ステーキホルダーの非機能要求 を充足するための振る舞い仕様 の段階的改訂法 海谷 治彦 信州大学 2001年9月 宇和島にて 1 Outline • Goal of our Work. – Constructing a Requirements Elicitation Method. • Basic idea for our Goal. • Sub goals and their solutions. – Notation for evaluating spec. by multiple stakeholders. – Method for causing a chain of spec. change. – Method for merging several chains. • Example 2 Goal of our Work • Constructing a Requirements Elicitation (RE) Method. • Domain of the method. – Multiple Stakehodlders (SH) – Motivation to introduce Info. Tech. (IT) – Existence of the Current Task (CT) • Interactive System: WBS, UIS • A case without a computer system support. • Another case with a computer system support. 3 Basic Idea • Stepwise Introduction of IT(=Change) to CT. – SH’s Evaluation of the Change. – Such Eval. triggers the other Changes. • Reasonable Trade-off among the SH’s. – Shared Criteria for SHs to Change Evaluation. • Concurrent RE for Efficiency. 4 Sub goals of our Work 1. Develop a notation for SH’s Evaluation. 2. Develop a procedure for causing a chain of IT introduction. • IT introduction => CT change => SH eval. change = >Specification refinement 3. Develop a procedure for merging such chains safely for concurrent RE. 5 Notation of Spec. • Sequence Diagram for representing Requirements Spec. – Easy to capture the interaction among the SHs. – Easy to Understand ordinary people. – Behavioral Aspect is important for interactive system. 6 NFR for shared Criteria • Non-Functional Requirements (NFR) – shared by stakeholders to evaluate a change of CT. • Type of NFR – – – – Performance: Time and Space Cost. User-Friendliness. Security: Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability. • And additional criteria. – Ease: delegation of a task to systems. 7 Stakeholders • Have a stake in the change being considered, those who stand to gain from it, and to lose. • Categories of SH in computer systems. – Those who are responsible for its design and development. – ... for its sales or for its purchase. – ... for its introduction and maintenance. – Those who have an interest in its use. 8 A notation for SH’s Evaluation Evaluation Table Label of a change List of Stakeholders Contributer Conf. Avail. Acc. Time List of Resuiremqnts types A + Spend enough time to write a paper Chair Committee Reviewer + Satisfaction - Dissatisfaction Content of this (dis)satisfaction Ease + Total Satisfaction Score 1 0 1 Total Dissatisfaction Score Subtotal Total Quantitative Evaluation can be accomplished! 9 Chain of Requirements Change (CRC) 1. Write an Initial Specification of CT. 2. A SH states his advantages and disadvantages of the spec. 3. Change the spec. so as to eliminate disadvantages. 4. Other SHs state them in the same way. 5. Change the spec. in the same way. 6. Back to the Step2. 10 Current Task Overview of our RE Proc. in Chain Creation A Stakeholder Initial Spec. Other Stakeholders Eval. Table Eval. Table - + Refined Spec. Eval. Table - + + + - 11 Example of a part of Chain Operator Spec. X Conf. Avail. Acc. Time Op. have disadv. in X X - Customer Wait long time Ease Elim. the disadv. + - 0 1 1 Operator Spec. Y Conf. Avail. Acc. Time Evaluation is quantitatively up. Customer X - Wait long time Y + Ease + - 1 0 1 12 Merge Chains for Concurrent RE • Multiple SHs: Concurrent RE is efficient. • We should safely merge the results of RE. • Precondition of our merge procedure. – Sequence Diagram: notation for spec. – The inputs are two chains. – Two chains share the same initial Spec. • Postcondition – Merged Spec. and Evaluation Table. 13 Two Step of Merge Method • Horizontal Check – Consistency in the topology among the objects. • Collaboration Diagram • Vertical Check – Consistency in causal relations. • Retrying by shortening a chain. – if inconsistency is found. • Evaluation score is of course decreased. 14 Overview Chain of of A Merge Proc. initial spec. refined spec. A0 refined spec. B0 eval. tablea refined spec. A1 eval. table I refined spec. B1 eval. table eval. table A generate diagram use the diagram for the check refined spec. A eval. table Chain of B Inputs B IB IA refined spec. B eval. table Hori. Check Vert. Check Collaboration diagram refined Spec. A+B eval. table A+B Outputs 15 Horizontal Check • Checking the inconsistency of relationships among the objects. – Convert sequence diagram to collaboration diagram. • No relationship in an initial diagrams is changed in the different way in each refined diagrams. 16 Example of Horizontal Check Contributor Initial Spec. CFP refinement A, B, C, D paper ack. abst. ack. of abst. of abst. legend: cut path. add path. Chair abst. list Reviewer Candidate Committee Spec. D refinement X, Y Spec. Y Contributor Contributor Chair Chair abst. list’ Committee Committee 17 Vertical Check • • Checking the consistency in causal relations among the messages. Not all messages need not be checked, check the following kind of messages. 1. Messages in both initial spec. and spec. A, but modified in spec. B. Init. Spec 2. Messages only in spec. B. RE chain Check this by replacing A and B. RE chain Spec. A Spec. B 18 Example of Vertical Check Contributor Initial Spec. paper ack. abst. ack. of abst. of abst. CFP refinement A, B, C, D abst. list Reviewer Candidate Spec. D Chair add path. Chair Committee Contributor legend: cut path. refinement X, Y Spec. Y Only check the inconsistency in Y Contributor Chair abst. list’ Committee Committee 19 Conclusion • Stepwise refine the Spec. • Quantitative Evaluation of each step based on the stakeholders’ intention. • Enable the Concurrent Elicitation by merge step. 20 Q&A • 何故,横チェックを先にやるか? – 横チェックの方が楽なため。 – 横チェックを基に縦チェックをする個所を絞れる。 • シーケンス図にはSHでないものも出てくるがどう するか? – シーケンス図のオブジェクトと評価表の列側は一応別 個と考え,オブジェクトはSHに限らず自由に選んでよ いことにする。 – 仕様の変化とステーキホルダの評価の関係が曖昧と なるが,そもそも主観的評価に基づくので問題ない。 21 Future Work • Prioritize stakeholders and/or NFR for evaluation. • Quantitative comparison for selecting the reasonable chain of specification change. • Building an Estimation Method: estimating the introducing effort. • Applying a realistic problem and/or development. 22 Appendix 23 Time Keeper Gathering System Contributer Fiter System Chair Committee Reviewer * Send CFP * Send abst Ack. Write abst. Write paper Gather abst. * Request reviewer Gather papers *take on reviewer * Send paper Ack. Submission Limit * Send paper list *back rev. candidates Spec. D 24 Time Keeper Contributer Format Checker Gathering System2 Chair Committee Reviewer * Send CFP * Send abst Ack. Gather abst. Write abst. Gather papers Write paper * Send paper Fmt nack. Submission Limit Spec. Y Ack. * Send paper list *back rev. candidates * Request reviewer *take on reviewer 25
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