V FB 4 O ktober2014 A gen da TerB eke in troduction M ission , strategic val ue drivers, val ues O ur in sp iration Processed m eats headl in es Ready m eal s headl in es C on sol idated figures 04/10/2014 V FB 2 TerB eke In troduction TerB eke (Euron extB russel : TERB ) in n ovative B el gian fresh foods con cern m arkets its assortm en tin 10 Europ ean coun tries 2 core activities: Processed m eats Fresh ready m eal s 7 in dustrialsites in B el gium an d the Netherl an ds em p l oys ap p roxim atel y 1,650 p eop l e gen erated a turn over ofEU R 407 m il l ion in 2013. 04/10/2014 V FB Sharehol derStructure 28,3% Stak C oovan SRIW M6 Free Fl oat 2,4% 4,8% 64,5% 3 M ission – Strategic val ue drivers -V al ues 04/10/2014 V FB 4 W e w an tto be On e TerB eke, driven by the zealforyoureveryday m eal . Dirk Goeminne, CEO 04/10/2014 V FB 5 Strategic val ue & grow th m ustbe gen erated through: 04/10/2014 V FB 6 Ourstrategic val ue drivers C ustom erIn tim acy O p eration alExcel l en ce O urcustom ers are atthe heartofour op eration s Satisfied custom ers are ourp rim ary aim C ostLeadership In n ovation W e m an age oursel ves an d ourop eration s as efficien tl y as p ossibl e W e aim to reduce directan d in direct sp en d as m uch as p ossibl e 04/10/2014 W e strive to excelin everythin g w e do W e do the rightthin gs an d w e do them right W e do n otcom p rom ise on q ual ity V FB In n ovation m ustbe the drivin g force of ourstrategy an d ourorgan ization New p roducts, p rocesses an d services are an absol ute p rereq uisite forgrow th 7 These val ues in sp ire an d shap e ourbehavior 04/10/2014 V FB 8 C orp orate socialresp on sibil ity @ TerB eke W e ful l y assum e our resp on sibil ity tow ards al lour stakehol ders Tow ards ourcustomers Tow ards ourcolleagues Tow ards oursuppliers Tow ards ourshareholders Tow ards the environment Tow ards society 04/10/2014 V FB 9 O ur in sp iration 04/10/2014 V FB 10 W hen itcom es to food, the p rim ary con sum ertren ds rem ain taste, quality & indulgence 04/10/2014 V FB 11 Ourin sp iration – Otherrel evan tm arket& con sum ertren ds These tren ds w il lin sp ire an d fuelal lofourin n ovation efforts 04/10/2014 Livin g betterforl ess Fun & C on ven ien ce M ore ol dercon sum ers, sm al l er househol ds C SR & Tran sp aren cy Heal th & W el l n ess D igital isation V FB 12 Ourin sp iration – Ourcom p etitive en viron m en t O urhead on com p etitors O urcategory com p etitors M e2-com p etitors, fightin g forthe sam e con tracts an d havin g sim il arcom p eten ce Exam p l es: Ready M eal s: M am m a Lucia, Stefan o Tosel l i, Freiberger, C on del i, … Processed M eats: C am p ofrio Food Group , D etry, V ol ys Star, Zw an en berg, C om p axo, D GS, Herta, A l im p ex, … Service sl icin g: Sl ip p en s, M en ken , … In sp irin g com p etitors, active in ourm arkets butal so in m an y othern iches oradjacen t categories Exam p l es: C ul in or, Fl eury M ichon , V aco, Pan zan i, M adran ge, Sodebo, B el l , … O urn ew born com p etitors Future com p etitors, active in n ew p oten tial l y in terestin g categories orhighl y sp ecial ized n iche op erators, adjacen tto ourcategories Exam p l es: Rabbit, Starm eal s, Pl ukon , Q uorn , … 04/10/2014 V FB 13 Processed m eats headl in es 04/10/2014 V FB 14 Processed M eats 04/10/2014 V FB 15 Processed M eats Sal es Evol ution Processed Meats Division (M io EU R) 300 290 280 270 260 250 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 EB ITD A an d EB ITD A /Sal es Evol ution 70 60 5,1% 5,0% 4,3% 50 6% 5,2% 4,4% 4,2% 5% 4% 40 3% 30 2% 20 10 1% 0 0% 2008 04/10/2014 2009 2010 V FB 2011 2012 p roduceran d sl icerofp rocessed m eats forthe B en el ux, the U K an d Germ an y; 2 p roduction p l an ts in B el gium (W om m el gem an d W aarschoot) 4 cen tres forthe sl icin g an d p ackagin g of p rocessed m eats 2 in B el gium (W om m el gem an d V eurn e) 2 in the Netherl an ds (W ijchen an d Ridderkerk) in n ovatin g in the p re-p acked p rocessed m eats segm en t; distribution bran ds an d ow n bran d n am es L’A rden n aise®, Pl um a® an d D an iël C oop m an ®; em p l oys ap p roxim atel y 1050 staff. 2013 16 The Europ ean Processed M eats M arket Europ ean p rocessed m eats m arket2013 (KT) 35 Pol an d 68 136 646 42 A ustria Fin din gs B el gium D en m ark 672 54 Fran ce Germ an y 331 Netherl an ds Sp ain 113 Sw itzerl an d UK 1246 Europ ean p rocessed m eats m arket2018 (KT) 37 Pol an d 693 A ustria 73 137 The Europ ean p rocessed m eats category is over3 m il l ion ton s an d over30 bil l ion EU R The vol um e grow s by 4% by 2018 The val ue is un derp ressure: -1% by 2018 Germ an y is the biggestp rocessed m eats m arket(37% ) butshow s p oorgrow th The U n ited Kin gdom p ushes the p rocessed m eats m arket 43 B el gium 692 D en m ark 57 Fran ce Germ an y Netherl an ds 354 Sp ain Sw itzerl an d 120 UK 04/10/2014 1255 V FB 17 W e w an tto becom e the most advanced, automated & flexible p rocessed m eats p roducer, sl iceran d sup p l ier. 04/10/2014 V FB 18 Ready m eal s headl in es 04/10/2014 V FB 19 Ready M eal s 04/10/2014 V FB 20 Ready M eal s Sal es evol ution Ready Meals Division (in M io EU R) 135 130 125 120 115 110 105 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 p roduces fresh ready m eal s forthe Europ ean m arket; m arketl eaderin chil l ed l asagn e in Europ e; 2 p roduction sites in B el gium EB ITD A an d EB ITD A /Sal es evol ution 20.000 15.000 15,3% 20% 14,5% 11,2% 13,0% 15% 11,8% 8,7% 10.000 5.000 10% 5% 0 (W an ze an d M arche-en -Fam en n e); bran d n am es C om e a casa® an d V am os® in addition to distribution bran ds; em p l oys ap p roxim atel y 600 staff; join tven ture The Pasta Food C om p an y establ ished in Pol an d (2011). 0% 2008 04/10/2014 2009 2010 V FB 2011 2012 2013 21 The Europ ean C hil l ed Ready M eal s M arket 2013 V ol um e Fin din gs 4 9 26 Pol an d 4 A ustria 95 B el gium D en m ark Fran ce Germ an y 29 298 Netherl an ds Sp ain 45 Sw itzerl an d UK 9 40 2018 V ol um e 4 Pol an d 11 28 The chil l ed ready m eal s segm en tis the fastestgrow in g segm en tin the m arket, both in vol um e (+18% by 2018) an d in val ue (+13% by 2018) Al lcoun tries are grow in g, butthe U n ited Kin gdom takes a 53% share an d is resp on sibl e for80% ofthe grow th betw een 2013 an d 2018. A ustria, Sw itzerl an d an d Germ an y are up an d com in g! 5 A ustria 97 B el gium D en m ark Fran ce 34 Germ an y Netherl an ds 378 50 Sp ain Sw itzerl an d 44 UK 04/10/2014 11 V FB 22 The Europ ean Fresh Pasta M arket Europ ean fresh p asta m arket2013 (KT) 33 Pol an d 8 Fin din gs 6 4 A ustria B el gium Fran ce 14 D en m ark 61 11 Germ an y 2 Netherl an ds Sp ain Sw itzerl an d 85 UK C hil l ed Fresh Pasta is a grow in g segm en t, butval ue creation n eeds to be m on itored Germ an y takes the p ol e p osition w ith a 38% m arketshare.Germ an y is resp on sibl e for85% ofthe grow th ofthis segm en tby 2018. Fran ce an d the U n ited Kin gdom are al so key coun tries in this m arket. Europ ean fresh p asta m arket2018 (KT) 31 Pol an d 10 6 4 A ustria 15 B el gium D en m ark Fran ce Germ an y 60 11 2 Netherl an ds Sp ain Sw itzerl an d 96 UK 04/10/2014 V FB 23 W e w an tto be ourcustom ers’logic first choice forl asagn e 04/10/2014 V FB 24 C om e a casa con firm s in B el gium Open Market Market share (%) Come a casa Lasagne + Pasta (volume & value) 3 Sep tem ber2014 A n al isten m eetin g 14 20 13 20 12 20 11 20 10 20 09 20 14 20 13 20 12 20 11 20 10 20 20 09 45,0 40,0 35,0 30,0 25,0 20,0 39,1 39,4 39,4 35,1 37,1 33,3 15,0 29,1 30,2 30,2 30,6 24,0 26,8 10,0 5,0 0,0 Excluding Pizza 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013: Ac Nielsen, MAT P13 2014: Ac Nielsen, MAT P6 25 The Pasta Food C om p an y ProjectC EE O p ol e Pl an t The O p ol epl an tcon struction w as sl ightl y del ayed The p l an tis op eration al C om m ercial l y Ready Existin g con tracts rol l -outstarted Prom isin g con tacts w ith otherm ajor retail ers 04/10/2014 V FB 26 Overal lstructure ofthe Project SPRING 2011 YHS 100% TER B EKE 50% STEFA NO TO SELLI 50% PA STA FO O D C y Overal lstructure ofthe Project END GA M E IN 2018, W HEN SU C C ESFU L YHS TER B EKE 100% STEFA NO TO SELLI 100% PA STA FO O D C y TerB eke’s l on g term strategic en d gam e PA STA FOOD C y 04/10/2014 V FB 30 C on sol idated Figures 04/10/2014 V FB 31 TerB eke C on sol idated Sal es Evol ution (M io EU R) 430 420 410 400 390 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014est EB ITD A an d EB ITD A /Sal es evol ution 40.000 35.000 30.000 25.000 20.000 15.000 10.000 5.000 0 7,6% 04/10/2014 9,0% 9,3% 8,2% 7,4% 7,0% 7,7% 10% D ifficul tecon om ic en viron m en t Price p ressure from retail /con sum er RM p rice in creases 2011-2012 Food crisis l asagn a 2013 TerB eke buil ds the future C ostreduction p rogram In vestm en tp rogram Stren gthen in g bal an ce sheet 8% 6% 4% 2% 0% V FB 32 TerB eke C on sol idated Stron g fin an cialevol ution Evol ution NetFin an cialD ebt(in 000 Eur) 80.000 60.000 40.000 jun /14 okt/13 jun /13 feb/13 okt/12 jun /12 feb/12 okt/11 jun /11 feb/11 okt/10 jun /10 feb/10 0 feb/14 20.000 okt/09 Stron g op eration alcashfl ow l eadin g to recurrin g an n ualfree cashfl ow Netdebtdecreases overtim e Steady rein forcem en tofEq uity / Total A ssetratio jun /09 Evol ution Gearin g en Eq uity/Totalassetratio (in % ) 50 Gearin g 3 Sep tem ber2014 A n al isten m eetin g EV /TA 33 dec/13 sep /13 jun /13 m rt/13 dec/12 sep /12 jun /12 m rt/12 dec/11 sep /11 jun /11 m rt/11 dec/10 sep /10 jun /10 m rt/10 dec/09 sep /09 jun /09 30 jun /14 Ready forNextStep m rt/14 70 In vestm en tcase TerB eke Share Price an d D ividen d Yiel d A vg D ec Sharep rice D ividen d yiel d 70 Stron g com m ercialp osition in various m arkets C om m itted m an agem en t A m bitiousl y p rep arin g the future Fin an cial l y ready O p ol e ready A ttractivel y p riced share A ttractive steady dividen d yiel d 60 6% 5,1% 5,0% 5,2% 5% 4,3% 50 4,4% 4,2% 4% 40 3% 30 2% 20 1% 10 0 04/10/2014 V FB 41,5 54,4 60,1 49,7 47,8 56,9 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 34 0%
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