Key Extragalactic Sciences with SPICA: a brief overview of MRD October 19, 2009 Hideo Matsuhara(ISAS/JAXA) & SPICA SWG SPICA Mission Requirement Approaches to perform SPICA Scientific Objectives 〈銀河誕生のドラマ〉 をさぐる 〈惑星系のレシピ〉 をさぐる [1] [2] [3] 銀河の誕生と 進化過程の解明 Resolution of Birth and Evolution of Galaxies 銀河星間空間における 物質輪廻の解明 The Transmigration of Dust in the Universe 惑星系形成過程の 総合理解 Thorough Understanding of Planetary System Formation 遠方宇宙/初期宇宙 Distant/Early Universe 近傍宇宙(恒星系) Local Universe/Stellar system Resolution of Birth and Evolution of Galaxies Birth of 1st Stars Cosmic Re-ionization SPICA Formation/Evolution of Cluster of Galaxies Formation/Evolution of Stars & Super-Massive Blackholes in Galaxies Credit: NASA contributors Objective 1: Objective 2: Tohru Nagao (Ehime U.), Toru Yamada (Tohoku U.) Objective 4: Mai Shirahata, Shuji Matsuura, Hideo Matsuhara (ISAS), Mitsunobu Kawada (Nagoya U.) Objective 3: Eiichi Egami (U. Arizona), Kimiaki Kawara (U. Tokyo), Takashi Ichikawa (Tohoku U.), Motoki Saito (Ehime U.) Masa Imanishi (NAOJ), Shinki Oyabu (ISAS), Masayuki Akiyama (Tohoku U.) Objective 5: Yusei Koyama, Taddy Kodama (NAOJ), Toshinobu Takagi (ISAS) Extragalactic Science :Objective #1 Nature of re-ionization sources • Objective – We will discover active star-forming galaxies at re-ionization epoch, and reveal their nature with SPICA’s unique capability. • Target – We will search for redshifted ionized H lines, H2 lines and dust emission band (z>4) from active star-forming galaxies at z>4 with mid-& far-IR spectroscopy. We also search for starforming galaxies at z>4 by using flux magnification due to cluster gravitational lens, and dust-cocooned Gamma Ray Bursts at z>4. SAFARI BLISS MIRACLE Tracing the Cosmic Star Formation History at 4<z<10 Bouwens et al. (2008) Rest-frame UV-selected galaxies show a steep decline of star formation rate density from z~4 to 10. Is dust obscuration playing any role? Strong PAH emitter search upto z~10 PAH luminous galaxies @z=0.6 z~2 SMG (Pope+ 2008) • 7.7um PAH luminosity of z~2 SMGs: ~5e1010 L for the most luminous ones (Pope et al. 2008) Requires a flux sensitivity of ~10-19 Wm-2 to detect up to z~10 @ R~20 is enough with SAFARI • Low-R spectroscopy enables to overcome the confusion limit • How large / deep should we survey with SAFARI?? Probing Early Universe with hyper-luminous H2 Emission Lines Egami et al. (2006) Do they already exist beyond z=4? Pure rotational lines S(1), S(2) from Zw3146 (LIRG with ~1010MSUN warm H2 gas) class galaxy at z=6-7 can be detected with BLISS. SPICA/BLISS is unique observatory to do H2 line science of early Universe! Extragalactic Science :Objective #2 Origin of Cosmic IR Background • Objective – We will resolve the cosmic far-infrared background light into individual objects, and reveal the origin of the cosmic farinfrared background residual brightness and fluctuations. • Target – We will resolve the cosmic far-infrared background light into individual far-infrared objects with 3 times or more higher spatial resolution than that of AKARI. We then evaluate farinfrared background residual brightness and its fluctuations after removal of the individual objects, and reveal its origin through detailed analysis such as multi-wavelength correlation. SAFARI BLISS MIRACLE Resolving capability of the Cosmic Infrared Background (CIB) With an ideal pointsource sensitivity limited by source confusion as a function of telescope diameter (Dole et al. 2004) Motivation: The near-infrared background • IRTS & COBE found excess emissions which cannot be nearby galaxies • Proto-galaxies (e.g. pop-III stars, mini-quasars) at z~10? • Measuring the anisotropy is powerful to identify them. If substantial fraction of the energy of the NIR background is converted to dust emissions (IGM dusts, miniquasars(AGN), etc.), it may form the far-infrared background. The far-infrared background measurement with SPICA AKARI found : 1) Excess brightness around 100um Corresponding to >10^10 gals/sr for S<100 uJy Proto-galaxies? 2) Large-scale fluctuations at 10’-30’ ~5% of the mean CIRB level Very red foreground galaxies? Objective: detection of spectral features (hot dust, silicate absorption, etc.) and fluctuations of the far-infrared background of dust emissions from proto-galaxies at z>10. • • • To resolve the excess background and the large-scale clustering, the detection limit of ~100uJy (5) and ~1mJy (5) is required, respectively. To measure the FIR background at similar levels to the NIR background ~1-10 nW/m2/sr (0.03-0.3MJy/sr at 100um), the detection limit of ~150uJy (5) is required. Angular power spectrum of the fluctuations to ~1 degree (FOV >2x2 sq.deg) is required to discriminate proto-galaxies with distinctive spectrum. SPICA Mission Requirement Document Extragalactic Science: Objective #3 Diagnostics of distant IR galaxies • Objective – We will reveal physical & chemical condition of high-z galaxies with precise correction for dust attenuation, based on understanding of interstellar environment and dust emission. • Target – We will reveal interstellar environment and dust emission characteristics of high-redshift galaxies out to z~3 through PAH emission as well as atomic and molecular emission lines with broad-band mid- & far-IR moderate resolution spectroscopy. These observations allow us to reveal the physical & chemical conditions of dusty galaxies in the early universe (up to 9 Gyr ago) with precise correction for dust attenuation. MIRMES MIRACLE SAFARI One example of SPICA’s outstanding capability : BLISS MIR-FIR metalicity diagnostics! Why metallicity at 0 < z < 3 ? Tight relation between galaxy mass and metallicity (M-Z rel.) ~ constraints on galaxy evolutionary models Mass-dependent evolution in the M-Z relation ~ chemical version of the “down-sizing” evolution Possible caveat: selection bias ~ using “rest-frame optical” diagnostics observing only “un-obscured” galaxies ~ how about “obscured” galaxies?? Maiolino, Nagao, et al. (2008) Application to ISO data (only few low-z galaxies) metallicity diagnostics physical properties M82, CenA, NGC1068, Antennae show consistent line ratios. AGN effects are negligible? (should be checked…) Data: Colbert+99, Unger+00, Fischer+96, Spinoglio+05 Feasibility SAFARI GOAL BLISS • [NIII] 57mm – M82 (dwarf SB) : detectable out to z~1 with BLISS – ULIRGs are detectable out to z~2 with SAFARI Extragalactic Science :Objective #4 Super-Massive Black-Hole growth history • Objective – In order to understand the role of supper-massive black holes (SMBHs) in the galaxy evolution, we will make a survey for the forming SMBHs, that may not be observed easily in other methods due to the obscuration by dust, from the present to the early universe. • Target – We will make infrared imaging & spectroscopic observations of approx. 1,000 candidates in search for the forming supermassive black holes (SMBHs), that can not be observed easily in other methods due to the obscuration of dust, from the present to the early universe. Supplementing these results with the results of observations for the galaxy formation history, we will understand the role of SMBHs in the galaxy evolution. MIRACLE MIRMES SAFARI Optically (X-ray) selected AGN Buried AGN 5-35 mm spectra of ULIRGs Active Sturburst Buried AGN Starburst + AGN PAH PAH 18um 9.7um 18um 9.7um 9.7um PAH PAH 18um 9.7um 9.7um 18um 9.7um With PAH Spitzer & AKARI, only 24 micron-very-bright ULIRGs (biased sample) PAH weak Silicate abs. strong strong could be studied at z > 1: SPICA enables us to go to z > 3 and to general ULIRGs at z > 1 !! Evolution of galaxies and the growth of super-massive blackholes z=0.7-1.0 z=1.0-1.5 4000A break strength z=0.2-0.7 Obs. limit log( Stellar mass (M_sun)) Contours : the galaxy distribution in SXDF Blue filled (spec-z) and open (phot-z) circles : X-ray sources (AGN) At z=1.0-1.5, AGN are associated with massive star-forming galaxies, while at z=0.2-0.7, the AGN number associated with massive red galaxies increases. Do some X-ray AGN follow the track from star-forming to red, passive galaxies (and their activities are going to turn off)? How about dusty obscured AGN?. SPICA/SAFARI broad-band imaging survey over ~100 sq. deg!! Subaru XMM deep survey field (SXDS) (Akiyama et al.天文月報2008年1月号 ) Extragalactic Science :Objective #5 Cosmic SF & Mass Assembly History • Objective – We will reveal the star-formation & mass assembly history of galaxies in relation to the forming processes of the galaxy clusters and the large scale structures, as well as the environmental effect on the galaxy evolution. • Target – In the early universe where the star forming activities was at a peak, we will undertake imaging wide-area survey and observe the galaxy clusters and the large scale structures at infrared wavelength, to which the redshifted emitting energy shifts. The large survey area (corresponding to ~300 Mpc) can trace the large scale structures, and we will reveal the star formation history in the early universe (up to 9 Gyr ago) as well as the mass assembly history and its environmental effect on the galaxy evolution. MIRACLE SAFARI “Wide-field” is powerful ! z = 30 z=5 z=3 JWST/MIRI MIRACLE z=2 z=1 MIRACLE z=0 MIRACLE MIRACLE M=6×10^14 Msun, 20Mpc×20Mpc (co-moving) Yahagi et al. (2005) MIR galaxies in the transition region MIR fraction MIR galaxies prefer cluster outskirts, but avoid cluster centre : 15um source AKARI log (density) Koyama et al. (2008) Clusters at “cluster desert” (1<z<2) The number of 1<z<2 known clusters is now increasing SPICA + FMOS collaboration will be powerful FMOS MIRI MIRI RDCS0910 @z=1.1 16um RDCS1252 @z=1.24 17um (Tanaka et al. 2007, 2008 ) Summary Understand the role of environment along the cosmic time through wide-field cluster study with SPICA SF activity (SFR, SSFR, etc) Field Group Cluster ? ? z ? WHAT’S SPICA MISSION? IN SYNERGY WITH HERSHEL, JWST, TMT, ALMA? Herschel launched !!! 14 May 2009 Deep FIR imaging : 3.5m aperture : confusion limit substantially improved but very limited cosmic volume FIR & Submm spectroscopy – still limited to z<<1 Credit: ESA ALMA will be available soon commission from 2012 • Overwhelming spatial resolution in the submm • Star-forming galaxies with SFR~100 Mo/yr @ z>3 will be studied, though survey area may be limited to a few 100 arcmin2 (since FOV~20”) • coordination with LMT CCAT may give information on for unbiased sample of z>3 submm galaxies Then, JWST will come!! To be launched in 2014 • Extreme sensitivity @0.6-5mm – Re-ionization sources @ z>7 may be identified and studied • Suprime spatial resolution (68mas@2mm) – Origin of galaxies’ morphology may be answered etc. etc. TMT (Thirty Meter Telescope) aimed commission in 2018 Caltech/UC + Japan + Canada Understanding the nature of 1st stars Superior Spectroscopic sensitivity than JWST Suprime spatial resolution with AO (30mas) Remember Basic Concept of SPICA 3-m monolithic primary mirror, diffraction limited at 5mm COOLED (<6K) telescope as well as focal plane instruments Space Observatory mission, for mid- & far-IR astronomy Uniqueness of SPICA Overwhelming Imaging Sensitivity at 20-100 mm (MIRACLE, SAFARI) Overwhelming mapping speed !! MIRACLE should have large FoV as much as possible Capability of spectro-imaging at 35-210mm (SAFARI) Overwhelming Spectroscopic sensitivity at 20 – 400 mm (MIRMES, SAFARI, BLISS) High-dispersion spectroscopy at 4-8, 12-18mm Sensitivity for spectral lines (1 hour, 5) IRSx0.1 BLISS 1.5-2 orders better than Herschel Better than JWST @20mm 35 36 SPICA’s probe for re-ionization Era (z~10) Probes free from the confusion limit PAH Emitter Cosmic Far-IR Background Fluctuations Gravitational lens H2 emitter Dust-obscured hyper-luminous AGN Dust-cocooned GRB afterglow Evidence of Formation of dust / metals in the re-ionization era ULIRGs at z~10 : if exit, how they are related to the 1st stars? Some Key Words expressing SPICA Mission Objective.. SPICA SHALL UNVEIL INVISIBLE UNIVERSE OBSCURED BY DUST 1ST METALS IN EARLY UNIVERSE COSMIC SFH/BHGH ORIGIN OF OUR SOLAR SYSTEM 중요한 것은 눈으로 보이지 않는다 大切なものは目で見えないんだよ。 l'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux WHAT IS ESSENTIAL IS INVISIBLE TO THE EYE, BUT VISIBLE TO SPICA’S HEART
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