Scientific publications: 1. D.T. Blagoeva, L. Debarberis, M. Jong, P

Scientific publications:
1. D.T. Blagoeva, L. Debarberis, M. Jong, P. ten Pierick, “Stability of ferritic steel to higher doses:
“Survey of reactor pressure vessel steel data and comparison with candidate materials for future
nuclear systems” International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, In Press, Corrected Proof,
Available online 25 June 2014
2. N.V. Luzginova, H. Nolles, F. van den Berg, P. van den Idsert, B. van der Schaaf, “Surveillance
Program Results for the High Flux Reactor Vessel Material” Effects of Radiation on Nuclear
Materials: 26th volume, STP 1572, Mark Kirk and Enrico Lucon, Eds., pp. 30–41,
doi:10.1520/STP157220130095, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA 2014
3. A.-A.F. Tavassoli, E. Diegele, R. Lindau, N. Luzginova, H. Tanigawa, “Current status and recent
research achievements in ferritic/martensitic steels” Journal of Nuclear Materials, Volume 455,
Issue 1-3, December 2014, pp. 269–276
4. N.V. Luzginova, J.-W. Rensman, M. Jong, P. ten Pierick, T. Bakker, H. Nolles, “Overview of 10
years of irradiation projects on Eurofer97 steel at High Flux Reactor in Petten” Journal of
Nuclear Materials, Volume 455, Issues 1–3, December 2014, pp. 21-25
5. I. Carvalho, H. Schut, A. Fedorov, N. Luzginova, P. Desgardin, J. Sietsma, “Dose effects in He
implanted Eurofer97 steel” Journal of Physics Conference Series, Volume 505, April 2014, pp.
6. M. Kolluri, P.D. Edmondson, N.V. Luzginova, F.A.v.d. Berg, “A structure–property correlation
study of neutron irradiation induced damage in EU batch of ODS Eurofer97 steel” Materials
Science and Engineering: A, Volume 597, March 2014, pp. 111-116
7. M. Kolluri, P.D. Edmondson, N.V. Luzginova, F.A.v.d. Berg, “Influence of irradiation
temperature on microstructure of EU batch of ODS Eurofer97 steel irradiated with neutrons”
Materials Science and Technology, DOI: 10.1179/1743284714Y.0000000563, January 2014
8. I. Carvalho, H. Schut, A. Fedorov, N. Luzginova, P. Desgardin, J. Sietsma, “Helium implanted
Eurofer97 characterized by positron beam Doppler broadening and Thermal Desorption
Spectroscopy” Journal of Nuclear Materials, Volume 442, Issues 1–3, November 2013, pp. 377381
9. D.T. Blagoeva, M. Jong, J. Opschoor, J.G. van der Laan, C. Sarby, G. Pintsuk, T. Bakker, P. ten
Pierick, H. Nolles, “Development of tungsten en tungsten alloys for DEMO diverter applications
via MIM technology” Journal of Nuclear Materials Volume 442, Issues 1–3, Supplement 1,
November 2013, Pages S198-S203
10. I. Carvalho, H. Schut, A. Fedorov, N. Luzginova, J. Sietsma, “Characterization of helium ion
implanted reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steel with positron annihilation and helium
thermal desorption methods” Journal of Nuclear Materials, Volume 442, Issues 1–3, Supplement
1, November 2013, pp. S48-S51
11. I. Carvalho, H. Schut, A. Fedorov, N. Luzginova, P. Desgardin, J. Sietsma, “Helium implanted
RAFM steels studied by positron beam Doppler Broadening and Thermal Desorption
Spectroscopy” Journal of Physics Conference Series, Volume 443, June 2013, page 2034
12. N.V. Luzginova, H.S. Nolles, P. ten Pierick, T. Bakker, R.K. Mutnuru, M. Jong, D.T. Blagoeva,
“Irradiation response of ODS Eurofer97 steel” Journal of Nuclear Materials, Volume 428, Issue
1-3, September 2012, pp. 192-196
13. N.V. Luzginova, M. Jong, J.W. Rensman, J.B.J. Hegeman, J.G. van der Laan, “Irradiationinduced stress relaxation of Eurofer97 steel” Journal of Nuclear Materials, Volume 417, Issues 1–
3, 1 October 2011, pp. 104-107
14. M. Jong, F. Schmalz, J.W. Rensman, N.V. Luzginova, O. Wouters, J.B.J. Hegeman, J.G. van der
Laan, “Post-irradiation characterization of PH13-8Mo martensitic stainless steel” Journal of
Nuclear Materials, Volume 417, Issues 1–3, 1 October 2011, pp. 145-148
15. J.B.J. Hegeman, N.V. Luzginova, M. Jong, H.D. Groeneveld, A. Borsboom, M.E.C. Stuivinga,
J.G. van der Laan, “Tensile properties of explosively formed 316L(N)-IG stainless steel with and
without an electron beam weld” Journal of Nuclear Materials, Volume 417, Issues 1–3, 1 October
2011, pp. 870-873
16. M. Rieth, J.L. Boutard, S.L. Dudarev, T. Ahlgren, S. Antusch, N. Baluc, M.-F. Barthe, C.S.
Becquart, L. Ciupinski, J.B. Correia, C. Domain, J. Fikar, E. Fortuna, C.-C. Fu, E. Gaganidze,
T.L. Galán, C. García-Rosales, B. Gludovatz, H. Greuner, K. Heinola, N. Holstein, N. Juslin, F.
Koch, W. Krauss, K.J. Kurzydlowski, J. Linke, Ch. Linsmeier, N. Luzginova, H. Maier, M.S.
Martínez, J.M. Missiaen, M. Muhammed, A. Muñoz, M. Muzyk, K. Nordlund, D. Nguyen-Manh,
P. Norajitra, J. Opschoor, G. Pintsuk, R. Pippan, G. Ritz, “Review on the EFDA programme on
tungsten materials technology and science”, Journal of Nuclear Materials, Volume 417, Issues 1–
3, 1 October 2011, pp. 463-467
17. A.J. Magielsen, M. Jong, T. Bakker, N.V. Luzginova, R.K. Mutnuru, D.J. Ketema, A.V.
Fedorov, “Irradiation of structural materials in contact with lead bismuth eutectic in the high flux
reactor”, Journal of Nuclear Materials, Volume 415, Issue 3, 31 August 2011, pp. 311-315
18. N.V. Luzginova, J. Rensman, P. ten Pierick, J.B.J. Hegeman, “Low cycle fatigue of irradiated and
unirradiated Eurofer97 steel at 300 °C” Journal of Nuclear Materials, Volume 409, Issue 2, 15
February 2011, pp. 153-155
19. N.V. Luzginova, L. Zhao, J. Sietsma, “Reply to comments on “Bainite formation kinetics in highcarbon alloyed steel”, Scripta Materialia, Volume 59, Issue 12, December 2008, pp. 1277-1278
20. N.V. Luzginova, L. Zhao, J. Sietsma, “Bainite formation kinetics in high carbon alloyed steel”,
Materials Science and Engineering: A, Volumes 481–482, 25 May 2008, pp. 766-769
21. N.V. Luzginova, L. Zhao, J. Sietsma, “The cementite spheroidization process in high-carbon
steels with different chromium contents”, Metallurgical and Materials Transaction A – Physical
Metallurgy and Materials Science, Volume: 39A, Issue 3, March 2008, pp. 513-521
22. N.V. Luzginova, L. Zhao, J. Sietsma, “Evolution and thermal stability of retained austenite in
SAE 52100 bainitic steel”, Materials Science and Engineering: A, Volume 448, Issues 1–2, 15
March 2007, pp. 104-110
23. J.B.J. Hegeman, J.G. van der Laan, M. van Kranenburg, M. Jong, D. d’Hulst, P. ten Pierick,
“Mechanical and thermal properties of SiCf/SiC composites irradiated with neutrons at high
temperatures” Fusion Engineering and Design, Volumes 75–79, November 2005, pp. 789-793
24. N. V. Luzginova, L. Zhao, A. Wauthier, J. Sietsma, “The Kinetics of the Isothermal Bainite
Formation in 1%C-1.5%Cr Steel” Materials Science Forum, January 2005, DOI:
25. I.V. Kireeva, N.V. Luzginova, Y.I. Chumlyakov, I. Karaman, B.D. Lichter, “Plastic deformation
of nitrogen-containing austenitic stainless steel single crystals with low stacking fault energy”,
Journal de Physique IV, Volume 115, June 2004, pp. 223-230
26. J.B.J. Hegeman, E.D.L. van Essen, M. Jong, J.G. van der Laan, J. Reimann, “Thermomechanical
behaviour of ceramic breeder pebble stacks for HICU” Fusion Engineering and Design, Volume
69, Issues 1–4, September 2003, pp. 425-429
27. J.B.J. Hegeman, P.G. de Heij, D.S. d'Hulst, M. Jong, J.G. van der Laan, M. van Kranenburg,
“Irradiation of SiCf/SiC composites, fibres and matrices in HFR Petten” Fusion Engineering and
Design, Volume 69, Issues 1–4, September 2003, pp. 403-407
28. J.G. van der Laan, L.V. Boccaccini, R. Conrad, J.H. Fokkens, M. Jong, A.J. Magielsen, B.J.
Pijlgroms, J. Reimann, M.P. Stijkel, S. Malang, “Test-element assembly and loading parameters
for the in-pile test of HCPB ceramic pebble beds” Fusion Engineering and Design, Volumes 61–
62, November 2002, pp. 383-390
29. I.V. Kireeva, Y.I. Chumlyakov, N.V. Luzginova, “Slip and twinning in single crystals of
austenitic stainless steels with nitrogen”, Volume 94, Issue 5, November 2002, pp. 508-519
30. I.V. Kireeva, Y.I. Chumlyakov, N.V. Luzginova, “Orientation dependence of resolved shear
stresses in single crystals of the nitrogen-containing austenitic stainless steel Fe-26% Cr-32% Ni3% Mo”, Physics of Metals and Metallography, Volume 93, Issue 4, April 2002, pp. 374-383
31. Yu. Chumlyakov, I. Kireeva, E. Zakharova, N. Luzginova, H. Sehitoglu, I. Karaman, “Strain
Hardening and Fracture of Austenitic Steel Single Crystals with High Concentration of Interstitial
Atoms” Russian Physics Journal, Volume 45, February 2002, pp. 274-284
32. Y.I. Chumlyakov, I.V. Kireeva, E.I. Litvinova, E. G. Zakharova, N. V. Luzginova, S. P.
Efimenko, H. Seihitoglu, I. Karaman, “Twinning in Hadfield steel single crystals”, Doklady
Akademii Nauk, Volume 371, Issue 1, March 2000, Pages 45-48
33. Y.I. Chumlyakov, I.V. Kireeva, E.I. Litvinova, E.G. Zakharova, N.V. Luzginova, H. Sehitoglu,
and I. Karaman, “Strain hardening in single crystals of Hadfield steel”, Physics of Metals and
Metallography, Volume 90, Supplement 1, 2000, Pages S1-S17
34. Yu. I. Chumlyakov, I. V. Kireeva, H. Sehitoglu, E. I. Litvinova, E. G. Zaharova, N. V.
Luzginova, “High-Strength Single Crystals of Austenitic Stainless Steels with Nitrogen Content:
Mechanisms of Deformation and Fracture” Materials Science Forum, January 1999, DOI: