Who is she? Makiko Tanaka Compulsory English for Elementary Schoolers:Necessary or Unnecessary Natsuki Hoshi OUTLINE 1. Back Ground 2. Defining the terms 3. Necessary 4. Unnecessary 5. Analysis 6. Conclusion Background 2004 ~ 「外国語」 compulsory for junior high students 2011~ 「外国語活動」compulsory for 5th and 6th graders in elementary school. ※In principle English should be selected for foreign language activities. OUTLINE 1. Back Ground 2. Defining the terms 3. Necessary 4. Unnecessary 5. Analysis 6. Conclusion 2. Defining the terms Compulsory English for Elementary Schoolers: Necessary or Unnecessary 外国語活動(英語) 1.To form the foundation of pupils’ communication abilities through foreign languages 2.Developing the understanding of languages and cultures through various experiences 3.Fostering a positive attitude toward communication 4.Familiarizing pupils with the sounds and basic expressions of foreign languages.(MEXT2009) 2. Defining the terms Compulsory English for Elementary Schoolers: Necessary or Unnecessary All the children who have attained the age of 6 are required to attend elementary school for six years. Elementary schools aim at giving children between the ages of 6 and 12 2. Defining the terms Compulsory English for Elementary Schoolers: Necessary or Unnecessary Compulsory English will be beneficial and useful for building pupils communication abilities. 2. Defining the terms Compulsory English for Elementary Schoolers: Necessary or Unnecessary Compulsory English will be useless and meaningless for building pupils communication abilities OUTLINE 1. Back Ground 2. Defining the terms 3. Necessary 4. Unnecessary 5. Analysis 6. Conclusion 3. Necessary 3.1 Need for “Global 人材” 3.2 The faster you learn a language the more advantage 3.1 Need for “Global 人材” Definition of global 人材 1.「既成概念に捉われず、チャレンジ精神を持ち続け る」姿勢 2. 外国語によるコミュニケーション能力 3. 海外との文化、価値観の差に興味・関心を持ち柔軟 に対応する (経団連2011) 3.1 Need for “Global 人材” Definition of global 人材 「日本人としてのアイデンティティを持ちな がら、広い視野に立って培われる教養と専 門性、異なる言語、文化、価値を乗り越え て関係を構築するためのコミュニケーショ ン能力と協調性、新しい価値を創造する能 力、次世代までも視野に入れた社会貢献の 意識などを持った人間」 (MEXT 2011) 3.1 Need for “Global 人材” Compulsory English will be beneficial and useful for (経団連2011) building pupils communication abilities 3.1 Need for “Global 人材” We think middle layers and store managers should be global人 材. I tell young people that they are not going to be able to do business in just Japanese anymore. Many foreign companies are coming in to Japan and we are also heading out as well. Quite simply, there’s a global competition going on. In order to show leadership you need (Nikkei Business 2012) to be able to speak English. Compulsory English will be beneficial and useful for building pupils communication abilities 3.2 The faster you learn a language the more advantage 「生まれたときは、それぞれの言語が発する周波数す べてに耳が開かれているが、成長とともに、いつも 聞いている周波数にしか反応しなくなる。」 日本語は低周波音域 英語は高周波音域 The faster you learn a language =better listening and pronunciation Compulsory English will be beneficial(中村あつこ2008) and useful for building pupils communication abilities 3.2 The faster you learn a language the more advantage Compulsory English will be beneficial and (MEXT2004) useful for building pupils communication abilities OUTLINE 1. Back Ground 2. Defining the terms 3. Necessary 4. Unnecessary 5. Analysis 6. Conclusion 4. Unnecessary 4.1 Trapped in colonial mentality West> Japan 4.2 Learning Japanese and Japanese culture is the first priority. 4.1 Trapped in colonial mentality West>Japan "In Japan, there is a deep-seated notion that the English language belongs to Britain and the United States” (本名信行 2012) 4.1 Trapped in colonial mentality West> Japan Program Students American Engish Output expectation American English Speakers (Nobuyuki Honna 2008) English belongs to the West Colonial Mentality Compulsory English will be useless and meaningless for building pupils communication abilities 4. Unnecessary 4.1 Trapped in colonial mentality West> Japan 4.2 Learning Japanese and Japanese culture is the first priority. 4.2 Learning Japanese and Japanese culture is the first priority. 「母語能力が確立されていない時期に、母語教育 の機会が閉ざされた状態で第2言語のみによる学 習を行うことは、基礎的な認知能力の発達に不可 欠で重要な言語システムを破壊し、子どもを、表 現と思考の道具としての母語も第2言語も用いる ことができない状態におとしいれる」 (宮島喬・梶田孝道, 1996) 4.2 Learning Japanese and Japanese culture is the first priority. 「母語の確立している子どもはもとより、形成途 上の子どもも、ものの知見や認知、抽象的能力等、 思考能力そのものが母語との関連で形成されてい る。」 Compulsory English and will beDamaging useless andJapanese meaningless Disturbing for building pupils(宮島喬・太田晴雄2005) communication abilities Development OUTLINE 1. Back Ground 2. Defining the terms 3. Necessary 4. Unnecessary 5. Analysis 6. Conclusion 4. Analysis 3.1 Looking for “Global人材” Compulsory English will be beneficial and useful for building pupils communication abilities The definition for Global人材 just says a different language. It is not defined as English. 5. Analysis 3.1Need for “グローバル人材” ” 10 1 3 4 6 8 9 2 7 5 Japan does trading a lot with Asian countries. 4. Analysis 3.2 The faster you learn a language the more advantage Compulsory English will be beneficial and useful for building pupils communication abilities Only better pronunciation. Not better communication skills. 5. Analysis 4.1 Trapped in colonial mentality West> Japan Kazuo Hirai Compulsory English will be useless and meaningless for building pupils communication abilities Sadako Ogata Yusuke Iseya 5. Analysis 4.1 Trapped in colonial mentality West> Japan Myth (内閣府2011) 5. Analysis 4.2 Learning Japanese and Japanese culture is the first priority. Compulsory English will be useless and meaningless for building pupils communication abilities 2011) (京都市教育委員会2011) 5. Final Analysis 3.1 Trading mostly with Asian countries Compulsory English →however, English is spoken Necessary in many Asian countries. World Englishes 3.2 BetterCompulsory pronunciation English Unnecessary =Better communication? 4.1 Colonial mentality West> Japan Compulsory English → Myth Necessary 4.2 Time for「国語」increased Compulsory English →Has stronger Japanese base Necessary than before OUTLINE 1. Back Ground 2. Defining the terms 3. Necessary 4. Unnecessary 5. Analysis 6. Conclusion 6.Conclusion Compulsory English for elementary schoolers Necessary OUTLINE 1. Back Ground 2. Defining the terms 3. Necessary 4. Unnecessary 5. Analysis 6. Conclusion Future Research ・Japanese support for children who come from broad ・Bilingualism Education Compulsory English for Elementary Schoolers:Necessary or Unnecessary
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