Systematic Analysis of B Kπll decays Tadashi Yoshikawa Nagoya U. International Workshop “Towards the Precise Prediction of CP violation” Oct. 22 – 25, 2007 YITP, Kyoto University To investigate CP phase is very important ! In SM and In New Physics !! and One of the most important aims of B factories and super B factory. It is very important to investigate by using B meson decays (or τdecays ). Kobayashi-Maskawa Theory ( CKM matrix) are almost confirmed !! We are going to next stage to search for New physics hiding well ! Unitarity Triangle : Where are they hiding ? Where can we find them in ? direct search tree High energy exp. VS Indirect search loop High luminosity Exp. Both approach are important to understand (find) new Physics . B Physics are going to indirect search of New Physics . They will give us some useful hints and strong constraints for new Physics. Main Targets are in Penguin processes . b s u Bd d u d b – s(d) gluon penguin b – s(d) electro weak penguin …….. They will give us some useful hints and strong constraints for new Physics. As you know. A few years ago, We had several excitingly large discrepancies between the experimental data and theoretical expectations. 1) In CP asymmetries in b-sqq penguin decays, ex) B fK, h’K …. 2) In BKp decays, which are called “Kp puzzle”.( =0 =0 Direct CP =0 Time-dependent CP =0 in SM) Time-dependent CP Asymmetry : Bigi and Sanda c J/j b BB K c b J/j s B K No CP phase in diagrams cc mode S penguin s b B Discrepancy of Scp between CC modes and b-s modes in the SM The EX. Data are moving to the SM direction !! Present status of the Kp Puzzle What was the Puzzle ? Lipkin, Atwood-Soni Yoshikawa( 03)., Gronau - Rosner, Buras-Fleischer et al , Li, Mishima and Yoshikawa(04) ……. Many works. . Discrepancies from expectations by Sum rule among the branching ratios. (Theory) (After LP07) Still remaining this Problem ?? History of Rc - Rn 0 or not Rc – Rn Rc Rn The EX. Data are moving to the SM direction !! As you know. A few years ago, We had several excitingly large discrepancies between the experimental data and theoretical expectations. 1) In CP asymmetries in b-sqq penguin decays, ex) B fK, h’K …. OK ? 2) In BKp decays, which are called “Kp puzzle”. ( = 0 ) = 0.14 ±0.10 Still remaining small windows. How do you think about this situation ? Still remaining deviation. There were many many works to explain these deviations, SUSY, extra D model ……… It will give us several useful hints or constraint to build new model !! New Physics is hiding in them !! Where ? The several relations comes from main contribution, which is QCD penguin. The new contribution to explain these situations may be in EW penguin, because it is the sub-leading contribution. A possibility is new physics with new CP phase in EW Penguin!! Gronau, Hernandez,London, Rosner B decays :topological diagram decomposition b b B B Tree b QCD Penguin Color suppressed ElectroWeak tree B Annihilation Penguin (PEW) Singlet QCD Penguin b B b B b B Color suppressed EW Penguin (PCEW ) b B What can we learn from the K pi puzzle ? We should be investigate pure EW penguin processes to find some evidences of New Physics (new CP phase ). (Direct or indirect ) CP asymmetries of EW processes ( b->s gamma, b->s ll ) BUT Tiny strong phase difference ・Including both CP odd and even states ・Small interference term and X2 ∝ 1/q Slightly difficult to investigate the CP asymmetries !! CP Asymmetries Direct CPA Strong phase difference CP phase Need strong phase difference !! eff C9 Has imaginary part Im[C9] C9 is including strong phase comes from CC resonances However no phase in low q^2 region !! Z =k^2 If EW Penguin : ( Z penguin ) : should include new phase, the effect will appear in semi-leptonic decays . But to investigate the effects in C10 process is slightly difficult !! CP asymmetry of B ll or B s gamma, Small strong tiny Br phase. B Xs ll final states are both CP odd and even . Need angular analysis of B K pi ll . Let’s consider semi-leptonic decays In this talk, I am going to introduce the following works: 1.New measurements using External Photon Conversion at a High Luminosity B Factory Ishino,Hazumi,Nakao, T.Y. hep-ex/0703039 Low invariant mass region, z = (p+ + p-)^2 ~ 0 2.Systematic analysis of BKπll decays C.S. Kim and T.Y, preparing now Using Photon Conversion Ishino,Hazumi,Nakao, T.Y. hep-ex/0703039 Using photon conversions in detector, we may measure 1. Time –dependent CP asymmetry of Bp0p0 2. BVg photon polarization 3. 4. At Super B factory Using Photon Conversion 1. Time –dependent CP asymmetry of Bp0p0 : Sp0p0 To find Sp0p0 , we need know the vertex position. But it is difficult to find Bp0p0 decay vertex because the final states are neutral pions which go to 2 photons. Dt g g B p0 g p0 B g m Tag side Can not trace to a vertex from 4 photons ! Using Photon Conversion 1. Time –dependent CP asymmetry of Bp0p0 : Sp0p0 Conversion : g + X l+ lDetector etal, e e Dt g g g B p0 p0 B g m Tag side Photon change to 2 leptons by conversion with some material inside so that can trace to vertex!! Sp 0 p 0 Can get one more information to understand Bpp system ! Br(Bp p ), Br(Bp p ), Br(Bp p ) ++0 00 + Acp, Sp p , Acp, Acp, Sp0p0 + - + 0 0 0 New 6 measurements + 1 + 1 8 measurements For Tree, Penguin, Color-suppressed tree , EW-Penguin, strong phase differences (2 + 1), weak phase f2 After neglecting EW-penguin contribution, 6 measurements + 1 more vs 6 parameters ?? We have several Questions. 1) Is the isospin relation (triangle) exact one ? Is Isospin triangle closed ? or 0 ? or 2) How is EW Penguin dependence ? 3) Can we remove the discrete ambiguity for the solution ? PEW which depend on how to use the 2 triangles X = qpp - qpp or B decay A B decay A qpp + qpp B V g using photon conversion By photon conversion : B (K*Kp) + (g l+ l- ) Semi-leptonic decay through Real photon, We can do angular analysis by f . φ l+ K qk π γ K* θl z B l- Can get information of Photon Polarization !! Using Photon Conversion 2. BV gamma photon polarization Conversion : g + X l+ lDetector etal, e e Dt g K B K* B p m Tag side Real Photon change to 2 leptons by conversion with some material inside so that can trace to vertex!! The angular distribution : definition of the angles φ l+ K qk π γ K* θl z B l- θl: angle between l+ momentum direction and z axis at CM system of (l+ l- ) q K: angle between π direction and - z axis at CM of (K pi ) φ: angle between 2 decay planes There are 3 angles. Can not we use them ? FB asymmetry NEGLIGIBLE b-s g Tiny contribution in SM ms/mb Points: Using small-q^2 region, ( q^2 ~ 0 ) We can neglect 1) local interactions with O9, O10 2) longitudinal modes, A0 One can investigate B Vγ by using polarization analysis or angular distribution Grossman and Pirjol, JHEP0006: 029 (2000) Kim, Kim, Lu and Morozumi, PRD62: 034013 (2000) Grinstein and Pirjol, PRD73 014013 (2006) Q^2 ~0 q^2 After integrating angles and q^2 at small region, approximately, Angler analysis where Small contribution in SM From the distribution for angle φ + B->V γ、 one can extract C7 C7’ which may be including new physics info. Atwood, Gershon, Hazumi and Soni, PRD71:076003 (2005) Combining with time dependent CP asymmetry : Where f+ is a phase of decay amplitude C7 or C7’ We can extract NEW CP Phase of EM penguins !! After finding R and f+ We should investigate the phase of C10 or C9 as Z penguin . 2. Systematic Analysis of BKπll decays Kim and T.Y. To be appear soon. investigate the contributions of the new CP phase by using angular analysis and the CP asymmetries for B Kπll 4 body decays . We defined several partial angle integration asymmetries, like Forward-Backward asymmetry (FB). The angular distribution : definition of the angles φ l+ K qk π γ K* θl z B l- θl: angle between l+ momentum direction and z axis at CM system of (l+ l- ) q K: angle between π direction and - z axis at CM of (K pi ) φ: angle between 2 decay planes There are 3 angles. Can not we use them ? FB asymmetry B K p l l mode Angular decomposition Kruger,Sehgal, Shinha, Shinha Kruger, Matias Kim,Kim,Lu,Morozumi The branching ratios is Kim, T.Y. After integrating all angles, G1 remains as the decay rate. The other terms shown the angular distribution. CP: odd CP: even CP: odd CP: odd CP: odd CP: even Z penguin BK* l l decay matrix element b-s g Tiny contribution in SM l^B K qK K* ql l^+ B (K* K p) + l l For example Forward-Backward Asymmetry l^+ B K* - p l^+ B K* How to detect the evidence of New Phys. by B K* ll . We need to remove the hadronic uncertainty !! V, Ti, Ai : B-K* Form Factors We should use some asymmetries : Using Forward-Backward asymmetry: The zero of FB asymmetry is rather insensitive to hadron uncertainty . AFB AFB B K* ll C7 ~ +4 Depend on C7 and C9. -C7 How about BK pi l l decay ? z = (pl^+ + pl^-)^2 Dilepton invariant mass -C7 C7 If EW Penguin : ( Z penguin ) : should include new phase, the effect will appear in semi-leptonic decays . But to investigate the effects in C10 process is slightly difficult !! CP asymmetry of B ll or B Xs ll final states are both tiny Br CP odd and even . Need angular analysis of B K pi ll . Let’s consider semi-leptonic decays B K p l l mode Decomposition by using 3 angle distribution The branching ratios is After integrating all angles, G1 remains as the decay rate. The other terms shown the angular distribution. CP: odd CP: even CP: odd CP: odd CP: odd CP: even If Possible, we would like to extract these contributions by using FB asymmetries. FB asymmetry for l^+ CP: odd Triple FB asymmetry CP: even An asymmetry for f CP: odd Triple FB asymmetry CP: odd Double FB asymmetry for f and qk CP: odd CP: even Usual FB asymmetry Double FB asymmetry for f and qk Proportional (C9* C10) Double FB asymmetry for f and qk Appear Im ( C10 C7 ) Note: s = q^2 = (Pk + Pπ)^2 z = k^2 = (P+ + P- )^2 Imaginary part of C10 An asymmetry for f Triple FB asymmetry CP Asymmetries Direct CPA Strong phase difference CP phase Need strong phase difference !! eff C9 has imaginary part Important points to use new FBs Im[C9] C9 is including strong phase comes from CC resonances no phase in low q^2 region !! Z =k^2 And CP odd and even interference effect is also existing in the new FBs. The definition of direct and time-dependent CP asymmetries: s, z distributions A FBi FBi cp A FBi[h Gi + Gi ] ( s, z ) B ( s, z ) + B ( s, z ) FBi[h Gi - Gi ] ( s, z ) B ( s, z ) + B ( s, z ) FB asymmetry direct CPV of FB asymmetry -2if1 2 FB i Im [ e M M *] FBi Scp ( s, z ) h FBi [h Gi + Gi ] = -1 +1 (CP odd) (CP even) time-dependent CPV FB asymmetry for l^+ FB2 FB2 Acp C10 i |C10| C7 -C7 FB4 If C7’ with CP phase exists, the effect will appear in FB4. FB4 C9 i |C9| C7’ not =0 If C7’ with CP phase exists, the effect will appear in FB4 and Acp . Triple FB asymmetry FB5 FB5 If C7’ with CP phase exists, the effect will appear in FB5. C7’ not =0 Double FB asymmetry for f and qk FB6 FB6 C10 i |C10| C7’ not =0 -C7 C7 FB7 Sensitive to the phase of C10 and C7 C10 i |C10| An Example FB2 FB2 Acp The CP phase of C_9 are 0 π/8 π/4 π/2 FB2 FB2 Scp -Sin2φ1 We need more strong phases . How about interferences between K^* and scalar resonance as intermediated states? K K* l B S (scalar) l K0*(800) We used Im parts Descotes-Genon, Moussallam EPJ C8, 553 We may get many fruitful information from B K pi ll decay modes. Angular analysis CP asymmetries We can define new FB like asymmetries!! There is another strong phase source by the resonance effects. Here we are using and start from most general 4-fermi interaction C9, C10, C7 : SM parameters C9’, C10’, C7’ : L-R model R current Css, CAs, CsA, CAA : scalar type interactions CT, CTE : tensor type interactions Br With scalar resonance We can define new type FBs. K meson FB asymmetry L-R asymmetry for angle f UP-Down asymmetry for angle f Triple asymmetry L-R for phi, FB asymmetry for lepton If there is such scalar resonance effects, these new FBs will appear!! FB2^s C9 の CP位相 を K meson FB asymmetry FB2 AcpS 0 π/8 π/4 π/2 FB4^s UP-Down asymmetry for angle f FB4 AcpS Summary There are several discrepancies between Ex. and theory in B decays. But some ones seem to be moving to SM prediction. Still remaining the region for New Physics in EW penguin as the new CP phases. To understand and find the evidence of NP, we should investigate semi-leptonic rare decays. At Low invariant mass k^2 ~ 0 region Using photon conversions technique C7’ and the CP phase Angular analysis and the CP asym. C10 or C9 CP phase With Scalar resonance effect New information Buck up As you know well, We are using bs as a very strict constraints to new physics. For example Charged Higgs mass M 295GeV (95%CL) B S HFAG06 Constraint for SUSY Isidori et al (06) Nakao( LP07) Isospin analysis : Gronau and London Relation: By using 2 triangles, the angle between A+- and A+- is extracted . where |A+-| |A+ー| X Isospin Triangles √2|A+0 |= √2|A-0 | Extract f2 !!! Where does new Sp0p0 appear in the triangles ? : As the same sense, one can extract f2 . |A+-| |A+ー| then f2(p+p- ) X = or not f2(p0p0) Y Isospin Triangles √2|A+0 |= √2|A-0 | New check item ! 3) Can we remove the discrete ambiguity ? X X and Y have 4 fold ambiguity 1 Y 2 3 4 2 ambiguity to find 2f2 – x from Z 2f2 - X, total Using f2(p+p-) p –2f2 + X 4 x 2 = 8 fold ambiguity = f2(p0p0) , Z(p+p-) + Xi p– z(p+p-) - Xi ---- one can reduce the ambiguity ! Z(p0p0) + Yi p– z(p0p0) - Yi i=1~4 At each “ I ”, by comparing each solution, if they are same, then it will remain as the solution. An example: From the present data, one can predict some region of Sp0p0 for f2 . From recent HFAG data, Sp0p0 for f2 is shown in Figure. There are 8 regions for each solution. Sp0p0 Within the 1 s error for all experimental data . f2 Note that this is not c2 fitting By using Br(p+p-) = 5.2 0.20, Br(p0p0)= 1.31 0.21, Br(p+p0) = 5.7 0.4 Acp(+-) = 0.39 0.07, Acp(00) = 0.36 0.32, Acp(+0) = 0.04 0.05 Sp+p- = -0.59 0.09 If we find Sp0p0, we can reduce the ambiguity of the solutions Sp0p0 for F2. 2f2 After reduce the error (up to 1/2) : Br(p+p-) = 5.21 0.10, Br(p0p0)= 1.31 0.10, Br(p+p0) = 5.7 0.2 Acp(+-) = 0.39 0.04, Acp(00) = 0.36 0.16, Acp(+0) = 0.04 0.03 Sp+p- = -0.59 0.005 Once we find Sp0p0, Sp0p0 Almost 2 hold ambiguity for Sp0p0 2f2 One can reduce the ambiguity!! 1) Is the isospin relation (triangle) exact one ? Is Isospin triangle closed ? or 0 ? D or To use Sp0p0 is only method to check the situation about isospin triangle ! What is the origin of “D” ? DI = 5/2 contribution no such diagram in the SM !! 1. New Physics contribution ? 2. Final state interaction ? 3. p0-h-h’ mixing ? quite tiny contribution O(1/100) Gronau and Zupan, PRD71,074017,(05) Real situation fake situation f2(p+p- ) = f2(p0p0) To extract a correct f2 and get some information about the discrepancy from the SM, we have to check the relation. Summary In (super) B factory, Sp0p0 will be measured !! -----> Ishino-san’s talk You can be going to get one more information about B pp decays system . How to use the new measurement ? 1. To remove the discrete ambiguity. 2. To check the isospin triangle. New Physics ? Final state int. ? p-h-h’ mixing ? The other effects we do not know ? With BKpi gamma, we can extract New physics information in b-s gamma interaction by using polarization of gamma (=angular analysis of f ) We can find the magnitude of A_R coupling and the CP phase as a New physics evidence. Application of PC By using Photon Conversion Technique, 1. Can trace (find) to the decay vertex including p0, h et al. ( at good accuracy.) B p0 p0 B K0 p0 B f p0 ……. 2. Can use angular analysis B V g t m g New Physics search Please consider what we can do by using this new technique !!! Kruger,Sehgal, Shinha, Shinha B K p l l mode Kruger, Matias The branching ratios is After integrating all angles, G1 remains as the decay rate. The other terms shown the angular distribution. CP: odd CP: even CP: odd CP: odd CP: odd CP: even If Possible, we would like to extract these contributions by using FB asymmetries. FB asymmetry for l^+ CP: odd Triple FB asymmetry CP: even An asymmetry for f CP: odd Triple FB asymmetry CP: odd Double FB asymmetry for f and qk CP: odd CP: even CP Asymmetries Direct CPA Strong phase difference CP phase Need strong phase difference !! eff C9 の imaginary part (Buchalla 00) C9 is including strong phase comes from CC resonances However no phase in low q^2 region !! Example: CP: odd FB asymmetry for l^+ FB2 Acp C10 i |C10| C7 -C7 Buck up 2 pp system, decay amplitudes: T (tree), P (penguin), C (color suppressed ) 6 measurements for 6 parameters 3 Br, 2 Acp, 1 Sp+p- = solve (can extract f2) for T, rp, rc, 2 d, f2 Isospin analysis to remove penguin pollution. + 1 measurement ( Sp0p0 ) To check the SM, New Phys. And to solve discrete ambiguity X1 = qpp - qpp , X2= qpp + qpp Z for each region p- 2f2 + X2 X3 = - X1 , X4 = - X2 2f2 – X2 2f2 – X1 p- 2f2 + X1 p – 2f2 – X2 2f2 + X1 2f2 + X2 p- 2f2 + X1 2) How is EW Penguin dependence ? Note that is not changed !! so that we cam use same isospin analysis to extract f2eff . We need a correction in the bottom line, which shows Bp+p0 . rotate a triangle by angle df to fit the botom lines 2f2 df |T+C| |PEW | X where One can find “ 2f2 + df “ by using isospin analysis and can reduce the ambiguity as the same sense with no EWP case. df have to be determine by the other method !! In this case, there are 8 measurements ( for Br+-, Br+0, Br00, +- 00 +0 Acp, Acp, Acp, Sp+p-, Sp0p0 ) 8 parameters ( T, rp, rc, rEW, dp, dc, dEW, may solve if we can get enough data. f2 ) New Physics? usual case = b -- 3 light quarks vertex b ? = D1/2 or D3/2 interactions B0 decay = u, d B+ decay spectator is free !! Isospin relaion Not changed by the interactions Usual type new physics can not break the isospin relation !! New Physics? an example of D5/2 interaction: b – 5 dquarks interaction d b B π0 d ? d d d π0 Which type seems to be quite exotic model. New Physics ? or Final state interactions ? bresaking of isospin relation Point To extract a correct result as the weak phase f2, we have to remove all ambiguities. To do so, the first we have to check whether the isospin triangle is closed or not. After that we can move to search for new physics including in the loop contributions as QCD, EW- Penguins.
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