
Country Report
For training course
by Feng Heng
Guizhou Research and Designing Institute of
Environmental Science, China
1.Organization chart of my organization, my position
and function
The organization I come from is Guizhou Research and Designing
Institute of Environmental Sciences. It is the exclusive provincial
organization in Guizhou Province, specialized in the field of
studies of environmental sciences. Our Institute consists of 13
sub-organizations. The sub-organization I come from is by the
name of Advisory Center of Environmental Sciences and
• It principally provide consultancy services of
environmental impacts assessment, cleaner
production auditing, regional and urban
environmental planning, certification of ISO 14001
environmental management system for clients.
Organization Chart of Guizhou Research and
Designing Institute of Environmental Sciences
Business system
Management system
Editorial of Journal of Guizhou
environmental protection technology
Environmental industry development
The development center of organic
food of SEPA Guizhou branch
Research center of air pollution and acid
rain control
Environmental analysis test center
Research Institute of environmental science
Advisory center of environmental S&T
Department of logistic
Business management department
Finance Department
Human resources department
Administrative office
My sub-organization
Labor union chairmanship Disciplinary
• As the vice director of this center, my major
responsibilities are fallen on EIA project
management and the technical supervising
to environmental risk assessment of EIA
2. Current status of environmental protection policy for
environmental chemicals and on management of industrial
chemicals including agrochemicals in China
Generally speaking, the environmental protection policy
system in China consists of the fundamental law;
environmental laws for specific purposes; environmental
technological policy; and the international environmental
conventions in which China is one of the participants
etc.,. Therefore, major environmental protection policies
for environmental chemicals and on management of
industrial chemicals including agrochemicals are the
1) Fundamental environmental Laws:
Fundamental environmental law in China is
“Environmental Protection Law of China”, which was
enacted for the purpose of protecting and improving the
living environment and ecological environment,
preventing and controlling pollution and other public
hazards to human health and to promote the
development of socialist modernization construction.
As the fundamental law, it serves as the base for
legislation of rest of environmental laws including the
laws related with the varied impacts of environmental
chemicals on environment
2) Environmental laws for specific purposes
• Environmental laws for specific purposes most
closely related with environmental chemicals and
it’s management is “Solid wastes pollution control
law of China”, in which detailed provisions have
been made over the issues such as utilization,
transportation, storage, dispose, of solid wastes
especially the toxic and hazardous wastes, and the
relevant legal liabilities etc., within the territory of
China. Specific environmental laws such as
“ Marine environment protection law of China”,
“Water pollution control law of China”,
and “Air pollution control law of China”,
“ Environmental impacts assessment law of China” and
“Cleaner production promotion law of China” specified
the control measures, legal liabilities for pollution of
specific environment due to environmental chemicals,
and the EIA for construction project concerning
industrials and agrochemicals, as well as pushing
forward cleaner production through prohibition or
limiting utilization of hazardous or toxic materials. In
addition, some of non-environmental protection laws,
however, specify the detailed regulations for
management of industrial chemicals and agrochemicals.
These laws include “ Medicine management law of
China”, “Food sanitation law of China” etc.,
3) Environmental technological policy
• Environmental technological policy concerning
the environmental chemicals is “Technological
control policy for hazardous wastes pollution”,
which specifies the goals for management of
hazardous wastes, and the technologies selection
during the whole process of production, collection,
transportation, classification, tests, package,
comprehensive utilization, storage, and dispose of
hazardous wastes.
4) International environmental conventions
in which China is one of the participants
• Chinese government always attaches importance on
the pollution control, security and management of
environmental chemicals. For years, China
positively participate the international cooperation
on that respects and fulfill the relevant
responsibilities. Environmental conventions
concerning the environmental chemical in which
China is one of the participants are the following:
“London Guidelines for the Exchange of
Information on Chemicals in International Trade”
(amended in 1989);
“International Marine Dangerous Goods Code
(International Maritime Organization)”;
“Convention on the Prohibition of the
Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of
Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction
(1997)”; “The ILO 1990 Convention on the Safety
of Chemicals at the Workplace (No. 170)”; “Basel
convention on the control of trans-boundary
movements of hazardous wastes and it’s disposal”;
“The Vienna Convention on the Protection of the
Ozone Layer (1989)”;
“United Nations Convention Against Illicit Traffic
in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances”;
“Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed
Consent for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and
Pesticides in International Trade (1998)”; and
“Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic
5)Relevant environmental standards
3. Major problems on environmental contaminants
including pesticides residues, POPs, endocrine
disruptors and heavy metals and/ or management
of industrial chemical and agrochemicals
• Environmental contaminants including
pesticides residues, POPs, endocrine
disruptors and heavy metals can produce
serious impacts on environment and human
health characterizing by the long term
retention in environment with lowconcentration, and accumulation and
bioaugmentation in human bodies. Meanwhile these
contaminants are given close attention worldwide.
Chinese government also attaches great importance to
this issue and great efforts have been made to control
the impacts of these contaminants, including the
establishment and improvement of the environmental
law and regulation systems, participation of relevant
international conventions, initiation of adjustment of
industrial structure etc., However, the problem is still
serious while great achievements is made. Meanwhile,
the major problems can be briefly summarized as
1)The exceeding of standard of pesticides in agriculture
products caused by irrational utilization of pesticides
takes place from time to time. This may due to the
irrational structure for pesticides employed, low
awareness of farmer, and the lag-behind agriculture
production style.
2) Pollution of heavy metals caused by enterprises
employing traditional way for smelting As, Zn, Hg etc.,
enterprises dealing with heavy metal mining activities,
is still serious though those backward production
processes have been banned for years. These are
partially because of the special physicochemical
properties of heavy metals and partially because of
historical reason.
3)Great pressure from fulfilling the responsibilities
of elimination of POPs stipulated in “Stockholm
Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants” is a
great challenge of Chinese government. At present,
4 of 12 POPs to be banned are still in production,
while the other 2 are discharged carelessly. The
great difficulties to seek alternatives are to be
overcome by Chinese enterprises producing
relevant products.
4) For the technical reason, there are still no
efficient measures for the control of impacts
of environmental endocrine disruptors that
already take place. Expect for the abovementioned problems, there is still long way
to go to improve the environmental law and
regulation system as well as environmental
management mechanism, and to strengthen
the relevant studies on efficient control
measures for pollution of above-mentioned
contaminants, as well as to form the team of
fellow researchers with high qualities.
4.Regulation of environmental and industrial
chemical in China
• Major regulations of environmental and industrial
chemical in China are the following: “The
Regulations on the Safe Administration of
Chemicals and Other Dangerous Materials”, issued
by the State Council ; “The Regulations for
Implementing the Regulations on the Safe
Administration of Chemicals and Other Dangerous
Materials”, jointly issued by the Ministry of
Chemical Industry and the Economic and Trade
Office of the State Council;
• “The Rules on the Administration of Toxic
Chemicals Register”, issued by the Ministry of
Chemical Industry; “The Regulations on the
Environmental Management of First Import of
Chemicals and the Import and Export of Toxic
Chemicals” ,jointly issued by the SEPA, the
General Administration of Customs and the
Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic
Cooperation; “The Rules for the Management of
Chemical Production Licenses”, issued by the
Ministry of Chemical Industry;
“The Rules for the Granting of Hazardous Chemicals
Distribution Licenses” ,jointly issued by the former
Ministry of Commerce, State Planning Commission,
Ministry of Public Security, State Administration of
Industry and Commerce, State Bureau of Materials and
Equipment Supplies and State Pharmaceuticals
Administration; “The Rules on the Safety in Use of
Chemicals at Workplace”, jointly issued by the
Ministry of Labor and Ministry of Chemical Industry,
“The Rules on the Administration of Pollutant
Discharge Declaration and Registration”, issued by the
State Environmental Protection Administration; “The
Rules Concerning Environmental Pollution Caused in
the Production of Chromium Compounds”, issued by
the Ministry of Chemical Industry and the State
Environmental Protection Administration;
“The Regulations on the Administration of
Environmental Protection in Construction Projects”,
adopted by the State Council; “The Regulations on
Control of Dumping Wastes in the Ocean”, issued by the
State Council; “The Interim Regulations on
Environmental Protection Management of Wastes
Imports”, jointly issued by the SEPA, MFTEC, General
Administration of Customs, State Administration of
Industry and Commerce and State Administration for
Commodity Inspection; “The Rules on Preventing
Electrical Devices Containing Polychlorinated
Biphenyles and Their Wastes from Polluting the
Environment”, issued by the SEPA and the
Ministry of Energy on January 23, 1991; “The
Regulations of the People’s Republic of China
Concerning the Administration of Civil Explosives”,
issued by the State Council; “The Rules on Fire Control
Supervision and Management of Inflammable and
Explosive Chemicals”, issued by the Ministry of Public
Security; “The Rules of the Ministry of Railways
Concerning the Transport of Dangerous Goods”, issued
by the Ministry of Railways; “The Regulations
Concerning Hygiene Supervision of Cosmetics”, issued
by the State Council; “The Regulations on the
Management of Pesticides”, issued by the State Council;
“The Regulations for the Administration of Veterinary
Medicines”, issued by the State Council;
• “The Rules of the Ministry of Railways
Concerning the Transport of Dangerous Goods”,
issued by the Ministry of Railways; “The
Regulations Concerning Hygiene Supervision of
Cosmetics”, issued by the State Council; “The
Regulations on the Management of Pesticides”,
issued by the State Council; “The Regulations for
the Administration of Veterinary Medicines”,
issued by the State Council; “The Rules on the
Safe Use of Pesticides”, issued by the Ministry of
Agriculture and Ministry of Health;
• “The Rules for Management on Transportation of
Dangerous Goods by Water”, issued by Ministry
of Communications; “The Regulations on the
Administrative Protection of Agricultural
Chemicals”, issued by the State Council; “Rules of
the Ministry of Chemical Industry for
Implementing the Regulations on the Management
of Pesticides”; “The Rules for Implementing the
Regulations on the Management of Pesticides”,
issued by the Ministry of Agriculture; and “The
Rules for Management on Road Transportation of
Dangerous Goods”.
5.Management system for environmental and
industrial chemical in China
• The Chinese Government attaches great
importance to the safe management of chemicals,
having formulated a series of laws, regulations and
standards and having adopted rules and methods
concerning chemicals management under the
guideline of “safety first, prevention first”. These
measures play an active role in effectively
controlling the harm done by chemicals.
Expect the law, rules and regulations, an effective
management system for environmental and
industrial chemicals, integrated with the
management mechanism of production license,
registration, storage and transportation control,
import/export control, for environmental and
industrial chemicals, has come into being.
6.Major technology for monitoring the
environmental chemicals in China
• Generally speaking, monitoring technologies for
environmental chemicals include sampling
technologies and analytical technologies. Major
sampling technologies varied with the different
environmental media in which sampling is done.
Major sampling technologies for environmental
chemical can be generalized as follow according
to different sampling environmental media:
• 1) Major technologies of air sampling consist of
direct sampling and accumulated sampling. Direct
sampling technologies is suitable for samples with
high concentrations or analytical method with high
sensitivities while accumulated technologies is
suitable for samples with low concentrations;
• 2) Water sampling technologies can be generalized
as technologies for surface water and deep water
sampling as well as wastewater sampling.
• 3)The staple soil sampling method is sampling
with multiple points and layers etc.,
• The analytical technologies for environmental
chemicals in China can also be briefly introduced
as follow:
• 1) atomic absorption spectrometry;
• 2) atomic fluorescence spectrometry;
• 3)gas phase chromatography;
• 4) liquid phase chromatography;
• 5) Spectrophotometric method;
• 6)colorimetry;
• 7)gas phase mass spectrometry;
• 8)integrated method of chromatography and mass
spectrometry etc.,
• Except for the above-mentioned monitoring
technologies, bioassay was also employed for the
ecological monitoring.
7. Outline of my experience on risk assessment and
monitoring of environmental and industrial
My experience on risk assessment of
environmental and industrial chemical is obtained
when I deal with the environmental risk
assessment of EIA projects especially for projects
toxic and hazardous chemicals are involved, for an
instance the projects for chemical industries,
agriculture etc.,
• Generally speaking the process of risk assessment
can be summarized as following:
• 1) Identification of key dangerous sources;
2)estimation of regular and accidental sources
• 3)prediction the scope and extents of the impacts
of regular and accidental emission according to
the sources intensity and probation of accidental
emission as well as correspondent modeling;
4)analysis on the long and short term impacts of
environmental and industrial chemicals on the
sensitive targets (population, animals and
vegetation) exposing to given environmental and
industrial chemicals;
• 5) propose the correspondent control
measures for long term and accumulative
adverse impacts and precaution measure for
emergency situation.
8.My purpose to attend in the training course
• My purposes to attend in the training course are to
further develop my understanding over the
characteristics of environmental chemicals such as
pesticides, POPs, endocrine disruptors and heavy
metals etc., the mechanism of their impacts on
environment and human heath, and the experiences
and techniques of developed country on analysis,
monitoring and risk assessment for such kind of
chemicals. All above-mentioned will benefit to me
not only on my present job namely the environmental
risk assessment but also on my future studies aiming
at providing local government with the technical
support for formulating the policy to control the
impacts of these chemicals on environment and
human health.
Thank you!