パーキンソン病患者における運動誘発電位の運動前促通 平岡浩一・岩田晃(大阪府立大学 総合リハビリテーション学部) 野谷優(ガラシア病院 リハビリテーションセンター) 南田史子(大阪リハビリテーション病院 リハビリテーション室) 阿部和夫(甲南女子大学 看護リハビリテーション学部) 背景 ヒトにおいて運動開始前に皮質脊髄下降経路興奮性が増大 =premovement faciltiation (Starr et al. 1988) パーキンソン病(PD)患者でpremovement faciltiationの速度低下 (Chen et al.2001) =動作緩慢や無動の原因か? 目的 PD患者のpremovement-facilitationの異常性を単純動作と系 列化動作で観察する。 対象 PD患者 7例(68.5+10歳) 健常高齢者 6例(58.3+9.7歳) PD患者の特徴 ID Age Sex Patient A 79 M 0 II Patient B 72 M 50 II Patient C 67 M 250 III Patient D 52 F 200 III Patient E 67 F 350 III Patient F 62 M 450 III Patient G 81 F 400 IV LED(mg) H-Y stage タッピングテストのパフォーマンス PD Healthy 41.57143 60.4 80 9.034326 6.913754 * Tapps/10s 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 PD Healthy * P<0.05 実験設定 1 2 3 FDI-EMG ADM-EMG APB-EMG Motor tasks Simple reaction task=1 Sequenced reaction task=1→2→3 Control 実験手続き Verbal designation of next task to be performed Start signal on oscilloscope TMS to the vertex (1.1xMT) Delay to start FDI-EMG onset Delay to EMG onset Recording FDI-MEPs 反応時間 Two-way ANOVA 400 Healthy PD 350 reaction time (ms) Healthy 300 PD 250 Simple Sequenced Between groups (P<0.05) 164.7091 217.9563 Between tasks (N.S.) Simple 263.1231 247.392 Sequenced 58.56093 83.82822 109.7481 100.0983 200 150 100 50 0 Healthy 2W-ANOVA PD A. Simple task B. Sequenced task Start cue FDI △ △ ▲ ADM ▲ APB 2mV 50ms ▲ premovement facilitation B. Regression lines A. Pooled averages PD-sequenced S 170.9071 199.6848 211.2301 247.2473 246.7266 225.0355 282.5131 382.4403 432.1389 413.2778 307.8601 MEP amplitude (% of control) 150 100 50 Delay to start signal (ms) 300-330 270-300 240-270 210-240 180-210 150-180 120-150 90-120 60-90 30-60 0 0-30 MEP amplitude (% of control) 0-30 500 30-60 450 60-90 90-120 400 120-150 350 150-180 180-210 300 210-240 250 240-270 270-300 200 300-330 Healthy-simple Healthy-sequenced PD-simple Healthy-simple 182.2762 144.8997 148.3534 150.9317 Healthy-sequenced 149.5939 168.006 181.4384 168.7737 173.2763 PD-simple 282.2023 264.1892 207.7735 PD-sequenced 251.3623 202.4432 196.3973 329.9509 290.1984 253.4246 368.6455 395.0147 334.3373 279.9976 434.4167 Healthy-simple C Healthy-sequenced s 60020 82.46841 0 41.73319 線形 (Healthy-simple) 20 50020 20 20 40020 30 30030 30 30 20030 30 10030 30 30 030 300 30 30 134.0819 20 48.8078 線形 (Healthy-sequenced) 45.44177 20 61.15001 線形 (PD-simple) 229.4532 20 135.7641 線形 (PD-sequenced) 60.028 20 43.19775 80.78546 20 145.8623 191.5643 30 330.8834 76.71974 30 364.3008 65.89421 30 51.77405 314.8804 30 61.18752 159.1521 30 92.25196 103.7206 30 164.5926 261.1722 30 65.63309 124.8053 30 358.0915 47.94958 30 118.684 294.159 30 102.0201 282.9362 100 30 200 126.1654 156.6706 Delay to 30 start 316.603 signal 244.9268 30 106.7276 0 0 0 0 20 20 20 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 300 30 (ms) 30 30 PD-simple 181.3701 226.3376 116.1669 92.93367 83.03357 161.9834 154.4969 63.29608 278.3667 46.85104 27.47815 170.9972 23.12909 144.7051 50.83035 178.6613 400 282.3348 67.45181 127.409 EMG onset直前のMEP振幅 Two-way ANOVA PD-simple Between groups (P<0.05) 900 PD-simple PD-sequenced Healthy-simple Healthy-sequenced PD-sequenced Between delays (P<0.05) -200 to -150 263.8331 245.2771 141.7211 143.5748 800 MEP amplitude (% of control) -150 to -100 700 -100 to -50 600 500 400 Healthy-simple 234.1578 248.9161 178.4327 187.548 Healthy-sequenced 322.7339 422.3093 238.4215 231.4636 * 210.0963 178.2929 123.6849 92.46284 * 195.1357 145.2117 142.2862 143.769 295.7053 382.0799 184.8988 173.6056 * 300 * 200 100 0 -200 to -150 -150 to -100 -100 to -50 Delay to EMG onset (ms) * P<0.05 PDでは下降運動命令に対する運動ニューロン興奮閾値が高い RT Threshold of MN pool to descending motor command in PD patients EMG onset (PD) MEP amp. Threshold of MN pool to descending motor command in healthy humans RT EMG onset (healthy) MEP amp. Amount of descending command △ Start cue まとめ Premovement facilitationの速度はPD患者と健常者で差はない Premovement facilitationの速度は単純課題と系列課題で差は ない 運動開始直前でのMEP振幅はパーキンソン病患者で大きい パーキンソン病では下降運動命令に対する運動ニューロン興奮 閾値が高い
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