Request for Proposal (RFP) for Conceptual Study of Innovative Approach for Fuel Debris Retrieval and Feasibility Study of Essential Technology International Research Institute for Nuclear Decommissioning 無断複製・転載禁止 技術研究組合 国際廃炉研究開発機構 ©International Research Institute for Nuclear Decommissioning Purpose of this Project Submersion Method 100t over head crane Barrier Container DSP SFP Manipulator Fuel debris RPV ・Cut/Store equipment ・Grabbing equipment Method to exploit radiation shielding effect by water → Submersion up to the top of the PCV or to the level required to cover accumulated fuel debris could be difficult given that the PCV was heavily damaged by the accident. PCV Alternative retrieval method (Innovative Approach) without submerging PCV with water is deemed necessary and so stipulated in the Mid-to-LongTerm Roadmap by Japanese Government. Innovative Approach 100t over head crane Barrier Container オペフロ Manipulator ・Cut/Store equipment DSP SFP RPV ・Grabbing equipment PCV Fuel debris Method without submersion → Request for Information (RFI) on the Innovative Approach of Fuel Debris Retrieval and relevant technology that supports the Innovative Approach was performed by METI through the IRID. About 200 pieces of information were received from Japan and overseas countries. In reference to RFI results, this project is aimed at the conceptual study of Innovative Approach to retrieve the fuel debris without submerging PCV with water and the feasibility study of essential technologies to support the Innovative Approach. ©International Research Institute for Nuclear Decommissioning 2 The concept of Innovative Approach vs submersion method Submersion Method 100t over head crane Barrier Barrier 100t over head crane Container Container DSP Manipulator Fuel debris RPV DSP SFP Fuel debris RPV ・Cut/Store equipment ・Grabbing equipment PCV PCV Fuel debris is cut and stored under water. Innovative Approach 100t over head crane Barrier Container 100t over head crane Container Barrier DSP Manipulator ・Cut/Store equipment DSP SFP RPV ・Grabbing equipment PCV RPV Fuel debris Fuel debris PCV Fuel debris is cut under water but stored in the air, or cut and stored both in the air. ©International Research Institute for Nuclear Decommissioning 3 Description of the projects Project 1: Conceptual Study of Innovative Approach of Fuel Debris Retrieval To conduct conceptual study for the method to retrieve the fuel debris in the air in a safe and stable condition To conduct feasibility study of technology to realize practical Project 2: Feasibility Study of Visual application of compact and light-weight visual equipment with and Measurement Technology for lighting function, and measurement equipment to characterize the Innovative Approach properties of the objects both of which can be used under the very high radiation environment Project 3: Feasibility Study of Fuel To conduct feasibility study of technology to realize practical Debris Cutting and Dust Collection application of the equipment capable of cutting the fuel debris Technology for Innovative Approach (with dust collection function) ©International Research Institute for Nuclear Decommissioning 4 Structure of this RFP project A-1: Internal PCV/RPV investigation Conceptual study of method Internal PCV/RPV investigation Conceptual study of method Internal PCV/RPV investigation Conceptual study of method B-1:Fuel debris retrieval Conceptual study of method Fuel debris retrieval Conceptual study of method Conceptual Study of Innovative Approach for Fuel Debris Retrieval Visual technology Feasibility Study of Visual and Measurement Technology for Innovative Approach A-2: Internal PCV/RPV investigation Required technologies Monitoring technology Cutting technology B-2:Fuel debris retrieval Required technologies Requested by RFI Consider the execution on necessity basis Scope of this RFP project Feasibility Study of Fuel Debris Cutting and Dust Collection Technology for Innovative Approach Transport technology Transport technology Supporting technology Supporting technology Consider the execution on necessity basis Categorizing RFI Explained at Tokyo workshop in April Explained in this workshop Relationship between overall steps and RFP Preparation, decontamination, removal of equipment and waste disposal Installation of container and overhead crane, 100ton class, on the operation floor Preparation and confirmation in the plant beforehand Internal observation Visual and Measurement Technology Transfer of cutting or removal internal structure equipment Cutting and removal internal structure (dedicated package) Transfer of Fuel Debris Cutting equipment Installation of new openings and barrier Transfer of internal observation equipment Fuel Debris Cutting and retrieval Fuel Debris Cutting and Dust Collection Technology Safety control (Dose/Boundary/ Criticality etc.) collecting the fuel debris in a canister and transport removal of used equipment RFP (Method) RFP (Method + Technology) R&D or operation by TEPCO ©International Research Institute for Nuclear Decommissioning 6 Assumptions and Prerequisites(Unit to study, Scope of study, Time schedule) Time schedule (*) Scope of study Unit to study C/S and F/S shall be conducted in consideration with following conditions. Select the unit to study in proposal. It could be all three units (unit 1 through unit 3) of Fukushima Daiichi NPS, or a specific unit In principle, entire interior of PCV including RPV where fuel debris seems to exist. If the scope of the study is aimed at fuel debris retrieval of a specific part of the unit, please write clearly. Scope of the study covers from the start of the initial operation at the unit for fuel debris retrieval (e.g. removal of shield plug) to storing fuel debris in storage canisters and transferring them to the temporary storage. • Assume that the status check of fuel debris inside the PCV in 2016 to ensure the feasibility in the fuel debris retrieval. • Assume that the status check of fuel debris inside the RPV investigation in 2018 to ensure the feasibility in the fuel debris retrieval. • Assume that the start of the fuel debris retrieval in 2020. (*)Period required for licensing application and permit needs not be considered. ©International Research Institute for Nuclear Decommissioning 7 On-site operation condition Assumptions and Prerequisites (On-site operation condition) • •• • •• •• • • •• •• • •• •• • • •• • • • • • • • PCV/RPV is under high radioactivity and high humidity. Water is dripping inside. Assume thePCV rubbles are removed and decontamination work proceeds 2020 when fuel debris retrieval Water levelthat inside is the same as current measured or estimated one as ofin2014. Nostarts. radiation shielding effect by water is counted. PCV/RPV under high humidity. Waterinside is dripping Assume thatis air dosehigh rateradioactivity is 100 Gy/h and inside PCV, and 1 kGy/h RPV. inside. Water level insidetoPCV the sameof asthe current measuredoforhydrogen estimatedgas one as ofPCV/RPV 2014. when cutting fuel Give consideration theispossibility accumulation inside No radiation shielding effect by water is counted. debris or internal structures. Acceptable maximum load for floor of 1.2t/m2 shall be considered. Visibility inside PCV/RPV very low due lighting provided. Visibility inside PCV/RPV is is very low due toto nono lighting provided. Inside PCV/RPV are densely installed internal structures. Inside PCV/RPV are densely installed internal structures. Assume that air dose rate is 100Gy/h inside PCV, and 1kGy/h inside RPV. After the the fuel retrieval, effective dose rate on proceeds the operation floor is 1mSv/h, 3mSv/h in Assume thatstart the of rubbles aredebris removed and decontamination work in 2020 when fuel debris retrieval operation area other than operation floor; and 5mSv/h in a passageway inside the building. starts. Use existing opening,load hatch, and stairs building for accessing to each floor and delivering the Acceptable maximum for floor of 1.2inside t/m2 the shallreactor be considered. each floor.retrieval, No new 100-ton openings, in principle, beiscreated theavailable, outer walland of the building. Byequipment the start oftofuel debris type overheadshall crane installedonand spent fuels in (Seismic resistance and prevention of leakage of radioactive substance should be considered, if new opening is SFP and the equipment in DSP are all cleared off. indispensable.) Total weight of equipment installed on the operation floor shall be minimized in consideration of seismic safety. Dimension of equipment be function brought in, principle,isshall meettowith the passageway width of 1.2mfloor. and No shielding function or air to tight forin boundary counted the container covering operation height of 3m. Give consideration to the possibility of the accumulation of hydrogen gas inside PCV/RPV when cutting fuel After the start of the fuel debris retrieval, effective dose rate on the operation floor is 1 mSv/h, 3 mSv/h in debris or internal structures. operation area other than operation floor; and 5 mSv/h in a passageway inside the building. By the start of fuel debris retrieval, 100-ton type overhead crane is installed and available, and spent fuels in Use existing opening, hatch, and stairs inside the reactor building for accessing to each floor and delivering the SFP and the equipment in DSP are all cleared off. equipment to each floor. No new openings, in principle, shall be created on the outer wall of the building. Total weight of equipment installed on the operation floor shall be minimized in consideration of seismic safety. (Seismic resistance and prevention of leakage of radioactive substance should be considered, if new opening is No shielding function or air tight function for boundary is counted to the container covering operation floor. indispensable.) Dimension of equipment to be brought in, in principle, shall meet with the passageway width of 1.2 m and ©International Research Institute for Nuclear Decommissioning height of 3 m. 8 Assumptions and Prerequisites (On-site operation condition) (1) PCV/RPV is under high radioactivity and high humidity. Water is dripping inside. Assume that air dose rate is 100 Gy/h inside PCV, and 1 kGy/h inside RPV. On-site operation condition Water level inside PCV is the same as of 2014. No radiation shielding effect by water is counted. Give consideration to the possibility of the accumulation of hydrogen gas inside. Unit Water level of accumulated Humidity in PCV water in PCV Hydrogen concentration Dose in PCVrate in PCV as of June 25, 2014 Dose rate in RPV Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Approx. 2.8 m from 100% (misty as of Oct, bottom of PCV 2012) (As of Oct 10, 2012) Approx. 0.3 m from 100% (water dripping as bottom of PCV of 2013) (AsJuly, of June 6, 2014) Estimated to be approx. 6.5 m from bottom of Unidentified PCV (As of May, 2014) Approx. 11.1 Sv/h System A:10, 0.01vol% (As of Oct 2012) Approx. 72.9 Sv/h System A: 0.05vol% (As of March 27, 2012) Unidentified System A: 0.05vol% Unidentified Unidentified Unidentified ©International Research Institute for Nuclear Decommissioning 9 On-site operation condition Assumptions and Prerequisites (On-site operation condition) (2) 現 地 作 業 条 件 作業開始予定の2020年におけるプラントの状況として、瓦礫は撤去され、除染も進められているも のとする Visibility inside PCV/RPV is very low due to no lighting provided. Inside PCV/RPV are densely installed internal structures. PCV、RPV内部は高線量、高湿度。冷却のための注水により水が滴っている PCV内の水位レベルは2014年現在で測定あるいは推定される水位レベルと同等である Reactor pressure 水による放射線の遮蔽効果は期待できない vessel head 重量物を建屋内に設置または搬入して使用する場合は、床等の耐荷重(1.2t/m2)を考慮する Main body of reactor PCV、RPV内部は照明がないため視界不良 Steam dryer pressure vessel PCV、RPVの中には内部構造物が密に配置されている PCV内部の空間線量率は100Gy/hとし、RPV内部の空間線量率は1kGy/hとする Steam Feed water sparger separator PCV外部の実効線量率は、燃料デブリ取出し時はオペフロ:1mSv/h、オペフロ以外の作業エリア: Piping for 3mSv/h、建屋内の通路:5mSv/hとする core spray Upper grid 各階への作業者のアクセス及び遮蔽材や機材の搬入には、原子炉建屋内既設開口やハッチ及び Fuel assembly 階段を利用するものとし、原則として建屋外壁に新たな開口を設けない(ただし、新規開口部を必 要とする場合は、耐震性や放射性物質の漏えい防止について配慮すること) Core Core support plate shroud 搬入する機材の大きさは、原則として通路の幅1.2m、高さ3mに適合すること Neutron flux PCV及びRPV内部に蓄積される可能性のある水素ガスについて配慮すること measurement guide pipe Jet pump 燃料デブリ取出し作業開始時には、オペフロに100トン級の天井クレーンが設置済みで、使用済燃 Piping for detection of 料プール及び機器貯蔵プール内の使用済み燃料や機器は搬出済み differential pressure 耐震安全性を考慮し、オペフロ等に新規に設置する機材等の総重量は極力少なくする and standby liquid control system バウンダリの検討において、オペフロを覆うコンテナには遮蔽機能及び気密機能を期待しない *Photos are taken at Unit 5 Control rod drive mechanism (Just for reference) ©International Research Institute for Nuclear Decommissioning 10 On-site operation condition Assumptions and Prerequisites (On-site operation condition) (3) 現 地 作 業 条 件 作業開始予定の2020年におけるプラントの状況として、瓦礫は撤去され、除染も進められているも Assume that the rubble is removed and decontamination work proceeds in 2020. のとする By the start of fuel debris retrieval, 100-ton class overhead crane is installed and PCV、RPV内部は高線量、高湿度。冷却のための注水により水が滴っている available, and spent fuels in SFP and the equipment in DSP are all cleared off. PCV内の水位レベルは2014年現在で測定あるいは推定される水位レベルと同等である Acceptable maximum load for floor of 1.2t/m2 shall be considered. 水による放射線の遮蔽効果は期待できない 2)を考慮する 重量物を建屋内に設置または搬入して使用する場合は、床等の耐荷重(1.2t/m Total weight of equipment installed on the operation floor shall be minimized. PCV、RPV内部は照明がないため視界不良 No shielding function or air tight function for boundary is counted to the container covering operation floor. PCV、RPVの中には内部構造物が密に配置されている PCV内部の空間線量率は100Gy/hとし、RPV内部の空間線量率は1kGy/hとする PCV外部の実効線量率は、燃料デブリ取出し時はオペフロ:1mSv/h、オペフロ以外の作業エリア: 100t over head crane Barrier 3mSv/h、建屋内の通路:5mSv/hとする Operation Container floor 各階への作業者のアクセス及び遮蔽材や機材の搬入には、原子炉建屋内既設開口やハッチ及び 階段を利用するものとし、原則として建屋外壁に新たな開口を設けない(ただし、新規開口部を必 SFP DSP 要とする場合は、耐震性や放射性物質の漏えい防止について配慮すること) 搬入する機材の大きさは、原則として通路の幅1.2m、高さ3mに適合すること RPV PCV及びRPV内部に蓄積される可能性のある水素ガスについて配慮すること 燃料デブリ取出し作業開始時には、オペフロに100トン級の天井クレーンが設置済みで、使用済燃 PCV 料プール及び機器貯蔵プール内の使用済み燃料や機器は搬出済み 耐震安全性を考慮し、オペフロ等に新規に設置する機材等の総重量は極力少なくする バウンダリの検討において、オペフロを覆うコンテナには遮蔽機能及び気密機能を期待しない Torus room ©International Research Institute for Nuclear Decommissioning 11 On-site operation condition Assumptions and Prerequisites (On-site operation condition) (4) 現 地 作 業 条 件 作業開始予定の2020年におけるプラントの状況として、瓦礫は撤去され、除染も進められているも After the start of the fuel debris retrieval, effective dose rate on the operation floor is のとする 1mSv/h, 3mSv/h in operation area other than operation floor; and 5mSv/h in a passageway inside the building. PCV、RPV内部は高線量、高湿度。冷却のための注水により水が滴っている PCV内の水位レベルは2014年現在で測定あるいは推定される水位レベルと同等である No new openings, in principle, shall be created on the outer wall of the building. (Seismic resistance and prevention of leakage of radioactive substance should be 水による放射線の遮蔽効果は期待できない 2)を考慮する considered, if new opening is indispensable.) 重量物を建屋内に設置または搬入して使用する場合は、床等の耐荷重(1.2t/m Dimension of equipment to be brought in, in principle, shall meet with the PCV、RPV内部は照明がないため視界不良 passageway width of 1.2m and height of 3m. PCV、RPVの中には内部構造物が密に配置されている PCV内部の空間線量率は100Gy/hとし、RPV内部の空間線量率は1kGy/hとする PCV外部の実効線量率は、燃料デブリ取出し時はオペフロ:1mSv/h、オペフロ以外の作業エリア: 3mSv/h、建屋内の通路:5mSv/hとする 各階への作業者のアクセス及び遮蔽材や機材の搬入には、原子炉建屋内既設開口やハッチ及び 階段を利用するものとし、原則として建屋外壁に新たな開口を設けない(ただし、新規開口部を必 要とする場合は、耐震性や放射性物質の漏えい防止について配慮すること) 60mSv/h 搬入する機材の大きさは、原則として通路の幅1.2m、高さ3mに適合すること From the bottom of 2-2.5m PCV及びRPV内部に蓄積される可能性のある水素ガスについて配慮すること 燃料デブリ取出し作業開始時には、オペフロに100トン級の天井クレーンが設置済みで、使用済燃 料プール及び機器貯蔵プール内の使用済み燃料や機器は搬出済み Unit 1 Reactor building 5th floor (Operation floor) 耐震安全性を考慮し、オペフロ等に新規に設置する機材等の総重量は極力少なくする From survey map of the building バウンダリの検討において、オペフロを覆うコンテナには遮蔽機能及び気密機能を期待しない ©International Research Institute for Nuclear Decommissioning 12 Project 1 Conceptual Study of Innovative Approach for Fuel Debris Retrieval Consider what we can do to retrieve the fuel debris assuming the water level inside PCV is the same as current measured or estimated one as of 2014. ©International Research Institute for Nuclear Decommissioning 13 Example of Innovative Approach NB: This is an example. A proposal is NOT limited to this, and any feasible proposals are accepted. Fig.1-1 Method of retrieving the fuel debris in the air from the top (fixed transport equipment) ©International Research Institute for Nuclear Decommissioning 14 Example of Innovative Approach NB: This is an example. A proposal is NOT limited to this, and any feasible proposals are accepted. Fig.1-2 Method of retrieving the fuel debris in the air from the top (mobile platform) ©International Research Institute for Nuclear Decommissioning 15 Example of Innovative Approach NB: This is an example. A proposal is NOT limited to this, and any feasible proposals are accepted. Fig.1-3 Method of retrieving the fuel debris in the air from the side ©International Research Institute for Nuclear Decommissioning 16 Goals and Objectives of C/S Steps A scope of this C/S is a series of operations from delivery and installation of the equipment, fuel debris retrieval, and removal of used equipment. Layout Access Internal observation Method of fuel debris Debris cooling retrieval Collecting debris Retrieval technology Equipment Waste Dose reduction Retention of Items to be considered boundaries on safety operation Seismic safety Maintenance Hydrogen Development plan Others ©International Research Institute for Nuclear Decommissioning 17 Scope of C/S and F/S, and Requirements in RFP The result of C/S and F/S should be equal or over the Goals and Objectives Implemented in C/S and F/S Goals and Objectives of C/S and F/S Additional Point Basic Point Implemented in RFP C/S: Conceptual Study F/S: Feasibility Study Basic Point Additional Point • All items should be filled out (No missing allowed to proceed to the step of proposal evaluation) • Optional • Points are added according to the contents ©International Research Institute for Nuclear Decommissioning 18 Project 2 Feasibility Study of Visual and Measurement Technology for Innovative Approach Visual and measurement technologies are requested to aim the challenging target specifications. ©International Research Institute for Nuclear Decommissioning 19 Project Implementation - Scope of visual and measurement technologies - Common for visual and measurement technology Visual technology Measurement technology ・ Usable under high radiation environment ・ Compact and light-weight ・ The equipment (with lighting function) shall be developed to detect conditions and locations of internal structures and the fuel debris in the PCV and the RPV. ・ The equipment is required to be developed to distinguish fuel debris by its internal condition, external shape and properties. ・ The equipment to measure the radiation field around the objects to be cut, and to detect the hydrogen accumulation. Example of visual and measurement technology Visual camera, endoscope, and fiber scope technology Measurement technology radiation monitor, ultrasonic detector, laser scanner, radionuclide analyzer, thermography, and hydrogen concentration detector. ©International Research Institute for Nuclear Decommissioning 20 Target Specifications for Visual and Measurement Technologies Severe conditions necessitate challenging specifications. Application process Application area Radiation resistance PCV 1kGy/h or more 30kGy or more Dimension of X-6 opening (W550mm× H330mm) or less Internal structures and fuel debris RPV 10kGy/h or more 300kGy or more φ100mm or less Internal structures and fuel debris PCV, RPV 10kGy/h or more 2MGy or more φ100mm or less Internal structures and fuel debris Status check of fuel debris Fuel debris retrieval Basic shape Target object Radiationresistance resistance(Cumulative (dose rate) dose rate) Radiation Operation hours to calculate cumulative Status check of the fuel debris in PCV: dose rate are set as follows: Basic shape Status of the fuel Aboutcheck 10 times the airdebris: dose currently measured inside the PCV A basic shape of the equipment was determined envisaging the 1 day (24 hours) Fuel debris retrieval work and status check of the fuel debris in RPV: insertion ofretrieval: equipment from the existing opening. Fuel debris About 100 times the air dose currently measured inside the PCV 7 days (168 hour) ©International Research Institute for Nuclear Decommissioning 21 Project 3 Feasibility Study of Fuel Debris Cutting and Dust Collection Technology for Innovative Approach Technology to be applied to cutting of various types of fuel debris is desired, as well as collecting and capturing resulted chips, crumbs, fumes, and dust. ©International Research Institute for Nuclear Decommissioning 22 Project Implementation Uncertainties of fuel debris characteristics could be a key challenge for technology development. • Usable under high radiation environment • Capable of cutting fuel debris with different levels of hardness • The function of collecting and capturing the resulted chips and crumbs, fume and dust need to be considered. Cutting and Dust Collection Technology Example of Cutting and Dust Collection Technology laser, plasma, core boring, and rock drill etc. Vickers Hardness in each Phase of Simulated Debris ©International Research Institute for Nuclear Decommissioning 23 Target Specifications for Fuel Debris Cutting and Dust Collection Technology for Innovative Approach Application Application process area Fuel debris retrieval PCV RPV Target specification Radiation resistance Target object Target object of Material Compound with different levels of hardness and 10kGy/h or brittleness in which boride, more Fuel debris oxidized material, metal etc. 2MGy or more are distributed heterogeneously Cutting size 100 X100 X100 mm or less Target Cuttingobject size of Material The is determined The cutting materialsize properties of fuel debris are based on the results of R&D for based on the capacity of fuelby a National Project. simulated debris addressed storage container used for TMI-2 『TMI Fuel Characteristics for Disposal ©International Research Institute for Nuclear Decommissioning Vickers Hardness in each Phase of Simulated Debris 24 Criticality Analysis(DOE/SNF/REP-084)』 Goals and objectives of F/S Items to be studied in F/S of Project 2 and Project 3 are summarized as below. Basic principle and feasibility of the proposed technology Study of applicability of the technology to the site Study of schedule, project organization, and cost to realize the proposed technology ©International Research Institute for Nuclear Decommissioning 25 Summary RFP was launched on June 27, 2014 and will be closed on August 27, 2014. Considering the schedule to start the fuel debris retrieval expected in 2020, we’re awaiting many excellent proposals to arrive from Japan and from all over the world. Project 1: Conceptual Study of Innovative Approach for Fuel Debris Retrieval Project 2: Feasibility Study of Visual and Measurement Technology for Innovative Approach Project 3: Feasibility Study of Fuel Debris Cutting and Dust Collection Technology for Innovative Approach ©International Research Institute for Nuclear Decommissioning 26
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