日本研究演習(英語)A Chris Burgess (1号館1308研究室、内線164) [email protected] / http://edu.tsuda.ac.jp/~cburgess http://www.crazykawaii.com/en/ パリで日本の若者文化などを紹介するイベン ト「Tokyo Crazy Kawaii(トウキョウ クレイ ジー カワイイ)」が22日(日本時間23日)に 開かれ、クールジャパン戦略を担当する稲田 行政改革相が出席した。 • Tomomi Inada, state minister for administrative reform, wears a Goth-Loli outfit at “Tokyo Crazy Kawaii”, an event held to promote youth culture in Paris on Sunday. Inada, who is also in charge of the “Cool Japan” project, promoted Japanese foods serving kushikatsu deep-fried cutlets and ramen. The government is planning to spread information about modern Japanese culture ahead of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic games (日本の現代 文化の発信に力を入れていく 方針だ) た ぶん か きょうせい しゃかい 日本:多文化共生社会? Multicultural co-existent society きょうせい 共生 • Biological co-existence between different species or humans and nature • 1990s: (economic) relations between Japan and ‘Asian’ countries (outside) • Mid-1990s: harmonious relations between ‘Japanese’ and ‘foreigners’ (inside) – “Keyword for conceptualising Japanese society in the 21st century” (extension of “Kokusaika”?) eg. “Multicultural Community Building” “The plan aims to realise a city that is comfortable for foreigners to live in, to create a society where Japanese and foreigners can live together” (Yamagata City 2003) 「外国人が住みやすい街づくり、日本人と外国 人との共生社会づくりなどに生かす方針」 First used by civic groups and governments at the local level in the 1990s; only recently has the national govt. taken up the “tabunka” slogan Development of Multicultural Integration Policies in Japan • 2001 Gaikokujin Shuju Toshi Kaigi – October Hamamatsu Declaration demands govt create integration policy 「浜松宣言及び提言」 • 2005: “Integration” used for first time in official government document • 2009: Cabinet Office sets up “office in charge of policies for resident foreigners” (定住外国人施策ポータルサイト) Govt. to devise Measures to Support Foreigners in Japan (政府、外国人との共生で検討会議) • The government is set to work out measures to support foreigners living in Japan in July. • At a government meeting, participants agreed to ensure that at least some of the measures will be reflected in a state budget for 2013 • The conference members will study ways to help foreign residents learn Japanese and simplify enrollment 2013 Budget Request procedures at public schools. • Cabinet member Masaharu Nakagawa (25年概算要求額 ) said he would also like to hold discussions about Japan'syen acceptance of immigrants and foreign 1.9 billion (19億円) workers. • Nakagawa is the state minister in charge of measures to allow Japanese and foreigners to live more harmoniously. Daily Yomiuri 2012/05/26 Focus on foreigners currently living in Japan: Need for “public debate” “consensus” re. acceptance of foreign workers (外国人労働者) http://www.cas.go.jp/jp/seisaku/kyousei/index.html • As part of their preparations to make Tokyo more visitor-friendly for the Olympics, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism has decreed a change to signs in the government district of Tokyo that should make a lot more sense. • According to guidelines issued in 2005, common nouns like “toll road” should be translated into English, while proper nouns should be given a phonetic rendering in Roman letters. So, up to now, signs in front of the parliament building have read Kokkai instead of The National Diet, for example. (Aug 2013) So have Japanese become more accepting of diversity? Or is tabunka kyōsei simply a new form of exclusion? =“Cosmetic multiculturalism” (Morris-Suzuki 2002) → Cultural diversity is celebrated only when it remains a form of exterior decoration and doesn’t threaten the status quo, i.e. tabunka kyōsei maintains the “myth of homogeneity” See also Burgess (2004) at http://www.japanesestudies.org.uk/articles/Burgess.html Kikuko Nagayoshi (Tohoku Uni.) (永吉希久子) • Most Japanese agree that immigrants should have equal rights (but these rights are easily deprived) • Strong correlation between ethnonationalistic feelings and endorsement of ‘multiculturalism’; argues that Japanese people regard their own brand of multiculturalism not as conflicting with but rather as strengthening homogeneity. https://sites.google.com/site/kikukonagayoshi/home/works 'Support of Multiculturalism, but for Whom? : Effects of Ethno-National Identity on the Endorsement of Multiculturalism in Japan'. 37:4 (May), pp.561-78. シティズンシップ: 誰が、なぜ、外国 人への権利付与に 反対するのか pp. 91-132 自己・ 我々 Japanese ‘Normal’ Dominant Group 違いを強調すると、その違いを維持し、 確実なものにしてしまう ‘Foreigners’ 他者 ‘Different’ Subordinate Group Japanese ‘Normal’ Dominant Group Social Mobility セグリゲーション による共生? ‘Foreigners’ ‘Different’ Subordinate Group X (社会的移動) Multiculturalism, as a policy… • tends to achieve much in the area of life style (dance, diet, dress, dialect) – e.g. “International exchange (国際交流) events こくさい こうりゅう • But tends to achieve little in terms of life chances (migrant participation in the economy and politics) Biggest Problem: Individuals become locked/trapped in a particular category Effective means of social control? e.g. Foreign Brides=Forever Brides? • Often female international marriage migrants are referred to as hanayome who have come to get married (totsugu) regardless of the number of years they have been in Japan or whether they have naturalised Recent Criticism of Multiculturalism in the World • UK Minister Signals Beginning of the End of Multiculturalism • German Chancellor Merkel declares that the nation's attempts to create a multicultural society have "utterly failed." • Growing and increasingly bitter antiimmigration mood – especially for Muslims – in Germany and across much of Europe. • Britain’s Cameron Characterizes Multiculturalism as a Failure UK Minister Signals Beginning of the End of Multiculturalism • “We have moved from a period of uniform consensus on the value of multiculturalism, to one where we can encourage that debate by questioning whether it is encouraging separateness…On our attempt to avoid imposing a single British identity Ruth and culture, have we ended up with some Kelly communities living in isolation of each other, with no common bonds between them?” (August 2006) In Germany, Voices Against Immigration Grow Louder • German Chancellor Angela Merkel declares that the nation's attempts to create a multicultural society have "utterly failed." • In the speech to party members and supporters over the weekend, Merkel also said new arrivals need to do more to integrate into German society. • Her comments reflect a growing and increasingly bitter anti-immigration mood — especially for Muslims — in Germany and across much of Europe. (October 18, 2010) Britain’s Cameron Characterizes Multiculturalism as a Failure • “under the doctrine of multiculturalism, we have encouraged different cultures to live separate lives, apart from each other and the mainstream. All this leaves some young Muslims feeling rootless…[which can] lead them to extremist ideology” Daily Yomiuri 2011/02/07 p. 4 Q. What about Japan? A. The biggest barrier to creating a multicultural society accepting of migrants is the fear that public safety (=治安)will get worse Foreign Workers & Crime TRUE OR FALSE? ふほうたいざいしゃ Factual • The number of illegal foreigners (不法滞在者) in Japan is increasing • Legally, foreigners who overstay their visas (不法残留者) in Japan are criminals ふほうざんりゅうしゃ Subjective 刑事法 民事法 Criminal vs. Civil Law: US example • "The INA [Immigration and Nationality Act] includes both criminal and civil components, providing both for criminal charges (e.g., alien smuggling, which is prosecuted in the federal courts) and for civil violations (e.g., lack of legal status, which may lead to removal through a separate administrative system in the Department of Justice). Being illegally present in the U.S. has always been a civil, not criminal, violation of the INA, and subsequent deportation and associated administrative processes are civil proceedings. • Apr. 6, 2006 - Congressional Research Service (CRS) "Immigration Enforcement Within the United States" (360 KB) TRUE OR FALSE? Factual Subjective • The number of illegal foreigners (不法滞在者) in Japan is increasing • Legally, foreigners who overstay their visas (不法残留者) in Japan are criminals • Proportionally (as a %), foreigners commit more crime than Japanese • Japan needs to bring in many more foreign workers in order to sustain its economy • The increase in foreigners over the past 10 years has made Japan more dangerous 日本研究演習(英語)A Chris Burgess (1号館1308研究室、内線164) [email protected] / http://edu.tsuda.ac.jp/~cburgess The story is set in the Meiji period and revolves around the young daughter of a poor family in Yamagata Prefecture who’s sent away to work for a wealthy family to earn a living. The overarching theme of perseverance through hardships became a trademark of the Oshin character, which made the original series incredibly popular throughout Asia and throughout the world, reaching viewership numbers that have yet to be matched. Japan News 2013/09/19
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