SQL – Structured Query Language CIS 324 – Chapter 5 CREATE TABLE CREATE TABLE newtablename ( Three-part column description, Three-part column description, Etc., ); Three-part column description: column name, data type, and (optional) Primary Key, Not Null, Null End with semi-colon; DATA TYPES Binary Char Datetime Image Integer Money Numeric Smalldatetime Smallint Smallmoney Text Tinyint Varchar Binary Character 0 -8,000 bytes 8 byte datetime (1753 - 9999) Variable-length binary data 4 byte integer 8 byte money Decimal bytes 4 byte datetime (1900 – 2079) 2 byte integer (+-32768) 4 byte money 1 – 2 billion + characters 1 byte integer 0-255 Variable length character 0 – 8000 CREATE TABLE PROJECT ( ProjectID Integer Name Char(25) Department VarChar (100) MaxHours Numeric (5,2)); PrimaryKey, Not Null, Null, (Null is allowed) (5 numbers, 2 decimal) CREATE TABLE EMPLOYEE ( EmployeeNumber Integer Not Null, Name Char (25) Not Null, Phone Char(8), Department VarChar (100) ); ALTER TABLE EMPLOYEE ADD CONSTRAINT EmployeePK PRIMARY KEY (EmployeeNumber); (Add a primary key, EmployeePK is an arbitrary name for the constraint – must be unique) ALTER TABLE statement is necessary for a composite primary key CREATE TABLE ASSIGNMENT ( ProjectID Integer Not Null, EmployeeNum Integer Not Null, HoursWorked Numberic (5,2)); ALTER TABLE ASSIGNMENT ADD CONSTRAINT AssignmentPK PRIMARY KEY (ProjectID, EmployeeNum); DEFINING FOREIGN KEYS ALTER TABLE ASSIGNMENT ADD CONSTRAINT EmployeeFK FOREIGN KEY (EmployeeNum) REFERENCES EMPLOYEE; ALTER TABLE ASSIGNMENT ADD CONSTRAINT ProjectFK FOREIGN KEY (ProjectID) REFERENCES PROJECT ON DELETE CASCADE; On Delete Cascade Allow Cascading Delete QUERY THE TABLES SELECT Statement: The result of a SQL SELECT statement is always a relation. They start with one or more relations, manipulate them, and produce a relation (could be as little as one column, one row – a single cell – but it is still a relation) SELECT column name, column name the order of column names Determines the order of the results FROM table name; SELECT Name, MaxHours, Department FROM Project; (what would be results) SELECT FROM (different order) Name, Department, MaxHours Project; SELECT FROM Department PROJECT; Results: SELECT FROM Finance Accounting Marketing Finance The requirements for checking and eliminating duplicate rows within a DBMS is difficult and time consuming – often not done. In reality duplicate rows can exist within a SQL relation. DISTINCT Department PROJECT; Results: Finance Accounting Marketing Avoid duplicate row SELECTING ROWS SELECT FROM WHERE ProjectID, Name, Department, MaxHours PROJECT Department = ‘Finance’; SELECT FROM WHERE * PROJECT Department = ‘Finance’; (What are results) ALL COLUMNS SELECT / FROM / WHERE – is the pattern for SQL select statements WHERE – character data types in ‘ ‘ , values ARE case-sensitive Multiple where conditions joined by AND SELECT FROM WHERE * PROJECT Department = ‘Finance’ AND MaxHours > 100; (What are results) SELECTING ROWS & COLUMNS SELECTING ROWS AND COLUMNS – combine above SELECT FROM WHERE Name, Department EMPLOYEE Department = ‘Accounting’; RANGES, WILDCARDS, NULLS WHERE Department IN (‘Accounting’, ‘Finance’, ‘Marketing’); NOT IN keyword WHERE Department NOT IN (‘Accounting’, ‘Finance’, ‘Marketing’); BETWEEN keyword WHERE EmployeeNumber BETWEEN 200 AND 500; LIKE keyword SELECT * FROM Project WHERE Name LIKE ‘Q_Portfolio Analysis’; IN keyword LIKE _ % Selects Partial Values Selects a Single Wildcard Character Multiple Wildcard Characters (Phone Like ‘285-%’;) (ACCESS uses ? not _ and * not %) NULL keyword Searches for null values WHERE Phone is NULL SORTING RESULTS SORTING RESULTS: ORDER BY (default in ascending order) ORDER BY ASC (ascending order) ORDER BY DESC (descending order) SELECT Name, Department FROM EMPLOYEE ORDER BY Department; Can have multiple sort order – separate by comma Select FROM ORDER BY Name, Department EMPLOYEE Department DESC, Name ASC; BUILT IN FUNCTIONS BUILT-IN Functions: COUNT SUM AVG MAX MIN SELECT FROM Operate on the results of a SELECT statement counts the number of rows in the resulting relation sum of NUMERIC columns average of NUMERIC columns max value of NUMERIC columns min value of NUMERIC columns COUNT (*) PROJECT; Result 4 SELECT FROM Result 3 COUNT (DISTINCT Department) PROJECT; SELECT FROM WHERE MIN (MaxHours), MAX (MaxHours), SUM (MaxHours) PROJECT ProjectID < 1500; Result 75.00 145.00 358.00 Cannot combine regular column names and built-in functions in the same select statement (except when using a grouping statement) Not Allowed: SELECT MaxHours, SUM(MaxHours) FROM PROJECT WHERE ProjectID < 1500; Allowed: SELECT Department, Count(*) FROM EMPLOYEE GROUP BY Department; This counts the number of employees in each department Accounting 2 Marketing 2 Finance 1 Info Systems 2 GROUP BY / HAVING GROUP BY - This sorts the table by the named column and then applies the built in function to groups of rows having the same value as the named column. HAVING – Restricting conditions on the grouping SELECT Department, Count(*) FROM EMPLOYEE GROUP BY Department HAVING COUNT(*) > 1; Only groups departments with more than one member: Accounting 2 Marketing 2 Info Systems 2 When using WHERE clauses with GROUP clauses there may be ambiguity as to which is done first, do you check the where condition before grouping or group before the where??? Standards indicate you apply the WHERE before the GROUPING SELECT FROM WHERE GROUP BY HAVING Department, Count(*) EMPLOYEE EmployeeNumber < 600 Department COUNT (*) > 1; Result Accounting 2 Evaluated First Evaluated Second
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