslaer (EUR) and Maarten Lindeboom (VU): Health and Income, Work and Care across the Life Cycle II – Michel Vellekoop (UvA): Reconciling Short-term Risks and Long-term Goals for Retirement Provisions – Peter Kooreman (TiU) and Jan Potters (TiU): Economics and Psychology of Life Cycle Decision-making – Laura Spierdijk (RUG): Influence of Market Imperfections on Recovery Strategies for Pension Funds Granted in 2007 – Jinqiang Guo: Quantitative Investment Strategies and Portfolio Management – Patrick Hullegie: Essays on Health Economics (provisional) – Jochen Mierau: Macroeconomics of Pensions and Aging – Nathanaël Vellekoop: Framing and Frequency Effects ne tspar ann ual re po rt 2 0 13 fi nan cial report Granted in 2008 – Salvatore Stefannelli (discontinued in 2010) appen dix i . grants awarded befo re 2013 29 – Magnus Dahlquist and Jose Vicente Martinez: Investor Inattention: The Hidden Cost of Choice in Pension Funds David Hollanders: The Effect of Aging on Pension Funds – Annette Bergemann and Erik Grönqvist: The Effects of Job Displacement on Granted in 2009 – Ralph Koijen, Stijn van Nieuwerburgh, and Motohiro Yogo: Optimal Health the Onset and Progression of Diabetes – Korhan Nazliben: Strategic Asset Allocation and Longevity Insurance Granted in 2010 Granted in 2009 – Noelia Bernal: Generational Accounting Model – Hans Fehr: Fertility, Female Labor Supply, and Family Policy – Tim Boonen: The Modeling of Strategic Interactions between Stakeholders – Joachim Inkmann and Alexander Michaelides: Bequest Motives and in Pension Funds or Insurance Companies – Marc de Graaf: The Elderly Home Equity Puzzle: Explained by Demand for Long-term Care? – Jacqueline van Leeuwen: Pensioenfondsen en prudentie bij beleggingen – Alexander de Roode: The Term Structure of Real Interest Rates Portfolio Choice – Pierre Pestieau and Uri Possen: The Effect of Retirement of the Shifting from Defined Benefit to Defined Contribution Pensions – Francesco Franzoni, Eric Nowak, and Ludovic Phalippou: Private Equity and Liquidity Risk – Paola Profeta and Vincenzo Galasso: Family Ties and the Design of Pension Granted in 2011 – Zorka Simon: The Real Bond – Nominal Bond Arbitrage: Evidence from G7 Countries Systems and Reforms – Tomi Kyrrä: Substitution between Early Retirement Schemes: Lessons from Finnish Pension Reforms – Dean Karlan, Sendhil Mullainathan, Jonathan Zinman, and Margaret 3. Research Grants Granted in 2006 – Dimitrios Christelis and Guglielmo Weber: Expected Bequests and Wealth of Elderly Households McConnell: Psychology of Savings: Evaluations of Innovative Savings Products – Hippolyte d’Albis and Johanna Etner: Deferred Annuities – Sebastian Buhai and Hans-Martin von Gaudecker: Business Cycles and the Age Structure of Labor Adjustments: Structural Framework and Empirical Granted in 2008 Assessment – Astrid Hopfensitz and Tanja Wranik: Increasing Confidence and Combating Overconfidence: Personality and Contextual Influencing Financial Risk- Granted in 2010 taking – Alessandro Beber, Michael W. Brandt, and Mathijs Cosemans: Institutional – Roger Laeven, Bruno Niais, and Enrico Perotti: Optimal Capital Structure for Insurance Companies and Pension Funds – Ting Zhang and Tong Yu: Testing Moral Hazard and Tax Benefit Hypotheses: Evidence from Pension Plan Contribution and Asset Allocation Ownership Composition, Asset Liquidity, and Related Implications for the Optimal Investment Policy of Long-Term Investors – Scott Cederburg, Doron Avramov, and Jun Tu: Long-run Risk: Implications for Asset Allocation ne tspar ann ual re po rt 2 0 13 fi nan cial report – Tunga Kantarci, Ingrid Smeets, and Arthur van Soest: Implications of Early, appen dix i . grants awarded befo re 2013 30 – Bastian Ravesteijn, Eddy Van Doorslaer, and Hans Van Kippersluis: Partial, and Late Retirement for Replacement Rates in a Defined Benefit Occupational Choice and Health: Which Jobs Offer Better Health Prospects System for a Long Career? – Alexander Ludwig, Max Groneck, and Alexander Zimper: On the Role of Biased Survival Beliefs in a Structural Life Cycle Model – Hanna van Solinge: Explaining Transitions into Self-Employment after (Early) Retirement – Giovanni Mastrobuoni and Filippo Taddei: The Age Profile of Earnings, Productivity, and Social Security: Theory and Evidence from European Granted in 2012 Countries – Viola Angelini, Alessandro Bucciol, Matthew Wakefield and Guglielmo – Raimond Maurer: Private Equity and Liquidity Risk: The Impact of Uninsurable Labor Income Risk on Optimal Work Effort, Retirement Behavior, and Portfolio Choice over the Life Cycle – Thomas Maurer: Asset Pricing Implications of Demographic Change – Eduard Ponds and Juan Yermo: Funding Risks in Public Sector Workers – Veronika Pool, Clemens Sialm, and Irina Stefanescu: The Real Cost of Employer-Sponsored Retirement Accounts: Evidence from the Company Choice of Mutual Funds – Vallapuzha V. Sandhya and Vikas Agarwal: In-depth Analysis of Target Weber: Temptation and Housing in Later Life – Eleanor Davies and Natalie Sappleton: The Role of Line Managers in Shaping Alternative Retirement Exits – Charles Gottlieb, Guiso Luigi and Andreas Fagereng: Asset Market Participation and Portfolio Choice over Life-cycle – Ludovic Phalippou and Mark Westerfield: Commitment Risk – Amelie Wuppermann, Sebastian Bauhoff and Markus Grabka: The Price Sensitivity of Health Plan Choice among Retirees: Evidence from Natural Experiments in the German Social Health Insurance Date Funds 4. Visitor Grants Granted in 2011 Granted in 2008 and 2009 – Söhnke Bartram: Post-Retirement Benefit Plans, Leverage, and Real – Norma Coe Investment – Tullio Jappelli, Dimitris Christelis, and Dimitris Georgarakos: Wealth Stocks, – Courtney van Houtven – Michele Belloni Consumption, and Asset Allocation of Older Households – Petra De Jong, Jan Rouwendal, Pascal Van Hattum, and Aleid Brouwer: Granted in 2010 Housing Preferences of an Aging Population: Insight into the Diversity – Douglas Hershey Among Senior Citizens – Annamaria Lusardi – Orly Lobel and On Amir: Risk Management for the Future: Judgment, Decision Making, and Choice Architecture – Kim Peijnenburg, Olivia Mitchell, Stephen Dimmock, and Roy Kouwenberg: Uncertainty Attitudes and Savings of the Elderly – Marjan Maes: Micro-Econometric Estimation of the Labor Supply, Budgetary and Distributional Impact of the Earnings Test in the Old-Age Pension Scheme: The Case of Belgium Granted in 2011 – Miao Nie – Mo Wang ne tspar ann ual re po rt 2 0 13 fi nan cial report appen dix i . grants awarded befo re 2013 5. Research Master’s Grants 6. Small Vision Projects Granted in 2008 Granted in 2011 – Jing Li: An Investigation of the Multi-Prior Approach and an Extension of It – Niels Vermeer (TiU): Non-Financial Determinants of the Individual – Korhan Nazliben: Strategic Portfolio Allocation under Risk Constraints – Rasa Stasiukynaite: The Effect of Background Mood and Pre-existing Risk on Risk and Time Preference – Ma Kebn – Georgios Petropoulos: Product Market under Uncertainty with Dynamic Strategic Interactions – Zeynep Burcu: The Determinants of Fertility 31 Retirement Age – Yang Zhou (TiU): Guarantees in Pension Plans – Sjoerd Timmermans (TiU): Pension Plan Design: Individual Solutions and Collective Improvements – Jordana Liberali (EUR): Designing Risk Profile Questions that Help Consumers to Better Understand Pension Risks – Louise Nell (UU): Choosing Better with Comprehensible Pension Overviews – Ivor Witte (VU): Supervision Rules: Contribution to or Prevention of Better Granted in 2009 Pension Protection – Ying Yang: The Healthy Life Expectancy According to Different Cohorts and Ages Granted in 2012 – Siyi Zhu: Safety First Approach in a Life Cycle Model – Job Krijnen (TiU): Procrastinating Pension Planning – Miao Nie: Optimal Investment Policy for Pension Funds with Transaction – Nick van der Sande (APG): A Comparison of Pension Systems in the Costs: The Finite Horizon Case Netherlands and Australia Granted in 2010 7. Topicality projects – Vesile Kutlu (TiU): Essays on Subjective Well-Being and Early Retirement Granted in 2011 – Siqi Pan (TiU): Pensions, Redistribution, and Intergenerational Fairness – Elisabeth Brüggen (UM), Ingrid Rohde (UM), and Mijke van den Broeke under Income Uncertainty: An Experimental Study (AEGON): Verschillende mensen, verschillende keuzes: de invloed van communicatie op de pensioenskeuze Granted in 2011 – Ang Ling Ying Dyonisius: When Are We Predictably Irrational? Limited Resource Model and Risk Preferences – Chi Chen: The Retirement Patterns and Retirement Expectations between Ethnic Dutch and Immigrants – Anja De Waegenaere (UvT), Bertrand Melenberg (UvT), Tim Boonen (UvT), and Alexander Paulis (APG): Het koppelen van de pensioenleeftijd aan ontwikkelingen in de levensverwachting – Didier Fouarge (UM), Andries de Grip (UM), and Raymond Montizaan (UM): Hoe gevoelig is de uittredeleeftijd voor veranderingen in het pensioenstelsel? Granted in 2012 – Lei Shu: Intergenerational Transfers and Retirement Decision in Rural China – Zhiyu Yu: Labor Supply Preferences around the Retirement for the US Households – Frank de Jong (UvT) and Peter Schotman (UM): De inschatting van de reële pensioenrisico’s per deelnemer en het analyseren van consistentie in ambitie, financiering en resultaat van een Pensioenfonds ne tspar ann ual re po rt 2 0 13 fi nan cial report – Ralph Koijen (Chicago), Jules van Binsbergen (Kellogg), Dirk Broeders appen dix i . grants awarded befo re 2013 32 8. Large and Medium Vision Projects (DNB), Joris van Dijk (MinFin), and Myrthe de Jong (MinFin): Granted in 2012 Mogelijkheden om keuzevrijheid vorm te geven met behoud van – Benedict Dellaert (EUR): Interactive Pension Communication and Decision solidariteit en collectiviteit – Marike Knoef (RUL), Adriaan Kalwij (UU), Rob Alessie (RUG), Koen Camenida (RUL), and Kees Goudswaard (RUL): Pension Reforms and the Financial Well-Being of Dutch Elderly Households – Giovanna Nicodano (CeRP), Kees de Vaan (Achmea), Daniele Fano (Tor Vergata University), and Herialt Mens (Achmea): A Reporting Standard for Defined Contribution Pension Plans – Antoon Pelsser (UM) and Niels Kortleve (PGGM): Europees Toezicht op Pensioenfondsen – Eduard Ponds (UvT), Roel Mehlkopf (CPB), Dick Boeijen (PGGM), Mark Brusse (PGGM), Pascal Jansen (PGGM), Jiajia Cui (UvA), and Zina Lekniute (APG): Leeftijddifferentiatie – Bas Werker (UvT) and Theo Nijman (UvT): Implicaties van de keuze van de disconteringsvoet in het concept StAR contract Granted in 2012 – Dirk Brounen (TiU) and Ronald Mahieu (TiU): Sustainable Housing Finance: Going Dutch – René Maatman (RU), Bas de Jong (RU) and Leonard Verburg (RU): Juridische vormgeving van het nieuwe pensioencontract – Bas Werker (TiU) and Theo Nijman (TiU): Uitwerken van voorstellen voor FTK2 – Jan-Willem Wijckmans (PGGM), Erwin Fransen (PGGM), Niels Kortleve (PGGM), Hans Staring (PGGM) and Hans Schumacher (TiU): The Feasability and use of a Harmonised Technical Framework for Prudential Pension Supervision – Alfred Slager (TiU) and Kees Koedijk (TiU): Van droom naar daad: hoe innovaties in wonen, arbeid, pensioen en kennis een zet in de juiste richting te geven – Arthur van Soest (TiU) and Charlotte Kuiper (AFM): Hoe moet het nieuwe UPO eruit zien Making – Mauro Mastrogiacomo (VU A): A Second and a Half Pillar for the SelfEmployed? – Bas Werker (TiU): Robust Models for Supervision of Pension Funds and Insurance Companies – Michel Vellekoop (UvA): Risk Management in Funded Pension Systems ne tspar ann ual re po rt 2 0 13 fi nan cial report appendix ii. auditor’s report This is a translation of the Dutch Auditor’s Report as included on the right side of this page We have audited the draft version of the Netspar annual accounts for the 2013 calendar year pursuant to your request. The audit covered the profit and loss account for 2013, as well as the ‘in cash’ and ‘liquidation reserve’ items on the balance sheet as of 31 December 2013. We ascertained that in 2013 the university accounts showed: – € 4,215,803 in income and – € 4,059,803 in expenditure. Included in the income is an amount of € 144,826 that was deducted from the balance of amounts received in advance. The remainder of the results, totalling € 156,000, has been added to the reserve formed in 2012 for any expenses that might be incurred in the event that Netspar is liquidated. The balance in this reserve at year-end 2013 was € 282,000, and the reserve was also included on the balance sheet as of 31 December 2013. The balance of the amounts received in advance as of 31 December 2013 was € 4,800,615. On the balance sheet € 822,146 of this is listed under ‘other receivables’, leaving an amount of € 3,978,467 to be posted under the ‘cash’ balance sheet item. This information corresponds with the amounts listed in the draft version of the Netspar annual accounts. We hope that our services have proved helpful. Your sincerely, appen dix i i . auditor’s repo rt appendix ii. accountantsverklaring internal audit 33 annual report / jaarverslag Appendices ne tspar ann ual re po rt 2 0 13 appendix a. organ izati on chart appendix a. organization chart netspar foundation tilburg university agreement Foundation Board Executive Board of TiU member Executive Board = member Supervisory Board Supervisory Board approves budget plan Board Netspar Foundation same director Netspar Center 35 ne tspar ann ual re po rt 2 0 13 appendix b. n etspar partn er o rganizatio ns 36 appendix b. netspar partner organizations industry partners industry member scientific partners government partners Achmea ActuIT Erasmus University Rotterdam Autoriteit Financiële Markten AEGON Leiden University De Nederlandsche Bank APG Maastricht University Sociale Verzekeringsbank a.s.r. Radboud University Cardano Tilburg University Nationale-Nederlanden University of Amsterdam Ortec Finance University of Groningen PGGM University of Twente Robeco Utrecht University VU University Amsterdam ne tspar ann ual re po rt 2 0 13 appendix c. parti ci pati ng researchers appendix c. participating researchers fellows dutch affiliation (124) Doorslaer, E.K.A. van (Eddy) EUR Adema, Y. (Yvonne) EUR Draper, D.A.G. (Nick) CPB Alessie, R.J.M. (Rob) RUG Driessen, J.J.A.G. (Joost) TiU Angelini, V. (Viola) RUG Dupuy, A. (Arnaud) CEPS/INSTEAD Baal, P.H.M. van (Pieter) RSM Erp, F.A.M. van (Frank) CPB Baele, L. (Lieven) TiU Euwals, R.W. (Rob) CPB Bago d’Uva, T.M. (Teresa) EUR Ewijk, C. van (Casper) UvA Bauer, R. (Rob) UM Fouarge, D. (Didier) UM Beetsma, R.M.W.J. (Roel) UvA Frehen, R. (Rik) TiU Bikker, J. (Jaap) DNB Garcia Gomez, P. (Pilar) EUR Binswanger, J. (Johannes) TiU Gastel, L. van (Leendert) UvA Bloemen, H.G. (Hans) VU A Gerhard, P. (Patrick) UM Boele-Woelki, K. (Katharina) Molengraaff Instituut voor Privaatrecht Gielen, A.C. (Anne) EUR Bolhaar, J.A. (Jonneke) VU A Giesen, I. (Ivo) Molengraaff Instituut voor Privaatrecht Bonsang, E. (Eric) UM Goorbergh, R.W.J. van den (Rob) APG Borghouts, I. (Irmgard) TiU Gradus, R.H.J.M. (Raymond) Wetenschappelijk Instituut voor het CDA Bouwknegt, P. (Pieter) Nationale-Nederlanden Grip, A. de (Andries) UM Bovenberg, A.L. (Lans) TiU Groezen, B.J.A.M. van (Bas) TiU Broer, D.P. (Peter) CPB Heeringa, W. (Willem) DNB Brounen, D. (Dirk) TiU Heijdra, B.J. (Ben) RUG Brouwer, W.B.F. (Werner) RSM Henkens, C.J.I.M. (Kène) NIDI Brüggen, E. (Elisabeth) UM Hochguertel, S. (Stefan) VU A Cao, E. de (Elisabetta) RUG Hoffmann, A. (Arvid) UM Cörvers, F. (Frank) UM Jacobs, B. (Bas) EUR Cui, J.J. (Jia Jia) UvA Jong, F.C.J.M. de (Frank) TiU Dalton, P. (Patricio) TiU Kalwij, A. (Adriaan) UU Dellaert, B.G.C. (Benedict) EUR Kantarci, T. (Tunga) RUN Delsen, L.W.M. (Lei) RUN Keren, G.B. (Gideon) TiU Donkers, B. (Bas) EUR Kippersluis, J.L.W. van (Hans) EUR 37 ne tspar ann ual re po rt 2 0 13 appendix c. parti ci pati ng researchers Klaauw, B. van der (Bas) VU A Roode, F.A. de (Alexander) TiU Klein, T.J. (Tobias) TiU Rooij, M.C.J. van (Maarten) DNB Knaap, T. (Thijs) APG Roon, F.A. de (Frans) TiU Koopmanschap, M. (Marc) EUR Roorda, B. (Berend) UTwente Kooreman, P. (Peter) TiU Rouwendal, J. (Jan) VU A Kortleve, N. (Niels) PGGM Salm, M. (Martin) TiU Lentz, L. (Leo) UU Schenk, H. (Hans) UU Lever, M. (Marcel) CPB Schotman, P.C. (Peter) UM Lindeboom, M. (Maarten) VU A Schumacher, J.M. (Hans) TiU Lourenço, C.J.S. (Carlos) RSM Schut, F.T. (Erik) EUR Lutjens, E. (Erik) VU A Sender, S. (Samuel) TiU Maatman, R.H. (René) RUN Soest, A.H.O. van (Arthur) TiU Mackenbach, J.P. (Johan) Erasmus MC Solinge, H. van (Hanna) NIDI Mahieu, R. (Ronald) TiU Spierdijk, L. (Laura) RUG Mastrogiacomo, M. (Mauro) DNB Stadje, M. (Mitja) TiU Meijdam, A.C. (Lex) TiU Teppa, F. (Federica) DNB Melenberg, B. (Bertrand) TiU Teulings, C.N. (Coen) UvA Nibbelink, A. (André) CPB Trautmann, S. (Stefan) TiU Nijman, Th.E. (Theo) TiU Turlings, M. (Marc) Achmea Norde, H. (Henk) TiU Vellekoop, M.H. (Michel) UvA Nusselder, W. (Wilma) Erasmus MC Verbeek, M.J.C.M. (Marno) EUR O’Donnell, O. (Owen) EUR Vermeulen, F. (Frederic) Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Ourti, T. van (Tom) EUR Vlaar, P. (Peter) APG Pelsser, A.A.J. (Antoon) UM Vuuren, D.J. van (Daniel) CPB Polder, J. (Johan) TiU Waegenaere, A.M.B. De (Anja) TiU Ponds, E.H.M. (Eduard) APG Werker, B.J.M. (Bas) TiU Post, T. (Thomas) UM Westerhout, E. (Ed) CPB Potters, J.J.M. (Jan) TiU Wiel, K. van der (Karen) CPB Prast, H.M. (Henriëtte) TiU Wijckmans, J.W. (Jan-Willem) ABN AMRO Bank N.V. Raaij, W.F. van (Fred) TiU Wijnbergen, S.J.G. van (Sweder) UvA Riedl, A.M. (Arno) UM Wilthagen, C.J.M. (Ton) TiU Rodriguez, J.C. (Juan Carlos) TiU Zeelenberg, M. (Marcel) TiU Romp, W. (Ward) UvA Zweerink, J. (Jochem) VU A 38 ne tspar ann ual re po rt 2 0 13 appendix c. parti ci pati ng researchers junior fellows dutch affiliation (71) Kutlu, V. (Vesile) UU Bakx, P. (Pieter) EUR Lammers, M. (Marloes) SEO Economisch Onderzoek Bao, H. (Hailong) TiU Leeuwen, J.G.E. van (Jacqueline) UU Berkum, F. van (Frank) UvA Li, Y. (Yue) VU A Bernal Lobato, N. (Noelia) TiU Liberali, (Jordana) EUR Bilsen, S. van (Servaas) TiU Majer, I.M. (Istvan Matyas) Erasmus MC Bogaard, L. van den (Levi) UvA Mehlkopf, R. (Roel) TiU Bonenkamp, J.P.M. (Jan) CPB Meijer, C. de (Claudine) EUR Boogaard, L. van den (Lexmy) VU A Mierau, J.O. (Jochen) RUG Boon, L. (Ling Ni) Dauphine University Nazliben, K. (Korhan) TiU Boon, L. (Ling Ni) TiU Nell, L. (Louise) UU Boonen, T.J. (Tim) UvA Nie, M. (Miao) TiU Calseyde, P.P.F.M. van de (Philippe) TiU Ooijen, R. van (Raun) RUG Conen, W.S. (Wieteke) UU Perez Padilla, M. (Mitzi) TiU Dai, M. (Meimei) EUR Peters, F. (Frederik) Erasmus MC Damman, M. (Marleen) NIDI Rappange, D. (David) Erasmus MC Dillingh, R. (Rik) TiU Reijnders, L. (Laurie) RUG Diris, B. (Bart) RSM Sanders, L. (Lisanne) SNS Reaal Eberhardt, W. (Wiebke) UM Schie, R. van (Ron) EUR Erdogan - Ciftci, E. (Esen) EUR Scholte, R.S. (Robert) VU A Fytraki, A. (Agapi) EUR Shen, S. (Sally) UM Hollanders, D. (David) UvA Simon, Z. (Zorka) TiU Hullegie, P. (Patrick) VU A Stam, K. (Kirsten) TiU Ismayilov, (Huseyn) TiU Tausch, F. (Franziska) UM Joseph, A. (Agnes) Achmea Timmermans, S. (Sjoerd) APG Joseph, A. (Agnes) UvA Tsekouras, D. (Dimitrios) EUR Kabátek, J. (Jan) TiU Tuijp, P. (Patrick) UvA Karpinska, K. (Kasia) NIDI Tyagi, M. (Mukul) UM Klijs, B. (Bart) UMC Groningen Umar, Z. (Zaghum) RUG Knoef, M. (Marike) UL Vermeer, N. (Niels) CPB Koc, E. (Emre) TiU Vonka, D. (David) TiU Kort, J. de (Jan) UvA Vos, S.J. (Siert Jan) UvA Krijnen, J. (Job) TiU Wisniewska, A.M. (Anna) UM 39 ne tspar ann ual re po rt 2 0 13 appendix c. parti ci pati ng researchers 40 Witte, I. (Ivor) VU A Cremer, H. (Helmuth) University of Toulouse Wolferen, van (Job) TiU Dahlquist, M. (Magnus) Stockholm Institute for Financial Research Xing, R. (Ran) TiU d’Albis, H. (Hippolyte) University of Paris Yang, Y. (Ying) TiU Daysal Trandafir, N.M. (Meltem) University of Southern Denmark Zandberg, E. (Eelco) RUG Dohmen, T. (Thomas) Universität Bonn Zhou, Y. (Yang) TiU El Mekkaoui de Freitas, N. (Najat) Dauphine University Ewijk, R.J.G. van (Reyn) University Medical Centre Mainz fellows non-dutch affiliation (89) Fehr, H. (Hans) University of Würzburg Ang, A. (Andrew) Columbia University Findley, S. (Scott) Utah State University Attanasio, O. (Orazio) University College London Fornero, E. (Elsa) University of Turin Banks, J. (James) University of Manchester Gaudecker, H.M. von (Hans-Martin)Universität Bonn Bekaert, G. (Geert) Columbia University Giofré, M. (Maela) Collegio Carlo Alberto Belloni, M. (Michele) Collegio Carlo Alberto Goldstein, D. (Daniel) Microsoft Research Blake, D. (David) Cass Business School, City University Gollier, C. (Christian) Université de Toulouse Blundell, R. (Richard) University College London Gomes, F.J. (Francisco) London Business School Bodie, Z. (Zvi) Boston University School of Management Groneck, M. (Max) University of Cologne Boeri, T. (Tito) University of Bocconi Haliassos, M. (Michael) University of Frankfurt Boons, M. (Martijn) Nova School of Business Häubl, G. (Gerald) University of Alberta Borella, M. (Margherita) University of Turin Houtven, C.A.H. van (Courtney) Duke University Börsch-Supan, A. (Axel) University of Mannheim Hurd, M.D. (Michael) RAND Brown, J. (Jeffrey) University of Illinois Inkmann, J. (Joachim) University of Melbourne Bucciol, A. (Alessandro) University of Verona Jappelli, T. (Tullio) University of Naples Federico II Bucher-Koenen, T. (Tabea) Munich Center for the Economics of Aging Jousten, A. (Alain) Université de Liège (MEA) Kapteyn, A. (Arie) University of Southern California Bütler, M. (Monika) University of st Gallen Keuschnigg, C. (Christian) University of st Gallen Cairns, A.J.G. (Andrew) Heriot-Watt University Kleinow, T. (Torsten) Heriot-Watt University Carman, K. (Katherine) RAND Koijen, R.S.J. (Ralph) London Business School Cavapozzi, D. (Danilo) University of Venice Kotlikoff, L.J. (Laurence) Boston University Chen, A. (An) ULM University Krüger, D. (Dirk) University of Pennsylvania Cocco, J. (Joao) London Business School Lopes, P. (Paula) London School of Economics Coe, N.B. (Norma) Boston College, Center for Retirement Lopez Nicolas, A. (Angel) Universidad Politecnica de Cartagena Research Low, H. (Hamish) University of Cambridge Collin-Dufresne, P. (Pierre) Columbia University Ludwig, A. (Alexander) University of Cologne ne tspar ann ual re po rt 2 0 13 appendix c. parti ci pati ng researchers Lumsdaine, R. (Robin Lynn) Kogod School of Business Wise, D. (David) Harvard University Lusardi, A. (Annamaria) George Washington School of Business Zeldes, S.P. (Stephen) Columbia University Luttmer, E. (Erizo) Dartmouth College Mastrobuoni, G. (Giovanni) University of Essex junior fellows non-dutch affiliation (27) Meara, E. (Ellen) Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and An, B. (Byeong-Je) Columbia Business School Clinical Practice Avitabile, C. (Ciro) University College London Michaelides, A. (Alex) Imperial College London Ayala, A. (Andres) Columbia Business School Michaud, P.C. (Pierre Carl) Université du Québec à Montréal Bissonnette, L. (Luc) University of Laval Mitchell, O.S. (Olivia) University of Pennsylvania Brigden, N. (Neil) University of Alberta Monden, C.W.S. (Christiaan) Oxford University Chen, B. (Bingxu) Columbia University Monticone, C. (Chiara) OECD Crouzet, N. (Nicolas) Columbia University Nicodano, G. (Giovanna) Collegio Carlo Alberto Ermolov, A. (Andrey) Columbia Business School O’Donnell, O. (Owen) University of Macedonia Fedotenkov, I. (Igor) University of Verona Orszag, M. (Michael) Towers Watson Ferrara, G. (Gerardo) Collegio Carlo Alberto Pasini, G. (Giacomo) Università Ca Foscari, Venezia Gonzalez, J. (Juanita) Columbia University Pestieau, P. (Pierre) University of Liège Gorovyy, S. (Sergiy) Columbia University Rauh, J.D. (Joshua) Stanford University Hansen, C.W. (Casper) University of Southern Denmark Rohwedder, S. (Susann) RAND Hedegaard, E. (Esben) W.P. Carey School of Business Rossi, M. (Mariacristina) University of Turin Kettle, K.L. (Keri) University of Alberta Sengmuller, P.F. (Paul) FMA International Kiguel, A. (Andrea) Columbia Business School Sheshinski, E. (Eytan) The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Kindermann, F. (Fabian) University of Würzburg Shi, Z. (Zhen) University of Melbourne Landoni, M. (Mattia) Columbia Business School Skinner, J. (Jonathan) Dartmouth College Le Blanc, J. (Julia) University of Frankfurt Sorensen, M. (Morten) Columbia University Lønstrup, L. (Lars) University of Southern Denmark Sorensen, P. (Peter) University of Copenhagen Lu, Z. (Zhongjin) Columbia Business School Stevens, R. (Ralph) University of New South Wales Peijnenburg, K. (Kim) University of Bocconi Sun, W. (Wei) Renmin University Ree, J. de (Joppe) World Bank Tonks, I. (Ian) University of Bath Santen, P. van (Peter) Sveriges Riksbank Trevisan, E. (Elisabetta) Università Ca Foscari, Venezia Vellekoop, N. (Nathanael) Goethe University Frankfurt Uhlig, H. (Harald) University of Chicago Vonkova, H. (Hana) Charles University Viceira, L.M. (Luis) Harvard University Walter, S. (Stefan) Harvard University Webb, A. (Anthony) Boston College, Center for Retirement Research 41 ne tspar ann ual re po rt 2 0 13 appendix d. compositi on of committees appendix d. composition of committees foundation board supervisory board netspar foundation Members board netspar foundation Formation Frank den Butter (VU A) Chair Paul Hilbers (DNB) Jean Frijns (Netspar fellow) Heiko Hoogendijk (AEGON) Casper van Ewijk Description / assignment Ruud Koning (RUG) Members – Governs the Foundation Harman Korte (AFM) Else Bos (PGGM) – Represents the Foundation Bart Oldenkamp (Cardano) Jeroen van Breda Vriesman (Achmea) Franz Palm (UM) Philip Eijlander (TiU) Hans Rademaker (Robeco) Marco Keim (AEGON) Paul Loven (PGGM) Dick Sluimers (APG) Fleur Rieter (a.s.r.) Job Swank (DNB) Lou Spoor (Achmea) Han van Dissel (UvA) Michel Vellekoop (UvA) Nicoly Vermeulen (SVB) Description / assignment Ton van Welie (Ortec Finance) – Appointed by the Foundation Board Arjen van Witteloostuijn (TiU) – Supervises the Board’s policy and general Adri van der Wurff (APG) Sjoerd van der Zee (Nationale Nederlanden) affairs regarding the Foundation – Approves the multi-annual plan, budget plan and financial statements of Netspar Description / assignment – All Netspar partners are represented – The chairman of the Supervisory Board chairs the meetings of the Foundation Board – Ministry of SZW is auditor at Foundation Board meetings – Appoints Supervisory Board – Advises (non-) requestedly to bodies of the Foundation Center 42 ne tspar ann ual re po rt 2 0 13 appendix board of directors netspar center partner research council (prc) Formation d. compositi on of committees Chair Description / assignment Niels Kortleve (PGGM) – All partners and candidate-partners are 43 represented in the PRC Casper van Ewijk, director – Advises (non-) requestedly the Board of Theo Nijman, scientific director Members Peter Gaillard, managing director Achmea: Bert Jonker Directors about research programs and about AEGON Nederland: Frits Bart knowledge exchange with the pension and Description / assignment Netspar Center AFM: Janneke Toussaint insurance industry in particular – Netspar Center is the operational unit which APG: Tjerk Kroes – Pensioenfederatie and Verbond van executes Netspar Foundation’s policy as a.s.r.: Arthur Arbouw Verzekeraars can be present at meetings of commissioned by the Supervisory Board Cardano Risk Management: Bas Bosma the PRC (without voting rights) – Netspar Center is part of Tilburg University. DNB: Jaap Bikker The Netspar Foundation has a formal Erasmus University Rotterdam: Benedict Dellaert agreement with TiU which stipulates that TiU Groningen University: Rob Alessie maintains a unit to realize the Netspar Leiden University: Kees Goudswaard Foundation’s goals Maastricht University: Arno Riedl – Director of the Netspar Foundation is in that capacity also the director of Netspar Center Ministry of Economic Affairs: Leendert Klokkenburg Ministry of Finance: Sieuwerd van der Zwaag Ministry of Social Affairs: Lennart Janssens Nationale-Nederlanden: Edwin van Tricht Ortec Finance: Martijn Vos Radboud University: Corjo Jansen Robeco Nederland: Daniel Haesen SVB: Robert Olieman Tilburg University: Frank de Jong University of Amsterdam: Roel Beetsma Utrecht University: Adriaan Kalwij VU University: Maarten Lindeboom ne tspar ann ual re po rt 2 0 13 appendix d. compositi on of committees partner education council (pec) international scientific council Chair Members Stijn van Schijndel (NN) David Blake (City University London) Richard Blundell (University College London) Members Zvi Bodie (Boston University) Achmea: Bert Jonker Tito Boeri (University of Bocconi) Ortec Finance: Blanca Wennekes Paul Embrechts (ETH-Zentrum) AEGON Nederland: Herman Kappelle Christian Gollier (University of Toulouse) PGGM: Erik Goris Dan Goldstein (Microsoft Research) APG Groep: Franka Brouwer Martin Kohli (European University Institute) Radboud University: Corjo Jansen Olivia Mitchell (University of Pennsylvania) a.s.r.: Luc Alders John Karl Scholz (University of Wisconsin) Robeco Nederland: Roderick Molenaar Merril Silverstein (Syracuse University) Cardano Risk Management: Joeri Potters Luis Viceira (Harvard University) Tilburg University: Alfred Slager DNB: Dirk Broeders Description / assignment Twente University: Berend Roorda – Consists of renowned foreign researchers Groningen University: Laura Spierdijk – Advises the Board of Directors on the University of Amsterdam: Michel Vellekoop educational and research program of Netspar, Maastricht University: Dennis Bams and on the selection of submitted research VU University: Hans Bloemen proposals for Large/Medium Vision Projects Description / assignment – All partners and candidate-partners are represented in the PEC – Advises the Board of Directors (non-) requestedly on educational affairs, and on knowledge exchange with the pension and insurance industry and with universities 44 ne tspar ann ual re po rt 2 0 13 appendix e. academi c events 45 appendix e. academic events e1. number of participants* academic events * National and international participants Date Event # participants from pension and insurance industry # participants from public sector # participants from academia 2013-23/25-01 International Pension Workshop 2013-18/19-06 International Pension Workshop 2013-11-08 Pension Day 8 # other participants Total # of participants 7 12 114 1 134 5 5 92 2 104 11 62 1 82 e2. number of international participants academic events Date Event # active participants # of passive participants Total # of international participants 2013-23/25-01 International Pension Workshop 36 9 45 2013-18/19-06 International Pension Workshop 36 23 59 2013-11-08 Pension Day 0 0 0 ne tspar ann ual re po rt 2 0 13 appendix f. i n du stry-oriented events 46 appendix f. industry-oriented events f1. number of participants* at industry-oriented events * National and international participants Date Event 2013-01-18 Thema conferentie: pensioen en zorg 2013-02-07 # participants from pension and insurance industry # participants from public sector # participants from academia # other participants Total # of participants 8 17 8 3 36 Werkgroep Wonen, zorg en pensioen 24 4 5 0 33 2013-03-05 PIL event sensible and less sensible choices of pension consumers 18 6 16 0 40 2013-03-06 Werkgroep Vernieuwingen in pensioencommunicatie en oudedagsvoorzieningen 12 6 7 1 26 2013-03-12 Match making event 11 6 22 0 39 2013-03-13 Werkgroep waardering 27 3 6 0 36 2013-03-26 PIL event: pensioenfondsen: kosten en alternatieve beleggingen 33 4 11 18 66 2013-03-27 Netspar anniversary meeting 20 9 9 8 46 2013-04-05 Discussiemiddag Algemene Pensioeninstellingen 27 4 10 3 44 2013-04-08 PIL event: Mortality dynamics and their economic consequences 8 1 13 2 24 2013-04-10 PIL event: woningmarkt en pensioen 29 3 13 3 48 2013-06-17 Policy workshop on pensions 8 3 17 21 49 2013-07-02 Werkgroep communicatie van risico en uitstelgedrag in pensioenkeuzes 16 3 6 1 26 2013-09-02 Consultatieronde FTK 15 4 7 8 34 2013-09-13 Werkgroep langer doorwerken: wat werkt voor wie? 5 6 6 1 18 2013-09-27 Het nieuwe FTK: stand van zaken 44 17 8 17 86 ne tspar ann ual re po rt 2 0 13 Date Event 2013-10-11 Theme conference: human capital and aging 2013-11-15 appendix f. i n du stry-oriented events # participants from pension and insurance industry # participants from public sector # participants from academia 47 # other participants Total # of participants 3 2 16 1 22 Illiquid investments and robust portfolio management 12 3 13 1 29 2013-11-19 Werkgroep De toekomst van ons pensioen 15 2 6 0 23 2013-11-20 Een toereikend pensioen voor iedereen? 7 9 11 0 27 2013-11-21 Werkgroep Pensioenambitie en vergrijzing 5 5 0 0 10 2013-11-22 Werkgroep Koijen / De Waegenaere 8 1 20 0 29 2013-11-29 Theme conference: pensions, aging and retirement II 4 2 20 0 26 2013-12-06 Theme conference: multi pillar pension schemes 29 20 13 2 64 2013-12-10 Werkgroep Pensioencommunicatie 22 4 9 0 35 ne tspar ann ual re po rt 2 0 13 appendix f. i n du stry-oriented events 48 f2. number of international participants at industry-oriented events Date Event # active participants # of passive participants Total # of international participants 2013-03-05 PIL event sensible and less sensible choices of pension consumers 1 0 1 2013-03-12 Match making event 0 1 1 2013-03-26 PIL event: pensioenfondsen: kosten en alternatieve beleggingen 1 0 1 2013-06-17 Policy workshop on pensions 13 12 25 2013-09-27 Het nieuwe FTK: stand van zaken 0 1 1 2013-10-11 Theme conference: human capital and aging 3 0 3 2013-11-15 Illiquid investments and robust portfolio management 1 0 1 2013-11-19 Werkgroep De toekomst van ons pensioen 0 0 0 2013-11-20 Een toereikend pensioen voor iedereen? 0 0 0 2013-11-21 Werkgroep Pensioenambitie en vergrijzing 0 0 0 2013-11-22 Werkgroep Koijen / De Waegenaere 1 0 1 2013-11-29 Theme conference: pensions, aging and retirement II 1 0 1 2013-12-06 Theme conference: multi pillar pension schemes 7 38 45 2013-12-10 Werkgroep Pensioencommunicatie 0 0 0 ne tspar ann ual re po rt 2 0 13 appendix g . ju n i or pensi on day 49 appendix g. junior pension day Date 2013-06-24 # people from pension and insurance industry 8 # people from public sector # people from academic sector # people from other sectors Total # of participants 6 20 3 37 ne tspar ann ual re po rt 2 0 13 appendix h. j ou rnal publi catio ns 50 appendix h. journal publications (total 115) Subjective well-being around retirement Ten strategies for pension funds to better serve Lowering borrowing costs for states and Abolhassani, Marzieh and Rob Alessie their beneficiaries municipalities through CommonMuni De Economist, 161(3), 349-366, September 2013 Ambachtsheer, Keith and Rob Bauer Ang, Andrew and Richard Green Project: Pensions, savings and retirement Rotman International Journal of Pension Municipal Finance Journal, 34(3), 43-94, Fall decisions II Management, 6(2), 44-52, September 2013 2013 Project: Balance sheet management Project: Portfolio strategies - subproject 3 outcomes of health promotion: Results from a Asset pricing in the dark: The cross section of OTC Searching for a common factor in public and discrete choice experiment stocks private real estate returns Alayli-Goebbels, Adrienne, Benedict Ang, Andrew, Assaf Shtauber and Paul Tetlock Ang, Andrew, Neil Nabar and Samuel Ward Dellaert, Stephanie Knox, Andre Ament,Jeroen Review of Financial Studies, 26(12), 2985-3028, Journal of Portfolio Management, 39(5), 120-133, Lakerveld, Sandra Bot and Giel Nijpels December 2013 JPM RE 2013 Value in Health, 16(1), 114-123, January-February Project: Portfolio strategies - subproject 3 Project: Portfolio strategies - subproject 3 Project: Interactive pension communication and Investing in private equity Systemic sovereign default risk: Lessons from the decision making Ang, Andrew and Morten Sorensen U.S. and Europe Alternative Investment Analyst Review, 2(1), Ang, Andrew and Francis Longstaff Pension Wealth and Household Saving in 21-31, Q2 2013 Journal of Monetary Economics, 60(5), 493-510, Europe: Evidence from SHARELIFE Project: Portfolio strategies - subproject 3 July 2013 Consumer preferences for health and nonhealth 2013 Alessie, Rob, Viola Angelini and Peter van Project: Portfolio strategies - subproject 1 Santen Liability driven investment with downside risk European Economic Review, 63, 308-328, Ang, Andrew, Bingxu Chen and Suresh Home ownership in Europe: how did it happen? October 2013 Sundaresan Angelini, Viola, Anne Laferrère and Guglielmo Project: Pensions, savings and retirement Journal of Portfolio Management, 40(1), 71-87, Weber decisions II Fall 2013 Advances in Life Course Research, 18(1), 83-90, Project: Portfolio strategies - subproject 4 March 2013 Project: Pensions, savings and retirement decisions II ne tspar ann ual re po rt 2 0 13 appendix h. j ou rnal publi catio ns 51 Parental altruism and nest leaving in Europe: The socioeconomic health gradient across the The European union, the euro, and equity Evidence from a retrospective survey life cycle: What role for selective mortality and market integration Angelini, Viola and Anne Laferrère institutionalization? Bekaert, Geert, Campbell Harvey, Christian Review of Economics of the Household, 11(3), Baeten, Steef, Tom van Ourti and Eddy van Lundblad and Stephan Siegel 393-420, September 2013 Doorslaer Journal of Financial Economics, 109(3), 583-603, Project: Pensions, savings and retirement Social Science & Medicine, 97, 66-74, November September 2013 decisions II 2013 Project: Portfolio strategies - subproject 1 Project: Health and income, work and care Pharmacoeconomic guidelines should prescribe across the life cycle II - subproject 2 inclusion of indirect medical costs! A response to Men’s preferences for prostate cancer screening: a discrete choice experiment grima et al. Geef pensioenfondsen meer eigen Bekker-Grob, Esther, John Rose, Bas Baal, Pieter van, David Meltzer and Werner verantwoordelijkheid bij vaststellen risicoprofiel Donkers, Marie Louise Essink-Bot, Chris Brouwer Beetsma, Roel and Lans Bovenberg Bangma and Ewout Steyerberg PharmacoEconomics, 31(5), 369-373, May 2013 Het Financieele Dagblad, November 2013 British Journal of Cancer, 108(3), 533-541, Project: Rising life expectancy - subproject 2 Project: Multi - subproject 3 January 2013 Risicoverevening voor de ouderenzorg Intergenerational risk sharing, pensions and Bakx, Pieter, Eddy van Doorslaer and Erik Schut endogenous labour supply in general Economisch Statistische Berichten, 98(4651), equilibrium Patients’ and urologists’ preferences for prostate 20-23, January 2013 Beetsma, Roel, Ward Romp and Siert Jan Vos cancer treatment: a discrete choice experiment Project: Health and income, work and care Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 115(1), 141- Bekker-Grob, Esther, M.C.J. Bliemer, Bas across the life cycle II 154, January 2013 Donkers, Marie Louise Essink-Bot,I.J. Project: Multi - subproject 1 Korfage, Monica Joanne Roobol-Bouts, Chris Project: Interactive pension communication and decision making Bangma and Ewout Steyerberg Rising inequalities in income and health in China: Who is left behind? Pensioenplan jongeren onvoldoende doordacht British Journal of Cancer, 109(3), 633-640, Baeten, Steef, Tom van Ourti and Eddy van Beetsma, Roel August 2013 Doorslaer Het Financieele Dagblad, May 2013 Project: Interactive pension communication and Project: Health and income, work and care Project: Multi - subproject 4 decision making Risk, uncertainty and monetary policy Actuarial fairness when longevity increases: An Bekaert, Geert, Marie Hoerova and application to the Italian pension system Marco Lo Duca Belloni, Michele and Carlo Maccheroni Journal of Monetary Economics, 60(7), 771-788, The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance - October 2013 Issues and practice, 38(4), 638-674, October 2013 across the life cycle II - subproject 2 Project: Portfolio strategies - subproject 1 ne tspar ann ual re po rt 2 0 13 appendix Lifetime income and old-age mortality risk in The Dutch Potato Famine 1846-1847: A study on Persoonlijkheidskenmerken van zelfstandigen Italy over two decades the relationship between early life exposure and Bosch, Nicole, Roy Breurken and Stefan Belloni, Michele, Rob Alessie, Adriaan later life mortality Hochguertel Kalwij and Chiara Marinacci Berg, Gerard van den, Maarten Economisch Statistische Berichten, 98(4666), Demographic Research, 29(45), 1261-1298, Lindeboom and France Portrait 483-485, August 2013 December 2013 In: Vaisermann, A.M., and L.H. Lumey (eds), Project: Second and a half pillar for the self- Project: Pensions, savings and retirement Early-life famine and adult health, 229-250, employed? decisions II NOVA Science Publishers, 2013 Retirement choices in Italy: What an option h. j ou rnal publi catio ns Project: Health and income, work and care Survey response in probabilistic questions and across the life cycle II - subproject 2 its impact on inference 52 Bresser, Jochem de and Arthur van Soest value model tells us Belloni, Michele and Rob Alessie De kostenefficiëntie van pensioenfondsen Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Bikker, Jaap 96, 65-84, December 2013 75(4), 499-527, August 2013 Tijdschrift voor pensioenvraagstukken, 4, 15-24, Project: Pensions, savings and retirement Project: Pensions, savings and retirement August 2013 decisions II De optimale schaal van pensioenfondsen AOW + aanvullend pensioen: nivellerend of Robust solutions of optimization problems Bikker, Jaap denivellerend? affected by uncertain probabilities Economisch Statistische Berichten, 98(4662), Bonenkamp, Jan and Harry ter Rele Ben-Tal, Aharon, Dick den Hertog, Anja De 378-381, June 2013 Me Judice, March 2013 decisions II Waegenaere, Bertrand Melenbergand Gijs Project: Multi-pillar pension schemes and Rennen Investment risk-taking of institutional investors Management Science, 59(2), 341-357, February Bikker, Jaap and Janko Gorter 2013 Applied Economics, 45(33), 4629-4640, 2013 Project: Risk management in funded pension systems macroeconomic performance Herverdeling door pensioenregelingen: Een integrale analyse van de AOW en de The new life market aanvullende pensioenen Blake, David, Andrew Cairns, Guy Bonenkamp, Jan and Harry ter Rele Paying more for faster care? Individuals’ Coughlan, Kevin Dowd and Richard MacMinn TPEdigitaal, 7(1), 51-65, 2013 attitude toward price-based priority access in Journal of Risk and Insurance, 80(3), 501-558, Project: Multi - subproject 2 health care September 2013 Benning, Tim and Benedict Dellaert Project: Risk management in funded pension Social Science & Medicine, 84, 119-128, May 2013 systems Project: Interactive pension communication and decision making ne tspar ann ual re po rt 2 0 13 appendix h. j ou rnal publi catio ns The direct impact of maternity benefits on leave The value and risk of defined contribution When do derivatives add value in asset taking: Evidence from complete fertility histories pension schemes: International evidence allocation problems for pension funds? Brugiavini, Agar, Giacomo Pasini and Elisabetta Cannon, Edmund and Ian Tonks Cui, Jiajia, Bart Oldenkamp and Michel Trevisan Journal of Risk and Insurance, 80(1), 95-119, Vellekoop Advances in Life Course Research, 18(1), 46-67, March 2013 Rotman International Journal of Pension March 2013 53 Management, 6(1), 46-57, Spring 2013 Project: Pensions, savings and retirement Differences in portfolios across countries: decisions II Economic environment versus household Project: Reconciling short term risks characteristics Solvency II: Three principles to respect The geography of financial literacy Christelis, Dimitris, Dimitris Danielsson, Jon, Ralph Koijen, Roger Burncrot, Christopher, Judy Lin and Annamaria Georgarakos and Michael Haliassos Laeven and Enrico Perotti Lusardi The Review Economics and Statistics, 95(1), 220- VOXEU, October 2013 Numeracy, 6(2), 2013 236, March 2013 Project: Risk management in funded pension Project: Financial literacy systems The asset and income profiles of residents in Robust hedging of longevity risk seniors housing and care communities: What Three principles for Solvency II insurance rules Cairns, Andrew can be learned from existing data sets Danielsson, Jon, Ralph Koijen, Roger Journal of Risk and Insurance, 80(3), 621-648, Coe, Norma and Melissa Boyle Laeven and Enrico Perotti September 2013 Research on Aging, 35(1), 50-77, January 2013 Financial Times, October 2013 Project: Risk management in funded pension systems Project: Risk management in funded pension Externe mitigatie van langelevenrisico: ook nu systems relevant The insured victim effect: When and why Crom, Sylvain de, Ronald van Dijk, Anne Kock - Mental representations and discrete choice compensating harm decreases punishment De Kreuk, Michel Vellekoopand Niels behavior: State-of-the-art and avenues for recommendations Vermeijden future research Calseyde, Philippe van de, Gideon De Actuaris, 20(6), 34-35, July 2013 Dellaert, Benedict, Theo Arentze, Casper Keren and Marcel Zeelenberg Project: Risk management in funded pension Chorus, Harmen Oppewal and Geert Wets Judgment and Decision Making, 8(2), 161-173, systems In: Hess, S. and Daly, A (eds.), Choice Modelling: March 2013 The State of the Art and the State of Practice, Project: The economics and psychology of life 107-124, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2013 cycle decision making Project: Interactive pension communication and decision making ne tspar ann ual re po rt 2 0 13 appendix h. j ou rnal publi catio ns The psychology and economics of reverse Crisis and pension system design in the EU: Financial protection of patients through mortgage attitudes: evidence from the International spillover effects via factor mobility compensation of providers: The impact of health Netherlands and trade equity funds in Cambodia Dillingh, Rik, Henriëtte Prast, Mariacristina Fedotenkov, Igor and Lex Meijdam Flores, Gabriela, Por Ir, Chean Men, Owen Rossi and Cesira Urzì Brancati De Economist, 161(2),175-197, June 2013 O’Donnell and Eddy van Doorslaer WP CeRP 135/13, November 2013 Project: Multi - subproject 1 Journal of Health Economics, 32(6), 1180-1193, December 2013 The customer cannot choose Fertility, female labor supply, and family policy Donkers, Bas Fehr, Hans and Daniela Ujhelyiova A health production model with endogenous Inaugural address: Rotterdam: Erasmus Research German Economic Review, 14(2), 138-165, May retirement Institute of Management 2013 Galama, Titus, Arie Kapteyn, Raquel Fonseca and Pierre-Carl Michaud Project: Interactive pension communication and decision making On the optimal design of pension systems Health Economics, 22(8), 883-902, August 2013 Fehr, Hans and Johannes Uhde Expected and actual replacement rates in the Empirica - Journal of European Economics, Long term and spillover effects of health on pension system of the Netherlands: How and 40(3), 457-482, August 2013 employment and income why do they differ? Project: Multi - subproject 2 García-Gómez, Pilar, Hans van Duijn, Mark van, Maarten Lindeboom, Petter Kippersluis, Owen O’Donnell and Eddy van Lundborg and Mauro Mastrogiacomo Should pensions be progressive? Doorslaer Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, 12(2), Fehr, Hans, Manuel Kallweit and Fabian Journal of Human Resources, 48(4), 873-909, 168-189, April 2013 Kindermann Fall 2013 Project: Health and income, work and care European Economic Review, 63, 94-116, October Project: Health and income, work and care across the life cycle II - subproject 1 2013 across the life cycle II - subproject 1 Project: Multi - subproject 2 Is business failure due to lack of effort? Substantial health and economic returns from Empirical evidence from a large administrative The world’s interconnected demographic/fiscal delayed aging may warrant a new focus for sample transition medical research Ernjæs, Mette and Stefan Hochguertel Fehr, Hans, Sabine Jokisch and Laurence Goldman, Dana, David Cutler, John Economic Journal, 123(571), 791-830, September Kotlikoff Rowe, Pierre-Carl Michaud, Jeffrey 2013 The Journal of the Economics of Ageing, 1(1-2), Sullivan, Desi Peneva and Jay Olshansky Project: Pensions, savings and retirement 35-49, November 2013 Health Affairs, 32(10), 1698-1705, October 2013 decisions II 54 ne tspar ann ual re po rt 2 0 13 appendix h. j ou rnal publi catio ns Koester het verzekeringskarakter van de AOW Nominal group technique to select attributes for Individual investor perceptions and behavior Gradus, Raymond and Evert-Jan Slootweg discrete choice experiments: an example for during the financial crisis Sociaal Bestek, 95(6/7), 44-46, June 2013 drug treatment choice in osteoporosis Hoffmann, Arvid, Thomas Post and Joost Hiligsmann, Mickael, Caroline van Durme, Piet Pennings How sensitive are individual retirement Geusens, Benedict Dellaert,Carmen Journal of Banking & Finance, 37(1), 60-74, expectations to raising the retirement age? Dirksen, Trudy van der Weijden, Jean-Yves January 2013 Grip, Andries de, Didier Fouarge and Raymond Reginster and Annelies Boonen Project: Balance sheet management Montizaan Patient Preference and Adherence, 7, 133–139, De Economist, 161(3), 225-251, September 2013 February 2013 Voter’s commitment problem Project: Human capital and aging Project: Interactive pension communication and Hollanders, David and Barbara Vis decision making Public Choice 155(3-4), 433-448, June 2013 Communication network formation with link 55 Project: Multi-pillar pension schemes and specificity and value transferability Zelfstandigen en sociale verzekeringen Harmsen - Van Hout, Marjolein, Jean-Jacques Hochguertel, Stefan and Mette Ejrnæs Herings and Benedict Dellaert Economisch Statistische Berichten, 98(4652), Pareto utility European Journal of Operational Research, 52-55, January 2013 Ikefuji, Masako, Roger Laeven, Jan 229(1), 199-211, August 2013 Project: Second and a half pillar for the self- Magnus and Chris Muris Project: Interactive pension communication and employed? Theory and Decision, 75(1), 43-57, July 2013 decision making macroeconomic performance Project: Risk management in funded pension Rör det sig i toppen? Platsbyten i systems When social media can be bad for you: förmögenhetsrangordningen Community feedback stifles consumer creativity Hochguertel, Stefan and Henry Ohlsson Disclosing advisor’s interests neither helps nor and reduces satisfaction with self-designed Ekonomisk Debatt, 41(1), 16-21, 2013 hurts products Project: Pensions, savings and retirement Ismayilov, Huseyn and Jan Potters Hildebrand, Christian, Gerald Häubl, Andreas decisions II Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Herrmann and Jan Landwehr 93, 314-320, September 2013 Information Systems Research, 24(1), 14-29, Aspirations as reference points: An experimental Project: Economics and psychology of life cycle March 2013 investigation of risk behavior over time decision making - subproject 4 Project: Interactive pension communication and Hoffmann, Arvid , Sam Henry and Nikos decision making Kalogeras Optimal redistributive tax and education Theory and Decision, 75(2), 193-210, August 2013 policies in general equilibrium Project: Balance sheet management Jacobs, Bas International Tax and Public Finance, 20(2), 312337, April 2013 ne tspar ann ual re po rt 2 0 13 appendix h. j ou rnal publi catio ns Small-area health comparisons using health- Implications of full and partial retirement for Mortality and smoking prevalence: An empirical adjusted life expectancies: A Bayesian random- replacement rates in a defined benefit system investigation in ten developed countries effects approach Kantarci, Tunga, Ingrid Smeets and Arthur van Kleinow, Torsten and Andrew Cairns Jonker, Marcel, Peter Congdon, Frank van Soest British Actuarial journal 18(2), 452-466, July 2013 Lenthe, Bas Donkers, Alex Burdorfand Johan The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance, 38(4), Project: Risk management in funded pension Mackenbach 824-856, October 2013 systems Health & Place, 23, 70-78, September 2013 Project: Pensions, savings and retirement Project: Interactive pension communication and decisions II decision making 56 Changes in the income distribution of the Dutch elderly between 1989-2020: A dynamic Are Americans really less happy with their microsimulation The impact of nursing homes on small-area life incomes? Knoef, Marike, Rob Alessie and Adriaan Kalwij expectancies Kapteyn, Arie, James Smith and Arthur van Review of Income and Wealth, 59(3), 460-485, Jonker, Marcel, Frank van Lenthe, Bas Soest September 2013 Donkers, Peter Congdon, Alex The Review of Income and Wealth, 59(1), 44-65, Project: Pensions, savings and retirement Burdorfand Johan Mackenbach March 2013 decisions II Health & Place, 19, 25-32, January 2013 Project: Pensions, savings and retirement Project: Interactive pension communication and decisions II Pensioeninkomens in de toekomst Knoef, Marike, Kees Goudswaard, Koen decision making Carrot and stick: How reemployment bonuses Caminada and Jim Been Pathways to retirement and mortality risk in the and benefit sanctions affect exit rates from Economisch Statistische Berichten, Netherlands welfare 98(4674/4675), 734-737 december 2013 Kalwij, Adriaan, Rob Alessie and Marike Knoef Klaauw, Bas van der and Jan van Ours Project: Pensions, savings and retirement European Journal of Population, 29(2), 221-238, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 28(2), 275-296, decisions II May 2013 March 2013 Project: Pensions, savings and retirement Project: Health and income, work and care Tempus Fugit: Time Pressure in Risky Decisions decisions II across the life cycle II - subproject 1 Kocher, Martin, Julius Pahlke and Stefan Trautmann The association between individual income and College education and wages in the U.K.: Management Science, 59(10), 2380-2391, October remaining life expectancy at the age of 65 in Estimating conditional average structural 2013 the Netherlands functions in nonadditive models with binary Project: Economics and psychology of life cycle Kalwij, Adriaan, Rob Alessie and Marike Knoef endogenous variables decision making - subproject 1 Demography, 50(1),181-206, February 2013 Klein, Tobias Project: Pensions, savings and retirement Empirical Economics, 44(1), 135-161, February 2013 decisions II Project: Pensions, savings and retirement decisions II ne tspar ann ual re po rt 2 0 13 appendix h. j ou rnal publi catio ns 57 Entropy coherent and entropy convex measures Pension funding constraints and corporate Training and retirement patterns of risk expenditures Montizaan, Raymond, Frank Laeven, Roger and Mitja Stadje Liu, Weixi and Ian Tonks Cörvers and Andries de Grip Mathematics of Operations Research, 38(2), 265- Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Applied Economics, 2013, 45(15), 1991-1999, 2013 293, May 2013 75(2), 235–258, April 2013 Project: Human capital and aging Financial literacy and quantitative reasoning in The economic implications of the department of Project: Risk management in funded pension systems the highschool and college classroom labor’s 2010 proposals for broker-dealers Job search requirements for older unemployed: Lusardi, Annamaria and Dorothy Wallace Munnell, Alicia, Anthony Webb and Francis Transitions to employment, early retirement and Numeracy, 6(2), 2013 Vitagliano disability benefits Project: Financial literacy The Journal of Retirement, 1(1), 38-54, Summer Lammers, Marloes, Hans Bloemen and Stefan 2013 Hochguertel Life expectancy and national income in Europe, European Economic Review, 58, 31-57, February 1900-2008: An update of Preston’s analysis When can insurers offer products that dominate 2013 Mackenbach, Johan and Caspar Looman delayed old-age pension benefit claiming? Project: Pensions, savings and retirement International Journal of Epidemiology, 42(4), Nijman, Theo, Anja De decisions II 1100-1110, August 2013 Waegenaere and Lisanne Sanders Project: Rising life expectancy - subproject 2 Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 53(1), Inkomensongelijkheid gedurende de levensloop 134-149, July 2013 Lever, Marcel and Rob Waaijers Modelling and forecasting health expectancy; Project: Risk management in funded pension TPE digitaal, 7(1), 140-159, 2013 theoretical framework and application systems Project: Multi - subproject 2 Majer, Istvan, Ralph Stevens, Wilma Nusselder, Johan Mackenbach and Pieter van Baal Optimal dividends and ALM under unhedgeable Early Life conditions and later life inequality in Demography, 50 (2), 673-697, April 2013 risk health Project: Rising life expectancy Pelsser, Antoon and Roger Laeven Lindeboom, Maarten and Reyn van Ewijk Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 53(3), Research on Economic Inequality, 21, 399-419, Health expenditure growth: Looking beyond the 515-523, November 2013 2013 average through decomposition of the full Project: Robust models for supervision Project: Health and income, work and care distribution across the life cycle II - subproject 2 Meijer, Claudine de, Marc Koopmanschap, Longevity risk, subjective survival expectations, Owen O’Donnell and Eddy van Doorslaer and individual saving behavior Journal of Health Economics, 32(1), 88-105, Post, Thomas and Katja Hanewald January 2013 Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Project: Health and income, work and care 86, 200-220, February 2013 across the life cycle II - subproject 3 Project: Balance sheet management ne tspar ann ual re po rt 2 0 13 appendix h. j ou rnal publi catio ns The contribution of occupation to health Impatience and uncertainty: Experimental De valkuil van een hogere rekenrente inequality decisions predict adolescents’ field behavior Westerhout, Ed Ravesteijn, Bastian, Hans van Sutter, Matthias, Martin Kocher, Daniela Me Judice, January 2013 Kippersluis and Eddy van Doorslaer Rützler and Stefan Trautmann Project: Multi - subproject 3 Research on Economic Inequality, 21, 311-332, 2013 American Economic Review, 103(1), 510-31, Project: Health and income, work and care February 2013 De toekomstige inkomenspositie van AOW’ers: across the life cycle II - subproject 1 Project: Economics and psychology of life cycle drie scenario’s voor 2025 decision making - subproject 1 Wilkens, Mathijn, Marike Knoef, Jim Been, 58 Miriam Gielen and Daniel van Vuuren The price and welfare dependence of equivalence scales: Evidence from Indonesia Preferences for redistribution and pensions: CPB Achtergronddocument, 13 september 2013 Ree, Joppe de, Rob Alessie and Menno Pradhan What can we learn from experiments? Project: Pensions, savings and retirement Journal of Public Economics, 97, 272-281, January Tausch, Franziska, Jan Potters and Arno Riedl decisions II 2013 Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, Project: Pensions, savings and retirement 12(03), 298-325, July 2013 Magical thinking in predictions of negative decisions II Project: Economics and psychology of life cycle events: Evidence for tempting fate but not for a decision making - subproject 2 protection effect Wolferen, Job van, Yoel Inbar and Marcel Membership conditions for consistent families of monetary valuations Strategic loan defaults and coordination: An Zeelenberg Roorda, Berend and Hans Schumacher experimental analysis Judgement and Decision Making, 8(1), 45-54, Statistics & Risk Modeling, 30(3), 255-280, Trautmann, Stefan and Razvan Vlahu January 2013 September 2013 Journal of Banking & Finance, 37(3), 747-760, Project: Economics and psychology of life cycle Project: Risk management in funded pension March 2013 decision making - subproject 6 systems Project: Economics and psychology of life cycle decision making - subproject 1 Modelrisico op de balans Funding of pensions and economic growth: Are they really related? Schotman, Peter Consumers’ intention to use health Zandberg, Eelco and Laura Spierdijk Pensioen Bestuur en Management, 2013 recommendation systems to receive Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, 12(2), Project: Robust models for supervision personalized nutrition advice 151-167, April 2013 Wendel, Sonja, Benedict Dellaert, Amber Project: Influence of market imperfections on Hoe gevoelig is de pensioenleeftijd voor Ronteltap and Hans van Trijp recovery strategies financiële prikkels? BMC Health Services Research, 13(126), April 2013 Soest, Arthur van Project: Interactive pension communication and Testing moral hazard and tax benefit hypothe- Pensioen Magazine, 18(12), December 2013 decision making ses: Evidence from pension plan contributions Project: Pensions, savings and retirement Zhang, Ting, Tong Yu and Xuanjuan Chen decisions II Financial Analyst Journal, 69(4), 58-72, July/ August 2013 ne tspar ann ual re po rt 2 0 13 appendix i . discu ssi on papers 59 appendix i. discussion papers (total 82) Flexible pension take-up in social security The crowding-out effect of mandatory labour Risk reallocation in defined-contribution Adema, Yvonne, Jan Bonenkamp and Lex market pension schemes on private savings: funded pension systems Meijdam Evidence from renters in Denmark Beetsma, Roel and Alessandro Bucciol DP 07/2013-020 Arnberg, Søren and Mikkel Barslund DP 03/2013-047 Project: Multi - subproject 2 DP 11/2013-054 Can temptation explain housing choices in later Selling losers and keeping winners: How gaussian asymmetric volatility model life? (savings) goal dynamics predict a reversal of the Bekaert, Geert and Eric Engstrom Angelini, Viola, Alessandro Bucciol, Matthew disposition effect DP 07/2013-033 Wakefield and Guglielmo Weber Aspara, Jaakko and Arvid Hoffmann Project: Portfolio strategies DP 05/2013-021 DP 05/2013-018 The joint cross section of stocks and options Flights to safety volatility An, Byeong-Je, Andrew Ang, Turan Baele, Lieven, Geert Bekaert, Koen Bekaert, Geert and Marie Hoerova Bali and Nusret Cakici Inghelbrecht and Min Wei DP 10/2013-035 DP 10/2013-032 DP 05/2013-034 Project: Portfolio strategies Project: Portfolio strategies Project: Portfolio strategies Incorporating mental representations in discrete Optimal life-cycle portfolios for heterogeneous economy analysis of administrative and choice models of travel behaviour: Modelling workers investment costs approach and empirical application Bagliano, Fabio, Carolina Fugazza and Bikker, Jaap Arentze, Theo, Benedict Dellaert and Caspar Giovanna Nicodano DP 04/2013-055 Chorus DP 06/2013-025 Bad environments, good environments: A non- The VIX, the variance premium and stock market Is there an optimal pension fund size? A scale- DP 11/2013-075 The causal effect of retirement on mortality: Project: Interactive pension communication and Participation constraints in pension systems Evidence from targeted incentives to retire early decision making Beetsma, Roel and Ward Romp Bloemen, Hans, Stefan Hochguertel and DP 09/2013-030 Jochem Zweerink Project: Multi - subproject 1 DP 08/2013-024 Project: Pensions, savings and retirement decisions II ne tspar ann ual re po rt 2 0 13 appendix i . discu ssi on papers The effect of informal care from children on Household portfolio risk Risk taking and risk sharing: Does responsibility cognitive functioning of older parents Bucciol, Alessandro and Raffaele Miniaci matter? Bonsang, Eric and Valeria Bordone DP 05/2013-048 Cettolin, Elena and Franziska Tausch DP 01/2013-008 60 DP 08/2013-049 Project: Human capital and aging Teaching children to save: What is the best Project: Economics and psychology of life cycle strategy for lifetime savings? decision making State variables, macroeconomic activity and the Bucciol, Alessandro and Marcella Veronesi cross-section of indivdual stocks DP 10/2013-051 Boons, Martijn DP 12/2013-081 Optimal design and regulation of funded pension policies using the holistic balance sheet Discount functions and self-control problems framework Caliendo, Frank and Scott Findley Chen, Zhiqiang, Antoon Pelsser and Eduard DP 12/2013-080 Ponds pension schemes DP 09/2013-057 Bovenberg, Lans and Roel Mehlkopf Cohort mortality risk or adverse selection in the DP 08/2013-026 UK annuity market? Decision complexity as a barrier to Evaluating the UK and Dutch defined-benefit Project: Robust models for supervision Cannon, Edmund and Ian Tonks The role of line managers in retirement DP 04/2013-017 management and their perceptions of their role annuitization of the timing of employee retirement Brown, Jeffrey, Arie Kapteyn, Erzo Luttmer Price efficiency in the Dutch annuity market Davies, Eleanor, Katie Dhingra and John and Olivia Mitchell Cannon, Edmund, Ralph Stevens and Ian Tonks Stephenson DP 06/2013-058 DP 04/2013-016 DP 05/2013-019 Financial risk attitude, business cycles and Alternative weighting structures for Using preferred outcome distributions to pervceived risk exposure multidimensional poverty assessment estimate value and probability weighting Bucciol, Alessandro and Raffaele Miniaci Cavapozzi, Danilo, Wei Han and Raffaele Miniaci functions in decisions under risk DP 02/2013-050 DP 11/2013-082 Donkers, Bas, Carlos Lourenço, Benedict Dellaert and Daniel Goldstein Financial risk aversion and personal life history Justice under uncertainty DP 05/2013-014 Bucciol, Alessandro and Luca Zarri Cettolin, Elena and Arno Riedl Project: Interactive pension communication and DP 02/2013-052 DP 07/2013-045 decision making Project: Economics and psychology of life cycle decision making ne tspar ann ual re po rt 2 0 13 appendix i . discu ssi on papers 61 The design of pension schemes Closed-form solutions for options in incomplete Aging and the politics of the welfare state Draper, Nick, André Nibbelink and Johannes markets Hollanders, David and Ferry Koster Uhde Floroiu, Oana and Antoon Pelsser DP 11/2013-065 DP 12/2013-069 DP 02/2013-004 Project: Multi - subproject 3 Project: Balance sheet management Option-implied correlations and the price of Aging, financial literacy, and fraud Comparison of CNET and hard laddering correlation risk Gamble, Keith, Patricia Boyle, Lei Yu and David Horeni, Oliver, Theo Arentze, Benedict Driessen, Joost, Pascal Maenhout and Grigory Bennett Dellaert and Harry Timmermans Vilkov DP 11/2013-066 DP 09/2013-074 Online measurement of mental representation of complex spatial decision problems: DP 07/2013-061 Project: Robust models for supervision Project: Interactive pension communication On the welfare cost of consumption fluctuations and decision making in the presence of memorable goods Health, pension benefits and longevity: How Hai, Rong, Dirk Krueger and Andrew Seek and ye shall find: How search requirements they affect household savings? Postlewaite affect job finding rates of older workers El-Mekkaoui de Freitas, Najat and Joaquim DP 08/2013-027 Hullegie, Patrick and Jan van Ours Oliveira Martins DP 10/2013-046 DP 05/2013-015 Estimating the conditional CAPM with Project: Health and income, work and care overlapping data inference across the life cycle II Asset market participation and portfolio choice Hedegaard, Esben and Robert Hodrick over the life-cycle DP 02/2013-031 Portfolio and consumption choice with habit Fagereng, Andreas, Charles Gottlieb and Luigi Project: Portfolio strategies formation under inflation Guiso DP 07/2013-022 Jong, Frank de and Yang Zhou Returning to work after retirement: Who, what DP 08/2013-023 and why? Project: Robust models for supervision What do wages add to the health-employment Henkens, Kéne and Hanna van Solinge nexus? Evidence from older European workers DP 09/2013-029 Flores, Manuel and Adriaan Kalwij Health status, disability and retirement incentives in Belgium DP 03/2013-005 How does investor confidence lead to trading? Jousten, Alain, Mathieu Lefebvre and Sergio Project: Pensions, savings and retirement Theory and evidence on the links between Perelman decisions II investor return experiences, confidence, and DP 11/2013-056 investment beliefs Hoffmann, Arvid and Thomas Post DP 09/2013-067 Project: Balance sheet management ne tspar ann ual re po rt 2 0 13 appendix i . discu ssi on papers 62 Retirement incentives in Belgium: Estimations Rethinking optimal wealth accumulations and The economic importance of financial literacy: and simulations using SHARE data decumulation strategies in the wake of the Theory and evidence Jousten, Alain and Mathieu Lefebvre financial crisis Lusardi, Annamaria and Olivia Mitchell DP 04/2013-012 Kopcke, Richard, Anthony Webb, Josh Hurwitz DP 04/2013-009 and Zhenyu Li Factors limiting the opportunities for partial DP 01/2013-062 retirement Reform of the mortgage interest tax relief system, policy uncertainty and precautionary Kantarci, Tunga Individuals’ survival expectations and actual savings in the Netherlands DP 10/2013-036 mortality Mastrogiacomo, Mauro Kutlu-Koc, Vesile and Adriaan Kalwij DP 12/2013-070 Stated preference analysis of full and partial DP 05/2013-013 Project: Second and a half pillar for the self- retirement in the United States Project: Pensions, savings and retirement employed? Kantarci, Tunga and Arthur van Soest decisions II DP 10/2013-038 Optimal degree of funding of public sector Consumer informedness and firm information pension plans The effects of partial retirement on health strategy Meijdam, Lex and Eduard Ponds Kantarci, Tunga Li, Ting, Robert Kauffman, Eric van Heck, Peter DP 02/2013-003 DP 10/2013-037 Vervest and Benedict Dellaert Project: Multi - subproject 1 DP 11/2013-073 Why the rich drink more but smoke less: The Project: Interactive pension communication and Negative reciprocity and retrenched pension impact of wealth on health behaviors decision making rights Kippersluis, Hans van and Titus Galama Montizaan, Raymond, Frank Cörvers, Andries DP 02/2013-007 Why do options prices predict stock returns? de Grip and Thomas Dohmen Project: Health and income, work and care Lin, Tse-Chun, Xiaolong Lu and Joost Driessen DP 05/2013-040 across the life cycle II DP 07/2013-079 Project: Human capital and aging Project: Robust models for supervision Framing effects in an employee saving scheme; Trends in mortality decrease and economic A non-parametric analysis Optimal financial knowledge and wealth growth Kooreman, Peter, Bertrand Melenberg, inequality Niu, Geng and Bertrand Melenberg Henriëtte Prast and Nathanaël Vellekoop Lusardi, Annamaria, Pierre-Carl Michaud DP 11/2013-071 DP 01/2013-001 and Olivia Mitchell Project: Risk management in funded pension Project: Economics and psychology of life cycle DP 02/2013-006 systems decision making Project: Financial literacy ne tspar ann ual re po rt 2 0 13 appendix i . discu ssi on papers 63 Health and inequality Procyclicality of pension fund regulation and Promoting later planned retirement: The diffe- O’Donnell, Owen, Eddy van Doorslaer and Tom behaviour rential impact of construal level interventions Van Ourti Romp, Ward for younger and older individuals DP 10/2013-060 DP 11/2013-068 Schie, Ron van , Benedict Dellaert and Project: Health and income, work and care Project: Multi - subproject 1 Bas Donkers DP 06/2013-076 across the life cycle II Basis risk and inflation replication Project: Interactive pension communication and Intra-group risk sharing under financial Roode, Alexander de decision making fairness DP 09/2013-078 The public market equivalent and private equity Pazdera, Jaroslav, Hans Schumacher and Bas Werker The inflation risk premium: The impact of the performance DP 05/2013-072 financial crisis Sorensen, Morten and Ravi Jagannathan Roode, Alexander de DP 09/2013-039 DP 09/2013-077 Project: Portfolio strategies Pool, Veronika, Clemens Sialm and Irina How will older workers who lose their jobs Can long-term care insurance partnership Stefanescu during the great recession fare in the long-run? programs increase coverage and reduce DP 01/2013-002 Rutledge, Matthew, Natalia Orlova and medicaid costs? Anthony Webb Sun, Wei and Anthony Webb DP 03/2013-064 DP 03/2013-063 Ravesteijn, Bastian, Hans van Kippersluis How individuals react to defined benefit Trading death: The implications of annuity and Eddy van Doorslaer pension risk replication for the annuity puzzle, arbitrage, DP 09/2013-028 Salamanca, Nicolás, Andries de Grip and speculation and portfolios Project: Health and income, work and care Olaf Sleijpen Sutcliffe, Charles across the life cycle II DP 08/2013-041 DP 10/2013-059 It pays to set the menu: Mutual fund investment options in 401(k) plans The wear and tear on health: What is the role of occupation? Project: Human capital and aging Social preferences and portfolio choice An experimental investigation of risk sharing Riedl, Arno and Paul Smeets and adverse selection DP 08/2013-043 - revised version January 2014 Tausch, Franziska, Jan Potters and Arno Riedl Project: Economics and psychology of life cycle DP 08/2013-042 decision making Project: The economics and psychology of life cycle decision making ne tspar ann ual re po rt 2 0 13 The demand for emerging market bonds Umar, Zaghum DP 04/2013-011 Stocks for the long run? Evidence from emerging markets Umar, Zaghum and Laura Spierdijk DP 04/2013-010 Measuring time and risk preferences: Reliability, stability, domain specificity Wölbert, Eva and Arno Riedl DP 07/2013-044 Project: Economics and psychology of life cycle decision making Value-at-risk-based risk management in a jump-diffusion model Zhang, Cheng, Yang Zhou and Zhiping Zhou DP 06/2013-053 appendix i . discu ssi on papers 64 ne tspar ann ual re po rt 2 0 13 appendix j. theses an d dissertatio ns 65 appendix j. theses and dissertations (total 53) j1. bsc theses (total 3) j2. msc theses (total 39) The effect of the recent financial crisis on Market consistent insurance pricing Bijlsma, Ineke defined benefit pension funds’ asset allocation Adhanom, Adam MSc Thesis 2013-024 Arts, Jori MSc Thesis Project: Pensions, savings and retirement BSc Thesis 2013-045 Project: Robust models for supervision decisions II De fiscale aspecten van de API en een Role of the financial incentives for the Forecasting child allowances with international internationale vergelijking retirement decision in Germany aspects. Identifying and explaining the rise in Balvert, Eline Anukiewicz, Katarzyna WKB expenditure BSc Thesis 2013-046 MSc Thesis 2013 Bouman, Ron Project: Second and a half pillar for the MSc Thesis 2013-013 Changes in household behavior after a housing wealth shock Social welfare policy as an instrument for self‑employed? fertility regulation Evaluating UK defined-benefit pension policies Jager, Arno de Capital funding for elderly care. Alternative from the Dutch perspective BSc Thesis 2013-047 systems for financing the Dutch elderly care: Chen, Zhiqiang lessons from international experiences MSc Thesis 2013-018 Auithrakul, Panadda Project: Robust models for supervision MSc Thesis 2013-002 Poverty and wealth European Union pension funds and the home Cicoira, Silvia bias. Geographical asset allocation in light of MSc Thesis 2013 three goals set by the European Commission Project: Second and a half pillar for the Bakker, Melle self‑employed? MSc Thesis 2013-004 Risk capital allocation for a guarantee fund in a central counterparty clearing house Clavijo, Javier MSc Thesis 2013-040 Project: Risk management in funded pension systems ne tspar ann ual re po rt 2 0 13 appendix j. theses an d dissertatio ns 66 Backward imputation of financial household How to measure and apply risk preferences in Impact of modeling assumptions on the holistic wealth the second pension pillar balance sheet Evertsen, Lara Hereijgers, Patrick Koopman, Lars MSc Thesis 2013-022 MSc Thesis 2013-012 MSc Thesis 2013-035 Project: Pensions, savings and retirement Project: Economics and psychology of life cycle Project: Robust models for supervision decisions II decision making The impact of illiquidity on the capital Impact on customers of Zwitserleven from the DC defaults 2.0: An international framework in requirements of insurers facing long-term rise of the retitrement age due to the coalition order to improve the investment strategy for DC liabilities in a risk-based environment agreement Rutte-Asscher (VAP Act) defaults across Europe Koops, Jasper Griffioen, Reinder Horst, Lieke van der MSc Thesis 2013-036 MSc Thesis 2013-020 MSc Thesis 2013-008 Project: Robust models for supervision Project: Risk management in funded pension Project: Pensions, savings and retirement systems decisions II The impact of stochastic interest rates in a defined contribution pension scheme What you really know and what you think you Risk-adjusted returns under leverage constraints Meeuwis, Maarten know - Implications of the “betting against beta” MSc Thesis 2013-019 Heijstek, Denise factor for pension funds Project: Risk management in funded pension MSc Thesis 2013-028 Hrachovec, Martin systems Project: Interactive pension communication and MSc Thesis 2013-009 decision making Project: Risk management in funded pension Annuity market participation in the Netherlands systems Marle, Wouter van MSc Thesis 2013-048 Sponsor support valuation according to the IORP II Directive applied to Dutch pension funds The impact of the retirement age increase Helvert, Sanne van announcement on the Dutch stock market Do precious metals have a capacity to hedge MSc Thesis 2013-034 Hunsel, Gijs van against inflation? Project: Robust models for supervision MSc Thesis 2013-042 Mochnacz, Franciszek Project: Risk management in funded pension MSc Thesis 2013-037 systems Project: Robust models for supervision Living longer in your own house. Could a reverse mortgage be the solution? Hendriks, Ireen Valuation of the sponsor supprt option. MSc Thesis 2013-007 A practical tool for risk management Jaegers, Joeri MSc Thesis 2013-011 ne tspar ann ual re po rt 2 0 13 appendix j. theses an d dissertatio ns Can our grandpa lead us to doom? A theoretical Context effects in real life decision making Does the logo make a difference? The influence and empirical research on the effect of ageing Sprangers, Stefan of the Ik Kies Bewust logos on consumer on financial markets MSc Thesis 2013-029 purchase intention Nota, Alessandro Project: Interactive pension communication and Wal, Marieke van der MSc Thesis 2013-041 decision making MSc Thesis 2013-031 Project: Risk management in funded pension systems 67 Project: Interactive pension communication and Labor force participation of older workers in the decision making Netherlands: An analysis of recent policy Single and multi-population mortality models measures Valuation of long-term liabilities under solvency for Dutch data Stojanovic, Sanja II - Extrapolation methods for the European Ouburg, Wilbert MSc Thesis 2013-003 interest rate market MSc Thesis 2013-049 Project: Second and a half pillar for the Wahlers, Marie self‑employed? MSc Thesis 2013-044 Health insurance in the Netherlands: The effect Project: Robust models for supervision of socio-demographic factors on the individu- Losses in the great recession: Dutch households als’ level of Health Insurance Coverage under fire The holistic balance sheet: An analysis of Ree, Marco van Triep, Matthijs benefit reduction and conditional indexation MSc Thesis 2013-030 MSc Thesis 2013-016 Wernekinck, Frans Project: Interactive pension communication and Project: Second and a half pillar for the MSc Thesis 2013-039 decision making self‑employed? Project: Robust models for supervision Interest rate resets on the Dutch mortgage Social security and pension systems in Rwanda: Uncovering individual learning about risk using market: How self-employment, high LTV and LTI Limits and alternatives preferred outcome distributions affect the choice of variabe interest rates Uwera, Belle Yarema, Pavel Romanchuk, Oksana MSc Thesis 2013-010 MSc Thesis 2013-032 MSc Thesis 2013-017 Project: Interactive pension communication and Project: Second and a half pillar for the The consequences of changes in the term self‑employed? structure methodology: A study on the decision making consequences of introducing the UFR- The comparison of two techniques on Tax incentives to promote active ageing: The methodology for Dutch pension funds extrapolating term structures under various introduction of the doorwerkbonus in the Vorst, Tom van der input rate conditions Netherlands MSc Thesis 2013-026 Zhao, Honglei Silva Soca, Maria Luisa da Project: Balance sheet management MSc Thesis 2013 MSc Thesis 2013-005 Project: Second and a half pillar for the self‑employed? Project: Robust models for supervision ne tspar ann ual re po rt 2 0 13 appendix j. theses an d dissertatio ns j3. rm theses (total 4) j4. dissertations (total 7) Robust pricing of fixed income securities Risk, redistribution and retirement: The role of Scholte, Robert Horváth, Ferenc pension schemes PhD/2013-021 RM Thesis 2013-038 Bonenkamp, Jan Project: Health and income, work and care Project: Robust models for supervision PhD Thesis 2013-006 across the life cycle II 68 The interplay between early-life conditions, major events and health later in life Project: Multi-pillar pension schemes and Comparison between nominal and real macroeconomic performance Empirical studies on long-term investing Umar, Zaghum indexation systems of Dutch pension fund Shu, Lei Between goals and expectations. Essays on PhD Thesis 2013-015 RM Thesis 2013-027 pensions and retirement Project: Influence of market imperfections on Project: Risk management in funded pension Bresser, Jochem de recovery strategies systems PhD Thesis 2013-023 Dynamics of self-control. A dual-process Project: Pensions, savings and retirement Essays on household saving, religion and pay decisions II frequency Vellekoop, Nathanaël framework Sun, Chen Venture capital and innovation PhD Thesis 2013-014 RM Thesis 2013-033 Gonzalez Uribe, Juanita Project: Economics and psychology of life cycle Project: The economics and psychology of life PhD Thesis 2013-046 decision making cycle decision making Project: Portfolio strategies Labor supply preferences around retirement for Precautionary saving, wealth accumulation and US households pensions. An empirical microeconomic Yu, Zhiyu perspective RM Thesis 2013-025 Santen, Peter van Project: Pensions, savings and retirement PhD Thesis 2013-001 decisions II Project: Pensions, savings and retirement decisions II ne tspar ann ual re po rt 2 0 13 appendix k. panel papers & l. n ea papers appendix k. panel papers appendix l. nea papers (total 4) (total 4) Long and healthy careers? The relationship Mijn pensioen staat als een huis between occupation and health and its Graaf, Marc de and Jan Rouwendal implications for the statutory retirement age NEA Paper 51 - December 2013 Ravesteijn, Bastian, Hans van Kippersluis and Project: Human capital and aging Eddy van Doorslaer Panel Paper 36 - October 2013 Langdurige tijdelijke arbeidsrelaties als Project: Health and income, work and care stimulans voor een hogere participatie van across the life cycle II ouderen op de arbeidsmarkt Cörvers, Frank The influence of health care spending on life NEA Paper 50 - September 2013 expectancy Project: Human capital and aging Baal, Pieter van, Parida Obulqasim, Werner Brouwer, Wilma Nusselder and Johan Pensioenorganisaties en communicatiewet Mackenbach geving. Exploratief onderzoek naar keuzes en Panel Paper 35 - June 2013 verplichtingen Project: Rising life expectancy Nell, Louise and Leo Lentz NEA Paper 49 - July 2013 Non-financial determinants of retirement Erp, Frank van, Niels Vermeer and Daniel van Rationeel beleid voor irrationele mensen. Een Vuuren gedragseconomische visie op de toekomst van Panel Paper 34 - March 2013 gezondheidspreventie in Nederland Project: Multi-pillar pension schemes and Prast, Henriëtte macroeconomic performance NEA Paper 48 - February 2013 Project: Economics and psychology of life cycle Moral hazard in the insurance industry Wolferen, Job van, Yoel Inbar and Marcel Zeelenberg Panel Paper 33 - March 2013 Project: Economics and psychology of life cycle decision making decision making 69 ne tspar ann ual re po rt 2 0 13 appendix m. desi gn papers 70 appendix m. design papers Guarantees and habit formation in pension (total 13) rule schemes. A critical analysis of the floor-leverage Jong, Frank de and Yang Zhou Measuring retirement savings adequacy. Escalerende garantietoezeggingen. Een Developing a multi-pillar approach in the alternatief voor het StAr RAM-contract Netherlands Bilsen, Servaas van, Roger Laeven and Different people, different choices. The influence Knoef, Marike, Jim Been, Rob Alessie, Theo Nijman of visual stimuli in communication on pension Koen Caminada, Kees Goudswaard and Design Paper 21 - June 2013 choice Adriaan Kalwij Project: Reconciling short term risks Brüggen, Elisabeth, Ingrid Rohde and Design Paper 25 - November 2013 Design Paper 17 - March 2013 Mijke van den Broeke Building a distribution builder: Design Design Paper 15 - March 2013 Naar een nieuw deelnemergericht UPO considerations for financial investment and Kuiper, Charlotte, Arthur van Soest and pension decisions Herverdeling door pensioenregelingen Cees Dert Donkers, Bas, Carlos Lourenço, Daniel Goldstein Bonenkamp, Jan, Wilma Nusselder, Johan Design Paper 24 - August 2013 and Benedict Dellaert Mackenbach, Frederik Peters and Harry ter Rele Design Paper 20 - May 2013 Design Paper 16 - March 2013 Op naar actieve pensioenconsumenten. Project: Supporting consumer pension Project: Multi-pillar pension schemes and Inhoudelijke kenmerken en randvoorwaarden decision‑making online macroeconomic performance; Rising life van effectieve pensioencommunicatie expectancy Kortleve, Niels, Guido Verbaal and Collective pension schemes and individual Charlotte Kuiper choice Hoofdlijnen pensioenakkoord, juridisch Design Paper 23 - June 2013 Binsbergen, Jules van, Dirk Broeders, begrepen Project: Economics and psychology of life cycle Myrthe de Jong and Ralph Koijen Heemskerk, Mark, Bas de Jong and decision making Design Paper 19 - May 2013 René Maatman A reporting standard for defined contribution The holistic balance sheet as a building block in pension plans pension fund supervision Impliciete en expliciete leeftijdsdifferentiatie in Vaan, Kees de, Daniele Fano, Herialt Mens and Fransen, Erwin, Niels Kortleve, Hans pensioencontracten Giovanna Nicodano Schumacher, Hans Staring and Jan-Willem Mehlkopf, Roel, Jan Bonenkamp, Casper van Design Paper 22 - June 2013 Wijckmans Ewijk, Harry ter Rele and Ed Westerhout Design Paper 18 - April 2013 Design Paper 13 - January 2013 Design Paper 14 - February 2013 Project: Multi-pillar pension schemes and macroeconomic performance ne tspar ann ual re po rt 2 0 13 appendix n . msc program economics and finance of aging 71 appendix n. msc program economics and finance of aging / netspar tracks 2012-2013 Investment Analysis of Aging and Pensions 2 Economics Paul Sengmüller (TiU) Seminar Generational Economics Introduction to Economics and Bertrand Melenberg (TiU) Lex Meijdam (TiU) Finance of Aging Joost Driessen (TiU) Eduard Ponds (TiU) Lans Bovenberg (TiU) Emre Koç (TiU) Sweder van Wijnbergen Topics in Economics and Finance of Aging Roel Mehlkopf (TiU) Peter Broer Economics Thomas van Galen Seminar Economics and Psychology of Risk, Investment Analysis of Aging and Pensions 1 Frank de Jong (TiU) Microeconomics of Lifecycle Behaviour Time and Social Norms Health Economics of Aging Jan Potters (TiU) Meltem Daysal (TiU) Gijs van de Kuilen (TiU) Katie Carman Jan Potters (TiU) Rob Alessie Quantitative Finance & Actuarial Science 2013-2014 – Netspar tracks Hans Bloemen Pension System Design Theo Nijman (TiU) All tracks Ronald Mahieu (TiU) Macroeconomics of Pensions and Aging The Economics and Finance of Pensions Samuel Sender (TiU) Lex Meijdam (TiU) Lans Bovenberg (TiU) Eduard Ponds (TiU) Roel Mehlkopf (TiU) Quantitative Research in Pension and Finance Bas Werker (TiU) Retirement Economics Investment Analysis of Pensions & Insurance Samuel Sender (TiU) Hans Blanc (TiU) Frank de Jong (TiU) Martin Salm (TiU) Bertrand Melenberg (TiU) Quantitative Finance & Actuarial Science Asset Liability Management Econometrics & Mathematical Economics Panel Data Analysis of Microeconomic Decisions Psychology of Economic Behaviour Finance Arthur van Soest (TiU) Henriëtte Prast (TiU) Financial Analysis and Investor Behavior Tobias Klein (TiU) Yvette van Osch (TiU) Lieven Baele (TiU) Oliver Spalt (TiU) Econometrics & Mathematical Economics Dynamic Models and Their Applications Bas Werker (TiU) Samuel Sender (TiU) ne tspar ann ual re po rt 2 0 13 appendix o. executive educatio n netspar-tias academy appendix o. executive education netspar-tias academy Netspar-Tias Academy: Master Class Cyclus Netspar-Tias Academy: Master Class Cyclus Pensioeninnovatie 2012-2013 Pensioeninnovatie 2013-2014 September 25 & 26, 2012 in Tilburg October 1 & 2, 2013 in Tilburg Pensioenconsument centraal Pensioenconsument centraal 40 participants 44 participants November 27 & 28, 2012 in Tilburg November 26 & 27, 2013 in Tilburg Risicomanagement Risicomanagement 40 participants 42 participants February 12 & 13, 2013 in Tilburg February 11 & 12, 2014 in Tilburg Beleggen Beleggen 40 participants 41 participants April 16 & 17, 2013 in Tilburg April 15 & 16, 2014 in Tilburg Regelgeving, Toezicht & Governance Regelgeving, Toezicht & Governance 38 participants 42 participants 23 Participants took part in an extra assignment, 16 Participants are expected to take part in an combining pension practice and science. extra assignment, combining pension practice and science. 72 ne tspar ann ual re po rt 2 0 13 colophon Production and Editing Netspar Center, Nina Woodson Design and layout Sander Neijnens May 2014 73
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