12/12/09 MPGD研究会@神戸大学 Yusuke KomatsuA B. AzmounB, C. WoodyB, K. OzawaA University of TokyoA ,Brook Haven National Lab.B 1 Outline HBD for PHENIX Results from the last year run Gain - gas fraction & VGEM dependence (ArCF4) Gain - Time dependence with Tech-Etch GEM Comparison between Tech Etch and CERN Time dependence as a function of the amount of water 2 Hadron Blind Detector for PHENIX Windowless Cherenkov light detector Dalitz rejector for measurements of low–mass e+ e- pairs.(m e+ e- ≤ 1GeV) Dalitz rejection with opening angle under “no” magnetic field Improve S/B ratio ~2 orders(goal) in mass spectrum! Signal: ex) φ→ e+ eBG: π0 → e+ e- γ γ → e+ ePHENIX 200GeV Au+Au Run4(before install HBD) arXiv:0706.3034 3 HBD Concept e-(+) Charged particle(γ<γth) CF4 : UV Ecutoff =11.5eV →λ=108nm + Mesh CsI : limit from QE →λ=200nm CF4 e- Cherenkov light pe Reverse bias CsI Sensitive region of wave lengh is 108< λ[nm] <200 GEM (as an electron multiplication) Readout pad Forward bias ~40 photoelectrons /e-(+) CsI photocathode is coated on the top GEM. CF4 both for Cherenkov radiator and electron multiplication gas . 4 View & performance of HBD Run9 few pe Hadron blind e + e - 55 cm q Pair Opening Angle 5 cm 22 pe Single electron signal Triple GEM detectors (10 panels per side) Gas & HV Installed HBD for Run10. 6 Objective ◎Base measurements of GEM for further upgrades Improved gas mixture Ar & CF4 have all most 100% transmittance in the sensitive wave lengh region. Ar mixed gas can reduce the operation voltage. -gain measurement in ArCF4 Green Ar Red CF4 7 Objective Time dependence of gain and H2O contamination Used Tech-Etch GEM. They are said to have different property from CERN GEM in time dependence of gain. And H2O ppm effects gain. -gain vs time (Tech-Etch) -gain vs time changing H2O ppm (Tech-Etch) 8 Measurements of gain vs VGEM in ArCF4 Measured triple GEM gain vs V across GEM(VGEM) with Fe55 . Dependence of the ArCF4 ratio. GEM made by CERN Pitch : 120μm Hole size(outer): 80μm (Inner ): 50μm Fe55 Mesh DG VGEM GEM Readout Pad TG 1 TG 2 IG 4.09 mm , 1 kV/cm 1.59 mm , 2.5 kV/cm 1.57 mm , 3 kV/cm 1.61 mm , 3.5 kV/cm 9 GEM CERN-segmented Each resistor is 10MΩ. One side is composed of 4 segments. 10 GEM chamber H2O: <100ppm Electrodes for GEM 11 ArCF4 gain vs VGEM ArCF4 : gain vs Vgem(after p/T Normalization) 10000 60/40 gain 80/20 10/90 40/60 20/80 0/100 1000 50/50 70/30 30/70 15/85 5/95 100 320 340 360 380 400 420 440 460 Vgem[V] 480 500 520 540 Green line represents the effective voltage for mixed gas to obtain the same signal strength as pure CF4. Results show ArCF4 has enough gain. 12 90/10 ArCO2 FWHM Res. vs gain 60.0 80/20 40.0 70/30 60/40 20.0 FWHM/mean[%] FWHM/mean[%] Energy Res. of ArCO2 and ArCF4 50/50 0.0 40/60 100 50.0 1000 10000 gain ArCF4 FWHM Res. vs gain 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 100 1000 gain 10000 80:20 70:30 60:40 50:50 40:60 30:70 20:80 15:85 10:90 5:95 0:100 13 Gain vs time measurement: ArCO270/30 (Tech-Etch) Measured time dependency of gain in ArCO2 70/30. Used another GEM series. They were made by Tech- Etch. Insulator CERN: apical TE:E-type Kapton Pitch : 120μm Hole size(outer): 80μm (Inner ): 50μm Double conical gap [mm] electric field[kV/cm] DG 4.11 1 TG1 1.67 2.5 TG2 1.68 3 IG 1.65 3.5 14 Relative gainRelative gain vs time 4.00 3.50 relative gain 3.00 2.50 2.00 ArCO2 70/30 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 0:00:00 0:28:48 0:57:36 1:26:24 1:55:12 2:24:00 time Gain of Tech-Etch GEM increased by ~3.5 times in 2.5 hrs. 15 Gain vs VGEM in plateau ArCO2 70/30 gain vs Vgem (gain plateau) gain norm. 100000 10000 ArCO2 70/30 Expon. (ArCO2 70/30) 1000 (exponential) 100 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 Vgem Gain was extremely high compared to CERN-segmented(gain abs.=1342@340V, ArCO2 70/30). 16 Gain curve :TE changing H2O & CERN C-C-C 330~130 ppm 28.4% TE ~1100ppm 1100ppm 38.1% C-C-TE 330~140ppm 23% TE ~250ppm 31.1% TE ~50 ppm 36%increase When reset charge up, flow Ar+H2O at ~2 l/min for 10 min. Tech-Etch GEM need longer time to reach gain saturation than CERN GEM. H2O can decrease a saturation time,however could not see such effects . 17 Summary Measured gain vs VGEM in ArCF4. Energy resolution did not depend on gain but a kind of gas mixture. Gain changed according to time ~3.5times eventually when used Tech-Etch GEM. About Tech-Etch GEM, water content in the chamber changed the gain , but did not the time to reach a saturated point of gain. 18 Backup 19 Requirements for HBD Very high e-(+) efficiency Hadron blindness and high sesitivity to a small number of photoelectrons as signal. ~104 multiplication factor Use GEM and CsI photocathode. Double hit resolution at least 90% when opening angle is small. Use analog information about charge. Need photo electrons as many as possible. Respond to a large bandwidth of Cherenkov light . pure CF4 bandwidth:6~11.5eV 20 GEM chamber (closed) 21 ArCO2 gain vs VGEM ArCO2 : gain vs Vgem (after p/T Normalization,p=760Torr,T=298K) 100000 70/30(abs.) 80/20 90/10 10000 gain 60/40 50/50 1000 40/60 100 250 300 350 Vgem[V] 400 450 22 Gain value ArCO2 Ar_CO2 Vgem[V] 90_10 80_20 70_30(abs gain) 60_40 270 450 280 945 290 1972 300 4312 649 310 9593 2613 320 8093 5116 50_50 40_60 330 10462 340 21795 1342 379 350 16402 2676 641 360 4962 1136 263 370 9771 1955 418 380 18728 3571 670 390 32352 1105 294 400 17267 1857 439 410 660 420 1016 23 Gain value ArCF4 Ar_CF4 Vgem[V] 80_20 70_30 60_40 50_50 40_60 30_70 20_80 15_85 Vgem[V] 10_90 475 709 485 1130 495 1776 505 3051 350 416 360 756 364 370 1455 658 380 2738 1159 472 390 5396 2125 826 3932 1447 556 410 2539 965 403 420 4679 1673 679 430 2898 1159 460 440 5083 1993 745 3375 1280 553 460 2076 894 634 470 3469 1479 931 480 2484 1504 490 4094 2519 400 450 500 4034 510 520 24 Results: ArCO2 Energy resolution ArCO2 FWHM Res. vs gain 60.0 FWHM/mean[%] 50.0 90/10 40.0 80/20 30.0 70/30 60/40 20.0 50/50 40/60 10.0 0.0 100 1000 gain 10000 Consistent with a reference thesys NIM A523(2004)345-354. ~22%. 25 Results: ArCF4 Energy resolution ArCF4 FWHM Res. vs gain FWHM/mean[%] 45.0 40.0 80:20 35.0 70:30 30.0 60:40 50:50 25.0 40:60 20.0 30:70 15.0 20:80 10.0 15:85 10:90 5.0 5:95 0.0 0 2000 4000 gain 6000 8000 0:100 26 ArCO2 90/10 CERN-segmented Left)VGEM=320V, Right)310V 27 ArCO2 CERN-segmented Left)70/30 400V, Right)80/20 400V 28 Gain was saturated after 45hours. ArCO2 70/30 gain vs time,Vgem=320V 5000 4800 4600 gain abs. 4400 4200 4000 3800 ArCO2 70/30,Vgem=320V 3600 3400 3200 3000 44:38:24 45:07:12 45:36:00 46:04:48 46:33:36 47:02:24 47:31:12 time 29 Gain curve changing H2O ppm (TE GEM) 38.1% increase ~1100 ppm 31.1% 36.0% ~250ppm ~50 ppm Tech-Etch GEM need longer time to reach gain saturation than CERN GEM. H2O can decrease a saturation time,however could not see such effects . 30 QE of CsI photocathode From Craig’s slide. 31 But GEM had tripped on the way. “11/12 9:36 all GEM tripped.Ramped up 350V again. There seems no damage.” Kept on measurement. Gain still increased. ArCO2 70/30 gain vs time Vgem=350V 35000 Output of preamp was saturated gain norm. 30000 25000 20000 15000 ArCO2 70/30 10000 5000 0 42:28:48 42:43:12 42:57:36 43:12:00 43:26:24 43:40:48 43:55:12 44:09:36 44:24:00 time 32 Results: Time dependency of gain ArCO2 70/30,VGEM =350V ArCO2 70/30 gain vs time (Tech-Etch GEMs) gain norm. to 760Torr, 298K 16000 14000 12000 10000 8000 ArCO2… 6000 4000 2000 0 0:00:00 0:28:48 0:57:36 1:26:24 1:55:12 2:24:00 Time[h:m:s] 33 34 Electron pairs – Central Arms (200 GeV pp) I.Ravinovich 35
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