Electronic Commerce Chapter 1: Introduction to Electronic Commerce About Me 陈 涛 籍贯:湖北 2007年6月,华中科技大学管理学院,博 士,管理信息系统 2007年-2009年6月,华中科技大学公共 管理学院,博士后,电子政务 2 About Me 研究方向:IT项目管理 电子政务 IT外包 3 Importance of this course 比尔·盖茨 :互联网将改变人类生活的方方面面。 True Lies Importance of this course Some famous people 开发信息资源, 服务四化建设。 1984年9月 为《经济参考》题词 Some famous people 四个现代化,哪一化 也离不开 信息化。 1991年 Some famous people 2000年10月9日(关于制定 “十五” 计划建议的说明) 新的历史机遇,使我们可以把工业化与信息 化结合起来,以信息化带动工业化,发挥后发优势 ,实现生产力跨越式发展。 我们讲抓住机遇,很重要的就是要抓住信息化 这个机遇 。 Some famous people 科学发现正在为技术创新和生 产力发展开辟更加广阔的道路,科技 成果产业化周期缩短,技术更新速度 越来越快,以信息科技、生物科技为 主要标志的高技术及其产业快速发展,不断创造出 新的科技制高点和经济增长点,成为科技创新和先 进生产力的集中体现,成为推动经济社会发展的强 大动力。 ----胡锦涛在两院院士大会上的讲话 E-commerce Case A Real E-commerce Company In China Electronic Commerce 12 Team discussions 1. What is E-commerce? 2. What’s the difference between e-commerce and traditional commerce. Electronic Commerce 14 General Course Information Instructor: CHEN TAO Office: 550, SCHOOL OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION E-mail: [email protected] Web site: http://spa.hust.edu.cn/2008/Classroom/ec/ Electronic Commerce 15 Textbook Gary Schneider, Electronic Commerce, Seventh Annual Edition. Thomson Course Technology, 2007, ISBN 1-4188-3703-2. 书名:电子商务(原书第7版) 作者:(美)施奈德(Schneider,G.P)著 成栋 译 出版社:机械工业出版社 Electronic Commerce 16 Tentative Course Schedule Week Topics Chapter 14-Mon Introduction to Electronic Commerce Chapter 1 Chapter 2 15-Wed Technology Infrastructure: The Internet and the World Wide Web Selling on the Web: Revenue Models and Building a Web Presence Marketing on the Web 16-Mon Business-to-Business Strategies: From Electronic Data Interchange to Electronic Commerce Chapter 5 Chapter 6 16-Wed Online Auctions, Virtual Communities, and Web Portals 17-Mon The Environment of Electronic Commerce: Legal, Ethical, and Tax Issues Chapter 7 17-Wed Planning for Electronic Commerce Chapter 12 14-Wed 15-Mon Electronic Commerce Chapter 3 Chapter 4 17 Grading and Evaluation Criteria 20% of the grade is based on Class Participation & Attendance. 30% of the grade is based on Lab Exercises. 50% of the grade is based on a final term examination. Electronic Commerce 18 Presentation topics Date Presentation Group Topics 15-Mon Group 1 移动商务 15-Wed Group 2 数字鸿沟 16-Mon Group 3 WEB2.0 16-Wed Group 4 商务智能 17-Mon Group 5 电子商务中的物流 17-Wed Group 6 电子商务中的安全与隐私 Electronic Commerce 19 Chapter 1: Introduction to Electronic Commerce Objectives In this chapter, you will learn about: • What electronic commerce is and how it is experiencing a second wave of growth with a new focus on profitability 电子商务:第二次浪潮 • Why companies now concentrate on revenue models and the analysis of business processes instead of business models when they undertake electronic commerce initiatives 商业模式、盈利模式和业务流程 Electronic Commerce 20 Objectives (continued) • How economic forces have created a business environment that is fostering the second wave of electronic commerce 经济因素与电子商务 • How businesses use value chains and SWOT analysis to identify electronic commerce opportunities 识别电子商务的机会 • The international nature of electronic commerce and the challenges that arise in engaging in electronic commerce on a global scale 电子商务的国际化性质 Electronic Commerce 21 What is Electronic Commerce • Electronic commerce (e-commerce) – Businesses trading with other businesses on the Internet 企业与企业在互联网上开展的交易活动 • Electronic business (e-business) – Term used interchangeably with e-commerce – The transformation of key business processes through the use of Internet technologies 使用互联网技术进行的关键业务活动 Electronic Commerce 22 Transaction and Business processes • Transaction 交易 – An exchange of value • Business processes 业务流程 – The group of logical, related, and sequential activities and transactions in which businesses engage Electronic Commerce 23 Transaction and Business processes Electronic Commerce 24 Categories of Electronic Commerce • Five general e-commerce categories: Business-to-consumer Business-to-business Business processes Consumer-to-consumer Business-to-government Electronic Commerce 25 Electronic Commerce 26 Electronic Commerce 27 Electronic Commerce 28 Electronic Commerce 29 The Development and Growth of Electronic Commerce • Electronic funds transfers (EFTs) 电子资金转帐 – Also called wire transfers – Electronic transmissions of account exchange information over private communications networks • Electronic data interchange (EDI) 电子数据交换 – Transmitting computer-readable data in a standard format to another business Electronic Commerce 30 The Development and Growth of Electronic Commerce (continued) • Trading partners 贸易伙伴 – Businesses that engage in EDI with each other • Value-added network (VAN) 价值增值网 – Independent firm that offers connection and transaction-forwarding services to buyers and sellers engaged in EDI Electronic Commerce 31 The first Wave of Electronic Commerce • Defining characteristics of the first wave: – Dominant influence of U.S. businesses 美国企业 – Extensive use of the English language 英语 – Many new companies started with outside investor money 外部投资 – Unstructured use of e-mail 电邮使用比较随意 – Over-reliance on advertising as a revenue source 过度依赖广告 Electronic Commerce 32 2000-2002,纳斯达克指数三年跌幅达78%。 互联网经历了一场寒冬。 The Second Wave of Electronic Commerce (continued) • Second wave: – Global enterprises in many countries are participating in electronic commerce 全球企业 – Established companies fund electronic commerce initiatives with their own capital 内部投资 – Customized e-mail strategies are now integral to customer contact 定制化的邮件策略 Electronic Commerce 34 Business Models, Revenue Models, and Business Processes • Business model 业务模型 – A set of processes that combine to yield a profit • Revenue model 收益模型 – A specific collection of business processes used to: • Identify customers 识别客户 • Market to those customers 营销 • Generate sales to those customers 产生收益 Electronic Commerce 35 Product/Process Suitability to Electronic Commerce 适合于电子商务的产品或服务类型 • Books and CDs • Software • Vegetables • Jewelry • Clothes Electronic Commerce 36 Product/Process Suitability to Electronic Commerce (continued) • Commodity item – Hard to distinguish from the same products or services provided by other sellers 同质化 – Features have become standardized and well known 标准化 • Shipping profile 运输特征 – Collection of attributes that affect how easily a product can be packaged and delivered • High value-to-weight ratio 价值重量比 – Can make overall shipping cost a small fraction of the selling price Electronic Commerce 37 Advantages of Electronic Commerce • Electronic commerce can increase sales and decrease costs 增加销售并降低成本 • If advertising is done well on the Web, it can get a firm’s promotional message out to potential customers in every country 在全球市场进行营销 • Using e-commerce sales support and order-taking processes, a business can: – Reduce costs of handling sales inquiries 减少处理询价的成本 – Provide price quotes Electronic Commerce 高效地传递报价 38 Advantages of Electronic Commerce (continued) • It increases purchasing opportunities for buyers 加买方的购买机会 增 • Negotiating price and delivery terms is easier 商务 谈判更加容易 • The following cost less to issue and arrive securely and quickly: 使以下业务的成本更低、更安全、快捷 – Electronic payments of tax refunds 电子税收 – Public retirement 退休金 – Welfare support 社会福利金 Electronic Commerce 39 Disadvantages of Electronic Commerce • Perishable grocery products are much harder to sell online 易腐食品难以在网上销售 • It is difficult to: – Calculate return on investment 难以计算投资回报 – Integrate existing databases and transactionprocessing software into software that enables ecommerce 难以集成现有信息系统与EC • Cultural and legal obstacles also exist 还存在 文化与法律障碍 Electronic Commerce 40 Economic Forces and Electronic Commerce • Transaction costs are the total costs that a buyer and seller incur 买方与买方发生的总体成本 • Significant components of transaction costs: – Cost of information search and acquisition 信息的搜寻与获取成本 – Investment of the seller in equipment or in the hiring of skilled employees to supply products or services to the buyer 卖方的设备投资、人力成本等 Electronic Commerce 41 Using Electronic Commerce to Reduce Transaction Costs • Businesses and individuals can use electronic commerce to reduce transaction costs by: – Improving the flow of information 提高信息流的效率 – Increasing coordination of actions 增加业务活动的协调性 Electronic Commerce 42 Identifying Electronic Commerce Opportunities • Value chain 价值链 – A way of organizing the activities that each strategic business unit undertakes • Primary activities include: 主要活动 – Designing, producing, promoting, marketing, delivering, and supporting the products or services it sells • Supporting activities include: 支持性活动 – Human resource management and purchasing Electronic Commerce 43 Electronic Commerce 44 SWOT Analysis: Evaluating Business Unit Opportunities • In SWOT analysis: – An analyst first looks into the business unit to identify its strengths and weaknesses 优势与劣势 – The analyst then reviews the operating environment and identifies opportunities and threats 机会与威胁 Electronic Commerce 45 Electronic Commerce 46 Electronic Commerce 47 International Nature of Electronic Commerce • Companies with established reputations: 已经建立起 来声誉的公司 – Often create trust by ensuring that customers know who they are 知名度 – Can rely on their established brand names to create trust on the Web 品牌的价值 • Customers’ inherent lack of trust in “strangers” on the Web is logical and to be expected 消费者往往对互 联网上的陌生对象缺乏信任 Electronic Commerce 48 Language Issues • To do business effectively in other cultures a business must adapt to those cultures 适应对方的文化 • Researchers have found that customers are more likely to buy products and services from Web sites in their own language 习惯于母语 • Localization 本地化 – Translation that considers multiple elements of the local environment 考虑当地环境的多种因素 Electronic Commerce 49 Culture Issues • Culture: – Combination of language and customs 语言与习俗的结合体 – Varies across national boundaries 不同国家的文化差异 – Varies across regions within nations 不同地区之间的文化差异 Electronic Commerce 50 Infrastructure Issues • Internet infrastructure includes: 互联网基础设施包括: – Computers and software connected to the Internet 计算机与软件 – Communications networks over which message packets travel 通信网络 Electronic Commerce 51 Summary • Commerce 商务 – Negotiated exchange of goods or services • Electronic commerce 电子商务 – Application of new technologies to conduct business more effectively • First wave of electronic commerce 电子商务的第一次浪潮 – Ended in 2000 • Second wave of electronic commerce 电子商务的第二次浪潮 – New approaches to integrating Internet technologies into business processes Electronic Commerce 52 Summary (continued) • Using electronic commerce, businesses have: 电子商务的作用 – Created new products and services – Improved promotion, marketing, and delivery of existing offerings • The global nature of electronic commerce leads to many opportunities and few challenges 电子商务的机遇和挑战 • To conduct electronic commerce across international borders, you must understand the trust, cultural, language, and legal issues 电子商务的信任、文化、语言和法律问题 Electronic Commerce 53
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