How to get published in an IOP (or other) Journal Dr Nicola Gulley Editorial Director, IOP Publishing Professor Mingfang Lu Editor-in-Chief, IOP Beijing office Institute of Semiconductors, CAS, Beijing 17 March 2009 [email protected], Outline: How to get published A brief history of publishing Why publish? Preparing the manuscript Some ‘does and don’t’s’ Publication ethics Selecting the right journal Submitting the manuscript The publication process What happens at the journal? Peer review process Responding to referees comments How long does it take? A brief history of publishing Earliest book: a clay tablet (4000 BC) The first successful communication device: papyrus then parchment Paper invented by the Chinese (105 AD) Movable type: invented in China (around 1100 AD) Printing press: Gutenberg (1455) First scientific journals (1665) Journal des Scavans (France) Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London (England) First IOP journal 1874 Scientific journals today: 10,000 to 20,000 peer-reviewed scientific journals published Most are online with print, but growing number are online only What is scientific writing? Reporting original research in journals Journal articles, papers, Letters Broader communication Review articles Professional communication Grant proposal, technical reports Oral and poster presentations Key for success Clarity of writing To communicate new scientific findings writing should be as clear and simple as possible Effective organisation, e.g. of ideas, results, conclusions Definition of a scientific paper It is a written and published report describing original research results Article must be written in English Original work Not previously published Not under consideration for publication in any other journal Scientific quality not quantity of papers Do not ‘salami slice’ results Why publish? Getting papers published is a major way to make an impact in your field of research Publications play an important role in career advancement and securing funding Journals are a key part of scientific communication For graduate students, to get your degree Helpful tips for writing your paper I Do the preparation: Choose a journal – the earlier the better Read the ‘Instructions for authors’ Look at recent issues Start writing Block out time Use a good title for the article: Accurate, brief, specific description of the research The title is the most widely read part of the article Will be used by A&I services List the authors and addresses Who are the authors? What order to list them? Helpful tips for writing your paper II Take care with the abstract A miniature version of the paper State: Principal objectives and scope Describe the methods used Summarise results State main conclusions The need for a good introduction Describe the nature and scope of the research carried out Provide a brief review of previously published work in the area State the methods used State main results State the main conclusions Writing your paper: the main body of the article Results and discussion The most important section Often the most difficult to write Provide an adequate discussion of the significance of the results Show how your results and interpretations compare and or contrast with previously published work Discuss the theoretical implications of your work as well as any practical applications State your conclusions as clearly as possible Represent data in an organised way? The importance of tables and graphs Use with care Expensive to produce in the journal Writing your paper: the main body of the article Cite the right references List only significant published references Check all references for accuracy against original source Follow reference style Name and year Order numerically as they are cited in the paper Acknowledgements Make sure acknowledge appropriate sources, e.g. funding, expertise, equipment Preparing your manuscript - Summary 1. 2. 3. Follow the rules: Instructions for Authors, Author Guidelines Organise the material: Title Abstract Introduction Materials and Methods Results Discussion Conclusions References Acknowledgements Ensure that the paper is of the right length 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Write concisely Write and allow time for rewriting Use correct grammar and spell check Have your paper read by colleagues, by a native English speaker, by scientists in related fields Make necessary revisions Use figures and tables appropriately Make sure the paper is in the correct format and style Make sure the paper is complete All figures, tables and references Things to avoid Being long winded – 10 words when only 5 are needed! ‘Flowery’ language Abbreviations and jargon Speculation or anecdotes – keep to the facts! A ‘gimmicky’ title makes wild, unjustified claims or may not be taken seriously Poor or incomplete references Poor quality figures Incomplete data Conclusions not supported by data Don’t cover up or ‘fudge’ the data – this is seen as unethical Ethics in writing a scientific paper Originality The results must be new (originality) Must not have appeared elsewhere in another journal Acknowledge the contribution of others Acknowledgements section References / citations Authentic and accurate The research should have been done and should be accurate Recent high profile cases of “fabricating” results The article should not be under consideration by another journal Get permission to reproduce other material that has been published elsewhere Many journals now have an ethical policy Plagiarism and fraud can lead to serious consequences Selecting the right journal An important decision… Selecting the right journal Choose the right one for you before writing has begun Selecting the journal (continued) Decide as early as possible on your first choice journal Check the audience and scope of the journal You can find it in the printed version or on the Web IOP Journals web site - Most recently published IOP papers are available for FREE ( Contact the Publisher or Editor if in doubt Contact IOP’s Beijing office Browse the back issues to understand the journal’s style and scope Select the journal that will provide the most recognition (and where you have a reasonable chance of being published) Selecting the journal (continued) Prestige / Authority Impact factor and reputation. Impact Factor (2007) = A / B Where, A = Cites in 2007 to articles published in 2006 and 2005 B = Number of articles published in 2006 and 2005 Speed of publication Electronic publication means papers are published online in advance of printed version Visibility E.g. all papers published in IOP journals are free online for 30 days from publication (“This Month’s Papers”) Search facilities in online version ensure other people can find your work easily Alerting service Page / Article charges? Recommendation from a colleague Selecting the journal (continued) Which publisher? Why does it matter? Commercial (Elsevier Science, Wiley, Taylor and Francis, Kluwer Academic Publishers) Society publishers (Institute of Physics Publishing, American Physical Society, German Physical Society, Chinese Physical Society) Submitting your paper Details you will need to provide: Full details of authors: affiliations / addresses of all authors contact details of ‘corresponding’ author Nominate an alternative contact if the corresponding author is not available Copyright form (which may have to be signed by all authors) Follow ‘Instructions for Authors’ Submitting the manuscript: visit the journal home page For authors Submitting the manuscript: instructions for authors Author guidelines Submitting the manuscript: Web, e-mail (or hard copy) Fill in online form What happens next? Editor acknowledges your paper Preliminary decision to send to referees or not In scope of the journal? Is the manuscript complete? Editor selects referees for the paper Independent experts Broad knowledge of the field Previous record of fair and constructive refereeing Are available and have the time What happens next? (continued) Normally require 2 referee reports (can be one to three referees) Referees send their reports back to the Editor So-called ‘single blind’ referee process Referee knows who the author is Authors are not informed who the referee is Editor makes decision based on referee reports Adjudicator is selected if the reports are conflicting What is peer review? Independent assessment by experts in the field Referees provide constructive criticism and feedback on your paper A ‘filter’ for scientific quality control Publishing a paper in a peer-reviewed journal gives more credibility to your work than if you post it on your own web site Peer review is an essential part of obtaining a grant or publishing in a journal Referees’ report: Scientific Quality The ideal referee report Constructive advice Suggest possible improvements / revisions Point out any omissions, errors Scientific merit: significant new results and originality Accurate and correct Sufficient discussion of the context of the work, and suitable referencing Suitable material for the Journal Right subject coverage Overall objective: To publish good science in understandable language Referee report (I): Scientific Quality IOP Quality ratings Q1: makes a major contribution to the advancement of the subject (the top 15% of papers in the field) Q2: Good quality work – original, interesting and internationally competitive Q3: Borderline work – of limited interest – is there a good reason to publish this article? Q4: Low quality work, adds little or no new knowledge, not appropriate for a high quality journal Q5: Extremely poor work – clearly unsuitable Q1 & Q2 accepted Q3 Borderline Q4 & Q5 rejected Referee report (II): Presentation Title: is it adequate/appropriate? Abstract: is it complete by itself and suitable for direct inclusion in an abstracting service? Diagrams, tables, and captions: are they clear and essential? Text and mathematics: are they brief but still clear? Conclusion: does it summarise what has been learned and why it is interesting and useful? References: objective and up-to-date Clear writing and communication of ideas, readability and discussion of concepts The publication decision You will get an email from the editorial office: Accept Modify / revise Comments and suggestions from referees Reject Many good journals have rejection rates over 50% Responding to referees’ comments Read referees’ report and put away for a day! Read them again! Respond to each and every comment specifically Keep a list of your changes Where you disagree, explain why If referee misses a point it is not necessarily his/her fault Be polite! Prepare a detailed covering letter with your response If your paper is rejected Do not despair: treat referees’ comments as a free expert advice You can re-write your article taking into account the suggestions of the referees and re-submit it Note: If you re-submit the paper to any IOP journal, you need to add enough significant new results in it If you think the review was unfair, appeal to the journal by sending a letter and explaining why you think your work did not receive a fair treatment If your paper is accepted Great - celebrate! The journal will expect you to check your proofs rapidly and carefully Nominate another person if you are unavailable Give one copy of proofs to somebody else to read Reply to editor’s queries Order offprints of your paper at this stage How long does it all take? J Phys: Condensed Matter Publishing times (median): Receipt to first decision = 38 days Receipt to acceptance = 76 days Receipt to web publication = 104 days This is very fast – some journals can take up to 5 times as long! GOOD LUCK!! Summary IOP Publishing is committed to developing its publishing services : improved editorial services for new / existing authors; more papers, more citations, improved impact factor; universal access, increased circulation and greater visibility; new titles, new services, with enhanced technologies; more partner publishing initiatives, world-wide basis; IOP = number 1 scientific publisher of choice. How To Join Us! Join with us, and the campaigning voice of the physics community: IOP Membership available at view author, referee services at view librarians services at view complete journal listing at register for access / alerts at Thank you for listening! Journal of Physics – IOP flagship journals range J Phys A: Mathematical & Theoretical (2007 IF: 1.680) 1. Quantum field theory 2. QFT/BEC overlap 3. Quantum information 4. Foundations of quantum mechanics 5. Open quantum open systems 6. Quantum condensed matter physics 7. Computational physics 8. Mathematical methods for materials and biology J Phys B: Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics (2007 IF: 2.012) 1: Quantum optics and quantum information processing 2: Ultrafast science 3: Cold atoms and molecules 4: Novel light sources for atomic and molecular physics studies Journal of Physics – IOP flagship journals range J Phys CM: Condensed Matter (2007 IF: 1.886) 1. Soft condensed matter 2. Biological physics 3. Nanostructured surfaces and surface processes 4. Spintronics 5. Correlated electrons 6. Solid-state quantum information processing All on fundamental CM physics, experimental or theoretical! J Phys D: Applied Physics (2007 IF: 2.200) 1. Magnetism and magnetic materials 2. Applied interfaces 3. Photonics and semiconductors 4. Spintronics 5. Biomedical optics, biophotonics and biomagnetism 6. Tribology 7. Nanostructures and nanoelectronics 8. Terahertz physics Journal of Physics – IOP flagship journals range J Phys G: Nuclear and Particle Physics (2007 IF: 3.485) 1. Quark Matter / QGP / Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions 2. Cosmic Rays & Particle Astrophysics 3. Hadronic Physics 4. Neutrino physics 5. Nuclear Structure 6. Lattice QCD 7. Underground Lab Physics ISI影响因子的计算: A=2005年发表的论文数, B=2006年发表的论文数 C=(A+B)在2007年被引用的总次数 (能够追踪的) 2007 Impact Factor=C/(A+B) 发布时间: 2008年6月18日 IOP 66种期刊目录及最新SCI 影响因子 (1-7) IOP最著名的期刊系列 -- Journal of Physics series (2007 Impact Factor, updated in June 2008) 1. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical & Theoretical (1.680) 2. (1) Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics (2.012) 3. (2) Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter (1.886) 4. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics (2.200) 5. (3) Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics (3.485) 6. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 7. New Journal of Physics (3.264) Notes: 1. No page charge except NJP which is an open access journal. 2. For journals marked (1) - (8), IOP Beijing Office provides free pre-refereeing and English polishing services. 3. For journals marked “*”, authors need to submit papers directly to their editorial offices, please check IOP 66种期刊目录及SCI 索引和最新影响因子 (8-23) (2007 ISI Impact factor) 8. The Astronomical Journal (AAS, 5.019) 9. The Astrophysical Journal (AAS, 6.405) 10. The Astrophysical Journal Letters (AAS, 6.405) 11. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series (AAS, 7.898) 12. Biofabrication (New) 13. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics (New) 14. Biomedical Materials (0.787) 15. *Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics (USTC, 0.469) 16. *Chinese Physics B (CPS, 2.103) 17. *Chinese Physics C (CPS, new) 18. *Chinese Physics Letter (CPS, 0.812) 19. (4) Classical and Quantum Gravity (2.846) 20. * Communications in Theoretical Physics (CPS, 0.676) 21. Computational Science & Discovery (new) 22. Environmental Research Letters (1.200) 23. European Journal of Physics (0.608) All IOP Journals (24 - 40) 24. * EPL (Europhysics Letters) (2.206) 25. Fluid Dynamics Research (new) 26. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (new) 27. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (new) 28. Inverse Problems (1.854) 29. Journal of Breath Research (new) 30. *Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics (6.607) 31. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering (IGP, Nanjing, 0.762) 32. *Journal of High Energy Physics (5.659) 33. *Journal of Instrumentation (New) 34. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering (1.930) 35. Journal of Neural Engineering (New) 36. (5) Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics (1.752) 37. *Journal of Radiological Protection (0.903) 38. Journal of Semiconductors (new, Semi, CAS, China) 39. *Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment (2.418) 40. Measurement Science and Technology (1.297) All IOP Journals (41 – 57) 41. *Metrologia (1.667) 42. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Sci. & Eng. (1.158) 43. (6) Nanotechnology (3.310) 44. Nonlinearity (1.339) 45. * Nuclear Fusion (IAEA, 3.278) 46. * Physica Scripta (0.946) 47. Physical Biology (3.108) 48. Physics Education 49. Physics in Medicine and Biology (2.528) 50. Physiological Measurement (1.412) 51. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion (3.070) 52. *Plasma Science and Technology (IPP, 0.317) 53. Plasma Sources Science and Technology (2.120) 54. Reports on Progress in Physics (11.366) 55. * Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics (NAOC, 0.652) 56. SciDAC Review (DOE, new) 57. * Science and Technology of Advanced Materials (NIMS, 1.270) All IOP Journals (58 – 66) 1. 2. 3. 58. (7) Semiconductor Science and Technology 59. Smart Materials and Structures 60. (8) Superconductor Science and Technology 61. *Izvestiya: Mathematics (Turpion) 62. *Physics-Uspekhi (Turpion & UFN) 63. *Quantum Electronics (Turpion) 64. *Russian Chemical Reviews (Turpion) 65. *Russian Mathematical Surveys (Turpion) 66. *Sbornik: Mathematics (Turpion) (1.899) (1.512) (2.547) (0.453) (2.032) (0.985) (1.893) (0.309) (0.359) Notes: No page charge except NJP which is an open access journal. For journals marked (1) - (8 ), IOP Beijing Office provides free prerefereeing and English polishing services. For journals marked “*”, authors need to submit papers directly to their editorial offices, please check More Chinese journals to join China Science Review – NSFC (in progress) Progress in Physics (CPS, Nanjing University) …… IOP期刊的显著特点, 双审稿人审稿机制,对作者更公平和更多的发表机会。 均为享誉国际的著名期刊,1,000人的一流国际编委,多名中国编委 广泛的传播性, 电子期刊达到全球180多个国家和地区的4,000多个研究机构 ,包括所有200多个世界最著名实验室。2007年被点击6137万次,全文下载 超过1000万次。 全电子服务:esub, eStatus, eSearch, eAlert, RRS 方便作者投稿和研究。 审稿和出版速度快,JPCM:Receipt to First Decision = 38 days, Receipt to Acceptance = 76 days, Receipt to Web Publication = 104 days; 网上 出版可快至20天、平均2-3个月或更快。NJP 的最快记录只有25小时,前提 是保证论文和出版质量。Check with your co-authors first! 多媒体附件,免费附加“活”的公式、数据库,彩色图片或动画电影片段等, 向读者充分介绍自己的研究结果和过程。 所有IOP期刊均不收取版面费, 运行经费完全来自期刊的销售 所有新发表论文30天网上免费阅读和下载, 自1874年成立以来134年的过刊全部全文上网,总计超过20万篇论文和150 万页的物理学,其中包括许多荣获诺贝尔奖的经典之作。 Where to read IOP journals Return to Contents IOP最近的新 闻 直接访问我们的期刊 IOP选出的 最近出版的 文章 2 Journals list at Display journals by subject 连接到IOP出版过 的所有期刊,回溯 文档,最早从1874 年开始! 按照学科索 引 连接到我们所有的现刊 Return to Contents 3 Journal homepages Return to Contents 进入我们最新的一 卷,一期内容 进入我们的回 溯文档 将要出版的文章信息 作者投稿 4 Submitting the manuscript: Web, e-mail or hard copy Fill in online form Institute of Physics (IOP) –关于英国物理学会 Institute of Physics, 76 Portland Place, London W1B 3NT United Kingdom 成立于1874年,原名为Physical Society, 1970年由英国女 王授权更名为Institute of Physics 国际著名学术机构之一 致力于在全球范围内推动和传播物理学的研究和应用, 以及促进物理学教育的发展 在英国注册为非盈利性皇家慈善机构,注册号码:293851 在全球范围内拥有约3.4万名会员, 其中约9千名国际会员 英国物理学会出版社-- (IOPP) IOPP是英国物理学会(IOP)下属的非盈利性出版机构 IOPP采用公司化运作方式,所有盈余全部上缴英国物理学会 从资金和知识两个方面,支持物理学发展的慈善事业 IOPP是全球领先的物理学及相关学科的信息传播机构之一, 出版物包括: 60余种著名物理学期刊,包括《 Journal of Physics 》系列 Magazine, 包括6 种杂志, 如 Physics World, 等 物理学网站,,,,,等, IOP’s history of publishing research from China First paper from China in 1932, published in Proceedings of the Physical Society : Some thermomagnetic effects in Nickel and Iron (ShihChen T'Ao and William Band) From 1932 to 1980, 36 papers with authors from China From 1981 to 1990, 801 papers From 1991 to 2000, 3,192 papers Since 2000, 12,186 papers Nearly 3,000 in 2007 China now 1st for submissions, 2nd for accepted papers First paper from China published by IOP, 1932 英国物理学会北京代表处 -- IOP Beijing Office 2000年7月7日在北京正式成立, IOP Beijing Office 联络和促进中英两国在物理学方面的友好合作, 中国著名的大学和研究 机构,中国科技部、中国科协、国家基金委、中国物理学会,等 为中国物理学家向IOP期刊发表论文、作为审稿人或编委提供服务 为中国作者向IOP期刊投稿提供预审服务和免费修改英文服务 希望大家能够从中受益 Contact us: 英国物理学会北京代表处 北京海淀区中关村南三街8号A楼512房间 (中国科学院物理研究所内) 北京603信箱37号分箱 邮编:北京 100190 Tel: (010) 82649679, Fax: (010) 82649678 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] 为8 种期刊提供预审和免费英文修改, 方便中国作者投稿 (2007 Impact Factor) 1. Classical and Quantum Gravity (CQG, 2.846) 2. Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics (JOPA, 1.752) 3. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics (JPB, 2.012) 4. Nanotechnology (NANO, 3.310) 5. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter (JPCM, 1.886) 6. Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics (JPG, 3.485) 7. Semiconductor Science and Technology (SST, 1.899) 8. Superconductor Science and Technology (SUST, 2.547) 将扩展到包括所有Journal of Physics期刊: J Phys: A, D All cited by SCI IOP北京代表处提供稿件预审和免费英文修改服务 国内稿件质量不齐, 低质量论文对高水平论文带来 不利影响,造成多种浪费 — 时间、声誉 对稿件内容水平和写作把关,增加可读性 国际审稿时加速审稿过程, 增加可接受性,提高命 中率 整体上提高学术声誉 被拒稿的国内论文主要存在的一些问题 科学水平不高,追求论文数量。 写作水平和英文水平欠缺,不能正确表达研究结果和对 其进行充分的讨论,难以达到学术交流目的,甚至使审 稿人难以相信你的研究结果 – 不一定是偏见。 内容不适合所投期刊,如JPCM强调基础凝聚态物理, 因此,属于材料科学的论文难以被发表 关于如何发表高水平研究论文,请参见: _in_chinese.html Best Chinese papers published in J Phys Top Chinese papers published in 2006 Top Chinese papers published in 2005 How to get published in IOP journals hinese.html Top Chinese papers 2008 Top 10 Chinese institutions publishing papers with IOP in 2008 Name 1 Chinese Academy of Sciences - Beijing 492 /168 / 34.15% 2 Tsinghua University 260 / 88 / 33.85% 3 Zhejiang University 238 / 72 / 30.25% 4 University of Science and Technology of China 181 / 64 / 35.36% 5 Shanghai Jiao Tong University 213 / 60 / 28.17% 6 Nanjing University 197 / 59 / 29.95% 7 Peking University 178 / 58 / 32.58% 8 Chinese Academy of Sciences – Shanghai 173 / 53 / 30.64% 9 Fudan University 155 / 48 / 30.97% 10 Harbin Institute of Technology 196 /42 / 21.43% Over total of Chinese papers 34.5% /45.6% / Submitted / Accepted / Acceptance rate (%) Top 10 IOP journals most published by Chinese authors in 2008 Accepted papers Journal 1 JPhysD 2 Nano 3 JPhysCM 4 JPhysA 5 JPhysB 6 SUST 7 JOptA 8 PhysScr 9 SST 10 NJP Chinese papers Total papers Chinese papers/ world 389 1,441 27.00% 255 1,405 18.15% 168 1,778 9.45% 76 1,145 6.64% 73 484 15.08% 60 301 19.93% 59 310 13.04% 58 505 19.03% 55 323 17.03% 40 714 5.60% 几点建议 做好研究工作是写好论文的基础 利用互联网和电子期刊全面检索本领域的研究进展 提早全面准备写论文,不要等到最后 采用标准格式建立参考文献的电子数据库如Excel文件方 式,方便以后检索和引用 在研究过程中尽可能采用标准方式记录研究数据,争取 形成数据—图表—引用的自动数据链 提早训练写作英语(或其他外语)科技论文,检索一些 本领域的范文论文,反复熟记其语言写作特点和语言用 法,克服写作自己论文时的语言障碍, 但切记不可照搬! 多与老师、同学或同事讨论,认真思考不同的观点 写好第一篇外语论文,不要急于投稿 Questions ? 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