Chapter 1

Chapter 11: Abstract Data Types and
Encapsulation Concepts
The Concept of Abstraction
Introduction to Data Abstraction
Design Issues for Abstract Data Types
Language Examples
Parameterized Abstract Data Types
Encapsulation Constructs
Naming Encapsulations
The Concept of Abstraction
• An abstraction is a view or representation
of an entity that includes only the most
significant attributes
• The concept of abstraction is fundamental
in programming (and computer science)
• Nearly all programming languages support
process abstraction with subprograms
• Nearly all programming languages
designed since 1980 support data
Introduction to Data Abstraction
• An abstract data type is a user-defined
data type that satisfies the following two
– The representation of, and operations on,
objects of the type are defined in a single
syntactic unit
– The representation of objects of the type is
hidden from the program units that use these
objects, so the only operations possible are
those provided in the type's definition
Advantages of Data Abstraction
• Advantage of the first condition
– Program organization, modifiability
(everything associated with a data structure is
together), and separate compilation
• Advantage of the second condition
– Reliability:
by hiding the data representations, user code
cannot directly access objects of the type or
depend on the representation, allowing the
representation to be changed without
affecting user code
Example of Implementation hiding
• A bounded buffer with indexes front & rear:
• The public view is different from the private view
Design Issues
• A syntactic unit to define an ADT
• Built-in operations
– Assignment
– Comparison
• Common operations
– Accessors
– Constructors
– Destructors
• Parameterized ADTs
Language Examples: Ada
• The encapsulation construct is called
– Specification package (the interface)
– Body package (implementation of the entities
named in the specification)
• Two ways for Information Hiding
– The representation of type appears in a part of the
specification called the private part
• More restricted form with limited private types:
objects of this type have no built-in operations
– Define the ADT as a pointer and provide the pointedto structure’s definition in the body package, whose
entire contents are hidden from clients.
An Example in Ada
package Stack_Pack is
-- public interface
type stack_type is limited private;
max_size: constant := 100;
function empty(stk: in stack_type) return Boolean;
procedure push(stk: in out stack_type; elem:in Integer);
procedure pop(stk: in out stack_type);
function top(stk: in stack_type) return Integer;
private -- hidden from clients
type list_type is array (1..max_size) of Integer;
type stack_type is record
list: list_type;
topsub: Integer range 0..max_size) := 0;
end record;
end Stack_Pack
Language Examples: C++
• Based on C struct type and Simula 67
• The class is the encapsulation device
• All of the class instances of a class share a
single copy of the member functions
• Each instance of a class has its own copy of
the class data members
• Instances can be static, stack dynamic, or
heap dynamic
Language Examples: C++ (continued)
• Information Hiding
– Private clause for hidden entities
– Public clause for interface entities
– Protected clause for inheritance (see Ch 12)
An Example in C++
class stack {
int *stackPtr, maxLen, topPtr;
stack() { // a constructor
stackPtr = new int [100];
maxLen = 99;
topPtr = -1;
~stack () {delete [] stackPtr;};
void push (int num) {…};
void pop () {…};
int top () {…};
int empty () {…};
void main() {.......
stack stk; //Create an instance of the stack class
Language Examples: C++ (continued)
• Constructors:
– Name is the same as the class name
– Implicitly called when an instance is created
– initialize the data members of instances (they do not create
the objects)
– May also allocate storage if part of the object is heapdynamic
– Can include parameters to provide parameterization of the
– Example:
struct Complex { float re; float im;
Complex(float r, i) {re = r; im= i;}
Complex x (1, 2);
//need to give parameters for the
Language Examples: C++ (continued)
• Destructors
– Name is the class name, preceded by a tilde (~)
– Implicitly called when the object’s lifetime ends
– cleanup after an instance is destroyed; usually
just to reclaim heap storage
Language Examples: C++ (continued)
• A friend declaration within a class gives
nonmember function access to the private
members of the class.
– Necessary in C++
• See the next two pages for an example.
– The class List defines a circularly linked list
• push: add to the front
• put: add at the back
– The class Cell is used to form lists.
Example of a circularly linked list
• The definition of the class Cell:
class Cell {
int info;
Cell * next;
Cell (int i) {info = i; next =
Cell(int i, Cell * n) {info =
i; next = n; }
friend class List;
Example of a circularly linked list
• The definition of the class List:
class List {
cell *rear;
void put(int x) {rear->info = x;
rear = rear->next =
new Cell(0, rear->next);};
void push(int x) {rear->next =
new Cell(x, rear->next);
int pop ( );
int empty ( ) {return rear == rear-> next;}
List( ) {rear = new Cell(0);}
~List( ) { while (!empty( )) pop( );}
int List::pop( ){
if (empty( )) return 0;
Cell *front = rear->next; rear->next = front->next;
int x = front->info; delete front; return x;}
Language Examples: Java
• Similar to C++, except:
– All user-defined types are classes
– All objects are allocated from the heap and
accessed through reference variables (see the
next page)
– Individual entities in classes have access control
modifiers (private or public), rather than clauses
– Java has a second scoping mechanism, package
scope, which can be used in place of friends
• All entities in all classes in a package that do not
have access control modifiers are visible throughout
the package (also see page 28)
An Example in Java
class StackClass {
private int [] stackRef;
private int maxLen, topIndex;
public StackClass() { // a constructor
stackRef = new int [100];
maxLen = 99;
topPtr = -1;
public void push (int num) {…};
public void pop () {…};
public int top () {…};
public boolean empty () {…};
StackClass myStack = new StackClass();
Parameterized Abstract Data Types
• Parameterized ADTs allow designing an
ADT that can store any type elements
• Also known as generic classes
• C++ and Ada provide support for
parameterized ADTs
Parameterized ADTs in C++
• Classes can be somewhat generic by writing
parameterized constructor functions
• The following makes the stack generic in size
– Change the constructor function in page 12 as follows:
stack (int size) {
stkPtr = new int [size];
maxLen = size - 1;
top = -1;
stack stk(100);
Parameterized ADTs in C++
• The following makes the type of the stack generic
– element of the stack has the type Type:
template <class Type> class stack{
int topPtr;
int maxLen;
Type * stkPtr;
Stack(){stkPtr = new Type[100]; maxLen = 99;
topPtr = -1;}
Stack(int size){stkPtr = new Type[size];
maxLen = size-1; topPtr = -1;}
~Stack( ) {delete stkPtr;}
void push(Type a) {stkPtr[++topPtr] = a;}
Type pop( ) {topPtr--; return stkPtr[topPtr+1];}
Parameterized ADTs in C++
• When the class is used as a type name, it must be supplied a
type as an explicit parameter, e.g.,
stack <int> s (99);
stack <char> t (80);
• If the body of a member function appears outside a class
declaration, then a type parameter has to be introduced
afresh, e.g.,
template <class x> void stack <x>::push(x a){
stkPtr[topPtr] = a;
Another name x can be used instead of T
Overloaded Subprograms
• An overloaded subprogram is one that has
the same name as another subprogram in
the same referencing environment
– Every version of an overloaded subprogram has
a unique protocol
• C++, Java, C#, and Ada
– include predefined overloaded subprograms
– allow users to write multiple versions of
subprograms with the same name
– usually used to define overloading constructors
Encapsulation constructs for large
• Large programs have two special needs:
– Some means of organization, other than simply
division into subprograms
– Some means of partial compilation (compilation
units that are smaller than the whole program)
• Obvious solution: a grouping of
subprograms that are logically related into
a unit that can be separately compiled
(compilation units)
• Such collections are called encapsulation
Encapsulation in C
• Files containing one or more subprograms
can be independently compiled
• The interface to such file (library) is placed
in a header file
• The header file is used in the client code,
using the #include preprocessor
specification, so that references to
functions and data in the client code can be
Ada Packages
• Ada specification packages can include
any number of data and subprogram
• Ada packages can be compiled separately
• A package’s specification and body parts
can be compiled separately
Naming Encapsulations
• Large programs may consist of many
independently written codes, where naming
conflicts might occur.
• A naming encapsulation define name scopes that
assist in avoiding name conflicts.
• C++ Namespaces
– Can place each library in its own namespace and qualify
names used outside with the namespace
– Example of declaration:
namespace MyStack{…}
– Example of references:
using MyStack::topPtr;
using namespace MyStack;
Naming Encapsulations
• Java Packages
– Packages can contain more than one class
– Clients of a package can use fully qualified
name or use the import declaration
– Example of declaration:
package myStack;
– Example of references:
import myStack.*
import myStack.topPtr;