オーストラリア研究(英語) Chris Burgess (1号館1308研究室、内線164) [email protected] ・http://edu.tsuda.ac.jp/~cburgess Japan/Australia/US will likely hold trilateral summit talks for the first time in seven years on the sidelines of the Group of 20 summit to be held in Australia next month • “[In Japan] I have never experienced racism but rather the us versus them concept — not discrimination…I am so grateful to Australia — a melting pot for so many nationalities — for adopting me. I had no trouble assimilating in Australia, and to this day I think of it as my home.” http://thoughtcatalog.com/michelle-reimann/2014/10/what-its-like-to-be-half-japanese/ 4/5 doctors non-Australian! 800km Cloncurry Mount Isa claims to be the largest city in world by area (40,977km2) BUT, Population of only 20,000! Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) • Gives people living in the outback free & regular access to medical treatment (24/7) • 20+ bases covering 7,150,000 km2 (日本より広い守備範囲: 約1.3倍) • Service started in Cloncurry in 1928 • Funded entirely by contributions, donations, and government grants A Tsuda Student Writes… この旅行中、Flying Doctor Serviceという制度をはじ めて知りました。この制度は、Northern Territoryのよ うな医者が少なく、医療制度の整っていない地域で、 けが人や病人が出たとき、ヘリコプターに乗って、医師 が現地へ向かうというものです。確かに、人がまばら に住むこのような広大な地域では、このような制度は 不可欠かと思います。また、この制度は、現地の人々 だけでなく、多くの旅行客によっても利用されているこ ともそうです。このような乾燥した暑い地域では、簡単 に脱水症状のような症状を起こしやすく、死に至る場 合もあるそうです。この制度は、政府だけでなく、多く の人々からの寄付金によっても支えられているという ことです Stop the whingeing, 'pom' is not racist (Electronic Telegraph, UK 22/10/2004) Western Australia has passed legislation that allows racially charged terms such as pom, wog and ding to be used without fear of prosecution. POM(MY): WOG: DING: People of People of People of descent descent descent Stop the whingeing, 'pom' is not racist (Electronic Telegraph, UK 22/10/2004) Western Australia has passed legislation that allows racially charged terms such as pom, wog and ding to be used without fear of prosecution. POM(MY): WOG: DING: People of English descent People of Mediterranean descent People of Italian descent POMegranate + MIgrant (ザクロの実) + (移民) Cultural and Linguistic Diversity Existed BEFORE European Settlement… (600+ tribes & 60+ languages) Multiculturalism: Definitions 「多文化主義:多民族の複数の文化を社会体 制の中で調和・発展させて、社会の向上・発 展を目指す思想と政策」 新オーストラリア英語中辞典(2001:453) “A process of interaction between and understanding/tolerance of different cultures…the expectation that all members of society have the right to equal access to services, regardless of ethnic background” Australian Sociology (2003:170) Multiculturalism: Statistics 外国生まれの国民の割合は… a) 20人に1人 b) 10人に1人 c) 4人に1人 d) 2人に1人 % Australian Residents (住民) Born Overseas 25% 白豪主義スタート 白豪主義終了 P O P U L A T E 20% 15% O R 10% ASIA 1% 5% ASIA 6% P E R I S H UK 18% UK 6% 0% 1901 1947 1971 1992 2002 Speaking a Language Other than English (LOTE) at Home 家で英語以 外の言葉を 話す 16% 200ヶ国語が 話されている Italian 2.0% Greek 1.5% Canton 1.3% 84% Arabic 1.2% Viet. 1.0% Mand. 0.8% One in eight multilingual children speak Arabic at home, despite low levels of migration • 18% of 1st graders speak a language other than English • 11.8% of these multilingual children speak Arabic • Other top 5 languages: Vietnamese (8.4%), Greek, Chinese, Hindi Australia Early Development Index, April 2011 オーストラリアのアジア化 30% 26.7% 25% 20% 人口の% 15% 10% 10% 7.4% 5% 0.3% 0.4% 1945 1966 0% 1991 2003 2020 Immigration Settlement Policy: Development of Multiculturalism 1) ASSIMILATION [同化主義] (1947+) 2) INTEGRATION [統合主義] (mid-60s+) 3) 多文化主義1: Migrant Rights (72+) 4) 多文化主義2: Cultural Pluralism (75+) 5) 多文化主義3: Access & Equity (83+) 6) POST- MULTICULTURALISM? (1996+) 1. Immigration Settlement Policy: Development of Multiculturalism • ASSIMILATION [同化主義] (1947+) – Post-war migration from UK, Ireland, Northern, Eastern, and (finally) Southern Europe – Pressure to throw away own culture – Pressure to conform to Anglo-Australian culture and become indistinguishable from dominant group 2. Immigration Settlement Policy: Development of Multiculturalism • INTEGRATION [統合主義] (mid-60s+) – Immigration continues from Southern Europe, extending to Middle-East Countries – English lessons for NESB (Non EnglishSpeaking Background) children – Ethnic community organisations becoming more public and active 3. Immigration Settlement Policy: Development of Multiculturalism • 多文化主義1: Migrant Rights (72+) – Multiculturalism became official policy – Immigration slowdown – Labour (Whitlam) government elected – Focus on settlement process – ‘ethnic’ radio introduced 4. Immigration Settlement Policy: Development of Multiculturalism • 多文化主義2: Cultural Pluralism (75+) – Immigration from South-East Asia begins – Growth of migrant programs and services – Multiculturalism as a way to achieve social cohesion and form a national identity – Galbally Report (1975): 4 guiding principles – ‘Ethnic’ (SBS) television starts… SBS (Special Broadcasting Service= 多言語放送局) • 英語以外の言語によるニュースや映画などを 放送する • 1978年に連邦政府により定められた多様な 移民のためにそれぞれの民族語で1日一定 時間放送する制限に基づく • more than 68 languages on radio, more than 60 on TV, and more than 50 online! SBS: “The Only Multicultural Broadcaster in the World” • “Multicultural” – the new definition In the 21st century, multiculturalism means more than bringing the cultures of other worlds into your home. It is reflecting back to us the increasingly multicultural spirit of our own community. SBS celebrates diversity and contributes to the social inclusion and cross-cultural understanding of all Australians - linguistically, sociologically and culturally. 5. Immigration Settlement Policy: Development of Multiculturalism • 多文化主義3: Access & Equity (83+) – Immigration reduced – Questions over role of multiculturalism in legitimising inequality and disadvantage – Dangers of multiculturalism for social cohesion raised – Cuts in multicultural programs Left wing critique: MC… 1) Disguises important class distinctions – Working class solidarity undermined 2) Promotes middle-class elites as unelected ethnic spokespersons 3) Maintains white power – Multiculturalism is a product of a 'White Nation' fantasy and works to maintain the dominance of White culture and power エスニック文化を維持すると、白人の優位も維持される White Australian ‘Normal’ Dominant Group セグリゲーション による多文化? ? Ethnic Minorities ‘Different’ Subordinate Group Social mobility 社会的 流動性 Multiculturalism, as a policy… • tends to achieve much in the area of life style (dance, diet, dress, dialect) – E.g. 国際交流 events • But tends to achieve little in terms of life chances (migrant participation in the economy and politics) Right wing critique: MC… Too much power has been given to migrant minorities at expense of whites.. Right wing critique: MC... 1) Is Waste of Government Money – Promotion of ethnic languages, cultures & traditions impedes assimilation 2) Undermines National Unity – Support for cultural diversity undermines social cohesion, creating ‘warring tribes’ 3) Is ‘Anti-Australian’ – Denies/destroys distinct British heritage Geoffrey Blainey (1984) • Challenged Multiculturalism – Level of Asian immigration “straining public acceptance” – Government policy ‘surrender Australia’ policy – Promotes separatism through emergence of ‘warring tribes’ “Rarely in the history of the modern world has a nation given such preference to a tiny ethnic minority of its population as the Australian Government has done in the past few years” “The continued entry of Asians at the present rate could weaken or explode the tolerance extended to immigrants over the past 30 years” “The pace of Asian immigration to Australia is now well ahead of public opinion” “If we gave $1000 to each of these refugees to go to a place further away it may be more beneficial” The Fitzgerald Report (1988) • Polls showing public discontent with the levels of immigration: report commissioned • Critical of the policy of multiculturalism • Australia should disengage from the IndoChinese refugee programme • Family reunion policy criticised: proposed more emphasis be given to skilled workers (more consideration of labour market needs) John Howard • Echoed Blainey’s criticism of Asian migration and multiculturalism “I believe that Asian migration is in the eyes of some in the community too great; it would be in our immediate term interests in terms of social cohesion if we could slow down a little so that the capacity of the community to absorb this would become greater.” (1988) • Silent on Hanson (next week)… Citizenship Test: No reference to multiculturalism as a feature of Australia’s national identity (instead emphasis on UK heritage and “the special social values of mateship and a fair go”) The End of Multiculturalism? 多文化主義について「よい」と 思う人 1997:78% 2005:70% 6. Immigration Settlement Policy: Retreat from Multiculturalism • POST- MULTICULTURALISM? (1996+) – Howard government elected – Government withdraws visible commitment to multiculturalism; support for mc wanes – Rise of the One Nation Party – Growing skepticism about multiculturalism; structural multiculturalism no longer promoted UK Minister Signals Beginning of the End of Multiculturalism • “We have moved from a period of uniform consensus on the value of multiculturalism, to one where we can encourage that debate by questioning whether it is encouraging separateness…On our attempt to avoid imposing a single British identity Ruth and culture, have we ended up with some Kelly communities living in isolation of each other, with no common bonds between them?” (August 2006) In Germany, Voices Against Immigration Grow Louder • German Chancellor Angela Merkel declares that the nation's attempts to create a multicultural society have "utterly failed." • In the speech to party members and supporters over the weekend, Merkel also said new arrivals need to do more to integrate into German society. • Her comments reflect a growing and increasingly bitter anti-immigration mood — especially for Muslims — in Germany and across much of Europe. (October 18, 2010) Britain’s Cameron Characterizes Multiculturalism as a Failure • “under the doctrine of multiculturalism, we have encouraged different cultures to live separate lives, apart from each other and the mainstream. All this leaves some young Muslims feeling rootless…[which can] lead them to extremist ideology” Daily Yomiuri 2011/02/07 p. 4 Labor Government (Rudd/Gillard): The Return of Multiculturalism • Rudd re-instates National Australian Multicultural Advisory Council (NMAC) that Howard abolished • Laurie Ferguson, Parliamentary Secretary for Multicultural Affairs and Settlements Services promises ‘new emphasis on Multiculturalism’… “The Genius of Australian Multiculturalism” (Feb. 2011) • Argues that Australian multiculturalism is unique, different to that found in Europe or Canada in 3 key respects: (1) Respect for Australian values - Australian cultural values take precedence (2) Citizenship (not guest-worker) centred - migrants urged to join as full-partners with equal rights (3) Political bipartisanship - multilculturalism is above party politics The 2013 Scanlon Foundation survey asked, for the first time, a series of questions on multiculturalism: The findings indicate strong levels of support for multiculturalism. Thus 84% of respondents agreed that ‘multiculturalism has been good for Australia’. オーストラリア研究 : 多文化社会日本へ の提言 (2009) 302.7104/W41 http://scanlonfoundation.org.au/wpcontent/uploads/2014/07/mapping-socialcohesion-national-report-2013.pdf Josie Alibrandi (17歳): Italian descent (WOG) “It's where Josie comes from, but it's not where she feels she belongs. In fact, Josie 私はイタリア人なのか、オーストラリア人なの doesn't know where she belongs. With her か:自分は何人かわからなくなる Nonna in one ear talking about the old country and the stuck-up girls at her school telling her she's an outsider, it's no wonder.” オーストラリア研究(英語) Chris Burgess (1号館1308研究室、内線164) [email protected] ・http://edu.tsuda.ac.jp/~cburgess オーストラリア研究(英語) Chris Burgess (1号館1308研究室、内線164) [email protected] ・http://info.tsuda.ac.jp/~cburgess 「炭素価格制度」 豪、炭素税を導入 来年7月、企 業500社に オーストラリア連邦議会上院は8日、二酸化炭素(CO2) 排出企業に負担を課す「炭素価格制度」の関連法案を可 決した。排出量の多い企業500社を対象に1トンあたり2 3豪ドル(約1850円)の負担を求める事実上の炭素税だ 。下院もすでに可決しており、来年7月から導入される。 ギラード首相は上院可決後、「歴史的な投票が長年の 論争を現実のものに変えた」と語った。政府は2015年に は排出量取引制度(ETS)に移行させる方針 だ。ギラード 首相は昨年8月の総選挙で炭素税は導入しないと公言し たが、環境重視の緑の党など少数派の協力を得て政権 を発足させており、炭素税価格制度の 導入は、緑の党へ の配慮があったとされる。 朝日新聞2011・11・09 p。13
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