Video processing for multimedia systems G. de Haan technische universiteit eindhoven W 2 Schedule lectures 5P530 Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Basics (Ch 2, 3) Filtering (Ch 4) Video Enhancement (Ch 5) Picture-Rate Conversion (Ch 7) Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 De-interlacing (Ch 8) Motion Estimation (Ch 10) Object Detection (Ch 11) X technische universiteit eindhoven W 2 3 Arithmetical operations on discrete images technische universiteit eindhoven W 3 4 What if we average an image with a shifted version? = Original image 2 pel shifted image average image •A frequency is suppressed if we shift over 180 degree. + •Therefore, the frequency has a complete cycle of 4 pixels •In other words, suppression occurs at a quarter of the sampling frequency technische universiteit eindhoven W 4 = 2 pel 5 What if we subtract an image with a shifted version? Averaging with a 2 Original image pel diagonally shifted image •Subtraction suppresses DC (coarse spatial detail Subtraction with a 2 pel diagonally shifted image = •A frequency with a complete cycle of 4 pixels doubles in amplitude •In other words, enhancement occurs at a quarter of the sampling frequency technische universiteit eindhoven W 5 2 pel 6 Linear filtering of discrete images technische universiteit eindhoven W 6 7 What is a linear filter? • A linear filter is a system with an input and an output that: • Contains delays, multipliers and adders • Connected such that the output results as a weighted sum of delayed copies of the input signal and the output signal technische universiteit eindhoven W 7 8 Example linear filter Input w1 delay delay w3 w2 sum y[k ] wn x[k n] n technische universiteit eindhoven W 8 delay w4 Output 9 Simple notation • • We shall assume that a (1, 2, 1) filter outputs a weighted sum of horizontally neighbouring pixels in an image 1 We shall assume that a 2 filter outputs a weighted sum 1 of vertically neighbouring pixels in an image • Vertically shifting the image requires a line-delay • Orders of magnitude more expensive than a pixel-delay • Analogously, temporal filtering requires picture-delays • Again orders of magnitude more expensive technische universiteit eindhoven W 9 10 From horizontal to vertical filtering • • If we increase the delay from 1 to # pixels/line, the pixels combined in the filter output are vertical neighbours A delay is now implemented with a “line-memory” Input ¼ Line delay 0 Line delay ½ sum technische universiteit eindhoven W 10 Line delay ¼ Output 11 What if we re-use output samples? Recursive filtering Input w1 delay delay w3 w2 delay w4 Output sum wr4 delay wr3 wr2 delay wr1 delay y[k ] wn .x[k n] wmr . y[k m] n m technische universiteit eindhoven W 11 12 Calculating with impulse responses technische universiteit eindhoven W 12 13 Some impulse responses (1,2,1) (1,1) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Single white pixel input 1 0 1 (1,0,1) technische universiteit eindhoven W 13 The cascading of two (1, 1) filters 14 1 A time A ½ ½ time A ¼ 1 ½ ¼ 1 1 1 ------------------------------ + 1 2 1 technische universiteit eindhoven W 14 time 15 Simple calculation of impulse response of cascade • • Cascade of (1,1) and (1, 1): • • • • • • • • 1 1 1 1 -------------------1 2 1 technische universiteit eindhoven W Cascade of 121 and 11: 15 1 2 1 1 2 1 --------------------------1 3 3 1 16 Simple calculation of impulse response of cascade • Cascade of 11 and 101 1 1 0 0 1 1 ---------------------------1 1 1 1 • ¼ fs Cascade of 121 and 121 (cascade of 11 and 11 and 11 and 11): 1 1 4 2 1 2 1 ----------------------------------1 4 6 4 1 2 2 ¼ fs technische universiteit eindhoven W ½ fs 16 ½ fs 17 Simple calculation of impulse response of cascade • 1 Cascade of (horizontal) 11 and a(vertical) 1 1 1 • 1 1 1 Cascade of (horizontal) 121 and a (vertical) 2 1 1 2 1 2 4 2 1 2 1 technische universiteit eindhoven W 17 18 Qualitative analysis of linear filters technische universiteit eindhoven W 18 19 Qualitative filter behaviour in the frequency domain Transfer of filter Spectrum input image A H A 0 f f f f Band-pass = f 0 technische universiteit eindhoven W 0 A f High-pass = 0 H A f A 0 0 H f Low-pass = 0 A 0 Spectrum of output image 19 0 f 20 Filtering images • Move the coefficient matrix (impulse response) over each pixel in the image, multiply the entries by the pixels, and sum together • • • E.g. 3x3 “box”-filter Effect is averaging 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 1 1 1 Formal name for this procedure is convolution of the image data with the filter “mask” or “kernel” technische universiteit eindhoven W 20 21 Illustration of 1D convolution (box filter and block pattern) technische universiteit eindhoven W 21 22 Effect of the box filter on a natural image Original (input) Box-filter output technische universiteit eindhoven W 22 23 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 1 1 1 Box Filter • • • Box filters smooth by averaging neighbouring pixels In the frequency domain, the box-filter leaves low frequencies unaltered and attenuates (reduces) high frequencies So, the box filter is clearly a low-pass filter A 0 Spatial: Box H 0 pos Frequency domain: sinc-function technische universiteit eindhoven W f 23 24 What about the image boundaries? Foutput[ x][ y ] • k /2 k /2 F i k / 2 j k / 2 input [ x i ][ y j ]w[i k / 2][ j k / 2] At (0,0) for instance, you need pixel data for (-1,-1), which doesn’t exist • Option 1: Make the output image smaller – don’t evaluate pixels you don’t have all the input for • Option 2: Replicate the edge pixels • Equivalent to: pos = x + i; if ( pos < 0 ) pos = 0; same for y • Option 3: Reflect image about edge • Equivalent to: pos = x + i; if ( pos < 0 ) pos = -pos; same for y technische universiteit eindhoven W 24 25 1 2 1 3 81 2 1 Bartlett Filter • • • Triangle shaped filter in spatial domain Cascade of two box filters So in frequency domain; attenuates high frequencies more than a box-filter A 0 H 0 pos Spatial: Triangle (BoxBox) technische universiteit eindhoven W 25 Frequency: sinc2 f 2 3 2 1 4 6 4 2 6 9 6 3 4 6 4 2 2 3 2 1 26 Effect of the Bartlett filter on a natural image Original (input) Bartlett-filter output technische universiteit eindhoven W 26 27 High-pass filters • A high-pass filter can be obtained from a low-pass filter • • • If we subtract the smoothed image from the original, we must be subtracting out the low frequencies What remains must contain only the high frequencies High-pass masks come from matrix subtraction: • eg: 3x3 Box: 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 9 9 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 technische universiteit eindhoven W 27 28 Effect of the high-pass filter on a natural image Original (input) High-pass filter output +128 technische universiteit eindhoven W 28 29 Edge Enhancement • High-pass filters give high values at edges, low values in constant regions • Adding high frequencies back into the image enhances edges • Possible approach: • Image = Image + [Image – smooth(Image)] Low-pass High-pass technische universiteit eindhoven W 29 30 Effect of the edge-enhance, or peaking, filter [] -1 -1 -1 -1 12 -1 x1/4 -1 -1 -1 technische universiteit eindhoven W 30 31 Edge enhancement, peaking, or unsharp masking technische universiteit eindhoven W 31 32 Negative filter coefficients may lead to problems! • The negative values in high-pass filters can lead to negative image values • Most image formats don’t support this, and if they do, we cannot image negative light from the display…. • Also, the boosting effect on high frequencies may lead to values higher than peak-white • Solutions: • • • Clipping: Chop off values below min or above max Offset: Add a constant to move the min value to 0 Re-scale: Rescale the image values to fill the range (0,max) technische universiteit eindhoven W 32 Video processing for multimedia systems G. de Haan technische universiteit eindhoven W 34 The purpose of filters technische universiteit eindhoven W 34 35 Purpose of filters • • • • Removal of spectral components • E.g. for alias prevention, or removal of interference signal Enhancement of spectral components • Edge/feature enhancement Removal of noise • Balance between noise suppression and suppression of relevant image components Interpolation • Image up- and down-scaling, geometrical deformations technische universiteit eindhoven W 35 36 Noise removal V-LPF H-LPF technische universiteit eindhoven W 36 37 Alias prevention technische universiteit eindhoven W 37 38 Filtering and image re--sizing (1D case) re technische universiteit eindhoven W 38 39 The simple way. Pixel repetition and dropping. Original pixels: 1 Required lower density grid: 1 Required higher density grid: 1 2 3 2 1 2 4 5 3 3 3 4 4 Repeated pixels! technische universiteit eindhoven W 39 6 4 7 6 5 6 8 9 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 Drop pixel 5! 40 Spatial scaling Scaled using pixel repetition and pixel dropping Scaled with proper filters technische universiteit eindhoven W 40 41 2 tap linear interpolation • The filter size is 2, and we need a sample at x=4.75 • We need the filter output, F(x), from x=4, x=5 • We need the filter coefficient, H(s), at s=-0.75, and s=0.25 • We compute: F(4)*H(-0.75)+F(5)*H(0.25)+F(6)*H(1.25) • Result is: 0.25F(4) + 0.75 F(5) 1.0 0.75 0.25 4 5 x technische universiteit eindhoven W 41 42 Interpolation with the Bartlett filter • • • Place a Bartlett filter at the required position Multiply the value of the neighbouring pixel by the corresponding filter value, and accumulate the result • Convolution with discrete samples The filter size is a parameter 4 • 6 Assume the filter size is 3, and we need a sample at x=4.75 • We need the image samples, F(x), from x=4, x=5 and x=6 • We need the filter value, H(s), at s=-0.75, s=0.25 and s=1.25 • We compute: F(4)*H(-0.75)+F(5)*H(0.25)+F(6)*H(1.25) technische universiteit eindhoven W 5 42 x 43 What are the effects of the filter length? technische universiteit eindhoven W 43 44 This was an example Does theory provide any requirements for the interpolation filter? technische universiteit eindhoven W 44 45 Re-sampling • Making an image larger is like sampling the original signal at a higher density • You need more pixels to represent the same thing, so a higher pixel density should result from the procedure: Original • • • • More samples Reducing an image in size is like sampling at lower density Generating new samples of the “same” function is called re-sampling In theory, 2 steps: • • Reconstruction of the continuous signal Followed by sampling with the new sampling frequency In practice: sample rate conversion in the discrete domain technische universiteit eindhoven W Original spacing = bigger 45 46 The sampling theorem 0 fs 2 fs frequency Ts time We have a continuous signal We sample it to obtain a discrete representation Sampling theorem: we can reconstruct the continuous signal from its discrete representation, provided it contained no frequencies above half the sampling frequency technische universiteit eindhoven W 46 47 The general principle of sample rate conversion Input grid interpolator Intermediate grid decimator Output grid Sampling-rate converter As a consequence of the time-discrete nature of the processing, the input and output sampling frequency have a rational relation. Output results from an integer up-sampling and an integer sub-sampling technische universiteit eindhoven W 47 48 Spectra in sampling rate conversion (down-sampling) Input 0 fs1 2fs1 frequency Repeat on output rate will overlap with base-band… Output 1 0 frequency fs2 Alias! …unless the interpolating LPF suppresses part of spectrum Output 2 0 frequency fs2 technische universiteit eindhoven W 48 49 Signals in sample rate conversion (down-sampling) input Interp. output technische universiteit eindhoven W 49 50 Spectra in sample rate conversion (up-sampling) Input 0 fs1 2fs1 Repeats at input rate must be suppressed without suppressing base-band… Intermed. 0 fs2 frequency …to prevent alias or blur at output rate Output 0 fs3 technische universiteit eindhoven W frequency 3fs1 50 frequency 51 Signals in sample rate conversion (up-sampling) input Interp. output technische universiteit eindhoven W 51 52 Requirements for the interpolation (scaling) filter F(nT) Input signal Output signal Interpolation filter 1 2 3 4 nT 1 2 3 456 7 8 • Up-sampling: LPF passes base-band signal and suppresses the input repeat spectra where possible at intermediate rate • Down-sampling: LPF suppresses part of the base-band and repeat spectra to avoid folding into the new base-band output spectrum technische universiteit eindhoven W 52 nT 53 Poly-phase filtering: the filter is designed at the intermediate frequency, at the output frequency a varying set of coefficients is used C-6 C-5 C-4 C-3 C-2 C-1 C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C-6 C-5 C-4 C-3 C-2 C-1 C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 technische universiteit eindhoven W 53 54 Poly-phase filtering Original pixels: 1 2 a X 4 3 b X c X 5 6 7 d X e X f X 8 9 Required pixel on other density grid: 4 n 5 The filter coefficients, a b c d e f.., depend on the position of the required pixel n technische universiteit eindhoven W 54 55 Application: Aspect ratio conversion technische universiteit eindhoven W 55 56 4:3 image on a wide-screen (16:9) picture tube Linear scaling options: Accept side-panels Accept geometrical distortion technische universiteit eindhoven W 56 57 4:3 image on a wide-screen (16:9) picture tube Non-linear scaling options: Panorama view Accept geometrical distortion technische universiteit eindhoven W 57 58 Wide-screen image on a 4:3 picture tube Linear scaling options: Accept letter-box Geometrical distortion technische universiteit eindhoven W 58 Partial image loss 59 Wide-screen image on a 4:3 picture tube Non-linear scaling options: Amaronap view technische universiteit eindhoven W 59 Options in wide-screen conversion magnification 60 1.33 Distortions concentrated in side panels Distortions evenly distributed Usually magnification between 0.5 and 2.0 Panorama Constant horizontal stretch 1.0 0.75 Constant horizontal compress Amaronap Horizontal position technische universiteit eindhoven W 60 Video processing for multimedia systems G. de Haan technische universiteit eindhoven W 62 Non-linear Nonfilters technische universiteit eindhoven W 62 63 Different filter types • Linear filters • Rank-order filters • Hybrid filters • Morphological filtering • Adaptive filters technische universiteit eindhoven W 63 64 Linear filters not very effective against shot noise • Linear filters fine in case small noise values are more frequent than high noise values • • Shot noise (salt and pepper noise,..) is characterized by relatively few extreme noise values and (almost) no small noise values • • E.g. Gaussian noise E.g. impulses from ignition of combustion engines, or film defects To know if a pixel is extreme we have to rank adjacent pixel values technische universiteit eindhoven W 64 65 Linear and rank-order filters – The difference This is what a linear filter outputs: y w1 x1 w2 x2 .... wn xn Let the filter support (vector) define the input pixels used: S( x) ( x1 , x2 ,...., xn ) T and the coefficient vector defines the weighting: W ( w1 , w2 ,...., wn ) Now we can briefly define the filtered output pixel as: y( x) W.S( x) technische universiteit eindhoven W 65 66 Linear and rank-order filters – The difference So, the linear filter is defined as: y( x) W.S( x) If we now define the ordered (ranked) support: S r ( x) ( x(1) , x( 2) ,...., x( n ) ) T with: x(1) x( 2) .... x( n ) Then the rank-order filter is defined by: y( x) Wr .S r ( x) technische universiteit eindhoven W 66 67 Linear and rank-order filters – The difference • The pixel-weights in a linear filter are determined by the spatiotemporal position of the pixel relative to the output position • The pixel-weights in a rank-order filter are determined by the rank number of the pixel after ordering all values in the support. Examples: • • • • • minimum, maximum, midpoint = (max + min)/2 median, α-trimmed mean technische universiteit eindhoven W 67 68 Effectiveness against shot noise 3x3 box Original 3x3 median Median filter, especially effective for shot noise: y ( x) Wmed .S r ( x) Wmed (0,....... 1,......., 0) technische universiteit eindhoven W 68 69 Less extreme distributions: The α-trimmed-mean filter The general rank-order filter is defined by: y( x) Wr .S r ( x) The median filter, especially effective for shot noise: Wmed (0,....... 1,......., 0) The α-trimmed-mean filter, long-tail distributed noise, but less extreme: W (0,....... 0,1,1,1,1,1,0......., 0) α-central pixels are averaged, extremes ignored technische universiteit eindhoven W 69 70 Shot noise + Gaussian noise reduction Original 3x3 median 3x3 box 3x3 -trimmed mean technische universiteit eindhoven W 70 71 Combination of linear and rank-order: The hybrid filter If we concatenate the linear and ranked supports: S h ( x) ( x1 , x2 ,...., xn , x(1) , x( 2) ,...., x( n ) ) T and also the coefficient vectors defines the weighting: Wh ( w1 , w2 ,...., wn , wr1 , wr 2 ,...., wrn ) Then the hybrid filter is defined by: y ( x) Wh .S h ( x) •LMS-optimization is possible to find coefficients technische universiteit eindhoven W 71 72 Combination of linear and rank-order: The bilateral filter In the linear filter, weights depend on position relative to centre: wk f1 (c k ) In the rank-order filter, they depend on the “similarity” with current pixel: wk f 2 (| xk xc |) In the bilateral filter the weight is defined by: wk N . f1 (c k ). f 2 (| xk xc |) Where N is selected such that the sum of the coefficients is 1 Functions f1 and f2 may be e.g. Gaussian or triangular functions technische universiteit eindhoven W 72 73 The max and min filter (morphological filtering) Original motion detection signal 5x5 max filter (dilation) technische universiteit eindhoven W 73 5x5 max- cascaded with 5x5 min-filter (closing) 74 The max and min filter (morphological filtering) Original motion detection signal 5x5 min filter (erosion) technische universiteit eindhoven W 74 5x5 min- cascaded with 5x5 max-filter (opening) 75 Filter optimization technische universiteit eindhoven W 75 76 Optimization is often a problem Play enhanced video Store video Subjective assessment Program enhancement algorithm Subjective assessment is time consuming Huge design space requires automatic optimization… technische universiteit eindhoven W 76 77 It seems straightforward… Desired output Processing output (a-b)2 1/N. S Minimize a sum of squared pixel differences by varying all parameters… technische universiteit eindhoven W 77 MSE 78 Bottleneck eliminated? Play enhanced video Store video MSE optimization Program enhancement algorithm technische universiteit eindhoven W 78 79 MSE-optimal (non-recursive) linear filtering • •Cross-correlation matrix • The linear filter is defined by: •Auto-correlation matrix y w1 x1 w2 x2 w3 x3 ... wn xn Compare the output with original image to know error: • For a minimal MSE, the first derivative should be zero: e yo y e e 2 e 2 xi e 0 2 wi wi • X 11 X 21 ... X n1 If we now define: X ji xi x j Yi xi yo We then get: technische universiteit eindhoven W 79 X 12 X 22 ... ... ... ... X n 2 ... X 1n w1 Y1 X 2 n w2 Y 2 ... ... ... X nn wn Yn 80 MSE-optimal (non-recursive) linear filtering • We have to solve the following equation: X 11 X 21 ... X n1 X 12 X 22 ... ... ... ... X n 2 ... X 1n w1 Y1 X 2 n w2 Y 2 ... ... ... X nn wn Yn • We thereto write: • And conclude upon the following optimal weights: X.W Y W X1X.W X1Y technische universiteit eindhoven W 80 81 We can use this for noise reduction Original noisy image 13-taps filter support 13-taps averaging filter 13-taps LMSE-filter technische universiteit eindhoven W 81 82 We may also use it for de-blurring noisy images Original blurred noisy image Conclusion: LMSE-filter enhances noise less • Therefore, also reduces the blur less… • MSE-best compromise 3x3 peaking-filter 3x3LMSE-filter technische universiteit eindhoven W • 82 83 How does this compare with “inverse filtering”? • • We shall see later that it is also possible to calculate the inverse filter for perfect de-blurring, which turns out to be a recursive filter The inverse filter has an infinitely high gain if the blurring filter has a zero response for a given frequency • Consequence is that noise will be amplified unlimited… Original blurred noisy image De-blurring with inverse filter technische universiteit eindhoven W 83 84 Problem with LMSE--filters LMSE technische universiteit eindhoven W 84 85 Images with identical MSE Blurred Noisy Blurred Noisy Sharpened Compressed Compressed Sharpened technische universiteit eindhoven W 85 Video processing for multimedia systems G. de Haan technische universiteit eindhoven W 87 Adaptive filtering technische universiteit eindhoven W 87 88 Trained Filters (optimizing adaptive filters) technische universiteit eindhoven W 88 89 Images with identical MSE Blurred Noisy Blurred Noisy Sharpened Compressed Compressed Sharpened technische universiteit eindhoven W 89 90 What’s wrong with MSE? • The mistake is in the averaging! • Some picture parts get a lot better with a method that is poor on the average! • characterize image parts that can be treated identically… • …and individually optimize (MSE) parts with the same character! technische universiteit eindhoven W 90 91 Classification based filtering LUT Classification Support with input pixels x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 Linear filtering y w1c x1 w2c x2c .... wnc xn technische universiteit eindhoven W 91 y 92 Classification examples technische universiteit eindhoven W 92 93 Local edge direction classification Image Edge directions (colour) 10o technische universiteit eindhoven W 93 50o 90o 130o 170o 94 Local contrast classification Image Local contrast (colour) Low technische universiteit eindhoven W 94 High 95 Local sharpness classification Image Local sharpness (colour) Low technische universiteit eindhoven W 95 High 96 Coding the local structure to classify support data Classification code is concatenation of pixels reduced to single bit: 1 , ( x xav ) ADRC( x) 0 , ( x xav ) with xav 1 i n n i 1 xi technische universiteit eindhoven W 96 97 Not only linear filtering technische universiteit eindhoven W 97 98 Architecture of the hybrid filter Classification Input LUT Non-linear filtering Output Concept can be extended to trained rank-order and bilateral filters technische universiteit eindhoven W 98 99 Not only filtering technische universiteit eindhoven W 99 100 Trained Mixing of processing options metrics Classification LUT Processing option 1 Input Processing option 2 Processing option 2 technische universiteit eindhoven W 100 Mixer Output 101 Application examples technische universiteit eindhoven W 101 102 Sharpening and de-noising Trained Filter output Noise filter without classification technische universiteit eindhoven W 102 103 PixelPlus Up-scaling combined with sharpening Standard up-scaling Trained Filter output technische universiteit eindhoven W 103 104 Interlace artifact removal Line-average input Output Trained Filter technische universiteit eindhoven W 104 105 Enhancement of digital video Input Trained Filter output technische universiteit eindhoven W 105 106 Microscopy resolution enhancement Input: RED Output: RED GREEN BLUE technische universiteit eindhoven W 106 107 Up-scaling of MRI-images MSE (%) 100 80 60 MSE 40 20 0 HD BiLin Fourier technische universiteit eindhoven W 107 TF 108 Conclusions Classification In LUT Filter • Similar architecture for many functions • Design methodology replaces heuristics technische universiteit eindhoven W 108 Out 109 The value of trained filtering • • Automatic optimization • • Design methodology replaces heuristics for tuning No thinking faster Researcher can focus on creatively finding the relevant classes technische universiteit eindhoven W 109 110 Neighbourhood Selection technische universiteit eindhoven W 110 111 Neighbourhood selection • So far, we assumed that ALL pixels in the support are combined under ALL circumstances • We may also propose to adapt the set of pixels that are “combined” to expectations about local correlation, using a socalled neighbourhood selection technique • A neighbourhood shall be defined as a sub-set of the support • • Various options exist to exclude pixels from the support • K-nearest, sigma nearest, symmetrical nearest,… Pixels in the neighbourhood are then combined • Weighted averaging, rank-order, etc. technische universiteit eindhoven W 111 112 Adaptive filtering: Neighbourhood Selection Input Select Combine pixels neighbourhood in from support neighbourhood • support E.g. only • Linear filter pixels similar • Weighted average to current neighbourhood pixel • Rank-order filter • technische universiteit eindhoven W Output 112 Min, max, median Support and neighbourhood 113 Example 1 Example 2 Neighbourhhood Neighbourhhood } Rank no. max Support: 3x3 min technische universiteit eindhoven W 113 Non-adaptive: Standard neighbourhood Rank no. 114 I II technische universiteit eindhoven W 114 115 Effect of the standard neighbourhood selection (5x5) technische universiteit eindhoven W 115 116 Neighbourhood selection: K (2) nearest neighbours II Rank no. I technische universiteit eindhoven W 116 117 Effect of the k (12) nearest neighbourhood selection (5x5) technische universiteit eindhoven W 117 Neighbourhood selection: Sigma nearest neighbours Rank no. 118 I II σ σ -σ -σ technische universiteit eindhoven W 118 119 Effect of the sigma nearest selection (5x5) technische universiteit eindhoven W 119 Neighbourhood selection: Symmetric nearest neighbours Grey-level 120 Position technische universiteit eindhoven W 120 121 The effect of symmetric nearest neighbour filtering (5x5) technische universiteit eindhoven W 121 122 The effect of symmetric nearest neighbour filtering (5x5) technische universiteit eindhoven W 122 123 Adaptive filtering: Neighbourhood Selection Input Select Combine pixels neighbourhood in from support neighbourhood • support E.g. only pixels close to current pixel • neighbourhood • technische universiteit eindhoven W 123 Output Linear filter • Weighted average Rank-order filter • Min, max, median 124 Prepare yourself for the exam… • • Last week: Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 Today: Chapter 4 • I recommend you read the text • And try the exercises in the book: • • • • Book available at Pt9:24 Chapter 2-3 Chapter 4 You have to download VidProc ( ) • Send me e-mail for password ([email protected]) technische universiteit eindhoven W 124 125 Quantitative analysis of linear filters technische universiteit eindhoven W 125 126 Frequency response of a linear filter Input H(0) delay delay H(1) H(N) sum y[k ] h(i ) x[k i ] i technische universiteit eindhoven W 126 Output 127 Frequency response of a linear filter • Given a system with impulse response h(i) • Given an input signal = complex sinusoid x(k ) e • jk Input transfer , k The output signal is: y (k ) h(i ).x(k i ) h(i ).e j ( k i ) e jk h(i ).e ji • i i And the frequency response: H (e ) h(i ).e j i technische universiteit eindhoven W i 127 jwi 128 Example: the 1 2 1 filter • • • Following the definition: H (e j ) h(i ).e jwi e jw1 2e 0 e jw1 Substituting: We get: i e jw cos t j sin t H ( ) cos(t ) j sin( t ) 2 cost j sin t • Which simplifies to: H ( ) 2 2 cost 4 ½.fs f technische universiteit eindhoven W 128 129 For all filters with a symmetric impulse response • • • Symmetric: h(i)=h(-i), i=1..L L The frequency response is j H (e ) L h(i).e j .i i L ... ai . cos(.i ) i 0 • Real-valued (=zero-phase) transfer function • This translates into a constant delay for all frequencies technische universiteit eindhoven W L 129 i 130 Example: the (1 1) - filter • • • Following the definition: H (e j ) h(i ).e jwi e 0 e jw1 i jw Substituting: e cos t j sin t We get a complex frequency transfer (non-zero phase): H ( ) 1 cost j sin t • We can calculate the magnitude of the transfer: || H ( ) || R 2 I 2 1 cos 2 t 2 cos t sin 2 t technische universiteit eindhoven W 130 131 Example: the 1 1 filter • • So, we have: || H ( ) || 1 cos 2 t 2 cos t sin 2 t This simplifies to: || H ( ) || 2 2 cos t • And we remember from modulation: 2 cos cos cos( ) cos( ) 4 cos 2 (t / 2) 2 2 cos t • So, we conclude: || H ( ) ||| 2 cos(t / 2) | 2 ½.fs technische universiteit eindhoven W 131 f 132 What if we re-use output samples? Recursive filtering Input delay delay h(1) h(0) delay h(N) Output sum hr(M) hr(1) delay delay delay y (k ) h(i ).x(k i ) hr (m). y (k m) i m technische universiteit eindhoven W 132 133 What about a recursive filter? • • Now the output signal is: N M i 0 m 1 y (k ) h(i ).x(k i ) hr (m). y (k m) or: M • (1 hr (m)). y (k ) h(i )). x(k i ) m 1 i h( n) y (k ) .x ( k ) 1 h ( m) or: n r m • and finally: H ( j ) jn h ( n ). e n 1 hr (m).e jm m technische universiteit eindhoven W 133 x(k ) e jk 134 Inverse filtering • Assume a signal has been filtered with a (½ ½) - filter • Can we invert the operation (de-blur)? H (11) (e j ) h(i ).e jwi 0.5e 0 0.5e jw1 • i We are looking for H-1(ejω), i.e.: H • 1 (11) 1 2 2 (e ) 0 jw1 jwi jw1 h ( i ). e e e 1 ( e ) (11) j i This is a recursive filter!: technische universiteit eindhoven W 134 135 The inverse of a (½ ½) - filter Input H(0)=2 delay delay H(1) delay H(N) Output sum hr(M) delay hr(1)=-1 delay delay technische universiteit eindhoven W 135 136 So this is equivalent to a copper wire: Input delay ½ ½ 1 2 sum + -1 1 ½.fs f delay f ½.fs Since the (½ ½) – filter has a zero transfer for the Nyquist frequency, the inverse filter has an infinite gain there! technische universiteit eindhoven W 136 Output 137 Consequences of infinite gain inverse filter Result of cascade: Same noise, but inverse of ½ 0 ½ But if there was some noise: Worse than the noisy blurred: technische universiteit eindhoven W 137 138 Solutions for de-blurring noisy images • The value of the inverse filter is limited because of noise amplification • • The noise easily dominates the perception if blurring process suppresses parts of the spectrum significantly Norbert Wiener (1894-1964) proposed the MSE-optimal solution by adding a noise-depending term in the denominator • • The result is commonly referred to as the Wiener Filter MSE-best solution modelling blur AND noise technische universiteit eindhoven W 138 139 Prepare yourself for the exam… • • Last week: Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 Today: Chapter 4 • I recommend you read the text • And try the exercises in the book: • • • • Book available at Pt9:24 Chapter 2-3 Chapter 4 You have to download VidProc ( ) • Send me e-mail for password ([email protected]) technische universiteit eindhoven W 139 140 Questions. Part 4. Video filtering 1. Calculate the impulse response of the cascade of a horizontal (¼, ½, ¼)-filter and a horizontal (½, 0, ½) filter 1. Confirm your calculations experimentally with VidProc 2. Calculate an edge image of the Bicycle using a 2D edge-filter, e.g. central coefficient 4, diagonal coefficients –1 1. Add the edge image to the original bicycle image, and describe the result image 1. Use the inverse filter to de-blur your output image 1. 2. Try to de-blur this noisy image with the inverse filter Train a Wiener filter (13 taps diamond shaped kernel) to “restore” the image 1. Does the support affect the output with a sigma- or K-nearest algorithm? Test! 3. Blur the bicycle sequence with a 3x3 box-filter 4. Add Gaussian noise (tab “Noise”, level 20) to the blurred Bicycle image 5. What is the difference between filter support and filter neighbourhood? 6. Consider shot noise. What do you expect from the K-nearest neighbourhood selection process, the sigma neighbourhood and the median filter? 1. Confirm your expectations using VidProc 7. Consider detail blur. Will the K-nearest neighbourhood selection process or the sigma neighbourhood selection process be best? Why? 1. Confirm your expectations using the software technische universiteit eindhoven W 140 141 Adaptive filtering • Global, or context free, or position invariant adaptation of the filter • • • E.g. (estimated) noise level dependent E.g. (estimated) blur-level dependent Local, or context sensitive, or position variant adaptation of the filter • • • Edge/motion dependent Neighbourhood Selection Trained Filters technische universiteit eindhoven W 141
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