An Adaptive Management for Hawksbill Turtles Shin-ichi EBINA & Hiroyuki MATSUDA (Ocean Research Institute, Univ.Of Tokyo) Thank to Grahame Webb (Australia) and Mari Kobayashi (Japan), Elvira Carrillo (Cuba) 10/1/2015 1 新プロ DOBIS 変動班 管理と保全の変動モデル 松田裕之・立川賢一・蝦名晋一・森光代 (海洋研・資源解析) 今年の研究:不確実な情報しかない「希 少」海産生物の管理手法 クロミンククジラの資源量推定に及ぼす観 察員経験年数の効果(IWCロンドン) キューバのタイマイの順応的管理によるリ スク評価(SeaStar2000タイシンポ) 10/1/2015 2 Hawksbill Turtles Harvest in Cuba 399/yr 4744/yr Cuba CITES Proposal (2000) Is 90% catch reduction enough for conservation? 10/1/2015 3 CITES Proposals by Cuba Down-listing from Appendix I to II, and permit export Hawksbill Turtles Products once to Japan 10/1/2015 4 Controversy on CITES criteria CITES Fauna & Flora Chairs: not be included in Appendix I when the risk of the listing … outweigh the conservation benefit of the listing, IUCN: Listing of Endangered species in Appendix I is always benefit for conservation. See 10/1/2015 5 10/1/2015 6 Problems of Hawksbill Turtle Mixture of other endangered stock (haplotypes of Cuban HT is different from that of other Caribbean HT, Koike’s group) Bycatch ca700 juveniles and adults Large uncertainty in life history, absolute population size, and age identification. We need adaptive management 10/1/2015 7 What is Adaptive Management? see also assess problems To control management policy adjusted to monitoring data (adaptability), Adjust design To include new knowledge flexibly (accountability), implement Evaluate To make consensus by various stakeholders, monitoring To write falsifiable objects. 10/1/2015 8 RMP in Whales (Revised Management Procedure) To monitor stock size by research vessels Pt+1 = Pt - Ct+1.4μPt[1 - (Pt/P0)2] To decide catch limit Lt (> Ct) by Lt = 3μ(Pobs,t/P0 - 0.54)Pobs,t Pobs,t = bPt [1+N(0,s)] 10/1/2015 9 Feedback Management for sika deer in Hokkaido, Japan To avoid overabundance and extinction risk, To seek sustainable deer hunting, To monitor population size To catch females when %P>25%, males when 5%<%P<25% 10/1/2015 10 The age of overabundance will finish! Female hunting Management Program started in 1998 95% CI 10/1/2015 1993 11 Merits of Adaptive Management To clarify goals and objects, To monitor population trends, To change catch with recent stock estimates, Risk assessment based on a population dynamic model with uncertainties, To test interim assumptions and models and to encourage further research. 10/1/2015 12 Proposal of Goal and Objects for HT management Sustainable use and population conservation under uncertain scenarios, Increase of catch quota if estimated female adults are more than …, No catch if nested female adults (>50cm SCL) are fewer than 500, Regulation of by-catch if … 10/1/2015 13 Data about Hawksbills in Cuba ■growth rate and maturing rate at each size-class (from Ohtaishi(unpublished), Moncada et al.(1999) and Pilcher et al.(1999)) SCL growth rate (cmSCL/y) maturing rate(%) 420 2030 3040 4050 5155 5660 6165 6570 7175 7680 80- 9.4 6.1 5.0 4.3 3.9 3.7 3.5 3.4 3.2 3.1 2.9 mature→ 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 4 7 11 19 46 100 0 0 0 0 4 traditional harvesting by-catch:A 10/1/2015 by-catch:B 14 Population Dynamic Model (Determinate Growth) FN (t ) I G N (t ) J G J N ( t ) G J G J G J J G G N (t ) J G J G N (t ) J G J N ( t ) G J G N (t ) J G J G J G J G J N ( t ) H K 1,1 1, 2 1, 3 1,11 2 ,1 2 ,2 2 ,3 2 ,11 10/1/2015 F0.38 G 0.52 G G G G G G G G 0 G G G G G G G H 0 0 0.33 0 0.27 0.59 0 1, 3 O O 016 . 0.29 0 1,11 0 O 0 O 0 0 O 1,1 1, 2 O 0.56 0.43 I FN (t 1) I JJ GN (t 1) J J JJ G N ( t 1 ) G J G J JJ G J G JJ GN (t 1)JJ G J JJ GN (t 1) J G J N ( t 1 ) JJ G J G N (t 1) J JJ G J G J JJ G J G J 0.83KH N (t 1)K 0 0 0.59 0.59 O 0.83 2 ,2 2 ,3 0.38 2 ,1 0.83 2 ,11 15 Life History Parameters for Hawksbills in Cuba Mortality Rate ○After 1 year of age:0.1 ●Harvesting rate:depending on catch data ○Hatchling to 1-year-old:99.0% (Webb et al., in comm.) Fertility ●hatchling rate:0.69 (Moncada et al.,1999) ●proportion sex ratio:0.768 (Carrillo et al.,1999) ●nesting interval:2.42(yr) (Hoyle and Richardson,1993 etc.) ●clutches/season:2.0 (Moncada et al.,1999) 10/1/2015 16 Simulation Initial population size is 50,000-110,000 Including uncertainty to each parameter Assume facing bad environment every ten years on average Changing annual survival rates Hatchling rate:0.69 to 0.6 Hatchling to 1-year-old:0.01 to less than 0.01 We repeated calculation 300? times 10/1/2015 17 Simulations under constant 500 catch 8000 300 6000 (thousands) number of females 10000 4000 2000 200 year 2000 2020 2040 2060 2080 2100 100 year 2000 2020 2040 2060 2080 2100 10/1/2015 18 Simulations under adaptive management 12000 10000 300 8000 (thousands) number of females 14000 10/1/2015 6000 4000 2000 200 year 2000 2020 2040 2060 2080 2100 100 year 2000 2020 2040 2060 2080 2100 19 Risk of exploitation bans under the adaptive management >?% with the next 1 century No extinction over 300 simulated runs Under the pessimistic assumptions 10/1/2015 20 Summary Adaptive management is robust, Monitoring is indispensable To examine detail biological data To get the trend of population size Consistent method and effort! Or Record survey efforts and methods! 10/1/2015 21 来年度の課題 個体群管理から生態系管理へ 勝川俊雄・木村紀雄 Ecosimで得た時系列と順応的管理 Ecosimの改良(群集・進化生態学の知見) 特に、vulnerabilityとMixed Trophic Impact 水圏群集生態学の新たな展開 松田裕之・中嶋美冬 魚の左右性の群集動態と進化機構の解明 10/1/2015 22 What Remains To Be Done Confronting model to the data we have already gotten from literatures Running some simulation under some other scenarios slower/faster-growing assumptions fewer/-more initial population size more rapidly/slowly maturing assumptions 10/1/2015 23 Thank you!! Welcome to ORI! Especially for those who like to apply adaptive management to stocks in your country. 10/1/2015 24 Does Sustainability Require No-catch? (IWC/SC London 2001) Even under constant 150 annual catch, Southern Hemisphere minke whale might go extinct within the next 1000 years. If 0 catch at lower stock level than 10,000 whales, the mean extinction time is far too long (1045 years) Extinction risk assessment is still important for conservation. 10/1/2015 25
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