$'e ttr#i *'' .i.-*r ff.'ffj i*u] RAMAKRISHNA SR. SECONDARY SCHOOL M BLOCK VIKASPURI, NEW DELHI HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK CLASS XII - ENGLISH 1" You are Rakesh/Raveena, Head Boy/Head Girl of 'Oasis Public Schooli Bareilly. Draft a notice in not more than 50 words for the school notice board' asking the students to give their names for taking part in the lnter-Class swimming competition. 2" 3" 4. Your school has planned an excursion totLonavala'near Mumbai during the autumn holidays. Write a notice in not more than 50 words for yo,'u school notice board, giving detailed information and inviting the names of those who are dcsirous to join. Sign as Naresh/Namita, Head Boy/Head Girl, DAV English School, Thane, Mumbai. You are Nimish/Nimisha. You feel concerned about global warming and its harmful effect on lndia. You decide to write an article expressing your views on the problem. Do not exceed the limit of 150-200 words" You are Tusharffusharika. Write an article in 150-200 words on the topic "Mobile phone 5" -a boon or bane'. Write a letter to. the Editor, "The Hindu"about the mosquito menace due to stagnant water in your locality. Give suggestions to improve the situation. You are Kirti/Karan living in Rajaji Nagar, Trichi. 6. Write a letter to the Editor of 'The Times of lndia", Delhi expressing your concern over the increase in the rate of road accidents, rash driving and suggesting ways to curb the accidenls. You are Priya/Priyanshu of Jrvahar Nagar, Delhi. |Now those fellows out there, will have the right to say to you, 'How is it; you^ ,r pretend to be FrenChmen, and yetyOU can neither"sptatncr wri\c 1rDu" q,torl Xaar1ueVe: Irtcontext of this statement, write an article on the importance of mother tongue. 7. 8" "Personal freedom anrj identity are quite important if one is deprived of them, one loses one's seif pride and confidence". Consider these remarks with reference to saheb's story in "Lost Spring" 9. What do you think of fear? How it can be conquered? How did Douglas conquer his fear of water. Write an article on it. 10. Read and enjoy the novel 'The lnvisible Man"" (Chapter 1 to Chapter 10) t I RAMAKRISHNA SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL VIKASPURI NEW DELHI Class Xll Chemistry 1. Complete the written part of the PROJECT. 2. Write down the systematic salt analysis for the following salt samples. Do not forget to write the equations n result. a) SrCl2 b) ZnSO4 c) As (NO3)3 d) CaCO3 e) NH4 Br e) BaCl2 0 (NH4)3Po4 g) Ca(No3)2 h) Pb(NO)3 i) Al 2(So4)3 j) AsCl3 k) Sr (No3)2 3)Complete the NCERT in text and back exercise questions of UNIT 8, and UNIT 9. 4) Revise all six chapters for the UT to be held on 1st July 2014. 5) Read chemistry in everyday life. Enjoy it and appreciate it by" making Crisp notes in your home work note book. 6) Model (as are alloted in the class) Group number 1. 2. Sleep hours=eight Study hours=eight Your holidays=great Happy holidays! Name of model Pem fuel cell Water detector RAMAKRISHNA SENIOR SEC. SCHOOL M BLOCK,VIKASPURI.NEW DELHI .l8 HOLIDAY HoMEwoRK(Summer vacations XII 1. 7th June to 30th June,l4) Subject: Physics 2. 3. 4. Do the writing part of project work Do the writing part of practical file(practical without observations and calculations) Do NCERT examples and exercise ('from chapter 1 to 4) Revise all the chapters we have covered, and get ready for the test in the first week 5. July.14. Do the following three assignments of Assignment l(chapter 1) Q 1ls the lorce acting betr.l'eentwo point electric charges Q1 and q2 kept at sorne distance aparl in air atiraction or repr:lsir.'e when (i) q'qz:'0 (ii) qrqz*:0 ? Q 2In what r,va-ys does a charge ditl'er fiom the rnass? Q 3What is Electric charge? Is it a scalar or vector cluantity? Name its SI r"rnit. Q4What is meant b.v quantization of electric charge? What is the cause of quantization of electric charge? Q 5l{ow maiii, electrons r,vill have the charge of one coulornb? Q 6Explain rvh1, a 1;iass rr--'cl held in hand can be charged b,v- rubbing rvith llannel but a copper rod canno.i be charged like this. Q TNanre an1,'trvo propert,v of eleciric charge? Q 8What is the firnction of electroscope? Name one of the sensitive electroscope. Q 9What do you understaud by Electrerstatic? Mention its tuo applications. Q l0What happens to the ffiass, rvhen trvo bodies rubbed with each other'/ u 1 l What do you rmderstand by e lectrostatic induction? Assi gnmen t 2(chapter 2) QlThe two graphs drawn below, show the variations of electrostatic potential (V) with 1/r (r being the distance of field point from the point charge) for two point charges Q1 and Q2. :./ ,.| '. 1 ,j' *:: ' ;."t^:t:""" \ b2 ? i li,. (i) What are the signs of the two charges. (ii) Which of the two charges has the larger magnitude and why ? Q2Consider a region where electric field is zero, Is it necessary that electric potential is also zero where electric field strength is zero? Give any two examples to illustrate your answer. Q3Two positive point charges of 0.2 AC and 0.01 FC are placed 10 cm apafi. Calculate the work done in reducing the distance to 5 cm. Q4Calculate the electric potential at a point X due to a charge I trC located at 10 cm from it. Also calculate the work done in bringing a charge of 2 x 10-e C from infinity to the point X. Q5Points A, B, and C are situated at the circumference of a circle of radius r and a charge q is placed at its centre. A charge qo is brought from external point P away from the circle to A, B, C. In which case work done is maximum? Q6When a point charge is moved closer to a similar charge of greater magnitude, its potential increases or decreases? QTThe electric potential at a point 0.9 m from a point charge is + 50 V. What is the magnitude and sign ofthe charge? Q8What would be the work done if a point charge +q, is taken from a point P to the point Q on the circumference of a circle drawn with another point charge +q at the centre? Q9Two point A and B at a distance of 10 cm are each at a potential of 10 V. What will be the work done to move a positive charge of 1 C from A to B? Q1010 J of work is done in moving a positive charge of 1 C between two points. What is the potential difference between these two points? Ql lWhat do you mean by potential difference of 1 volt? Assignment 3(Chapter 3) QlTwo wires A and B are of same material, have same area of cross-section and have their length in the ration 2: 1. What will be the ratio of curent flowing through them if the same potentiai is applied across thi: length of each of them? Q2What is the ratio of resistances of two conductors of same material having length I and 2i and radius r and rl2 respectively? Q3Two wires of equal lengths, one of copper and other nickel have the same resistance. Which wire is thicker? Q4Find the resistivity of a conductor in which a cument density is and electric field of 15Vm-1 is applied on it. Q5What will be the resistivity of a wire if it is stretched to double of its original length without loss of mass? Q6What is conventional current? QTElectric current has both magnitude and direction but it is not a vector quantity. Why? QSWhy solid conductors conduct electricity when placed in an electric field? QgWhich layer of the atmosphere has free charge particles? Ql0What kind of charges constitutes the electric curent? Holiday Home Work Class XII A N'te: Horiday H.w. to be done t, ..\;:li;.il,. fi:ilHl"'science 1. Revise allchapter taught in class tillnow. [c++1 2. Submit Project file [As per given in the class] and Practical file on 4tr'July. 3. Define a class named ADMISSION in c++ with the following descriptions: Private members AD_NO NAME CLASS FEES : integer (Ranges 10 - 2000) Array of characters (String) Character Float Public rnernbers : Function Read_Data( ) to read an object of ADMISSION type. Function Display( ) to display the details of an object. Function cal( ) to get the annual fees ofa student. 4. Define a class BOOK with the following specifications Private members of the class BOOK are BOOK NO BOOKTITLE PRICE TOTAL-COST0 : integer type 20 characters float (price per copy) A function to calculate the total cost for N number of copies where N is passed to the function as argument. Public members of the class BOOK are INPUT0 function to read BOOK_NO. BOOKTITLE, PRICE PURCHASE0 function to ask the user to input the number of copies to be purchased. It invokes TOTAL_COST0 and prints the total cost to be paid by the user. Note : You are also required to give detailed function definitions. 5. Consider the following declarations and answer the questions given below: Class colrntry { int H; protected irrt S; : Public : void Input(int); Void Output ( ); \. Jt Class State : Private Country { int T; Protected: Int U; Public : void Indata (int, int); Void Outdata( ); ), Class city: Public State { int M; Public Void Display ( void); : t.ir (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Name the base class and derived class of the class state. Name the data members that can be accessed from function Display( ). Name the member functions which can be accessed from the object of class city. Is the rnember function Output ( ) accessible by the objects of the class state? Holidays Homework Class Xll Sub:-Biology 1. Give reason: some organisms like honeybees are called parthenogenetic animals. 2. The Turkey usually produces females for several generations. How is this possible? 3. What are the differences between ZIFT and GIFT? 4. Define aneuploidy and polyploidy with examples. 5. A mother of one year old daughter wants to space her second child. Her doctor suggested Cut. Explain its contraceptive action. 6. lf the chromosome number of plant species is 16, what would be the chromosome number and the ploidy levels of the (a) microspore mother cell (b) the endosperm cell. 7 . Pg-125,Q.-2,3,4,5,7,1 1 8. Pg-1,{2,Q-1,3,8 g.Geitonogamous flowering plants are genetically autogamous but functionally cross pollinated . Justify. 10. Draw a well labeled diagram of a human ovum .State the function of Zona pellucid. l l.Describe the events of spermatogenesis with the help of a schematic representation. l2.Mention the fate of all the components of the embryo sac after fertilization? 13.write the function of each of the following: LH,FSH in males , tapetum in anthers. 14. What are the differences between self pollination and cross pollination? 1S.Write the importance of MOET. LLiiJJ /\ii LLorss fy PAII\ITING SUMMER HOLIDAY HOME WORK 1) Make two still life and colour them with any media like oil pastel, pencils colours or water co lo u rs. 2) Make two composition with 3 human figures (any media) Size = half IVORY SHEEI-. HOLIDAY HOMEWORK CLASS SUBJECT - Xil - PHYSICAL EDUCATION *ALL THESE WORK TO BE DONE IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION FILE Athletics 1. llistory 2. Track Events 3. Field Events 4. lmportant Tournaments and Venues (any five) 5. Sports Awardees Yoga 1. History 2. Mention the eight elements of Yoga 3. Asanas :Tadasana Vrikshasana Trikonasana Shalabhasana Pashchimota nasa na 4. Pranbyama :Sheetli Pranayama Sheetkari Pranayama Kapalbhati Pranayama Ujjai Pranayama Game - Vollevball or Kho - Kho ( anv one of them) l-. History of the game 2. Latest General Rules of the Game 3. Fundamental Skills of the game 4. Terminologies of the game 5. lmportant Tournaments and Venues 6. Sports Awardees 7. Draw a neat diagram showing the dimensions of the game of your choice (Volleyball or Kho-Kho).
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