Making Teaching & Learning Easier 一、英语课堂教学 教师角色 高中英语课程的教学重点 关于教学目标 关于课堂教学过程 基本教学原则 学生主体参与的具体表现 二、教学讨论及建议 Learning to learn Warm-up: Vocabulary /listening Language Focus lessons:Reading Grammar Skill Focus Lessons:Listening and reading Vocabulary Communication workshop: Speaking and Writing 三、教学课例观摩与探讨 广东中山一中 戴一鸣 广东顺德李兆基中学 黄虹波 教师角色 学生学习的促进者、指导者、 组织者、帮助者、参与者和合 作者 organiser, activator, confidence-builder, language model, cultural role model 高中英语课程的教学重点 发展学生 用英语获取信息、处理信息的能力; 用英语分析问题、解决问题的能力; 用英语进行思维和表达的能力。 关于教学目标 传统的课堂教学目标 关注知识学习,忽视知识的运用; 关注教师的‘教’;忽视学生的‘学’; 关注‘知识的记忆’,忽视‘建构知识的 过程’; 关注书本知识的学习,忽视与生活经验的 联系; 关注智力的发展,忽视情感的发展; 关于教学目标 新课程的课堂教学目标 既关注知识的学习,更关注知识的运用; 既关注教师的‘教’;更关注学生的‘学’; 重视‘记忆’策略,更关注‘建构知识的过 程’; 重视书本知识,更重视与生活经验的联系; 既关注智力的发展,更关注学生身心的健康; 重视学科内容的学习,也关注学科间的联系; 力求满足学生的终身发展的需要。 关于课堂教学过程 Pre-learning Learning After learning 关于课堂教学过程 Pre-learning: 调动学生已有的知识和经 验,为输入新的知识和技能做准备(情 感态度和语言准备) Learning:语言输入,新知识建构、知识 与技能操练、概念的理解和提炼,举一 反三 After learning:语言知识与技能的巩固 和综合运用 基本教学原则 使学习机会最大化(Maximize Learning Opportunity)。 不管你用什么方法,首先要创设一种使学生获得最大学 习机会的环境和教学过程。教师的角色即是为学生创造 这种机会。 最大限度地缩小教与学的差距。教和学的过程不一定完 全吻合,教师的作用即在于尽量使这种差距缩小。 促进积极的课堂互动(Interaction)。教学过程应当为 学生提供有意义的互动,使教师和学生进行有效的交流。 培养积极主动的学习者。这是我们的课堂教学目标,即 培养更加自觉自愿的学习者。 提高语言意识。培养学生对于语言的敏感性,理解语言 的意义联系。同时,还要了解包括语法和词汇在内的语 言形式及其功能。 基本教学原则(续) 激发学生本能的发现力。引导学生去发现语法规律。 发展综合语言技能(Integrated Language Skills)。语言 教学必须是综合性的,目的在于使学生掌握听说读写等 方面的综合语言技能。 力求语言输入情境化(Contextualize Linguistic Skills)。在一定的语境下呈现语言,而不是孤立地去呈 现语言语法规则和词汇。教师要创设一定的语言环境, 帮助学生在情境中理解语言。 确保语言与社会生活的相关性。使教学过程符合学生的 思维能力、社会生活经验和年龄特征。 提高文化意识。语言是文化的载体,语言的学习离不开 文化。教学过程中要给予培育学生的文化敏锐性和鉴别 力等方面足够的关注。 学生主体参与的具体表现 教师角色的转变 学生主动、积极,自信 课堂气氛民主、平等、活跃 有效调动学生已有知识和经验 学生发现新知识(如:语言的规律,表达的方式) 学生积极思考,从不知到知,体现建构过程 学生有表达个人的观点、意见或情感的机会 学生有自主提问的动机和机会 活动设计从学生的兴趣和经验出发 教师鼓励、尊重、发展学生的见解和观点 学生主体参与的具体表现 教师是积极的倾听者 教师与学生交流学习的目标和达标的要求 教师允许学生出错,适时帮助修正 教师与学生有真实的交流机会 教师创造机会让学生反思和评价自己的学习 教师给予学生进行选择的机会 教师提供师生、生生互动的机会 教学渗透与其他学科知识的联系 教师提供学生用英语做事情的机会 教师与学生交流和讨论情感…… Warm-up grammar Learning to learn Unit 1 Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Language focus vocabulary listening Skill focus Reading Unit 2 Unit 3 模块 Communication work shop Culture corner Project Literature spot Language power Writing Help Grammar Summary Notes to the texts Word List Bulletin board Unit Diary Guided speaking & writing practice Suggested class times Learning to learn (2 periods) Each unit (12 periods) Warm-up (20 minutes or so) Four lessons (8 periods) Communication Workshop (2 periods) Culture Corner and Bulletin Board (homework) Unit Diary (20 minutes) Language Power and Review (1 period) Important feature –Learner development Students are encouraged to develop as independent and active learners of English. These skills and habits will make them better students throughout their educational lives. Learner development See learner development as investment: Self-study features:Learning to learn, Unit objectives, Encourage students to keep learner diaries: organize vocabulary books, used to the self-study features---become more effective students Strategies Boxes, Writing help, Grammar Summary, Mini-Grammar, Notes to the Texts, Focus on Reading/Writing, Word Corner / Tips / Power, Key Word Bank, Check Your Progress What have you done/learned? What problems have you had? What was the most useful parts of the unit Use the unit objectives. Time for reflection. Link self-assessment with your own assessment. Using Learning to learn To arouse students’ awareness of individual autonomy. Part A: To get students motivated toward speaking English in class. Part B: To provide familiarity with the new coursebook and arouse interest. Part C: To review grammar and encourage record-keeping of new grammar. Using the warm-up page Introducing the unit theme Building up awareness of skills Exploring the module theme Recycling and developing skills In this unit you will … Stimulates interest in the theme Brings awareness of what the Ss are learning; helps build confidence Challenges the Ss What can you do with Key Words? Work out the meaning with pictures, meaningful contexts, synonyms & Antonyms…… Unit 1 Warm-up Shepherd---picture A shepherd’s life is peaceful and relaxing, but a student’s life is usually stressful---(context) Use the words: I think a student’s life is active, interesting and exciting(positive) but maybe it is stressful sometimes (negative). What can you do with Key Words? Unit 2 Warm-up A: He is always ready to give money or presents to those who need his help. The boy often causes pain and makes his parents suffer. She never shouts. She is never angry. She never hurries. She never worries. B: 31 people have been injured in _______ incidents throughout the day. Yao Ming is brave, ________ and calm while playing basket ball, He seems a kind and _______ friend in real life, but sometimes a little shy. How I hope he is romantic, too. C: Christine was trying to make what she said funny and enjoyable, but Peter felt threatened. Who are your heroes and heroines? Unit 2 Warm-up – Lang Pin ---famous Volleyball player/coach – Gao Yaojie ---known as an important person against Aids in China – Nelson Mandela ---brave man, fights for justice, fights against racism. Symbol of hope that things can change _ Professor Adrian Hall ---hero of “the Day after Tomorrow”, a great character! Try to save the world from the effects of global warming; also try to get his son, Sam _ How to deal with Listening? Build up and develop listening skills: Unit 1 ---Getting the gist/main idea Unit 2 --- Predicting Unit 3 --- Important words Produce language based on what they have learned: key words and key sentences,etc. Unit 1 ex 3 and 4 听力主要教学活动举例 听前活动 听时活动 明确听的目的; 激发兴趣和欲望;边 听 边 选 择 、 填 空 、 根 据 所 听内容 进 行口 头 熟悉话题; 连线、图画、补全信 或笔头转述; 预测大意; 息; 处理关键词; 布置任务。 边听边操作; 听后活动 讨论; 根据笔记写出梗概; 边听边做笔记; 利用听到的信息 ,以 同 判断真伪。 一题目为主题,从另一个 角度写出一个文段。 Suggestions for Listening Reduce “cassette fear”. Prepare thoroughly before listening. Be aware of listening difficulties. Reduce panic. Concentrate on task achievement. Be aware of variety. Evaluate the text. Don’t stick to the cassette. Use Strategies boxes for revision. Skill Focus Lessons-Listening Before your start Predicting---good listeners are good predictors. Pictures/Visual aids…… Setting the scene---provide the background information to activate students’ schema, so they will be better prepared to understand what they hear Listening for the gist---ask ss one or two questions that focus on the main idea of the passage Listening for specific information---weather report/airport announcement …… Skill Focus Lessons--Listen to Learn No specific response---take the anxiety out of listening Listen and tick Listen and sequence---find out the order of the things Listen and fill Unit 6 ex 3 p.38, Function Files Listen and guess---oral descriptions of a person, thing, place, action, etc. Listen to learn : Using the tapescript Identify the activity type Consider how the students would complete the exercise Find the most suitable use for the tapescript Skill Focus Lessons--Speaking Asking and answering questions Making dialogues,using functional sentences Making interviews Have a telephone conversation Get prepared for Writing …… Skill Focus Lessons Example: 6 History Makers – – – – Discussion points Background knowledge Providing enough support Teaching opportunities Strategies box Provides learning tips Provides real communication in English Opportunity for comprehension 阅读主要教学活动举例 读前活动 读时活动 读后活动 明确目的; 略读;找读; 转述所读内容; 熟悉话题; 根据所读内容画图、标 根据所读内容进 预测内容; 预测词汇; 全信息; 讨论; 为课文选择或添加标题; 改写; 根据所读内容制作图表; 续尾; 边读边操作; 判断真伪。 激发兴趣和 欲望; 图、连线、填表、排序、补 行角色扮演; 布置任务。 写摘要。 Skill Focus lessons---Reading Before you start − − draw the students’ attention to the topic. Stimulate interests and get ss involved actively in discussing the topic always be prepared to extend the material additional vocabulary additional leading questions Skill Focus lessons---Reading Before you start Predicting: based on titles, pictures, vocabulary/topics……Unit 1 L.1 p.8, L.4 p.14, Unit 4 L.1 ex 2 p.8, L.3 ex 1 p.12, Setting the scene: 设置社会文化背景 getting students familiarized with the cultural and social background knowledge relevant to the reading text Unit 1 L.4 p.14, Unit 2 L.4 Christmas Skimming Skill Focus Lessons Read to learn Choose your order for the activities Target your activities according the skills that need to be developed Consider a variety of options for reading text While-reading Activities Information transfer activities信息转换: 图表,标顺序,做笔记,流程图…… transfer information from one form to another --an be more effectively processed and retained Activities: pictures, maps, tables, tree diagrams, cyclic diagrams, flowcharts, chronological sequence, subtitles, note-taking Reading Comprehension Questions Questions of literal comprehension---answers are directly and explicitly expressed Questions involving reorganisation or reinterpretation---obtain information from various parts and put it together in a new way Questions for inferences ---consider what is implied Questions for evaluation or appreciation ---make judgement about what writer is trying to do and how successful he is in achieving the purpose Questions for personal response ---answers depend on the reader’s reaction to the text While-reading Understanding references: Understanding what referential words refer to is crucial for comprehension Making inferences: “reading between the lines”, requires the reader to use background knowledge in order to infer the implied meaning of the author While-reading Scanning P.3 ex 3 Choose titles/topic sentences p. 22 ex 4, p.29 ex 3 Working out the meaning of words p.26 ex 2, p.29 ex 5,6,7 …… Skill Focus Lessons Speaking Purpose: Post-reading tasks should provide the students with opportunities to relate what they have read to what they already know or what they feel. In addition, post-reading tasks should enable students to produce language based on what they learned. teachers have to be most inventive or imaginative. They have to design tasks which are relevant to the text being studied and appropriate to the students’ level. Reading Encouraging guessing and prediction. Encouraging guessing of meaning. Encourage inference. Focus on style. Develop dictionary skills. Only focus on key words in texts. Encourage extensive reading outside the class. Use Strategies boxes for revision. Language Focus Lessons Language input: Grammar Presentation: Practice: do tasks on reading and listening texts,only concentrate on the meaning of the text Focus ss’ attention on the target grammar in the text, then use the examples to work out rules in a guided way, refer to Grammar Summary for further explanation carefully graded and get ss to apply the rules they have just discovered Grammar Presentation and Practice Pay attention to both form AND function Make use of the Grammar Summaries Look for teaching points in the practices What happened? − – – – What was the crowd doing? What were the other team members doing? What was his mother doing? What were you doing? Grammar Presentation and Practice Pay attention to both form AND function Make use of the Grammar Summaries Look for teaching points in the practices Explore all options for the practice Language Study Example: p26 Grammar presentation Ask leading questions to highlight function of the tense Reinforce with real life questions when appropriate Grammar Encourage Individual grammar notes. Develop reference skills. Get students to work out grammar rules themselves. Don’t worry when students say “We’ve done it before!” Top ten most typical mistakes in the class. Get students to produce language tests. Voice your opinion/ Language in use Give students necessary support Encourage communication Example:Lexical Approach classroom activity The materials in this article aim to achieve the following goals: General Goals To develop students’ reading skills To increase students’ store of lexical chunks More Specific Goals To motivate students to read by providing texts with universally engaging themes providing activities that allow students to personalise texts encouraging meaningful and authentic initial reactions to texts To help students develop skills for independent learning by providing opportunities to experience lexical chunks in authentic texts encouraging students to analyse, generalise, research and experiment with lexical chunks providing students with opportunities to discover chunks for themselves Before you read 1: You are going to read a story about a young teenage boy from England. The boy has upset his parents. Read these sentences from the story and decide whether you think they come at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the story. "I got slapped three times with the sole of her shoe. Three times. That was it. Then she left my room. She never said a word." 2: The story is called Away Day and the first sentence reads, “The only time I ever bunked off school, I was thirteen years old.” What do you think the story is about? Write down some guesses and share them with other students. As you read 1: As you read the story from the point of view of a teenage school boy, try to see pictures of the boy in your mind and decide if the boy deserved the punishment. After you read Reaction 1: Tell a partner, if you think the boy's punishment was appropriate and what you would have done if you were the parents. 2: Think about the following questions: How do you feel about the boy in the story? Why do you think the boy went with the twins? Why do you think the boy's mother reacted in the way she did? At the beginning of the story the author tells you the twins were always in trouble. Why do you think he tells you that? Discuss your thoughts about the questions in a small group. 3: Discuss your answers to the following questions with a partner: In paragraphs 1 and 2, what words tell you the housing estate is poor/working class? In paragraphs 3 and 4, how do you know the weather is hot and has been hot for some time? In paragraphs 5 and 6 the boy is becoming more and more frightened. What do you think frightens him? The boy was punished in the final paragraph. Was it the punishment he expected? Was the punishment effective? Look at the language 1: Look at the lexical chunks below. All the expressions are from the story, Away Day. For each chunk try to write an equivalent in your language. Are they lexical chunks in your language too? Tell a partner about the lexical chunks in your language. Lexical chunks (frozen or fixed) in the middle of nowhere I had no idea Lexical Chunks (semi-frozen or semi-fixed) She never said a word I didn’t know where we were going I didn’t know what we were doing Look at the language adjective plus noun collocations 2: What other nouns can you use after the adjective ‘shiny new’? e.g. shiny new shoes shiny new bike 3: What other nouns can you use after the adjective ‘broken’? e.g. broken heart broken window What nouns can’t you use after ‘broken’? e.g. broken house Examples of verb plus noun collocations I didn’t do my homework. (do / homework) They were always in trouble with the teachers. (be / trouble) 4: Underline the weakest verb and noun collocation. Example: Exam take / pass / fail / study for / sit / revise homework do / forget / lose / prepare / finish / hand in trouble be in / expect / make / discover / get into / ask for 5. Read the story again and make a list of collocations you think are useful to know. Using English 1: Think of a time you were punished by your parents. 2: Tell a partner why you were punished and how you were punished. 3: With your partner decide if the punishment was fair. 4: Write about the time you were punished for other students in your class to read. OR 1: Think about a time you helped a friend. 2: Tell a partner who your friend was and how you helped your friend. 3: Write about the time you helped your friend for another friend to read. Teaching Vocabulary Ways of presenting vocabulary: Try to provide a visual or physical demonstration whenever possible, using pictures, photos, video clips, mime or gestures to show meaning. Provide a verbal context to demonstrate meaning. Then ask students to tell the meaning first before it is offered by the teacher. Use synonyms or antonyms to explain meanings Use lexical sets or hyponyms to show relations of words and their meanings, e.g. cook: fry, boil, bake, grill, etc. Translate and exemplify, especially with technical words or words with abstract meaning. Teaching Vocabulary Use word formation rules and common affixes to build new lexical knowledge on what is already known. Create and providing different contexts for introducing new words. e.g. grumble Some people grumble about everything. For example, they grumble about the weather. If it is sunny, they say it is too hot. If it is cool, they say it is too cold. They are never happy with the weather. They always grumble about the weather Think about the context in real life where the word might be used. Relate newly learned language to students’ real life to promote high motivation. Teaching Vocabulary Ways for consolidating vocabulary Using word series: lifestyle adjectives Finding synonyms and antonyms (p.68), collocation (teaching collocation is believed to be a more effective way of vocabulary learning than teaching one single word at a time.), Categories---grouping words into different categories: Key word banks in Language Power Using word net-work/spiders: Word corner in Language Power Teaching Vocabulary Developing vocabulary learning strategies Review regularly Guess meaning from context Organize vocabulary effectively Use learned vocabulary Use a dictionary Creating vocabulary notebooks Manage strategy use Teaching Vocabulary Focus on the strategies for learning vocabulary; Encourage students to guess meaning from context; Stress the importance of phrases, collocations, word building, word family, etc.; Encourage students to select vocabulary to remember; Encourage students to use--- but not overuse--- a dictionary; Encourage students to keep a vocabulary book or a key word bank, and Use vocabulary books as fillers. Communication Workshop Speaking: Before you start:Listening-as an example; Speaking strategies Stages for the speaking activity Talkback Communication Workshop Example: p45 surprise, repetition – – – Informal expressions Use the model as guide NOT script to memorise Have fun with expressive expressions! 口语主要教学活动举例 说前活动 说话活动 说后活动 明确目的; 描述人物和事件; 汇报结果; 激发兴趣; 报告过程和结果; 讲评; 熟悉话题和语境; 角色扮演; 书面表达活动。 语言准备; 交换信息; 分配角色和任务。 讨论; 演讲; 辩论。 Speaking Example: p25 no 7 – – – Large reading input Students need to be guided Encourage communication Speaking Strategies Working in groups Preparation for speaking Asking for repetition Ways of expressing yourself fluently Interacting Dealing with mistakes Suggestions for Speaking Before you start. Give preparation time. Encourage individual practice. Encourage interactive communication. Reward effort and participation in speaking activities. Give marks for oral performance. Only correct afterwards. Get students to make a list of difficult words to pronounce. Communication Workshop Writing Before you start: discuss its structure Stages Talkback Read a model and 写作主要教学活动举例 写作主要教学活动举例 写前活动 写时活动 写后活动 激活灵感; 写初稿; 自我修改; 激发兴趣; 规划文章结构; 相互修改; 明确目的和读者 填空; 个人或小组面批; 看图作文; 检查语言、文法、 对象; 讨论主题; 图文转换; 搜集素材; 仿写; 语言准备; 阅读范文; 连句成文。 逻辑、用词、润色; 制作板报,墙报。 Writing Strategies Brainstorming ideas (using questions/timelines/networks) Audience awareness Paragraph planning (using diagrams) Drafting (using useful vocabulary and linking words) Checking (content/grammar/ spelling) Self and peer assessment Suggestions for Writing Familiarise students with the Writing Help. Try out some written tasks in pairs/groups. Make criteria clear. Always make sure that students know why they are writing and who they are writing to. Emphasise the importance of the planning stage. Make sure students check their writing. Make sure that compositions are read. Use correction codes. Give feedback about the coherence (organization) and cohesion (e.g. linking/punctuation) of students’ texts and only on accuracy. Focus on style. Project Example: p49 Make a living history museum Project is based on real life Project teaches study skills Integrated language Useful phrases: in my home town there was… when I was growing up.. we used to … we had many … we never had any … where was plenty of … there weren’t many … …is still the same … is very different now 联系我们 曹瑞珍 王 源 北京师范大学出版社 010-58807669 [email protected] [email protected]
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