Countermeasures for Agricultural Land Soil Pollution in Hyogo Prefecture June 25, 2014 Hyogo Prefectural Government Agricultural & Environmental Affairs Department Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries Bureau Agricultural Improvement Division Environmental Development type Agriculture Promotion Group Overview of “Agricultural Land Soil Pollution Prevention Law” Objects The Law aims at the prevention of the production of agricultural crops and livestock which are feared to be harmful to human health or the prevention of the obstacle of the growth of agricultural crops and others to be helpful for the protection of national health or the preservation of a good living environment, by establishment of necessary policies which are useful for the prevention of agricultural land soil pollution caused by specific harmful substances or the elimination and which are useful for the rationalization of utilization of polluted agricultural land Mechanism • • • • Designate the areas where soil contamination is found as agricultural land soil pollution policy areas (Hereinafter referred to as ‘Policy Areas’)based on the continuous monitoring by prefectures, make countermeasures and implement remedial measures like soil dressing etc. “Protection of human health” (Cadmium) & “preventing growth inhibition of agricultural crops” (Copper & Arsenic) could be the reasons for designation Set 0.4ppm for cadmium to ensure consistency with the specification standard of Food Sanitation Act (for rice) When the countermeasures are completed, confirm the effect by investigation of Policy Areas and cancel the designation 1 Mechanisms of “Agricultural Land Soil Pollution Prevention Law” Sources of pollution Continuous monitoring Confirm contamination Fact-finding investigation of soil pollution (prefecture) Designate agricultural land soil pollution policy areas (prefecture) Designated hazardous substances Local government Pollution Control Public Works Cost Allocation Law Design agricultural land soil pollution policy project (prefecture) Central government Cost Implement improvement work Enforced by prefecture or municipalities Designation standard for agricultural land soil pollution Law Concerning Special Government Financial Measures for Pollution Control Projects Cancel designation (prefecture) Remarks Cadmium and its compounds Concentration in brown rice exceeds 0.4mg/kg(0.4ppm) Protection of human health Copper and its compounds Concentration in soil 125mg/kg(125ppm) or more Preventing growth inhibition of agricultural crops Arsenic and its compounds Concentration in soil 15mg/kg(15ppm) or more Preventing growth inhibition of agricultural crops The governor can decide within the range of 1020ppm depending on the natural condition 2 History of Agricultural Land Soil Pollution Prevention in Hyogo Prefecture • Agricultural land soil is polluted by effluent of suspended or abandoned mines, by industrial waste water or by falling dust (Mine effluent and factory waste water are the main sources in Hyogo prefecture) • There are several hundreds of suspended or abandoned mines, mainly in Chugoku mountain region in Hyogo prefecture • In 1970, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries conducted a nationwide investigation of suspended or abandoned mines etc. and surrounding areas. As a part of this nationwide investigation, water pollution special investigation or special investigation for harmful substances were carried out and revealed the contamination condition of hazardous substances like cadmium • For five years from 1971 to 1976, the Ministry further implemented Agricultural Land Soil Pollution General Investigation (General investigation for heavy metals) and 104 points were monitored in Hyogo prefecture • Hyogo prefecture has been actively engaged in solving the cadmium pollution of agricultural land soil from the early stage 3 Current Soil Pollution Status of Hyogo Prefecture • Thanks to the countermeasures taken from 1972, all the listed agricultural land soil pollution policy areas of Hyogo prefecture were canceled as of May 2, 2001, when K town was de-registered for completion of remediation of Cadmium • 5 Areas were designated and executed remediation measures like soil dressing etc. Some areas conducted countermeasures without being designated • As for the surrounding area of Ikuno Mine, conducted brown rice and soil survey as part of Cadmium etc. concentration investigation (observation type investigation) and gave guidance to thoroughly execute farming method to inhibit Cadmium absorption like flooding management etc. 4 The Concept of Risk Management Cd concentration vary in different products Products suspected to lower concentration Cd absorption differs depending on agricultural products or varieties Products suspected to higher concentration Transfer of products In case transfer of product is difficult Cd concentration of edible part vary in different varieties Varieties suspected to lower concentration Varieties suspected to higher concentration Transfer of varieties In case transfer of varieties is difficult Products & Varieties with less risk of absorption × Make soil to proper condition (Apply alkaline materials & fertilizer) Target pH 6.5-7.0 The reduction ratio of Cd concentration in proportion to pH elevation in soil Susceptible to decline Suppress absorption by applying alkaline materials & fertilizer Not susceptible to decline Cleaning method by plants & dressing soil etc. 5 Current measures taken by Hyogo Prefecture 1 Observe progress by investigating Cadmium concentration etc. 2 Give guidance of Farming method to suppress absorption of Cadmium 3 Conduct “Cadmium Test” based on Food Sanitation Act 4 Promote Agricultural Land Soil Cleaning Method by Plants Project 6 1 Investigation of Cadmium Concentration etc. • • • • The pollution expanded in a wide range for the surrounding area of Ikuno Mine, including the neighboring Akenobe Mine. Thus, even after the completion of the remediation, observation survey of Cd concentration of soil and brown rice (standing crop; the condition before harvest in the field ) is continuously conducted to monitor the contamination condition. 12 sampling points every year Following the Implementation Guideline of Cadmium Concentration etc. Investigation, got previous permission of the related municipalities, sought comments of the relevant municipality and drafted the investigation plan The designed investigation plan is notified to the Director of Hyogo Prefectural Technology Center for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and ask for the cooperation to the investigation Based on the Implementation Guideline of Cadmium Concentration etc. Investigation, the result is made public (published in official written reports of the prefecture) 項 目 Items Sampling time 採 取 時 期 分 析 項 目 Analytic Items 備 考 remarks 玄 米 Brown rice Before harvest (within 1 week) 収穫前(1週間以内) Cd Cd 外部委託 soil 土 壌 When taking samples of brown rice 玄米採取時 Cd (in soluble form) Cd(可溶態) Out sourcing 外部委託 Out sourcing 7 2 Guidance of Farming method to suppress absorption of Cadmium • As for regions where no measures, like dressing soil construction work to permanently stabilize its safety is taken, give guidance to invest soil improvement materials (Calcium Carbonate or Bentonite, which is a viscous mineral) or farming technology to suppress cadmium absorption by thorough flooding management of paddy rice etc. • Give guidance and advice to the cultivation calendar making by Agricultural Cooperatives • The prefectural government, municipalities and Agricultural Cooperatives integrally guide cultivation method, make tour of paddy fields and alert the attention through the Radio Broadcasting system • From Feb. 28, 2011, Cadmium specification standard of Food Sanitation Act has been strengthened. Thoroughly notify to farmers the farming technology to suppress cadmium absorption via related institutions and organization and promote voluntary inspection before shipping at production area with Agricultural Cooperatives taking the lead 8 Alkaline materials (Lime materials) 【Paddy rice】 Cd concentration in soil A:1.0 B:2.6 玄米カドミウム濃度(ppm) 2.5 2.0 土壌 B 1.5 y=-0.521x+4.35 r = -0.866 1.0 土壌 A 0.5 y=-0.248x+1.93 r = -0.981 0.0 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 土壌pH 6.5 7 7.5 8 If elevate the pH level of soil, Cd concentration of brown rice is in decline→Alkaline materials are effective If concentration is around 1ppm, pH7 level enables to suppress Cd concentration of brown rice without any flooding management 9 Flooding Management Drying up 1.5 玄 米 カ ド 1.0 ミ ウ ム 濃 度 0.5 0.4 p p m Flooding Management against Cd (3 weeks before & after ear emergence ■intermittent irrigation 間断かん水 Cd concentration in brown rice may exceed standard ◆Flooding Management Cd concentration in soil may be high but that in brown rice is below standard 湛水管理 0.0 6.0 6.1 土壌pH 6.2 *Result with Cd concentration in soil 2.6ppm 6.3 Flooding management is very effective in paddy rice 10 3 “Cadmium Test” based on Food Sanitation Act • In compliance with the “Hyogo Prefectural Plans for the Monitoring of and Guidance on Food Sanitation” based on Food Sanitation Act, Health & Welfare Office conducts removal test centering for areas having a history of Cadmium pollution to secure safety of circulating rice • In case 0.4ppm or more is detected in the test, it is necessary to take measures to determine the cause etc. → Call related institutions and establish countermeasures meeting 11 4 Promote Agricultural Land Soil Cleaning Method by Plant Project Implement in the area where cadmium is detected more than 0.4ppm or more in brown rice In contrast with the soil dressing construction work, the above method can mitigate the Cadmium concentration in soil in lower cost and expect the decline of risk of agricultural products with exceeding standard produced not temporarily but further in the future as well 1) Experimental proof of Soil cleaning method by plants As one of the countermeasures against Cadmium soil pollution of agricultural land, a soil cleaning method using Cadmium high absorption plants to lower Cadmium concentration in soil (phytoremediation) is put toward practical use. Experiment to prove the effect of plant cleaning method is implemented at local paddy fields After one year application of this cleaning method, Cadmium concentration (in soluble form) of plowed soil decreased by 10-26% and exceeded the normally expected value of 10% 2) Experimental proof of less Cadmium absorption type rice Compared with the popular variety “Koshihikari”, there is a variety expected to lower the risk because of its character to absorb less Cadmium. After taking the same management of experimental paddy field for the first year, the cadmium concentration of the new variety was lower than that of “Koshihikari”. The new variety is expected to be the main crop in this area in the future 12 Cleaning Method by Plants (Phytoremediation) Soil condition suitable for more absorption Low Moisture Low pH Let the special plants absorb and take them out Cd Cd Cd Cd Cd Cd Cd Cd Cd Cd Cd Cd 長香穀 (高吸収イネ) Cd concentration in soil decreased Cd Cd Cd Cd Problems: Takes a lot of years & Treatment of the harvested crops 13 Low Cd Absorption Variety (paddy rice) イオンビーム育種(農環研) Soil Cd:0.35~1.4ppm Hardly absorb Cadmium despite high Cd concentration in soil and water saving conditions The yield & quality are almost equivalent to those of the popular “Koshihikari” variety 14 In conclusion • As for the countermeasures for agricultural land soil pollution, the related institutions like municipalities, Agricultural Cooperatives and producers should cooperate in both hardware side (e.g. soil dressing construction work) and software side (e.g. Making cultivation calendar, making tour of paddy fields or guidance of cultivation method) •Because soil dressing work costs a lot, it is necessary to make a comprehensive study taking into consideration cleaning method by plants or cultivation of crop varieties with less absorption of Cadmium as options Agricultural Improvement Division Agriculture & Horticulture Division Training session & public relations activities Recommend varieties Liaison Committee Extension Center Agricultural Technology Institute Farming site Producer Guidance to cultivation management JA ZEN-NOH Guidance & Coordination Establish countermeasures technology Municipalities Crop design 15
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