INTERGOVERNMENTAL PANEL ON CLIMATE CHANGE NATIONAL GREENHOUSE GAS INVENTORIES PROGRAMME WMO UNEP 2006 IPCC Guidelines - Overview Jim Penman Steering Group Member (UK Defra) UNEP OECD initiation (1992) => IPPC 1995 guidelines, updated 1996 NATIONAL GREENHOUSE GAS INVENTORIES PROGRAMME 1996 Guidelines adopted at COP3 Supplemented by GPG in 2000 and 2003 System adapted to actual needs - very widely used Basis for 2006 Guidelines requested by SBSTA17. WMO INTERGOVERNMENTAL PANEL ON CLIMATE CHANGE Origins UNEP Aims: NATIONAL GREENHOUSE GAS INVENTORIES PROGRAMME Rationalise structure by reducing number of volumes needed for cross referencing Promote consistency between sectors Resulting structure agreed at IPCC 21 (Vienna 2003): WMO INTERGOVERNMENTAL PANEL ON CLIMATE CHANGE Structure of 2006 Guidelines UNEP Overview NATIONAL GREENHOUSE GAS INVENTORIES PROGRAMME Vol 1 - General Guidance and Reporting Vol 2 - Energy Vol 3 - Industrial Processes and Product Use Vol 4 - Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land use Vol 5 - Waste WMO INTERGOVERNMENTAL PANEL ON CLIMATE CHANGE Volume structure Overview UNEP Evolution – users recognise familiar methods. NATIONAL GREENHOUSE GAS INVENTORIES PROGRAMME As with GPG basic principles for 2006 GL remain: 1) estimates neither under nor overestimates so far as can be judged 2) uncertainties reduced as far as practicable Hence efficient use of resources WMO INTERGOVERNMENTAL PANEL ON CLIMATE CHANGE Approach UNEP As in IPCC 96 Guidelines, plus notably: NATIONAL GREENHOUSE GAS INVENTORIES PROGRAMME All GHG with available GWP values Additional gases that could be used as substitutes for which GWPs not yet calculated Carbon dioxide capture and storage Methane from abandoned mines. WMO INTERGOVERNMENTAL PANEL ON CLIMATE CHANGE Coverage UNEP General guidance more prominent and new simple introduction to inventories introduced NATIONAL GREENHOUSE GAS INVENTORIES PROGRAMME Managed land a proxy for anthropogenic Actual annual estimates Direct emissions estimation introduced Relationship between carbon pools clarified Consistent approach to indirect N, not just agricultural sources Could be relevant at project level WMO INTERGOVERNMENTAL PANEL ON CLIMATE CHANGE Other developments UNEP 2006 Guidelines are IPCC’s best, most internally consistent assessment of inventory science NATIONAL GREENHOUSE GAS INVENTORIES PROGRAMME They are an evolutionary development from the 96 Guidelines plus GPG and (personal view) could be used in a manner consistent with the existing Guidance WMO INTERGOVERNMENTAL PANEL ON CLIMATE CHANGE Policy Relevance Timing of adoption clearly a matter for Parties
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