Strategy for Japan-Italy Seminar 2003 Formation of the First Generation of Galaxies: Strategy for the Observational Corroboration of Physical Scenarios 第一世代銀河の形成: 物理的シナリオの観測的実証へ向けての戦略 December 1-6, 2003, Niigata University, JAPAN Japan-Italy Seminar 2002 July 8-10, 2002, Arcetri Obs, Firenze, Italy Participants Members on Japan Side Members on Italy Side 梅村雅之(Chair) 中本泰史 米原厚憲 廣居久美子 西亮一 水澤広美 須佐元 森正夫 北山哲 大向一行 Andrea Ferrara (Chair) Raffaella Schneider Marialuce Bruscoli Simone Marri Antonella Maselli Ruben Salvaterra Simone Bianchi Marialuce Bruscoli Benedetta Ciardi Alessio Fangano Francesco Haardt Hiroyuki Hirashita Ilian Iliev Simone Marri Antonella Maselli Vladimiro Noce Phillip Richter Ruben Salvaterra Evan Scannapieco Raffaella Schneider Filippo Sigward Marcos Valdes Topics covered 1. Formation and evolution of the population III stars, which includes the stellar collapse and the resultant initial mass function. 2. Formation of primordial objects with taking into accounts the radiative feedback around first luminous objects 3. Dynamical and chemical feedback by supernovae. 4. Inhomogeneous reionization of the universe based on multi-dimensional radiative transfer calculations. 5. Formation and evolution of galaxies with focusing on UV background effects and supernova effects. 6. Observations of high redshift universe, which include the IR background 7. IR emission by high redshift hydrogen molecules and dust 8. QSO absorption lines as tools to investigate the IGM Program Monday June 08th, 2002 09:25 A. FERRARA Welcome SESSION I : FIRST STARS AND OBSERVABLE EFFECTS 09:30 K. OMUKAI 10:00 M. UMEMURA 10:30 R. NISHI 11:30 R. SCHNEIDER 12:00 R. SALVATERRA 12:30 Formation of First Stars by Accretion The IMF of Pop III Stars and its Influence on the Growth of First Objects On the Formation Sites and the Mass Scales of Pop III Stars First Stars, Black Holes and Particles: Signals from the Dark Ages First stars and the Near Infrared Background ________ Lunch Break __________ SESSION II: PRIMORDIAL OBJECTS AND FEEDBACKS 14:30 F. HAARDT 15:00 B. CIARDI 15:30 T. KITAYAMA 16:30 H. SUSA From first stars to reionization (via supermassive black holes) Simulating IGM Reionization: Progresses, Problems and Promises Radiative Feedback Effects on Primordial Galaxy Formation Formation of Subgalactic Objects in the Presence of UV Radiation Tuesday June 09th, 2002 SESSION III: GALAXY FORMATION AND EVOLUTION 09:30 H. HIRASHITA 10:00 A. YONEHARA 10:30 M. MORI Effect of Dust Grains on High-Redshift Star Formation History Toward Direct Detection of Substructure Around Galaxies Inhomogeneous Metal Enrichment by Multiple Supernovae SESSION IV: REIONIZATION AND RADIATIVE TRANSFER 11:30 T. NAKAMOTO 12:00 A. MASELLI 12:30 14:30 I. ILIEV Toward a New Accurate Multi-dimensional Radiative Transfer Solver CRASH: A new Cosmological RAdiative transfer Scheme for Hydrodynamics ________ Lunch Break __________ On the Direct Detectability of the Cosmic Dark Ages: 21-cm Emission from Minihalos SESSION V: INTERGALACTIC MEDIUM 15:00 S. MARRI 15:30 M. BRUSCOLI 16:30 S. BIANCHI 17:00 P. RICHTER Numerical Simulation of Galaxy Formation and Evolution in LCDM models: Energy Feedback and Metal Enrichment from Star Formation Reionization - Background Radiation IGM Metal Enrichment through Dust Sputtering H_2 absorption line measurements in the Local Group Wednesday June 10th, 2002 SESSION VI: GENERAL DISCUSSION 09:30 A. FERRARA Summary & Overview of Collaborative Areas > A GENERAL DISCUSSION FOLLOWS PARALLEL GROUP DISCUSSIONS 10:30 The Seminar will now be split into a few parallel groups based on the Collaborative Areas individuated in the previous discussion. Participants can join one of the groups to which they feel they can contribute the most with the aim of setting up a joint collaboration. One of the members of such groups will report on the results of the discussion and possibly on the general l ines of the research project selected for collaboration. 12:30 ________ Lunch Break __________ PARALLEL GROUP REPORTS 16:30 The plenary session is resumed and a member of the groups will give a ~10 min summary of the discussion Parallel Discussion for Future Collaborations AREA I. First Star Chair M. Umemura AREA II. Galaxy Formation and Feedback Chair H. Susa AREA III. Reionization/RadTrans/IGM Chair B. Ciardi AREA I. First Star Possible Collaborations Raffaella, Ruben, Nishi, Omukai, Mizusawa, Saigo*, Umemura 1. Role of Dark Matter for Fragmentation of Cylindrical Clouds (with Metal) - Nishi, Omukai, MU, (Saigo) DM: 3D N-body, hydrodynamics: 1D 2. Role of Dark Matter for Spherical Runaway in Early Phase of Collapse - Nishi, Omukai, Susa, (Saigo) 3. Inverse Problem of Abundance Ratio to Place Constraints on the IMF of Pop III Stars - Raffaella, Ruben, MU, (Nakamura) abundance ratio of ICM, DLA (Si, O, Fe, Zn) = AREA III consistency with IR background 4. High Mass Limit of Pop III Stars by Accretion - Omukai, Raffaella, Mizusawa metallicity dependence, time-dependence (RHD) fragmentation 5. Spectrum of Pop III ZAMS with Accreting Envelop - Omukai, Ruben color, IR background, reionization 6. BH Remnants interacting with Ambient Matter in PopIII Objects - Nishi, Raffaella, Susa (Saigo) Bondi (Hoyle-Littleton) accretion onto BHs radiative feedback for further SF 7. High-z GRBs - Raffaella, MU all possible observational features (-burst, X-ray burst, -CMB interaction) (8.) VMBHs gravitational lensing by intergalactic MBHs less massive BH interacting halo stars AREA II. Galaxy Formation and Feedback Possible Collaborations Hirashita, Kitayama, Mori, Marri, Richter, Sigward, Susa,Yonehara 1. On the Reliability of Large-scale Simulation of Metal Ejection - Mori, Marri Two phase treatment of MSPH feedback Adjust the parameter of MSPH by high resolution simulations. 2. GF Simulations with Dust and its Observational Possibilities Hirashita, Mori,… GF(SN) simulations + dust → how it looks like? Hirashita, Susa,… GF simulations by RSPH + dust (low metal) Both of Low mass & High mass 3. DLA H2 Phase Hirashita, Mori, Richter, Susa Small fraction of H2 in DLA → small coverage factor Numerical simulation of Forming galaxies with dust (product of numerical simulations) Find the detection probability of high H2 regions 4. Observed Dust Distribution in Galaxies and Reddening of QSO Multiple Images Richter,Yonehara Observed distribution of dust in a galaxy Evaluation of reddening of each image → Information on QSO microlensing This is also for inter group collaborations with Bianchi, Ferrara… AREA III. Reionization/RadTrans/IGM 1. Comparison between different codes for the radiative transfer Task Leader/Reporter: Ciardi Suggested Members: Bianchi, Bruscoli, Ferrara, Iliev, Maselli, Nakamoto, Hiroi, Gallerani Meeting Room: Aula A CRASH CORAL any any out of grid any 3D 3D 2D ART SOURCE Point Multiple Background Location Spectrum Evolution any monochromatic GAS H/He Temperature Re-emission Distrib/Dynamic Range ADDITIONAL Hydrodynamics Time dependent Dimensionality Common Test for the Codes RUN I: T 10 4 K nH 10 3 cm 3 x equilibriu m N c 1283 N 10 48 phot s 1 L 6.6 kpc Source position : corner Spectrum : 13.6 eV t sim 5t rec RUN II: Realistic density field RUN III: Realistic spectrum DEADLINE: October 31st!!! Japan-Italy Seminar 2003 Formation of the First Generation of Galaxies: Strategy for the Observational Corroboration of Physical Scenarios December 1-6, 2003, Niigata University, JAPAN Participants Members on Italy Side Members on Japan Side Invited Speakers Andrea Ferrara (Chair) Raffaella Schneider Marialuce Bruscoli Simone Marri Antonella Maselli Ruben Salvaterra 西亮一 (Chair), 中村文隆, 水澤広美 (新潟大) 梅村雅之, 中本泰史, 米原厚憲, 廣居久美子 (筑波大) 須佐元 (立教大) 森正夫 (専修大) 北山哲 (東邦大) 大向一行, 西合一矢(国立天文台) 平下博之(名大) 野本憲一, 梅田秀之, 岩本信之, 中里直人(東大) 吉田直紀, 矢作日出樹(国立天文台) 松原隆彦(名大) 釣部通(阪大) 小笹隆司(北大) 牧秀樹(立教大) 佐藤潤一, 川勝望, Alex Razoumov(筑波大) Organization Welcome address: R. Nishi SESSION I. FORMATION AND EVOLUTION OF FIRST STARS SESSION II. FORMATION OF PRIMORDIAL OBJECTS SESSION III. INHOMOGENEOUS REIONIZATION AND THERMAL EVOLUTION OF IGM SESSION IV. FORMATION AND EVOLUTION OF GALAXIES SESSION V. OBSERVATIONS OF HIGH REDSHIFT UNIVERSE SESSION VI. FORMATION AND EVOLUTION OF SMBHs AND AGNs SESSION VII: SUMMARY & OVERVIEW R. Nishi ? SESSION VIII: PRENARY PANEL DISCUSSION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------PARALLEL SCIENTIFIC DISCUSSIONS PARALLEL REPORTS Panel Discussion on Numerical Technique Baryon Dark matter(Stars) Radiation Enrichment Hydrodynamics Panelists N-body Radiative Transfer Andrea Ferrara Simone Marri 中村文隆 中本泰史 須佐元 森正夫 西合一矢 平下博之 中里直人 吉田直紀 矢作日出樹 釣部通 小笹隆司 佐藤潤一 Alex Razoumov Chemistry Chair: MU?????? Parallel Scientific Discussion AREA I. First Star Chair ? Raffaella AREA II. Galaxy Formation and Evolution Chair ? Mori, Yoshida AREA III. Metal and Dust Chair ? Parallel Reports 15min/group Andrea 日伊セミナー 第一世代銀河の形成: 物理的シナリオの観測的実証へ向けての戦略 (Formation of the First Generation of Galaxies: Strategy for the Observational Corroboration of Physical Scenarios) 科研費基盤(B)「第一世代天体形成の包括的研究」H15-H17 梅村 雅之,中本 泰史,西合 一矢,西 亮一,中村 文隆,須佐 元 Thank you
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