VITA 49 VITA Radio Transport (VRT) A Spectrum Language for Software Defined Radios 9-Sept-2014 Presenter: Robert Normoyle, JHU/APL Program Manager: Debra Hurt, JHU/APL This work is funded by Office of Naval Research Code 312 DISTRIBUTION A: Approved for public release AGENDA Overview of analysis effort for required attributes Joint Open Architecture Spectrum Infrastructure (JOASI) VITA 49 Overview and Enhancement Recommendations VITA 49 Use Cases DISTRIBUTION A: Approved for public release Enhancing the Open Architecture Process DISTRIBUTION A: Approved for public release Interoperable Framework: Enabler for Real-Time Control of the EMS Spectrum operations without a spectrum language Spectrum language: - Policy (play) based - Real-time updates Spectrum language: key to victory in the EMS Domain Each platform does what is best from its perspective DISTRIBUTION A: Approved for public release Enhancing DoD Open Architecture Approach Typical DoD Open Architecture (OA) Approach Open architecture standards defined Vendors Analyze government requirements Govt. Acquisition specify OA and technical requirements Vendor selects “best suited” OA standard OA standard defined independent of government requirements Govt Team steer OA Standards Org’s Vendor modifies OA definition. Add proprietary elements Often OA standards do not fully meet requirements Industry builds components and systems ONR Approach Govt Team Analyzes Diversity of App’s & Req'ts Interoperability Govt Team Develops OA Core technologies Govt Team develops reference designs Early government investment in OA process yield OA standards to support future systems Govt Team demonstrates OA profile viability Govt Matures Key Tech Component DISTRIBUTION A: Approved for public release Govt Oversees OA Interoperability Govt Acq Program Specifies proven OA profile What is an Architecture, Framework Infrastructure? Architecture • Use specific HW & SW components • JTRS & SCA are examples Framework Standards that provide a wide diversity of capability • Applicable to many applications • Applicable to many architectures • A building blocks to specify architectures • Examples: V49, IEEE 1900, Pub 8 Infrastructure A collection of orthogonal “Frameworks” integrated together to provide greater functionality than each standard by itself Class A sub-set of a standard(s) attribute used for a specific implementation/application - Narrowband HF may have different attributes than ultra wide band X-Band DISTRIBUTION A: Approved for public release Spectrum Infrastructure Multi-Function EW Requirements Joint Open Architecture Spectrum Infrastructure Cognitive Radio DSA ( IEEE 1900 DySpan) Real-Time Data Transport (V49) EW Networking ( Iron Symphony) Spectrum Management ( SSRF / Pub 8) Joint Open Architecture Spectrum Infrastructure (JOASI) •An enabling technology for future radio architectures and spectrum applications: • Spectrum de-confliction • Improved situational awareness • Improved jamming effectiveness and capability • Dynamic Spectrum Access • Alternative Position Navigation and Timing • Framework for multi-function RF applications DISTRIBUTION A: Approved for public release JOASI Team Members and Observers Team Members: • ACS (Telcordia) • ArgonST (Boeing) • BAE • DRS Signal Solutions • General Dynamics • ITT • JHU/APL • Northrup Grumman • Pentek • Shared Spectrum Company • URS Other Participants at meeting: • CERDEC • DISA/DSO • ONR • OSD • MITRE • MIT Other Participants • DARPA • NSA DISTRIBUTION A: Approved for public release What is JOASI? JOASI: An Enabler for Spectrum Interoperability DISTRIBUTION A: Approved for public release JOASI: Spectrum Standard Types DISTRIBUTION A: Approved for public release VITA 49 Overview and Enhancement Recommendations DISTRIBUTION A: Approved for public release Comparison of SCA to VITA Software Communications Architecture (SCA) Application Resources CF Interfaces CORBA APIs AEP ORB and CORBA Services Core Framework Control, Services, Devices, and File access Operating System SCA Characteristics Application specific – Communications Defined architecture Defined components VITA 49 Application independent Does not define an architecture. It is a framework Does not define components. It can be used to define interfaces between components Could be leveraged as an application interface for SCA systems DISTRIBUTION A: Approved for public release Overview of VITA 49.0 Transport Definition: Digitized Signal Data and Sensor Settings Interoperability: VRT provides a framework to define interoperable sensor architectures Link independent Sensor Synchronization/ Time Stamped Data: Synchronization of multiple receivers in same/different platforms Coherency between multiple receivers co-located in same platform provides synchronization/coherency of multiple sensors Multiplexing: Protocol to enable multi-channel signal data and context data to be sent over a single link Signal Data: Data packet definition and broad range of data types defined: 1-32 bits real, complex, alignment, event flag Sensor Settings: Provides a mechanism to convey sensor settings (context packets) relevant to geo-location processing Geolocation: A standard that provides location, inertial navigation and look angle of sensors DISTRIBUTION A: Approved for public release VITA Protocol Elements Signal Data Packets Purpose: Convey digitized instantaneous frequency (IF) and RF signal data Construct: – – – – Packet Identifiers Timestamp Signal Data: 1-32 bits real, complex, floating point, vectors, event flags Trailer Context Packets Purpose: Convey information on the SDR settings and spatial information Construct: – Packet Identifiers – Timestamp – Context Fields: Frequency, bandwidth, power, gain, delays, sampling rate, overload, valid data, event flags DISTRIBUTION A: Approved for public release VITA 49 Generic Tuner/Receiver Block Diagram Antenna(s) Reference Point ID ... Reference Point ID Reference Point ID Reference Point ID I&Q Data RF Super-Heterodyne Tuner -Receiver Analog to Digital Converter (Digitizer) Over-Range Count IF Tuning Freq Reference & Offset Level Bandwidth Setting Reference Point ID I&Q Data Signal Processing & Filtering IF Data Packetizer (VRT) Time Stamp Adjustment Network Interface IF Context Packetizer (VRT) AGC / MGC Gain Settings RF Tuning Freq & Offset 1PPS / 10 MHz Timing Reference Time Of Day Clock GPS Receiver - IF Data Payload Format ADC Clock Sample Rate GPS Location - Context Association Lists Integer & Fractional Time-Stamp Generation - State & Event Indicators Calibration Time Temperature GPS ASCII Device ID DISTRIBUTION A: Approved for public release Command & Control Processing INS Location ECEF Ephemeris Relative Ephemeris Ephemeris Reference ID Functional Description of VITA 49.0 & 49.1 Digital IF Signal Data Packets Bit 31…..……….Bit 0 Header Stream ID Time Stamp (ps) Context Data Packets Bit 31…..……….Bit 0 Signal Data Payload Radio Header Stream ID Time Stamp(ps) Context Field Select Trailer Frequency Gain Bandwidth Discretes Geolocation . . . . . . . . . . . . Others DISTRIBUTION A: Approved for public release VITA 49 Packet Enhancements SIGINT/ ES RF Transmitter EA RF Transmitter VRT Receiver VRT Receiver Existing VITA 49.0 Standard IF Data & IF Context Packets Associations / Pairing via Stream and Class ID’s VITA 49.2 Draft IF Stimulus Packet (TX waveform real or complex IF data samples) IF Control Packet (RF TX signal control) Additional JOASI Packet Types • Device Capabilities Packet – Adds device to Iron Symphony System Registry • Device Accuracy Packet – Parametric accuracy for associated Context Packet fields • Spectrum Data & Context Packets • Spectrum Stimulus & Control Packets DISTRIBUTION A: Approved for public release Proposed VITA 49.2 1. Device Control Packet 2. IF Stimulus (Exciter) Packet DISTRIBUTION A: Approved for public release New Packet Type: VITA Control Packet Control Packet in development Adds 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Message ID Control/Ack Indicator Control Indicator Control Fields 7 6 5 Header (1 Word, Mandatory) Controller/Controlee Unique Identifier 8 Stream Identifier (1 Word, Optional) Class Identifier (2 Words, Optional) Integer-seconds Timestamp (1 Word, Optional) Fractional-seconds Timestamp (2 Words, Optional) Controller Unique Identifier (UUID) (4 Words, Mandatory) Controlee Unique Identifier (UUID) (4 Words, Mandatory) Message Identifier (2 Words, Mandatory) Control/Acknowledge Indicator Field (1 Word, Mandatory) Reserved, Must be 0 (1 Word, Mandatory) Control Indicator Field (1 Word, Mandatory) Control Fields (Present as indicated by the control indicators) DISTRIBUTION A: Approved for public release 4 3 2 1 0 Spectrum Packet Enhancements • Spectral Type Information to convey via V49 – – – – Antenna pattern Filter characteristics Emission characteristics Spectrum Analyzer (Power vs. angle) (Power vs. Frequency) (Power vs. Frequency) (Power vs. Frequency) • Spectrum Analyzer Attributes – – – – – – – Center Frequency Span Sweep rate Resolution BW Video BW Detector type (peak, average…) Threshold DISTRIBUTION A: Approved for public release Example Spectrum Survey Control Packet Example Usage of VITA Control Packet for Controlling Spectrum Analyzer Various Control Fields 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 Packet Type 1 0 0 0 TSI TSF Packet Count Packet Size 1 1 0 0 Class Identifier (2 Words) Fractional-seconds Timestamp (2 Words) Center Frequency Controller Unique Identifier (UUID) (4 Words) Span Controlee Unique Identifier (UUID) (4 Words) Sweep Rate Start/Stop Frequency Resolution Bandwidth Message Identifier (2 Words) Control/Acknowledge Indicator Field (1 Word) 0x00000000 Control Indicator Field (1 Word) Center Frequency Integer (43..12) Hz Center Frequency Integer (11..0) Hz Center Frequency Fraction (19..0) Hz Span Integer (43..12) Hz Span Integer (11..0) Hz Span Fraction (19..0) Hz Start Frequency Integer (43..12) Hz Start Frequency Integer (11..0) Hz Start Frequency Fraction (19..0) Hz Stop Frequency Integer (43..12) Hz Stop Frequency Integer (11..0) Hz Stop Frequency Fraction (19..0) Hz Resolution Bandwidth Integer (43..12) Hz Resolution Bandwidth Integer (11..0) Hz Resolution Bandwidth Fraction (19..0) Hz Acquisition Bandwidth Integer (43..12) Hz Acquisition Bandwidth Integer (11..0) Hz Acquisition BandwidthFraction (19..0) Hz Sample Rate Integer (43..12) Hz Sample Rate Integer (11..0) Hz Sample Rate Fraction (19..0) Hz Sweep Rate Integer (43..12) Hz Sweep Rate Integer (11..0) Hz Sweep Rate Fraction (19..0) Hz Each field supports 44 bit integer portion – 17.6 THz 4 Integer-seconds Timestamp (1 Word) 5 20 bit fractional portion Radix Point – 0.95 µHz DISTRIBUTION A: Approved for public release 3 2 1 0 VITA 49 Use Cases DISTRIBUTION A: Approved for public release Digital IF: Generic RF Receiver Example GPS Ant Ant 1 Ant 2 ... Ant N RF Tuner 1 RF Tuner 2 ... RF Tuner N A/D 1 A/D 2 ... A/D N CK = 10 10 MHz Ref Distribution GPS 1 PPS 11 1 PPS 21 Time of Day DDC 2 22 . . . DDC (N) 29 FPGA: Non-Blocking Switch and Time Stamp 1024 pt FFT31 1 PPS N FPGA: Non-Blocking Switch and Time Stamp DDC 1 1 PPS 12 32K pt FFT32 FPGA: Non-Blocking Switch and Time Stamp Receiver Setting External Settings 41 . . . VITA49 Formatter Link Layer (RapidIO, S-FPDP..) 42 DISTRIBUTION A: Approved for public release Physical Layer (LVDS, Fiber Optic) Multi-Channel: VITA 49 Control Packets Ch N RF Out Ch N Digital IF Tx RF Chain RF / IF Channel N Digitized IF Signal Data Packets RF / IF Channel 2 RF / IF Channel 1 Ch N Digital IF . . . Ch 1 Digital IF I/Q Modulator Stored Waveform Ch 1 RF Out Tx RF Chain Pseudo Random Ch 2 Digital IF Ch 1 Digital IF Buffered Mod Cmd Control Packets WF Cmd PRN Cmd Buff Cmd Sel Cmd Execute when: TOD Time = Cmd Time Cntrl Ch N . . . Cntrl Ch 2 Cntrl Ch 1 Translation to HW Settings VRT Command Que & Controller Time Stamp: Start + 100 usec Frequency 2.0 GHz Gain 3.1 dB Time Stamp Start + 200 usec Frequency 3.0 GHz Gain 4.1 dB Time Stamp Start + 300 usec Frequency 4.0 GHz Gain 3.9 dB . . . . . . . . . . 1 PPS Frequency 17.0 GHz Gain 2.6 dB Time Stamp Start + 1700 usec Frequency 18.0 GHz Gain 3.3 dB Time Stamp Start + 1800 usec Frequency 2.0 GHz Gain 3.1 dB Local Time of Day (TOD) Counter DISTRIBUTION A: Approved for public release Ch N Status . . . Time Stamp Start + 1600 usec 100 MHz Ref Context (Status) Packets Ch 2 Status Ch 1 Status Repeater Note: the ‘Stimulus ID’ field shown in these examples has been absorbed into the Dwell Control List (described later) DISTRIBUTION A: Approved for public release Beamforming Use ‘Fractional Sample Delay’ instead of ‘Timestamp Adjustment’? DISTRIBUTION A: Approved for public release Auto TX Dwell DISTRIBUTION A: Approved for public release Conclusion VITA 49 Enhances SDR system architectures Eliminates stove-pipe architectures Enhances interoperability between components Standard for multi-channel phase coherent architectures Transport for multi-function SDR architectures 2014 Enhancements Control Packet Exciter Packet Spectrum Packet DISTRIBUTION A: Approved for public release DISTRIBUTION A: Approved for public release
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